#and an extra class in data analysis
autos-ismos · 1 month
i keep anxiously swallowing air and hurting my stomach
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sweet-as-kiwis · 9 months
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🌸 Sapphicnatural Statistics Spreadsheet 🌸
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link for the spreadsheet here!
hello hello! in may 2024 i completed a university essay studying the subversive shipping conventions of sapphicnatural fanfic in the Sapphicnatural Collection over on AO3, with the thesis that sapphicnatural ships are often rarepairs with little-to-no grounds in canon (e.g: a guest character/one-off character who have never met on screen), conversely to standard fanfic practice. as part of this, i gathered some statistics about the fics in the collection, got slightly carried away with the scope, and made a giant spreadsheet with 6 sheets of various data. with the project over, i thought it would be nice to share it with tumblr in case anyone else finds it helpful or just interesting!! i'm likely going to post the essay that i wrote alongside this in the next few weeks, so give me a shout too if that's something you'd like to see
to pique your interest, the spreadsheet includes:
Notes on methodology and the vocabulary used
Statistics on the popularity of each sapphicnatural ship in the collection and the frequency of characters featured
Analysis on some significiant ship factors: whether the characters have met in canon and how frequently characters re-occured in the show
'Ship potency', a new framework i'm workshopping to quantify how 'viable/strong' a ship is, specifically when measuring the makeup of femslash ships against mlm ships
i've written up some of the key points i found and some extra analysis about them under the cut, so read more if you're interested! <3
Contextual note: there are 129 fanfics in the Sapphicnatural collection.
Top 5 most popular Sapphicnatural ships:
donna/jody (10 fics)
anna/mary (7 fics)
jo/cassie (6 fics)
anna/ruby (5 fics)
kaia/claire (4 fics)
21 unique ships have 3 fics per ship. 24 unique ships have 2 fics per ship, and 52 unique ships have 1 fic per ship. So, only a quarter (25.3% of ships) have more than 3 fics written about them.
Rarepairs (and thus multishipping) are much more frequent in Sapphicnatural fanfiction than across most fandom fanfic collections which often centre around a specific ship
Have the characters met in canon?
Only 34.2% of ships involve two or more characters who have met on-screen in the show, with 59.6% of ships featuring two or more characters who have never met
4 out of the 5 top ships are between characters who met in the show's canon
BUT the most common dynamic is between two characters who could potentially meet in canon (are alive through the same seasons/at the same location (hell/heaven) at the same time) but who never meet in the show
This idea of 'canon potential' is the most exciting space for a lot of sapphicnatural writers, where finding gaps in the existing narrative and placing two similar women together to explore what their relationship could look often seems to be more inviting than those established on-screen
What is the spread of side/guest/one-off characters in ships?
A third (32.9%) of ships are made-up side/guest character
None of the characters featured are main characters (as none of the women spn characters can be realistically classed as 'main characters' lolol)
17 ships feature at least one one-off character, with 3 being one-off/one-off
Sapphicnatural fanfiction has a unique appreciation for reinforcing attention to minor characters, often as part of a feminist agenda to restore their agency
How frequently are individual characters featured?
Jo Harvelle is the most popular character in the sapphicnatural collection, involved in 15 unique ships across 34 fics. So, over a quarter (26.4%) of the fanfics in the collection feature Jo
Author's note: honestly this could be my individual impact on the collection as a jogirl oops
Mary Winchester is involved in 14 unique ships across 25 ships, so both Jo and Mary are significantly multi-shipped. Mary features twice across the top 5 ships
Sapphicnatural writers often write in service of a particular character rather than a ship - ie. exploring Jo's sapphic identity is more important than who her relationship is with
Charlie, Anna, Ruby, Claire, and Bela are the other characters involved in more than 10 fics each across the collection
Ship potency:
I explain this concept more on the sheet itself, but I essentially assign numerical values to whether a ship is (possible in) canon or not, how frequently characters re-occur in the show, and how popular a ship is respective to the fandom (as sapphicnatural is small, donna/jody is popular with 10 fics, for example)
This is to gain a measure of how 'strong' a ship is, assuming that a standard mlm ship will rank highly in most of these criteria (control variable of destiel ranks 29.5/30, whereas the average potency sum for a sapphicnatural ship is 11.8)
Across the top 5 ships, the average potency sum is 20.9
4/5 of the most popular sapphicnatural ships are in the top 5 for ship potency, with donna/jody, anna/mary, kaia/claire and anna/ruby having strong canon foundations and so high potency ratings.
jo/cassie is irregular as the third most popular ship because they only rank 14th for ship potency, as the pairing have not met on-screen in canon, and features a one-off character
Ships with higher potency sums do tend to be slightly more popular, but there isn't a clear pattern among any of the ships. I'd like to do some more work with this to fine-tune the system
Wordcount, kudos, and hits:
Average wordcount of a fic is 3,511 words. This fits with my other working theory (links to my post about my history essay on women's fiction through the feminist waves) that sapphicnatural writers utilise short stories and one-shots to most succesfully explore sapphic identities
Average kudos is 48, with a median of 13
Average hits is 353, with a median of 122
So: sapphicnatural fanfics receive a fairly low level of interaction, especially when compared to the mlm ships in the Supernatural fandom (destiel, etc). This is in-line with most fandoms and femslash as a whole - a small, dedicated community are reading and writing sapphicnatural
I didn't explore much here, but it would be interesting to go into further depth anout how many fics in the collection are written by different authors, etc
and that's it from me! if you've made it down here, you're an absolute gem and thank you for sticking with me! hope you foundd it as interesting to read through as i did to write up - and that you give the spreadsheet a nosey too if you fancy <3
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quotidian-oblivion · 11 months
ask box trick or treat
Hellooooooooo! 'Kay, so i posted a snippet from a wip here, so i think imma share an unpublished fic idea. I didn't pursue this one cuz it was fun thinking about it, but I didn't actually want to write it.
Jason Todd is a teacher at Gotham City High School, a school for kids who are from below-middle-class families or families in poverty. He teaches English. 
Before the analysis assignment, his class has to do, he decides to set up a formative assignment to get them warmed up on analysis. He teaches them basic English skills like literary techniques (metaphors, similes etc.) language features, stylistic features and all that. 
The catch is. 
The text isn't just any old text. It's fanfic. And some kids recognize it. The others are just confused as to why the teacher is on his knees, laughing while trying to explain and a few other kids are in hysterics too. Even some of the quiet kids and—the popular group of boys and one of the popular girls too? 
The whole class is in hysterics, but there is actual analysation happening. 
Jason hands out an *ahem* downloaded PDF copy of the, uh, story and the kids analyse that. 
Then Jason says at the end to submit their analysis to them then when he looks over them and gives it back, they'll have to copy and paste it in this little box for, uh, extra credit. And everyone wants extra credit of it's so easy so they do it.
Then he asks which of them liked the story, and most of the class raises their hands. The other kids weren't big readers and didn't really enjoy reading or just didn't like analysis and thought this was just some other story. But Jason tells the students who raised their hands to press kudo for, uh, statistical data. Thus, the author gets extra support.
Yeah, it was fun to think and giggle about at 1am, but not really write it all out lol
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chaoticace2005 · 1 year
DGM: Noah Competency Analysis
It is 2 am and I have work at 6:30 am and am making the amazing decision to stay up and analyze these bastards because my friend got me into this series and now it has taken over my life (thanks Koala.)
For the Noah, many seem to be pretty bad at their jobs: from the "kill the generals" arc where everyone failed to whatever the hell was up with the ark arc to Wisely/Tyki LOSING the Earl. So, being the autistic individual I am who recently took a stats class, I decided to analyze all the Noah in some kind of mathematical way to look at just how incompetent these losers are.
Note: statistical analysis is not completely representative of the Noah since it is only looking at information revealed in the manga/assumed as of June 2023- it is entirely possible that this information will change.
But now to it... (spoilers)
First, I wanted to establish some kind of system to accurately grade the Noah based on their accomplishments. Originally I was putting down all their activities and noting if they failed/succeeded- giving +1 points to successes and 0 for failures and then averaging it out based on total # of activities, but this led to the problem where some Noah were shown more than other so there was more data (like Mercyma or Tryde) and as a result their competency was put very high despite the fact we have little information on them, so this idea was scrapped.
Ultimately, I made it so each Noah started out with a 5/10 ranking, and then points were added and lost depending on their successes/failures and to what degree they were.
The "successes/failures" only looks at specific missions assigned to the Noah by the Earl- so for instance Tyki going around and killing extra exorcists like Daisya and Suman were not counted, as he was specifically ordered to kill Allen at the time and did this as an "extracurricular." Points were also deducted if the Noah did something that went against the Earl/hurt the Noah (more on this later.)
Points Awarded:
+0.5= Succeed at easy mission
+1.0= Succeed at mission
+1.5= Succeed at hard mission
-0.5= Fail at hard mission/ not a total loss
-1.0= Fail at mission
-1.5= Fail at easy mission/ make things worse
With this established onto the grading!
2nd Apostle: Tryde/Toraido (Judge)
-1.5: Stop traitors of Noah- failed with Nea (they all pretty much died as result)
+0.5: Be in Russia with Jasdevi for Alma Arc- succeed (kinda just stood there)
Total Competence: 4/10 (very limited amount of data but fairly okay, maybe don't trust with your life but can trust to not set house on fire)
3rd Apostle: Tyki Mikk (Pleasure)
+1.0: Kill Yeegar- succeed
-1.5: Kill Allen/Innocence- failed both and actually increased Allen’s power
-1.0: Kill exorcists in Edo- failed
-0.5: Kill Cross- mission given by Earl but never really attempted (Joyd did when awoken but failed)
+0.5: Bring Allen to North America branch- succeed
+1.0: Rescue Allen from Apocryphos- succeed
-0.5: Kill Apocryphos- failed
-1.0: Recruit Allen- failed
-1.0: Protect Road- failed
-1.5: Babysit Earl- failed 
Extra: Responsible for Ark Arc, resulting in death of fellow Noah Skinn, permanent injury to Jasdevi along with himself, and Allen/the Order gaining access to the Ark (which later led to Egg being destroyed): -4.0
Total Competence: -3.5/10 (do NOT give this guy anything to do, if you asked him for milk he’d leave, kill someone in a Chuck E Cheese, and bring the dead body home (WITHOUT THE MILK))
4th Apostle: Sheril/Cheryl (Desires)
+1.5: Cause wars- succeed
+1.0: Take control of North America branch- succeed
+0.5: Help capture Apocryphos- succeed (didn’t appear to do much)
Extra: Did go behind Earl’s back to capture Bookman/Lavi and torture for information about Nea: -1.0
Total Competence: 7/10 (can trust to this guy to do most things, but if it threatens his or Road's life all bets are off)
5th Apostle: Wisely/Waizuri (Wisdom)
+1.0: Unite Alma and Kanda to awaken 14th- succeed
-1.5: Babysit Earl- failed
Extra: With Bookman/Lavi, tried to read minds but failed? So he was incompetent but in a way that supported the Earl: -0.5 
Total Competence: 4/10 (if you leave a plant with him the plant will likely die)
Note: Alma Arc may have been a fluke but he seems to have lost competence after this- maybe Allen bonking Kanda in the head and giving Wisely a migraine had lasting effects? Maybe Sheryl had a point here:
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6th Apostle: Feedler/Fiedla/Fiidora (Corrosion)
+1.5: Fights exorcists in China/infects exorcist- succeed, now have spy in order
-1.5: Babysit Earl- failed
+1.0: Act as communication for Noah- succeed, ranked as “1.0” since it is his ability specific
Extra: Did help Cheryl torture Bookman/Lavi, going against Earl: -0.5
Total Competence: 5.5/10 (can trust to not burn house down when cooking dinner, although food may be meh)
7th Apostle: Mercym/Maushyma (Pity)
+1.0: Occupy Madaroa- succeed
+0.5: Capture Apocryphos- succeed (didn’t appear to do much)
Total Competence: 6.5/10 (can be trusted to babysit kids)
8th Apostle: Skinn (Wrath) (Note: PRETTY DEAD)
-1.0: Kill Tiedoll- failed
-1.5: Kill Tiedoll unit- failed, dying as a result
Total Competence: 2.5/10 (very likely to get into a car accident due to road rage if allowed to borrow a car)
9th Apostle: Road (Dreams)
+0.5: Acquire Skinn when he was woken- succeed
-1.0: Retrieve Miranda Innocence- failed
+1.0: Kill Yeegar- succeed
+1.5: Copy Ark- succeed
+1.0: Help with Alma Karma arc- succeed
+1.5: Rescue Allen- succeed, went beyond to protect him
-0.5: Kill Apocryphos- failed
-0.5: Recruit Allen- failed (gets a bit of slack cause she was kinda fading away)
Extra: Responsible for Ark Arc, resulting in death of fellow Noah Skinn, permanent injury to Jasdevi/Tyki , and Allen/the Order gaining access to the Ark (which later led to Egg being destroyed): -4.0
HOWEVER she wasn’t killed by Nea so +3.0 points.
Total Competence: 7.5/10 (likely to complete a group project, but it was likely done by her forcing someone else to do it by candle-point- work smarter not harder)
10th/11th Apostles: Jasdevi (Bonds)
-1.5: Kill Cross- failed badly, acquiring debt in process
+0.5: Be in Russia with Tryde for Alma Arc- succeed
+1.5: Capture Apocryphos- succeed
Total Competence: 5.5/10 (surprisingly high) (if left to bake a cake the kitchen may be a disaster and the sink may be on fire but there will be a surprisingly okay cake) (about 2.75/10 each)
Note: Competence seems to have increased following encounter with Krory, did a reverse Wisely and actually got MORE competent over time.
12th Apostle: Lulu Bell (Lust)
-1.0: Retrieve egg- failed (egg destroyed but Order able to use some of egg to make Thirds)
+0.5: Be in Greece for Alma Arc- succeed
Total Competence: 4.5/10 (considered competent due to loyalty but fairly lazy, if told to do the dishes she would find someone else to do it for her and that person would do a subpar job)
13th Apostle: Mightra/Maitora (Ability)
+0.5: Make cool outfits- succeed
+1.0: Make skulls- succeed
+1.5: Do other magic related stuff with Ark/Akuma- succeed
Total Competence: 8/10 (can be trusted to house sit for a week without issue)
Also, just for fun:
The Fourteenth/Nea D. Campbell
+1.5: Kill Noah- mostly succeeded and damaged memories so kudos to him
+1.5: Restrict Ark- succeeded
-0.5: Kill Earl- failed
+1.0: Reincarnate- succeed
-1.5: Kill Johnny- failed
-1.0: Trick Kanda- failed
-1.0: Trick Link- failed
-0.5: Kill Earl (Part 2 Electric Boogaloo)- failed
+0.5: Reveal past to Earl- sorta? He certainly monologued but who knows if the Earl was all there
-1.0: Take over Allen completely- failed
Total Competence: 4/10
So... all in all (excluding Nea from calculations):
Mightra: 8/10
Road: 7.5/10
Cheryl: 7/10
Mercym: 6.5/10
Feedler: 5.5/10
Jasdevi: 5.5/10
Lulu Bell: 4.5/10
Tryde: 4/10
Wisely: 4/10
Skinn: 2.5/10
Tyki: -3.5/10
With the average competency of the Noah being around 4.68/10 and the median being 5.5/10.
I would also like to take the time to point out just how incompetent Tyki is compared to his fellow Noah:
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Tyki is literally graphed as a fucking outlier and even without the 4.0 points he lost because of the Arc Ark, he would still be at a 0.5/10, still the lowest of all the Noah. In fact, if we were to take this data and assume that the Noah are a representative sample for all of humanity, he would have be in the bottom 0.6% for competency (using Z-score to determine this.)
Without Tyki, the Noah's competency would be up to 5.5/10, which I feel like is great evidence of the fact that Tyki is so goddamn stupid and his real Noah ability is the power to lower the intelligence/competence of everyone around him. Why did Wisely lose competence after Alma arc? Because he had to be around Tyki all the time. Why did Jasdevi gain competence? Because they started being babysat by Mercym and Tryde instead of Tyki. They purposely left Tyki to watch over the Earl because they thought there was no way he could mess up watching over their delusional grandfather while the twins/Mercym/Sheryl caught Apocryphos and he still did. Honestly maybe if the Noah want the Order to lose they should just sneak Tyki into the organization and let him just lower the competence of everyone there so the organization eventually collapses in on itself and combusts.
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d1rlin · 2 months
Time to discuss on my main/side page, what the hell is a special interest?
Did I make this because I'm petty and hate people fake claiming others because of the term special interest? Yes.
So let's talk about it,
So what is autism in a brief summary?
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism.
Ethnicities such as a person of color, Asian, or other ethnicities may not present how a caucasian person would. A reason may be some non Caucasian's (a bodily white person) was taught it's okay to punish their children with physical punishments. And because of that some traits of autism such as autistic meltdowns may present in a different way and not in a way that you'd normally see it. Source and source
Brief description of types of interests. Source
Circumscribed Interest - an intense and restricted interest in objects or topics that often results in functional impairment.
Unusual Preoccupation — an intense interest in an object or topic that is unexpected for the child's age or development.
Atypical Attachment - an intense attachment to specific or unusual objects.
Moving on to the topic of discussion,
When we talk about special interests what do you think of? Trains, animals, maybe even math. And yes that is some others may have, but it's not limited to just those. Some people with autistic (not always the case but is pretty common) have those as a special interest. I know as a child I had a special interest of an owl. This would have me draw owls where ever and whenever, it was a favorite topic of mine. Much like how someone may enjoy rambling about certain shows, certain topics. These topics is to soothe the person in question, or to use as an award for good behavior. Think of it as you were gifted a golden sticker because you did well in class despite feeling overwhelmed and anxious, the sticker can provide an extra layer of praise and comfortability for the person.
When in school I know we had severely bad anger issues, which lead into fights, being explled and kicked out of school. However during that time a former in school the counselor gave me a stress toy that I took everywhere and had time where I needed time for myself. It was a way to cope with the stress that comes with my disorders including autism. Since I don't speak about having autism a ton, nor speak to a lot of people this may seem derange towards a normal person. But enough about me, let's go back to the academic sources rather than my rambling.
Neurotypical individuals also develop special interests, often in the form of hobbies. Although past research has focused on special interests held by children with autism spectrum disorder, little is known about their role in adulthood. The current study investigated differences in the content, number, and specificity of the special interests held by adult individuals with autism spectrum disorder and neurotypical individuals, using Internet discussion forums as a data source. Quantitative analysis of forum posts revealed significant differences between the diagnostic groups. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder reported having more interests in systemizing domains, more specific interests, and a greater number of interests overall than neurotypical individuals. Understanding special interests can lead to the development of educational and therapeutic programs that facilitate the acquirement of other important social and communication skills. Source
special interests are wrongly assumed to be obsessive. Even though persons with autism nay experience special interest as an 'addiction', they do not feel that they are unwanted or distressful (Baron-Cohen, 1989), as is the case in obsessive-compulsive conditions. Rather, they are a source of pleasure.
This poor understanding of the defining features of special interest is reflected by the fact that scholars use over 70 different term variants to describe such interests. By analysing the salience of these terms in 80 academic papers focussing on the subject, the author has found that 'special interests' is the most salient term, rather than 'circumscribed' and 'restricted' interests, or'obsessions'. The value of special interests to higher education becomes more clear when it is recognized that their defining features is an intrinsically motivation to know all there is to know about a subject without regard for the social or practical contexts in which it is embedded. In a rare study focussing on special interests in so-called 'high-functioning' adults, Aday (2011, p. 112) found that 85% of a sample of 150 reported one or more special interests; of this group, 90% pursued their interests) daily, and 35% for six hours a day. A larger and more recent study found that 65% of a sample of 687 adults with autism reported at least one special interest; 56% of the sample pursued their special interest(s) every day, for 0-2 hours by 31% and for 2-4 hours by 37% (Grove et. al., 2018, p. 4). Source
Some important information especially when it comes to mental health diagnosis'
Some people may opt to be self diagnosed because they were withheld of the acknowledgment they were diagnosed especially as an infant or child.
Does a parent have a right to receive a copy of psychotherapy notes about a child's mental health treatment?
No. The Privacy Rule distinguishes between mental health information in a mental health professional's private notes and that contained in the medical record. It does not provide a right of access to psychotherapy notes, which the Privacy Rule defines as notes recorded by a health care provider who is a mental health professional documenting or analyzing the contents of a conversation during a private counseling session or a group, joint, or family counseling session and that are separate from the rest of the patient's medical record. See 45 CFR
164.501. Psychotherapy notes are primarily for personal use by the treating professional and generally are not disclosed for other purposes. Thus, the Privacy Rule includes an exception to an individual's (or personal representative's) right of access for psychotherapy notes. See 45 CFR 164.524(a)(1)(i).
However, parents generally are the personal representatives of their minor child and, as such, are able to receive a copy of their child's mental health information contained in the medical record, including information about diagnosis, symptoms, treatment plans, etc.
Further, although the Privacy Rule does not provide a right
for a patient or personal representative to access psychotherapy notes regarding the patient, HIPAA generally gives providers discretion to disclose the individual's own protected health information (including psychotherapy notes) directly to the individual or the individual's personal representative. As any such disclosure is purely permissive under the Privacy Rule, mental health providers should consult applicable State law for any prohibitions or conditions before making such disclosures.
Other recourses for autism and special interests
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eponymous-rose · 2 years
I'm gonna do this again because it turned out last week kinda went off the rails without it and the little bit of accountability is super super helpful.
It's a busy week! It's also my birthday week! Let's do this!
E-mail with coffee: sent a prospective grad student a congratulations on her admission to our program. I'm really hoping to hire her, but I do need to consider whether I might want to admit two students for this position and just get the extra funding for the second one elsewhere if both decide to come. Hmm. Confirmed coffee on Friday with the wonderful admin I've been wanting to befriend for a while - finally we'll interact outside of paperwork! Sadly Wednesday's seminar speaker is ill and won't be able to present - I'm leading the seminar so that does add up to a little less work for me, which is the silver lining there. One of my student groups is struggling to grab data from the weather station they built on the roof because the dang software doesn't work on Macs - managed to coordinate getting them a loaner PC laptop from the department, whew. Completed two letters of reference for an undergrad student applying to internships. Somehow managed to double-book a meeting and gave one a heads up to cancel. Showed my availability for scheduling a PhD defense for a student whose committee I'm on. One of the speakers for my seminar series sent a somewhat passive-aggressive e-mail to the department chair to let him know his info's not up on the website yet. Department chair forwarded it to me, I replied with, essentially "hold your dang horses, your talk isn't until mid-March". He replied back with a sheepish apology. All good.
Formulated my list of essential stuff for this week:
finish Wednesday's (and next week's?) lecture(s?)
prepare next week's homework & key
work on grant proposal
work on commissioned review article
So excited that we're finally to the part of the class that I have taught before in past years! Great lecture today about statistical data analysis. Hurt everyone's brains with the Monty Hall problem. Showed a lot of XKCD comics, got some laughs. Good times. Answered some student questions on the homework assignments, looks like everyone's on track to ace this one as well. This is a really strong class and I'm very proud of them!
On to a virtual meeting with my peer mentoring group! We talk about how utterly wild it is that different departments manage research funding in completely different ways. I vent a bit for the umpteenth time about having to rely 100% on grants to pay my grad students (bigger departments often have student funding provided if they TA, but we just don't have enough classes to sustain that). Easily the biggest source of stress in my life right now is running out of funding for my students: "in order to pay your graduate students, you have to receive a major grant" "cool! how likely am I to get one?" "success rates are about 1 in 15" "uhhhh" "also the applications (if you manage to find a perfect match for your research) take about 40-60 hours to plan and write and it's not work that's looked at formally as part of your tenure review so you're actively taking time away from research" "uhhhhhhh" "and you won't find out if you have been awarded the grant or not before you have to make the decision to hire a student so you just gotta gamble on it" "UHHHHHHH" "you don't get paid in the summer either unless you pull in 2-3 grants that can each cover one month max of salary so I hope you're not putting well over 50% of your take-home toward rent in one of the worst markets in the US or anything haha." It's A Lot. But it's very helpful to talk to people about it!
Realized I left my half-finished Wednesday lecture on my computer at home so I can't work on it during my break between meetings. Shoot, guess that's a tomorrow problem. At least I can work on the homework assignment! This one was an absolute nightmare last year but I think I've come up with a way to simplify it while still hitting all of the learning goals. It's complicated but hopefully very satisfying and builds on everything they've learned thus far. Even with the simplification, I'm definitely expecting some traffic in office hours next week. Opted not to include the more tedious section of the homework because I've tested that particular skill amply in the earlier assignments this quarter. Ran through it once on my own, sent myself the key, then posted the homework and the submission portal for their online module for next week, so all I'm missing now is the lectures.
E-mail break! A professor at a small university nearby wants to bring in a grad student from my group to talk to her class about tornadoes! I have someone in mind (who is both a great presenter and also could use a little confidence boost to get back on track with his research), but of course he's working remotely on the other side of the country, so it's time for a quick check to see if a remote presentation is possible. Checking in on my seminar speaker for next week - project title and abstract up on the website, phew. She's a grad student, so I should find out if her advisor can introduce her or if they want me to do so (and if so, I gotta do some digging for fun facts to share!). Got an invite to a lunch with the faculty & chair where we're going to be brainstorming our next faculty hire, so I gotta be there for that (also because free food)! Surreal to think that we might be hiring my colleague for the next 30 years. It's... kind of intimidating and I definitely want to be in the room for that discussion. Aha! A reply already: virtual talk is fine, so I put the professor and my grad student in touch.
Nice virtual meeting with my former postdoc advisor - we commiserate for a while over his recent illness, but he's feeling better now so we quickly jump back to talking research. The small grant I was awarded recently actually dovetails with some of the broader research ideas he and I had been talking about, so I'm gonna keep him in the loop on that!
Up next: a meeting with my two undergraduate research interns. They're coadvised by my colleague who is flying research aircraft on the other side of the country right now so it's just the three of us. Due to holidays and conferences, this is actually the first time in 2023 we all managed to meet! We go over some paperwork to make sure they get college credit for this research. They're spinning their wheels a little bit but I had them shoot off a couple emails while I was there to start them getting their data ASAP. We then chatted about severe weather we'd all witnessed. One of the students mentioned she's been saving the candy from my office candy bowl for whenever she forgets to bring lunch to campus and now I'm realizing I should maybe get some protein bars or something for some variety.
All good stuff. There's a seminar in 15 minutes but it's a chemistry seminar so... I may just sneak home a bit early.
Tomorrow: no meetings (maaaybe one remote meeting), so work-from home! Should be able to get the last bit of coursework done for the week so I can start on my research to-do list.
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comicreliefmorlock · 9 months
From the Book Worm ask: 21, 36 and 41.
21: The book(s) on your school reading list you actually enjoyed.
High school is over twenty years in the past and I remember very little of my English classes (mainly because they were rather tedious) so I can't give you ANYTHING from then. However, from college, I can say that I have one particular book on my shelf of "just damn good reads" -- "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy. This book is good. It's brutal. It's not going to pull punches. It has triggering content. And it is fucking. good. I can't elaborate further beyond that because the characters, the setting, the plot, the background... they all deserve PAGES of analysis and this is a very highly lauded book (with good reason) so you can find far more intellectual discussion elsewhere. However. "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy. Enjoyed the FUCK out of it and I've kept my copy ever since I first got it.
36: Your absolute most favorite character(s) from any book you’ve ever read.
Azhrarn, Night's Master. That my absolute favorite character comes from a Tanith Lee novel should be no surprise. I love Azhrarn. I love that he's flawed. That he's evil. That he isn't as evil as he thinks he is. That he grows through the narrative, that he makes mistakes, that he undergoes several deeply allegorical events, that he is queer as fuck. And my absolute favorite sentence completely and absolutely encapsulates the character, the world you're in, the path you're going on. "...and once he folded his inky wings on the roof of a temple and laughed aloud at men's notions of the gods."
41: When you get ready for a week long trip to somewhere how many books do you download/pack inside the suitcase?
It really depends on where I'm going and what I'll be doing. I get horribly motion sick, so I can't read during a long car ride. (I usually sleep.) And if I'm visiting my parents, my mother and I are going to spend a very large portion of that time talking. On average, I will always have one physical book with me or within reach (it's easy at my parents' place because they still have a decent library and I can find something to read) and I will have at least one book in-progress on my phone. (I have three separate book reading apps and I use them all often.) I also download at least one extra, but I'll sacrifice data to get another book if I need it. Now if I'm going somewhere for a full week and there's likelihood of downtime? At least two physical books (I usually pack one for my husband, too, but I end up reading it) and I make sure I have a charger for my phone. And if we're going to be sniffing around a new city, WELL... Time to see what their used bookstores have!
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The political opinions of so many are predicated on the base level belief that ‘the world hates women’.
It is from this limited understanding, that our current conception of ‘structural sexism’ is born.
The belief that those in positions of power, who are men, are actively uplifting other men like them, whilst trampling upon women and girls.
And it makes sense at face value.
‘The Patriarchy’ is how many will describe this belief - the world dislikes women - and heaps an extra portion or two of privilege onto the plate of its favourite child: ‘man’.
The problem with this theory is that it often lies in stark contrast to what actual research tells us – the typical finding that both women and men actually hold more favourable views of women.
‘Women like women, more than men like men’ as the APA puts it (and nearly five times more at that).
But there is yet another hidden layer beneath this too… that men also like women, more than they like men.
And with that, ‘patriarchy theory’ takes a direct blow to the very core of its credibility.
Because actually, most people prefer women over men, rather than the other way around.
This phenomenon is well established and studied, and observed across generations, and in dozens of countries around the world.
It’s called the ‘Women Are Wonderful Effect’, and it describes how, in general, people associate more good things with women, and more bad things with men.
So is it time we question the notion of ‘a world that dislikes women’, and honestly asked ourselves, does the world like men any better?
What do you think?
Study one: https://www.stevestewartwilliams.com/p/why-people-react-less-positively
Study two: https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjop.12463
Study three: https://www.apa.org/monitor/dec04/women
See also:
Little is known about implicit evaluations of complex, multiply categorizable social targets. Across five studies (N = 5,204), we investigated implicit evaluations of targets varying in race, gender, social class, and age. Overall, the largest and most consistent evaluative bias was pro-women/anti-men bias, followed by smaller but nonetheless consistent pro-upper-class/anti-lower-class biases. By contrast, we observed less consistent effects of targets' race, no effects of targets' age, and no consistent interactions between target-level categories. An integrative data analysis highlighted a number of moderating factors, but a stable pro-women/anti-men and pro-upper-class/anti-lower-class bias across demographic groups. Overall, these results suggest that implicit biases compound across multiple categories asymmetrically, with a dominant category (here, gender) largely driving evaluations, and ancillary categories (here, social class and race) exerting relatively smaller additional effects. We discuss potential implications of this work for understanding how implicit biases operate in real-world social settings. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
Xians reveal too much about themselves when they say that without their god's rules, there would be endless murdering, rape, theft, etc. It's what they would do.
"Patriarchy" theory proponents do the same thing. They assume that men are as biased towards men as they are to women. It's what they would do.
All it really does is confesses to us their own bias, and that their claims aren't based on evidence. Which we already know.
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10 Ways Dataisgood's Data Science Course Transformed My Career
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Breaking into the world of data science can be challenging, but finding the right program can make all the difference. After discovering Dataisgood's data science course, I embarked on a journey that transformed my career. In this article, I will share my personal experience and highlight the ten major advantages I gained from the program.
A Strong Foundation: The program began by introducing me to the essential aspects of data science, including programming languages and tools. This laid a sturdy foundation for success and boosted my confidence.
Data Visualization: The program delved deep into the fascinating world of data visualization, allowing me to identify trends and patterns in data and develop the art of storytelling with data. This skill has been invaluable in my professional life.
Data Wrangling: Data cleaning and manipulation were critical skills I acquired during the course. Honeing these abilities significantly improved my efficiency when processing data for analysis, allowing me to tackle complex projects with ease.
Statistics: The program's focus on statistics and hypothesis testing allowed me to develop the confidence to make data-driven decisions as a data scientist.
Advanced Machine Learning: I learned state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and techniques, empowering me to leverage machine learning to solve intricate problems and stay competitive.
Natural Language Processing: Acquiring expertise in NLP techniques and their applications has opened up new opportunities for me in industries that rely on text-based data.
Artificial Intelligence: The program's foray into deep learning and neural networks ignited my interest in the future of AI. Now, with the ability to develop advanced AI models, I'm eager to explore diverse applications and make a lasting contribution to the industry.
API Building and Deployment: Learning the process of deploying machine learning models and managing APIs has proven to be extremely valuable, allowing me to transform my models into functional applications.
Tableau Data Visualization: Becoming proficient in data visualization with Tableau has revolutionized the way I communicate insights. I can now create engaging data narratives that effectively convey my findings to both technical and non-technical audiences.
Big Data Handling: Finally, the program taught me the essentials of handling big data using Spark. Being able to efficiently process massive datasets, I've been able to take on more ambitious projects and deliver impactful results.
Read this Github article for Data science courses & certifications
Extra Perks: The program offered 200+ hours of self-paced training, live classes, hands-on projects, and collaboration with domain experts. I also benefited from the unwavering support of teaching assistants and professional grooming by industry leaders.
Dataisgood's data science course transformed my career and equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field. From a strong foundation to advanced AI, big data handling, and Tableau data visualization, this program covers all the bases. The extra perks, including self-paced training, live classes, hands-on projects, and support from industry experts, make this course a must-try for anyone looking to break into data science or take their skills to the next level.
Here are some honest Dataisgood reviews from students.
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pandeypankaj · 14 days
How should I proceed to master machine learning if I know Python and what things are needed to master for ML?
Mastering Machine Learning with Python: A Roadmap
1. Fortify the Basics of Python
Data Structures and Algorithms: Learn the concepts of lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets, and some common algorithms.
Object-oriented Programming: Classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism are some of the important concepts to learn.
Numerical Computing: Learn NumPy for numerical efficiency.
2. The Essential Libraries to Learn
Pandas: Learn data manipulation, cleaning, and analysis.
Matplotlib and Seaborn: Plotting is a critical feature of EDA; learn the tips and tricks of these libraries.
Scikit-learn: Learn the various machine learning algorithms and when to use them.
3. Gain In-depth Knowledge of Machine Learning Concepts
Supervised Learning: Understand the concept of regression, which includes linear and logistic regression, classification, including decision trees, random forests, support vector machines.
Unsupervised Learning: Understand the concepts of clustering - K-means, Hierarchical; dimensionality reduction - PCA, t-SNE
Neural Networks: Basic architectures, feedforward, convolutional, recurrent, etc., and their applications.
4. Practice on Different Real-world Datasets
Kaggle: Compete and explore a wide variety of public datasets
UCI Machine Learning Repository: Get various datasets for different tasks.
Build Your Own Projects: Apply your knowledge to real-world problems.
5. Advanced Topics
Deep Learning: Work with one of the various deep learning frameworks, including TensorFlow or PyTorch, to build more complex neural networks.
Natural Language Processing: Use different techniques to process and understand text data.
Computer Vision: Learn various algorithms that deal with image and video analysis.
Reinforcement Learning: Understand how agents learn trial by trial.
Follow Blogs and Publications: These help in ensuring that one is on track with the latest trends and research in machine learning. 
Conference and Workshops: Good avenues to network with other people in the profession and find out about new developments. 
Contributions to Open-Source Projects: Improvise on those that exist or create a new one. 
Extra Recommendations
Experiment and Explore: Be willing to try different approaches and techniques. 
Join Online Communities: Interact with fellow learners and experts. 
Seek Mentorship: Find a person who will act as your mentor and direct and support you.
Consider online classes on platforms like Coursera, Lejhro, and Fast.ai-these websites offer a pretty well-structured learning path.
 Follow these steps, and with a good learning rate, you will be perfectly armed for machine learning and its practical applications.
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creativeera · 22 days
Variable Data Printing Labels Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth
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Variable data printing (VDP) labels are adhesive labels customized for individualized use. These digitally-printed labels change their visual properties such as text, graphics or images based on the item or transaction. They offer various benefits such as reduced shipping time, improved flexibility in design, and enhanced brand visibility. The e-commerce industry has been adopting VDP labels widely due to their ability to print a unique label for each product. This reduces costs associated with pre-printing large label rolls and allows customization for different product variations. The Global Variable Data Printing Labels Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 18.89 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 13.% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the Variable Data Printing Labels are Mondi Plc, HP Inc., R.R. Donnelley ; Sons Company, Xerox Corporation, Canon Inc., 3M Company, Quad/Graphics Inc., Avery Dennison Corporation, WS Packaging Group, Inc. Key opportunities: The growth of the e-commerce industry and focus on enhanced customer experience are expected to offer numerous opportunities for VDP label manufacturers. The technology is finding increasing usage in diverse industries such as food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, consumer durables and logistics. Moreover, integration of digital technologies such as IoT and AI is likely to open up new application areas. Global expansion: North America currently dominates the Variable Data Printing Labels market Demand  due to high demand from verticals such as food and beverage. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness the fastest growth on account of rising e-commerce activities, growing middle-class population and improving economic conditions. Key players are expanding their footprint in developing economies to tap the potential offered by emerging markets. Market drivers: The robust growth of the e-commerce industry has been a key driver for VDP labels. As e-retailers deal with huge volumes of shipments on a daily basis, VDP labels help in creating a customized unboxing experience for customers. This improves brand stickiness and repeat purchases. Moreover, they enable inclusion of vital shipment details reduce errors and eliminate extra costs associated with pre-printing large label rolls.
PEST Analysis Political: Increasing regulations regarding labeling of products is creating opportunities for variable data printing labels market. Many countries have made it mandatory to mention country of origin, ingredients used, expiry date etc clearly on packaging. This is positively impacting demand. Economic: Growth in e-commerce industry is Variable Data Printing Labels Market Size and Trends growth. Rising number of online shoppers is increasing need for customized labels with shipping details. Growth in retail industry where products need to clearly showcase pricing is another major driver. Social: Changing consumer preference towards more personalized products is a key trend. Customers want products showcasing their name, events etc. rising demand for this is benefiting market. Awareness about ingredient listing and nutrition facts is also supporting market growth. Technological: Advances in digital printing technology like inkjet, laser etc allow for on demand printing of labels with variable data. Integration of design software with printers enable real time customizations. IoT technology is enabling connectivity of devices for remote monitoring and control. The market is concentrated in North America and Europe owing to presence of major end use industries like food and beverages, personal care, pharmaceuticals etc and established retail sectors. The US holds largest share for variable data printing labels market in terms of value. The Asia Pacific region is witnessing fastest growth and emerging as lucrative market. Rapid growth of economies, expanding middle class population and rising packaging and labeling demand from industries like consumer goods are driving APAC market. China contributes largest revenue share in the region supported by wide manufacturing base and growing domestic consumption.
Get more insights on Variable Data Printing Labels Market
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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golfsimulatorguide · 28 days
Video Created By Trackman
Trackman iO Launch Monitor
The Trackman io launch monitor is the newest release from Trackman Golf. A ceiling mounted unit that has minimal space requirements designed to give golfers the ultimate indoor golf experience.
Be sure to check out our trackman io deep dive blog post for more information on this new launch monitor! 
Trackman io features:
Ceiling Mounted Launch Monitorio = Indoor Optimized No Extra lighting neededDual Camera System & Radar Sensors 
Data Tracking
Ball Data:  Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Launch Direction, Spin Rate, Spin Axis, Hang Time, Height, Curve, Landing Angle, Carry, Side, Total, Side Total Club Data (with subscription):  Dynamic Loft, Face Angle, Impact Height, Impact Offset 
Indoor Optimized Golf Launch Monitor
The Trackman iO launch monitor is the newest release from Trackman Golf. A ceiling mounted unit that has minimal space requirements designed to give golfers the ultimate indoor golf experience.
The Trackman iO combines radar, infrared and high-speed imaging to accurately track ball & club data:
Ball Data: Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Launch Direction, Spin Rate, Spin Axis, Hang Time, Height, Curve, Landing Angle, Carry, Side, Total, Side Total
Club Data (with subscription): Dynamic Loft, Face Angle, Impact Height, Impact Offset 
Trackman Technology
Trackman iO combines radar, infrared and high-speed imaging to deliver real data — including measured 3D spin and spin axis — in real time.
All you need is enough room to swing a club — there are no minimum distance requirements in front of or behind the ball. With home solutions starting at USD 13,995, the dream of owning a world-class Trackman simulator is more attainable than ever.
Trackman iO Subscriptions
Home Edition (1st Year Free +$700/year Software Subscription): The base Trackman iO includes the home bundle which gives you access to –
50 Course, 3 Games 
Range & Target Practice 
On Course Practice 
Tournaments & Online Play 
Impact Video
Ball Data
Complete Edition (1st Year Free +1,100/Year Software Subscription): For an additional $8,000, the Complete edition upgrades your iO to include – 
All Courses & Games
Select Club Data 
Shot Analysis
Trackman Software
The Trackman virtual course library is one of the biggest in the industry, and continues to grow every month. Each property is lidar scanned and meticulously rendered by our in-house team for an unmatched level of realism.
Order Now
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perfect-tax-relief · 29 days
Perfect Tax Relief: Customer-Centric Tax Resolution Services
A deep understanding of the tax code paired with an experienced team of tax professionals enables it to offer robust solutions that protect clients from overreaching government collectors.
Leaving No Stone Unturned
While formulating strategies, Perfect Tax Relief looks at every aspect of the client’s financial position. Additional information is acquired from the IRS and other financial resources. A dedicated team analyzes the information to identify workable solutions.
An account manager is assigned to oversee the entire process for each case while specialists at each stage ensure clients receive the best possible outcomes. They weigh various factors, including clauses by the IRS, and leverage numerous tools to strategize a response for each scenario. Sometimes, that can mean crystallizing the clients hardship to the IRS, at others strategically stretching the tax resolution over time, forcing the IRS to drop some of the debts after considering time-related factors.
We Are Dedicated To Using Technology To Stay Ahead Of The Curve And Deliver Best-In-Class Solutions For Our Clients
Services do not end with the resolution of the tax debt. Perfect Tax Relief goes the extra mile to build long-term relationships with clients, helping them stay compliant with the IRS in the years that follow. This level of care comes from a nimble approach that allows it to treat every client as if it were its only client.
The key to Perfect Tax Relief’s success rate is this multi-pronged approach. It first attempts to release outstanding garnishments and levies by filing the proper financials. Next, it places a hold on collections, followed by strategizing for a long-term solution, such as debt settlement, penalty forgiveness, or reduced interest charges. Finally, it completes the financials and initiates the negotiation to settle the final debts with the IRS, and devises affordable payment arrangements.
A Strategic Approach Infused with Technology 
Perfect Tax Relief leverages AI and advanced automation tools to ensure that every case is handled to perfection. A strong emphasis is placed on preparing for the changes that are expected in the industry with the advent of AI.
“We are dedicated to using technology to stay ahead of the curve and deliver best-in-class solutions for our clients,” says Harari.
Integrating state-of-the-art AI tools into its service offerings helps streamline solutions and enhance client experiences. It also increases efficiency and accuracy across all stages of the tax resolution process. AI-powered algorithms enable optimized processes and personalized solutions, enabling faster analysis of customer data and reducing the time required to resolve tax issues. The advanced systems will minimize the risk of human error, ensuring clients receive accurate and reliable advice and support. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI guarantee advanced support and seamless communication between clients and experts.
Expert Tax Controversy Negotiations
Perfect Tax Relief has been able to resolve numerous complicated cases and deliver outcomes perceived to be impossible. In one instance, a client had incurred a debt of over $55,000 to the IRS due to her failed business; a debt that was expected to rapidly grow. To make matters worse, the client had not filed her taxes for eight years.
The IRS had filed some of her returns and discounted certain expenses she might have needed to declare, assuming her business was flourishing.
The IRS eventually filed a $70,700 lien against her business and sent Intent to Levy notices along with instructions to file the missing returns. The Perfect Tax Relief team began its approach by filing all returns, including the ones filed by the authority. It then applied and got her approved on a currently non-collectible (CNC) status on the entire debt, which had grown to $83,000 by then. 
Following the CNC approval, Perfect Tax Relief submitted an offer in compromise (OIC) for a $100 settlement, which was rejected due to doubts over the business assets. Undeterred, the team filed her tax for the following year, reorganized its approach, and resubmitted a new OIC. Its relentless approach got her approved on the original offer of $100 on a debt that had mushroomed to over $85,000. The client’s immediate savings, after accounting for Perfect Tax Relief’s resolution fees, amount to $76,500. 
Countless cases like these demonstrate the company’s proficiency in deftly solving disputes with the IRS. In another instance, Perfect Tax Relief’s meticulous approach paid dividends to a client who was being pursued by the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board.
The client had a debt of $24,410 in bank levy and wage garnishment due to five years of underreported income starting in 2008. The team soon figured that the total debt stood at $34,100. After thoroughly analyzing the situation, it modified FTB wage garnishment to an affordable payment, released the bank levy, filed four years back taxes, and made the IRS an offer of $50 on the entire debt, which was accepted.
Seasoned Professionals to Fuel Customer Satisfaction 
The numerous success stories reflect the expertise at the heart of Perfect Tax Relief. Its team of seasoned tax professionals, with an average of 15 years of industry experience, is highly skilled at observing the minute details in every case. They collaborate to find innovative solutions to complex cases.
Perfect Tax Relief takes the time to select the right candidates for employment and diligently trains them to work within its processes. A flexible and welcoming environment fosters long-term results. Harari believes that treating associates the way you want to be treated is key. This approach has driven the company’s success over the years.
“We strive to be the most professional, customer-centric, result-oriented tax resolution company by continuing to hire ethical, highly trained professionals to offer unsurpassed results to our clients,” says Harari.
 In the coming years, Perfect Tax Relief aims to work with high-earning individuals who will soon be subject to more scrutiny. While the IRS continues to step up its efforts to improve collection and compliance, the firm continues to deliver results. Client satisfaction is the top priority. For those not completely satisfied, the team conducts a thorough analysis and rectifies the situation. 
In the high-stakes world of tax compliance and controversy, Perfect Tax Relief displays the much-needed client-centricity with a commitment to innovation, solidifying its position as a go-to partner for tax resolution services.
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maharghaideovate · 1 month
Symbiosis University's Innovations in the Future of Distance Learning 
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The field of distance learning is rapidly changing, and Symbiosis University Distance Education is leading the charge. Let's explore the cutting edge technologies they are using to improve online learning.
Virtual Reality Education: Beyond Just High-Tech
Virtual reality is coming to your living room thanks to Symbiosis University:
Immersion learning environments: Picture yourself in your history class strolling around ancient Rome.
Do experiments in a hands-on lab without having to leave your home.
Use safe virtual environments to hone your professional abilities through real-world simulations.
Why it matters: Virtual reality improves learning retention and increases learning engagement.
Personalized Learning Paths Driven by AI
There is no one size fits all solution, and Symbiosis is aware of this:
The algorithm makes intelligent course recommendations by considering your past performance and areas of interest.
Tests with adaptive difficulty: ones that change as you go.
Progress tracking: Instantaneous feedback on your areas of strength and weakness.
Why this is significant: You receive a customized education that matches your learning style and pace.
Blockchain for Secure Credentials
Symbiosis is using blockchain to make your credentials tamper-proof:
Digital certificates: Receive your degree as a secure digital file.
Easy verification: Employers can check your credentials instantly.
Lifelong access: Never lose your certificates again.
Why you should care: It makes your Symbiosis credentials more credible and easier to share.
Mobile-Only Education Platform
Get mobile learning with Symbiosis University:
Adaptive design: Lessons appear well on all types of devices.
Download lessons in case you are not connected.
Micro learning modules: Condensed lessons that you can work on when you have free time.
In summary, arrange your life around your education rather than the other way around.
Gamification: Adding Fun to Learning
Courses at Symbiosis University are becoming games:
Badges and points: Get incentives for finishing assignments.
Examine your standing among your peers on the leader boards.
Engaging situations: Acquire knowledge by doing in settings akin to games.
Why it's awesome: It increases your enjoyment of studying and keeps you motivated.
AI Chatbots for Round-the-Clock Help
Get help anytime with Symbiosis University's smart assistants:
Instant answers: Get quick responses to common questions.
Personalized guidance: Chatbots that remember your learning style.
Language support: Get help in multiple languages.
The benefit: You’re never alone in your learning journey.
Collaborative Online Workspace
Team projects without the hassle:
Virtual meeting rooms: Brainstorm with classmates in real time.
Shared documents: Work on assignments together.
Project management tools: Keep your team organized.
Why it matters: You will work in teams throughout your career, so learn how to do that now.
Data Analytics for Better Courses
MBA Distance Education in Symbiosis University uses big data to improve your experience:
Course optimization: They tweak lessons based on student performance.
Predictive analytics: Spot students who might need extra help.
Trend analysis: Keep courses up-to-date with industry needs.
The impact: You get courses that are continually improving and relevant.
Virtual Internships and Networking
Get real-world experience without leaving home:
Remote internships: Work with real companies on real projects.
Virtual career fairs: Meet potential employers online.
Alumni networking platform: Connect with Symbiosis grads worldwide.
Why it's a big deal: Build your resume and network while studying.
Augmented Reality Study Tools
Symbiosis University is bringing your textbooks to life:
Interactive diagrams: Point your phone at a picture and see it move.
3D models: Explore complex concepts in three dimensions.
AR flashcards: Make revision more engaging.
The cool factor: It makes tough concepts easier to grasp and remember.
Wrapping Up: The Symbiosis Edge in Distance Learning
Symbiosis Corresponding Courses isn't just keeping up with distance learning trends – it is setting them. With these innovations, they’re bridging the gap between online and traditional education, giving you:
A more engaging learning experience
Personalized education that fits your needs
Capabilities that are immediately relevant to your line of work
The remote learning options offered by Symbiosis University are well worth investigating, regardless of your background—if you're a working professional seeking progress or a recent graduate. They are training you for the workforce of the future, not simply for school. Adopting new learning strategies is essential to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving employment environment. You obtain more than simply a degree from Symbiosis University's cutting-edge online learning program—you also get a competitive advantage.
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mymaster1231 · 2 months
Join MyMaster11 for Exciting Popular Fantasy Games in India – Play Cricket Fantasy and Win Big.
Fantasy sports have become a global phenomenon, offering enthusiasts a way to engage with their favorite sports in a new and interactive manner. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of fantasy sports, finding the Popular Fantasy Games in India can significantly enhance your gaming experience. This comprehensive guide explores what makes an app the best in its class and highlights top contenders in the market.
What Makes the Best Online Fantasy App?
To determine which app deserves the title of Best Online Fantasy App, several key features must be considered. Here’s what sets a top fantasy sports app apart:
1. User-Friendly Interface
A user-friendly interface is crucial for an enjoyable fantasy sports experience. The Popular Fantasy Games in India should offer an intuitive design that allows users to easily navigate through different sections, set up teams, join contests, and track performance. A well-designed app ensures that even newcomers can quickly get the hang of the game.
2. Comprehensive Player Data
Access to detailed and accurate player data is essential for making informed decisions. The Popular Fantasy Games in India  provides up-to-date statistics, performance metrics, and injury reports. This information helps users choose the best players for their fantasy teams and adjust their strategies based on current conditions.
3. Variety of Contest Formats
The best fantasy sports apps offer a variety of contest formats to cater to different preferences. From daily and weekly leagues to season-long tournaments, the Popular Fantasy Games in India should provide diverse options. This variety keeps the experience fresh and engaging, allowing users to participate in contests that suit their schedules and interests.
4. Real-Time Updates and Notifications
Real-time updates and notifications are vital for staying informed about player performances and match outcomes. The Popular Fantasy Games in India should offer live scores, performance updates, and other relevant information to help users make timely decisions and adjustments to their teams.
5. Security and Privacy
Given the financial transactions involved, security is a top priority. The Popular Fantasy Games in India must implement robust security measures, including data encryption and secure payment gateways. This ensures that users’ personal and financial information is protected, providing peace of mind.
6. Exciting Rewards and Incentives
Attractive rewards and incentives enhance the fantasy sports experience. The Popular Fantasy Games in India should offer enticing prizes, bonuses, and promotions to keep users motivated and engaged. These rewards add an extra layer of excitement and competitiveness to the gameplay.
Top Contenders for the Best Online Fantasy App
Several apps have earned recognition for their exceptional features and user experiences. Here are some of the leading apps in the market:
1. Dream11
Dream11 is a pioneer in the fantasy sports industry, known for its comprehensive features and user-friendly design. The app offers a wide range of contest formats, detailed player statistics, and real-time updates. Its popularity and extensive user base make it a top choice for fantasy sports enthusiasts.
2. MyMaster11
MyMaster11 stands out with its focus on providing accurate player data and a variety of contest options. The app’s intuitive interface and real-time performance tracking enhance the overall experience. With its emphasis on detailed statistics and engaging gameplay, MyMaster11 is a strong contender for the Popular Fantasy Games in India title.
3. FanCode
FanCode integrates fantasy sports with a comprehensive sports media platform. It offers live scores, expert analysis, and detailed player insights. This unique combination of fantasy gameplay and sports content makes FanCode an attractive option for users who enjoy both fantasy sports and in-depth sports coverage.
4. PlayerzPot
PlayerzPot is known for its engaging design and variety of contest formats. The app provides real-time updates and a responsive interface, making it easy for users to participate in contests and track their performance. Its focus on user engagement and exciting rewards makes it a popular choice among fantasy sports players.
5. BalleBaazi
BalleBaazi offers a robust platform with detailed player statistics, live updates, and attractive rewards. The app’s user-friendly design and comprehensive features contribute to its appeal as the Best Online Fantasy App. With its emphasis on engaging gameplay and rewards, BalleBaazi provides a top-notch fantasy sports experience.
Strategies for Success with the Best Online Fantasy App
To maximize your success with the Best Online Fantasy App, consider implementing the following strategies:
1. Research and Analyze Player Performance
Thorough research and analysis of player performance are crucial for making informed decisions. Review detailed statistics, recent form, and injury reports to select the best players for your fantasy team. Use the data provided by the app to make strategic choices and enhance your chances of winning.
2. Stay Updated with Sports News
Keeping up with sports news helps you stay informed about team changes, player injuries, and other relevant updates. This information can impact player performance and influence your fantasy team selections. Regularly check for news updates and integrate them into your fantasy strategy.
3. Participate in a Variety of Contests
Engaging in different types of contests allows you to gain a broader experience and refine your strategies. Whether you prefer daily leagues, weekly tournaments, or season-long contests, participating in various formats helps you adapt to different gameplay scenarios and improve your overall performance.
4. Utilize Real-Time Data and Updates
Make use of real-time data and updates provided by the app. Monitor live match scores, player performances, and other relevant information to make timely adjustments to your team. Staying informed throughout the match enables you to respond to changing conditions and maximize your chances of success.
5. Join Fantasy Sports Communities
Participate in fantasy sports communities and forums to connect with other players and share insights. Engaging with the community can provide valuable tips, strategies, and advice to enhance your gameplay. Learning from others and discussing different approaches can improve your overall fantasy sports experience.
6. Manage Your Budget Wisely
Effective budget management is essential for a sustainable fantasy sports experience. Be mindful of your spending when entering paid contests and avoid overspending. Set a budget and stick to it to ensure a fun and financially manageable fantasy sports experience.
Finding the Popular Fantasy Games in India is key to enjoying a rewarding and engaging fantasy sports experience. By focusing on user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive player data, diverse contest formats, real-time updates, security, and exciting rewards, you can identify an app that meets your needs and preferences. Leading apps like Dream11, MyMaster11, FanCode, PlayerzPot, and BalleBaazi offer excellent features and engaging gameplay, making them top choices for fantasy sports enthusiasts. With the right app and effective strategies, you can elevate your fantasy sports game and enjoy the thrill of competition.
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