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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet + SMut
Hey fiction witch, if u can see this I have a request, in the show Beth leaves New York and goes back to her house and when Beth and Benny r on the phone Benny gets upset and tells Beth to not call him, after that happens can u plz make y/n find out that Beth hurt Benny and y/n being her sweet and empathetic self, goes to comfort Benny in his house and yk wtv happens next 🤭 if u can make that story asap that would be amazing thank u 🙏
I shifted my hips from side to side humming along with the tune coming from my record player speaker, My hands in the hot water washing up the dishes and pots from dinner. I jumped as I heard my phone begin its blaring. So I left the last pot to soak trying off my hands on my apron as I scampered my shoes across the floor of my little townhouse I quickly turned down the volume on my record player as I passed the shelf, I lost my footing a little on the rug's stupid curled corner and went tumbling onto my sofa on my back, luckily just beside my phone table so I picked up the red rotary phone from the table bringing it to my ear.
"Y/l/n Residence." I smiled
"Hi y/n" Beth smiled
"Ohh, My my to what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Harmon?"
"Oh you know, nothing unusual. How's queens?"
"Boring. But finally unpacked my last few boxes so shaping up nicely. How's kentuky?"
"Much the same" she smiled "So, I had a question."
"ahh there is the point of your call, of course, ask away"
"You've been to Moscow correct?"
"Yes, I have. I assume there is a follow-up question."
"Yeah, I'm doing a bit of packing. I know everyone says Moscow is cold but... exactly how cold?"
"When they say cold they mean cold beth. It's freezing in Moscow. The snow came up to my knees. I was so cold I ripped stuffing out of the hotel pillow to shove in my bra because I was convinced my nipples would freeze off. and that's coming from a New York girl" I laughed "Pack for ice. Pack for snow. Pack for seeing your breath inside buildings."
"If you're too hot you can always take layers off," I explained
"Fair enough,"
"That all?"
"I had something else to ask too"
"Sure, fire away."
"Did you... Like to fuck Benny?"
"That's a bold question for six pm"
"But did you, when you two were... together?"
I laughed "My darling Elizabeth. Me and Benny never have been... together. Not officially anyway."
"But when you did. Did you like to?"
"You can say every time you've had sex you liked it? sometimes stuff's just shit"
"But other than those times"
"I did. Course I did. Benny... is a complicated man"
"How so?"
"Because he's Benny" I laugh "He's weird, he thinks fifteen steps ahead at any one moment, he's passionate and dedicated with an ego big enough to fly himself to Moscow and back, but he's also... you know a man. so he's blunt and simple, and can't see a hint five inches in front of his face." I explained, "Why?"
"I think. it might be over."
"Over? Did it ever begin?"
"I mean... kinda. sort of. It's complicated."
"Beth. What happened?"
"So you know how Benny's been bugging me to come to New York"
"Yes. Because he misses you. That's his way of saying that."
"Yeah he even told me"
"He told you he missed you?"
"And you did what?"
"Yeah I mean we called a little more but not much else. and I kinda... pissed him off"
"What did you do?"
"I gave the church the money back. I tried to ask him for money. if he wants to come he can help me pay for it right? he flipped out and told me not to call him again. That was... two days ago and he won't answer the phone. Guess I'm just kinda..."
"You're serious?" I sighed
"Okay... I have not got time to deal with you" I sighed sitting up normally "All I'm gonna say is you've fucked up Beth. And I am going to clean this up, not because I want to help you. But because I care too much about Benny. I will call you later and we will have a chat" I told her before hanging up the phone
"Fuck..." I sighed "Harmon, you do make my life difficult" I grabbed the phone again and dialled the number for the Brooklyn basement listening to it ring but no answer, I tried again but still no answer, I gave it one more try but still no answer.
I gave up setting the phone back on the receiver and I got to my feet untieing my apron throwing it on the kitchen table grabbing my handbag making sure to grab my spare key. changing my shoes and slipping on my gloves before rushing out locking up my front door as I scampered down the steps of the stoop I unlocked the door on my little red mini threw my bag on the passenger seat quickly started the car up and scampered through the New York streets using all the little cut thoughts I knew to travel the six miles from my townhouse in queens to the basement in Brooklyn. I pulled my mini up behind the little blue Beatle parked and grabbed my bag climbing out of the car and heading down the little foul-smelling stairwells until I finally reached the metal door giving it a firm few taps. No answer came. but I could hear noises from within. I knocked much louder but still no answer came.
I rolled my eyes grabbed the spare key from my handbag forced it into the lock and opened the door shutting it behind me immediately I could tell things weren't good.
This apartment was dark, gloomy and damp as usual, bottles littered his table enough you could use them as pieces in a chess game, and things haphazardly moved around the apartment. And Benny amongst it all. Barefoot. Black jeans tight to his body, his belt gone, his black turtleneck on with his sleeves rolled up, frustration across his face, a beer in hand that he finished and there across his apartment smashing it on the wall.
He ran a hand through his hair and glanced up at me “Hey y/n.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I'm fine” he snapped grabbing a cigarette from his table setting it in his mouth and lighting it up with his old Zippo
“Benny.” I glared
“I'm fine.” He snapped
“Beth called me.”
“Did she now? You come down to tell me I'm an asshole”
“I don't make judgements till I hear both sides” I answered “So, tell me what happened.”
“So it fucking -”
“It's over. I'm done with her. I have put up with so much shit from her. She treats me like a doormat, and only calls me when she needs something. Well she can go fuck herself” he says pacing around his apartment
“Okay, what exactly happened?”
“She gave the money back. Asked me to pay for us. She ignored everything I told her. All because she didn't want to sign some worthless bit of paper. Now I can't go to Moscow with her. Fine, she clearly didn't want me with her anyway.”
“Alright, and you told her?”
“I told her not to call me again. She wants to do this on her own fine. She can. She won't hear a word from me, but she can fuck off if she wants anything.”
“You've been ignoring calls?”
“I didn't exactly feel like talking right now”
“Alright, go get changed and I'll make you some tea”
“I don't -”
“Benny. Don't make me bonk you with a spoon”
“Fine I will get changed” he sighed going to his room “and make coffee.”
“No tea. Coffee will keep you up and you do not need more energy right now” I explained going and making some nice tea one for me and one for Benny taking and sitting them both on the small table in the centre of the living space, as well as a glass of water I took a small dustpan and brush from the cabinet and cleaned up the broken glass from the bottle as well as any other little mess that littered the apartment. I went to the small record player beside the chair and for a moment flipped through his small collection grabbing a nice album of some gentle swing music adding it to the player letting it spin and turning it down to almost nothing, and I took a seat on the pile of pillows he used as a sofa. Soon enough he returned with a fresh set of clothes, some new jeans, a black T-shirt and his green button-down
“There you feel a little better now?”
“It is nice to have some fresh clothes on” he grunted back
“Come on” I offered patting the pillow beside me
“I'm not in the mood y/n”
“Benny. Come here.”
He rolled his eyes but came and sat beside me still as angry and frustrated as before leaning his head against the exposed bricks
“Good, now when did you last drink something?”
“I'm not thirsty”
“Did I ask that?”
“When did you last drink something? You're only going to give yourself a headache” I told him, offering him the water but he turned away “Hydrate. Or I will hit you with a spoon”
He took the glass and had a sizable sip
“Thank you, now come here and talk it out”
“Y/n I know you mean well but I’m-”
“I will get the spoon in a minute.” I warn “Come” I demanded patting my thigh
He rolled his eyes but leant over so I wrapped my arms around him letting him lay his head in my lap “I don't see how this is going to help”
“You need to acknowledge and work through your feelings”
“I don't have feelings. I'm a man.”
“Ohh no you don't have feelings. That's why you've been spending your days in a dark basement drinking like a fish and frustrated smoking. No feelings at all” I smiled gently petting his soft fluffy hair
“I don't need to work through my feelings.”
“Yes, you do. Otherwise, you're just going to be angry forever. And god knows I can't deal with that” I laughed
“Fine” he sighed
“Take a moment just to clear the brain” I smiled playing with his hair in all the usual spots he liked me too
“My brain doesn’t clear.”
“Then hyperfocus. On the ticking of the clock, the nice gentle music, clear the mind of all other things and just exist for a moment”
We sat for a few moments just enjoying the quiet of his basement, the gentle hum of the music and the rhythm of our breaths
“Okay” He nods sounding far calmer than before
“That help?”
“A little”
“Okay do a Big breath in.”
“Why do I-”
“Benny” I warned so he did as I asked “Big breath in. And back out. Another one in… and another out. Okay? Feel a little better?” I smiled walking him through it a few times
“A bit”
“Are you calmer?”
“So, tell me what happened”
“You going to tell me when I’m wrong?”
“No. I'm not going to say anything you just explain and I will listen.”
“I try asking her for months to come up to New York, actually spend some time together, no she's busy she needs to do this, she needs to do that, she ghosts me for six months, okay I try asking to go to Paris with her support her with the tournament, no she's going on her own, she can't afford to take me too, so fine she goes on her own only when she's fucked herself up so bad she looses her tournament and has headlines everywhere she was drunk as a sailor then! I got a call. I try to be supportive and offer to pick her up from the airport. No, she wants to be alone. I try to talk her through everything and offer her a safe space, so we can be together and work stuff out, no she wants to be alone. She wants to drink. Fine, I try! I try and say she can drink so long as she came here no she wants to go and get drunk. She goes home to Kentucky and ghosts me again. She calls me finally because she wants my advice and again I try to get her to come here, I try and be nice hell I told her I fucking missed her nope she wants to stay on her own meaning she wants to fucking drink. And again I'm ghosted. She completely ignores what I tell her to do. She gives the church their money and calls me up like I'm the problem! Like I haven't spent the last year waiting for your phone calls like some abandoned puppy! Says she's paying her own way to Moscow and can't afford to take me with her, if I wanna come I need to pay, when she knows full well I don't have two thousand dollars laying around to jet off to Moscow. Accused me of gambling it all away. So fuck it. Fuck her. She wants to go and her drunk and fuck her life up that's her decision she's not taking me down with her. I'm not staying as her fucking doormat fuck to treat her how she wants. If she'd rather get drunk than be with me fine I hope she and her bottle are happy”
“How did that make you feel?”
“Like shit.”
“Benny, feelings are not shit. use your words. Not just your swears.”
“Like… why should I bother you know? Like I'm trying so so much and you're giving absolutely nothing back. And that makes me feel like I'm the asshole for wanting anything”
“You're not an asshole for wanting acknowledgement Benny. You've done a lot for Beth and it's not easy for you to be emotionally numerable”
“Exactly! It's like you bare your fucking soul to someone and their response is okay cool. What else? Like I don't know what more you want from me. Am I being a dick? Asking for too much or something?”
“I don't think so, I do think you also need to respect Beth is also not an emotional person. The two of you aren't going to have a great emotional conversation because neither of you are good emotional communicators and that's fine some people aren't, but it would seem you are putting a lot of effort in, now Beth may not see it as a lot of effort in her mind and may not be seeing how much effort that Is for you and not appreciate it as much or it could be that she just expects more. and if you can't give her that then you can't there's nothing wrong with that Benny”
“Do you think I'm an emotionally distant person?”
“You can be. You're… very practical Benny. You're emotional to the extent of practically, when emotions aren't useful you don't bother to express them. But I do think you not in the wrong here you've made a lot of moves to be more outwardly expressive and it was clear you were upset long before this” I explained “I think, and of course, you don't need to take my advice. But I think you and Beth need time apart I think you both need to not see one another, not speak to one another, for a couple of weeks I think you both need to separately decide the kind of relationship you want together. If you want to have the kind of relationship where you call every other day and talk or if you want a relationship where you talk every six months how much emotional investment you each have needs to be equal and it clearly isn't so I think spend time apart to think and when she gets back from Moscow you two need to talk and see where you go from here.”
“... Your right.” He sighed sitting up “Where did you learn all this stuff anyway?” He asks having some tea
“Therapy. You know that thing I keep telling you to go to”
“I don't need therapy”
“Everyone needs therapy, Benny.”
“I don’t”
“Yes, you do.” I told him “You have a lot of untapped emotional issues rattling around in that big head of yours” I told him having some tea “And I’m boarder line convinced you have… some type of-”
“No I don’t” he snapped
“Benny you hyperfocus on chess, don’t understand your own emotions, freak out when someone tries to touch your skin, and use your rings like fidget toys… and you don’t think there might be a possibility you could have some form of -”
“Fine, fine. I’m not going to argue with you” I giggled “You should go to therapy though Benny.”
“Ohh what because I have ‘emotional trauma’?”
“Yes. you do.” I told him “Even if it's just having someone to talk to, to rant about your problems”
“That's why I have you”
“I'm not your therapist Benny”
“It's fine” I smiled pressing a kiss to the top of his head “You really liked her didn't you?”
“I did. I kinda thought we were the same. Maybe we're too much alike”
“Do you think maybe… you're seeing the bad things in Beth that you see in yourself?”
“Kinda. I think it's … made me realize how bad it is to be on that side of it. To be the one waiting by the phone on the promise of a call that never comes. I think I'm .. trying though. I can see how bad it is and in trying to fix it but just feels like bailing a bucket out a lake”
“Well, baby steps. Just the fact you see it and are making steps is still better. You're never going to bail the lake if you don't start with a bucket”
“I guess so. It makes me wonder… how she sees me. I know officially we didn't label anything but, I kinda think she just saw me as a chessboard that could make her cum”
“What did you want her to be?”
“....I don't know. Guess I wanted someone to call. Someone to spend time with. Someone who wants to talk to me. Listens to me. Makes me feel like what I say makes a difference. Like I Matter to them. Someone who gets excited about spending time with me, who wants to be with me not because we might play chess or we might have sex but just because we like being together”
“You ever tell her that?”
“Then … you can't expect her to give you that Benny. She's not a mind reader. She doesn't know that's what you want same as you don't know what she wants. You two are both people not great at emotions be the best course is to straight forward sit her down and say that's what you want and if that's not what she wants you can either try to find a middle ground or that can be it”
“Your right. But I don't want to see her. Or talk to her. I don't completely want to think about her but there's no getting out of that” he explained lighting another cigarette “But I'm done. Unless she's willing to try I don't want anything more than to be her friend”
“If that's what you want. That's what you want” I smiled taking the cigarette from him putting it out in the table’s ashtray “You’re not smoking because you want it you smoking because your frustrated.” I laughed
“Your therapist tell you that too?”
“No. I just know you, Benny. Besides you’ve been doing really good. Don’t destroy all your progress just because you’re mad” I told him
“You rather I drink?”
“I’d rather you have healthy coping mechanisms but you know… baby steps.” I smiled “You feel a bit better? Got all that off your chest?”
“Yeah. Thanks y/n.”
“Your welcome” I smirked having some tea “It's kinda funny”
“What is?”
“That's exactly what I wanted. Back when we …”
“Really?” He asks
“Yeah. I'd have killed for you to want to spend time with me without it seeming like I was dragging you away from something you wanted to do more”
“.... Fuck. I was a dick.”
“You kinda were.” I laughed “But we wanted different things that's okay”
“I feel like shit. Maybe things would be different if I figured out this is what I wanted”
“Maybe” I shrug “But you didn’t want that then that’s fine you can change your mind as life changes, that wasn’t the sort of thing you wanted then”
“You’re a very emotional person. I think I struggled with that”
“I can be… overly emotional. In working on it. Trying not to overthink everything so much.” I said “How do you think it felt for me sitting here miles deep in overthinking as to why you weren’t talking to me, that you were mad, that I did something wrong, all the while you just sat there playing chess completely unaware I was even upset being quiet because… you like to sit quietly.”
“I saw you were upset… when it was too late. By the time I picked up on it you crying so far down an emotional rabbit hole even if I did know How to deal with it, it was kinda too late”
“And yes that is on you for not noticing my emotions but also on me for not being clearer with them, literally could have fixed all my overthinking with, Benny are you mad at me? But no I wanted to sit there pouting getting more and more anxious waiting for you to figure out that I was worried.”
“I always felt like a dick for asking you what was wrong,”
“Because I wanted you to pick up on it. I didn’t want to tell you I just wanted you to pick up and fix it. And that's on me. That was my issue and I’m getting better. Can’t expect people to know everything. But you're getting better too, learning when people are upset being more outwardly emotional if you need a little coaxing.”
“Or threatening”
“Everyone is different Benny. The sooner you realize that the easier life is. Everyone you speak to, and everyone you see is completely different we all think differently, behave differently, and have different responses to things, and no one can read minds. We all need to give each other a little more slack because we don't know what's going on in their head and they'll never know what's happening in ours. Some people can read emotions across your face like a book, some people need to be told or they'll never learn. I was an emotionally overthinking young woman craving emotional intimacy without having to ask for it. While being in a non-official relationship with a man who can't read emotions, has a hard time expressing his feelings and craves reassurance. On top of the very basic one, what's to fuck one wants to love problem. You surprised it went south?”
“I crave reassurance?”
“Benny. You're a chess player who dresses like a goth pirate.”
“Point taken”
“It's fine people grow and change neither of us are the people we were then”
“That's true” he nods “Can I get the number for your therapist?”
“He sounds good. The fact you rattled all that off is pretty impressive”
“Find your own therapist. Don't want conflicts of interest”
For a moment he was puzzled “You talk about me in therapy?”
“God was I that much of a cunt?”
“No. You’re my friend. Our lives are very intertwined is all” I laughed leaning on his shoulder
“that’s fair” he laughed “... Do you think I ask for too much? With Beth?”
“I think… you ask for more than she's comfortable with. Let's face it Benny your fighting against an addiction. You might have an ego and you might love chess but you're not physically addicted to it”
“I just feel like in trying so hard, pushing myself so far beyond what I'd normally be comfortable with the least she can do is try”
“if that's how you feel. Then I think she should respond to that”
“I'm not a dick?”
“I don't think so” I smiled
“Thanks y/n. I'm really thankful you came over”
“Well I can't just leave you someone has to try and get you through these gross… feelings you're not used to”
“Can you stay?”
“Can you stay? I don't think I wanna be on my own tonight”
“Of course Benny”
We stayed up a little long chatting about things but soon it came time for bed he put up the air bed for himself and I took his bed even if I argued but he let me have it.
I changed borrowing one of his shirts for the night getting cosy in the warm bed.
The lights out the only sound the occasional sound of the New York cars above the basement.
I was about to drift off when I perked up hearing the creek of the door and soon enough the covers moved and Benny crawled in with me
“Did you want your own bed back?”
“No, I just… I don't wanna be alone right now” he says slowly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight to his body my hips to his my back to his chest squeezing me almost like I was his teddy bear
“Okay Benny, you don't need to worry I'll be right here,” I reassured letting him squeeze me tightly to his body, he held me tight pressing his lips to my shoulder
“Can I get my anger out?” He asked
“Alright” I nodded
He moved and pushed me down on my back “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” I nodded
He nodded and leant down to nibble and kiss my neck, before he pulled down his boxers and tugged off my panties, he started off gently slipping himself inside me he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted, often bitting his lips and gritting his teeth letting out his frustration and anger though the movement of his hips. He began to slow so I smiled and held his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips slowly “Reveling in your anger is not going to make you feel better” I smiled stroking his stomach as I moved
“I know. I just wanted to get the anger out” he sighed moving his hips with me
“Wouldn’t this be nicer?”
“It is much nicer.” he smiled “Nice and calming” He cooed sitting up a little and wrapping his arms around me to pull me into his chest for an intense kiss I smiled into the kiss as I moved my hips faster trying to match his own speed getting more and more intense the longer it went on I knew I was close starting to nibble on his neck as I began to slow getting close to my edge he noticed and smirked making sure to work as hard as he could letting out the last of his frustration until I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep inside me and riding it out before he collapsed against the bed and I basically fell off onto the other side
“Feel better now Benny?”
“Yeah” he nods between gasps “That is way better than therapy”
“They're not mutually exclusive Benny.”
“I still think this is better”
“You can’t just ignore your feelings and deal with your frustrations through sex” I told him
He smirked and turned over to spoon me “Did it work?”
“...yes but?”
“Did it work?”
“Then I'm gonna do it” he shrugs
“Alright Benny, if that’s how you wanna deal with your feelings” I laughed “Come on, let's get some sleep”
“Alright, Night”
“Night” I smiled giving him a little kiss before we cuddled up and drifted off to sleep.
I yawned as I woke up I gently pushed Benny’s arms off me climbed out the bed and headed across the apartment, I went to the kitchen and began to make coffee humming to myself a little.
“Morning,” Benny spoke up from the bedroom door
“Morning, How are you feeling today?”
“Better. Much better” he smiled coming and wrapping his arms around me giving my neck some kisses “You always make me feel better”
“I do?”
“You do. I’m sorry”
“For what?”
“For being a dick, when we…” he began “I realize it and I’m sorry”
“That's very sweet. Apology accepted. I’m sorry for how I was too”
“Apology accepted” he smiled
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with the shit from Beth”
“It’s fine. I know how to deal with it”
“She can find another doormat. She wants to drink and wants to go on her own she can. I don’t want that. We can be friends if she wants but nothing more than that. I don’t feel like I want anything more”
“Okay. I’m proud of you, for expressing your feelings” I smiled
“Did you wanna stay for a while? Spend some time together?”
“Is that also part of you dealing with this?” I giggled turning to face him
“Kinda. But Now I know what you wanted. And I want that too. Maybe now we're a little older we’ll be better, more communicative, better with our feelings. So? Did you wanna try again?”
“On one condition.”
“Go to therapy, Benny.”
“Do I have to?”
“How much therapy?”
“How about one session, one date.”
“Three dates one session”
“Two.” “Deal” he smiled pulling me into a sweet kiss “Will you help me find one?”
“Yes, I will.” I giggled “Come on we’ll have coffee and a cuddle”
“Sounds perfect”
#tbs smut#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts#benny watts smut#tqg benny watts#benny watts imagine#bennywattssmut
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The Chess Boy
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Flirty
I walked the rather dismal New York streets it was grey, and rainy as it often is and for once I had journeyed out of my basement. I headed down the street a couple of blocks and turned down an alley making sure to turn where I needed to having long since learnt the path. Until I saw the little shop off the main street with its small sign above.
I headed inside the little shop and immediately felt fairly comfortable, Y/n's is a weird place. But I Like the place, It's hard to explain what it is, It sells magazines but it's not a newsagent, it sells sex toys but it's not a sex shop, it sells movies but it's not a rental place, they do tattoos but it's not really a tattoo parlour, it's kind of just... anything somewhat taboo it kind of does. And if they don't have something you can very easily ask for it and things will be found for you. I like the place it's a very accepting kind of place, I looked over a few magazines and glanced at some clothes they had when I caught behind the counter the beaded curtain separates and outstepped her Y/n herself. Let's face it the actual reason I come here.
She stepped through in a pair of platform knee-high black buckle boots, a white tight, a white shirt with long ruffled cuffs around her elbows, and a black and white plaid pinafore dress the skirt of which barely hit her mid-thigh, silver jewellery all over her wrists and chest, long red coffin shaped nails that matched her blood red lips, intense almost grey contour and eye shadow with black graphic liner, her hair black with smooth glamourous curls and a V-shaped set of bangs, A few black tattoo's up her arms. She held the beaded certain in her hands above her head as she looked out into the shop. God damn, she looked like an album cover... And I loved it!
She cracked a smile, "Well, well, If it isn't The Chess Boy."
I smiled, "Yeah, yeah it's me." I nodded slipping my hat off and going to the counter with her, leaning my elbows on the wooden glass counter filled with various honestly frightening-looking items. "It's uhh it's Benny by the way."
"I remember." She cooed leaning on the counter too "So? Talk to me about chess Benny." She whispered in a hush seductive tone,
... well that might be the quickest way to turn me on.
"Well, I just got back from a tournament in Houston."
I told her every last detail of the games, who they were against, how I beat them all and she hung on my every word as if I was reading her romantic sonnets and nothing could make me more attracted to her than her listening to me like this, She always did this when I saw her always took such interest in what I had to say even if I know from playing chess with her she doesn't really get it.
"So, yeah seasons all done back here for a bit," I told her, "And I hustled Whice out of thirty bucks."
"Humm good, I missed you," she smiled and played with my hair,
I held my breath as she plaid with my hair, doing my best not to reveal the effect she had on me, "you uhh you did?"
"Hmm, what brings you in today?"
"I just fancied seeing you," I shrug,
"Humm aren't you sweet." She smiled, "Well I happen to know of some very interesting magazines just come in."
"ohh I saw, very interesting... I'm liking this new, mini skirt thing going on."
"I bet you do," she smirked, fixing my jacket collar before she headed across the shop, "In the magazines or on me?" She smiled,
I smirked turning to lean my elbow on the counter so I could watch her move, fuck her ass nearly slips out the bottom of that damn dress, "Both."
"Humm quiet the charmer aren't you?"
"I try," I shrug, "What uhh what have you got going on today?"
"Nothing much, a client at four for a tattoo, and a shipment of leather is coming in from across town at six," she explained,
"I uhh I don't mind hanging around, giving you a hand."
"You're welcome to stay Benny I'm not gonna kick you out you're too much fun to have around," she smirked,
"I am?"
"Yeah, just one day you have to let me do something to you," she smirked coming back to the counter,
"Something like what?"
"Hummm... what is the question." she cooed, "I think, you'd look very cute with dark hair."
"Oh? You wanna dye my hair?"
"or is it just because you're still isn't that few weeks you can't dye your hair."
"...I mean that's probably part of it yeah." she shrugged,
"No thanks, I like my hair."
"Fine," she pouts, "Would you let me... I've you a tattoo,"
"Of what?"
"Whatever," she shrugged, "I could do you a chess piece. or a poker chip. Or... if you really wanted to get cool I could checkerboard your leg that would be cool."
"Wouldn't that hurt? Like... a lot."
"Yeah, but it would be cool."
"No thanks Y/n."
she pouted again, "What about a piercing? maybe you'd look hot with your ear done?"
"You are just determined to make the stand out at the next tournament aren't you?"
"I think you'd look cool." She smiled, "Plus you are kinda running out of areas to accessorize." she laughed taking some stock and heading to the back to do work,
"True," I nodded watching her climb a small stool to stock some magazines I admit my eyes lingered longer than they should but... fuck she looked good. "I know I need something doing,"
"Oh? enlighten me?"
"I need to trim my damn face its bugging me."
"Noooo!" She whined,
"No, You shave I'm kicking you in the crotch."
"Really?" I asked going over,
"Yeah, I love your little tickly face." She cooed, "You can't shave I'll be devastated."
"I won't shave then, just for you. I will trim it though it's getting too long."
"Not too much," she warns,
"Not too much, just for you."
"Good," She smirked, playfully petting my hair before she leant down and gave my lips a kiss which was enough to make me jump a little, "Yeah good point you are kinda getting straggly," She said pinching my chin a little before she went back up,
"How would you know? you've not kissed me before, maybe I'm just always like this?"
"Maybe," she smirked as she finished up her stocking throwing the box in the corner before she sighed and acted as if she was fainting falling off the steps which gave me a heart attack as I only just managed to catch her holding her like a bride in my arms, "Maybe I need a little more research," She smirked wrapping her arms lazily around my neck,
"Well, research is always very important, no greater tool in chess than studying."
"Humm shut up Benny." She smirked pulling us together to connect our lips, I happily and early kissed her holding her body tight as our kiss very quickly became passionate.
"Uhh am I interrupting something?" A voice spoke up which made us pull back seeing a man at the door,
"Hey Mark, you're good go on back I'll be there in a sec." She smiled getting herself down from my arms, The guy headed back to the tattoo section of the shop and she got some stuff from her counter, "Now, you think you can be helpful Benny?"
"How helpful?"
"Can you watch the counter for me while I go doddle a spider on that guys arm?"
"Am I getting paid,"
"You'll be... reimbursed."
"oh yeah? How?"
"Use your imagination." she smirked
"Yeah, sure,"
"Thank you," she smiled giving my lips another kiss before she scampered back,
#tbs smut#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#benny x reader#benny watts#benny smut#benny imagine#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts imagine#benny watts smut#tqg benny watts#bennywattssmut
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Passenger Princess
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating SMUT
I sat with a wide smile, on the cream bench seat of the little blue beetle. Benny's beetle to be precise. We had loaded our bags and stuffed the poor beetle almost to bursting point and left our little Brooklyn basement to head on the road to Bakersfield California. Benny had a tournament there for a few days and Benny had an 'aversion' to flying, he'll do it but only if he has to. Besides, we both thought it would be a lovely chance to spend time together on a nice road trip.
We'd been on the road a good while now and we had passed nothing interesting for ages, our fries gone, and snacks depleted. But I know Benny wouldn't stop for a good while longer. Leaving me to sip my huge seven-eleven cola.
The radio on low every so often it would fizzle out where we lost the station so I'd tune it till we found another one, the heating on as it was a rather chilly day, but it too would bounce around given the many places we would pass on this trip.
Benny sat driving, of course, hands on the wheel lazily his hat on the backseat, his jacket still on but he was shuffling and getting uncomfortable in it. Every so often I'd hear his ring clack against the wheel.
“Ummm?” He didn't move his eyes from the road,
“I'm bored” I pouted laying my head on his shoulder,
He chuckled a moment, “Listen to the radio,”
“Radios boring,”
“Read the map,”
“Maps boring,”
“Read the billboards,”
“Billboards are boring,”
“They're interesting, see fireworks in five miles,”
“Can we get fireworks?”
“No princess,”
“Then why is it interesting!” I complained,
“Because… you can see the shop in five miles. So you can get excited now.”
“Whoopie! Firework store I can't go in” I sighed, “Why can't I have fireworks?”
“You honestly think I'm gonna trust you with fireworks? Explosives! I don't trust you with butter knives”
“One time I stabbed myself!”
“Yes, and I don't trust you,”
“Then what am I supposed to do all these hours?”
“Just relax and be a cute little passenger princess," He said turning to wrap an arm around me and kiss my head.
"but I'm bored Benny,"
"You wanna play chess?" He asked with excitement in his voice,
"No. We played chess four times already."
"Well, I'm sure you can find something to do." He chuckled,
I sighed and tried to relax, I had a nap, I read some billboards but still I was so bored!
"I'm bored."
"I know Princess,"
"How much longer?"
"Sixteen hours?"
"How long till we get food?"
"Another couple of hours we only got McDonald's two hours ago."
"But I'm hungry,"
"you're not hungry you're bored. You're just trying to find something to do and your response to that is to shove stuff in your mouth,"
"You're mean to me."
"Love you too princess." He chuckled,
I sighed and tried to find something to do, and I saw a billboard advertising my favourite fast food place, I looked at the distance on the billboard, and I glanced at the speedometer for a moment doing maths in my mind, but how could I get him to pull over? and I smirked a little looking at Benny, with an evil plan. I would have to be smart, efficient, and time it out perfectly... so I flashed him my most innocent smile,
"Yes?" He asked noticing me looking at him,
"I found something to do,"
"Good," He nods,
I smiled and moved closer, cuddling his arm.
"Awww Hello," He smiled kissing my head, "So long as you're happy,"
I giggled a little waiting till he didn't suspect and moving to rest my hand gently on his thigh, He glanced at me giving me a questionable look but returned his focus to the road, I made sure to be gentle and slow so he wouldn't suspect but ever so slowly moving my hand up his thigh feeling the aged denim of his black jeans, running my fingers across the small divots in the denim slightly discoloured from the fact they always sat in them, until I reached the black leather of his belt.
"Yes?" He glared,
I ignored him, walking my fingers along his belt until I reached the silver buckle giving it a gentle adjust with my fingers
"Yes?" He glared again slightly louder,
"Hi Benny," I cooed as my hand fully grabbed between his legs my thumb on his fly as I squeezed him,
"AHH-" He jumped momentarily swerving the car, "Do. Not. Touch. while I'm driving." He said moving my hand to his thigh again,
"But I'm bored."
"You can find many other things to do other then grabbing my fucking cock!" he complained,
"Awww why? don't you want me too?" I giggled stroking my fingers playfully down his fly as I gave his neck little kisses feeling him slowly getting harder below his jeans,
"Princess..." He glared clearly trying to be angry with me but also uncontrollably enjoying my kisses,
"Come on, it would entertain me?" I giggled gently palming his half-hard erection through his jeans,
"yay!" I giggled slowly undoing his belt, and his fly, to reveal his black boxers, His grip already began to tighten on the wheel his eyes often glancing at me, "Focus on the road," I told him as I slipped my hand under his boxers and took him in my hand "Aww hi Benny,"
"Hi Princess," He rolled his eyes a little but couldn't help his smirk giving him away, I took a gentle grip of him and rubbed my thumb across his shaft feeling him harden into my hand, Once he was fully hard I gently began to jerk my hand gripping his hilt and moving my hand back and forth slowly getting faster, "Uhhh Princess-" He groaned his fingers wrapping around the wheel tightly slightly biting his bottom lip, "Ummm Princess..."
"Focus on the road," I remind him as I moved to pull his cock completely out his pants leaving him to gasp for a few seconds feeling the cold air across him before I adjusted myself and pressed little kisses to his shaft,
"uhhhh princess!" He moaned, "Really?"
"Mhm" I nodded, moving to take just the tip into my mouth sucking and swirling my tongue around him
"Ummmm! Fuck-" He groans, holding the wheel in a vice-like grip trying not to close his eyes or throw his head back, I giggled and moved to take all of him into my mouth sucking gently and moving my head up and down at the pace I knew he couldn't resist "Ohh holy- Princess! You're really gonna do this to me?" He gasped, "You know you keep going I won't be able to say no?" He asked, I just continued slowly getting faster and sucking a little harder "Ughhhh! you evil little princess!" He groans now gnawing on his lip and squeezing his eyes shut at times rolling his head against his headrest, I knew he was close as his hand left the wheel to sit on my head twisting into my hair to keep me at his desired pace, even his hips couldn't resist me bucking up to slightly to cause me to deep throat him, "Ughhh uuuhhh! Princess please I'll-" He muttered feeling just how close he was, and right on time he pulled off the road and parked up turning the engine off and twisting both his hands in my hair throwing his head against his headrest, his mouth hung open, his eyes squeezed shut as his grip on my hair forced me a little bit faster which got him to his edge. His hips bucked in jagged unplanned movements as he buried his jizz in my mouth, I swallowed and licked him clean giving him a few gentle kisses as he gasped and moaned in his post-orgasmic state "Fuck- You did find something to entertain you didn't you princess."
"I did," I smiled sitting up and wiping my mouth before kissing his cheek, "Love you,"
"Love you too." He smiled fixing himself up,
"Oohh would you look at that?" I giggled as we had pulled over into the exact fast-food restaurant I wanted,
the moment he realized he glared at me, "You... are an evil, conniving, smart ass when you wanna be."
"I know,"
"you know... You could be a genius if you applied yourself."
"I am a genius," I giggled climbing out of the car with my bag,
"Yeah, an evil genius." He said climbing out too,
"still a genius, and you still love me?" I giggled hugging his arm,
"Of course I do princess." He smiled kissing my head,
#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#bennywattssmut#thequeensgambit#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#tbs smut#tbs imagine#thomas sangster imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas sangster
142 notes
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Concept Picking Out Outfits
I Pulled up the zip on my dress as I headed out to the apartment setting the kettle on the stone top and prepping the coffee cups for this morning, enjoying the short sprint of silence. I heard the bedroom door open and close with its usual creak and I smiled not bothering to look
"Morning" He grumbled back in his usual early morning tone "Coffee ready?" he asks basically looming over me
"Just a minute Benny it's not done yet" I told him giving his chest a gentle elbow as I made the coffee up and handed it over to him
"Thanks Hun" He says quickly taking it and having a few sips leaning on the kitchen counter in his kimono and his boxers his jewellery still around him as it pretty much never leaves him even if he often fiddled with his newest ring as he was not yet used to it being there "What's happening today?"
"It's Tuesday remember" I told him starting on some toast for breakfast
"Tuesday." he nods "Remind me?"
"You have that meeting." I remind him "With Arthur" I pushed
"yeah" it clicked "Fuck that's today?"
"Yes. at ten" I laughed "And its Quarter to nine, he has an inch about being on time, you need to get across town and you're currently in your boxers"
"Fine" he sighed downing the rest of his coffee "The car's fulled up right?"
"it's half tank yeah"
"That's fine, where's little one?"
"Where she always is" I smiled having my own coffee and I couldn't help but watch, as he headed across the apartment leaning himself over the little wooden crib making sweet little cooing noises which woke her
"Chrisy, Chrisy." he cooes "Hello Chrisy" He smiled picking her up and pulling her to his chest as she woke and began her giggles "Good Morning"
I couldn't help but smile watching him with her, I remember I was really worried when I first found out I was pregnant, given how he has always been more emotionally distant which isn't a bad thing, I know that's just how benny is. And I was worried that perhaps he'd be distant or struggle when our baby was born but the moment I told him his hard shell cracked and he did his best to be more open with these things and as soon as she was born the shell broke open, admittedly he still struggled but he treated her so sweetly spoiling her with all the affection possible, and he was a very good daddy to her.
"Hello chrisy" He cooes giving her little head kisses "shall we get ready to go out?" He smiled and she happily clapped showing her approval, "yeah? you gonna help daddy with his outfit?" he asked and she clapped giggling away "That's my girl" I chuckled watching what he does almost every day now taking her with him over to the clean laundry basket digging though it getting out any of his clean clothes "So, What shall we wear today?" He asked her "shall we wear black jeans, blue jeans or black press pants" He says laying them out for her and she grabbed the black jeans "Ohh thank you chrisy" he smiled putting them to the side and putting the rest back in the basket "What about shirt? shall we wear the green shirt, the grey shirt, or the black t shirt?" He offered laying them out for her and she picked the green "Ooh good choice chrisy." he smiled putting them on the side and the rest away "Now, shall we wear boots, lace ups?" he asks taking her to the shoes by the door "which ones are going with this outfit?" he asked and she picked the boots "Good girl" He smiled kissing her head "Now you sit with mummy while she does your breakfast and daddy will get dressed" He told her sitting her in her high chair and taking his clothes to the bedroom I gave her a cuddle and her breakfast bottle until he returned in the outfit she picked out for him and she giggled like crazy "There we go, does daddy look handsome chrisy?"
"He looks very handsome doesn't he chrisy?" I smiled
"Lets pick out little ladies outfit" he smiled picking her up again giving her kisses as he took her to her little draws "what does my little lady wanna wear today?" He asked letting her look though all her clothes and she picked out a little dress and some socks "Aww beautiful chrisy" he told her getting her dressed into the outfit she picked out. "There we go, what's mummy think?" He asked holding her close
"You both look lovely" I laughed "make sure to take her little coat too" I remind him
"I'm taking her coat." He says getting both his and her coats "Come on then little lady," he smiled "See you later hun" he says giving me a kiss
"Have a good day benny, you be good chrisy" I told them giving them each a kiss
"she'll be a good girl, I'll bring milk" he says heading off to his meeting with chrisy cuddled in his arms.
#benny#benny fanfic#benny smut#bennysmut#benny x reader#BENNYWATTS#tqgbennywatts#bennywattssmut#benny watts#benny watts imagine#benny watts smut#tqg benny watts#bennyimagine#the queen's gambit#tbs#thomas#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster#thomas sangster imagine#thomas smut#thomas sangster smut#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster i#thomas brodie sangster s#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas sangser imagine#thomas sangster x reader#Thomas Imagine
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Strawberry Suede

Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Flirty AF
I sat walking myself through a few plays before the tournament's second day started, People were milling about waiting for the tournament to start grabbing drinks and chatting among themselves.
"Morning Watts," Harry Beltic smiled as he came and sat on the chair next to me with his drink,
"Morning," I answered trying to be... pleasant like also getting my work done,
"You uhh... you been in a fight?" He asked as he looked at my neck and immediately I knew why,
"No!" I snapped moving my jacket collar up to hide myself better,
"Really? Come on let me look." he laughed trying to see,
"Nope! Nope! I have a knife I'm not afraid to use it." I warned him but he flicked my collar down and saw
"Holy- do they hurt?"
"No!" I snapped trying to hide it a little
"Wait... are you wearing make-up over them!"
"So there even more under there!" He laughed,
"Let me see come on."
I rolled my eyes and rubbed the makeup off my neck a little letting him see one small section,
"Shut up."
"Is that... is that on all of your neck?!"
"Who did that to you?" he chuckled,
"None of your business Beltic"
"Hummmm..." he smirked he brushed my neck with his finger a moment and he had managed to get some of the lipstick stains from my skin on his finger
He rubbed it a little, smelt it, and seemed suspicious "Revlon. Strawberry suede... Matt but it wasn't dry yet."
"Why do you know that?"
"So you admit it!"
"I mean... yeah. But I'm concerned why you know that?"
"I go shopping with Beth, I've learnt all the brands and shades. What else am I gonna do at a make-up counter for four hours?"
"Fair enough,"
"Now... the ultimate question who do we know who wears strawberry suede?"
"Uhhhhhh, No one." I blushed a little,
"Well Beth doesn't she is really set on snow poppy," He muttered, his every word making me more nervous, "Clio just owns Le Belle..." He muttered, "Humm..."
"Hello Boys," Y/n smiled as she came over given the tournament was about to start so she likely came to get us, in her little black dagger heels, her black and white contrast pannel dress, her hair curled perfectly, she looked gorgeous as always but... the only thing harry noticed was of course her lips, coated in her Strawberry Suede lipstick.
Harry smirked as he looked at me,
"Shut up," I told him
"I didn't know you were into that?"
"Shut up." I told him, "And I wasn't... till I met her," I got up taking my board and putting an arm around y/n, "Come on sugar."
"Did I miss something?" She giggled as we walked away,
"Well maybe if someone hadn't made my neck look like I'd been in a fight this morning."
"You loved it" she giggled, giving my cheek a kiss and leaving her lipstick kiss there.
#tbs imagine#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas sangster imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster imagine#tbs smut#thomas sangster#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benjamin#benny watts#bennywattssmut#bennywatts#benny imagine#benny x reader#the queen's gambit
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
I sat in the darkness of the grey basement. The Apartment is cold as the heating hasn't worked in a week. The Wind and rain battered the little windows above me luckily, no water had found its way inside yet. The lights were all off but the small lamp beside me, with no other items powdered on left the basement with a gentle silence. My breathing was all that broke it, and the occasional flicks of my fingers against the paper pages. My body snuggled up into Benny's brown leather chair, a black and white blanket over my legs, the tip of my nail between my teeth as I read the words.
'He seized her swiftly by the ponytail, thrusting her body against the frigid stone. He united their bodies pulverising forcefully against her delicate innocent form. He came tight his breath sizzling on her neck.
"You believe you can get away from me, Princess?" His hushed vocals growled,
She spread her lips but couldn't create words, as if his profound ocean-blue eyes had stolen her voice.
"You," He said his finger stroking down her cheek to push her chin up to their lips sat only mere inches from one another, "Belong to me." He snarled,
"P-P-Prince Alon..." She gagged her body quivering and trembling against the stone.
"You're mine princess." He asserted, "And I intend to have you."
"Have me?" She interrogated
"Right here. Right now." He declared, "You're so defended chastity, shall be pilfered. You're angelic body mine to command."
"Prince Alon Please I-" She began,
"So Precious, so charming, so innocent." He sneered, "Though your sentiment is not what I desire."
He shut the void between her shoving his lips to hers, the taste of his salty lips against hers, his body thrusted against her letting her feel his throbbing -'
"I'm home," Benny called as he came through the front door with a brown paper bag of groceries in his hand,
"I'm not doing anything!" I yelped in shock as his call woke me from my book, out of fear I slammed my book shut. "Hello..."
"Hi," He chuckled at my reaction, he kicked off his shoes and set the groceries on the kitchen counter. "You alright?"
"Fine." I gulped
"You sure?" He asked setting his hat and jacket on the rack by the door,
"Mhm..." He nodded as he leant his elbows on the stair railing, "Not sure I'd wanna be attending your class on 'How to now look suspicious' Y/n,"
"What's suspicious, I'm not suspicious, nothing about this is suspicious, no one is suspicious, if anything you're acting suspicious!"
He simply cocked his him, cocked his eyebrow and glared at me, "What are you reading there y/n?"
"I uhhh I can't read!"
"You can't read?"
"I've been your boyfriend for five years I know you can read."
"What book are you reading?" he asked coming closer,
"What book? where? I uh I don't have any books? I uhh I've never seen one. I don't even own a book."
"What's that in your hand then?"
"Uhhhh... Sandwich."
"Okay, take a bite of your tasty sandwich."
"I uhhh... I don't want to right now."
"No, no I insist take a bite, I wouldn't want you not to enjoy your sandwich on account of me."
"I uhhh uhhhh don't like this type of sandwich."
"Then why did you make it?"
"... Hilcuinations?"
"Then why do you have it in your lap?"
"I don't," I said
"Give me the book Y/n."
"No!" I yelled as I tried to hide it under the blanket, but Benny was smarter than that and we began a playful if not a little aggressive fight for my book,
"What are you reading y/n? What are you reading?" He smirked as we battled for the book, "Ha!" He yelled as he managed to grab it from me,
"Benny! Give it back!"
"What is this?" He chuckled, "A Vast Ocean of Love? What is this?"
"What the- What!" He chuckled, "Prince Alon forced Princess Guinevere onto the rocks and pulled her hair enough to compel a moan to leave her lips!"
"Ohh, My God! His long shimmering tail slithered through the water towards Princess Guinevere his hand stroking his throbbing- Ohh god!"
"Benny! Give it!" I yelled,
"Where did you even get this?" he asked putting it high up as he read,
"None of your business," I said jumping to try and reach it,
"Ohh my my," He cooed, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, "My naughty little girl," he smirked as he rubbed his nose on my own, "You like this kinda stuff?"
"Ironicly." I snapped taking my book back and pouting,
"Ironicly? Why don't I believe that?" he smirked as he wrapped his arms around me again and pulled my back into his chest, his hand slipped under my jeans,
"Benny!" I argued as his hand slipped into my jeans and my panties,
"Ohhhh... You really liked that didn't you?" he smirked as his hand began to rub on my clit and slipped inside me,
"Awww, my you're soaked Y/n. You really like this dirty book?"
"Benny!" I yelled and forced his hand away as I moved to sit in the chair, "You read penthouse sometimes, leave me alone."
"Yeah for the articles."
"Yeah, the articles." I glared,
"Even so, only when we weren't dating darling." He laughed, "Why would I need to read some smutty penthouse magazine when I have you?" He smiled and sat on the chair with me and he kissed my temple, "And I'm not judging if you wanna read some smutty books about, Some Sexy Mermen. You go ahead I'm not stopping you."
"You don't mind?"
"No, You wanna read it you read it." he smiled, "Just... come to me when you finish the chapter," he winked as he got up to go put the groceries away,
"Why?" I blushed as I got up and followed him
"Ohh you know..." he smirked as he grabbed my hair and forced me up against the fridge closing the gap between us, he stroked down my cheek and picked my chin up to look him in the eye, "You're mine, princess." He growled with a sly smirk, "And I intend to have you."
"....uuuughhhhhh," I whined or moaned or I don't know what noise came out of me as my knees gave out, my legs felt like jelly and my body slipped down till I fit the floor.
"Would you like that?" he chuckled and looked down at my body as I now lay on the floor,
"Yes Please, Benny!"
#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#tbs smut#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#thomas sangster imagine#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts#bennywattssmut#bennywatts#benny watts smut#tqg benny watts#benny watts imagine
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Media The Queens Gambits
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Flirty Af + Mild Smut
Warnings Drug use
I giggled running after the other girls, I wasn't sure where we were going, or where we were but that sort of thing was par for the course. The other girls ran off without me but I spotted a ladies' room so I ushered myself in and shut the door behind me. I spotted myself in the mirror taking a good look at myself for the first time in ... I wasn't sure how long.
My white plastic knee-high boots hugged my legs tightly, my tights so ripped and laddered little remained of them, my black sleeveless shift dress tight to my withering body, a white plastic belt around my waist with a round buckle, my little wrist high white gloves, my necklace long gone, earrings too, my make up smudged and muddled into nothing but madness, my hair still stiff half up and half down with my white clip to pin the back.
In a moment of clarity, I threw away my tights, wiped off my makeup and washed my face with the sink's water and soap, I took my little comb from my white leather clutch bag and fixed what little needed to be repaired on my hair, I dried my face and fixed my smokey eye shadow high to, my two liner lines one at my eyelid the other at the crest of my eye where my eye shadow ended, I added a slight blush to my cheeks and nose tip leaving my freckled exposed, I added mascara to my already fake lashes both top and bottom, and I grabbed my black lipstick so dark and dense as well as my white lip liner, I lined my lips perfectly and then added the lipstick blending the two with my finger to create a sort of gradient to my lips. I spritzed enough of my perfume to drown an elephant and refilled my bag before heading back out following the direction the other girls had gone.
I soon picked up on the music playing and found myself in an art Deco-style bar, with carpets, a grey floor with dancing people, and a bar littered with people, I found my way to the floor setting my handbag on the floor to dance around, I found the other girls I had spent my time with even if I didn’t even know their names. They greeted me with a smile and handed me a drink which I quickly had and joined the dance.
My mind became fuzzy, the vibration of the music through the floor, time seemed to slow, like all that existed in the world was myself and the music as I danced.
In a moment of clarity, I looked across the bar, as they offered me another drink.
I saw him across the bar, and sat on one of the stools. He had a pair of black shined shoes, a pair of black jeans tight to his legs, a black t-shirt with some silver chains hung low, a green button down with only two or three of the bottom buttons done up, he had a thick leather trench coat over him and a cowboy hat on the bar beside him, He had fluffy blonde hair and a gracing of facial hair, his brown eyes seeming to linger on me as I danced. I smiled at him as I danced having some more of my drink, He smirked watching me, and taking a drink of his own beer.
I passed the drink along and continued to dance for a while until I felt a hand across my arm.
His hand stroked across my arm gently up towards my shoulder so I moved back to press us together. I was utterly lost in the music and movements feeling him grind against my back and I often did it back to him too, his hands often stroked my arms and waist guiding our dance to the music, his jacket gone often the cold of his chains and rings would make me jump a little, I could smell his teakwood scented aftershave, often feel his facial hair tickling against my skin when he would move closer to my exposed neck, I often found my hand moving back to twist my fingers in the locks of his hair.
“You’re a good dancer.” He whispered in my ear
“I have a good partner” I smirked back just as the bottle found its way to my hand again I went to drink but he grabbed the bottle
“Don’t.” He warns
“Why not?”
“It’s not just beer”
“I know” I giggled
“Don’t.” He warns “I think I’d like to dance with you sober”
“For me baby” he whispered
I blushed and passed on the bottle without taking a sip continuing to dance getting more intense
“Good girl” he smirked
“Can we dance?”
“Of course, we can”
We danced getting closer and closer his hands wandering up and down my body his fingers gently stroking across my bottom lip
“You’re beautiful” he cooed
“I don’t know if you are handsome or not, haven’t looked at you.”
“Why don’t you?”
“Why should I? We’re just dancing”
“What if we wanna do more than dance?”
“Boys often don’t wanna do more than dance”
“Who said I was a boy?” He whispered, “What do Men want?”
“Men? Well they often want more than a dance” I smirked as I slowly turned to face him, the boy from the bar but his jacket gone left with his hat and his beer at the bar
“Hi” I giggled lazily wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my body tight to his so much I felt the cold sting of his belt through my dress “Handsome” I smiled
“You flatter me Baby” He smirked wrapping his arms around my waist his hands on the opposite hip guiding me as I danced our grinding only got more intense “I never caught your name?”
“I didn’t throw it.”
“Humm Guess you didn’t” he smirked stroking his hands down my ass
“Who needs the formalities? We're only dancing” I whispered playing with the tiny thin hair on his chin
“Maybe I think we’ve danced enough�� he whispered touching his nose to mine
“You can never dance enough” I smirked running my hand down his chain and letting my body slip down his by the time my hand met the buttons on his shirt my head was at his belt but he forced me back to his eyes “Will you tell me your name?”
“Why? Do we need the formalities?” he smirked back “Benny. Benny Watts”
“Benny. Benny. Benny” I giggled nuzzling into his neck
“Do I get to know about you?” he whispered pulling us even closer
“Y/n” he smirked “A name as beautiful as the rest of you” He cooed
“You flatter me” I smiled taking his hand and spinning out and he quickly spun me back into his chest
“Come and stay in my room tonight”
“Come up and stay in my hotel room tonight.”
“Oh? And do what?”
“More than dance baby” he smirked
“Okay” I smiled
“Yeah” I giggled
“Come on” He smirked we grabbed our stuff and he wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged me through the hotel and up to one of the bedrooms, it was an impressive room and I giggled and collapsed on the bed. “Comfy baby?” he smirked
“I didn’t know I was in a hotel”
“Didn’t you?” he asked
“No” I giggled
“You do know you in Las Vegas right?”
“Am I?” I giggled “Cosmic”
“I think you need to get to bed.” he said going through his bag “Here you can borrow my shirt tonight,” he said handing over a shirt from his bag “Get yourself to bed,”
“Will you come and cuddle?”
“Absolutely baby” he smirked stripping off and climbing in the bed as I did too “Come on bed”
“Okay” I giggled cuddling up to him and I fell asleep almost immediately.
#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomas sangster#tbs smut#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas sangster imagine#benny#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny imagine#tqg benny watts#benny watts imagine#benny watts smut#benny watts#bennywattssmut
62 notes
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Red Head
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader (Red Head) & Benny X Beth
Rating Flirty (Mild Smut Implications)
I sat at my table in my apartment hoping my wicked little plan was going to work as I intended. Across my apartment Beth sat sorting her suitcase for the four days she'd be here between the Ohio tournament and Paris, she had intended to get a hotel but I offered my living room to her. It wasn't the case I was feeling nice I did have a point to doing so, I was trying to Coax Y/n over as I know she can be a little... jealous. So as soon as she finds out I have a lady here she'll be over which is really what I want. I miss Y/n so so much, I knew I missed her the moment I got back through the basement door, as all I wanted was to see her sweet Y/E/C eyes and cute red curls. To wrap my arms around her waist and give her a billion kisses. I miss her so badly, but I knew why we were apart. We were young and in love so happy and excited and then... things happened, and I knocked her up. It made our relationship very strained even if we both still loved each other so deeply that we needed time apart she moved out about six months into her pregnancy and I had been visiting her as much as I could. Once our little angel was born we agreed to spend as much time as could to see our sweet girl as much as possible. I had to work still so I'd been off on tournaments and championships so I hadn't seen Y/n or our daughter for almost two months! That's like half her little life I've missed! But now I'm home... the only thing I want is Y/n and my daughter back in my arms where they belong, forever this time. But... if it doesn't work... I have Beth. which will do I guess I know I should think better about Beth, she is nice I guess but honestly... I'd trade the world to have Y/n and Ila back.
Maybe if Y/n sees me with another lady she might get jealous and realize how much she misses me too. I can hope!
I sat not paying much attention to Beth and her business, and I perked up as the phone rang. So I cleared my throat and picked up the phone,
"Hi Watts," her sweet voice comes through the phone,
I knew her call was coming it's like she has a sixth sense, for this type of stuff. So I smiled and replied, "Hello Y/n,"
"I need a favour,"
"Oh? enlighten me?"
"Sitter cancelled and I have a double shift today so can I-"
"Don't even sweat it, ohh actually give me a sec," I told her playfully, I moved the phone but made sure it was close enough Y/n would still hear me, "Beth?" I asked,
"Yes?" she asked looking up to me,
"you alright with my daughter coming to stay for the night?"
"Ohh... uhh yeah sure," she shrugged,
"Good," I nodded before I returned to the phone, "Yeah no problem bring her by and I'll look after her,"
"You sure if you have a visitor?"
"I'm sure, bring her over. I'll see you soon,"
"Alright see you soon,"
I hung up the phone,
"How old is your daughter?" Beth asked,
"She's four months," I smiled,
"ohh, still a baby," she said a little nervous, "Never been around babies,"
"Awww Ila is a beautiful well behaved little angel," I smiled,
"Ila. Ila Watts. She's perfect,"
"I never imagined you... as a dad?"
"Well, it happens," I shrug, "And... I don't know, I think I'm kinda... made to be a dad,"
It wasn't long until the door knocked so I fixed my hair and ran to the door opening it up to let her in. Y/n stood beyond my door, in her little white sneakers, her flesh-tone stockings, her little white dress with her cardigan and bag over her shoulder, her sweet red hair in little curls around her shoulders, her sweet Y/E/C eyes and freckles across her face. And in her arms! the sweetest little baby ever! her cute little pale skin and freckles and Y/E/C eyes just like her mother but she had my hair and my nose Y/n had dressed her in a cute little purple dress with little pink butterflies and put her blonde hair in a braid,
"Awwww hello, my sweet little love! My beautiful little Ila," I cooed taking her to pull her to my chest and give her all the cuddles and kisses I'd be saving for her since I saw her last,
"Hello Benny," Y/n playfully rolled her eyes,
"Hello Y/n," I blushed giving her cheek a kiss praying she would return it and she did which turned my cheeks red,
We both came in Y/n put Ila's bag on the table as I carried Ila on my hip giving her lots of kisses which made her giggle,
"You saw her three weeks ago," Y/n laughed,
"Yeah that's three weeks," I chuckled, "You are getting so big now," I cooed,
"I take it this is the Beth Harmon I have read about," Y/n turned her attention to Beth the two coming almost squaring each other up,
"You must be Y/n Watts," Beth offered her hand,
Y/n chuckled, "Just Y/n," she said shaking her hand,
"Ohh... sorry I-"
"It's fine,"
"You two aren't then..."
"No, no... we took time apart just before Ila was born,"
"Yeah, but we share looking after this little lady," I cooed,
"Her milk's in her bag, her little bear is in the bag, of course, I'll be back at six," Y/n explained,
"I know, have a good shift, Y/n," I smiled,
"I will have fun Ila sweetheart," she kissed Ila, "Nice to meet you, Beth," She said giving her a wave before she headed out of the apartment and off to work,
"She's nice," Beth nodded,
"Yeah she's lovely," I nodded trying not to blush,
"Can I hold her?" Beth asked looking at Ila,
"Aww of course," I cooed, "Ila Watts, this is Beth Harmon." I smiled, "Beth this is Ila,"
"Hello," Beth did her best to smile but Ila wasn't overly bothered about her,
"Just put your hand under her butt, and under her head there you go," I smiled as I handed Ila over to Beth, she seemed unsure but smiled at little Ila,
"Awww she's so cute,"
"She is isn't she, the most beautiful girl in the world," I cooed,
But Ila began to squirm and cry,
"Ohh what did I do?"
"Awww come here little lovely lady, come to daddy," I took Ila back and she happily calmed down,
"It's alright she just probably wanted a cuddle with Daddy," I smiled,
I finished feeding Ila her bottle and began to bounce her on my shoulder to burp her,
"You're really good with her," Beth smiled as she sat on the airbed,
"Thanks," I smiled as I finally burped Ila so I laid her in the crib,
"You look... really handsome with a baby,"
"I do?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat down with her and we each had a drink,
"Yeah," she smiled, "it's really cute how good you are with her,"
"Thanks," I blushed a little,
"So..." she smiled moving a little closer and brushing her fingers through my hair, "I notice, Y/n and I do have something in common?"
"You got a thing for redheads Benny?"
"Well your little angel's sleeping soundly and she's not getting picked up till tomorrow right?"
"...Yeah, true," I smirked a little,
"Shall we?" She encouraged,
I thought about it for a while, I couldn't not think about Y/n but admittedly... Y/n has been gone for a while now, and maybe it would be better for me to just try someone else. "Alright," I smirked back taking her hand and giving it a small kiss before heading her to my room,
I lay gasping, sweat across my body as Beth turned over and went to sleep. It was fun, and Intense but... I felt sick.
I felt like a dick, I know Y/n and I aren't together but... I felt so strange, I felt like I was cheating on her. And it didn't help, even if I had been on my own a while this didn't help it just made me miss Y/n even more. I wanted her body in my hands, her lips on my own, I wanted her! Not beth... Nothing wrong with Beth she's great but... I want Y/n. I Barely slept at all just tossing and turning trying not to think about what I did. I suppose it had a small silver lining, I know now... I am not going to be able to get over Y/n.
Ila began to cry so I got up and slipped some clothes on going out and soothing her back to sleep, I kissed her little blonde head as she drifted away again.
"I'm sorry Ila, Daddy did a bad thing." I whispered, "And Mummy is not going to be happy with Daddy."
I stayed up watching over Ila until the door knocked so I went and got it opening it wide to see Y/n tired from her double shift.
"Hey," she smiled kissing my cheek,
"Hey," I sighed letting her in,
"You okay?"
"Yeah... tired."
"Ohh she kept you up?"
"No, no she was an angel as always,"
"Good, Awww sleeping like a little log," she chuckled as she went to the crib,
"Yeah?" She asked giving Ila a little stoke in her crib not wanting to wake her, "Such a beautiful little baby, you were good for daddy?"
"Y/n Please. I need to tell you something?" I sighed crossing my arms over my chest,
"What is it?" She stood noticing how serious I was,
I went to open my mouth but the bedroom door opened to Beth in my shirt from last night with messy hair, Y/ns eyes met her, and then she flicked them to me, without a word. She knew.
"Morning," Beth yawned,
I could see the rage building in Y/n so I very quickly grabbed my wallet,
"Beth. Ughhh run down to the corner store and ughh grab some cigarettes," I told her as I know she smokes handing her some money,
"I have half a -" she began,
"Beth. Please." I pleaded with her, she looked between me and Y/n and took the money, she went into the bedroom and got some different clothes on all while we waited without a word, She came out and kissed my cheek but I didn't give her a reaction.
"Back in a sec," she says,"
"Take your time." I told her, The moment the door closed, "I can explain."
"I don't want to hear it," she said packing up Ila's things,
"No, no no." I stopped her, "Please... please just listen to me I swear I can explain,"
"I don't want to hear it benny," she said our voices hushed so as to not wake Ila but still angry,
"Please just hear me out,"
"You had sex with her?"
"yes I did But-"
"No, but there is not but-"
"Yes, there is! Please I did it I admit that but I feel so bad about it it's destroying me I should never have done it I was being so stupid!"
"Yes, you were!"
"I know! I know! Please will you ever forgive me!"
"No! please, Y/n!"
"You had sex with some girl while our infant daughter slept in her crib, less than two feet away, I don't know what would be worse the door was open she could have seen, heard, god knows what. Closed! she is four months something could have happened to her,"
"The door was open but only a crack! and I listened for her crying the whole time we were super quiet so as to not wake her. But that's not important right now-"
"It's very important Benny!" she complained "You had sex with a woman five feet from our infant!"
"This! This is what you're concerned about! She was safe she was fine, aren't you infatuated I cheated on you!"
"Not really,"
"what do you mean not really!"
"We are split up Benny!"
"So it's not cheating if we're not together!"
"But I feel terrible, I betrayed you, I regret everything I did, please"
"This is what you are concerned over! benny we're not together you can fuck who you want I don't care I care when our daughter is in earshot!"
"So you don't traumatize our infant daughter!"
"No! why don't you care? I cheated on you! I had felt sick to my stomach the moment I did it! I still love you, you know I do, and I know you still love me, it was a huge huge mistake and I would do anything to undo it..." I explained tears flooding down my face, "Please... please... I- I can't be without you, the woman I love the mother of my child, I felt like throwing up to think about what I've done. I want you. I only want you. Please forgive me... Please... forgive me, let me do whatever it takes to make it up to you and please.... please Y/n... give me back my family."
"You're family?"
"You and me and Ila."
"you slept with-
"I know. I know. Please... I'll walk barefoot through glass for you. I'll climb the Empire State Building naked. I'll swim from New Jersey to Dover. Please! She's my daughter... and you're my girl. I am so so sorry, I should have thrown away every invitation that came while you were pregnant, I should have never left your side, I should have helped you work through all your feelings, I have missed half of her life... and I don't want to miss another second of it. And I want to share every single moment of her life with you."
"That doesn't excuse what you've done..."
"I know." I told her stroking her cheek, "But I swear to you, I would do the impossible for Ila. And I would do the impossible for you."
"That's just it... it's impossible," she said going to the crib,
"No! NOOOO! No, you can't please!" I begged, "Reject me if you must if you really can't face what I have done. But please... please Y/n I beg of you. Don't take her. She's my daughter, my angel, my baby girl, please! you can't take her, you can't just take her, please! Please... even if you reject me even if you hate me please just let me see her..." I begged, "Please just let me see my daughter,"
"I don't think she should be anywhere near her sex pervert of a father for a while,"
"NOOO! Please!" I broke down, "You have no right! you can't just take her! she's my daughter!"
"And she's mine too!"
"You are not just taking her!"
"What makes you think you should keep her! you've been gone half her life and as soon as you come back you spent your time with someone else so clearly you don't want her around!"
"I said I'm sorry! The only person I want around is you, BUT you -"
"Don't you dare blame me for this! You ran off and left me while I was pregnant!"
"To make money! To afford our baby!"
"and when you get back the first thing you do is shack up with her!"
"I'd have shacked up with you if you were here!"
"Ohh so it's purely whoever is close enough?"
"No! that's not what I-" I sighed, "Y/n... I love you. I am sorry for what I did. I regret it completely. I will never even think of doing something like this again. I want to be with you. I want to be with Ila. I will literally have sex with you every day to make you trust me. and I would becuase your fucking gorgeous! nothing on her. You know why I slept with her! really! the real answer! cause she's a redhead. and it went through my mind in the short seconds she flirted with me that if I turned her over and just looked at her from the back with her red hair for a brief moment I could think it's YOU! Happy! You are happy you made me admit I am a fucking degenerate! That I love my ex that fucking much that I could have slept with any woman from her to Ohio in the last week but no I slept with Beth. the one Other redhead I know! Becuase I am that down bad about you! I brought her hear literally to make you jealous! to try and get over you and I can't! I did it! it doesn't work! I still love you, I still want you and I would rather DIE than not have you!"
She grabbed my face and kissed me, I was shocked given how much of a rant I just went on, but I am not complaining I grabbed her body and savoured every single thing. Her skin, her lips, her smell, her taste. I never wanted to let her go, I grabbed her thighs and picked her up wrapping her legs around me as I carried her to bed our lips never even separating until I dropped her on the bed. I went to pull open my draw to grab surprisingly my second condom of the last twenty-four hours but she slapped my hand,
"Don't you dare?" She smirked, "You know that's not how I like you,"
"Alright... just how you love me," I smirked pulling her back into the kiss.
I smiled holding Y/n close and peppering her with all the kisses I could manage,
"I wonder where Beth is?" She spoke up,
"...Hu..." I sighed, "I hadn't even thought about that... She'll be fine," I shrug,
"Alright," She chuckled trying to go but I pulled her closer,
"No. My Y/n."
"I'm getting Ila,"
"Ohhh... yes! fetch the angel!" I cooed,
She climbed out and fetched little Ila climbing back into bed I wrapped my arms around the two of them, and... for the first time in months, I felt happy again. I felt complete. I felt like everything was right. The three of us snuggled together in my bed, the world could end in this moment and I would welcome it with a smile, as I have my world in my arms.
"I love you both so much,"
"I love you too Benny,"
"Does this mean... it's happening?"
"What's happening?" she chuckled,
"We're getting back together?"
"... I don't know Benny,"
"Y/n, please. you know I'll do anything to make you forgive me. I am a dick for everything I've done. But I want you girls in my life. I need you."
"How about this... a couple of months, visiting. while I think it over?"
"...Okay," I nodded,
I sat with my book trying to keep my mind awake this late when the phone rang, I rolled my eyes assuming it was Beth.
I had been... distant with her. We hadn't done anything since that night nothing had happened the rest of her days with me in New York and I had no intention of doing anything with her at all ever again all while I waited for Y/n... she wanted time so I gave her it, Ila had been visiting all month and I felt more in love every second I was with them. I wanted to bolt over and just take them in my arms but I gave her time.
I went and grabbed the phone expecting her flirty tone but,
"Hi, Watts."
"Y/n! Hi sweetie."
"Hi, is it a good time to talk?"
"Yeah of course what's up?"
"I uhh... I made a decision,"
"You did," I became nervous given her tone, "what is it?"
"Well... I have, now you need to-"
"Y/n. You know I love you. And I want you back as my girlfriend you know I -"
"Benny please listen,"
"Okay... sorry..."
"I went to the doctor today,"
"You did! is Ila okay!"
"Ila is fine it was for me."
"Oh... are you okay?"
"Yeah just a blood test and stuff but uhh they found something out,"
"What did they find out?"
"... Benny I'm pregnant."
"wha- what!"
"I'm pregnant."
"H-h-h-ho-ho-how- how is that-" I stuttered, "Oh my god we didn't use a condom..."
"Please don't take this the wrong-"
"yes, it's yours."
"Ohh thank god. sorry, I-"
"It's okay, natural for you to ask, So I'm pregnant again..." she sighed, "So�� I know my answer"
"Which is?"
"I want to come home..."
"You do?" I got teary,
"Is that okay with you?"
"It's more than okay with me," I smiled, "Come home Y/n, and I promise I will be here for you, and Ila, and for our little one."
"Are you sure?"
"Y/n. I love you. I want you home. Our home. I want us to be together again."
"Okay, see you in an hour,"
"See you soon," I smiled blowing her a kiss and she blew me one too before I hung up the phone, but almost immediately I picked it back up and dialled the number it took a while but it soon answered,
"Hey Beth,"
"ohh Hi, Benny,"
"So uhh... I need a word,"
"About what?"
"This... this isn't going to work, it's been fun, but you're so far away in Kentucky and I have Ila to think about it's just... it's not going to work you can find someone else to go to Moscow with you,"
"Ohh... yeah I understand, thanks for telling me I guess rather than just leaving me hanging,"
"Yeah I didn't want to be a dick about it, but your a really great girl I'm sure you'll find someone better than me,"
"Thanks, Benny,"
"you're welcome, Bye Beth."
"Bye, Benny,"
I hung up and I couldn't hold back my smile I went to the bedroom and dug through my drawer grabbing the little box I had bought when we first found out about Ila... but Y/n never gave me a chance to give it to her. I changed my shirt and did my hair and soon enough I heard the door so I rushed over with the box in my pocket and opened the door to see Y/n with Ila in her arms.
"Hi Benny,"
"Hi," I smiled giving her lips a soft kiss and she happily returned it, I kissed Ila and took her from Y/n taking her to her high chair while Y/n threw her bag on the bed and Ila's bag by the crib, "How are you for stuff?"
"Good for two weeks, we can start the move-in from there,"
"Perfect," I smiled, "Y/n..."
"Yes, Benny?"
"I uhh I have a little gift for you,"
"Ohh? Pizza? cause I am starving?"
"No" I laughed, "But we can get pizza," I smiled, "Y/n." I took her hand and gave it a soft kiss, "I love you beyond measure, when you left it broke me, all I wanted was you back in my arms, we have a beautiful little girl together and she's everything I ever wanted. I made mistakes I admit that and I am happy to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I've told Beth it's never happening again and it's over even if it never really began... and now... we get another little one. I have Ila. and soon we'll have another sweet baby. I have everything I need to be happy,"
"And now you have me too,"
"I do... but I need you to be one more thing, My wife."
"Benny you-"
"Please Y/n, will you marry me?" I asked offering her the little box she took it and opened it to see the sweet white diamond I got for her what felt like so long ago now, "I understand if you need time to-"
"wh- what?"
"yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"
"Ohh Y/n! I love you so much!" I hugged her as tight as I could,
"I love you too Benny!" she began to cry so I pulled back kissed her tears and slipped the ring on her finger, we both blushed hard and shared our first sweet kiss as an engaged couple only to be interrupted by Ila crying we chuckled and shared a small kiss before I picked Ila up in my arms and I held Ila, Y/n and my hand on Y/n's stomach and our slowly growing baby,
"I have all that matters to me, in my arms right now. and I am never letting any of it go again."
#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#tbs smut#thomas brodie sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#tbs#benny watts#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#bennywattssmut#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#benny x reader#benny watts x reader#benny x beth#the queen's gambit
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Baby Mama P2

Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Watts
Rating Sweet Af
Concept Pregnancy
I stood holding the small of my back as I desperately tried to quell the pain. Everything hurt my feet. My ankles. My legs. My hips. My stomach. My back. My shoulders. My neck. Every single part of me was tired and aching and generally unhappy as the baby kicked almost per minute.
"Uhh stop just stop. For five minutes" I complained
"Baby really beating you up today" Benny chuckled from his chair
"I don't know why baby won't settle and sit damn still for five minutes" I sighed
"Would you like some tea?"
"No thank you, Benny"
"Would you like me to run you a bath or a hot shower?"
"No thank you, Benny"
"How about I give you a nice massage?'
"This better not be another excuse"
"No, no excuse A proper massage, Will that make you feel better?"
"Come on then," he says getting up and offering his chair I smiled and took a seat on the chair and he moved to the ottoman over so I could put up my feet and recline "One second," he said, going to our bedroom and he returned kneeling beside the ottoman, with a clean fluffy towel sitting it under my feet on top of the ottoman and a small bottle I was confused at first but he clicked and stretched his fingers a moment before pouring some of the bottles onto his hands and immediately the scent of lemon hit my nose reminding me of the massage oil from the box under our bed he rubbed some on his hands and then poured a little on my feet before he began to rub my swollen feet
"Uhhhhh ummmmm" I smiled as he worked
"That's nice?"
"Ummm" I nodded relaxing as he worked "ummm this is the most pleasurable feeling ever" I smiled
"...you're pregnant" he glared
"So I've had sex with you" he complained
"I stand by my statement"
"Thanks, well I have to keep my baby mama happy somehow"
I sat at the table going through the various items that had arrived, Of course, ordering things from catalogues as shopping wasn't really an option as I'm in no mood or ability to walk around a department store. Of course, family and friends had heard the news about the imminent arrival of the baby and sent over boxes of gifts so I was sorting baby clothes and various items that had accumulated Benny was supposed to be helping me but I think he was just kind playing with things currently he sat with a small wooden xylophone attempting to play himself a tune
"Stop playing with the baby toys"
"I'm testing them," he says "I have to check they are adequately mentally stimulating. We want our baby to be a grandmaster by twelve they need smart baby toys" he explained
"I never said I wanted that"
"You didn't. I did"
"Benny, the baby will be smart You don't have to test all the toys"
"I don't know they are only half chess genius," he says and I glared "I'm just testing them If I can use them without hurting myself then they are safe for the baby"
"I don't know babies are pretty dumb"
"True, y/n watch" he laughed before he began to play a tune
"You just wanna play with it"
"Do something else"
"Fine" he sighed moving into another box "Okay I am very confused..."
"That's a nursing bra"
"It's a bra... but buttons to expose the boobs?"
"Yes Benny, for nursing."
"I feel like we had one of these when we first got married that I ripped off you sometime after our honeymoon"
"Different thing Benny"
"I don't know make this in black lace and I'm pretty sure it's the same. That's a point you're planning on breastfeeding right?"
"That's the plan"
"Yes! Boobs!"
"Not boobs for you. Boobs for baby"
"But I'll still get to see boobs which is really what I'm excited about"
"Your my husband you can see boobs whenever you want"
"Yeah but it's not as fun"
I sat bouncing myself on the small inflatable ball I picked up it's supposed to help me strengthen and Widen my cervix or something. By the side of my Bump, I'd kinda wished I'd been doing way more cause I am a planet I've almost convicted the head of this baby is gonna be a literal watermelon luckily it wouldn't be long until this would be over and the baby would be here I mean I'm excited for this to be over but also worried because then I have a human to take care of which I mean I should be fine with I already take care of benny, the longer this goes on the more I question women who say they like being pregnant? I definitely do not. And I was pretty panicked I mean I want it out of me of course so we can have our baby and so I can be done being pregnant but... it has to come out of me which is gonna hurt! It's a complex feeling to have as I bounce.
"Comfy?" Benny asks as he brings me some juice
"Somewhat" I answered taking the juice and having a sip as he sat in his chair "Why?' I glared
"Just a position I should think you're used to" he smirked
For a moment I was puzzled and then I realised oh yeah I'm sitting with my thighs wife bouncing up and down
"Stop thinking with your penis Benjamin"
"Maybe I would if it got some attention" he sighed sipping his own juice
"I'm pregnant" I argued
"Yeah? Not like I can make you double pregnant. It's literally the only time it's a one hundred per cent chance I cum inside you and can't get you pregnant"
"No Benny, it's dangerous"
"Not in any of the parenting magazines I've read"
"Yes but you've been reading husband magazines and they are not helpful"
"Yeah the one at the doctor's office really isn't helpful and they really didn't appreciate me telling them that"
"Their doctor's benny they don't like being told they're wrong"
"But they are"
"Yes dear" I laughed
"Besides that pregnant booklet in the waiting room was printed in 1948, how is it possible that still there best recommendations?"
"I know" I giggled counting to bounce
"How'd baby?"
"Kicking. Stretching legs."
"Not long now and we'll finally get to hold our little one in our arms" he smiled coming to cuddle my stomach and give it kisses "umm Daddy can't wait to see you little one"
"Awww mummy can't either, just maybe... calm the kicking down a little"
"You want some help?"
"Not like you can stop it, Benny"
"I can help" he smiled moving behind me and gently holding my hips "Lay back"
"Are you sure?'
"Trust me"
"Alright" I sighed leaning my body back against him and he gently moved my hips on the ball which admittedly was very relaxing
"Don't hold back lean your whole weight on me"
"Are you sure? I'm very heavy Benny"
"I'm sure to come on"
So I leant my full weight on him my head on his shoulder and it was really nice not having to hold myself up for a little while and it even clicked my back
"Hey, that better?' He laughed as it clicked
"Much better" I smiled
"Good, I have to make sure baby mama is happy"
"It's getting harder and harder to be happy when I'm in this much pain'
"I know, but not long soon then we have the baby"
"I hope it won't be too long" I smiled but I felt a violent kick again"oh fuck-"
"What? Ohh oh. That's okay baby didn't mean to give your bladder a kick It's fine let's get you cleaned up" he reassured
I laid on the bed using Benny to pop my leg up given the size of My stomach made it basically impossible to lay certain ways, he was fast asleep but I couldn't sleep I'd been feeling this gnawing pain like period cramps but I guess it's just more pregnancy pain, but I'd been feeling it for hours now. I kept semi-falling asleep often waking from pain or strange nightmares of My stomach swelling to the point it explodes. I woke up from asleep and sat up having to use the bedpost to get myself up I wondered thought to the apartment and clicked on the light grabbing my book from the table and flicking through the pages in pain to see if I could fix this somehow
'Pain similar to period cramps - contractions usually a sign of active labour'
What! Wait wait wait what! I read on and began to panic I thought my water was meant to break or something or I'd start screaming I didn't know it would just kinda... begin hurting but I read on and found fake contractions or Braxton-Hicks also feel like this but they go away after eating so I made myself a big pile of toast eating a few pieces but it didn't go away
"What's going on?" Benny yawns as clearly something woke him up and he wondered out of the bedroom in his kimono rubbing his eyes
"I think I'm in labour"
He stopped short as I said that completely freezing mid-eye rub "What?'
"I think I'm in labour"
".... right. Okay. Just calm down!" He says beginning to panic
"I am calm Benny. I'm actually freakishly calm"
"I was talking to myself! Okay uhhh what makes you think so?"
"I've been having pains for like the last six hours. The book says there are contractions."
"They could just be Braxton-Hicks, right? Right you've had those before"
"They could, but they go away when you eat something"
"Did they go away after toast?" He asks
"Okay, what does the pain feel like?" He asks looking around the table for the paperwork
"Like a period cramp. Hurts like fuck then slowly goes away then hurts then slowly goes away"
"Holy shit. Yeah, that's a contraction. And ...your fine?"
"I feel fine. It hurts but I feel calm"
"Hu ... okay you think you can get dressed?"
"I think so"
"Good you get dressed I'll call the midwife at the hospital and see what she says," he says
I nodded and went to our room getting into my little maternity dress even if it was barely for me and a pair of my flats the pain only got more and more intense as Benny waited on hold so I grabbed my bag and packed it with a nightie, some slippers, perfume, lotion, body wash, baby's blankets, hats, socks, all the little things they said we would need to bring just in case. And as I came through he Finally thought having got himself dressed in the meantime with clothes from the clean laundry "Hi! Hi yes hello, okay, Watts. Yeah, it's Benny. She thinks she might be in labour. Well this is our first so... yes she's describing period cramp-like pain that comes then goes away again and it's been like that for several hours now" he explained
"Six hours" I added
"Yeah, six hours now maybe more. Uhh just a sec- does it completely stop when it dies down?"
"It did now not so much"
"Yes but now not so much, okay... no, no, no she had about six bits of toast. Uhhh remarkably calm actually. Okay yep no problem" he says before he hangs up
"Uhhh she says you need to get in the car. Like now"
"Ohh okay, I packed the bag"
"Everything on the list?"
"Everything and some additional items"
"Okay, let's get going" he smiled giving me a soft kiss before taking the bag and helping me up to the car and stairs They were hard by the time I reached the car the pain was becoming almost unbearable but Benny did his best holding my hand to drive us through the busy New York streets to the hospital and by this point, I was pretty panicked and in a lot of pain
#tbs smut#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#benny imagine#bennywattssmut
81 notes
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We're A Family
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Character Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
Warnings Family Abandonment
I sat on my bed leant over towards the mirror in my wardrobe to do my make-up, sat in my black lace bra and panties with my stockings around my thighs, my Y/H/C hair still in rollers as I got ready for tonight. I heard the door open and I looked in the mirror to see Marybelle her red curls up in a bun already in some jeans and a long button down, she leant on the doorframe.
"What?" she asked,
"I called you half an hour ago," I told her as I did my lipstick,
"Well, I'm here not. What do you want Mum?"
"I'm going out tonight,"
"I know..."
"Just reminding you," I chuckled, "I won't be home till tomorrow,"
"I know Mum... you're out with your boyfriend," she sighed as she headed elsewhere,
I rolled my eyes a little, I finished my makeup up put on my little black dress and heels, before finally took my hair out of my rollers.
I went downstairs and packed my handbag as Marybelle stood getting orange juice from the fridge. I heard the door so I fixed myself up and answered it quickly.
As I opened the door I saw Benny outside on the stoop in his black laced oxfords, his black trousers, his black silk shirt with silver pinstripes, his hair brushed to the side, his little blue beetle down on the street, he smiled at the door opened.
"Hello Sweetie," he smiled as he took my hand and gave it a soft little kiss,
"Hello Benny Darling," I cooed,
"For you," He smiled as he pulled his other hand from behind his back revealing a sweet bouquet of white roses,
"Ohhh Benny there beautiful," I smiled happily sniffing the sweet flowers before I headed inside putting them in the water as he came through to the kitchen too, "Marybelle you going to say hello to Benny?" I asked her,
"Hi, Ben."
"Hello Marybelle, how's school?"
"Ughh," she rolled her eyes trying to go back to her room,
"Marybelle," I told her preventing her from leaving,
"Yes Mother?" she sighed,
"Money for dinner is on the table, emergency numbers are on the fridge, no parties. No boys."
"Yes, Mother..." she sighed going back to her room,
I rolled my eyes a little and headed out with Benny locking up the door behind me,
We went to dinner and a movie before of course ending up as we always do in Benny's basement apartment the moment the door closed he leant my back against it his foot between mine his hands on my cheeks as his lips met mine, I quickly kissed him back enjoying the softness of his lips, the gentle taste and smell of the beer he drank at the resturanrt, I enjoyed every heavenly second of his lips on my own as our lips moved there clacking sound all that echoed in the basement apartment other then our desperate breaths, my hands found their way into his hair twisting my fingers in his blonde locks as his chin and upper lip tickled me, as I pulled him desperately close wanting to feel his every inch, his every way, he didn't deny me in fact bringing himself even closer as our kisses got not only more passionately but more sloppy and haphazardly as neither of us tried to kiss sweetly or beautifully our kisses only a vehicle for our rampant desire this becoming far messier. I began tugging and pulling on his hair, our bodies bumping one another as we both tried so desperately to be closer our heads moving up and down as we desperately kissed one another, our own mouth kisses causing us to battle one another for control and as much as he wanted it I wasn't going to simply give in and let him have it the little groans and gasps he made fueled me more as his hands exploded my dress without hesitation or restriction as one point he clearly forgot where we were as he tried to pull me up as if sitting me on something but of course I had nothing to sit on so the lift only served to rub out bodies together I slipped my hands from his hair stroking the smooth skin of his neck and moving my hands down grasping at his shirt before going back up to his hair pulling him away a little,
"Bed. Now. Sweetie." he demanded picking me up by my butt and carrying me across his dark basement to his bedroom dropping me down on the bed, he quickly got between my legs and almost ripped off his shirt tossing it to the floor as we made out heavily his hands immediately grabbed my breasts, "Ummmm! I love your boobs so much!" he groaned,
"You really do don't you Benny darling," I giggled,
"what can I say? I like a Mature lady like yourself, Y/n," he smirked,
"Umm come here then benny baby," I cooed pulling him back to a kiss, which he egarly moaned into, he smirked pulling off my dress quickly and swiftly throwing it on the floor with his shirt, “Ummmm sweetie you always look so good for me,” he growled as he saw my bra and panties, “But I wanna see all of you sweetie,” He smirked tugging them down to expose me to him I smirked seeing his usual look of desire, he simply kissed down my neck and chest one hand took my bare breast squeezing and fondling as his fingers plaid with my nipple, he kissed the other puckering kisses across the soft skin "Ummm! Y/n sweetie!" he wickedly smiled purposely picking a spot he knew I’d need make up to hide, softly biting my skin sucking to leave a deep-coloured hickey "mine," he growled moving slightly to kiss my nipple the cold of the air soothed by his warm lips, he gave my nipple a few kisses often glancing at my eyes to try and see how I reacted, he smirked and flicked his tongue over me circling it over and over which was enough to make me squeal and he chuckled low amused at my pleasure he gave my nipple a final kiss before he wrapped his lips around it completely and began to suck rubbing his tongue on the very tip,
"Uhh Benny!" I gasped,
"Humm you love that don’t you?" He smirked moving my other breast and repeating the same steps until I was forced to gasp, he pulled back and softly kissed my lips again his tongue battling with mine in our lustful makeout as his hand slipped down my chest down my stomach. he smirked moving his hand to stroke my labia then moving inside and circling my entrance "Umm so wet already for me sweetie" he smirked kissing my neck and nibbling my skin as he slowly and softly rubbed my clit just back and forth but it was enough to make me utterly gush at the feeling if Benny's quick nibble surgeons fingers on me
"More. Please" I begged pulling his lips to mine, he happily kissed back and began to rub anticlockwise on the tip of my clit with two of his fingers
"Ohhh fuck!" his smirk grew wider "ohhh yeah! Ummm come on sweetie! Come on Y/n, you, not I’m not stopping till I see you squirt all over my bed," He asked,
“That what you want Benny darling?”
“Umm it’s what I need sweetie,” He growled replacing his fingers with his thumb and rubbing as he was tenderly he stroked around the entrance before his finger drove in
"Ohhhh Benny!" I gasped Arching my back a little off the bed
“Uhh fuck do you have to sound so fucking good screaming my name?” He smirked moving his finger from tip to knuckle over and over,
"More please Benny" I begged
"More?" he smirked slipping another finger and I grabbed his arm hard rolling my head back as his hand worked for what felt like hours of mind-flooding joy not enough to reach a high but like it only built more and more
“Please darling,”
he smirked kissing down my neck and kissing my nipple again before he began to suck on it again flicking his tongue as his fingers worked
"Ohhhh my- ughhhh Benny! Uuuughhhhh uughh! Benny please!" I begged
"It's okay, it's okay, you want more?"
"Yes! Yes! Please!"
“Say it then sweetie?” He smirked and sped up his fingers finger fucking me now at a rapid pace rubbing in my clit without even an ounce of mercy while his other hand rubbed my breasts and nipple I knew I was close screaming for him
“Uhhh I love you, Benny!” I squealed before I grabbed his neck pulling him to kiss me so I wouldn't scream as my wall hit pleasure flooded over me and I did even up squirting on the bed a little he pulled back with a proud smile rubbing his nose on mine as he pulled his hand out and licked it clean,
“I love you too Y/n,” he smiled, “Now…” He growled as he lay on the bed and kicked off his trousers leaving him in his black skin-tight boxers, “come here sweetie," he smirked pulling my lips to his, I happily kissed back moving to look over him as we kissed my hand slipping down until I slipped my hand under them immediately being met by the hard stiff shaft I smirked tugging his underwear down to allow me to see and to move freely "ohhh yeah that's good" he smirked as I began as usual, "ughhhhh" he gasped leaning back on his pillow, "ughh faster! Please, Y/n! I’m already close sweetie!"
“Really Benny darling?” I smirked speeding up,
"Ohhhh fuck- yeah! Uhhh yes! Like that that's perfect. Keep that speed please!" He begged holding my hair to pull me to his neck so I nibbled his skin and even gave him a harsh hickey on his neck somewhere he couldn't hide either before I kissed down his stomach leaving a hickey on his V as I slowed my hand
"Uuuughhhhh! Ummmm... You love marking me there don’t you," he growled bucking his hips up in his desperation,
“I like leaving an owners mark,”
“Yeah? Maybe I should mark you and cum all over that pretty cunt so I know no other boys are fucking you.”
“Why would they? When I have you.” I smirked kissing the base of his shaft slowly moving down the shaft till I reached his tip and he lay there watching me breathlessly seeing the calm, composed smirking chess boy fall apart like a child for me,
"Uuuughhhhh uughh! Uuuughhhhh!" He groans his head thrown back against the pillow his mouth open as he desperately gasped his eyes squeezed shut trying desperately to function with me doing this to him "Yes! Yes! Uhhhhhhh! Enough enough!" He said pushing me away he quickly pounced on me and moved my legs around him settling himself between my legs, he held my hips slightly raising them from the bed as he gently got closer at first rubbing himself against me, he slowly held his base and guided himself in, he bit his lip hard squeezing his eyes shut as he tried not to lose himself to such a feeling, I held my breath feeling him fill me up making me feel utterly whole with him inside me "you okay?' he gasped
"Yeah, more. Please Benny" I gasped
“I missed you,”
“Yeah? You missed my cock sweetie?”
“I did,”
“Umm yeah. I missed your cunt too.”
He began his pace at a decent speed his hips moving in a rhythm but that didn’t last long "Uhh faster Benny! Please!"
"Ummmm!" He grunted holding my hips slowly getting faster and faster building his speed leaving me an utter moaning mess below him until he slightly slowed almost to a stop "I- uhh- I don't wanna cum yet." He gasped "You feel so good, Y/n! I'm so close! I can't cum yet... please don't make me. I want this to last forever"
"Please Benny, I need you" I whined and that was all he needed returning to his pace his hand moving to pull me a little higher as to hit a better angle his hand slipping down between us to rub on my clit "uuuuuuuhhh!"
“That better? Yeah! You need all of me don’t you, hands. Mouth. And cock. Your greedy little thing,”
"Benny please!" I squealed enjoying every second knowing it wouldn't be long until I "AHHHH yes! Yes! Ahhh Uhhhh uuuughhhhh Benny! Benny!" I squealed as I got my wall a second time arching my back and my voice shredding as I did he kept going but only a couple of seconds before he pulled out and send his jizz across the sheets
"Fuck!" He groans collapsing on the bed with me as we both lay sweaty, gasping, and filled with pleasure. "Y/n?"
"yes, benny?" I gasped as we cuddled up with him spooning as usual his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder as we gasped covered in sweat.
"Can I ask something... that I really wanna ask?"
"Of course,
"You might get mad at me..."
"...It may be seen as unromantic?"
"do you think it's unromantic of a question to ask after sex?"
"No, we've had a good night. dinner. movie. with fantastic sex. seems like a nice. romantic evening. Plus I've been thinking. about it a while. I thought about asking you. at dinner but... lost track of time."
"I mean that's not on you. the waiter was a dick."
"He was a dick. great fries though..."
"they were. was that your question?"
"No. no. my question. is not fry-related."
"ask away then."
"...do you. wanna get. married?"
"...What?" I giggled looking at him a little as he was still gasping,
"You wanna marry me?"
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too but... I have marybelle."
"I love her too. even if she hates me. we can move into your place. get married. it'll be nice."
"It will be nice. are you sure?"
"I'm sure I wanna marry you."
"I wanna marry you too Benny,"
"See this is why I love you sweetie" He smiled giving my lips a soft kiss, "No other woman in the world would be happy with a post-sex proposal."
"I don't know... I kinda like it. Like you had a moment of utter post-sex clarity."
"My post-orgasm clarity told me to marry ya. so I'm gonna."
I sighed as I went into Marybelle's room seeing her on her bed in her PJs,
"What?" she glared,
"It's almost time to go," I told her as I fixed my little dress,
"I'm not going."
"what why not?"
"I don't wanna go to your dumb fake wedding."
"It's not a fake wedding." I told her, "It's a real wedding. legally binding. just no church or parties or anything."
"So not a wedding."
"It's a marriage then."
"The boring part of a wedding."
"Marybelle... Please. we got you a new dress don't you want to at least come along?" I asked looking at her new dress hung in the wardrobe that I bought for her after seven hours of shopping,
"Why would I wanna go to your boring paperwork wedding with your toyboy."
"He's not my toy boy."
"He plays chess he's a toy boy."
"Marybelle... Benny is going to be your da-"
"No, he isn't he's your boyfriend."
"Husband. or will be in an hour." I told her, "I know you're not happy about this, I understand why, but this is a big step in my life and I'd really like you to be there."
"... for you. I will go." she sighed getting out of bed, "But Benny is not my dad."
"Stepdad then."
"He's Benny. That's it."
"All alright... baby steps I suppose." I nodded, "We'll be waiting outside with the car." I told her before I headed down seeing Benny fixing his hair in the mantle mirror dressed up nice but keeping his jacket as it was rather cold today,
"Ohh no no! Don't let me see." He laughed turning away,
"Benny you need to see,"
"Nope. I cannot look at my bride until the wedding."
"as you're driving, I think it's essential you do." I laughed taking his hand and turning him to see me in my little white dress,
"Awwww, sweetie! Look at you, you are the most beautiful bride in the world!" He smiled lifting me up to spin me around the living room, "You look gorgeous Y/n,"
"Thank you, you look very handsome too Benny."
"Aww thank you," he smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled kissing him,
"she joining us?"
"she said she was." I sighed,
"she'll be down I'm sure of it. who would wanna miss her mother's wedding?"
"Marybelle." I sighed,
we waited a little while getting a little nervous we'd miss our time but finally Marybelle came down in her little purple dress,
"aww hello," I smiled, "Don't you look lovely,"
She rolled her eyes,
"Well if it isn't the most beautiful little bridesmaid, or... perhaps maid of honour?" Benny smiled trying to see if he could perhaps tempt her with a hug but nope she was mad, "Okay... well the beetle waits my lovely ladies." he smiled opening the front door for us,
"Thank you Mr watts," I smiled,
"You're very welcome Miss Y/l/n, or should I just start calling you Mrs Watts so I get used to it?"
"Maybe you should," I smiled kissing him,
"Romance is disgusting." Marybelle sighed picking up her camera and heading out,
"cheery isn't she?" Benny chuckled,
"She's a teenager they are." I laughed,
"Were you this cheery at her age?"
"I was pregnant so... yeah probably."
"Good point," He nodded,
I sat at the table having my eggs as Benny cooked up breakfast, Marybelle headed downstairs in her uniform so I smiled,
No response,
"Ahh good morning my lovely stepdaughter, would you like some breakfast?" Benny offered,
"No. Bye." she snapped before she slammed the door and marched out,
"She really doesn't like me..."
"Don't feel bad Benny, she doesn't much like anybody,"
"Why? Like I get teens are angsty, I was once an angsty teen. but... never that bad."
"where you ever a girl?"
"...Not that I recall."
"Teenage girls have a lot thrown at them at that age. a lot of very big physical changes. hormonal changes. an education system that knows more about the moon than it does their reproductive system. boys being horny dicks cause they are going through changes. the society elements of going from a little girl to a woman at times you don't really decide. the male gaze. female jealous instincts. being forced to mature far faster than boys. on top of school. driving. college prep. and everything else." I explain, "It's surprising teenage girls are as stable as they are Benny."
"Good point... and yeah I was never a teen girl so I don't know the struggles of not being able to match your nail polish to your school skirt." he joked as he sat down with me,
"...Benny if I gave you a shirt that was charcoal black and jeans that were coal black?" I glared,
"ahhh! why would you do that to me!"
I glared sipping my tea,
"Point taken." he sighed, "But I don't know maybe Marybelle needs some extra help?"
"Benny, I have been raising Marybelle on my own for fifteen years. You have been here.... six months. You really wanna be giving me parenting advice."
"yes, I know how that sounds." he sighed, "and I don't wanna push on your toes, becuase yes you know way more than I do. and have far more experience in terms of raising a kid but also... you were her age when you got pregnant you were an angsty teen yourself I'm simply saying maybe just letting someone from an outside perspective might not be a bad idea."
I rolled my eyes a little and kissed his lips, "You are too smart."
"That I am Sweetie," He smirked,
"THERAPY!" Marybelle screamed as she threw things around her room, "I am not nuts I do not need therapy!"
"No one is saying you are Marybelle," I told her, "We think it might be best for you to talk to someone."
"I do not need to TALK with someone I am not nuts!"
"What your mother means is." Benny added, "It might be nice for you to talk with someone who doesn't have motives. Someone just for you to talk to outside of home, school and friends."
"Do not talk to me like you're my father!" she screamed,
"I'm your stepfather!"
"No, you are not! You're her toy boy! I never wanted you anywhere near me!"
"Marybelle please-" I began,
"Ohh yeah take his side! cause I'm just the crazy teenage daughter! who needs therapy!"
"No one is saying you need it we just thought it might be nice to have time an hour a week to talk with someone about things," I told her,
"We. We. there is no WE this is Benny has made a decision about me and my life and I have to live with it. Like being my stepdad. like moving in. like me changing schools. Like SENDING ME TO THERAPY!"
"YES I did make those decisions Marybelle becuase I love your mother! and I wanted to be with her! she's an adult woman who can do what she wants. I wanted to be a part of this family so I joined it. I wanted to live with my family so I did. We changed schools becuase this private academy is going to give you a better education than either of us got! And yes we as a couple wanted to offer you the chance to talk to a therapist at our expense so you had someone to talk about whatever the hell is making you such a dramatic child!"
"Dramatic... DRAMATIC! You turned up invited into my life! You married my mother! moved into our house! made your own little family never once did you ask me how I felt about it either of you! You moved to my school without talking to me! away from all my friends! The whole life I had built for myself! you ripped it away! I think I have cause to be DRAMATIC!" She yelled storming off out of her room down the stairs and out the door,
"Benny I-" I began,
"Ohh great now your mad at me too!" he yelled,
"...Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to yell sweetie."
"she has a point..."
"Ohh so your on her side?!"
"I'm not on her side. or your side. I am on no side! there shouldn't even be sides!" I yelled but I stopped myself, "We are a family... we need to behave like a family and talk this out properly. like adults."
"You think she'll like that?"
"No. But what choice do we have..."
"True." he sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled sweetie," He cooed,
"I'm sorry I yelled too darling," I smiled hugging his chest and he kissed my head, as he wrapped his arms around me, "What are we gonna do with that girl?"
"I don't know you're the parenting expert." he chuckled, "I think she needs space for now. give her a chance to think."
"I think she needs more of a say."
"I do too..." he nodded, "what do we do about her being gone?"
"Call Lisa's mother. she'll be there." I sighed heading downstairs to the phone.
I smiled as I sat on the sofa with Benny the two of us sharing a few kisses,
"I'm off to the doctor's," Marybelle said as she came down the stairs,
"Aww okay have a nice time and don't forget to change next week to four pm," I told her,
"I know," she sighed as she headed out,
"he is really good," Benny laughed,
"he is. Kinda wish we went to him." I smiled,
"she needs it more than we do,"
"True, we do still need it though,"
"Ohh yeah we are very very messed up, I mean you more than me Teenb mom over here." he joked
"Excuse me Mr abandonment Issues." I chuckled
"Ohh that would be a terrible last name..."
"Likely abriviate. Mr AI"
"Ahh good point." he nodded, "still not as good as Watts is it?"
"Nothing is as good as watts." I smiled,
"So... twenty-minute walk there... five to ten minutes waiting room... an hour appointment... twenty-minute walk back?" he smirked stroking my Y/H/C hair, "and that's if she doesn't stop for a snack at the seven-eleven on the way home so... I think that's about two hours off the house to ourselves?" He smirked,
"I think your maths is about right," I giggled, taking his hand and tugging him off the sofa with me but he immediately picked me up and carried me up to our bedroom,
"Alright, how do you want me sweetie?" He smirked as he set me on the bed and crawled behind me to spoon me softly "I get to hold your hips and thrust your face into your pillow? Do I get to hold your legs around my neck? or am I gonna get you bouncing on my cock?" he smirked, “Come on how shall you spoil me tonight my beautiful wife?”
"I’m feeling a little lazy darling," I told him
“Yeah? Ooohhh side sex?”
“If you're alright-”
“I fucking love side sex! Well, I love all sex with my wife,” he smiled as leant down to nibble and kiss my neck tugging down my dress to expose my shoulder to him his kisses getting more intense and lustful slightly biting,
"Don't bite Benny darling no need to be so vicious,”
“Maybe I like being a little vicious sweetie,” he growled, he kissed up my neck and found a spot I couldn't hide he made sure to nibble and kiss it first before he bit me like a goddamn vampire leaving a hard dark Hickie on my neck his hand quickly undid my dress and slipped his hand under the now looser fabric to grab my breast "Ohh fuck! I love your boobs so so so much! How do they keep getting better and better!"
“You playing with them every day I imagine,”
“Well how can I resist them?” he growled as his hand grabbing and groping my breast had caused my nipple to get a little hard "uhhh I love you, sweetie," He growled tugging on my nipple to make it even harder before pinching it between his fingers and rolling the tip between his fingers
"Ughhh!" I squealed rubbing my hips back against his hard-on, “Uhh! I love you too darling,”
“Yeah! Scream it for me sweetie!” he smirked smacking my arse
"uummm! Benny! I love you!"
"I love you too sweetie," He smirked forcing down my panties and moving his hand to stroke my clit, "you are so beautiful when you get horny, so seductive Y/n." he cooed undoing his pants and tugging them down, he gave himself a few gentle strokes before he slipping himself inside me "Ughhh fuck! Ummm!" he growled as he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted,
"Uhhhhh Benny!” I moaned trying so hard not to scream as I felt the pleasure of him moving at a fast and hard pace,
"Ummm! Y/n?" He growled, often biting and kissing my neck with the movement of his hips.
"Ughhh yes Benny?" I began to whine from the overwhelming pleasure my eyes often rolling back,
"Can I ask something it uhhh It may be seen as unromantic at this moment," he smirked,
“When do you ever ask romantically.”
“Good point.”
“Go on?”
"Uhhh! Y/n! Sweetie! Can I… ummmm please… Not pull out tonight?" he smirked rubbing on my clit as he thrusted my bed creaking and banging against the wall from our movements, "uhhhh ohhh god fuck answer quickly!" he growled,
"Benny faster please-" I whined tugging on his hair, “Why? Why do you not wanna pull out?”
"Ughh you sound so good begging me for more! But I pull out every night Sweetie Please… just once! Let me cum inside my wife! Let me bury myself inside her and fill her cunt to the brim!" He growled so I gritted my teeth,
“That what you want Benny?”
“More than anything Y/n!”
“What if I get pregnant?”
“Then I will be thrilled to be a father… I love Marybelle course I do but… I can’t help thinking about you being pregnant with our baby and ummmm! It does things to me, sweetie! I want it! I want a baby with so so bad.”
I pushed his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips at the speed we both needed, “I do too.”
"Ohhh fuck! You do!" He growled grabbing my hips to guide me to bounce on him, I admit he looked amazing as he leant on his elbows against my pillows moaning under me as I worked, "Ughhhhh fuck! yeah? you want me my baby sweetie?"
"Yes, very much Benny,"
"Ummmm! Are you sure you want this?"
"Ughhhhhh" he smirked slapping my arse as I got faster and faster, "fuck yes! Yes! Ughhhh fuck! Make me cum sweetie! Make me cum and take everything I fucking have! Everything! You can have it! All of me Y/n!"
"Ughhh! Put a baby in me, Benny!" I yelled moving his hand to my clit, he happily began rubbing on it again his other went to get at my breast which he happily groped and plaid with my nipple, "Ughhhhh!"
"Ughhhh fuck you sound so good!" he groaned, "ugh!" he gasped,
“Uhhh Benny!” I squealed but I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep as deep inside me as he could,
"UGhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes! Y/n!"
I did my best riding it out as he all but collapsed against the bed until I couldn't move anymore and I fell face-first into my pillow on the other side of the bed, we gasped and tried to regain our composure,
"Fuck I love you so much, Y/n…”
“I love you too Benny.” I gasped,
“That. That. is why I fucking married you.” he groaned before he all but blacked out on the bed.
“I’m home!” Marybelle calls from downstairs,
“Hi, honey! How was it?” I called between gasps,
“Fine, I’m going to my room!”
“Okay! See you later Marybelle.”
“Bye, mom.”
“See ya Marybelle,” Benny gasps
“Whatever Benny,” she said before slamming her bedroom door,
“Uhh… whatever did I do to that girl…” he sighed,
“Married her mother,”
“Good point. I had to. I love her too much. Hopefully, soon she’ll get a little brother. Or sister?”
“We can hope,” I smiled,
I sat with a wide smile waiting for Marybelle to get home from school Benny sat some tea on the table and sat beside me giving me a soft cuddle and a kiss,
"I love you, Sweetie," He cooed,
"I love you too Darling," I cooed,
"And I love you little one," he cooed kissing my stomach,
The door opened and she wondered in,
"What's going on?" she asked noticing the table set for cups of tea,
"have a seat Marybelle," I smiled,
She was immediately suspicious sitting across from us,
"We have some News." Benny smiled,
"Marybelle! That's a very rude thing to say." I snapped, "No. We are happy as ever."
"Very very happy," He cooed, "No we have better news."
"We aren't moving, are we? cause I am just getting used to this new school!"
"No no no," I smiled, "Even better than that."
"Benny's going to Russia again and might get shot."
"Marybelle!" He warned,
"No. Marybelle In a few months you're going to be getting a little brother or a little sister." I smiled,
"You're kidding?"
"No," Benny smiled, holding me closer.
"You're having a baby?"
"Yes, we are." I smiled,
"We'll finally be a big happy family." Benny smiled, stroking my tiny excuse for a bump,
she got up from her chair and spoke "FUCK YOU!"
"What-" Benny began,
"What the FUCK! No! No Screw this! Screw you! Fuck both of you and fuck your family!" She yelled bolting upstairs,
We both quickly rushed up to see her packing a suitcase,
"Marybelle what are you-" I froze up unable to function at the sight of her packing memories of her father flooding back,
"Maybelle- What's the matter." Benny began
"Please just talk to us..."
"No! I'm leaving!"
"Why? What did we say? what did we do?"
"You went on without me!" she screamed,
"You went on without me... Every since you got here all you've wanted was to get rid of me!"
"Get- why would I wanna get rid of you Marybelle?"
"That's all you've done since you arrived. You took my mom from me! took my friends from me! took my school! My life! everything from me! and now your baby will want my room. My school. My life. My everything! All you've ever done is want rid of me! like I'm some stain on her! well fine! I'm leaving!" she yelled,
"Marybelle ENOUGH!" He yelled, "Stop. and listen to me." he told her, "For once LISTEN." He demanded, holding her hands to stop her packing, "I... I have never wanted rid of you. When I met your mother, Y/n, I knew I loved her the moment we met, I have been in many relationships and I have never felt the way I do with her with anyone else. I think she is the smartest, bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl in the world and I've thought that since we met. I wanted to marry your mother the moment I met her, and I would if she wouldn't think I was crazy." He explained, "and when I found out about you... I thought all that about you too. You are a smart, brave, strong, beautiful young lady the second in all the world after your mother. And she has worked her ass off on her own to make you into what you are, I knew I would adore you as much as I do her the second I met you too. and I knew if I wanted to be with her I had to be with you too. I knew you two came as a package, if I wanted to be her husband I had to be your father too." he said getting choked up, "and I wanted to be, I've always wanted to be your father. But... I know how you feel about your own dad and I never wanted to overstep, I never wanted to force you, even when... it was very clear you didn't like me. wanted me dead even. I love being your stepdad as much as I love being her husband. Cause you're my girls. I have never wanted to get rid of you. Ever." he explained, "I came into your life becuase I love your mother, becuase I wanted to love you... and I do. I moved in so I could be with my family. We changed your school becuase... we both wanted to give you a life we never had, something we could have dreamt of a start in life we could never have. Even if that meant changing some things... We spent... a lot on therapy for you just so you have someone to talk to 'cause I know you don't want to talk to us... and that's okay."
"when the baby comes it's over. you'll want nothing to do with me anymore..." she said, "You'll want my room. my life. my place."
"Of course we will. Marybelle, we're a family. Three of us or four of us. No matter what you are still our daughter. Still a part of our family. Whether you leave now or you stay. we will still love you."
"You'll replace me when the new baby comes..."
"We could never replace you, Marybelle. I promise you. We will never replace our perfect girl."
"I... you mean it?"
"Of course I do," he told her,
"We both do Marybelle," I told her, "You'll always be my little girl, no matter what."
"I... I... you won't turn around one day and leave me... for some new family. a new life." she cried,
"No why would we-" Benny began but I held his arm tightly, "... Marybelle. I know how you feel. I... I lost my dad too in a similar way."
"You did?" she said tears flooding,
"I did. My mother died. And he packed up all our things... drove across the state lines and dropped me at an orphanage. Last I saw him. Was him driving away in his car for a new life without me in it? I begged. I cried. for him to turn around and come back. to take me with him. He never did come back for me." He explained tearfully, "I know what your father did. And I know I can't ever replace him. But I swear to you... I would never do what your father did to you. what my father did to me. I have built a family with your mother, with you, and soon another little baby. We have built this family together all of us. And I wouldn't trade it for a thousand lifetimes without my family in them."
She nodded and hugged him tight, "Thank you, dad..."
"You're welcome Marybelle," He smiled hugging her too,
I wiped my tears unable to form words so happy to see them like this,
"I think your mother would like a hug too?" he whispered to her,
"Yeah I would too." she nodded,
"Come on Sweetie," he smiled opening his arm
I happily went over and hugged them both tightly "Family hug,"
"Family hug, all of us." Benny smiled kissing my head then Marybelle's and then stroking my bump.
#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomas sangster#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs smut#thomas sangster imagine#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny fanfic#benny watts#benny#benny smut#benny x reader#bennywattssmut#benny watts smut#tqg benny watts#benny watts imagine#benny imagine#the queen's gambit#thequeensgambit
39 notes
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Shut Up!
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day Fifteen
Kinktober Concept Incest
Smut Incest / step sister x step brother / full sex/ raw sex/ cum inside
I made sure the place was clean or well clean enough when I heard a knock at the door, I sighed and went to open it up but I was taken back "Hey Benny" Beth smiled jumping to give me a hug "Hey, Beth!" I smiled hugging her happily letting her in "What are you doing here?" "Layover and the flights have been delayed until nine tonight, I figured I could sit in the hotel bar feeling sorry for myself or pop up and see you" she explained wondering though setting her jacket on the chair and her bag on the table "relax I'll be out of your hair by eight"
"No no it's fine it's just uhh not who I was expecting" "Oh? You expecting someone?" She chuckled turning leaning in the chair crossing her arms "Kinda" "I thought the place seemed clean, what you got your girlfriend coming over?" She joked heading to make herself a coffee "Ohh god no" "Don't keep me in suspense then" she laughed But the door knocked "Excuse me" I sighed walking as slowly as possible not really wanting to answer the damn door but I pulled it open begin faced her I just let her in without even speaking
"Hello to you too" she snapped heading inside hanging her black fur on the rack and heading inside with her red suitcases "ohh I didn't realise I'd have company" she smirked as she stood in my apartment in her knee-high black boots, black and white plaid mini skirt and white cream jumper, her thick dark hair with intense curls her hair pinned back with a small clip on each side just above her ears "Uhhh hi," Beth said rather surprised "Beth Harmon" she said offering her hand
"Y/n Watts" she smiled giving her hand a shake "No, you are not" I snapped heading across the apartment "Mom took it so I'm gonna use it" she snapped "I don't care, you're not a Watts don't use it" "I can do what I bloody well like Benjamin" "Uhh explanation please?" Beth asked "Y/n this is Beth, grandmaster and a good friend of mine" I explained "Beth this is Y/n. My…." I trailed off not wanting to say it "I'm his sister" She rolled her eyes "Step sister" I corrected "Huu he's never mentioned you" Beth spoke up "He doesn't like me" she smiled pinching my cheek as she walked across the apartment "Why would I? You've been nothing but shit to me since you turned up into my damn life" "Can you be civil for five damn minutes!" "Whatever," I sighed heading to my chair Eventually, Beth and y/n came over and the three of us sat chatting for a while even if I had to drink to even tolerate her but that's pretty much how this usually goes. "So what are you doing in New York?" "Touring a show, figured I'd be cheap and come stay in this dismal place then getting a hotel the whole time," she explained "and I promised the folks I'd check in on my stepbrother" "A show?"
"Y/n's an actress" I smirked "And you're a chess player. Folks are thrilled about that" "How exactly is this all set up?" "My dad met my mum and had me. Mum died and he got remarried" I explained "My mother met my father and had me and then my father died so my mother remarried. And then we became siblings" "Step siblings" I corrected "He's always been pouty about it," "Yeah because you just turned up and inserted yourself into my life" "You literally inserted yourself into my space" "In case it wasn't obvious we shared a bedroom" I sighed "You were an evil thing" "So we're you" We all chatted for a while until Beth had to leave for her flight, leaving me alone with y/n. "Guess you're not just a loner chess boy" she smirked going to unpack "I'm letting you stay here to be nice. don't be a dick because I am more than happy to throw you onto the streets" "No, you wouldn't" "I would" "You are such a cunt" "me! I'm not the dick here" "yes you are you've always been a dick" "You're just mad I took half your pocket money" "You broke my favourite chessboard!" "You decapitated all my stuffed animals!" "You sewed love hearts on my jeans" "You faked an allergy so we had to give my cat away" "I wasn't faking that cat made me sneeze. Because he was a huge fluffy thing and you never brushed him" "Maybe I would if I wasn't dealing with the fact you cut my pigtails, twice!"
"You waxed my pubes while I was sleeping!" "You broke my doll house!" "You just fucking turned up! I was still in a bad place after I lost my mum and you just fucking showed up! you and your mother. we'd barely buried mine and you just showed up. and I was expected to just put everything down and accept a new mum and a sister. I never wanted anything to do with you" "You think I did! Need I remind you my dad was barely buried too before I had to pack my life up and get shipped across the county, all I was told was we were moving, and when I got there I had a new dad and some jumped-up stepbrother to deal with. Don't blame me for turning up into your life, I didn't turn up I was dragged kicking and screaming" "You boo hoo precious little princess, you always were" "DO you have to be such a bastard about everything-" She yelled I was beyond angry, all I wanted to do was shut her up! tension boiling over I grabbed her face and kissed her mostly just to stop her from talking but the moment our lips touched it felt so heavenly like all the frustration melted away she pulled back and we both just stood bright red in shock "Fuck-" "Yeah…" "where did that come from?" "I have no idea"
"It uhhh it was kinda nice" "Yeah, it was. Weird But nice. I mean terrible awful and very very wrong." I explained but she grabbed my face and kissed me, I kissed her back wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer until we both pulled back "It is nice" "It is, but very wrong, very very wrong, your my sister." "Stepsister" she corrected "Don't encourage me." "That's encouraging?" "Ohh shut up y/n" I smirked pulling her into a kiss and grabbing her ass squeezing it hard as we kissed she happily and eagerly kissed back rubbing her hands around my shirt, soon enough we were walking we kissed heading over to my bedroom until we stopped as her legs hit the bed so I pushed her down on my bed and climbed between her legs "This is for all the fucking years I spent in a bed next to you with you teasing the living crap out of me" "Did I?" she giggled "Don't play innocent you used to sit in your fucking bra just to tease me" "And how many times did I catch you masturbating while I was sleeping"
"Maybe I wouldn't have to if you came and took care of me" "Diddo" she smirked pulling me back to her lips heavily made out for a good while until I pulled away "We can't this is crazy-" I began but she smirked and turned on her stomach grinding her ass against me "Fuck it!" I groaned grabbing her hips and grinding hard on her I quickly undid my jeans and stroked my stiffening erection she giggled and tugged her panties down, I didn't waste any time burying myself deep inside her and started to pound fast and hard "Ughhhh fuck! You were an evil little thing, their precious little princess, I'm gonna fucking ruin you" "Ughhhh! you couldn't ruin me if you fucking tried. I remember your first girlfriend who walked out because you came in her hair" "I kept quiet about you fucking your eight-grade science teacher" "I passed didn't I!" "Yeah because you blew him under the science bench! you always were a little slut" "Like you weren't? those three girls you had in your Austin hotel that you never shut up about?" "It was a foursome there pretty rare I was allowed to get excited. I guess four people in one go isn't a lot for you is it?" "Ughhhh just shut up and fuck me, Benny!" She yelled moving back and forth in time with my thrusts we both got faster and louder she pushed herself hard against me as she squealed loudly hitting her orgasm I kept going working into her intense tightness until I hit my own burying myself as deep as possible. When I caught my breath I pulled out and lay in bed with her, "I think that helped. got the frustration out" "Yeah I think you're right" I nodded "We can't ever tell anyone about this" "I wasn't planning to" she laughs "Relax, genetically there's nothing between us we're not related by blood at all our parents got divorced we'd be nothing again" "Like that's gonna happen, too are smitten with each other and always have been" "Yeah, can't fault them for loving each other." "Fucked us up though" "No matter what you do you fuck your kids up, that's just having kids" "Yeah hence why I aint having any" "same." "Ohh don't tell them that they'll lose it they know neither of us is gonna give them grandkids" "I mean I'll give them grandkids if they want them" She smirked glancing at me "Lets not fucked the family tree up too much y/n"
#tbs smut#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#thomas sangster imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#thomas brodie sangster smut#thomas sangster#benny smut#benny x reader#benny watts#benny fanfic#benny#bennywattssmut
74 notes
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The Visitor P2
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny Watts X Reader
Rating Sweet
Requested :
Hello hello!!! For the Benny watts stories do you think you can do one, that were Benny's wife and he invites Beth to stay with us until she goes to Paris and he told us about it and we were fine with it but Beth didn't know that we knew she was coming and she is jealous of us and trying to start things with us but we put her in her place and benny is turn on by us putting her in her place. Please and thank you ☺️
I hurried to the kitchen and started work on dinner for us as well as some more snacky bits while we all caught up and of course imagine Beth and Benny will want to be playing chess for a while. And as dinner worked I quickly grabbed a dress from the airer beside the dryer threw my cream dress onto the laundry and slipped on my tea length off shoulder white dress with monochrome flowers and vines, making sure to do it up tight and making sure my petticoats sat fluffy, making sure to reapply my lipstick. I Heard the door and went to set things down but I heard him heading down the stairs "I got it!" He says so I left dinner to simmer fixing my hair in the reflection of the pan on the drying rack, And I headed through to the living room. Benny stood having just brought her in, Beth stood in her six-inch red under sole heels, flesh-toned tights, a rather snug square neck drop waist black dress with raised piped white seams, her long red hair well curled allowed to hang to her shoulders, she smiled as she looked around the living room.
"Very nice, certainly an improvement." She says her head stopped as if she almost jumped when she saw me, her smile seeming to vanish from her lips "You're not alone." Her cheerful tone shifting
"Why would I be?" He asks her coming further into view and immediately I noticed a bright red kiss on his cheek which didn't take long to deduce where it came from
"Sorry, just didn't know you'd be here," she says "Elizabeth Harmon," she says offering her hand
"That's alright, Y/n Watts" I smiled shaking her hand
"Watts?" She asks with a glare in Benny's direction
"It's about time you met my wife" he smiled wrapping an arm around me and giving my cheek a kiss I smiled giving his lips a little kiss and cleaning off the lipstick stain
"Forgive me I've been busy with dinner" I said fixing my dress
"No, no it's... adorable" she says fixing her hair
"Do have a seat" I offered and she took a seat in Benny's chair so I sat on the sofa as Benny headed to the kitchen to fetch drinks
"A lot changed in a season"
"You could say that," he answered from the kitchen
"So go on give me an update on what's been happening?" She says as he arrived backhanding her a drink immediately I notice her fingers grace his as she took her glass but he said as usual utterly oblivious and he sat down beside me on the sofa
"Well, been doing the usual rounds and all" he shrugs
"I haven't seen you around much"
"Took a little time off"
"Guess you didn't want him away so much?" She asks me
"I told him he could go"
"No I wanted to be here with you, I've got all the time in the world for tournaments, why would I cut short our honeymoon?" He Cooes holding my hand "I wanted time off anyway"
"From what losing?" She asks
"You needed some time off, you were working too hard" I smiled stroking his hair immediately he shot me a look he knew something was up but couldn't quite figure it out yet
"What about all this then?" She asks
"Well, stopped off in a little hotel on the way back from California just to sleep for the night give my head a rest. Decided to pop down to the little cafe across from the hotel and there she was"
"We weren't meant to be closed but I couldn't just kick you out into the cold"
"You were very sweet to me,"
"We chatted, and we ate until the sun came up."
"I knew of never finding another girl like you in a million years, we traded numbers and I came back home but pretty much the first thing I did the second I got home was call you"
"Ended up talking a for a good few more hours"
"We talked every day for months, and it got to a point I couldn't wait any longer I drove all the way down there turned up in the middle of your shift, marched in and proposed with a cheap ring I bought from the pawn shop"
"You made me drop a whole pot of coffee on the floor, but I said yes. I mean how could you say no to that face."
"Got things square brought this place and for married at the courthouse just a month back" he explained "Still getting used to it" he chuckled fiddling with his wedding ring
"And still unpacking, this place was a steal but sort of a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing"
"What about the cafe? You quit I'm guessing?"
"It was my business I sold up and used the money for our down payment and the rest on the laundromat a few blocks down"
"Humm quiet the business girl" she says
"Been one all my life." I answered "It's always good having solid cash coming in, pretty soon I'll be taking the laundromat profits and investing in a little record store I have my eye on"
"The one on Harrington's street?" He asks
"That's the one"
"Awww I told you about that" he smiled giving my cheek a kiss "So what's been up with you Beth? Grandmastering I suppose?"
"Mostly been on tour for my new book, heading off to Paris for the invitational planning on going out with Cleo while I'm there" she explained "Mostly been taking care of the house, it's been nice having some time off to relax not easy being grandmaster and all"
"I imagine it takes a lot of your time." I snapped back "Not reliable though, chess money comes and goes I'd always be worried if we replied on just winning tournaments it's nice having concrete assets" I explained "and the profits are nice"
"Very nice, you paid off my car for me. I had a lot of parking tickets... way more than I thought I did, there was actually a warrant out to impound it. But it's really nice not worrying so badly about money"
"It's very nice to start a marriage with a clear financial slate." I smiled
"Well hopefully I should be getting my Moscow prize Money as usual" she snapped back
"Ohh do excuse me I need to check on dinners" I smiled getting up and heading to the kitchen everything was going well I heard them talking about chess for a solid few minutes but when I headed back I noticed she had moved forward to the edge of the chair moving her hand down the sofa arm until her hand met his he pushed her hand off absentmindedly as they spoke clearly assuming it was an accident but her hand quickly returned to his and even slyly pushed his wedding ring down his finger
I coughed which caused her to move away, and Benny nervously brought his hand to his chest fixing his ring
"I don't have many rules for guests in our house Beth. But I'd thank you very kindly to keep your hands to yourself" I told her
"Just playing y/n like old times" She smiled getting to her feet
"Be that as it may. I'm sure a very smart girl such as yourself can understand concepts and this one's pretty damn simple." I told her "Keep your hands off my husband"
"Understood" she nods "I'll take my things upstairs" she says sheepishly grabbing her things and heading upstairs
"First door on your left" I told her before I went to the kitchen as now dinner was ready so I began setting things up on the table and I felt Benny come and wrap his arms around me kissing my neck "Benny!" I complained elbowing him slightly
"Raooww" he playfully laughs "thought there was gonna be a catfight"
"I was making a point."
"You really sexy when your... commanding"
"Am I?"
"Ummm hummm" he smirked biting his lip a little "You should put your foot down more often, I like it"
"Well see"
"I'm sorry -"
"What for? Not your fault" I shrug
"I should have moved, or said something, or... not Invited her here"
"Benny," I laughed turning to face him leaning on the table as I wrapped my arms around his neck "It's fine, your not always the best at picking up on these things I learned that pretty quickly hence why I've always been really straight forward with you, you didn't pick up on it's it's fine not like you imagined she would, you did perfectly fine my love. She's your friend you invited her here it's not a problem if you want her here then she'll be welcome. But that doesn't stop me from kicking butt if I need to"
"Your sure?"
"Very sure"
"I love you so much"
"I love you too" I smiled pulling him into a kiss I heard heels on the stairs but we ignored her continuing our kiss till I pulled back "Go on then Mr watts set the table" I told him
"Yes, Mrs watts." He smirked back giving me another kiss "Another drink before dinner Beth? We can play some speed chess after"
"Sure" she nods still pretty sheepish
#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster imagine#tbs smut#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#tbs#bennysmut#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny watts#tqg benny watts#benny watts imagine#benny watts smut#bennywattssmut
75 notes
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating CUTE
I sat picking at my nails, my body sat in the small uncomfortable chair. The bright white light hurt my eyes, the scent of chemicals in the air, magazines laid out across a table most of them older than me, people in the various chairs all with decent spaces between them, the sound of the radio ghosting over the coughing and whispering. I glanced to my side to see Benny sat beside me, in his usual dark shoes, black jeans, belt with his knife on his hip, his black t-shirt and green button down over him in his usual way with his chains hung low, his jacket and hat left out in the car. The clipboard from the front desk was in his hand as he filled it out for me, given he has far better handwriting than I do.
"Don't they have all this?" He asked as he wrote,
"Yes but they like to check," I sighed,
"what do you want me to put in the reason for the visit?"
"...Put... menstrual concerns."
"...Period problems,"
"Benny!" I shoved his shoulder,
"Okay, okay I'll write the proper thing," he laughed, "Symptoms?"
"... Isn't my symptoms the reason for- whatever, just put them in,"
"Alright," He nodded filling in the box, "assumed problem?"
"I don't know that's why I came to the doctor!" I complained,
"... thinks she's pregnant,"
"What! You do! I do! I'm pretty sure the doctor is gonna think so Y/n."
"Just fill out the form Benjamin," I rolled my eyes a little returning focus back to my nail picking,
He finished the form and sat it on the empty chair beside him before he took my hand in his and brought it to his lips giving my hand and my knuckles little kisses.
"It's all gonna be okay Y/n, Hey, Come on." He cooed pulling me to lay my head on his chest, "Everything will be fine if it's not baby when you will get some medicine,"
"And if it is..."
"Well... we will do some maternity clothes shopping on the way home," he smiled,
"And ice cream?"
"And ice cream," he nodded kissing my head, "Won't it be nice? getting to have a little one?" he cooed resting his hand on my stomach, "A cute adorable little baby"
"It would but still... I worry is all."
"I know you do Y/n, you worry about everything," he chuckled,
"Mrs Watts?" A Nurse came around the corner clipboard in hand,
"Come on, let's go find out," He smiled squeezing my hand,
I nodded and pushed myself up following the nurse through the corridors often squeezing Benny's hand until we reached the office. The nurse left and I sat down in the chair ready to be examined. The Doctor soon arrived and did the usual checks of things while glancing over my paperwork Benny often lingered over his shoulder protectively even if he never let his hand leave my own.
"Alright, well we have some good news, Mrs Watts." The Doctor explained cleaning his hands, "You are pregnant,"
"Right, okay." I nodded, "How far along?"
"About six weeks, well into the first trimester."
"Okay," I nodded, "Thank you, doctor,"
We got some advice, and some pamphlets of info and we headed home getting ice cream on the way. I sat on Benny's leg as we sat together in the chair. I nibbled at my ice cream cup a little as Benny sat and read the pamphlets about the pregnancy, his hand happily on my stomach.
"Hey, Come here you," he chuckled pulling me a little closer, "We're gonna have a little baby, aren'y you happy Y/n?"
"I am Benny, it's just... big news is all. it's a big change."
"I know it's going to be a big change, we are going to have to get you some maternity clothes, get some toys and a crib, baby clothes, we need to look into moving. Lots to do. But it's still exciting and we have plenty of time." He smiled kissing my cheek, "According to this... baby is no bigger than a Y/E/Cberry right now so we have plenty of time to get physically, mentally, and emotionally ready for our little one,"
"Your right Benny," I nodded kissing his head,
"Hey, come on," He smiled setting my ice cream and his papers down and helping us each up, He turned the record player on to let the sweet music play,
"What are you up to?" I giggled,
"Just a little dance Y/n," he cooed, holding my hips and pulling me to lay my head on his chest as we gently swayed in a sweet dance,
"Why?" I chuckled,
"Well, I want to savour it,"
"Savour it?"
"Well, we won't be able to dance this close once baby gets bigger so I am just enjoying it," He cooed, "Enjoying dancing with you, and holding you, without like a watermelon between us,"
"I guess so," I smiled and squeezed him to enjoy our little dance.
I sat on the chair whining from back pain, leg pain, foot pain, just PAIN in general honestly, Benny sat on the floor trying to be a MAN. or so he said.
He sat on the floor trying to put furniture together since we moved into our new little rental house and he was attempting to put furniture for the nursery together. But Benny is a man of chess, he is not a man of tools.
"Ahhh fuck-" he sighed, "I put the legs on backwards,"
I glanced over and saw the frame of the rocking hair but he put one set of legs correctly and the other set where the back was meant to go,
"Benny, it was one more dollar to get it preassembled."
"I am not trusting some hung-over department store employee putting together the rocking chair that my WIFE will sit in as she holds my CHILD! No. I do not trust them I am doing it."
"Alright Benny," I laughed,
"You read your second-trimester info?"
"Why not? I thought you where going to read it to me while I worked?"
"I was... then the baby began to be a problem,"
"He's kicking again?"
"Yep, and my stretchmarks are coming in really bad,"
"Ohh you poor thing," He crawled over and kissed my belly a few times, "See it's okay, daddy's here." he cooed, "So tell me how big is our baby?"
"The booklet says a bell pepper or a banana,"
"... I mean those are two very wildly different sizes in my mind,"
"I know,"
"Are... are you sure?"
"Twenty weeks. Banana." I nodded, "The Doctor said in the second trimester yesterday,"
"...But... you're huge! You're so much bigger than that."
"I know, he thinks we might be having two,"
"Even so... two Banana's are fitting in here with room to swim," He explained,
"I know, guess we just have to wait and see." I sighed,
"We will. But I'm sure everything will be okay." He cooed, "Even if I think you have space in there for a whole bunch," he laughed, "But Maybe... we should get another crib... just in case."
"Just as a spare. We can always return it,"
"Yeah exactly, now I shall get back to building Mama her rocking chair for baby's room," he smiled giving my bump and my nose a kiss before returning to his work,
"Yes, Y/n?"
"... wouldn't you have been better doing this upstairs? cause... how are you going to carry the rocking chair up to the nursery?"
".... God Damn it!" He complained,
I sat up in my little bed, we had gone in for just a check-up and the doctors had concerns over the size of my stomach, they were concerned but all tests pointed to everything being fine I was admitted anyway, and told we should prepare for twins perhaps even triplets. I sat in the bed doing a little knitting to make the children a little blanket to snuggle when their born. The door opened and Benny came through,
"Look what I got for you," he gleamed as he sat a cup of ice cream on my table and kissed my forehead, "Hello Y/n,"
"Hi Benny," I smiled as he sat down, "How do things?"
"Fine, ughh prepping everything at home, sleeping has been very hard,"
"I'm not with you,"
"I'm sure you are sleeping far better without this big bump taking up the bed,"
"I admit... it is nice to stretch out," he chuckled, "Doesn't mean I don't miss my wife," He cooed taking my hand,
"I miss you too Benny, but it's not much longer,"
"I know," he nodded,
"Anything else?"
"I... do have a tummy ache?"
"Oh? Why?"
"I have been having a lot of takeaways,"
"I don't like cooking, and I'm bad at it. I need my lovely wife to help me,"
"Well, you shall have to learn when they arrive,"
"I shall," He laughed, "I am trying. but... it's not going well. How are you doing?"
"Kicking... nonstop. but fine."
"Good, It won't be long then we can cradle our little ones in our arms, One. two. Or maybe three."
"I'm happy no matter how many,"
"No matter?"
"No matter at all, so long as they are sweet and healthy,"
"Yeah, so long as they're healthy and happy."
"Plus the more I have... the less chance of needing to be pregnant again,"
"Like that's gonna stop me?" he chuckled, "You could have ten babies and I am still going to want to cuddle and snuggle my lovely wife and give her more babies,"
"We'll have to see Benny," I told him taking my ice cream, "Thank you,"
"You're very welcome Y/n," he smiled kissing my lips, "Now, daddy needs his cuddle," He smirked cradling and resting his head on my bump,
I lay in the hospital bed my ankles on the sturups, my body numb from pain, I had stared only at the ceiling for what seemed to be hours. The pain had taken over me completely My hand was in Benny's grip I felt his grip changing as things happened but I couldn't pay attention. I couldn't focus. My body worked only for the purpose it knew it had to do. I had no choice in it. No way to stop it. so I was forced to merely feel the agony.
I had a moment of respite and dug my nails into Benny's hand,
"Benny... Benny... the baby..."
He smiled as he kissed my lips softly, "It's over. It's all over."
"Over... please say it's over..."
"It's over. I promise." he reassured, "it's all over Y/n."
"The baby?"
"They're fine. They are all fine."
"My sweet girl, My beautiful Y/n. You're a mother," he smiled, "To five."
"Fiv- FIVE!"
"Five little babies, and they are all happy and healthy and adorable!"
"Five!" I yelled, "I am gonna kill you, I am going to murder you in cold blood. I am going to drown you in a bathtub you and your goddamn dick!"
"How is this my fault?" he laughed,
"Come here my husband, come here." I cooed pulling him closer he smiled expecting a kiss but I grabbed a scalpel from the table and went for his jeans,
"AHHHH!" he bolted away, "Put it down, Y/n!"
"Get back here Benny!"
"Put. It. Down."
"Fine... I'm fine... I'm calm..." I nodded putting the scalpel down,
"Okay... I assume the drugs are kicking in?"
"Ummm I need lots of drugs."
"Yeah, you really do. Birth is... terrifying,"
"You think!" I yelled,
"Fair enough," He nodded,
The nurses gave me drugs and helped make me comfortable, and soon enough brought the little train of cribs to my bedside, three girls and two boys, all laid happily.
"Awww they're so perfect," I cooed,
"They are aren't they," he smiled sitting on the bed with me and holding my hand,
"I didn't make enough blankets," I chuckled,
"Well the other two will have to wait till you can knit them one each," he laughed, "The boys can wait for a blanket,"
"what are we going to do about the nursery..."
"AHhh yeah... I thought nursery for the girls, I give up my office and make that a nursery for the boys,"
"Sounds good," I nodded, "But the side crib is going to be an issue..."
"Ohh yeah..." He nodded, "Uhhh... I think we'd be better giving them the bed and we'll fit in the side crib,"
I laughed, "I don't think you're far off Benny,"
"What shall we name them?"
"You haven't-"
"No, I wanted to wait till you were... you know thinking. I don't know what happened to you, you just kinda became an animal for a while,"
"I pushed five children out of me,"
"I'm saying it was scary I didn't say it was justified, Y/n." He chuckled, "So? What do we think?"
"I think..." I smiled as I looked at them the three girls lay in their cribs I picked one up and held her to my chest, she was so small with the fuss of my Y/H/C hair, Benny's brown eyes, my nose, and a sweet little smile. "Catherine,"
"Catherine?" He asked,
"Yeah, little Catherine,"
"Catherine Watts. or Cathy Watts?"
"Both I guess,"
"I like it, Little Catherine."
"Catherine," I smiled kissing her head before I handed her to Benny,
"Catherine. our first little girl."
"She was first?"
"Yeah, I think... it was a bit of a rush I wasn't really paying attention I was more... counting,"
"Understandable," I laughed before I picked up the next little girl holding her close and kissing her too, she had blonde hair and little Y/E/C eyes with my nose too, "What do you think... about Peggy,"
"Peggy? Awww I like that a lot little Peggy Watts."
"I do too," I smiled handing Peggy to him too,
"Awww hello Peggy," he smiled kissing her head, "what about our last little girl?"
I picked her up and she too was blonde but she had Benny's brown eyes and my nose once more, "Diana,"
"Diana? Awwwww I really like that little Diana Watts."
"Diana Watts. It's perfect," I smiled I went to hand her too Benny but then realized, "Humm...."
"I'm sure if we-"
"I don't have any more arms, to hold babies,"
"You can hold her like that," I smiled handing her over so he could hold her too,
"What am I expected to do? Juggle?"
"No!" I laughed, "I wanna hold the little boys," I smiled picking them both up and keeping them in my arms kissing their little heads, strangely one had blonde hair and brown eyes and the other had Y/H/C hair with Y/E/C eyes, "Little baby boys, what do you think?"
"I don't mind, you did such a good job with the girls,"
"... Bobby, and Johnny," I smiled
"Oooohh I like that." he nodded, "Bobby and Johnny Watts. They sound like perfect names for them," He smiled, "Wait- Did- Did you name them all after songs!"
"I love you so much," he chuckled,
"I love you too Benny," I smiled kissing him, "We are... in for a time."
"We really are," he nodded,
I woke to the sound of crying I kicked Benny,
"Humm? Ohhh yep... okay I'm going." he yawned kissing my head and heading out of the bedroom across the hallway to the nurseries,
"Who is it?" I asked,
"Bobby," He yawned,
"Awww poor thing bring him here he probably needs more cream on his rash," I sighed sitting up a little,
"Here we are, lil rashy boy," he said as he came through and handed me Bobby so I checked his little diaper rash and gave him more cream with seemed to soothe him,
"I still hear crying?"
"Yeah it's Johnny," he said as he paced down the hall bouncing Johnny on his chest,
"What's the matter with him?"
"Nothing, I tried the bottle, he's clean,"
"Probably just sympathy,"
"Yeah, it's very sweet you love your brother and none of us like seeing him in pain but you don't need to cry every time he does,"
"Maybe Bobby crying woke Johnny,"
"Might have done. I'm surprised the girls aren't up," Benny yawned,
"Girls have the white noise machine,"
"Ohh yeah, I thought we turned it off?"
"No, I turned it on becuase Cathy won't sleep without it,"
"But doesn't Diana hate it?"
"she does, but Diana was already asleep and it was the choice I made,"
"Fair enough I would have too," He nodded,
Once we got them both to settle Benny took them back to bed and laid back down in bed with me,
"Goodnight Y/n,"
"Goodnight Benny,"
but before we could even drift off more crying began,
"Ughh I think that's Diana up,"
"Or Peggy with her tummy ache again,"
"You're turn,"
"Fine," I sighed pushing myself out of bed,
I sat in the chair nuzzling and cuddling my pillow, watching Benny as he readied the children for their doctor's appointment. Which was NOT going well, as he battled with dressing and feeding five infants.
"Y/n..." He began,
"Mama is resting her eyes."
"I know but-"
"Resting. Her. Eyes."
"Y/n! I have two hands and five children,"
"You said I didn't need to worry I could have a minute,"
"Yes and then I need help!"
I chuckled and got up to help going around and sorting things with his help, "Peggy is gone. Cathy needs her shoes on. Diana is wearing odd socks but that's fine. Bobby why do you not have pants on! And... why is Johnny in a dress, Benny?"
"Becuase I had a lot of babies to juggle and I briefly thought he was Diana, it's fine, screw gender roles right Johnny?"
"he seems very unhappy, I think he likes trousers,"
"Yeah I think he does, You dress Bobby I'll take care of Johnny,"
I yawned a little as I brought Bobby back from the table after changing him and returning him to the playpen, as I did I smiled as I heard the music play, And I looked across the living room, to see Benny having turned on the record player the sweet music playing, in his arms he had Diana giving her a little cuddle and a dance. I stopped to watch him for a while, and after a while, he set Diana down and picked up Peggy giving her a cuddle and a dance too, and after a while of their dance, he set her down and gave Cathy a dance too.
"You having fun?"
"Yeah just having a little dance with my girls," he cooed,
"Did the boys get a dance?" I laughed,
"They did, while you were changing the girls,"
"you are too cute," I laughed, "May I have a dance, Mr Watts?"
"Ohh you may Mrs Watts, just as soon as Cathy is all done," He cooed,
I laughed and watched him finish his dance with her and he set her back in the playpen and opened his arms for me so I happily went and nuzzled on his chest so we could have a soft gentle dance with his hands on my hips, "I love you, Y/n, you and all our little ones,"
"I love you too and all out little ones,"
"You think maybe... we could have another baby?"
"When they are older Benny," I warn him,
#tbs smut#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster imagine#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas sangster#tbs#thomas brodie sangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny smut#benny watts#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#benny watts x reader#bennywattssmut
35 notes
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Flirty
I was sitting on the small ottomans in the basement that Benny called home, Next week was Paris and we were going together as Co-Champions this year. He had graciously offered his apartment so I didn't have to book a hotel so we could train and prep for the games ahead. Plus I wanted to come to New York for some shopping anyway. But this place isn't exactly what I imagined... then again now thinking about it, I'm not sure I did imagine Benny to live any better than this, but it's just a little jarring when it's true. I glanced away from my book and looked around the grey dimly lit basement, the shower in the corner, no sofa, frosted window to the bedroom, the kitchen not much more than a fridge, a counter and a single stovetop. And there he sat utterly in his element at his table no shoes but still black socks, his dark jeans his belt sat comfortably his knife in its holster, a black t-shirt with his green textured shirt on over it with the sleeves rolled up, his chains against his chest and his arms, rings across his fingers, he sat his coffee cup on the table fixed his facial hair and focused back to his board moving the piece he had been contemplating for the last ten minutes.
"Benny?" I asked
"Yeah?" He asks glancing up
"I don't mean to ... pry into your personal business -"
"But you're going to?"
"I am going to," I nodded "Do you actually live like this?"
"This isn't like some elaborate prank? And this is like where you store your chess board or something and you actually have a decent semi-detached townhouse in Queens?" I asked
"You're really struggling with this aren't you?"
"I'm just... curious."
"I like it"
"I mean I know New York isn't the cheapest place but..."
"But ?"
"But come on. I cannot repeat this enough: your shower is next to your fridge. You wash your ass beside where you make food. You have a window in your bedroom. That's not wallpaper that's just concrete"
"I like it"
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you can afford better"
"Are you now?"
"We're co-companions I know how much you earn. Unless you're getting a bonus because of your additional appendage"
"Appendage?" He asked looking confused
"Your penis"
"Oh. No y/n, price money does not differ between appendages"
"Every other job I've ever worked does"
"The chess federation doesn't give a damn about appendages y/n"
"I like this place"
"...that brings up a good point actually... I'm not seeing a washing machine. Anywhere?"
"Is there... a secret Washing machine?"
"Okay, do you need to go to someplace in the building and do laundry?"
"You wanna do some laundry?"
"Yes please"
"Alright, get your stuff," he says getting up and heading into his room, I gathered my laundry unsure what to do with it all and he returned with a large drawstring bag "Throw your stuff in here," he says dropping it on the floor with a thud
"In there?"
I pulled the bag a little to peek inside "Ahhh I'm not putting my laundry in with yours!"
"Why not?"
"Because that's gross!"
"But we're taking it to clean? So what does it matter?"
"It just does Benny!"
"You can put it in the bag or you can carry all your laundry by hand, up to you"
I sighed and out of my clothes, getting my bag and my shoes as he got his shoes and his jacket grabbing the bag and putting it over his shoulder
"Come on then," he says heading out so I followed him he locked the door behind us and we headed up to the dirty New York streets I followed him down the pavement past cars and trash bags for a good while, it felt like we'd been walking forever at least ten blocks by now until finally we arrived at a little hole in the wall laundromat between a record store and a pizza place we headed inside and it was much as you'd expect a little place with a line of washers on one side and dryers on the other a few tables and chairs in the middle and the back wall has a few vending machines on it and a change machine in the centre.
"This is where you do laundry?"
"Well yeah?" He shrugs slipping his jacket off throwing it over a chair and bumping the bag In Front of a machine heading to the back getting change from the machine "You can pop the first load on" he says throwing me a coin from the machine
"I am not touching your underwear"
"I didn't ask you to,"
I sighed and put the first of what I'm sure will be many loads in "washing powder?" I asked
"Uhhh cherry blossom, clean linin, or tropical?"
"Whatever cheapest"
"They all the same"
"Alright, here," he says getting it from the machine and throwing it over so I put the laundry on and sit at the table
"So we're just gonna sit here all day?"
"Why not go back to the basement?'
"Because by the time you walk back to the apartment, it'll be time to turn around and walk back and the machine will just have finished" he explained sitting down too "It's up to you"
"Fine" I sighed "Why do you come here though? It's dead and it's so far from your apartment? You're not telling me this is the only laundromat in New York?"
"I like this place, it's quiet. Everything is machined so I don't have to deal with people, it's cheap, and the place next door does great pizza"
"The more I get to know you the weirder I think you are Benny" I sighed
'It wasn't a compliment"
"I'm taking it as one" he shrugs getting a deck box from his jacket pocket opening it up pulling out a very nice deck of cards which he shuffled in his hand "You can pick"
"AHH nothing to bet with I don't play poker unless I'm better try again'
"fine rummy then" I answered so he shuffled and dealt the cards letting us play for a while "Why do you use this place? really?" I asked as he put the next load on
"You really wanna know?" He sighed
"Fine" He sighed sitting back in his seat, "The Guy who owns this place, and the two places next door"
"The pizza and the record store?"
"Yeah, he's also my landlord"
"So long as I pay my rent I get free pizza and free records, he even takes money off my rent when I do my laundry here"
"Hu... What a nice man"
"Yeah he's great, and I like helping him out. he's doing his best to make it on his own and get out of the family business"
I was confused a moment before it clicked "Holy god- If your landlord is a maf-"
"Yes. His dad runs the New York Mafia. He wants to go straight so I'm more than happy to help"
"Your life is insane"
"At least it's not boring."
"I'd argue this is incredibly boring"
"I don't know, I like the quiet routine of it all"
"Had it ever occurred to you Benny that you're boring?"
"I think I'm pretty damn excited"
"Do you? Really? Like honestly Benny?"
"My life is very exciting."
"Sitting in a laundromat for six hours? Watching your underwear go round and round?"
"I don't know," he says "I've heard many lovely ladies complimenting the excitement of washing machines"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure many ladies find washing machines exciting." He says
"Do they?"
"I have read."
"I have read. Such."
"Ohh in your pervy penthouse magazines?"
"I'm simply saying most girls would like being able to sit on a washing machine for a few hours"
"I doubt that"
"I don't know, I'm sure this would be more exciting if you sat yourself on the washing machine" he smirked
"That's not a real thing Benny"
"I'm sure it does" "Its not"
"You willing to prove that?"
"I'm not sitting on a washing machine to amuse you"
"It's not going to amuse me it's to prove if it's true or not"
"You're disgusting" I sighed getting up and grabbing my bag "I'm going next door for pizza,"
#thomas brodie sangster#tbs smut#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#thomasbrodiesangster#thomas brodie sangster smut#tbs#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny imagine#benny#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#bennywattssmut#benny watts
44 notes
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Baby Mama P3
Media The queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X reader
Rating sweet and Adorable
Concept Baby Mama series
Warning Features heavy swearing & graphic descriptions of childbirth
"Okay, Mrs. Watts we are going to get you set up in room 16, Mr watts you're welcome to the labour waiting area just down the hall" the nurse explained as they sat me on a wheelchair but the moment they did liquid began rushing down my legs "Okay your water may have broke, we need to get you down there now"
"Yeah, okay, I love you." He nods, giving my bump a kiss "I love you." He says kissing my head "I'll see you soon I promise."
"Okay, bye Benny"
"Bye y/n" he smiled before they took me off to the small room setting me up in the bed giving me a gown, and setting my bag by the bed for me They all talked around me but honestly I was kinda in another word just trying to process the pain until my doctor arrived and peeked under my gown
"Ahhh I see"
"You are further along than I thought almost fully dilated and water has definitely broken?"
"Almost per minute doctor," the nurse says
"Further along?" I asked
"Yes, from the information from the call I assume early active labour' but no no were much further than that"
"We are!"
"Yes I'm surprised you were able to be so calm From the look of it you've been in active labour for at least twelve hours"
"Ahhh I have?"
"But that does mean baby will be along shortly. But not a lot of time for"
"No no, I know what you're gonna say, no. It's not going to happen. I need my drugs"
"I'm afraid that's just not possible Mrs watts not this late. It could do major damage and cause a lot of issues I'm afraid we cannot give you anything. Maybe if you'd come in a few hours ago you could have" he says
"I didn't know I was in labour hours ago! Please please I'm begging you I need drugs there is no way I can do this without drugs. There is going to be a whole Human making its way out of me, I was promised drugs"
"Sorry, Mrs. Watts." He says before he got on with business with the nurses I just laid back on the bed trying to comprehend this I'm already in agony and I have to do this without medication... I .. I'm going to die. I am literally just gonna die.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as this pain rocketed through me and the room sprung into action a nurse beside me giving me a pace to breathe at, the doctor between my legs and nurses beside him by now the waves had subsided and it was now just this constant pain growing and growing each push of my almost numb muscles made the pain grow more and more I could hear them talking telling me things but I was so overwhelmed by pain all I heard was breath and push and that's all I did just keep breathing and pushing keep breathing and pushing I'd never felt pain so intense in my life that my mind basically shut itself down tears streaming down my face my body numb but in agony "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!'
"Good good you're doing fine, another big push for me"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed
"Very good"
"Where Benny?" I asked the nurse beside me as she let me have a drink
"I'm sorry?' She asks
"Benny, where's Benny? My husband, where is he?"
"In the waiting room," she says
"Let me see him"
"We don't allow fathers in the delivery room" the doctor warns "Big push for me"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Let me see him! Let me see my husband! You denied me my goddamn medication! I want him here. The least you can do is let my husband be here to hold my hand. I need him here you are not taking this from me"
"Madam we-"
"Being me my fucking husband!" I screamed
"Get him in here" the doctor sighed "Okay another big push it won't be long now"
"Hey, hey you doing okay?" Benny smiled as he arrived taking my hand and kissing my head
"Do I look okay!"
"Sorry, what's going on?"
"They won't give me drugs!"
"She's been in active labour too long, Given how long it has been since her water broke it would be far too dangerous to give her anything but she's fully dilated and I can already feel the baby's head" The doctor explained
"I see why you wanted me" Benny nods "You must be... in agony"
"You think!"
"Well I'm happy to be here to hold your hand sweetheart" He smiled holding my hand sweetly and giving it a kiss but I grabbed his shirt
"You really think I brought you here to be all cute and loving? You think I brought you here to hold my hand and kiss my head like some shit rom-com movie Benny! NO! If I have to sit here and push a goddamn human out of me without even a fucking ibuprofen as it rips its way out of me, You are gonna fucking be here! and you are going to fucking watch the absolute shit show that is the birth of a child! You dare look away I swear to god I will make you feel this pain Benny I swear it!"
"And push" the doctor demanded so I did what I could even if my body basically began to work on its own at a point where my body knew it had to get this out whether I liked it or not pure animalistic evolutionary madness fueled my body as it worked to get this thing out! And I screamed the blood-curdling sound bouncing off the hospital walls "You did this to me! You fucking bastard Benny! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed
"Oh my god! You broke my hand!" He screamed
"Uhh doctor?" The nurse spoke up
"Ohh - uhhh Nurse check his hand." The doctor demanded "Okay we're almost there One more big, big push for me and we should be at the ring"
"Ring of fire Mrs. Watts." a nurse spoke up
"Ohh fuck no. no. I'm not ready I can't do this" I panicked
"Of course you can, not much more now," The doctor says
"He's fine she just popped his finger out of place," The nurse said as she returned from checking Benny's hand having reset his finger for him and he sheepishly returned to my arm
"You can do it y/n I know you can," he says
"Do you understand what the ring of fire is?"
"That's when the skin stretches as the baby's head makes its way out"
"Oh god-"
"Okay big push," The doctor says and I grab Benny's hand and scream "Perfect perfect keep that going," he says and I basically left my body from the stinging burning pain my vision blurring all I saw was the nurses working the doctor barking orders and benny holding my hand even if I did see his face go white I swear I blacked out and merely woke up to the nurses rubbing my legs and smiling
"You did great, that's amazing, baby's here," The nurse told me
"Baby's here?" I asked
"Baby's here, nurse is just checking them over"
"Oh... I see..." The doctor says
"What?" I asked
"Nurse, I need some fresh tools and a new blanket" The doctor demanded
"What! Why!" I yelled
"Don't stress-" he began
"WHY!" I screamed
"Well we are having a second," he says
"A- a second?" Benny asked
"It's twins, so you need to push"
"Noo... I thought it was over!" I cried "I don't wanna do this again!"
"We don't have time to go over this just push," the doctor says
I was so so tried but I didn't have a choice my body had to get this out of me the pain was now even worse than before as I was so tired, so exhausted but I just had to keep going until I reached the second ring of fire which again made me basically blackout, only really coming back when they gave me oxygen for a few good breaths until I pushed it away myself
"Is it over?"
"It's all over, it's all okay," He says giving my forehead a kiss "There with the nurse it's all okay," he says
"It's over, it's over" I muttered
"Okay, placenta time," The doctor says
"No. No. I'm done. I'm done." I told him
"Not just yet, just the placenta and then it's over," He says as nurses work on my stomach at that point I didn't care, my body was just done with this shit. And finally, he said the words I had been longing to her since this the moment I got pregnant "There we go, we're all done, it's done. We'll get you sorted" He explained leaving the room with the nurses and leaving us alone
"Are you okay?" Benny asked and I merely glared "That's fair." he nodded "I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"Throwing up"
"You threw up?"
"Yeah, when I saw the first one coming out it kinda got stuck with its shoulder and I threw up. Sorry"
"It's fine. I was out of it I didn't even know, I'm sorry for popping your finger out of place"
"It's no trouble, the fact you did all that without pain meds is impressive and terrifying," he says "But you did amazing," he says giving me a kiss "You want help getting cosy? Maybe get changed into your nightie?"
"I'd like that"
He helped me change and I even got to put my slippers on with the blankets over me I had water, and air if I needed it I even got to use some water to scrub the top half of my body at least and put my hair up so I could be comfy
"Any news?"
"Not yet, still with the nurses"
"They've been gone a while"
"Yeah well no news is good news," he says perching himself on my bed so I can cuddle him
"I guess. Did you see?"
"No all kinda happen so fast
"Did it?"
"Yeah, like seriously the head comes out then the shoulders pop through and then it just kinda plops out and they scoop it up, cut the cord and wrap it in a blanket"
"Oh? Guess I kinda went into some strange primal state and didn't really pay attention"
"Oh yeah, you were primal. You were terrifying"
"Two babies just forced their way out of me"
"I'm not saying it's not justified I'm saying it's terrifying"
The door then opened to a nurse with two happily swaddled babies in her arms
"Good news, both are happy and healthy, We had a bit of a scare but it's all fine they are both perfect" she explained
"A scare?" I asked
"The second one here wasn't breathing at first likely due to being second out waiting behind the sibling They were exposed to things longer but after some oxygen and a little slap on the back they were both fine" she explained as she came over and gently helped me to hold one of the children immediately as I was the red mushy little face I fell utterly in love if anyone tries to take this child from me or harm it in any way I will literally bite them I noticed "this is a little boy" she smiled
"Awww hi, little guy" I smiled tearing up as I looked at every bit of him in his little Blanket and tiny little hat barely even aware of the world he was just born into I noticed immediately he had Benny's dark brown eyes and mildly convinced he had his nose too.
"And then this is little girl," she says helping Benny to hold our little girl "You need anything just press the call Paperwork is on the table," she says before heading out I couldn't help looking at them both as they were so snug and cosy and I noticed
"Are you crying?"
"Shut up. I'm allowed to cry. I'm holding our daughter holding our little girl for the first time" he muttered clearly trying not to cry
"Awww it's okay to cry Benny It's adorable" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss "I think he looks like you"
"Humm I think she looks like you"
"Great I'm a generic printer"
"You know what I mean, they're both so beautiful."
"They are, you not naming him jr"
"No that's stupid he should have something that matches his sister'
"Who was first?" I asked
"Uhh" he says he sighed and slowly handed her over to me giving her head a kiss and then giving his head a kiss too before he checked the paperwork "Little girl first little boy second he had the troubles"
"We'll keep an eye on him just in case" I smiled "Here I'll trade you" I laughed handing him little boy so I could really look and snuggle our little girl
"Hi little guy, now was it you or your big sister who caused your mummy all that trouble?"
"I have an inkling they were fighting"
"Probably kicking each other all day every day"
"That does sound right, already at odds with each other" I laughed
"Any ideas?"
"I have one"
"Ohh? Do I get to know or do I not get a say?"
"I mean I carried them for nine months and gave birth to them"
"I helped"
"You did help Benny" I smiled giving him a kiss "I love you very much"
"I love you too, I love all three of you"
"Yeah, our nice little family of four, ohh no"
"We have one crib"
"And one car seat"
"And you said I was stupid for keeping the recipient. I'll go tomorrow and trade them in her a double seat and stuff. But come on I wanna hear your idea for a name"
"I have two ideas, the first" I smiled stroking their little faces "Marcy and Mark"
"Marcy and Mark?"
"Marceline and Marcus for long"
"Mark and Marcy watts? It is nice I feel like I can yell that up a flight of stairs"
"I don't know, I'm not sure he's a Mark or Marcus."
"Yeah plus kinda don't want them to sound too twiny. It's cute when there little but teenagers and adults are gonna get mad about it like imagine getting shouted at in class"
"Yeah you have a point"
"What's the other idea?"
"Simon, and CeCe"
"...okay, that I like."
"Yeah he looks like a Simon"
"Simon Watts. That does sound like a good name. I can see it on a book spine or a tournament sign"
"Yeah me too,"
"CeCe Watts," he says "I think it suits her"
"Or Cecilia?" I suggested
"No, I think plain CeCe suits better"
"I think so too, are you happy?"
'More than happy, you like it?"
'I do, little Simon and CeCe Watts"
"It's perfect, they're perfect, I'm so happy" he Cooes "You don't seem as excited?"
"I am Benny, just you know pain."
"You give them two a snuggle I'll go find a nurse and get her to give you some drugs"
"Thank you Benny" I smiled
"I love you so much my little baby mama" he Cooes giving my lips a kiss "I love you little boy, and I love you little girl. Don't cause your mummy too much trouble while in gone," he says kissing both their heads before leaving to find the nurse.
#tbs smut#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas sangster#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny imagine#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#benny watts#tqg benny watts#benny watts smut#benny watts imagine#bennywattssmut
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Baby Mama
Media Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet Af
Concept Pregnancy
I woke up again and checked the clock on the bedside table. It's not even nine am yet. I moved Benny's arm off me and had to bolt out of the bedroom, across the dark apartment and into the bathroom, quickly moving to my knees before I hurled into the toilet. God damn it! Every day with this! I don't know how long I sat wrenching on the toilet floor. But I had a moment of respite, leaning my head on the soft toilet roll in the holder on the wall, and I saw the light flick on. I glanced back and saw Benny leaning on the door in his kimono and black boxers.
"Again?" He asks
"Yep" I sighed
"Nine days?"
"Two weeks"
"There is no way in hell that it's still that pizza y/n," he says "It should be well out of your system by now, it's well out of mine," he says crossing his arms over his chest
"You didn't have it as bad"
"True. You're going to the doctor"
"Benny no"
"Don't argue with me I'm calling them now"
"Alright. I won't call them, if you get up walk into the kitchen and eat some cheese without being sick"
And the word was enough for me to once again hurl into the toilet
"I'm calling them" he sighed going to the phone and all I could do was lean my head on the toilet seat trying desperately to stop my stomach from killing itself.
I sighed sitting in the vile-smelling waiting room that had a putrid scent in the air of sickness and bleach, people around the room coughing, sneezing and wheezing. I had now been back and forth to the doctor four times for various tests and finally today they called and told us they knew what was wrong and that we needed to come in as soon as possible. "Couldn't they just tell us over the phone" I complained tugging my little white glove up my wrist so less skin contacted the arm of the chair,
"Well it's probably serious," Benny answered beside me with one of his chess books on hand to pass the time "What do you have against doctors anyway? Every time you come here I've had to drag you kicking and screaming" he chuckled "A couple of times literally"
"I don't enjoy being poked and prodded"
"Knowone likes it y/n, but there is something wrong with you else it wouldn't have taken so many tests" he says flicking to the next page
"I think it's a poorly tummy"
"They wouldn't call you in for that y/n it's something serious and you know it"
"Maybe it's food poisoning"
"What do you think?"
"I have my theory"
"Ohh enlighten me then chess boy?" He didn't answer me simply looked at me I looked back questionably and he glanced at my stomach "I'm not pregnant Benny"
"How do you know?" He chuckled going back to his book
"Because I'm just not I know I'm not"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I'd know if I was pregnant, I'd like to feel it in my womb or something"
"You have your theory I have mine"
"Theory requires evidence"
"Go on then, what's your evidence for a now going on three-week tummy ache?"
"We had that really bad takeaway pizza when we got home from Austin, it made you sick and it's made me sick it's just affected me worse than you" I explained, "what do you think is your evidence?"
"We had sex in Austin. A Lot of it."
"We've had sex a lot of places benny, doesn't mean I'm pregnant"
"I still think it's suspicious we had a boatload of fun hotel room sex in Austin and as soon as we get home you start waking up early to throw up."
"I still don't think so"
"Will you be upset, If you are?"
"But I'm not"
"But if you are. We haven't talked about kids"
"I mean I'll be mad at you"
"But will you be upset?"
"... I guess not. I mean natural progression I suppose, we dated, we got engaged, we got married, it makes sense to have some babies" I explained, "how would you feel if I was pregnant?" I asked uncontrollably feeling my stomach
He smiled taking my hand and giving it a soft kiss beside my wedding and engagement ring "I'd be thrilled if you got pregnant."
"Of course, it'll be fun to have some little Watts running around"
"If I'm pregnant"
"I'm pretty damn sure you're pregnant hun, and if you're not I'll make sure you are when we get home" he winked before returning to his book
"If I'm not pregnant you owe me three months of dishes"
"Deal, if your pregnant you owe me a blow job"
"deal" I rolled my eyes a little
They soon called me so I got myself up with my bag
"You want me to come with you?"
"I'll be okay"
"Alright good luck" he smiled kissing me so I headed in to see the doctor he explained the situation giving me a whole booklet of information and a few pamphlets to go over at home I headed back out where I found Benny still deep in his book
"Let's go"
"I'm coming" he answered with a sly smile, shutting his book up and smirking in his usual way as he followed me "So?"
"Shut up" I sighed handing over my information from the doctor as I made the next appointment with the front desk all with a smirking proud Benny beside me.
Once it was all booked she gave me the card I quickly went out to the car pouting as I took my seat and he only smirked more "Shut up"
"I haven't said a word"
"You don't need to I can hear your ego inflating from here"
He smiled and kissed my cheek even if I immediately wiped it off as I was mad at him and clearly to annoy me more he then kissed my stomach before starting the car up
"I hate you"
"Love you too mama"
"Don't you even start" I warn
"Somebody owes me when we get home"
"How did you know?"
"Honestly? Lucky guess."
"I'm pregnant." I said rubbing my stomach uncontrollably "There's a tiny you inside me"
"Aw baby jr" he smirked stroking my leg
"Why did I let you impregnate me?"
"Cause you love me"
"I do love you,"
I sat reading my new notes from the doctor, all the information about this new trimester and all the rules I was still having to live by.
"Eat your soup," Benny told me as he started a new game
"I'm not hungry"
"You don't eat it you have to have more supplements, it's up to you"
"I'm reading"
"The thing developing inside me"
"I'd prefer you not call our child a thing y/n"
"I'm not calling it Jr"
"I think it's cute"
I rolled my eyes a moment forcing down the gross healthy soup until nothing was left and he smiled as he finished his game
"Good girl," he says kissing my temple and taking the bowl to the sink
"We still have that grapefruit in the fridge"
"Yeah, you want a slice?"
"No, bring it here"
"Don't ask the pregnant lady questions just do it"
He did as I asked, bringing the whole grapefruit over to me. "There you are, my baby mama." He smiled and I again rolled my eyes, holding the grapefruit in my hand for a while inspecting everything about it "Are you going to eat it?"
"...then why did you want it?'
"Hold it" I told him and he took it holding it in his hands a little confused
"Feel it's size and weight"
"Okay... kinda heavy I guess, Very round"
"That is the size of our child"
"Yep, twenty-two weeks grapefruit"
"Hu, I feel bad about wanting to eat some now"
"Because it's... it's like our little one"
"Benny it's a fruit"
"Are you sure you're at Grapefruit?"
"That's what the doctor says"
He simply sat the fruit against my stomach noticing how much bigger my stomach was
"Well there's fluid and placenta and all my organs" I began but he simply moved the fruit to another part of my stomach where it had enough space to sit without contacting the space the fruit was in before "No."
"No, Benny." I warned snatching the grapefruit back and cutting it open to prevent this discussion but he only smirked "Don't even start"
"What's next?" He asks taking some grapefruit
"What is a whole cob of corn?"
"That's a jump isn't it?"
"Babies grow fast benny, a month ago he was a pear"
"What will it be after corn?"
"Oooh babies jumping up fast. You want me to get some corn next week so you can compare?'
"No, anything bigger than this is just going to make me panic"
"Because something that size is inside me and it's one way out is a whole that you struggled to get in when we first got married"
"Good point, what is it when the baby comes?"
"A watermelon or pumpkin" I sighed checking my list
"Ohh shit."
"I'm gonna die"
"You're not gonna die, your body is built for this Hun"
"Yeah, but it's not built to do it... comfortably" I complained "Why can't we reproduce like penguins just poop out an egg and walk around with it between my legs for a while if I get annoyed or for stuff to do you can look after it between your legs"
"I know," he laughed. "Would it make you feel better if I went to the store for another grapefruit and wore it under my shirt the rest of this week?"
"Aw no, but that's very sweet Benny" I smiled moving to sit on his thigh and nuzzling into his shirt
"Are you crying?"
"Aww it's okay, your hormones are all messed up, you're crying a lot these days"
"I can't help it!"
"I know, I know, I didn't mean to be so sweet I made you cry," he Cooes "just like I'm sure that dog yesterday didn't mean to be so cute"
"He was too cute he had such small legs" I cried
"I know Hun I know, his legs were too tiny for his body"
"He waddles everywhere he goes"
"He sure does" he smiled stroking my stomach "Come on Jr stop making your mother all emotional. I've only just learnt how to deal with her she when's not an emotional hormonal wreck"
"What? I'm reasoning with him"
"Don't be mean to your pregnant wife?" I told him poking him with each word
"Oww oww okay okay, would a bubble bath help?"
"Yes please"
"Alright, I'll run it for you"
I sat listening to some records absentmindedly bringing handfuls of popcorn to my mouth from the bowl resting on my stomach. But I put my hand in and found only an empty bowl so I went to get up to refill it but Benny grabbed my arm from his chair and forced me back down onto the ottoman
"You are not refilling that bowl again"
"What? I'm hungry"
"Y/n I have been sitting here with you since you brought your first bowl full of popcorn I haven't finished one chapter in my book and you just finished your fourth bowl"
"I'm hungry for popcorn"
"That's not even a normal serving-size bowl, that's the bowl we use for Halloween candy and Christmas cookies. Please stop, it's terrifying. I feel like I just watched an alien swallow a human"
"But baby wants popcorn"
"I can tell, you don't even like stove-top popcorn."
"I do"
"No, you don't, you used to hate it and said it tasted like cardboard. Why all of a sudden now you're pregnant you wanna eat buckets full of it?"
"I don't know baby likes it" I pouted stroking my stomach
"Does he now?" He sighed returning to his book
"Baby also likes cherry slushies"
"And chicken nuggets"
"That's nice"
"And chocolate and coconut"
He sighed putting his book down and getting up
"I can take a hint" he sighed going and getting his shoes and jacket on coming back to grab his wallet from the table and to give my lips and my stomach kisses "You be good Jr," he told my stomach "No more popcorn and I'll bring my baby mama her cravings"
"Ummm thank you Benny" I smiled "Maybe bring a hot dog too?"
"Maybe we'll see. Be good or I'll bring you nachos with cheese"
"Oohh" I gulped immediately stopping myself from hurling
"You loved cheese before you got pregnant"
"Don't. Use. That. Word. Benjamin" I warn
"Alright back soon," he says before heading out I just relaxed often glancing at the corner of the apartment Benny was slowly turning into the nursery even if most of it was still in pieces soon enough he returned given he was only going to the 24hr convenience down the street
"Yay! Daddy's home"
"Daddy brought mummy some nice things that hopefully will make Jr very happy" he chuckled kicking his shoes off hanging his jacket and bringing the bag to the small living room table slowly unpacking it "Extra large cherry slush, two boxes of the chicken nuggets, a freshly cooked hot dog he made it special because I told him you wanted one, some coconut and chocolate candy bars, some of that lime gum I know you didn't say it but you'll want it later and another stove top popcorn but you're not having this till next week" he warns
"Ummm thank you Benny" I smiled, giving him a hug and a kiss, quickly grabbing a nugget or two "How'd you get a fresh hot dog?" I asked sipping my slushie
"I'm getting to know the guy in there now, never really used to go there. Except for the odd emergency now I seem to be going every other day. And I've told him your pregnant so he likes to make sure you get a fresh hot dog and the good nuggets" he explained grabbing something else from the bag
"Hey? You got wings?"
"I had to walk there I got something for myself too"
"I'll trade you two nuggets for a wing"
"No. There the spicy ones you don't like them"
"That was intentional wasn't it?"
"Yes, y/n you're heavily pregnant you eat everything. The only thing I've been able to have to myself is... the unmentionable cow product and that's only because the smell, taste or mention of it makes you retch. I want something that's just for me"
"Sorry Benny"
"It's fine Hun, Baby likes to sample lots of foods" he smiled so we sat and ate "Slow down you're going to make yourself sick"
"But I'm hungry"
"I know just slow" he reminds "Did... did you just dip a nugget in your slushie?'
"That one of those weird cravings again? Like when you insisted I put honey on your fried eggs, or when I caught you stirring your tea with a banana?"
"Let me try"
"Let me try I'm curious"
I sighed but took a nugget and gave it a good dunk in the slushie before handing it over and he took a fairly brave bite
"Oh my god, that's disgusting. What is wrong with Jr that he wants to eat this?"
"I don't know, but I didn't hear you complaining when I was craving just the cookie part of Oreos."
"No, because I got to eat like six boxes worth of Oreo cream without a single cookie in my way. One of the best days of my life" he says and I glared "After our wedding of course" he smiled "What are you doing?"
"Melting the candy bar"
"I wanna put the chocolate and coconut on my hot dog"
"...Jr I am so so sorry for this, your baby mama has lost it"
"He wants it" I argued
I hummed to myself as I shuffled around the concrete floor in my fluffy slippers, my body covered in the only thing I was able to wear anymore, my small sleeveless boatneck white and black mini dress. The fabric is just black with white flowers across it. I hated the dress. I felt like it looked like curtains or a tablecloth but it was the only fabric I could find at the store good enough to use for my maternity dress pattern. My stomach caused the dress to look very tent-like as it pressed against the fabric. I passed around slightly humming to myself one hand stroking my bump and the other holding my biscuit as I nibbled at it slowly.
"Y/n, the doctor said you should get exercise. I'm not sure he meant pace around the apartment all day" Benny spoke as he sat up at the table in his usual jeans black shirt and green button down the calendar beside him and a pile of mail on the other side as he slowly went through everything giving me that look.
"How about you take me someplace then," I said back finishing my biscuit and brushing some crumbs off my dress
"I try, every time I take you anywhere all you do is complain" he sighed "My feet are swollen, my back hurts, and I'm gonna throw up"
"My feet are swollen" I complained "and my back does hurt"
"You gonna throw up?"
"No, but give it time I just had a biscuit"
"I thought you could eat them without being sick?"
"So did I" I sighed
He sighed a moment getting up and coming to try and cuddle me, however, my bump prevented us from having much of a cuddle as it was like trying to hug with a watermelon between us "You're causing your mother problems you know that Jr?" He says stroking my bump I smiled a little seeing how excited benny got stroking my stomach leaning back a little with my hands on my waist so he could enjoy it for while and immediately after he spoke up the baby started kicking I did my best to grit my teeth and just bare it, I know people always describe a baby's kick as a beautiful cute thing but it hurts, the only thing that made it better was seeing Benny's wide smile as he always got so excited whenever he got to feel the baby kicking
"He'll cause even more problems when he's born. At least for now, he's quiet"
"aww, I know kiddo, just calm down a little bit okay? For daddy?" He asked and the kicking died down a little "Good boy" he smiled, kissing my bump and then my forehead "You think you can keep down tea?"
"I hope so, can't I have a coffee?"
"No coffee, doctors orders remember," he says going to make us some tea "ooh almost out of milk" he says
And the second I heard those words I felt it was "uhhhh Benjamin!" I yelled making him jump looking at me and realizing his mistake
"Ohh shit. Sorry Hun It just kinda slipped out"
"Bring me some kitchen towel" I sighed and he happily brought me over some kitchen towel so I could clean up and then stuff my bra to prevent any future leaks, "uh he's stretching those legs today" I sighed as I felt moving and pushing inside me
"Maybe he's got a cramp? Can imagine it's getting a little stuffy in there for him"
"Like to see you say that when it's your internal organs he's playing kickball with"
"Come here" he smiled going behind me
"What are you up to?"
"A surprise"
"I don't know last time you were behind me and gave me a surprise I ended up pregnant"
"Have a bit of faith in me"
"Trust me as a husband" he laughs so I sighed and allowed whatever it is he wanted to do his hands came around my waist and for a moment I was convinced he wanted at my boobs again as he had found quite a love for them since I got pregnant, but he moved his hands down gently cupping my stomach from below and lifting it gently and slowly for a few moments taking the weight off my stomach and of the baby off my back and my hips holding the weight in his hands
"Aah that's nice" I smiled leaning in his chest a little and moving my arm back to play with his hair
"That feel good?"
"Very good"
"That makes my baby mama feel better?" He asks and I nodded "Okay, I can hold the baby as long as you want me to"
"Umm thank you, Benny"
"You're welcome" he smiled kissing my head
"Where did you learn this?"
"Pregnancy magazine"
"You read them?"
"When you have little naps yeah? I need to know, don't I?"
"I suppose so, I didn't think you cared"
"Of course, I care, you're my wife, that's our baby," he laughs "Of course I care, I'm just not great socially and pregnant ladies are even harder you randomly cry and leak and god knows what else it makes things hard and confusing when your me"
"It's okay Benny, it's still a really sweet thought. You're gonna make a really good daddy"
"You think so?"
"I'm sure of it"
"I know you're going to be an amazing mother" he smiled "You ready for me to let go?"
"Five more minutes?"
#thomasbrodiesangster#tbs imagine#tbs imagines#thomas sangster#tbs smut#thomas brodie sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster#tbs#thomas sangster imagine#thomas brodie sangster smut#benny imagine#benny watts#benny x reader#benny smut#benny fanfic#benny#bennywattssmut
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