#//is there probably one already? yea. i dont care though
pure-incense · 3 months
I have nothing better to do so I thought I'd make this for fun!
Psychic Type Themed Ask Game!
Hypno - Are you a light sleeper or heavy sleeper? Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?
Alakazam - What is, in your opinion, the best eating utensil?
Slowking - Do you find yourself more of a leader or more of a follower?
Mewtwo - What is your opinion on the master ball?
Girafarig - Do you have any siblings?
Celebi - If you could turn back time to change one single thing, would you? What would you change?
Xatu - Are you able to sit still for long periods of time, or do you just have to keep on moving?
Gardevoir - Is there someone you would do anything for if it meant keeping them safe? If so, who?
Medicham - Do you know any martial arts? Which ones? If you don't, do you want to know one?
Grumpig - Do you like to dance? Are you good at it?
Wynaut - Have you ever made a big decision without thinking too hard? What happened?
Solrock - Are you an Early Bird, a night Noctowl, or a secret 3rd thing?
Metagross - Do you work better alone or in a group?
Deoxys - Do you get sick often? Do you bounce back quickly, or does a common cold knock you out for days?
Chingling - Are you a loud person or quiet person?
Azelf - Are you a very driven person, or do you find yourself with very little motivation?
Cresselia - What's your favourite phase of the moon?
Gothitelle - Do you like star gazing?
Woobat - Do you like reading romance novels or watching romantic movies?
Sigilyph - Are there any important heirlooms in your family? Do you think they're as important as the rest of your family does, or do you not care much?
Elgyem - Sci-Fi or Fantasy? A mix of both?
Reuniclus - Do you like physical touch, or do you prefer to keep your distance?
Melloetta - What is your favourite song?
Espurr - What is something that makes you unreasonably upset?
Malamar - Do you like doing things conventionally, or do you think outside the box?
Hoopa - If you could visit anywhere in the world without having to worry about money or travel time, where would you go?
Delphox - In your opinion, would being able to see the future be a blessing or a curse?
Alolan Raichu - Pancakes or Waffles?
Bruxish - Do you like wearing brighter colours or do you prefer darker ones?
Oranguru - Do you prefer battles of strength or battles of wits?
Hatterene - Do you often find yourself bottling up your emotions, or do you let yourself experience them as they happen?
Indeedee - Do you see yourself as a helpful person?
Wyrdeer - Do you have any pokemon that you can ride? Have you ridden any in the past?
Calyrex - What's your favourite equine pokemon? (Rapidash, Mudsdale, Zebstrike, etc.)
Espathra - Are you a fast runner?
Rabsca - What is a trend you really think should be revived?
Remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog this from!
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tuxedokit · 2 years
For the anon ask game, I already told you this on anon. I have a crush on you. Should I tell you this off anon?
i,,, hm. i dont know
in the end itss up to you my dear
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jackmanbj · 1 year
sweet girls
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jack wasn’t home yet, he was on his way back from his studio and you’re cavings were up high. you wanted pickles and hot fries, but all you could think about was sweets, so you called jack
“hello? baby everything ok?” “huh oh yea j, but can you stop at the store and get me some candy?” “baby..you know the doctor told you to cut back on the sweets, i dont think i should..” “jackk is the doctor holding the baby or am i ?” “okay damn, what do you even want from the store” “pop rocks, gum, gummies, nerds, lollipops, laffy ta-” “okay forget it you’re not getting all that, pick 2 things” “jjj its for the baby” “mhm 2 things” “ugh fine gummies and laffy taffys.” “mk ill be there soon”
without another word you hung up, you knew he was looking out for you and the baby but you were still mad because you knew what was best for your body being as though you were the pregnant one, but jack didnt care. and even though you had your own car and money, jack hasn’t let you drive since even before you get pregnant and hes been extremely strict on the rule since you got pregnant.
even though jack hated you driving and he had your location, you still thought about sneaking out once he was back and asleep or in the shower, you were getting lost in your thought thinking about how to sneak out until you heard the front door open snapping you out of it.
“y/n? baby im home” you ran to jack kissing him and taking out your candy running back to your favorite spot, the sofa “damn i cant even get a hello?” you sided eyed him “no” you said eating your candy “whatever baby, im going take a shower” and you ignored him
you thought about sneaking out while he was in the shower but just thought about waiting till he was asleep so you could know he wasnt goin to see you eating the snacks
after about 35 minutes jack finally came out the shower his hair still damp as he walked over to you “hey baby” he said rubbing your bump you looked at him and walked away
he stood there confused until realizing it was probably about the candy “baby girl..you know i love you but you cannot have all those sweets, so stop acting like that.” he walked up to you trying to take your face into his hands but you just looked and walked away
jack just sighed and looked at you picking you up “come on, bedtime.” as much as you wanted to kick and scream for him to put you down, you didnt want to give him any kind of reaction
jack sat you down in the bed and went to the bathroom to run you water for a bath you got on your phone and laid down already knowing he was going to come back and get you, which he did.
“come on baby, i know you’re pissed but im still gon take care of you” jack lifted you up and brought you to the bathtub that had bubbles, candles, and your ipad with a movie on
“mm thank you”
“you’re welcome sweet girl, you done ignoring me?” you looked at him and looked back at your movie, he chuckled and left the room to go put new sheets on the bed coming back to check on you after a few minutes and helped you out the tub
once you were back in the bedroom in new sheets he put some lotion on you and his hoodie and gave you some boxers
you laid down and faked sleep till you realized he was asleep, you carefully got out of bed and snuck a pillow right were you were so he wouldn’t wake up form him not having you there
you left out the house in your pink G Waggon that hasn’t been used in about 7 months other then you just sitting in it, you left the house and quickly ran to the store getting all the snacks you originally wanted and more
when you got home you went to check ok jack who was wide awake on his phone you quickly closed the door hoping he didnt see you
you had two full bags of candy, jack walked out the room and took the candy bad out of your hand “what did i tell you ?” “jackk please im sorry i just want my candy !” “uhm no, you’ll get two pieces of candy everyday till its all gone, because not only did you go out and get the candy you aren’t supposed to be eating, you also drove alone and at night” “ugh i fucking hate you” “mhm go get in the bed” jack waited for you to close the door when he heard a loud slam, he was trying ti be patient but the slam was his final straw, he hid the bags of candy and walked up to the room
“y/n. why the fuck are you slamming my damn doors?” you looked at him and rolled your eyes. he sighed pulling your phone out of your hand and asking “why. the fuck. are you slamming my doors. when you don’t pay a single bill?”
jack never got this mad unless he was really upset and ready to go off so you decided to finally give and apologize
“mm i’m sorry baby, i just really wanted that candy i didn’t know you were going to wake up and i’m sorry about the door i was just upset cause you took my candy.. i love you baby boy”
“mm i love you to” jack gave you back your phone and you quickly put it on the charger and cuddle into jack “goodnight ma..” “goodnight j”
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rizzyu · 1 year
Hello there! :D If u dont mind, can i req platonic friendship hcs for luxiem? where gn!reader looks up to them as an older brother figure? +bonus points if they also have a chaotic personality >:D Have a great day~
Big-brother Figure HC
Pairing: Vox, Mysta, Luca, Ike, Shu x gn! reader
Category: Fluff, heehee haha funni
Warning: C h a o s .  
Summary: Platonic relationship with the Luxiem members :D
A/N: Hi hi! That is such as cute idea! I can already imagine the chaos before even starting to write lol Anyways thank you for the request :D
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Vox Akuma
He tries his very very very very very best not to bring in sussy conversations while you are around, since you're like his little-sibling figure
It's very fucking difficult for him to not straight up yell something like FORKIN- *** **** ***** ***, but he really R E A L L Y tries his best (c'mon you gotta give him some slack for trying this hard)
Even though you might already have learnt it from other Niji members (mr satan here might choke those specific members if he finds out)
But Vox also takes care of you very well
Like he'd go out of his way just to make sure you have the best meals every day
Overall, I think Vox would be a very caring but yet very protective big-brother figure
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Mysta Rias
You'd be making fun of him A LOT (like real siblings lol) and also pick on him specifically
Like in every roast tier list, Mysta's in the "bullied" tier, and you're the living proof of that.
Say if you're playing Crab Game, you'd specifically throw a snowball at him out of nowhere, causing him (using his webcam mic that makes him sound like he's in the middle of a damn hurricane) to scream like he's stuck between the fabric of reality and the backrooms
Basically like this: "WHAAA WHA%#%@"#*@ WHO THE %##*@/× FUCK ^@!~# DID&פ^#*!/£₩※THAT /£&&$)#(@#:"
And if Mysta is cooking, just like Vox his Mysta's cooking stream, you'd scold him for cooking in such uhhhhh c u r s e d ways
“Mysta, for the love of Riku Tazumi, by “pour oil into the pan”, doesn’t mean to fill the entire pan with oil.”
Overall, chaotic sibling-like relationship with Mysta :)
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Luca Kaneshiro
The most chaotic duo in NijiEN
You two would both pull pranks and say random deez nuts, ligma jokes to other members
Whenever you two take part in collabs (especially large ones), I can imagine you both causing so much mischief that everyone would be screaming your names while chasing you two who are laughing your butts off (I love his laugh it’s so goofy)
He’d teach you his ways of pogging
Say if you’re playing Minecraft, you two would probably place lava traps in front of the doors of every house, before hiding nearby to see the other members scream when they fall into the trap
Basically he’s gonna troll with you all the time :)
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Ike Eveland
Just like Vox, very caring but very protective
He really enjoys reading you the novels he wrote and making you caviar toast. Even if you dislike caviar, he (tries) to not be too disappointed in you lol
Ike also like to teach you how to write novels and how to speak some Swedish words
And usually when you did well when he’s teaching you things, he’d give you a headpat :3
Usually if some other members say something a bit sussy, broski would look d e a d into their eyes while having both hands covering both of your ears, before politely telling you to go somewhere else for the meantime. Then he'd threaten whoever did that in front of you.
I like it when he goes psychopath mode. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Shu Yamino
You’d definitely greet each other with “eyyyyyyyyyyyyy” everytime you meet lol
If you’re a smart person, you’d probably be talking about maths or something in the middle of a game.
“There are two boxes blocking that so if we double it we can cover the whole thing.”
 “Yea but there isn’t enough space to place 4 boxes there, maybe 3.46 boxes can work.”
“Seems like 3.48 would work better.”
“BUT IT’S JUST A 0.02 DIFFERENCE-” (made-up scenario lol)
The whole time chat would be spamming the nerd emoji 🤓🤓🤓
You, Shu and Petra would get along very well too, since Petra is like a sister figure to Shu
Happy penguin siblings :D
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werlikestea · 3 months
Well i havent posted in a while well, mostly because, i forgor
wow pretty busy really said fuck you f2p players
I didnt complain untill now so i think i can get a little treat
So ok prepare cause this will be a prob long post or just very well mostly negative about my whole expierence with this game because well I AM PISSED
So I acually first played this game around the time of its release (of couse because of the Leviathan Bath card lmao) but didnt like how the game looked like that much so i quit pretty much as soon as i started
Then my friend got me into it again and well i fell in love with the characters and the plot LITERALLY DONT JUDGE THE BOOK BY ITS COVER
And why am i talking about it well its because it was around the time of christmas gabriel nightmare pass and i was new so i just kinda didnt care about it back then
But now back to the present
so the whole reason im writing this is in the first place is obvs the nightmare pass
Like gabriel one, ppyong one i could live i was like ok it sucks but what can i do i can still get all the 7 kings eventually so thats fine
AND OMG ok i was like ok im pissed but its probably just the victory cards that will be in the nightmare pass right ?
both of my favourite characters in a row well how nice
Dont even get me started on how fucked the pricing of it is like i payed for battle passses in games before im not even a total f2p and i was acually considering doing the same here because i mean its a small company and i really like this game so i might as well support it well no. not with this price.
And not only are there no new stories, previous events are payed if u havent read them, oh and if u want to reread them well fuck you too
I honestly havent even read the belphie's event cause i just really dont feel motivated to do it
Maybe its just me but unlocking the character card stories is also a little hard because getting the BEGINNERS candies is just annoying even though it well should be the easiest out of all of them
And the story is what made me get into this game as much as i did
I think it was the first time a game was so perfect for me when it comes to story length, and amount (i tend to get very overwhelmed when theres a lot of content)(I acually quit playing genshin impact after 2 years because there was no skip button)
The 5 chapters, all the events, some of the character's stories i read were all so interesting and fun
and well now we get literally no new content
plus like thats very personal but i would have loved it if this game had some sort of a routine because i feel like everything is such a mess ?
like now we get 3 fucking nigtmare passes in a row, new characters and event are so random and the main story well it left to get milk
also when i say i play this game for the story i really mean it because the battle system is really not my cup of tea overall the game mechanics im just not that big of a fun of that
+just the fact that PB hates that we share content of payed cards with each other but also puts important lore in it just man be fucking for real
I log in everyday just to log in and get my 10 key pull from the pancake shop to feed my gambling addiction and maybe get that mammon or satan attacker cards cause they are the only ones i lack from the ones u can acually get from the standard gacha at the moment
oh and now they erased the free 10 pull from the store huh
well with how little red gems we are getting say goodbye to any gacha in a fucking gacha game
Oh and also i dont know if anyone noticed but now selling S tealeaves gives u 6 pancakes and L tealeaves gives you 9.
3 pancake diffrence. For an S character and L character.
oh and lower grades just dont give you anything really i have like around 14 milion gold and books so yea
and while i wont have that much of a problem cause i already have most cards,most artifact, almost maxxed out bloodshed beelzebub (not his skills)
But now imagine you are a new player trying to get into this game.
And you cant read events unless you pay, u can do the story but i mean u might finish it quickly or it might get hard if u cant get any characters because well doing any gacha at all just got 1000 times harder,you just see another nightmare pass thats just expensive af, oh and a new character comes out and you didnt get lucky with your one ten pull that u managed to get after weeks of working ? well u have to wait 3 months TO MAYBE get it in the standard gacha that well you might do once a week maybe
and so the low maintence game i loved in a span of a few days changed for much much worse
I will probably keep on loging in just to see if maybe anything changes but i dont have my hopes high
ngl with how it looks like rn i doubt even asmodeus for who i was waiting so much for will change my mind about this game
what i need them to do is honestly just bring back the whole previous pancake shop along with this new nightmare one i feel like for me at least selling tealeaves for the normal pancakes and then if i have a lot of it i can changee into nightmare pancakes and then maybe exchange it for some thing would be much cooler and honestly i just want my very easy ten pull back........
for the nightmare passes just make then like i dunno every 3 months even would be better and just make it so that its smth special not neccessary or just make it more affordable for players to acually afford
and i mean what im saying is just random stuff i havent even thought about it that much there might be better ideas for what to do but i honestly wish the best for this game and what is happening right now is just pretty much ruining it for not only me but most players i doubt only f2p, cause even if you pay for a game u need a reason to do it if the game doesnt provide then you might as well go to a diffrent one
Ok i think thats pretty much all there might be more i wanted to say but well i forgor and well im gonna get bubble tea as a treat prob......
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paingoes · 2 months
Destroyer is afk
another sherbet colored update. i really love simulating internet speech in writing i think its so fun
(Content: death mention, past trauma, self loathing, comfort??)
no posts in a month its over
they got him omg </3
Did indy fucking die?
ndhakdvsnnd: can you guys stop saying that im dead  ndhakdvsnnd: also no more leaks until further notice. stop asking.
sunspot: Hey you don’t have to talk to us if you don’t want to but can you please give us some indication you’re still alive? 
sunspot: We’re really worried.
katkittykat: omg look at this video :3
katkittykat: have u ever seen a shark move like that in all ur life that shit is so crazy
katkittykat: hey where have u been lololol
katkittykat: are u mad at me :c
katkittykat: if its somethin i did can we talk abt it ??? 
katkittykat: okk ur making me nervous 
katkittykat: OH SHIT UR BACK
katkittykat: WTF
ndhakdvsnnd: hey sorry 
katkittykat: bro where did u go!!!! D:
ndhakdvsnnd: had to travel somewhere i couldnt bring my laptop
katkittykat: im rlly glad ur ok! 
ndhakdvsnnd: do you want me to send you the next batch
katkittykat: uhh yea only if ur up to it. whenever ur ready :3c
ndhakdvsnnd: i can do it now
katkittykat: ty sweetness
katkittykat: sunny wants u to answer him lol hes having an aneurysm xD
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
ndhakdvsnnd: hi
sunspot: Hey! 
ndhakdvsnnd: kitty said you wanted to talk to me
sunspot: Yes I wanted to know if you were okay because we hadn’t heard from you in a while
ndhakdvsnnd: obviously
sunspot: ?
sunspot: Why is that obvious?
ndhakdvsnnd: how would i be typing if i wasnt okay
sunspot: That doesn’t even make sense ?
sunspot: I assumed if you were offline for a month it was because you were either upset or in danger
ndhakdvsnnd: maybe i just have a day job to worry about
sunspot: In that case it would’ve been nice to receive some kind of warning so we wouldnt think you were hurt 
ndhakdvsnnd: i didnt have time
sunspot: You didn’t have time to type one sentence?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay im sorry
sunspot: Look I’m not trying to lecture you Im just saying we were concerned and I wanted to make sure you were alright.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Everything’s really okay then? Nothing happened?
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont want to talk about it
sunspot: Alright.
sunspot: You know we care about you right?
ndhakdvsnnd: i didnt send a warning because i didnt know i was leaving until the last minute i didnt go by choice
ndhakdvsnnd: thanks for attacking me over it as soon as i got back though 
sunspot: Does it seem like I’m attacking you? 
ndhakdvsnnd: yes kind of
sunspot: I’m sorry then. I didn’t mean to.
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
sunspot: Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?
ndhakdvsnnd: i am just sad okay i am already getting yelled at all the time  i dont need to get it from you too 
ndhakdvsnnd: sorry this is stupid ill shut up
sunspot: No it’s okay! If you’re upset you can tell me that’s what I was messaging you about in the first place I had the feeling something was wrong
ndhakdvsnnd: are you sure
sunspot: Yes positive
ndhakdvsnnd: i just dont like feeling like everyone is disappointed or mad at me all the time i dont know 
ndhakdvsnnd: it would be one thing if i deserved it but i dont know i have been really really trying lately and it doesnt work and it makes me feel bad
ndhakdvsnnd: but i kind of deserve to feel bad so i dont know 
ndhakdvsnnd: im tired
sunspot: Why do you think you deserve to feel bad?
ndhakdvsnnd: a lot of reasons 
sunspot: I don’t think you deserve it.
ndhakdvsnnd: you dont know me though
ndhakdvsnnd: you wouldnt like me if you knew me 
sunspot: Well what I do know about you now is that you are risking your life and sanity to provide us information to help people.
sunspot: Just based on that I don’t think you deserve to feel so bad about yourself.
sunspot: I think the people you’re around are probably really hard on you and its affecting the way you see yourself.
ndhakdvsnnd: im sorry
sunspot: Why are you saying that?
ndhakdvsnnd: i dont know
ndhakdvsnnd: is it okay if i go to bed now 
sunspot: Goodnight! We can talk later if you’re up for it?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay gn
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sunny1616 · 6 months
Deluded Pt. 1
Matteo Riddle x Reader
Summary: You and Matteo have a toxic yet addictive bond. Both of you know it and can't help but feed into it further. But what happens when the limit is found and crossed?
Warnings ⚠️: toxic relationship, swearing, arguing
"Sttawpp Matteeo.. i have to get to class..." Matteo, has you trapped in an outdoor alcove at the courtyard. His hands bracket your hips, and his head is nuzzled in the sweet spot between your neck and collar bone. At your request for him to stop his perusal of your neck, he responds with a giggle that tickles you under your jawline. "This is no joke! McGonagall will kill me if i show up late for the third time this month!!... MATTEO IM SERIOUS.." You then brace your forearms against his chest and push off.
"Comme onnn. That old witch won't notice. Know-it-all-Granger takes up all her attention in that class. I know you dont want to go, so why are you wasting this precious, precious time?.." At the last two words, his face is back on the same sensitive spot. And you wiggle again with less will to end it.
"Ughhh, at this rate, we both won't ever graduate. Don't you ever take anything at least a bit seriously?" This was partly a jest, but you also wanted to know if Matteo had the right priorities.
"Why do you have to ruin the mood? Who the fuck cares about school? Both our families are loaded anyway. You could work at any department at the Ministry even if you didnt pass Divination. Besides, no one goes to classes anyways. Blaise, Crab, Goyle, and Theo- even Pansy doesn't give a shit most of the time! BE MORE LIKE HER AND STOP KILLING MY BONER" He ends with an annoyed exasperation. You just gape at his complete disregard for school. Sure, you weren't a stellar student, but you gave at least 60% of an effort. Better than 0, duh?!
"I dont want to be like all those people!! If i want to do something worthwhile after grad, imma have to learn a thing or two to be of some use. My mommy and daddys money can't buy that STUPID!!" Eyes wide, you think about picking up your bag to leave, but before you can reach down, he's already hissing again.
"Holy fuck... your such a fucking tease right now. Fine. Go. I dont give a fuck. You're not irreplaceable, there are 20 other bitches that'll gladly take your place with me right now over some dumbass class." He then frenziedly takes out a cigarette and lights it. Not even looking at you.
After a pause and a breath, you finally say, "Wow. How fucking fragile are you? You cant even go a minute without having your dick wet can you? Its pathetic... Im sorry that i have other priorities than you, a raging manslut!! And since you have 20 other girls under me, i invite you to go to them because im sooo fucking done with your ass. They're all probably waiting oh so patiently too for me to let you go. Too bad for them to soon figure out what a DISAPPOINTING MESS YOU ARE."
"Haha yea right. Let's see how you like it when you can't have me. You're gonna wish you had chosen differently. While i on the other hand get to finally HAVE SOME FUCKING FUN. GO DRY YOUR PUSSY OUT WITH MCGONAGALL AND TRY NOT TO GET RUG BURN WHEN YOU CRAWL BACK TO ME." You're already halfway across the courtyard and dont even turn back when you scream:
You sort of speed stomp across the yard to reach the hallway. Then quickly go to the changing staircase to get onto the right set of stairs in order for you to arrive to class on time.
Now that the nerves of almost missing class have subsided, you are now fuming about everything else. How could he say all those things to you? Though you know Matteo and what he's capable of your delusional thoughts creep in to ask; did he truly mean all those things? He won't actually hook up with other girls, right? Deep down, you knew the answer but still refused to trust it. Matteo is more unlike his father than he is like his father. But in regards to keeping true to his threats, you could say it runs in the family.
Author note: i hope yall are angry at Matteo. Hehe. Part 2 coming soon!
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doomed-era · 6 months
..gaffen and zeldas horses pre and post cal (including hylia brainworms)? names + personalities perhabs
hehe oh this might be long. because I . uh
drew all of them.
gaffen has five horses so. full slots in-game yea. non-"special" horses are sneaky, cheese, and epona! the giant horse is named pumpkin, and the white horse is named cloud, however he does not really consider cloud his horse. he also did the epona thing </3 i am taking a little artistic license with the horses because I want there to be different heights + builds for them uh yea. i used to be really into horses growing up so its my right. horse isle 2 babeeyyyy
sneaky -- mare, skewbald, 14.5 hh. I would say she's probably descended from horses that were already running wild around hyrule from before the calamity. I'd say her build is similar to that of an american mustang for that reason (short, very hardy. tho tbf I really dont think a lot of feral horses WOULDNT be like this. im just. messing around) she's gaffen's first horse, and his favorite one.
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she's about seven years old now? gaffen caught her when she was fairly young and very soon after he left the great plateau so she took to him very well. shes very gentle and intelligent, generally speaking doesn't know what to do around monsters. gaffen had to train her to not shy around them because she is not a fan and is kind of a coward </3 she knows a bunch of tricks like shaking hands and standing up on her hind legs, retrieving objects, and other stuff. she's very treat-oriented and will listen to anyone who gives her food. this actually led to a yiga kidnapping? once? yeah the yiga tried to steal her oops. her name is sneaky bc gaffen had to sneak up on her to catch her. very creative
epona -- mare, flaxen chestnut, 13.9 hh, about six years old. also descended from already-feral horses, though she may have a little farm horse that got free in there. she's the second horse gaffen registered!
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epona started just. following gaffen one day. this is presumably because she was bored and smelled food on him. she's a very bold horse, and not afraid of a fight. she also gets bored really easily, so gaffen has taught her several tricks as well. she really likes people, and is the most vocal of gaffen's horses. gaffen named her after a story he heard about chosen heroes naming their horses epona, as he didn't know the story when he found sneaky.
cheese-- stallion, 15hh blue roan. he's descended from horses used by the hyrulean military. he's got a very long, pretty mane and is very well-built, similar to an andalusian.
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cheese was named after his coat color and markings. he's around seven, and is gaffen's fourth horse. gaffen thought he looked like mold but the stable owner he tried to register him at (it was tasseren) said he wouldnt let gaffen name a horse mold. so he settled on cheese. cheese is generally a very sweet horse who loves attacking monsters. he's kind of annoying around people he doesn't know and will nibble on your clothes. but! he is a great jumper and people have asked gaffen if they could breed cheese with their mares once or twice. his favorite treat is apple horse treats that some stables will sell
pumpkin -- 23 hh mare, technically this coloration I dont THINK exists irl but the closest is probably a liver chestnut. she has the build of a shire more or less, and her bloodline is believed to be the result of an abandoned breeding project in the gerudo highlands.
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pumpkin is AGGRESSIVE. towards horses, people, what have you. the problem is she's very attached to gaffen and gaffen as far as hes concerned thinks pumpkin can do no wrong. she runs over things with no remorse. its not like she wants to she just doesnt care. gaffen thinks she was the matriarch of her old herd. she's a very proud horse and refuses to do tricks but she is very affectionate towards gaffen and generally listens to him. her favorite treat is endura carrots. she is the fourth horse gaffen has registered and is around fourteen years old.
cloud-- 14.2 hh white stallion, around nine years old. my god I did not want to make him white I wanted to make him a grey or ivory or perlino but nooo. canonical pink nose which means he's probably white ew ew ew. anyway he is based on an arabian horse, however I gave him feathering, he's kinda fuzzier than an arabian and he probably has a mane more like an andalusian. i love andalusians. but he descended from a special breed of horses called the hyrulean imperial breed! they're a hotblooded breed known for their intelligence and grace.
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cloud is the last horse gaffen registered, probably because it was so frustrating to catch him. unfortunately toffa was a LITTLE bit more picky in this au lets say. and didnt just look for a white horse but something with the breed characteristics of a a hyrulean imperial. so gaffen ended up catching several horses either sired by cloud or part of his herd that were a similar color. cloud, uh, well he hates everyone. he is wild as they come, very difficult to train, even for someone who likes training horses and had quite a bit of experience like gaffen did at the time. this was only exacerbated by hylia having recently popped into gaffen's head and insisting he give the horse to widget and train him properly, which only made him more angry at the horse. gaffen just. didnt really treat him well. to him, that is not his horse. cloud is a big fan of apples but he also likes sugar cubes-- basically anything sweet.
ok pre-calamity horses now
chestnut-- 15 hh mahogany bay gelding, 15 at the time of the calamity.
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chestnut is a horse that gaffen got from his parents when he was thirteen. it took him a bit to get used to riding but once he understood it and began to bond with chestnut he fell in love with horses. they're better than dogs, obviously. chestnut was basically the perfect companion-- he was trained very well for his job before gaffen got him and had a gentle disposition. chestnut, unlike gaffen, seemed to enjoy the company of just about everyone, and most stables gaffen went to complimented him on how well-kept and good-natured chestnut was. when the calamity hit gaffen ordered the boy under him who was responsible for the horses to set chestnut and the other horses free. it's unknown if the horse survived.
lily -- 14.2 hh white mare, around 5 years old at the time of the calamity. I DO NOT KNOW WHY WE CAME UP WITH THE SAME NAME </3 she is a hyrulean imperial
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widget did not like lily at first, and lily did not like her. though she was trained to be ridden without complaint by the royal family specifically the horse had a way of being annoying without technically going outside of the rules she was trained to follow. though some stablehands suggested she take some time to learn better riding habits widget didn't really care to do it as she had made up her mind that she didn't like horses and didn't want to put any effort into learning how to bond with hers. eventually, with some help from gaffen the Horse Obsessed Freak, widget does learn to like and work with lily and they get along fairly well.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
You may have already answered this: how does Draxum fit into their lives? He helps the turtles with the mystic worm so hes okay with them living with splinter, but does he actually know whats going on like would he care at all? He looks like the kind who would either be protective and help them out when theyre older or just pretend it isnt happening but idk
yea i think i did but here's the gist:
Draxum doesn't really know whats going on with Splinter and he doesn't really think about it as long as his Potential Warriors dont DIE and are being properly trained. he's not intentionally neglectful, he just doesn't really think about how they're being raised past being relieved that he's not the one who has to take care of them. He's generally unaware of the abuse and is uninterested in their personal lives until they're older.
he's one of those people who isn't good with kids and kind of waits until they're older to get to know them because of that. like he doesn't know how to converse with them as children so he's just like, a guy who shows up and tells them stuff and makes sure they're coming along well in their training and then leaves.
he knows splinter is probably a shit dad but he doesn't really consider how bad it must be for the turtles. once they're older and have unlocked their hamato ninpo, he's more interested in forming a relationship with them, which is hard because they all largely feel abandoned by him.
the one who first really throws himself into becoming a defender of the Hidden City the way Draxum wanted is Leo, and that's mostly because Leo needs to redirect his "you're going to save the world" destiny energy somehow. He needs to feel loved and powerful and he wants to be a good person, so he becomes a sort of superhero/yokai guardian figure.
whICH means that Leo spends the most time with Draxum in the future, as opposed to when they were kids when donnie would spend the most time with Draxum learning alchemy & magic shit. Sometimes it gets awkward and Draxum kind of realizes how much he fucked up by not helping to raise them heff, but otherwise he's not super involved with the turtles lives unless something big happens (like Donnie's attempted suicide, or a Big Fight happens he needs to be a part of)
he tries more to be a part of their lives when they're older though.
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listen, originally i was gonna post either this or a very angsty ask either next week or the week after since i posted an ask on monday already,but heres something i feel like elias may do :) (is it dad elias? probably, yea i think…)
contributing to the previous anons ask(not the rick roll one.. that shits funny im sorry lmao) about elias carrying hesh & logan in baby slings, i feel like he still does, but randomly, carries or hugs hesh, logan or even any of the ghosts to this day just not in baby slings of course. but the man targets logan.
why logan? well, the poor guys the youngest(son AND in the team, not to mention the second shortest besides kick, whos an inch or so shorter.), and is kinda light for a 6 foot guy(hes 170 ibs according to the wikis… i think half of that is pure muscle.), making him a perfect target for carrying/hugs. he doesn’t mind it… some days. some days he just accepts defeat and other days, this man SPRINTS away and does anything to not get carried or hugged. (i like to think he doesn’t really like physical affection. also think of this— merrick(i chose him and i dont even know why.. brains not working well rn) drinking coffee in the afternoon to then see logan SPRINTING away from an elias whos running after him and later tackles him to the ground or face plants into a wall cause logan made a sharp ass turn)
logans suffering does NOT end there though, cause elias’ tantics go onto hesh, then later keegan, and the list goes on…
(hesh on the other hand does not mind it at all and enjoys when his dad does that. feel like that man LOVES physical affection.)
(also regarding my last ask: dont worry about not responding to my ask on time ! i was pretty fucking tired writing that so dont worry, we all get tired :).also, i live in the est timezone if ur wondering if we are indeed living in the same timezone :))
—🎧 anon
Laughing at me being Rick Rolled, how dare! (Joking)
Elias for sure saw that post where it was like "One day your parents put you down and never picked you back up again." so he vowed to himself to pick his boys up at LEAST once a week if not more because that shit hurted him. INCLUDING the Ghosties. Even Merrick. Mark his fucking words.
Half the time when Logan runs he's playing, and the other half he's serious and will wail like an angry cat when he's caught. Elias will back off if he realizes Logan's serious but that's usually after he faceplants into a wall. He will then goes and takes out the affection on Hesh, who is entirely too happy about it. Big goofball.
(Timezone buddies, hells yeah. And don't worry about sending multiple asks a week, send em daily for all I care lol.)
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stellarunimoon · 5 months
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im so scared right now. this is the first time ive posted on here in a WHILE so my artstyle is :skull: completely different. i plan on revamping this whole uhh profile. ill still keep up the artwork though so my growth can be visible :- )
so this is a part of my blue diamond au i was doodling. i dont plan on making any comics or anything just some little silly pictures cause i like that kind of thing.
so i kind of felt like keeping all their previous personalities, i dont like when they take after the one that they were replacing, but thats just a personal preference. im just gonna infodump lmao
yellow - since shes more of an easily aggrivated one and has a superiority complex, i thought instead of controlling gems like white does, she could paralyze them, so the finale keeps its effect while still being in character. her pearl is still the same, likely a different outfit or form though, i havent decided yet.
pink - she's still childish and tempermental, but it's more forgiven due to her rank, and it's less because of her responsibilities. her old pearl, pink pearl, was still given to white, however white also already had a pearl. she just has two now. ( it is not our regular pearl, its a new one with a new design ill give. ), she's probably the one who needs them the most, and they will NOT be controlled, pink pearl will just be rejuvinated and given a new form <3 more on that later. our pearl does not exist in this au, or she does, i guess, but since our pearl is just the "default" settings, i feel like THIS pink would give her a form that actually matches her, and due to the different style of her being raised, she felt less remorse for damaging pink pearl. still remorse, just less so due to her desensitization and her having to shatter gems with her role.
white - this was mentioned in the artwork but my handwriting is sloppy so ill repeat it. she controls all the gems in her court, because she wants perfection. this includes the gems of different colors, for example.. our peridot, our peridot WILL be a different gem, and she'll probably be a light pink naturally, white when controlled. during future all of whites court will be freed. these gems are controlled from screens, like the ones in yellows room in SU:F. most of her gems remain idle until necessary, but her pearls would assist her in controlling them because. That's a lotta work. she likely has a lot of different gadgets to figure this out cause, yeah, the gempire is big but . . i made this up like an hour ago so cut me some slack.
blue - blue will still be emotional, and that's likely a causation of her rebellion. her pearl is the same as hers in the canon, she did not hit her like pink did. their relationship is still toxic, and like rose in canon, she was trying to change. she just failed. while pink affected the gems because she didn't realize the power she held, and never finished what she started ( spinel being abandoned... she's a little freak for that honestly. also commanding pearl to stay silent, (i don't think that was intentional, i think she just felt like it was a normal request, and didn't realize how much power she still held. that could be debated though cause "for my last order to you as a diamond"..) i think blue affected them emotionally. guilt tripping, self pity, and 2-D thinking. blue was probably more prone to shattering, but would also be very hypocritical. she could not see from the rebel gems perspective EVEN THOUGh she's trying to recruit them. to her, she just wants to win.
anyways that was what i was thinking lmao i kinda just made this up #Sorry
i only drew banded white agate because i did "random steven universe character generator" and it was like "holly blue agate" and i was like Yea Sure im down.
thanks for listening if you did. if not i dont really care i mighjt just add do this IDK WHAT IM DOING!!! this is probably just gonna be a doodle account for my different fixations. (except saw i dont like drawing real people. yet.)
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Hello there! It has been way too long since i updated you guys on how i've been doing, and i've probably only got myself to blame on this one. But i have FANtastic news to share! (get it? Cus i'm fan? Genious, i know.) I finally managed to get a job! And a decent one this time, no more cleaning mediocre school halls for me! (Horrayyy!)
So this entire hiatus hasnt been for nothing, i've been very hard at work finally being able to persue the thing i love the most, writting! Now i can officially call myself a journalist instead of an amature blogger. The self-improvement sure is real, love to see it. Sadly, I am constantly restricted from putting my heart and soul onto the paper in favor of transmitting what could be classified as useless information to whoever is bored enough to watch the news. And that constant restrain has made me miss the days of the good ol' Fan blog, so i guess you could say that's the reason i'm here. I've missed writting whatever i want to without the need to always double or triple check my work, its fun to not worry if every single word i type fits into my current streams of thought and stuff like that. But you don't wanna hear about all of that do you? You wanna hear about the funny stories! The authentic work experience i have gained! Atleast i hope so, because if not then youre probably in the wrong blog. But if that IS what you came here for, bluckle up bukaroo because im about to tell all about the working woes and friendly foes!
First off the job aplication process was VERY off-putting, my 2 future bosses took care of the interview and they asked... odd questions. They were also always a little too...rude. But thats ok! Nothing that i havent already handled. On the job i have met some interesting personalities such as suitcase! (I was given permission to state her name, duh) suitcase is very kind and funny, but she also has social anxiety, which is weird considering she is one of the few reporters we have, the type that usually goes out, interviews others and deals with harsh weather conditions for some reason. Suitcase is always busy going from one place to another so she can grab the needed fotage, and since im normally the one who writtes her scripts, i get to go with her sometimes! The news channel utilises this totally not ominous and cramped mini-van to cary all of the needed equipment and people. Surprisingly enough, my supervisor is the one who drives the van! She's quite chill, her voice is so smooth that i have to stop myself from yawning when i'm around her. Dont get on her bad side though, i once saw her almost yell at our make-up artist. Speaking of that, they both have some weird relationship going on, i genuinely have no idea if they are friends or enemies and at this point i am too scared to ask suitcase about it.
Working there is pretty chill, i tecnically dont need to phisically be there but hey, a bit more of social interaction wouldnt hurt. Besides, i wouldnt have met suitcase if i only sent my scripts via e-mail! So its a win-win! What else do i have to say abt work? Hmmm.... oh yea! I have a funny story to share!
On my first few days, suitcase told me that the make-up artist was an extreme chatter-box that preferably likes to "spill the tea" on everyone. But if you've been following this blog for a while now, you'd know that im not really good with understanding these types of frases, so for the longest time i thought that this guy actually spilled tea on people on porpose. (he looks really refined, so i just assumed he would be the kind of guy to like tea) So i, being extremelly cautious to not get tea on my lovely red paper, avoided him for like 5 days straight! He eventually caught on and complained to suitcase about it, she then told me so, and i explained my conundrum to her. After she explained what the frase actually meant, we couldnt stop laughting! I never actually apologised to the guy, i sure hope he doesnt hold grudges!
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thdrama2 · 3 months
752548443753496576 - yea its probably incredibly unhealthy, but I don't care, I mean, I'm on a drama blog, pretty obvious I don't care. but easily accessible nsfw opened me to grooming, normalized it, so when adults began being sexual to me when i was younger i didn't bat an eye, it was just so normal to me.
Now the experiences from being groomed and exploited have left me deeply fucked up. I can't work a full time job, I can't go to a store, I sometimes break down crying from anxiety just walking to get my mail or to take out my trash, I have anxiety attacks undressing for a shower, all because I was groomed and used and it was nsfw left in the open that helped normalize it and left me vulnerable to those experiences. Its a pathetic and miserable existence to live. Its an existence I wish onto no one because it often feels so impossible to live through everyday.
So if I have to suffer what will always be less than what I've already suffered through to help prevent future generations from dealing with what I did, with what I still deal with, thats fine. Its not really that honorable of a thing, reporting unfiltered porn all the time on a dinky stupid oc website but its important to me, its probably not this important to anyone else though.
And honestly if the admin ever approached me for mod duties I would probably say no unless its to just do what Im currently doing without need of reports. I dont want to have everything else piled onto my plate cause i don't care about anything else, dont share the same passion for other parts of mod duty i guess.
Replying to this.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
believing in female solidarity and class conciousness and sisterhood while dealing with western feminists is actually a nightmare lmao
im so tired of making an effort, i truly am. im so tired. im tired of feeling like i have to teach Basic Empathy and Caring abt Others and Class Conciousness 101. im tired of being the only one whose making an effort in this relation. im so tired of it being the case that its only the westerners who lose their little marbles over whatever feminist points i may be be trying to make, and they somehow don't understand the irony in them prepetually calling so many nonwestern feminists fascists or whatever the fuck else. yes yes, indian feminists are just stupid for trying to ban pornography and surrogacy, please enlighten them. south korean women are just evil brainwashed bitches, that's why they're radical separatists - south asia in general having a separatist and radical wave is for no reason whatsoever theyre just nazis lmao. african feminists, so many of them, are white supremecists for not exactly parroting your western bullshit, yup yup this makes sense. islamic feminists are "suspicious" lmao for the language we use in our writings (analysis of material reality). lets completely ignore that the feministms of the nonwestern world call for the abolition of prostitution. balkan sex trafficking victims, which are most prostitutes and child prostitues in the west, spending years speaking out against all this and trying to change laws? naaah we know nothing, we dont know nothing at all, the well of westerners who have no idea what theyre talking abt will englighten us abt that, while calling for the death of women who dont agree with their sex work bullshit lmao. we also have a bad habit of joking abt unifying and killing men and killing sex tourists, we should probably stop that bc its real offensive and scary to the westerners too
all this god damn endless performative sharade about LiSteN to WoMen of CoLour and LisTen to ThIrd WoRld WoMen and liSten to NonWeSteRn WoMen and poOr woMen and SeX TrAffIcking ViCtiMs (wait nvm they dont even say that now, bc only "sex workers" exist to them, ever) et fucking cetera. yea lmao. they dont actually give a shit about marginalized women though
god help us. how the hell is the cognitive dissonance of this whole situation not hitting them exactly? with. literally basically any other feminist on this planet but the liberal/mainstream westerners you can hold an actual conversation and discourse and understand each other. everyone but them and their postmodern brainrot understands this is a class struggle and understands the root of the opression of the female sex. "ThErES nO UnIvErSalLiTy BetWeEN wOmEn" just shut it already jfc. the fact that we can have international conversations on our struggles basically already proves there is - its only you who cant get what planet youre living on, with the endless relativity and individualism and choice and language politiquing and patriarchal bootlicking
i know, because ive been doing it for years. and ive been watching the feminist movements of the nonwestern world for years. i also know the only reason why on this blog i Can actually for the most part say things without being crucified is bc most of yall arent western or white or both
and apart from the ones who outright lose their mind or feel incredibly comfortable speaking over you or talking down to you - dont rly know how they havent choked on the entitlement yet -maybe they're just fucking lost and too far gone. but. even the rest. who are less hostile or just privileged and dont know better. im just tired, just tired.
the internet is chock full of the opinions of nonwestern women on feminism. the internet is chock full of the accounts of sex trafficking victims, of child prostitues, of prostitutes, of experts on human trafficking. its fucking full of it. and its on tv, and sometimes in newspapers. god fucking damn it so much has been written on this, so much has been done on this, so many efforts movements organizations documentaries whatever the fuck. spains laws were changed by our trafficked women but somehow its like this fact doesn't exist to the westenrs, or the have the gull to explain that, actually, they're wrong.
it is of absolutely no pleasure of me at all to educate the western "feminists" on shit they could educate themselves on in approximately 10 fucking minutes if theyd bother to do a google search and give a shit, actually give a shit and maybe, for fucking once, realize theyre not always right and the center of the world. its of no pleasure to me at all to have to keep my cool and be nice enough that whatever i say isnt just dismissed, because if youre too fucking angry over god damn sexual slavery you're just an evil crazy irrational bitch. im tired. whatever the hell i say has been said by so many before, so many times, for so long, but its like its been said to a wall or yelled out into space
sometimes i wonder what the hell we must even do for it to even matter. rationality and calmness hasnt helped. anger hasn't helped. detailed accounts of what its Actually like to be trafficked or a child prostitute or a prostitute or a sex slave, havent helped. we have bore our pain and sorrows and trauma and soul and so often it doesn't mean a single god damn thing to them. what. what needs to happen. should we just start having mental breakdowns and screaming our throaths raw infront of them? no, they will not care or understand even then. should we show them what the sexual slavery of children actually looks like - except wait, theres undercover journalism and documentaries and accounts written on this. it matters not. it matters not. Whats next? Interpretive dance?? What else we got, should we maybe just start trying to communicate through telepathic waves?? i wonder if some of them are simply doomed to be deaf and blind and unfeeling
im tired of making the effort, and im tired of reaching across the isle hoping that at least some of them can change their minds and give a shit and open their eyes to whats actually happening, and how detached their "feminism" is from the rest of ours. im tired of having to explain to the western women whose ideology is responsable for, lmao, our peoples sexual slavery, that this shit is real bad, and lmao in actuality imperialism, but having to do it nicely enough while They are x30 times more hostile with Me. lord. if youre going to call me a fascist and cancel me irl, if were just throwing words around, can i just start calling them slavers? except thats not going to get us anywhere, except no matter how many times i want to just snap, i know that doing so as badly as i want to to their face isnt going to get anything done
. and.what choice do i have, really? i cant simply leave the western feminists to their bullshit. because what they think becomes law in their own damn countries and then affects us, it becomes international law as well because it is their country who lead the international community. the bullshit that they think, actually, unfortunately direcly affects us. and not only that, but it affects the women and girl-children most vulnerable and opressed in their own countries, whom are still our sisters whose pain and saftey i am concerned with. so i cant just leave them to it, and there is little choice then to not educate, or not try to at least try to reach across the isle. theres little choice but to have the hope that some of them can care and understand, and that some is better than nothing and worth it and a start..... even with how fucking tired and fed up i am and how i wish i wouldnt have to keep bearing my god damn suffering just so theyd get it, im still. frankly so willing to do it with someone who is actually willing to listen and change. i dont believe in canceling people forever, and i have the hope and knowledge that changing one persons mind is a ripple effect, for then they change anothers mind, and on and on
i just wish. theyd at least meet me halfway. im tired of making the effort to still see them as sisters and women whose struggles i care about, while for the most part they could give less of a shit
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
i just had this pop into my mind and had to share with someone, please bear with me♡♡
what if one day ian decides to go to a therapist, its his first visit probably a couple weeks maybe months after the wedding and he comes back home and tells mickey about it
he gets into the kitchen, kisses mickey and starts talking after a single "how was it" from his husband, thats all he needs cus hes been thinking the whole session over all the new information settling in his brain, things he already knew and a lot of things he needs to look into. as is always the case with ian, when hes excited/emotional about a topic, he gets really into it, and though this topic is a bit bittersweet to him, it's also really interesting. the different approaches the therapist told him about, the sheer variety of therapy types he needs to do some research on should be overwhelming, and it is a little bit but its also fascinating to him, and so he tell mickey all about it. starting with the therapist and how the meeting went and going into the technicalities of therapy types and so on. It's a lot of information, but ian knows mickey will hear him out even if he talks for a long time.
except mickey isnt exactly listening, not because he doesnt care (he cares a lot and will ask ian questions about everything later) but cus his mind is wandering around admiring how hot ian looks all passionate and sexy. its always been so attractive to mickey when ian talks about things hes interested in, especially if he knows a lot on whatever topic hes talking about. mickey is not a weak man, but when ian gets like that, he's a lovestruck idiot that still can't believe he gets to spend the rest of his life with the redhead.
and so mickey only gets back to earth by the end of ians story
'(...) yea, so she said i should try looking into cbt, ya know?'
mickey freezes for a second, he might not know a lot about the whole therapy thing but cbt is definitely a term hes accustomed with
"... you mean like the torture?" he asks eyebrows high on his forehead.
"no, like the thera- wait, what do you mean torture?!" ians now looking at him like he grew a second head.
"well, you said cbt, right?" ian nods warily, not certain where his husband is going with the sentence "...cbt stands for cock and ball torture, no?" as mickey finishes his sentence he can see his husbands eyes grow wider. fuck, he shouldve been listening instead of daydreaming this is definitely not what ian was talking about.
"mickey, honey, you think my therapist would recommend cock and ball torture as a form of therapy?" the redhead looks at him incredulously but theres no condescension or pity in his voice like there could be if someone else was explaining something to mickey and he didnt get it. it was teasing, not in a mean way just the usual teasing they were both so familiar with, the way that came with smirks and goading each other on and ended in very hot sex (especially if it was mickey being bratty).
"i mean i dont know, maybe itd help or somethin'" he was smirking now too, his husband approaching him slowly and pinning him to the counter.
"you werent listening at all, huh? what got you so distracted that you couldnt even listen to your husband?" they were face to face, ians hands steady on his hips.
thats all i got jdbcjd but i imagine it would end with ian punishing mickey for not listening (in a sexy way ofc) and then afterwards theyd actually talk about the therapy and ian would explain to mickey what cbt stands, besides cock and ball torture jdbxj
ohoh and mickey would totally check out all the different therapy types when ians not home/not around him, partially cus he wanted to know more about what therapy would be like for ian but also cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into
okay thats actually all i wanted to say, i hope you dont mind the lengthy message from a stranger i just really love your headcanons and this is the first one i had in a loooooooong time and km pretty sure its thanks to you so yea jdbdj just wanted to share and say thank you♡♡♡♡
Hello my darling! Welcome welcome!
We support Ian and Mickey getting the professional help that they need in this blog!
I agree that Ian will just wait for the tiniest que from Mickey to start blabbering away! I feel like when it comes to Ian’s mental health it’s not like him for Mickey to not be in focus, you know? I mean, Mickey is still human, with eyes that can see his gorgeous husband, so it does make sense. Just a bit out of character.
Hahaha not Mickey thinking cock and ball torture might be a treatment for bipolar disorder 😂 I wonder if he would have gone with it if there were studies to back that theory up. I think he loves Ian’s dick so much that it would make him sad to hurt it.
Ah cocky Ian back at it again! I LOVE it when Ian catches Mickey flustered and teases him about it. There’s some switch in Ian’s brain that flicks and he goes into his dominant mode. Mickey triggers it by accident all of the time.
cus hes thinking of getting a therapist himself and mickey is nothing if not thorough so he obviously needs to see what hed potentially be getting himself into -> yesss! Mickey deciding to go to therapy. I always love to read people’s headcanons about how he chooses to tell Ian about it.
lengthy messages from a strangers are my favorite! (You don’t have to be a stranger though) always tell me your headcanons please! I love hearing them 🖤
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Hello omori and hxh fans
[ Spoilers for omori later on ] 
Hi!!!1! I just decided to make a bunch of hxh x omori sprites for my funny little fusion au idea because I really like hxh and omori both
so here are the sillies
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His name is KIRA. I might change it later on but for now it’ll be KIRA since i couldnt rlly decide on another one.
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Alluka!111ww1weeewe ue she is like the best ever in here. She’s mostly like DW Aubrey and a bit of Kel as well
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Her litle sprite
I don’t know what to do with nanika but I may put her in there somewhere. I don’t want to make her scary/bad in the story because shes not
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I havent made neutrals for leorio/kurapika yet but here !!! I made it for a little interaction. I decided that since in omori theres not much of an age difference, that kurapika will be 14 in the past and leorio will be 16, and later obv 18 and 20.
Alluka is still 11 and Kalluto is still 10 though, as well as killua and gon being both 12 in the past (14, 15, 16, 16, 18, and 20) 
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I made the text boxes and stuff with my art and this excellent dialogue generator it was very fun.
I havent made gon or kallutos dw sprites yet but...
[ Major omori spoilers & tw for death/suicide ]
ok so here we get into the nitty gritty of the story, so if youve played/watched a playthrough of omori you know what im talking abt...
so in the story, sunny accidentally kills mari and basil watches. If you didnt already guess, Killua is supposed to be sunny, Gon would be mari, and basil will be kalluto. 
Killua moved in with gon a month prior because he was old enough and his home situation obviously isnt the best (a lot of trauma with his parents and illumi which in the hikikomori route would go much in depth to) and since they lived together more they got into more fights. 
One day, Kalluto was over and Killua and Gon got in a big argument. Kalluto was speechless and they wanted to interfere but couldn’t as they saw their brothers face. Killua was getting really agitated and pushed Gon down the stairs accidcentally. 
Idk what the argument will be about specifically... I don’t know if i hsould have them do a performance or not like in the actual game. I also dont know what they’ll do with gon after they find out hes.. yk.. dead... but it’ll probably be a staged suicide as well, as that makes the rest of the group feel even more conflicted. Especially Leorio, who thought himself a bigger brother figure to Gon, and Kurapika, who feels guilty about often relying on Gon to comfort him instead of comforting Gon. 
The scene....
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The last box is more or less a reference to the scene in the truth sequence where there are a bunch of hospital beds and if you interact with them it says “This person is not alive.” or “This person is not breathing.” Ifg but yea.
Speaking of the truth sequence, instead of collecting photos, you collect scraps of ripped paper from a drawing of the truth by kalluto. Instead of taking photos, Kalluto likes to draw/do paper crafts, and instead of a photo album, they have a sketchbook for drawings relating to their friends.
After gon dies, Killua obv isolates like sunny in the game, but Mito is more involved in taking care of him unlike sunnys mom.
I think there will be two somethings, one being the bitterness of gons death and gons spirit being twisted into a sick innocent... thing, and the other being illumi’s... well basically everything illumi told killua about himself, and killua being convinced that it’s true.
Alluka tries to be positive, and is the one to get Killua out of the house, and sticks up for Kalluto when they need it.
Kalluto really wants killua to like them, and is now scared of him and feels like his burden. Theyre often anxious around him and Killua tries to repress any bad memories, so he doesnt interact with Kalluto when they see each other again much at all.
The zoldyck household is not a very good place to be in any case for Kalluto and Alluka. Illumi left, luckily, but their parents were still as harsh (transphobicc...), and often say theyre glad that their friend group seperated. Alluka learned to stand up for herself and Kalluto in this environment because Killua wasn’t there anymore. (Kalluto Basil parallels -- you came back to save me)
Kurapika also isolates but in a different way. He isn’t a hikikomori, and he goes outside a lot, but hes closed off emotionally. He stopped caring about school, so he didn’t even bother looking into college after he graduated. He pretends that he doesnt know his friends, which isnt very successful with Alluka or Leorio, but it really hurts Kalluto. When they try to talk to him, he’s very passive aggressive.
Kurapikas home life isnt great. He was orphaned at 12 years old, and his relationship with his legal guardian, Izunavi, wasn’t too amazing at first, but begrudgingly by the time he turned 14 they got along. Everything reverted when Gon died, however, as he stopped talking to his caretaker as well as his friends.
So hes kind of like real world aubrey in the way that he becomes prickly towards his friends, but he doesnt join a gang.... There would def be a ‘it means everything’ like scene and also a breakdown scene where Kurapika breaks down and apologizes to everybody, especially Kalluto who isnt there if were going like the sunny route plot. 
Leorio is at college!!!!! and going to med school obv.. I think he would have always wanted to be a doctor unlike hero, so in dw maybe he would have a SYRINGE AS A WEAPON HELP. But anyways he feels so guilty about gons death like gon was like a little brother to him, and he was so young. So he was definitely depressed like hero was/is. Alluka consistently visited him (and tried to visit kurapika and killua to no avail) before he left for college, and she helped him become less depressed. He wants his friends to be happy again and will do anything to make sure nothing happens to any of them. 
He notices especially how different Killua, Kurapika, and partially Kalluto are, and he is the one that really helps Kurapika open up after everything thats happened. He’s not sure how to talk to Kalluto and Killua about it as much, though.
...instead of garden sheers, kalluto has scissors... 
anyways thats my infodum p..... bye keep being silly
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