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mimiedosa · 2 years ago
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clankie laif akchon  🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹✨✨✨
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odorareicons · 14 days ago
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nugothrhythms · 5 months ago
"Caido" by Montevideo, Uruguay-based rocking electrodark band Espectral off of their 2024 album Espectral
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microfeelings · 2 years ago
Y? Como vamos chicos? Todo tranqui?
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negreabsolut · 5 months ago
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El Rei bruixot d'Àngmar, per AnatoFinnstark. [font]
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egghatched · 6 months ago
Shou is a simple boy. He sees a cool dragon he walks up to them.
unprompted. / always accepting!
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and it was a weakness of hers to be face-to-face with a small human. he wasn’t too much older than her first tamer — wasn’t he? ah, the way her eyes instinctively twinkled with joy. she tried to fight it, but it was inevitable to feel this way —
it was in her very code to be a friend.
jaws shift momentarily, about to speak, but then she silences herself. this little one has probably never seen a monster such as she, or even more so, one such as tall. she tells herself to hush, until he is ready for a booming voice.
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so instead, she tries to communicate a docile nature — lowering her head and letting out a soft snort; tail swaying slowly from side to side (she remembered cats did something similar...?).
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orientandoorg · 1 year ago
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Eu queria postar isso há alguns minutos atrás, já que passou da meia noite, mas ao menos estou perto o suficiente, né?
Nesta semana, no Orientando, as seguintes páginas sobre identidades (que podem ser consideradas) a-espectrais foram publicadas:
(Aqui estão os links para as páginas das outras orientações mencionadas: aroique, mesi, mir, plátoni, procul)
Além disso, as seguintes orientações foram adicionadas à lista de orientações (a qual também tem um novo texto introdutório elaborando algumas coisas que o pessoal mais novo no assunto pode não entender):
Apres-: Alguém que só experiencia certo tipo de atração após experienciar outro tipo de atração pela mesma pessoa. É possível que a atração original sentida acabe sumindo, sendo “substituída” pelo tipo da orientação apres, mas isso não ocorre em todos os casos.
Dura-: Alguém que sente atração raramente, mas que quando sente, tal atração dura por bastante tempo.
Enigma-: Alguém que sente atração tão rara, vaga ou fraca que não entende as especificidades de sua atração. Nenhum padrão específico pode ser quantificado ou detectado quando atração é sentida.
Néxu-/Nêxu-/Nexu-: Uma orientação exclusiva para pessoas neurodivergentes que não assexuais/arromânticas/etc. Pessoas néxu não sentem atração, mas possuem um forte desejo pela conexão emocional envolvida em ter atração por conta de neurodivergência, de forma que essas não têm certeza se existe atração ou só um forte desejo de que certas pessoas estejam em suas vidas.
Nuliane/Núlique: Alguém cuja orientação é arromântica e assexual, mas indefinida, inválida, inexistente, impossível; assim como uma divisão por zero ou como a identidade gênero-nulo. Esta orientação não pode ser combinada com outras.
Vácuo-/Void-: Alguém assexual/arromântique/etc. tem um sentimento de vácuo ou vazio no lugar da atração, ao invés de somente não sentir atração.
Ah é, pra quem se interessar, a versão de Instagram das imagens ali de cima está aqui. Não acho que faz muito sentido postar isso no blog do Orientando, visto que é meio redundante. :P
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 5 months ago
"Ángela" by Montevideo, Uruguay-based electrodark band Borgia off of their 2024 album Espectral
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quietlyblooms · 6 months ago
random asf (?) but i think it's very amusing whenever chiyo goes "oi!!" 😭 i can literally hear it in my head in a way aksbajdbakxb have u ever thought of a voice claim for her ???
the fact that you can hear it in your head makes me so happy, peach :’ ))) and listen, i didn’t have a voice claim for her before, but i listened to clips of japanese voice actresses after you sent this! and i think i’m going with haruka tomatsu!! i’ve always imagined chiyo’s voice to be not very high nor low but somewhere in the middle, and she fits the bill pretty well. she voiced the female lead in my little monster, which is a good example — just imagine it a bit more animated? lively? just bc chiyo definitely emotes vocally rather than keeping an even tone most of the time uvu
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nulltune · 1 year ago
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umaspotted · 6 months ago
@espectres gets an unexpected hangout!
You know that awkward moment where you're in a group of three, and the mutual friend breaks off for whatever reason leaving you with their friend who you don't know as well? That's sort of how this felt, except the mutual friend in question was his brother.
It felt like a mean thought to have, Suzuki was his friend too! It's not like he disliked spending time with the other, there was just a weight on his chest that had yet to lessen.
But that was normal, wasn't it? Hanazawa made him feel that way too at certain moments, it was just something that needed time.
Maybe he was just feeling weird because of the sudden change in plans, Ritsu needing to stay behind per their mother's request was a stroke of bad luck. His brother was never the type to neglect a chore of his, but he's not immune to things slipping his mind either.
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This silence was stretching on way too long.
❝ Ritsu wanted me to tell you he's sorry about not being able to make it, something just came up is all. ❞
That felt like it'd read better as a text sent, cancelling the outing all together, but it felt rude to do so last minute like that. Besides, what would that say about him- that he couldn't sit through a single movie with Shou?
He mentally counted the notes again, the fee for admission would be about 1,400 yen.. right? At least that's what they budgeted for, what if it wasn't enough? It should be, especially with Ritsu having dropped out. Why was he stressing about the admission price now?! Get it together.
❝ I hope we can still have fun. ❞
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negreabsolut · 7 days ago
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La caiguda de la nit.
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primordyalsoul · 10 months ago
shows her a hamster shows her a hamster shows her a hamster shows her a ha
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Where were these hamsters coming from??? Didn't he only have two?? How was she to pet them all?! ❛❛ T-That's too many.❜❜
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mcflymemes · 1 year ago
hello ! can i ask you what does it mean when a blog is "dash only"? ( your blog is so awesome btw one of the best rp resources blogs I've seen i love it :>)
hi my friend! thank you so much for the compliment! that means a lot to me :) let me see if i can explain it!
a "DASH ONLY" blog means you have to be logged in to tumblr to access their blog.
this is the feature that turns that on and off:
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i have this feature turned OFF on mcflymemes, so you can access my blog without an account. it also means i have a blog theme and an archive you can access:
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when a blog is DASH ONLY, you can only access their blog and see their posts like this:
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they don't have a tumblr theme you can go to, or an archive you can explore. they're "only accessible through the dash" = "dash only"
does that make sense? i hope that helps! please feel free to ask any other questions you have! i'm here to help!
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whirling-fangs · 1 year ago
3 , 10 & 21 !!
Munday numbers // accepting!!
3 - roleplaying with yourself
[[ I have never done it myself since I've only ever had one blog at a time, but I think it's cool and people should do it more. It's a pretty cool way to have your own muses interact, either for a big thread with someone else that would require several of your own muses, or just for little dash banter, or even for character progression drabbles. ]]
10 - anons
[[ I LOVE them. I feel like they're Super underused these days, maybe because people don't dare jump onto other people's stories, or it's considered rude now and I've missed the memo :/
I love nosy anons that come challenge my muse's actions and decisions. I love anons that come out of nowhere with questions or challenges. I miss magic anons... ]]
21 - your current RPC
[[ It's small and chill and great as it is. I genuinely expected it to be bigger given the aura that KNY has, but considering the mess that is twitter rp (which is where I think? most of the RPers are, it's probably better that way.
It has its bad apples but you gotta learn to weed them out and curate your experience. I do wish there were more single-muse blogs out there though, and there are some characters that are critically underwritten :( where are my Gyomeis, my Genyas, my Zenitsus... ]]
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regensia · 1 year ago
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@espectres / Shou said . . .
❝ During the sixteenth century, unity is gradually restored through the efforts of three warlords who ... the first, Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582), through military might and ... followed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536–1598), who continues the campaign to reunite ... The name of this period, Momoyama, derives from ... imposing stone structures are decorated with bold and resplendent paintings and works of art ... ❞ Halfway through monotonous reading of the history book text, something in Shou seems to lose path and stray far from understanding historical fact and into somewhere unknown. He blinks once, twice, mouth held agape as concentration evaporates through his head into thin. It takes a little long for him to perk back up again. ❝ Oi Dimple, ❞ Ah, so that's where the train of thoughts went. ❝ Were you alive by that time? ❞
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What a weird little ritual he had developed, hanging around middle schoolers whilst they studied, sometimes helping, sometimes distracting. Tonight's homework was particularly dry, and it wasn't as if Dimple decided to listen to the other read aloud closely, just some basic history. He was in the middle of wondering if he should just call it and go find something more interesting to watch, because surely paint drying would be more fascinating. No wonder Shou had trouble staying focused sometimes.
Almost simultaneously did both boy and ghost snap back to reality right as the kid look over and ask one of the most off-the-wall questions Dimple had heard in a long while. And he thought Shigeo could throw him for a loop! More than that, it was kind of irritating. The gall of this brat!
❝ Huh!? ❞  Zooming in closer to Shou's space, the ghost's floating visage twisted into one of annoyance, exaggerated by how he tended to be sort of yanki in demeanor or more likely low-tier thug.
❝ Of course not! I'm not some freaky super ancient spirit or anything! I'm not even that old!  What in the world gave you that idea? Jeez – no wonder your grades are the worst! Focus, Shou, focus!! ❞
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