#and revival blessing is a fun move
vaugarde · 2 years
yeah i actually like the paldea pokedex *is literally struggling to find a 6th member that feels right*
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Cult of the lamb ask!
The reader is the god of adventure. They don’t really have a cult like the other gods did, being a person that was on the move too much to settle down and form one. But they frequently travel to places that are either in abundance of adventure or where the people desperately need one.
Lambert is constantly having to stop the reader from dragging their cultists into dangerous adventures or is having to deal with reader following them around as they crusade against the other gods and dragging him into some more adventures against his will.
(Reader isn’t malicious, perhaps just a little ignorant to how much damage the mortal body can take)
With nearly all of the old gods having fallen to the Bishops ages ago, Lamb never expected to meet any of them..
Until he did, in fact, meet one such god:
You, the God of Adventure, who only survived the wars/massacres by simply moving from place to place all the time.
This made you difficult for the Bishops to track.
Your singular purpose was to seek out people who were in desperate need of an escape from their routine lives and give them new adventures/quests to undertake.
You've basically invented crusading...so why the Bishops wanted to destroy you and that very concept was baffling.
In a way, you've helped the Old Faith grow stronger. They should've been thanking you instead of hunting you like an animal.
After a few centuries, you passed by Lamb's cult and quietly observed its growing size, never straying too far.
Despite having followers who worshipped you, you've never actually settled anywhere to start your own official cult. But they've adopted a nomadic lifestyle in your name.
Wherever you went, they were never far behind, spreading your gospel...although after Narinder's betrayal, many of them went into hiding or got captured, leaving you to be slowly forgotten about.
But seeing Lamb's followers going on missionaries gave you an idea..
Of course, an immortal god couldn't feel the thrill of "dangerous" adventures and would never know what it's like to have a close brush with death.
So..why not become mortal instead?
Thus, you made a pact with your Crown to dull its powers, showing up to Lamb's cult as a humble creature looking for a new home.
Obviously the Red Crown sensed your godhood and it made them wary of letting you stick around.
But you've proven you're trustworthy enough.
Now you're tasked with assigning missionaries to followers and accompanying them in the Bishops' domains.
If several are going at once to different places..you prioritize whoever had the lowest chance of survival to ensure a safe trip home (which may or may not involve you giving a few subtle blessings to them).
However you've found yourself dragging them into danger quite a few times while evading hostile creatures and traps (especially in Silk Cradle where they seemed to be at every turn).
Even when Lamb's crusading, you'll cross paths with them sometimes and end up running right into heretic territory.
While you can't die from old age, your mortal body still has its limits....and Lamb only had to revive you once.
Ofc you don't remember that and brush off their concerns.
"Oh come on, little Lamb. What's adventure without a little danger every now and then? There's no fun in beelining it to the Bishops and not exploring the world around you!"
"...the only things that are "around us" are centipedes that spit acid and giant axe traps-"
"Then let's go to where they reside!"
If Narinder ever found out who was the most recent cause of Lamb's death...he'd just roll his eyes.
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pure-incense · 3 months
I have nothing better to do so I thought I'd make this for fun!
Psychic Type Themed Ask Game!
Hypno - Are you a light sleeper or heavy sleeper? Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?
Alakazam - What is, in your opinion, the best eating utensil?
Slowking - Do you find yourself more of a leader or more of a follower?
Mewtwo - What is your opinion on the master ball?
Girafarig - Do you have any siblings?
Celebi - If you could turn back time to change one single thing, would you? What would you change?
Xatu - Are you able to sit still for long periods of time, or do you just have to keep on moving?
Gardevoir - Is there someone you would do anything for if it meant keeping them safe? If so, who?
Medicham - Do you know any martial arts? Which ones? If you don't, do you want to know one?
Grumpig - Do you like to dance? Are you good at it?
Wynaut - Have you ever made a big decision without thinking too hard? What happened?
Solrock - Are you an Early Bird, a night Noctowl, or a secret 3rd thing?
Metagross - Do you work better alone or in a group?
Deoxys - Do you get sick often? Do you bounce back quickly, or does a common cold knock you out for days?
Chingling - Are you a loud person or quiet person?
Azelf - Are you a very driven person, or do you find yourself with very little motivation?
Cresselia - What's your favourite phase of the moon?
Gothitelle - Do you like star gazing?
Woobat - Do you like reading romance novels or watching romantic movies?
Sigilyph - Are there any important heirlooms in your family? Do you think they're as important as the rest of your family does, or do you not care much?
Elgyem - Sci-Fi or Fantasy? A mix of both?
Reuniclus - Do you like physical touch, or do you prefer to keep your distance?
Melloetta - What is your favourite song?
Espurr - What is something that makes you unreasonably upset?
Malamar - Do you like doing things conventionally, or do you think outside the box?
Hoopa - If you could visit anywhere in the world without having to worry about money or travel time, where would you go?
Delphox - In your opinion, would being able to see the future be a blessing or a curse?
Alolan Raichu - Pancakes or Waffles?
Bruxish - Do you like wearing brighter colours or do you prefer darker ones?
Oranguru - Do you prefer battles of strength or battles of wits?
Hatterene - Do you often find yourself bottling up your emotions, or do you let yourself experience them as they happen?
Indeedee - Do you see yourself as a helpful person?
Wyrdeer - Do you have any pokemon that you can ride? Have you ridden any in the past?
Calyrex - What's your favourite equine pokemon? (Rapidash, Mudsdale, Zebstrike, etc.)
Espathra - Are you a fast runner?
Rabsca - What is a trend you really think should be revived?
Remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog this from!
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simplydnp · 5 months
hey there!
I kind of consider you the resident dnp expert (at least in dnp culture) so I wanted your opinion on a question that's been building for a while now.
What are the boundaries for dnp now?
There are so many things that I feel have changed even in the last four years: writing smutty rpf was Gross and Weird, along with art along that line, speculating about their relationship was ABSOLUTELY a no-go, all things that I see happening on Tumblr now. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing!! I'm just acknowledging things have changed over time. They're different people now and so are we, and the "we know you know" era is lots of fun.
I was browsing reddit today (bad idea, do not recommend) and came across a post from a new Phannie asking if DnP were in a relationship. And while I agree that we cannot say for absolute certain that they are, the responses had a VERY different vibe than on here, emphasizing how bad the speculation was (true) and essentially saying "don't even think about that, just enjoy their content." (or something to that extent.)
Which... is very different from this here website in which we joke about them being horney for each other constantly lmao.
Being a very rules-driven person, I like expectations to be made abundantly clear for pretty much everything. So that's why I want to ask: Is there a line here? Are we crossing that line? How defined is that line? (All of this, of course, I recognize is your opinion and yours alone, and if this is posted I encourage anyone else to share their two-cents in a respectful way.)
Obviously, trying to find out where they live/things like that is very clearly crossing a boundary. But is there some sort of limit or boundary I (and tbh the rest of the phandom), in your opinion, should be keeping in mind?
thanks xx
'resident expert' is a hefty title, i'm just here trying my best!
'what are the boundaries for dnp now?' is really a great question. cause the thing is, we used to know. there used to be a fairly well-defined and mostly agreed upon line, and ever since the dapg revival in particular, the line keeps moving.
i'll be honest, i never really saw phanfic as rpf, even though it is. my stance on phanfic is the same as dnps: it's a beautiful expression of art and creativity and is so, so important. they've always been pro-fic (even though we subjected them to some absolutely horrific crack fics), so i don't think 'smutty' fic has ever been gross or too far. they've given their blessing, and, as the conversation has been in fandom communities the last few years, rpf isn't 'for' the people in them, it's for the fans. so i digress.
art is much the same way. they love art! they even included art of them kissing in a tumblr tag video back in the day, so to say that's not allowed especially after they're out is kind of crazy to me.
i think the line with stuff like that was showing it directly to dnp--tagging them in explicit stuff, that kind of thing. but creating it? go for it! it's always been a green light. (i think fans have previously overpoliced this and we lost a lot of great fic, art, and community members over it)
browsing reddit is always a Choice. i've never participated on dnp reddit before but i am aware that it is an entirely different space than here. something that's important, i think (and i think you think this too as you're asking about them), is to respect the fandom rules of the place you partcipate in. tumblr is generally one of the most phan-positive places on the internet, especially publicly facing. we make a lot of relationship jokes, particularly because we run on the assumption it's already true, based on what they've both said publicly (mostly dan).
i won't comment on reddit specifically just because i'm not a part of the community there, but the speculation about dnp online was a Lot for a long time. but the worst part of it was the stalking, the digging into personal lives, the contacting family members--that is what was bad. dnp have always had a connection--and, honestly, they kind of love flexing it and kind of always have. they absolutely play into things now, but they certainly did even way before coming out too. i think a certain level of speculation was to be expected, especially in that era of online fandom. but it wasn't just the 'teenage girls' who cared, the media did too, and so did many others.
i think one of the biggest differences now is 1 the awareness of 'our' past and trying to make up for it, and 2 the broader societal conversations about parasocial relationships.
you see this reflected on the snippets ive seen from dnp reddit and dnp twitter. they tend to be Very 'cautious' about the words they say, often undercutting perfectly reasonable statements with 'but whatever their relationship is'. on one hand, they don't want to cross a line, and i can respect that. on the other hand... it's 2024 babes. they just put out merch of them holding hands. dan's directly, intentionally, and explicitly called phil a bottom on dapg. they reacted to all of the pinofs, made jokes about 'theyre touching', and even joked about the tackle being 'wrestling 👀'. dan posted half-naked catboy pics and showed us phil was taking them. the 'watch your step babygirl' tweet & their reactions to it. phil is credited in WAD. they're making threesome jokes about themselves as a unit. i could go on and on.
to me, there's a few things that have 'moved the line' for us, so to speak.
1 - DAPG returning. for the last few years they specifically were not a duo (for projects) anymore. (and no, not because they hated each other). they just weren't. they wanted to focus on their goals and projects. they didn't have to resurrect dapg, but they chose to. marketing and money aside, they knew that if this went over well, it would well and truly revive the 'dan and phil' brand again. it would be specifically returning to being a duo in the public eye. (however they've also fully embraced this in all aspects, including merch, videos, and general attitude)
2 - pinof reacts. even though they'd been out since 2019, we hadn't had regular joint content from them since before that, therefore, while they had become more comfortable with themselves and their 'outness', we hadn't (in terms of them making explicit gay jokes together). so i really think dnp had to de-fang a lot of the 'theyre touching' of it all, because we didn't really know where we stood on it anymore. i think they succeeded, too. we couldn't be here, with the content of the last 3 months, without them tackling it head on (well, as head on as they're want to do).
3 - dapc. genuinely another big shift. they did this for the real fans. purely a passion project, and a specific choice in doing the handhold. they know what we're like. and this wasn't a brief, unplanned, unscripted moment. it's a specifically blocked out scene. they know it's opening a door, and they chose to. this is doubled by the fucking iconic merch selling, and furthered by phil's twitter likes of arguably romantic phanart, and then dan's full straddle like.
even throughout the current 6 months of revival, the line has moved. i don't know where it will settle. dnp keep moving it, in my opinion, and, genuinely, i don't think it's going to leave much to the imagination. as you say, obviously not the stalking or the contacting, but beyond that? especially here on tumblr? i wouldn't get too worried. obviously people will have their opinions, but as long as you're generally respectful and recognize that humans will see your posts and humans interact with them, i think you're good.
my rule of thumb is anything they intentionally put on the table, we can joke about or at the same level. but in terms of art/fic? go off, live your dreams. dan and phil would want you to.
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Asking specifically for chronically ill/chronically fatigued Tav?
I have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue and amongst many other symptoms like low energy and crashes, I'm really sensitive to sunlight and loud stimuli.
I think it'd be cute if when the tadpole was removed, all her symptoms came flooding back, and on a mutual decision, they decided to move to the Underdark with the freed spawns and it's so much better low sensory for Tav! 😍😍😍
Love your work, take your time!
Hi! This HCs has been in my drafts for ages (I started to write it a few times but never finised). Thanks for @warmteaslibrary for insights!
Astarion x Chronically ill!Tav
Your adventure has not been easy, but quite bearable.
Until the very end.
The wave of necrotic damage murders you on the spot and you remember nothing but blissful darkness.
You are revived - the Jergal's last blessing before he leaves the Prime for good.
You wake up cradled in Astarion's arms as he cries and whispers the words of love.
But you can feel nothing but pain.
Your body remembers being killed.
It remembers the skull being broken, the limbs being torn, and the skin being burnt.
The tadpole is gone but your mind has a new master.
Physically, you are healthy but you are constantly exhausted and depressed.
Your brain barely functions, and your memory worsens.
You constantly cry, even though you try your best not to.
You expect Astarion to leave - you are no longer the person you once were. You are a wreck, almost disabled.
You can't even walk on your own sometimes let alone helping him with his sun-sensitivity.
But Astarion doesn't go.
Together you settle down in the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, somewhere Astarion's condition won't get too much attention.
When it's so bad you can't move Astarion touches you gently and assures you he isn't going anywhere, and he will always be here with you.
Astarion never says it's all right and it's going to be better.
He knows your condition is hardly improving.
Astarion helps you to find things you can enjoy, and that won't require too much physical activity.
With the return of vampiric powers, he carries you in his arms when you can't walk anymore.
The thing that brings you pleasure is bathing.
Warm water takes your pain away. Astarion washes your skin, and massages your sore limbs.
You often spend time in the bathtub together - Astarion wraps his hands around you and reads you aloud.
Actually, you've never been a bookish person - you were a fighter, a traveler...
But no more.
Reading brings you a lot of comfort. It doesn't require any physical activity, and books take you places, making you forget the pain.
Especially when Astarion goes away - hunting or working with supernatural contracts (so many stupid people, so many dangerous deals, so much money a former magistrate can make).
What surprises you sometimes as sharp as his tongue is he never makes fun of your state and never complains.
He also brings home healers from time to time but their spells have a temporary effect.
During long sunny days when you are both locked inside, you sometimes wonder if it ever gets better. Will the pain ever go away?
Astarion shrugs.
"I once asked the same about my inability to walk in the sunlight. What did you tell me?"
"That I would stay with you regardless?"
"Yes. That's my answer. I am not going anywhere."
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe 
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fandom-only · 4 months
Honestly, I don't know what's gonna happen to the Pusu songs in prsk now after the news is out. I would be very upset since a person's selfish actions ruined a girl's life (hope she recovers from this trauma, bless her life and thank god she's not dead) but all the other people in the community also gets the hit from it.
Just a fair warning now, but if you're a big content creator, even with seperate the art from the artist, people are still gonna be left with a bad taste in your mouth when they consume your content after you did something so shitty.
For me, I hope donnaketsu doesn't get nuked. Only because Pusu is not the only one who worked on it. The MV creators, the chart makers, the mixers, the VA's singing, the one tuning Miku. Also from a technical standpoint, it would leave a big gap in the song choice in game that would mess some stuff up.
But I also would understand if the Pusu songs get nuked. Sad since fun game content is gone, but I won't weep over it since the asshole who made those songs ruined the enjoyment by being a shit person.
To all those involved, I hope deep in my heart that you may be able to move on and ditch the asshole for good. To the victim, keep the lessons you learned in mind and recover and may you one day live a happy life. To the band TUYU, I hope they ditch Pusu and rebrand without him and rise without him too.
And to the fandom, we should properly condemn the person who ruined what we liked, and not fight amongst ourselves over this. It's not colopale who is in the wrong if public pressure gets the songs (that they paid a person to make mind you) nuked from the game. But the one who did the deed and started the snowball of a situation. Condemn Pusu, but not the company because for once, I am on the side of the company. It's not like they knew Pusu was gonna commit a crime.
If Pusu was a better person and not did the deed, everyone, including him, would've went on with their lives and not do...Revival my dream pt.2 but with less racism talks (wasn't around the fandom then) and focusing on one shitty human being
Rui needs a break, this is twice now that two of his focus get people mad. At least we got Showtime Ruler.
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More Hyrule Warriors thoughts because I’m still in the hole
I’m now at the point in the first two adventure maps where the only things left to do are insane boss rushes and I’ve realized now that I only beat the legend mode end bosses out of luck. I have no idea how either Ganon fight actually works. I’ll look up a tutorial sometime but not right now.
In the meantime I started the first normal rank map. It’s annoying. Fuck off with your “no heal” challenges I SPENT SO MUCH TIME GETTING ALL THOSE ILLUSTRATIONS TO GET BETTER POTIONS AND YOU TAKE THEM AWAY??? I’m gonna eat you.
Also in those maps LEVELING IP FIESNT EVEN HEAL YOU I’m going to make someone TASTE THEIR OWN LUNGS
I have like 5 fairies but I only use the first one I got cause she has an ability that instantly revives you if you die and none of the others have anything even close to that good so far. Plus she’s the one wearing the Ghirahim cosplay.
I haven’t changed any of the default names of the fairies cause it feels Weird. Like “hi I just saved your life now serve me eternally also your name is now Lorraine”
One of my fairies is named Chomp :) I love her. Shes useless, but I love her
I haven’t gotten many hats. It bugs me cause none look good with the Ghirahim cosplay. Why can’t I just get like, a red headband or something???? Why did I have to get a random skull???
I’ve finally gotten a huge string of weapon upgrades so a lot of characters are useful for the first time in the entire game and I’m having SO MUCH FUN WITH IT
Specifically I’m really liking Twili Midna! I didn’t get her moves at first but I’ve started to really vibe with it now that she has some decent damage output (also that X special is OBSCENE just annihilate an entire room no biggie)
I have Toon Link in his blue lobster shirt, all is right with the world :)
I found out you can go over level 100. I thought I was doing okay with keeping the gang leveled up (I go in 5 level jumps where I’ll sell a shit ton of weapons to get rich then level the entire roster up at once) having everyone at a minimum of 40, but it turns out I was wrong and now Link is level 102 and I don’t know how to plan for this future the disparity is so much larger than I anticipated (I stopped playing as him much but I keep finding maps that require him)
So right now I’m maining Sheik at like 65 or something, then once they hit like 90 I’ll probably go to Ganondorf or Impa (I finally figured out how to play her giant blade god bless)
Primarily right now I’m jumping between going back to maps I didn’t get a-rank on and replaying them and going through free mode getting every stage done on hard + getting skulltulas I abandoned during legend mode, it has actually gotten me pretty good levels
I cannot however finish the level to upgrade Volga’s weapon, I need to A-rank a goddamn full level with a close-quarters imprisoned fight at the end like BLOCKING DIESNT DO SHIT WHEN ITS ACTUALLY EATING ME! IM IN ITS MOUTH THERES NOWHERE TO RUN IM IN A CAVE
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13, 24, 27 for Pyro
3 for a Dark Shadows character of your choice!
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done.
Oh boy, where do I start here? So many contenders.
I'd probably have to say that time that Freedom Force attacked the X-Men (without Mystique's permission and behind her back), and Pyro tried directly challenging Storm. This was during the time that Storm had lost her powers, but Pyro's flame reacted with the fog in the air to cause rain, so Pyro basically took himself out.
Runner up - that time in TAS that Pyro did not recognize Rogue despite her having formerly been in the Brotherhood, and tried to flirt with her by torching a chair and making a bad pun. I want to emphasize, he literally just torched a chair and didn't actually manipulate the flame at all, which means he was trying to impress Rogue as "guy with a flamethrower."
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Toss him through the wall, Rogue.
Also that same episode he shot fire at Cable, a huge hulking guy strapped with guns, for no good reason, and got himself knocked out and nearly drowned. "Don't call me darling."
Second runner-up - That impulsive drunken skull-face tattoo. I am 100% certain Pyro had some next-day regrets about that, even though he would never admit it.
24. Most annoying habit
He's definitely a show-off and braggart, and can often be quite petty and mean. Probably a conversation one-upper, and a million "When I was in Vietnam/the Brotherhood/jail" stories of dubious credibility. Although I also think those are fun aspects of his character.
Probably smoking. Pyro is a smoker and I doubt he's very considerate about second-hand smoke. Also, if you lend him your lighter you will never see it again.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Soap operas. Pyro loves watching soaps for all the plot twists and drama, many of which he rips-off uses for inspiration in his novels. Although I think Pyro would be defiantly unashamed of watching soaps. "I'm a romance writer, what the fuck do you expect?"
Pyro's real guilty pleasure - light-hearted romantic comedies and occasional sappy Hallmark movies. Sometimes St. John just needs a pick-me up in the form of a feel-good movie about a career woman moving back to her small town and discovering both love and the true meaning of Christmas. If you walk in on Pyro watching one of these movies he will switch it off faster than actual porn.
3. Obscure headcanon (for a Dark Shadows character)
Bless you for asking me about Dark Shadows. I like to imagine a lot of moments of Willie (Barnabas's servant/vampire thrall) introducing Barnabas to 20th century culture, especially post-Wyndcliff when Barnabas was being a little nicer to Willie. Like Willie getting Barnabas to try pizza and hamburgers during his "cured" non-vampire times when he could actually eat real food. "C'mon, Barnabas, you gotta try it at least once, it's really good, and people will expect you to have eaten pizza before, it'll help you fit in."
Barnabas eats pizza and hamburgers with a knife and fork, no one can convince him to do otherwise.
Barnabas trying to relate to Vicky: "Willie prepared some.....spa-ghe-tti for me the other night, such an interesting, flavorful dish, although a bit inconvenient to eat."
Willie had no idea what to do when Barnabas asked him for some salt-pork, he just ran out and got Barnabas a hot dog. Barnabas became surprisingly fond of baked beans with cut-up hot dogs, and would offer it to guests.
Willie was similarly troubled when Barnabas wanted roast pigeon. "We, uh....we don't really eat that anymore, Barnabas. Maybe some fried chicken instead?" Thankfully, Barnabas loved the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices.
(I feel like this works even better for the 91 Revival Willie and Barnabas, who don't have as contentious a relationship. Like 91 Willie would be eager to take Barnabas to the movies or play the Beatles for him or introduce him to Chinese food.)
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
It's obviously not gonna be a full review until we get official artwork that isn't 5 pixels in size but were Rellor and Rabsca what you were expecting out of a scrab beetle Pokemon?
(I can do a full review, seeing as we have both 'dex sprites and in-game models. Normally I like to wait until the official art comes out, but it took like three months with PLA so I'm willing to cheat, especially to celebrate the release. Reviews will go back to the normal order after this.)
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Rellor is... definitely not what I expected, and I already had some idea of what to expect during the leaks. While the tell-tale ball of “mud” (at least, according to the ‘dex) is present, and has some fun confetti-ish colors, it’s hard to see the Pokemon behind it.
And from what we can see of it, the body is very strange and flat; much more tick-like than scarab beetle-like. It’s neat that it’s upside-down, the scalloped shape of the exoskeleton and underbelly are really interesting, and the markings on the back are also kind of nifty.
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However, the rest of it is unfortunately fairly generic and kind of hard to make out. I’m not sure why it has the strange marking under the eyes (I guess to lead into the evo’s mustache?), and the pink nose feels out of place. I can vaguely see how it becomes Rabsca, but I don’t feel like it’s good from a logical continuity and visual standpoint.
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The only big thing that does make sense continuity-wise and feels important here is the mud ball itself. Rellor stores and mixes psychic energy into it, which A) leads into the ball being pure psychic energy later on, and B) foreshadows it gaining psychic-typing when it evolves.
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Rabsca, however, is almost exactly what I was picturing in my head when I heard about there being a psychic-type dung beetle, right down to the “dung ball” being psychic energy. And I gotta say, I like it a lot!
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First, the ball itself adds some nice color, which contrasts with the iridescent dark blue body. It does suck that the in-game model for it is so weird looking, more like a lava lamp than any kind of psychic energy (Gamefreak use particle effects on your Pokemon models challenge), but it’s still neat and distinctive visually.
And the body itself is nice; the glowing eyes look properly psychic-y and match the dung ball, the body doesn’t distract from the ball but has the really nice distinctive “feathering” on the legs that scarab beetles tend to have, and I absolutely love how its antennae form big ol’ busy eyebrows, and a second pair form a mustache. It’s fun, and one element of the design I wasn’t expecting.
Also, can we talk about how weird these ‘dex entries are? There’s a baby in the psychic ball, and the baby is also the actual true form of this thing? It’s seven kinds of weird, and I love it. It also possibly ties back into Egyptian religion; it was believed scarabs were associated with renewal and rebirth, which is also why it gets the revival blessing move.
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So overall: Rabsca is pretty amazing; I love the visual twists, I love the concept, I love the mythology references, and I love the design. The only problem with it is that Rellor is fairly underwhelming, being somewhat vague conceptually and not really feeling like a necessary transition in most aspects. Regardless, I would love to get a chance to use Rabsca on a team at some point.
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askswordfrisk · 1 year
Gonna try and revive this… Maybe…
A lot of mistakes were made here with the reblog stuff… All of which were my fault and no one else’s. Anyone who interacted and had fun with this blog are all good people. My confidence however was shot hard for it this year… for… many things… But it’s unfair to you and my characters and especially Stella if I give up. I’m gonna do things a lot different here from now on. Remake a few things. Nothing too major just clean up some things. I’m gonna try and make this a fun blog again… I’m not sure if my mental health will be able to handle it… but I can at least try… I did talk with my gf on some ideas and we may have some plans on this. May even bring her in on this blog like the other one since I trust her with this. I’m sorry if I seem down. As I said… lot of stuff happened this year that… really broke me. But I’m trying my best to move forward with these blogs because i love them so much… We will see how the future is. Stay safe. Much love and bless to all of you.
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I am politely requesting you to start please ma'am
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bless you for enabling me 🙏🏻
so a lot of my thoughts about the parallels come from this post made by @was-there-ever!!
(and ofc this is all based around the revival choreography!!!)
so, for starters, one of the very obvious parallels is the costumes!! Macavity's costume resembles Tugger's quite a bit, with the same fur coloring and positions. Macavity's got a mane as well, though it's obviously very matted and torn up, so right there is a visual connection between the two!
next, this is specific to the promo videos that the 2016 revival did (that i CANNOT FIND), but in it, Macavity and Tugger both do the same little movement, where they walk beneath Victoria, who is being supported by (i think) Tumblebrutus and Alonzo. it's a little thing, but that's something that's always stood out to me!
now onto the number itself!!!
Macavity and Tugger both spend a large chunk of their time on the steps up to Deut's tire, in the center of the stage, making everyone look at them
When Tugger has everyone singing together and dancing together, they're having fun. It's because they want to. When it's Macavity, you can tell that they're uncomfortable and being controlled by him.
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i think @magical-marvelous-mistoffelees said it best: Tugger and Misto are working together. Tugger's holding onto Misto's arm, he's planting his feet. Misto is the one moving, he's the one who is guiding that moment. He's trusting that Tugger will catch his arm and stop him if he throws himself a little too far. Tugger's eyes are ALWAYS on Misto, making sure that they're in sync, and that he's not going to fall. This is quite obviously a move that they have practiced and perfected together. The trust they have in each other in this moment is painfully obvious.
Then, you have the exact same movements, but the physicality is so different: Macavity is holding Demeter's hand. His feet aren't steady, he's not even making sure she's planted in place. he's throwing her around, yanking her into the proper positions instead of letting her guide the moment. He's barely looking at her, glancing at her at the last moment to make sure he's got control of her. Demeter is trying so hard to free her arm, she is terrified in this moment.
and because I'm a sucker for the revival lighting design, i have to talk about the spotlights:
During Tugger's song (yes it's Misto controlling the lights), the yellow spotlights are bright, solid, and controlled. There's a spotlight for almost each cat, highlighting them during that moment.
During the Macavity sequence, the red lights don't really have a place to go. They're bleeding out into the rest of the stage, there's no purpose to them other than for Macavity to show off. It's highlighting him.
yeah the 2016 revival said Deuteronomy Brother Rights and i love that for them <3
ALSO there's everything with Munk and Alonzo in this number vs. Tugger's number:
how in Tugger's number they're chiding and staying off to the side, never once interfering except to make fun of Tugger in that sibling way. They trust him, adn they trust Mistoffelees.
In the Macavity sequence, obviously, they are front and center the moment he shows up. There is no hesitation, none of that playful teasing in Tugger's song. Macavity is a threat, and that's what matters.
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greypetrel · 1 year
how about "getting a little tipsy, giggling together on the couch as they just ramble on about nonsense" for Raina and Merrill?
Hi Viper!
Thanks for your ask, it’s always a funny prompt to write! :P
Well, as previously stated, only Merrill will be giggling, Raina is a whiny drunkard, bless her.
Tis the prompt list.
Kiss it Better.
getting a little tipsy, giggling together on the couch as they just ramble on about nonsense"
By all means it shouldn’t have been funny. It shouldn’t have been in any way, but Merrill couldn’t help giggling, finding it hard to remain serious and collected between a glass too much of… Calling it gin was maybe paying it a compliment it really didn’t deserve, but anyway some liquid containing a high percentage of alcohol that tasted vaguely like some cleaning product and made you feel all warm and happy.
Or well, made her feeling warm and happy.
Because Raina was positively sobbing and whining, and on their way from the Hanged Man to Merrill’s little house in the Alienage. It was maybe a bold move, but Raina hadn’t protested, and judging from how much they wobbled and risked falling down the stairs, it was really the best solution. The elf hadn’t drunk so much as the Rogue, but she was also smaller than her, and not strong enough to sustain the Champion for too long. Particularly when said Champion was in that mood.
Oh, Merrill knew that she got sad whenever she drank. But drinking herself as well made everything funnier.
The way Raina stopped, pointing her feet and refusing to move on the way there, as she gasped and pointed at a single yellow flower -a very wrinkled one- that managed to grow on the street, sprouting up at the border of the road. She asked Merrill if that wasn’t the prettiest thing ever, cooed at that “poor little blossom” unfairly forced to bloom in the middle of this filthy, lovely town, and started to cry. Again. Very loudly, and Merrill couldn’t contain laughter.
The elf opened the door with some difficulty, minutes later, with Raina hugging her shoulders and resting her head heavily against her -sweet and loving, and it sure made her have too many ideas she shouldn’t be having, not now, not before talking about it, but heavy and preventing her to move freely without shifting the both of them. Somehow, they managed to enter the house, stumbling in with a chorus of giggles.
Raina let her go, not before smacking a loud kiss on her temple, and wobbled on her own as the elf turned to light candles and revive the fire in the hearth -slower than her usual, she had to actually put some effort into it to overcome the haze of tipsiness. It wasn’t something she had to do in years, ever since she was young and still learning the basics of magic, but the feeling wasn’t unwelcome in the moment. It had been a happy evening with friends, she had fun, Raina was in a better mood than in the last week – she knew she finally talked with Isabela, before the piratess left, and she’s been… Sulky ever since. But this evening, she was back to her merry self, cracking a witty joke at every given chance, laughing loudly and offering another round to everyone. Raina had sat close to her, and even if she said nothing to hint that she came to a decision, their knees touched and were in contact for long, too long not to be purposeful. Or, so Merrill thought or liked to think. Hence why probably bringing her here was a mistake for both of them: they maybe should talk about it first, and then proceed, but…
… But as she turned, she found Raina splayed on her bed, back resting on the mattress and long legs on the ground, straight before her. She was still sobbing somberly, and it was magical how she could let down her walls -her many, many walls as Merrill discovered in the last three years- and just… Feel free and safe enough to cry in her presence. The elf walked in the bedroom space, ignoring how her heart swelled and longed at the sight, and trying to keep as cool as she can as she flopped heavily on the mattress, at a safe distance.
“Still the flower?”
“That poor heroic flower!” Raina sobbed, dramatically. “Resisting such a perilous, unfavourable condition whilst it would have deserved a full meadow filled with his flower friends, that lovely brave flower!”
Merrill giggled at the sentiment and emotion the Champion put in her speech. She had a way of always giving her full, even if the amount of wit and sarcasm made her look somehow detached and uncaring. It had been a gift discovering how no, Raina Hawke was all but detached: she cared deeply and whole-heartedly, and there was little way to make her do something she really cared not of.
“Maybe someone will pick it and press it in a book.” Merrill proposed.
“But then the flower will die!” Raina turned, fresh tears raising in her eyes. They looked even bluer than usual.
“Everything dies… But in a book? It will keep on living and read a lot of interesting things, it will be happy.”
“Can you promise me?”
Merrill giggled more.
“I’ll go pick it myself tomorrow morning, cross my heart!” She promised, indeed tracing a cross on her heart with her right index finger.
Raina seemed to consider, as she blinked some tears away from her eyes and sent them rolling over her cheeks.
“Which book will you put it in?” She asked, still with a whining lilt in her voice, as she rolled on her side and crawled a little closer to her.
“I don’t know, what would be a good book to read, for a flower?”
“Uhmmm…” Raina considered. “Not a gardening one. It will be horrific to learn about parasites and how to cut saplings and so.”
She tugged at Merrill’s sleeve, with decision, not letting it go as the elf, giggling more at the whole situation, slowly moved to lie down, curling on her side so she could look at Raina in the face. Her cheeks and nose were a lovely shade of pink, and tears had melted her kohl -something she started wearing in Kirkwall, after spending more time with Isabela. It made her eyes seem even more piercing, but right now, half melted away, she looked…
“You look like a raccoon.” Merrill giggled.
“Big and angry and nasty?” She asked, sniffing loudly. “Don’t put the flower in a cooking book either, it will be sad of learning of his relatives being cut and cooked. Wouldn’t it be terribly cruel?”
“Black around the eyes, resilient, adaptable…” She glomped. “… And very cute.” She hazarded. It was a bold night tho, and most likely Raina wouldn’t have remembered half of it. Merrill tho was just tipsy. And she thought she could remember another time she was open and didn’t shy away.
Raina opened her eyes, glancing right in Merrill’s. Her lips were trembling, eyes sparkling as tears kept on spilling. She said nothing at all, face scrunching more and more, a pained frown marking her eyebrows.
“What about a history book? Would the flower like it?” Merrill kept on, bringing the topic back to a safer ground effortlessly.
“That would be perfect.” Raina conceded, voice cracking. She scooted a little closer still, looking into her eyes. “You like history a lot, you’re always happy when you’re talking about it. The flower will looove it.” She managed a smile, watery and sad, and an equally watery giggle.
It felt a little too close to home, and the prelude to a conversation they shouldn’t have when drunk, by all means. Not another time of jumping into things without thinking. It didn’t help that seeing Hawke so vulnerable and open made the elf really, really want to kiss her. It had been a mistake bringing her here and lying down with her. It didn’t feel like much of a mistake, tho.
“You should sleep, Raina.”
“You too.”
“I’m not that drunk.”
“Me neither.”
“You are!” Merrill giggled, booping her nose.
Raina smiled under it, humming.
“How did you notice?” She asked.
“You always cry at nothing when you’re drunk.”
“It’s not nothing! It’s a flower growing in Lowtown!” The protest came out with a giggle on her own.
“You wouldn’t cry without alcohol…”
They both kept giggling, hardly noticing that shifting minutely brought her to rest forehead against forehead, close together as if it was the most natural thing to do. Raina’s breath smelled like alcohol still, and it wasn’t that unpleasant.
“I always cry when there’s you around, these days…”
“Is it a bad thing?”
“Not really…” She admitted, giggling. She stopped a while to consider, without a real hurry. Soon, her eyes bent in that way that always preceded a joke. “But if you feel like doing something about it, you could kiss it better?”
A pause. Merrill didn’t quite drink enough not to be worried about it and feel the rock sliding yet again. Once was bad but bearable -she had known from the start about Isabela, and didn’t stop Raina when she asked her if they should maybe stop. A second time, tho… And she was drunk.
“Or, a goodnight kiss?” Raina insisted. The bravado cracking a little at the corners, as her eyes lit up with tears once again, her voice faltering under the humour.
She wasn’t told what exactly Isabela told her, but just enough to understand that she hit Raina harder than the Rogue let on. And, it was true that lately she was more open with her, allowed herself to be sincere and not cover her feelings with sarcasm and dismissal. Garrett himself had been surprised, and quite a lot, when Merrill told him Raina had cried in front of her without drinking so much first. Told her it hadn’t happened in years. So, maybe…
“Will you regret it tomorrow?” Merrill asked, somewhat shily.
“No. Never.” She replied, surely. “I had been wanting to kiss you in sooooooo long before… Well, before that night.” She blushed more, becoming redder and a real smile blossoming on her face.
“Did you?” Merrill giggled, feeling herself blushing.
“Oh yeah. Just ask Varric.” Raina giggled too.
“Since when?” She asked, curious.
“… Well, I don’t remember now. But, remember that time on the Wounded Coast? When you and Garrett picked flowers?”
“I do! You looked as red as your jacket!”
“Eh, well. My brain just shut down. And it wasn’t the first time…” She kept giggling, shifting her face forward and nuzzling her nose with hers, playfully. “You’re just so pretty and so nice, and wise.”
“I am not!”
“You are. Makes me want to pick you up and bring you around in my pocket.”
“You only say so because you’re drunk.”
A huff, heavy, and Raina looked at her with a pout, full of mock reproach. “I’m just open about it! We raccoons are very delicate when it comes about feelings you see? We need some liquid courage!”
They laughed, one following the other at the idea of a raccoon drinking out of a liquor bottle like a biberon. Raina’s forehead never left Merrill’s.
“You’re still sad for Isabela.”
“I am.”
“That’s why-”
“-you should kiss it better? Yes, that’s exactly why.”
Raina concluded for her, still with a smile and two more tears rolling out of her eyes, one running to the bridge of her nose and falling down on the blanket.
“… If you want to, of course, and if I didn’t fuck it totally up.” The Rogue was quick to add, another crack appearing on her thick façade and spreading. “…Please tell me I didn’t fuck it up.”
There she was. Raw, vulnerable Raina, under all the layers of masks and irony. The Raina that joked and jested and was sarcastic with everyone but with her, and was always honest and caring. The Raina that cared, and cared a lot, could love more than one person at the time and, somehow, was there in her bed asking for a kiss and begging her to confirm it was all right. Alcohol, the Keeper once said, revealed more truth than a deep conversation ever could, for some people and without overdoing it. And Merrill’s heart was thumping heavily against her ribcage, all body electric with anticipation. Truth was that they both fucked it up a little, chose the wrong timing and wrong moment, didn’t communicate or communicate too much… But now…
Merrill sighed heavily, closing her eyes and swallowing all loose thoughts in her head as she shifted forward and pressed her lips to Raina’s. She replied to the kiss immediately, sighing with relief into the kiss. Gentle, way gentler and softer than one would ever have thought seeing her jostling nobles and merchants around or punching a thug’s nose broken without flinching.
“Better?” Merrill asked, in a whisper, as they parted for air, still close to her.
“Yes, but I may need another one.” Raina replied, with another smile. She stopped crying, at least, her eyes shining with joy.
“Ok.” Merrill giggled. “But then off to sleep.”
“If you ask it so nicely…”
One kiss became two. And three. Slow and gentle, none really willing to bring it any further, just enjoying the moment and the closeness between them. Raina still tasted faintly like the wannabe gin she drank. It was nice, relaxed, no more unsaid weighing between them.
Merrill managed to drag Reina straight on the bed, taking off her boots and with some difficulty tucking her in the blanket. By all means she should go and sleep on the armchair in the living room. And yet, as Raina forcibly dragged her with her and hugged her tight -still reminding her, half asleep, that she would have let her go at once if she wanted to-, she found that she was plenty comfortable where she was, warm and cozy and cherished. They’ll have time to talk better about it in the morning: for now, her eyelids felt heavy, her heart felt light, Raina was warm around her. She hugged her beck, press closely against her, and let herself go to sleep.
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blucifer08 · 1 year
Hey there, wanted to leave a prompt or two in hopes of giving you some inspiration (multiple prompts so you can choose whichever you like best, if any): Shelter, Unbroken promises we made so long ago (from "Close in the Distance"), Fernweh (a word from my mother tongue that has no real English translation, the closest being wanderlust, but it is more about being somewhere far away rather than about travelling itself)
Hi, thank you so much for sending this. I know it's been forever, but I was thinking hard about this lol. I wanted to go with Fernweh. You gave a good explanation to go off of, but as I'm not sure what language your mother tongue is! So I kind of went with vibes, as I was working on this. I started very closely to wanderlust, but transitioned to a theme of being away from home in a sense. I say this to say, that I may have deviated from what 'Fernweh' actually means, and if I did, I did not mean any disrespect towards the word, but it was an incredible inspiration for this little fic. it's a little sad, but i had fun writing it.
This is still a first draft so I'm not gonna post to ao3 until I have time to look over it, but I wanted to share here. This has spoilers for endwalker towards the end, so beware!
Elidibus had suggested that Naru take some time away from her typical surroundings. Of which at the time mostly consisted of short trips back to her friend’s bar in Ul’dah and wherever the Scions were currently handling their business. She seemed ragged lately, running back and forth in efforts of things he wasn’t paying too much mind to for the moment–none of them currently posed any threat to himself. But to her, perhaps they did. 
Thus, out of a concern for her wellbeing he had suggested that she get away from it all for at least a day. But she had responded with confusion. “Where else would I even go?” It seems in her rush to be a hero she has forgotten the part of her that clearly enjoys traveling, the part of her that left her home long ago. 
And this leaves him wondering about his own nature. Is he a person who, under better circumstances, would be afflicted with the wanderlust he sees so many sundered fall ill to? The entirety of the Star’s geography is at his fingertips, but he’d be lying to say he had explored every nook and cranny of the places he has been. Usually Elidibus is a shadow on the wall drinking in words not meant for his ears, whispering words of his own to those gullible hearts ready to accept his guidance. 
And in such cases, it is not often he stops to smell the roses. The only occasions of which he can recall anything particular about his environment are usually those in which he is accompanying Naru. Her uncanny ability to make him forget his reason for being in the first place allows him to experience more than he normally might. Senses he didn’t realize were stifled are revived with new vigor; the world opens like an evening primrose blessed with moonlight.
It is for this reason, he assumes, that his fractured and fragmented mind can still hold on to particular details about places he has been with her. He recalls the offensive smell of gaudy perfumes and body odor mixing in the air of the ball he originally revealed himself to her at. He remembers the stars that gazed back at them when they moved out to the balcony. There were a few broken bricks on the wall behind them.
He’s begun to keep in mind the details of certain places in Ul’dah she had taken him around to. He’s not particularly a fan of going out in public with her, it often necessitates a change of clothes. But she had wanted to share these things with him. He recalls the grit of sand between his fingers, the voices of calling merchants annoying him, and the chill of night drawing goosebumps from his skin.
Yes, he can recall these things, and in some way he wonders if they are in part a symptom of some kind of ‘wanderlust,’ but he quickly comes to the conclusion it is not the same. These experiences were cultivated by her, and her alone. His enjoyment hinged on that–otherwise it would have all likely seemed boring and unnecessary. The only things that create a hunger for those sights is the idea of getting to experience them with her. 
None of this is of any consequence; He still believes she should take time away. Regardless of how wanderlust may or may not affect him, she is clearly better off when she is not staying in one place–or at least, not frequenting the same places over and over consistently.
However, selecting a location is not easy. She has traveled far and wide and thinking of all the places that might suit her makes it more confusing. What about somewhere with an ocean? No, she spends enough time near the oceans. What about the mountains? She may find them less interesting than another choice. Somewhere public? Too troublesome. He rattles his mind in search of somewhere they can go to be together.
He even goes so far as to visit some locations to vet their usefulness to his cause. He tries to consider things that she’s never seen. She has yet to see the icy plains of Garlemald…But that is not so interesting. There are places in Corvos she has likely yet to have traveled to, but he cannot settle on any one particular area.. He wonders about Thavnair. Though she has never been there, he imagines the atmosphere might be exciting for her. Radz-at-han is certainly too busy for him, but just outside the city may be a pleasant enough change of environment for her. 
Just outside the city he finds a beautiful expanse of nature. He assumes it’s quite invigorating to see, assumes it’s gorgeous beauty would enrapture the majority of mortals who had yet to lay eyes on it. Vibrantly colored plants and trees shelter a host of creatures native to the area, not like many Naru would have seen yet. He takes a short walk and passes through open grassland and dense jungle alike. His survey of the area is fruitful enough for his purposes, but something gnaws at the back of his mind. 
Without her here, this feels pointless.
He understands he is here with the express purpose of bringing her here later, but he is suddenly overwhelmed with the dread of knowing that none of this excites him. 
He couldn’t be bothered to look at the scenery, aside from wondering whether it will please her. 
To wander, to travel… To see new things, are these truly things that he could have enjoyed at one point? He reaches far back into his memory to claw at anything that might have resembled a version of him who would have liked this, but he comes up empty handed. If he had ever existed in such a way, he was far too twisted to recognize it. 
He feels an enormous amount of nothing.
There is an emptiness in his chest; the absence somehow feels heavy.
His stomach nearly flips as the feeling inside becomes more and more clear, his mood curdles like milk in a disgusting manner. 
He feels far away from something important. He feels like a child lost in a building, searching effortlessly for his parents in a crowd. For a second he questions where he is before he suddenly recalls and the process starts all over again. Emptiness grows and ebbs in his body until he feels lost, recalls his place both in time and in space, recalls his purpose. Repeat.
He stares out over what should be gorgeous–out over beautiful Thavnair.
He has not felt ‘wanderlust’ since the days he walked this earth as Themis somebody else, whom he cannot remember.
He is incapable of such feeling, all he wants is to return home.
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suspendedcosmos · 2 years
Sul Sul!
He’d been too busy clawing his way up the podium and perfecting his senior debut as a teenager to worry about not having the new console everybody was talking about at the rink. So Viktor, bless him, isn’t very good at playing games when he takes a turn of Yuuri’s.
word count: 561
read on ao3 or below the cut;
Beyond Viktor’s devotion to Yuuri, plain for anyone to see, he takes a particular interest in Yuuri’s interests. They share a love of food and that brings them together in lots of fun ways, cooking, dining out, tasting new things in each country they fly to. It’s not enough, though, Viktor needs more.
So he tries to understand Yuuri’s passion for gaming. Admittedly, he hasn’t ever really dabbled in them, current systems or otherwise. He’d been too busy clawing his way up the podium and perfecting his senior debut as a teenager to worry about not having the new console everybody was talking about at the rink. So Viktor, bless him, isn’t very good at playing games when he takes a turn of Yuuri’s.
Yuuri doesn’t particularly mind that he’s bad at them, he’s patient and explains to him that he revives when he makes a mistake so he can try again, and he takes over when there comes a part of a game which Viktor deems too scary to deal with by himself. So okay, he’s not really one for combat, or horror, or keeping up with storylines…
But Yuuri comes up with a fantastic idea. He logs into Viktor computer while Viktor is out buying groceries, and installs a life simulator. It’s not challenging, or scary, or inviting the player to use their honed skills to defeat enemies, it’s just some light — and at times, addictive — fun.
As it turns out, Viktor has actually heard of the game! He hadn’t really known what it was about or how to attain it, but he thinks it sounds wonderful! When he sits down to play with Yuuri’s encouragement, he declares his first project — creating himself, Yuuri, and Makkachin and moving them into a quaint little house.
(Yuuri’s instinct to also download the Cats and Dogs content before showing it to Viktor had thankfully been right on the money.)
So Yuuri goes about his own games, gets to them and sometimes invites Phichit over the phone to play with him when they both have a spare minute, but he always notices the apartment going silent when Viktor retreats to his own computer. It’s nice that he’s finally having fun with something that isn’t his career, or Yuuri’s career, or anyone else’s.
He’s quite easily amused, as it turns out. Yuuri often hears him laughing to himself in the other room when he’s playing, and one evening while he’s taking a break from his own game he happens to catch Viktor in the middle of his amusement. “What happened?” He asks, coming up behind the chair with open arms, which Viktor welcomes with a hum.
“You made a joke.” He says, smile still left in his voice, and offers no further explanation.
Yuuri blinks. “I did? When?”
“Oh! No, in the game. It was funny.”
And suddenly, Yuuri thinks he should probably be worried.
“Vitya,” He starts slowly, coming around the side of the chair to get a look at Viktor’s face, “The characters speak gibberish.”
Viktor nods eagerly, “Yes, that’s right. But there’s patterns to what they say, and I researched it. They’re really saying things!” Yuuri’s encouraged to sit on his lap while he has these findings explained to him, and listening to Viktor ramble, proceeding to show him pictures of their in-game wedding, Yuuri can only think ah, of course.
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sweetscenes · 2 years
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 I find myself incredibly bored, and sleep isn’t cutting it so I’m gonna tell y’all some stories from my 10+ years of rping on various platforms! Buckle up everyone, let’s do this. 
 My first story comes in the form of me being involved in an ami.no rp, where I created a marvelous, detailed OC. I was really proud of this OC, and it took me several days to flesh out her character and her journey. She was a wonderful character, although I’ll never rp her again due to this incident. 
 One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when someone plagarizes or copies people’s writing, art, whatever. So, you can imagine my surprise upon finding out that one group of friends copied the ENTIRE amino. Like, legit took our systems, rules, aesthetics, everything. Now as someone who helped build this platform, including writing up a fair amount of lore and fun abilities, I was a little steamed. 
 But NOTHING could compare to someone literally copying and pasting my OC. They literally control A control c control v my character. The same metaphors, the same expressions, the same TYPOS were on the form. They changed the face claim and the name of the OC but otherwise it was EXACTLY my form. 
 They tried to claim that it was their own OC. Which it was not. That was wild, let me tell you. I ended up just leaving the dm, blocking them, and moving on. They were banned from the amino they copied, so like, lol it worked out I guess. 
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 Now let’s talk about the time I was bitched out by someone... because they liked me. 
 On this SAME amin.o, someone comes into my dms and starts talking with me. Chatting. We talk for a few weeks, and I noticed that she started modeling her aesthetics after mine, which, fine. Then she sought out the same abilties for her characters as mine. Which again, okay. 
 She’s always telling me how much she admires me, how much she looks up to me, things like that. I’m flattered, but eventually it starts getting kinda overwhelming. 
 Finally, one day, I wake up to this HUGE rant on how she admires me so much that she hates me. That she wishes she were me, because I have everything she wants. She ranted about how good I was at rp and creating characters and how she was so envious of my ability and said it wasn’t fair that I got everything. Like she went ON. 
 I think I was just like “oh sorry” before I moved on and never mentioned it again. 
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 One last story from amin.o. Someone created an OC. A rather peculiar OC. This OC was... 
 A kazoo. 
 Yes, someone wanted to roleplay a sentient kazoo. 
 Forged by Hepheatus and blessed by Aphrodite, this kazoo just wanted to be played and make friends with humans. It had feelings. It had love. It was something else. 
 We, of course, approved the kazoo. 
 If that wasn’t wild enough, someone’s character had BEEF with the kazoo. Like unironically. 
 I think the thing was that the girl that the person’s character liked was hanging out with the kazoo more than him, so the OC. (without the muns) permission, threw the kazoo into the water and described it drowning. 
 People then, before the kazoo was revived, held a massive funeral for said kazoo. 
 So there’s that. 
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 My final story for now relays the time I got kicked out of a roleplay because my character was causing unrest and problems. 
 But not for the reason anyone would think. 
 So I join a group of home.stuck roleplayers, we are doing a fan session. I make a human OC, and join in the rp where there are already three human characters. trolls have not be cast yet, which was fine, they wouldn’t be relevant for a while. 
 Anyways, I guess I made my character too likable because all of the muns of the human characters decided to have them all crushing on MY OC. My lesbian OC. It was the Wednesday love triangle before it even happened. Or i guess square? Since it was two dude ocs and one girl oc in addition to my oc. 
 Yep, this actually happened. 
 So people in OOC would get into fights about MY CHARACTER and how I should be shipping with THEIR OC. My character caused ship wars. 
 Eventually, the admin decided to KICK ME OUT, rather than telling the other three to get it together. Like “if you all can’t share none of you can have it” I guess? 
 I’ve never joined another fan.session. 
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 I hoped you enjoyed a small taste of the wildness I’ve experienced, and let me know if you want me to share more stories including the time an online friends tried to isolate me from my irl life, someone who thought I was a kin from the same source their kin was, the time I had to deal with a server wide crisis because the other admins decided to play a nasty april fools prank while I wasn’t online, or the time I became a relationship counselor for two people in their mid 20s. I was 16. And many more! 
 Until next time folks. 
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kamejapan · 2 months
souji and lucy are allies and lover but on opposing sides. nobody knows except them..or do they??
secret lovers, enemies, power rangers, heartbreak, mention of death, notion of being killed.
i tried but enjoy lol. if you want a happier ending i can make it lol.
“souji, you’ve been acting weird lately.” ian said as souji jumped in surprise at the other’s voice. “what do you mean?” he asked as daigo smirked. “you know exactly what he means. you’ve been sneaking around more and seem more..of a big boy then before.” daigo said as ian nodded. “i do not.” he groaned as the older two looked at each other with a laugh before letting him go back to his studies.
as souji studied, his phone rang and he jumped up in surprise, answering it and smiling as he spoke and moved to a different area where he wouldn’t be heard.
as he was talking, the alarm went off and he apologetically ended the call, leaving to answer the call with the others.
stopping and parking his bike, he quickly changed with the rest as they confronted kaido who had made a new monster with a laugh. “good luck kyoryugers! grand king seisho has blessed this five star general with his powers!” he said as he disappeared, the fighting beginning quickly as they all fought and daigo was flung by the monster kasmaru.
“one on five?” a female voice said with an irritated ‘tsk’ as she spoke from a distance, causing everyone to look around. “who are you?” amy asked as the female giggled again. “you’ll know in due time.” she said as only flashes of her sword collided with everyone and she struck their suits, causing them to become injured as kasmaru disappeared along with the voice.
everyone was tired out and trying to figure out where the sudden power had come from, souji keeping quiet the whole time. “she has to be their kid or something.” udo said as utsusemimaru shrugged. “maybe.”
the next day, souji smiled when he saw the person he was most excited to see waiting for him before the campus entrance. “lucy!” he shouted as he waved at her and sprinted to catch up to her.
“hello souji, nice to see you too. i take it my human form is prettier than you thought?” lucy said as he nodded and the two walked side by side to their first class, souji giving a quick tour along the way.
the two enjoyed the day together and even are lunch in the courtyard, enjoying the peaceful noise. “souji, when the time comes, if you have to injure me, then do it. my injury will be the only way you can actually defeat the four generals. it will also give me time to play dead and hide out.” lucy said as the male choked on his onigiri. “what? why?” he asked as lucy turned to smile at him. “i have always wanted to fight alongside my mother now that she’s good but my father is still evil. if you were to harm me and we make it seem that i was dead, my father would definitely awaken.”
souji was walking back to his place lost in thoughts as he continued thinking about what lucy had said. “souji!” daigo shouted as he looked up and stopped in his tracks. kasmaru was in front of him. “kyoryu change!” he shouted as he charged towards the battle and fought his hardest, pulling out his sword and hitting all the points he remembered from lucy.
“man, we can never have any fun, can we. kaido-nii, we need to find a new place.” she sighed as she appeared and sat on the rooftop of a building. looking up, daigo, Amy, yayoi, ian, and udo all gathered together in a small huddle, backs touching as they stared her down. “kaido is your older brother?” daigo asked as lucy nodded with a giggle.
“did you think i would get my hands dirty so often? my brother loves my dad more than i do so he’ll do anything to get him revived.” she said with a hum as she jumped down and snapped her fingers. “oops.” she said as the vines that came from the ground and wrapped around the rangers trapped them.
“finish them kasmaru. i want a pet dinosaur today.” she said as she walked away with a smirk, kasmaru swinging his whip and injuring the rangers once more before launching his money-greedo attack.
turning back around, lucy smiled and grinned. “actually, the green one. i want a dinosaur and a human as a pet.” she said before disappearing and kasmaru joy-whipped them until they unmorphed and were coughing up blood.
snatching his dino pill to transform, kasmaru happily walked away as he thanked souji who coughed his lungs out and watched in shock.
a couple days had passed and souji gained the attention of everyone. including luckyuro who was confused as to why he kept sneaking out. “souji? where are you going?” luckyuro asked as everyone looked at him in confusion. “to train again. i need to know how to beat kasmaru.” he said as he swiftly left, causing a suspicious daigo to look at ian who only shrugged.
once again, the gaburincho alarm rang and he ran out with the others, groaning at the false alarm. he spotted a note that looked familiar, walking up to it and grabbing it off the pole. as he read it, he crumpled it up and shoved it into his pocket, showing his response as the familiar scent of lilies filled his nose.
making his way back to the rest, he followed them back, grabbing his bag before leaving with a smile. “i have to go meet a classmate for a project.” he said cheerfully, throwing off the others from his overly excited demeanor.
he was worried about lucy though she told him not to be. he couldn’t help it. he liked her..way too much. he also wasn’t surprised that she had returned his dino charge after she had made sure things were in place to take down the never ending nuisance.
what he wasn’t expecting, was lucy being held down by kasmaru and another general he had seen. so when he was yelled at by her to not morph, he froze in place. “lucy, are you okay?” he asked as she nodded and smiled softly at him.
kasmaru kicked lucy in amusement who only grunted and glared at her older brother. “you know the ranger personally..we shouldn’t have sent you to human school. who knew you would become friends with him?” he spat at the female who looked away.
“souji! are you okay?” nobuharu shouted as souji turned and nodded.
lining up next to him, the rest were confused. “they have the female as prisoner? isn’t she on their side?” yayoi asked as souji closed his eyes and swallowed. “she is and isn’t.” he breathed, causing all heads to turn to him.
“souji, don’t!” lucy shouted, the male opening his eyes and looking at her. she shook her head once more, lips tightened. “no.” she mouthed as souji scratched his head in stress.
“let lucy go, it wasn’t her fault. it was mine.” he said as kasmaru’s human form appeared and he smirked. “you must really love her, hm?" lucy gulped harshly and souji breathed shakily.
"no response?" kasmaru asked as he had a blade pushed against her neck. "souji.." daigo said gently as souji tried to calm himself down. "nii-chan, leave him alone..just punish me." lucy said as kasmaru looked at the general next to him who nodded and shot a range of bullets at the rangers, who only jumped back and morphed except for souji.
breaking free from her brother's grasp, lucy turned and got into a battle with him, eventually getting slashed down. as she grasped her shoulder, she coughed and looked up at the elder who stopped all the battles.
souji looked at lucy, yelling out to her as she shielded herself and her brother in a bubble, their fight resuming as sparks flew between them. "lucy!" he yelled as she ignored him, striking her brother and dropping him to his knees as he used his powers to get lucy down to his level.
using his tail, he struck lucy who fell to the side, a loud grunt of pain leaving her lips as she let the bubble disperse and souji slid next to her. "lucy, lucy. listen to me. open your eyes." he said as he pulled the female into his arms, hugging her tightly before getting yanked away. "souji, don't do it!" lucy shouted as she saw him get up, her body dragged, then flung over the bridge by her own sibling who watched her body fall to the ground.
"lucy!" souji shouted as he grabbed his own blade and fought kasmaru who was surprised by the sudden attacks. the movement caught kasmaru off-guard as he realized the sword style to be his sister's amplified style.
eventually kasmaru and the other general died, souji not even waiting to get out the zord, jumping down quickly and running towards lucy's body.
as everyone helped him search for her, he grabbed the only thing he found. the bracelet he had given her. he sobbed loudly, daigo silently taking him back to his apartment as he cried and locked himself in the apartment for the next three weeks.
everyone had busted in to his apartment, stepping over the mess that they had seen, ian shaking his head as he cleaned the kitchen with nobuharu who chuckled gently.
amy and yayoi cleaned the rest of the house up as utsesimaru and daigo forced souji out to get freshened up.
they all had eaten and souji kept staring at the necklace in front of him, unable to take his mind off that day and his inability to fight without hesitation.
it had been another week, then a month, and then another.
finally, it had been three months since he watched his lover die. everywhere he went, he smelled lilies or even felt a familiar warmth that he missed so much. "why are you tormenting me?" he whispered to the necklace softly, kissing it as he put it on like a bracelet again.
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