#and he goes ‘ummm i used to play music all the time’ and i was like. yes. and i always had a headache. i just didn’t say anything
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mannnnn the problem with not bringing up an issue because you don’t want to inconvenience other people. is that when you can’t deal with it anymore and you finally tell someone, they don’t believe you
#my coworkers have been giving me shit for months bc i don’t ever have the radio on#yesterday someone else was in here and she had her music on and so today my manager made some comment#and i was like. listen man i had a horrible headache yesterday because the music was on all day. so im not going to turn it on#and he goes ‘ummm i used to play music all the time’ and i was like. yes. and i always had a headache. i just didn’t say anything#because everyone else seemed to like it. but if i have control of the computer im not going to turn the radio on just to make you feel#better about the Vibe in the room lmao. you’re not in here a lot anyway.#idk why there’s this idea that music on = people are happy#maybe it’s just bc i’m very sensitive to noise but music on for more than an hour or two means i will be a massive bitch
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Thank you so much for all your wonderful metas - I enjoy them a great deal. I hope I am not going over old ground here, but I have just finished your defence of Aziraphale's choice (which I agree with 100%) and it has prompted me to ask your opinion of the following:
Having witnessed the Metatron impose upon Aziraphale's good will and impeccable manners and endless sense of obligation with a sodding coffee, WHY did Crowley allow the angel to leave with this wily, manipulative being?
Now, admittedly, Crowley did get to his feet and follow them briefly (after being on the receiving end of that terrifyingly pointed glare from the Metatron) but is immediately distracted by Muriel and thoughts of breakfast with Aziraphale.
This is the same demon who is never still. Always wary, always on guard, always patrolling. Yet, after that ridiculous coffee conversation, after Aziraphale looks to him for direction ("Ummm.."), after that glare, he just waves the angel off on his way for a chinwag.
I actually wrote the scene out so that I could "see" it differently, but it did not help me come to any conclusions.
I would LOVE to know what you think.
Sorry. I wittered on a bit there. 😊
Hi @vernajarrett 💕 Thanks for reading & asking! I'm happy to chat about what I think is going on in the moment Crowley acts like a pod person and Derek Jacobi's character gets all that Big Damn Villain Music in the score. I've got the coffee brewing. Oat milk and a dash hefty jigger of almond syrup? 😜
To answer why Crowley is acting so massively weird during the part of 2.06 that you mentioned, we have to start a little before it with the arrival of the last visitor to the bookshop in S2:
a character played by Derek Jacobi:
When the last new character to arrive at the bookshop door in S2 first arrives, we are down to six other characters in the shop. Five of them-- Aziraphale, Muriel, Michael, Uriel and Saraqael-- are angels and the sixth character-- Crowley-- is a demon. Upon the arrival of Derek Jacobi's character, all five of the angels fail to recognize this person. This is a true shock to us because we think we know who this is, right? That's The Metatron.
We know what The Metatron looks like; we've seen his head quite dramatically huge and in our face on several occasions. We feel qualified to say that if Sir Derek Jacobi shows up it must mean that we're looking at The Metatron. What we tend to ignore is... well, everything else that happens here lol... all of which says we are incorrect about this.
First off? All of this is just (entertainingly) weird: The Metatron is a floating head who thinks himself above humanity but he's here now in a body on Whickber Street. He abhors food but he's stopped to get a coffee at the shop and have a chat with Nina. We first spotted him outside by Mrs. Sandwich in line-- is there a more incongruous place you would expect to see The Metatron than that? lol. It makes it very engaging to watch but these are also the first clues to suggest that something really odd is afoot here and when this character goes inside the bookshop, we really get that sense hammered home by the fact that this being we thought we had correctly identified really easily is unrecognizable-- to not one, not two, but five characters on our show, all of whom should instantly know exactly who this person is.
It's at this point that I'll mention that we technically still do not know who plays Satan on Good Omens. The first time he appears, he possesses Crowley by speaking to him using the voice of Freddie Mercury-- so, Satan is being played by a voice actor doing Satan-as-Freddie-Mercury. The second time he appears-- in 1.06-- he there for Adam, who is eleven years old at the time. Satan appears as a gigantic, cartoonish, cliched-red-with-horns-and-hoofs monster, voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. It is completely at odds with how GO usually does its more horrific and frightening elements. You could argue that Satan appears this way in 1.06 because it's how he would appear to Adam-- to an eleven year old boy. Everyone sees Satan as Adam sees Satan when Satan comes for Adam. A parallel to that would then be the arrival of the character played by Derek Jacobi in 2.06.
Why can't these five angels identify the person who just arrived?
It has to be because they're angels. It's the only thing Aziraphale, Michael, Uriel, Muriel and Saraqael all have in common.
They can't recognize the being at the door because they're angels; meaning: they're not familiars of The Devil.
This is not The Metatron. This is Satan:
You might notice that one of the angels-- Saraqael-- eventually catches on. What they do is another huge clue to who this is. If Saraqael's realization was that this must be The Metatron, they would have spoken up and said that they recognized him, if only to suck up to the boss. But they do not so that is not their realization...
Instead, they don't say a word. They look afraid, look Up, fold their hands together and start to pray. Since this being is obviously one of them and not human-- based on what he said to Michael upon his arrival-- Saraqael has figured out that if they, Michael, Uriel, Muriel and Aziraphale all cannot recognize him, it has to be because this is Satan.
Saraqael doesn't tell anyone else what they've figured out. They just start praying in case it's their number that's up today. The irony of all of this, of course, is that three of these angels who can't recognize the face of evil-- Michael, Uriel and Saraqael-- are honestly pretty garbage people themselves and also that there's not much of a difference in level of evil between The Metatron and Satan. But, technically, Michael, Uriel and Saraqael are angels, just as Muriel and Aziraphale are angels. All it really means in this case, though, is that they've never been thrown to Hell and, because of that fact, they cannot recognize Satan. (It also helps to illustrate how being cast to Hell is political and doesn't really have much to do with whether or not you're a terrible person. It's just who has gotten caught while getting in The Metatron's way.)
Demons can recognize Satan, though. The problem is that they also can be possessed by Satan and influenced into not even knowing he's there... which is what starts happening to Crowley upon the arrival of Satan in the bookshop.
Satan can make Crowley's words sound natural and of Crowley's own volition-- and then make it so that Crowley doesn't even remember saying them. This is why Crowley is acting weird when "The Metatron" is in the same room with him in 2.06.
We've seen something like this a bit when Crowley put Sister Mary in a trance so he and Aziraphale could ask her questions back in S1. Sister Mary really looked like she was in a trance and that's because it wasn't really necessary for either Aziraphale or Crowley to instruct her to act any differently. They were the only other ones around and they weren't manipulating Sister Mary's behavior in an attempt to use her to influence other people-- they were only seeking information from her. How she acted when giving them that information wasn't something they were terribly concerned with because it didn't really matter.
When they had all the information they thought she possessed, Aziraphale brought her out of the trance by telling her that she was now awake and had just had a dream of whatever she liked best. As he and Crowley are walking away, we see Sister Mary seem like she just woke up a bit from actual sleep and she looks calm and refreshed-- like she really did just have a dream of whatever she likes best.
In that moment, Sister Mary is unconcerned with the fact that such a thought is completely incongruous with the fact that she is standing, dressed in work clothes, in the hallway of her workplace. She does not remember the two people who were just there asking her questions or what they asked her. She believes she was dreaming because that is what Aziraphale told her to believe had happened.
The point is that while Sister Mary didn't know she had been influenced like this and could not remember what had happened while she was being influenced, the effects of it remained a little afterwards, as she continued to believe what it was she was told while under the influence. Aziraphale's instructions to her were comparatively pretty innocent-- he told her she had a great dream so she continued to believe that to be true. Satan in 2.06, on the other hand, is not telling Crowley that he just had a dream of whatever he likes best.
Satan possesses Crowley from the start of the scene, accounting for Crowley's quiet and stillness in the early moments of it. He not only tells Crowley to identify him as The Metatron to Aziraphale and the other angels but he makes Crowley believe that he is The Metatron for real. He tells him to make it sound natural when he tells the angels who he is so that they will believe it. That's why Crowley doesn't sound like he's in a trance, the way that Sister Mary did in S1.
I want to throw in here something else, too, that's kind of a foreshadowing/paralleling scene to this as well that comes a couple of episodes prior to this one we're talking about and that is... whatever the fuck exactly was happening to Gabriel in the "tempest" scene.
For the record, I do not believe that it was Satan possessing Gabriel in that scene. I actually think it's some witch-related stuff--I swear the voice speaking with him is Anathema-- but I bring it up even though we don't know what this is totally all about yet because it has some paralleling things that we can already see are relevant.
First off? Where Gabriel is when this happens:
He's sitting in Aziraphale's desk chair. I'm not trying to say the chair itself is spooky (though it is as a result of all of this? lol) so much as I'm saying that both Gabriel and Crowley acting weird and taken over while sitting in Aziraphale's desk chair (which is very much symbolizing Aziraphale) is one of the many things reinforcing that Aziraphale is falling because here are these two characters who parallel him the most-- the two, other most important characters in the show, arguably, and the two also living in the bookshop in S2-- and they're both falling victim to darkness while sitting in his chair.
But what I really want to point out here is what happens to Jim after his possession. Watch Gabriel's eyes at the end here:
There are a few seconds more as well in the show when his eyes resettle on Crowley. Gabriel disappears entirely while he's being possessed. He is speaking words that Crowley can hear and that Crowley recognizes as coming from Gabriel's voice... but when Gabriel blinks back into the room and looks at Crowley, he has no idea what just happened.
He doesn't remember what he just said. He isn't aware of the fact that someone was just possessing him. He feels a little disoriented and anxious-- which is also sort of Jim's default state in S2-- but what we and Crowley witnessed him saying? He has no idea about that. Shax shows up outside the bookshop and causes a distraction that keeps us and Crowley and Gabriel from sorting all of this out until S3 but Gabriel's expressions on the other side of his possession indicate that he has no idea where he just was mentally, what he just said or did, or that someone was in his mind. This is another scene emphasizing this aspect of possession on Good Omens-- no matter who is doing the possessing. The exact same effects of possession is what is happening to Crowley in 2.06.
So, Satan uses Crowley to identify him to the others as The Metatron and makes him believe that he is The Metatron to cover up the fact that he's been in his mind. Crowley has no idea that Satan has been in the bookshop. The moment this becomes clear, though, is the first one you mentioned in your ask, which is when Crowley really confirms for us exactly who Derek Jacobi is playing by doing something so wildly out of character that it's almost impossible to justify without considering the idea that he's being possessed:
encouraging Aziraphale to go somewhere alone with who he believes to be The Metatron.
Next time you're watching this scene-- and GO, in general-- look for where the music stops altogether. There are moments in GO when the score just ceases to exist entirely for a period of time so that we can hear the words that are being said without any distractions. I've found that scenes where this is happening are usually pretty pivotal, either from a wordplay perspective or a plot perspective or, often, both. There is basically no music in the whole scene in which "The Metatron" appears to have arrived at the bookshop.
The score disappears upon "The Metatron's" arrival and it only returns with that big bit of organ-y "DUN DUN DUNNN" villain music right at a pivotal point in the scene you're talking about:
The music comes back at exactly the moment that the camera holds on "The Metatron" as he is staring at Crowley. Why here?
They really, really want you to notice this glare that this person played by Derek Jacobi is leveling at Crowley. We already don't trust this character if he is The Metatron and he's been nothing but a dick since he arrived, really-- he used "demon" to refer to Crowley, he called Muriel "dim" (he can rot for that alone), and he was a total prick to Michael and Uriel. As awful as they are, no one should be spoken to like that. No one-- including most of the audience-- sees this as being extra-villain-y because this is just how The Metatron is so it's expected behavior from who we might think this character is.
So, to show us who this really is, they can't just rely on us noticing that he's in a dark coat and tie (why is he in Hell colors?!) or that he brought along a temptation coffee or that he uses language from Mary Poppins ("spit spot") when speaking to the angels. All those are clues, for sure, but the moment the music comes back is when the show is trying to give us the biggest of the clues to who this really is-- when the scene is structured to show us that he is attacking Crowley.
Because this isn't actually The Metatron glaring at Crowley; it is Satan giving Crowley instructions to stay put.
It's why Crowley doesn't follow them afterwards and continues to believe that The Metatron was who was in the bookshop-- even as Aziraphale has figured out who it really is. Look at Aziraphale's response here and you'll see that this is one of the scenes that suggests he is pretty damn sure this is not The Metatron:
Aziraphale's head whips over to "The Metatron" in response to what Crowley said because he knows what the only explanation for that response out of Crowley is. If you are looking at "The Metatron" while Aziraphale is still turning his head, you can see that he's still staring at Crowley because he was instructing him to tell Aziraphale to go and to not come with them. Satan pastes on a fake as fuck smile when Aziraphale looks at him but it's actually too late-- Aziraphale already knows what's going on. He just doesn't want Satan to know he knows.
Aziraphale knows that there's no way in the universe that Crowley-- who was so worried about danger yesterday that he escorted him to, like, Arnold's Music Shop and Mrs. Cheng's restaurant lol-- would ever just chill in the desk chair while Aziraphale went somewhere alone with The Metatron.
The Big Damn Villain Music shows up after "The Metatron"'s fake smile to Aziraphale. It is in the exact moment that he looks at Crowley again and finishes the instructions he was giving before Aziraphale turned his head. It's because this is one of the biggest clues to this character's identity-- who can do this to Crowley? Satan.
Based on the scenes that follow, Satan here is telling Crowley something like:
You will not follow us. He will be back soon. Everything is fine. I was never here; I am The Metatron. Aziraphale is not in any danger. Stay where you are.
This scene-- the one highlighted by the music-- where Satan is silently giving Crowley directions is the one most like the time we see Satan possess Crowley in 1.01. It has a similar effect for a moment, which is probably why the music kicks in here as it's the best way to remind the audience of who can do this to Crowley and how.
In that 1.01 moment, there was no one else around and Satan was not possessing Crowley for the purposes of having him speak to influence someone else's behavior. Since he did not need Crowley to speak in the scene, Crowley does not. He is silent and still while Satan speaks in his mind and gives him instructions. We see that Satan can take such full control over Crowley that Crowley is trapped within himself. He can't speak, he can't scream, he can't move-- so, he can't drive the car and his connection to the car is shattered to a point that The Bentley is almost in a head-on collision with a truck. This is our introduction to the level of possession that Satan has over him-- all contrasted with the fact that Crowley is supposed to be on a date with Aziraphale in the sushi restaurant. This is all coming back around in 2.06.
Its return is also foreshadowed by this Shax bit during the bookshop attack... Crowley missing when he's supposed to be safe with Aziraphale and Aziraphale worried that Satan has Crowley because the demons are circling and Shax... who exists to get inside people's heads a bit... as if echoing Aziraphale's thoughts, says:
Shall we send up the sushi?
After all... do we really think that a season that spent all that time on whether or not actual demons (representing a person's inner demons) were going to be able to get into the bookshop (symbolically, Aziraphale, and Crowley & Aziraphale) is going to let those demons into the bookshop and then just... decide Satan is on vacation for the week? Or do we think that it's not coincidental that the offer Aziraphale is presented with also happens to be the one thing in the entire Universe that could ever tempt him to Hell?
Hmm... 😉
Anyway, back for a moment to the scene in 2.06 when Satan influences Crowley into staying behind and telling Aziraphale to go with "The Metatron"... The undersung thing in this scene, imho, is Aziraphale's reaction.
If Aziraphale really believed this to be The Metatron with 100% certainty, he could have responded to what Satan just made Crowley say by pressing this idea of them going for "The Metatron's" proposed stroll. He could have said aloud to Crowley: "why don't you come with us?" or he could have told The Metatron that he didn't want to go for a walk and why didn't they just sit here in the bookshop instead and anything The Metatron wanted to say to him, he could say to him and Crowley together? If Aziraphale really completely believed that this was The Metatron, he could have-- and would have-- tried either of those things or something like them in response to what Satan made Crowley say.
Instead, what does Aziraphale do?
He *immediately* starts for the bookshop door. Why?
Because he knows that Crowley is not speaking of his own free will and that the person he identified as The Metatron is, in all likelihood, actually Satan. Aziraphale immediately starts for the door because Satan will have to follow him out, since he was the one who proposed this stroll. Aziraphale abandons the idea of Crowley coming with them when he sees that Crowley is being harmed. Instead, he goes alone with Satan, immediately luring him out of the shop so as to get him away from Crowley.
He leaves the bookshop with Satan to protect Crowley. It also foreshadows the fact that he's going to fall over a temptation that is related to Crowley's safety.
Look at how Aziraphale looks back to make sure that Satan is following him and quickly... how nervous and shaky he looks. He would be nervous if this were The Metatron, sure, yes, absolutely. In this moment, though, he's just living one of his worst nightmares-- the bookshop that he built that protects Crowley has been overrun and Crowley has been harmed right there in front of him.
This is their house. It's their living room, where Crowley's lounged for thousands of nights. Crowley is in Aziraphale's own desk chair. This is supposed to be the place where they both feel safe but now there is no safe space so Aziraphale is doing the best he can in the moment by just responding intuitively and protectively by saying with his actions: Get away from him. Follow me. You can have me. Leave him alone.
So, they go out, right? What happens next but the other scene you mentioned in your ask: Crowley and Muriel.
Crowley gets up out of the chair basically the second Satan and Aziraphale are no longer in the shop because Satan's hold on him in that moment is gone and he probably unconsciously needs to move, since Satan was literally not letting him get out of the chair. This is where the weird behavior gets even more weird-- Crowley doesn't follow them. He literally watches from within the shop through the window for a second as Aziraphale leads "The Metatron" over to Marguerite's. Why doesn't he go after them? Because Satan told him to stay in the shop. Just like with Sister Mary believing she had been dreaming, what Crowley has been influenced by Satan into doing lingers with him gone, since he was instructed by Satan to stay in the shop until Aziraphale gets back.
Crowley paces a little circle like a caged tiger, going back further *into* the bookshop-- a totally normal response to his partner going for coffee alone with a murderous psychopath. He mutters to himself:
"They'll be back soon."
WHAT. THE...? How is there anybody who thinks this behavior is normal at this point?
Crowley turns around and Muriel is there. He jumps a bit, having forgotten they were still in the shop. So did the audience, honestly. This may or may not be significant in S3. Muriel being there in the background, blending into the walls during this scene also means that Muriel is now maybe the only character who could actually tell Crowley what happened during the scenes we have been talking about here because he doesn't remember anything involving what he said.
If you were to ask Crowley at any point from the time "The Metatron" and Aziraphale leave the shop on in S2 who identified "The Metatron", he couldn't tell you. If you were to tell him he told Aziraphale to go with "The Metatron", he would not remember doing that. He has as much memory of the words he spoke in the scene with "The Metatron" as Gabriel does of his "there will come a tempest" moment-- which is to say, none.
Crowley knows that Aziraphale has gone with The Metatron and that they will be back soon. He doesn't know how that came to pass and he has been rendered by Satan incapable of leaving the shop or considering the idea that he should follow them.
If the being at the door is Satan and if Aziraphale's fall is where we left the end of 2.06, Aziraphale could lose his memory, at least for a time, which means that the only character who was a reliable witness to Satan influencing Crowley in this scene is Muriel. One purpose of having them in the shop during these moments from a writing standpoint-- as opposed to sending them over to Nina's coffee shop earlier-- might be to set up a character in S3 who can tell Crowley what it was that actually happened here. (Lucky Muriel lol.)
As you pointed out, Crowley starts speaking to Muriel casually, as if nothing is going wrong. He tells Muriel that they should leave the shop, too, and Muriel says:
The Metatron-- really: Satan-- did tell Muriel to wait in the shop but he did so just by pretending to be The Metatron. While there's no possession there with Muriel, Muriel's line to Crowley is also emphasizing what actually just happened to Crowley himself to the audience. "The Metatron" has told them both to wait in the shop-- so, they are waiting in the shop. They're both following directions they've been influenced in different ways to follow. By Muriel saying that they've been told to wait-- even if they were told in a different way than Crowley was-- it suggests that following a directive is also the reason why Crowley himself is still in the shop.
Crowley's response to Muriel, though, makes him sound like he's back to himself-- and, in several ways, he is. He is remaining in the shop because of the influence but he is not currently under an active influence so he can say what it is that he chooses to say. When he's a little sarcastic with Muriel, it sounds like his normal speech because it is. What he doesn't understand is that he's been influenced to do the same thing Muriel has been-- to wait there in the shop-- just against his will, as opposed to Muriel's conscious decision to follow the directive.
Here's where we have to consider Crowley's audience when we talk about what he says next. Crowley likes Muriel; of all the angels not named Aziraphale that he's met, Muriel's definitely top of the list. That said... Muriel is still an angel who is desperate to please The Metatron, as they just proved to him again in this scene by being excited to have been singled out to assist who they believe to be The Metatron. Muriel whole thing is that they're an Inspector Constable; they are literally the (supernatural) police and Crowley wisely doesn't trust the police.
Crowley has no doubt that, after Muriel does leave the shop, that they'd tell The Metatron anything he said. Crowley actually does believe that Aziraphale is in big trouble because he doesn't trust The Metatron-- he's just been rendered incapable of realizing that he's staying in the bookshop because he's been instructed to do so by Satan, who is really the person with Aziraphale in that moment. As a result, Crowley's mind has jumped to a plan for when Aziraphale comes back from coffee with whom Crowley believes is The Metatron.
Crowley has no doubt that Aziraphale will come back because he's been influenced to believe this to be true, which is why he keeps saying "they will be back soon" and "when Aziraphale does come back", instead of being terrified that Aziraphale will not come back at all, which is what he normally would have been if Aziraphale were alone with The Metatron. It is, in this case, going to be true that Aziraphale returns because that is part of Satan's plan and one of the reasons why he influenced Crowley into believing so.
So, anyway, Crowley thinks the big threat is The Metatron potentially erasing Aziraphale into non-existence by deleting him from The Book of Life. This isn't actually a thing, as Crowley told Beez back early on in the season, but Beez, being horrified to realize that they might have been manipulated by something they themselves and Crowley made up ages ago, doubled down out of embarrassment on it being real and led Crowley to believe in its existence as a result. Crowley has spent the season terrified that Aziraphale is going to be made to have never existed. The plan he's cooking up to save Aziraphale from that fate-- which is what he thinks is going on-- is not one he wants to share with the police. It's not one he's going to say aloud in front of Muriel because that might as well be saying it to The Metatron, as far as Crowley is concerned. We won't actually hear Crowley's plan until he delivers it to Aziraphale in coded speech in The Disaster Kiss Scene and by that point, everything is going, um, really, really badly.
(It's the reason why there's no music in that moment so you can literally hear the words echo around the room when Crowley starts in on it and basically shouts the "THIS PLANET" part at Aziraphale but that's straying from the scenes you asked about so *focuses* 😊)
So, Crowley instead says what he'd really, truly, honestly love to be doing for the rest of the morning and he does so in the way that he and Aziraphale do when someone who doesn't speak their language is around and annoying them-- he says it in Ineffable Husbands Speak to amuse himself and, probably, to amuse Aziraphale, whom he plans on telling later. (He'll do this again a few minutes later, when Maggie is ticking him off by saying he and Aziraphale don't talk.)
Crowley says:
Does Crowley want a little Us Time with Aziraphale when he comes back? Does he want to go with him to have an extremely alcoholic breakfast at The Ritz? (Ineffable Husbands Speak for boozy brunch and sex after too long without it?) Yes. Eventually. But he knows there's very dangerous trouble to be dealt with first.
Crowley says that because he wants Muriel to think that he is just preoccupied with thoughts of Aziraphale and breakfast-- because that's what he wants The Metatron to think and he knows Muriel will tell The Metatron what it is that he said.
Crowley wants The Metatron to think he doesn't have a plan.
But, really, when we have known Crowley to not have a plan? 😊
The problem is that it's a plan for the wrong scenario.
It's not The Book of Life that's happening; it's Aziraphale's fall.
It's not The Metatron at the door; it's Satan.
This is almost the entire communication mess of That Disaster Kiss Scene. They're being watched and whatever the fuck happened to Crowley, he can't see that freezing time to speak openly is an option so he and Aziraphale are boxed into trying to each convey what they think is happening and their plans to stop it using their cant vocabulary.
The ironic thing is that while they-- like the audience lol-- have two different ideas of who the being watching them is and what the threat is as a result, they actually both have almost exactly the same plan... with one, key, very romantic difference.
But that's another meta. 😜
In the meantime, I'll just leave you with a reminder of what "The Metatron" said in a moment when Crowley was still in the room:
#ineffable husbands#good omens#good omens meta#crowley#aziraphale#aziracrow#good omens 2#good omens theory#crowley x aziraphale#the metatron#the final fifteen
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About this fan blog
This is not a Greta bashing blog, I'm not a Greta x Brahms shipper either. If you see any shipping art of Brahms with anyone else, it's just because I like how the art looks.
Brahms is absolutely a psychopath, just how bad and if it's nature or nurture, is up for interpretation.
I needed a place to foam at the mouth about Brahms Heelshire so people don't think I'm insane
It'll get updated from time to time as I think of more Headcannons
Personal headcannons ( & some spicy takes)
Brahms is not stinky/dirty by choice. He's not opposed to bathing or shaving or being clean, he just couldn't run water or sneak a shower while Greta was there or it'd blow his cover. I personally think he may have snuck buckets of water into his room (where he has a wash basin) for sponge baths or quick wipe downs. Same goes for his clothing, he couldn't exactly toss them in the washer and dryer. And living in the walls and attic is dusty and dirty. If he hadn't bathed or shaved in 20 years, his hair would have been long as well as his beard. His unkempt look appears to be a couple weeks of not proper upkeep. About how long Greta was there maybe.
He's always had a beard/mustache ever since he could grow one. It was a way to defy his parents and a reminder that he is not, in fact, a little boy. He keeps it trimmed and neat, what we see when he comes out of the wall is due to him not being able to get a proper shower and trim during Greta's stay.
He used the toilet when Greta was out getting mail, out in the garden or possibly deep in sleep. He may do the whole bed pan thing... ugh..let's not think about this one too long
He doesn't have the mind of a child. He's not mentally challenged or age regressed. He uses the child voice for manipulation and trickery. Possibly due to his parents forcing him into the walls and expecting only a good little boy for 28 years.
He is socially stunted for sure.
Did he kill Emily? The movie hints at yes, and there is definitely a possibility he did. At 8, kids generally know right from wrong but usually lack the ability to think ahead very far at the consequences of their actions. Combine it with him being an "odd boy" (psychopath? Possibility autistic or something???) You have a recipe for disaster. It also could have been an accident. Tho how one gets a bashed in head on accident is very sus.
He is absolutely 100% touch starved! That's enough to drive anyone a lil batty.
He's intelligent. To go along with the "he's not a child stuck in a man's body" he can read, he can write, he listens to classical music and opera, he can play the piano and violn. There is one in his childhood room as well as his attic room. There are music sheets everywhere and tons of books. I'm certain his parents homeschooled him, and they appear to both be learned people.
Had he had a normal childhood (and possibly therapy) he would have been a professional violinist or something in the music sphere. Any fanfics or fanart with Brahms doing something with music is an instant love for me!
I feel like he's a natural romantic at heart. Loves romantic songs and stories.
His other hobbies include trapping, taxidermy, and general crafting. Maybe he made doll brahms and his mask?
He's a bit of a perv. Yeah...maybe not as bad as some fan fictions like to think he is. The Greta doll is both a sad cry for touch, as well as a...ummm...way to relieve some pent up...energy. Notice it's not stained or damaged. I feel he had some reverence for it.
While Brahms is a perv, he's not a rapist...per se. Hear me out. He could have easily forced himself on Greta during the trapped in the attic scene. After all, she did knock herself out in nothing but a towel. There were several times he could have forced her during the entire movie, but didn't. My favorite scene is when she came back for Malcolm, she sees Brahms standing in the hall way and he slowly walks over to her and just breaths in her scent. A tense (and sexually charged) scene for sure, but there were times when he was definitely going that direction. When he grabbed Greta after killing Cole, what was the endgame of that had Malcolm not clubbed him? And the goodnight kiss scene...yeah...I don't see that not ending in force had Greta not stabbed him. But I will still defend it's the starved for love, starved for a woman, and starved for touch that pushed him that far. Could she have stopped it with another sharp "BRAHMS! "? We'll never know...
He has definitely jacked it to pictures of classical nude paintings found in his books.
If he has any kink, it's definitely a voyeurism kink.
He's definitely a switch. Because of his upbringing, he can be subby, sweet, clingy, and docile. He can also be dominating, controlling, and manipulative.
He's a 28 year old virgin. You can't convince me otherwise.
It's established that there is no wifi or bars at the Heelshire mansion, this goes for tvs, computers, or radios. Not once did we see Greta watch TV or listen to music outside of the piano and record player. God it would be boring there. Another reason I believe Brahms is intelligent, all he can do is read and study.
Brahms is almost 100% unaware of pop culture and the world outside of his parents house. What's the internet? What's a meme? What's a Beyonce? He would have almost no clue about recent movies and TV shows. He maybe heard some modern music his previous nannies played on their phones. Maybe also snagged a magazine if a nanny left it.
Did Brahms kill his other nannies? Well, that's also heavily up to interpretation. He claims as he's screaming to Greta, threatening that he'll kill Malcolm like he "killed the others". But he didn't. Malcolm was knocked out, but alive. He apparently also had final say over who got to be his nanny. "He's chosen you, if you'll have him" I choose to believe if he didn't outright dismiss them on age or looks, if they mistreated the doll they were fired or scared off with the ghost boy routine. Notice, he didn't kill Greta for tossing the doll into the rocking chair or covering it up. The difference with Greta was that this time, the parents took a "permanent holiday". Besides, if he was killing multiple nannies, there would be investigations and rumors.
To piggy back off the previous topic... He could have killed Cole, but tried to scare him off first. That's right, he could have killed Cole in his sleep, Greta and Malcolm could have come into a grizzly scene of Cole choking on his own blood that night...but no, Brahms tried to scare him off with a bloody message and dead rats.
He actually does like Malcolm a little. Malcolm was always nice to the doll and of course he delivered the food. It wasn't until he put moves on Greta that Brahms jealousy got the better of him. He could have shown himself that night Malcolm and Greta were getting frisky, but opted to cockblock with scary ghost boy shenanigans instead. This is why he didn't outright kill Malcolm like he did Cole.
He's been heavily controlled his whole life. This may contribute to why he was an "odd child" as well as his psychopathic nature in the present. I headcannon his parents fucked him up royally from birth. Heavy restrictions, dogmatic adherence to rules and etiquette... just everything. Look at his childhood room. He has toys from what looks to be the 40s or 50's. Made of wood and tin and are wind up. His birth year is 1983. Where's the he-man action figures? Where's the my pet monster doll? Where's the posters of sports stars? Right? They probably kept him isolated at their manor, no other kids around save Emily that went there to play sometimes. His diet, entertainment, wardrobe, everything was extremely cultivated to his parents tastes. This is why he responds so well to a firm voice and authority.
His parents were the real monsters. They put him in the wall. The fact that his face is burned, I believe they tried to kill him with fire, it either didn't work and he survived or they chickened out half way. Either way, I believe they did it because of the Emily incident, which should have been a therapy situation, not murder. They wanted a quiet, obedient, non problematic son, hence the doll and the "bad seed" trapped in the walls. Possibly to also save the Heelshire name.
Brahms is a brat. Yup, because of his upbringing his only way to lash back was to be a brat at times and throw fits. The messed up toy room being one of them. The parents admitted he's spoiled and they will acquiesce to some of his demands. (Mostly his choice of nannies)
He's ashamed of his scars/face hence the mask. He might have also been forced to wear it because his parents didn't want to see the burn scars the very few times brahms wasn't in the wall/attic.
Until the nannies arrived, he had more free rein of the house. While still being forced into the walls, he was allowed by his parents to come out and shower as needed. As long as he wore the mask, and generally not while they were around or in that part of the house.
How does he stays fit in the walls? Well, he's got his attic room and it's fairly well sound proofed with the egg cartons. There's room to do push-ups and sit ups. There's also beams to do pull ups on too.
More headcannons
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get to know your moots
Thanks for the tag, @restwellsoon! divider by @/cafekitsune
what's the origin of your blog title?
In highschool I would often think what my handle on things would be if I ever got famous, and I adored One Direction. Niall's handle on twitter was niallofficial, so I did that but with a play on my name instead and used official.
OTP(s) + shipname
Ummm honestly, Percabeth.
favorite color
Orange (shocker its not like my blog is a giant hazard cone)
favorite game
Kingdom Hearts, hands down. But I also have a stong love for the Final Fantasy games, the Arkham games, and lego games.
song stuck in your head
APT by Rose and Bruno Mars, and Pink Pony Club by Chappel Roan.
weirdest habit/trait?
I have double jointed thumbs so I will frequently pop them in and out of place as a tick.
Writing, drawing, reading, crocheting
if you work, what's your profession?
Currently a student
if you could have any job you wish what would it be?
something you're good at:
Making people laugh, I also have really good people skills, especially with kids. I also always try to be understanding and see the good in people, even when they may not deserve it.
something you're bad at:
Being patient, driving (im scared shitless), schedules
something you love:
Laughing until I cant breathe with my brother and sisters
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
Name any hyper fixation of mine, Jurassic Park, Marvel, DC, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Disney
something you hate:
Chronic illness. I have celiacs disease, so I can't eat anything with gluten in it. If my body didn't react as violently as it does, I'd say fuck this diet and eat whatever. But it's like the exorcist, my body wants it out so bad sooooo hard pass.
something you collect:
Uhhhhh, everything. I have buttons, lanyards, pops, dolls, books, small animal trinkets, rubber ducks, mugs, legos, random assortment of nerdy jewelry, figures, the lost goes on.
something you forget:
To eat.
what's your love language?
I honestly dont feel like I fit into just one of these. I've got no idea.
favorite movie/show:
Finding Nemo/Agent Carter
favorite food:
Beef Stroganoff
favorite animal:
what were you like as a child?
Not much different than I am now, just a little more trusting but still stubborn and feisty as hell.
favorite subject at school?
History or music,
least favorite subject?
Math, doesnt matter if I was good at it.
what's your best character trait?
I've been told that I'm a trusting person, and that people feel safe around me.
what's your worst character trait?
I'm too nice at times.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?
School would be done, and my ideas would be written out in a nice organized way.
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet?
J.R.R. Tolkein. I just wanna pick the man's brain, see how he did it.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
Touch Starved by Envysparkler
This is one that I go back to to read all the time. I highly recommend anything by Envysparkler, if you enjoy batfamily gen fics. This one is just so good, and special to me because Dick is a character I hold close to my heart.
I wanna be your endgame by @yuujispinkhair
This is a hockey player! sukuna x reader fic, and this series made me want to find a hot hockey player and make them fall in love with me. Winter is amazing, and I lover her and her writing so much.
i tag @yuujispinkhair @strawberrystepmom @history-be-written @loafingdragon (no pressure obviously)
#i love games like this#thanks for the tag Rest#we really gotta catch up one of these days#Brett needs her Rest
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it's my day off and I have already had one formal phone call and I'm now waiting for my new desk chair to be ready for pickup and I had an exhaustive day yesterday hosting vaalikahvit for five adults, one toddler and two dogs, so may I pleeeeaaaaaasssseeee get to fuck around and imagine blorbo nonsense and draft an AU fic I'll never write because I still haven't made that sideblog for this kinda shit instead of doing anything useful?? 😩🙏
so today I'm thinking of a no-band-AU semi-inspired by this post I made a week ago
in which Olli and Aleksi have recently moved in together in their new fancy house and they're so happy and in love and having a lot of sex (yes this is an important plot detail 🥰)
(spoiler alert: there is no plot. not even a little bit (hence I won't be writing this))
their relationship had a controversial start because they were still dating other people when they fell in love
Joonas is pining for Joel who's in a toxic on/off relationship with Samy
Joel may be struggling with something else too idk haven't decided, but Joonas is there for him always and he loves Joel so so much
as for Tommi and Niko: maybe Tommi and Olli used to be an item at some point, although he's not the one Olli broke up with to be with Aleksi
and maybe Joonas and Niko had something going on but Niko ended it because he saw how in love with Joel Joonas was
so Niko and Tommi have lots of deep discussions about whether it's weird for Tommi to see Olli with Aleksi (not really because it's been a while and he can see how happy Olli is now (way happier than he was with his previous partner))
and about how it is for Niko to see Joonas suffering so much because of Joel (it's hard but there's not much niko can do about it is there)
and yeah they end up spending the night together at some point 👀 they decide to keep it casual and low-key though so they tell no one
eventually it becomes maybe a little more than just friends hooking up but they're still sorta chill about it and it feels very natural (for Tommi it's better than the random one-night-stands he's been having and for Niko it's definitely better than worrying about Joonas all time time)
and yeah, as it is a non-band-AU I've also given some thought to what they all could be doing instead of being in a band (which is my favourite part of non-band-AUs hehe)
first of all, Tommi is a paramedic because I recently re-watched this old interview in which they all tell the what they'd be doing for a living if they weren't musicians in a band and that's Tommi's answer
ngl it would be kinda funny if I gave everyone the occupation they mention in the video but I think 'gravedigger' for Niko would be a tad too gloomy for the purposes of this AU lol, so he's a writer. a struggling one maybe, but still, and he spends a lot of time in his head (very in-character I knoooooooww <3)
Olli is a graphic designer at a... ummm... a place where graphic designers work? idk just some company, he works from home a lot (so that he can have sex with his bf during his breaks)
Aleksi is still a producer, has a fancy-ass studio in the house. Robin is one of the artists he works with, because of course he is
Olli and Aleksi secretly want to ask Robin if he'd be up for a threesome but he's a literal puppy and oblivious and they don't know how to bring it up lol
and maybe Johnny's Aleksi's co-producer and they also fantasize about having threesome with him 😂 sorry yes they are very horny and kinky in this AU
not sure what Joel and Joonas could be doing, but I like to imagine them as co-workers in some kinda music business or whatever. maybe they're also roommates, just to make it extra painful for Joonas 😭 and maybe Joel is a musician on the side (plays covers at bars etc.), because I simply can't imagine him another career than music
(Joonas goes to see his every single gig, sometimes without Joel knowing it)
a random "scene" I've thought of includes Niko and Joonas coming over to test the new sauna at the Matela-Kaunisvesi residence, but because Niko and Joonas feel awkward having sauna together, they end up mixing the pairs and so we have Aleksi and Niko having deep discussions in the sauna and Joonas and Olli talking about sex while waiting for their turn lol (they've been friends since forever and maybe had some experiments together when they were teens so it's very natural for them)
but yeah, the reason why I'm not writing this AU is because I have no clear plot for it 😔 but honestly? sometimes it's fun just creating these AUs and characters in my head 🥺
I wish I could write all these ideas into actual stories but I'm scared of biting off more than I can chew, so I intimidate and overwhelm myself from even giving it a fair try 😭
so that's it pretty much! if anyone wants to help me figure out an actual story idea out of this, you know where to find me 👋
next I think I'm gonna go keep on procrastinating by creating Olli & Aleksi's fancy-ass house on The Sims 4 byeeeeeee
#sorry but coming up with story ideas is a hobby to me pls ignore 🤧#i was so brave deleting a long self-degrading rant in the tags pls be proud of me#anywayyyy i reeeeeeally want to write something for valentine's day#so i'll try to refrain from writing until then as to regain and recharge my braincells (both of them)#maybe i'll write something related to this maybe i'll write something entirely different. who knows? not i#i wish i could open requests but i still don't trust myself enough to do that 😔#my askbox and dms are open for any other kinda fic talk though pspspspsps 🤲
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My Review of Livesies

Really Jack? You chose this face? You look both angry and confused! 👆
Set: understandable, considering that it’s confined to a stage. Favorite set piece is probably the famous newsstand that they get their picture taken from.
Music: why the new lyrics? The old ones were just fine! Why the electric guitar?
Crutchy acts more naive, why so dumb? ‘You wanna bust yer odda leg too?’ Yes Cruchy, why?
Yeah Jack, you’re totally 17 Jeremy 😑
Everyone’s accent: good, Jeremy’s accent: x100
So Jack goes from wanting a family to roping Crutchy into a fantasy life out west and then he completely abandons him later?
In 92sies it focuses on Jack and him interacting with the other Newsies, whereas here it’s Jack wanting to get away so badly that it’s all he literally talks about.
Race and Albert: both handsome and annoying
Albert steals Race’s cigar, so what they just forgot about Snipeshooter?
‘Bath time at the zoo?’ so I guess ‘we got woik to do’ just wasn’t good enough and they had to write something completely bonkers?
Right away: enter a bunch-a newsies that I don’t know and never get a chance to see their characters play out because they’re moving too fast. They completely erased some of the original characters and wrote in new ones that make me miss the old ones!
Romeo: is actually a character that sticks with me because he’s given personality
Enter Katherine: I just don’t like her. I never liked how Kara Lindsay portrayed her and always think she looks mad, confused, and dazed. 🤷♀️
Jack, if you’re so keen on leaving then why are you flirting with Katherine? You’re digging yourself into this!
In the dvd version they cut the ‘smile that spreads like butter,’ which I always wondered why.
I’m seeing all these newsies and don’t know who half of them are!
Elmer: introduced by nuns, another character I actually remember
LUV the added acro tricks!!!
I think it’s clear now why Jack’s not dancing. Good way to hide it, Jeremy!
‘What is that unpleasant aroma?’- Max did it better!
Race briefly mentions betting Jack against the Delancys and then never mentions gambling again. I guess half his original character is nothing?
Applause for the clean scene changes! 👏
Seriously Race what is this face? 👇

Race flirts with Weasel rather than gamble? Preposterous!
Enter Davey and Les- ‘I’m new too!’ I can tell that’s gonna get annoying…
Davey just wants his papes and nervously tries to escape the other newsies while Les is already introducing them and is already chummy with Jack
Les knows an awful lot about wages for a 10-year-old
Les in 92sies: shy, cute, innocent, curious Livesies Les: obnoxious, loud, cocky, hyper
Romeo and Albert on Pulitzer’s desk during the scene change is surprisingly funny
Hannah is so good!!! I don’t know why they emphasize on Katherine struggling to make it through work when Hannah already shows that a woman can get a good career.
Pulitzer is even more cocky, brash, and egotistical than Robert Duvall’s portrayal. Historically Pulitzer wasn’t that mean to the newsies.
‘Shave me too close and you could cut my throat.’ Sweeney Todd reference? 🪒
Hannah: ‘We don’t sell papers, newsies sell papers.’ Ummm Jack? Your line is ‘headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.’ Ya missed it! 🗞️
Pulitzer: Yes, 6-year-olds need to work harder let’s charge them more and they’ll thank me later.
I wonder if the dance choreographers just sat down and thought: ok, we need to think of every dance stunt that can be done with a newsboy hat and newspaper bag.
Davey and Les are bantering and then Les runs up- oh yeah, you’re still annoying.
Why is Jack so shaken up about hearing about Davey and Les’ folks? Other newsies got folks, so it ain’t like he’s never heard it before.
‘Come home with us!’ ‘Mom’s a great cook!’ All are potential suggestions for Jack to go meet the Jacobs, but no! Sarah apparently doesn’t even exist! The original story is about Jack seeing how happy the Jacobs family is and wanting a family too, but instead he’s an angry painter who just wants to leave without second thoughts.
Why does Snyder just taunt ‘Kelly!’ before he starts chasing him? You don’t call out and say you’re gonna attack before you attack!
Davey and Jack talk about the Refuge and then it’s never mentioned again after Crutchy gets taken. In the movie Jack goes and tries to break him out but Crutchy refuses. Here we got Jack not wanting anything to do with the Refuge even after Crutchy gets locked up!
Medda? Medda is on fire! I still luv her character in this, especially her feather hat! 💜💗
‘No kids allowed in the theatre!’ and yet she encourages Les to look at the Bowery Beauties for ‘educational’ purposes?
Les stares at the Beauties as if he’s never seen a girl before. He’s enthralled by their costumes and then Davey just waves it off
‘Where better to escape trouble than a theatre?’ truer words were never spoken, Miss Medda! 🎭
Jack is all like: screw being a cowboy, I’m a painter! 🤠🧑🎨
‘You’re on!’ ‘I am? How’m I doing?’ Nice way to break the 4th wall, Medda!
That’s Rich compared to Lovey Dovey Baby is hard because Anne Margaret’s performance is more dreamy and soft
Ok gotta say that Les and Davey’s faces poking out is very cute
Am I the only one who’s disappointed that we never get to see the full Bowery Beauties act?
‘Twice in one day! Think it’s fate?’ No, Jack. You’re stalking this poor girl!
Katherine just begs Jack to leave the box, whereas Sarah would just punch an intruder in the face. 👊
Never Planned On You, ummm why? First Jack wants to go to Santa Fe, then he likes Katherine after a 2-minute conversation? ‘Til I find someone new,’ umm how many girls have you dated, Jackie boy? In 92sies he never even mentions this kind of stuff.
In the next scene change whoever the newsies with no shirt on is, they are obviously trying to take away from 92sies Mush’s shirtless scene and I will not stand for it!
So now Race’s only personality trait is that he luvs cigars more than his mom? 🚬
‘LET THE MAN WORK IT OUT!’ Okayyyy it’s confirmed Les has anger issues
Everybody talks about how Crutchy’s smile spreads like butter, but when I see Ben Cook’s smile all I see is a ray of sunshine 😄
‘You need membership.’ ‘Whattya call these guys?’ 👋
Why is Jack president when Davey is doing all the talking?
The World Will Know is an introduction to Jeremy’s angry Jack, which conflicts with Christian Bale’s daydreamer Jack and Corey Cott’s sad Jack. In all honesty, angry Jack can get scary!
Again, why the electric guitar? 🎸
How does losing a shoe have to do with this song? 👞
So the scene after Jack, Davey, and Les walk into Pulitzer’s doors and then we get a shot of the newsies behinds, um… did they just give half the fansies what they wanted?
I do like how they made Jacobi’s like a newsies meeting place, I don’t know why it just fits
And behold, the reason behind why I know what a seltzer is! Thanks, Albert! 🥛
Tommy Boy, Finch, Buttons… this would be a lot more convincing if I knew who each newsie was!
‘But that Spot Colon gets me a little jittery.’ Oh yes, in the brief moments we see him in this musical we definitely get that vibe. Not! Spot’s barely in this!
Oh yay, Katherine’s back. And she still sounds confused and awkward, which I guess makes sense since she’s in a different atmosphere but after a while it gets annoying.
Ok right off the bat Katherine and Jack already have a toxic relationship because they are constantly fighting! They look like they wanna kill each other!
Now Jack’s all whiny and I don’t like it! The original Jack would not whine about a girl.
I always skip Watch What Happens because it’s just Katherine worrying. Again, I stand by my opinion of not liking Katherine. Where’s Denton? They could've had Katherine be his apprentice or something instead of just deleting him altogether!
I hear Watch What Happens and all I can think of is how much longer until I can hear Davey sing about how the poor guy’s head is spinning?
Les: ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ I donno kid, you seemed pretty confident yesterday. What happened?
Race: ‘That’s great! That’s pitiful.’ Race would never say that about Crutchy.
Gotta admit that the trio part of Davey, Jack, and Crutchy singing Seize the Day is pretty cool
Aaaaand angry Jack’s back. While the other newsies look hopeful Jack looks like he could commit murder. Whis is he always angry? 😳
I don’t know why but Davey standing on a pile of newspapers is hilarious! 😁

Ok finally time to start a swear count: bastards, asses, Hell… sheesh this show’s got ‘such language!’
Uh why the awkward stomping? Just let Jeremy get offstage without the stomping so i can watch more twirling Sky and Ben?
Yeeesssss!!! Dancing on newspapers? BRILLIANT! I luv this part so much! 📰
Honestly not gonna lie if I was in the crowd I would be fighting to the death for one of the papes they throw out
Ha! I caught the spot of Race kicking himself in the face!!!
Seeing all these jumps, flips, and twirls is making me tired… God they must’ve been exhausted!
In the original, Jack wanted everyone out safely. But here I guess Jack wants to intentionally start a fight?
Why is Les being rolled around in a barrel? Then he sticks his head out, it’s like c’mon is this a cartoon?
Uh, Jack? CRUTCHY’S BEING BEATEN HELPLESS AND YOU’RE JUST WATCHING?! But it’s ok you’re gonna go sing about how mad you are and how you wanna leave so I guess it’s fine. ‘Save my best friend? Hell no let me abandon all the newsies!’ said Jack never!
Jack, you called Crutchy a ‘dumb crip?’ How could you do that?!
‘No more running, no more lying.’ Um, what have you been lying about? In the original, Jack lied about his parents and his name. Here Jack’s never called Francis Sullivan and he comes right out and says he’s got no folks. So what’s all this lying talk about?
Ahh! Please, no more angry Jack! I’d appreciate Jeremy’s performance and emotion if he didn’t look like has was gonna kill me!
Alright, Act 2… Where’s Jack? Oh right, instead of being in King of New York he’s sukling.
‘Jack don’t run from no fight!’ Apparently he does, since he’s working to buy a train ticket.
Here it comes… ‘erster.’ People either like it or hate it, I don’t mind it. Guess it adds to Race’s character since gambling’s out the window? ♠️♥️♣️♦️🃏
Whoa whoa whoa! Only Race can sing ‘a permanent box at the Sheepshead Races!’ Duh!
They replaced Spot’s porcelain tub with a sandwich? A sandwich?!
Thank you, Ben Cook, for gracing us with your sensational tap dancing!
Ok stop adding new lyrics and just skip to the tap dancing, please!
Never once did I ever think newsies would shout ‘spoon fight!’
The way Davey jabs ‘That’s it?’ at Katherine is priceless!
Just imagine the director looking at the cast and saying ‘now during scene changes the audience can’t be bored, so I need you to stall ‘em,’ and then the cast does a bunch-a random dance moves across the stage and the director says ‘perfect!’
Greetings from the Refuge is ok I guess, but I still wished Jack would actually try to get Crutchy out!
When I see Andrew’s messy hair I just picture him messing it up as the total opposite of keeping it nice-looking. Don’t know why, it’s just funny
‘Protect one anodda,’ Sure Crutchy, I’ll tell them before I run off to Santa Fe.
Even Medda points out how chicken Jack is!
It’s so cute how Davey perks up about being above the fold!
Les, please abstain from telling us about your date. It’s just annoying. ✋
Katherine: ‘You look like Hell.’ Heathers reference? ‘I just got back.’ ❤️💚💛💙
‘This go west young man routine is getting old.’ Is manifest destiny a joke to you, Kath?
More toxic relationship stuff, how is Jatherine a thing again?
‘The pooooor guy’s head is spinning!’ Yeeeessss! 🤣
‘And I’ve got a date!’ Shut up, Les.
Uh-oh, Katherine’s in trouble.
Jack Kelly, not Francis Sullivan? Are we just gonna go along with that?
Katherine, Pulitzer’s daughter? Why? Seriously what does that add?
Finally, the highlight of the show: Brooklyn’s Here! I really like how they added in this song! Brooklyn Bridge and all! Brooklyn gets their own ‘uniform,’ plus the fact that my crush on Spot Colon will rage on forever. I luv this song!
Um, where’s Smalls? Only she can sing ‘So’s tha Bronx!’
Sad that Spot makes this big entrance and then just stands intimidatingly in the background.
I like how Spot just casually waltzes up and then realizes ‘hey Jack, thanks for wasting my time!’ and then goes all murder-face on him!
Gee thanks Katherine for invading my penthouse and snooping through my drawings only to yell at me more.
Katherine’s scared to hit Jack and instead kisses him, but Sarah would never hesitate to soak a guy in the face!
So wait Jack goes to keep kissing Katherine and she backs out, even though she started it?
‘What if they came to newsies square?’ Where’s that, Kath? No one’s ever talked about that until now.
Jack points out dead-on that they need to talk about their relationship issues and Katherine just laughs.
O-K, I do NOT do sappy luv songs so let’s just skip Something To Believe In…
‘It’s good to have you back again!’ ‘Shut up!’ Gee really appreciative Jack, especially after you literally just betrayed everybody!
Darcy? Bill? Who? How are these guys just thrown in?
Once And For All… Pretty good… Ooh! Spot’s back! 😄
Wow that paper-tossing routine must’ve taken a while to perfect!
Again, why the electric guitar? It’s 1899 not 1959!
Spot why are you up there with Jack? You’ve barely said a word why are you suddenly involved?
I’m a Teddy Roosevelt fan so of course I ain’t gonna complain about him 👍
Hannah’s discrete clapping is so funny!
I do appreciate how they kept the historically accurate deal the newsies made with Pulitzer. In 92sies they just say ‘we beat ‘em!’ and then leave it at that.
Wow Albert looks cute without his hat
And we now get the famous shot of dazed Race staring off into space
Wait a minute so now after winning the strike, finding a girlfriend, and getting Crutchy back Jack still wants to leave?
Enough mushy talk, give me dancing newsies!
It’s funny how Jeremy tries to fit in with the others’ dancing right before bows
Wow. Just… wow. That’s a lotta stunts!
Nice bell-kick, Jeremy! Gotta mozie along with the music! 😆
#Newsies#newsies 1992#livesies#newsies broadway#Jack Kelly#Les Jacobs#david jacobs#sarah jacobs#boots newsies#skittery newsies#specs newsies#romeo newsies#elmer newsies#buttons newsies#finch newsies#racetrack higgins#racetrack newsies#spot conlon#Newsies The Musical#mush newsies#albert dasilva#albert newsies#livesies vs 92sies#ben cook#jeremy jordan#sky flaherty#tommy bracco#ben fankhauser#andrew keenan bolger#andrew keenan-bolger
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i love la la land!!!! it was the first musical i seen and now it’s on netflix?! why now that i unsubscribed ☹️ it is such a great film, even if the ending didn’t go how some of us hoped, it did what it had to do. do you have a favorite song? mine is probably a lovely night (: but what’s chicago?? i’m still new so i don’t know a lot.
tbh netflix has been getting on my last nerve lately but everytime i think about cancelling my subscription they add things that i love >:((
and ahh i love love loveee la la land. i remember the first time i watched it, and i was so stunned at the ending lol. i remember being so confused and upset. i get it now obviously, and it honestly made me appreciate it more <3
UMMM OKAY THIS IS HARD,,,, i love lovely night, but i also love mia and sebastian's theme when he plays it on the piano (to the point that i taught myself to play it lol) BUT ALSO CITY OF STARS
OOoo CHICAGO IS ABOUT THIS MARRIED WOMAN WHO ENDED UP KILLING THE MAN SHE HAD AN AFFAIR WITH, AND THE CONSEQUENCES AS WENT TO JAIL,, BUT IT ALL GOES ALL INTO HER TRIAL AND THE PR AND SHIT SHE WENT THROUGH TO GET HERSELF IN THE PUBLIC'S GOOD EYE SO SHE WOULD GET RELEASED jaegh u have to watch it it's probably one of my favorite musicalss,, and if not u should watch at least videos of the song cell block tango that song slays sooo hard
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-since Aiden and Aru are "unhelpful" (likely to tell Mini) Rudy goes to one of his classmates to ask out Mini. The conversation goes as follows:
R: "I mean, my parents are fine with me being friends with that whole... group, but my kind and them have had beef for a long, long time. The beef was kind of resolved a couple years back but there's also the general public to think about—"
C: Who the fuck is your girlfriend?!?!?!
- Everyone notices how he has a weird fascination with even the most mundane of things. Staplers, paperclips, smart boards.
"Did you not have that stuff when being homeschooled?"
"Ummm.... no"
- They also notice how he's extremely rich??? Like he doesn't flaunt his wealth to make others feel bad, he just threatens to use his money at any inconvenience. Why the hell does the new kid, Aiden Acharya's brother, have so much money?
- The students can't confirm or deny, but they did see him staring down a pigeon for a good 2 minutes before the pigeon walked away and he audibly breathed a sigh of relief
- He's really good in music class, and has an excellent control over music but his playing sucks ass. (I know this isn't really related to the cult thing, sorry)
- That. Tattoo. Why the hell does he have a tattoo at a place where teachers can see? Doesn't he know that he's violating the dress code? He swears it's a birthmark but what kind of birthmark looks like snake scales?
- He might be goofy but there's a strange vibe around him. Just in general. It increases when he's upset or angry. Bird divebombed him? A witness swore they saw his birthmark shift. Teacher was being kind of racist to him and Aiden? Someone said that his eyes didn't look normal brown anymore.
- this all makes the students convinced that yes, he was part of a cult, but he wasn't the one who helped in ritually sacrificing people... what if he WAS the sacrifice?
- Aiden scoffed in their faces. Aru had the urge to add fuel to the fire before realising it could implicate her. And, also, Arielle, Poppy, and Burton were the ones spreading the rumors.
Between Rudy seemingly having a weird green neck tattoo and not knowing shit about American history, what if the kids at Aru and Aiden's school thought he was raised in some cult before coming to live with Aiden?
Please add some headcanons guys
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Part 1 Bang Chan x reader
NSFW Part 1 Includes: Preluding to sexual acts, cursing
Part 2 will Include: Rough sex, breath play, choking, begging, degrading kink, orgasm denial, edging, oral giving and receiving, marking, aftercare, cursing
벗어나기 위해 몸부림쳐 봐야 HOLYSHIT! Okay you’ve seen the music video a thousand times but now live in front of you?! The way this man moves, the way those leather pants and cut off shirt leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. How can I even focus on the music when all I can focus is the way the sweat rolls down the back of his neck. The curling of his lip as he sings the chorus. I never thought words could sound so sexual until I heard him growl 걸.
Shit.. How did the song end already?? The whole crowd is silent. Nows my y/n moment, just go for it. Kana looks over at you and laughs because she sees the panic of feral Y/N, she nods in agreement you should do it. She says “Quick yell it!” Your best friend knows you all to well! Its not like you haven’t talked a big game about wanting to shout at 찬 the one phrase he has cheekly deemed okay. Here goes! “찬 제발!!” Most of the members on stage hear you and stop goofing around to look at their leader who at first seems caught off guard. What really is 30 seconds in reality feels like an eternity as 찬 is now looking right at you.. .No into your soul. You can’t tell what his expression means but you feel a jolt of excitement coming from those beautiful eyes of his. They are all laughing on stage as he lifts up his hand in a Darth Vader using the force type of way and says well since you asked so nicely and mimics pushing you back. He does his adorable giggle and then the show continues on to the next song. Lord does this boy have a real hold on your heart.
Kana is shooting daggers as you almost pass out. Oh my god did I just live out my fantasy?! Both of you giggle and squeal that your time to shine had come. Not thinking a whole lot more of it because the next song was on and it was time to go back to feening over the boys!
Walking back into the hotel it feels so surreal. Feet are throbbing, your arm is DEAD from swinging the lightstick all night, but your heart is so full! As you reminisce the past 4 hours of your life a man wearing a black hoodie with the hood up grabs your hand and places something inside. As quick as it happened he was gone disappearing among the guest of the bar spilling into the lobby. Kana walks in right after and notices you frozen in your tracks. “What’s up babe?… Y/N you okay?”
“Yeah, no umm somebody just handed me this.” You hold up what you now realize is a room key with a small note. Are you going crazy? As you start to tell your best friend what just happened it hits you… That frame, the jaw line, the nose… And is that the lingering scent of Versace? No, there’s no way…
“Y/N if you don’t speak I swear to God..”
“Sorry, ummm this guy just handed me this”
“Well, what’s it say?”
You unfold the small note and read, in his unmistakable hand writing, “Meet me in room 1997 in 30 minutes. Don’t keep me waiting. -C”
“Kana, okay don’t think I’m crazy but I think… umm well I am certain that is 찬”
Your best friend has heard you say some pretty delulu shit before but this was insane. An idol wants you to meet him in his room?! Theres no way! Before Kana can check to see if you have some sort of concussion your phone dings. Its bubble, but more importantly its 방 찬.. “Better hurry 😏”.
“Okay, okay maybe I believe you… I mean he did have a hold on you during the concert. Oh my God he is going to have stayville in a whirlwind with that message. Here’s what we do FaceTime me from your phone until he answers the door just to double check. You know getting murdered would really put a damper on this vacation.”
“Hahahah I’d hate to make you lose me to a stranger. Wait I’m sweaty and gross. Oh but I did shave!”
“Y/N, GO! That man is waiting for you. Just you know text me at some point to let me know you’re okay and what you know, how he looks.”
“Shut the fuck up K!” You are both laughing it up as you head to the elevator. You part ways as you are going to the top floor…
An empty hallway but a head full of thoughts… There’s no way this is happening right? You finally reach the door. Do you knock? You have the room key? Shit Kana didn’t FaceTime me. Am I about to die? You put the key to the door and as the light turns green the door opens before you can open it yourself and there he is. Christopher Bang smirking at you. “Took you long enough, Princess.” Before you could respond he already has a very firm grasp on your waist as he brings you inside the room with a swift movement the door is slammed shut by the force of him pinning you against it. “This is what you wanted right? You asked so nicely I wanted to reward such good behavior.”
#bang chan#bang chan fanfic#bang chan smut#stray kids#stray kids smut#stray kids fanfic#fanfic#skz#red lights#christopher bang#pin me against a wall
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Hello!! Can I please request a oneshot where reader catches loki dancing [cutely or provocatively your choice] and he gets embarrassed thinking she'll make fun of him like people on asgard did, when they found out he liked to dance saying it's girly but reader starts to dance with him and encourages him as well so he gets really happy . 😃❤❤
Ahh this was so cute. Dancer loki makes me so giddy 😭🥺💚 This is very short so I hope you still enjoy it.
Dancer Loki x Female reader
"Can you get my oaf brother, you're the only one allowed to enter his chamber" Thor said to you so you rolled your eyes.
"Ofcourse I will and he's not an oaf, you're an oaf" Thor smiled at the clap back and you made your way towards Loki's room. Avengers were having their weekly movie night and you have been dating Loki for just a month now. Earlier he used to avoid such gatherings, he preferred staying in his room, reading his books as he said but ever since you two revealed your feelings for each other, he goes wherever you want him to as long as you stay by his side.
When you reached his room, you could hear the faint sound of music coming from his room so you knocked on the door but he didn't open it. For security purposes every room in the tower could only open with a certain code from outside. And you knew the code to his room, you could still hear the music so you waited, then you called him on his phone and he didn't answer that either. You finally decided to use the code and enter his room, you weren't expecting to see what you did.
The music was loud, he had his back turned towards you and he was dancing his heart out to the song Smooth criminal by Michael Jackson. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a matching sweatpant. He had a dance tutorial video on YouTube playing on his tv and he was trying to learn the steps the guys were doing in the video. You leaned yourself against the doorway and watched him move and dance, he would smile and cheer himself whenever he'd get a step right. He's so adorable you heart felt full.
You always knew he could move, he'd dance with you whenever you took him to clubs and parties, you just didn't know that he loved dancing this much. You didn't know all this time, that's what he was doing when he said he was reading in his room.
When he spinned around for a step, he saw you standing there and lost his balance, which made him land straight on his ass. He turned the music off instantly and his tv too by using magic, he was panting heavily and just stared at you all wide eyed so you walked over to him and gave him your hand so he could get up
"Are you okay baby??" You asked him as you pecked him on the lips softly and he just kept staring at you. His cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
"Uhh I was just…ummm don't.. please don't tell anyone" he teared up so he looked down and it broke your heart to see him so sad all of a sudden.
"Hey what's wrong, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude like this, I was knocking and–" he placed his head down on your shoulder as you were speaking so you wrapped him in your arms protectively.
"What baby? What's wrong, sugar?" You asked him softly and you heard him sniffing.
"I don't want you to make fun of me"
He mumbled meekly so you pulled his head up and kissed his forehead.
"I would never do that sweetheart, why would I do that?" you asked him so he looked at you with his green doe eyes
"On Asgard, Fandral once caught me dancing and he spread it like wildfire. Everyone made fun of me for it, called me a princess for having such interests and what not. But I always liked moving like this and when I came here, there's so many different forms of dancing, limitless and I just want to learn it all but I don't.. everyone would make fun of me and that's why I do it here..I'm sorry you had to see that" he told you, his voice sounded so sad, you just wanted to hug him and comfort him.
"Oh baby, nobody will make fun of you here okay and I definitely won't make fun of you no matter what you choose to do, especially if it's making you happy. I love dancing and you can learn everything you want here okay, dancing isn't made for one gender, anyone can do it and you're so good at it. I was watching you in awe throughout, you have the inherent natural talent for it loki. Not everyone have that" you tried to cheer him up so he nodded but he still seemed sullen so you turned his tv on and played the song Ain't no mountain high enough
"Have you heard this song before?" You asked him as you grabbed his hands in yours and he shook his head, a small smile graced his lips as you started moving along to the rhythm of the beats.
If you need me, call me,
No matter where you are
No matter how far,
You placed your hands on his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist, you giggled as you moved your legs and he caught up quickly and moved along with you because he's just a natural one.
Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
You placed one of your hands on his and the other one on his shoulders as you both hopped and swayed from left to right. Both of you giggling and laughing as you felt the endorphins rushing through your veins.
Oh no darling,
No wind, no rain
No winters cold can stop me baby
No, no baby,
'Cause you are my love
If you ever in trouble, I'll be there on the double
Just send for me, oh baby
He picked you up by your waist and pulled you up in the air as he spinned around with you. You smiled as he put you down, he seemed happy again and that's how you always wanted to see him. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he swayed with you slowly as the chorus hit and played in the background.
Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
"I love you Loki" you teared up and he dipped you down quickly, when he pulled you up your lips met with his and he placed his hand at the back of your head as he kissed you softly.
"I love you princess" He whispered and you started dancing with him, lost in his little world. Unaware of the eyes watching you two.
"I have to go.. cry now" Thor said to Natasha. When you two didn't make it to the living room, they came looking so they could start the movie.
"It's the cutest thing ever isn't it" Thor smiled as he heard Nat.
His brother was finally accepted like he should have always been. Like he wanted to.They both closed the door slowly and left you two dancing in each other's arms.
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
#loki#loki x female reader#loki x reader fluff#loki x reader#loki x reader insert#loki x you#loki x reader oneshot#mcu loki#soft loki#ask requests
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Making out with h after the show to calm him down
author's note: i’m so sorry it took me forever to write this. i literally just saw this. i hope you like it.
word count: 1658
All day Harry has been too jolly. He’s happy the majority of the time, but today is a whole different level of happiness. You were worried after the first night of Chicago that Harry would be sad or feel disparaged after everyone in the pit were holding signs that said, “Justice for TBSL.” Harry knew all of his fans including you would want him to sing that song. However, you were wrong because he woke up feeling happy and jazzy.
You’re in Harry’s backstage room preparing for his show tonight. He’s set to be on stage in 15 minutes. Harry demanded you should be in his room with him before he goes on stage because he told you it helps him with his anxiety. Of course you couldn’t say no to him. He’s Harry fuckin’ Styles for christ sake.
“I have a surprise for youuuu.” Harry said all smirky. You’re on his lap with your legs around him so you too can be face to face.
“A surprise for mommy? I should’ve known. You were a bit cherry today.” You said giving him a quick peck on his lips. He shakes his head because he disapproves how quick the kiss was. You raised your eyebrows to signify he needs to stop his mini fit. Harry leans over to have his forehead on yours. You shake your head a little bit, not enough to detach his forehead from yours.
“You’re being a tease.” He whispered. Harry loves having this moment with you before he has to go on stage. He loves performing. The stage is where he feels he can truly connect with his fans and interact with them. Deep down you feel that’s the only reason why he makes music. Sometimes it’s for him but overall it’s for them. It's for them to interpret their own feelings and emotions. Harry is just there to guide them. Harry is their vacuum.
“How am I being teased? You just told me you have a surprise for me, but you’re not telling me.” You said nudging his head back so he can look at you. Harry opens his eyes and just stares at you. He gives you a toothy grin.
“It’s a surprise baby.”
Harry is prancing around the stage with a rainbow boa around his neck. He looks like a goddess. A fan threw Harry a sunglasses which reminded you of Elton John because how could you not think of Elton when you see glasses like that. Harry puts the sunglasses on and the stadium started to loose their fucking shit. Harry grins at the fans reaction. You knew that would boost Harry fuckin’ ego. Fucker.
Harry took the boa off his neck and gave it to a fan which they all started fighting for.
“Relax. Relax. There’s more where that came from.” Harry said to the microphone and that made everyone scream. You brought your hands to your ears. You regretted not taking the headphone Harry told you to wear. You thought you could handle it, but these Chicago shows are on a whole different level. These Chicago fans are menace.
The band starts to play and that prompts you to bring your hands down from your ears. You know that sound from anywhere because that’s one of your favorite songs off this album. You didn’t believe it because Harry was serious about not playing this song on tour.
“Don't blame me for falling. I was just a little boy.” Harry looked in your direction and gave you a wink and went back to serenading the crowd. You feel the entire stadium shake beneath your feet. Was this Harry's surprise? To sing ���To be so lonely?” You stepped forward to have a better fucking look at your man who’s still wearing that bedazzled sunglasses. Harry is swaying his hips back and forth giving the people what they wanted and giving them a front row ticket to “Horntown Harry.”
You arrogant son of a bitch.
After Harry kissed his fans goodbye he ran backstage full speed. You decide to meet him back in his room. You got there first, surprisingly because you’re wearing your Doc boots and you’re starting to feel blisters starting to form. At this point you’re practically waddling. Harry burst in the room finding you in front of his makeup vanity.
“Baby.” Harry said out of breath.
You push yourself off from the vanity and walk towards him. “Mmmh was that my surprise baby?” You said finally in reach where you can push back his loose curls that came undone during his performance.
“Yeah. Did you like it mommy?” He whispered, pushing his face against your hand.
“Mommy liked it very much. So did your fans.” You said grabbing his chins so he can look directly in your eyes. You look down and you see he’s getting a hard on. “Is my baby horny?” You grip his chin harder. He let out a groan and nodded his head. “Baby, I need words.”
“Yes mommy. I need you.” He said and you could tell he’s entering his subspace. You rather him not slip into that headspace because you guys will be leaving this venue in twenty minutes and when Harry enters that space. He hits fucking hard. “Well baby. I think you should lock that door so I can take care of you. Don’t you agree?” You pout rubbing the small area of his chin.
“Yes to whom?”
“Yes mommy.” Harry whimpered.
“That’s my good boy. Go lock the door.” Harry bolted from your gasp so he could lock the door. You turn around to walk to the small couch that’s across from the door. You spread your legs open. Harry looks at you and you notice that he licked his lips.
“Don’t be shy. Come sit on mommy’s lap.” You pat your hand on your thigh. Harry immediately walks over to you. He spreads his legs so he his legs are on either side of you. You place your hands on his waist rubbing small circles with your thumbs.
“Have I been good?” Harry whispered looking at you with his green doe eyes. You lick your lip and let out a sigh. You love seeing Harry like this. Knowing that you’re the only one who gets to see him in this way. He’s your own personal fucktoy.
“Oh baby, you've been so good to me. You’ve been so good that I believe you deserve a treat.” You said. Harry perked up and you could see all the excitement in his eyes.
“Yes really,” You giggled. It’s like his own version of Christmas day. Being able to pick his own toys out. “What would you like, baby?” You said leaning forward to plant a kiss on his neck. Harry lets out a soft moan. Harry leans his head back so you can have more room to assault his neck. You made sure you left some marks on his neck. You realize Harry didn’t say anything so you stopped.
“Mommy. Why did you stop?” Harry whined.
“Because you didn’t answer my question baby.” You gave him a smirk still rubbing on his waist.
“Ummm…” Harry is trying to think of something. You can see wheels turning in his head, and you couldn’t help but to get excited.
“I want you to use your vibrator on me like you did last week. I came so hard just by the vibrator on my balls. Can we do that again?” Harry said all excitedly.
You couldn’t help but smile at your pretty boy. “Of course we can, darling. But can you give mommy a kiss?” You pouted. Harry grabs the back of your hair and pushes you forwards. You both moan out loving the taste of each other’s mouths. You feel his tongue trancing the bottom of your lip waiting for you to let him in. When you let him in he consumes your mouth. All you could taste from was his minty gum he was chewing before he got on stage. Harry starts to grind on you so you remove your hands from his waist so you can grope that ass he’s been flauting the entire night. The kiss got so heated and you too couldn’t get enough from each other.
Harry’s hands are now on your back and he unclasped your bra. He went under your bra wires so he could squeeze that voluptuous double D’s you took pride in,
“Mommy I nee-”
“We leave in five mintuies.” Jeff shouted while he was banging on the door. Harry got scared and hid his face between your neck. You toss your head back and annoyed how Jeff basically cock blcoked you. You remember Harry is still in his subspace so you remove your hands from his ass and bring it to his back so you gently rub his back.
“It’s okay baby. It was Jeff.” You whispered, still staring at the tile on the ceiling.
You feel something wet on your neck and before you could even question it you hear Harry sniffling. “Baby are you okay? Talk to me.” You try forcing Harry to look at you but he wouldn’t budge so you went back to soothing him, rubbing his back up and down. You both were silent hoping Harry would come back to you.
After a couple of minutes Harry moves his face from your neck and stares at you. You noticed that his eyes are red and there’s some streaks of tears on his face. “Are you okay bubs? What’s wrong?” You whispered, having your hand on his cheeks soothing his heated face.
“I just miss you. We can’t play anymore.” He sniffled rubbing his achy eyes with his hand.
“Honey, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Never. We can always play. We can play some more when we get back to our hotel.” You said still soothing his face.
“Promise?” Harry whispered.
“I promise.”
#harry styles#harry styles x reader#harry styles fanfic#harry styles request#harry styles y/n#harry styles fanfiction#harry blurb#harry styles oneshot#oneshot#love on tour#harry styles concept#ask thismaydestroy#anon response#writing
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Hi!! I was wondering if I could have a BoB ship?
I’m pale, sort of auburn-blonde, green grey eyed, 5’6” and fairly slender but with big boobs and hips.
I'm very passionate, always smiling, empathetic, sarcastic, smart, and easy going. I hide behind my humor so people can’t get too close, and I overcompensate my shyness by talking to everyone, so no one believes I really am. I’m riddled with anxiety and massively self critical and can be stubborn and proud. But I try to always put others first, and I like to challenge myself. I’m fiercely loyal once I let someone get close to me. I’m a nurse, and I’ve been told that instead of being like “work wife,” I’m “work jester” because I just go around trying to make everyone laugh.
I love animals, especially dogs (I have 9, plus 1 geriatric cat and 8 chickens). I also love learning about anything and everything; I spend a lot of free time listening to lectures or watching documentaries. I’m an avid traveler and reader. Music is very important to me, and I listen to just about every genre from every era. Drawing and painting are my catharsis, but I love doing anything creative.
Thank you in advance! 🦊
Thank you for your request, sorry for the long wait!!! <3
I ship you with… Don Malarkey!!
Ahhhhh I was so torn on your request of who you’d match better? I definitely went for the more tender hearted, lovable, less in your face kinda guys????
When you mentioned how you used humour as a defence mechanism and also your selfless nature, I definitely leant towards Malarkey.
When you mentioned how you used humour as a defence mechanism and also your selfless nature, I definitely leant towards Malarkey.
I think Malarkey would definitely think you’re absolutely beautiful when he first lays eyes on you, let’s say somebody introduces you to one another and he goes all soft and shy??? He’s usually very playful, and maybe he is around your other friends, but around you he gets all nervous and a little awkward. It’s cute though.
lovesssss your hair, he thinks it’s such a unique and stunning colour that his eyes fixate on your fingers whenever they run through it.
Because you’re empathetic I think you could spot Malarkey’s shyness from a mile off, however because you’re so laid back and alwayssssss smiling it puts him right at ease.
adores your smile OMG, the two of you are grinning like Cheshire cats when you’re around each other and everybody can see what’s going on between the two of you.
I think you’d start out as besties who are secretly pining for one another and then one day (maybe after a couple of drinks) he kisses you and you’re shocked- he’s shocked too- but everything seems to work out perfectly from there.
he’s astonished by how beautiful you are and that you have the same feelings about him- most definitely asked ‘how are you this gorgeous’ and you’re literally like ummm idk that’s the 577th time you’ve asked me that.
Plays pranks on you the more comfortable you get with each other.
They progressively get meaner.
gets sad if you’re not smiling, really feels your emotions so he’s a super understanding guy.
he definitely doesn’t believe you when you tell him you were shy when you both met. Nothing could be as awkward as he was.
if you’re ever self critical or looking the slightest bit down, Malarkey notices this almost before you do.
he’d throw an arm around you and walk the two of you out to the most comfortable spot and kiss your forehead- ugh I’m so weak.
maybe if you’re working on rounds in the aid station and he can see you exhausting yourself, trying to boost morale, he’s the one that tells you, you need to rest.
in Bastogne he’d give you his hat and scarf- he’d never ever ever ever have his girl going cold or hungry or anything.
Very attentive, would ensure you’re not getting burnt out- and if you are then he’d talk you into just sitting for a good 30 minutes to rest.
doesn’t like you being in Bastogne, it scares the shit out of him- your relationship definitely becomes more mature??? Serious?? After this.
you’d be such a huge support for him after he looses Muck and Penkala. Seriously, just go give him a hug, he needs it.
after Bastogne you can see both your sarcastic, fun loving attitudes coming back. Of course it takes a while, but I think Malarkey really thanks you and is grateful for how truly amazing of a support you were to him and all the other boys, especially in Bastogne.
calls you Angel, love, my love.
Gets defensive if anybody is too nosy about your relationship- didn’t really think of it much, but after the war he’s really, deadly serious about marrying you and spending your lives together.
accidentally would mess up one of your drawings or paintings and almost cries- even if it’s a doodle on the back of a book or something.
sooooo soft and loving, like I said, always checking up to make sure what he’s doing is okay- this applies to during sex, I think especially after they’re finally moved off the line he’d be so attentive and caring.
those biceps, omg I’m blushing. Secretly loves it when you hold them. He’s not egotistical in the slightest so it makes him go all red.
loves animals just as much as you, it excites him the thought of you bringing home another animal, I think for a while he’d love having this as an escape after the war, whether it’s taking care of chickens or walking your dogs.
leaves you to your own hobbies in peace when you’re drawing or painting, but sometimes gets super involved and has drawing competitions.
you always win lmao.
gets surprisingly good at drawing???
You play music alllll the time in your house, and at first he acts embarrassed when you try to get him into certain songs and genres, but maybe a week later he’s humming along to the song, then the day after he’s singing it in the shower.
every song you play reminds you of him, so when you’re away he’d play them just for the comfort they bring.
misses you when you stay over at your friends for a night.
Would want lots of babies with you, he’s seen how good he can be at taking care of tiny, baby animals, so he gets more confident in his abilities of becoming a father.
would cry when his children are born, he’s super sentimental, and he’s a lot more open with his emotions with you than he’s ever been before.
family life is healing for Malarkey, the fact you’re such a patient and upbeat lover is super important to him.
I ship you platonically with… Babe Heffron!
Like you, Babe can get a little shy around new people especially, but he hides this well with how upbeat and chatty he is.
you both would click instantly, being a nurse you’d be a lot more accepting and caring of the replacements, so you’d get to know Babe pretty quick.
let’s say you’re attached to 2nd platoon, it makes sense that you’re closest to who you spend the most of your time with.
people like you are so important to have in the army, and out on the line as your bring morale up whenever it’s at its lowest.
babe see’s how much you hide behind your humour and worms his way in, probably asks you a million questions whilst you’re trying to sew up some poor guys forehead.
if you’re anxious I don’t think Babe would understand at first? He’d get a little worried and flustered and start hollering for Malarkey, but you assure him you’re fine.
Would just sit with you sometimes in silence, it’s the most comfortable and comforting thing for you both. Especially after Julian dies in Bastogne.
Constantly laughing together, talking about all kind of nonsense.
I think because you’re pretty creative you’d come up with fun little games to pass time, whether it be a new card game, or whatever else, Babe would LOVE to play.
I think you both bring out each others inner child.
asks you loads of questions about Malarkey, and Malarkey loads of questions about you.
both so loyal to one another, you’d definitely keep such a close eye on one another after the everything.
7 notes
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This is going to be a super long analysis of jib3 starting with the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony so brace yourselves.
Please note I believe in the breakup theory so maybe my opinion in this one might be biased so please don’t come for me, lol.
I will put it under the cut to avoid overcrowding your dashes with cockles shenanigans.
Also, watch out for profanities and mature language.
And so it begins...
Opening ceremony
The camera used to record the opening ceremony is shaky.
Misha, Jason Manns, and Jarpad seem to be having a lot of fun together and Jensen is just looking at his besties talking to the man he loves and he knows he can’t have that so he just stands there looking at them. Poor guy.
Jarpad asks who took Misha’s riffle? Things are awkward, I honestly don’t know what’s going on.
Misha kisses a plushie while making eye contact with Jensen and Jensen is like “oh, oh, wow” while making eye contact with Misha. LOL. Jack help me. This is a lot!!!
Jensen takes a plushie from Sebastian and Jared takes the one Misha had.
Are you guys flirting about trying to see whether you can keep plushies alive?
Misha throws something at the fans, I think he was throwing treats from earlier or whatever it was and Jensen says “Misha is still throwing” I mean why?
Cockles Panel
Jensen is so extra in this panel.
First of all, when he and Misha come out (no pun intended) a song starts playing and he starts dancing. Jensen is usually so poised while dancing but he is over the top throwing his back and shaking his tush for the mish. I think he was trying a little too hard. Misha spares his ex-boyfriend’s tush a glance smiles and looks away. LOL. The whole thing was cringey, tbh. It was so unlike Jensen.
When Sebastian touches Jensen’s shoulder and says something to Jensen, he [Jensen] laughs way too hard. I would say he laughs abnormally-it’s loud and he throws his whole body into it like he’s trying to prove what Sebastian was funny and it probably wasn’t. He laughs so hard he ends up right on Misha’s side. and Misha laughs at that though.
Rich says something about something in the sac that hurts(It’s incoherent) and Jensen says it hurts right here pointing at his heart (I can’t hear what they are saying exactly so if anyone knows please let me know)
I don’t know if Mark P. was going to hug Jensen or not or he was pointing at something behind Jensen, but at that moment, Jensen sees Sebastian going to hug Misha and whips his head away from Mark P’s direction so fast he almost broke his neck.
Sebastian humps Misha (these two are so playful I love them) and Jensen is just there acting awkward
There’s a comment by Rich about “It’s over, the convention’s over I’m no longer your bitch” I don’t know who this is about.
Now, now, now. This whole time Rich is doing a kissy mouth with his fingers on the monitor behind Jensen and Misha. His hand is right where Misha is standing (you’ll understand once you watch it) so Jensen makes a kissy face back and Misha is blushing? Ummm wtf is going on here?
Jensen also does something strange that he never does during cockles panels he pulls his seat away from Misha.
Misha makes a very weird comment about Sebastian’s libido drying up and they have a weird conversation about libido and Viagra ads. It’s weird.
It gets even more awkward Jensen talks about bringing a total stranger, and a blind date. And it goes downhill from there with them. The it wasn’t you it was me speech. It was special. So heartbreaking. It was clearly not about the show but about their relationship. I always have a difficult time getting through that part. It’s so awkward that the fans are just there wondering what the hell is going on.
They decide to take questions and the fan is all over the place so Misha interjects but Jensen won’t let Misha say what he wants to say so he says, “This is why you make it awkward. You never let people finish what they are saying.” Ouch. Domestic dispute vibes anyone?
The way Jensen is looking up at Misha when he’s answering that question. It’s like he wants to sear his face into his memory before they leave Rome.
Jensen is explaining to a fan how one of the four sound stages they had on set was full of furniture and Misha adds “and soiled mattresses” I mean what was the reason? Did they soil the mattresses with their [redacted]
A fan mentions something about Dean and Cas so these two adorable dorks smile and share a look. Things are starting to look up. Thank Jack.
The fan says something again (I can’t make out what he’s saying) but it must be something nice because they look at each other with smiles on their faces again.
Jensen playing with the head of his microphone. Is it just me or did the temperature rise a notch higher?
The way they look at each other when the fan says to help him choose the hottest female cast member on the show
Then something freaky happens they say the exact same thing as twins or bffs do sometimes. LOL.
When they start talking about the hot women with the fans Misha moves his entire body and now instead of looking at the fans, he is seated facing Jensen. The tension is simmering down.
A point to note is that in all their panels they always sit angled facing each other as opposed to facing the crowd save for this panel and DCCON 2019. But for DCCON I can understand that they weren’t comfortable being meant to be a J/2 panel and a creation event. So you know some people in that crowd are super mean to Mish and others to Jensen, so they had to tread carefully. But I digress back to the chaos.
They ask who wants to have a cockles panel the next year and they both raise their hands. I thought that was sweet
It’s adorable how Jensen keeps repeating everything Misha is saying.
Misha forgets himself and moves too close to Jensen to listen to the song on the phone. Jensen turns to look at Misha, I don’t know what that look is but Misha backs away laughing.
Jensen’s face journey while listening to that song is gold.
Misha moves closer to listen to the song. I have to say the way they are standing is not usually how two bros listening to music usually stand. If you know what I mean
Misha agrees that’s definitely Jensen singing. Of course, he knows because Mr. “Jensen sings to me all the time”
He looks so proud of him. I’d venture to say he’s happy to hear Jensen sing because he has always been so shy about that fact about himself. He even gives him a standing ovation. That’s so adorable. He loves him. My heart.
Jensen is so cute trying to deny it’s not him singing that song. Yeah, it’s you, Jensen. Even your ex agrees it’s you and we bet he knows how your voice sounds in all kinds of situations ;)
we get a tingly feeling so we know it’s you. Jensen’s adorable smile when Misha says that. Aww.
The way they are not even looking at each other but they are seated the exact same way.
Allow me to explain to my friend here. Explains how his parents didn’t know whether he was a boy or a girl. Misha with the steel chair, “when did they figure out that you were a boy?”
How many years did they call you holly?
For six to seven years
Is it just me or is this conversation a flashback of teenage twink-lesbian Jensen years?
Fan asks whether Dean will ever forgive Cas. Watch Misha’s body language, he is trying to pacify himself by rubbing the back of his neck and fumbling with his shirt.
When Jensen says “ No!” without a moment’s hesitation, Misha looks distraught? I don’t know maybe I’m reading too much into this but I feel like this hit too close to home being that they were most likely broken up.
Misha however has a different opinion, “I think he has”
Jensen says, “Wishful thinking” and that elicits a smile from Misha.
A fan asks about Dean giving Cas the trenchcoat back and things get interesting. Weirdly, that Jensen can’t say the word gay out loud. He literally uses the word “unmanly” in its stead in the guise of censorship? It’s not a bad word Jensen you can say it. However, Misha and the fans say the word so I’m wondering who is censoring Jensen’s use of that word. He eventually says it but super fast.
Jensen says that saying “I always knew you would come back” is not something he would say to another human being, especially a man. Jesus, there’s nothing wrong with saying that to another human being you care about. He’s the one making it gay. He was extra when answering that one.
They spent one and half hours making that scene just to end up not saying anything and it ended up looking gay anyway. Anyway, that’s interesting.
Jensen angles his body towards Mish and says in a very low soft and sexy voice “I guess I really hoped that you would come back some day” I would venture to say that Jensen at the moment in the panel was actually saying them to Misha. Who knows though?
They talk about it a whole lot for something that bothered him that much.
Misha being so excited about recreating a scene when a fan told Jarpad he’s amazing and Jarpad said "you are welcome.
“I think I understand what she wants. I’m not sure what she’s gonna get.” This is a very good line Misha. I will be using it often.
The way they awkwardly stand too close and whisper to each other. Umm…what is going on here?
Jensen folds over laughing because of something Misha says. They are back. The tension is almost 90% gone now and they are in their element.
The chaos of recording the alarm ringtone for the fan was just great to watch. They kept getting closer and closer and I think they might have shared spit at that point. Gross….LOL
The way Misha is sitting is he you know.
Jensen asking Misha whether he was saying anything or just screaming while they were recording. I think he just wanted to see Misha smile.
Jensen’s joy when a fan mentions that they have Misha’s résumé.
Jensen saying the word shit made my day. I curse a lot and it made me feel validated somehow.
Misha calls him dickhead in return and Jensen stops functioning and laughs instead . He also gets all hot and bothered trying to fumble with the lapel of his shirt. He does this a lot when he is turned on. He has a humiliation kink I think.
They start talking over each other about Misha’s special skills. Looks like Jensen might have known beforehand because he went straight for that. Or maybe he didn’t know but he knew since Misha is a mad genius there must be some amazing things in there. Either way, it was a good moment.
OMG Jensen is so excited and the way he motions to Misha to bring that résumé to him, LOL. This man was thirsty AF.
He even goes down from the stage to meet Misha and invades his personal space trying to reach the résumé. I think this is the moment the tension between them dissipated completely and they were back to some form of normalcy.
Misha holding Jensen’s shoulder trying to get his résumé back. Unsucessfully, I should add.
They read something funny and they fold over laughing and spin around like overjoyed seals. It is far removed from the mollusk family but at least it’s still a sea creature (I don’t know what I’m saying please don’t mind me)
Jensen is still on his knees laughing and can’t get up. As I said, he is being too extra in this panel.
Misha is trying to talk but they both can’t stop laughing. I think Jensen laughed so hard he got an extra set of abs that day.
Jensen is still laughing and you know what he is laughing at? Misha’s special skills being acting on camera. I mean it’s funny but man, prayforjensen.
They are still laughing. Jack, help them.
The way Jensen looks at Misha with pure adoration here makes me so happy and reminds me of the fictional characters they played being all heart eyes for each other.
Misha laughed so hard he cried.
Jensen trying to read the next ‘special skill’ Misha has but he can’t even talk because of how funny he thinks it is. He’s trying so hard not to laugh but he can’t help himself.
Jensen agreeing and also asking the audience to agree that Misha has a knack for certain accents. Accent kink anyone?
Jensen is so excited when Misha starts Tibetan throating singing and does the unicorn laugh facing away from the crowd. Bet he has experienced Misha’s Tibetan throat singing skills on a personal when they are (loud overhead helicopter noises followed by thunder rumbling)
Jensen falling to the ground after feigning a heart attack once he saw that Misha is a certified EMT. I mentioned before that I honestly, 100% think he wanted mouth to mouth. There’s no other explanation. He could’ve feigned a nose bleed or just about any other illness but he chose to fall on a dirty floor and lay down so Misha could either give him the breath of life or straddle him. Luckily for him his dream came true 7 years later at Jib9 when straddle gate happened. But I digress
Too bad Misha was still mad at him and heartbroken so he kicked him instead.
Jensen knowing that Misha kayaks seems to be part of his personal knowledge. Maybe they did it together sometimes.
Horseback riding. Hmm is it just me or do they seem awkward here?
Misha is so close to Jensen’s armpits. Must be missing his man’s musk and being held in those muscular arms again. Poor baby.
Misha can’t talk because of how funny he finds bicycle touring. I mean…I don’t see what’s funny but I guess he knows why it’s funny.
Misha laughing and raises his legs because Jensen is elaborating on the bicycle touring. Maybe it’s an inside joke or maybe it’s no longer funny to me because I’ve watched this panel like 5 times.
I think Jensen’s goal was to see Misha laugh and be happy because he turned to look at Misha who was still laughing hard and the joy on Jensen’s face. Aww.
Misha gravitating towards his man again. He must smell really nice Misha. And those arms. Bet he used to lift you against the wall and (this fucking thunder won’t stop rambling. Are chuck and Amara fighting again?)
Jensen marketing his man’s carpentry skills but then makes sure to make it ‘no homo’ by saying he would never sit on anything Misha has built. Sure Jan. Then he circles back and says that he knows that he can build things.
Misha walks away from him and he looks up to make sure where he is going. Maybe he was afraid Misha was walking out on him. (PTSD from their breakup?)
They mention acting on camera again.
And laugh
Jensen keeps talking about the acting on camera and watches to see if Misha is still laughing He still is and Jensen is happy that his baby is happy. He looks at him again and he is still happy that Misha is still happy. Then once the laughter dies down he starts talking about bicycle touring and checks again to see if Misha is laughing which he is so Jensen throws his head back unicorn laughing and then looks at Misha again to see that he’s still laughing. Then they look at each other and say something maybe it’s about that was a good laugh. Jensen is wiping tears from his eyes because of how hard he laughed Misha does the same. That entire thing was insane and they seemed to love it.
Jensen starts saying that being this happy or goofing around is how they are on set sometimes and have to take a 5-10 minute break and Misha doesn’t seem too happy at the mention of the set.
Jensen knowing that you can buy résumés on eBay. Did he buy Misha’s and then plant someone in the audience to bring it up or? Okay, yeah I know I’m reaching here but it’s probable.
I guess my theory wasn’t farfetched because Jensen says that he’s pretty sure that Jarpad put it on eBay the previous night so maybe he is the one who did all that to win Misha back?
Jensen knows the appellation clogging is a stretch. Seems like Misha has told him about it before.
Jensen looking at his watch to see if they have time for Misha to be telling a story about his high school sweetheart and now wife. I bet he wishes Misha could tell their love story so openly. He can’t stop looking at Misha.
The way Jensen is looking at Misha here. WTF man? He’s literally confused about what the question is.
The personal space question. This whole thing was just so many things. It was awkward, cringey, thirsty, funny.
when the fan asks whether there’s a funny fact between Jensen and Misha. I almost fainted. What? And Jensen repeats it. The two men are so stoic. They are not even looking at each other. They are looking at the fan like the way a statue stares at you, unmoving. Cringe.
The room is so quiet. Poor girl, I hope she didn’t feel awkward afterwards because if it were me, I would’ve cried from how stoic they looked and how quiet everyone was.
How they both scratch themselves, Misha on the head and Jensen on the nose. Maybe the question hit too close to home
Jensen turns to look at Misha as if to say ’help me out here man. We don’t wanna disappoint our fans.”
Misha gets it because he gets up. This whole thing is gold.
The way Jensen breathes out in anticipation. I know it was like they were playing a skit about personal space but why was he breathing like that? Shouldn’t he have been playing it as ‘uncomfortable’ not ‘turned on.’ Boudoir mannerisms.
Moving on Misha is unsure on where to touch Jensen 40.31. This is weird in and of itself because usually, they don’t have a problem touching each other’s faces, tush, eggplants, (jib4 anyone), backs et cetera. But now it’s weird? *cough* breakup *cough*
Misha touches Jensen’s ear and Jensen literally moans. He frigging moans people. In case it is not clear in the video, here is an isolated audio version of it. Jensen is also fumbling with his shirt like he’s all hot and bothered. Just like Misha did earlier. Was Jib3 their couple’s therapy that reminded them how happy and horny they made each other?
Jensen is really not answering the question, to be honest. He’s fumbling for words and trying so very hard to make sense but his word are incoherent.
Misha going in for the nose dip. I know friends do this all the time but you have to be very close and familiar with someone such as a friend friend or a sibling for you to poke a finger in their nose. I mean noses are slimy and eww…anyway. That happened. They seem so comfortable with it. Jensen I love you but please stop talking.
The way Jensen looks at Misha. He has the cutest smile on his face as if saying thank you for making that fun and making me horny, I still want you.
Misha wiping his pinky that touched Jensen’s nose on his pants. (I wanted to add something disgusting about what heshould’ve done with that pinky but I won’t so let’s move on)
Jensen wiggling his nose.
When Misha suggests that Spn moves to Nickolodeon. Jensen laughs a bit too hard.
Misha talking about spn being a puppet show reminds me of how he mentioned them having a puppet show in Jensen’s backyard after the show is over.
Jensen also saying that in a way spn is a puppet show. I mean is someone making snide comments about how their strings get pulled and sometimes they are not happy about it. Like how they fired his boyfriend. It seems like it’s an inside joke.
They named the plushie Zippy aww :))
For jack’s sake guys, the way they look at each other when they mention that the résumé was the highlight of the panel.
Jensen saying the more dirt you dig up on Misha, the more rewarded you are. Aww, someone’s trying to win his man back by any means necessary. You go girl…I mean Jensen.
He talks more about how he’s looking forward to next year when fans have more dirt on his friend Misha. Jensen didn’t want to leave the stage, he was lingering so he could spend more time with Misha.
It’s over guys.
Closing Ceremony
I know you didn’t ask for the closing ceremony but here you go. It’s a free gift.
Can I just mention how Jarpad is an overactive puppy? He has to play with anything and everything he finds.
The mc announces Misha twice for some reason. The second time Jensen looks in Misha’s direction with a small smile on his face. He [Jensen] is also chewing vigorously.
Jensen and Jarpad being typical dude bros and karate chop Rich. This is why the difference between his relationship with Jarpad and Misha stands out. He would be too busy making heart eyes to Misha to kick another guy. LoL.
Jensen hulking out when Jarpad is taking a video of everyone. Lol. This video keeps reiterating my point that his relationship with the two men is just different.
Jensen keeps looking in Misha’s direction, Misha who is busy talking to Steve and having fun. Let me also mention Steve is Jensen’s bestie and so are Jarpad and Misha, but I’m sure that Jensen felt some type of way, jealous when they were having so much fun with his man and he couldn’t. Jarpad also takes a while filming Misha for Jensen of course. They remind me of me having a crush back when I was in school. Wait, did Misha look at Jensen? It’s hard to see because the angle of the video is not expansive but I guess he was.
As soon as Jarpad gets back, Jensen takes the camera from him and starts filming fans. I’m sure he just wanted Misha to look at him
Rich mention’s Misha and something about acting on camera and Jensen licks his lips looking at Misha (I think).
Jensen then vigorously grabs the microphone from someone immediately and mention’s Misha. Jarpad’s reaction at that moment tells you everything you need to know about what’s going on between Jensen and Misha. It looks like he is pleading with Jensen in his head saying, “Don’t embarrass yourself bro. Please don’t” but it’s too late.
Jensen again talks about Misha’s résumé and specifically about acting on camera, the thing that made Misha laugh out loud during their panel. Someone’s smitten. Defending his ex-man.
Jarpad goes to whisper something to Misha. And they laugh while Jensen is thanking the jib staff for doing an amazing job. But when he sees the duo laughing, he loses track of thought and says “and they are all getting married” dude what ??? How do you go from thanking people who worked on the convention and in .1 seconds you are talking about they are all getting married? Who is? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? No one gets it, he says he’s kidding and gives Jarpad the microphone, spares a glance at Misha and he seems distraught from that moment on. I wish I could see Misha’s face through all this.
He’s glancing in Misha’s direction again. Man’s got it bad. What?! Oh to be loved by Jensen Ackles. Misha must be a prize, I know he is a mad genius and gorgeous and sexy as hell with that golden skin that looks like it was dipped in gold and honey, big blue eyes that are bluer than the bluest blue, but Jensen wtf man? You are in public.
I think Jarpad is telling Jensen something maybe it has to do with what he and Misha were talking about earlier?
And it’s over people.
Overall, I agree with the breakup theory. I mean the way these two were acting around each other was very strange. If you watch Misha and Jarpad, they seem okay from the opening ceremony up till the end but Jensen and Misha are just being weird.
The panel was mostly fun but their body language told a story that something was definitely going on between them.
#jib3#jibcon 2012#jib3 analysis#jib3 cockles panel#cockles#this was a doozy#glad to be done#there was a lot going on in that panel#cockles break up#cockles break up theory
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maybe hc’s about the mcyts showing off to try to impress you?
🌸Headcannon: Trying to Impress the Reader with their Skills🌸
💚If you’re not impressed by how godly he is at Minecraft then I’m not so sure what to say!
💚He would always try and get your attention with either saying your name over and over again or using his tea kettle laugh
💚If you do notice him and complement him... oh boy this man fist pumps the air and then breaks his chair (Probably)
💚Him showing off by trying to kill George or Sapnap with just his fist
💚It worked, once
💚Showing you his manhunt videos
💚FaceTiming you to show off his room/cloths/merch
💚Blushes whenever you call him brave or strong
💚”I’m s-strong?!”
💚”Yeah! You’re really strong Dream... Dream? You there?”
💙He impresses you by how much this man can SLEEP
💙Flustered and quiet
💙Kinda scared to approach you
💙Surprising you with how cute his laugh and smile is
💙He would go quiet if you notice him
💙Asks Dream for help
💙”Please Dream! I just want to impress them!”
💙”Just be yourself George! They’ll love you!”
💙”Please Dream! I... OH! They logged on!”
💙Dream being George’s hype man
♥️Ummmm Manhunt videos
♥️He would melt when you talk to him
♥️Asks George for help, but George would be asking Dream for help
♥️Tell me he wouldn’t
♥️Sending you photos of new clothing and merchandise ideas
♥️Would he choke on his words when talking to you...Yes
♥️”So Y/N, Ummm, I was wounding if...”
♥️”What’s up Sapnap?”
♥️”Nothing, just wanted to see if you wanted to be in a video with me!”
❣️He would build stuff for you on your land
❣️His way of just saying “LANGUAGE” all the time is sweet
❣️Surprises you in the manhunts
❣️Gets all giddy when you notice him
❣️He’s just so kind and wholesome! Who wouldn’t notice that?!
❣️He would just go out and say how much he liked you
❣️He’s that confident
❣️”I really like you Y/N!”
❣️”Aww, you’re so sweet, I like you too!”
❣️1000% impressed
🦊Those coding skills!
🦊His way of talks to you so smooth
🦊Making mods for you
🦊Always invites you for videos/streams so he can show you his work
🦊His attempts would actually work
🦊Asks Wilbur questions (Father?!)
🦊”Fundy, stop worrying”
🦊’Wilbur, can we invite Y/N?”
🦊”You wanna impress her with your godly skills?!”
🌼Wilbur Soot🌼
🌼Impresses you all the TIME
🌼His singing
🌼Guitar and kazoo
🌼He’s so formal and kind
🌼Sometime he asks for help from Phil
🌼When Ghostbur comes around he gets so happy when he meets friend
🌼”Look Y/N!”
🌼”Oh! It’s a sheep...Ghostbur ummm.”
🌼”It’s friend!”
💜I would be impressed by him just speaking Spanish
💜Quackity being able to make lyrics on the spot is really cool!
💜Playing the guitar
💜Help me, he would scream in his microphone and make me go death because of autotune
💜He’s fucking hilarious
💜Making up a love song on the spot
💜Autotune flirting
💜”Y/NNNNNN, I lOvEeEe yOuUUuu!”
🌸Tries his hardest to impress you everyday
🌸I mean like, he’s a BIG STRONG MAN
🌸Brags about how amazing he is
🌸His attempt usually fail
🌸Asks Wilbur for help, but Wilbur doesn’t want to deal with it
🌸”Wilbur! Pease just help me this once!”
🌸”Tommy you called me just to ask me how to impress Y/N?! I thought it was an emergency!”
🌸”IT IS!”
🐝Tubbo impresses everyone already
🐝He impresses you by just being his cute self
🐝He would get nervous approaching you, but he swallows all the negatively and just goes all out
🐝Sometimes he asks Tommy for advice... that doesn’t go down that well
🐝Might pass out for a couple of seconds if you complement him
🐝He’s just caught off guard
🐝”Tommy, what should I do?!”
🐝”Tell them how good our drugs are! Oh what about Tubbo bath water!”
🐝”Tommy what the hell!”
🐝”You did ask for help.”
🌸I’m not really that proud of this, but I couldn’t think straight right now!
🌸Hopefully you like this my precious anon!
#mcyt#mcyt headcanons#headcannons#dreamwastaken#georgenotfound#sapnap#badboyhalo#fundy#wilbur soot#quackity#tommyinnit#tubbo#mcyt tommyinnit#mcyt tubbo#mcyt dream#mcyt georgenotfound#mcyt sapnap#mcyt fundy#mcyt badboyhalo#mcyt wilbur#mcyt quackity#tommyinnit and tubbo#dream x reader#georgenotfound x reader#sapnap x reader#wilbur x reader#badboyhalo x reader#fundy x reader#quackity x reader#tommyinnit x reader
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{the godfather🤵}
seb: max so you want ice cream for dessert?
max: yeah so are we going to have it?
seb: of course max it's your time to choose what we are going to eat for dessert. Now what flavor?
max: well I was thin..
seb: wait
max: what
seb: i hear someone crying.
max: how do you know that?
seb: max i just know i will be back my child needs me.
meanwhile in mick's room
lando: mick please stop crying.
Daniel: here give him Angie.
lando gives Angie to mick, but mick does not stop crying.
Carlos: he needs to stop crying or seb will come here.
Charles: i think it's too late for that!
scary music starts to play
seb: why is mick crying.!
Carlos: don't know he was already crying when we got here.
seb: are you sure and that you guys did not make him cry?!
Daniel: we are sure.
seb: Charles leclerc what do you know
Charles: what i do..don't know anything.!
seb: are you sure
Charles: pos..positive.
seb: Lando tell me now.
lando: ummm...
seb: LANDO.
lando: YEs
seb: what happened.
lando: well we were coming back from the store and a some kid said to me that I was baby for buying milk and mick stand up for me and the kid told him so many mean things. Then I grabbed micks hand just left the store and when we got home he ran to his room and when I got to his room he was crying then everyone came in the room to see why he was crying.
seb: WHAT!
lando: yeah.
Carlos: why didn't you tell me lando?!?
lando: i was going to tell you but you were busy.
Seb: Lando do you know the kid's name.
a dark aura was surrounding him
lando: yeah he goes to school with us he's in Max's classroom.
seb: ok. Mick come here.
mick runs into sebs arms.
seb: it's okay honey don't worry everything he said is not true, let's go to my room so you can sleep there okay honey.
mick: just nods.
seb: Charles can you get Angie, sir Croaks-a-lot, and buttercup?
Charles: yeah.
after seb puts mick to sleep, seb makes an important phone call.
seb: you all are gather here because someone hurt someone from my family and we need to show this kid that no ones hurts any of my children.
he says while walking around the room
person 1: you want us to teach him a lesson.
seb: yes make sure he knows not to mess with any of my kids nor with me capiche.
person 2: okay, but first we need the name, photo, and address.
seb: here
seb hands the papers to the person.
person 3: don't worry boss we will teach him a lesson.
person 4: I will make sure he remembers it for the rest of his life.
seb: thank you.
everyone: no problem boss.
meanwhile upstairs in sebs room
mick: seb where are you?
mick: seb?
mick gets up from the bed and was about to open the door but the door opens and mick sees seb with a tray of food.
seb: mick you should be in bed.
mick: sorry I was just looking for you.
seb: it's ok mick , just let me put this on the table, there. How are you feeling?
mick: much better.
seb: that's wonderful honey.
micks belly started to rumble. seb let's out a ittle chuckle.
seb: looks like I was just in time. come have a seat and eat.
mick: what did you make.
seb: you will see.
mick: it's my favorite food!
seb: yes it is, I thought this will make you feel better.
mick: thanks seb you are the best person in the whole world.
seb: awww mick you are to kind.
mick: you really are.
seb: thanks mick but you better start to eat before your food goes cold.
mick: okay.
meanwhile something was happening to the kid.
person 4: this is for mick & lando if you mess with any of them we won't be so generous.
person 1: the boss give you his sympathy.
person 3: come guys let's get out of here.
person 2 gets out his phone and calls the boss.
person 2: everything is done boss he will not bother your children anymore.
seb: thank you very much.
person 4: anything for the godfather.
should I make a part 2
#f1#formula 1#formula one#sebastian vettel#seb#small mick#mick schumacher#danny ric#daniel ricciardo#max verstappen#lando#lando norris#carlos sainz junior#carlos sainz jr#charles leclerc#f1 incorrect quotes#incorrect f1 quotes#incorrect formula 1#incorrect quotes#seb and his grid kids#aston martin f1 team#aston martin cognizant formula one team#ferrari#scuderia ferrari#mclaren f1#mclaren#red bull racing#red bull#haas f1 team#haas
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Don’t Distract The Driver
I smiled as I turned on my heel at the bottom of my staircase swinging my weight and my little white suitcase around the last banister rail feeling my petticoats swish as I spin, I put my suitcase by the door going to the kitchen with a skip and a jump over my little rug getting my large travel mug filling it to the tip top with hot coffee. I shut off the last few bits and bobs I had on around the house, when I heard the familiar little engine, I grabbed my handbag and set my white sunglasses on my head next to my little headband. I went and opened the door spotting the pastel blue beetle that now sat at the end of my drive way, I smiled widely seeing the tall, skinny figure who emerged from it.
He climbed out the drivers side his jeans tight to his skinny legs, his usual shoes, His belt tight with his knife sat down his left leg as usual, His grey button down over him with the little slightly metallic lines down the fabric, open to the centre of his chest as usual, his black coat cradled him as usual, his hat in his hand as he pulled back his hair and sat it on his head
"Hello babydoll"
"Hello Benny" I smiled running down the path and into his arms as he wrapped them around me tightly and pulled me close to his chest for a kiss "I made you coffee" I smiled handing him the travel cup
"You. Are. An angel." He says happily taking it and having a savoured sip "ummmm I haven't had a coffee since the highway, thank you babydoll"
"Your welcome, so shall we get packing?"
"Of course put your stuff in the trunk I saved you some room"
"Okay" I nodded starting to bring my bags
".... Babydoll"
"What is it Benny?"
"Need I remind you I own a beetle? Commonly known for being… not that big of cars"
"And I also have all my clothes and such?"
"I know"
"So why do you have like six bags?"
"I need lots. Benny, you think looking this beautiful just happens? You think I wake up like this?"
“I do” He shrugs
"I know babydoll and you look very beautiful but we are only going for four days."
"I couldn't decide on my dresses so… I took options"
"Options? How many options?"
".... A few" I blushed "plus I couldn't pick a swimsuit"
"Fine stuff what you can in the trunk and throw the rest in the back seat" he sighed,
I smiled as I sat in the cream leather seat my head slightly against the blue metal and the glass of the window and door, I could hear the engine revving and Veering as it went along the long infinitely stretching american highways, The sounds of the air rushing past the window were it doesn’t quiet seal properly, The rush of sound every so often, Little sounds when a car past but loud when something like a huge truck went by, The radio on low the gentle music playing slowly, I could smell the oil and fuel of engines around us, I could smell the coffee that sat in the cup holder, I could smell benny’s aftershave which brought a wider smile to my lips. I looked out the window and saw the vast straight road, a sign for the route, the local towns and things close to us. I sat up seeing that as we drove we were following a large black car, I glance to Benny as he sat in the driver's seat focused intently on the road and the car in front of him, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth his hair slightly in his eye where he had thrown his hat on the back seat earlier.
I smiled sitting up and fixing his hair out his eye for him,
“Thank you y/n” He chucked
I smiled and continued to gently play with his hand until he took my hand giving it a kiss and putting my hand back in my lap with a pat before he returned his hand to the wheel
“Don’t Distract the Driver.” he warns
“I wasn’t distracting the driver” I smiled “I was helping”
“Sure you where”
“Why are we just following this car?”
“It’s a nice car?” He shrugs
“What is it?” I asked
“63 lincoln. Ummm I want one” “Benny, you live in a basement and own like four shirts?” I remind him
“I’m not allowed to want things?”
“You can, just maybe think what you can afford”
“I own more than four shirts”
“Then why do I only see four?”
“... Because… they are my good clothes… that I wear with you around?”
“Fine” He sighed “Maybe… I could save a little money by, Moving out of the crummy little cracker box?”
“Maybe I could come and live in your nice house?”
“I don’t know benny, might be a little cramped or you in the other bedroom” I smiled
“I would, Maybe I could just… curl up in your bed”
“Could you now?”
“Come on you have a two bed two bath house why can’t I come live with you”
“You won’t like living with me benny”
“Maybe I can be the judge of that?” he smirked
“You just don’t wanna pay rent anymore”
“.... Kinda”
“You’ll still have to help pay the mortgage”
“Yeah but that's got to be better then rent in my shitty apartment,” he says “Plus you have a driveway, so I wouldn’t have to pay as many parking tickets” He says
“That's true” I giggled, laying my head on his shoulder as he drove. “Maybe, I’ll think about it benny.” I smiled giving his cheek a kiss
“Hey, I’m driving” He argues trying to squirm away from my kisses
“Awww benny? Don’t you want my kisses?”
“I do, but just not while I’m driving babydoll” “Your mean to me” I whine leaning back on the door
“Ohh? I’m mean because I want to focus on the road so we don’t crash and die?”
“I know I’m mean” He smirked leaning over and giving my head a kiss “Happy now?”
“Kinda” I giggled “How long till we get there?”
“Another few hours”
“You said that three hours ago”
“Well it's a long way”
“I’m going to go swimming” I giggled “will you come with me?”
“....Maybe, depends how the Championship goes?”
“If it goes well? Then will you come and sit by the pool with me?”
“I will if it goes well” He says
“Benny?” I asked after a while of quiet driving
“Yes y/n?”
“Do you love me?” I asked nuzzling on to his neck
“Awwww Babydoll, Of course I love you” he says kissing my head “Don’t you love me too?”
“Of course I love you” I giggled looking out to the long boring road, “Benny?” I asked
“Yes Babydoll?” He asks
“I’m bored”
“.... do you wanna play chess?”
“No thank you benny. I’ll have to deal with chess enough when we get there.”
“.... Do you want to play eye spy?”
“Are we six?” I asked
“I was only suggesting y/n”
“I know” I sighed as I watched the road, But I smirked to myself glancing down at his tight jeans “Benny?”
“Did you wanna play a game?” I smiled resting my hand on his leg
“I just suggested two games” He shrugs but I moved my hand up a little more stroking the inner seam of his jeans all the way till I ran my finger tips around his pocket “Oooh…” It clicked in his head what I was suggesting he smirked and picked my hand up giving it a kiss “Don’t distract the driver Babydoll.”
“But Benny”
“You wanna do that we can pull over, I’m not having to feeling me up while I’m trying to drive y/n”
“You're mean” I pout
“I know.”
“Just one little kiss” I whine “Please” I beg pressing kisses to his cheek, his jaw and down his neck
“Don’t distract the driver” he complained trying to get my kisses away
“Awww Please, Pwetty Pwease Benny” I whine and soon enough he pulled up to a junction stopping the car
“You are such a whiny little Brat when you don’t get what you want” he smirked turning slightly one hand on the wheel and the other on the seat
“Maybe I wouldn’t If, you gave me what I wanted” I pouted
“Wouldn’t you?” he smirked pulling me to kiss him I happily kissed his soft lips back his hair gently ticking my lips as he kissed me, our kiss got deeper and deeper the longer it went on until some other car pulled up behind us and honked loudly, so Benny pulled back and carried on driving
“Benny…” I whine petting his arm suggestively
“I’m driving” He reminds “You got a kiss now let me drive”
“But Benny” I whine
“Don’t distract the driver” he says pushing my hand away
I giggled and gently pet his leg, stroking his jeans “Come on benny” I whined
“Why are you being such a brat Babydoll?” He smirked
“Because I wanna play” I giggled slipping my hand into the pocket of his jeans gently stroking his hips “Please Benny, I just want us to have fun”
“Babydoll, I want us to have fun too. But Don’t distract the driver, it’s dangerous” he says “we’ll have fun when we get to the hotel okay” He says
“No. Fun now” I complained grabbing his crotch
“Y/n!” he jumped “I’m driving”
“Well I think it’s time for fun” I smiled toying with his belt
“Y/n” He warns “don’t distract the driver” I undid his belt and undid his jeans “Babydoll…” he warns
“Just drive benny” I smirked slipping my and under his jeans my hand meeting his half hard cock
“Don’t distract the driv- Uhh!” He groans as I squeezed his base hard, “Babydoll, what’s wrong with you? You are being such a little brat today, Fine. you’re not going to give up on this so” He sighed
“Good” I giggled I started off slow gently pumping as I kissed his neck gently as he drove until he was rock hard, his breaths sharp, biting and gnawing on his lip a lot trying hard not to moan or groan in reaction to my movements and my kisses “Benny? Do you love me?” I cooed as I sped my hand up even more
“Umm! Course I do Babydoll. I just don’t like when you wanna play distract the driver” He smirked turning to kiss me gently but I pulled away
“Focus on driving Benny, it’s awfully dangerous” I smirked giving his cheek a kiss and moving in my seat tugging his jeans down even more letting his rock hard cock jump free from his jeans, I moved and gently kissed his head and down his shaft making him grip the wheel tightly
“Fuck! y/n…” He groans “Why do you have be such a little brat and play distract the driver?” He compalined
“Want me to stop?” I cooed
“Fuck no babydoll!” He groaned
I smirked and took every inch of him into my mouth sucking hard “Ughhhh! Fuck Babydoll!” He groans grabbing my hair hard I knew he was getting close but he pushed my head away leaving me a little confused “Fuck it” He said as he pulled into a truck stop cafe place, parking up at the back of the car park and doing up his jeans “Backseat. Now babydoll.” He smirked so I giggled and did as I was told, getting into the back of the car and he happily followed pulling me aggressively to kiss him grabbing at my dress I smirked kissing back moving to kiss down his jaw and his neck making sure to leave a love bite at the crook of his neck
“Why so attentive all of a sudden benny?”
“You know why”
“I’m sure I don’t”
“Yes you do you little brat” He growled kissing down my neck and attacking my breasts with kisses “You are getting such a fucking spanking when we get to the hotel” he smirked undoing his jeans again
“Why?” I whine
“Don’t distract the driver babydoll. Else master punishes his little bratty babydoll” he growled forcing me into his lap….
#benny#benny fanfic#benny smut#benny x reader#benny imagine#benny watts#BENNYWATTS#bennywattssmut#bennysmut#bennyimagine#benny watts imagine#benny watts smut#thequeensgambit#queens gambit#The Queens Gambit#thomas#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster#thomassangster#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas brodie sangster i#thomas brodie sangster s#thomas smut#thomas sangster smut#thomas sangster x reader#thomas sangser imagine
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