#almost forgot that bit
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quibbs126 · 2 years ago
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Alright, this kid has been fully finished since like, Monday, I’ve just been too lazy to post him, but now I’m gonna post him, this is Black Choco Cookie
As you can see, this is yet another darklico kid. I’m sorry. But he’ll be the last one I do; I already semi had plans for him when I made Licorice Cream, it’s just that I decided to just do Licorice Cream. But then the night prior to making him, I was thinking about ideas for him and just drew this the next morning
The only other darklico kid thing I plan to do is redesign Gancao, since her look really doesn’t match her name, and it bothers me. Either that or her name changes. But fundamentally she’ll still be the same character
Anyways back to Black Choco, so with his name, he’s dark chocolate like his father. His name is just Black Choco because while he’s chocolate, he supposed to have this smell of licorice about him
Maybe he’s these chocolate licorice brownie cookies I found online that one time. But his name is still Black Choco
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Anyways, let’s get into his design
So you’ll notice he looks very similar to Dark Choco except for the eyes. Well that’s because he’s the third one of these, and frankly I feel like the girls look enough like Licorice, so might as well have one of the kids be the Dark Choco clone like Dark Choco is to his own father. I think the fact he’s the third of these I’ve made is the only reason I allow him to look mostly like one parent and be the clone
But I finally gave one of them Licorice’s yellow eyes, so that’s good. I’ve been wanting one of them to have the yellow eyes and white eye lines since Gancao, it just didn’t work with her or Licorice Cream. Though I changed up the yellow slightly so that it’d work better with the white
I based Black Choco’s look off of the young design of Dark Choco in the artbook, since his sisters all look like they live in the Dark Cacao Kingdom too (the three are all supposed to exist in the same universe as siblings), and he’s supposed to want to be a fighter like his dad. Also with the brown it makes him look like the cookies I showed above. That wasn’t the intention but I like that
I think the way his hair looks was supposed to be inspired by how Licorice’s hair, like specifically in how it’s parted or something, but looking at it again I can’t really see that
I just realized the drawing I have of Black Choco here is with his gradient. I wasn’t sure if I should give him one; I did it so he’d look at least a little closer to Licorice, but I wasn’t sure it worked well. Ah well, I suppose you tell me
Anyways, so let’s get into his character
So Black Choco is a shy and a bit anxious kid, as well as someone who gets spooked easily, as shown in one of the sketches. He’s also generally quiet and soft spoken, not very capable of loud noises. But despite his timid nature, he’s a good kid who just wants to help people
He greatly admires his father, Dark Choco, and wants to be like him, which is part of the reason he wants to be a warrior. Thankfully for Black Choco, I imagine Dark Choco to be more openly affectionate than Dark Cacao was, so Black Choco isn’t gonna grow up with those same parental issues. But unfortunately, Black Choco isn’t as great with a sword and fighting, especially since he tends to accidentally drop his sword. But he does want to learn, and he tries hard to overcome this
Despite this however, he does know magic, and he’s actually very skilled at it, far more than he is at fighting. However, he chooses instead to become a warrior. Perhaps in the future, he learns to try and do both, combining his skills and becoming a warrior that uses both sword fighting skills and magic, becoming a real powerhouse
Now, as for his connection to his siblings, I’m not sure, as some of it depends on his age compared to them. I want to make Black Choco Licorice Cream’s twin, probably since I imagined Black Choco as a child and I drew Licorice Cream as one too, but also I don’t think I can really do that since Licorice Cream herself has a particularly unique origin, one that Black Choco doesn’t necessarily fit in to. Not only that, but I think I drew Licorice Cream as a child because I couldn’t figure out what to do for her other than her origin and possible connection to dark magic and the Strawberry Jam Sword. She’s technically supposed to be the older than Gancao, and I imagine Black Choco to be a child. But at the same time, I can really see Black Choco and Licorice Cream as a twin duo, and I like that concept, especially since personality wise, they’re pretty different, Licorice Cream being an extrovert while Black Choco is the introvert, for example. But it just doesn’t work with what Licorice Cream actually is
*sigh* I think I’m gonna need to do a redesign with all three of them, putting them on the same canvas and figuring out definitively what order they’re in and their ages relative to one another. Though Black Choco I don’t see changing much, he’s fine as he is
I suppose for now, Black Choco is the youngest of the three
But in any case, I think that’s it for Black Choco. To be honest, I feel like sometimes, I put too much into these characters and should just try to keep them simple, which is sort of what I tried to do with Black Choco here
But in any case, I hope you like him
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satsuha · 1 month ago
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i want to believe they added that bit of red in nahyuta's design to indicate his connection to apollo...
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manekkii-art · 5 months ago
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royalarchivist · 7 months ago
This bit from Jaiden's Miku video reminds me of an old conversation (and a funny / sweet moment) she had with Roier and Mariana on QSMP.
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[ Full Clip + Transcript ]
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buttercupshands · 2 months ago
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IT'S THE DAYYY! @isat-secretsanta-2024 gift for @cleoisabell!
As for the bonuses!
Full sticker pack of suffering Siffrins from moments in main quest and side quests throughout the game!
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SS Discord got the transparent versions too, but I'm too tired to but my @ everywhere
And second bonus and third part is a fic! For the main art!
Anyway, merry Christmas!!! On this fine day I give you Siffrin suffering :)
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megaawkwardhuman · 4 months ago
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spear-gsun · 7 months ago
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Happy 20 years to the Imperishable Night
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daily-odile · 8 months ago
sorry i was gone for a while i just got back from the mountains
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palskippah · 1 year ago
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*gives them babies*
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la-brielle · 8 months ago
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I'm taking a part in Scarian Smooch Fest 2024! so yea! 1st day's prompt: bloody kiss
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onionowt · 8 days ago
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Little guys, the guys ever
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And also the guys who captured my brain too long ago to not speak about them
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b4kuch1n · 1 year ago
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study of this masterwork
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@steddie-spooktober day 24: pumpkin | G | 655
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“Ope, here he comes,” Robin says, glancing up out the front window of Family Video.
“Wonder what it’s gonna be this time.” Steve sighs, stacking one last tape on the counter before abandoning the task to focus on the incoming metalhead.
“What’s what gonna be?” Dustin asks, looking between the two older teens.
“Eddie’s taken it upon himself to give us a greeting every time he comes in recently.” Robin explains, watching Eddie’s attempts to fix his atrocious parking job.
“Okay, and?”
“It’s been getting more and more ridiculous each time.”
Robin starts to explain, telling Dustin about a couple of notable visits Eddie’s made since the world almost ended.
“Merrily met, Lord and Lady Buckley of the great town of Famally Vidu!”
“...I’m ‘Lord’, I call it.”
“You can’t be Lord!”
“I can be whatever I want to be, It’s my last name!”
“Hey Stevie, what’s a beauty like you doing in a place like this all alone?”
Steve had just blinked at him, “I work here.”
“And he’s not alone!” Robin calls from where she was crouched behind a nearby shelf.
“Good morning Pumpkin,” (“He said this directly to Steve, mind you.” Robin says.)
“Eddie, it’s 3 in the afternoon.”
“Hola Querido, Querid-ess.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Eddie, that’s not how Spanish works.”
“‘S how it does in my household, Bobin.”
“Someone tell me what queer-eedo means!”
“It means asshole.” Eddie says quickly, face tinging pink.
Steve thinks back on all these, and from what he can remember about that last one (and the shade of red Eddie’s face had turned), he doesn’t think Querido means what Eddie said it did.
“I think he’s been flirting with me.” Steve says, cutting between their conversation, still staring at Eddie in his van. He’s checking his teeth in the rear-view mirror now.
“Yeah, okay, Eddie was flirting with you.” Dustin scoffs.
“No, he was.” Robin says, leaning back on the counter.
“Steve, just ‘cause you had good hair in high school doesn’t mean that everyone’s always flirting with you. And no he wasn’t.” he says, directing this last at Robin.
“Would it be so horrible if he was?” Steve turns around to face him, “If he was flirting with me, that is.”
“No, of course not, he can flirt with whoever he wants.”
“Just not me?” 
“Well duh.” he says as if it’s obvious, “You guys are basically like my brothers, it’d be weird. Plus, you’re not even into guys, it wouldn’t be fair to Eddie.”
“Wait, you know about Eddie?” Robin says, rounding on him, shocked. There’s a dull thud from behind them. Eddie must’ve finally gotten out of his van.
“You know about Eddie?”
The bell jingles merrily above the door, and they turn to look at him.
Eddie takes them in, then says “Hello to everyone except Steve.” he leans forward on the counter nearest him, eyes boring into Steve, “And a special ‘Hello’ to everyone else.”
There’s a two second silence, then, “Oh my god that was horrible.” Robin laughs.
Dustin gags, “Ugh, ew, I think you’re right Steve.” 
Steve, however, is just staring back at Eddie. 
Eddie, who’s visibly getting more uncomfortable the longer it’s taking Steve to respond.
Steve, whose face blazes red a second later, “You’ve been flirting with me this whole time.”
Eddie straightens up, flushing a bit as he rubs the back of his neck. “Uh.. yeah, I have. That okay?”
“Yeah.. yeah, it’s good.” Steve laughs, a little breathless. Then, throwing all caution to the wind, “Hey, wanna go see a movie on Friday?”
This question seems to genuinely shock Eddie, he stands there, frozen, only unfreezing when Steve continues on with “As friends if you want, but I was thinking that since you’ve been flirting with me for the last six months…” 
“No! I mean, yes. Yeah, yep. Absolutely I do. Want to go on a date with you.”
Steve grins, “Cool.”
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and then they go see Trick or Treat bc it opened that friday (Oct. 24th 1986) and bc it sounded like a halloween movie, only for it to be the best/worst b-list horror movie about a bullied metalhead named eddie and the ghost of his fave rockstar
rip eddie munson, you would've loved trick or treat
dividers from @saradika-graphics
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ghostfish-cookie · 1 month ago
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"So! How's it feel, 'nilly? All you coulda hoped for and more???"
"C'mon, no need to be shy! Just little ol' me here...!"
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crowleyholmes · 2 years ago
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Self-indulgent Crowley-is-just-so-beautiful post
“You don’t have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right.”
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f1sh1es · 1 year ago
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Hi long time no see... i finally finished this artpiece of claire in her bonus stage dresses that i forgot for 2 yrs ! ! ! Xtras below :-)
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Pencil sketch that it started with, and a less scanned version of how it looks irl. It's in a quite small sketchbook but i like how much color & action i could cram into a compact space, it feelsl ike im holding a magical artifact.
& not to get any hopes up, i've been in a sort of art comatose as you've probably noticed, but since i got back into wh i've been drawing it alot, so probably might upload more soon :))) wilconc got meee conked up
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