#patricia roland
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exaltedfuzz · 6 months ago
Lanamias for today...
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Bonus: Magma doodles with friends
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Extra bonus... The winnerrr
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kukuu031 · 9 months ago
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took me a bit longer than i thought it would but someone has to do all the patridee content. love them ! 💜💜
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coralkelp · 7 months ago
Finally finished playing The Imprisoned Turnabout!!
All of the characters were so interesting.. naturally my first instinct was to make little icons of these guys
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miroh4 · 1 month ago
MANOSOUTA WEEK : DAY 4 : SWAP AU (A LOT of text + collection of illustrations)
so. it has come to this. THE day.
this au has been on my mind for such a long time, and i'm finally getting to share!
i'll be the first to admit that some things have not been thought of, so feel free to make em up!
I call it "Turnabout Sacrifice"
this an overhaul of the story (made with the help of FEYA!!! THE SMARTEST PERSON EVER!!)
First thing to change:
Simeon ran away from the orphanage the day of presidents assassination, and Bronco was left to distract and take the fall, unbeknownst to Simeon. Simeon was the one to send the drawing and did not look back, staying with Kanis, but the drawing was pinned on Knight, and all three were after him, not Saint.
Another change is that Simeon is no longer the one to remember the car incident, Bronco is. and he resolves to take revenge FOR Simeon and himself, no matter the cost.
after enduring whatever-the-fuck, everything goes as we know. Knight becomes the presidents second-in-command (while knowing his secret and in hopes of getting to kill him) and Simeon joins the circus while keeping in contact with Kanis.
because he had not endured what he did at Fifi, Winner and Wangs hands, the threat of the past being relatively out of his mind AND not remembering what happened 18 years ago makes Simeons ditzy sweetheart persona obsolete. so he becomes a bitch
Knight, on the other hand, needs to be close to Wang and for him to find a confidant in him, to trust him with his life and not have a single suspicion about him. so, he adopts the persona of a soft lovable guy who is a little skittish and shy despite being as big as a fridge.
Sometime in the future, Knight and Saint reconnect (through Bronco basically stalking him) and start developing a relationship together.
Now onto the game.
First change to be had: Knight does not kill Rooke. Instead, it's Wang who does out of fear of being named a fraud, and naturally tries to pin it on the stupid little second-in-command, who would do anything for him, right after commencing the fake assassination.
Next change is that Simeon wasnt the one to think of the plan NOR to hire Shelly (idk who feel free to get creative). Still, the real assassination attempt commences, resulting in an injured Bronco, and the fake one begins.
Rooke is killed by Wang, and an "attempt" on Wangs life gets made. Miles Edgeworth is called.
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Bronco presents as a sweet and helpful individual, a bit bashful and nervous, but otherwise competent and, strangely enough, averse to violence.
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After some time, Miles starts suspecting Bronco, but then learns that Bronco only assisted Wang because he wanted to help Zeng Fa and didn't know his colleague would die!
THEN! Miles deduces that it was Wang. But what can you do against a president?
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Knight is falsely arrested on the murder of Rooke as well as an attempted assassination.
Next day, we learn of something horrible that had happened in prison.
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Blood, a lot of it - belonging to Knight, with him nowhere to be seen, and a ring that supposedly belonged to him.
While the body can't be found - the suspicions fall on his best friend, who'd visited him yesterday.
So, Miles and Kay go investigate.
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And they meet a bratty, arrogant rising star of the animal training world and Big Berry Circus - Simeon Saint! (slight spoiler to aa4 on the pic (line courtesy of Feya!))
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He is cocky and rude, bragging about how he's "free do do anything" and immediately takes dislike towards Miles, yet has no choice but to accept his help.
While investigating, Kay and Miles learn of what was inside the case, and how it got there, as well as Simeon travelling to Knight without permission and with a huge cage to boot.
After determining that a chisel in the case might be Knights work (which it is in this AU - a LaGuarde lure), they turn to accuse him of trying to aid a criminal in escaping prison.
And he snaps.
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Now Miles fully trusts Simeon. He tells him how he tried to get Knight to climb into a cage, "But Bronco was always the kind of guy to follow the law to the T. Nevermind the law being wrong..."
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This is an inverse of that one scene from the finale of the game. The idea was proposed by @diableriezer and it near made me weep.
After more investigating we finally get on Fifi's trail, and get her to confess.
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Knight's body is missing because he ran away from her wrath, and thus HE is presumed missing, although she claims that he couldn't have survived the attack.
In reality, he did. (cw blood)
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(contains lyrics from "Evil" by Electroforez, a song about being obsessed and in love)
Kanis lied about not knowing him, and secretly patched him up with Helmut's help and helped him escape, so he'd finally take revenge.
Inherited and Forgotten turnabouts play out, second probably with a lot of changes which I didn't think of, but in the end Winner gets arrested, so does Gusto.
Knight hates Gusto with his whole heart, and wishes to rip it out for letting him and Saint suffer like that. He remembers his father, and he only wishes he got to kill him first.
Now, without further ado...
We get evidence of Fifi, Blaise and Wang working together, and decide to finally confront the latter, only to learn that he went missing.
We find his corpse and realize that Simeon also hasn't been seen in a while. Learn from Kanis that his pup has gone to seek revenge, determine that it's Simeon the same way.
Weirdly enough, we do NOT find Saint at the circus
Regina says that he left in a hurry.
We determine that he'd gone to retrieve a piece of evidence from the crime scene, which in this case is the presidential plane because I thought it'd be rad.
There we find Knights "corpse", but it turns out he is asleep and Simeon is helping care for his wounds here, since he thought it'd be safe. They ask Knight if Simeon has harmed him, he says no.
We learn that Simeon has been notified of Knights location by Kanis.
When Miles attempts arrest, Knight quickly takes Simeon hostage, revealing himself to be Wangs killer.
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Knight reveals his motivations, his story. Reveals that he'd been abandoned by everyone, even by his darling friend, and nobody was there for him. Despite that, he still forgives Simeon, because he is all he has, and all he wishes for is to finally stay together - leave and never look back on the horrors they've endured.
Unfortunately, it does not work out.
Saint is adamant that he wants to stay together, and he is truly grateful for the revenge, but that he didn't trust Saint with that, so how could he trust him?
After talking through things, and various threats from Knight, he concedes. But not in a way one would expect.
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Knowing that he won't take being apart easily, Knight tells Simeon that there is only one road to go from there.
And pulls the trigger.
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vas0ul1tsa · 8 months ago
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relicsongmel · 9 months ago
Me playing AAI2 but only when it's gay (volume warning throughout)
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chto-ty-govorish · 4 months ago
"Miles Edgeworth and a Labor Thanksgiving" Translation
Sourse: Gyakuten Kenji 2 Comic Anthology
Author: Secco
Beware: Translation by someone who knows neither Japanese nor English!
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That's it for now! Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to check the official translation of The Prosecutor's Gambit at the moment, so the characters' speech might sound too ordinary. Also, English is not my first language, so feel free to correct my mistakes!
If you'd like to have a look at the untranslated photos of the anthology, you can find them here:
The next translated comic will be… checking notes Uh.
"A refreshing prosecutor".
I think it goes something like this. I don't know, I haven't read it yet. So it'll take a while to translate.
Stay tuned!
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dreameralive · 8 months ago
the official names of Nicole Swift, Simon Keyes and Patricia Roland have been (allegedly) leaked!!
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these come from this reddit post by user JC-DisregardMe. while no official statements have been made, these do seem pretty authentic, though for obvious reasons, this post will be deleted if conflicting evidence is revealed or anything like that.
edit: these screenshots have also previously been posted to what appears to be a French Nintendo fan(???) website that contains various other leaked screenshots, which adds some credibility!
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kijimha · 3 months ago
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A proper greeting should begin with a hug AND a kiss <3
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lindleland · 3 months ago
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empoleonebuonaparte · 6 months ago
Investigations 2 AU where Kanis watches out for Knight just as much as he watches out for Simeon and ultimately saves his life from LaGuarde.
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sfaghetti · 2 years ago
aai's canon height chart dropped so here's the whole thing but zoomed in !
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kukuu031 · 1 year ago
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needed the world to know about patridee/laguardee so i made some art !!!! 💜💙what does tumblr think...i wonder
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refs-r-ences · 5 months ago
(Major spoilers for all Ace Attorney Games as well as Ghost Trick) I already posted something similar to this, but I’ve now played the Investigations collection and the Layton crossover, so I figured I might as well update it. Imagine a trial where “Calisto Yew" is the defence, with Kristoph Gavin as Co-council, facing off against Manfred von Karma as prosecutor, with the Phantom disguised as Daryan Crescend as the detective, Courtney Sithe as the coroner and Mael Stronghart as the judge. The defendant is Matt Engarde, accused of the attempted murder of William Shamspeare, who survived due to plot armor, with Cammy Meele, Luke Atmey, Ashley Graydon and Fifi Laguarde as witnesses. If it’s done TGAA style, then the Jurors would be Enoch Drebber, Nikolina Pavlova, Darklaw, Shelly de Killer via the radio, Roger Retinz, and Yomiel from Ghost Trick because why not. Now the culprit would turn out to actually be von Karma because of course it is, and since he got annoyed by Shamspeare, being well, Shamspeare.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 7 months ago
One thing I really enjoy a lot about I-1 and I-2 is a theme of availability and injustice, while always holding characters accountable. For a game that is targeted mostly at the young audience, teenagers and young adults, it does discuss difficult themes of corruption in legal system.
The half of this plot could've been avoided if people with power would care for something apart themselves. It's more of the I-2 theme, rather than I-1, but if at least one person stopped being awful Simeon (Simon) would never become such a paranoid. All this terrible abuse he suffered at the hands of Fifi Laguard (Patricia Roland). The woman that was supposed to care for him and become his mother figure, interrogated him like a convict. But one of the worst things is that Simeon couldn't even trust the police — people whose literal job is to protect innocent — because if he spoke out and sought help he'd be either silenced or investigated by Blaise (I don't have the brains to spell his new alleged name). Just because of some people's greed, he lost his childhood and became paranoid. Yet he still isn't innocent or made out to look like it. The game itself says it. During his quest for revenge he ended up hurting a lot of innocent people, whose fault was literally just being at the wrong place at the wrong time (Jill Crane, Kay, partially Bronco/Horace). It isn't justified, because innocent people's lives were taken because of his desires. And all of this because people with power, those who supposed to protect everyone, we're too preoccupied.
Same can be said for Katherine Hall. Is there a justice about Master getting in jail for a crime he didn't commit? No, and never will. Despite the best efforts of Gregory, Ray (Eddie) and Badd, nothing could be done, because authority to end the investigation belonged to MVK. His perfectionism was put above someone's life. And he got away with it. For 18 years.... Yet game doesn't try to say that Kate should've gone through with killing Dane. Because murder is never okay and because once again, it harms people unrelated to this case.
This is very good moral and very interesting topic to bring up.
I could go on and on about how these two games are about corruption and lies. But one question that applies to every character IMO is Where is a justice and if it even is achievable. Where is the justice for their suffering and should they resort to illegal means to find it?
I love this games
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ultimateempath · 6 months ago
rating ace attorney investigations 2 localization names, PART 2! Part one can be found HERE
Blaise Debeste --> Excelsius Winner
9/10. I wanna be mad, I really do, but I just can't. Excelsius is super over the top, but I think it's cool as hell. Why'd they give the shittiest character such a metal name-
Jay Elbird --> Rocco Carcerato
8/10! I like it, it fits him and it's fun to say. Plus he does look like a Rocco.
Rocky --> Teddy
5/10. Calling the bear character Teddy is super obvious and honestly just lazy. Come on now.
Astique --> Azea
9/10, a pretty name that's fitting for a circus elephant.
Ally --> unchanged
10/10, they knew better than to change it, no notes.
Sirhan Dogen --> Bodhidharma Kanis
10/10! I was a little apprehensive at first because of how fuckin long that name is, but I did a little research and I actually really like it! They named him after an actual legendary Buddhist monk and managed tasteful dog wordplay, they did him good.
Anubis --> Helmut
8/10. This is acceptable, I understand the meaning behind the name and it fits well! ..Also it's the same name as a Psychonauts character I love so I'm a little biased.
Patricia Roland --> Fifi Laguarde
7/10. It doesn't roll off the tongue as well, but it fits her and honestly she does act like a Fifi.
Delicia Scones --> Delicia Scone
10/10. They only changed one letter, true perfection.
Jeffrey Master --> Samson Tangaroa.
6/10. Eh...it's not necessarily bad, it just feels very off to me. I get what they were going for though and I appreciate that they put thought into it.
Katherine hall --> Judy Bound
9/10! Not what I expected, but it's a pretty name and it fits her well. I also how he surname Bound can be seen as a nod to how she and Samson are bound together in a way.
Dane Gustavia --> Carmelo Gusto
7/10. It fits him well and rolls off the tongue alright. I don't have anything else to say about it.
Isaac Dover --> Artie Frost
7/10. Very on the nose, but in a way that works well! I think it's fitting.
Pierre Hoquet --> Paul Halique
9/10! It stayed a P name and they moved the que to the surname, I'm happy with this!
Jill Crane --> Rosie Ringer
8/10, it's a pretty name and fits her very well. I also really like the alliteration, it's a fun touch.
Karin Jenson --> Florence Niedler
6.5/10. I get what they were going for, but I don't think it really fits her. She just doesn't look or act like a Florence to me. I like the surname though.
Bonnie Young --> Hilda Hertz
8/10. It's certainly more of an old lady name, but I think it fits pretty well.
John Marsh --> Shaun Fenn
9/10, I like it! They kept the wetland wordplay and I think the name fits him well enough! Plus Shaun is also the Irish variant of John, which is a fun tidbit.
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