#and regulus being a bitch
ninety-two-bees · 6 months
this is it. this scene sums up inertia jegulus perfectly
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fiasco95 · 3 months
Barty, barging into the Gryffindor common room: What’s up losers!
Sirius: Wh—
Barty: I actually don’t care, don’t answer that!
Remus: That—
Barty: Anywhoo! Am just here to collect my bitches!
James: Hey—!
Barty, looking at Pandora & Dorcas: Respectfully.
Barty, turning to Regulus: Disrespectfully.
Marauders & Friends:
Barty: Alright, great talk! Let’s go bitches!
Pandora, Regulus & Dorcas kissing their respective partners and following Barty out of the common room.
Marlene: …What the fuck just happened?
Lily: No fucking clue.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Starchaser where James is the snobby popular guy who could date anyone he wanted bc everyone trails after him all the time
People are expecting him to go for someone like Emmeline (most popular girl in the school) or Lily (an actual genius obviously) or maybe just mess around with as many people as possible just because he can and there would be nearly no repercussions
So when Sirius finds out that he is dating Regulus- who'd always had trouble with social cues, especially when so many people expected him to be a perfect pureblodo son, and was always a bit mean and proud when he was talking to people because he was never taught otherwise, and didn't really stick out at school because he was a bit more of a recluse than many other Slytherin purebloods and was 'very good' at school but not a Barty, Severus, or Lily level genius- he can't help but be so happy
Because despite James having so many people he could date, he fell for the one person everybody else would be disappointed about when they heard. And Sirius KNOWS it was NEVER a matter of James pulling out the name of an adoring fan from a hat. He knew he'd have had to connect to Regulus, see past the bitter cruelty of his mask, break down his walls, and earn his trust unwaveringly before he was able to ask him out
He knew that his best friend had settled for who he wanted instead of who everybody else wanted him to want, and he knew that his brother got to know what true care and understanding felt like from somebody who had so much to give
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11 years old Regulus: I hate you.
12 years old James: You're cute.
Regulus: I hate you.
James: Love you too.
That's it.
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yourgalgremlin · 2 months
SIRIUS: It’s brat summer.
REG: Then why are you being such a bitch?
JAMES: Now work it out on the remix 🎶
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adharastarlight · 11 months
sirius, running into reg's room in panic: reggie!!! something terrible's happened!
reg: what!? whats happened!? are you okay!?
sirius: I've run out of black nail polish
reg: ...
reg: I was worried, you prick
@literally-the-prettiest-star you're an ass
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ultravioletbrit · 7 days
“pain” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 289 words
Regulus is coming back from the bedroom after grabbing a jumper, but as soon as he steps into the living room he feels a sharp pain in his foot that travels up his leg and sends a shiver through his entire body.
“Fucking hell!” He yelps. “What the fuck?!”
“What happened?” James quickly stands up to get to Regulus.
Regulus hops back and looks down at the floor and sees a blue Lego on the carpet. He glares at the Lego then shifts his glare to James.
“This is your fault.” Regulus growls at him.
“How is this my fault? I didn’t put it there.” James tries to hold in his chuckle as Regulus rubs his foot. Regulus is being a little dramatic.
“Fuck, that hurt worse than a Crucio.” Okay, Regulus is being a lot dramatic, James thinks as he bends down to pick up the Lego.
“Not funny.” James tells him when he stands back up.  
“I wasn’t being funny.” Regulus says and James gives him a stern look.
“Fine, it hurt almost as bad as a Crucio.” Regulus huffs and James narrows his eyes at him but walks back to the coffee table.
They both sit down on the floor and James puts the blue Lego on the table with the others. Regulus crosses his arms and continues to glare at the offending Lego.
“Regulus–” James starts.
“I don’t want to build anymore.” Regulus pouts.
“Reg, you can’t take it out on the entire set just because of one piece.” James tells him.
“Fine.” Regulus says reluctantly after a moment as he pushes the blue Lego over to James. “But you deal with that one.” He says, still scowling at the Lego.
“Okay love.” James smiles fondly and slightly amused at Regulus’ dramatics.
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galaxostars · 1 month
“where else did he want to run to when he was scared besides right here?”
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extract from a scene in Hide Your Fires by @starsworth
I am still in pieces since that hug ✌🏻
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Summer camp AU, part 28!!
July 28th <3
Trend - @jegulus-microfic - words: 806
First part Previous part
"What the fuck are they doing?" Regulus snorted as he watched a group of teens whip their phones out, standing them up clumsily against a tree as they practiced dances to the most god awful songs Regulus has ever heard. "Is that supposed to be trendy?" 
"I see you're feeling extra bitchy today." James ruffled his hair for the nth time that day, Regulus pretended to hate it, he huffed and rolled his eyes... yet neither of the boys seemed convinced. He loved it actually, a feeling of closeness that he would never admit to, but it was there nether the less and It made him love James even more.
Fuck, when did that come into the picture?
He shook the thoughts out of his head, peering up at James and scowling, ignorant to the blush on his skin and the glint of something new, something lovely, in his eyes.
"I'm not being bitchy." He scoffed, playing a mocking tone on the last word as he raised both eyebrows at James - who, clearly not intimidated by Regulus' theatrics, laughed. His sweet, echoing, mesmerising laugh. Regulus did sometimes wonder whether that laugh was just a hoax, a trick, luring him in and preparing to break his heart and leave him in shambles on the floor, drowning in his own blood and tears because he did this to himself.
There's always a voice at the back of his head that repeats that whenever James so much as looks at him. He tries to ignore it, push it away, but he can't always do that. He wants to love, to trust, to live, is that so hard?
"Sure you aren't Reggie."
Rolling his eyes, he felt a twinge of pain in his ankle. He’d had some pain in his foot since he tripped on that walk yesterday, it wasn’t awful, but still not pleasant. Reaching down to rub it slightly, he felt a bruise forming on his lower leg as he spun his ankle around.
"Are you okay?" James' voice converted from his once teasing tone to a now caring, cherishing, loving one as he ducked his head to try and see Regulus' face. "What's up?"
"Think I hurt my ankle yesterday." He mumbled.
James grimaced. "Let me see." Regulus obliged, lifting his leg and draping it over James' lap so the other man could get a better look. Soft fingertips brushed around his ankle, softly pressing on the hurt part of his leg. Shivers and strung up pain ran up his leg, but all he could focus on was James. "Does that hurt?"
"A little." 
Lifting his hand closer to his face, James checked the time and looked back at Regulus quickly. He was absentmindedly stroking his hand over Regulus' leg as he spoke, or maybe it was on purpose, either thought made Regulus feel things he really shouldn't be right now.
"Well." James coughed. "We need to leave in about two minutes to walk the kids back to the cabins." He spoke, a smile growing more prominent as he spoke. "Might have to carry you back." He winked.
Regulus felt a startled laugh leave his mouth, he shook his head fondly and attempted to bite down his smile as he scolded the older boy. Though it wasn't really scolding, it never was, Regulus just lectured him and James seemed to enjoy it for some sick reason that he's not going to think too much about. "For one, I can walk." He started. "And you would not be able to pick me up." Regulus snorted as he climbed up from the bench to prove that he could actually walk himself.
"Oh I bet I could." James drawled with a suspicious smile as he stood and followed Regulus away from their previous seat.
"I-" Before he could speak another word, James swiped him from his feet, hauling him over his shoulder with an embarrassing scream mixed with a laugh as James held onto his thighs. "James!"
The older just spun him around, laughing along with him with a sure sunlit smile on his face. "You were saying?"
"Put me down!" He hissed, still a smile couldn't wipe itself off Regulus' flushed and aching face from how much James made him feel, the smiles, the heartache, the fondness - every single bit of it. "James Potter I swear-"
James only trudged forward, patting Regulus' legs as he did so. "Nope, I'm carrying you back now."
Regulus wanted to retort, to yell at him and kick him - but then again he didn't. He only laughed and pressed his head into the lower part of James' cinnamon smelling t-shirt, god he even smelled like he could light up the world with one single laugh, or smile, or touch alone.
Love... Regulus thinks back to a mere few minutes ago.
This is it, isn't it?
Next part
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
yall im gonna say it
i dont think sirius would actually be that pissed about jegulus...
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breeistired · 8 months
*Sirius finding out about starchaser.*
*Pointing at James*: BROTHERFUCKER
*Pointing at Regulus*: SON OF A BITCH
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the0d00r · 2 years
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lilyofthevalleyys · 9 months
Regulus: How much was your spotify listening minutes?
Dorcas: Uh 57,502 minutes
Regulus: Weak
Regulus: *proudly flashes his 300,000+ minutes*
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James: Well, I think he's flirting with me.
Regulus: *scowls at him, scoffing, then walks by*
James: See?
Remus: *why do I even*
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yourgalgremlin · 4 months
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Regulus: If you don’t let me destroy that VELCRO WALLET w/ fire right now, I’ll go full Walburga Black on your ass.
Regulus: That’s not a threat it’s a promise, bitch.
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superfallingstars · 5 months
6 and 7? lol
thank you for the ask!!!!
choose violence ask game here!
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
gotta be wolfstar purely because of saturation and overtagging. i tend not to like the characterizations of sirius and remus when they’re put in a relationship – imo they're often ooc and also there’s some weird gender things going on (more on that later). but i suppose jegulus also has to be up there purely because i just don’t get it and again it seems like it’s SO popular. not only is there not a lot of canon to work with for either of their personalities but also what do james and regulus have in common other than sirius. like just make james kiss sirius. silly
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i’m not sure if i really hate any character tbh… of course i have my favs, but honestly any character can become interesting the longer i think about them. i think i most recently had this realization with regulus who for the longest time i did not care about (literally i rewatched the movies last summer and they started talking about him and i was like. who the fuck is regulus i don’t remember any regulus. i legit completely forgot about him). now after spending one (1) very caffeinated morning pacing around my room talking to myself about him i think he’s quite a compelling character. but i wouldn’t know that from the way fandom treats him (just some guy who james is gonna smooch i suppose! much to the chagrin of SIRIUS oh sirius just hates this whole thing cuz it’s his BEST FRIEND and his LITTLE BROTHER and they’re gonna KISS oooo isn’t that so crazy)
i also hate basically all forms of fanon remus (twee bookish softboi who only wears sweaters and is just sooo sweet and kind and would never hurt a fly uwu vs. tough troublemaker casanova of gryffindor tower… and idk man i feel like the latter characterization of remus has also led to people making sirius more feminine in the context of wolfstar which is just like. hmmm why does this version of remus necessitate fem sirius 🧐 look within). but that said, nothing could truly make me hate remus, he’s my pathetic little failchild and i will always woobify him and his anxious avoidant deadbeat dad swag
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