#a little birdflash
wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
either Dick's siblings are merely teasing him, or they are telling the truth. and that destroys Dick Grayson. or wherein the rest of the batkids call out Dick's features and behavior that indicate he's aging.
Dick tiptoes, while slowly getting the mug from the cupboard.
Jason: You're getting slow, Dickiebird. Should I call your speedster boyfriend to help you in getting that?
Dick, huffs: What are you talking about, Little Wing???? I'm just not tall enough to get it. Not everyone has your growth spurt.
Jason, grabs the mug with ease and hands it to his older brother: Nah, you're just slow now.
Dick tries to recall the case he and Tim were working on last month as they sit in front of the batcomputer.
Tim: You okay, Dick?
Dick, massaging his temples: I'm trying, Timmy. I really cannot remember the coordinates. I'll let Babs help me with that.
Tim: Maybe you should go lay down, Dick. You're getting memory loss.
Dick: I - What is that supposed to mean? I'm just out of my game tonight, okay????
Tim, snorts: Not the first time this is happening though.
Dick, leans down to read the contents of the cereal box: Hmmm.. Are the words too small, Dami, or it's just me?
Damian, gets the box from his older brother and reads for him: Only minimal sugar, Richard, you're good. But it seems as if you need prescription glasses.
Dick: My vision is perfectly fine, okay??? It's just Mirror Master's mirror reflected right to my eyes. Helped Wally last night.
Damian: I really hope that's the case, Richard.
Dick is sitting with Cass and Steph on the floor in Cass' room at the Manor.
Cass, stops braiding Dick's hair: Big Brother has gray hairs.
Dick, shocked like a deer in headlights as he touches his hair: What???? Are you serious, Cass?? Where??
Steph: Hey, you're gonna ruin your nails, Dick! They're still wet - Oh, no. Is that a fine line on your forehead?
Dick, turns red at this point: FINE LINE??? That's not possible!! I'm using the face mask you recommended to me last week - You're telling me it's not working- I can't have a fine line!!!
Cass and Steph giggle as they watch Dick pace around and leave to go to the bathroom.
Dick closes his eyes and breathes.
Duke: Are you okay, Dick? Want to take a few-
Dick, opens his eyes and smiles at his younger brother : No, no I'm okay. Let's go again-
Duke: No, you can teach me the move tomorrow, or when you feel better. You've been really tired lately.
Dick: It's just a headache, nothing too serious.
Duke: Yes, but it's different when it's fatigue. And it's one of the symptoms of-
Dick: Uh, uh. Don't say it, don't say it- I'm not getting old, okay??? Why are you guys saying that lately???
Duke, squeezes his older brother's arm: Aging is a natural thing, Dick.
One night-
Dick, enters Bruce's study: B, I need to go with you to that spa in Greece. I need a break. I'm getting old!!!
Bruce, nods his head slowly: Sure, Chum.
Bruce, eyes his eldest: Oh.
Dick: What?
Bruce: Is that a wrinkle-
Dick: Coming from you, old man!!
Bruce chuckles as Dick leaves the study, talking to himself.
Dick cries dramatically to Wally that night.
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phoneduk · 9 months
[Dick, Jason, and Tim in a mall]
Random Tiktoker: "Hi, excuse me can I ask you guys some questions?"
Dick: "sure!"
Random TT: "what are your names?"
Dick: "Dick, Jason, Tim"
Random TT: "...excuse me?"
Jason: "it's the idiot's name"
Random TT: "oh, uhh, alright, who's your guy's favourite billionaire?"
Dick: "Ted Kord - total Dilf energy"
Jason: "Oliver Queen"
Tim: "Lex Luthor"
Random TT: "why are they your favourite?"
Jason: "He's a total Dick but his son's hot"
Tim: "what he said"
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neptunezo · 6 months
okay okay what if those holograms in young justice that get put up of dead members are actually connected to their life source and no one knows it until one day, when Dick is down there mourning his dead friends and brother, Jason’s hologram starts flickering. Dick now stares at it and gets Tim, Bruce, and Babs to try and figure out what was going on. It keeps flickering for days until it stops and turns off. They all try and turn it back on, magic and whatnot don’t work on it either, it just won’t turn back on. When they find out Jason is alive, they piece together how the holograms work.
On another day, Dick is sitting down, mourning Wally. When it flashes (no pun intended) and turns off. Dick races to go find Wally.
After Jon goes missing, Damian goes to the holograms hoping to see him one more time, but Jon’s hologram wasn’t up. He waits and waits until Jon finally comes back.
Tim, after seeing how the holograms have helped his brothers, goes down to Kon’s hologram. He sits at the hologram for days, it never changes. After being forced to leave and actually sleep, Tim then goes down everyday to check Kon. It never changes. Ever. Eventually Tim brings Bernard down with him, they sit and watch Kon’s hologram, unchanging.
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jhonnyhotbody · 1 year
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AAAH I saw Wally's kid flash design from @luisbajocollados on insta and I just had too 🤯
My little skrunkly 💔
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birdies-aus · 2 months
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whoopsss went to hard on some little mermaid style birdflash
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junespriince · 5 months
Little Chickadee meet little Sparkle au
8yo Dick, picks up 3yo Wally: so this baby kid flash?
Barry: yeah, this is apparently him at three years old according to Iris.
Dick, looks at the tiny boy in his arms: and his dad hated him!? Adults are useless.
Bruce, sighed: can't wait for Constantine and zatanna to fix this... Alfred where's the leash? *Leaves*
Dick, gives Barry, Wally back: I will make sure nobody hurts him again.
Barry: aw, that's so sweet of you.
A few hours later
Bruce: I told you to watch him, how could you let him get away!?
Barry: he said he went to the bathroom, how was i supposed to know he would leave, the time I knew him he listened in Central!
Wally, fussy because people are yelling:
Bruce: where could he have gone to, all his usual hits are protected.
Barry: ... Oh my god, OH MY GOD HE'S AFTER RUDY!
Bruce: Rudy?
Barry, grabbing his things: Wally's shitty bio dad, he read Canary's file on Wally and asked me questions.
Barry: I'm sorry I forgot he was blood thirsty as a child, okay!
Jason, holding a now crying Wally: hush it dipshits, and he's like eight how far on foot could he have gone.
Tim: he knows about the zeta tubes.
Jason: oooo, yeah that mother fucker dead dead.
Cass: I also saw him grabbed Barry's phone and called up Iris.
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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lost toys
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renzireads · 9 months
Nightwing opened the fridge, trying to figure out if he had any soda that hadn’t gone flat. After what barely felt like two seconds of looking, he felt a presence behind him.
“What d’ya have?” The Flash asks, standing just a little too close. Nightwing turned halfly, giving him a look that apparently didn’t look too intimidating, considering the Flash stood there, smile unfaltering.
“Not much, I fear.” He said as he turned back to the fridge, grabbing a bottle that seemed unopened. “Will this do?”
“Fine with me!”
Nightwing stepped back to close the fridge, bumping directly into the Flash’s chest. A hand appeared on his waist to stabilize him and -much to Nightwing’s dismay- the hand disappeared when the Flash seemed to realize he didn’t need it.
A pity.
And another thought Nightwing was not going to think about tonight.
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dickgraysonsbitch · 15 days
OKOKOK i know that ive been awol for… so long. but!! it is october and october means whumptober which i have been waiting for, and also my junior year is so ARGH that i need to write.
i pinky promise ill get to them. pinky pinky promise.
if i don’t u can yell at me.
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secondlastpsycho · 2 years
when fics start antagonising my favourite character :
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universal-joke · 2 months
Found some Birdflash fanart that I drew when I was 15/16 in my drafts. It even comes with an uncredited base that I traced over 90% of lol. I didn't post it since it was supposed to come with a fic outline that I hoped to write (never did). Glad to know my shading game at the time was good enough to give Wally abs but not good enough to give Dick any.
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A Birdflash doodle for the soul.
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The unbelievable urge to put a ship you know nothing about in the background of your fic just for the vibes. I do not know these boys, I have never engaged with the ship… why is it impossible to resist writing them for each other whenever they’re in the scene??
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phoneduk · 9 months
My personal Head Cannon is that with Dick being absolutely in love with any and all Gingers, his gay awakening was not Roy or Wally but was in fact the young billionaire that Bruce invited to all of his charity galas (Ted Kord - auburn haired genius inventor aka the loml) Dick followed the man around EVERYWHERE and would talk about him all the time when he was 12/13 to the point where he was just bringing home magazines about the man and Bruce had to sit him down and give him The Talk™️
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katsuorr · 1 year
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aloonaram · 11 days
Ao3 Collection Page!!
Yea its pretty much as the title says LMAO I’ve made an ao3 collection of all my favorite dick grayson centric fics (majority of them will be completed) so feel free to check it out!! :D
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mbirnsings-71 · 1 month
Old 9-1-1 au doodles
Because I'm trying to share more for this au and it turns out I have some old doodles of it that I haven't shared here!! So please enjoy them!!
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