#Well-being improvement
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newsepick · 6 months ago
THIS Breathing Technique Can Help In Stress Reduction And Enhance Overall Well-Being
Sudarshan Kriya, a rhythmic breathing technique rooted in ancient yoga, helps reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. The practice includes four stages: Ujjayi (calming breath), Bhastrika (energizing breath), Om chanting (centering the mind), and Sudarshan Kriya (cyclical breathing). It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, lowers cortisol levels, and improves oxygen supply, leading to better mental clarity and emotional regulation. Benefits also include boosted immune function, improved sleep quality, and enhanced focus. Regular practice can effectively combat stress and promote mental and physical health.
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freshstartclinic · 1 year ago
Quitting smoking is a life-changing decision that brings an array of health benefits, both immediate and long-term. Whether you’re considering quitting or you’ve already started doing interventions, understanding the positive transformations that occur when you say goodbye to cigarettes can be a powerful motivator.
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girl-that-writes · 8 months ago
Be weird. Please oh please be weird. I want weird, I crave weird, I love weird. This beige of false normality is a little too much for me. We can be weird together if you want. Tell me meticulously everything about your weird and I'll tell you about mine. Whatever obsessions or hyperfixations you have, tell me about them, I so desperately wanna hear it. We were born in this world, it is just as much our right as it is theirs to take up space the way WE want. Soo please, let's do it.
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captainadwen · 2 months ago
Damian Wayne vs the World
Sixteen year old Damian Wayne is on the hunt for a younger sibling. Being more discerning than Bruce 'child collector' Wayne, Damian's firm criteria for Batman's latest adoption problem includes but is not limited to: black haired, blue-eyed, tolerable humor, not evil, and most importantly - younger than Damian.
Lucky for him, fourteen year old newbie vigilante Danny Fenton is the perfect fit. Now, to fulfill his end of their deal, Damian must defeat the evil government organization hunting Danny in order to gain a baby brother.
Or, @livinghalfway your post made my brain go !! but in such a different way I figured it was better to make a separate post, hope you don't mind/enjoy still
Damian Wayne re-entered Tim Drake's life like a gnat revealing itself in a closed bedroom space. Tim was in t-shirt and a boxers, maneuvering ramen into his mouth with one hand and scribbling out an epiphany on a murder case with another, when Damian's demonic dulcet voice echoed down from the ceiling. "Drake," said Damian, judgemental, "You live like this?"
Tim nearly choked on his ramen, because the day Damian doesn't attempt to murder him - however doubtfully accidental this incident might be - is the day Darkseid decides to be friends with the Justice League. "Fucking knock," Tim coughed out. "And get out. No one invited you in."
"Put better traps if you don't want me here," said Damian, dropping from the ceiling where he'd crawled in on wall-clamps.
"This is my apartment," said Tim. "It's called courtesy."
Damian sniffed. He padded around to Tim's desk and frowns at his cases, then said, with no further lead up, "I need your assistance."
"No," said Tim.
"You did not even listen to my request."
"Don't need to," said Tim. "Answer's still no. Door is that way. Bye."
"Father says mutually assisting each other is beneficial," said Damian.
"Father," said Tim sarcastically, "blamed me for you exploding a glitter bomb in the batcave two weeks ago."
"That is your fault for not being able to provide evidence to the contrary in an appropriately efficient manner," said Damian. He squinted down at Tim. "And he apologized. Eventually."
"I would not have glittered the batcomputer," said Tim. "Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to backup those servers? No, because you don't like tech work, you just profit off it."
"Blaming me for Father's mistake," said Damian, "Most mature of you. But we must put our differences aside. I have selected a new family member and I need you to dismantle a government organization."
That drew Tim up short. He blinked down at his ramen as though it might explain Damian's words to him, but the ramen remained disappointingly uninformative. "Repeat that," said Tim, gesturing with his chopsticks. "Slower, and with more detail."
Damian pulled out his phone and sent him an email. Silence surrounded them in the brief moment it took Tim to set aside his chopsticks and open the email. The subject line was titled 'New Baby Brother', which birthed all sorts of horrifying nightmares of Damian Part 2: Demon Child Boogaloo. The teen in the inserted picture, however, was reassuringly not in possession of Damian's bone structure.
He did have black hair and blue eyes. "Who am I looking at?" asked Tim.
"Daniel Fenton," said Damian. "He is fourteen years old, enjoys puns, and has recently awakened 'ghost powers' that allow him to transform into the vigilante Phantom to fight other ghosts."
"Is he also an orphan with a tragic backstory?"
"No," said Damian, and Tim relaxed. "But that will not be an issue. We can share custody if they cannot be removed from the picture."
"Jesus H, kid."
"I am joking, of course," said Damian blandly. "Murder is wrong."
"Ha ha," said Tim. "If he has parents already he's not joining our menagerie."
"He will," said Damian, with a smug upwards tilt of his lips. "He and I have a deal."
"So you're coercing him in addition to stalking him. Anything else you want to share with the class?"
Damian considered this query with a serious frown, which was how Tim knew this was not a flight of fancy or a very early midlife crisis (although with their lifestyle and Damian already having died before...).
"He has," said Damian after a moment, "a rogue that calls himself 'The Master of all Technology' and is a technopath." This was clearly meant to be of interest to Tim, and not to be a stereotype, but it kind of was.
"Great." Tim turned his attention back to the email the demon child sent him. He scanned through it quickly. There was apparently a secret and evil government organization dedicated to the investigation and extermination of 'ghosts' and other paranormal creatures in the world. Their latest efforts were focused on the town of Amity Park, Illinois, which was 'infested with ectoplasmic pests'. Their words, not Damian's. (It was specified in the email.)
"Okay," Tim drummed his fingers against his desk. "Before I help you defeat this secret evil government organization so that," he opened the email attachment with a contract on it and squinted at the legalese, "this poor newbie teen you've harassed into signing this joins the family in exchange."
"I did not harass him," Damian huffed. "It was a gentleman's agreement."
"Does he know that?"
"I am not a politician, Drake. I thoroughly explained the terms and legalities before presenting any contract. Now ask your question."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because," said Damian, tone implying 'you are stupid and haven't noticed something obvious, idiot'. "Father has begun saying he misses the noise around the manor and looking wistfully at old pictures."
"We still live there though?" said Tim. Damian looked flatly at him. "Sometimes."
"If you lived there frequently enough," said Damian, "you would already know Father is having...empty nest syndrome." Damian sounded disgusted. "I refuse to tolerate whatever inadequate and incompetent child he will find."
"So instead you found an incompetent and inadequate child for him?"
"Don't be stupid, Drake," said Damian. "I would not have chosen someone inadequate. Daniel is merely lacking formal training. Father can rectify this. It will keep him occupied for at least the next two to four years, which gives me enough time to find another black-haired, blue-eyed, tolerable child I approve of to be his successor and my second younger sibling." Damian paused. "Or until one of you procreates and gives him a grandchild."
"You're really serious about this," Tim whispered in horrified awe.
"I am serious about everything I do," said Damian. "Now, you will help me defeat this evil government organization so that our new sibling joins us."
"Okay," said Tim, but his mind snagged on a minor, throwaway detail, so utterly in odds with Damian 'Demonic Jealous Child' Al Ghul it surely came from another person - "Did you just call this kid your successor?"
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months ago
For the twins in time AU, I genuinely wonder what kind of people the young twins grow up into because of Stan’s/Ford’s influence. Especially if it takes years for the portal to get fixed.
(Sorry if it seems like I already sent this question, I don’t know if it got sent the first time I asked)
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I haven’t fully fleshed out how Ford grows up in the past but I do have thoughts on Stan presently
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lukellios · 2 years ago
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What a difference six years makes
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months ago
purple hawke who, at malcolm's death, lost not only a father, a mentor, the single most stable and safe point in their world up until this moment. but also the only person in their life who would consistently, gleefully 'yes, and — ' them. the loss, in one fell swoop, of both a beloved parent and your sole willing — no, not only willing, enthusiastic — improv partner. truly, the most unkindest cut of all that the maker could have seen fit to deal. (there's always so much less laughter in the house, after malcolm's gone.)
and then after all the horrors of the blight and trying to make a new life in the shithole turned shithome of kirkwall....... they meet varric. and something that's been slumbering deep within their soul dries a tear of relief and joy and whispers 'oh we are so back'. and they are so right
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4theitgirls · 8 months ago
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froggtogs · 7 months ago
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old design redraws! falling down this rabbit hole again haha
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symbologic · 26 days ago
Zoro's devotion to the crew is undeniable, but that doesn't define his dream He aims to become the greatest swordsman who ever lived. And his post-Baratie dedication to that singular ambition stems directly from, and uniquely belongs to Luffy
Of course he'll protect his friends at any cost! But his willingness to make previously unimaginable sacrifices — the deal with Kuma, begging Mihawk for help post-Marineford — shows something much deeper than simply protecting his comrades Luffy is the only living person who fuels his ambition to become the world's greatest. So when Zoro makes these unthinkable sacrifices, he is showing us how far he's willing to go for his dream Because to Zoro, Luffy and his dream go hand-in-hand
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glowupwithamy · 11 months ago
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Finish what you started and transform your productivity
Recently i picked up a book i hadn't read in a long time for the past week i hadn't been able to work properly my tasks were going unfinished so i opened my cupboard and saw that book right in front of me. Then i read the whole book in just a one night and it sparked inspiration in me ..So i thought why not share everything i learned with all of you?
So I'm giving you guys a structured summary of Finish The Art of Following Through - Taking Action, Executing & Self Discipline by Peter Hollins -
1. The Importance of Execution
The ability to follow through allows you to create the life you desire rather than settling for the one you currently have. The process consists of focus, self-discipline, action, and persistence
2. Barriers to Follow Through
- Inhibiting Tactics: These include setting bad goals, procrastination, succumbing to distractions, and poor time management.
- Psychological Roadblocks: These encompass laziness, fear of judgment or failure, perfectionism driven by insecurity, and lack of self-awareness.
3. Staying Motivated
To remain motivated holds both external and internal motivators -
- External Motivators: These involve utilizing other people or resources to encourage action, such as accountability partners upfront investments and self bribery
- Internal Motivators: These focus on understanding personal benefits and improvements. Ask yourself questions such as How will this benefit me? and How will my life improve?
4. Developing a Manifesto
A manifesto is a set of daily rules that guide your actions so her are the some key rules -
- Rule 1: Identify if you’re acting out of laziness and avoid it.
- Rule 2: Limit yourself to three major tasks per day.
- Rule 3: Establish daily limitations and requirements
- Rule 4: Reaffirm your intentions through statements like I want I , will and I won't
- Rule 5: Reflect on the future consequences of not following through
- Rule 6: Utilize the concept of "just 10 minutes" to push through discomfort.
5. Follow Through Mindsets
- Mindset 1: Recognize the worthiness of your efforts.
⭐ Mindset 2: Become comfortable with discomfort.
- Mindset 3: Understand that learning comes from completing tasks.
- Mindset 4: Manage stress and anxiety effectively
6. Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination can be managed through strategies such as:
- Temptation Bundling: Combine unpleasant tasks with enjoyable activities.
- Creating Momentum: Make starting tasks as easy as possible to gain momentum.
- Leveraging Fear: Use productive paranoia to spur action but cautiously
7. Minimizing Distractions
Create a work environment free from distractions and focus on
⭐ Single Tasking: Avoid multitasking to eliminate attention residue ( I will also create a separate blog on this topic i used to face this problem earlier and i have used many methods to reduce my habit of multitasking so i will write a blog about it. Don't worry )
- Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks to improve efficiency.
- Creating a Don't-Do List : Identify tasks to ignore and avoid ( This method is literally too much helpful )
8. The 40–70 Rule
This rule suggests acting when you have 70% of the necessary information as waiting for 100% is unrealistic
9. The Importance of Rest
Recognize the value of rest and relaxation as essential for mental recovery
10. Common Pitfalls
- False Hope Syndrome: Avoid unrealistic expectations and set achievable goals.
- Overthinking: Avoid excessive rumination and focus on taking action.
- Worrying: Concentrate on the present and control what you can.
11. Developing Daily Systems
Establish daily behaviors that promote consistency and long term success
⭐ Keep a Scoreboard: Track progress for motivation ( Ive been using this method for the past four days it literally shows me where I am making mistakes and what I need to do to complete my unfinished tasks )
By following these structured advice you can improve your ability to finish what you start and achieve your goals
If you have any questions or tips to share feel free to drop them in the comments in here to chat , Stay connected for more tips and insights thanks :)
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year ago
a glamorous well-being⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌸
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i've decided to write this post to remind my audience that you're own well being comes first and just share some ways on how you can focus on ur well being in small steps that can gradually build a lifestyle.
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go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. when ur well rested you'll feel and look your best. theres a reason why ppl call beauty sleep beauty sleep.
when u dont get enough sleep ur skin is dull, you'll start to have eyebags beneath ur eyes and can even shorten ur life span. and thats not hot.
if u feel like it'll make u more well rested, take a midday nap. if u find that u have problems sleeping, having a before bed routine that soothes u can rly help u to sleep like the angel that you are.
drink a warm cup of tea before bed
do gentle stretches
take a soothing bath or shower
we experience the fear of missing out bcuz of our habit of consuming hundreds if not thousands of unnecessary information every single day. in a way we've become information addicts.
no scroll mornings - cutting a habit completely might be hard so dont jump in with both feet immediately. go little by little.
digital declutter - intentionally cut out optional online activity and instead focus on something in person like ur community, urself and ur projects
if the weather permits, i rly recommend going for walks. walking is not only good for ur body but also ur mind and getting fresh air and sunlight is rly good for u and important.
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start doing guided meditations
go on daily walks to get some fresh air
journalling is so easy and fun and glamorous. i love the concept of journals bcuz its just such a cute way to get everything from ur mind onto paper which is helpful.
to journal with the intention of improving ur well being i recommend to get into shadow work cuz its like journal therapy. i'll link a post with shadow work prompts right here, that way you can have a place to kind of start off from.
other then simply doing shadow work journalling or maintaining a diary of sorts is also helpful for ur well being bcuz it showcases ur growth and its a great way to cultivate a sense of self without fear of judgement or privacy invasion from others.
i think that the secret to overall wellness in the most glamorous way possible is a bunch of little habits that can contribute to an overall beautiful and glamorous inside and outside.
so focus on building habits before you make a huge lifestyle switch. not to confuse this with not being all in. you must be all in otherwise you'll fall back into unhealthy and old patterns for the sake of comfort.
but thats not hot, you can take baby steps while still being all in. commit to a more vibrant and more well self cuz you'll thank urself in the long run.
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deepestdelulu · 4 months ago
30 Things To Make Life Unforgettable
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Appreciating life is one of the things I´ve learned this year, small things, happy moments... All of them are valuable for who we are as well as who we will become. However, we are not conscious of what we have, all the feellings we are experimenting and the opportunities we are losing for doing other things (such as being on our phones 5+ hours). I hope this list helps you making life a little bit simpler.
Walking in the rain. In my city rains a lot, so I´m not going to propose you going to the beach, since I can´t (obv you can do it), we have to adapt ourselves to what we have, and rain is one of my favourite things, I used to hate it when I was younger tho.
Spend your day in a cozy cafe. Not only can you have a coffee, but you can also read, study and be productive. The bes part is that you are experimenting new things, being productive and having fun with a hot coffe/tea.
Put your phone away. Be present babe, this is all what we have, you want to live your life, don´t you? Then start doing it, of course you are not going to live advemtures everyday, but at least you can try it. :)
Learn new things. It will never be a waste of time knowledge.
Be more passionate and intense. Who cares if you are too much? It only matters what YOU want.
Trying new recipees. I didn´t use to be a big fan of cooking, but I tried it few months ago, and let me tell you, all I do naw are bisquits for people I care.
More museums, more art gallery. I´ve always wanted to give mysterious girl vibes (I´m a yapper but introverted at the same time) you can always try reading in a museum.
"For the plot" mindset. My friends and I sometimes play saying yes to almost everything, just to see hwo things develop. It´s very fun:)
Bucketlisting. In a world of consumerism no one can scape
Trying something new. I started dancing, and I feel so energetic.
Learning to be alone. I do have a post about it :) go check it after this one.
Candle+Sweater=Coziness. Scented candles, my bff in autumn/winter.
Book annotating. It helps focusing, you can go through your notes after it and in my opinion creates more powerful bonds with the story and you.
Old classic books. Culture girls are the hottest.
Cooking your own meals. It's such a simple and sweet act of self-care. You can also try making your own Jam or something.
Doing things that you enjoyed as a child. My favorites are horse riding, swimming, baking, and bubble baths.
Buying flowers for yourself. It doesn't have to be an expensive and fancy bouquet, just some pretty flowers for your room.
Doing your nails. I like red wine ones, makes me feel like a vampire!
Taking more Photos. You can also buy a cool vintage camera (I recommend looking on eBay!) to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Trying crochet, knitting, or sewing. I'm trying to crochet a sweater for my dog right now, haha.
Planting a plant. I tried to plant an avocado, but it didn´t grow as i expected, although i´ll keep trying it
Making plans with your friends like going on a picnic. You could plan some themed picnics like cottagecore, homemade food from your culture, strawberries, and so on; also a great opportunity to take some pictures!
Do volunteer work. Tried it last year, it was so fun to learn new skills and meeting new people while trying to make world better.
Writing a diary. Writing down things that have happened and looking back at them feels really lovely to me.
Writing letters to your friends. Letters just feel more personal than text; you can also keep them as a memory.
Dressing in a way that makes you feel happy. Wearing outfits that make you feel confident will definitely make life better.
Petting stray cats. I love cats.
Starting to collect something. You could collect something small like jewelry or postcards!
Playing music in the background while doing stuff. I can't stop listening to the lofi girl stream on youtube, haha.
Going on gloomy walks in the Forrest. Name something more comforting. I will wait.
Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧
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gloriousmonsters · 24 days ago
xue yang: yeah my sword is called Making Disasters Happen
jgy: mine is called Hating Life <3
sms: ᵐᶦⁿᵉ ᶦˢ ᶜᵃˡˡᵉᵈ ᶠᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ˢʸˢᵗᵉᵐ
xy: sorry. what.
sms: mine is called 'fight the system'
xy: ...
jgy: ...
jgy: minshan I kind of need the system to advance my -
sms: well I'm not going to do it now!
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violent138 · 3 months ago
I love the idea that Martha just knew somehow that Clark was an alien (don't give me a well duh he arrived in a spaceship you coconut because I read this one comic where Jonathan genuinely spins out at the realisation). I feel like Martha spent hours gathering evidence and Jonathan was like, babe I love you but would you fucking stop? He's not got attenae or anything can we just be pleased about our miracle kid. And then Clark gets powers and Martha whispers about her little conspiracy again and Jonathan whispers back this is not proof he's an alien! He's just like that!
Martha does classic exorcism movie shit like attend university lectures on extraterrestrial life and grill the professor on the chances of it and what if it looks like us, et cetera and share her notes and brochures with a highly bemused Jon who tells her instead about how Clark helped the vet they called over.
And then they get solid evidence and Martha is vindicated and Jonathan is floored. Because alien was so wacky he'd never seriously considered it amongst his chief hypotheses (misplaced lab experiment, standard miracle baby).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl found dead in a hidden room.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan xichen#jin guangyao#jiang cheng#wei wuxian#qin su#EDIT: Tumblr published an earlier draft with only half the notes I wrote so: late entry on my JGY thoughts.#Unlike the mystic powers of the stockmarket (what the OG meme is referring to) I think this situation calls for more active investigation.#qin su is such a deeply tragic character to me and I really wish we got a bit more from her.#Love everyone who sent me messages about her after the last time she appeared.#I think she needs a spin off of her being a transmigrator SO badly.#MDZS has so many interesting characters - but it sometimes fails to give them the proper room to really develop past a role in the plot.#That's just the consequence of writing a story like MDZS. Not every character in a book *needs* to have a rich inner life and backstory!#To do so would bog down the story and obliterate any notion of pacing. It's just not possible.#Jin Guangyao (nee Meng Yao) is unfortunately not free from this leeway rule. He is the culprit of this murder mystery plot#and thus NEEDS to encapsulate the themes of the book. And personally he's a 7 out of 10 at best on this front (in the AD).#MDZS is about rumours twisting reality and working towards truth. And about how people & situations are rarely ever black & white#JGY has his motivations. He's well written in regards to his actions making sense for his character.#What started as good traits (drive to succeed & improve his image) became twisted over time (do anything to maintain his image)#and it's a good parallel to WWX! He has the same arc (with different traits)! Bonus points for IGY in that regard.#but man....by the time we confront this guy for murder there's not a lot of grey morality. He's just...deep in the hole *he* dug.#There's a beautiful tragedy to it! More on JGY in later comics - this is getting pretty long already!
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