#romeave lore
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stellisketches · 1 year ago
Random MCD Headcanons that have nothing to do with anything (Part 5???)
Sorry I haven't made any real posts in forever. My drawing phone broke and college has been a bitch so i haven't really gotten the chance to make anything (though I finally made some more progress on the next chapter of my rewrite). In any case, please accept this next installment of head canons I wrote like 10 months ago and completely forgot about in lieu of anything that requires actual talent. Love y'all:
Laurance lost an incisor tooth in a fistfight when he was 19
When he got turned into a shadowknight it grew back, now he purposefully goes out of his way to loose teeth just cause he knows he can grow back an unlimited supply
Hayden has a cat named Bog Butter. He’s the color of butter and he found him in the bog. 
Vylad’s favorite vegetable is avocado
There are three major guard academies in Ru’aun: one in O’Khasis, one in Scaleswind, and one in Bright Port. 
Bright Port’s is the largest and most well known
O’Khasis’ is the most prestigious
Scaleswind’s academy is the most difficult
The bare minimum age to join is 14, though most people join between 16-19
Every guard must have a minimum of 2 years training to earn the actual title of Guard, however to serve in O’Khasis you need a minimum of 4 and for Scaleswind a minimum of 5. 
Part of that training includes apprenticeship, so they do get some in-field experience with their mentors (think unpaid intern)
Technically you can train for up to 8 years, however most people only train for 2-5.
Garroth was in academy for 3-4 (although to be fair he had been trained in sword fighting since he was like 9)
Laurance went for 5 years and Dante went for 6 ½ 
Dante lied about his age when he enlisted though
He was barely thirteen
Both went to the Bright Port Academy however they were in different divisions at different times since Dante is younger, so they really only saw each other in passing and never actually talked to one another
The only personal interaction they ever had was one time at the academy Laurance was trying to get back to his dorm after a night of copious drinking and partying and could barely walk out the front door of the bar. Dante (who was pretty tipsy himself) ended up half-carrying back to Laurance’s dorm before going back to his own. Neither of them remember this. 
Katelyn’s two older brothers’ names are Kaj and Khareem
Khareem is the oldest, then Kaj, then Katelyn, then Kacey
Occasionally, when he is absolutely, positively, 100% sure he is alone, Zane will sing to himself sometimes
Dante once did a Zane impression in front of everyone and Garroth got so freaked out by how realistic it sounded he made Dante swear he’d never do that voice around him again. 
The worst argument Kenmur and Emmalyn ever had during their marriage was whether their system was heliocentric or geocentric (Kenmur argued the former and Emmalyn argued the latter)
In most colleges across Ru’Aun, there is usually some statue of Enki that students will leave offerings to before their big exams
Offerings vary, but it’s usually something like food, money, trinkets, or paper. It varies on how important the exam/how desperate the students are
Kenmur went to one of these colleges for a few years
One time he fell asleep the night before his final exam and he woke up like an hour before his exam was supposed to take place and in a fit of panic he dumped his entire wallet in front of the statue. He passed with flying colors.
One time at the Narhakan college someone left a life-sized horse statue made out of gold. No one has any idea where it came from or who left it. It’s become kind of an urban legend among all the colleges
Zenix never learned how to read and by god he isn’t about to wimp out now
Garroth tried to teach him once and it… did not go well
Let’s just say Garroth still owes Emmalyn a book from that incident. And a new table. 
Zianna came from the same region that Esmund was native to
Katelyn absolutely despises the feeling of sand in her shoes
Dmitri and Nekoette raided the Bright Port guard academy kitchen the first night they got sworn in
Dmitri also had to go to the infirmary after getting shot in the arm by one of Nekoette’s loose arrows
Laurance can play the piano and used to play it at some of the taverns in Meteli
Levin and Malachi both know a good bit of Elvish thanks to spending so much time in Yggdrasil
They switch to Elvish for the majority of their arguments
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star-boi0720 · 5 months ago
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infant and innocent
my poor sweet boy
Vylad lore Time!!
Vylad was the odd out-of-left-field child that was born 10 years after Garroth and Zane (who are twins in my version cause make that divide even bigger between them) because Adam/garte was believed dead for that ten-year age gap he had a whole odyssey-type quest to return home, tangent for another time.
one tiny thing i changed about the whole vylad not being gartes son thing Eve./zianna didn't cheat he was made using magic because of a whole prophecy that she was told of when she was younger (the whole reason she agreed to marry him) and when Adam "died" Eve made vylad for the prophecy of helping Irene/Abby defeat shad but literally no one knows that until way later. but there is discussion if vylad is actually Adams or not but Adam wants vylad to be his so they play that for looks. but there's always whispers people looking at vylad like he's an abomination but he does have Adam's blood but like in a ritual way not the normal way.
but vylad was born with the ability to see the dead so, "he was seeing things that were not there" so everyone thought he was crazy and some even wanted to burn him at the stake for the monster people thought he was and believedhe was a curse upon the land by his mother which most people did not like cause shes a 💫woman with her own thoughts💫. So long story short in Adam's in sickness(that he got on his journey) controlled state he locks vylad inside the castle Disney princess style and he always had a jury of nine member present with him which only got worse when garroth and zane got put in charge of the jury.(which i had have a whole 10 commandments vibe)
but vylad was a free spirit type of boy curious always escaping his guards wanting to see the world. but then a village finds vylad and burns him at the stake and garroth finds his body TRAMUA💁‍♀�� ensues garroth destroys the entire village then bamn, garroth gets taken over by the sin of pride because him and vylad had a fight right before and garroth refused to admit he was wrong which directly led to vylads death then Eve hides garroth in phoenix drop to protect him from their father who who has just gone crazy at that point.
but after vylad dies he emerges in the nether but from the moment he comes shad can tell vylad will be a problem cause vylad has an uncanny resemblance to kulzak so shad stuffs most his energy and his humanity into the void to be eaten and the husk of him to be him mindless slave but shad is 🌌stupid🌌 and didnt ake into account vylads power his mind is too strong for that to break him and he can still control himself from the void but its super painful but most everything else if very similar to canon like he's the reason abby even shows up and carry the beginning of the shows plot on his fucking back lol
Also side not when vylad and the twins as I will call him no one believed he was vylad at first cause of how different he seemed which vylad feel like and absolute freak like he's been told all his life
sorry if none of this makes sense its 2:30 in the morning and I'm very tired
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packcoventhing · 1 year ago
My problem with my Aphverse rewrite is I could write an entire book on every character and then I could write five more about every region and then another on every species in my rewrite
And then of course I can write my books on the main plot but it expands so much farther than that because I have a special interest and a hyperfixation and this is so wide branching that I could pick a random name, make them a species in Tu'la, and write them an entire book of a story/life
Aphverse rewrite is not a hobby it's a way of life /hj
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vyladromeave · 2 years ago
Knowledge We Are Given In Canon: after he went through guard training, Garroth faked his own death in order to get out of O’khasis and escape his arranged marriage.
Lore-Breaking Assumption: Despite going through all the hassle of Faking His Death, Running Away Across The Region, and Never Revealing His Face (something the average country bumpkin of Phoenix Drop probably would not recognize even remotely), the idea of using a fake name or moniker did not occur to him. Despite the name "Garroth Romeave" being much more widely recognizable than his face.
Generous Assumption: “Garroth” is a common enough first name in the region of Ru’aun that he didn’t see a point in using a false one. He’s not entirely stupid, he just didn’t see a reason to change it.
now stick with me here.
Knowledge We Are Given In Canon: Azura has known Garroth since they were in guard training together, which is likely when she developed a crush on him.
Lore-Breaking Assumption: Azura for some reason has determined Garroth’s true identity, despite the fact that he literally faked his own death in order to get away from the responsibilities that came with his name and status. (And she’s awesome and cool so she just never ratted him out about it.)
Really Funny Assumption: Azura actually developed a crush on some other guy named Garroth (common name) and lost touch with him after guard academy, and then falsely believes our Garroth (the one obscuring his face and true identity so he can’t cleanly explain to her the truth) to be the one she developed a crush on.
And the first time she sees him without his helmet, shes like. “What thefuck is that. Who the hell are you.”
and someone has to. explain it to her.
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m--rtyr · 2 years ago
I am reviewing my first sacrifice for consumption, ‘Woof! Woof! Bork! Nya?’ By our very own, @zane-romeave (I do believe, correct me if I tagged the wrong person lmao)
A warning from the author themselves on discord: ‘I didn’t know how to write romance so this is mostly the setup to a highschool political drama’
And the summary on the website that shan’t be named because ew stinky (/j, it’s Wattpad):
‘Kai and Ein are seniors attending Phoenix Drop High. Although neither wants to admit it, they’ve grown quite partial to each other. But, Kai’s a Meif’wa and Ein’s a werewolf. Cats and dogs should hate eachother, right?’
Kien? Kain? Is that’s the ship name? Idk I’ll shut up now
Now onto the actual review (and further summarising from myself):
It starts in Ein’s perspective, him talking about how much Phoenix Drop sucks in comparison to his old highschool (appropriately named ‘Remus Amademy’), for all the reasons that Ein would of course think something sucks. There’s a lack of paragraphs per speaker but because of the way the dialogue is written it’s easy enough to figure out who it is talking (and by that I mean they literally say it right after the dialogue. Ein begins to complain about having to be shown around by Kai because that’s what Orientation is for (in England we call it something else so sorry if that’s the wrong word). At the end of the day, Kai gives Ein his phone number, and the chapter ends Kai’s perspective, wondering what Ein is hiding.
A good start. Gotta love Kai’s phone number being 987-654-3210. There’s an introduction of two relationships (Aphmau and Kai’s with Ein), a little preview of Ein’s violent tendencies, and some mystery sprinkled in, overall setting up well for a story.
Chapter two starts with Kai looking out for Ein (stalking, but with good intention). And then him explaining some social shit, like werewolves and Meif’wa not typically being seen to hang around each other a lot, to the point where people find it strange when they do. We also meet one of Kai’s friends that I will call Chess because I think it’s funny. Then we find out he has Chemistry with Ein, and Kai wonders why no one seems fond of the guy. We know. He doesn’t.
We appreciate Kai having his own friends here in this house. Because I swear he doesn’t in canon PDH?? Idk. Appreciate the building up of the social dynamic between werewolves and Meif’wa, though, introducing an issue that may come from them being friends. Also, paragraphs for speakers begins. Negatives points for the unironic use of the word bro.
This chapter is Ein’s POV. He meets Leo (otherwise referred to as Lunar) who is kind of an ass. Kai is a sweaty little shrimp, Ein thinks that’s grim. Some dude throws up.
It was a fun chapter, albeit short. Poor Quintara, whoever he may be, and I have known Leo for all of three seconds and I am already expecting to dislike him.
Kai’s POV this time, giving us a little idea for how long he and Ein have known eachother thus far. 2 weeks. Kai is thriving in the makeup remover brand ‘school air’ and his only stress is that Leo wants him to be Saber, though thankfully the only move they’d made regarding this was sending Chess to tell him. We get some saber lore, Ein eats gummy bears in a chem lab, Kai mocks him for fearing the gummy flames as it is dropped into the molten potassium chloride. Someone and their buddy Carlos have a weird plan including pictures. Creeps.
I actually appreciated the saber lore. Idk if it’s included in canon but if it was I didn’t remember it. Thanks. And more drama, we love drama, we want drama, drama was had. Lovely. Also, Ein not obeying lad safety rules makes a lot of sense.
The final chapter, the end to it all, ‘Love, lies and fanfics’. We get Ein’s POV. He thinks he’s being stalked. Chess proves himself not to be a ‘lapdog’ like Kai suggested by saying he calls Leo ‘Lunar’ to piss him off because Leo is a racist cunt. Chess also writes fluff au fics, absolute icon. He especially likes non-violent tsunderes and megane pairings, even going on to explain the two tropes. Ein begins to think he can manipulate Chess, and then we get some more things to do with that person and Carlos. Carlos is airing them. Rude.
A cliffhanger, oh no. And it’s the end of it so far, but it’s been a fun while. We love Chess in this house, chess is an icon, Ein needs to back off. Negative points for getting me hooked on something with only five chapters, asshole /j
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mcdenthusiest · 3 years ago
Maybe I should actually start drafting part of my mcd rewrite instead of making up scenarios in my head and writing down concepts for it in an unorganized notebook also I have never written anything in my life
Im starting with rewatching the ENTIRETY of mcd + mys post s6 + some of the livestreams and mini games to get a sense of like basic plot points character points and world building for it (It’s mystreet and the mini games that’s gonna be painful to rewatch, I’m rewatching mcd s1 and I forget to take notes on it bc of how ridiculous it was initially I love it!). WHILE rewatching jt im taking notes on what I initially see during my rewatch and putting down time stamps for like major exposition on plot charatcer or world, THEN going back and breaking parts of it down to make it make sense and see how that plot point COULD fit in. Mcd s1 is ridiculous cuz it was meant to be a silly little let’s play x roleplay and I don’t blame Jess for how it is bc like it LITERALLY didnt have the intention to go to like mys s6 and all ehehe (fuck mys s6 tho).
THEN from there I’m gonna focus on worldbuilding and establishing the rules for the world, IM SO EXICTED TO ESTABLISH LORE AND HISTORYYYY future history major I love history I loved the divine warriors i love how messy the romeave monarchy probably is
I already know that I want to keep the start and end to s1 (aphmau spawns in a world -> Irene dimension) I just don’t know HOW I wanna get there exactly and what I wanna keep and remove
Characters are gonna be tough bc I’m not an incredible artists BUT writing them is gonna be so fun like Aaron’s gonna be a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person in my mcd rewrite with his backstory 💀 there’s also many characters that I’m gonna try to keep bc I liked them but they’re probably not gonna end up being super developed except for main ones (but asides from s1 aphmau idk who’s gonna count as that LMAO!)
I have an idea for what I wanna keep which are like the ICONIC iconic moments of mcd (werewolf wedding moment)
The issue is that the real world and minecraft has very different rules and so aphmau cannot travel from PD to scaleswind in a day like in minecraft or just place blocks down for a house so figuring out the timeline is gonna be funky
I also want there to be a prelude series into episode 1 which is just the guard academy days for garroth and some other characters (the day garroth decides to join guard academy -> a bunch of events (not in order)including running away and Nicole faking her death + vylad murder + katelyn joining the jo9 + Sasha’s death + genes death + laurance becoming head guard and johs death to sasha + aaron accidentally killing lily and living as a loner (L) + gene coming back and traumatizing dante + Zane’s accession to power -> the day aph spawns into the world
I’m not neurotypical if it’s obvious
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romeave · 4 years ago
the most infuriating thing about s3 zane is the fact that in the season so obsessed with aph and irene, they put zane "former high priest and first person to open the irene dimension since irene" romeave and emmalyn the #1 irene stan in a cave alone together and had them talk about shadow night lore the whole time
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lauranceofmeteli · 5 years ago
What would be some minor things that would happen in your mermaid tales rewrite? I was just thinking about mermaid tales like a few days ago so I'm pretty interested in some of your ideas for it that won't spoil your rewrite completely if you decide to make it.
So some of the idea I already have are
More Romeave lore cause I love the Romeave bros dynamic across the series’s and i was kinda sad they had nothing in mt
im gonna add in Laurance, Vylad, Cadenza, Dante, and the sk in ways I’ll talk about later
Better mermaids??? Just make em less Disney djbxbsd
I might change the plot about a bit but keep the basic stuff like the human hair stuff and the heart of the sea
Katemau aren’t sisters cause No djbsjsj
I might change up Aphs backstory a bit but idk yet
More Travis stuff cause I love him
Uh that’s all I’ve got so far but I’ll probably figure out more later when I rewatch it
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stellisketches · 1 year ago
Think I'm going to make an official timeline for Diaries
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
I know a lot of people have wildly varying interpretations on how old the characters in Diaries are (which I totally respect) but my interpretation of specifically Aaron and Zane makes me chuckle because during the events of season 1 I have Aaron in his early-mid forties and Zane at like. 25. With the whole Falcon Claw oopsie thing between them I just it’s really funny to imagine a 40 year old man having incredibly personal beef with a college sophomore.
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
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Esma the Uncrowned
Finally got around to actually drawing one of my characters from the family tree! Hope y’all like the design— decided that purple hair was the way to go
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stellisketches · 1 year ago
for the asks, 20 and 27?
20- you can only change one plotline in the entire canon—what would it be and how would you alter it?
The relationship between Aphmau and Aaron. I know, huge surprise, but gimme a minute: I don’t really care about the fact that they slept together all that much (though I definitely could’ve gone without), I care about how only how that was the sole reason used to say that Aphmau was in love with him (which again is not the rarest of complaints). However, I have a theory that I'm going to explore about how Irene's relic may have factored into that relationship and how it may have influenced Aphmau without her knowledge. One of the subtler themes I've noticed about the show is how it explores the concept of free will and the sins of the father trope. I think a storyline following Aphmau as she learns more about the relic and how it changed/changes her as a person would be pretty juicy if it came to a point where someone suggests that the love she thought she felt towards Aaron may have just been a product of the relic finding attachment in one of Shad's descendants, as it remembers how much it cared about Shad in the past. I could see a whole subplot of her coming to a decision about whether or not she chooses to claim those feelings she had as her own or as Irene's.
27- what's something really interesting that you wished canon decided to explore more? alternatively, what's something interesting that you wished the fandom acknowledged more?
God there's literally so much. My two big ones would be the Divine Warriors as a whole and the monarchy that existed before Irene destroyed it. Something interesting I wished the fandom acknowledged more... Honestly can't think of anything of the top of my head, though one thing that has been driving me crazy for a while is how actually fucking stupid it was for the Lord of Scaleswind to agree to an arranged marriage when Nicole (his only child ever shown or mentioned) to the heir of O'Khasis. Because buddy, how the fuck did you think that was going to go? Who the fuck was going to rule Scaleswind after you died when you shipped of what is implied to be your only heir to the next greatest superpower in your region? Unless long distance marriage was A-OK or something he was essentially signing his entire dynasty's death warrant. If he was stupid enough to think Scaleswind would've been able to stay independent after losing his only heir then he fucking deserved for his lineage to end. Idiot.
Anyway in my rewrite I'm giving her a briefly mentioned older brother that was the first heir of Scaleswind just to slap a bandaid on that little plot hole.
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
The demons won. Family Tree update is underway.
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
Ro’Meave sister OCs??? Can you tell us more about them? So intrigued
EDIT: Oh my god I put this in drafts forever ago cause I was going to draw pictures of them and then completely forgot. I'm so sorry it took so long.
Bro tysm for his ask I've been wanting an excuse to talk about them for forever (warning: this is a long one).
OK SO their names are February and Edelse. It'll be easier for me to cover them separately so I'll start with Feb. I'll start off by saying there's still a lot I'm reconsidering/changing about her, so if this is incomprehensible I am so sorry.
February is the older of the two, and half-siblings with Garroth and Zane and full siblings with Vylad. February several years younger than Vylad, and at the time of the end of season 1 she was 9-12 years old. Even as a toddler, she idolized all three of her older brothers, and while Zane didn't really give her the time of day, she, Garroth, and Vylad were thick as thieves and they would often sneak her out of the castle for classic teenage rebellion shenanigans (mostly just so she could have a few normal experiences before the weight of all the politics dropped on her) and for a while life was sweet. Then Vylad died, and Garroth left for Phoenix Drop without her. The latter of which hit her especially hard, as she often wondered about why he didn't take her with him. In the period of time between those events and season 1, she tried to get Zane to like her more, but that went about as well as you'd expect. However, after she told him about how she had overheard a priest that was secretly expressing disloyalty toward him, Zane began a sort of transactional relationship of what basically amounted to her snitching on anyone who was spouting disloyalty or threatening Ro'Meave reign and him feeding into her need for approval. He took note of her loyalty and even began her training as a possible Jury of Nine member later down the line.
Then he disappeared with the battle of Phoenix Drop, cue more abandonment issues.
She had mostly been trained by Janus and Lillian, and Janus did stick around for a few years afterwards to keep training her until they thought she was good enough and dipped too.
She spent the next few years honing her skills and continued Garroth and Vylad's legacy of sneaking out to ingratiate herself to the common people of O'Khasis. I'll skip a lot of boring stuff including making shady deals with the thieves guild, that one time she killed her fiancé in an arranged marriage, and roping Laurance and Travis into a wacky side quest during Aph's thief arc in s2), the important stuff happens when O'Khasis is invaded. She was in Narhaka when it happened and luckily avoided capture, and when she snuck back in she immediately started raising a rebellion movement with Edelse, who was able to get smuggled out of the castle before shit went sideways.
She ends up asking for weapons from the thieves guild, which they agreed to, however it began to take longer than expected. Then they announced Zianna was gonna be executed and she goes to the Boss demanding weapons and the boss is like "yo are those two guys Ro'meaves" and she turns around and she sees her brothers for the first time in over 15 years. Cue emotional reunion.
Anyways stuff happens she goes with them to Hyria's, finds out the random lord Zane wanted to marry was God (probably the weirdest Tuesday of her life) and goes back to help the rebellion drive the remaining Tuu'la forces out of O'Khasis.
Afterwards, I can't say for possible spoiler. But what likely would have happened would've been her and Garroth having some conflict and resolution about his initial flee from O'Khasis and trying to heal from the abandonment she's experienced over her life.
Now, Edelse; I don't have nearly as much for her in terms of lore because she was a later edition, but I'll do what I can. Edelse's parentage is... ambiguous, in terms of whether Garte's her actual father (partly because I haven't decided). She's definitely treated as a fullblooded Ro'Meave, and Garte would (seemingly) rather it be her than February that takes over lordship. She was born about three or four years after the Battle of Phoenix Drop, meaning she never knew any of her brothers personally. In terms of personality, imagine a mixture of Vylad's total deadpan and Zane's superiority complex (though she's significantly less murdery about it). She was shown to be incredibly intelligent from a young age and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of military history, strategy, weaponry, and armory (especially those last two, designing weapons/armor is her favorite past time). She usually isn't outwardly hostile with people, however if someone, purposefully or accidentally, questions or insults her intelligence/knowledge she will completely trash their self confidence and read it like it is a pure fact. Also by season 3 she is like. barely fifteen. (Side note: Now that I think about it, if you want a basis to compare her to- think Fives from the umbrella academy. Like a 60 year old in a tweenager's body. That describes her pretty well).
Anyways, she and February can work together when they need to, but they really don't get along that well unless their teaming up against someone (be it small or large scale). Feb tries to beat her up at least twice a month and Edelse has tried to snipe her with a bow and arrow on occasion. Just normal Ro'Meave things.
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
to the person who sent me an ask about my Ro’meave sisters OCs i promise i am working on it please just understand I have to chain my autism to a leash in the basement in order for me to give you anything even slightly comprehensible
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
So you’ve said Garmau is your endgame and that they’ll have a daughter who will one day run O’Khasis so I’m kinda wondering...why Garroth didn’t kinda put an end to the Ro’Meave’s rule over the city? Why wasn’t it tossed up to election like we’ve seen heirs have the ability to do?
I'll be honest, I really wasn't planning to write much about after the main events of the story and the only way Zella would even be mentioned would be in the epilogue. As for the government system in O'Khasis, i can't bring up too much because 1) I don't wanna spoil anything, and 2) there's a lot I just haven't decided on. So take everything I say after this with a grain of salt.
But, what I would like to think about Zella becoming Lord is that, thematically, she would be the reflection/reprised story of what happened to Garroth regarding his ascension to Lordship. Unlike him, Zella is given a choice to become the next Lord of O'Khasis. She has a childhood, and a family that supports her, and after time and consideration, she willing steps up to the position and becomes a leader for her people.
But like I said, I don't really have any plans for their story aside from one-off scenes. For the most part I like imagining her as a young girl and growing up with her two disaster sisters Alina and Lilith (whom I love dearly) and Aph & Garroth having to parent/deal with teenagers and all the wonderful things that come alongside them.
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