#White Camellia
classic-asian-art · 3 months
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White Camellia by Hogyoku (1830, colour woodblock print)
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teruriphoto · 6 months
Simplicity #193: White Camellia
White camellias
The flowers of the season
Are blooming brilliantly
Everywhere now in town.
She shines
Because she shines
She smiles
Because she smiles
Without expecting anything
Day in day out…
Stay calm and quiet
But strong is she in spirit.
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foxyprincessworld · 11 months
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Showing off my new babies 💗
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thebotanicalarcade · 11 months
n221_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: L'Illustration horticole : Gand, Belgium :Imprimerie et lithographie de F. et E. Gyselnyck,1854-1896. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6679213
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luccacaca · 1 year
White Jasmine (Sweet love)
I giggled, kicking my feet on my bed and smiling like and idiot as I thought back to this afternoon. It was like from a movie or a book when I entered the club grounds and while everyone was training in the outside sport fields behind the small main building, there was just him, sitting on a bench under the roof of the open porch, reading a book with a blue bag next to him. Slightly messy brown hair, not that long, not that short either. Leaned back against the backrest, arm propped up on his hand, holding the book in front of his face. It hid everything but his eyes, with their soft gaze that travelled upon the letters of the pages. The sunlight shining on him made him look so enchanted. I adjusted the bag I had slung over my shoulder earlier and glanced down on the time on my phone, it were still fifteen minutes until my lesson started. I stepped closer, sitting down on the bench next to him. Not quite knowing how I should act, I stared at the floor below my feet, hugging my bag and playing with my fingertips. In the corner of my eye, I saw him place the book down on his lap. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around here before" he spoke, his voice calm and just as soft as how soft and kind you'd imagine the gaze in his eyes to be. I hummed in agreement "This will be my first lesson today. What about you?" In the back of my head a little voice did peek out to tell me that he had obviously implied earlier he had been in this club for longer, but I quickly shut it down, wanting to hear nothing of the sorts. "I've been in this club for almost six years now, if you need anyone to show you around, I'll most definitely be able to lead you anywhere" he chuckled. "I'll come back to that later" I laughed lightly. "So why are you sitting here instead of training?" I asked. "I kind of messed up my time plan so I was here way earlier than I was supposed to be, you?" I smiled "Same thing here but rather too early than too late" he nodded at my words "That's right" he smiled to himself. Upon closer inspection, I noticed his hazel eyes that I thought were brown before and his smooth lips that had a natural healthy pink color. He had freckles but not very prominent and only around the nose. But the prettiest point, in my opinion, was the small mole right below his eye. I ripped my eyes away before I seemed too weird. "What are you reading?" I asked, glancing at the drawing of a lily inside the book. "It's a book about flowers, basically all about them, meanings, cultural significance, where they are from, what effects they have and stories and legends behind them. My favorite parts are the legends" he grinned. An intrigued smile spread over my face, admittedly a little bit more of an intended and planned reaction than what it seemed like but still driven by genuine interest. "How interesting! What's your favorite flower yet?" He hummed, looking through the book until he had found the page he was searching for. He held it up for me to read. "I don't have a favorite yet but this one fits you a lot" I heard a laugh in his voice as I stared at a white camellia, reading the text below it. "In the victorian era, this flower symbolized the words "You are adorable", today they stand for purity and innocence as well as also often admiration and respect." I laughed but we were quickly interrupted when boy with a tennis racket peeked around the corner "Come on, you are late even though you were way too early? Hurry up man" the friend of the boy urged. "Oh yeah, of course" he packed the book into his bag and rushed to his friend, though not before turning around a last time "I'll see you next tuesday here again? Promise I'll be too early as well" I smiled, nodding as I watched him hurry to his lesson with his friend. Needless to say. I spent the rest of the day smiling like an idiot on every occasion that my head even gave the littlest bit of space for the memory of him to resurface.
I got out of a toxic friendship everyone cheer! This is a new era for me, I'm actually writing something happy
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alchemistc · 29 days
i like your voice in person
Evan's staring at the bed like he's trying to navigate a minefield.
Six months ago that would have sent Tommy on another journey of self-deprecation, a reminder that he'd known Evan wasn't ready for this, known this was a possibility, but Evan, for all his own insecurities, knows what the hell he wants and if he'd felt even an ounce of pressure or remorse up to this point he'd have said something long before now.
Sometimes Evan likes to work it out himself, and sometimes he needs a little nudge, and Tommy watches the head tilt and the angle of his pursed lips for cues as he settles under the sheets.
"Something on your mind?" he prompts, and Evan blinks, like he hadn't realized he'd gotten lost in his thoughts.
"Uh...nothing, maybe."
"Sounds like something, probably."
Evan's smile tilts up at one corner, and he settles on the bed a little stiffly. "It's nothing major. Just. Something I've been thinking about?"
He can feel his brows jumping, can see the way Evan takes in the look with a fond expression. Evan steels himself for something -- they're still muddling through past experiences and learning how to be a bit more intentional in some of their conversations, because they both have a bad habit of reverting to flirting and deflection.
"You remember what we talked about last weekend?"
Tommy can genuinely remember about 93 percent of what he and Evan talk about at any given time, which is an astronomically high number and not at all an exaggeration. He'd be embarrassed about it if he didn't have clear evidence that Evan was as deep into this as he was.
They talk a lot, is the thing, about inconsequential shit just as much (definitely more) than the important stuff. They talk far more than Tommy can remember talking in any other relationship he's been in. But Tommy can pinpoint the exact one he means.
"You mean the roles thing."
Evan hadn't been a stranger to a little daddy talk in bed when they started to explore it, and he'd brought it up right at the start for a reason, but Tommy had taken a while to come around to the realization that Evan had sort of internalized the 'I don't have daddy issues' of it all in a way that Tommy hadn't actually meant it. There'd been little things, here and there; like Evan reaching a door before him and then bashfully waiting with it half open like he'd made a misstep; like twisting his mouth a little funny when he snatched the bill from the table before Tommy could get it. Little things.
Things that, in the abstract, yeah, Tommy liked to do for his partners, but in reality weren't actually that big a deal to him.
He'd needed to clear the air.
Evan nods. Curls a hand around his knee before he shifts his body so that he's facing Tommy. "So, I like taking care of people."
(A conversation, a month ago, Evan grimacing around "My therapist says I have to stop calling myself a people pleaser in a derogatory way.")
Tommy hums, something to remind Evan he's listening.
"And I guess I sort of built up this idea in my head that that was like, a hard stop with you."
("Everyone likes being taken care of sometimes, Evan.")
"And I'm not -- I'm not upset at you, or like, feeling guilty, I just -- I've been thinking about it, and I feel like I forgot to ask you how you wanted to be taken care of."
The thing with Evan is that no matter how often he'll deflect with a joke, when he wants to say something serious he's blunt as hell about it. There might be some hemming and hawing to get there but sometimes he says things that just make Tommy wonder if he'd ever actually learned how to say things before Evan.
"I don't really have a list, babe," he says, and then sort of hates himself for it. Deflect, distract, hey baby how about I blow you about all these big feelings inside my chest I can't articulate.
Evan, though, Evan squinches his eyes and runs a heavy hand through his hair. "I...sort of do?"
"Lay it on me."
Evan grins. "That's actually one of the things on my list."
Tommy blinks. Tries to figure out that trail of thought, but he's coming up with nothing. "Okay, can you expand on that?"
"Like --listen, you know I'm a huge fan of being the little spoon. I'd let someone put screws back in my leg just for continued little spoon privileges. But sometimes I miss being the big spoon, and in my head the idea sounded so stupid to bring up but now I'm wondering if, like, maybe I've just been denying you the joy of being the little spoon?"
Tommy thinks of Evan's hands spread big and warm across his belly, of knees tucked up behind his, warm breath on the back of his neck like when Evan stumbles up behind him in the mornings whining about coffee, and maybe he blue screens a bit because he's never actually dated someone so close to his own size, because there's always been an assumption at the outset that he wouldn't want that.
Alex had been a little too into the same dynamic he'd seen Evan stumbling through, and Colin had hated sleeping with someone's flesh touching his own. Beyond that he hadn't really dated anyone long enough to really form a preference.
Maybe Kara might have been willing, back when he'd been closeted enough to pretend it wasn't an effort to get it up when she had his dick in her mouth, but they'd been young enough that staying the night wasn't really a consideration.
"And like -- listen, I don't necessarily prescribe to gender roles as a thing in general, but a few weekends ago I spent like twenty minutes staring at a bouquet of flowers in Trader Joe's and convinced myself you wouldn't like the gesture so I didn't buy them but you have a few vases in your moms old china cabinet and the moment I remembered them I felt stupid for not buying the flowers."
There's something curling tenderly underneath Tommy's ribcage that he's not sure he's ever felt quite like this before. It's not new, exactly, but it seems to be thrumming particularly hard tonight.
Three months in, Tommy had gotten the man-flu from hell, temperatures so high he'd been grounded and sent packing to rest it off, and he'd texted Evan a jumbled mess of barely discernible things when they'd tucked him into the Uber.
Evan and Bobby had made chicken noodle soup at the station and Hen had sent Evan off with a laundry list of things he could do to help drop the fever, and Tommy had spent the duration sulking and glowering and dragging himself out of bed every time Evan had wanted to change the sheets, to keep Tommy as comfortable as he could, but when Evan had caught it four days later he hadn't hesitated to do all the same shit with gusto. Evan hadn't been particularly grateful either, because neither one of them liked being laid up when the world was out there waiting for them, but he'd at least had the grace to not be an asshole about it.
He had, though. Been grateful. A little awestruck, too, at the mere idea of someone so unafraid of just being there through all the moaning and groaning and hacking and coughing, keeping the tissues from piling up on the bedside table and switching out cold packs to the freezer so he always had one ready in case he wanted it. In the clarity of a full day without fever making his brain feel like cotton candy he'd stared down at a sleepily wheezing Evan and known he could absolutely lose his heart to this man.
"Also I don't want to toot my own horn here but I give excellent foot rubs, and I feel like there's about a million other things I've just been -- holding back from doing?"
"Because of the role thing, or because all your stupid exes told you you were needy?"
It's not a night to pull punches. Also Tommy wants to send thank you cards to every single one of them and attach them to boxes with a bark scorpion inside.
"Both," Evan says without a second of hesitation. His smile crinkles at the corners of his mouth, and Tommy is suddenly annoyed with the space between them. When he holds out his hand to tug Evan into him, Evan melts into it for the space of a moment before he pulls back. "I actually kind of desperately want to be the big spoon right now, if that's something you'd be into." Evan had definitely clocked the look on his face when he'd mentioned it, but he's keyed into the way Tommy checks in and reciprocated in kind since the start of this, so.
Tommy peels his glasses off, snags his bookmark to keep his spot in the monstrosity of the Wrangler maintenance manual he'd stopped being cagey about the fifth time Evan caught him flipping through it, and watches Evan settle comfortably into bed next to him. The problem is, Tommy actually isn't sure where to go from there, which is a ridiculous thought to have because Evan hadn't either and he'd figured it out just fine.
"How do you want me, Buckley?"
The roll of his eyes is so bitchy that Tommy has to remind himself that for all his people pleasing attributes, Evan Buckley is, at heart, a huge fucking brat. Evan tugs and twists and maneuvers his arms and Tommy sort of sinks into it, head tucked in the crook of his shoulder, draping his leg over one of Evan's when he shifts his knee pointedly, a massive, unruly breath escaping Tommy once they're all done shifting.
"You should absolutely try out the rest of your list," he murmurs into the space where Evan's shoulder meets his neck. "Although you don't need to woo me anymore, I'm actually fully wooed."
Lips against his crown, pressed tightly enough that he can feel the smile against his scalp, Evan chuckles. "You don't know how good my wooing is."
The fingers shifting up and down his arm feel somehow different, from this position, even though Evan has done it a hundred times before from the spot he likes to claim with his head right over Tommy's bleeding, three-sizes-too-big-for-him heart. It's ridiculous, and it shouldn't feel any different, but it does. He wants to be greedy with it, soak it in and then never let Evan do this again because he finally understands the appeal and he doesn't want to deprive Evan that.
"This is nicer than I expected."
Evan's soft laugh ruffles his hair, and Tommy wonders if he's dumb enough to ask Eddie how long he should wait before he can reasonably beg Evan to spend the rest of his life with him.
"Save the reviews for when I actually spoon you. It's gonna rock your world." His hand drifts up, fingers digging into the dimple of Tommy's skull.
The hum in his throat has a mind of it's own, going thin and reedy and --
Evan pauses, and Tommy can practically see the gears whirring in his mind, because this is new information.
To both of them, actually, but Tommy doesn't have time to process it because the fingers on the back of his skull spread and sink deeper, just enough pressure to be more than a glancing ruffle, and Tommy can't quite help the way he tilts his head back into it, or the way he hitches his leg to press his groin a little more firmly to the outside of Evan's thigh.
They're both too tired for it to really mean anything -- both off 48's and a fumbled round in the shower while they were already bone weary -- but Tommy wants the reminder for them both when they wake up in the morning.
He can feel his eyes drooping the longer Evan scrubs his fingers against him, and the thought pops into his head as he's drifting off. He doesn't want it to disappear into the fog, though, so he murmurs it into the soft, warm skin of Evan's neck. "I like camellia's. White ones."
Evan hums, and Tommy just knows that the moment he drops off, Evan will be reaching for his phone to google the language of flowers.
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nobrashfestivity · 11 months
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Kasamatsu Shiro
Japanese White-Eye and Camellia (Mejiro to sanzanka)
titled and signed at lower right, Meijiro to sanzanka, Kasamatsu Shiro with red oval artist's seal Shoho, likely published by Watanabe, ca. 1930s
otanzaku tate-e 14 1/2 by 6 1/2 in., 36.7 by 16.5 cm
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mitsua · 3 months
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Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Series: 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮!
Pairing: Ukai Keishin × Y/N
Y/N'S . . . GN!
Words count: 397
White camellias
Karasuno's practice had just finished and your boyfriend was exhausted after dealing with his students for hours without a break due to an upcoming match.
You expected him to arrive late, or even forget about the little date you wanted to have with him at the park. Yes, it's weird to have picnic dates so late on the night but you really were hoping to spend more time with him.
Your gaze fell to the bouquet of white camellias. Which is said to represent an innocent love, just as if it were an infant's love. It's also said it symbolizes feelings of esteem, gratitude and adoration.
Thus being only a portion of all your feeling towards Ukai, who's been your companion through bright and dark, an escape from routine in any capable form the word encages.
Watching him at some of his trainings, as a student and as a teacher has made you feel really proud of him and the way he cares and observes every little detail on everyone is fascinating.
His way of cheering you up or making you laugh through tears, it's all precious to you. So you thought of a way to make him see it.
He did arrive a little late than agreed, but it didn't matter to you.
Rising from the blanked spread on the grass to your feet with the flowers on your hands behind your back, you smiled brightly at him.
"Sorry for the delay" he said panting a little, just to try and wrap his arms around you to envelop you in a hug. But you had to stop him.
"Close your eyes for a moment please" you said, watching him carefully as he raise a brow in suspicion but obeyed.
You pulled out the bouquet to smile once again "Here! For you!".
He opened his eyes and saw the posy of white nature being bathed on the moon's light, just as your closed eyes from the big smile that formed by and for him and only him.
After you explained to him what your research for a perfect present made you buy, through some home-cooked meals prepared hours before your cute reunion, Ukai couldn't help but laugh at your innocence and effort for the perfect date you were living right now.
"What a vice it is to look at you when you smile".
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𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚋𝚢: Mitsua © (𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜)
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blueraimo · 2 years
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raccaryusui · 5 months
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学名:Camellia japonica
撮影:iPhone14 Pro Max
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korurichocolat · 1 year
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Japanese White-eye
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cheesyasscarbonara · 1 month
I've been on tumblr for a year but have trouble finding a community of people. Would like to get some moots that are into tea ceremonies and gongfu! 🥹
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flamboyant-king · 5 months
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Cammy is real!? 🌺
Photographed by: est_photoz on instagram 🌷
Edited by: me and my phone 🌸
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years
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Angry looking white rabbit embroidered with horsetails on black satin obi, paired with a retro tsubaki (camellia) kimono.
I’ve not stressed this tidbit in a while so let’s go: in traditional kimono fashion, black, white and red are all considered “neutral” colors ;)
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akayna · 4 months
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Magical vernal powers✨
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