#//this is so boring but it will have to do
arcanegifs · 2 days
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Here's more comparisons of Arcane Gifs before and after I color and sharpen em!
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teaboot · 3 days
I've never had a cat before and I'm hoping to get one soon. Do you have any advice?
Treat a new cat as you would a new roommate. Give them space and time to settle, establish a pattern and a rhythm, and in time they may choose to become friends and spend time with you. Dont force a friendship.
Use simple words and repetition to establish communication. Words like breakfast, treat, snack, lunch, supper, dinner, food, and eat all basically mean, "I am feeding you; expect to be fed", but it's a lot for a little guy to remember. I just say "Dinner" when I mean "cat food is coming", and so my boy knows exactly what I mean when I say it. As a plus, using only one word for snack time means he has no idea what the other words mean, so I can talk about food in front of him without ruling him up.
Pay attention to body language. Cats all have different personalities, and you'll learn their likes, dislikes, and messages over time this way. Son boy here loves anything with plumbing but dislikes getting wet- his favourite blanket to chew and snuggle goes on his favourite chair, and he gives me a specific gesture when he wants me to kneel down so he can jump onto my shoulder.
Read into problematic behaviour. Cats pee in weird places when they're hurting, in distress, or have insufficient of unclean litter box space. Biting, attacking feet , and knocking things off tables often means they're understimulated and need you to play with them, or at least need some kind of enrichment or puzzle to tackle. Tail flicking can be frustration or irritation. Purring is usually good, but may also be self-soothing behaviour to alleviate pain, encourage healing, and relieve anxiety, like over-grooming.
Like children, "bad" behaviour isn't malicious- it usually means there's something you aren't seeing.
Learn how your cat expresses love. Loads of people think cats are uncaring, cruel, and indifferent, but the truth is, they're just not dogs. Spending time near you, showing an interest in tools you're using or projects you're working on, sitting the way you sit, laying on their back, rubbing on your legs, wiping their face on your shoes when you get home- these are signs that your cat is enamored with you. You're their family, they feel safe and protected around you, they're curious about things you enjoy and want everyone to know you're family.
Set reasonable expectations. Again, cats are not dogs.We bred dogs to desire our approval- cats walked into our lives themselves. They have no human-programmed need to fulfill a duty or perform a task to your standards.
Training cats to do tricks isn't as hard as people say, but the willingness or interest in doing the trick is more heavily reliant on personality and mood. Some cats will refuse all but the most basic requests- I'm lucky in that Ollie understands and is willing to do several, provided I don't abuse his trust and he's not crowded or overwhelmed or just bored of doing it over and over in a short period.
Ollie, for example, knows Up to stand on his back legs and hold my hand, Down to get to a surface I indicate, Out to emerge from a closed space, Come to find me where I am, Help? when I'm offering to let him use me as an elevator, Dinner when I understand he's hungry and am getting food, and when I put on his collar he knows to climb into his carrier 'cause we're going somewhere. And he'll do any of these about 90% of the time, either ignoring me or phoning it in when there's something interesting somewhere else, or if he's feeling anxious.
Lead by example. If you dread taking them to the vet, they'll see the anxiety in your body language and behaviour and likely learn to hate it, too. Again using my guy an example, I starred taking him on walks long before his first vet appointment, just to get used to his carrier and leash. Then his first checkup was relaxed and informal, with plenty of treats, and I let him explore the examination room with permission from the tech. Now he loves going, so I'm not stressed about taking him, so I don't stress him out in turn, and the vest doesn't have to deal with a stressed out cat slowing things down and fighting with them.
Make sure your sources are good ones, and also good ones for you. I will recommend Jackson Galaxy's YouTube channel for cat advice because a lot of what he does matches up with what I've learned and know to be true. I don't personally recommend Ceasar Milan because I personally find his methods distressing to recreate regardless of efficacy, so even if that advice was useful, *I'd* be miserable, and it'd just be trading one issue for another.
Have a person who can help. You never know when you might end up out of town overnight unexpectedly, or when your place may need serviced or fumigated, or if you may be called out of town. Before getting a cat, research reliable pet sitters, house sitters, pet daycares, whatever, just in case.
Consider pet insurance. No long spiel here, just think about it. Especially if you don't know your cats ancestry or potenyial health risks. An on top of that, fucking vaccinate them.
Dont let them free roam. At all.
I grew up on a farm with free-roaming barn cats. Do you know how many times child-me cried over having to bury them? Illness, disease, pregnancy, vehicles, other territorial cats, ticks, fleas, litter, poisoned prey, malicious humans, local wildlife, predatory birds, scrap metal, extreme heat, freezing temperatures, tainted water sources, poisonous or venomous critters, getting stuck in small or high places, tapeworms, loose nails, old equipment, falling branches...
I've seen some truly body-horror slasher-movie shit- just truly nauseating visual fuckery- and I'm telling you not to let your cat free-roam.
Leash training isn't hard. Supervised walks aren't hard. Even keeping your cat physically fit and entertained indoors isn't an impossible feat. Don't let your fucking cat fucking free-roam. Fuck
Also read up on foods and plants cats can't do, like every houseplant in existence is toxic it's insane
Anyhow yeah that's like. A couple things I guess
Here, have an Ollie Pic
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no-144444 · 3 days
family fights- o.piastri
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summary: you and oscar were never meant to be together, lando made that clear. one night changes everything, then another changes it again.
pairing: oscar piastr x fem! norris! reader
He’d done it again. Another win. Oscar Piastri was a two-time GP winner. 
And no one could ever take this one away from him. 
Over the past few weekends, he’d been pretty down about everything. Hungary, the whole ‘papaya rules’ bullshit, and how everyone had something to say about Monza. He’s a fucking racecar driver, and he wasn’t a second driver. It’s in his goddamn contract, thanks to Mark. And anyways, why would he pull over and let Lando take points from him, when he’s so close to P3 in the Driver’s standings? Charles is slowly but surely trying to build a gap, and Oscar is not planning on making it easy for him. It’s his season fucking season of F1, and he’s matching his teammate. Is that not something to be proud of? 
Apparently not, in Lando’s fan girls’ eyes. It’s pathetic really, the memes were funny a while ago, and now it’s all getting to be too much. 
And then there’s you. Lando’s sweet little sister who loved Oscar more than life itself. You’d gotten him through the lows of the past few weeks, with just a smile his way.
But Lando wouldn't let you two be together. It was a ‘betrayal’, in his mind. 
It was bullshit. Lando liked having something over him, and you were the ‘thing’ in this scenario. You’d liked Oscar for ages, and you started in secret, too scared to tell Lando. You continued like that for a whole year, somehow hiding it seamlessly. It was the best relationship either of you had ever been in. You matched each other perfectly, and you got to see him everyday, since Lando had brought you on as his physio. Stolen kisses behind closed doors was a-ok with you two, until Lando had to walk into something he wasn’t supposed to. It was your anniversary night and yes, maybe you should’ve checked that the door was properly locked, but when he was kissing you like that? Who would be able to find it in themselves to care? For some reason, Lando walked into your apartment, ready to tell you off for not locking your door, and he found you and Oscar asleep in your bed, 1 year anniversary cards on the counter, and a bottle of wine beside the sink. On the drying rack there were 2 clean plates, two sets of cutlery, two glasses, one bowl, and two spoons. He was so angry. He just stormed in and started screaming at the two of you, telling you that you’d betrayed him for a whole year, making accusations left and right, and generally just ruining your perfect night. 
Then he gave the both of you an ultimatum. Date and lose him as a brother and a friend, or break up and he’d never speak about it again. You two could be friends, but always at a healthy distance. 
It took you both a week to make the decision. You were both crying when you called him to tell him you’d broken up. His response? Good. 
He barely talked to either of you for a month, and you truly feared the worst for your relationship with him. But, in true Lando fashion, one day he just started to be normal again, and everything was ok. 
Oscar still remembered the way you looked when he'd made the choice to go behind Lando's back. You were wearing your favourite dress, you hair styled perfectly, your nails done, your makeup done, everything. It was for some boring gala that Oscar didn't want to sit through, and neither did you. Though nevertheless you went as the dutiful sister you were and made polite conversation with the gross old dudes who wouldn't leave you alone, and Oscar (he hoped he wasn't grouped in with them).
"Do you want to get some air?" he offered as you finished up a conversation with Christian Horner.
"I'd love to," you nodded, somehow keeping the soft smile on your face.
You burst out of the hall laughing, having run away from Lando. You got on well with Oscar. He was lovely, honestly. "He's going to kill us," you laughed, grabbing ahold of his shoulder to steady yourself.
"Worth it," he smirked.
You two spent some time outside, eventually ending up outside in the cold French air. You two somehow ended up intertwined on a bench outside the venue.
"I really enjoyed sneaking off with you," you beamed at him.
"I really enjoyed it too," he blushed. "We should do it again some time."
You laughed. "I think Lando will kill us if we pull that again-"
You stopped talking because he'd started kissing you, and you didn't want him to stop.
"I like you," he pulled back. "A lot."
It was so juvenile you almost laughed. Yet, you found yourself answering with; "I like you too."
And thus began your year-long love.
To be honest, Oscar hated clubs. He hated the sweaty air, the suffocating closeness of everyone, and the heavy drinking. Oscar didn’t drink much, mainly a glass of wine with dinner, or a celebration drink every now and then. He wasn’t a huge fan of feeling out of control. Despite all of that, he’d somehow been convinced by Lando to go ‘out on the town’. He didn’t want to go out on the town. He wanted to stay home, or bump into you in the cinema near your shared apartment building. You two had been doing that a lot lately, bumping into each other there. You’d sit together, or a few chairs apart, but it’d always feel a bit like before you’d broken up. It felt good. You missed him dearly, as did he. He knew you were going to see a special midnight showing of Psycho, yet he couldn’t even go because Lando dragged him out. 
“Mate!” Lando shouted from the other side of the VIP booth. 
“What?” Oscar asked, walking up to him. 
“I have someone I want you to meet,” Lando, being the prick he is, signalled to a girl in the middle of the dance floor that looked nothing like you. “Look, she’s nothing like Y/n! It’s perfect!” 
Oscar felt his blood boil, and finally spill over. “Fuck off Lando. That’s not fair-”
“What’s not fair was the fact that you dated my little sister behind my back!” He shot back. 
Oscar grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out of the club, into the humid Monaco air. This back alley was usually used for a smoke break, but tonight it would be used a fucking ring. 
“I’m not expecting you to understand anything I'm going to say, but fuck you Lando. I loved Y/n- I love Y/n, and you took that all away from me because of what?! You felt betrayed? You felt bad? It was overwhelming? We’ve proven that we’re not awkward if we break up, we’re actually ridiculously civil, all for your sake! You’re the one being unfair here. Yes, maybe we should’ve told you earlier. Yes, maybe it was wrong to keep it from you, but for fuck’s sake man! She’s your little sister, I’m your friend, it’s not like you don’t know us! I’d never do anything to hurt her, and she’d never use me, or whatever bullshit excuse you gave me. Now, I know you don’t fucking understand this, but I love her. More than anything in the entire fucking world. More than racing, more than anything. She’s what gets me through the shitty days and even shittier races. Knowing that, once I get out of the car, she’ll be standing there with a smile, or a hug on the occasions where you don’t watch us like a fucking hawk, makes it all fucking worth it for me. You took that away from me, and you took it away from her. It ate at her the entire year we were together that she couldn’t tell you, because well, of course it would! You are her older brother, her best friend. She should’ve been able to tell you about her boyfriend. She questioned herself after every day we spent together, every date we went on, about whether or not what we were doing was right. She felt so guilty. I felt so guilty. But at the end of the day when I saw her waiting for me in my driver’s room, or my apartment, or at the foot of the podium, I knew that what I felt was right. And it wasn’t just me feeling it Lan, she loved me back,” he sniffled, trying to hold back tears. “So no, I don’t want to meet someone at a club, I want Y/n. My Y/n. And I don’t give a fuck if you’re upset by that, because I’ve given you every reason to trust me Lando, and I promise you, I’ll never try to hurt her. I’ll keep her safe, and above all, I’ll love her.” 
Lando was taken aback. He was a lot more sober now. He’d never seen Oscar show so much emotion. He’d never seen Oscar show much emotion, point blank. Yet here he was, standing in front of him, crying over his little sister. “Mate, what do you mean?”
“I means you’re a fucking asshole Lando, and I don’t give a shit if you don’t want me to date Y/n. It means I’m going to ask her out again, and if she says yes I won’t stop just because you’re a dickhead who can’t stomach the fact that she loves me, and I love her.” 
Lando was again, taken aback. He’d never really had a reason as to why he didn’t like you and Oscar dating, it just felt… weird to him. Then, with about a moment's worth of self-reflection, he realised. He didn’t want to be second to Oscar. All his life, you’d been his biggest supporter, you two were always together, always there for each other, always his little sister. From cradle, to karting, coffin, he thought he’d be the only driver you supported and cared about. Then, in came Oscar, being everything he wanted to be; cool, calm, collected, talented, unprideful, gracious, and kind. Everything he worked to be. It had taken Lando 6 years to get a win, Oscar did it in his first year. It took Lando 2 years to get a podium, Oscar did it in his debut season.  “Well it’s just not right,” Lando shot back. “She’s my little sister, and I’m not being second to you with her! That’s not fair. She doesn’t get to choose you over me!” 
“She chose you! She broke up with me because you asked her to! I don’t know what the fuck you think is going to happen if we start dating again, but it’s not like we’ll just abandon you Lando! She’s your sister, and she loves you more than life itself! For fuck’s sake, if this was all about being scared that she’d pick me over you, we could’ve sorted this out weeks ago!” 
“I have to be second place to a fucking rookie! Do you know how that feels? Bad, Oscar, it feels bad. And now you want to come here and tell me that I’m second place to that same rookie, in my sister’s opinion? Y’know how that feels? Worse!” Lando was crying now, unable to control it. “I’ve been second to someone my whole fucking life, and Y/n was the one person who understood me! And now you want to take her away!” 
“I’m not taking her away, Lando! We’re both still going to be here for you!” Oscar took a deep breath. “You shouldn’t take your frustrations on the track out on her, she’s the one suffering for it. You’re suffering for it too, and so am I. Lando, she loves you no matter what, you know that.” “I’m scared alright?” He groaned. “I’m scared that one day I’ll turn around after an interview and see her celebrating you winning over me! I’m scared that she’ll see I’m not as good as you! I’m scared.” 
“You can be scared all you want, but she isn’t like that, Lando. Talk to her about this, she’ll reassure you-”
“And how the fuck would you know? You barely know her-”
“I know her a lot better than you do if this is what you think of her,” Oscar’s words cut through the tension in the warm air. Lando flinched like he’d been hit. “Now, if you’ll excuse me from this shitty night out, I’m going to go find your sister and tell her how I feel. Goodbye Lando.”
Oscar didn’t even bother going back inside to grab his coat, he just started walking. Jimmy’s was a 30 minute walk from your regular cinema, and if his calculations were correct, you’d be getting out of the screening just then. 
As he walked he thought about everything Lando had said. It was pathetic, honestly, why couldn’t Lando have just told you how he felt instead of ruining the incredible thing you and Oscar had going with his own insecurities. Maybe he didn’t understand it, maybe Lando just hadn’t experienced what you two had. 
“Oscar?” you walked up to him, smiling. 
“Hi,” he answered, stopping in his tracks.
“How are you?” you asked, awkward tension filling the air.
“I’m… I’m alright. I wanted to talk to you,” he explained. 
“Talk away,” you smiled. 
“Well… Lando and I had this big blowout argument, and I made a choice. I don’t care what he wants anymore, and if he has a problem with me loving you, then it’s his problem, not ours. I want you back Y/n, more than anything. I miss you every fucking day. And if the only reason we’re not together is because of him, then I’m forgetting how he feels. I want you back if you’ll have me.”
You stood there, shocked. It had been 4 months since you and Oscar had broken up. You loved him, but you loved your brother too. You couldn’t put your relationship with your brother at risk for Oscar, could you? Lando had been for you throughout your childhood, a constant. You wouldn’t be able to handle him not being there, would you? “Oscar, when did you two argue-?” “30 minutes ago?” he shrugged, a soft smile on his lips. 
“I-oh wow. Osc, you know I love you, but Lando’s my brother and… I can’t betray him, can I?”
“Is it betrayal?” Oscar questioned. 
You’d been trying to figure out for the past 4 months why it was betrayal, yet you came up blank every time. Lando had dated friends of yours, and broken their hearts, why shouldn’t you return the favour? “But he said it was. He’s my brother Osc… I can’t just… ruin our relationship-”
“He ruined ours!” he sighed, exasperated. “All because he’s a insecure prick, no offence-” “None taken-” “And he was scared you’d stop picking him over me, which I understand but like, for fuck’s sake, he could’ve just spoken to you about it!” 
You thought for a moment. What did you want? Oscar. Always. You woke up thinking about him, fell asleep thinking about him, dreamt of him. He was everything you’d ever wanted.  “Are we really going to do this Osc?” you whispered into the darkness of the night. 
His lips turned into a smile, and then they were on yours. He’d gotten the girl, he’d gotten the win, and he didn’t care what anyone else said.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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pseudowho · 1 day
Behind the Wall
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Who was this stressed, suited man...and how could you love him so easily?
A Nanami Kento glory hole story.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Corporate!Nanami (before return to sorcery), falling in love with a stranger, hand jobs, blowjobs, fingering, excessive cum, creampie, anonymous PiV sex, tiny bit angsty if you squint
"How much do they pay you here?" A deep voice, smooth, but rusted with whiskey and smoke.
Your eyebrows raised spontaneously; kneeling down behind your black screen and hole, you didn't necessarily expect the small-talk with your clients to be romantic, but such business-like enquiries did not suit the tone, either.
Regardless, you would accept almost any pay, to find somewhere clear of the monsters that plagued you; the monsters that had chased you from job after job after job. None had followed you here tonight, it seemed, so you answered, trying to sound light-hearted.
"About industry average, I think."
A huff, the man's voice now bitter; "After they skim the majority off for themselves after your hard work, though."
You shrugged, as if he could see. He hadn't even begun to hook his cock out yet, so all you could see was a pair of lean, long legs in a black pinstripe suit. You found yourself tickled by your interaction beginning with anti-Capitalist outrage, and you quipped.
"Great pension plan, though."
"I somehow doubt that."
You laughed, musical and sweet, and were satisfied to hear another huff, the barest hint of laughter from your stranger, before his voice toned lower, his words for your ears and yours alone.
"Well...though I'm sure you deserve better than this place, I'll make it worth your while. I have to get back to work, and I'm sure you have bills to pay."
Beautifully veined, thick, long hands had begun to undo his belt, and you felt a strange thrill of excitement that you didn't feel with the other men. He sighed, unzipping, hooking out a long, thick, pretty cock that looked painfully hard and weeping pre-cum.
"I can't concentrate like this, I'll just...get this poison out and then I can focus."
He sounded almost apologetic, his words dripping with loathing in a way that made you frown. You reached one finger out through your hole, beckoning, tender as you whispered.
"Well, I can help with that."
Your stranger had grasped his cock to direct it through your glory hole, but hesitated at your tone, as if the tenderness you gave him was an odd specimen, requiring examination before he could accept it.
The tip of his cock, pink and full, nudged against your cheek and nose as it pressed through the hole. You heard your suited stranger hiss and shudder. You couldn't help but be impressed by your stranger's size, spitting onto the tip before beginning to stroke him in long, languid, practiced strokes.
"How do you hide this beast when you get a boner at work--"
A huff again, almost amused, drawing out into a ragged, needy groan. His fingertips pressed on the board on the other side, white-knuckled, his voice straining as he tried to speak past the pleasure of your pumping hand.
"--sit-- sit at my desk...hoping it'll go away-- fuck, you're good...just help me, please...pay you well, just-- just get it out and I'll head back--"
Your suited man groaned again, deep and fractured as your hand picked up its pace. When you spat on his tip again, your lips ghosting against him, he bucked involuntarily, cursing and apologising under his breath. When you drew the flat of your tongue across his slit to taste the salty pre-cum there, he almost whimpered with divine agony.
You felt a squirm of pleasure in your belly, sure that his beautiful voice alone could form the soundtrack you could orgasm to, night after night.
"You sound like you should have a girlfriend to help you with this." You bit your lip, satisfied to hear how his cool, bored tone had broken into something altogether more desperate.
"--sh-shit, u-ungh...any woman deserves better...better than anything I can offer-- f-fuck, I'm close already--"
You felt it; his balls were too big to fit through the hole alongside his cock, and they looked heavy, aching, his body struggling to draw them up as your suited man threatened to spill in your hand after a single flat minute. You whispered to him, soft in a way that offered him an intimacy he was clearly desperately lacking.
"Stop hating yourself when you should be coming in my hand, big guy."
When his knees buckled against your wall at you cuffing the base of his cock with your other hand, making the veins stand proud, you knew he was crumbling.
"--a-agghh fuck-- come too hard if you-- if you keep that up...shit, like a cock ring, I..."
You hoped that when he came, some of his abject self-loathing would pour away, too. His groans were rapidly turning into short little growls, the screen shaking as he bucked into your fist with such desperate force.
"--f-fuck, good girl, perfect...unnnhhh, perfect...shit, I'm...I'm..."
"God, you really do need thi--"
Your voice broke off with a squeak to feel a veritable fountain of cum spurt over your face, stripe after stripe of thick white release spattering over your cheeks, flooding down your hand and chest.
"O-oh-- wow--"
Your mouth dropped open in shock as your suited man grunted and cursed through his orgasm, his balls heavy and twitching, and you tasted a drip of his seed trickle down your nose and onto your tongue. Musty, sweet; nothing like its thickness would suggest.
His cock twitched for what seemed like an eternity in your hand, as you stroked him down from his peak, so covered in cum that you considered you may have to call it a night to go home and shower. As his groans faded, his voice ragged, you felt the guilt and shame radiate off him in waves.
"Shit, that was...ugh, I'm sorry. It's disgusting, I'm sure."
"It's absolutely not. I'm just...wow. Do you always come that much?"
A pause, guilty again as his voice rumbled; "...yes."
You laughed, and his cock twitched in your hand. He chuckled, warm and gravelly, when you pressed a cleaning wipe out through the hole.
"See you soon?" You asked, strangely hopeful.
"Not soon enough." He answered, soft in a way that surprised himself. His voice dropped an octave as a roll of bills pressed through the hole to you. "Here...keep it quiet. They're taking advantage of you."
You were prepared, the second time your suited stranger visited; having required an early finish and a shower two nights before, covered with an obscene amount of cum, you blushed to recall that you brought your vibrator to the shower with you, climaxing against the wall to the memory of his velvety voice.
You hoped he couldn't hear the faint buzzing between your legs on your side of the wall. You squirmed, muffling a moan around his cock head as you prepped him, your lips stretched and glossy with pre-cum.
"-h-haaaah, god, you...you're wasted here-- feel so pathetic-- no stamina with...with a mouth like that around me-- o-oohhh...fuck..."
You released him with a wet little pop, feeling your own pleasure building with the insistent buzz against your aching clit. He seemed just as happy to have your hand, and you admired the little neat trail of honey-blond pubes at the base of your fist as he fucked into it.
"Yeah, well...you're wasted too, at that company, by the sounds of it."
"Mmm...feels like what I deserve--"
You cut him off with a tongue to the underside of his cock, his voice fracturing into growled curses and hungry moans again.
"I already told you, if you talk about yourself like that again, I'll make you come faster--"
A breathless, rumbling laugh; "You're a monster."
You whispered, your breath ghosting against his cock head just enough to make him shudder; "Plenty of monsters in this world, beautiful man...but not me."
Your suited man stopped arguing with you, losing himself instead in the way your mouth, hot and suckling and eager, drew him in deeper with every bob of your head. The gasping, husky cry he made when his tip curved round the back of your throat, sent a burst of pleasure through you that had you humping your vibrator involuntarily.
Between his gasps, his vision fizzling with pleasure, you heard him hesitate, his voice barely above a whisper; "What's...that buzzing noise, I-- do you have...back there, are you--"
Barely pulling back, approaching the climax you tried to muffle as you pumped his base with your hand, you moaned, sweet and sinful around his cock head; "B-brought my vibrator...hope you don't mind--"
"Oh-- fuck-- FUCK--"
You squeaked, your orgasm muffled by the cum that flooded your mouth and tongue. As your pleasure threatened to make you convulse, you pushed forwards instead to take the rest of what he offered down your throat, and you lost sight and sound for an indeterminate amount of time, blinded and deafened by thigh-trembling ecstasy.
Swallowing, gasping, and fumbling a hand in your underwear to pull the vibrator off your overstimulated clit, you babbled at him, apologetic.
"S-sorry, hard to--to get guys off sometimes-- without a bit of a hit myself--"
"Fuck, don't talk about other guys when you just came with my cock down your throat."
You giggled, breathless, hearing your suited man pant as he came down from his high. When he removed his cock from the hole, a long, beautifully crafted thumb and forefinger reached hesitantly through instead, and gently pinched your chin.
You pressed a lingering, affectionate kiss to the pad of his thumb as it swiped over your lower lip, and you felt your heart thud to hear such a delighted, satisfied hum from him. He opened the palm of his hand, surreptitious, and your stomach twisted to see an even thicker roll of bills than before.
"...you don't...don't have to--"
"I want to, I...I meant it when I said you're wasted here. They're monsters. Animals."
You took the money with a heavy heart, pressing another kiss to his palm, and leaving your whispers there with it;
"Scarier monsters than them in the world."
A black dog hunted your suited man, the next time he came to you. You felt it snapping at his heels, and when your stranger approached, it was to sit with his back against your wall, instead. You saw the briefest flash of a thick, corded neck, broad shoulders, a neat blond undercut. He was quiet for a few minutes, before you spoke, soft.
"...hey, you. I missed you last night."
He scoffed as if he didn't believe you, and you reached a hand through, poking him briskly on the shoulder.
"I mean it." Another pause, and you swallowed. "Do you...did you want to...?"
"I...I just want to talk. I'll still pay."
"I'd talk to you for free."
A further silence from him, your warmth a balm for his fractious self-loathing. His next words hung heavy with the weight of the world.
"When will we rest, do you think? When will it end?"
Your eyelids fluttered, looking down in thought. Your fingers stroked over the pad of his suited shoulder. You thought of how you'd been late to your gloryhole, that evening, your usual path blocked by some stop-motion atrocity, an eldritch horror only you could see, and you swallowed hard.
"...I don't know. It doesn't feel like it ever will."
A soft sigh, his voice rich and smoky; "I hesitate to ask what your particular burdens are, to have led you to a pit like this."
You felt tears prickle on your lashes. Taking a deep breath, and tippy-tapping your fingers on his shoulder, you tried to remain upbeat against the rising tide of misery.
"H-hey, it's not all bad. I got to meet you, after all."
"If that's your greatest joy, I pity you."
You winced. Your suited man jumped, when your hand gripped his shoulder with beseeching fervour, his own hand slowly coming up to overlay yours, dwarfing it in his palm. He tensed, unsure. When you spoke it was with the certainty that he needed to understand you.
"Get your tie off, and tie it around your eyes."
He was silent, stunned, his voice brittle as he replied; "...excuse me?"
"Just do it. Blindfold yourself. Then come here."
A moment of hesitation again...then a groan, surely older than he was, as he moved. You heard the silken friction of his tie being undone. You felt the anxious tension radiating off him, and you closed your eyes, eager not to ruin this mystery for yourself.
"Alright...if you insist."
When his voice sounded again, you felt his breath across your lips, inches from each other at the hole in the wall. You raised your hand up, feeling his shudder as your fingertips examined his face as though you were examining a sculpture; and, a sculpture he could have been, with high cheekbones, a thick squared jaw, narrow soft lips. You smiled, your eyes still closed.
"You're too handsome to leave here without a kiss."
Your suited man was silent, but you felt his breath hitch and his heart stutter.
When you finally pressed your lips to his, he moaned with ecstasy, just as he did when you pressed your lips to his erection. Though you took the lead initially, with your lips softly parting his until you could taste him, your permission imbued him with a bravery and confidence he hadn't revealed to you before.
He took charge, and kissed you like a man starved, his evening stubble rasping across your chin, nose against nose. His tongue trailed with a rusty shiver over your lips.
"F-fuck...you taste good...I-- ungh..."
He broke off to you biting his lower lip softly between your teeth, drawing him back in until your lips melded closely enough for you to suckle on the tip of his tongue. He moaned again, desperate and stuttering in his chest. You heard the brush of his palms pressing against the other side of the wall, desperate to cup your face and tilt his kisses down your throat.
Your mingling breaths tasted sweet, so indescribably erotic in its simple intimacy as you pulled away. You fought against the desire to open your eyes, instead biting your own lip, your brow furrowed against your own stupid decision. You whispered, to a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a sob, from your suited man.
"And I'd do that for free, too."
It was the most he had ever paid you, that night, for the simple intimacy of a conversation and a kiss.
Not a single solitary man visited your gloryhole the next night. You fizzled with worry, as man after man appeared to loiter near you, before choosing someone else; anyone else. It didn't make sense-- even your regulars would be heard mumbling near by before walking away from you.
You felt a clench of worry; the managers would still pay you, you were sure...but not if it continued.
You felt almost lightheaded with relief and something deeper, when a familiar voice graced your wall near the end of your shift.
"Are you lonely, in there?"
You felt a frisson of joy, and you knelt upright, grinning, your heart fluttering.
"Not anymore."
There was a momentary pause, and you felt the words that your suited stranger wanted to say, stuck, gated by his teeth. Eventually, when he spoke, it was strained, as if fearful of damaging the sprouting intimacy between you both.
"I've...been thinking a lot, recently. About what's fair."
You blinked, unsure, but answered anyway. "Oh?"
"It's not fair that I have to do a worthless job for people I hate, just to earn enough money to retire young. It's not fair that you're here, selling your body to make a living. It's...its not fair that it's only me being pleasured."
You swallowed, heat rushing to your cheeks, feeling him err against what he wanted to say, and he continued.
"I...would like to do something for you. For...for both of us. At the next window."
Oh. The next window. The curtained table, upon which you could lie your lower half, for a man to use the deepest parts of you for his own pleasure. If any other man-- any other man, had asked this if you, you were sure you'd have hated yourself for it. And yet...
"I...I've never done...that."
"I'm...I'm glad, I...I hate myself. For using you, and how other men would use you, and I'd like...to give you better. To treat you as you deserve. God knows, I'd like to tell you to walk away from this shit hole altogether but that's ignorant of me, so I...just for tonight, I--"
You almost clapped your hands over your mouth, your acquiescence so natural that it shocked you. Your suited man seemed surprised, too, and you could almost smell the thudding scent of testosterone from his body as it readied itself for the primal promise of spilling inside your core.
"Yes? You...are you sure?"
"Never been more sure of anything in my life, actually. I...I'll come round."
"Fuck, I...I'll be waiting. Nobody else can-- fuck."
You stood on shaky legs, suddenly self-conscious. Arriving at the table, you took a deep, trembling breath, before starting to strip. You heard heavy, pacing footsteps; more mumbling; a snapped, deep, possessive response.
"This one is mine."
You bit your lip, muffling a laugh at your suited man's immediate dismissal. By the skittish footsteps of the rebuffed other man, your suited stranger was not one that other men would choose to fight. You spoke up, your voice smaller than usual.
"Alright, here...here I come."
Reverent silence hung in the air, as fine as spun gold, when you finished moving your bare lower half down the table. Self-conscious, with your hands pressed over your face in blushing mortification, your thighs and knees remained clamped together.
You heard slow, deliberate footsteps towards your body, as if your suited man had forgotten how to walk. His voice spilled forth, full of sighs.
"Exquisite, I...god, I don't deserve this."
You could have cried for him. Sick of his apparent self loathing, you stretched one foot out until your toes pressed against rock solid abs beneath a pressed, twill shirt. You felt another blush rock your system, not expecting your suited man to be quite so buff.
A large, warm hand grasped your foot, stroking up your arch, your ankle, your calf, and settling with a squeeze behind your knee. When his other hand began to mirror the first, both of your knees now bent and pressed together in his grasp, you heard him whisper as he held you.
"I'll cover you," he promised, ragged with need, "with my body, I...I'll keep you hidden. Keep you safe."
"Thank you."
"Do you trust me?"
"One hundred percent."
A pleased rumble. "Good girl."
Softly, tenderly, two great hands stroked up the sides of your thighs, gliding around your hips with his shuddering groan. Your suited man's hands felt like liquid sex, turning every patch of skin he touched into an erogenous zone.
By the time his thumbs had begun to trace up and down, up and down the V shaped creases of your mound, you squirmed in his grasp, heat pooling in your belly. He chuckled, his thumbs stretching up to massage circles on your lower belly, warming you before he filled you.
"Does that feel good?"
"So good," you whispered, struggling to remain bashful with his obvious adoration.
This warm-palmed massage, from belly, to V, to thighs, to hips, and back again, melted you. Your thighs began to part, your code cracked, without you even noticing. When he settled his hips between your thighs, you moaned involuntarily, and felt his mouth, familiar only to your lips, begin to trail kisses along your ribs, your breasts hidden by a thin black curtain.
He appeared to resist temptation, nipping along the marks left by your bra beneath your breasts. Though outwardly calm, his hands grew ever tighter, shockingly strong and needy on your hips, and you could feel how ragged his breaths were against the soft wet suckling marks left by his mouth.
You had never felt so worshipped, and your suited man seemed determined to know you before he buried himself inside you. The only natural response to those strong hands beginning to creep up the inside of your thighs, was to offer him the treasure he sought, by opening your thighs completely to him.
"Please, can I...make you come on my fingers?"
At this point, you'd have to beg him not to stop if you opened your mouth, and instead locked your thighs around his hips so he couldn't escape. That deep chuckle again, this time against your sternum, and he kissed you in reward.
"Tell me if you want me to stop."
"I won't, I-- o-oooh...my...haaaah..."
His fingers, wet with his spit, had slid between your folds, two of them teasing around your entrance while his thumb circled with blissful ease around your clit.
Utterly unafraid of playing you like an instrument, he massaged your little bud until the noises you made were to his liking. You whimpered to feel the insistent press of his two thick fingers, and his murmured growls, add to the fold.
"Fuck, you're...perfect. Get you ready...or I won't fit...fuck..."
Within seconds, he had found your spongy soft spot, turning your moans guttural, making love to you with his fingers before he took you. Your suited man was certainly no boy, responding to every moan, and every whimper, with the surety needed to take you to orgasm.
Only the tenting press of his cock, harder than ever against your inner thigh, gave away how well he was controlling himself for your sake. Already at the edge, you tumbled into completion when one beautiful, fine boned hand slipped under the curtain to cup your breast, to the tune of his hushed curses.
"Come for me, my love."
As if he hadn't noticed you were already arching, mewling, and fucking yourself down on his fingers, halfway through your peak. He stroked your inner walls as if to comfort you, shushing you, soothing, until your quivering pussy stilled around him. You heard the clink of his belt, your head spinning to remember that the best was still yet to come.
"Beautiful girl...sound so pretty when you come. I...I'll pull out--"
"--don't you dare."
The strangled noise that left him, and the way you felt a spurt of pre-cum spill onto your belly, signalled a farewell to his restraint. You squeaked to feel him bracket two thick, strong arms beneath your thighs, bracing you for the way he was about to take you.
Jolting into place, his cockhead nuzzled between your folds. He appeared to be needing nothing but ragged, shallow thrusts to pleasure himself against your oversensitive clit, his lovely voice speaking as if to himself before notching at your entrance.
"--s-so long, it's been...been so long...worth the wait, for you, though, sh-shit...augh..."
He entered you with one deep, smooth press, shushing you again with a tender grasp, and little shallow rocks to kiss his tip against your cervix. He felt absolutely enormous, squeezing himself into you until every little ridge within you shaped to him, hot and wet. You babbled, your words shooting through him like knives.
"--oh m-my god you feel so good so so good so big-- barely fits, o-ooohh--"
When you gasped with the sudden fullness, one of your hands flew down past the curtain to hold your lower belly, and something in your suited man snapped. He laid one hand over yours, pressing it down hard on your belly, before cursing a half-hearted apology, and taking you with the desperation of a man possessed.
Three strokes, deeper, and deeper, and deeper, sent him roaring into a frenetic pace. Your hand clasping your lower belly had sent him spiralling. If his other hand hadn't held your hip so tightly, you'd have been fucked up the table.
And despite the mind-numbing force of his thrusts, you still, with every scrap of you, knew that he was making love to you, and not just fucking you. It made no difference, in the end, your voice growing in volume until it was nothing more than whimpered, mewling cries, only wishing you could have a name upon your tongue instead.
Stilted with the force of his thrusts, he blessed you with it.
"Say...say my name..."
"I will I will just give it to me gimme your name--"
"--o-ooohh, f-fuck, Kento, harder--"
The cry that left his chest was visceral, animalistic, wrenched out of him with the same sudden finality as his orgasm. You felt him fold over you, his hands gripping your ribcage, his cock jolting and twitching within you as the heavy, obscenely long ejaculation that you knew so well, filled your pussy instead of your mouth.
"--unh...unh...haah...aaa-aahhh never...never gonna come like that-- e-ever again...that was it, that was the...the one that'll end me-- fuck...darling..."
Your suited man's bucks grew lazy, his torso almost completely blanketing yours, humping away the last vestiges of his orgasm. He stayed nestled within you, unwilling to let you go yet. You reached through the curtain, stroking a hand through his hair, and hearing him purr.
"...Kento, huh?"
He huffed a laugh. "Sorry, I...was that too intimate?"
"That? You're worried that was the intimate part?"
He laughed, rich and deep and genuine, kissing your ribs once more. You heard him reach into his pocket, and you spoke up, immediate.
"I won't let you pay me for that--"
"--I absolutely fucking am--"
"--no you are not--"
After he won the argument, and left with heavy reluctance, your manager pulled you aside with a dirty grin.
"You were popular tonight. How many men? Ten? Twelve?"
You blinked, confused.
"Just...just the one. Right at the end."
Your manager shook his head, turning back to the TV in his grubby little office, his fingers orange with Cheeto dust. Your brain ticked, and whirred...all the mumbling outside your gloryhole. All the murmurs, men almost visiting before moving on...and it clicked with absolute certainty.
Your suited man had guarded your gloryhole all night, paying other men to choose another woman. To choose anyone but you.
"I worried you wouldn't be here."
You swallowed, sniffling, and settling behind your wall. More terrible monsters had settled around the building, blocking almost every pathway in, and you knew that you'd have abandoned your shift and run home to hide, if not for the hope of hearing your suited man again.
"You're...crying, my love, why are you crying?"
You felt him stiffen against the other side of the wall, at the sound of your sniffle, and his hand automatically reached through to cup your face, his thumb swiping away your tears. You turned your cheek into his palm, holding his hand against you.
Your gaze turned to the doorway...and to the bug-eyed, many-armed, puce coloured spindly monster leaning around it to stare at you.
You shrieked, crashing against your wall in terror. Your suited man took in a sharp breath, and the normal chatter and movement of the room quieted at your cry. Your suited stranger grasped your hand hard to hold you still, and his voice dropped to a horrified whisper.
"Stop-- oh, fuck, I understand-- your monsters-- can you see that? That thing in the doorway?"
Time slowed. Your jaw dropped. Your voice was thick, quiet, your insanity validated for the first time in your life.
"Kento, you...see it too?"
"Oh fuck. This...this is why you're in this place? Never been able to hold down a job, no? You've never felt safe anywhere?"
You could do nothing but weep into his palm, nodding, and nodding, and nodding. His voice rang, deep and commanding and final.
"I've got you. I...I've got you. You're safe. Just come with me."
"Kento, I can't just walk out--"
"You can. You don't need money. I've got enough. You just need...you just need me. I'll...I'll tell you everything. I'll explain everything."
When your face, tearstained and sniffling, leaned around the edge of your wall, you froze. Kento froze.
The silence was thick with wonderment, already in love before you had even seen each others' faces. But now that you saw him (obscenely handsome, tall, kind-eyed and exhausted), already overwhelmed, a sob bubbled over--
"Oh, god, you're so out of my league--"
A scoff, and adoration burning in his tired, under-shadowed eyes. He held out one hand, rescuing you as you'd rescued him.
"Come. I have some calls to make. You can tell me your name over dinner."
Your feet were numb as Kento walked you past the monster, shielding your fearful gaze with his hand. You ignored the shouts of your managers, half-deaf and stunned. In the chill evening air, his arm that was not around you, reached into his pocket, tapping, before holding a phone to his ear.
"Gojo, it's Nanami...why are you laughing?"
905 notes · View notes
cockkette · 2 days
baby alonso
charles leclerc x alonso!reader
warnings - swearing, google translate spanish, dad!fernando, tomfoolery + shenanigans (it is alonso!reader so are we suprised), i think that's it xoxo
face claim - girls on pinterest
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liked by astonmartinf1, fernandoalo_oficial and 409,345 others
y/n.alonso: causing chaos in the aston garage per usual 😘
astonmartinf1: not too much chaos though... right
y/n.alonso: of course
fernandoalo_oficial: my daughter is an angel and can do no wrong 🤨
user1: praise the alonso father daughter duo we all say in unison
user2: and to think this man committed war crimes
y/n.alonso: allegedly* 🙄
liked by fernandoalo_oficial
fernandoalo_oficial: now that you finished with that waste of time you can come to every race just like when you were little cariño!!
y/n.alonso: by 'that waste of time' do you mean the university that you payed for?
fernandoalo_oficial: yes i'm glad we are on the same page mija 🩷
user3: you heard it here first fernando alonso says university isn't important
astonmartinf1: this is not the view if the aston martin f1 team or any of our sponsors
user4: is he trying to kill admin?
astonmartinf1: i fear he might be 🥲
user5: baby alonso is the paddock princess
user6: she is living the dream for real
y/n.alonso: it is pretty sweet being a nepo child 💪
lance_stroll: you know it 😎
user7: i'm praying for aston points
y/n.alonso: hang on i'll pull some strings brb
y/n.alonso: dad! lance! score some points!
liked by astonmartinf1
user8: she's so pretty 😍
charles_leclerc: she really is
carlossainz55: bro do you actually have a death wish
fernandoalo_oficial: i'll see you on the track leclerc 🙂
y/n.alonso: papá!
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, y/n.alonso and 245,071 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll and y/n.alonso
astonmartinf1: race weekend with a special guest 😉
user9: we love baby alonso
user11: get her to sort aston martin tf out
y/n.alonso: guys i'm trying my best 😔
fernandoalo_oficial: mija lawrence is going to make me go to another pr training session if you keep doing this
user12: the king can't get locked up in pr jail!!
charles_leclerc: i might have to swing by the aston garage 😉
fernandoalo_oficial: you might fucking not
charles_leclerc: yes fernando, sorry fernando
user13: charles is going to get himself run off the track
user14: charles is a braver man than me fernando might kill him
y/n.alonso: thank you for having me! it's always so so much fun 🩷
liked by astonmartinf1
user15: petition for y/n to be at every race ever please
user16: where do i sign
user17: her paddock fits are literally everything to me
lance_stroll: she has started to give me fashion tips to 'inspire' me please don't encourage her
danielricciardo: you might want to start taking the advice...
lance_stroll: oh 😦
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liked by y/n.alonso, charles_leclerc and 324,391 others
fernandoalo_oficial: i think i need to fire my new race engineer she's mean
y/n.alonso: boo 👎👎
fernandoalo_oficial: don't boo your own father
y/n.alonso: don't be a boring old man
sebastianvettel: she's got you there mate
fernandoalo_oficial: what the fuck are you doing here!?
jensonbutton: she gagged you fr 💅
aussiegrit: ate and left no crumbs
sebastianvettel: slay 💋
fernandoalo_oficial: what is actually happening
user18: i swear they will never miss an opportunity to try humble nando
liked by sebastianvettel, jensonbutton and aussiegrit
user19: i'm sure charles wouldn't mind having y/n as a race engineer
fernandoalo_oficial: no.
user20: the way i would never speak again
user21: noo i would love them together
liked by charles_leclerc
user22: in my head they ARE together
astonmartinf1: i mean we did get points this weekend soooo...
y/n.alonso: you're welcome xxx
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liked by charles_leclerc, astonmartinf1 and 283,912 others
y/n.alonso: home sweet home 🏠
user23: how is charles always in the likes before me? i have notifications on?!?
charles_leclerc: you snooze you lose mate
user24: he really is just like us (in love with y/n)
user25: too bad he's too scared of alonso to do anything about it 🤷‍♀️
yourbestfriend: your outfits always eat pretty girl!
y/n.alonso: aww thank you baby
user26: oh to be called baby by y/n
liked by charles_leclerc
fernandoalo_oficial: have fun!
fernandoalo_oficial: not too much fun though be careful and safe
y/n.alonso: yes papa
user27: he forgot who his daughter was for a second there
liked by fernandoalo_oficial
astonmartinf1: see you next race week!
y/n.alonso: wouldn't miss it!
user28: yesss
iamrebeccad: i miss you (and your gossip)
y/n.alonso: miss you too (don't worry i have plenty more)
user29: show it to me rachel!!!!
charles_leclerc: i'm in madrid too we should meet up
fernandoalo_oficial: what are you doing??
y/n.alonso: i might take you up on that offer cha 🤭
fernandoalo_oficial: noooo stop this
user30: this is sending me 😂
user31: the way they are fully ignoring him
user32: i won't ever get over y/n calling him cha
liked by charles_leclerc
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liked by y/n.alonso, carlossainz55and 592,842 others
charles_leclerc: time to unwind
user33: wait is that y/n???
user34: it totally looks like her
user35: my chay/n heart can't take this
user36: the matching shirt with the dress? please!!!
user37: charles + spain = slaggy pictures
user38: and we thank him for it
liked by y/n.alonso
user39: omg y/n does not give a fuck
carlossainz55: where was my invite bro?
charles_leclerc: i'm so sorry i was too busy...
carlosainz55: i thought it was bros before hoes
chalres_leclerc: nah my hoe is 4 life
user40: so unserious i swear
pierregasly: i love knowing things nobody else knows
user41: tell me please
user42: pierre is my biggest opp rn
pierregasly: don't hate the player hate the game
user43: he is the king of gossip
liked by charles_leclerc
user44: i've been manifesting this for months i hope it's y/n
user45: oh so you're crazy crazy?
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liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and 12,812 others
caption- look who i bumped into 😉
charles_leclerc: you say this like we didn't come here together
y/n.alonso: i'm trying to be mysterious and nonchalant
charles_leclerc: dork 🤓
y/n.alonso: you know you love it
user46: OMG
user47: this is so important to me
fernandoalo_oficial: tell him not to try anything
y/n.alonso: whatever papa 🙄
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liked by y/n.alonso, carlossainz55 and 872,849 others
tagged: y/n.alonso
charles_leclerc: happy 6 months mon amour 🩷
user48: they are already my favorite couple ever
user49: the way i will be yapping about them i am about to get at least 10 times more annoying
user50: as you should tbh
user51: i'm so so happy for them but this might take fernando out
user52: i just know he is being restrained by aston martin rn so he can't comment
astonmartinf1: 🤐
user53: the goat is being silenced
pierregasly: now the secret is out i feel less special
user54: it's a tough life out here for the gossipy hoes
pierregasly: don't i know it
y/n.alonso: i love you
charles_leclerc: i love you more
user55: ew are they going to start being sappy on main now
pierregasly: i fear they might
liked by charles_leclerc and y/n.alonso
oscarpiastri: bwoah
user56: felt that
user57: charles has... game?
maxverstappen1: we are all as surprised as you are mate
user58: flabbergasted fr
maxverstappen1: he bamboozled us all with his loserness
user59: max i know you're not talking rn
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liked by iamrebeccad, charles_leclerc and 17251 others
caption- this jacket looks supa cute!
fernandoalo_oficial: ewww it's so ugly 🤢
y/n.alonso: papa i'm sorry for not telling you about charles earlier
fernandoalo_oficial: i'm not over it yet i feel betrayed
fernandoalo_oficial: i just need time mija
y/n.alonso: you are so dramatic old man
fernandoalo_oficial: what the sigma?
user60: my favorite wag and nepo baby
charles_leclerc: please tell me you bought it mon coeur
y/n.alonso: yep! and when you get back to the hotel i'll be waiting for you wearing just that
charles_leclerc: fuck i'm on my way right now i'll just get the food delivered you aren't going anywhere
y/n.alonso: yes sir
charles_leclerc: you kill me cherie
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liked by yourbestfriend, fernandoalo_oficial and 436,592 others
tagged: y/n.alonso
charles_leclerc: my ferrari girl ❤️
fernandoalo_oficial: i'm still mad but no one told me but this is actually kind of cute ig
charles_leclerc: woo he likes me now
y/.alonso: don't push it amor 💋
user62: i'm sobbing he loves her so much
user63: if my bf ain't like this then i don't want it
y/n.alonso: he is pretty great icl
fernandoalo_oficial: i think i preferred when i didn't know about this... now you don't shut up about him
user64: she is so me
y/n.alonso: i'm you're ferrari girl
charles_leclerc: that's right baby
user65: shut up shut up i can't handle this
user66: they are literally everything
user67: i don't know how charles managed to hide this for 6 months
user68: now he posts y/n all the time 🤭
user69: ikr its so cute!!
carlossainz55: he can't keep a secret to save his life so he just yapped to me and pierre all. the. time
pierregasly: and he wasn't exactly subtle in the comments 🤨
scuderiaferrari: y/n is a ferrari girl confirmed 😦
liked by y/n.alonso
user70: everyone is a ferrari fan
user71: even if they are not, they are a ferrari fan
a/n - thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed and as always any feedback is apppreciated <3
634 notes · View notes
isaadore · 20 hours
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pairing oscar piastri x norris!driver!reader
SUMMARY when red bull announces your signing, it catches the attention of many,  but no one seems more interested than your brother’s teammate. word count 0.5k + smau
warnings fem!reader, use of y/n, fluff, short
note this is the first work for the norris!driver!reader au. i’m so excited for you all to read this <3 it’s a bit short since it’s just an introduction, but i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed coming up with the au 🤍
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redbullracing ✔︎
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Liked by tatacalde7, landonorris, and 1,237,589 others
redbullracing ✔︎ We're excited to welcome Y/N Norris 🇬🇧 to the Red Bull Racing family! 🙌
As the first female F1 driver since 1992, Y/N is making history, and we're proud to support her on this journey. Her determination and talent are inspiring; we can't wait to see what we can achieve together!
Welcome to the team, Y/N! 🔥
#F1 #RedBullRacing #GivesYouWings #Breaking Barriers #Y/NNorris
Tagged: y/nnorris
View all 42,876 comments
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ Great to have you on the team 💪
fan01 verstappen and norris dominance could bore fans
fan02 fan01 i forgot we were talking about y/n and not lando 😭
jamiechadwick ✔︎ Huge moment for the sport and women in racing 👏
fan03 the queen herself
fan04 it’s happening guys HOW ARE WE FEELING
fan05 We finally have both Norris siblings on the grid 🫶🏻
fan06 this feels surreal I’M SO PROUD OF U Y/N 🥹
fan07 ur making history in f1 and motorsports <3
fan08 I have tears in my eyes
fan09 Representation matters ❤️
fan11 i’m so proud our girl made it!!
y/nnorris ✔︎ just added to their story!
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Seen by naomiosaka, oscarpiastri, and 587,342 others
View all 2,981 replies
fan01 u were always an inspiration to me 🥹 i’m so proud of u!
fan02 i saw this coming babess but first woman in f1 since 1992 so proud!!
fan03 future world champion i feel it
fan04 Seeing you and Lando on the grid is a dream come true
fan05 i can finally say ur my favourite f1 driver
You smiled as your screen filled with comments and DMs from fans all over the world. Red Bull officially revealed your signing, introducing you as the newest Formula One driver—not just any driver, but the first female driver since 1992.
Your signing wasn’t entirely unexpected. There were rumours over the past year that you and your team had to ignore, but it was hard because Red Bull had supported your racing career since you were young; everyone saw this coming. While you had proven again and again that you were capable, many still believed that women didn’t belong in motorsports. But being offered the contract was a testament to your hard work and talent.
You were reading more comments when a sharp knock came at your door.
You peeked through the peephole to find your 24-year-old brother standing there, looking impatient.
“Lando, what are you doing here?”
“It’s official!” he said, his excitement evident in his smile. You raised an eyebrow, looking at him skeptically. “You knew I was signing before Mum even did. Why are you so excited?”
“Because now the world knows, and that makes it special,” he replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You rolled your eyes, ready to shut the door in his face. You both lived in Monaco, his house just a few minutes away. And at that moment, you wished he’d just go back home.
“Hey, hey, don’t be rude. Mum and Dad want to take you out to celebrate; you in?” He wedged his foot in the door to prevent you from closing it entirely, speaking through the narrow gap while flashing another grin.
“Fine, but can you please leave? You’re going to be spotted by a fan hoping to meet a driver.”
“Pft and they say the older one’s bossier,” he said, turning to leave.
You rolled your eyes and gave him a light shove toward the driveway. “Just go,” you replied, closing the door behind him with a sigh.
But the peace didn’t last long. A few hours later, you found yourself at a candlelit table in one of Monaco’s top restaurants, Lando across from you, laughing with your parents as the waiter poured wine into crystal glasses.
“So, you’re officially an F1 driver! How are you feeling?” Your dad’s voice broke through your thoughts as you looked up from the menu. He smiled proudly over his wine glass, a familiar gleam in his eyes from when you won your first-ever karting race.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Honestly? Pretty much the same, but I can’t wait to get started.” Your mum nodded in agreement, her smile warm and encouraging. “I can only imagine! It’s great to see you and Lando out there; you both are making us the proudest parents.”
Lando chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and in that moment, everything felt perfect. Surrounded by family, with your first F1 contract signed, you weren’t just chasing a dream—you were making history in motorsports.
y/nnorris ✔︎ just added to their story!
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Seen by oscarpiastri, lewishamilton, and 237,894 others
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fan01 can i join next time 🙏🏽
fan02 say hi to lando for me!!
fan03 I LOVE U Y/N
fan04 my favourite sibling duo
oscarpiastri started following you.
y/nnorris started following oscarpiastri.
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giannaln4 · 2 days
Lucky Bracelet
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Making friendship bracelets was one of your favourite things to keep you entertained during race weeks, and you just had to make a special one for your boyfriend.  (1.5k words)
warnings: fluff, established relationship, a couple sexual innuendos
a/n: guys look at me! two posts in one week? crazy. i'm honestly trying to clean up my inbox since i still have a few requests from before my break 😭 so if you sent one, i'm getting there, i promise! now, this is a little bit cheesy and there are a few weird time skips so I apologise for that, but i really hope you like it! pls let me know what you think 🫶🏻
check out the original request here!
↺ back to navigation — send me a request!
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Being constantly surrounded by hundreds of people and the double amount of cameras was not something you liked, but it’s something you had to put up with given the amount of attention your boyfriend got; it was something you have learnt to deal with. Not that you were fully used to it now, but at least it didn’t make you as anxious as it used to when you first started dating.
At least now you found something that helped you get your mind off the intense atmosphere that surrounded you during race weeks: making friendship bracelets. You made a few when you went to see Taylor Swift in concert late last year, and it stuck with you since then.
You travelled with all the materials you needed: colourful beads and cotton threads, tape, scissors — the whole deal. It wasn’t like you made an insane amount of bracelets every time you accompanied Lando to a race, but if you were bored or overwhelmed, you knew you had something to do.
Today was one of those days; Lando was specially busy today, and given your shy and quiet personality, you didn’t know that many people around, so you decided to lock yourself in Lando’s drivers room and get to it, carefully picking the letters and colours you would use.
Lando hated to leave you alone. He was aware of the many things he had to do, but he didn’t expect them to take that long, so as soon as he got a little bit of free time to catch lunch, he went looking for you. 
“Hey,” he greeted one of the mechanics. 
“Hi mate, how is it going?”
“All good, thanks. It’s a bit hot outside but still nice.”
“And yet, you are wearing a hoodie.” He teased him.
Lando let out a laugh, well aware of his reputation. "Well, I still have to keep it in style, don’t I?”
“You do, we know.”
“Anyway, have you seen Y/N?” 
“She must be in your room. I haven’t seen her since the two of you got here this morning.”
He smiled, knowing exactly what you were up to if you hadn’t left the small space all day. “Thanks.”
Lando made his way to his room, carefully knocking on the door before coming in. He didn’t want to scare you and make you drop all your beads, which has happened more times than he would like to admit.
“Come in,” he heard you yell from inside.
He opened the door and gave you the sweetest smile you have ever seen. “Hey, I’m back.”
“Hey, what took you so long?” You dropped everything you were doing to direct your attention at him. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know we would have to be there all morning, but I’m back for lunch.”
“It’s okay, and thank God, I’m starving.” You took a piece of tape to hold your bracelet in place and started to get up.
“What are you making here?” He asked you as he got closer to the small table, analysing what you had on display as the bright-coloured beads caught his eye.
“No, it’s a surprise.” You responded, quickly hiding your unfinished creation with your hands. 
“A surprise you say?” He came behind you to wrap his arms around you, softly kissing your head. 
You melted into his embrace and hummed in response, using one of your bags to hide it instead so you could hug your boyfriend back. “You can’t see it until you win this race.”
“Mhm, I see. What if I don’t win? When do I get to see it?” He questioned, not wanting to jinx his weekend, but he was still curious. 
“The next race you win.” You said this as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Got it. In that case, I’m gonna have to win this race.” He grabbed your hips to turn you around, kissing you on the lips once you were facing him.
You went to eat your lunch together as you normally did, enjoying each other’s company as you talked about anything you could come up with. Before you knew it, he had to go back to his duties, and even though you tried hard to act normal about being left alone so he wouldn’t feel guilty, he still noticed. He knew you better than you knew yourself, anyway.
“You can come with me if you want, that way you don’t have to be alone.”
“No, it’s okay. I know there are millions of people and cameras when you do these things."
He couldn’t help but feel guilty; he knew you were there to support him, so he hated to be apart from you when you did. “I’m sorry, love. I know you don’t feel comfortable when there are a lot of people around. You know you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to, you could always stay home.”
“If you don’t want me to come, just say that,” you joked.
“No, it’s not that,” Lando replied immediately. “I do want you here, I always do, but I hate that you feel like you have to hide.”
“Lan, I’m not hiding. Sure, I do prefer to stay inside, but it’s not because I want to hide from the world. Besides, that’s why I always bring something to entertain myself with. I’ll be fine, I promise,” you reassure him.
“Okay,” he nods, smiling at you. “But if you want to go back to the hotel, that’s okay.”
The rest of the weekend went on a lot quicker, even though he was just as busy. Qualifying and race days were a lot less boring since you got to see the cars from the garage, enjoying the full wag experience. 
As the race went on, you couldn’t help but feel anxious and excited at the same time. Lando started from pole (which made you assure him the night before he would get to see the bracelet after the race), but you still had the need to crack your fingers every once in a while. There were only a few laps left, and he had led the entire race so far, and with the gap becoming bigger, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
Once he finally crossed that finish line with a 21-second margin, everyone in the garage cheered and jumped, celebrating Lando’s achievement. A lot of people gathered outside to see him get off the car and celebrate his third win himself, shouting his name and patting him in the helmet to congratulate him.
When it was time for the podium, you decided to go get the finished bracelet you kept in your purse and held it close to your heart, feeling extremely proud of Lando for the amazing race he just had. You couldn't stop the few tears that left your eyes; it made you so happy to see him accomplish his dreams. 
The whole thing was finally over, and you waited for him right there so you could finally express how proud of him you were. 
“Congrats, baby,” you said, hugging him as if you hadn’t seen him in months. “You did amazing.”
“Thank you.” Lando couldn’t erase the big smile off his face as he hugged you back. 
“That’s a cool trophy you got back there.”
“Yeah, I don’t really care about that.” He said, puling away and looking down at you. 
“You don’t?” You asked confused.
“No, I’m still waiting for my real reward.”
“Oh… we can go back to the hotel-”
“No!” He interrupted you, laughing loudly at the fact that your mind went there. “I mean my bracelet, didn’t you say I would get it if I won this race? Well, I did, and now I’m claiming it.”
You laughed, your cheeks burning a bit from embarrassment. “Right, uh- it’s not that great compared to your trophy.”
“I’m sure it’s better than any trophy I could ever get.”
Man, he really knew how to be the sweetest boyfriend in the entire world. You pulled the bracelet out of your pocket, hiding it in your fist before dropping it in his hands. 
The colours were the first thing that caught his attention. Fluoro green and black beads. He inspected these first, until he got to the little letters that read ‘MY WINNER’. He almost couldn’t contain his tears; he was so endeared by you and how much you supported his passion.
“I love it,” he whispered, lifting you up and kissing you emotionally before putting you back down and sliding the bracelet in his wrist, admiring the way it looked there. “Thank you.”
“See? I told you you would get to see it today.”
“It must be a lucky bracelet, then. I’m never taking it off.”
You giggled at this, loving how Lando reacted to the bracelet you made with much love, but you still thought he was just messing with you. “You must be tired.” You teased him.
“Mhm. Now, about my other reward-”
“Oh my God.” You rolled your eyes as you let out a loud laugh, holding his hand as you made your way to the car.
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iconchae · 3 days
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PAIRING: husband ! jake × wife ! afab reader. GENRE: smut with little plot. SYNOPSIS: you were at a family gathering with your husband but he couldn't resist touching you and you definitely didn't expect it to end up in a complicated situation. WARNING(S): fingering, teasing, semi public setting, cumming inside, daddy kink (sort of?), pet names, smut, mdni, established relationships, not proofread. WORD COUNT: 1.7k masterlist.
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In the opulent, dimly lit drawing room of the grand estate, the annual family gathering was in full swing. The air was thick with the aroma of roasted meats, sweet desserts, and the subtle perfume of fresh flowers adorning the room. Your in laws and your parents engrossed in a deep conversation, which could range from politics to just the latest gossip going around... and right now, they were probably wondering when you and Jake would start trying for kids.
You, dressed in a ravishing, deep plum gown that hugged your curves like a second skin, were engaged in polite conversation with an elderly aunt. Your husband, Jake, sat beside you, his hand resting possessively on your thigh beneath the table. You tried pushing his hand away, subtly even, but the guy wouldn't even budge since his hand would eventually end up even closer than where it was before.
As you laughed at an anecdote shared by your aunt, Jake's fingers began to subtly dance along your inner thigh, his touch light and teasing. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you glanced at him, catching his gaze for a fleeting moment before looking back at your aunt. “So, how did it go then?” you couldn't help but ask, making sure not to react to your husband's touch.
But Jake seemed to be in a different mood, his brain working overtime to restrain him from doing something inappropriate in front of everyone but his hand seemed to have a mind of its own, as it inched closer to your heat, his fingers gently caressing the lace of your panties. And his lips immediately curved upwards in a smirk upon feeling the dampness against the tip of his thumb.
“It was great but the entire event was boring.” She answered, sighing heavily in disappointed as she recalled the evening of the last family gathering. And you could swear you could describe today's family gathering with the same statement.
But right now, that was none of your concern. Your heart raced as you continued the conversation, trying to maintain composure despite the growing arousal between your legs and Jake’s touch didn't help at all. “And how is work treating you, dear?” your aunt asked, her eyes warm with curiosity. She was completely unaware of the inner turmoil you were facing.
“It's been... challenging,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. You tried so damn hard to control your expressions as Jake’s fingers rubbed you over the thin lace. And soon they slipped inside, pushing your panties to the side before his fingers stroked your outer lips. He spread your wetness around, a cruel smirk over his face as if he enjoyed watching you struggle.
You clenched your jaw, struggling to keep a straight face while your husband slowly circled your clit with his fingertips. Your hand immediately reached for the glass placed on the table, fingers wrapping around it tightly. It was as if you were afraid to spill water due to the fact that Jake’s hand was still stroking you, painfully slow, almost teasing.
Jake's touch was confident, his rhythm purposeful. He knew your body like the back of his hand, each caress sending waves of pleasure through you. You crossed your legs, trapping his hand in place as you squirmed silently in your seat, desperate for more but Jake, he definitely didn't want to give you what you wanted this easily.
His lips curved into a wicked smile as he continued to pleasure you beneath the table. “Are you alright, dear?” your aunt asked, her brow furrowed with concern upon noticing your sudden discomfort. You nodded, your breath hitching in your throat as Jake's fingers inched towards your hole, and then slipped inside you with ease, slowly pumping in and out with no care whatsover.
“I just... I just ate something that didn't agree with me,” you lied, your grip tightening around the armrests of your chair. Your husband's skilled fingers were driving you to the brink, and it took all your self-control not to moan out loud as he curled them to find the spot that would make you call out his name.
“You should go lie down,” she suggested, patting your hand comfortingly over the table. “No, no, I'm fine,” you insisted, your words clipped as Jake started massaging that magical spot inside you, making you lean back in your chair in helplessness. Your hips bucked silently against his fingers, biting your lower lip to stifle a whimper.
You knew you had to leave. Cumming here, with the in laws and your parents nearby sounded like a embarassing nightmare that you wanted to avoid so badly and so, you did what any sane person would do.
“Please, excuse me,” you murmured, rising abruptly from your seat. Your face flushed, and your breath ragged, you fled the drawing room amidst murmurs of concern. Jake rose languidly from his seat, a smirk playing on his lips as he followed you discreetly after giving out a excuse that he wanted to ‘check up on you’.
You stumbled into the powder room, your knees weak and your heart pounding. Your hand instinctively adjusted your panties from under your skirt. A shiver ran down your spine once the door clicked shut behind you as Jake slipped inside, locking it firmly. He pinned you against the vanity, his hands gripping your thighs and hiking up your dress.
“You were so eager to run away.” he murmured, his voice low and husky. His eyes bored into yours as he stepped between your spread thighs, his erection straining against his tailored pants. “Well, now we can finish what we started.” He reached down and unbuckled his belt, the metal clinking loudly in the small room.
You watched, transfixed, as he slowly unzipped his pants and freed himself. His hand wrapped around his thick shaft, pumping slowly as he stepped closer, the pink mushroom tip already leaking pre cum was enough to make your throat dry, the heat of his body radiating against your bare thighs. “Wrap your legs around me, darling” he growled, his voice laden with desire, trying his best to keep quiet and not bring in unwanted attention.
Without hesitation, you complied, locking your ankles behind his back as he hoisted you up against the vanity. The cool surface pressed against your back as he positioned himself at your entrance, the head of his cock teasing your folds, smearing his precum against your pussy. Your wetness joining his pre cum to collect on his eager tip. “Look at yourself in the mirror, honey” he commanded, his breath hot against your ear.
You turned your head to gaze at your reflection - flushed cheeks, parted lips, and dilated eyes. Behind you, Jake's reflection showed a man on the brink of control, his jaw clenched and his eyes locked onto yours. “Now, watch us,” he hissed, as he slowly pushed into you. But stopping as soon as his head disappeared in you.
“please, more” you begged him, hoping he'd comply. Your reflection showed every emotion playing across your face - surprise, pleasure, desire - as he took pity upon you and sank deeper and deeper, until he was fully seated within you. He began to move, his hips rolling in a rhythm that made your breath catch in your throat even though this was nothing new for you.
The sound of your bodies coming together filled the powder room, a wet, slutty noise that only served to turn you on more. His hands gripped your ass, lifting you slightly as he pounded into you, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside you with every thrust. “getting all needy for daddy, are you?” he teased, his voice coming in whispers as he tried his best to stay quiet.
You hummed in response, almost a cry. You bit your lip to stifle your moans, your eyes locked onto the reflection of your bodies in the mirror. The sight of his cock sliding in and out of you was incredibly erotic, and you could feel your orgasm building with each passing second. “Touch yourself for me.” Jake said out, his voice tight with his own impending release.
You immediately did so, reaching down, your fingers finding your clit and circling it rapidly. The added stimulation sent you spiraling toward oblivion, and you felt your inner muscles clench around Jake's cock. “That's it, baby,”
he panted, his movements becoming faster and more urgent as his cock kept hitting all the right spots. “Come for me, now.” His words were enough to push you over the edge, and you threw your head back, a silent cry escaping your lips as you convulsed around him, milking his cock for all he was worth.
Jake's grip on your ass tightened as he drove into you with fierce, powerful strokes. His own orgasm was imminent, and you could feel the tension coiling in his body. “I'm going to fill you up, baby,” he grunted, his cock pulsing inside you. “Take it all.”
With a final, deep thrust, Jake exploded inside you, his hot cum coating your inner walls as he emptied his balls into your greedy pussy. You could feel his cock throbbing and pulsing as he filled you to the brim, his seed leaking out around his shaft and dripping onto the marble floor.
You collapsed against the mirror, your arms and legs trembling with the force of your own orgasm. Jake slid out of you, his softening cock leaving a trail of his cum on your thighs. You turned to look at him, seeing the satisfaction and exhaustion etched on his face as he caught his breath.
“so good” his words were though cut off as a sudden knock on the powder room, followed with a concerned voice shook him off.
“Hello? Is everything alright in there?” the voice belonged to one of Jake’s cousin, Sunghoon. You watched as Jake tried to clean the mess up, he helped you down from the vanity, looking at your disheaveled expression. “it’s fine, we just got into a fight.” Jake lied out confidently.
“I wasn't born yesterday, clean the mess up and come out. I'd be more than happy to be an uncle soon.”
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© iconchae | tumblr
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junislqve · 1 day
TOUCH / clingy boyfriend
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enhypen 。。 when your boyfriend is clingy
n : f!r / 1082 𝑤𝘰𝑟𝑑𝑠 . . . 𝓬 — 𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍 ⨾ kissing skinship fluff ⟢ 𝖼𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗅𝘰𝗀𝗎𝖾
( 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝘰𝗀𝗌 ♥︎ 𝖼𝗅𝑖𝖼𝗄 )
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“i want you to stay here forever”
you both were lounging on the couch, once again watching the notebook. almost like a tradition at this point.
heeseung couldn’t even bring himself to complain about how boring it was, catching himself watching the way you’d marvel at how great the movie was for the nth time. his eyes roaming over your face, imprinting every detail in its wake.
subconsciously, heeseung’s figure leans against yours, his hand coming up to cup your face. in the midst of confusion you turn your head towards him, the ghost of a smile on your lips.
heeseung, who’s spent the whole movie trying to catch your attention, finds himself flustered from holding your adoring gaze. burying his head on your shoulder right after, trying to hide the big smile and blushing ears. his hands sliding down to rest at your waist comfortably.
“just stay here for a moment” hee mumbles, feeling your body shift, his arms tightening slightly around your hips.
“20 more minutes”
that was the cycle you and your boyfriend has been in for the past half hour. earlier you told him you had plans with a few friends. he seemed to be fine hours ago but just by the hour mark when you had to start getting ready, the way he held you and the way his eyes settled on you really made you rethink.
“i have to get ready” you state, attempting to pull away from the grip.
“why do you have to go today? why not tomorrow.” he whines, his arm sliding around your waist for a steadier grip. face burying just by the slope of your neck, his warm breath fanning the spot just below your ear.
you just realized how close he was to you.
placing a soft, but firm kiss to the shell of your ear, he whispers, “please, baby”
you didn’t know what to do.
standing around in a function your friend dragged you to just to end up sitting alone at a table was not ideal. especially when you’d rather be doing other things right now like being at home with your boyfriend.
unfortunately, you were stuck here and he was stuck in another city with his friends so you had no excuse to avoid the event this time.
“how’s busan?” you asked your boyfriend through the phone.
“oh you know, it’s quite fun here. how about you? didn’t you say you’re going to an event with gigi?”
“yeah, i’m at it right now, we were just talking to someone a few minutes ago. it’s really fun!” you lied, but if you didn’t he would’ve nagged. so there was really no better option.
“really? you don’t seem like you’re having fun” that call came from just by your ear. and not the one covered by your phone. turning around, your boyfriend was adorned in a slick suit, his head tilted playfully. “missed me?”
“hello?” you picked up the phone, your voice raspy and half awake.
“babe, i found this new game we could try out later” you immediately recognized the voice even through your state.
“yes, baby?”
you stay silent. the words died down in your mouth at how softly he spoke the petname. you knew he’s had an abnormal sleep schedule, due to tiring schedules and other hindrance.
he’s spoke to you about it (although with enough convincing) and you promised to let him annoy you at whatever time of the night it was. he wouldn’t tell you why, but the excitement in his eyes made you regret nothing.
so you smile, “what was the game-“
“i love your voice” your boyfriend blurt.
at your increased silence, sunghoon hurried to explain himself.
“i didn’t know how to tell you back then, but i really like your voice. it puts me to sleep… and i’m sorry for waking you up every night for the past week, it’s just.. you sound really cute sleepy.”
well, now you were definitely awake.
“don’t you have a meeting to attend to?”
just about two hours ago you met up with your boyfriend, just to pick up your cat from his flat. barely interacting enough, unfortunately your schedule was packed and you had a class soon.
he told you he had a meeting when you said you’d come back to his apartment after class, so you both had to wait until tomorrow in hopes your schedules won’t clash again.
but now here he stood just beside you, casually browsing the lettuce aisle in the supermarket after grabbing your shopping cart from behind.
he looked back at you, as you stood there looking dumbfounded at him.
“what? i have my priorities”
lazy mornings are your favorite. okay, well, lazy saturday mornings are heaven. waking up to your sleepy boyfriend and cooking up a small breakfast for yourself. it was a great feeling.
to add to that, your boyfriend sneaking up behind you from the back. maybe that was what perfectly described heaven.
“you smell good” your boyfriend hummed, arms tight around your waist, chin propped on your shoulder.
“good morning to you, too” you chuckle. “what do you want for breakfast? we should go to that-“
“can we sleep in today?” he mumbled lazily, already starting to drag you back to the bedroom, “just wanna be with you right now” he rasps.
“come on, my hands are cold”
you didn’t get it. didn’t understand how often his hands had gotten cold throughout the entire night and why.
he’s asked you to hold his hands before dinner and you just assumed he was really cold, but really it was only september and there was barely a chill to the weather.
“it’s not even cold out” you reply and look back once you realize your boyfriend was not by your side. a pout lined his lips, he resembled a duck, really. which in turn made you chuckle at how adorable he looked right now.
the little steps he took to finally get to you, and the way he intertwined his hands to yours once he was a distance away from you. all of it made you involuntarily smile.
“your hands are just warm, i guess” he adds, looking away. when you chuckle and rub his knuckles, continuing to skip down the road, you missed the way his eyes looked at you and maybe the way his ears went red too.
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juni : how we feel about the new layout? i’ve got a few more posts ready for you all, and a new posting schedule as well yay!
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lulunothulu · 3 days
“Phone neighbor”
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: You’re bored one night and decide to text your phone neighbor…who happens to be a very hot (and cocky) aviator.
Content: drinking, fluff
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Friday nights are so boring. Especially when you have nothing to do for the night.
Your friend, Natasha, invited you to go to the bar she and her aviator buddies frequent. Hard Deck, was that the name? Who knows. Either way, you didn’t think hitting a bar right now would do you much good.
You’d been in a reclusive and lonely mood all week but right now, you were feeling adventurous.
You pull your phone out of your pocket and dial the first nine digits of your number but changed the last number to the following one that came after yours.
Let’s play a game of phone number neighbor.
You: Hi, so this is random, but you’re my number neighbor.
Them: Oh really?
You: Yes… so you’re from Texas too?
Them: Born and raised in Austin.
You: That’s so cool, I was raised in El Paso and Houston.
Them: Nice! Are you still there?
You: Nah, I’m in California. How about you?
Them: Funny enough, I’m in California too. I’m in the Navy, a pilot 🤠
You: Oh shit! You might know my friend, Natasha Trace.
Jake smiled down at his phone. “Hey Phoenix!”
Nat turns around, rolling her eyes at him. “What?”
“I think I just met your friend.”
“What?” She looks around. “Where? And who?”
“I don’t know their name, let me ask,” he says. He looks down at his phone, sending a quick text before smiling and telling her your name.
“Holy shit!” She laughs.
“Is she single?” Jake asks.
“She is actually…give me a second.”
“Hello?” You say, answering your phone.
“What the hell are you doing?” Nat asks.
You can hear the noise and chatter coming from the bar you knew she’d be at.
“I’m at home doing a face mask,” you tell her.
“No I mean, with Hangman,” she tells you.
“Who’s Hangman?”
“The person you’re texting?” She laughs.
Hangman: So you know Phoenix? How?
You: We grew up together. She’s practically my sister.
“Hey, he’s texting me right now,” you tell her.
“I have an idea.”
Hangman: What do you look like?
You: I’ll send you a picture of you send me one too.
Hangman: What? You want proof?
You: Sure, let’s call it that.
Hangman: [Picture]
Hangman: I’m on the left, that’s Bob in the middle, and Fanboy on the end.
Hangman: Your turn.
You smile, sending him a picture of you with your green face mask, hand up in a peace sign and lips in a duck face position.
Hangman: That’s not what I expected but still hot.
Hangman: Wait a second… did Nat call you?
You: Maybe…
[Incoming call from ‘Hangman’]
“Hey, mask lady. Nat!” You hear him say. His voice is deep and southern drawl thick. “Tell your friend to send me a real picture of her.”
“Y/N?” You hear her say.
“Hey, Nat.”
“Send this pretty boy your face. He’s desperate and threatening to make me drive him to your house.”
You laugh. “Fine. Should I send the one with my tits pushed up?”
“Jesus Christ, tell her yes.” You hear Hangman say in the background.
“Tell him that I’ll send him a normal one and to stop listening to our conversation,” you tell Nat. “Actually, pass him back.”
“Hi,” you hear Hangman say.
“Hi back, cowboy,” you reply.
“I like that nickname, makes me sound a lot cooler than I am,” he tells you.
You laugh. “I’d like to know your real name, and not your callsign.”
“I’m Jake. Jake Seresin,” he tells you. “You don’t have to tell me your name. I already know.”
“Yeah I figured that much,” you mutter.
“When can I see you in person?” He asks.
“When are you free?” You smile and bite your lip.
“How about now? Come to Hard Deck.”
“I don’t really do bars…”
“Then I’ll come to you. What’s your address?”
You laugh. “I don’t even know you like that. What if you’re a psycho?”
“I wouldn’t be a top pilot in the navy sweetheart.” You chuckle, making him wait before he asks, “Soooo can I come over?”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Not really,” he tells you.
“You can come over. But bring food, I’m starving.” You tell him.
“Same,” he tells you. “And it’ll give you enough time to get ready and wash that face mask off.”
Fuck I forgot about that.
“I’ll see you soon.”
A face wash, makeup application, and teeth brushing later, you hear Hangman—Jake—ring the doorbell.
After changing into some cute sweats, you run downstairs and answer the door.
“Hey,” you say.
“Hey yourself,” he says. He’s a lot taller than you thought he’d be. And a lot hotter than you thought too. He holds up a bag of takeout and a gym bag. “I brought food and a change of clothes.”
He’s wearing his khaki Aviation uniform still.
“Yeah, come on in.” You step to the side, allowing him to come in. “Bathroom’s down the hall and to the left.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he smiles.
God his smile made him so much hotter.
When he comes back from the bathroom changed and in gray sweatpants and a Texas Longhorns shirt, you smile and wave him over to your couch.
“What’re you watching?” He asks.
“Nothing that the moment,” you tell him. “I was waiting for you.”
“How sweet.” He smiles. “This has to be the best first date I’ve a been on in a long time.”
“Who said this was a date?” You ask, raising your eyebrows.
“Oh, did I assume?” He cockily smirks at you which makes your cheeks turn red. “And from the way you’re blushing, I’d say you’d like this to be a date.”
“Shut up,” you mutter, a smile playing on your lips.
Two hours later, Jake is still at your place and your head is resting on his shoulder.
“That was a cute movie,” he tells you. “Why did I cry so much?”
“Because Toy Story 3 is ruthless,” you sigh, wiping your eyes.
“Either way, I don’t think I can sleep if we don’t watch something else.”
You sit up and face him. “Why? You too sad to leave?”
“No, I don’t want to leave yet,” he says truthfully. “Plus, it’s my turn to choose a movie.”
“Which is?”
“Legally Blonde.”
You smile, scoffing before laughing and shaking your head. “You surprise me.”
“In a good way, I hope.”
“Definitely,” you nod.
“Can I surprise you one more time?” He asks, voice barely over a whisper.
You shrug and smirk. “Depends on what it is.”
He places a hand on your cheek, snaking his fingers to the back of your neck.
“Can I ask you one more thing?”
“That counts as a question,” you whisper.
He chuckles. “That one doesn’t count.”
“Go ahead.”
He takes a deep breath, leaning in close to the point his nose touches your own. Your heart is pounding, excitement and anticipation flowing through your body.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Please do.”
So he does, soft and sweet at first. That is, until you pull his head in, deepening the kiss. Your mouths race, devouring and exploring every inch of your mouths. You shift your body, straddling Jake’s lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, something you notice feels so normal, you don’t want it to end.
“Take me upstairs.” You order.
“Yes ma’am.”
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eternalsunrise · 2 days
study date
lsu! joe burrow x fem! reader
wc: 1.7k
tags! established relationship, make out sesh, no actual smut, jus a couple of horny college kids in love with each other, vomit inducing fluff
notes! brainrot so bad i had to start writing fics. hope the joe burrow community finds this well 🧘‍♀️ expect more for joe coming! xoxo
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letters on a keyboard clicking and a pencil scrawling across paper are the only sounds that reverberate around the room. you started off sitting up straight, but as time progressed you’re basically lying down, laptop perched on your lap.
the pillows are plush underneath you, and your boyfriend’s scent is enveloping you. there’s something about joe’s bed that always feels 10 times more comfortable than your own.
if you closed your eyes you could probably doze off for a mid afternoon nap.
you hear the sound of someone shifting above the covers, but you don’t turn your head to look, too preoccupied with your essay that’s due in the morning.
you feel a kiss press against your cheek, and you can’t stop the smile that spreads across your face. “hi joey. you doing okay?”
another kiss against your cheek, followed by an overdramatic sigh, “yeah, just really hard to focus on statistics with something so distracting in my bed.”
joe’s closer now, a hand playing with your hair as he peppers kisses down your jawline.
you roll your eyes at his antics, knowing exactly how this was going to go. “oh i’m the distracting one?” you question, your tone sarcastic.
he moves his hand to your cheek, tilting your head to the left to face him. his blue eyes bore into yours and you realize why you’d avoided looking at him. it’s much easier to stay on task without his handsome face in view.
joe leans down to place a slow peck on your lips, “a very.” peck. “very.” peck. “pretty distraction.”
he pulls away from you entirely, smirking when you try and chase his lips. this is exactly why you wanted to study alone. as much as you loved your boyfriend, how are you expected to get anything done with a gorgeous quarterback all over you? but the two of you have barely seen each other these past few weeks, and joe insisted on you both doing schoolwork together before his practice later that day.
“joe. baby. we’re supposed to be studying.” your voice is pleading, begging for any sort of mercy. he caresses your cheek bone with his thumb, a smirk sitting on the side of his mouth. “i am studying.” he uses a tone that tells you he wants you to ask what his punchline is. you bite.
“and what are you studying exactly, joseph?”
he trails his hand down your body until it rests on your waist, just above where your hands and laptop sit. he lets his eyes trail down and back up, bright blues staring at you while he licks his lips, “anatomy.”
you let out a laugh for his sake, grabbing his wrist and removing his hand from your body, “you’re impossible!” you place a quick kiss on his lips, standing up and taking your laptop.
joe groans loudly, falling back against the pillows on his bed, “where are you going?”
you carry your work to his wooden, student-issued desk, setting your laptop down and taking a seat. “you’re going to stay there. and i’m going to stay here. we both need to get work done and it’s hard to do that when you’re being…well you!” you try to sound frustrated, but you both know better.
joe being the cocky bastard he is, just gives you a knowing smile. the effect he has on you just strokes his ego (as if anyone else needed to). he decides to leave you be for the time being. he picks his pencil back up and holds his hands up in faux innocence, “yes ma’am. whatever you need.”
you turn back to your essay, typing your third page, smiling when the framed picture of you two displayed on his desk appears in your peripheral vision. if you looked around, your presence is covering this room. his whole apartment in fact. sure, you may be putty in his hands. but you have joe burrow pretty much wrapped around your finger.
after about 20 minutes of both of you working diligently in silence, you hear joe clear his throat.
“hey pretty?”
“mhm?” you reply, clicking back and forth between your class notes and your paper.
“didn’t you say you took this class last year?” joe asks, deep voice like velvet when it hits your ears.
you pause your task and turn around in your chair, “yeah i did for a semester, why?” he looks absolutely delicious. he’s sporting a cozy lsu hoodie and nike gym shorts that reach barely mid thigh, his trademark array of bracelets decorate his wrists. the way one of this legs is raised make his shorts ride up, giving you a peek at his black briefs. you suddenly wonder if the essay is even that important.
“wanna come check this for me? make sure i did it right?” he taps his pencil a couple of times and holds out his notebook toward you. there’s no flirtation intent behind joe’s question, he just values your insight. and for some reason, that just turns you on even more. he’s won. he’s getting what he wanted without even trying.
you stand up from your seat and make your way over to him, taking the notebook from his hand. he looks up at you in silence, waiting for you to check his work. but instead you toss the notebook to the side. it makes a slight thud when it hits the hardwood.
joe opens his mouth to question your actions but you’re on the bed with him in a matter of seconds. you swing your leg over his hip and straddle his lap, legs resting on either side of him. his hands are on you immediately, per instinct, large hands engulfing your thighs. it takes him a moment to process your actions but he sobers up quickly, cocky and confident, “aw, who knew stats could get you so worked up?”
you want to knock that stupid smirk off of his face. you also never want it to go away.
“shut up.” followed by a feverish kiss full of want and desire. the lack of each other for weeks has stretched the rubber band of tension to a hilt, and you finally let it snap. your fingers thread through his wavy hair at the nape of his neck, tugging just a bit. he’s due for a haircut soon. a noise rattles up from his throat, your reaction immediate. your hips grind down, begging for some friction. he gladly provides, guiding your waist back and forth.
the next moments are full of tongue kisses and heavy breathing. “next time we—“ gasp. “study together, we’re doing it in public–ow!” joe bites your lip, an apology vibrates against your lip, you know he doesn’t mean it. “like the library.” joe grips your hips and flips the two of you over with ease. you yelp in surprise, now looking up at him.
joe scoffs at your words, “like that’s ever stopped us before.” he reconnects your lips, a new sense of urgency found in this kiss. he props himself up with an elbow next to your head. your leg finds itself hooking around his waist, forcing him impossibly closer to you. he breaks away for air, hand dragging up and down your lifted thigh. he leaves goosebumps in his wake.
he looks down between your bodies and watches as your hips lift to meet his own, adam’s apple bobbing. his eyes flick back to yours, a familiar darkness clouding the ocean. his kisses follow a trail down your jaw, “god baby, you drive me crazy.” he purrs in your ear, lips attacking your neck. you aren’t sure how he can say that, when you’re the one that feels dizzy under his touch. your hand finds his hair again, letting out fits of giggles when his mouth grazes your most sensitive spots.
you tilt your head to the side, catching sight of the time on your phone screen as it lit up on the nightstand. you let out a gasp, partly because of joe shifting his hand between your thighs, but mostly because it was almost time for, “joe. practice.”
he returns his attention to your lips, “5 more minutes, all i need.” he murmurs, capturing you in a kiss that’s hard to turn away from. you feel his hand slip under the waist band of your pants, and as much as you dread this ending; you know what you need to do.
“joey. babe, hey.” you use your grip on his hair to pull him away. the love drunk look on his face makes this even harder. “listen. as much as i want to, we can’t. you love to be unreasonably early, and coach o will track me down himself if i’m the reason his star isn’t there for pre, pre warmups.”
joe chuckles and nods his head, reluctantly removing his hands from you entirely; it’s as if you’re magnets, if he isn’t across the room you’ll gravitate back together. he stands and starts to get ready for the one thing you’re forced to share the title of joe’s first love with, football.
you start to stand to get ready to go home, but joe quickly faces you and shakes his head, black backpack and cleats in his hands.
“no no no stay. here.” he throws his backpack over his shoulder and uses his free hand to dig in his pocket. he pulls out his purple lanyard, plucking his apartment key from the carabiner.
joe places it in your hand and folds your fingers over it.
“here, i’m gonna have you one made anyway. go back to your dorm, grab some stuff. you can order dinner, finish your homework here. i’ll be back in a couple hours and i’ll take you to that froyo shop down the street and then we can…finish what we started.” joe says with a wiggle of his eyebrows. he punctuates his words with a sweet kiss on your lips, another on your forehead, “bye pretty. love you.”
you stare at him in awe, “love you. have fun!”
he winks at you before he walks out of the front door.
you sit there on the edge of the bed, staring down at the shiny key in your palm. you’re shocked at how he can make such a big relationship step seem so nonchalant. he’d obviously been thinking about this for a while, you being around more. in his space.
you flop down on your back, kicking your feet with a giddy smile. if you weren’t alone you’d be embarrassed.
looks like you’ll be studying here a lot more often.
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aurumalatus · 2 days
𝐩𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐚𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟏
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pairing. kinich x fem!reader
genre/warnings. pixelprincess!au (princess!reader x knight!kinich), reposted for formatting lol
summary. a series of random headcanons from the universe! part 1 of many because i have lots of thoughts about these two
author's note. feel free to come scream about some more headcanons with me <3 enjoy!
𝐩𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐚𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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kinich and the princess have known about each other for a long time, but it’s only recently that they’ve really talked a lot and become close (since kinich became your guard)
kinich is a bit more open in this universe because although he grew up an orphan, he was recruited into the guard earlier and taken care of by his fellow trainees and the castle staff. he’s still pretty serious and deadpan at his core but he has a bit of silly in him too 
the maids especially used to dote on him a lot. they would coo about how beautiful his eyes are and sneak him cakes and sweets from the kitchen
kinich and the princess actually had one key interaction when they were children that she doesn’t remember
the princess came down with a bad illness and had to stay in her room for about a week. kinich was assigned guard right outside her room, but she never saw him. still, they used to talk a lot during that week through her door, and she never quite figured out who her temporary friend was.
princess used to be *very* spoiled and she knows this. kinich is one of the only people who knocks her down a peg, and he also taught her how to do a lot of practical things (i.e. cleaning, cooking, weaving) 
kinich takes his shirt off by grabbing the back of his collar and pulling it over his head (idk if i’m describing this well, but the image in my head is INSANE). 
once they actually get together, kinich is the type to kiss the princess’s tears away when she cries (i’m going to scream)
kinich secretly has always known he loved the princess in some capacity, maybe since the day he was inducted as her guard (he looked up into her eyes, knelt before her, and felt something burst in his chest). he doesn’t feel like he deserves her love in return and feels so committed to his duty that he won’t do anything about it.
kinich isn’t afraid of dying, but he’s afraid of leaving the princess alone. it’s the reason why he insists on teaching her so many practical things like fighting—he doesn’t trust anyone else to protect her like he can.
there’s a yearly tournament among the guards (and any citizens that want to enter) that is held to win the royals’ favor. kinich is required to participate due to his position, but he tries a lot harder than he lets on—something about letting another guard win kind of irritates him. he wins your ribbon as a prize, a sign of your personal favor, and keeps it on him at all times. he claims it’s just to prove that you owe him.
kinich is a TERROR in the capital marketplace. sellers love him and hate him—he’s fair, but he barters like HELL. you, on the other hand, are any easy target. you will pay pretty much any price they name, and this irritates kinich greatly.
kinich is in charge of training newer recruits to the guard, and older members will warn them not to mention the princess in front of him. last time someone said something disrespectful about her, kinich had them running laps until the sun came up.
most mornings, kinich trains at sunrise. the princess will come out to join him sometimes, either to just lay down in the grass and talk, or to bring out a picnic
many princesses from other nations are attracted to kinich, but he does not return the sentiment—whenever one tries to talk to him, he acts extremely dry and boring on purpose until they lose interest.
kinich has a lot of piercings, but they're not always optimal to fight in—on days when he expects a battle, he wears a pair of studs that the princess gifted him
the castle maids have a running bet on how long it will take you and kinich to get married. sometimes they try to push it along by telling kinich you're looking for him when you aren't, just to pull the two of you together. the pot is over one million Mora, and at some point, the queen joins as well.
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 days
If you take spicy requests, can you write about Ford teasing reader during sex? Like making the reader begging Ford to stop teasing them sexually
A/N: OH HELL YES LEZZGO! This man, this man istfg there's two sides of his fanbase and that's either him being an inexperienced cutie or a straight up sex god. WHAT THOSE FINGERS DO THOOO- remember ya'll my inbox is open for more spazz about this mans come feed me ideas HAHAHAHA- ANYWAY- because this is a spicy 18+ request, fic is under the cut.
Addicted (Stanford Pines x Reader)
Ford just couldn’t get enough of you, his love, his life, his vice, his addiction. You drove him crazy by simply existing, he couldn’t get enough. Now presented with the opportunity to return the favor, Stanford Pines was going to go the full nine yards and maybe an extra mile.
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You didn’t know how you got in this situation to be totally honest; back pressed against the wooden walls of your shared bedroom while being kissed senseless by no one other than Stanford Pines. In one moment you were both sharing wine late into the night, laughing and chatting about whatever. In the next– you were here, the alcohol forgotten as you got drunk on something entirely different. 
Fingers tangled into his hair, you returned his passionate kisses with a fervour; earning a deep grunt from the scientist. The tension wound tight between the both of you, intense and electrifying every action and setting it alight. You were drowning in this man, intoxicated by the smell of leather and ink that clung to him like a second skin. There wasn’t anyone else you knew who could swear the scent of a library like an irresistible cologne. 
Thirty years had been far too long.
Ford couldn’t tell where his desire began and his affections ended, the situation played with his head like a snake eating it’s own tail. It should have already triggered the alarms in his head the second you came to him with a bottle of Port, all the more when you offered to share. Now, the uncorked beverage simply sat off to the side; an afterthought halfway empty. 
It wasn’t as if Stanford didn’t have self-control, the man was disciplined and strict especially with himself. The problem starts when you’re introduced into that situation. You leave Ford grasping at straws to maintain a coherent mind, much less a sane one. Like the differing poles of a magnet, the two of you were just drawn to each other for reasons words couldn’t begin to explain.
One was so bored of the mundane ordinary, the other wanted to find respite in it.
A sharp gasp spilled from your lips when Stanford so easily hefted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist for purchase. You both surged on like desperate teenagers getting lost and crazy in each other. Ford quickly took the opportunity to trail kisses down your neck and on your collar, sucking a couple hickeys that caused you to squirm and cry out for him. 
The idea that he’s able to maneuver you like this, to position you in any way he wanted with ease really set something off in your brain. Likewise, the way you writhed against him drove your lover up a damn wall. The way your fingers shakily dug into the knit of his turtleneck made Ford’s ego swell with pride. It was because of him you were like this, pliant and at his mercy.
Initially, he felt guilty for even indulging in the first kiss when you both shared that glass. One turned to two, then three and four; another and another no matter how much he tried to stop. You kept pushing his buttons and foolish as ever, Stanford kept falling for it. 
He told himself that he was going to take it slow with you, to treat you like royalty the way you deserved. Hilariously enough, Stanford failed to factor in that for every queen– there was a king; and you would stop at nothing to treat him as such.
The researcher knew the buzz that ran in his veins wasn’t because of the ethanol he consumed; the tightness in his slacks and heat in his blood wasn’t because he was inebriated. Sure, he was completely wasted; lightheaded, dizzy and incoherent, but it wasn’t because of the Port. 
Need burned through his flesh when you roughly pulled him back to meet your lips, a low moan slipping from your lover when you lightly tugged at his silver strands. His hands firmly gripped your hips in retaliation while fingers danced around the waistband of your pyjama bottoms.
“Ford. Bed. Now.”
You mumbled amidst fervent kisses, the scientist shivering at the stern tone of your instruction. It was always like this between the both of you; a push and pull that didn’t have just one person explicitly calling the shots. His heart thundered against his ribcage when you nibbled at his bottom lip, you just couldn’t stop teasing him for even a moment could you?
Stanford didn’t dare to break away from kissing you as he clumsily shuffled over to the bed nearby, he was surprised he still even had as much coordination as he did with you distracting him this much; and as if luck decided to taunt him with a jinx– Ford tripped and caused the both of you to ungraciously tumble on top of the mattress.
You both shared a surprised look when that happened before breaking out into giggles, that was an overdue dampener; not to mention extremely sobering. Your lover awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and shyly looked away as he adjusted his glasses, only then did you realise how much of a number you really did on him. 
Tousled hair, red-faced, swollen lips, it really reminded you of the first time you’d both gotten carried away snogging back in university. Though, back then you’d both been interrupted for different reasons. Stanford looked really adorable like this, plus– he’d gone all bashful. 
You were hoping tonight would end in a different way though. 
Gently cupping his cheek, you urged the man to look at you again and gave him a brief peck on the nose. You knew you’d gotten the reaction you wanted when the flame of desire reignited behind his eyes. Moving his spectacles to rest on top of his head, you leaned forward to whisper in his ear,
“I never said we had to stop~”
The response was instantaneous, an excited squeal erupting from your throat as Stanford pinned you down against the bed. He was capable of doing a lot, even back then; you just had to poke and prod him to elicit the reactions you wanted. The researcher just smiled down at you amused, leaning down to meet your lips in a gentle kiss.
“You’re still a minx.”
“I’m your minx.”
That sass quickly left you when he snapped his hips into yours, despite the fact you were both clothed– you could feel his arousal through the fabric. Your face bloomed in a furious red, it’s been so long…
“You look cute.”
Forget his trademark eloquence, the enamoured gaze Ford was giving you sent butterflies to your stomach. He never did look at you with anything less. Curiosity and adoration seemed to mix in his eyes around you, hand in hand and step by step. You sighed happily when he went back to nuzzling your neck, only jolting when you felt his teeth graze your skin. The heat surged in your core, the mood was back.
“May I?”
You’d laugh if it weren’t for the distracting feeling of his calloused palms roaming your skin, your nerves melting and then some from the stimuli. There was no underestimating how much your lover knew, applying that knowledge in practice however… sometimes you’d still get burned since age did make him much bolder compared to back then.
“Yes please.”
That was all the permission he needed, gently biting down on your neck as his hands cupped your breasts.  The moan you let out was no short of sinful, Ford’s eyes narrowed into slits and his actions grew a bit rougher. He felt you shiver when his thumbs brushed over your nipples, arching into his hands as your breathing grew laboured. 
The rush of need shot straight down. That had set something off in him, he needed to hear you say his name like that again. Your sweet tone was only doing him in, Stanford couldn’t help bucking his hips into yours and a shiver raced up his spine. You rewarded his actions with another desperate cry of his name.
The scientist thanked his lucky stars that he had the foresight to soundproof the rooms back when he built his home.
Stanford finally allowed his hands to wander elsewhere after some time, moving his lips down to replace his fingers instead when giving your breasts attention. He was being so thorough and meticulous; however, it was driving you crazy just how insanely slow the man was being. 
A small sadistic part of Ford wondered just how far he could take it before you’d beg him to do more; but even that would already be a test of his own control that was rapidly wearing thin thanks to your adorable noises.
“Ford please…”
“Please what my dear?”
You would slap this man for his smug tone if you weren’t so impatient on getting him to rail the thoughts out of you. Even if you squealed in surprise at him suddenly groping your ass, his hands had slipped below the garter of your bottoms and he gently kneaded the supple flesh.
“Don’t– Don’t tease!!!”
You cried out when his teeth grazed your nipple, oh fuck this arrogant man–!
“Why should I?”
Ford chuckled against your skin when one of your legs weakly kicked his side, he continued to press kisses to your chest while one of his hands finally shifted to give you attention where you sought it the most. It didn’t surprise him how soaked you were, but he couldn’t say the same for how receptive you were. Just the faintest touch already had you shaking in his arms.
You kicked him again, only to exclaim in surprise when he started to rub at your clit. You could tell he was still teasing, the pace he chose would sooner drive you crazy from the frustration than the creeping pleasure. All the more when his tongue flicked over a nipple, you screamed his name in frustration.
“Ford!! Please stop teasing!”
“You’ll have to do better than that my love.”
You attempted to buck into his hand but the other was holding you down in place, he sucked harshly on your breast as a consequence and you wailed. It was simultaneously too much and too little, what kind of hell was this?!
“Please~!! Please, Ford! I need–”
He didn’t give you the chance to finish that statement before a finger finally slipped into your entrance, the scientist shivered at how warm and velvety your insides felt wrapped around his finger. He kind of regretted not removing his slacks now prior to this, they were painfully uncomfortable now.
“You’re so pretty for me~”
You whined at the praise, shivering at the gently firm pace he chose in thrusting his finger in and out of you. Pulling him up by the collar, you messily crashed your lips into his again as he added another finger inside of you and curled them. 
He knew how you ticked, what would get you to cave to him. Your head fell back when he purposefully pressed into that spongy part that would have you seeing stars. It should’ve been a bigger concern to you how smug your lover was being, abusing that spot with his fingers until you became an incoherent mess. You cried out his name like a broken record, Ford found himself hooked on it– on you.
“Please– please– Ford–!”
When he slowed his pace down when you got closer to that precipice, you knew he wasn’t going to let you fall over that edge so easily. Fuck. So much for hoping he'd play good boy tonight.
It was going to be one of these nights again.
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Fic is also here on Ao3 :D
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luveline · 3 days
jade!! i saw you were willing to add emily to your 46 fics and i have a request!! i think about your emily x single mom!reader everyday and i was wondering if you’d write more in that universe? maybe emily has to drop readers kid off at their first day of pre-k or preschool (i have no clue what you call it in the uk) because reader has a work emergency or something??
thanks so much for requesting! fem, 1.1k
“It’ll be fun,” Emily says. 
Jane is looking at Emily like she’s grown a second head. “No.” 
Emily tries again. Swallows her nerves, and readjusts herself where she’s on her knees. “Mommy was gonna drop you off herself, but it's her very first day back at work and they needed her super early, so it’s me. But mom will be the one who picks you up again.” 
Jane just squints. 
“I have to go to work, too,” Emily says. 
“I’m com’n with you,” Jane says, nodding. 
Emily looks behind Jane at the baby gated corral of little kids. It’s possibly the worst adjustment in the world for your work to decide the day-of that you’d have to go early. You didn’t have time to prepare Jane for her own first day, and Emily isn’t good at this bit yet. 
“No,” Emily says, holding Jane by both arms, “I have to go work too, and it’s too boring for you. You’re gonna have way more fun here meeting your new friends.” 
Jane had already met one of the daycare workers, incidentally called Janet, a few days ago to try and ease the new phase of her life, but it’s a common fact that the majority of kids cry on their first day here. Why wouldn’t she? Jane has spent the majority of her growing life with you. This is a horrible adjustment, but better she does it now. 
Emily’s just waiting for tears.
“It’ll be fun, okay? There’s so much to do! Colouring, painting, dancing, nap time. They’ll make you lunch, and your new friends will have games to play–” She strokes Jane’s arm. “Sound fun?” 
“I’ll miss you…” Jane mumbles, her eyes finally growing shiny. 
Emily’s honestly not expecting it. “Well, I’ll miss you more. But mommy will pick you up soon,” —you aren’t working the full day— “and you’ll see me at dinner time, okie dokie?” 
“I’m not…” Jane looks lost for what to say. She’s very, very little. Emily isn’t surprised. 
“I know it’s different, but it’s not bad.” Emily tilts her head to the side, giving Jane her gentlest smile. She’s learned all her motherly tricks from you. It’s easy to fall into that tone of voice, that same affection, because Emily adores Jane. 
“Em-wy,” Jane mumbles again. 
“Janie,” she says, copying Jane’s warbling voice. “Baby, I swear it will be great, and then mommy will pick you up and I will buy you whatever big girl dinner you want. We could have McDonald’s.” 
She whispers the last part. 
Jane smiles slowly. “Okie dokie.”
Emily should’ve guessed that Jane wouldn’t cry. She’s a funny little kid, quiet and sweet and a teeny bit slow to understand. Perhaps she’ll cry once Emily’s already gone. 
“Okay. Do you want a cuddle before I leave?” 
Jane nods, tucking her face into Emily’s front. Emily wraps her arms around her and breathes in the smell of the lavender conditioner you’d run through her hair last night. “Love you, babe,” Emily whispers. 
“Love you too.”
Emily thankfully gets home. Hotch laughs at her eagerness to not work, remarking that somehow you’d made a family of a woman determined not to be tied down. He had a point —Emily didn’t realise she wanted a wife until she met you. Didn’t realise she wanted a daughter until she met Jane, though she’s had her whims and whiles about it. 
This is real. 
You hear the door and hurry to it. Emily’s barely out of her shoes when you find her, in your smart clothes yourself, a chocolate smudge on your cheek. 
“Where’s the fire?” Emily asks. 
“Thank you for this morning,” you say, taking her hands. 
Emily softens as you rub her fingers. “You’re welcome. Did she– was she okay? She looked extremely worried for a baby.” 
“She’s not a baby.” You lean forward and to one side, just touching her. “Emily, you– I was so worried, I thought she’d take it hard but you really pulled a magic trick. She didn’t even cry when I picked her up. When I asked how her day was, she told me you promised it would be fun… and that you were going to get her McDonald’s.” 
“I will get her McDonald’s.” 
You take a swift, soft kiss. “My hero. She told me she missed me, but guess who she mentioned first?” 
Emily raises her eyebrows. 
“Mm-hm,” you hum, pulling her to the kitchen. “Em-wy, of course.”
Emily squeezes your hand as you both enter the kitchen to find the source of your kissed cheek. Jane sits at the table in lavender pyjamas to match the smell of her hair. She’s eating chocolate covered strawberries and celery with peanut butter, spread on her hands and lips, but less on her cheeks than her mom. 
“Baby, look! Guess who’s home?” 
Jane finds Emily with her gaze and gasps happily, clapping, a strawberry falling in the gap of her chest and table. “You’re back!”
“I’m back! You’re home, too! Did you have fun?” 
There’s a suspicion in Jane’s expression that she’s too young for, as though she’s guessed this whole daycare business is permanent, but she shrugs it off. “I miss you,” she says. 
“I’m back,” Emily reminds her. “I can see where mommy got her kiss from, that looks yummy.” 
You wipe your cheeks with two palms and bring them down to find chocolate melted against your fingers. “Thanks for telling me.” 
“I had plans to help you eventually.” Emily rounds the table and chair to tip Jane’s head back gently, looking her over. “You okay? Did you have a good day?” 
“Good day,” she echoes. 
“You’re happy?” Emily asks. 
She’d realised how nervous she was for your girl the second she left the daycare building. What if Jane hates it, and she cries the whole day and makes her eyes sore? Emily hadn’t enjoyed thinking about it, deciding she’d get her more than McDonald’s. 
“I’m glad you had a good day,” Emily says. 
“I fed Sergio!” Jane tells her. 
Sir-joe must be a pretty happy cat. “Thank you, babe, you’re the bestest.” 
You aren’t jealous but eager as you slide into Emily’s side and under her arm. You smile as you rest your face on her shoulder, a little cat-like yourself as your breathing evens. “She saved the day.” 
Jane looks up at you both, but her eyes meet Emily’s as she smiles. “Missed you, mommy,” she says. 
Emily’s heart skips a beat, wondering, just for a moment, if Jane was talking to her. Emily wouldn’t mind it. It wouldn’t be so bad, would it?
You nab a strawberry from Jane’s plate. Emily’s expecting it, but she’s still too happy to talk as you kiss her cheek. “Got you back.”
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xxacidnekoxx · 2 days
I keep topics like "punishment" out of my artwork. Even between Fera/Pega she isn't clipping him because she's angry at him. it is a metaphor for the overly attachment she has toward Pega. Never letting him leave so she can enjoy him forever. (Similar to the evil mom in tangled)
Same as: I do not have a "hell" in my universe
And I don't have any depictions of cops or jail or any thing that is about "punishment"
Yeah "punishment" is a bad topic for me to be able to have fun and enjoy creating. "Let's bring the villains to justice!" Yeah no. I immediately start getting tired . it feels like boring annoying cop shit
I only want to see conflicts resolved in more unique ways. I'm not interested in killing Fera I WOULD be interested in seeing her become a completely different person. Totally changed into a nice lady and regretful of the things she did to Pega maybe even sending Pega a deep apology. Now that would be actually interesting
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yurunivo · 1 day
Hello! I really love you self aware idea! Can you please make another part? This time Can you focuse more on Mavuika and the Creator!Reader (Gender Neutral),please? (Also om how the other archons and Neuvillete would be trying to search for the reader and maybe using other organizations to help the search) if not please feel free to ignore this. Have a wonderful day!
This is my first time getting a request! Hope you enjoy!
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Synopsis: hanging out with Mavuika! (And the other nations' planning to reach you) part 1
TW: Mavuika and reader's relationship is implied romantic but can be read as platonic, OOC, yandere, SAGAU imposter au, bad writing, bad grammar, english is not my first language, not beta read
Characters: Mavuika x gn!creator!reader (again can be seen as romantic or platonic), yandere Archons + Neuvillette x reader
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Cleaning at bars was a tedious job. It was easy, sure, but it got boring at times. Customers always made the day fun with their gossip, so you leaned into that. It could've been something simple, like how their boyfriend cheated on them, but it was still more entertaining than mopping the floor.
However, there was always one customer every night that you were looking forward to meeting.
Always clad in a mysterious cloak that made them look like a runaway, blazing bright eyes and red hair.
It was Mavuika.
She came a bit later than usual. You decided not to worry, Archon duties are a lot after all. Yet, she came anyway, dressed the same as before. The cloak was a bit messily put on, so her hair was still visible. You sighed as you left the place you were cleaning and went up in front of her.
"You didn't have to come y'know," you fixed her cloak to hide her hair, yet she only smiled at you.
"I insist," she only replied back. You rubbed your temples at the stubborn woman. Seriously, shouldn't she be busy with work or something?
She seemed to be eager to tell you something, considering how she was holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow at her as you gestured her to speak.
"Well, want to combat practice with me later, (fake name)?" Oh no. You didn't know how to fight! Sure, you did fight against the abyss, but you barely managed to survive!
But you only nodded. Declining now would only make her suspicious, even though the fact that you were being chased around without fighting back was suspicious enough. But, you'll find out a reason later, for now, all you had to do was agree.
"Sure, but only at my day off. Maybe the day after tomorrow?" You were trying to find a lie to tell her then, but for now, you hid your feelings with a smile. She nodded, looking content with your answer.
"The day after tomorrow it is."
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Your hands were uncomfortably sweaty.
The day after tomorrow being right now, you had to tell Mavuika as quick as you could to not gain suspicion. Telling her you got isekai'd from another world was obviously not an option, but you had already prepared something in your head. It was similar to the isekai idea, but it's much more believable. The execution was the only problem.
You were at the outskirts of the Scions of Canopy, where Kinich lived. She came 5 minutes later and greeted you with much courtesy.
"Hope I didn't make you wait for long (fake name)," she told with a bit embarrassment. You shrugged her off.
"It's fine Mavuika, and you can just call me (name)," you replied back. You mustered up the courage to tell her your reason not to fight. But before that, you had to ask her just this one thing.
"How did you know that I was the creator? I don't think there was any part of me that stood out," you were interested to know, after all you thought that you hid yourself very well.
She all but smiled as she pointed out the grass behind you.
"The creator is connected to Teyvat, so everything would bloom in their wake. Since you were in the nation of Pyro, where I'll know everything that's going on, it was quite easy to find out." You looked behind to see beautiful flowers right behind you. You were shocked to see this many flowers in one trail. Wait, then why did the other Archons not realize that you were the creator? Eh that doesn't really matter, what matters was that you were here with Mavuika, safe and sound. But, you took this revelation to gift her something.
You took a flower from the trail. Mavuika was interested to see what you were doing, but you hid it from her. Using the flowers and leaves, you created a flower crown for her and put it a top her head. You smiled, she did too.
"Thank you (name)," she laughed softly. But now you had to explain the fighting part. You sighed as you contemplated.
"Err, Mavuika, I actually don't know how to fight.." You mumbled and cursed your self for it. She looked surprised.
"Why not?" She asked again. You felt embarrassed for having to say the reason. You took a deep breath and prepares to say why.
"I'm.. Not the creator. Like the original one. I'm a reincarnation of them, I have no idea how to fight not do I know anything about the past," you breathed out, cringing at what you just said. However all she did was look at you with understanding, after all, she knows the pain of reincarnation.
"It's fine! But do you know anything about the previous creator then?" She asked curiously, to which you shook your head. She hummed. She got an idea to improvise, it seems like.
"How about I teach you then?" Huh?! This wasn't going as planned! You didn't want to fight at all.
"T-that's not needed, I'll j-just waste your time," you tried convincing her, but she didn't budge. Eventually though, you reluctantly agreed. She smiled and thanked you for allowing her to help.
"Just try to imagine yourself using Pyro abilities, you'll get the hang of it later." You were really trying. The amount of stress that you had to not burn yourself to death was enough to actually kill you. Still, you trusted Mavuika and her abilities, so you tried anyway. You tried and tried and tried, but nothing really came. You were visibly disappointed, but Mavuika tried to encourage you.
"How about this, you imagine something you don't like, and try to use your emotions to drag your Pyro ability out," she suggested. You seemed to find this useful, so you tried it.
Closing your eyes, you thought of something terrible happening, and instead of seeing the imposter hunt that you very despised, you instead saw Mavuika.
You were being hunted down, sure, but what was most important was that she was getting punished by the Archons for not giving up the imposter. Her face was battered and bruised, and she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. You watched in horror, and tears started to well up in your eyes. This couldn't be! Unfortunately, you were crying in real life too, and Mavuika realized immediately.
"Okay, uhh, you don't need to think about it now," she tried comforting you, bringing you in an embrace to calm you down. Once you came back to reality, your eyes were puffy, and your face was red.
"... Sorry, can we do this another time?" You sniffled, still holding her. She was warm, and you found your self drifting to sleep. She sighed as she picked you up.
"Of course, just don't overdo anything, kay?" She smiled warmly, brushing the tears from your eyes. She wrapped you in a cloak, getting ready to start camp.
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Neuvillette contorted his face in disgust. The waters tasted disgustingly sweet. The creator's happiness with another person, likely an Archon. But the waters then tasted bitter, from the creator's sadness.
If only he could just drag you out of that place and keep you for himself, but no. He'll need the help of the other nations to do so, so he sucked it up and left the Palais Mermonia. He visited Furina, just checking in on her before leaving. He'd leave some of the work for Clorinde to do, he trusted her enough to do that anyway.
Reaching the imposter's throne room, there was a long sitting area where the rulers of the nations were there. Only the Cryo, Pyro and Anemo Archons weren't there, but the acting grandmaster came for Anemo, and the director of the Fatui Harbingers came for Cryo. The Geo Archon returned to his status as the God of Contracts, and the Electro and Dendro archon were sitting in their own seats. The imposter was on the creator's throne. They were dead, blood seeping out of their head. Their expression was one of shock, as he could vividly remember the day the Geo Archon killed the imposter.
A seat was vacant. He clenched his teeth at the mere thought of the Pyro Archon. He'd get you back from her, no matter what it took.
"We all know that the creator is in the nation of war, Natlan. However, since the neither of us know its weaknesses besides the Pyro Archon being a human, we need to create a plan to ambush the nation," Jean spoke up. Everyone in the room nodded along with her, too obsessed to notice their wrong doings. However, there was one who objected to this clause.
Nahida raised her hand to interrupt Jean, turning all eyes on her.
"You all chased down the creator like a rabid dog, and now you're trying to kidnap them to do a job that they don't want? What kind of leaders are you? The creator was in Natlan for a few months by now, and since they're not leaving, they are probably enjoying a better life there than your own selfish desires," she objected.
Neuvillette all but admired the young Archon. Despite being small and weaker than the others, she still had the bravery to stand against everyone. However, this was one thing that he didn't agree with. He just stayed quiet though, waiting for someone to object the small Archon.
Raiden did. The God of Eternity looked at Nahida with disdain, preparing to answer the deity.
"And how are you so sure that the creator is having a better life in Natlan Buer? For all we could know, they could actually be running around the vast nation. And, you are one of the younger Archons after all, what use does your words have?" She asked coldly. When she was about to respond back, she got interrupted.
"It is settled, we shall find the creator in Natlan, no questions," the God of Contracts added in. Nahida couldn't speak now. After all, what power does she have to a much more experienced God?
Neuvillete glared at the Archons.
"Whoever shall get the creator first will be the one to solely have the creator in their nation," Neuvillete furrowed his brows at the Archons. They did the same, but still agreed to the conditions, not really thinking of what you want.
Now, all the leaders were going back to their nation, telling their line of military to get prepared. They had to have you all for yourself, and they will do anything for it.
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Done! Hope you enjoy!
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