#and they need a marriage counseling
amngtheflowers · 4 months
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Sleep tight, my love, your sorrows will come to pass.
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cynical-canidae · 5 months
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Space aliens, please finalize your divorce-marriage somewhere else. God.
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ryemiffie · 27 days
Okay so y'all remember that episode of Rick and Morty where Beth and Jerry go to marriage counseling? Remember how there's a little easter egg in that episode that can be found in the form of a picture of Bill Cipher on the marriage counselors alien monitor?
I was just reminded of that and now I can't stop thinking about the idea of Bill going to alien marriage counselling, like just imagine him trying to convince Ford it's worth it and could fix their relationship, like this man is just that desperate.
Or maybe Ax made him go? Either way hilarious idea
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deconstructthesoup · 1 month
The thing with writing Crowcat is that I'm always torn between the amazingly compelling, beautiful, and angsty storyline of the Cat King and Monty realizing that neither of them need to be alone, finding solace in each other, making each other happy again, and tearing down the world if someone hurts the other... and facing the fact that a relationship between two canonically bitchy characters who are a crow and a cat, two of the singularly most petty animals in the whole goddamned animal kingdom, would be the most drama-filled, reality-TV-show bullshit of all time
And baby, with the Hadestown AU, I can do both
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hesgomorrah · 1 year
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if it wasn't the 19[redacted]'s unit would absolutely have an in-house therapist because realistically all of these idiots need therapy. this is just a question of degrees
(blank template)
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jacenbren · 1 year
I’m rewatching Death Note for the first time in years and Light and L are like that one couple in high school who are loudly breaking up every other day and then you immediately see them making out in the hallway ten minutes later
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flying-cat · 2 months
Anyway on another note I cannot explain to you just how Severely disappointed I will be if bnha ends with a confession ending. I hate confession endings outside of romance manga 😀
+big ass rant in the tags
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zur1s · 24 days
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i am never recovering from ren honjo because just realizing the laundry list of things he had ahead of him, the things he needed and wanted to do, the promises he made, and the reasons he went on that fateful solo car ride in the first place. i feel like, on that cold night he had decided to take everything into his own hands, even if he already had so much on his plate. his addiction had spiraled into reira leaving and he had ignored everyone's pleas to fetch nana back, he was going to drive back to everything and try to fix it all. he was going to convince reira to come back, he got nana a present he supposedly cherished before leaving, that he kept especially safe in his car—he was going to be the first person to wish her happy birthday just as hachi had told him to and he was going to try again with nana. he had so many things planned for himself. he was going to have to get over his drug addiction without professional help and in his environment, he was going to protect and keep trapnest safe no matter what, he was going to rekindle his relationship with nana and hopefully marry her one day, he was going to meet hachi's baby that he helped name, he was going to play guitar again, he was going to be trapnest's ren honjo again—he was going to do so much. god, even in heavy snow, with his eyes playing tricks on him, and search right on his tail—ren still drove. it hurts knowing his circumstances and it hurts realizing every minute detail about his death. it hurts knowing even if he'd never decided to start his car's engine up it wouldn't even guarantee he'd live another week. that's just how tragic his death is, seeing it coming was clearer than a summer sky, but it felt like maybe that ever distant cloud could shield from this reality and paint a more muted hopeful one. i don't know, i guess i just really miss ren honjo already.... in less hopeless terms, ren's death messed me tf up and i'm still trying to recover from that shit.. but what was i really expecting going into nana?? well, girl love, that's what, but ren and as well his and nana's relationship ended up outshining nanahachi 4 me and this is me desperately trying to put how i feel into words.. originally i wrote this just for a friend but they encouraged me to start this blog, so here we are! ≧ᗜ≦ also first serious post !!! hi tumblr
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oceansvanidicus · 6 months
— continued from x.
Armin stares at @v1ctimplagued as he speaks, expression carefully smoothed over, impossible to read further than the obvious disappointment that twitches his brow. It’s clear that he wants something.
He remembers comparing Billy to his wayward soldier before, privately in the safety of his mind, but he sees now the similarities are too hard to ignore. His nose still hurts from their last fight — he and Eren had rarely ever came to blows with each other but they didn’t shy away from it either.
Turning his eyes away from Billy, Armin isn’t surprised to find his vision blurring a bit through the tears filming over ocean blue. There’s no shame in them but he’s aware that he’s putting his hand into cage of a feral dog by being so visibly affected. It’s no revelation — he’s always been a crier.
“That hurts, Billy, it really does. I give a fuck about you, I thought that was obvious, I don’t why I did, I mean, I’ve gotten more emotional complexity from fucking children.” He grits the words out from between his teeth because he’s learned to be vicious but he’s never liked showing his teeth. He’s always preferred the shadowy work of manipulation, if he can help it, but he tries, really, not to be that way with those he cares about.
The world had not loved him, so his only weapon against it was kindness and that was a strength and rebellion all its own. Oftentimes, it proved never to be enough.
“You think any of this makes you strong? Makes you better? It doesn’t. You’re just going to keep ending up alone and with no-one to blame but your damn self.” There’s a frustration in his chest that is not aimed at the blond before him but feels like a close enough target anyway. Pushing his fingers through waves of blond, he smoothes his hair back from his face, eyeing Billy was something that wasn’t quite anger but lingered on the edges of it.
“Either you can put some effort into talking to me like an adult and fixing this or you can leave.” He says softly, “but I’m not opening that door for you again if you walk out it.”
The second time in his life he’s fallen short of arguing and settled on the ever painful ultimatum that will dog his steps if it all goes wrong. But he’s tired too, of things not going how they should.
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stupid-elf · 4 months
Okay dandy, what is "it's not about the bread"? I recognized everything else
Ah! It's not about the bread is a phrase fairly common in marriage counseling/relationship advice circles. It comes from a popular anecdote of a husband in counseling saying his wife is always blowing up at him about petty things, like buying the wrong brand of bread. The therapist asks the wife why she's upset about the bread, and she says it's because he is chronically inattentive to her and their collective needs so she ends up carrying the slack. It's not about the bread: It's about what's manifesting through the bread
Humans are not rational creatures, we're rationalizing. It takes a lot of self awareness to be in one's own head and go "oh. I'm not upset about the bread, I'm mad because this is the third time this week and the twentieth time this month I have to come up with a new dinner plan because this idiot fucked up." However, it takes much less awareness to look at one's partner and go "hm. That was an outsized reaction. Something larger than what set this off is probably going on."
Once you've realized there's something going on, partners can begin working towards a solution. You have to pull back the rug to find what's been swept under it.
Emotions all have causes. Sometimes they're bigger than they seem like they should be, and sometimes the cause is buried deep in the unconscious parts of the brain, but there's always a reason. Part of loving someone is trying to understand them, and part of understanding them is sussing out when it's about the bread... And when you should maybe start writing a more detailed grocery list
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mymistakewriting · 5 months
Eddie & Shannon Diaz
This post is going to ruffle some feathers, I'm sure. I would like to state that any comments I make here are based off observations surrounding the interactions we do see between the two from the show. I am not bashing any characters, as always, and if you don't like my content or opinions, there's a block button available to you, please use it.
That said, this one comes with some content warnings. Please proceed with caution. The relationship between Eddie and Shannon is a toxic one. If you don't think you can handle reading about something like that, maybe skip this post.
First things first: their relationship was toxic, but it was toxic both ways. Neither of them are in the clear for their behaviors by far. It was not a healthy relationship in the slightest.
Eddie and Shannon are described by the show as high school sweethearts. It's heavily implied by behavior that Eddie's family DOES NOT like Shannon. And I do think that plays a major role in things. I don't think it was a 'they dislike her because they had a kid too young', I think it was that he started seeing her in high school BECAUSE he knew his parents would hate her. His relationship with his parents is an abusive one, of course he'd do something to upset them and get a kick out of it. That man's demi-romantic ass didn't know what he was doing, he was just in it to bother his folks and have some sex like any normal, Catholic teenage boy would want.
Obviously, it's confirmed that they didn't plan for Chris. Eddie said himself that he wasn't ready to marry Shannon when they did get married even though he loved her - and yeah, that tracks. I'd put good money on his parents forcing them to get married as soon as they found out Shannon was pregnant, it's an unfortunately common practice here in the Southern United States even to this day (I have immediate family that can vouch for this because it happened to them).
Which leads me to this: Yes, Eddie definitely signed up for a second tour in part because he wasn't ready to face what it meant to be a father. But I do think that part of him signed up for a second tour because he knew that the money would help. It took three jobs to replace the income from being an active-duty combat medic and he was still barely holding it together, it wasn't a decision made just because of fear. He really was trying to provide, but the only way he'd ever seen it done was by all but abandoning the family thanks to his father.
Which brings me to the fights. It's no secret that Eddie and Shannon fought a lot. And neither of them are saints, by far, not where those fights are concerned. Eddie definitely said some shit that he shouldn't have in those fights to hurt her (a la "you're exhausting" in lawsuit arc level shouldn't have said shit). That said, what caught my attention initially is how Eddie reacts to things in those fights. Because every time they're fighting and Shannon whirls around to face him or moves just a little too fast, he sinks in on himself like he's trying to guard himself, suggesting that he'd taken a few hits.
I don't think it was a full on battered boyfriend situation, but I do think Shannon got handsy in her high emotions a few times - and a kid who grew up abused in any way holds onto those instances, making them react more. But nothing else I could think of explains the way he sinks down and folds in. It's a habit that carries over even after Shannon's death.
I'd like to repeat: they're both in the wrong. Their relationship was toxic on both fronts. I don't think anyone ever found out how bad those fights could get. And I don't think Eddie will ever talk about it now that she's dead.
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spartalabouche · 8 months
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i recognize this could be considered an orangey red or a reddish orange but i want you to pick the color you think its closest to. no cop outs. orange or red
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southislandwren · 4 months
what if i spent all my farm savings on student loans and was done paying by like 2030
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raptorrobot · 6 months
the seeds of Divorce have begun to sprout in this one
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marsixm · 8 months
finally having my irl friend working with me means i get confirmation that i do in fact move around the place like im fucking spock lmao
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shepfax · 1 year
r/relationshipadvice motherfuckers will see an adult in a loving relationship and do an entire gymnastics semifinal gauntlet worth of reaching trying to explain why the relationship is toxic and doomed to fail
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