The Gay Arsonist Blorbofication Center
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Red X of shame, red hyphen of fate AO3
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He was so real for this.
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Thank you sir!
We need to stop glamorizing jobs and making people feel that they need to find their dream job or they're somehow missing out. Sometimes a job is just paycheck and that's okay. You don't have to find your passion or whatever.
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My favourite thing about SandRay is Sand believing to the very end that Ray doesn't love him and never really would.
What a fool.
At first he thinks Ray is just kinda bored with his friends. That Ray just wants a fuckbuddy. He made himself very clear. Sand was stupid for falling for him so he got defensive. But Ray makes him feel wanted when he keeps coming back to him even if it's just to pass some time. And Sand is a sucker for being wanted.
And then Sand find out about Mew he realises that he's not just a distraction. He is a substitution. Second place prize. Ray can't have that he wants so he takes the first new person he met. He met Sand and Sand will do.
Sand thinks Ray doesn't love him and never will so Sand have to just enjoy the leftover attention that Ray is willing to give him. Nothing more.
But Ray? Well
Ray is mesmerized by Sand from the moment he first light that sigarette for him. He always looks at Sand in almost awe ever since. Like he couldn't bother to look at anything else (and it was a deliberate acting choice!)
Ray is always searching for Sand if he thinks that Sand might be somewhere near. Ray always makes time to spend with Sand not because he suddenly feels lonely but because he wants to. Because he likes spending time with him. Because he likes him.
Ray is so attentive then he listens to Sand yapping about music. Ray wants them to do more things together. He doesn't try to drink himself to oblivion then he is with Sand. He just likes sharing a few drinks with him and kissing him stupid.
Ray likes clothes Sand chosed for him and bands he recommended.
Sand will joke Ray is addicted to him but that's not true. Ray is obsessed with him. Ray is deeply and helplessly in love with him. Has been almost from the start.
Sand thinks Ray doesn't love him. Ray loves him so much he decided he wants to live just to be with Sand.
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Happy 1 week since the finale 😭😭
(I love them all and will not be moving on)
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i didn't say it was good, i said it has bewitched me body and soul
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Shin was so funny for this 🤣 like bro look in the mirror
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ray my beloved
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I've always seen pretty harsh criticism of Dunk's acting and I always wondered if it really had any basis, so I went and watched Star in My Mind and Hidden Agenda. The only performance of Dunk's I had seen prior to this was in The Heart Killers and, as we all know, I'm obsessed with his interpretation of Style.
I've come to the conclusion that, while there is room for improvement, the harshness of the criticism is so unfounded and uncalled for.
I don't think Dunk is an Oscar winning actor, but he's genuinely got some talent there to hone. It also comes down to directors and scripts sometimes. All of Dunk's characters have been a different flavor of handsome inconspicuous college student, there's not much variety. Style from THK fit his style of acting so perfectly and Jojo pulled out the best of Style by working with what Dunk is good at for this.
The Dunk hate feels like a case of "oh pretty boy let's hate on him" because one thing that is actually undeniable is Dunk's lethal face card. 😭
In conclusion, I don't agree with the opinion that Dunk is an awful actor and I'm lowkey a Dunk Natachai shooter now. 🧍
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Also, baby Singha playing another half-sibling next week! I did not expect that
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I wish Pam was properly toxic. It's like she was supposed to be, but they took most of it out so they can have a more wholesome story, except they didn't replace it with anything else, so she's kind of not fully characterized. And the story still isn't wholesome and never could be! And now it seems like we're supposed to think the controlling behavior is cute, instead of getting to explore Dokrak falling into the same situation as what she had with her father, except this time with a lover.
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icb we (and thame) didn't get to meet po's parent polycule. i wanted to see that batshit insane dynamic with my own eyes
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love the implications there fkjglkdfgjlkfdjg
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They’re so pathetic, dramatic and GAY ✨♥️
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What’s the rarest rarepair you’ve written for, based on ao3 stats?
Never written anything that could count as a rarepair
Less than 1000 works
Less than 500 works
Less than 100 works
Less than 50 works
Less than 10 works
Was the actual first to write it and had to make the ship tag yourself
Not a writer
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เธมโป้ (ThamePo) Heart That Skips a Beat | EP.12
The screenshot of the 'sandwich shop' being a screenshot of po with two sandwiches in front of the sandwich shop.
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ep.13 got me…..
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@itwoodbeprefect tagged me in a WIP game!! Thank you!
rules: tagger gives a word, then for each letter of that word you share an excerpt from your WIPs that start with that letter.
The word I got is WORD!
From that one Home School snippet that I love but it's written like it should be part of bigger fic in the series and idk which fic yet:
Would it be cheating if Tibet just threw some insults at Jean once in a while, just to be a good pal? Preferably without Mork present, though. Jean shivers. That was such a bad idea, he can't believe he did that. He really is getting pathetic. Fucking monogamy fucking up his sex life.
From the ThameJunPo kinky qp-ish kinda-triad fic I started (specifically the origin story part of it):
“Or did you want to watch?” Po found himself saying. And then he clarified, because he didn’t want to scandalize Thame, who was already going rigid against his side: “The movie. Do you want to watch it with us?”
From that one flashback era HSF fic I started before I even shipped them, which features horny, no-boundaries Saint and (for now) disinterested Shin:
Shin just raises his eyebrows at him, and then takes off his shirt.
Saint freezes in place. “Shit,” he says, “Oh, shit.” He opens his mouth to say more, but nothing comes out, because they're right there, and Shin is going to let him—He can't deal with this.
Shin rolls his eyes. “You've seen me shirtless before.”
“Yeah, but I didn't know you'd take it off now,” Saint whines. “I was not prepared.”
Shin snorts. “Did you just mean through the shirt? Wow, low maintenance.”
From the same fic, because R and D were both difficult letters, though idk if this part will make it into the final fic (but then I'm not sure about the previous one either):
“Don't use the puppy eyes when you're begging for sexual favors.”
“It's not a sexual favor,” Saint argues. “You don't have to do anything, so how can it be a favor?”
“Oh really?” Shin is clearly not buying it. “So you don't want my attention? I can just scroll my phone?”
He starts saying no, because of course not, but then he stops himself, because... that's actually kind of interesting. “You know what?” he says. “Sure. You can scroll your phone. Pay me no mind, I'll just be doing my thing over here.”
I'm tagging @dropthedemiurge, @thepancakelady, @non-binarypal7 , @ablazenqueen, @doyou000me, and you know what, that's enough people. Tag everyone else for me when (if, no pressure) you post yours 😄
I'm a helpful person, so you get a word made out of letters that would have been easy for me: WHAT
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I didn't think I'd have much to say about episode 11 before I got to see episode 12, because it feels like the arc isn't finished, but here we are, apparently.
Because guys, Po also getting a huge professional opportunity is really really important! It's literally the reason he doesn't take it all back the moment he finds out they're not going to Korea as a group.
Because it actually is that big a deal. How can Po, who already messed up his career once because he was "clingy with his boyfriend" and prioritized his relationship, just up and do it again after Thame tried so hard to convince him that he is important?
Po got a do-over, and yes, of course he's being bribed with it, but there's a reason it's working. This was set up from episode 1!
And not only. Because didn't you notice how despite Thame's attempts at direct communication, they still kind of weren't? I was getting so annoyed at Po being so passive, not even calling out to Thame when he leaves abruptly, not guiding Thame in any way despite being more experienced, and why did Thame ask his friends to interpret Po for him instead of just asking Po? But now I think it was part of setting up the relationship as not that good yet.
ThamePo's relationship is not the kind where I don't even get why they're acting like it's so valuable and worth fighting for (unlike the lead pair in Summer Night, for example), because their softness with each other really feels so so precious, but it's also not the kind where it's already settled that they're it for each other.
There are couples that you know that if they're broken up by outside forces, even if they don't say it, they're going to wait for each other, because they just can't do anything different. They're each other's person even if they can't be together.
ThamePo are not that. Despite Thame's U-Haul lesbian behavior, they're just not. They're the sweet first blush of love. They haven't built anything strong yet. It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a bitch to lose, but they're not partners yet. They're the potential of partners.
But that's for why Po doesn't take it back. As for why he does it in the first place, I find it very sweet that it's not just for Thame but also for the group. Pemika doesn't even know to pressure him about that, only with the guilt about Pepper, otherwise she thinks it's all about Thame for him. But it's not! He really cares about all of them. He can let Thame choose for himself, but he won't let Thame choose for his friends.
And that's a big part of why it feels to me like the episode was part of an arc that is not yet complete, because we haven't seen Po or Thame talk to other MARS members at all yet. Even if Po wasn't going to talk to Jun, Jun was going to talk to Po, and Thame is only separated from Mars by scheduling this time, not by a manufactured rift, so they can just use the phone...
I don't know if we'll see any such communication next episode, or if we'll see a difference when Thame and Po inevitably get to try again. GMMTV hasn't been sticking the landing in the last year or so, and while ThamePo is excellent, it's not necessarily exempt from the curse. I do have high hopes, though.
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