#a concrete diary
theodorounicko · 9 months
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Spreads and photography of my book “EGOΕΓΩ - a concrete diary” I designed on the occasion of my Bachelor studies.
Some words on that:
The work “EGOΕΓΩ - a concrete diary” is a product of personal concerns and searches. The reason for the creation of this project was my need to record as freely as possible, things that concern me in recent years, to compose them in a homogenized project which in its final stage will be presented to a wider audience. In this project I have a dual role, that of designer and that of client. The purpose of the project is to delve into design based on a specific concept and to train myself in time management and decision making. In a second phase, since some applications are the product of collaboration, I develop my organizational and communication skills in the context of the execution of the work, skills important for my professional career. Finally, the importance of collaboration and the DIY (do it yourself) philosophy is highlighted.
This idea stems from my personal involvement in various fields of applied arts, my love for collecting printed material and my obsession with photographing everything that happens around me. The methodology of developing the work is based on the combination of photography, illustration and typography. I tried to delve deeper through the applications into the use of different materials in order to experiment with new textures and test the limits of both my creativity/inventiveness and the limitations of the methods I chose. The creative thinking behind the work deals with the individual as a unit and as a member of the society. Through storytelling I try to suggest internal dilemmas, concerns, insecurities, fears and emotions of all kinds that shape us. There are references to memories and grievances, things that lead us on an endless journey of understanding what takes precedence, our self or our ego?! These questions are based on real thoughts and situations either my own or my people's.
The approach to the message I seek to convey is getting shape through the narration of a familiar circumstance in the presence of a plethora of symbolisms. The circumstance I refer to is the simulation of a “burial” and it is on this practice that the structure of the presentation of the work in the university's premises has been based. I chose this parallelism because this situation is an event that concerns the lives of all individuals, it is an honest moment of expression for the participants and despite the lack of justice that sometimes weighs it down, it remains the most fair event in our lives. In the case of EGOΕΓΩ, the individual is represented by the book. Anyone who comes close either out of curiosity or natural attraction and opens its pages is confronted with its content. Images and texts spill over the edges of the pages like repressed thoughts. The book closes, perhaps it will open again, but to do so requires hands to grasp it and a will to understand. Finally, with each touch it is given a new life. With the end of this era a new one is born. New bonds are created, solidarity. Understanding and empathy. Perhaps even some new friendship. In such an intense moment the feelings that are born merge and bring to the surface something new, stronger and ready to move on. In other words, just as a cycle closes and through it we gain resources for the next phase, so in our case, this presentation is an end and a beginning, a transition to something else.
The explanation of the name EGOΕΓΩ clearly touches on the "battle" between our self and our "ego", predisposing the observer to what is to follow and the logo is fully typographic in order to highlight the two words (EGO and ΕΓΩ). Schematically, it is the form of a person, very abstract. The purpose of this decision is not just to make the design interesting but to capture the two aspects of ourselves, "EGO" and "EΓΩ".
Project supervisor: Anna Altouva
Published by Brick Home Studio, in Athens, June 2023
Edition of 34
11 X 18 cm, 92 pages
Digital offset printing: Fotolio S.A.
Handmade coptic binding: Brick Home Studio
Cover: 1190gsm total black bookbinding paper / Body: Munken Print white 115 gsm
Photography and scans: Christos Kotsinis
Concrete case: Sergios Fotiadis (We design)
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stellisketches · 11 months
Think I'm going to make an official timeline for Diaries
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dailykafka · 10 months
about the zionism thing, do you think he changed his views again before he died? /gen
bc i read on the wikipedia that he was planning on moving to palestine but the only thing that stopped him was the illness he eventually died of
He did want to move to Palestine but as I said, he never wanted a Jewish state there. Just living in Palestine would have been enough for him. He recognized Palestine and I don't think he ever talked seriously about wanting a seperate political and cultural union, a state for jews because Palestine was already there.
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plenilune · 6 months
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special goth mode: detective hawaiian shirt
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jeremiahthefroge · 2 months
Unironically, IS there anywhere to get a good beat-by-beat plot synopsis of the original Minecraft Diaries without watching it all the way through? I want to get a good idea of all the plot beats and characters and the general timeline to see about writing some fanfic, because the characters are living rent free in my brain, but I'm also like... VERY aware that it's a 2016 minecraft roleplay series... and I fear that I will ruin my own mental image of the series if I try to rewatch it all...
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snekverse · 7 months
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Finnan and Kithri Springgrove
Campaign!Brendan and Kiki are humble farmers who have made their home in Phoenix Drop. They enjoy their stationary lifestyle, and rely heavily on each other, especially after the tragic loss of their parents to a forest fire many years ago. Although they don't yearn for adventure, they're an infinitely helpful resource, and will always be a friendly face for the party to rely on.
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retroactivepixels · 3 months
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Slim apartment-towers visually separate the old blocks from newer ones. The old were constructed during the communist era (pre 1990) and some of them are getting fresh and better insulated facades. The newer buildings on the right side of the first picture are all made after 2000.
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itscontinental · 1 month
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W #99
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
i like how i finished working on that video. and then immediately after closing that project . there’s a knock on the door to my mind. i open it and the hanza walks back in like they own the place. sit down and start eating at the kitchen table like no time passed
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plasticsandwich · 7 months
i guess i should make a cohost now
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ladybugjournal · 2 months
I'm not giving up. I'm just moving on.
3 August 2024
TW: talk of mental illness (a brief non descriptive and non explicit mention of an attempt on one's life)
I'm not giving up. I'm just moving on.
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not giving up. Taking myself out of a bad situation, leaving a place I don't feel safe in, and moving towards a new goal does not mean I'm giving up on what I currently have. What I have is over. It's done.
That chapter is completed.
18 year old me made a plan and set certain goals. Along the way, that plan changed (mainly because of covid) but I adapted, changed the plan, made new goals. Still, I did what I set out to do. I graduated my first choice college with honors, made two short films (and worked on a many others), I got a job and have been working there for more than five years now, I made friends, I went to parties (I have never really been a party person so this was a big goal of mine. My mother even wanted me to go to parties lol), I went on dates, I went on adventures, and I grew up.
I don't regret this last chapter. Not at all. Honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. It's weird to say that because a lot of it has been shitty and I had more mental breakdowns than was healthy, but I made it through. I learned, I grew, I became me.
This last chapter of my life has been a dream. Some of it a nightmare, honestly, a lot of it was a nightmare, but still, a dream. A fever dream, really.
In 2018, I was 18 years old. I moved 1100 miles from home, alone, to a place I knew no one. I moved in with a stranger (my first roommate), I got my first job (that wasn't a summer job as a camp councilor), I got in my first fender bender (it wasn't my fault), I went on my first date after breaking up with my longterm high school boyfriend. I went to classes, had a 4.0, and I survived.
I survived moving (with that same first roommate) because our school fucked up and had to put us in with another roommate (this one wasn't good and though we only cohabitated for 3 months it was far too long). I made more friends and lost friends. I moved again with my first roommate.
It's important to note that each move was a downgrade by the school. My first roommate and I went from having separate rooms in a 2 bed 2 bath with a full kitchen, living room, and dining room. To sharing a room and bathroom and walk in closet in the second 2 bed 2 bath apartment across the living room from our other (unstable) roommate. To living on a first floor studio apartment we called "the concrete box" that had barely half a kitchen, a rod between 2 broken shelves for a closet, a bathroom we shared with our neighbor we never met (with a shower that would flood from the drain and spill into our room), where the fire alarms would go off almost every night at 2 - 4 AM. We were there when covid started which was great because we had bunkbeds and couldn't quarantine from each other if we needed to (luckily we didn't need to).
I took a break and moved back in with my parents when Covid got really bad. I did zoom classes from my parents living room while my mother worked from home from the kitchen table and my father worked from home from the kitchen island. I got drunk a lot, hung out with my high school friends when I could. It honestly wasn't horrible for me. I'm lucky to have been able to do that.
When I had to go back, I ended up moving into a 4 bedroom 2 bath apartment. There were 5 of us. I shared a room with my friend from college/work and everyone else had their own room. It wasn't horrible. Not really. Not always. I was closer with two of my roommates, but really only friends with the one I shared my room with at first. Three of us worked together, which was nice except it was covid times and one of our little trio always thought they were sick so the other two of us were forced to isolate. The other two roommates were not great, they fought like children, screaming at each other and throwing fits. One of them continuously threatened to hit me, which I did not enjoy. But I was trying to make the most of it and just get through zoom university.
One night, one of the two outside of the trio tried to take their own life. I won't go into details, not now, maybe not ever, but I had to fix it. I was asked to "fix it". I called dispatch, I talked to the paramedics, I had to keep myself held together even when I felt like I was going to vibrate out of my own skin. But, even in what could possibly be one of the most traumatic nights of my life, I still have fond memories. I played tag in the parking lot with my friend. We were distracting ourselves, grounding ourselves, trying to keep our shit together and do something, anything, that would keep us from spiraling.
Even now, years later. Even now that I'm no longer close with that friend and I don't talk to that roommate ever since we had to kick them out. Even now, I look back on that night and even though it's so dark and so horrible, even though it still makes me sick to my stomach. I still smile when I think of playing tag in the parking lot. I still laugh thinking about sitting outside of the diner at 2 am, freezing while cupping my coffee, while I distracted everyone by telling stupid stories and quizzing them on random kids movies. Those moments are light. They're special. They wouldn't have happened if it wasn't peak pandemic when the ER wouldn't let anyone sit in the waiting room, or when the diner only had outside seating.
It was horrible and I was in therapy over it for a long time, but still, I wouldn't change it.
I wouldn't change moving out in a rush because we had to break our lease. I wouldn't change our downstairs neighbor who was paranoid and horrible and threatened to have her grown children beat us, and who called the cops on us while we were sleeping for "rolling bowling balls". I wouldn't change getting sick. I wouldn't change knowing something was wrong between be and my trio but having them lie to me every time I asked. I wouldn't change feeling like I was going crazy for over a year because of their lies and their mind games.
I wouldn't change any of that because I learned the truth. I learned the truth after another horrible night where I felt rage for the first time in years. I wouldn't change finding myself once I learned the truth and realized that two people I thought were my best friends were actually not my friends at all. I wouldn't change any of that because it made me find myself.
I wouldn't change any of the bad, because then I wouldn't have any of the good.
I wouldn't have the friendship I have with my very first roommate. I wouldn't have all the memories. I wouldn't have my cat, my baby boy, I rescued from that first 4 bedroom apartment. I wouldn't know I can pack all my shit and move within a week (I had to do this twice). I wouldn't be confident that no matter what happens, I can stay calm in a crisis. I wouldn't know that I can move out on my own, completely alone (or with my cat) and still be fine.
I wouldn't be me without the good and the bad.
I wouldn't go back and change the 1-2 hour commute to campus when my school moved in my senior year. Because of that, I really don't care how long it takes me to get somewhere, anything is better than a 45 minute drive turning into a 2 hour drive when you're already late for class and then showing up to campus only to find there is no parking in the public parking that you have to pay for so you just give up and go home and cry to your mother on the way because you're having your third panic attack that week and it's only Monday. (Yeah, I still wouldn't change that).
I met my twin™️ and our other friend at that campus. We went on adventures down town because if we were going to make that drive might as well explore. I will always cherish them. We're still close and that's really nice.
Honestly, I wouldn't change going to that stupid party where everything went to shit, because that's how I found out the truth. That's what snapped me out of the blind love I had for my friends.
So yeah, it sucked, a lot of it sucked, but a lot of it was great and I wouldn't change it.
I just have to remember that leaving, starting a new chapter, going on a new adventure, getting out and going some where new, is not giving up. I didn't give up. I had so many opportunities to give up over the last six years, but I didn't. This is not giving up. This is moving on.
This is not giving up. This is moving on.
I am not giving up. I'm just moving on.
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scottspack · 2 months
i need a real diary but the online public one will have to do. im feeling so many things lately and have had such a crazy year of intense sudden growth and change and im trying to keep my head above water while also trying to appreciate and enjoy the new challenges as they come but also trying to synthesize and learn lessons not just go from one fire to the next without learning anything from the one I just put out. I want to be an intentional leader who leads in a pre meditative and considerate way and not in whatever instinctive and reactionary way first springs to mind when im in a situation. I want to make good decisions, not just acceptable ones, I want to build good habits, not just easy ones, I want to act, not just react. I’ve done a lot of maturing, but not enough. I’ve made a lot of progress, but there’s still so much room to grow. I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made, but I know I’ll look back on some of them in the future and see all of the ways I could’ve done better. I’m proud of myself and impatient for the future version of me that’s better at all of this.
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stellisketches · 11 months
Random Question
Does anyone remember how many years in-universe it was since Irene disappeared by the time s1 started? I vaguely remember it being like 900~ years but I'm not 100%
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iristial · 2 years
Spoiler alert, Ohsama Sentai King-ohger is about ordinary student Sougo Tokiwa deciding what better way to kick off the university year than being in a Sentai team
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themuseoftheviolets · 11 months
my old school was posting student's projects on their insta to get people to sign up and one of them was a house model that me and my friends did and it reminded me that i spent literal DAYS making a cobogó out of paper and it was both my magnum opus and the bane of my existence
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vortahoney · 4 months
Are we attached enough to Chip and Donna that if I wrote them fucking nasty people would read it yet
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