#a bed and a half
רהיטי הסיטי - שדרגו את הבית שלכם עם מיטות מפוארות ומזרנים נוחים במיוחד!
כאשר מדובר על עיצוב ושדרוג הבית, אין ספק כי חדר השינה הוא אחד מהחללים החשובים ביותר שיש להשקיע בהם. רהיטי הסיטי מציעים לכם מגוון רחב של מיטות מפוארות ומזרנים נוחים במיוחד, שיבטיחו לכם חוויית שינה בלתי נשכחת ועיצוב מרהיב. אך זה לא הכל - רהיטי הסיטי מציעים גם פתרונות ריהוט נוספים שיכולים לשדרג כל פינה בביתכם.
סוגי המיטות
מיטות זוגיות
המיטות הזוגיות של רהיטי הסיטי מציעות שילוב מושלם של נוחות ועיצוב. עם דגש על איכות הבנייה וחומרי הגלם, המיטות הללו יספקו לכם שינה מתוקה ונעימה כל לילה.
מיטות בד
מיטות הבד שלנו מעוצבות בקפידה ומציעות מראה אלגנטי ויוקרתי. הן מגיעות במגוון צבעים ובדים לבחירה, כך שתוכלו למצוא את המיטה המתאימה ביותר לעיצוב חדר השינה שלכם.
מיטות וחצי
למי שמחפש פתרון מושלם לחדרי נוער או חדרי אורחים, מיטות וחצי הן הבחירה האידיאלית. הן מציעות מרחב שינה רחב יותר ממיטות יחיד, אך תופסות פחות מקום ממיטות זוגיות.
מיטות מעוצבות
רהיטי הסיטי מתמחים בעיצוב מיטות מותאמות אישית, כך שתוכלו ליהנות ממיטה ייחודית ומרהיבה שתתאים בדיוק לטעמכם ולעיצוב הפנים שלכם.
מיטות עם ארגז
מיטות עם ארגז מציעות פתרון אחסון חכם ונוח, המתאים במיוחד לחדרים קטנים או לדירות עם שטח אחסון מוגבל. הארגז המובנה מאפשר לכם לאחסן מצעים, בגדים ופריטים נוספים בצורה מסודרת ויעילה.
מיטות יהודיות
למי שמחפש פתרונות עיצוב המתאימים למסורת היהודית, רהיטי הסיטי מציעים מיטות יהודיות בעיצובים מרהיבים ואיכותיים. מיטות אלו מתאימות לכלל ההלכות וההנחיות, ומציעות נוחות וחוזק לאורך זמן.
מיטות יחיד
מיטות יחיד הן פתרון מצוין לחדרי ילדים, חדרי אורחים וחדרי נוער. הן מגיעות במגוון עיצובים וצבעים, ומציעות נוחות מירבית תוך ניצול מקסימלי של שטח החדר.
רהיטים נוספים
קומדות וארונות
לצד המיטות המפוארות, רהיטי הסיטי מציעים גם קומדות וארונות מעוצבים, המותאמים בדיוק לצרכים שלכם. הארונות שלנו מגיעים במגוון עיצובים וגדלים, עם פתרונות אחסון חכמים ונוחים.
סלונים ופינות אוכל
רהיטי הסיטי מציעים גם מגוון רחב של סלונים ופינות אוכל, שיביאו לביתכם תחושת חמימות ונוחות. הסלונים שלנו מגיעים בעיצובים מודרניים וקלאסיים, כך שתוכלו למצוא את ההתאמה המושלמת לטעמכם.
מזנונים ושולחנות לסלון
המזנונים והשולחנות לסלון שלנו מעוצבים בקפידה ומציעים פתרונות אחסון ונוחות, לצד עיצוב ייחודי ומרהיב.
סיכום - למה לבחור ברהיטי הסיטי?
רהיטי הסיטי היא הבחירה המושלמת למי שמחפש לשדרג את ביתו עם רהיטים איכותיים, מעוצבים ונוחים. אנו מציעים מגוון רחב של פתרונות ריהוט לכל חלל בבית, עם דגש על איכות הבנייה, חומרי הגלם והשירות האישי. עם רהיטי הסיטי, תוכלו להיות בטוחים שאתם מקבלים את הטוב ביותר עבור הבית שלכם. בואו לגלות את מגוון הרהיטים שלנו וליהנות מחוויית קנייה ושירות שאין שני לה.
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usereddie · 3 months
new people seeing all the recent 911 buzz ever since bi buck and the abc move: huh. maybe i’ll give it a try! looks fun!
911 hiding incredibly well done, heartbreaking storylines about alcoholism and addiction and grief and suicidal ideations and depression and abandonment issues and domestic abuse and violence and trauma and toxic relationships and post partum depression and emotional neglect and parentification and complicated family relationships and more trauma behind their back: yes super fun! they even call us the weewoo show :) isn’t that so cute? what could possibly go wrong!
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
listening to Too Sweet for the first time and, damn, Crowley never got his flat back, did he? can't believe he's been crashing on Hozier's couch all this time drinking booze and waxing lamentations about his angel. strange world we live in
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temeyes · 6 months
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sleepy legs zzz
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months
Biologically everybody's kid
So! Have you ever seen those Prompts or Headcanons where Ghosts and Ectoplasm are Unstable and like to change alot? Specifically based on the Hosts Beliefs and such?
Well, imagine this.
Danny is a part of the JLA, and one day he needs to get a Blood Test done. It's just a normal Physical, so that they know how to help him if he ever gets hurt, or to see if he has any health concerns that need to be addressed.
They get the results of the DNA Tear back, and find that it tested positive for Amazonian DNA.
They are confused. Why did Phantom never mention that he was an Amazon? Diana is feeling down because he is a member of her same Race and never told her.
Then, they test again just to see if it was accurate and it comes back as Yeti DNA.
Now they are confused.
They test it again, and it's Dragon DNA.
Again, and it's Kryptonian DNA.
Again, and it's Batman's DNA.
Again, and they find traces of the Speed Force in his DNA.
Every time they test the DNA again, they get a different result, telling them that he is Half Human Half something else that is constantly changing.
They are confused, Danny is not aware of any of this, and Batman is already calling Dibs.
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justaz · 1 month
thinking about arthur who has crazy quick reflexes and is a relatively light sleeper who woke up to the sound of someone in his room and saw merlin crouched down messing with his keys before softly asking “whatre you doing?…before breakfast?”
#like in that scene in s2 when merlin was calling out arthurs name from under his bed#and he jumped up (thinking merlin was long gone) grabbed his sword and postured for a fight#or that one in idk which season when merlin was sneaking in his room and he woke up and grabbed his sword when merlin bumped a chair#and then merlin brought the canopy/curtains around his bed down on him#vs waking up to see melin splayed over him and staring for a beat#before flinching back#(he was definitely having some thoughts and/or dreams but thats neither here nor there)#idk thinking about arthur who trusts merlin implicitly and allows himself to lower his guard around him#his guard which he keeps up even in his sleep#GOD imagining them in an established relationship and merlin for once has /so/ much trouble waking arthur up#like before it was sorta bad but arthur was always in that half awake state#but now that theyre together….arthur wont even groan when merlin starts poking his ribs#arthur finally feeling so safe and protected that he allows his guard to drop in his sleep#and its the first time hes ever felt truly refreshed in the morning#so now merlin has infinitely more trouble waking him up but when hes up hes UP and ready to go#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#arthur bby they could never make me hate you#hes just a girl desperately craving love and protection#merlin isnt even offering it#hes shoving it into arthurs arms with insults flying off the tongue#theyre so disgusting#(affectionate)#<3#headcanon#head canon#hc
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teaboot · 2 months
Is Ollie doing alright?
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arttuff · 2 months
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redrew an old pic i did of little jonno ruining his dinner <3
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damntheyare · 3 months
Would you please consider drawing their first time together? I live for your art but the nsfw stuff makes me extra happy. I feel like Charlie would be into the romance and sensuality of it and for Alastor it would be more rough, animalistic and a bit predatory
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
it's actually really healthy and important to follow people who ship things i Do Not, because their posts making undeniable evidence out of random crumbs they found on the canon floor (sometimes the very same crumbs used as undeniable evidence for a different ship by someone else in the very next post) creates an excellent outside perspective for how i am also winding a red string around thumbtacks on a conspiracy board every time i log on to the otp hive mind. keeps me humble.
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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had a(nother) nightmare
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tricos-here · 1 year
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I'm normal about her I promise (lie)
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
15 with Eddie? :)
i woke up this morning, rolled over, and immediately wrote this all on my phone. wasn't even 8 am and i was already all mushy and horny for this man. enjoy whatever this is (morning sex. it's morning sex and being in love) &lt;3
15. "I had a very nice dream that started like this."
warnings: smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), afab reader but no pronouns used, a lot of religious imagery idk why it just... worked?, not edited, 18+ so minors do not interact
pairings: eddie munson x afab!reader
wc: 2.9k+
join the smutty party! send me one of these smut dialogue prompts with a character
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The sun hadn’t even rose yet. The sky simply lighter, a gentle omniscient light peaking through the curtains, holding little to no warmth yet when you first awoke. The room is shades of grey with hints of violet, soft pinks just on the horizon but not quite painting the scene. 
It’s nice — it’s serene.
You can feel him breathing behind you. Still there, still warm, still holding you with one strong arm around your waist as his nose brushes at the nape of your neck, his snore rustling your hair ever so carefully. It’s almost enough to soothe you back to sleep; counting his deep intakes of air, exhaling in time with him, sinking deeper into bed sheets that are stained with the smell of his cologne and shampoo. Almost.
But when you first awake, you have a different idea in mind.
It starts off innocent enough. Small movements as you press yourself further back into Eddie, minuscule wiggles to just be close to him. You’re still half asleep and yet, every atom in your body is desperate to melt into him. You need every inch of his skin pressed tightly into yours. Your vision still blurry, but the instinct to burrow more tightly into your boy impossible to miss.
“I know you’re awake,” he suddenly murmurs into your neck, voice muffled and rough with his rest.
You hadn’t even noticed the change in his breathing. More focused on the ache between your thighs that you had woken up with. 
“Sh,” you jokingly whisper, smiling as you force your eyes back closed. He can’t even see your face, but it feels right to put on an act, “You’re gonna ruin it, Munson.” 
“‘M not ruining anything, baby,” he nearly slurs. His arm tightens around you, encouraging all your squirming, pulling your hips back to be flush with his a little more urgently.
He’s hard against your lower back. His flimsy boxers do nothing to hide his excitement. It isn’t particularly surprising — most mornings he wakes up hard as it is — but it does cause a soft stirring within you. Encourages your hips to swivel once more, action a bit more pointed, just enough pressure to cause a low groan to slip almost inaudible from between his lips.
“Careful,” he warns, voice a bit louder now. His tone is still gravely, scratching an itch of the farthest reaches of your mind. Somewhere between a cat’s purr and the sound of tires on dirt roads when your favorite person is returning home. Comforting. Serene. 
You press into him further, shamelessly grinding now, eyes still shut, “What? ‘M not doing anything.”
He doesn’t need to see your voice to hear that sleepy grin.
It doesn’t happen quickly — there’s no rush as he slowly tugs at your body, encouraging you to rotate so that he’s no longer spooning you. Your back digs into the mattress holding the warmth of his body from the entire night, wrapping you up in a bliss that’s impossible to replicate. His smell, his warmth, his presence. You don’t think you’ll ever tire of mornings like this, especially not when you finally open your eyes to find him propped up on his elbow, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes and a half-smile that accentuates  his left dimple. 
He’s fucking beautiful. It takes your breath away.
“What’s got you so excited this morning, hm?” 
The light has grown ever so slightly brighter, just enough as though it whispers, look at him. The room is still grey, but your boy is a vision of colors. Dark russet eyes with streaks of gold that the sun couldn’t compare to, chestnut hair that sticks up in all the wrong places from his slumber, skin that washes out in the pale winter morning and only makes the contrast of the soft fuchsias and violets blooming along his neck from the evening before more apparent. He’s softer than any sunrise, more relaxing than any bath he’s ever drawn for you, more calming than hearing your favorite song strummed out on muted guitar strings. 
You love him. And that only really fuels your flames.
“I had a very nice dream,” you mumble, squinting up at him, bringing a hand up to his cheek. Your touch is delicate as you trace over his stubble, painting mindless patterns briefly before cupping the full side of his face and threading your fingertips into the edges of his hairline, “A very nice dream that started just like this.” 
He rolls his hips against your side, peering down at you as he does so, letting you guide him closer until his lips barely brush yours. 
You can hear birds chirping outside. There’s the rumble of a truck engine. The creak of a nearby front door opening and shutting.
The world is beginning to wake up, but you’re not quite yet ready to share the day with anyone but him. 
“You did, did you?” he’s awake enough now to tease you, body slowly inching its way over yours, arms on either side of your head to hold his weight. The plush comforter slips down, exposing his bare shoulders as his torso serves as your new blanket, “Tell me ‘bout it, baby.” 
Your legs fall open instinctively, making a home for him and only him. A space between your thighs perfectly carved out for the shape and weight of him as he slips into place, hips digging into yours, a homely and familiar position you’ve found yourself in a hundred times before. 
It never gets old. It never elicits any less of a reaction from you, always pulling the softest of gasps from your throat as he leans his head down to trail his lips down your exposed neck. 
The sound has him pulling you into him a bit more urgently, but his pace never quickens. He’s taking his time. You two have all the time.
A car alarm, distant as could be, sounds off. A voice of a neighbor echos across the trailer park. 
Maybe it’s an adoring husband wishing goodbye to his wife for the day. Or a mother, rushing her children for school. There’s a million and one scenarios, thousands of strangers beginning their dreary week, but you only care about the warm welcome of the day that he offers you. 
Anything but dreary, even in tired morning light.
“You were kissing my neck,” you say, careful to be as silent as can be, even if it were just the two of you in the room. The world doesn’t need to know you’re awake yet; it doesn’t deserve your attention like he does yet.
His teeth graze unintentionally against the soft spot below your ear, “Like this?”
“Just like that.”
For emphasis, you lift your hips, seeking out his with ease. You can feel him, pronounced as he presses against the thin fabric of your underwear. There’s too many layers between the two of you, too much cotton and linen in the shapes of his t-shirt you’d worn to bed and his damn boxers, but they’ll come off eventually. 
Eventually. There’s no rush.
Your head tilts back in a sigh, and he pauses all his kisses to ask, “What next?”
“Keep going,” you squirm, hips continuing to roll, flames of desire lighting in your gut, dancing as soft as the morning light, “Keep going, please.” 
The night before, he would have teased your desperation. 
But right now, with just you and him and the ghost of sleep, he’s not in the business of taunting. 
He listens, a hand coming down to your hip. Not holding it down to the mattress, but simply holding. He lets his thumb slip beneath the t-shirt, lets a rough callous built up from years of guitar and working on his van brush roughly over your skin with the most sensitive of intentions. 
Slowly. If the morning wasn’t so heavy still on the two of you, weighing down every movement, slowing every reaction and pacing every adoring kiss, this is the part where the two of you might have grown a bit impatient. More nipping, more bruising gripping, more complaints of going further, further, further. 
But today? In this moment? The two of you have time. 
A dream sequence of his wandering hands slipping that old faded tee up until it’s finally bunched at your chest, until he’s finally peeling himself away from your body and he’s lifting it over your head. Every move is brimming with a love you never thought possible. A love to swim in, a love to sink into. One with the capability to drown the two of you, but it only breathes a new life into both of your lungs. 
When his lips wrap around a nipple and your back arches, that love thrums a bit deeper, coiling up your insides and urging your fingers to tangle up into his curls. 
You need him closer.
“So beautiful,” he whispers against your skin as he mouths at it, “So, so fucking beautiful.” 
The back of your skull digs deeper into a pillow engrained with the shape of your head from years of rest, a soft laugh slipping in between your blissful breaths, “Don’t lie. I’m a mess right now.” 
You were. And so was he. In a barely awake, subtle and tired way. Messy hair, messy marks of sleep across cheeks, messy breaths not yet minty from a morning routine the two of you followed like a religion. 
His head lifts, eyes glowing in the limited light, “I like your mess. As a matter of fact, I love your mess.” 
His hand on your hip squeezes for emphasis. 
You look down, wordless as you drink him in. A vision between the pinks dancing through the curtains, a godly presence as the dawn breaks. He’s a salvation, a new beginning and a new ending. He’s everything fairytales had tried to convince you existed in your youth. Prettier than any angel, warmer than any sun. 
And he’s yours. In this moment, and in all the next ones.
“I think I can make an even bigger mess of you, though, if you’ll let me,” a devilish smile finally overtakes his features and both of those dimples you’ve become so unintentionally fond of make an appearance. 
He dips his head, lowers his voice, lets his lips explore. You nearly pray to the Heavens above as you feel his hand slip from its gentle cupping of your hip, moving to slip nimble fingers beneath the band of your panties — but you don’t. Not a single God would care about what’s happening right now.
Just two people, two souls, twisting up in their bed sheets. Finding each other, finding divinity, before the sun even has a chance to stretch its arms fully over the horizon.
When he sinks lower and his face disappears beneath the cloak of the comforter, you hold your breath. When his mouth finds your cunt over fabric, you release it with a moan.
“That’s it, baby,” he encourages, both hands pulling off your underwear, pressing a hard kiss one final time over the cotton before he slips them off, “Keep making those pretty noises for me.” 
Your thighs drape over his shoulders, heels digging into his back as he begins his morning worship. All lips and tongue and finding the right places as fast as possible. Not out of a rush, but out of practice. He knows your body like the back of his hand, and he proves it. 
He knows exactly how hard to suck on your clit once he’s captured it between his lips. He knows exactly where to trace his tongue, circling your hole in lazy circles, not quite teasing but not quite succumbing as he lets you buck your hips in reckless abandon. When to speed up, when to slow down, when to add a finger and when to let the gravel of his voice vibrate against your core — he knows you. Through every little whimper, through every soft chanting of his name, through every tug of his hair. 
And he knows you well enough to know when to stop his ministrations, pulling back only to crawl his way back up your body, his boxers slipping off somewhere in the process. 
You’re still all over his lips as he kisses you fervently, slick and sticky and a little tart as his tongue dives into your mouth.
And just as he knows you, you know him.
You’d lied, of course. You hadn’t really had a dream just like this. You can’t even remember how you’d awoken with such want, but all that mattered is you had. You’d woken up to an all-consuming need, even if your half-conscious state, and you’d woken up to him.
Your hand reaches down between the two of you, wrapping around him carefully. Your skin is still cooler than his, it’s always cooler than his in the dead of night, and he hisses at the content.
“I love you, you know?” you quietly confess to your lover, as though it might be a sin, as though it might be the greatest secret to ever be held on a patient tongue. 
His skin is nearly velvet under your touch, pliant in your palm as you stroke him. Each movement and twist of your wrist begins to unravel him, his head dropping to the juncture between your shoulder and your neck. Every pant of his breath brushes skin just as his snores had. 
Gold litters the shade of sunrise entering the room, but the only warm colors you care to entertain are the ones in his eyes as he finally looks at you and tugs your hand away.
“I love you more.” 
You could argue. You could fight him on it, start to rattle off your list of all the things you adore about him, prove that no one has ever loved another person in this lifetime the way that you’ve loved him. The freckle below his right eye, the chip in on of his canines from an accident in his youth, the scar on his left knuckles from the first time he’d tried to do a trick with a butterfly knife at nine years old. The jokes he interrupts your day so kindly with, breaking up the mundane with laughter that seemingly fuels you to carry on with your time until you’ve returned home to just him. The passion that flows inside of him until it pours out over everything sacred to him — his music, his interests, his friends, you. A passionate and devoted man, yours to have and yours to hold.
But you don’t argue the point. You just smile as he kisses you, deep and searching, as he lines himself up with your entrance.
He loves you more, you love him most. He’ll figure it out — eventually. 
The stretch of him is pleasurable, just like it always is. Filling you, warming you, making that closer you crave so ardently nearly tangible. Every roll of his hips has him reaching spots inside of you to elicit stars to cloud your vision. The morning light, the white hot pleasure — you don’t care what makes your vision blue. You only care that it does, all your mews and all his groans entangling up in the air. 
Your palms slide over the back of his shoulders, your fingers dig into soft skin that you’ll spend the rest of your days memorizing.
Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
No prayer has ever been repeated with such need or belief as his name from your lips. 
And he returns the favor. Gasping out your name, somehow finding himself just enough in his right mind to continue to whisper sweet nothings against your ear, timing them with his leisurely thrusts.
“So fucking tight and so fucking good to me,” he manages to gasp, digging his hips in a little harsher, “Could stay here forever. Kind of want to stay here forever.” 
You don’t know how he’s coherent; you can’t form a single response, eyes rolling, hands clinging to him tighter. 
“Look at me when you cum.” 
He knows you. He knows you very well. You hadn’t even noticed that coiling in your stomach or the fluttering of your walls when he calls you out, forehead pressing to yours as your eyes open to find his. 
It’s not world-shattering when the waves come — it doesn’t have to be. It’s something to wrap around your entire essence, something to soothe and something to coax you into oblivion. Something to get lost in as his movements stutter and his own eyes grow heavy.
He doesn’t close his eyes, and neither do you. Lost in that pleasure, and lost in each other. 
You’re still rhythmically clenching around him when he comes, filling you up with warmth, burying deep in you and holding there as his mouth falls open and you're quick to pepper his outstretched neck with kisses. The smallest reminders of all the love you have for him. The gentlest of devotions, sprinkled across the skin of a man who will always know an affection like no other. Not everyone in the world will be so lucky as to know the fondness you offer him, and as far as you’re concerned, that’s how it should be. 
Curses spill as his movements slow, before finally stilling. He drops his weight onto you, exhaustion finding its way back into his bones. 
There’s things to do, a day to begin. Work and people waiting on you two, responsibilities to worry about and daily mundane accomplishments to achieve. But for now, it’s just the two of you. Awake with the rest of the world, but completely separate as you cradle him and he holds you. 
“That was one Hell of a way to wake up, sweetheart,” he murmurs into your skin, and you only throw your head back in a laugh.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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microtyalm13 · 4 months
alright imagine. as of late, heavy breathing could be heard coming from under your bed at night. you haven't looked under there, of course, you don't have a damn deathwish, and you haven't told about it to anyone, bc people would probably think that you're crazy. or you don't trust your own ears, thinking your mind is playing tricks on you. either way, your sleep schedule is ruined.
well, what if you miraculously fell asleep but left your arm hanging off the edge of the bed? you wake up to a surprisingly warm and gentle touch to your hand. the gesture seems almost meek, too careful. you don't have any pets, and if you do, they're either sleeping in their own places or right next to you.
fell asleep, but all your limbs are on the bed? you wake up in the mornings from strange wet dreams, where terror and arousal are intertwined into one. you don't remember much of them, but the bits and pieces that remain in your memory... big, strangely familiar hands holding your hips while its own rested between your thighs. the same seemingly cursed bed, and the sheets on it, which you desperately grasp as your vision blurs in anticipation of another orgasm. you don't see faces, you don't hear voices. only heavy breathing and the warmth oozing through the skin of a creature you don't know.
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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smh no room
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andoutofharm · 3 months
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pete and patrick during honorable mention
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