#which is why i seized the chance to post this
napping-sapphic · 6 days
take your clothes off and get on the bed what no we aren’t having sex right now we’re cuddling and pressing every inch of skin together as close as possible for the next six hours
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happysnowseal · 2 months
Deals and Desires (final)
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Sylus x OC | Midnight Stealth!AU
genre: smut, lil’ comedy, enemies to enemies who fuck
rating: explicit
description: You fail to find the brooch within 24 hours, so the twins suggest you offer Sylus something else in return for getting into the auction—your body. Turns out, your desires are aligned, no matter how twisted they seem. 
word count: 8.8k
warnings: IMPROPER use of Evol, tentacle smut, “rope” bondage, lore from Midnight Stealth and the two chapters we meet Sylus (duh), Luke and Kieran being instigators, mentions of hentai, OC’s turned on by Sylus and his Evol and is conflicted, rough sex, breast play, fingering, oral sex (male and female receiving), double penetration, unprotected sex (this is fiction), standing 69, mirror sex, sneaky sex, electrostimulation, cum eating, multiple rounds. 
a/n: IT IS DONE. IT IS HERE! I made a post saying imagine Sylus manipulating his Evol into tentacles to fuck OC with… and voila! This was born. I incorporated a lot of the game dialogue/events but also put my own spin on it. Asks, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated! 💌
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You must be sick in the head. 
Ever since you witnessed those black-red tendrils dissipate the man in black who abducted you into nothing but mere crimson specks, something strange awoke in you. Witnessing such a cruel death shouldn’t pique your curiosity, but beneath your horrified expression was a deep fascination for the leader of Onychinus’ powers. Not that you’d ever tell him.
A simple flick of the wrist or snap of the fingers is all it takes to summon those menacing black-red tendrils. The powerful mist would coil your vulnerable body, manipulate it, bind it—all for his intentions of resonating with you. 
However, as the shopkeeper had stated, you can’t resonate with him. On a subconscious level, you’re rejecting him, scared of him, or disgusted by him. So you wonder: is it possible to fear him yet desire him also?
When Sylus proposed a deal that would aid you in your quest for the Aether Core, you couldn’t resist. You had twenty-four hours to find a brooch he had hidden somewhere in Onychinus’ base. Yet despite searching every nook and cranny, you came up short of nothing. 
The first time Sylus caught you, he was reading a book on the couch. His calm demeanor didn’t match his appearance, which screamed sin. The gold-rimmed glasses on his face matched a gentlemanly scholar's, but his body was adorned in a lavish red robe, with a V-line low enough to expose his toned pecs. Seriously, who was he showing off for? 
“Get out.”
Once you were caught snooping, the same black-red mist formed make-shift handcuffs that bound your wrists. You groaned, dwelling on your loss. 
The second time he caught you was when he was dusting his shelves, his back toward you. He was no longer in his robe, having changed into a black dress shirt and matching slacks. Without sparing you a glance, one word left his lips. 
The black-red tendrils were back around your wrists and you whined. “Ugh… I was caught again…”
Third time’s the charm, right? You had your gun loaded and after cocking it, you said to yourself, “This time for sure, I’ll…”
A pair of black slippers showed up in your peripheral and you slowly looked up to see the same, steeled expression in those crimson eyes and that cursed red robe again. It was like a second skin on him at this point. He let out a weighted sigh, which diminished your confidence.
“... I know. I’ll go now,” you said, defeated. He didn’t use his Evol this time, and you’re at war with yourself as to why you even noticed. Or why it mattered so much. 
The last time Sylus caught you was the worst. He was in the shower, so you seized the chance to search his bedroom. Desperate, you even sunk to the low level of animal abuse when you shook Mephisto, his crow with mechanical wings, like a piggy bank for answers. 
That’s when Sylus turned off the water and panic struck you, so you hid. There was a small window of opportunity to escape, but a phone call came in, deterring your plans. He answered, you eavesdropped, and when things were getting juicy, he noticed your presence and chuckled.
“Mr. Sylus?” the man on the call said. 
“It’s nothing. Just a stray cat who happened to barge in.”
This time Sylus not only apprehended you by the wrists, he lifted you in the air as black-red mist swirled around his left hand. The call ends as he sets you down on the bed, and you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole. Not because you failed, but because you didn’t want to face the humiliation of how his Evol brought back a certain spark you thought fizzled out.
Sylus’ back was turned, selecting a record before placing it on his record player. 
“Have I underestimated your determination or overestimated your intellect?” he asked. You stared at your bound wrists, trying to ignore the shiver that ran down your spine.
“You’re the one who suggested a deal. But here you are making things difficult—” you said, fiddling with your thumbs. He approached you, a stern look flashing across his sharp features.
“You’ll have to work harder.”
He grabbed one of your wrists, and red sirens went off in your head. Your mind raced a mile a minute, wondering what his intentions were as he dragged you off the bed. You commanded him to let go, and he obliged, but only after he shoved you out of his room.
“Leave,” he said, his head gesturing to your right, “I’m going to bed.” 
At least he kicked Mephisto out too, so you didn’t have to face the loss alone.
Which brings you to the present. You’re scribbling doodles of the bastard as an outlet for your anger, making the stylish choice of adding devil horns on top of his head. 
It’s bad enough you’ve been trapped in Onychinus’s base for who knows how long. The man who’s held you captive should be your worst enemy, yet every encounter ignites an inferno in the pit of your stomach. Try as you may, but the dark thoughts you shove in the back of your mind are bubbling to the surface. If anything could anchor you back to reality, it’d be this—remember the mission. 
You were to get into the auction to find the Aether core, which you can’t do without his help. But you couldn’t find that stupid brooch, so you’re back to square one. You scrawl over the sketch of Sylus, the pressure harsh enough that the paper threatens to tear until only a tornado of black ink is left. 
“You’re pulling your hair out over this, huh?” Kieran says, sitting atop a table with his back towards you. He looks over his shoulder, so his voice will reach better. “If you want to do something, maybe we can help you.”
“What do you mean?” you ask, casting the notebook aside.
“If you want to conquer our boss’s heart, you’ll have to use a different approach,” Luke says, leaning back in his chair. 
“I’m not trying to conquer his heart. He’s trying to conquer mine if anything,” you retort, folding your arms across your chest as you stand. Luke pulls a book from underneath the table and slides it across in your direction. You walk over, pick it up, and drop it just as quickly like it was a ticking time bomb. “What the fuck?!” 
“Strike when he’s off-guard!” the twins chorus with Kieran leaning forward as Luke makes claws with his hands.
“Yeah, I suppose anyone who receives a hentai novel would be caught off-guard! What’s wrong with you two?!” You have to tear yourself away from looking at the erotic cover, depicting an anime girl being fucked by black tentacles belonging to what seems to be a demonic being. He had it all: horns atop his head, ebony eyes, endless tendrils, and a smokin’ hot bod like Sy—wait. No. Don’t look at it anymore. Even sparing it another glance feels like corruption and sin. 
Luke chuckles, taking the explicit material back and flipping it open to a specific page. “For some people, they get bored once they have everything. So only those who dare to challenge their authority can catch their interest,” he reads. 
Kieran’s sharp memory allows him to quote the story without having it in his hands.  "When you're dealing with such a person, you bow down and submit or take them out in one go."
“What are you on about?” you ask, exasperated they’re quoting the pornography like it’s a holy scripture. Luke shuts the book and slides it towards you again, but you grimace like it’ll taint your soul.
“If you don’t want to conquer his heart, perhaps it’d be smarter if you conquer his… desires.”
“If you bow down and submit, maybe our Boss will have a change of heart and help you get into the auction. I mean, no one’s ever offered him their body,” Kieran adds. Your hands fall to your side, balling into fists until your knuckles turn white. 
“I’d rather take him out in one go,” you say through gritted teeth. It’s not like you haven’t tried. However, the crazy bastard used you to shoot himself in the chest and you haven’t been the same since. Man thinks he has regenerative healing properties and he’s all that. Pfft. “You two are insane if you think being promiscuous is the solution.”
“In the end, Boss wants to resonate with you. You don’t have to like him, but your body can. Think about it,” Kieran insists, tilting his chin down slightly. The mask he wore shields his face, but you can imagine the impish grin from his inflection. “There’s nothing more intimate than spending a night together.”
“Read the comic,” Luke says, and you can tell from his tone he’s smirking despite the matching mask on his face. “Maybe you’ll find it enjoyable.”
“N-No. This is insanity. You’re telling me your Boss wants to fuck someone with his Evol as… tentacles?”
“Now you see why no one’s ever offered their body,” Kieran says matter-of-factly.
“This is stupid,” you mutter, clasping a hand to your forehead. “I’d rather die than fuck Sylus.”
“She might die even if she does fuck Sylus.” Kieran’s quick to elbow his brother in the side, and your heart is lodged in your throat, beating so loudly like it’s about to burst. He’s right. You could. You’ve seen what his Evol could do to a person.
But you’ve also thought about what it could do for a person. For you. 
“Just… think about it,” Kieran says, his voice gentle like he’s coaxing a kitten out of its hiding spot. “If you give our Boss his ultimate desire, I’m sure he’ll do the same for you. You’ve never once thought about him in such a way? You’re not a tad bit curious?”
Luke and Kieran were treading dangerous waters. These two instigators somehow burrowed into your subconscious, forcing you to come face-to-face with your depravity. 
You roll your eyes to maintain aloofness, but the book ends up in your possession seconds later. “I’m taking this for research. You’re sure this belongs to him?”
“Absolutely!” they chorus and you’re not sure hearing double aids their credibility. 
“Boss is least guarded when he’s sleeping,” Kieran informs. Aren’t we all?
“You only have one shot,” Luke says, emphasizing his point by sticking up his forefinger. “Don’t waste this chance. Just do it!” He gives you a supportive fist pump and you peer down at the lewd book cover again.
What choice did you have? The twins presented a rather salacious solution, but Sylus was your only means of getting into the auction. As Luke said, if you can’t conquer his heart, perhaps you can conquer his desires.
No matter how twisted.
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Three hours later…
Time slips away from you as you’re engrossed in your “research.” Not only was it full of filth, but the plot (if you can even call it that), was eerily similar to your situation. The girl on the cover was a demon hunter who fucks a demon to get him to do what she needs. Every drawing is breathtaking, detailed, and graphic. The way his tentacles bent her body to his will, the various positions, how it slithered around her body—it awoke the same feelings you had the night you met Sylus. 
The dialogue instilled shame, lust, and more than enough sexual tension to charge a lightning storm. You had to pause every few pages, fanning your face until your cheeks cooled enough to continue. An earthquake couldn’t pry this masterpiece from your grasp and you were determined to finish it. 
Once you’re done, you slam the book shut. You take a deep breath, regaining a sense of clarity when a realization dawns on you.
This was why Sylus’s Evol fascinated you. How every time he manipulated your body, a surge of adrenaline coursed through your body until your heart nearly gave out. You indeed feared him; everyone did. But fear was a mask you’ve clung onto so desperately to disguise the dark truth.
Sylus could’ve killed you at any time, but he chose not to. Sure, he has ulterior motives, but the control he has over his power is undeniably sexy, and knowing he can’t kill you meant you had control over him too. 
You’ve hidden your desires under revulsion and endless banter when maybe he was right. You’re two kindred spirits, who are more alike than you want to admit. Someone created this book to satisfy the same urges you’ve been depriving yourself of and if Sylus indulged in these fantasies, then you’re not insane for wanting the same thing.
You’ve made up your mind. 
If you offer your body to Sylus, it’s a win-win. You’ll get into the auction and you no longer have to feel ashamed about wanting him. 
For the mission of course.
You head to Sylus’s bedroom, standing outside the wooden double doors. A pair of Evol-sealing handcuffs are in your possession, courtesy of the twins. You place them in your back pocket and rest your hands on the gold handles, giving yourself a mental pep-talk.
All or nothing!
You turn the handles and march in, seeing Sylus sleeping in his canopy bed with his back against the plush headboard instead of the mattress.
Is he a vampire? Eh. Red eyes, white hair, gorgeous—might as well be.
Climbing onto the bed gently, you watch his chest heave, his breathing evident but it’s so light that you’re tempted to press your ear against his chest to ensure he’s alive. 
“Sylus… Sylus?” you say, confirming his dormant status. A soft chuckle escapes you as you whip out the handcuffs, lifting his wrist and attaching it to the golden vintage bed frame. “This is what you get.”
Now that he’s immobile, you can’t help your feasting eyes from ogling his exposed skin. That red robe was both a curse and a blessing, a warning of caution, yet you choose to ignore it. You hover your finger above his abdomen, contemplating whether to make contact when a hand snatches your wrist, lifting it to eye level.
“Showing up uninvited at this hour… Want me to tell you a bedtime story?” he says before tossing your wrist aside. You place both hands on either side of his head and his eyes slightly widen, but he remains composed. This would be a lot easier if you straddled him, but patience was a virtue.
“These handcuffs nullify a person’s Evol for an hour,” you declare. He stares at the restraints, his face devoid of emotion before settling his attention back on you. “No matter how powerful you are, you’re helpless as of now.”
“Really?” he asks, the corner of his lips hinting at a small smile. It’s subtle and leaves as soon as it comes. “What do you plan to do then since I’ve become your prey?”
You remove your hands and lean back to sit on your knees. “You’re going to listen to my counteroffer.”
To your surprise, he nods like he has nothing better to do. Maybe the cuffs weren’t necessary. “I’m intrigued. Continue.”
Clasping your hands together, you clear your throat like you had prepared a speech when in reality, your brain is scrambled. What are you supposed to say? 
Hey Sylus, do you want to fuck and use your Evol on me like tentacles? It’ll help us resonate!
You might as well put a big fat sticker on your head that says “FREE $.99! FUCK NOW!” and get it over with.  
“I’m getting bored,” he states, stirring you from disorganized thoughts. You press your lips into a thin line, mustering whatever courage you have left. 
“Look… from the beginning, you trapped me here, forced me to resonate with you, and even said ‘we’re the same’...” You wet your lips out of habit to calm your nerves, and he doesn’t miss it. “I couldn’t find the brooch in time and need your help to get into the auction. And you want to be able to resonate with me. So…”
“Get to the point.”
“I’m offering you my body for the night,” you blurt out. He raises an eyebrow and his usually calm demeanor breaks for the first time as a flicker of confusion dances across his face. You would take pride in that, but his face quickly morphs, so you jump out of bed with your hands up, worried he’d deny you. “Hold on. Let me explain.”
Not like he had a choice. The fact he was handcuffed eludes you for a moment, but once you remember, it eases the tension in your shoulders. He waits for you to continue, the smug look on his face not helping to ease your nerves. 
“I don’t like you and you don’t like me. But you want to resonate with me, so if we sleep together, maybe… I’ll hate you less. Besides, we have similar desires. I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
His eyes glint a haunting crimson from the golden glow of his night lamp. “Do tell. How do I look at you?”
Your knees almost buckle from his deep, smooth voice. “Like… Like… you hate me.”
“Astonishing misunderstanding. Yet somehow you’ve concluded this means we should sleep together?”
You might as well die of embarrassment. “If it’s for the mission, I can detach my personal feelings. We do this and there’s a chance I’ll be able to resonate with you better. After all, what’s more intimate than spending the night together? It’ll work unless… you’re inadequate in bed.”
It’s brief, but you’re sure Sylus clenches his jaw as his lips press into a slight frown, his eyes narrowed on you with laser-like focus. You turn away from him, smacking your cheek like a spanking for being stupid enough to question Onychinus’ leader’s skills in bed.
“Are you done?”
You whip your head around. “Um… yes.”
An exasperated sigh escapes him. “You say you failed to locate the brooch, but your twenty-four hours aren’t up yet. There’s still time.”
You place one hand on your hip while the other waves him off, dismissing his words. “I’ve searched everywhere already!”
“Everywhere. But not everyone.”
The light bulb in your head goes off and you’re back by Sylus’ side on the bed, holding your palm out like an entitled brat. 
“Where’s the brooch?”
His smile reaches his eyes and he gestures his free hand across the expanse of his body top to bottom. “Help yourself.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
You run your fingers along the black lapels on his robe, checking the inside layer first. The fabric is silky smooth to the touch, but you’re distracted by how hot his skin is on the back of your fingers. No brooch though.
Next, you check the outside of the lapels and sure enough, you feel a hard, circular object. Pulling it out, you see the crow brooch with a lustrous ruby in the center. You giggle with glee. 
“Do you really think I hate you?” he questions. 
“Now it doesn’t matter at all. I won!”
“Deals have conditions and my condition wasn’t met. The offer has expired already.”
“But you said…”
Shit. The handcuffs on Sylus start to glow red, similar to how blacksmiths heat materials in a furnace. The metal soon melts, allowing your once prey to become the predator.
Your attempts to escape are futile, given Sylus’ quick speed, and you’re thrown onto the bed. He hovers over you and your fight-or-flight instincts kick in as you throw a punch, but he catches your wrist and pins it down without batting an eye.
“You’re pretty good at running away.”
“Let me go. I already have the brooch.” He pins your other hand down, enveloping his large hand over your clenched fist.
“I told you. My offer has expired already, so the real question is… when does yours?”
Sylus is staring down at you with crazed, crimson eyes as the sound of your heartbeat rings in your ears. His hands are warm, too warm. Like they’ll burn you alive or maybe that’s your body heat rising exponentially from how close he was. His scent wafts over you, filling your nose with pleasant notes of cardamom and something herbal, which soothes your nerves and helps you rediscover your voice.
“I… I…”
“Use your words.”
“I only made you that counteroffer because I thought I failed. The brooch has been found. Who cares about the rules? You’re the leader of the N109 Zone. You break them all the time.”
“Careful, sweetheart. My patience is running thin. I’m only keeping you around because you’re still useful. And…” He squeezes your fist like he wants to pry it open. A warning. “I truly enjoy seeing my little prey struggle.” He brings your enclosed fist in front of his chest. “Especially when it thinks it can get away from me. Now tell me… what similar desires do we share?”
Okay. Maybe if you scream loud enough, Mephisto will fly in and—
“Answer me.”
Who were you kidding, Mephisto would sell you out in a heartbeat. That damn crow better not have seen you reading pornography. And those twins… they better start counting their days.
You pull your lower lip under your front teeth, hoping to seal your answer shut for good. But Sylus’ right eye glows red, and you writhe underneath him, turning your head to the side. His Aether Core will reveal your deepest desires if you make eye contact. 
Sylus grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, probing into your subconscious and witnessing all your shameful thoughts. Eerie voices fill your mind, their murmurs are difficult to understand, but the pain they bring is borderline unbearable—an unfortunate side effect of Sylus’ intrusion. Once the glow in his eye fades, you feel like yourself again. But the twisted smile on his face let you know things were far from over. 
“So that’s what you mean by shared desires… You want me to use my Evol on you. No… you want me to fuck you with it.”
“That’s not true! Luke and Kieran—”
He runs his thumb across your lips, an effective solution for your yapping mouth. “Such improper use of an Evol could have devastating consequences. You are too gullible, kitten.”
Damn it. Those two…!
“Don’t call me that,” you bite back. 
“Oh? You have quite the mouth on you today. First, you make a big show of offering your body to me and now you don’t have the guts to tell me exactly how you want me to take you?” He leans closer, his lips ghosting above your own with the slightest touch. “Confess your true desires, [Y/N].”
“N-No. The twins set me up.”
“That book may not belong to me, but I assure you… my desires are all my own. And they align with yours. All you have to do is confess.”
He doesn’t move and prolongs eye contact to where you feel stifled, trapped, and heated in places you shouldn’t. The leader of the N109 Zone doesn’t play around and knows what he wants and the means to get it. But you like challenging him. You like being challenged by him too.
You stay quiet because giving in too easily is what he wants. 
“That look in your eyes… Are you trying to seduce me?” You form what you believe is a scowl, but it results in another teasing smirk. “As long as you have desires, there will always be deals to make. So what will it be?”
“I want to get into the auction,” you say, uttering the same script to maintain a semblance of professionalism. “That’s all.”
He sees the brooch jutting out from the space between your forefinger and thumb, easily able to lift it from you. “Don’t move.”
To your surprise, he pins it on your shirt and sits on the edge of the bed. You sit up and lean on your elbows, tilting your head at his sudden behavior change. 
“Technically, you did find the brooch. I won’t go back on what I promised you.”
“Wait, that’s it?”
“You sound rather disappointed.” He gets up, and you follow suit off the bed like a lost kitten. “If getting into the auction is all you desire, consider it done. You can leave now.”
His back is facing you, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s disappointed too. You fidget with the brooch, running your thumb across the smooth jewel. Without thinking, your hand latches onto his like a magnetic force. Sylus spins around, glowering as you intertwine your fingers through his.
“Let me resonate with you.”
“So brash… you’re getting more and more interesting.”
He entertains you and utilizes his Evol, the black-red mist wrapping around his forearm like sprouting vines as he brings your entwined hands up to eye level. He closes his eyes as more mist envelops where you two are connected, and you watch with bated breath as scarlet specks float inward. 
Devour him… he’s yours. He’s right there before your very eyes.
Those eerie voices are back, and you’re strangely compelled to heed their words. An ivory glow shines where your palms meet before an explosive burst of energy emerges, a spiral of lethal scarlet and radiant white from your combined powers. Sylus opens his eyes and lets go of your hand, allowing ivory flakes to cascade down like confetti. 
“It’s a shame. But not a surprise.”
“We can try again. Let’s—”
“I admire your tenacity, kitten. But I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night.”
Your insides feel like an unattended kettle, whistling from immense frustration and on the verge of exploding. You can’t leave now. Not after he gave you what you wanted. There is a thing called give-and-take, and you’re not one to only take. The guilt would eat you alive. 
“I don’t want to owe you. Here,” you grab both his hands, “one more time.”
Sylus lifts his arms and pins you against the nearest wall with hands above your head. Your breath is knocked out of you when your back collides with it, the impact causing the lamp to nearly topple over. His glare is murderous and your sick mind dared to find it incredibly attractive.
“Your stubbornness is what’s going to get you killed someday,” he warns. You see him lean back and remove his hold over you, but when you try to move, you feel restrained. His powers; they’re bounding you. “Is this what you want? For me to use my Evol on you?”
“Isn’t that what you want? I don’t want to owe you,” you repeat. “So I’m ready for whatever’s going on here. You can… use me for the night.” The last part was barely above a whisper, but Sylus’ hum as he folds his arms across his chest lets you know he heard you.
“Do you know what you’re requesting, little one? My Evol is dangerous,” You feel the restraints tighten and they only stop when you yelp in pain. “Yet it’s almost like you welcome it. Even if it hurts. Do you like it when it hurts?”
The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife, so you kick in his direction with all your might. Hunter instincts, if you will. But the black-red tendrils around your ankle make you sweat as he lowers your leg without breaking eye contact, pinning both ankles to the wall.
“Feisty kitten thinks she’s a tiger now, huh?”
“Why don’t you get on with it already?” you snap, impatient. Sylus grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks until your lips pucker like a fish.
“What makes you think I won’t kill you?” Like his razor-sharp words, you feel something akin to a collar around your neck. It prickles your skin while restricting the flow of oxygen to your lungs and you gasp like you’re trying desperately not to drown. You feel light-headed, but his Evol takes mercy on you and grants you enough air to breathe, though you know it comes with the price of answering his question.
“Because you would’ve done so already,” you answer, though your voice is shaky. Sylus nods, as if satisfied with your reply.
“Do you trust me?”
“Clever girl.” The praise sounds delicious rolling off his tongue. “One final question.” He releases your face and bends down to meet your eye level. “Do you desire me?” 
Having been inside your head, the answer was obvious. He’s looking for confirmation, a verbal confession to make whatever feelings you have for him tangible. The man is a walking red flag, and you’re about to wave a white one in surrender.
“If I don’t?” you question, challenging his authority one last time. 
“Then I’ll release you.”
“And if I do?”
“Then… I hope you’ll allow me to have you. All of you. Deal?”
A beat passes and you gulp, your head saying no, but your body and heart screaming, “Yes.”
His hand comes up to caress your face, almost lovingly. “Yes, what?”
“I desire you.”
Sylus gives you a full smile, the corners of his eyes creasing. “You’re aware of the risks, right? With the snap of my fingers, I can tear things to shreds,” He carries out the action and as promised, his robe is shredded to bits of black and red confetti. Your eyes trail down his well-developed abdominal muscles and pronounced V-line until they settle on… “Enjoying the view?”
His teasing lilt reminds you to close your gaping jaw. Hell yeah, you’re enjoying the view. Not only was this man well over six feet, his body rivaled that of a Greek God, and he was blessed with a massive cock too? Of course. Things had to be proportionate.
“I… you… that robe was expensive, wasn’t it?” That was quite possibly the lamest response you could’ve come up with.
“It seems like the little kitten is distracted. Probably needs a toy to keep her occupied.” Sylus flicks his fingers, commanding the whirl of black-red mist to rip your clothes and you shriek in surprise. The brooch falls to the floor with a soft clink, and he picks it up, gently putting it on his nightstand. His attention returns to you and your exposed body, and you take pride in how his cock throbs at the sight. “So she likes lace. Pretty.”
You bite back a scream when a black tendril with cracks of glowing red light slithers up your body in between the valley of your breasts, tearing your bra right off. Another one coils around your thigh before it rips your panties off too. The appendages seem to multiply, wrapping your body in an intricate pattern similar to shibari. There’s no pain and they feel smooth, cooling your heated skin.
“I can manipulate things at will with the flick of a wrist. My powers are pure energy meant for destruction, and you’re here wanting to use them for pleasure.”
He leans close to your ear and nibbles the shell of it. The sensation tickles, but you’re too tense to move a muscle. His voice is husky as he whispers, “I could kill you right now. It’d be so easy…”
You hold your breath when he leans back enough to scan your face, relishing the turmoil in your eyes. “I-I trust that you won’t.”
“You know…” His index finger travels alongside your neck, then to your breast, tracing your areola in circular motions. “As soon as my Evol makes contact with anyone, people would die almost instantly and experience the most excruciating pain.”
He’s now rolling your nipple in between his forefinger and thumb, pinching it enough to hurt and elicit a whine from you. “S-Sylus…”
“But that’s not the case with you. Do you know the violence it took to become this gentle?”
You don’t know why your heart swells, but his words were sweeter than any confession. “Thank you…” 
His eyes widen slightly and he stops his actions, tilting your chin up instead. “Say that again.”
“Th-Thank you… for being gentle with me.”
He closes his eyes and shudders like your gracious manners sent waves of pleasure throughout his body. A sharp inhale comes, and then he’s staring deep into your eyes like he could see your soul.
“What a good girl you are thanking me… but I must warn you. I meant what I said about having all of you. You’re not the only one with fantasies, [Y/N]. And mine are anything but gentle.”
“I can take it.”
He gives you a half-smile. “Is that so?”
“You doubt me?”
“No. But I think you might underestimate me. After all… I’m possibly ‘inadequate’ in bed.”
Shit. Maybe you shouldn’t have challenged him. But your bratty nature couldn’t leave you well enough alone. “Prove me wrong.”
Sylus’ resolve crumbles and he holds the side of your face as his lips meet yours for the first time. His pressure is gentle like he doesn’t want to scare you off, and once you two find rhythm, he deepens the kiss and you moan as the taste of cinnamon overcomes you. Spicy, very much like him.
His tongue prods its way through once your body relaxes, sliding across your own, the action far more lewd than romantic. He groans and carefully takes your bottom lip in between his teeth, pulling back in the most sexy manner. You moan and he swallows it, kissing you again with more fervor as his hands explore your body. 
First, he traces your curves and trails down until his hands cup your ass, squeezing the soft flesh. Then he brings them back up, kneading your breasts and you mewl at how rough he handled them. Eventually, the kiss breaks, leaving a thin trail of saliva that connects your lips until it eventually severs.
One word and you’re all heart-eyes for the man as heat rushes to your cheeks. If he wanted to tease you for it, he restrains himself and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking harshly before releasing it with an audible pop. His tongue pokes out, swirling around the bud while his hand tends to the other. Your back arches involuntarily, but you’re quickly reminded of your immobility, which causes more arousal to drip down your thighs.
Sylus stops messing with your pert nipples to suck harshly between the valley of your breasts, inevitably leaving a nasty hickey. He pushes them together and then lets go, loving how they jiggle. 
“I wonder…” he muses, taking two fingers to tease your folds. “Oh… you’re so wet and I haven’t even put them in yet.”
You squeeze your eyes when he inserts them in slowly, your slick making the transition smooth as he stretches you out. “Fuck… Sylus, please.”
“What? Are my fingers not enough?” He stills and the lack of movement frustrates you to no end. You want to thrash around, but you’re still glued to the wall. 
“N-No. Please… please move them.”
“You beg so prettily,” He pulls them out and begins fingering you at a snail’s pace. “But it’s not enough. You can do better.”
“Please!” you exclaim. “I need more…”
“God, you’re dripping on my hand and I haven’t done much.” He moves faster, his fingers knuckle deep and curling in spots that have you clenching hard. It’s like he’s coaxing out more of your essence with each stroke and then challenges you with a third finger. “Does it feel good?”
You can hardly respond with how stuffed you feel, your lust insatiable as he speeds up.
“Yes? No? Maybe so?” he asks, amused by your struggle. 
“Y-Yes… good… so good…”
Your pussy is making obscene noises and you’re feeling a warmth building in your abdomen, especially when Sylus kisses your neck. His lips are scorching hot, almost searing as if you were being branded. You submit and let him mark you, focusing on the pressure within as your high is approaching. He uses his free hand to hold yours, interlocking your fingers together. 
“Fuck!” you shout, feeling like you couldn’t breathe fast enough to keep up with his bruising pace. “I’m going to come, I—”
He seals your words with another kiss, and your scream is muffled when your orgasm hits you like a gunshot. It’s brutal and intense, causing you to see stars for what feels like the longest minute of your life. 
At the same time, your interlocked palms glow bright red and ivory. Unlike before, this explosion caused a surge of power to pass through his bedroom like shockwaves, destroying most things that came into contact. The roar is deafening, but all you can focus on is Sylus and how good he made you feel. 
“Come back to me.”
You don’t realize when he stopped kissing you. Or when he removed his fingers. Or when you stopped being pinned to the wall. Sylus is holding you up and when you see how his eyes softened for the concern for your well-being, you’re smitten.
“I’m okay…”
His demeanor shifts, the change so sudden that it is like a phone going from light mode to dark mode. The man manipulates your body with his Evol and throws you onto the bed without a second thought. Black-red mist envelops your body again, this time cuffing your wrists in front. Tendrils wrap around each breast, your torso, and your neck, constricting tightly until you resemble a beautifully decorated present. 
Sylus joins you on the bed, settling in between your thighs as he lies on his stomach as if he were a sniper. He has his Evol pry them wider, so your pussy is exposed for his feasting eyes. His arms are secured under your thighs, an extra precaution to hold you in place. 
That’s when an untimely knock comes.
“Boss? Is everything alright?” 
“We heard a loud crash!”
Damn it. Luke and Kieran have impeccable timing. And the way the corners of Sylus’ lips tug into a smirk instills panic in you.
“Answer them. Make it convincing,” Sylus whispers. You watch as he dips down until his white hair is all you can see. His lips latch onto your lower ones and you’re choked up, trying not to moan too loudly as he tastes you. 
“We’re… We’re fine!” you exclaim, though your breathy tone is far from convincing. Sylus grunts in disapproval at your poor performance, and the vibrations are a suitable punishment. “Sylus and I have are having a disagree—ah!—ment.” 
Fuck, why does he have to lick your clit right at that moment?!
“Oh no, you two are fighting?” Kieran asks, his voice cracking slightly from his concern.
“Give up, [Y/N]! Our boss is relentless!” Luke adds with a faint snicker. Tell me about it.
Sylus continues to give you kitten licks before licking a long stripe across your labia folds. You’re bucking your hips because you want more, but you’re also trying to close your thighs to escape the pleasure. It’s no use when you’re restrained and have no choice but to let him eat you out to his heart’s content. It’s when he inserts a finger to join in his salacious tongue that your eyes are rolling to the back of your head.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you breathe. “Sylus, if you keep going… they’ll hear me.”
“Then I suggest you stay quiet. What would your colleagues say if they knew the best hunter in Linkon is lusting over the leader of Onychinus?”
“I’m-I’m not!”
“Keep telling yourself that, sweetie,” He gives you a short break to clean your juices off his fingers, sucking them like they were a popsicle. “And oh how sweet you are, indeed.”
“Don’t kill each other!” the twins chorus. Sylus chuckles and shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb.
“Leave us,” he demands. “We have ways of… negotiating. Even if it takes all night…”
There’s some shuffling before you hear their footsteps recede down the hallway until silence remains. 
“That was mean,” you whine. He tilts his head, swiping his upper lip with his tongue ever so slowly.
“You think that was mean? Oh… you underestimate me.”
He rises from your thighs and kneels on the bed, but his large frame still towers over you. “Wait, I—”
A snap of his fingers seals your mouth shut. You see the crimson specks floating around your mouth and protest, but they’re reduced to muffled squeals. 
“Like I said before… you have quite the mouth on you today.”
Your eyes enlarge when you see a black-red tentacle rise from between your thighs. It sparks at the tip, which transforms into a cock-head to simulate a human penis. It’s not too thick, but it still makes your heart beat erratically. 
Sylus takes both your hands and squeezes the right one first. “If you want me to keep going, squeeze your right hand,” He squeezes the left one next. “If it’s too much and you want me to stop, squeeze your left.”
His thoughtfulness brings those butterflies back. You squeeze your right hand and he nods, commanding the tentacle to run its tip up and down your folds. It brushes your clit every so often, which makes you sigh in pleasure. Then it enters you slowly, your arousal making things run smoothly. 
It penetrates you about six inches deep before pulling out halfway, only to slam back into you with greater force. Your cries are muffled, but Sylus can tell you’re enjoying yourself by how your eyes roll back. The appendage thrusts into you at a maddening pace, your body rocking back and forth from the notion, and Sylus enjoys seeing the erotic sight of your tits bouncing. The tendrils around your breasts constrict while smaller ones branch off, wrapping around your nipples and teasing them too. 
The make-shift gag around your mouth converts into another cock-head tentacle, forcing its way in so you’re sucking it off. Sylus groans at the beautiful sight of you submitting to it so willingly. 
“You’re so pretty when you submit… I can’t imagine how sexy you’ll look when I take you,” he praises. 
So many parts of you are being stimulated and you’re sure you’ll come again soon with how each thrust, both in your pussy and mouth, speeds up. It’s almost like they were losing control, taking you with them. It’s not until you feel a small spark from below that you yelp. 
The sensation was like static electricity that you get if you rub your feet on a carpet. Not life-threatening, but a nuisance that stings for a brief second. 
“My Evol is energy manipulation… that energy is hard to control sometimes…” Sylus says in a low voice. “It might even shock you.”
You can’t hear much over the squelching noises from your pussy and mouth as the tentacles work into you, hungrily, greedily, until the build-up from below is enough to cause your whole body to shake involuntarily. Your orgasm approaches and then is heightened when a small jolt of electricity shocks your clit. 
The tentacle in your mouth removes itself, so you can scream until your voice gives out. The other one leaves your pussy once you stop shaking, and you are still on the bed, catching your breath. However, you feel something warm and wet on your stomach, so you lift your head enough to see spurts of cum leaking from Sylus’ cock.
His hands are still holding your own. Did he come from simply watching you?
“I’m not going to apologize,” he says without a hint of remorse. “You excite me.”
You’re flattered, truly. Especially when his cock is still erect, almost angry with need by how much it throbs. You wonder if it’s painful.
The mist around your wrists vanishes, but your body is dragged off the bed to the opposite side of the room, where Sylus’ grand wall mirror reaches the ceiling. You’re suspended in front of it and he wraps his arm around your waist from behind, twirling your hair with his other hand. 
“Do you know how irresistible you are? Such temptation… that’s why I’m taking my time,” He takes his finger, swipes across your stomach, and gathers enough cum to coat his digit before lifting it to your mouth. “Open.”
You obey and he lets you taste himself, the action so wicked. So dominating. So sexy. His cum is salty and slightly bitter, but addictive. 
“Good girl. Are you ready for what’s next?”
His Evol controls your limbs and suddenly, you’re flipped upside-down with Sylus’ cock in front of your lips while your pussy is facing his. Your legs are wrapped around his neck and you’re taken aback at the extreme position. 
“I’ve always thought Standing 69’s would be… enthralling. Always wanted to try it.”
The blood rushing to your head blurs your focus and your adrenaline spikes at the thought of possibly falling. But Sylus’ powers are strong and you’ve yet to see them falter. As if he can read your thoughts, he says, “Don’t worry, kitten. Rest assured I won’t drop you on your pretty little head.”
“It’s still scary…”
“I know. But isn’t that what makes it thrilling?” He pulls you closer by placing his hands on your ass, placing a chaste kiss on your cunt. “The sooner you finish, the sooner I’ll have you right-side up.”
Another challenge you can’t back down from. You take Sylus’ cock in your mouth and it reaches the back of your throat quickly from its impressive length. It’s also thicker in girth than the tentacle you sucked off earlier, which makes you gag. 
Sylus throws his head back, panting from how soft and warm your mouth feels. He snaps his fingers to release your wrists, allowing your hands to find purchase on the back of his thighs.
“If it becomes too much, squeeze twice.”
You respond by bobbing your head up and down, which earns a sharp inhale from him. He isn’t one to fall behind, so he indulges in your sopping cunt like a glutton, moaning and grunting into it like an animal. Meanwhile, you relax your jaw so it becomes easier to adjust to his size, swirling your tongue as you maneuver up and down.
Your eyes shift to the mirror, seeing your compromised position and lewd actions. You barely recognize yourself or Sylus for that matter. He’s so engrossed in eating you out that his eyes are closed like he’s enjoying heaven on Earth. It pushes you to work harder, keeping up with his pace.
Right before Sylus is about to reach his peak, you hear another snap. He stops eating you out and you feel something bumpy rub itself against your pussy. Then Sylus’ fingers spread your ass cheeks and you feel it probing around your other hole.
Your mouth stills and your eyes widen at the sight of a black-red tendril that’s now ribbed at the tip. It slowly enters, stretching you to take each ribbed section, simulating the action of being fucked repeatedly. Sylus is back at work, inserting his tongue into your vagina in hopes it’ll distract you from the burn, but it only makes you clench harder.
“Relax…” he reminds you before diving back in again. He’s bucking his hips to remind you to continue, and you do your best as saliva pools so much that it drips down near your eyes. Everything feels too much, too tight, especially when the tentacle starts fucking your asshole. The ribbed texture only adds to the intensity and hits spots that border pain and pleasure. 
Sylus’ hips begin to stutter and you’re seconds away from passing out from the light-headedness. Fortunately, he finishes in your mouth, the thick viscosity of his cum coating your throat while you orgasm for the third time tonight. 
The noises he lets out are feral and if you had the chance, you’d record them so you could get off to them another night. You feel the pressure in your ass disappear and as promised, you’re right-side up again, but your limbs feel like jelly. Sylus wraps his arm around your waist, his hold secure as he flashes you a satisfied grin.
“Open.” You’re still in a daze, but the command gets through to you and you show him your mouth. When he sees you have swallowed, he hums in approval. “You really do hold up your end of the bargain. I suppose I’ll finally give you what you want.”
He grabs your hand and places it on his dick, which is slippery from your saliva. He’s still semi-erect but a few strokes is all it takes to get him up and running again. The man’s a beast and refuses to be in a cage.
Guiding you to the bed, he lays down first on the mattress, his hands clasped behind his head as he rests on a pillow. In the blink of an eye, you’re suspended over him, the black-red mist parting your thighs and slowly lowering you until your pussy barely grazes his tip. Your wrists are bound behind your back now and you’re like a puppet, bent to his will. 
“What do you desire, Kitten?”
“You,” you beg. “Please.”
“You wish for me to take you raw?”
You’re nodding like your life depended on it. “Yes.”
“You wish for me to use you?”
“To your heart’s content.”
He says nothing else and sinks you onto his fat cock, and despite the many sessions he’s used to prep you, there’s still a slight burn from how much he stretches you. It feels incredible as he bottoms out, knocking the breath out of both of you. 
“Oh god…” you say, trembling from how full you feel. “You’re so big…”
“And you’re so tight. It’s like your pussy doesn’t want to let go of me. So greedy.”
The mist controls your pliant body, helping you bounce up and down without pausing for a break. Sylus does a jazz hands motion with the widest grin on his face. 
“Look, kitten. No hands.”
You almost growl at his cheap jokes, but his throbbing cock deters you from your thoughts, almost impaling you from its brute force. Sylus reaches out and pulls you so your chest meets his, his arm hooked around your back to hold you in place, giving you a short moment of reprieve. 
“Raise your head,” he commands. You feel so drained, but you force yourself to do it and he gives you a quick smooch. “I need you to relax.”
The ribbed tentacle is back and you feel it gliding in between your ass cheeks, prodding your rim every so often like it’s mischievous. 
“S-Sylus, it’ll be too much,” you say. 
“You can handle it. But let me know now if you want to stop.”
You bite your lower lip, considering his words. “No. Don’t stop.”
“That’s my girl…” The tendril pushes into your asshole, taking its time as each ribbed section feels like a repeated attack, pushing the limits of your body. You’re utterly stuffed once it’s in as far as Sylus allows and you feel his cock throb in your sore pussy. 
Sylus jerks his hips first and then the tentacle joins as they pump in and out of you, alternating and becoming more violent. You’re biting down in the juncture between his neck and shoulder to steady yourself, and he lets out a strained fuck, yes, thrusting up into you so hard that you sob, tears pricking your eye. 
Just when you think there aren’t any surprises left, a second tentacle sneaks around to your lips, seizing its opportunity to enter when you gasp. It gags you and now all three of your holes are being used and abused, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. The stimulation is overwhelming, the pressure bottling, your pussy squeezing Sylus’ like a vice—you’re both not going to last much longer.
“That’s it, that’s it—fuck, I adore you,” he pants, closing his eyes and focusing his energy to give you his all. The tendril occupying your mouth releases you, allowing the mantra of Sylus’ name to fall from your lips as euphoria greets you. 
You’ve come many times tonight, but this one saturates you in overwhelming pain and pleasure. Everything is sore and you can’t stop seeing four of everything until Sylus lifts you by the hips, coming on his stomach and not inside you. You collapse onto his chest when the mist dissipates, the two of you catching your breath. 
There isn’t enough money in the world to convince you to move, not after what you’ve experienced. Yet something lifts you off Sylus and you’re about to cry again.
“No, no more…”
“Hush now,” The mist positions you in Sylus’ arms bridal-styled as he gets off the bed, his strong arms securing you. “We’re going to the bathroom to clean ourselves up. You’re staying with me for the night.”
You nuzzle into his embrace like a kitten, and a fond smile rests on his face. 
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A/N: You made it to the end! Yipee! Thank you for giving my writing a chance. PLEASE let me know if you enjoyed. 🌹
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mirohlayo · 11 months
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moonstruck (adjective)
unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love.
( you just made lando loose all his senses )
warning : none, fluff
word count : 886
note : looks like an etablished relationship but no, just lando crushing on you lol. wrote something short for this one bc i think it suits much better. also kind of related with wonderwall post.
!! english not my first language !!
a great race.
it was such a perfect day. time seemed to stop for a while, like people had to enjoy every single minutes of this unreal moment. ends of races were often filled with happiness and a sense of pride always won over fans and racing teams. it was the amazing sport of formula one.
the drivers always celebrated their podium. with friends, race team, engineers, family and any others close people. it was an overload of joy mixed with lot of positive emotions, and these were such precious moments that must be cherished at all costs. but not everyone has this chance. this chance to say you did a great job, to say you drove well. when you feel like you're just not good enough. your being hurts you so much as if you were stabbed everywhere. no one wants to feel like that. and luckily, that wasn't the case for lando.
he did an amazing race. a fantastic job. as soon as he jumped out of his car, his race team congratulated him and praised him for his podium. p2, that's just incredible for the mclaren team. and of course, oscar was proud of his teammate. just like you. you were so proud of lando. you never stopped believing in him, you were always the one to cheer him up. that's why today he hugged you a bit longer than usual, his arms wrapped you tightly against his warm body. in that moment, everything seemed perfectly perfect. the rays of the sun dazzled only you two, in each other's arms, like a reunion of two souls who had been separated for far too long. it felt just like him and you against the whole world.
and with heavy hearts, the pilots had to separate from their favorite person to return to the one final task : post race interview. so as did lando. he gave you a soft smile filled with an amount load of love and let you out of his embrace. he took place in front of the interviewer, and kept his concentration for the race questions. the spot was that the mclaren team was still in front of him a few meters further, so he could still see the people he loved celebrate the efforts of both mclaren drivers. he saw lots of wide smiles, sparkles in all eyes. everyone was still cheering and lando's heart felt full of happiness and love.
his mouth was speaking words, answering bunch of questions about how was the race and stuff like that. a noisy background, filled with laughters and cries accompanied deep lando's voice as he was still talking to the interviewer. his eyes scanned everywhere, sort of a habit he have every times it was post race interview time. he looked from the mclaren engineers to his tired but proud teammate, from the fans of the paddock club to the others drivers. and then he saw you. your person.
his gaze immediately softened, as if he had found reassurance in you. his eyes laid on you so effortlessly because every time a weird but pleasant sensation seized him, as if he was hypnotized by a stunning thing. you were shyly laughing with his manager, charlotte. a crystal clear sound escaped from your mouth which turned into a beautiful smile. the way your eyes slowly squinted, shiny sparkles in them, your cheeks' lines came out and embellished even more your face. your perfect side profile that lando's couldn't help to look at. the sun rays colored your skin in an orange-pink shadow. now it seemed like the world stopped. he captured an unreal moment of you. wow. you just looked like a goddess. a pure gem he wanted to chase after and keep it for himself. and just with this glimpse of you, he started to loose all his senses.
now he was stuttering. he acted clumsy, saying dumb and incoherent things. he stammered on his words, let little "huhh" "hmm" out of his mouth while he was thinking about what he have to say. but he couldn't think because now all his attention was on you. nothing came into his mind but only this picture of you. he even started blushing and a shy smile took place on his lips. god why he was so fucking lost every times it comes to you ? it's just unfair how much effect you did to him. but soon the interviewer finally saw his awkward position and finished quickly the interview.
then he ran to join his team, especially you. you turned to face him, and without any hesitation you hugged him tightly. because it is never enough hugs. oh how his heart craved for your touch. your body pressed against him, your breath on his neck. he was for sure so in love with you. and whenever you would ask him why he acted so clumsy around you, he always had the same answer. "you just stress me that's all" he would shrugged. but actually, the most correct answer would be "i just don't know anymore how to act normal because of you, your person and your presence. because after all i think i'm just a bit too much in love with you".
yeah, it was the perfect answer. and that without any doubts.
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gotham-daydreams · 2 months
Planned Fics [For Batfam]
Will be listing both Romantic and Platonic fics that I not only have planned, but will be trying to prioritize! This is not the full list of what I have in mind, but kind of what I'd like to show first at the moment! Oneshots and smaller ideas are not included, and everything here is going to be multiple parts long.
'Bite-sized' are smaller fics like the Not [ ] Series, 'Long' fics are.... well, long, and I consider them to be more on par with full-length fics people post on other sites and such. With 'Medium' being somewhere in between 'bite-sized' and long fics. They don't really determine the actual set length of a fic, but moreso how long I think they'll be in the long run- so its more of a general idea then anything else!
'Mixed' fics are also a, well, mix of both platonic and romantic yanderes - or have yanderes that I feel cannot be defined as solely romantic or platonic. Though for simplicity I have placed them under romantic or platonic, and will specify which ones I consider a 'mixed fic'. Romantic and Platonic fics are also fics that predominantly has romantic or platonic yanderes - which basically means that one or two of they may be different.
I will also keep the descriptions of each fic short as... well, if I don't, I think this post will be waaayy longer than it has to be.
With that out of the way, let's get onto the lists!
Flick of the Wrist (temp title) [Villian! Artist! Reader] {Medium (?)}
Destroying the city your father seemed to love so much turns much more personal when you realize that your entire family is composed of costume wearing freaks. At least your trying to spice things up, geez. Though, for a bunch of detectives.. they can be fucking idiots for not realizing who you are. Guess being ignored really did give you a leg up in that department, so, really, you can't be too mad about that.
One Chance (temp title) [Kidnapped! Reader] {Long}
They thought you didn't know. That you'd be too young to remember what they did that night, that you didn't know how they treated your parents. Though, over the years, you didn't really help clear that idea... if anything, you fed into it. You play their little game, just so that they all could fall into the very palm of your hands. No matter what they try to do, no matter how much power they think they have... they will never know that you're still waiting. Waiting and making sure that when the time comes, you'll finally seize your opportunity- but you have to do it right the first time. You know that there won't be a second, especially at this point. One chance is all you're getting, and you'll be damned if you don't make sure it counts.
Ghost [Heavily Neglected! Reader] {Bite-sized}
You were the ghost in Wayne Manor. That's what everyone called you. That's what even the media saw you as, and at this point, it was all by design. They gave you a role to play, and you've done everything you could over the years to see it through. But, what happens when you finally want to leave, and go haunt some other place? What happens when your family finally decides to do a little 'Ghost Hunting' after all the rumors?
Prodigy [Prodigy! Reader] {Bite-sized (?)}
Born from an affair, and after your mother's unfortunate passing, you are given to Bruce Wayne - possibly the richest man alive and with a booming buisness. Yet, having been born and raised in this industry, you were practically made to take over the buisness. You've proven time and time again that you're more than capable of it, along with keeping your family's secret. Buisness and work is all you know. It's how you've lived, and you saw no reason to explore or look into things outside of it - along with the money it brought. So why is you family so insistent about 'spending more time' with you? Don't you give them enough free time already?
Bond [Reader who is obsessively looked after] {Bite-sized - Medium}
You keep them together. You keep them sane. You are their family. They need you more then you will ever know, and nothing will ever take you away from them.
Even a Worm Will Turn [Spider-Man! Venom! Reader] {Long} [Also known as 'Waiting Reader'] [Sort of mixed?]
You were so young when everything went down. You didn't know any better, not with how you grew up before your adoption - and not with what followed after. It wasn't your fault, or was it? You didn't think so, you were still in highschool for crying out loud. You were still just a kid... but, it's no wonder you grew up hating them. It's no wonder that, when given an out - when actually getting a taste of what they had robbed you of, did you finally see past the barriers that your parents had put up and that they reinforced unknowingly. Yet, when you finally seemed tired of waiting, they came crawling right back. Though, this time, unlike before- you weren't alone.
Husband! Reader [Technically I have two ideas for this concept so.... no title or length- how I go about it is going to be a little weird so just trust the process on this one, folks!] (Married to Bruce... obviously..)
It was peaceful for a while, or- well, as peaceful as it could get in Gotham. With you just caring for your insane family, and your doting yet equally insane husband. Though, just being apart of this family... maybe you should've expected things to go sideways.
(The more Batfam focused idea is focused on the reader basically being flung into a different dimension that is essentially the reversed Batfam AU (so Damian is the oldest, Dick is the youngest and such). The other idea is more JL focused so I won't go into it here.)
Darkest Night, Brightest Day (temp title) [Batman! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
It's a wonder how you've come this far. From being the newest addition into the family, to now the only one who's left to dawn the mantle. The world needs Batman, after all, and though many have argued that you've likeness is too much like Bruce's, you just see that as a sign that your efforts are paying off. After all, you have sacrificed your mind, body, and soul to keep up with the original... especially with all that's happened. Especially when everyone else is dead. Yet, it seems life really does love tormenting you, and one day, people that look like your deceased family come stumbling into your world, and would you look at that?
Their Bat is alive, and more human then you've ever been in a long, long time... maybe it's about time you ask how the hell he does this job without having to do half of whay you've done just to keep up. Maybe then, you'll feel like you aren't disrespecting those that came before you.
Letters [Fan! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
Ever since you were young, you've always been a fan of the unusual family that was Batman and every bird and bat he seemed to take under his wing. So to show your appreciation, you wrote letters to each and every one of them... that you ended up being too shy to send. As you grew up, your appreciation and admiration seemed to grow with you - but it also did extend to the Wayne family, who, in your opinion, really did seem to be boing just as much good as the Bats when it came to Gotham. You loved the Bats so much you even trained and became a vigilante yourself... but, now that you work beside them.. you can't help but keep your letters closer to yourself. With them becoming more personal as you lost hope in ever being able to send a single one.
Though... maybe now you have an opportunity? Especially when they've taken notice of you too, and don't seem to realize that their admiration is matched.
Clover [Reader taken from a diff universe] {Medium - Long(?)} [Sort of mixed. Platonic -> Romantic for some.]
They took you away from a life you didn't know you missed, and tried to play it off as if the life you lived before was all a dream... as if it never happened. You believed them at first, and yet, it seemed that just as you were becoming the very thing they were trying to shape you into, they began to change gears. No longer did some of them want you to pose as a family member that had long since passed - but rather, you were supposed to be something more.
Brotherhood and Co. (temp title?) [Dilf! Reader] {Medium(?)} [Mixed]
You trusted him. You trusted him with your life- he was like your god damn brother- and yet, he stabbed you in the back. Betrayed you like no other, and they both knew for years. Years of your life wasted away loving that woman, just like that.
So it's no surprise that you took the kids and left. Left and tried to do what you could to provide them with the life you knew they deserved, and provide the stability you knew they needed. Yet, it seems that your dear 'friend' isn't quite done with you yet, and nor is his godforsaken family. You really should've known not to trust them from the start, but hell, it was your big heart that got you in this mess, isn't it?
Intruder [Isekai! Reader] {Medium(?)} [Mixed.] [Also has a JL ver. though, again, just focusing on Batfam/Gotham for this post.]
Who knew that a crazed fan like you would end up in this situation? What are the odds that you of all people wind up being an unexpected artifact of some insane villian who could open portals across dimensions, space, and time? Granted, you aren't the only one- but you managed to slip under the radar. With you being able to use your knowledge of the universe you've plopped into to survive, and make sure to not catch any unwanted or unwarranted attention. It'd be horrifying and embarrassing as hell to meet Batman, only for him to be able to easily see that you're a complete fucking loser..
Yet, even when they do find you, you manage to catch their attention too well. And now... well, let's just say that while it was their job to bring everyone home, it wouldn't hurt to let you stay, right? After all, you seem to be adjusting so well... it'd be a shame to let you go now, wouldn't it?
Never-Ever After [Friend! Reader] {Medium - Long (?)}
Being a friend if the Wayne's wasn't all too bad, especially when you're basically friends with everyone. So when they ask for your help, and also for tickets to concerts of a particular idol duo you're also friends with- you don't think anything of it. It slips your mind when they ask for you to introduce them to your idol friends, but it becomes a little odd when they begin to ask for more... personal information on them, and sure, you answer their harmless questions - but not much else. Even if you do know the answers, that's weird and an invasion of their privacy! Not to mention your friends' trust in you!
Then the threats start coming... and suddenly the Wayne kids aren't so friendly with you anymore... and you can't help but notice how obsessed they seem with your idol friends... and yet, when you try to cut them off and avoid them, its like you can't. Like they won't allow you to anymore.
It's only when your life starts taking a horrible turn for the worst do you even consider the idea that maybe... just maybe.. did their obsession turn to you instead?
Gotham's Finest (temp title) [Insane! Villian! Reader] {Bite-sized - Medium (?)}
With the villians, rouges, and thugs of Gotham as your main infulence in life, it's no wonder that you became a villian yourself - and not only that, but aspired to be just as good as the people who really brought terror to the streets of Gotham. You were one of the best, 'trained' yourself to be as such. So is it any real surprise that you catch the attention of the infamous Bat and his family once you finally take your crime to the next level, and begin to become active at night?
Maybe not, but the real kicker is how much they seem to love how you drive them absolutely insane.
Birds of a Feather (temp title) [Winged! (Metahuman?) Reader] {Bite-sized - Medium (?)} [Mixed.]
You hate them. You'd do anything to get rid of them. And you're friends- they promised that they'd help you find a way to get rid of them forver. They did- they... they said they would, and you trust them, of course you do! You'd do anything, anything to rid yourself of these cursed wings. But, you just couldn't wait. It was taking too long. So... you took matters into your own hands just a little, and had a solution! A cure! So why... why are your friends and their family looking at you like that?
These lists may or may not be updated- especially as they get posted and people ask questions. Again, these are moreso the stories I'll be trying to focus on after the Not [ ] Series. Though, to be fair, some things may be a bit different after that series in general, but no need to think about that just yet! Author here is just trying to think of how to go about certain things and organize some stuff, especially since I'll dabble a bit into JL and Superfam stuff down the line- but that's not important right now!
If your curious about anything, don't be afraid to send in an ask! Or even if you want to hear more about an idea, and so on and so forth.
Also, as I'm sure you can tell... naming things isn't exactly my strong suit 😅 I'm more of a plot guy, y'know? Love me a good, dark, horror-esc story!
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
I loved this episode so much 🥹 might write up another post about the emotional core of it and why I think it's the best ep. 11 I've ever seen, considering how much people love to bemoan the 'episode 11 curse' (which I think is just setting yourself up for disappointment). But right now, I'm just here to clarify some of the Thai, as per usual~
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Taking advantage
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Aylin: มนุษย์พี่นิสัยไม่ดี ฉวยโอกาส /ma noot phi ni sai mai dee. chuay oh gaat/ = [That's] bad behavior, human senior. Seizing the opportunity. Luna, after getting kissed: นี่มันฉวยโอกาสกันนี่ /nee man chuay oh gaat gan nee/ = This is seizing the opportunity!
ฉวยโอกาส /chuay oh gaat/ is not the same as 'taking advantage of sb.' aka exploiting sb./sth. It means to grab/take a chance or seize an opportunity when it presents itself. In that sense, it's more taking advantage of a situation.
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ตั้งใจเรียนนะน้อง รักนะ /dtang jai riian na, nong. rak na/ = Study attentively, nong. Love [you]! รักรักรัก รักๆๆๆๆ /rak x8/ = Love [you] x8 จากพระจันทร์ของน้อง <3 /jaak phra jan khaawng nong/ = from your Moon <3 -> พระจันทร์ /phra jan/ = the Moon
The Sun
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สัญญานะ พระอาทิตย์ /san yaa na? phra aa tit/ = Promise? Sun? -> พระอาทิตย์ /phra aa thit/ = the Sun
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annisassintchaska · 10 months
I Want Her: Lewis Hamilton x Black!Caribbean!Reader
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The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix has finally come to an end and it was now time for the post race interviews. The drivers were moving slowly from one journalist to the next, most times giving the same answers to the similar questions being asked as they just want for this segment to be over.
Lewis had been rushing through his answers, trying to get away from the scene as quickly as possible until he saw HER. A pretty, short and dark-skinned woman that was currently in the act of interviewing a flirtatious Lando Norris as he was asked the last question.
Lewis politely ended the interview and walked over to George whom he was supposed to go before. "Hey George can I ask for a favour?" he asked Lowly as to not disturb anything, to which George nodded in response. "I don't want to go before you, you were supposed to be her last interviewee, however I want you to switch spots with me?" Lewis asked the younger man. George looked between the pretty woman and his teammate as he finally realised that Lewis had a crush and wanted to spend some extra time her.
"I see what's going on here, you like her don't you?" George asked to which Lewis nodded shyly while blushing. George smiled as he moved up in the line taking Lewis' space as he asked to be interviewed before him. As George listened and answered his questions, Lewis looked on with fire in his eyes as he admired the beautiful woman before him. The way that she spoke, the pretty dark brown colour of her eyes, her curly black hair ect.
After George was done, he turned around to hand Lewis the mic while shotting him a wink as a form of encouragement. Stepping forward slowly, Lewis noted the way she smiled brightly at him as he settled at the stand. "Hi, my name is Y/n and I recently transferred from Sky Sport MotoGP." she greeted him as she offered her hand for him to shake. Taking her soft and delicate hand into his own, he shook it gently before placing a soft kiss to the back and releasing it.
Throughout the whole interview, Lewis would constantly ask her to repeat her questions even though he heard them loud and clear, also taking a long time to 'think' then answer her questions, all in the reason of him wanting to spend more time with her as he also asked personal questions about herself in between.
After a couple more minutes, the interview has finally come to an end and everyone had went off to pack up their stuff to head back to the hotel. Lewis on the other hand had been waiting in the parking garage for his Y/n to arrive, his palms sweating as he anxiously bounced on the spot.
Y/n had finally gather all her equipment and secured them into her bag and was making her way to her car when she spotted Lewis standing at the door. "Lewis, hi! I thought you had left already since everyone else is gone?" Y/n cheerfully greeted the British man who smiled adoringly at her. "Um... there's a reason why I haven't left yet... I wanted to speak to you" Lewis started off nervously. He swayed back and forth as he analysed Y/n's features. Y/n on the other hand was also nervous as she was only thinking of two things: How big of a crush she had on him and if she had made any mistakes with asking any questions that made him uncomfortable.
It turned out to be addressing her first thought as Lewis explained himself. "I know this might seem a bit too forward, but ever since I saw you earlier I had been very fascinated with you. I was hoping to see you again so that i would have the chance to ask you out on a date if you're interest whenever you're free?" Lewis explained, his heart beating in his mouth waiting for her response.
Smiling up at the most beautiful man she has ever laid her eyes on, Y/n held her palm out, gesturing for Lewis to hand over his phone. After seizing the piece of technology, Y/n placed her number into it and handed it back. "You can pick me up at eight tomorrow" she said sweetly before placing a kiss to his cheek and made her way off into the her driving away. Lewis, left alone in the parking lot, started dancing in excitement as he made his way to his car, going home happy that he has the chance to date the most beautiful woman he has ever met.
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narrans · 5 months
My Borrowed Son | 16 | Friends and Curiosities
Chapter Sixteen | Friends and Curiosities
Parker couldn’t believe it. Within such a short amount of time, he suddenly had a dozen followers and friends on his page.
Sure, he didn’t know them personally, but everyone was welcoming and polite – two things he was eager to report to his mom when she expressed concern. The miniscule boy also made sure his mom knew he was being safe, not giving out too much personal information, and that the topic of his condition hadn’t even been brought up.
One person commented on his profile picture being interesting, which was a picture of Parker standing in front of his computer screen, but he just explained it was a background and that he wanted to showcase the platform he was publishing on. Karl was the kid’s name, and evidently he and Parker were the same age.
All in all, Parker was pleased with his interactions and the people he was meeting. Lots of them had advice and things for him to check out, and he liked all of the things he was seeing.
There were sketches of space and vast mountains as well as the everyday interactions. There were hundreds of stories from writers just like him.
It felt nice. It felt like some kind of community with people supporting and helping one another. A sense of satisfaction filled the young teen every time he checked his notifications and saw he was getting the chance to meet someone new.
“Just look here, mom,” said Parker eagerly as he showed his mom the latest post he made. “It has almost fifteen likes!” He looked up into his mom’s features and saw her beaming with pride.
“That’s so great, Parker,” she complemented. “Are you going to post your latest story from Mr. Tamplin’s class?”
“I… think so. I don’t know yet though. It doesn’t feel done,” he replied, feeling his cheeks getting warm. The latest story he came up with for Mr. Tamplin’s class was a fiction fantasy story about a sprite named Tal’el. It essentially was his backstory for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign he and his friends started.
Basically, he was a small fairy-like person who was a poison master for his people until he decided he wanted to go out adventuring and exploring. The Dungeon Game Master said it was fine if he played a smaller character, thankfully not questioning why he would want to do such a thing and found a special class for him to play as.
The story actually won a young adult author award for his class and Parker had Mr. Tamplin to thank since it was he who tutored him through his writing slumps. He was now refining it for his literature class.
“Well, don’t be scared to post it sweetie. You’re such a great writer and can do whatever you set your mind to,” encouraged his mom. “Now before you get sucked into checking your notifications, finish your homework and get ready for bed. You have a long day tomorrow.”
“Yes, momma,” Parker replied, rolling his screen back into place in the main area. The structure walls rumbled as his mom closed the outside walls to his home. It was hard to believe it had been a whole month since he “moved in” to this new space.
Parker loved it, in a weird way.
Not to sound ungrateful, but having his own space to roam around, especially in a space that felt suited to him, made him feel just a little bit normal. He liked that he was usually at eye-level with his mom instead of having her loom over him. Just the thought made him shudder involuntarily, and he wasn’t sure why.
It made him feel guilty every time the sensation seized him.
But, now was not the time to dwell on that. It was time for bed.
Parker walked into his room and rummaged through his dresser to find his oversized space t-shirt and elastic band sleep shorts. Then, he went back to the computer and finished submitting his assignments. The words filled the page and Parker hoped that his paper on the evolution of technology was going to be good enough to get him the grade he needed.
Parker’s other assignments were a breeze. Math was simple enough and the biology project about documenting the growth of plants was going smoothly. It was his other project, his story for his literature course, that he was worried about. It was his same story that he was using for his channel, but it was more a mild fear of rejection and lack of perfection.
His online friends liked it, but would his teacher? His followers?
Parker sighed and leaned against the wall before slinking down further into the chair. His eyes focused on the blinking line in front of him as he stared at the end of the fifth chapter he had been editing. Something about this story felt particularly personal, but Parker remembered hearing once about how writers put more of themselves than they’re aware of when they’re making characters and stories.
Perhaps this was just part of that feeling?
The teen sighed and stretched when, suddenly, his lights flickered up above him.
Confusion injected itself into his mind as he stared at the wired lights on the ceiling. His eyes flicked over to the wall switch.
Perhaps just a fluke?
The notion was dismissed when the lights flickered two more times, all of his lights dimming and glowing systematically.
Something raised the hair on the back of Parker’s neck. He felt like he was on pins and needles, the anticipation of a drop while suspended in mid-air. Cautiously, the curious teen stood up and walked over to the switch, examining it closely.
It was still up and wasn’t jiggling or loose.
The lights flickered again.
It felt like he was in a spooky movie, of which Parker had only ever seen one in his life along with a couple of older “thrillers” like Alien and Jaws. Even those movies were censored because his mom didn’t want him to get too spooked.
Was there something wrong with the plug?
Parker glanced at the window at the back by the stairs and, just for a moment, he could have sworn he saw something.
It looked like the quick flick of a shadow.
It was quick and Parker wasn’t even sure if he knew what he saw. He did just step out of his room after all, and he had been staring at his computer screen, which he knew sometimes made shadows appear when there weren’t any.
He held deathly still, his entire body locking up like a perfect figurine. His body fell naturally into the position as he slowly crouched and laid his hand against the floor, as if he could detect any trembling or motion.
He didn’t get a chance to investigate for long though. Before he could make his way to the stairs in his crouched position, there was a knock on the table that made Parker nearly jump out of his skin.
“Parker? Are you going to bed soon?” Parker’s entire body shivered as he pushed himself upright and heaved in a few deep breaths. Every nerve in his body felt electrified. While his heart continued to thrum rapidly, he cleared his throat and called over his shoulder to his mom as the sides of the walls began to open.
“Y-y-yeah, mom. I’m ready for bed,” said Parker. He glanced up at the lights stayed on without the slightest hint of a flicker. The walls opened fully and, instantly, Parker saw his mom’s brow furrow quizzically.
“Everything okay? You look a bit pale,” she said. The maternal instinct in Amanda kicked in and she reached forward and pressed the tip of her finger against Parker’s forehead. He shied away from it, which was typical teenage behavior, but something else felt off about Parker that Amanda couldn’t quite place.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just…” Parker stopped short. It felt like something physically squirmed in his mind, preventing him from saying something about the shadow and the lights. He shook the notion loose, confused as to why this instinct flared up in him, and proceeded with his thought. “I just saw the lights flicker and got spooked.”
“Oh?” Amanda replied as she glanced over and looked down at the power strip that fed electricity into Parker’s Place. Nothing looked off about it to her, but she still knelt and glanced around the ground.
Still nothing.
“Well,” she sighed as she stood and walked back over to the front of Parker’s tiny home. “I don’t see anything. It looks like it’s all plugged in, but we’ll check on it tomorrow. Okay? For now, it’s bedtime.”
“Yes, momma,” replied Parker as he walked up to the edge and accepted the kiss on his torso that his mom gave him. With that, Amanda smiled and watched as Parker curled under the blankets, forming an almost imperceptible lump in the bed. “Goodnight momma. I love you.”
“I love you too, Parker. Sweet dreams my love.” Amanda closed the walls and secured them tightly before tiptoeing out of the room and to her own room to turn in for the night.
Just in the other room, Parker laid there with his heart still fluttering nervously. Everything in him was still on edge, and the curiosity of what was going on with his lights was really bothering him. Parker enjoyed a good mystery or puzzle, but he generally liked ones he could solve.
This one wasn’t solved yet.
For what felt like a couple of hours, Parker tossed and turned in his bed as a mixture of homework assignments and curiosities about the power outlet swirled like a mist in his mind. The more the young teen thought, the more it annoyed him that he didn’t have the answers.
He had had enough.
Parker pushed himself up and decided to go and check out the source of the flickering lights. If it was a cable going bad or possibly the breaker being loose, he needed to get a new one as soon as possible. It would be terrible if he was in class and his power went out. His mom said they would do it in the morning, but Parker knew himself; and he knew he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t at least go and see it for himself.
He couldn’t afford to not check it out with his presentation tomorrow.
The teen stepped noiselessly through his house and exited the front door. As he walked around, he noticed a few things that just seemed, in a word, natural.
Sound was amplified. The darkness in the corners of the room seemed brighter. He could feel every tremble in the desk from his footsteps.
As he made it outside, a choice presented itself to him. For a moment, he considered going down the climbing line he installed himself on the backside of the desk.
But he knew if he slipped on the rope and got hurt, which he never did, his mom would make him take down the line.
He decided to risk it.
It was late. She was asleep. Parker was as sure footed as a goat and knew he would be fine all the way down. The temptation was also too great for the teen to resist. Plus, it would be a lot faster.
There was something about the experience that was, in a word, liberating. The free fall. The catch. The feel of the rope in between his fingers.
It felt natural.
The urge to climb and fall and hide never failed to fascinate parker. Whether it was something his condition genetically programmed him to do so or if it was some personality trait he possessed, he didn’t know.
What he did know was the sensation was addictive and he was itching for a good climb.
Parker snagged the line in between his fingers and leaned over the edge of the desk. There was a mild sense of vertigo that swelled inside him, but he loved it. The weightlessness seized him as he let himself slip over the edge, hands and feet firmly in place and secured on the line.
The line burned against the teen’s palms and against his legs as he quickly descended. It felt like something a secret agent would do, and it felt epic.
The moment Parker’s feet hit the ground, he felt himself instinctually look around and crouch low. Silently, he stepped across the planks of wood that constructed the floor and walked toward the power strip that was only a few feet away. The whole thing was four times Parker’s size, but he navigated through the wires with ease.
His hands worked quickly to check the buttons and reset panels, and the teen could find nothing wrong with any of it.
Perhaps something is up with the electrical cover in the wall? Parker wondered silently. He jumped over the stiff cord that led to the wall and approached the trim on the wall which had small notches in it, so he didn’t need to snag a ladder.
As he approached, Parker noticed something by the very base of the electrical cover that made his hair stand on end.
It was a drill bit.
Flat head.
It was a tad bit rusty, and Parker didn’t recognize it from his mom’s kit that she used to help construct his space. He approached and picked it up, realizing it wasn’t as heavy as he thought it would be. In his hands, it was about twice the size of the drill that his mom used, and he realized he could probably carry it around easy enough; but where did it come from?
I don’t think this is mom’s drill bit. How’d it get here?
Parker glanced up at the electrical cover and felt his heart skip a beat as he noticed the screw for the wall socket was protruding from the wall ever so slightly.
His entire body was shaking now, but he wasn’t sure why.
Had his mom messed with the electrical cover with some old tools that she forgot about?
It didn’t seem like her.
Parker stepped up on the trim, balancing precariously and using the cord to stabilize himself, as he pushed on the very bottom of the electrical cover.
With almost no effort, the piece wiggled free and the screw clattered to the ground. The end looked a lot shorter than the others. He knew because he helped his mom replace the covers a few weeks ago.
The young teen took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he dared to peek inside. Engulfing darkness belonging to the wall consumed his vision. There was something exciting and enticing about the darkness in front of him.
It felt, in a word, familiar.
But why?
Parker felt his head beginning to throb as his mind stirred some fragmented memory, but it was hazy and distant.
What really set the teen on edge, however, was when he dared to push himself up onto the ledge to peer better into the wall and noticed something else that made his insides fill with nervous energy.
There was something that looked like a pencil mark. Two lines with a triangle on top followed by a little check mark on the inside. To Parker, it looked like a kid’s drawing of a house with a check mark inside of it.
Was this something his mom did?
Or was this some kind of construction mark?
What was this?
What did it mean?
The teen stared at the marks and then back to the darkness of the wall. Just like the shadows of the room when he stepped out of his house, the looming abyss of those narrow spaces between the walls didn’t seem very dark. It almost seemed inviting.
There was something about that confined space between the drywall and the studs and exterior boards that made Parker feel like he was back in his space. It was familiar.
But why?
Parker hadn’t realized that he had been learning forward to the point where he was barely hanging onto the edge of the electrical cover and leaning into the walls. It took the sound of his foot skidding against the wood and nearly tumbling headfirst into the space in front of him.
Startled and shaken, Parker pulled himself back out of the entryway into the walls, forced the electrical cover back onto its perch, and hurried back to his room. He was in such a tizzy, the young teen didn’t even realize he had gone straight to the secured line he left and climbed up it in record time, ignoring the staircase mere feet away.
His little feet barely made noise as he scurried back to his room, securing the door and slipping under his covers without so much as a squeak.
Parker’s mind was racing. What was that he just saw? And what was that weird draw he had toward the walls?
Hopefully, his mom would have the answers.
First thing in the morning, he would ask her. She would make everything better, right?
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mrghostrat · 11 months
some of my favourite good omens fics for @lostscript!
this got so long oh my god. i have to stop, but this is only like 2 pages of my bookmarks, in no particular order. i'll have to make another post eventually, or at least start organising my bookmarks on ao3 to rec things more easily. for now, please enjoy this tasty mix of human aus + angel/demon pining.
First Class (Hons) Christmas, University of Tadfield by heloluv
M • 41k • human AU (professors) this fic is like stepping into a beautiful, cosy, classic, high quality christmas movie. crowley and aziraphale are professors at Tadfield University, and they meet for the first time when aziraphale starts organising the yearly christmas fundraiser. "A Christmas and New Years fic, in which Aziraphale teaches Crowley how to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year."
What We Make Of It (Shotgun Wedding) by charlottemadison
E • 213k • human AU (teacher/guardian) the flow of their growing relationship in this fic is so unique and incredibly written, it seizes my heart on every reread. aziraphale is a high school english teacher, adam is his narcoleptic student, and crowley is adam's uncle/legal guardian. due to crowley's work, he cannot date a teacher, for risk of losing his job and the health insurance that covers adam's condition. but he can, technically, marry one.
Something We Were Withholding Made Us Weak by triedunture
M • 14k • angel/demon (south downs) where pre-relationship aziraphale and crowley retire and move to the south downs cottage before ever talking about their feelings, and come together as they learn to live in tandem.
the bucket list by darcylindbergh
E • 44k • angel/demon (south downs) technically still a wip, but it's been left at a satisfying, conclusive point. after armageddon, pre-relationship crowley and aziraphale decide to work through a list of human activities they haven't done before. they go travelling and dining together, try out hobbies, and end up in a south downs cottage. communication angst as they try to work out what they want from life, and each other.
Of burnt books and courting Crowley by robynvite
E • 11k • angel/demon (post s1) "a year after Armageddon't, Aziraphale finds out two pieces of very startling news: One, Newt and Anathema burned the sequel to Agnes Nutter's Nice and Accurate Prophecies. Two, Crowley was in love with him, and had been since the Beginning." aziraphale attempts to court crowley when he finds out crowley loves him.
Slow Show by mia_ugly
E • 95k • human AU (actors) "two ineffable co-stars only take four seasons of an award-winning television program to realize they’re on their own side." crowley is a washed up PR nightmare and aziraphale is in the closet, married to a beard. crowley is in love with him, and aziraphale falls over the course of the show.
South Downs by summerofspock
E • 76k • human AU (actors) this time, aziraphale is out and proud, whilst crowley needs some help figuring it out. "Blackballed from the industry ten years ago, Anthony Crowley jumps at the chance to star in a new Regency romance miniseries with well-known gay actor Aziraphale Fell in the hopes that it will help him restart his career. The trouble is, Crowley has played all sorts of characters and for the life of him, he can't figure out why he's struggling to play the romantic lead opposite a man."
Not a Mounted Dildo but a Fuck Machine by NaroMoreau, summerofspock
E • 35k • human AU (roommates) "When Aziraphale meets a nice girl on Tinder who he thinks is his perfect match, he's delighted. There's just one hurdle: that pesky virginity thing. Lucky for him, Crowley has always been there for him. He's helped Aziraphale with every other problem through the years, why not this one?"
Intermezzo by FeralTuxedo
E • 47k • human AU (musician/journalist) Music critic Aziraphale Fell is trying to break into the world of television, when he is signed to make a documentary about former-rockstar-turned-composer Anthony Crowley. It’s been eleven years since Aziraphale’s disastrous review of Crowley’s debut opera nipped his classical music career in the bud. He can only hope that Crowley will get over his admittedly justified grudge to make the TV show a success.
side note: i officially love everything feraltuxedo has ever written. their library is a slew of human AUs in all kinds of settings with varying wordcounts. they are a GIFT
Joint Honours by FeralTuxedo
E • 43k • human AU (university students) aziraphale (phd) and crowley (undergrad) live in the same student share house. they get involved before they realise crowley is a student in aziraphale's seminars. spicy drama of them trying to keep their relationship hidden + aziraphale getting his work plagarised
it's a new craze by attheborder
T • 5k • angel/demon (post armageddon) aziraphale and crowley start an advice podcast. dialogue only, with comments from listeners speculating about their relationship and potential immortality
Petrichor & Parchment by MrsNoggin
E • 33k • human AU (gardener crowley) aziraphale, a restorer of antique books, moves to a cottage in tadfield. the garden is a mess. he hires a local landscaper to sort it out. aziraphale takes his work outside and ogles.
The 21st Century, In Which They Finally Work It Out by chaya
E • 22k • angel/demon (post armageddon) crowley tries furthering their relationship after armageddon. he has to go extremely slowly so as not to spook aziraphale, but eventually they find themselves on romantic weekend getaway, in a lodge under the northern lights.
Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth
E • 88k • human AU (lockdown roommates) aziraphale and crowley are strangers who have to quarantine together in aziraphale's cottage. exquisitely romantic mutual pining over the course of two weeks, with cosy fireplace cuddling, walking around in towel, and strip poker.
Have you told him by cyankelpie
G • 7k • angel/demon (through the ages) aziraphale can sense love, and can tell crowley is deep in it. he can only assume he's fallen for a human. again, and again, and again, and again.
The Bizarre Demons of AZ Fell & Co Antique Booksellers by WorseOmens
T • 8k • angel/demon (buzzfeed unsolved crossover) a fuckin hilarious crossover fic presented as an episode of buzzfeed unsolved, where the ghoul boys visit the bookshop and commune with crowley through a spirit box
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
When Aegon III look at Jaehaera, her face, her eyes, I know he saw Aegon II’s face. With Jaehaera, he can’t escape him, he can’t escape his mother’s violent death, he isn’t allowed to think of anything else, he’s forced to revive his olympic trauma over and over again. But with Daenaera, it’s UTTERLY different.
Jaehera dying is the story coming full circle. A greedy and ambitious hand wanting to make his daughter queen started the war but now his line ended by another greedy and ambitious hand who wanted to make his daughter queen. The point is that the Greens didn’t get what they want in the end because someone, one of their supporters, had the exact same mindset as Otto. Karma got to them. The Greens started this entire war to get their blood on the throne and their last chance to get their victory is dashed by one of their own people doing the same thing to them, GRRM is a genius, it’s ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.
Y’all REFUSE to let Rhaenyra have some crubs, it’s so disgusting. The Greens already have their own victory, Aegon II is the one remembered as king and Rhaenyra as an usurper, but he must also have descendants (the Blackfyres I guess) who tries to usurp Rhaenyra’s descendants and grandsons who became kings ??? OUT OF QUESTION, LET IT GO. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
The Greens started this entire war to get their blood on the throne and their last chance to get their victory is dashed by one of their own people doing the same thing to them
Heavy on this, anon. In fact, let me go back an insert the part about Jaehaera being the green's last botched "chance".
Anon refers to this post I wrote from a person expressing why they thought Jaehaera's death was "narratively irrelevant". And why Daenaera can still be written in without marrying Aegon.
It's true Aegon the Elder is held as one of the kings in the line of monarchs while she is not. That is not bc she usurped Aegon, but because they wanted to discourage the idea and practice of naming women or girls as heirs altogether. It was about female rulership being made into the cause of disaster or conflict, not Rhaenyra necessarily!
I still don't think Rhaenyra is universally remembered as the/a usurper, because by their own vocabulary Rhaenyra can never be a usurper...she was declared heir by the monarch and held as the true heir for years. Gyldayn calls her "Queen" several times and unironically and out of the then-living people's perspective. To be a usurper, you need to violently or unlawfully seize power, which Rhaenyra never ever did. The greens did that.
Once again, Stannis is not a reliable source to judge history, because the man is a walking self-denier and nihilistic user of fear to get his way. In the actual novels, Rhaenyra is thought of a civil conflict more than the direct cause of one through usurpation and "usurpation" itself is never mentioned unless it's Stannis saying so. And yes, Arianne Martell had the right of it, even though she is also using history for her own claims...the difference is that her reading of history and Rhaenyra's position is correct.
The people who want things to be more "equal" or "balanced" bt the greens and the blacks or have the greens have a sort of victory like the blacks just sound really desperate. And for what? For patriarchy to reaffirm itself deeper than ever and more than if Rhaenyra had just been queen?🙄
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intheheartoftheking · 3 months
Higher. Faster. Further (Bird of Prey Series)
Jacaerys Velaryon x Aunt!Targaryen oc x Aemond Targaryen
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Pt2. (pt.1)(pt.3)
strangers to lovers, targcest (reader is aunt), semi angst(?), aemond being aemond, diplomat!jace,
summary: After Aegon seized the throne, Jacaerys and Aemond were dispatched to ensure the loyalty of House Arryn and the Vale. However, their mission took an unexpected turn when they encountered Lady Jane Arryn's ward, leading to a tangled web of lies, deceit, and power struggles.
word count: 965
a/n: part two of HFF (Birds of Prey) this was originally supposed to be the smut I forewarned but Tumblr isn't letting me post the full thing so its been split. I hope you enjoy my brainrot and please leave comments and suggestions to add in future chapters. this is a short ishstory (I think.) let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! ill also be adding a playlist soon but the theme song for this whole series is basically Middle of the Night by Elley Duhe ! xoxo 
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Daella sheepishly asked her aunt, gesturing down to her feet. Her aunt nodded. "Forgive us, my princes. My niece is not accustomed to dancing."
Daella looked up through her lashes at the princes as she curtsied.
"That is not necessary for me, Lady Daella," Prince Jacearys said as he kissed her hand gently on the back.
Prince Aemond said, "Perhaps I could escort the lady back to her chambers. The hour is late, and it doesn't seem safe for a beautiful woman to walk alone."
Daella chuckled. "That hardly seems appropriate, Prince Aemond; you could be seen as a potential suitor, which could cause whispers." Aemond furrowed his brows. "I see," he grumbled. He had hoped to get her alone and convince her to swear allegiance to Aegon. Aemond believed that once she chose her side, her lady aunt would quickly agree, and this business could be over with so that he might return to the Red Keep.
"Perhaps if Prince Jacearys would be so kind as to walk with us, that would be seen as more appropriate," Daella suggested, snapping Aemond out of his thoughts. Both men glanced at each other, uncomfortable with the proposal, but this seemed to be their only chance to try to speak to Lady Daella alone. Aemond hummed in approval but stared at Jacearys with annoyance as he extended his arm to her, which Daella gladly accepted. Both men bid their goodnights to Lady Jane Arryn and made their way out of the great hall with Daella sandwiched between them.
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The walk to her chambers was quiet, but as they approached, Daella spoke up, "I want you both to come inside." Aemond stopped abruptly, causing Daella to be tugged back along with Jacearys. "What?" They both chimed in unison, the confusion laced in their voices. "When my ladies leave my chambers, I wish you both to enter. I believe there is much to converse about away from prying eyes." Daella spoke in hushed whispers. The two men stared at one another, concerned. First, she talked of propriety, and now she's inviting the two most influential men in the realm to her chambers. "And what of the whispers?" Aemond repeated her words from earlier. "While I hate to agree with my cousin, he's right; what of the whispers?" Jacearys echoed in agreement, but something else ate at him. Something else ate at both of them. This invitation felt like a trap.
Daella rolled her eyes. "To seven hells with the whispers," she snapped, breaking her facade of a perfect lady. "You both know the season we've entered, and that's why you are here. I wish to know more of you before my lady aunt does."
She pulled her arms away from them. "The invitation remains, and I shall wait for you if you choose to accept it."
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In his chambers, Aemond bit at his nails nervously. This alarmed him. No one had made Aemond nervous since he was a child. Was her proposal really to speak of potential alliances? And why would she want to share his and his bastard nephew's company?
He knew Jacearys was desirable due to his position should Rhaenyra capture the iron throne, but their children would always face doubt about his father's parentage. As for himself, he was known as Aemond one eye, and marriage was a hard enough prospect not simply because of the loss of his eye but also because of his brothers' additional teasing. These whispers made Aemond weary of anyone remotely willing to show affection or interest for fear that all they wanted from him was his proximity to Aegon or his title.
A door opening and closing across the hall pulls him from his thoughts as he hears footsteps descending the hall in the direction of Daella's quarters. "Jacearys," he growled. If his strong nephew has gained the courage to seek out Lady Daella alone, Aemond knew he also had to follow. After all, he knew he couldn't lose the Vale all because he was too afraid of rejection.
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Meanwhile, Jacearys was mentally cursing himself for indulging in Daella's invitation. Did she mean to speak, or was this an invitation for something more? Daemon once told him of ladies who used to seek him out for pleasure or in hopes of capturing his crown. He also heavily warned Jacearys against fathering any bastards since his claim was already shaky due to the vicious rumors fueled by the greens. He knew better, how he knew better, but she was just so beautiful, and unlike any of the ladies he had ever met, she had him enraptured. As he approached the door, he saw the guards had been sent away. Jacearys raised his hand to knock the door cracked open, and a hand emerged, wrapping around his wrist and tugging him inside abruptly.
"Forgive me, my Prince. I'm just trying to be as careful as one can be not to be seen," Daella stated, turning away. "Tea?" She offered, gesturing to the set on a small table. There were cakes and small bites on display, and it almost seemed as if she was sure at least one of them would come.
He shook his head as he realized she was in her nightclothes; however, her hair remained pulled in a tight braid. The fire illuminated her face, highlighting the flecks of gold in her ember eyes. If there was something that was for sure, she was one of the most stunning women he had ever met. It was as if the gods themselves had come down to craft her. Her heavy door opened slightly, causing both of them to turn and hold their breaths. Sounds of relief were emitting from them once they saw a head of a silver hair sliver inside.
Taglist: @damewritesalot
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dwreader · 3 months
So was Armand behind it all or Santiago + the coven? Cuz the usurping his maitre role stuff wasn’t questioned by Daniel at all so I assume it’s meant to be true? Does that mean Armand was given a choice and he was really just a coward??
listen I’m done speculating on what this show is doing in the long run cause I’m really over the whole wait until season 19 to find out what it really means. BUT as far as s2 goes, yes I believe that’s the “true” narrative right now. the coven senses Armand’s weakness and santiago seizes the opportunity to get the coven on his side. they present Armand with an ultimatum - go along with this trial (including directing this play) or die. At the time he’s unsure of louis’s love which he explains to Louis in the post revenge scene and is confirmed by ep6 Madeleine asking why Louis is so reluctant to show the real depth of his feelings. Bc of his uncertainty he chooses to save himself and go with the safety of what he knows vs what he doesn’t. I think we zero in on Armand’s face when Madeleine says that line about how much Louis loves him for a reason.
During the trial itself I think he’s simply too passive and cowardly to stop it, contrast that with Lestat who will do anything to save Louis and that’s your love triangle right there. Lestat will do anything for Louis like he’ll go off script he’ll change his tactic and do whatever it takes with no regard to rules, Armand either can’t or won’t cause he can only let things happen. But Lestat saving Louis on stage means Armand has the opportunity to save Louis from the coffin and when Lestat doesn’t expose him in the tower, he sees a chance to present himself as his ultimate savior. But Armand saving Louis depends on Lestat taking action first which is what Armand is incapable of. That’s Lestat vs Armand right there. One is capable of doing and the other is only able to wait for other people to do things even if he wants it too. Man of words vs man of action.
When Daniel is presenting his evidence there is no indication that the narrative of santiago taking over the coven and being the primary mastermind of this plan is false. The only thing Daniel is contradicting is Armand was still involved in the play/trial and not hiding in his coffin during rehearsal and who actually saved Louis. We also see earlier when Santiago is taunting Louis about Claudia that he claims responsibility for it despite having no reason to lie at that point like he’d actually hurt Louis more by exposing Armand as the mastermind if that were the case.
Now we and sam reid don’t even seem to know what they plan to do w/ paris in s3 so this could all change like if he doesn’t know what Lestat’s doing in the trial i feel like we have no room to speculate lol they just haven’t decided yet I suppose. This is just what I see based on s2 alone. If they reveal more in s3 then whatever I’m like done lol.
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the5thcellar · 4 months
Yeah I agree with that anon a little bit. Great post by the way. It's...just... they were ASKED multiple times about the status of the relationship and they ignored it intentionally. I will say in February, Nicola did say "friends" but then it started changing as the months went by and then they completely would not even acknowledge the question and both would just smile and stay quiet. Naturally people would assume a shift occurred. So that kind of toying is something that will take me a while to get over. I don't think I'll fall for another costar ship again. I guess tomdaya are truly the exception.
I really don't think they tried to mislead the fans at all - the "smiling and silences" are taken out of context - fans post those one or two instances that they edit out of an entire interview and read too much into it for the sake of shipping, and that's how the frenzy starts. in that particular interview where they smiled and nodded, you'll notice the interviewer said "clearly you two get along really well" and they both agree enthusiastically, to which the interviewer follows up with the unnecessary and obvious statement that they must be friends. there was no need for luke or nicola to reply to that with more affirmations - it's quite a natural pause in the interview where they're both waiting for the next question since the interviewer phrased it as a statement that doesn't go anywhere.
in numerous interviews both of them have also repeatedly stated they're great friends right up to Ireland - there was no effort to deny their friendship at all. that's why there's a danger being caught up in all the gushing posts on twitter / tiktok. there is a real need to filter all the posts that are a total stretch (ie the silence and smiles) from the posts that show moments of GENUINE love and affection that speak to more than friendship - like all those times when luke is clearly searching for Nicola as his anchor amidst the overwhelming crowd / getting her attention just to hold her hand, all the soft smiles, existing in their own little bubble, knowing more about each other than anyone else etc... moments that aren't performative.
that said - it is true that there is some element of being vague on their part. neither of them have ever insisted they're JUST friends. I think that's what people seize upon the most - they always say they are great friends but never JUST friends with no chance of more. but that's why I also said in my original reply to the first asker that they themselves don't really know what they are. there is always the potential for more and they both know it. i think it's a positive sign 😊
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
Does Mikey try to prove himself? Since you said he’s scared that his family will not like him anymore like big mama?
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@theartofeverything @lukasischillin
Mikey can be a total showboat during battles thanks to his time in the Battle Nexus, and he makes sure to be as useful as he can around the house because he’s got a similar mindset to Donnie in that he’s worried about his place in the family. Mikey is not an idiot, he knows Big Mama grew bored of him and that’s why he was put in the fighting pits. He grew up watching her toss the employees that disappointed her in there and thought he was special and that she would never throw him away—he was totally blindsided by her betrayal, and he won’t let that happen again. So he uses a lot of his energy into discovering new ways to be productive, be that cooking, helping the family with their trauma, or taking down bad guys. It’s not so much positive motivation but more desperation to be needed.
He’s always been great at reading emotions and picking up the self-help books and his research started as more of a way to handle his issues without alerting Splinter, Raph, or April to the fact that he was struggling with things. It was further luck then when Leo and Donnie show up, and he jumps at the chance to use his knowledge to help them as well—it makes him feel good to help them, but also if he’s not being useful he gets anxious.
Cooking is not something he necessarily enjoys at first, but he’s good at it…compared to Raph and Splinter, who are hopeless for the most part (Splinter can make like five or six dishes, but for the most part they order pizza or eat frozen meals or April will bring by take out). So Mikey seizes the opportunity to fill in yet another role. He does grow to love it the more experience he gets though.
Mikey is probably the worst at admitting he needs help after Leo. If he does have an episode or flashback of some kind which is bad enough that the others worry over him, he’ll manipulate his way out of being the center of attention and convince everyone he’s fine.
No one’s religious, but the idea of family and ancestry is important to them all connecting with each other!
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@gumy-shark @snazzysa1amander
I talked before about how Big Mama got Mikey tutors for his education, one of which was an art tutor, so his style is more classical until he moves into the lair and he’s greeted with massive art block, for which April introduces him to street art and he falls in love with that. If you wanna know more on that check out this reply here!
Art for Mikey is kind of the one thing he does that’s just for himself—it’s not of any use to the family, but something he enjoys, and when he shares his art work with Leo, April, or Raph, it never feels the same as when he’d show Big Mama his work and she would look it over and judge if it was good enough to hang up in her lobby. When Splinter puts his stuff on the fridge, or Donnie dedicates a wall of his lab for a cork-board that’s void of any blueprints and solely filled with the bright, colorful sketches that Mikey’s gifted him—it doesn’t feel like Mikey’s trading parts of himself to earn his keep. Instead it feels more like building himself back up. Each piece the family saves does more to convince Mikey he’s not going anywhere, more so than any other chore he’s checked off for the day.
Donnie still loves ear bleeding techno and heavy metal. Leo likes more meditative, calming stuff, but is secretly probably a BTS fan. Raph likes hip-hop and stuff you can dance to. Mikey likes songs that’ll really get you hyped and rap. April likes boy bands, but she also has a love of classic rock and early 2000s pop. I’ll actually probably make a playlist soon with a few songs I think they would like or that suits their stories, and also songs that’ve been sent to me (some of which I’m saving in my inbox so when I do finally make the playlist I can have all of them in one relevant post! Just know if you’ve sent me an ask that’s song related, I’ve seen it and appreciate all the ideas! Those songs will find their way to a playlist hopefully soon!)
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Hmm I never even thought of 2012 Mikey’s kusarigama but you’re so right that it would work well for when Mikey has to make that killing blow. He does switch his weapons sometimes between fights to keep things interesting, but mostly uses nunchucks. I do however think having that secret blade in them would be pretty beneficial! But when he leaves those behind and Splinter gifts him the ones he’ll use from then on, I think he’d be happy to have the less lethal version.
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@ver-444 @littleblueberryartist Human designs here
Mikey would wear a cloaking broach when out and about the lobby and even though he never attended school he’s most familar with the way things are done topside out of all the brothers. It makes him the least stealthy cause he’s just not used to hiding. I’ll probably draw Human Mikey at some point. Though since cloaking broaches are kind a mystery in how they work, I honestly don’t know what I’d do. If Big Mama was the one who got Mikey his cloaking broach I’d have to imagine she’s make him look like her, but in my head I do think the boys would look Asian seeing as they have Splinter’s DNA—with Mikey and Donnie having darker skin tones and Leo and Raph being just a bit lighter (to parallel how Leo and Raph are lighter greens and Donnie and Mikey are darker greens).
It’s a toss up on Mikey, but I do know if he ever got his own cloaking broach after the fact, he would totally make himself look like Lou Jitsu’s son and nothing like Big Mama, and he would have no problem including his scars!
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Mikey has fought I’d say one to two battles a day, six days a week for a year in the Nexus, I’m not doing any further math than that, sorry 😜
Dr Delicate Touch does exist, but as I’ve said, with Mikey so desperate to help the family and be useful, I’d say Dr. Delicate touch has even less patience for tomfoolery
@uniqueness351217 Big Mama will have some scheming going on with Draxum! She’s cut her losses for now and will regroup!
Venus started as Big Mama’s assistant in the year after Mikey started in the Battle Nexus, she is going to be more connected to Three than with Mikey at first. They have caught sight of the other in the few times Big Mama visited Mikey to gift him his little prizes, but they’ve never spoken.
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@raisondetre2012 Thank you I’m glad you liked it! And unfortunately Mikey will find out Donnie’s…association with the Battle Nexus and it will create a pretty intense divide between them but that’s all I’ll say for now!
Donnie has always seen physical strength as something valuable that he could never achieve (even though Donnie boy is no slouch. Draxum just sucks) so he does look up to Raph and Mikey in that regard!
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Oh these are so getting saved to be sketched out later!
Also just a note! I know some of y’all are probably worried that your asks aren’t going through. I have to admit am very slow in answering asks! Some of these are from a month or longer ago. I just like to give each ask a good amount of thought so it makes replies slower (also lol now that there’s more lore established I have to double check that I’m not contradicting myself on things, like a doofus)!
I do apologize for taking so long for some of y’all, but I do have a pretty full inbox so I’d like to thank everyone for their patience! You guys are the best and I always love reading all y’all’s theories and questions!
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shychick-52 · 10 months
So, this post talks about the episodes 'Hexley Hall' and 'Day of the Sorcerers', and Grimtrix's motivation when it came to Cedric and the Order of the Wand.
I think that Grimtrix blatantly manipulated Cedric to join his side in 'Day of the Sorcerers', so he wouldn't be a threat to his plans to unseat royals everywhere from power and have sorcerers take over the world. Because if Cedric was on his side, then he couldn't be against him, and Grimtrix could therefore keep an eye on him.
Because why else would Grimtrix even think Cedric would be interested in joining the Order of the Wand- let alone could be trusted- after the episode 'Hexley Hall' where he helped Sofia stop him from stealing her amulet and proved that not only was Cedric truly loyal/close to the young princess, but also that Grimtrix greatly underestimated his competence (his ability to stop him) after all, despite his reputation as a bungler?
It was his way of testing Cedric, seeing which was more important to him- his friendship with Sofia (who's a royal) or his desire to finally demolish his poor reputation and prove himself as a great sorcerer. So, he lured Cedric to his cause against the royals with promises of power (he obviously knew about Cedric's reputation as a bungler and likely assumed how much it bothered Cedric) ... and it nearly worked!
In the episode 'Hexley Hall' (season 3):
All throughout this episode, Grimtrix knew how close/loyal Cedric was to Sofia- from the moment he greeted Cedric when he and Sofia arrived at the school, and during all the times he was spying on them in his crystal ball (which is how he learned about Sofia's amulet in the first place, finally giving him the chance to seize his own secret dream of overthrowing the royals of the world), and of course/especially when Cedric used the floating potion on Sofia and himself to escape from Grimtrix... the latter being when Grimtrix realized he'd underestimated Cedric's competence, making him a bigger threat to his plans than he realized (but if he's more clever than Grimtrix originally thought, maybe it would serve him well to try getting him on his side, he likely thought when he planned the Order of the Wand shortly after that).
When Grimtrix subdued Cedric with the Shusher when he first tried to stop him from stealing Sofia's amulet, Grimtrix said to him, "You of all people should realize, Cedric! Aren't you tired of being a glorified jester for King Roland?" (referring to Cedric's reputation and how poorly Roland regards him).
Right after Cedric used the floating potion on Sofia and himself, escaping out the window, Wormwood said to Grimtrix and his old animal friends, "I hope you all learned never to underestimate my master again!" (And I nearly forgot to mention, but Cedric also managed to put a freezing spell on Grimtrix's weasel Wrigley, who Grimtrix revealed he'd sent to steal the amulet for him, so that was another way Grimtrix likely realized he underestimated Cedric).
In the episode 'Day of the Sorcerers' (season 4):
From the moment Cedric and Sofia arrived at the Conjurer's Conference at Hexley Hall, Grimtrix's weasel (Wrigley) can be seen spying on them and wickedly snickering as they happily spend time together, further confirming for Grimtrix just how 'pathetically' close Cedric is to the princess (and I definitely headcanon Grimtrix was also secretly spying on them in his crystal ball, like he did in 'Hexley Hall', and thinking 'Let's see which matters more to Cedric- the chance to finally be seen as a powerful sorcerer or his friendship with the little princess!')
After Wrigley secretly slips Cedric Grimtrix's invitation to the mysterious "meeting of power sorcerers", and Cedric enters the room where Grimtrix and the others are already gathered, Wrigley wickedly laughs and rubs her paws together as she watches him go in (as if to say 'My master will be so pleased Cedric took the bait!')
When Cedric expresses shock, confusion, and suspicion at learning Grimtrix was the one who invited him (and even reminding Grimtrix what happened the last time they saw each other in the episode 'Hexley Hall') and demanded to know what was going on, Grimtrix used blatantly manipulative language on him to lure him even more ("Cedric, old chum! You made it!" and "I'm sure such a powerful sorcerer like yourself will want to stick around and hear what I have to say! And with my help, you can become even more powerful!"). He even forced Cedric to sit down with his magic (forcefully encouraging him to stay).
After the Order of the Wand all left to take over their respective territories, Grimtrix seemed very invested on Cedric taking over Enchancia; when he saw in his crystal ball that Cedric hadn't taken care of the royal family with the Medusa Stone, he said "No surprise there", likely meaning that his weakness of his friendship with Sofia got the best of him after all- again confirming that Cedric was a threat to his plans- so he went to Enchancia to personally make sure that Cedric finished the job
At the castle in Enchancia, Grimtrix froze all the royals (except for Sofia) while Cedric was escaping from the dungeon, then handed his staff with the Medusa Stone to Cedric and said "All you need to do is freeze the princess, and the kingdom is yours! Greatness awaits, King Cedric!" I think Grimtrix was deliberately testing him here, to see if he really had it in him to freeze her or not... but he didn't expect Cedric to freeze him instead!
I incorporated my hc into chapter 3 of my story The Master Wand:
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I joined the hobby with my sister in early 2003. We both got our first dolls at the same time but I hated my doll (she arrived blank) and I decided to not join the hobby because I hated the doll so much. My sister stayed active, but passed away in 2016, in which I got my first doll back when they were passing the inheritance and arranging everything. That was my reintroduction into the doll hobby, to connect with my sister in a way.
Enjoyed making friends with people in the community, generally found the community peaceful and positive. I liked playing and taking pictures of my dolls and was interested in trying OC and the biographies people posted because it looked fun.
in 2022 the rest of my family passed away in a car crash. Its been difficult for me to accept this and I keep going into states of "if this" or "if that", and I tried to connect to the hobby but I couldnt escape reality. It didnt help that my fathers side of the family were relentlessly trying to put a conservatorship on me, have me put in a mental hospital and seize control of me, my assets and finances forcing me to go to a psychiatrist and take medication just so I can have freedom and avoid them.
I decide to try and cheer myself by going to a doll event on holiday and get a chance on a doll that is coveted by a niche in the community, as in limited to a few dolls a year that you can only get in person in a certain location on certain dates by a lottery. This is a doll Ive been obsessed with getting, having won two YJA auctions for her (you arent supposed to buy them secondhand or sell them), only to have the sellers always refund the proxy. I won this doll, on my first lottery entry and I feel nothing.
I met two people and one was extremely kind, and the other that I thought I had a connection with was just disappointing to meet in person. Gossiping about people the whole time, including the person that was also there with us, always talking about why they were better than so and so because they did x. Talked about entering the lottery many times but always losing and not to get my hopes up because they dont pick nonresident foreigners. She also suggested I bring in someone to increase my chances, but I said I wanted to play fair and she shocked me when she said good answer; like it was a trick suggestion or she was waiting for an aha moment.
The pure anger on her face when I was called the winner, and then the comment about them picking the lottery winner like I was supposed to feel bad that I was picked instead of randomly chosen was weird to me. I just brushed it off as me being paranoid. Its not jealousy of the doll, but I think anger that they picked someone she saw as unworthy (me). She even called me a whale, but I just ignored the comment because I know Im not even remotely chubby back then.
Then she said something about how maybe this was the universe giving me a present because my whole family passed away a few months ago (at that time). This was the first time I told someone in the hobby about my familys passing and I felt completely emptied? deflated? by the comment. They may have not meant it to be negative, but I felt repulsed. TBH, I havent even taken the doll out of the box since getting her because I keep remembering that comment made. They probably didnt mean much, but it stuck to me. I cant even look at the doll's box without feeling sick. I just remembered this because its been a year + and I saw someone being annoyed that a oneoff winner didnt post an opening even though its been a few months, and now I feel worse because its been a year of her in the box.I was just waiting until I felt happy again so I can at least have the box opening be special. I dont know what to do because that comment; the universe giving me a doll in return of my whole family dying? I cant disassociate it and I wish I never met that person because I feel like it has made the doll hobby unenjoyable to me, but I also know its unreasonable to think this way because Ive met so many that are so nice and kind. I think Im reading into the comment more than its worth. I honestly feel pathetic for letting it affect me this much.
Sorry for writing all of this. I just wanted to get it out of my chest so I can maybe get back to normal. My friends dont like listening to this, because Im a man and am supposed to be more mature, and I also dont like holding on to anger, and I dont usually do, but I feel angry and sad all the time, when I know I should be grateful because I have a lot of blessings. Some might know who I am, and I hope they dont take it as a sign of me needing help, and more of just me venting if they read all of this, that my disinterest in a lot of things isnt them, its just Im not back to normal and I want to be.
Mod: I'm so sorry anon, you've been through so much. 💗
This person sounds insecure and jealous and imo you should dismiss everything they said to you, it was not coming from a good place. You deserve to have joy and happiness in your life.
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more-better-words · 10 months
When all else fails, Just Post ™️.
This was proving to be one of those days when Trip and T'Pol would see a great deal of one another in the course of their duties, but have very little time to actually speak. She was in Engineering, helping with some standard stress test calibrations when Trip paused by her station. "Sorry I, uh, haven't really said hi today," he said, passing the PADD he held between his hands. She gave him a curious look; agitation was not abnormal for him, but to be so perturbed simply because he hadn't had the chance to greet her yet? There was something more at work.
"If you are concerned I am offended, I assure you I am not," she told him.
"That's good...I mean, I wasn't..." He stopped himself, took a breath, and asked, "Can we talk? Later? Off duty?"
"Of course."
"Okay...good." He nodded, seemingly to himself. "I'll stop by your quarters." He extended his fingertips to her; she touched them, and he hustled off to oversee the upper level.
A quiet curiosity hummed at the edge of her senses for the remainder of her duty shift. They had shared the previous evening's meal with the captain, and he had been his usual self - something had occurred since then, and she couldn't help but wonder what it was. But patience would have to be her watchword, so she performed her duties, and when her shift was over, she returned to her quarters to await him. She didn't have to wait long.
He entered with the same restless energy he'd exhibited that morning; as soon as the door was closed, she seized his shoulder, and sat him down on the edge of the bed. "Sorry," he muttered, looking sheepish, "I'm just-"
"Trip," she said, sitting beside him, "what is it?"
He took a deep breath. "Last night…I wasn't tired, so I went to the mess to work on my proposal for the Andorian project, and the captain came in. He couldn't sleep. We, uh, we got to talkin', and I…told him that we're both lookin' to transfer. And why."
"He will have to be privy to any reassignment either of us undertake," T'Pol pointed out. "He will know soon enough - what does it matter that you told him last night?"
"It isn't so much what I told him…it's something he asked me."
"Which was?"
"If you and I were gonna make it official." At her blank look, he elaborated. "Get married."
"Oh." She considered that for a moment, then tilted her head. "Are we?"
He stared at her, then laughed weakly, running his hands over his face. "You wanna know why I haven't brought it up? Honestly?"
He tightened his lips, wetting them with his tongue before saying heavily, "You've been married. I'd understand if you didn't wanna do it again, if it's...not a concept you've got warm feelings towards." He sighed. "And we've got a really good thing goin' now, and I don't want to mess that up."
"We do have a good thing," she agreed quietly. "But my previous marriage bears no resemblance to our current relationship."
"Exactly. And that's why I don't want to-"
"That marriage was the result of negotiations between Koss's family and my own when we were children. I had very little choice in the matter." She touched his cheek, turning his head to look her full in the face. "But I chose you, Trip."
His eyes were fixed on her, caught, as if held by some invisible tether. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you," he whispered.
"I would like that."
"So you...wanna get married?"
She nodded, brushing her thumb over his cheek. "I want to marry you."
He smiled, suddenly and hugely. "Okay. Then we'll-" Something seemed to occur to him, and his head lolled back, his smile replaced with a pained look of self-recrimination. "Wow. Hell of a proposal there, Tucker. Good job."
T'Pol raised a questioning eyebrow. He took a deep breath, stood, straightened his collar and sleeves, and dropped to one knee in front of her. "T'Pol," he said seriously, looking her squarely in the eye. "I love you. You make me happy. Will you marry me?"
Her eyebrow remained elevated. "Was my previous statement unclear?"
He doggedly maintained eye contact, his mouth pursed. Suddenly she remembered similar scenes in some of the films he'd picked for movie nights over the years. A proposal. Right. She twitched her shoulders slightly, perfecting her posture. "Yes, Trip. I will marry you."
The smile was back. "Sorry, I just...I really wanted to do it right."
She wanted to tell him that the method was immaterial, but he looked so pleased that she simply said, "I believe I understand."
He seemed to realize he was still in the floor, and stood, pulling her up with him, clasping both her hands in both of his. "The, uh, the cap hinted real hard last night that if we were gonna get married, he wanted to do the ceremony."
"Did he?"
"Oh yeah."
"He would actually be a very logical choice of officiant." She paused, then asked quietly, "I make you happy?"
"Yeah," he said, sounding surprised at the question. "You really do." He kissed her hands, first the left and then the right, never taking his eyes from her face. "And I really do love you."
"And I love you."
He smiled, and she realized her question about his happiness truly was redundant. "Then I guess we got a weddin' to plan."
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