#anorexia mention tw
cheolism · 7 months
NOTE: if your blog has a username/theme/content that includes the promotion or advertisement of ANY EATING DISORDER, you will be BLOCKED FROM THIS BLOG. I do not want anyone who makes or reblog posts that glamorizes eating disorders interacting with me. This isn’t me being a dick, this is me drawing boundaries for my own good.
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 years
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had another prophetic image from god (idea at 1am)
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shockinteague · 2 years
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the perfect word to describe micks teague is unhinged. at her birth, her mother either played a sick joke or genuinely had no idea that nicknaming her child something dangerously close to the town mayor’s name would be detrimental in their development. it came with no bullying from their peers, because they were all afraid of her, but micks resented both her name and her nickname. and, of course, her mother, because she left the three of them to their own devices on jasper skellington’s doorstep. she considers herself more of a menace than sadie teague ever could be, and tries her best to live up to the teague name, solidifying her status as a crazy, chaotic bitch with a penchant for violence just for the heck of it. she’s crazy, and you’ll absolutely hate her for it.
inspired by; bellatrix lestrange ( harry potter ) , stormy ( winx club ) , myranda ( game of thrones) , clove ( the hunger games ) , edward hyde ( the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde ) , the queen of hearts ( 2010 alice in wonderland ) .
BIRTH NAME. michaela teague. NICKNAMES. micks. DATE OF BIRTH.  november 1st. AGE. 23. GENDER. demi female. PRONOUNS. she / they. SPECIES. 3/4 human, 1/4 demon. POWERS. brief bursts of spirit control. PLACE OF BIRTH. an alley on the outskirts of elias. CURRENT RESIDENCE. wherever she can. OCCUPATION. high school dropout, tattoo & piercing artist.
HEIGHT. 5′6" BUILD. average, slim. HAIR COLOUR/STYLE. dyed blonde / straight ish, cut herself, usually worn loose.  EYE COLOUR. brown. GLASSES/CONTACTS. neither. PIERCINGS / TATTOOS. many in her earlobes / many. FACECLAIM. sophie thatcher. VOICECLAIM. sophie thatcher.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS. anorexic. ALLERGIES. n/a. SLEEPING HABITS. night owl, usually only gets and needs 5 to 6 hours. EATING HABITS. lots of takeout, not picky at all. BODY TEMPERATURE. permanently cold. DOMINANT HAND. left. DRUGS / SMOKE / ALCOHOL. yes / yes / yes.
TROPES. ax-crazy, hair-trigger temper, one-woman army. POSITIVE TRAITS. ambitious, creative, precise. NEGATIVE TRAITS. impulsive, temperamentful, irrational. USUAL MOOD. aggressive, chaotic. LIKES. causing chaos and mischief, exercising, drawing. DISLIKES. goody two shoes, the law, her mother. BAD HABITS. chews her lip, eyes sometimes involuntarily roll into the back of her head.
MOTHER. sadie teague ( biological ) , victoria everglot - skellington ( adoptive / foster ) . FATHER. unnamed drunk client ( biological ) , jasper skellington ( adoptive / foster ) . SIBLINGS. rafaella & gabriella teague. BIRTH ORDER. middle. CHILDREN. n/a. GRAND-CHILDREN. n/a. SIGNIFICANT OTHER. n/a. CLOSEST FRIENDS. wes skellington, tba.
zodiac sign. scorpio. temperament. choleric. hogwarts house. slytherin. moral alignment. chaotic evil. primary vice. wrath. primary virtue. diligence.
EMPATHY. 3/10.
PASSION. 8/10.
LUCK. 4/10
STAMINA. 8/10.
TEAM WORK. 6/10.
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kittieklawz · 9 months
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this is all i want.
@kanashkova.lera on instagram
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panlight · 28 days
One thing I always think about when the vegetarian vampire debate comes up: We’re told that animal blood tastes bad. As a picky eater who was often forced by my parents to eat food I didn’t like when I was a kid, I know how bad of an experience eating actually is when you’re forced to eat food you don’t like. So now imagine you’re suddenly living a life where your only choices are hunt and kill your own food which is a species you used to be and is able to communicate with you and beg for their life, or never enjoy the taste of your food ever again. And on top of that, unless you kill these beings, you have a perpetual burning sore throat!
This is another major reason Breaking Dawn didn't work for me. I had read all of SM's 'personal correspondence' on the Lexicon before I read BD, so I had it in my head that being a vegetarian was like, just The Worst. It was a huge sacrifice. It was strep throat and food you hated forever. It was noble suffering. And I vibed with that! I love that stuff! It's the exact same reason newborn!Carlisle trying to kill himself gets to me. Someone sacrificing themselves or suffering to spare others suffering is just *chef's kiss*. I love it.
As you said, animal blood is supposed to be a poor substitute. It all tastes pretty bad, but some of it (bears for Emmett, mountain lions for Edward) is marginally better depending on personal taste. But it's still the low-sodium sugar-free reduced-fat version of your favorite food at best. And that's not getting into the physical and psychological stuff! Here's how SM talked about vampire thirst in conversation with the Twilight Lexicon:
In the Twilight world [. . .] Thirsty vampires are in acute physical pain. It is comparable to the feel of a third degree burn inside your throat. It can make a vampire literally crazy for relief—beyond thought. If your hand was on fire and there was a bucket of ice water beside you, would you resist that relief? Of course not. You would have no reason to. Back to the average vampire’s viewpoint, neither does a vampire have a reason to resist. There is a fire, he or she quenches it. Problem, solution. It is not about pleasure as much as relief of pain for the thirsty vampire. There is pleasure in the act, but it does not influence the motivation before the act as much as the pain does. The well-fed vampire has more decision making ability left to him or her. (Except in the rare case when a human’s blood is so potent to a particular vampire that it sets his or her throat on fire like they haven’t drunk in months. There is more pleasure in the act in this situation, too, just as there is more pain in the motivation.) Blood drinking is an imperative. Even for a vampire who keeps his or her system full of animal blood, the lack of human blood is constant pain. I think the only human state that is even close to comparable is anorexia. Anorexia is too hard on a human body—in the end, if not given up, it kills a human. Vampires can’t be killed by starvation, so they manage. But it’s harder than you’re giving them credit for. My philosophy is this: I can’t judge vampires, because I’ve never done anything as physically difficult—nothing even close!—as giving up human blood is to them.
Maybe it's just me, but I got NONE of that from Bella's narration in Breaking Dawn. It's not a thing. She's supper happy all the time. Her thirst is barely mentioned. And I was like, what?! Where is the burning pain? Where is the unending ache? Where is the gnawing hunger for something you are denying yourself because to indulge would mean someone else's death?
I suppose you can handwave it as Bella being good at blocking things she doesn't want to think about, but this is usually in regard to like, fishing trips with Charlie, and not a supernatural constant pain in her throat. She complained plenty about things like the rain but is unbothered by vampiric thirst pain apparently.
Again, I was here primarily for the vampires (and werewolves shifters) but in Breaking Dawn it's like SM gave up any pretense she was actually interested in the vampire stuff. Edward angsts and suffers and denies himself and it's noble and romantic but the instant Bella's a vampire those themes are gone. She has one slightly tense meeting with Charlie on literally day two and after that thirst is just whatever. She's a sparkly superhero instead.
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nwarrior777 · 7 months
if you want a little bit of hope and positivity:
today i did my first laundry all by myself. i am 26
today i went for a shower. and yesterday i did it too. going to shower was a thing i was skipping for months.
i also bought myself new, clean clothes. two shirts for home. i've never had home-clothes, went on street one i wear at home and in bed. in childhood i could sleep in jeans. under blanket. and i lived in a place with a lot of dirty snow.
few days ago i said in conversation with friends, that i want to be fat and want eat more to keep myself "fat and juicy". i had anorexia all my teen years
i've never thought i will have like. life. feel simple joy of life. it's not a post with advices, i didn't figure out how to describe my path to this, in this post i just want to show that Things Go Better can happen. it's easy to forget it at our times.
just feeling good and. wanted to share
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againana · 1 year
So you wanna purge- here are some foods to avoid!
⭐️ bagels, tortillas, hawaiien rolls. That shit will get stuck and you’ll make a lot of noise trying to get it all out.
⭐️ if it’s really spicy going down, it’s gonna be really spicy coming up
⭐️ tbh purging anything with tomato sauce has ruined me so badly. cant eat pizza or pasta without remembering the specific scent
⭐️ yogurt is so fucking vile to throw up but it’s not hard
⭐️ on the other hand, ice cream? so good. if you do it right after, it’s still kinda cold and it doesn’t taste like death! tbh not a bad experience
⭐️ sushi. stay away from sushi. just… take my word for it please ..
⭐️ SHREDDED WHEATS. listen- i was in high school (and cereal is a huge trigger food for me) i thought i could just throw the cereal back up. nO! it feels like bricks of sandpaper! and it’s like you never even chewed it?????? avoid at all costs.
⭐️ anything red is kinda sus bc is it blood? berries? sauce? who knows!
⭐️ if you never want to eat peanut butter the same way, avoid throwing it up. i had to avoid peanut butter for a long time.
⭐️ soda is so fucking weird to throw up. not bad just so so weird.
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jayninjago · 3 months
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I was so sure i posted this???? I even tagged it n all, chat did i delete this on accident?
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homocidalpotat · 6 days
stop fucking tagging things with
s3lf h@rm
self harm
From, an extremely triggered person
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theredofoctober · 1 year
MANNA- Part 2
Dark!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Dark!Will Graham fic, TW for eating disorders, noncon, abuse etc.
"What do you see?" asks Hannibal, forcing you, by an immovable hand at the base of your neck, to stare at your reflection in the mirror. "Speak the truth. It won't shock me, nor should you be ashamed of it."
You have already attempted to close your eyes against the glass, and were gently threatened into opening them again. Now you force your gaze to unfocus, refusing Hannibal in a way that even he surely cannot discern.
He says your name into the quiet with a subtle, yet dangerous edge. It is so rarely used now that you jolt almost guiltily, unsure whether, like Will, Dr Lecter can be frenzied to strike you.
Hannibal's threat is more of a sleek, hunting animal, you think, cunning and serene; he can be cruel in a manner of exact and elegant genius, the bruising of the psyche, and the soul.
"Don't disobey me," he says. "You will not welcome my disappointment."
A tremble of doe-like terror wreathes you in its grasp.
"Doctor," you whisper. "I want to quit. I'll pay you the money my parents sent for me to come here; I'm not a child, and I don't need any of this. I'm not playing your game. Please let me go home."
There is certainly no chance that your family are aware of and approve of this treatment; it is torture under a clinical guise, a sinister, sexual sadism.
Still you cannot deny that the longer you remain here, the more you begin to see Hannibal and Will in the roles that they take within these walls: the strict, hard-handed father, the nurturing and gentle dad.
Each are relentless in their goal to reduce you to their supplicant doll, driving you further into the same hungering madness they wish to cure.
"You cannot leave here," says Hannibal, almost affably. "Your family unburdened themselves by releasing you to more comprehending hands. They think less of your wellbeing, and more of the weight that they no longer carry. Do you believe they would accept you back if you were not cured?"
"There is no cure," you say, bitterly. "You said it yourself. No cure, just recovery and maintenance."
Hannibal strokes the back of your neck, soothing you even as you shudder in repulsion.
"And do you trust yourself to do that alone?"
You don't answer, sinking miserably against the man at your back if only so that you do not fall to the floor in your despair.
"Tell me, little one," Hannibal commands, and his left hand comes down your shoulder, across your breast, tracing your hip with the ease of ownership. "What do you see?"
Swaying, crying, you blink at the horror in the looking glass, this imperfect beast in the arms of so evil and oddly beautiful a man.
"Failure," you spit. "It's disgusting."
Hannibal leans into you, breathing in the scent of your hair, and kisses your temple.
"I see a perfect little girl. Or else one with the potential to be."
You shake your head, certain that he is taunting you. That he is not repulsed seems an impossibility; Will certainly makes no attempts to hide his disdain, even when he fucks you.
"I do not lie to my patients," Hannibal insists. "With instruction, discipline, and loving guidance, you will become everything you should already be."
Warmth under your skirt; Hannibal's fingers cupping your wretched heat, pressing themselves into a self-loathing wetness, a sobbing response to his words.
"You shouldn't do this to me," you say, as always, repeated like a prayer, all frantic fervour. "You're my doctor. You're hurting me."
"It's what is required for you to change. Why do you cling to your chrysalis when it no longer serves you? There is no sustenance in it. You hold yourself here because it is safe. Because it is known. You have grown to love the illness like family."
He circles the heart of your folds with fingers that know you with the certainty of language.
"I suggest that you exchange the subject of your affections for those that will return it."
His lips are soft against your neck, an angel come down in a romantic painting, or fallen, rather.
Your vision of the creature in the mirror disappears into a prism of tears.
"You don't love me, really," you whisper. "And Will... he hates me."
Hannibal pushes you forwards, against the mirror, bending your form in a balletic motion. You are glad that you cannot see yourself in such close proximity to the glass, only the pupil of your eye, black and endless.
"He does not hate you," says Hannibal, softly. "He is gripped by desires that anger him, for he neither wants nor understands them."
Your legs are eased apart, and you whimper as a sudden thickness parts you like a scroll.
"Sometimes he watches you when you sleep," Hannibal tells you. "He finds such beauty in you, when you allow yourself to dream."
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rosierexie · 1 year
OMGOSH GUYS IM 119.8lbs, I've been stuck in the 120s forever but I'm so happy.
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a-whispering-echo · 26 days
im so done with 'body positive' groups and comments - because the fucking SECOND anyone SKINNY is in the group, and talks about THEIR troubles with their weight an appearance, they get fucking SHAT on! 'oh you dont understand cus youre skinny' 'shut up youre literally the beauty standard' ' who gives you the right to show up here looking like that? fucking leave'
youre not actually 'body positive' if your just there to talk good about fat people and fat people EXCLUSIVLY. yes, fat people ARE beautiful, YES they deserve to feel good about their bodies and EVERYTHING, i assure you i am ALL for that! but if you start talking shit about someone who thin who has insecurities too, your NOT uplifting ANYONE, youre just being a dick.
'haha fast metabolisms' jokes and shit 'oh look anorexic' 'eat a fucking burger' 'youre wasting away'- these are ALL fucking AWFUL things to come from people who are SUPPOSED to be positive. I dont have ANY of the above mentioned disorders, AND i come from a family with a bunch of obese people on my mothers side - ive had these and similar comment from people who are my own damn FAMILY.
Im THIN because i have a fucking disease DISEASE that was, for a while, slowly fucking KILLING me, and i HATE how fucking SMALL i am. the smallest sizes of clothing i can fucking GET are TOO BIG ON ME - i am SWAMPED. but yeah sure, i cant feel bad about my body when i desperately need someone to talk to who, while on the other end of it, SHOULD and DOES understand my struggles!
instead of talking to me about their own struggles, so we can uplift and support, im just told 'dam i wish i could be as small as you' NO YOU FUCKING DONT! MY ORGANS FEEL LIKE THEYRE FUCKING FAILING EVERTIME I DAMN BREATHE! im freezing all the fucking time, i can barely walk, and i feel like my body is going to collapse in on itself every damn day. my bones are brittle, my skin barely stretches over my skin, you can see all my bones - my ribcage, you can see the way the bones in my arm cross over each other, and STILL you tell me in not allowed to complain because 'people would kill to look like you'
im just so fucking tired.
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pasta-problems · 1 year
Diet Coke tastes better on an empty stomach
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actuallyverynormalbtw · 7 months
avoidant antisocial agoraphobic anorexic addict AND autistic????
alliteration :/
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cloudxxiii · 11 months
Yep, that's right!
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This is Mortimer Walten! A 32 year old guy who just needs a hug and some therapy. //TW: Anorexia, child manipulation (??)// All of my posts of him will be marked with a trigger warning for Anorexia, even if it doesn't include anything about anorexia, due to the disorder playing a big part in his character.
I'll put more about him in other posts. This is only a little introduction to him.
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Hello, I got some bad news about 20 minutes ago, and this is my way of venting
hope ur ok - Olivia Rodrigo feat. Ella (Ella’s Version)
I know a girl, we’re both still so young She’a a tow-head blonde, with eyes of salt She knows my best friend, knows how to dance Her parents care so for all their children But sometimes, one may be forgotten She wore long sleeves, but I saw her wrists
And one day, she didn’t show up We made jokes saying “Is she ill now? Such tough luck” Don't know how long it’ll be till I see you again Or how you’re doing, but I hope that you're okay
My high school friend’s family is big I’ve heard her brothers can be loud Her parents care for all their kids She doesn’t know yet about her future She is tired, I can see it As I drag her by her arm saying “you need help”
Does she know how proud I am she was created?
Oh, the courage she always seems to have has faded But I don’t care and I just gotta say "I miss you, and I hope that you're okay"
I address my message, to the blue in your soul and your lips Feels like forever, nothing is as good as it seems And when the clouds are ironed out And the monsters creep into your house And every bite is hard to swallow
Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created With the courage to be there and to be great God, I hope that you will feel better soon 'Cause I love you, and I hope that you're okay
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