#a modern scientist
ppt2 aftermath au,, it's four years set in the future after the finally.
Journal is half infected from being in that fucking ugly ass lab and now looks slightly in the uncanny vally and is prone to spacing out (he's got traits of the blue nightmares like glowey eyes and long limbs), he left that ugly ass lab five months after the competition ended and said fuck you to mr hand and stayed at the show grounds for two years and then ran for the hills (he's traveling now), he also has goggles now and sneakers cause why not (he still has the stains)
Treasure Chest left and went full pirate(the outfit, scars, hat, sword, all that and more) for three years, then the ship sank and ya'know what they say about captins and sinking ships, he stayed at the seafloor near his ship for a year (cause he's made of wood I think I'd be neat if he could breath underwater), and is starting to slowly climb up to the nearby rocky beach, he's also a local cryptid at the nearby seaside town.
Post-it-note stayed at the competition grounds for two years and is now traveling and studying various stuff. nothing changed much appearance wise, just gave him glasses, a scientist coat, and rain boots.
Cup hasn't really changed at all, he's just a lil less silly and has been living at this seaside town with a rocky beach for a year, and was at the competition grounds for three years before. Cup has flip-flops, sunglasses, a drink-umbrella, a flower nestled above his cracks, and a beat-up-but-still-working truck (trust me it's plot relevant)
the thing with the au is that Journal ends up at the rocky beach for the sake of wandering, Post-it-note is also there studying rocks in the shallow waters, Cup is just out to enjoy the beach and laying down a giant towl, and Treasure Chest is straight up walking out the waters like he wasn't underwater for a year. Suprise, they notice eachother and have a "wtf are you doing here" moment to eachother, it winds up in them all laying on Cups bigass towl and explaining their situation.
They end up staying at Cup's home for a bit, then they decide to go on a road trip for 3 days cause they don't have much better things to do (Post-it-note finished his work at that point, Journal has only been traveling to escape mr hand and just to wander, Cup's doin well enough to afford it, and Treasure Chest has been at the seafloor for a year), taking Cup's truck, with Cup driving (surprisingly only Cup has a license) Post-it-note in shotgun, and TC and Journal in the back.
They have some fun and become friends again over how much has changed and the genuine want to know eachother again. With TC wanting to know Journal and Cup again mostly, Journal wants to talk with TC and Post-it-note again, Cup wants to refriend TC and Post-it-note and know Journal more, and Post-it-note wants to know Cup and Journal again (and maybe learn wtf happend with Journal and TC).
They end back at the seaside town and decide to split up (but keep in touch), with Cup staying at the town, Post-it-note going back to traveling alone and studying stuff, and TC and Journal decide to travel together (Journalchest for the win boys).
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linnytheseagull · 3 months
Here's how to spot a Mad Scientist:
Is very smart in a specific field
Probably hasn't slept in the past 4 days
Slowly decends into madness/gets obsessed over something to the point where they destroy their lives over it/makes causing general chaos and destruction into their life goal
Here are other minor signs you might want to look out for (doesn't apply to all Mad Scientist):
Very pathetic. A loser, if you will
Is gay
Wears glasses
Has a best friend who is extremely friendly and also a poet
Graying hair despite their relatively youthful appearance
Can be a little bit silly (as a treat)
Note that not all Mad Scientists are actual scientists. The Mad Scientist can be disguised as something else and may try to trick you; do not be fooled. Look for these traits to identify a real wild Mad Scientist.
Now you are ready to go out into the wild and find your very own Mad Scientists to hyperfixate on for the next month! Hope this helped❤️
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mifink · 7 months
henry jekyll 🤝 victor frankenstein
fucking around and finding out
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tart-miano · 1 year
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angry that your parody has a degree and you don't, victor
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sarielsnowings · 2 years
Where are my fellow Gothic Fiction fans? Surely some of you ended up in here somewhere. Come out I need you.
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I want to draw them more, please feel free to suggest scenarios. I feel like they need to interact. Let the fanfiction begin!
I even made a reference sheet for them and everything. I just need to practise some more. Let’s just pretend they’re my OCs.
Edit: there are now more doodles. Find them under the #Sariel's Victorian disaster men tag
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konigsblog · 6 months
We need more of that eldirch reader ✨ it's amazingggg
eldricth-reader and scientist-könig. 🐙🐙
cw: NON-CON/DUB-CON tentacles, monster fucking, eldricth hybrid, afab!gn!reader, kidnapping, reader is used as an experiment. MDNI 18+
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i have far too many thots™️ for this AU...
i just know that scientist-könig is incredibly satisfied and proud of himself for finding such a rare, immortal creature like you. he's obsessed with the way your tentacles wiggle when he takes a step closer, his hard and thick boots thumping against the concrete ground as he gets a closer look at you. he admires your fearful expression, mortified as you gaze down at the shackles on your ankles, holding you down where you are.
you look so frightened by him - a mortal. you've never seen a human this close before. you'd been told about them, but you imagined them to be fairytale-like and magical creatures. your entire body was trembling, looking over at the wall, knives and sharp objects pinned to the wall, a sharp blade held firmly in his calloused, gloved hands.
he hides his face from you, creeping you out as he remains anonymous, causing chills to run up your spine. könig takes pictures of you from many angles, his intentions were to prove to others at the rare find before killing you off - although, könig had a change of heart; he didn't want you dead, he wanted to see all the things you could do with those tentacles... for his own sick benefit and pleasure.
as he dragged the sharp knife over your panties, he cut and tore them from your figure. you squealed loudly and hissed at him viciously as he tugged on your tentacle suddenly and harshly, pushing it against your slick pussy, inching inside as you cried out through misery. you felt utterly humiliated to be forced to do this, worsening your impression on him.
he watched as your tentacles reached around for anything to hold to stabilise you, his hung cock hanging over your face, hoping you'd grip his lengthy dick. as you're an eldricth creature, you don't understand humans and their bodies - so you were frightened and disgusted to hear his pleasured sounds as your tentacles ran down his weeping shaft, the suckers along your tentacles sticking to his skin as he guides your tentacles, getting off to the abnormal and newfound feeling of them wrapped tightly around his base, and the sight of your slick cunt filled with your limp. ;(
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h4ise-art · 8 months
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sh4rksp34r3 · 2 months
transmasc mad scientists... transmasc mad scientists...
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f-imaginings · 1 month
Since billford is becoming popular again I figured I might as well post my trusty Billford playlist for folks to enjoy.
This playlist helped keep me inspired while writing Knowing Me Knowing You and has some great songs for both Ford, Bill and the changing nature of their relationship at different points.
(Also I love when ppl put song lyrics beneath fanart and there are some bangers in here, go nuts!)
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hypo-critic-art · 1 year
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The innocent and the damned.
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serialkilluh1996 · 3 months
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☆Gratitude and Grief ☆
Doctor-König x Frankenstein-female-reader pt. 1
Warnings ➛ : Angst / Mentions of bombs / Necrophilia(? He just kisses the corpse idk) / Mentions of gore/ probably an inaccuracy of how funeral homes and contracts work
What lengths will he go to in order to bring back his beloved Mrs. Frankenstein? Find out below.
You had the best husband a woman could ask for. Dr. König Frankenstein.
Strong, knowledgeable, caring, a very resourceful man too. He would personally hire Gordon Ramsey himself to make you the world's best chicken soup if you caught so much as a common cold.
Yeah, he was boastful by nature, having grown up in a prestigious mansion out in Austria with a personal cow pasture to top it all off, but his heart was in the right place. He was a show off, but he would never shy away from giving. That's what he's been doing this whole time, afterall. For the past six months, he'd been giving his all to bring you back.
It wasn't fair. He was never greedy. He never took a thing for granted. His entire life, he had been nothing but a grateful man, yet something most precious to him was taken away.
As careful and attentive as König was, nothing prepared him for the bombing of the local grocery store, leaving many injured and a single fatality. Your fatality.
Why? Why did it have to happen? He cherished everything in his life from the ability to wake up in the morning to getting to have you, ☆☆☆, as his wife. As his loving companion that supported him at his lowest. The materialistic things he owned were trivial compared to you. They didn't have the value, no, the soul that you did. He could've lost it all, given it all away, without a lick of pain, but he had become selfish with you as the months passed.
You were an angel given back to God, but he wasn't ready to let go of you. God could take someone else for all he cared. Anyone else. Afterall, König would be God if this worked out.
The first month was spent in denial and delusion. Late nights crying, unable to sleep without the warmth of your body thrown over his, taking up all the bed space despite being smaller than him. Wandering the house mindlessly, unsure of why he was even moving. What purpose did it serve? He couldn't even eat without you. It didn't take long for his loss of weight to become noticeable.
Even with his big stature, he had become thin, his once pudgy front left as a sunken, seeming hollow stomach.
Month two was spent on a stressful battle of convincing a funeral home to give him your corpse. The battle was tiresome. They were persistent, and his eager demeanor only betrayed the character of an insane man mourning his late wife, willing to do anything to get her body.
It would've failed had it not been for you jokingly signing a covenant consenting to him using your corpse for scientific study if you were to pass before him. You were always supportive of him and his experiments, and you trusted him with your life, so you didn't see a problem with giving him what was left of you after your demise. Little did you know, said demise would come sooner than anticipated.
Months three to four were spent
on prototypes while you were in the freezer. Those were the worst months of his life. With the help of other bodies, those of dead criminals, donated to science, he figured out the hard way that the it was obligatory to keep the brain in best condition over the body.
He had to practice on them first. He wouldn't dare risk his beloved without the complete guarantee of your return.
Neil, his final prototype, the one that sealed the deal, was a pain in the ass. The worse out of every attempt. A walking, decaying slob. He'd failed to keep his brain from rotting, leaving König with a zombie-like creature that spent two days wailing and growling in a cage. He couldn't bring himself to just kill it at first.
He saw hope in the man, even with his criminal past from when he was alive, but it didn't take long for his morals to change once he realized how much of a threat it could be. One blow to the head couldn't have hurt that much for it.
It was discouraging, for sure. Every night after that was spent wondering if he had failed you. He wouldn't dare bring you back if it meant letting you become that suffering, rotting, monster. But, he refused to let you rest in peace. Something in his soul wouldn't let you go.
The final months, months five to six, he spent fixing you. Perfecting you. The surgeries were draining to him. Having to replace your heart was most stressful, but knowing that you'd love him all the same if you were back was his motivation.
The lost of your ring finger pained him, knowing you wouldn't be able to wear the one jewel that bound your love, but in his eyes, in his heart, he knew the ring was just a physical expression that society bestowed upon you. The real love was in the time and effort.
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He looks down on your corpse. You were so beautiful. Paler than usual, but what more could one expect from a corpse? Even in death, you were adorable. Fascinating. It was an honor to even see your face, despite the stitch going diagonally across your nose to keep your face together. No scars would destroy his love for you. No stitch would break his perfect image of you.
He rubs a hand across your forehead, dragging it down to your lips. Cold. Cold and dry. This was your last chance. His last chance. To prove himself worthy. To redeem himself. To make up for letting you die in that store.
For not being there for you as you bled out on that floor in the produce aisle. For not killing the man responsible. The death penalty wasn't enough in his eyes. No lethal injection would pay for the suffrage you went through.
His face scrunches in discomfort, his eyes squinting as they burned from the abrupt fall of tears. He should've never let you go on your own. He should've been there for you. To save you. To die with you. He lifts his hood, placing a somewhat salty kiss on your lips, leaving his warm tears upon your skin.
He places a hand on the lever connected to all the cords and jumpstarters on your body, a shutter escaping his mouth.
As he flips it, his body nearly recoils at how you begin to shake and twist, covering his mouth at the way your body twitches. He swiftly turns it off, seeing as to how you were staring to fry, his heart pumping heavily as he watched you for any sign of movement.
His eyes were hyper focusing on everything at once, his breathing was heavy, he could feel a burn in the back of his throat that he could only register as nausea.
".....grnghhhhhh..." was the low growling of his beloved as you struggled to lift yourself.
".....Sch-schatz?..." He quivers out, moving forward to place a large hand on your cheek as your empty eyes stared into his.
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Thanks for reading! I'll be uploading part two when I get the chance.
You can support me by liking, reblogging, or cashapping me @ $Fundsbrownie
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Okay so here comes my mindless ramblings about mordern au! Wwx:
Mordern au! Wwx could be so many things honestly, like he could actually be famous genius researcher, professor, lawyer, crime investigator or even a famous model, pop star. Like the range is crazy, he is just so good at everything (except cooking lol). I personally think he would be a innovative scientist and renowned professor cuz' Wwx is naturally curious, creative and innovative.
I am thinking about how his life would have been better if he was born in today's world, like Wwx was honestly 'ahead of his time' kinda guy, they hated him because he was better, cooler and hotter. If he was famous in the mordern au and the whole getting cancelled thing were to happen, it would probably happen because someone tried to frame him *cough cough jgy or Su she cough cough* for the shit he didn't do or something.
But yeah Wwx is born to be an exceptional talent, a prodigy, he is THE HOT GUY EVER. I love him. Thank you reading this ramble.
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Justine: "Hey there's some weird goth outside."
Elizabeth: "Oh, that's just Victor. Yeah he can come in."
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magiefish · 2 months
Jekyll and Hyde is about sex not because Hyde bangs prostitutes but because the symbolism of both giving birth to yourself and also committing suicide in a never-ending ouroborous is central to the conceit of the novella send post
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gabrielisdead · 2 years
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3 mad scientist 1 headache💀
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thenothing17 · 7 months
Frankenstein Cat
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The only idea I had for her was that she should be a scottish fold.
Honestly I'm not sure about this one. I like the design well enough but it doesn't really look like her..
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