“I-I’m pretty bad trust me..even my friends had to put a spell on me just so I won’t fall and hurt my knee again”
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( annabeth )
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“I can never play quidditch, I fallen off the broom more than I can count” Scratching the back of her head hearing the last part.”Yeah I can imagine”
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“ You can’t be that bad, after all we all had to take that class first year, ”
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favorite female characters [2/?] ➽ annabeth chase
any more stupid questions, seaweed brain?
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Send a ‘ ➳ “ for my muse and yours fighting over something stupid
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“slurred words”
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“ s-she is just plain nic..nice!”The young girl said as she let out a small laugh drinking some more whiskey letting it burn down her throat.”Yeah-yeah she is trust meh”Letting out a sight and with a yawn she just had to keep talking” oh- oh! did I tell you that she c-can be very very veeeeery loyal..”She shook her head and poor some moor whiskey to her cup.”guess I didn’t but Now I did”She held in a small chuckle and laughs.
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Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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“Send a ◈ and my muse will accidentally kiss yours.”
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Annabeth was walking around the woods, looking around the trees seeing them swiftly blow by the wind.Not seeing where she was going she tripped over someone foot and fallen onto of them but their lips touched for a second. She looked up at the person seeing it was Percy.”Percy?!”She exclaimed.”What the hell-”
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“I can never play quidditch, I fallen off the broom more than I can count”Scratching the back of her head hearing the last part.”Yeah I can imagine”
( annabeth )
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“Once..When I was a first year getting stomped by third years “She said with a quiet laugh.”You aren’t the first person being a victim of the stampede”
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“ and not the last, ” Percy said, “ the only thing worse is the locker room after quidditch practice, I’ve gotten more bruises there than at practice. ”
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“All I know is that we are gonna get a good great..maybe but I wouldn’t doubt it”
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“looks like we’re project partners, again. well if there’s one thing slughorn’s good at it’s consistency.”
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“Once..When I was a first year getting stomped by third years “She said with a quiet laugh.”You aren’t the first person being a victim of the stampede”
( annabeth )
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“Let me guess-first years?”She ask.This wasn’t the first time she seen someone get run over by first years over their excitement 
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“ close, third years. twice as arrogant, ” he answered, shaking his head in annoyance, “ have you been a victim of the stampede? ”
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“Let me guess-first years?”She ask.This wasn’t the first time she seen someone get run over by first years over their excitement 
( annabeth )
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“Are you okay?”She ask as she gave in all her strength to pull them up.”You hit the ground pretty hard”
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“ Yeah, I’m fine- thanks. ” he said, rubbing his shoulder, a group of third years had came like a pack of little goblins, actually having enough momentum to knock him off his feet.
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Annabeth nodded as she crumbled up the paper and throw it somewhere out in the distance.”No problem- wait do you really have classes at these time?”
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Akwardly, She sracted the back of her head and takes the paper back.“So you aren’t gonna need this..Okay then”
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                He laughs lightly, nodding silently. “No, I don’t need it. I appreciate you being so kind, though.”
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“Are you okay?”She ask as she gave in all her strength to pull them up.”You hit the ground pretty hard”
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Akwardly, She sracted the back of her head and takes the paper back."So you aren't gonna need this..Okay then"
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Annabeth held the pen in her hand copying word from word on what Benito said.Ripping it off from her binder she gave it to him.“There..Now all you gotta do is see that paper and remind yourself”
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                Beni’s brows furrow as he takes the paper, wondering what she’s trying to do. “Uh,” he stammers, giving her a confused look. “I don’t need a reminder. I was reminding everyone else.”
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Annabeth held the pen in her hand copying word from word on what Benito said.Ripping it off from her binder she gave it to him."There..Now all you gotta do is see that paper and remind yourself"
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                “Reminder that my astronomy class in the Ravenclaw common room is on Saturdays at 7pm, and my Spanish class is on Sundays at 8pm. Sign ups for out of house are in the library on the way out, and sign ups for in House are on the corkboard near the windows!”
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"Um-No i just came here to ask you if you had duck tape"
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“i hope you’re ‘ere to distract me from this essay.”
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#so many of her faces in one scene
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