#and the fact it is the same child who almost killed someone else with a fire extinguisher then has a crisis about it afterwards
lucaonthropy · 4 months
Holy shit
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radiance1 · 1 year
There was a new cafe open in Gotham.
Such thing would usually not be a problem whatsoever, except for the fact that the family that ran said bakery just appeared out of nowhere one day. No one knew who they were, not where they came from.
The two parents- Mr. and Mrs. Fenton seemed to be the usual case of brilliant scientists about to snap and go crazy, and yes, everyone who visited said store waited with baited breath for said thing to happen.
Except, it never did.
They were just being your normal (as you can get in Gotham) run of the mill parents taking care of their two kids while simultaneously running a bakery.
Almost made them feel silly for waiting for the other shoe to drop, but in Gotham you could never be too sure.
Their oldest child, Jasmine Fenton passed college with flying colors, and seemed to be your normal run of the mil teenage girl busy with taking care of school and stuff.
Their youngest and last child- Danny Fenton- was a bit of an enigma, to be honest. He didn't seem to be going to school, instead staying and helping run his parents' bakery alongside- or alone when they were busy with something else- his parents. The room noticeably got colder whenever he was around, his touch colder than the normal human should be, his breath a tad too cold whenever he was speaking over someone's shoulder, and his teeth literal fangs.
They assume him to be a meta, and if he didn't already have parents would have assumed him to be Mr. Freeze's long-lost child or something.
Everyone was determined to treat them like a normal family, maybe a tad weird but honestly, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say there was something weird about everyone who lived in Gotham.
They were just a normal family, maybe have a past they're running from, who are the Gothamites to judge. At least, until they were attacked by one of Gotham's rouges.
The daughter was at school, well out of the fire zone.
Ms. Fenton calmly rang out a bell on the counter, while Mr. Fenton didn't even stop from where he was carrying multiple people's orders (with the help from small green beings the Fenton's call blob ghosts) and then out from the ceiling appeared what looked like extremely high-tech weapons and without a second's delay were they fired, the villain was not killed, but were knocked out cold.
Then their son appeared from the kitchen, dusting his hands off on his apron, calmly walked to the villain and proceeded to throw them out of the establishment as easy as breathing and walk back into the kitchen as if nothing had happened.
They knew there was another shoe just waiting to drop, and drop it did. They're just glad it wasn't the result of another villain added to the rogue's ranks.
And hey, they'll be turning a blind eye for as long as they could when said family makes some of the best pastries and meanest cups of coffee in Gotham.
(Two days after that was it made known that their daughter pulled out one of those same high-tech guns on the Red Hood.)
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
Hi!! Could I get some harry hook x male!reader where reader is the eldest child of Anna and Kristoff please? Also maybe reader looks just like his mum but acts like his dad? Thanks and sorry if it's too specific fjdjdjvjs
Always - Harry Hook x male!reader
a/n: I honestly think that reader personaliy is more like anna han kristoff. somehow i really struggled wih that. i lowkey hate this but i still hope you enjoy his <3
warnings: no use of y/n, making out, small fight/angst, ew emotions, I love some good drama, i hate this tbh, not proofread
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When Mal decided to open the barrier forever, it was cerainly an adjusment for everyone.
The Vks that came over to auradon were enrolled into auradon prep and all assigned an auradon student to help them settle in and answer any questions they might have.
You weren't the biggest fan of that arrangementt. Not because you didnt like or trust the vks, you were actually quite close with all of the cour four. You just werent a big people person. So having to share your dorm with someone you dont know and most likely having them at your side 24/7? Not ideal for you.
Especially when you heard who you were going to be paired with. 
But Mal had basically begged you to help. 
"Please. I know you dont like this but he is kind of difficult and i know that you could handle him. I dont know anyone else that could."
So you reluctantly agreed.
Mal was right. Harry Hook was certainly difficult. He was really stuck in ways and refused to change. He refused to follow any rules, he was mean and he hated school. And the worst thing? He was stupidly hot.
Now, you hated school just as much, and you did skip a few lessons here and there but you had respect for your teachers and your peers. And you knew that unfortunately school was important for your future. 
Usually you couldnt care less if other people got on trouble but harry was your responsibility now, so everytime he got into trouble, you were getting dragged into it. And you hated it.
So thats how you ended up in fairy godmothers office for the 7th time that week (it was thursday) sitting next to Harry, who just looked bored while you were about to beat him up.
This has been happeneing for almost 3 months at this point.
"This can not keep going on. Harry If you cannot follow the rules and integrate yourself into Auradon then we might be forced to take stronger action." 
Back in your dorm Harry threw himself onto his bed.
"Well that a tad overdramatic aye?"
You couldnt hold it in anymore. 
Without looking at him you stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
The rest of your day was spend ranting to Mal and Evie about Harry.  Mal hat texted Uma during your rant, telling her to speak with Harry. He would probably listen to her. She was his best friend after all.
You dreaded going to bed that night. Just being in the same room with him.
Uma left your Room just before you arrived, so when you entered Harry was sitting on his bed, a conflicted expression on his face. 
You decided to ignore him, just grabbing a pair of sweatpants and heading to the bathroom to change for bed.
When you exited the beathroom agin harry had also changed into sweatpants. GREY sweatpants.
Fuck. Was he trying to kill you?
His head perked up at the sound of the bathroom door. 
You looked over at him.
"What Hook?"
He looked a little conflicted still, which confused you. Why the sudden change in mood?
"Look... I'm nae good at this but- fuck..." He sighed exxasperated. "I wanted to apologize."
You head snapped to him again In surprise.
"I acted like a total dickhead." He started ranting, trying to get it all outbefore he mentally talked himself out of it. " I didnt care how I might hurt ya. And I don't even have a good reason for that. I was just scared. I was scared of being vulnerable. All I have ever known was the Isle. I am used to hiding myself behind a Tough outside and I was scared to change from that."
Harry quickly wiped his eyes of the tears swimming in them, hoping you wouldnt notice. But you did.
You were shocked by his sudden and surprisingly honest outburst. For a few very long seconds you just stared at each other.
"Harry...." You took a slow step towards him. "I'm sorry. I should've realized how hard this would be. And I know it will be difficult, but i promise you that from now on you wont have to hide anymore. You're safe here." 
Now, standing right before harry, you layed your hand on his shoulder. Harrys eyes met yours, once again swimming with tears but a small smile gacing his lips.
"Thank ye."
You reached up to wipe the tear that had fallen from his eye, your hand resting on harrys cheek, his head leaning into your touch.
You noticed how close you two had gotten. Your eyes flickering from harrys eyes to his lips for a split second.
"Harry?" Your noses brushed against each other ever so slightly.
"Yea?" His voice was barely a whisper.
"I really hope I'm not reading this wrong," You voice matched his. "but can I kiss you?"
Harry was silent, and for a few excruciating second you truly thought you were wrong. Harry was into guys, you knew that much. He didnt hide that part about himself. But did he like you?
"Yes please." 
A small sigh of relief left your mouth as you leaned in, your lips moving against his. Harrys hands moved to your hips, gripping at the exposed skin, thanks to your lack of shirt. In turn your hands wrapped around his neck, your fingers gripping onto his hair.
When you parted for air, you kept your eyes closed, your foreheads leaning against each other. 
For a few seconds all you could hear was you heavy breathing and your own heartbeat, loud in your ears, before Harry leaned in and kissed you again. His hands pulling you flush against his bare chest by your hips.
Once again you pulled back, this time a little more, looking into each others eyes.
"Thank ye, darlin"
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dark-night-hero · 2 months
Imagine Zhongli who was cursed to die by the hands of the one he loved the most.
Imagine Zhongli who was bound by the curse for almost hundreds of thousands of years finally came across the hands of his supposed to be beloved. Staring at the small child in front of him as he thrust a dagger in their hand before casually guiding them to thrust it on his chest. "Are you seriously about to traumatised this child? Mor- Zhongli" "I just wanted to get over it. You can always erase their memory afterwards." Without any second thoughts, he held those small hands tighter and trust it into his chest and as he felt his chest burned and ache, he looked down and met with a pair of terrified, shaking and tearful (eye color) iris. He was just so tired.
Imagine Zhongli whom after thousands of years waiting for his demise woke up with a bandage chest throbbing in pain but could not do anything about it. He was pretty sure they were- you were the destined person he was bound to be kill with, so what went wrong? Did he missed something? Nevertheless, after that day, he never saw that little child again nor did he even try to find them ever again, what was the point when it clearly did not work? Maybe it was his curse to actually live for eternity without ever finding some sort of peace and rest for himself.
Imagine time has always been kind to Zhongli. His old but never ending youth makes him wonder if he would ever be like those friends and foe he had once came across with. But was time passed by and anything changed but himself, he gave up on that fact. He had always hated the fact that he had to watch people come and go in his life. It was inevitable, he who seemed to be lucky-cursed of time, never really got the chance to actually grow up.
Imagine, it's not like Zhongli has never loved someone before. Out of all his countless years of life long journey, he had gone through different love, heartbreaks and goodbye. He had experience watching his loved one die, be it war or something else. He have been in a relationship before. He had loved someone already, he had gone through series of hello and goodbye. In some cases, he wondered and curse why should be this one his beloved, the one he was destine to die in their hands with. Why. Why does he have to experience countless heartbreak and misery enough for him to get his long awared peace and rest. There must be something wrong with the curse.
Imagine, years later. Events long forgotten in each other mind. Zhongli have come across an individual. One he was quite annoyed with actually. He knew it was a coincidence. Deep inside he knew it was fate working there way into the two of you. But he was tired. He had already long accepted the fact that he was bound to live on forever. That his curse will infact go on forever and ever. But honestly, that did not stop himself for falling for you.
Imagine, as cliche as it may sound. You were different. You were... you. And with you, he can be himself, the one he was before the curse, before everything. For once, around you it felt like the clock that had long stopped working finally moved its gears again. For once, Zhongli felt like he could finally grow up.
Imagine, the more he spends time with you. The more Zhongli realize that it was you he was bound to be with. The same hair, same eyes, although you go by another name right now. He was pretty sure it was you. And it scares him the more he found himself falling for you.
Imagine Zhongli who was cursed to die by the hands of the one he loved the most.
Imagine Zhongli who was eager to end it all, tired of all the millennia that has passed as well as the past he had left behind. Zhongli who was tired of being the unchanging one, stuck on time and could not move on. He who thought he had given all the love he could give only to realize there was more that he could give. Who admitted to himself that this one, with you was different. Back then maybe he was eager to get rid of it all, calling it love when it was barely that, eager to get rid of the curse.
Imagine Zhongli whom realize as time passed by that afterlife couldn't be the only thing that give him peace and rest. That he could also find it on person, with you. He found the rest and peace he has always been looking for. At the same time, he became aware of what the future holds for both of you.
"I'm sorry." You cried. Hands around his wound but it was not helping, he was not healing and he was already losing a lot of blood. "I'm sorry if only I was a little stronger-" "Hush my dear. It's okay." That only made you cried even more, leaning into his already cooling hands as he reach out to wise away your tears. "My dear, my love. Do me a favor, can you?" "Morax- Zhongli- I can'-" "If I'm going to die-" "no, no! No!-" "I want you to be the one to do it, my dearest."
Imagine the way his hands dropped and place it gently on your hands. Holding into it as he squeeze it gently. His other free hand comes a dagger, a dagger so familiar you felt like you have seen it before. "If I'm going to die, dying by your hand would be the greatest honor."
Imagine as soon as he said that, something clicked as if the last piece of puzzle has been put into place and suddly, everything make sense. It was all on him in the end. He would be the cost and reason for your suffering.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
:Bruh, what the hell happened in here. I have no idea. Mababaliw na ko sa ojt + classes till 7pm. Ang mahalaga ay buhay, it's good to be alive still.
:also, quick kudos to this prompt for giving me idea ever since like, a day ago.
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happysparklingshadows · 8 months
𝙱𝙶𝟹 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜 ✿ 𝙿𝚕𝚞𝚜-𝚂𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚢! 𝚃𝚊𝚟
Note: some spoilers for Act 2 and Act 3 of the game. Some mentions of smut but mostly fluff.
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-When Lae’zel first met you, she didn’t notice your body too much outside of usefulness. At first, she had her sword your throat, and then when you fought together, she noticed your swiftness and cunning. Once she could be around you more, she started to notice. Women where she is from don't come so curvy or lush by any means. She is fascinated by the way your body curves and jiggles. The big breasts and hips were very new to her, and at first, she rejected the fact she liked such an alien look on a person. I mean, it’s ridiculous? But like most people who reject what they want the most, she couldn’t help but obsess with your body. She wanted to conquer this obsession before it distracted her. 
-Lae’zel isn’t one to be gently parented; she is firm and doesn’t listen to things that don’t make her stand at attention. Mommy Tav, I feel they need to be stern in some ways with her. A firm “No, Lae’zel.” is like a commander's word to her if it comes from you, but you must have earned that right to speak to her like that.
-She isn’t one for open affection or love. It was ingrained in her that it is weak and needless for a warrior. She at first finds that helping people without benefit to yourself is aimless and indulgence of your time. It annoyed her and made her eyes roll often behind your back when you talked to these random helpless creatures running around. But slowly, over time, especially after she turns her back on Vlaakith, she noticed the strength underneath all your fussing and helpfulness. You wanted to help people because you could. You did it just because you could, and you wanted to, and you would kill anyone who got in your way. The way you smiled with bright eyes at a child were the same eyes that happily killed goblins that caused their pain, and you would be damned if you wouldn’t make them happy and safe. Lae’zel grows to understand this mothering energy from you. She thought the way people of this plane were disgusting for how they reproduced and thought it odd how needy people were for their parents, but she learns why it was so hard to leave such a warm embrace.
-Lae’zel doesn’t mean to be mean, and she doesn’t understand sometimes when her words cut more than usual. She was raised to cut others with words like blades, so when your eyes flash with surprise and hurt when she says something, it makes her feel horrible. She would never admit guilt, but she does try her best. She is annoyed by herself for hurting you and even more annoyed that she cares about you. 
-The annoyance doesn’t last long, though. It almost melted as your hands touched Lae’zel’s shoulder softly when she did well in battle, or the way you smiled at her when she talked about her studies in crèche K'liir, or the way you always seemed to have food for her to eat on the road. She wasn’t dense enough not to notice how you care about her, even when she is being mean and doesn’t know how to feel about it. It confused her, and it made her feel nervous. 
-Lae’zel is swift with claiming you. She knew she wanted to taste you and be your lay, but she couldn’t handle the possessiveness that overcame her at the thought someone else could have you. Your sweet hands touch someone else, soothing them as they do her? How soft you were was for her alone. She isn’t very soft in many ways but feels soft with you. 
-Lae’zel is beyond protective over you. Her hand is on her sword if someone speaks to you in a tone she doesn’t like. She would have their eyes dug out with her thumbs if she thought you would look at her with those warm eyes and be pleased with her. 
-Lae’zel realizes being with you that she has had a hunger her whole life. A hunger for acceptance and unconditional love, she chased it from Valakath since the time she hatched. She found it with you. With her head in the crook of your neck and soft body pressed against her lean body, she feels a warmth that has thawed more parts of herself than any accomplishment for Valakath could. 
-She doesn’t like most of the food she is given. No fault of your own, but it isn’t what she is used to expecting. But she loves apple pies and spiced meats, and her eyes sparkle when she sees you near the hearth cooking. Her ears quirked up as she heard the hissing meat in the pan. She intensely stares you down before hovering over your cooking. She is like a cat who likes to be in your way. She just wants to observe and be a part of it, even if she isn’t doing anything but watching you.
-She gives a sharp “chk” when you kiss her bandaged wound you dressed, and she moves away from you when you do that. She doesn’t like how it makes her feel so weak at how good it feels. You just chuckle, knowing at this point of your relationship that she isn’t rejecting you, and say, “Well, when it heals faster, you will not be so against it, my champion.”. And after that point, she would expect you to bandage her wounds and kiss them each time.
-Lae’zel needs guidance and patience, as well as a teacher. She needs someone to educate her on this plane and how to act in certain situations on this plane that doesn’t end with bloodshed. But she needs someone who doesn’t hate her for being reckless and violent that she is. 
-Lae’zel takes some time to learn how to love and be loved, but for a soft mothering person, that isn’t very hard to be patient with her. She learns from example the easiest, and that love is as warm and fulfilling as killing, if not more so. 
-Lae’zel was beyond happy when Xan was hatched, and she couldn’t think of someone better than the source of her joy to co-parent with her. Lae’zel gives off avoidant Midwest dad vibes that are really focused on teaching Xan to fight and giving him the discipline to achieve anything he longs for. It eases her that Xan doesn’t have to be beaten into a ridged warrior like she did because he is loved like the children of Faerün. With kisses and hugs, soothing words for laughing, and tickles for cheekiness. In a different life, she would have scoffed and killed you for treating a gith with such tenderness to ruin his resolve at such a young age, but now with you at an inn together. She can only bring herself to chuckle at the scene of Xan wiggling in giggles on your lap, happily content with her family. 
-Lae’zel would one day be laughing with the two of you, Xan giggling in your lap, and realize she was where she was always meant to be with you, and Xan giggling over the most minor thing that wasn’t even funny. It wasn’t becoming the strongest warrior to make her happy, but having a family she could protect was all she needed. 
-When Karlach first met you, she saw you. If you aren’t used to someone openly hitting on you, now you do. There is a whistle when you bend down or jump; her tone always becomes soft, and the words “baby” become your new name, and she openly stares at your breasts when you speak (no cleavage needed). Karlach doesn’t care because she can handle a whole lot of woman happily. Just wait until she can get her hands on you. 
-Karlach is a partner who needs to be gently parented, but she is so sweet that it is used sparingly. Karlach sometimes needs a sharp look to stop talking in front of some people or someone to talk her out of violence gently. Karlach is a sweetheart, but she has a temper that sometimes needs to be chilled, and your soft hands rubbing on their biceps are just that. 
-Karlach starts daggers into the knocked-out Drow as you softly rub her biceps, “Baby, calm down. You’re going to burn the whole place down. Baby, breathe slowly, deeply.” And she looks down at you, her eyes melt as soon as she sees your worried face and closes them. She takes deep breaths to calm her temper down; she needs to chill out, or she will burn down this whole place. 
-When Karlach can touch you, she loves to rest her head on your stomach. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath of you in. Her hands constantly touch you, finding safety on your waist or shoulder. Her lips kiss the back of your neck when you read, her heat being felt close behind you. 
-Karlach NEEDS some soft tender care and knows it. She unironically purrs when you put your hand on her cheek; she leans in your hand always. Karlach is very much someone who loves when you baby her and is always so grateful about it. 
-Karlach is a munch in so many ways, she will eat whatever you place infront of her, and it is the most delicious meal she has ever tasted. Karlach always hovers over you when you cook, always ready to be a helper in the kitchen out of curiosity and love. Karlach relates food with love because of her mother, and I feel like in Act 3, after stopping by the graveyard, you are on a mission to find Karlach Sr. Cookbook. 
-Karlach would cry happy tears when you found a stew her mom wrote, and she sobbed when she ate her mom's cooking in a good way. She missed her mom a lot, and not having the heart her mother gave her made her feel this emptiness. And she is forever grateful to have known you, loved you. She would softly pull you into her lap and hold you close, crying and eating. 
-Karlach REFUSES for you to leave camp without her and doesn’t let you carry heavy things anymore. Did you get camping supplies? A gunpowder barrel? Mama k got it. 
-Lowkey is possessive and clingy with you once you say, “Karlach, I’m yours.”. Karlach has you move your things into her tent and sleeps with her big arms wrapped around you tightly. She doesn’t like the idea that someone else could have you even when she couldn’t touch you, but she was being fair. Now she can touch you. There is no question you are hers, and she is yours. 
-Karlach loves to suck on your nipples and just suckle on you. It feels so comfortable and pleasing to her. She likes the heat of your breasts and the way the breast touches her cheek. She likes to see and have them in front of her, but she doesn’t pay attention to much else. She loves how they hang on your ribs and bounce with each step of your body. She usually, on tiring days, just curls up to your chest and rests her head.
-Shadowheart was so frantic and scared when she first saw you that she didn’t think much about you, but she noticed your protective nature as you focused on getting her out. She almost felt uncomfortable when your caring hand helped her off the ground when she fell. When you both were safely on the ground of the beach, she noticed when you walked over to her that your body had a sway to it. An almost unconscious sensual from the way your hips perk softly as you stride towards her. But also, how strong you seemed in the moment and how determined you looked had a heat run through her. She blushes and keeps it to herself. She decided to travel with you since you saved her and because she didn’t mind seeing the back of you for a while. 
-Shadowheart is similar to Lae’zel in that she pushes her feelings aside and denies them. She noticed how you took care of people and liked to comfort people, and she saw how you smiled when everyone praised your food. She keeps herself quiet for the most part, but she does thaw her heart to your seemingly endless warmth. 
-She realized she was denying her feelings once she opened up about her past and earliest memory. You actively listened and softly touched her forearm when she finished; all you said was, “Thank you for sharing with me. I promise that I will help with whatever I can for you.”
-Of course, she falls for you. It was hard. But she would be hard to get, and she wanted you to prove yourself more. She was waiting for you to make a mistake. 
-But there was none. You were no hypocrite and were this caring and nurturing to your friends. You were a person wrapped up in goodness and light and beauty. 
-Shadowheart's defenses crumbled, and she quickly told you her feelings when she learned more about herself. Something for her that didn’t cause pain or suffering. Something good. 
-Shadowheart eyes melt when you come close to her. 
-Shadowheart would benefit from gentle parenting but is so stubborn that you have to be occasionally firm with her. She likes to be talked to softly, and how you look at her like a precious gem. But a little pain of rejection or shame doesn’t hurt her at all.
-Shadowheart, at night, always cuddles into your back. She sighs contently when her head rests on your pillow. She could bury her face in your back for decades if she could. Her hand resting on top of her beloved hips and pulls you in closer to her body. Shadowheart loves to hold and be held.
-Shadowheart's favorite thing to do is be buried in between your plush thighs, having her ears silenced to the world with your flesh wrapping around her head. It was warm and welcoming, with your beautiful sighs of pleasure. 
-Shadowheart confides in you a lot after you two become official. You are the first person she goes to for advice to help her think clearer about a situation, even with her disillusionment of Shar, which was talked about with you. She is typically secretive and calculates what to expose about herself, so getting her to talk to you about her feelings is very big. 
-Shadowheart finds out that she does have a soft side, and you comfortably reside there. She looks at you with her big blue eyes melting when you speak to her. She doesn’t care if this makes her reject Shar. If she wants a life with you, she will do it. She could do anything to have a quiet and peaceful life with the woman she loves and be healed some more by the unconditional love she has found. 
-Minthara has daddy energy, and she likes that you compliment her with the mommy energy you give off. She, however, is not one to be guided or nurtured but loves to be babied (in Drow terms) when she gets the chance.
-Minthara knew that she would have you when you walked into her chamber. She felt a low hum in her body when she noticed the way your body carried itself. The breasts, the arms, the stomach, the hips, the legs, Hmm. But she didn’t have many plans for you, not until you proved yourself to her with blood. She was thrilled to find out that under the soft, innocent look, there was a murder underneath. She felt some kind of pride knowing she found someone to fight alongside her that was actually worthy. She was smitten even if she wouldn’t admit it. 
-Minthara sees weakness or softness in any light besides malice. Weakness needs to be beaten out of a person until they are strong. She wasn’t blind to how you seemed sweet and caring and how your eyes seemed coquettish under her gaze. She didn’t know how to feel about this seemingly powerful but weak leader helping her on her mission for the absolute. She would peek into your mind when you weren’t noticing and could tell you were this caring and murderous. 
-Obviously, she grows soft towards you with time. Even when she tried to kill you, she wanted it to be mercifully quick and painless. She couldn’t have your warm eyes on her. She does want to be known by you, and she wants to hold and caress you. You made the world quiet, from gods and her self-doubt. Your tender cuddle at night after a fuck, the delicate rubbing of her back as she lays on your breasts, it was everything she had ever craved from any god. 
-Minthara doesn’t like surface food at all, and she doesn’t make any comments when she is given food. She does watch from a distance as you cook the group their dinner, and she says a “thank you” when you hand her her portion. She eats all of it for strength and has been trying to get used to the plainness. To her, everything tastes like oatmeal and soulless. 
-Her heart almost dropped when she noticed you walking up to her with a bottle of Underdark wine and a wheel of cheese from her rival house's family. She doesn’t know what to say when you happily explain that you had killed a horde of rich drows and then found this and that it made you think about her, handing over the items. She feels herself blush and stares at you. She puts the items down in her tent and drags you off to be claimed again by her. 
-Minthara knew she loved you at Moonrise and surely knew when you saved her from Moonrise. Her eyes melted as soon as she felt your figure again. She didn’t even allow herself to hope that you would come, and yet you did. You did with a fierce protective energy as you escorted her out of the castle and killed the guards that kept her. 
-Minthara, like Karlach, is possessive and clingy with you once you two become official. She doesn’t like the idea that someone else would get to know this tender and sweet person. She would kill someone over weirdly looking at you. Minthara hovers over you wherever you go and is your plus one in everything. She would scoff and laugh at the mention of you leaving camp without her, and it’s not going to happen. 
-Minthara would have a breeding kink so hard with you once she is settled in with you. Minthara would know very early on that she couldn’t imagine a life for herself now without you, and she wanted to keep you beside her forever. She wanted to have a family and continue her bloodline as a noblewoman should, but she wanted you to carry her baby. Trust and believe that Minthara will find some magic device to get you pregnant after you finish the Netherbrain
-Lowkey knew she would marry you and keep you with her for the rest of her life. She quickly knew you were wife material for her and acted like you were already married. 
-Minthara doesn’t listen to you even when your tone is strong and demanding, like a mother's. She has enormous dom-daddy energy, and she will not take commands from her sub (except in the bedroom; she is a consent queen).  
-“Minthara, stop.” You say as you watch her tower over a dwarf with her poisoned knife to his throat. She doesn’t react at all as she puts the fear of the gods into the poor man, “Minthara!” You hiss to her as you start to walk away. Minthara doesn’t listen to you and slices the dwarf's neck, but she quickly drops him to get beside you. You give her a soft glare, and she glares back as playfully as she can muster. 
-Don’t get me wrong, Minthara has mommy issues and she does use you as some kind of new mothering figure. She lays in your breasts at night for safety and comfort, she holds your soft skin with adoration now that she loves you-knows you.
-Minthara likes to grab your hardened nipple sometimes to surprise you and have you make that breathy moan of shock. She likes to pull you in closer with a hand firmly planted in your ass; she pulls you into an intense kiss. She likes to have control over you and to have you writhing with pleasure because of her.
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 11 months
Some things I’ve noticed on my second viewing of “Five Nights at Freddy’s” (2023)
(Some of these are obvious, don’t @ me, I’m autistic and I had work the day I first watched the film so my brain was all over the place)
On my first viewing I thought that showing the security guard at the very start loosening the bolts of the chair straps was a fake out to make us believe he’d escape, but actually he loosened the bolts which is how Mike was able to escape later on
Just want to say that the opening credits are fucking cool and I love them so much
In my previous post about things in the FNAF movie, I incorrectly said there was no Golden Freddy - Golden Freddy is in fact in the film, he’s the one who goes to the house/kills Aunt Jane/is in the taxi
Following on from the above point, I said last time that I thought the cupcake was the fifth ghost child but I actually think it’s Golden Freddy to be honest - the blonde girl was obviously Chica, the boy with the bunny ears was Bonnie, the ginger boy was Foxy, and then there was the blonde boy and another boy with a top hat on. I originally thought that the blonde boy who wore the brown shirt was Freddy because he seemed like the leader, but now I’m wondering if the boy with the top hat was Freddy and the leader boy was in fact Golden Freddy (given his blonde hair)? I’m interested to hear what everyone else thinks
This is obvious but the doctor foreshadowed the ending because she told Mike that drawings are powerful tools for children to express things and understand things, and that’s exactly how Abby communicated to the gang at the end that Afton was responsible for their deaths
^side note but as an early years practitioner at a nursery/for preschool children, it’s actually true that pictures are used to help children learn things even before they can read, write or talk. I don’t know, it just interested me to be like “oh yeah that’s true!!”
There was not that much focus on Mike’s dad, like he was seen so briefly compared to his mom, which makes me wonder if there’s something to it that might be revealed in a future film. Like maybe his “dad” isn’t his dad or something? Because in the game canon, William is his father, so… I don’t know. I also saw someone else point out that in the training video Mike watched, there was a man working on the animatronics who maybe looked like the actor playing Mike’s dad, so maybe his dad worked there with the animatronics?
The film appears to be set in 2000; I’m 90% sure the security cam of Mike in the careers office showed the date as being in 2000, but if someone else can clarify or confirm the exact date then that would be great. It would make sense though because Garret presumably went missing around the same time as the ghost kids (in the 80s), so the film being set in the present day (meaning Mike would be in his 50s) would make zero sense. Also the mobile phones/computers all seem like they come from the early 2000s
Someone on Twitter pointed out that one of Abby’s drawings on her wall appeared to be a red airplane, which could just be an indication/foreshadowing of her knowledge of Garret’s disappearance (his toy airplane) but also someone else said it could have been 9/11 which….?!?! If this film is set in 2000, then that’s FUCKED
(I think it’s either a random drawing or to do with Garret’s toy tbh but the idea of her having foresight of 9/11 is fucking horrifying)
I’m still not totally sure which animatronic the gang were going to force Abby into, like it’s one with spring locks and at first I thought it might be Circus Baby but it doesn’t really look like her. It looks almost like a marionette or something? And I mean, yeah, it could be that they changed the design a bit but they literally stayed faithful to the designs of all the animatronics in the series so… you know.
Desperate to know if Matthew Lillard is aware of the fact that his DILF status has been multiplied by one hundred after this film like can someone check in on him and see if he’s alright? 💀 the FNAF girlies fans are frankly RABID about Afton
On that note, I wonder if Josh Hutcherson or Matthew Lillard have ever played any FNAF games, like were they fans before being cast or…? I really wish we could have content of them talking about the film or promoting it, but Hollywood refuses to pay their actors fairly so 🤷‍♀️
Listen, I ADORE both Josh and Matthew anyway but in this film I feel like Matthew especially stood out??? Maybe it’s just the character he’s playing but he ATE this role up (so did Josh but still)
I feel like the springlock scene was actually more terrifying upon a second viewing like at my first one I was like “that’s not as bad as I imagined” but this time I was like “holy shit he’s in agony” like his screams were PAINFUL to listen to
Speaking of painful to listen to, Freddy gave this really guttural and pained roar/scream at one point during the ending and it really made my heart hurt, it’s like the child inside of him was reliving the memory of their murder or something??? I can’t describe it but it was such an intense moment
I honest to god feel like I enjoyed it more on a second viewing and I don’t know why??? Maybe it’s just because the other people in my cinema weren’t laughing every five minutes but still.
I now have the urge to rewatch ALL of Markiplier’s playthroughs of ALL the FNAF games so… yep!
Once again begging for people to talk about FNAF because I’m not the most knowledgable on the series but I do enjoy it!
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mysouleaten · 7 months
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PLATONIC! takemichi x teen! reader
summary... takemichi thought the letter from the philippines was from manjiro sano but instead of him it was his daughter..
warnings... angst, hurt/no comfort, death, manila timeline, name is jealous of takemichi, mentions of blood, guns, mention of child neglect, teen!reader
an... this is my first time writing angst so bear with me! lol
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takemichi stood in front of the broken and abandoned building
he lets out a shaky breath and ventures into the building with one goal in mind to find mikey
takemichi hoped over a crumbled ledge 'this will be the first time ill see mikey's future self!'
he then took the broken stairs that had metal rods poking out from the bottom and littered trash on top, 'I wonder how he turned out? maybe he hasn't changed..'
takemichi pants from all this climbing and walking he had to do, he rubbed his sweat away from his forehead "these ruins are huge!"
'... when I meet him.. what will I even say..?'
takemichi didn't even realize how this meeting would be a huge mistake for him in the near future...
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takemichi whipped his head around to the sound of his name being called
mikey- ..no someone else was sitting on a large scrap pile, looking at him with a sad smile on their lips
"mikey?" takemichi asked hesitantly
the teen[!?] in front of him gave out a light laugh, yeah.. that wasn't mikey, whoever this was, looked, like mikey but much more feminine. she shared the same empty dark eyes and had somewhat of the same facial features as mikey..
"are you.. takemitchy hanagaki..?" she tilted her head to the side and spoke with a soft-spoken voice, ..he almost missed it
he swallowed the saliva that had built up in his mouth and answered "yes..that's me- but..uh its 'takemichi' "
her frown turned back into that light smile "really? dad always calls you 'takemitchy' "
takemichi's eyebrows raise in shock "dad?"
she hummed "yeah.. manjiro ..manjiro sano?"
takemichi started to tear up and quickly rubbed them away with his wrist, he didn't want to cry in front of mikey's kid.. ugh why was he so emotional from seeing her?... was it because she looked a lot like him..?
she rested her cheek against the palm of her hand and kept that same soft smile "huh, you really are the crybaby that my father described, haha"
the way she had said it wasn't one of mockery but admiration
"don't worry, me and you share that-- being a lot more sensitive, I would always cry over little things too" she mentioned
takemichi blicked a couple of times--almost cartoony-like-- and he lightly chucked at that fact
but her light smile that held warmth faded away into a frown much like mikey's.. they just looked so alike..
" I brought you here to stop my dad from getting you to do him a 'favor' " she spoke in a gloomy tone
"a- a favor?" takemichi questioned
she didn't elaborate on this 'favor' she got up and stood upon the scrap pile-- the light from above shown down onto her and a jingle from her red and black hanafuda earrings that he only now noticed
"my dad is still in japan, with my uncle.. I was the one who wrote you that letter to get you to come here"
"huh?! why? what wa-" takemichi was stumbling over his words and failed to notice how the younger sano had made her way right in front of him with a heavy frown
she stood tall in front of him with her hands in the pockets of her black pants, she gave him a nasty glare
from this glare alone takemichi shivered, the younger sano glared at him like he had done a horrible sin
takemichi wanted to shout, he wanted his answers answered! he wanted to know if mikey really killed mitsuya! he wanted to know why he-!
the younger sano grabbed a fist full of the front of his shirt and slammed him down onto the dirt below, crouching over him, with her knee slammed into his stomach he wheezed from the air getting knocked out of him so harshly. takemichi guessed that [he doesn't even know mikey's kid's name..] strength was mikeys genes passed down to this sano... damn! that hurt.. !!
takemichi finally comprehends that a gun has been shoved against his cheek in a threatening matter
"WHY ARE YOU ACTING SO- SO OBLIVIOUS!? LIKE YOU AREN'T THE PROBLEM!??" she yelled in his face, this was a complete one-eighty of her personality
takemichi's eyes filled up with tears and he looked away from her and saw a gun lying in reach
she looked towards the direction of the gun before looking back at him and digging the gun farther into his face-- he winces at this
"you gonna kill me? grab that gun and shoot me before I blow your damn brains out" the sanos voice lowered
takemichi didn't even realize he had his eyes shut tight before he opened them. the feeling of droplets falling onto his face
he looked up into the dark eyes of the younger sano, they were filled with so many tears, and more fell onto his face
"you- you.." she hiccuped "why the hell ..does my dad have so much admiration for you..?"
"huh? why are you so.. special to him!?" she shoved the gun harsher into his cheek
"why- why.. couldn't he look at me like that?.. why does he hold more love for you! then me!!" she blurted out "what did you do for him? huh!? you- you left him!.. you-I.."
takemichi couldn't say anything to the crying teen above him, those empty eyes showed the broken sadness within
"please lets.. lets ta-"
the younger sano fell over when blood had splattered onto takemichi's face
the gun falling out of her hands
"are you ok!?? takemichi!!? did mikey hurt you?!" naoto yelled while holding his own hands on his gun
takemichi looked over at him with shock and then whipped his head to the side to see the younger sanos body on her side with three defined bullet holes, blood soaking her white sweater
"sano!!" takemichi screamed as he leaped to hold up her body from the dirty ground, "takemich! don't go near..him..?"
naoto paused from running to takemichi and looked at the person who takemichi was trying to stop the blood from escaping their body
naoto's heart dropped at the sight of...a teen.. in takemichi's arms. naoto then had looked down at the gun that he assumed manjiro sano was holding... the lock safety was active..
naoto felt sick..and dizzy..
"sano! sano!!" takemichi screamed, holding the younger sanos cooling body.. he looked at his blood-soaked hands and clutched the sano's body close while screaming with agony
she violently coughed up blood that is filling her throat "t-takemitchy..? can..can I call you that..?"
"yes, yes..sure! sano..oh my god.." takemichi cried, his hot tears spilling from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks and onto the younger sanos forehead
takemichi shakenly brushed away the tears from her forehead, smudging blood into her hair in the process
"e-everything is going to be o-ok! sano-"
"[name].. that's m-my name.. please c-call me that.." she coughed
takemichi finally got to find out mikey's daughter's name... he just wished it was in a better circumstances..
"okay.. [name]- im so..so sorry..I can't- I can't stop the blood..!"
she gave out a quiet laugh "why ..are you so w-worried about me..?"
takemichi couldn't answer that...
"the..'favor' m-my dad want..ed from you.. was to kill him" [name] shakenly explained
takemich's breath hitched, "he.. killed- cough! -  all the old..members of t-toman.. he w-wanted it all to 'end' .. he was going to leave me...takemitchy.. I didn't want.. him to leave me.. I-I.."
she coughed again making her body shake in pain in his hands
"shhhh..shh.." takemichi cradled the crying sano in his arms, rocking her gently back and forth
"I-I thought.. if..if I could kill you you would..n't be able to k-kill my dad! and m-maybe..maybe he would focus a-all his attention on me!.. and-and.."
"shhh.. it's ok.. it's ok.." takemichi whispered and hugged her body closer resting his cheek on the top of her head still rocking her gently back and forth
she used her last strength to clutch the front of takemichi's shirt for comfort before sobbing, hiccuping, and coughing blood onto him
"takemitchy..your hand is.. so warm...."
"[name]?? [name].. please.. answer me" takemichi sobbed
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taglist ... @kokoch4n3l
:D soooo...? uh how was that? did I do a good job at writing angst? ngl this DRAINED me to write lol, maybe ill just stick to fluff
anyway did you guys catch any easter eggs in my story? ig their kinda of like parallels ??? i dunno how to name them..
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chevelleneech · 3 months
Leslye’s latest interview kinda makes me seem like a writer or something, idk🧐
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J/k! But on a serious note, I do think my interest in screenwriting informs a lot of how I interpret the things I watch. I’m not pretending to be exceptional or better than anyone else, but I am going to pat myself on the back the tiniest bit, because I said something similar to what she said about Qimir knowing Osha wasn’t Mae in the apothecary. He knew, and her power drew him in almost instantly.
As well, in this post about Sol confusing Mae and Osha when they were younger, I said I was pretty sure it was done to highlight just how little Sol understood his emotions and his supposed connection to Osha. He felt one, yes, but that doesn’t mean he knew enough about the twins to decide he had a right to act on it.
Anyway, this was fun to read and kind of learn what I (and many other people surely) were right in our interpretations of. Sol meant well, yet acted wrong. And although Qimir was painted as the antagonist this season (even though I think the secret of what happened on Brendok is the true villain) he still sees Osha for who she is, no matter the fact that he wants her to tap into her power for personal gain, to an extent.
This understanding also informs why and almost how Leslye foresees Oshamir coming about. Because in other parts, she speaks about how Qimir still doesn’t say directly he is a Sith, and above she mentions how he feels the pull of her power and wants to train her same as Sol, and how that points to who her true Master will be.
If her words are to be taken at face value, Oshamir will happen, I think, because their Master and Pupil relationship won’t work. Sol was a Jedi raised on honor, peace, loyalty, control, and authority. Yet he struggled well into adulthood with most of those things, which caused mass murder. Qimir, based on what he’s said, was also raised on those things yet realized the latter three were unsustainable. Which Osha has felt since she was a child that unquestioned loyalty to authority figures whom only give you a semblance of control wasn’t what she wanted forever.
So Qimir is going to be training someone who is almost too much like him in beliefs, yet someone who likely isn’t as non-discriminate in her killing. Meaning they’re going to butt heads over what is right and wrong, and end up having to talk more to understand each other’s side better. And getting to know each other’s moral lines and triggers to avoid, inevitably grows them closer together. Therefore, their Master/Pupil dynamic is thrown out the window, because there’s already sexual tension between them and they haven’t even fought for real yet, lol.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
@lucyrose9820 asked: Tsugikuni Yoriichi Hc's?
Tags: @leveyani @kanaosprotector
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, controlling behavior, threats, intimidation, death, abduction
Yandere Tsugikuni Yoriichi Hc's
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☀️​Yoriichi is a man who has already lost his first wife and their unborn child yet none of his sorrow is expressed from the outside. His nonchalant and solemn exterior rarely gives anything away from his current emotions so you never seem to notice how he is truly feeling for you. Nor does Yoriichi want you to notice as he is lucid of the extent of his feelings for you. He hides them and locks them away as he considers how you might get scared of him if you would know about it. And as much as he doesn't want to admit it, his own selfishness doesn't want you to stray away from his side because of his feelings. Silent and serene, maroon eyes are almost constantly following you as soon as you are in his field of vision as they observe your every movement closely. The death of Uta and his unborn child have left a scar after all so now that he has fallen in love with someone else again, Yoriichi can't help himself but grow more protective.
☀️​You don't notice when he is trailing behind you when you go anywhere when the sky is already dark as he is worried that a demon might try to take you away the same away they took Uta and his child away from him. He remains pretty distant and as a silent protector for some time where you often see him but know little besides his name about him. You can't help but wonder if he doesn't like you but it is the complete opposite. In fact Yoriichi is actually a bit scared that his feelings for you would spiral out of his control if he would get any closer to you. Eventually the inevitable happens though as the two of you slowly get closer to each other and his worries partially become true. His overprotective antics sometimes result in him growing more monitoring and controlling as he asks you with a serious expression on his face to do something for him.
☀️​I would say that he is less prone to being jealous and just more prone to reacting more protectively. Even in a scenario where he has hardly anything to worry about his eyes are still glued to you just in case anything happens or in case he realises that you look uncomfortable. Yoriichi makes a good effort to try and not let his own feelings interfere with your social life as he tries not to be too selfish with you. Honestly, he is quite good in not letting his own obsession interfere but you should still be aware that he is watching you most of the time. Even when he stands a few feet away from you to not potentially intimidate people around you, his eyes never leave you nor the people you interact with. He's usually quick to step in though when he notices that someone tries to flirt with you or shows signs of attraction for you. He can be rather intimidating when he wants to be as he calmly stares down at them.
☀️​As always there is a clear line when it comes to slaughtering demons or actually taking a human life. He has always shown a calm disposition when he killed demons and he continues with it even as his darling appears in his life. I would say that his trauma with allowing a demon to kill his pregnant wife has made him generally more warily when it comes to any demons around your village so as soon as he notices the tiniest sign that there might be one, he is quickly alarmed and instantly seeks them out to dispose of them as quickly as possible. As a man who slays demons and is normally very kind, he is more considerate and gentle when it comes to treating humans. Which doesn't mean that anyone can just take him as easy for it as his aura can change into one of silent and cold rage if someone really pushes his buttons by harming you and triggering his protective instincts. Perhaps it is this overwhelming calmness he showcases even in moments of rage that is so frightening as he whispers a low warning, a threat to stay away from his beloved.
☀️​When it comes to an abduction Yoriichi is not as bad as some others would be. Considering that he is still very overprotective though, you should expect that he has some rules and wishes he would like you to fulfill just so that his mind can rest a bit easier. He dedicates his time to just accompanying you, whether you know about it or not, during the time where both of you shouldn't live together yet and he establishes his rules as soon as both of you live under the same roof together. Otherwise Yoriichi lets you have your freedom as much as he can because he sees no need to restrict you. That changes when something does happen that triggers his feelings and that can quickly escalate into him turning much more controlling as he suddenly doesn't want you to leave his side for an extended period of time and keeps you within the four walls of your home.
☀️​Yoriichi is besides those moments where he reacts quickly more protective less obvious with his overall unhealthy behavior. It is easy to brush his protective tendencies off as lingering paranoia from his last wife's death and nothing more. He's gentle and calm around you and whilst he isn't one who talks much, he loves listening to you talking about anything. Especially when he realises that you are really passionate about it as he just sits next to you and enjoys your presence. His love is warm and bright for you as it gives you a feeling of safety and protection but underneath the surface one spark might be enough to erupt and escalate this warmth into an all-consuming blaze that calmly burns down everything that threatens you. If it wouldn't be for Yoriichi's vast self-control, things wouldn't be as nice most of the time...
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Out Of Time
Pairing: Ari Levinson x reader
Summary: You hate Ari. It's not a secret to him. Your father died protecting you, and you would die to protect your bother. But he's waited almost 10 years, time's running out, and he won't let you go that easily.
Word count: almost 2400
Warnings: threat of death, Ari is a jerk, mentions of previous death, werewolf Pack have different rules and morals, yandere!Ari, nothing explicit
Notes: randomly started writing this a while ago, found out I actually liked it. Might make more if I get inspiration, but I will follow where the wind blows me, so until then it's a stand alone. Would love to hear if you like it, reblog ,comments, ask. I don't bite (only Sebastian Stan's butt is under threat).💕
It was a mistake. He didn't deserve to be punished so severely. He was only a little boy.
But rules were strict in this pack. You behaved, or they made you behave. Still, death seemed to be too harsh for an nine year old. He had taken the mating necklace. But he was not thinking further than trying it, having admired it from a distance. He probably hadn't known what it was for, because Ari hadn’t used it yet. But it was sometimes talked about. Something the pack Alpha owned. He had just been looking up to his Alpha. Wanting to be like him.
You didn't feel the same way about Ari. You knew all about the rules. And Ari had proven to follow them strictly. That's how he killed your father. 
You never looked at him the same. 
You were repulsed by your mother, who kept telling you Ari had been young and still needed to establish his position. 
He had been young. Twenty-two. Young for a pack Alpha. But he had always been strong. He had challenged the previous leader, Andy, who had been gentler. Andy was kinder in his approach, gave a little more leeway. It had cost him though. Ari had been coming off his rut, full of adrenaline, and Andy had let his guard down. Before you knew it, there had been a fight and soon Andy laid lifelessly on the ground. 
Ari was Pack leader, and he wasn't as kind. He made it clear he demanded absolute obedience. And his height, as well as the weight in muscle he carried around, oozed dominance which most wolves didn't dare challenge.
Your father had soon been killed after. He had tried to shield you from the cruel Alpha and it had cost him his life. Still, his death did protect you. It was honorable to not pursue you after. And in your mind the last mate you wanted to have was him. 
Your mother mated again with someone else, too soon for your liking, and Mico was born shortly after. Life had to go on, even if you silently resented it.
But now your brother was to be put to death. And terror swept through you as you raced to reason with Ari. You had little hope you would get through him. But you had to try.
As you halted in front of his den, you breathed heavily. You tried to calm your racing heart, tried to gather your thoughts. You needed to be calm. 
You stepped inside, and waited at the entrance, if you got in any further you would have a big chance to be punished yourself and then your brother stood no chance.
“I expected you would come.” It sounded from further inside. You couldn't see him yet. The shadow shielding him effectively. 
“He's my brother. Of course I would.” You replied. You kept your eyes on the ground. It was a sign of respect, but mostly you did it because his face disgusted you. You didn't know how you could pretend otherwise. 
“So let's hear it. I'm assuming you're going to beg for his life?”
You gnashed your teeth. The mocking tone in his voice annoying you greatly, but what could you do?
“He's only nine. you know it wasn't done to disrespect you. In fact, there's no other he admires more.”
“And yet it was disrespectful.” he answered calmly. Deceivingly so. ”Any other I would have killed on the spot.”
“He's a child.” Tiny still for his age even. “He was curious. You could forgive him.”
“And show weakness to the pack? Now that would be foolish.”
“It wouldn't be weakness. It would be kind. Merciful.”
“Like Andy?” His cold voice sounded nearer, he was moving. “Need I remind you what happened to your favorite Alpha? Long gone, buried in the cold ground. More bones than flesh.”
“Andy was good.” You hissed. 
“Unlike me? That's what you mean right? You think I'm cruel?”
You refused to answer. It didn't matter. 
“I can be cruel, keep testing me and I will show how cruel I can be, little one.”
“I'm not here to argue.” You took a deep breath, bracing yourself. “I'm asking you to spare his life.”
He chuckled. “Braver than your mother.” 
You smelled him so much stronger now. A deep, rich scent. Clean. Not unpleasant. His face came into view. Blank. His expression showed nothing about what he was feeling. 
“Go on, tell me how I should save him. Punish him in a different way. Letting everyone know you can steal from me and get away with it.”
You looked up at him, forgetting the rules, forgetting the need for respect. “If a child is threatening to you, maybe you're not worthy being Alpha.”
“Careful. I wouldn't want to put you next to your brother.” He warned calmly. 
“If you did, It would only prove my point.”
He let out a laugh. “Here I was, thinking you'd plead. But of course you wouldn't. You have too much pride. Like your father did. When he tried to turn me away.”
“At least he had guts. He died protecting me.”
“But died he did.”
Your fists balled. How you would love to rip his face to shreds, but you couldn't. It would help no one. 
“He died so I could be free.”
“For now. Time is running out, and who will protect you now? Your mother? Her mate?” He grinned. 
No, they wouldn't. And you knew it. Your mother was submissive. Her mate was decent, but not strong enough to take on Ari. Or willing to risk it. 
“I will see when the time comes. Perhaps I will leave before it. And there are other ways.”
“I will not let you. If you mate with someone else I will challenge them. And they will lose. Their death will be on your conscience.”
There, he said it. The possessiveness so clear in his voice. His body tense, like he was ready to spring into action. 
“You would kill the man I choose to be with? And you wonder why I hate you?” You told him with contempt in your tone. “Perhaps I wasn't even talking about mating another. Perhaps if I can't leave, I will make sure you won't ever have me. There are ways. And I'm not afraid to die.”
“You would kill yourself?” he was surprised. Offended even. 
You shrugged, “There's things worse than death.”
“Any woman would be proud to be chosen!”
“Then pick one of them. I do not want you.” You snapped. “And I did not come here to talk about you or me, in any capacity. I came to talk about my brother.”
“And I have already made judgement. He will stand in front of the pack and he will fight me. There's nothing you will say to change what is already decided.”
It was ridiculous. To have a boy fight a grown man, three heads taller than him. He would never win. It was a joke of a trial.
“He can not beat you! Show some kindness, if you have any” you snarled. 
“You always say I don't have any,” he lazily replied.
“I will never forgive you for this,” you growled. 
“I'm sure I can manage your hatred after all these years of it,” he said, like he was already bored of the conversation. “It won't change a thing.”
“We will see,” you mumbled. You turned to walk away, but he called you back. 
You froze, but you knew you had to. Your knees touching the ground beneath you fluently. Head down. Respectful. How you resented it.
“See, you can listen,” he told you amusedly. “If only you did it more often.”
You kept quiet. He was taunting you, and you were done with this conversation. You waited till he dismissed you, and quickly left his residence. 
Your mother was holding back tears, yet you did not pity her. She was supposed to watch him, teach him. And most of all, protect him. Did she even try to reason with Ari? You had doubts. She would weep and grieve, but was she willing to give up her life? Not without permission from him. How pathetic. 
You knew the pack needed to listen to its leader. It was how it was done. But surely, for a child, rules were meant to bend. 
You watched Mico as he sat trembling with fear, waiting for the moment he was called. 
He wouldn't run. Going out there alone, especially at his age, meant death. And perhaps a prolonged one. 
You laid a hand on his head and bend down. 
“Do not fear him. I will be there and I'm not going to let him hurt you.” You told him softly, a whisper only he could hear. 
“You can't go against him,” he told you. Eyes big with tears. So young still. And such a burden to carry. 
“It will be alright. You're my little brother. I will always look after you.”
He threw his arms around you and silently cried in your arms. You let him let it out until he tired himself out, falling asleep on your shoulder, completely exhausted from the last 24 hours. 
Andy would have never put him through this. He was gentler. Fierce in his own way, but he was reasonable. Ari didn't care. He only cared about the respect he got from the group. 
So at night, you gathered.
It was a solemn mood. You all knew what was going to happen. The whole pack was there, staring at their leader and the boy next to him, waiting for him to speak.
Ari straightened and raised his voice, letting it carry, even to the ones standing at the back. “We all know what happened. We all know the punishment for stealing from your Alpha! It is nothing less than death!”
A murmur rose in the crowd, affirmative, but sad. No one wanted to see a kid die. They all saw Mico as one of them, it could've been their child, if they didn't pay attention. They all were reminded to watch their children's every move. To prevent them from having to stand out there, awaiting the execution. It was a harsh lesson. 
You ignored your mother's teary eyes and rough breathing. She had not once interfered. Your lip pulled up in a disgusted snarl. You would never look at her the same after this. When your father died there might never be a close bond with her again, especially not because she seemed intent to move on quickly. But her child… you couldn't believe, even now, she did nothing. 
“It is one of our oldest rules and must be respected. Before dawn his life will end. It can be a swift death” at this Ari turned to Mico, almost amusedly before he continued. “Unless you wish to fight me for it?!”
You growled, fist balling at the mockery of that question. Even if he had changed the sentence, something you had been surprised about, it was still death. If he accepted, his life would end swiftly, fight Ari, and his death would be brutal and it would happen slow. 
“I challenge you!” You raised your voice. 
Some people gasped, others just turned to look at you. 
Your mother mumbled “no!”, but you ignored her, as well as her hand that tried to prevent you from stepping forward.
“My life, or yours, for his.” You said while you marched forward. “Either way, he lives.”
You saw a moment of surprise in his eyes, it didn't last long. He still had that amused smile on his face. “You, little one? You wished to fight me.”
You wished him dead. 
“Yes, instead of him. It is law.”
“It is.” He watched you with dark eyes, thinking. “But I do not wish to fight you.”
‘You will’, you thought, ‘you have to’. “I have challenged you!”
“And I decline,” he shrugged. “Your death would be meaningless. Honorable perhaps, but utterly useless. No. A fight will not happen. But there is a way to settle this.”
You didn't like hearing that. Ari could be callous if he wanted to be, and you hadn't counted on him denying you this fight. 
“He stole the Mating Necklace. The oldest relic we have, passed down generations, only for the Pack's Alpha to gift for his chosen mate. Will it not be fair then, if I'm gifted something in return? The necklace for a bride?”
You swallowed, you knew what he was trying to do. This had not been the plan. You had expected him to take your offer. You hadn’t expected to win, he was too strong, but you were fierce, you would have made it difficult, and you would have had purpose. In a way, you would have had freedom. 
Everyone seemed to like the idea however. What a great way to end this horrible ordeal. The child would live, and their Alpha would finally have a mate. Perhaps soon there would be another celebration if the Union would be fruitful. 
You felt the excitement go through the group. The energy almost touchable. 
You started sweating, eyes darting around, before finally settling on the trees nearby. You had no chance to make a run for it now. Ari was watching you intensely. Like he expected you to. He would make chase. He would not hold back.
It was like he said; he would not let you leave. 
“What will it be, hmm? Your brother’s life, or yours?”
You took a step to lash out, to trigger a fight, but your brother piped up quickly, reading you like a book. “I will die. Please, I will. It's okay.”
He only looked at you, and it broke you. Freezing where you stood, you could only look back. He was trying to protect you. And that most of all settled it. You could not lose him, and you had no other options. 
“I accept,” you whispered.
There was a cheer, but you ignored it. People were crowding you, congratulating, touching, laughing, you did not care. You knew your life would not be yours. 
Your eyes broke contact with your brother in the jostle of the excitement of others. 
You still saw Ari though, his smile wide with satisfaction and victory. 
He had what he wanted for so long. 
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acourtofmarvels · 10 months
Comfort - Cassian Pt.2
Part 1
Warnings: none. cuteness overload :D
*35 years later*
"Cassian can you please take your feet off the table? We eat there." I smacked his leg and took a seat beside him to eat lunch.
He groaned and obeyed, putting his feet on the ground. "Gimme a bite." He pointed to the sandwich I had just made. I haven't even taken a bite of it yet.
"You just ate like, 3 minutes ago." I took a bite of my sandwich, glaring at him. I swear he is always hungry.
"Yours looks better than mine," he whined like a child.
I looked over at Azriel who was sitting across from us. He'd already finished his lunch and was reading a book at the table.
"Azriel did you not give the dog a treat after lunch?" Azriel lifted his eyes from his book, humor in them.
"That was rude," Cassian replied.
"Let the girl eat her lunch in peace," Azriel defended me, going back to his book.
I stuck my tongue out at Cassian and then took another bite of my sandwich. He was glaring at me but I could see the mischief behind his glare. I'm in trouble.
"Ask the house to-" I stopped my sentence. The air grew cold and eerie. Still, everything went so very still.
Azriel and Cassian felt it too, sitting up straight in their chairs. Something was different. We could all feel it.
There was a thud from the balcony. As if something jumped onto it, or someone landed on it.
Azriel and Cassian stood up simultaneously, grabbing their weapons. Their siphons glowing as they listened around.
Who the hell just landed at the House of Wind? No one can get up here unless they have wings. The Illyrians wouldn't dare to step foot up here. It can't be Mor, she's suppose to be in the Hewn City all day.
Azriel's shadows swirled around him, informing him of whatever just entered our house. My heart plummeted as I saw the color drain from Azriel's face.
"What's wrong? Who's here?" I shot to my feet. I was almost tempted to grab one of the daggers at Cassian's hip. If Azriel was scared then-
"I was expecting some open arms, not swords and daggers."
I don't think I ever turned around so quickly in my life.
Rhysand. Rhys. My brother. He's home. He's here, he's alive.
My knees buckled and I would have fallen to the ground if Cassian had not caught me.
My hand covered my mouth, silencing the sob that escaped me, tears poured out my eyes.
I beat Cassian and Azriel to him first, wrapping my arms around his neck so tightly. I held on for life, afraid this was a dream and the second I let go he would be gone. But I could feel him, smell him. He's here, home.
His arms stay wrapped around me as I placed my hands on his face, looking him over.
"Are you hurt?" I didn't dare ask if he was okay. How could he ever be okay from what ever torture she put him through?
"I'm alright," he replied. No signs of injury or bruises. But he was so very pale. Years away from sunlight would do that to you.
"I can't believe you are here." I wiped the tears from his cheeks, he did the same to me.
I wrapped my arms around him once more, kissing the top of his head a few times.
I didn't want to let him go but I know Azriel and Cassian would want their time with him.
The second I stepped from his embrace Cassian replaced me, literally picking Rhys off the floor and spinning him around.
"If you do not put me down I cannot promise that I will not puke on you," Rhys's laugh sent warmth through my body. I never thought I'd hear that again.
It didn't feel real. The days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and the fact that Rhys was here still felt like a dream.
Amarantha was dead. Feyre saved us all, Rhys's mate. Rhys's mate... He has a mate. Who's marrying someone else. He showed us her. Showed us all she did. His face lit up telling us the story about her killing the wyrm.
It's been 3 months and I am savoring every last bit of it.
"You're different, sister." Rhys stared at me from across the room. He sat at his desk as I lounged in the chair in his bedroom. We did this often. This was where we always had our deep talks or hashed things out if we were upset. He would do work at his desk and I would occupy my time in the chair by reading or writing. 
"I'm happy. You're finally home." I looked up from the hat I was knitting, another thing I picked up in the 50 years he was gone. 
The smile faded off his face as he looked down at his hands. "Mor told me..."
"Whatever she told you, is in the past. Everything is good, now you're home. I'm good, I promise." Though I looked away from him I could feel the guilt in him from across the room. "Enough with the sadness, please."
"Fine, you don't want to talk about it. I'll respect that. Is there anything you do want to talk about?" His voice was hinting. There's no way he knows. We haven't.... well not since he got back. That was my decision. 
"Like what?" I didn't dare look up at him.
"Hey, you guys down for Rita's tonight?" Gods his timing was the worse. Of course Cassian had to come in and interrupt now.
Rhys and I made eye contact. He had a stupid smirk on his face. He knew... How did he know?
"Cass, please join us. We were actually just about to have a chat." Rhys pointed to his bed for Cassian to take a seat. 
Cassian went to take a seat, completely oblivious to the situation. "No, leave." He froze in his spot, looking at Rhys and me confused.
"Cassian, take a seat. As your High Lord, I order you." I could smack that stupid smug smile off his face.
"You can't do that." I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. Pulling this High Lord card... I should smack him up side the head.
"Can and just did, sit."
Cassian took and seat and glanced between at Rhysand and I, who were having a stare off. 
"Cassian..." Rhys began, now looking at him. Cassian was trying to play it cool but I noticed the sweat beginning to form on his forehead. My heart was racing a hundred miles an hour, no doubt my brother could hear it too. "Are you sleeping with my sister?"
"Oh my gods, really Rhys?" I shot up from my seat. I felt the lie on my tongue, "Cassian and I are not-"
"We're together, yes. We have been for a while now. We take care of each other, watch out for one another. You can be mad at me, beat the shit out of me but I don't give a fuck." Cassian stood back up, no longer looking at Rhys but now me. "400 years I have loved her. 35 years I have been utterly, hopelessly in love with her."
Silence all around. I was shocked he admitted that right away. I mean we were caught, it was gonna be hard to lie to him. Cassian was standing up for us and here I was gawking like a complete idiot.
"Cassian and I are mates," I admitted to my brother nervously, but proudly. "I am madly in love with him. We wish to be mated and married but only with your permission."
That smirk had faded from my brothers face the minute Cassian spoke. His face was blank of emotion and he was silent for a while.
"This is not what I was expecting." He spoke. He crossed his arms over his chest. He looked mad but he was silent again for a while. "Fine. You have my blessing. But I'm still kicking your ass for hitting on my sister." He stood up a punched Cassian in the shoulder and then came and wrapped his arms around me which automatically relaxed me.
He placed his hands on either sides of my face, forcing me to stare into his eyes. The eyes we shared from our father. 
Are you sure? He spoke to me in my mind. My shields were down for him the second he wrapped his arms around me.
I nodded and replied to only him, I've never experienced this type of happiness before.
His face softened as a single tear rolled down my face, and he wiped it away. He was always the one to wipe away my tears. He placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled away.
"Just don't show it around me," he shivered and I rolled my eyes.
"Rhys I'd like to request some time off work," Cassian said with a smirk, looking me up and down.
"I hate this already. Get out of my face." He waved us off.
Cassian held his hand out to me which I gladly took as we ran out of Rhys's room. The second we were out of earshot, to spare Rhys, Cassian's hands and lips were all over me.
"I'm never waiting that long ever again. It was pure torture not to kiss you, to hold you, to touch you," Cassian growled in my ear. 
"I know, I'm sorry." I brought his lips back to mine. "Never again."
"Are we doing this?" He whispered, out of breath.
"Meet me at the cabin in an hour." I stepped out of reach from him, a big smile on my face.
"An hour?" He groaned. 
"One hour and then... you'll have me for eternity." I stepped forward and kissed his lips once more, in a slow and achingly long kiss. "I love you. One hour." Then I winnowed away. 
A/N cute little ending :) hope you guys liked it!
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wormlette · 7 months
smaller than everyone chilchuck being understood by autistic laios. is this anything. (i am small and autistic and felt deeply represented by your post)
Oh my god I spent so long writing a FUCKING RESPONSE and tumblr deleted it kill me. ANYWAY “is this anything” friend this is everything. 🤝
I think the two of them are uniquely able to understand each other bcuz in summary, the things they are both most vulnerable and affected by, the things that have probably damaged their lives most, are things they cannot conceal from others. Laios’ autism and Chilchuck’s size. There’s VERY good discussions on whether Chil is totally normal, autistic but very good at masking, somewhere inbetween, or even whether he’s cis, and those would all INFORM this conversation but whichever way you read him, he is socially aware enough to see that Laios is NOT. And it drives him crazy and he is constantly frustrated and trying to teach him to be more aware of himself as the party leader and just “be more normal”. In my opinion this is because Chil KNOWS how much it hurts to live with a part of yourself you can’t control that makes it hard to make your way through the world — in his own way, he is trying to take care of Laios. This may be both for selfish (he wants a good stable party and that requires a good socially savvy party leader) and selfless (chilaios…) reasons, but either way. It’s essentially just there in the text To Me.
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Chilchuck is probably extra frustrated because, at least as he seems to see it, Laios COULD choose to shave off those rough edges of himself and “pass” as respectable/“normal”. (Another reason I kinda think Chil has his own autism thing happening. In my experience, shamefully, I’ve been least patient with people who I see as like me but they just haven’t figured out how to stop the world from hurting them like I have.) (I imagine chil often thinks things like. why don’t you just change. Don’t you see how much easier it would be for you. Don’t you see how much you’re letting the world hurt you. Don’t you know what that will do to you, over time.) meanwhile Chilchuck cannot stop the rest of the world from seeing him as either childLIKE or just straight up a tall-man kid. No matter how professional he is or how scathingly he can insult people or how much he can drink — he can’t stop what people SEE when they LOOK at him (this also makes him a great trans character To Me). I think Laios knows exactly how this feels. He’s not seen as a kid, so it’s not exactly the same. But despite having everything Chilchuck would like to have (tall, looks manly, socially respectable in appearances)… Laios is never going to pass as normal once people get to know him. He ISN’T socially aware. He CAN’T pretend to be someone else anymore, not once the story starts.
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So autistic Laios keeps bumbling through social situations that make people want to fucking hunt him for sport. He can’t say the right things, and when he has tried to be himself, we can assume it’s been very poorly received in the past, both when dungeoneering and prior as a little kid. When he’s not being manic about his monster special interest he seems to constantly be doing an Autism Stare that serves to keep people away from him and his sister.
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The fact that Chil and Laios both, to some degree, can’t hide what they hate most about themselves, makes them uniquely able to understand each other. And treat each other with sympathy/empathy underneath it all. Laios is the one out of their party who most treats Chilchuck as an adult with agency (understands the stress of his work, defends him, lets him steer situations, listens to his advice, never demeans him or gives any indication he thinks he’s a child altho he did assume Chil is younger than him). If the daydream hour extras that give rough indications of who joined the party when are canon, Chilchuck is the party member who’s been with the party the longest, almost since Falin and Laios founded it, despite thinking of Laios as “the party leader comma I GUESS”. He keeps trying to beat lessons about leading parties into Laios’ head despite many ppl around him considering him a lost cause. As I’ve said in other posts…. He could probably just fucking walk out at any time and either retire or get a different party, and we know Chil has no problem hitting da bricks, but he doesn’t.
The things about themselves that make them most able to relate to each other are also the things that sometimes make them grate against each other (Chil berating Laios in the way only a guy with a major complex can and Laios pouting about it lmao. Laios continuing to be a big cute socially inept dummy anyways.) BUT THAT’S LOVE, BABEY!!!
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ronanceautistic · 12 days
Today is all about the internal battle between a great warrior and a small child. Nancy was forced to let go of her childhood in Season 1, however, brute forcing her way into adulthood just doesn't work. And it's interesting how, in the moments where she's shown to be tough and adult, that's when the show compares her to a child.
This is literally an entire character essay. Like, it's longer than a few of my fics. But there's pictures!
In Season 1 Episode 8, Hopper, while interrogated by the Lab, says "you made it look like that little girl just ran away". He's referring to Barb, who is actually older than Nancy, implying he'd see Nancy as a little girl, too. It's a big contrast to how she's usually portrayed during season 1, from Mike's perspective she's the older bratty annoying sister, and from Nancy's she's maturing into a young woman. But from an actual adult's point of view, she's a little girl.
Meanwhile, what's Nancy doing while Hopper calls her this? She's saving his ass. She tells Jonathan that Hopper and Joyce will die in the Upside Down if they don't do something, and steal the weapons back from Hopper's office.
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In Season 2 Episode 9, she saves Joyce (the adult) by stabbing Will (the child) with a fire poker
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In Season 3 it's very clear that she's on the path to becoming an adult, with an internship at the local paper, and a huge desire to write a story for them, despite the fact she's only a teenage intern. When it all blows up in her face, she tries to argue her case to her boss. But after it doesn't work out, and she gets fired, and then fights with Jonathan, she goes to her mom for comfort.
During the conversation, Nancy says she's "Just a kid who has no idea what she's doing"
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It's funny, how in the season where she's arguably trying the hardest to be an adult, she is more often than not the child of the situation. In Season 3 Episode 6, when confronted by the Flesh Monster, she's basically helpless to it. It's a position we rarely see Nancy in, and in the end, it's Eleven (the child) who saves her. This happens again, during the cabin battle. While Nancy saves Jonathan, it's Eleven who saves Nancy.
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There's also blatant comparisons to herself and Holly in this season. When Karen takes Holly to the pool, she plays Marco Polo with her friends, a game Nancy "plays" with Bruce right before she kills him.
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Not only that but herself and Holly are the only people to notice the there was something in the woods, without someone else pointing it out to them. Holly, in both of these cases, is first. She plays Marco Polo before Nancy, she notices the trees before Nancy. Nancy is unintentionally copying her.
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This one is subtle and probably unintentional, but when Billy comes at her with a speeding car, she leans towards the kids, not Jonathan.
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In Season 4 we immediately start the season with Nancy ruling over the high school newspaper with an iron fist. She's finally got a leadership position, and it's clear she takes it very seriously. That being said, when given the choice between working or playing with a puppy, she chooses the puppy.
As well as that, when she talks to Wayne, she tells him "the paper I write for is small", intentionally leaving out the fact that it's a high school paper. When Wayne begins to talk about Victor Creel, he says "I guess you're too young [to remember]". And when Fred's missing and she goes to the cop, he says "I told you kids to stay home."
Just like with Hopper, it's another case of Nancy play-acting as the adult, while the actual adult in the situation still sees her as a child.
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In Episode 4, when Steve complains about babysitting, Nancy says "they're not babies anymore". While it is true in the sense that high schoolers don't need babysitting, it is interesting that Nancy specifically calls him out for that. The kids are almost the same age Nancy was at the start of all of this, and in her mind she's 'growing them up' in the same way she grew herself up at that age. However, at the end of the season, she thanks Jonathan for looking after Mike, showing that deep down, she doesn't actually believe they're completely independent and not in need of babysitting.
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In Episode 4 Nancy very carefully crafts her persona for going to Pennhurst, she ages herself up to be a college student, creates a resume for herself, and dresses herself in a way she deems 'academic'. I like Robin's line where she sees the outfits as "Easter Brunch" outfits, because it does remind me of the outfits little kids are made to wear on Easter, which clearly wasn't Nancy's intention.
Despite given herself a completely new identity, an older and more mature one, in her eyes. It's the name that actually reveals her true self. She picks the name Ruth as a reference to a children's book, Swallows and Amazons. In the book, the character - who is usually called Nancy - reveals her name used to be Ruth. She changed it, as she wanted to be a pirate, and pirates are ruthless.
In Nancy's case she does the opposite, instead of being 'ruthless', she's Ruth. Despite hamming up her achievements, and her age, her own name is telling us she's still a child, without the tough exterior she displays to the world.
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There's more comparisons between herself and Holly in this season, too. Protecting Holly from the world, by telling Dustin to stop talking about Freddy Kruger. And when in the Upside Down, she uses Holly's Lite Brite to communicate with Dustin. It's interesting how the past two seasons have included multiple parallels between her and her younger sister when you consider Holly's role in the upcoming season. It feels like they might be slowly ramping up to something.
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When Nancy is, once again, helpless to Vecna, it's the youngest of the group, Erica, who urges everyone to hurry up and save her.
Not only that, but as Nancy leads the charge into the Creel House for the final battle, it's technically Erica who's pulling the strings, instructing her on when to go. Just like Eleven in Season 3, it's another case of a child protecting Nancy.
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When the gate opens, we see Karen running to protect Holly, while Nancy is left clinging to a banister on her own. It shows why she's had to grow up against her will, no one else is really there to protect her when things get rough.
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Finally, when looking at her childhood toy, Mr. Rabbit, she decides to give it away. The sad look on her face is clear, and reminds me of watching Henry kill the rabbit in her vision.
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There is a bonus instance, although it's not technically canon. In the Stranger Things comic 'The Other Side', when Nancy is in the Upside Down in Season 1, Will throws a rock near the Demogorgon stalking her, luring it away from Nancy, and sacrificing his own opportunity to crawl back through the gate and saving Nancy instead. Another case of a child saving her when she can't save herself. In fact, almost every single time Nancy has been unable to fight for herself, it's been a child who has saved her.
I can't find an image of the page itself where he does this, but this is the cover of the issue. That's Nancy's flashlight.
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk wow.
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psiionic · 19 days
i have been non stop thinking about schizophrenic latula again. of course i could always repeat the same things i always say, latuda is a mood stablizer and it doesn't make sense that a pyrope would become anxious out of nowhere because their family line never implies that pyropes ever have a "shy" phase and are entirely more likely to fall down the line of obsession and depression and spiralling over minor things. but i was talking to my friend about the alternian economic system and we came to the realization that alternia is likely a much more scripted planet than we initially assumed, since it's essentially a planet that focuses on pumping out child soldiers i believe that their economic system is almost completely falsified by the HIC and higher powers, each caste is set up with a projected job, a certain amount of money, a specific living situation and lusus to groom them into the perfect position they'll take as an adult once exiled from the planet and gaining their title. ive already spoken about how i believe that the beforan trolls are all essentially encouraged to pick a persona to "brand" themselves as in a show of personal expression that is expected of them by the government, but it got me thinking about how these two things interact with eachother. flarping is such a popular game on alternia specifically because all the kids are, essentially, larping as their projected adult counterparts until they leave planet. thats why there doesn't seem to be any ACTUAL job structure, the janitors are all kids pretending to be janitors until they leave planet, and highbloods commission people with their government allotted money, which funds the economy as well. there are mentions that if you don't "play your role right" you'll be culled and its because they figured out a system to learn who is willing to play the right role and who isnt BEFORE they have the power to actually harm the empire, which is NOT ON THE PLANET. drones kill anyone who steps out of line and its called culling because theyre still little kids. its like taking out the "bad actors" in a play, they arent needed, itll stall the progress of the machine. all of the characters essentially have a pre-determined role and persona they can fall into, and if they refuse to play along or start to look at the fact that theyre in a roleplaying game for too long they'll be culled.
anyways. this leads me to believe that because beforus is a planet without the exiling system, that means it's likely a system where no one ever stops playing "pretend." due to there being no expansion, the only thing that matters is appearance. It doesn't exactly matter how good you are at something, culling doesn't need to mean killing, it just means you lose your right on how to present yourself. You were clearly unable to play your part because you were too dumb or too pitiable and need someone else to ensure youre able to be presentable as the persona they choose for you.
this leads me back to latula. i believe that as a knight of mind, latula likely was able to see right through the pretend games that they were all playing extremely fast, but due to a knights innate questioning of themselves and their own thoughts, she was likely easily convinced that the problem was not the system but HER actually, for scrutinizing the system. calling people fake or invalid or implying they aren't what they actually are i'd imagine is a very strong offense in a society exclusively centered around always wearing masks. i also feel like this is exactly why all of the dancestors show that they are deeply disconnected from who they truly are, with mituna being the only one who couldn't keep up appearance and therefor had to have his autonomy stripped not just by beforus but by the narrative itself, disconnecting him from who he used to be by force. latula likely takes medication not for social anxiety but because she quite literally ruminates too much, i can see her being anxious in a paranoid and pointed way specifically at forces that be, especially considering how mind players act, but i cannot for the life of me ever see latula being the shy socially anxious fluttershy type i constantly see (or at least SAW) her be portrayed as. while this doesn't specifically point to schizophrenia, due to what latuda actually treats, it's my favorite headcanon to apply to her.
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cluescorner · 6 months
Tim Drake has a weird fucking function
The thing about Tim that I find unique is that his life became SO MUCH WORSE after joining the heroing thing. Everybody else had a mid-to-shit life before becoming a hero/living with Bruce and mostly everybody (except Jason who LITERALLY DIED) had their life improved by being a hero/being Bruce's kid (or at least it is typically portrayed as such.
Tim had the exact opposite trajectory. His life wasn't perfect before he became Robin, but like...multi-millionaire/billionaire (canon is unclear, but he's within Gotham's upper-strata) kid with both natural intelligence + charisma and a bright future ahead of him and parents who were emotionally neglectful but nothing really beyond that (which is also a form of trauma, but all of the info we have indicates that the Drakes were no Arthur Brown or David Cain) and he still had other people he could rely on outside of them. He went to boarding school, which could be something horrible OR something amazing depending on your own thoughts/experiences. I grew up having a commute where we'd drive past a really pretty and rich af boarding school that literally everybody in our area DREAMED of going to, so to me the idea of going to boarding school sounds incredible but mileage may vary. Tim seems like the type of kid who would thrive in that though. Based on what we know in canon atm, his pre-robin life was fucking amazing.
And then he starts being the sidekick and working towards becoming Robin. His parents immediately get kidnapped and poison themselves through drinking tainted water; his mom dies and his dad is in a coma. This is not the fault of Robin, but Tim himself muses about the idea that Robin and dead parents are linked: to become Robin completely, you must lose your parents. And with how fate/destiny/canon events can operate in comics universes, maybe he isn't that far off. Once his dad wakes up, their relationship becomes strained as the man grieves the loss of his wife and realizes that his son has been doing vigilantism as a hobby. It is unclear exactly how good of a parent Jack was before the incident, but the results of Tim's involvement with the Robin mantle has definitely made things worse between father and son. Jack will also die within quick succession of 2 of Tim's best friends, his girlfriend, and his other father. He will also effectively lose like 1/2 his loved ones in the fallout of all of that mess including: his older brother, his other friends (both civilian and superhero), and the stepmother with whom he shared what I would argue is his best parent-child relationship (Dana also may have died, but it's left unclear). He has stopped pursuing higher education (the moment he even applied for college he 'died', and it seems he hasn't made another attempt since) and if he wasn’t a major focus of the media before he sure is now. He tries to quit briefly (in fact he initially was planning on quitting once someone more suited came along) and cannot bring himself to do so. Even when he does manage to get away for a while, his superhero life impacts the pre-robin life he is trying to go back to. Leaving is an impossibility, this is all there is for him now. He also isn’t allowed to make mistakes anymore, not when lives hang in the balance. The one who enforces that impossible standard the most (besides Bruce depending on who's writing) is himself. He’s got TRAUMA now and people want to hurt him constantly. He is constantly questioning his own sanity and morality and place in the world. He almost dies like every month. Tim grows colder and less grounded, he is becoming both a better and a worse version of himself at the same time. He’s saving lives in the same few issues as he’s setting up a Saw movie plot for the man who killed his father. He is haunted by the ghosts of his past and the looming figure of his future. His life becomes SO MUCH FUCKING WORSE after he becomes Robin. Some of it is the fault of others, some is the fault of circumstance, and some of it is due to his own actions. But basically all of Tim's worst traumas and life-changing moments are either tied to or caused by Robin. Dick's parents would still be dead, Jason would still be living on the streets, Stephanie would still have Arthur Brown for a father and a lot of other things that deserve their own posts/IDK if they've been retconned, and Damian would still have been raised in the eco-cult where death is a constant. Those are life circumstances that occur without the involvement of Robin, the only one who even needs Bruce involved at all in their series of events is Damian. But Tim? All of what is considered his 'worst' moments occur after he assumes the role.
This idea is what I find the coolest and most fascinating about Tim as a character. Being a hero is usually portrayed as either an outright awesome thing or a righteous duty that one must fulfill or (maybe in a grimmer and/or more grounded story) a sacrifice to your interpersonal relationships/mental health that is made for the greater good. For Tim, being a superhero actively ruined his life (both because of the general circumstances surrounding being a kid vigilante and the choices he made as part of that role). It's never portrayed that way in canon because we need to come out of issues going 'wow being a superhero is so cool! I'm gonna buy the next issue!', but when you just look at Tim's life literally everything really bad that we know of occurred after he became Robin.
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ajaxstar · 2 years
Mr. Perfectly Fine — Part 2
characters: childe x gn!reader
genre: angst
note: finally able to form a plot for part two after so long!
Part 1 — 🜸 “Mr. Perfectly Fine” (angst - childe x gn!reader)
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tartaglia never turns his back to the tsaritsa — ever.
he knows that every order her majesty commands is for the best interest of teyvat. he does not dare speak ill of the cryo archon behind her back; aftecr all, he holds nothing but respect and admiration towards her majesty. she keeps his nation, his home, his family safe in her protection no matter how the cold weather may often cause frostbites. she is the one who bestowed upon him electro in the form of a delusion, who is he to dare be a traitor?
the eleventh harbinger carries out his mission thoroughly and makes sure to finish it as he is the one who starts it.
the eleventh harbinger makes sure he knows everything he must do to fulfill her majesty's orders.
the eleventh harbinger never says 'no', neither does he doubt the plans of the tsaritsa.
unfortunately, even if it involves you.
the second childe has finished reading the new orders written in the letter he received, he couldn't believe it. he, in the first time in his life, thinks of an alternative to carry out the absolute command of the tsaritsa. he's aware that taking action differently than her majesty's strict commands are the same as going against her.
apparently, he was strictly given an order to seduce the heired daughter of one of the wealthiest families in liyue in order for him to have her reveal every single secret and for her to lead him to their home, kill them one by one, and call it a day.
he wonders why the archon who was formerly known as the archon of love can give him an order that disagrees with the whole concept of "love", mostly for the reason that her majesty stated that she's aware of his current relationship and commands him to sever ties with his lover in order to thorougly carry out this mission without fail.
however, he's faced with the confession of the daughter herself and his mind wanders to the letter from the archon and to you. yet before he could at least tell you the truth, he finds himself accepting the confession and the kiss that the heir places upon him, too engulfed by his duties as the eleventh harbinger.
but it doesn't eradicates the disgust he feels towards himself as he moved his lips against someone else's unfamiliar pair, and it certainly does not prevent the loath he feels towards himself when he saw you watch him kiss someone else who isn't you before walking away with tears in your eyes.
the day childe finally arranges a date when he could meet you and talk to you, hoping he'll be able to tell you the truth, he receives intel from his agents that the woman's family hired their own investigator to make certain that he was 'loyal and true' to their daughter. hence, the only thing he could do was act happy and nonchalant about the former relationship he shared with you.
his heart broke and shattered to smithereens as his ever-so perceptive eyes watched your hand almost reach out to his own, only for you to stop yourself. it doesn't lessen the ache in his chest when he knows that the negative signs he's picking up from you are all caused by him and his actions.
it breaks him even more to hear from xiangling that you have been missing work for over a month by now. the fact that he knows he is the reason behind all of this destroys him.
he, in all of him, misses you — dearly. he misses the way you'd hold him, kiss him, cherish him, protect him love him.
away from the prying eyes of the fatui and the investivators, or all that watches him, he had tried countless times visiting your home; knocking on your door with the same rhythm that informs you it's him. despite knowing that you are inside, he never attempts to invite himself in, wanting to respect your boundaries for all the awful stuff he had done to you and your relationship with him.
he wanted to talk, to tell you the whole truth that he never wanted this, he was ordered.
hope blossoms in childe's heart when he sees you open the door and stand in front of him, his wide and shocked-filled eyes staring into yours that he adores so much. he was about to speak before you beat him to it, "please stop knocking on my door, lord tartaglia. i believe that i do not have business neither do i owe anything to the fatui."
he feels a lump in his throat that he pushes down by swallowing thickly, "it..." his voice shakes. "it concerns us."
"i don't have anything to say anymore, childe." your voice softened, and for a moment childe saw the soft, yet saddened look you gave him.
"please, [name], give me a chance."
"for what!?" your eyes shimmered this time, but not with the sparkles he always preferred as tears gathered at the corners of your eyes. you hugged your own arms in an attempt to calm the way your body shook while tears finally fell.
childe's eyes widened and his hands reached out, but you have swatted his hands away from you before his skin could make contact with yours. you know all too well that you'll come undone in his hold, his touch you missed — longed — so much.
on the other hand, he feels his heart ache so much as you brokedown in front of him whilst rejecting him. each word he uttered was only answered with a shake of your head and repeated 'no's in between your sobs. childe knew that you wanted him to leave. with determination and a silent apology in his mind that he neglects your boundaries to not touch you, he reaches out to hold your hand, only for you to jolt back and quickly backed away into your home without even standing up on your feet, shutting and locking the door to his face.
childe's hands continues to shake. he can still hear your muffled sobs against the door, so he knocks.
"leave me the fuck alone!"
he messed up.
he tremendously messed up. conflicted pain and made an unforgivable, unforgettable mistake — he thinks that he may have even caused you trauma — to the one person that accepted, completed, and loved him.
childe wishes to be hopeful that he soon will be able to at least talk to you, explain the truth, and leave the decision to you afterwards. he loves you, wants you, and he needs you. but childe remembers the horrified and guarded look in your eyes despite being covered in tears.
with his back on your front door, he looks up to the star-filled night sky, the same sky you and him would love watching together while tracing constellations, talking about everything, and held close by each other. now, childe looks up to the sky, it's as if the stars are making fun of him, mocking him.
for the first time tonight, he stands and follows your request to leave you alone.
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taglist — @jameineliebe @amalthaeya @genshin-impact-writings @tsunotaro-san @r0ttenhearts @valen-nidk @ms-petunia-blue @1-clementine-1 @instantmillktea @ehddsnys @kiryoutann @coffeeoat @cherlynono @chxrry-ig @hanilessa
note: part 3 will be out soon ~
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