#but there are some interesting possibilities
noodles-and-tea · 10 hours
For the twins in time AU, I genuinely wonder what kind of people the young twins grow up into because of Stan’s/Ford’s influence. Especially if it takes years for the portal to get fixed.
(Sorry if it seems like I already sent this question, I don’t know if it got sent the first time I asked)
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I haven’t fully fleshed out how Ford grows up in the past but I do have thoughts on Stan presently
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monstersflashlight · 3 days
Day 2. Monster-kinktober: Artificial intelligence + Handjobs/Temperature play
A/N: This is a prequel piece of this one that nobody asked for but I wanted to write. Also, I took handjob in the literal way, so we have fingering as handjob here. Enjoy!
Robot x fem!reader || dirty talk (kinda), fingering, temperature play, semi-public sex (technically)
When you started working in the factory, you were mesmerized by the robots. You were the only human in your floor and thought they would be more… mechanical. But they weren’t. They looked very much robot-like, but they were great at conversation. They were nice in a very human way, and that only made them even more appealing for you. They were interesting, and weird looking, and a bit androgynous in the best way possible. So nobody would blame you when you say you fell in love with one of them.
It all started in a slow Wednesday afternoon. You had a couple hours until the end of your shift but there wasn’t much to do, so you were just filling some paperwork and trying to look busy without being too obvious about the fact that you were only moving papers around. And then someone knocked on the door of your office. You thought it would be one of the humans of other floors, looking for something and being too stupid to ask the robots. Some humans didn’t like the fact that the company was mainly robot oriented.
But it wasn’t a human. It was your favorite robot looking as weird and mechanic as always, and making your pulse skip a beat as he showed his silver bald head. “Hi! What can I do for you?” You asked cheerfully.
“I have a question,” he said in his monotonous tone, eyes unblinking. At first it was unsettling that they didn’t blink, but you got used to it and now it was a bit exhilarating to be the focus of attention of a robot, they didn’t miss a single movement you did and that called to you in a weird way.
“Okay. What kind of question?” You questioned, looking at him in the most professional way you could muster, but probably failing because he was robotically hot. In a way that made your pussy a little bit wet every time you talked to him.
He didn’t wait more than two seconds before shooting at you: “Do humans like robots?”
“Wow, that’s a big question right there.” You thought about it for a few seconds, trying to organize your thoughts to explain human-supremacy groups to a robot. “Some humans like robots just fine, but other humans think they are inferior to humanity so they…”
He cut you. “No, no. I understand that, I mean if humans like like robots,” he clarified.
And for a moment you were speechless, was he really asking if human and robots could have some kind of romantic or sexual connection? Was that even a possibility? You’d thought about it (a lot), but you never knew robots could feel that way about humans, you weren’t even sure they felt. You knew artificial intelligence was great nowadays, but you weren’t sure and thought it would be rude to ask. Good luck they weren’t scared to ask anything and were always truthful.
“Oh. Oh. I don’t know… Yeah, I guess so. Why not?” You answered, trying to sound neutral about it.
He looked at you for a few more seconds before asking: “Do you like robots? Do you like me?” He caught you completely unprepared for that question.
“What?” You squealed.
“I like you.” You just discovered they could like humans, and your brain was trying to process a thousand little movements and interactions at the same time, trying to figure out if he meant what you thought he meant.
“What do you like about me?” You asked, still confused about what was happening. Was your robot crush really telling you he wanted to have his way with you, too? That wasn’t possible, was it?
“You treat me like an equal, and you are always nice to all robots. Also you look squeeze and I want to touch you.” You choked on a laugh at that part. “Do you like me?” He repeated.
You thought about it for half a second, thinking about the naughty fantasies you had all alone in your house. You thought about all the extra time you spent in his area just to chat with him for a bit. You did have a crush on him. “Yes,” you finally let out, a spark of hope inside your chest.
“Good,” he accepted, his head bobbing up and down in a very non-human way that made you want to smile. “Are you my girlfriend now?” He said, making you giggle.
“Aren’t you going to take me out first?” You joked.
He looked panicked for a second. “Yes. Yes. Human records said we need to go to dinner and to the movies. But I don’t eat, and I’m not allowed into cinemas. But we can skip that and do the fucking, that’s third date as the internet explained,” he deadpanned, making you choke on air and start coughing really hard.
“We can do what?” You choked out, eyes as big as plates as you looked at him.
“The fucking. The internet said human partners used their genitals together to get pleasure. I don’t have genitals, but I can create some,” he explained in his toneless voice, making it sound serious and ridiculous at the same time. He continued: “different shapes, different colors, they can attach. I have them on my desk. I’ll bring them. Wait here,” he ordered.
“Wait!” But he was already gone.
He came back a couple minutes late, carrying a big box full of various dicks of different colors, shapes and even textures. You were looking into the box trying to decipher when your life became so surreal and how did your boring Wednesday end up with a robot boyfriend and a box full of attachable dildos.
“We can try them now,” he announced, reaching to grab one when you stopped him.
“No! We are working.”
“But I want to touch you and I have no job right now. You don’t either. You’ve been moving papers around all day.” You didn’t even have time to process the fact that he was aware of your every moment before he was talking again. “Let me touch you, please.” His voice sounded mechanical and had zero tone to it, but at the same time it sounded like a plea and you found yourself accepting with a soft “okay”.
He approached you and lowered his bald robot head until he was a couple centimeters away from your face, he stared without blinking until you looked away, red blush covering your cheeks. “I like that you can change colors,” he said, making you smile. “Can I see your tits? The internet said human women liked them played with.” His change of behaviour from cute to horny robot made you want to laugh maniacally.
“Some human women do, some don’t,” you explained.
“Do you? Do you like your boobs being played with?” He asked, his head tilted to the side in a very puppy-like gesture that made your heart skip a beat. He was looking at your covered boobs like they held the answers to all his questions. He reached for your buttons and you didn’t stop him.
“Ye- yes,” you stuttered, suddenly nervous as he unbuttoned your shirt and stared at your lacy bra. He lowered it down, exposing your tits to the cold air of the office and making your body shiver.
“Why are they hard?” He asked at the same time he pinched one of your nipples with a bit too much force. You let out a gasp and he released it, just to do it again. You liked that he was playful, it was refreshing.
“It’s cold and they are sensitive,” you let out between heavy breaths.
“They turn hard when cold?” You nodded, and then cried out when his fingers suddenly became as cold as ice as he rubbed your nipples with them, making your back arch on your chair. “Oh. And what happens if it’s hot?” He asked as you felt his hands became scalding hot and you cried out again.
He did it a couple more times, pinching and rubbing and making you lose your mind with just his fingers. You were almost at the edge of a good orgasm when his hands traveled down, popping the button of your pants and rubbing your covered mound.
“The internet said this was the best place to give pleasure. Is that true?” He asked, his hand slipped lower, rubbing over your dripping center. You nodded frantically, grabbing onto the sides of the chair like your life depended on it. “It’s wet and soft,” he noted. You flushed redder, your face flaming hot as he explored the inside of your pants. He pushed your panties to the side and touched right over your aching pussy, making you cry out again, your eyes rolling back into your head. “Do you like that?” You nodded, your teeth biting down on your lips so hard you tasted blood.
He rubbed up and down your pussy for a while, not doing anything crazy, just two fingers collecting your wetness and exploring your most vulnerable place. He hummed every once in a while, looking at you unblinkingly as you squirmed on the seat. And then he found your clit, his fingers rubbing over it with such precision you saw starts and had to cover your mouth.
“I wonder what happens if I apply cold here,” he said out loud as you felt his fingers turning ice cold and your body shivered, more juices dripping from your pussy.
He turned his fingers scorching hot, rubbing your clit, and then cold when he rubbed them over your entrance. You were on edge, but he wasn’t even trying to get you off. You were desperate, wanting to do something, to come, but you wanted to let him explore you some more… It was exhilarating to have him pay such attention to you.
And then he surprised you pushing two fingers inside as he rubbed his thumb over your clit. The combination making your body jerk as he gave you the robot equivalent of a smirk, which looked like a weirdly creepy grin that made your pulse race and your pussy wetter. He crocked his fingers and found your G-spot, faster than any human ever had, and you screamed under your palm. He looked at you and did it again, rubbing your clit and sweet spot at the same time. Your orgasm was so close you could feel it at the tip of your consciousness, but he stopped then. Just for a few seconds, but enough to make you release your hold on the chair and grab his bald metallic head.
“Make me cum,” you pleaded.
He didn’t answer, he just grabbed one of your boobs with his free hand and started rubbing ice cold fingers over your nipple. At the same time the hand in your pants got hotter and hotter, almost too hot, but so, so good. He thrust inside of you a couple times, his thumb rubbing over your clit… and that was it. You screamed as your back arched and your body fell into the most intense orgasm of your life as he stared at your contorted face.
You were coming down from the high when he said: “I liked that. Next time we should try the dildos,” he stated, voice monotonous.
“Yeah… Whatever you want,” you told him, too tired to argue, and too excited to try.
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egophiliac · 12 hours
So I was doing some math, and I THINK Skully is almost as tall as Malleus without his horns
I think the main reference to his height is Epel being surprised they're the same age because he's taller than Sebek, yes? which I find interesting, considering Jade and Malleus -- two of the tallest guys in the main cast -- are also there. and, since I've never been one to not think waaaay too much about the absolute stupidest minutiae about fictional characters, I see two possibilities:
one is that Epel is extremely good at eyeballing heights (I actually do feel like he could be? like. I'd believe he can estimate someone's height fairly accurately by calculating based on the life stages of an apple tree, or how many apples tall they are, or something else apple-related like that.) and Scully does, perhaps, fall into that narrow margin between Sebek and Jade in height.
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OR two, out of the three certified Tall Guys there, Sebek is Epel's main frame of reference because he's the only one he's had any real interaction with for, let's be fair, pretty obvious reasons.
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SO in conclusion, we still have no concrete answers and will probably have to wait until next year when we get his card profile, alas alas. 😔
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ohbo-ohno · 3 days
Kinktober Day 2 - Voyeurism
Ghost x Soap x F!Reader - 2.3k (on ao3)
summary: Ghost enlists you to help him give his pup a good show. (Soap's POV)
cw: dom!ghost, puppy play, man in a dog cage, consensual but surprise voyeurism (for you), cock cage, ring gag
“Stay,” Ghost ordered, voice pitched low and quiet, the same way he talks over the comms. Johnny’s reaction is immediate, shoulders relaxing as he sinks back on his haunches in the dog crate Simon had locked him in. “Quiet now, hear? Don’t want you scarin’ off the bird.”
Johnny nods, carefully keeping his expression flat instead of annoyed, the wide o-ring gag making it so that even the slightest sound he makes will be impossible to muffle. This is his least favorite part of the punishment – Johnny's vocal, loves being vocal, but Simon loves to make him really struggle when he's in trouble. There hasn't been a punishment yet where Simon hasn't either gagged him or gotten mean about any noise he makes ungagged. 
(It would be easier to hate if Simon's mean didn't make Johnny melt, make his cock rock hard and leaky, but Johnny's not really in denial about what he is - being a slut usually gets him fucked until he's seeing stars, and it's even better if Ghost whips his ass raw beforehand.)
Ghost gives him another long, assessing look, and Johnny just barely holds himself back from shifting and earning himself even more discomfort before the fun can start. A moment later Ghost steps away, one last don’t fuck with me look sent to Johnny before he steps to open the door. 
You’d arrived several minutes ago but hadn’t been let in. Johnny’s sure Simon made up some flimsy excuse to keep you out while he trussed him up in his gear, but he’d been a bit preoccupied with getting his cock crammed into a tight cage to really care.
He can just catch a glimpse of you when Ghost opens the door, a long expanse of bare legs and a skirt that can’t possibly cover your ass, and already he’s struggling not to groan and get himself in trouble before anything even starts.
“Sorry,” Ghost grunts as he gestures you in, and Soap feels a flash of surprise at an actual apology from his Lt. “Had to crate the dog.”
“Oh, that’s no problem,” you say, voice soft and lovely and God Johnny just knows he’s going to be miserable for the foreseeable future. “But, will he- be in the room?”
Ghost snorts, and Johnny shifts on his knees, lacing his fingers through the wires of his crate. 
“Sure will,” Ghost says, closing and locking the door behind him as you shed your jacket. “He likes the show.”
Johnny can see the way your nose crinkles from where he is, a flash of disgust clear as day on your face as you turn back towards Ghost. “Excuse me–?”
Simon doesn’t bother answering, just jerks his head towards where Johnny’s cage is just barely visible through the open bedroom door.
Your face is still creased in disgust when you turn to follow Ghost’s line of sight, and Johnny just barely manages to bite back a moan as he gets a front-row seat to realization setting in for you. Your expression flips quickly from disgust, to shock, to confusion, to interest, flipping back and forth again and again before you settle on what seems to be tentative interest.
“He’s a noisy thing,” Ghost says, stepping up behind you and resting his hands low on your hips. ���I told him to keep his trap shut, but well...”
You swallow, and Johnny can see the way your throat moves with the action, mimicking you unconsciously as best he can. You hesitate for a moment, standing on a precipice as Ghost feels you up and Johnny waits for your verdict.
“Not exactly fair, is it?” You finally say, leaning into the behemoth at your back. “With that thing in his mouth?”
The smirk on Simon’s face makes Johnny’s cock twitch in the cage, and the slightest sliver of a whine eeks out of his throat. He squeezes hard around the plug in his ass, breath hitching when that just makes him even needier.
“He deserves it.” Simon noses at your throat, mouth pressed against your skin. “Chewed up my boots when I was at work.”
It's an obvious lie, but you laugh and Johnny can’t stop the whine this time, leaning forward into the bars and wishing desperately that you weren’t so far away. The metal is cool against his flushed skin and he pants through the gag.
“Poor thing,” you coo, sighing as Simon does something to your neck that Johnny can’t quite see. “He was probably just lonely.”
Ghost makes a low sound of doubt, and if Johnny’s cock were free he’d be harder than diamond, he’s sure of it.
“Still, he knows he broke the rules,” Simon rumbles, and the two of you start moving forward, his big paws on your hips guiding you just where he wants you. “This is his punishment.”
You giggle when Ghost starts truly manhandling you, pulling your sweater off with little care for how you get tangled up in it and yanking at your bra with the same level of care. “What, watching us?”
Ghost hums an affirmative, and when you glance over at him and wink, Johnny moans. He can feel the drool dripping down his chin when you bend at the waist, pulling your skirt down and leaving yourself fully bared to the room.
Fuck, you’re not wearing any panties. The image of you walking to their apartment in a skirt that’s borderline indecent with nothing covering you… 
Johnny’s hardly aware of the whines coming from him, doesn’t manage to get control of himself until Ghost slams a hand on top of his crate and jolts him back into reality.
“The hell did I say, huh?” He asks, scowling. You’re already sitting on the bed, legs crossed all prim and proper and oh Johnny can’t wait to see you ravaged. “You even listenin’ to me, mutt?”
Johnny jerks his attention back up to Ghost, eyes wide and pleading as he nods, letting his hands fall from the cage to his lap and hunching his shoulders to make himself look as rueful as possible. Simon is blatantly unimpressed, eyebrow cocked. 
“Don’t give me that look. I told you quiet, and you’re over here yippin’ and barkin’.”
Johnny wants to glare and say that’s not true ye fuckin’ arsehole, I cannae even move my damn lips but he also wants his cock free from the cage keeping him soft, wants the plug in his ass to be a cock, so he gathers all his self control and ducks his head, silent and begging for mercy.
Simon gives it to him for once, giving in far more quickly than he usually would. Johnny attributes it to your presence and your cunt waiting for him on the bed, and looks at you from beneath his lashes with what he hopes is clear appreciation.
Ghost gives him one last look. “Don’t make me tell you again,” he says, before turning towards you on the bed. Johnny gets a fantastic view of him pulling his shirt off by the neckline, and hears the distinct sound of his belt being undone just a moment later.
His first test at keeping himself quiet comes when Simon drops his pants and leans over you, and Johnny realizes that he can hardly see a bit of your skin. Ghost’s got his back to the crate, and the bastard’s massive enough that he nearly swallows your form whole, leaving just your calves and feet visible when they wrap around his thighs.
Johnny lets his tongue rest on his bottom lip, panting loudly to try and ease the urge to whine and beg until you could be shifted to the side so he can see. 
His patience, as thin as it is, is rewarded just a moment later when Ghost picks you up by the thighs and all but throws you to the side. You squeal at the rough manhandling, laughing as he settles himself over you again. Ghost quickly kisses you, swallowing any more sounds you might make, and buries one of his hands between your thighs. 
There are words shared between the two of you that Johnny can’t quite hear, and the jealousy simmers deep in his gut. He can practically feel your lips on his, or Simon’s, wants nothing more than to be freed from both his cages and allowed to worm his way between your bodies. He's already stretched and prepped, he knows he'd be able to fuck you just seconds after the cage would come off.
But Ghost doesn’t come to free him, he just kicks his jeans fully off and strokes his cock above your stomach.
“Fuck,” you groan, loud enough for Johnny to hear now. You're squirmy beneath Simon, pushing yourself up against him and trying to hold him close with your legs. “I’m not sure it’ll fit.”
“It will,” Ghost says simply, unshakable confidence in his voice as he holds himself above you, lining his cockhead up with your hole. He goes at his own pace, all your pushing and pulling doing nothing.
Johnny can’t hold back his whine when he realizes he won’t be able to see, is stuck with just the sight of your face twisted in ecstasy as Simon steadily fills you. He wants to see Simon's cock disappear steadily, wants to see the rim of your hole squeeze him tightly and watch as slick drips down to your ass. He wants it so badly he could cry.
You’re quickly reduced to nothing more than the same pathetic sounds Johnny is stuck making, raking your nails down Simon’s back as he gives you no time to adjust to what Johnny knows is a nearly impossible stretch.
Your chest heaves, your breaths loud, and Simon quickly sets a pace that fucks any hope of speech away from you, keeping you soft and desperate beneath him. The sight of Simon’s powerful body moving over you has Johnny squirming, thankful that you’re loud enough to cover the noises he can’t keep in.  
“See?” Ghost grunts, hips snapping against yours. “Fits like a glove, bird.”
“F-full,” you gasp, smacking him on the back as he bullies his cock into you again and again, your legs kicking out on instinct as you're overwhelmed by him.
“Damn right,” Ghost says, and Johnny wants to be you so badly right now that he can hardly breathe, eyes welling up with tears as he watches the two of you. Drool drips from his tongue in a steady stream, mouth watering at the show before him and the music you’re making. He wants to beg and plead, to insist that he can be good, that he’ll listen if Ghost just lets him out for a turn.
His cock aches in its metal prison, hole pulsing around the plug keeping him spread, and the first few tears drip down his cheeks. He wraps his fingers in the crate bars so that he won’t pry the cock cage off himself. 
“Simon, Simon!” You cry, voice shrill as you’re chased towards a peak Johnny knows you're desperate for. “Right there, right there, right there, please!”
“You’re louder’n he is,” Ghost grunts, but he listens, fucking you even more roughly and wrapping an arm around your shoulders to keep you in place. “Gonna come on my cock, pretty? Gonna soak the bed for me?”
“Yes, yes!”
“Do it then.” He uses his free hand to twist one of your nipples, drawing a near-screech from you. Johnny can’t see much, not with the way Simon drops onto you to put his full weight behind each thrust, your body hidden beneath his. The two of you just become naked bodies pressed against one another, the rocking of Ghost’s hips the only true movement he can see.
You’re loud when you orgasm, and Johnny moans along with you, the sight of your blissed-out expression only driving his need higher and higher.
You’re limp beneath Ghost as he chases his own release in your cunt, your head rolling to the side so you can watch Johnny as Simon finishes himself off.
Ghost groans as he comes, burying his face in your neck as his thrusts slow. Johnny can practically feel the come in his own hole, wants something fucking him almost more than he even wants to come. The plug is nothing compared to Ghost's cock, he knows it, and he wants something to really make him burn nearly as much as he wants to get off.
You’re boneless and relaxed on the bed in the aftermath, your only noise a small sound of discomfort when Simon pulls himself out of you a few long moments later. Your eyes don’t fully close, though Johnny can tell they want to. Instead you keep your gaze trained on Johnny’s tense form as he fights to keep himself sane in his cage.
He can’t tear his eyes away from you as Ghost stands, finally able to see your fully naked form without anything else in the way. You spread your legs a bit for him, a silly smile playing at your lips, but the angle you’re at on the bed keeps Johnny from seeing your cunt. 
Ghost doesn’t make any attempt at being quiet when he unlocks the cage, key clanking loudly against the lock and the lock clanking loudly against the bars. He’s just as brief with Johnny’s gag, almost dismissive as he undoes the straps and tugs it off.
Only once his mouth is free does Johnny finally turn to look at him, forcing his eyes away from your enticing form but still staying obediently quiet.
Ghost has that sated look in his eye he only gets after truly satisfying fucks, and that spark of jealousy in Johnny’s gut grows just a bit knowing he wasn't the one to put it there. Simon tilts his head when they make eye contact, and moves back from the cage enough to make it clear he wants Johnny out.
“Go get your treat, boy,” he says as Johnny shifts forward, staying on his hands and knees and whimpering when the plug shifts inside of him. “You took your punishment well.”
Johnny licks his lips as he turns and gets his first true look at your cunt, well-fucked and dripping slick. He licks his lips as he shifts forward, cock-cage easily forgotten when he gets his first taste of you.
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Hiiii! ^^
Could I request riddle,Leona,and Kalim who’s s/o was put under a love spell on purpose by another student so now they’re in love with said student, and the only way for them to break the spell on their s/o is by an act of true love?
Kalim Al-Asim:
Kalim doesn’t understand the switch-up, finding himself with an unbearable pain in his chest that no potion could cure. He heard whispers of something underfoot but couldn’t pinpoint the rumors, and you were almost refusing to talk to him at that point. Your new significant other seemed to keep you apart as long as possible, always at your side, and Kalim realized he had to say what he needed to regardless of who was around. His declaration of love is loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear, saying he knew you were meant to grow old together but if you didn’t feel the same, he would simply accept it. He would wait forever if he had to, even if you came back when he was a wrinkled old man on his last legs, just one more year of being together would make him the happiest man in the world. The potions persuasive powers never stood a chance against his genuine, slightly awkward words, and Kalim is overjoyed when you’re back in his arms.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona doesn’t hesitate to investigate your sudden change in attitude, a good excuse to ignore the negativity swirling around inside of him as you appeared attached to another student’s side. It would be all too easy to beat the tar out of the student and then force him to reverse the effects, but that wouldn’t be an elegant show for a prince, would it? But a public declaration… As much as he loathed the thought of others in his business, he had to make it clear you were his. He hadn’t started a relationship with a person he didn’t have a future with, and he wasn’t going to be start all over with someone new. When he spoke others paid attention, and your gaze is drawn to him as he kept his eyes on you, as if there were no one else around. You were his, only his, just as he was yours, and he told you to consider that fact before finding yourself distracted by some herbivore. His actions generally spoke for him but for him to use his words was shocking enough that the potions effects wore off completely, and you find yourself in his arms confused about why you had done what you did. Leona sent a smirk to the student who had never truly captured your interest, the glint of his fangs serving as a threat if anymore foolishness was to take place.
Riddle Rosehearts:
Riddle had never been more bewildered in his life. Had he done something wrong? Was there a relationship rule he had forgotten about that left you upset with him? He can’t imagine what he had done or why you couldn’t answer him, frustrated that he was left in the dark. Cater is the one who mentioned a new potion recipe floating around that could cause the sudden switch-up, recoiling at the sight of Riddle’s furrowed eyebrows and scowl as he asked how it could wear off. With no solution easily found Riddle began to research how to reverse these effects, looking into the ingredients used and spending long hours with his nose buried in various books to the point he was ignoring the Queen of Hearts rules. When he can finally brew the perfect concoction he enlisted Trey’s help (almost as if he was afraid to face you directly should this 'cure' fail), who placed it inside a treat you could never deny. You seem puzzled about why you’re not with Riddle, as tea time was approaching and you scurried off without a second thought as you didn’t want to be scolded for being late.
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feeder86 · 19 hours
Roy's Boy
“Don’t even go there,” warned Roy as he saw Scotty checking out the most handsome guy he had ever seen coming into the bar.
“Who is he?” Scotty marvelled, turning to his much older boss. Tall, muscular and with the face of a supermodel, the guy who had just come in wasn’t in the same league as anyone else there that night.
“He’s bad news,” Roy stated, between grabbing drinks from the refrigerators behind him. “Not the type you want to get messed up with.”
Scotty served his own customers, continuing to glance over their shoulders as the outstandingly beautiful guy began perusing the crowds there that night as if they were pieces of meat.
“Jed’s a bratty jerk who thinks he rules this town just because mommy and daddy own the timber plant,” Roy went on to explain. “I’ve had more than a few run-ins with him, lording about in here like he owns the place. It’s a wonder he can get his head through the door,” he sighed, keeping an eye on the guy as he strutted about.
“His family actually owns the timber plant?” Scotty replied, impressed.
Roy sighed, seeing that his new, young bartender wasn’t getting the message he’d intended. “Just trust me on this one. Jed’s not a nice guy. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories I’ve heard about how he gets his kicks.”
Scotty couldn’t help but feel even more intrigued. As nice as Roy was, taking a fatherly interest in him when he took this job at the gay bar two weeks ago, he’d never encouraged Scotty to date anyone who came in. Being only nineteen and recently out to his hostile parents, Scotty had never come across the bad-boy type; Jed had piqued his interest like no-one else ever had. The guy had the air of a brute who would happily take the lead in the bedroom and make any lover submit to him. Just the thought of being mercilessly dominated by him was making Scotty glad that his crotch was hidden behind the bar most of the time.
“Who’s the fresh meat?” Jed asked as he came up a few minutes later, spotting that Scotty was a new employee; his voice deep and powerful, much like his staggeringly built body.
Roy had stepped in front of Scotty the moment he saw Jed approach. “Off limits!” he stated assertively. “What drink do you want?”
Jed smirked, eyeing Scotty with more interest now that Roy was standing in his way. “He’s cute,” he nodded appraisingly. “Tight ass, pretty face. Was that on the job advert?” he asked cheekily.
“Off limits!” Roy repeated, now with a hint of aggression. He pulled the lid off a bottle of beer and pushed it towards the arrogant jock. “No charge,” he growled, just wanting Jed to get back to the dancefloor and away from the bar. The bribe seemed to be a language that Jed understood best, tipping his head at the free beer and smirking at Scotty as he retreated back, somewhat satisfied with his result.
Scotty couldn’t help continuing to check Jed out whenever he looked up. He saw the guy sitting in a chair to the side of the dancefloor, his legs spread wide open, displaying his long and muscular thighs and ensuring that every single person who gazed upon him imagined themselves sucking him off; Scotty most of all. He could feel an arousal inside of him that was unlike any sort of attraction he had ever felt before. Boys were making a fuss of him, with one guy sitting on his lap for a short while; his ass crudely felt up by Jed’s enormous hands as he whispered something clearly kinky into the hunk’s ear.
A sudden rush came at the bar and the next time Scotty looked up, Jed had gone; onto the next bar. Scotty sighed in disappointment and inwardly cursed Roy for getting between him and possibly the best fuck of his life. He decided then that if he ever was lucky enough to come acrossJed again, he wouldn’t be so easily quietened. If Jed really was such a bad boy, he was going to have fun learning that for himself.
As the clubs were in full swing, it was time for the smaller bars to start to close up for the evening. Roy was in a particularly good mood, letting Scotty leave as soon as the cash registers had been balanced. He skipped out the front, taking in the warm summer air and tried to recall the breathtaking images of Jed that he still had in his head. The man had been so fucking sexy! He could still feel his boner even though it had been two whole hours since Jed had come in. 
Scotty walked slowly by another bar, noticing that they still had quite a crowd inside. He peered in, just in case Jed was amongst them. Then, his heart skipped a beat. There the beautiful guy was, surrounded by other handsome boys, like his own personal fan club!
Wasting no time, Scotty went in and leaned against the bar to be served, deciding that a short detour before home would be worth it if he could catch Jed’s attention once more.
Keen-eyed Jed spotted him straight away, sliding over straight after he had been served. “Well, well, well… what have we here?” he sang. Scotty’s heart started beating with incredible speed. He couldn’t tell whether he was about to be flirted with or bullied. Either way, he was already getting horny. “I wonder why you came in here!” he chuckled, seeming to already know Scotty's motives.
“I often pop in here after a shift,” Scotty lied.
“Sure you do!” Jed laughed, getting closer and closer. “How’s the lovely Roy these days?” he asked.
“He’s fine,” Scotty replied, finding he was too nervous and excited to even hold eye contact for more than a second or two. “Why does he dislike you so much, though?” he questioned him; his curiosity getting the better of him.
At this, Jed smirked. “I may have fucked a few people in the bathrooms at your bar,” he beamed proudly.
“We often get guys misbehaving in the cubicles,” Scotty shrugged, a little disappointed if that was to be the extent of Jed’s sexy ‘bad boy’ reputation.
“Oh, I don’t squeeze into those uncomfortable cubicles!” Jed laughed. “I get off on having an audience when I’m fucking someone. I don’t know what little Roy was complaining about. I certainly packed out his bar for him.”
Scotty tried to imagine the sight, feeling his breath catching in his chest with excitement. His eyes drifted onto Jed’s full, plump lips, losing control of himself.
“Roy sure knows how to pick the kinky twinks,” Jed teased, searching into Scotty's eyes and seeming to instinctively know all of the dirty thoughts that were running though his mind. “So, you grew up in Tennessee, huh?” he asked next, as if trying to refocus the conversation back onto something that might calm the horny Scotty down.
“I grew up around here,” Scotty answered, bewildered by Jed. “I moved from Tennessee when I was about five. But how did you know that?” 
“A couple of your vowels when you speak,” Jed replied. “It’s very subtle, but it’s there if you know what you’re looking for.”
“You’re very observant,” Scotty mumbled back, wondering just how much more Jed had inferred about him. No one had ever commented on his indistinct accent before. It was clear to him that Jed was as sharp as they came.
“Are you taking him back with us?” asked a muscular guy to Jed, strutting over with a feminine looking conquest under his arm.
“Of course I’m taking him home,” Jed replied, looking Scotty up and down. “Don’t be too flattered,” he chuckled to the slender bartender he had spoken to for the first time only a minute earlier. “I fuck all of Roy’s boys. It really pisses him off.”
Scotty didn’t care about the motives or consequences at that moment. His erection was wanting him to follow Jed, no matter where he led him. He abandoned his full drink and followed the boys on that short journey down the street towards an apartment building. Once in the elevator, Jed pulled him in to kiss him passionately, as if this was all a well rehearsed and highly effective warm-up for the main event. His massive, sexy body pressed into him, hands roaming exactly where they needed to. Then he stood back and smiled wickedly, knowing that he had Scotty hornier than he had ever been in his life.
Once on the top floor, the two other guys entered the apartment, with voices and dance music escaping as soon as the door opened. Jed held Scotty back in the entrance space, ready to explain the rules and expectations.”I’m leaving fifty bucks here,” he demonstrated, pulling out the ruffled notes from his wallet and placing them on the small table by the door. “If you want to leave at any time, just take it and get yourself a cab. The guy downstairs will help you out.”
Scotty nodded despite having no intention of going anywhere. But Jed’s intention was clear: he was free to leave whenever he liked.
“If you want to suck my dick tonight, you gotta leave your clothes here,” Jed ordered next, pointing to a pile of empty, discarded shirts, pants, underwear, socks and shoes. “The subs don’t wear anything in here,” he explained matter-of-factly. Then he stood, waiting for Scotty to comply.
Scotty didn’t waste a second. He wanted to be part of one of Jed’s exhibitionist fantasies like nothing else. He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his work shirt, released his belt and dropped his pants, alongside his underwear; taking pride in showing off just how hard his erection had become. Twenty seconds of stroking and the whole thing might blow.
The main living area was large and spacious, with double height windows and several areas for people to congregate. Guys were everywhere, some naked and some not, lounging about the place. From their reactions when Jed entered, it was obvious that this was his place. The star of the show had just returned, holding a naked, skinny twink’s hand, ready to fuck in front of them all. They stopped what they were doing, conversations ending and they moved to see what entertainment Jed had in store.
“He’s very slim!” chuckled one of the guys to the side. “Not your usual type at all!”
Jed laughed and nodded, stroking Scotty’s slender butt with hardly an ounce of fat on it. He;d always been the same: moderately tall and lanky with a runner’s build. “He’s one of Roy’s new bartenders. You know what Roy’s like for his twinks. I had to collect the set.”
Scotty felt even more blessed to be there. He wasn’t even Jed’s usual type, yet there he was, about to have the pinnacle of his sexual experiences merely because the bad boy had a vendetta against his boss. He was sent down onto his knees. Jed unbuckled his pants, feeding his oversized erection into Scotty’s mouth. No wonder the guy was so into public sex. He had no reason at all to ever feel conscious about his size. Scotty had never taken something so big; his mouth needing a little while to work out what to do with it all.
Jed continued chatting to those around him, recounting the story of how he had been sent away by Roy earlier. They all laughed at the bit where Scotty had turned up at the bar later and been so easily enticed back; moaning with appreciation at watching him trying to suck Jed off.
“Alright, alright,” Jed chuckled a few minutes later, pulling Scotty’s mouth off his hardness. “That’s not really your specialty!” He looked around at the others. “Skinny boys always give shit blowjobs.”
Scotty noticed people rushing to push some of the large sofa sections together. The whole thing came apart in modules, leaving a large, square, bed-like stage in the middle of a surprisingly crowded space.
“Face down. Ass up,” Jed ordered him, guiding him to the area. He’d slipped a condom on and lubricated himself up, all the while Scotty presenting his butt to the eager crowds. But once Jed was inside him, working up a sweat, nothing else mattered. Scotty felt the eyes upon them, heightening his sexual thrill. He came the moment Jed reached around and grabbed his hardness, only seconds before he ejaculated himself. Some in the crowd had started touching themselves, others subs going down on their men.
Jed, drenched in sweat and smiling proudly simply turned to Scotty and whispered. “Be sure to tell Roy that I did that!”
The whole living space was empty when Scotty woke up the next morning to a loud sound. He’d always been a deep sleeper, having crashed on the couch at some point and not woken, even as the sun had started to pour in through the enormous windows. Had he missed the memo? Had Jed expected everyone gone before he was up the next morning?
“You’re still here?” asked a naked Jed, striding into the kitchen moments later, opening the refrigerator and drinking his milk straight from the carton.
Scotty apologised, fumbling as he got up and tried to remember where he had left all of his clothes. Jed leaned against the wall, watching with amusement as a slightly panicked Scotty tried his best to dress himself from the scattered remains of his clothes across the hallway.
“Thanks for last night,” Scotty tried once he was half dressed. “It was the best experience I’ve ever had.”
Jed only smirked and downed more of his milk.
“Is there any chance you might want to do it again some time?” Scotty asked next, knowing that he would regret it if he didn’t.
“I fucked you to piss Roy off,” Jed answered honestly. In fairness, his agenda had always been blatantly transparent. “You’re not my type. All that skin and bone. I’m into chubs.”
Scotty nodded, not in the least bit surprised that Jed wasn’t interested in seeing him again. Although the fact that a guy like Jed could be into chubs was not something he had expected until last night. 
“Maybe if you gained thirty pounds or so, we could discuss it. I’m sure Roy would love that!” Jed joked, supping from his milk once again.
“Roy’s a nice guy,” Scotty replied, feeling that he needed to defend the kind boss who had looked after him so much since he’d moved to the city and been practically disowned by his parents. “He didn’t hire me because of how I look.”
Jed laughed. “Roy’s not a nice guy,” he sniggered. “And he absolutely hired you because of how you look. That’s why all his employees look almost identical. If he’s not made a move on you, it’s because he’s not got you where he wants you yet. Trust me, he does it with every single one of his bartenders eventually.”
Again, Scotty shook his head. “You just don’t know him like I do,” he sighed, finally pushing his feet into his shoes and turning to leave.
“Wanna bet?” Jed asked, as if Scotty had thrown down a challenge. “Saint Roy wouldn’t be half as nice to you if you did put on a little weight.”
“He’s not interested in me like that,” Scotty repeated.
“Fine then. Prove it!” Jed demanded. “You wanna be Roy’s boy, or mine?” he asked flirtatiously, stepping closer.
“Yours,” Scotty replied meekly back, his heart beating faster again.
“Gain thirty pounds for me and I’ll fuck you in front of everyone again, just like last night,” Jed offered, his hands sliding onto Scotty’s butt as he pulled him in. “No muscle, no weight training. Just give me some nice doughy padding on that ass of yours for when I fuck you next.”
Even the thought of a second fucking like yesterday’s was giving Scotty a hardness he couldn’t control. “I’d do anything…” he whispered back lustfully.
Jed smiled and kissed him, motioning him back towards the door. When the kiss ended, Scotty was already on the threshold. Jed had spun him around by his shoulders and with a little push on his butt, Scotty was outside in the corridor. “I guess we’ll soon see, won’t we,” Jed grinned back, swinging the door shut behind him. Gone.
After several rounds of touching himself, thinking about the previous night, Scotty set to work researching his task without a second thought. He needed to gain a good few pounds if he had a hope of getting with Jed again. The internet had lots of good ideas, although weblinks kept sending him back to sites that promoted ways to lose weight, rather than gain it. He studied the advice for weight loss, realising that he could reverse much of it if he wanted to see the number on the scales rising. So what if he might look a little chubby for a while? Experiences like the one last night could not be matched, so why fight against doing what had to be done? He’d been far too skinny most of his life anyway.
Word had reached Roy that Jed had slept with Scotty by the time he started his next shift that Wednesday evening. The relentless gossip was one of the most frustrating parts of this community, Scotty realised. Roy was obviously cross, reminding Scotty again and again how he had tried to keep him out of harm’s way, as well as the reasons why. Scotty found himself apologising simply to appease the guy, not daring to explain any of the details of how thrilling and magical the evening had been. Roy wouldn’t want to hear that he didn’t regret a thing.
For two weeks, Roy was colder with him, before things finally started to lighten up. However, that was before a new challenge hit them.
“Those pants look a bit tight,” the older man commented seeing Scotty unloading some beers into the refrigerators. 
Scotty idiotically tried to turn his head over his shoulder, as if he too could see his butt. He’d done everything he had learned in order to gain weight, but had only managed about five pounds so far. Surely that wasn’t enough for his boss to notice?
“You know, if you’re going to work here, the customers expect you to look tidy,” Roy reminded him.
“The pants feel fine,” Scotty shrugged. “I just gained a couple of pounds. That’s all.”
Roy raised his eyebrows disapprovingly. “Well, sort it out,” he grumbled warningly.
Scotty soon realised that pants which felt fine one day could soon become quite restrictive the next. He couldn’t deny that his butt had swollen up as he finally reached a ten pound gain on the scales. His flat stomach had taken a bit of a beating, looking constantly bloated; remaining like it was after a large meal. When he poked and prodded it, everything underneath the skin felt altogether softer. His tight, figure-hugging t-shirts had to be put away for the time being, and Scotty bought himself some stretchier pants for work, pairing them with a black shirt that made his less streamlined appearance stand out less. By fifteen pounds, Scotty was starting to feel it under his chin. Each time he shaved, he could see the little padding getting puffier and puffier. Softness was spreading into his hips and sides, swelling slight love handles out that further complicated the fit of both his pants and shirts by the time over twenty pounds hit. He looked, for all the world to see, like a young guy ready to go on a diet. Twenty-five pounds sounded like a tiny amount of weight, yet it had altered his appearance so much, especially when his shirt came off.
As for Jed, Scotty hadn’t laid eyes on him in the entire three months he had been following every single nutritional advice he could in order to pack on the pounds. There were faces he recognised of the people who had been at the party that night, but none of them were ever with Jed, nor willing to hand out his cell phone number whenever Scotty cheekily asked for it. Some said he was on vacation, others that he was working away. In either case, Scotty was soon going to reach his weight goal and the guy he was doing this for wasn’t even going to be around to see it.
It began to dawn on Scotty just how much extra weight thirty pounds was. With it, he had actually grown a small belly that rounded out his middle, whilst he was also starting to carry extra blubber around his nipples for the first time. His cheeks had become puffier in his face and even with his styling choices, he wasn’t able to conceal the fact that he had gained quite a considerable amount of weight. But with the absence of Jed around town, Scotty suddenly had an unexpectedly awkward job on his hands. At 185lbs, he’d hit his weight target and now needed to somehow maintain it without dropping down again. That would mean he would need to maintain certain aspects of his new eating regime, without going overboard. Something that had never been part of the plan. What Scotty had expected was a short-term weight gain, followed by a cut that would see his weight return to normal.
Perhaps it was all about the timing. Scotty had hit the goal weight just as the holidays were getting underway. He should have known that maintaining his weight would have been no issue. But as Scotty tried to button his pants that January, he realised that he had actually done even more damage than before. He stepped on the scales and sighed in disappointment at himself. It couldn’t be? The scales had to be off! He couldn’t really be 197lbs, surely? Had he really fucked up his metabolism that much on this weight quest? He needed to go on a diet as soon as possible.
“What the fuck did you do?” cried out a deep and powerful voice as Scotty busily collected the empty glasses and bottles from the tables in the bar. He’d been rushed off his feet, with Roy choosing to leave him with a fairly incompetent new hire. But as he turned around to see who was shouting, the air got caught in Scotty’s lungs and his eyes visibly bulged. It was Jed, looking even more built and physically imposing than the last time Scotty had seen him.
In an instant, Scotty realised how stupid he had been. Jed was joking about the weight gain, right? He’d made a couple of throwaway comments about gaining thirty pounds and here Scotty was with almost an additional fifty. He rubbed his stomach, suddenly wishing he could make it all disappear.
“You’re an actual fatty!” Jed laughed, reaching out to Scotty’s hips as the boy held his tray of empties. Then Jed spun him around so that he could see the wide, bloated mess his butt had become.
“I’ve been doing it for you…” Scotty shot back, now feeling a desperate need to explain himself. “...Like you asked.”
Jed turned him back and reached his hand under Scotty’s chin, pulling forwards so that all of the new double chin fat bulged underneath. “This is way more than thirty pounds, though,” Jed observed shrewdly. 
“I went a little overboard,” Scotty replied meekly, seeing that people were starting to stare. “I got carried away.”
Jed was just staring at him, spinning him some more; a wicked twinkle in his eyes. He reached down and readjusted himself. Was he actually getting a hard-on, right there in the middle of the bar?
“Where can I take you to fuck you?” Jed demanded, looking around the space as if exploring all possible options.
“I can’t. I’m working,” Scotty replied regretfully, hardly believing the apparent urgency that Jed needed him after all.
“Fuck!” Jed moaned, sounding like he might actually burst. He looked at his large designer watch knowing exactly what time the bar would be shutting. “Come to my place after you finish,” he ordered, strapping his big hand over Scotty’s butt and squeezing. “You remember where to go, right? I’ll make sure there are plenty to watch…”
Scotty nodded. After months of work, everything was suddenly happening so fast. Not only was this happening, it was happening tonight! At long last, Jed was about to have his way with him.
Jed wasn’t the one to answer the door when Scotty finally made it up to the apartment two hours later. A short, hairy and slightly older guy answered. Completely naked, it was obvious that he was the submissive of someone inside. Had he been there last time? Scotty could hardly remember. However, with the way his body was being scrutinised, Scotty felt sure that he must have been: eyes of judgement upon him for packing on so much extra weight.
Jed, your new chub’s here!” the guy cried out.
Suddenly, a strapping, shirtless, athletic guy was racing to the door. He picked Scotty up from the threshold, throwing him over his shoulder excitedly and calling out to the room in his deep voice. “My new fatty’s arrived!”
Scotty was very aware that all everyone could see of him as he went in was his wider, chubbier rear, held at head level for the rest of the guests; some of whom patted it in amusement. It was the ass that he hoped Jed was about to give a proper pounding, all going well.
Jed put him down and immediately swept Scotty up into a surprisingly romantic, passionate kiss. He took a step back, leaving Scotty as the focal point of all the eyes in the room. “Take note everyone,” Jed called out. “This is what a real sub looks like,” he beamed. “I challenged him to gain thirty pounds for me and the little pig went and gained fifty instead! All of it pure blubber!”
Jed stared intensely whilst the others in the room looked at each other, perhaps some of them starting to recognise Scotty now from when he was here a few months ago. Jed lowered his zipper and pulled out his own hardness, stroking it excitedly: big and heavy, too large for even his giant hand. He nodded at Scotty, his meaning clear in that moment: start undressing.
Scotty gazed with lust at Jed’s hardness as he began unbuttoning his shirt. He heard gasps of surprise as he pulled it off, knowing just how much the material had concealed his flabbier shape. He knew how bad the back fat looked: the stretch-marked love handles resting on his belt, the fleshy swelling of his nipples. But still Jed grinned, stroking himself; silently demanding more. He noticed that the music had been turned down low as he removed his belt and kicked off his shoes. He undid his pants, dropping his underwear at the same time, uncovering his comparatively underwhelming hardness.
“Fuck, look at it!” a horny Jed proclaimed. “He absolutely destroyed his twink body for me!”
Scotty smiled, realising that that was exactly what he had done, surrendering his whole body in the hope of Jed dominating him one more time. More than ever, he wanted Jed to take him, turning slightly so that he could show the muscular boy his glutes, swollen and enlarged. He put his weight on one foot, making one glute bulge and then the other. He reached his hands behind, bouncing the fleshiness, then spreading them apart. 
That was the last thing that Jed could take, ripping off his clothes and launching himself upon Scotty; starting to make love to him. Unlike last time, there was a horny urgency to the whole thing. It felt like barely a minute had gone by before Jed was moaning in his ear as he came inside him; simultaneously stroking Scotty up and down his shaft and making him squirt absolutely everywhere.
“Fuck!” Jed moaned collapsing on top of Scotty, still fully inserted inside of him. He seemed completely spent and satisfied; much like Scotty himself. The pair lay there for a minute or two, laughing blissfully whilst everyone else drifted off; the music returning to the usual volume. “I’m going to need to do that again later,” Jed explained, finally rolling off Scotty.
“Fine by me,” Scotty beamed, only now realising that his socks were still on. After all those months of gaing, he knew he was going to make sure that he stayed there for as long as Jed would have him.
Jed had been insatiable, fucking him twice before bed that night and another, more rapid and sweaty affair the next morning. “How’s the lovely Roy these days?” Jed asked, spooning Scotty lovingly from behind afterwards. 
“He’s fine,” Scotty replied. “A bit grumpy. I’m lucky I don’t see him so much these days. I usually work with the other staff.”
“What a surprise!” Jed chuckled. “So Roy’s not as nice to you now that you’re a chub?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m a chub,” Scotty replied. “I don’t look that much different. I don’t think it’s the reason why Roy’s been a bit off with me.”
Jed laughed, kissing his neck. “You’re so sweet and naive,” he whispered, holding Scotty like his own little plaything. “But you’re absolutely a chub now,” he teased. His flaccid penis was starting to get hard again, pressing gently between Scotty’s butt cheeks. “Everyone can see what a little porker you’ve turned into.”
Sensing Jed’s arousal was making Scotty feel more than a little horny himself. He didn’t know why Jed’s teasing and name-calling did it for him so much, but accepting what was said to him felt like the most beautiful submission. It was easy to lean into it. “So, Roy doesn’t like me anymore because I got so fat for you?” he asked. “Because I turned into a chub?”
Jed’s hardness was continuing to build. He started gyrating his hips and nuzzling into Scotty’s neck even more. “Say that again…” Jed moaned into his ear.
“I’m a chub,” Scotty repeated, feeling Jed’s hand stroking his semi encouragingly as soon as the words left his mouth. He moaned. There was so much more he wanted to do to turn Jed on; to submit himself to him.
“How does it feel being a fatty now?” Jed went on, enjoying his mastery over him.
Scotty moaned. How did it feel? He had the hottest guy in the world trying to make him squirt for the second time that morning, all because he’d gained so much weight for him. “Fucking amazing!” he blasted.
“Then gain more for me,” Jed ordered, seeming to have greater control over himself now than he had the previous times they had started to make love.
“You want me to get even fatter?” Scotty asked, finding it hard to even think straight with all  the stimulation. He rolled slightly, needing to look Jed in the eyes to see if he was serious. “How much fatter?” he asked, finally meeting Jed’s calculating stare.
“As fat and as blubbery as I want,” Jed answered, expertly keeping Scotty hard without climaxing, “I want you to be what I’ve been looking for my entire life. I want you to be my ultimate sub.”
“I want to be your sub,” Scotty nodded.
“Then you know what you need to do, right?” Jed asked him seriously; without a hint of humor or joviality in his face.
Getting back into the old routine wasn’t difficult. Jed had been overtaken by wild lust when Scotty had explained all the routines he had previously set up for himself in order to ensure he was consistently overdosed with calories and reduced his active periods. It made Scotty feel excited and validated that he had done so well in following Jed’s wishes. All he had expected was one last fuck from the hunk, yet here he was, with several messages from the guy on his cell phone and a hook-up planned for later that week. Gaining weight, doing as Jed asked, it had all opened up doors for him that Scotty didn’t know existed. He ripped open the lid of the whipping cream and began pouring. Chug, chug, chug. Just as Jed would want.
A few more weeks went by and the noticeable changes in Scotty’s body were the subject of many stares at Jed’s usual weekend party at his apartment. Perhaps it was all the cream Scotty had been drinking, or the consistent manner with which he had pushed himself to gorge, but the plush extra weight had settled itself squarely on his new gut and further softened up his chest. He looked genuinely bloated, as if his face and chins had yet to catch up to the tank that was being manufactured below. Jed also said that he could see it building in his butt and thighs, patting the glutes like a proud owner.
“You should hear some of the things Jed says about you when you’re not here,” whispered Jed’s other submissive, Sebastian, trying to get a moment alone with Scotty at the party. “He’s absolutely lost it.”
“How do you mean?” Scotty asked, helping himself to a beer. He didn’t feel in any way alarmed by the dramatic concern Sebastian seemed to be showing. He knew that none of Jed’s other subs liked him. They were jealous of how much of his time Scotty took up and the fact that Jed appeared only to have eyes for him whenever he was around.
“Scotty…” called Jed from across the room as he was chatting to someone else; never really letting him out of his sight. “Remember to snack on those breadsticks, baby.”
Sebastian waited until Jed’s eyes were away from them before he started speaking again. “I’m not sure you realise how into this Jed actually is,” he resumed whispering. “He’s obsessed about your weight. He talks constantly about your calories and how to ensure you don’t move around too much or exercise. It’s all he ever wants to discuss with the other guys.”
Scotty gnawed on a breadstick, enjoying the thought of Jed getting so aroused by him, even when he wasn’t around. 
“He showed me some kinky underwear he wants to make you actually grow into. I’m not joking. They were enormous!” he emphasised. “I think… I think he actually wants to make you… morbidly obese,” Sebastian finally stated.
Scotty looked at him, wondering what game the guy was trying to play. Was he trying to scare Scotty off so that things could return to normal around here? Sebastian had always been one of Jed’s favorite subs due to his surprisingly heavy, oversized rear. Was getting rid of Scotty his way of ensuring Jed paid him more attention instead?
“And?” Scotty asked defiantly.
Sebastian seemed taken aback. “And?” he repeated back to him. “Dude, look at yourself!” he demanded. “He’s had you eating the entire time you’ve been here. You’re seventy pounds fatter than you were when you met him!”
“Is everything alright, honey?” Jed asked, striding over and placing his large arm directly over his favorite lover’s shoulders. He stared at Sebastian, seming to sense what had been said.
“Your sub doesn’t really approve of what you’re doing to me,” Scotty answered him obediently, happy to throw Sebastian under the bus.
Jed straightened up a little, seeming more imposing by the second. “Is that so?” he asked Sebastian with a slight menace to his voice. The whole room quietened.
“He was telling me about some underwear you’ve bought for me to grow into,” Scotty further added, enjoying seeing Sebastian squirm.
“You tried to ruin the surprise for my fat boy?” Jed laughed, despite being clearly irritated.
“I was just…” Sebastian tried to defend himself. “I wasn’t sure that he knew everything!”
Jed tutted and shook his head in disappointment. “Oh, Seb!” he sighed. “You know that you’ll have to be punished, don’t you?” he asked the submissive boy.
Sebastian’s eyes lit up. “I do?” he asked hopefully.
Scotty felt a little tap on his butt and heard a whisper in his ear for him to go and sit on the big chair by the TV. Jed strutted to his refrigerator and opened the door, pulling out an enormous expensive-looking cream-covered chocolate cake on a large tray. “My pig needs feeding,” he explained disinterestedly, passing Sebastian the tray even though the young, relatively chubby submissive seemed genuinely surprised by the weight of it. “Make sure he eats it all,” he grinned. 
For a moment it seemed like Sebastian was ready to rebel. Jed’s face lit up at the silent challenge.
“Tell my pig I want him big, fat and greedy,” he demanded. “Otherwise… there’s fifty bucks by the front door. Take it and leave,” he smiled.
Sebastian huffed, walking with the tray over to Scotty and getting down on his knees. Then, in one single movement, he scooped his hand into the cake, filling his palm with it, before thrusting it towards an eager Scotty’s face. “Eat up!” he ordered, thoroughly defeated as Scotty began gorging from his hand.
The other dominant men in the room came over to pat Jed on the back. He’d handled the situation well; both his boys were now doing exactly as he wanted. Indeed, Jed looked on with pride, picking at Sebastian’s technique the entire time and laughing with the others in the room. “Don’t forget the frosting!” he called out, watching his two subs pleasing him like this. Needless to say, it was Scotty that had the honour of making it into his bedroom that night, leaving Sebastian to head home, unfulfilled.
Scotty couldn’t quite get over the quiet hostility towards him in work as he showed up for his shifts whenever Roy was around. Despite always dressing well for his increasing size with shirts and pants that fit properly, Roy would scowl at him as he began to take up more and more space behind the bar. “Move your ass!” the guy would shout across to him whenever he got in the way now, hiding him in the back to organise the stock as often as he could.
Jed would often come in during a shift, smiling extra brightly if Roy was ever there. No more free drinks were given, no protective swooping in from Roy to ensure Scotty stayed out of harm's way. “Do you like the improvements I’ve made?” Jed would goad him, pointing at Scotty’s chubby glutes as he trotted about serving the others.
“No, I don’t,” Roy simply replied, not wanting to even give Jed the satisfaction of looking him in the eye.
It all gave Jed such a thrill. “Well, that’s too fucking bad!” he’d laugh, sipping his beer and turning back to check out the guys in Roy’s club. He knew Roy would never bar him from coming in here. Given the way he looked, just having him there drew people in. It made perfect business sense.
At the end of the shift, Jed would be there, waiting to walk his property back home to his place. He’d be sure to kiss and handle him whenever Roy was about, always explaining that a take-out delivery was already on its way for when they got back.
“Is it bad that I would love to fuck you in front of your boss?” Jed laughed later, admiring his chub as he hungrily gorged for him after the shift.
Scotty laughed and nodded his head. “I’d say that would definitely get me fired!”
“So?” Jed asked seriously. “I was looking at the data from your smartwatch on my cell phone earlier. You got far too many steps in walking backwards and forwards behind that bar tonight. Why do you think I had to order you the extra garlic bread?”
Scotty swallowed, appreciating how erotic it was that Jed took such a keen interest in every aspect of his life; wanting to dominate all of it. “You want me to quit?” he asked.
“Definitely,” Jed nodded. “I need you to sit on that fat ass of yours more if I’m going to grow it out like I want.”
“But what would I do for work? I couldn’t afford my rent,” Scotty fretted.
Jed looked around his large penthouse apartment. “You’d move in here with me instead. I need you to give me twenty four hour access to all that blubber. I think it’s time, don’t you?”
It was already a done deal. After some simple seduction, playing with Scotty’s newly sensitive nipples, Jed had him messaging Roy, quitting his job right there and then. Then he messaged the boys he shared a place with, letting them know he was giving up his room. When the morning came, Jed had one of his minions head over to Scotty’s place and clear out his room; most of the clothes heading straight off to charity.
Scotty was expecting to be set up in Jed’s spare room and was surprised to learn that he was actually going to be staying in Jed’s own bedroom with him. The kinky hunk had bought himself the largest bed he could find and wasted no time in taking Scotty’s ever expanding and always softening butt anyway he could.
The effects of not working had been speedy. Under Jed’s orders, the amount of calories Scotty was consuming through liquids had dramatically increased. Each night Jed would study the chub’s body, captivated by the new stretch marks. Three hundred pounds had been a kinky goal for so long, yet it came and went rather rapidly under the new regime. There were new rolls and fleshy areas forming all over his frame. His body had become a playhouse to the handsome man he had been ensnared by, and he simply couldn’t imagine anything being more thrilling. Jed was insatiable. Walking around in only a tight pair of briefs pretty much guaranteed that Jed was going to fuck him wherever he was in the apartment. Several times, Scotty had walked by as Jed was on his cell phone making a business call. He’d been stopped in his tracks, purposefully bent over the desk and gently pounded without Jed ever losing his train of thought whilst speaking with the client.
The other subs, like Sebastian, had started to pile on a few pounds, making Jed laugh at their desperation for attention. Although many of the other dominant guys who hung out at Jed’s parties were no longer attracted by Scotty’s flabby form, the fat boy was still shown off in all his glory regardless; poked, prodded and teased for letting Jed transform him like this.
Derek was the only other dominant guy who seemed to really get off on the unusual form of domination Jed was mastering over his prey. Jed sought his advice often, being a few years older and the only one with any sort of experience in handling growing chubs.
“Every time I look at that butt I think it can’t get much bigger,” Derek marvelled, witnessing Scotty trotting over to join them on the couch. “And yet, there it is… fatter every week!” he laughed alongside Jed.
Jed grinned proudly, sliding his muscular arm over Scotty. “It’s almost the biggest ass I’ve ever fucked now,” he nodded, happy to take full credit.
“And just remember that scrawny little shit we watched you fuck all that time ago!” Derek chuckled.
“Just under eighteen months ago,” Jed nodded, mindlessly bouncing Scotty’s sagging chest as his huge arm draped over the boy’s shoulders. “He’s still shit at giving blow jobs, though,” he laughed, remembering how uninspired he had been that first night.
“Train him,” Derek shot back, shrugging his shoulders as if it was the most simple thing in the world. “It’s a lot easier with chubs.” He looked across at Scotty and all the fat he was now carrying in his face; a giant ring of fat under his chin. “They’re greedy little fuckers. Every last one of them. It’s simple.”
As suggested, Jed unbuckled his pants and spread his legs, fishing out his oversized erection for Scotty who was getting down onto the floor as if to start sucking him off.
“The thing with fatties,” Derek began, “is that they have saliva glands which are a lot easier to activate than most people.”
“Mmm! Wet, sloppy blow jobs!” Jed chuckled, looking at Scotty’s greedy little mouth. He reached out his hand, pinching the sides of Scotty’s mouth until his lips opened and his cheeks bulged.
“I hear your pig has quite the sweet tooth?” Derek asked, collecting a cupcake from the side and passing it to Jed who held it in his hand. “Just waft this under his nose to start with.”
Jed smirked and followed the advice. Instinctively, Scotty went to take a bite and was stopped by a very loud ‘no’ from both Jed and Derek; scolded like a naughty puppy. “Just smell it, Piggy!” Jed ordered.
Jed and Derek watched him with fascinated curiosity. Then, all of a sudden, they both simultaneously burst into laughter, almost making Scotty jump. It took Scotty a few moments to work out why they were chuckling. Had he swallowed his building saliva without even realising?
“It works every time with a fatty!” Derek laughed. He reached out and scooped a little of the frosting from the cupcake and smeared it over the tip of Scotty’s nose. “You need the pig to keep smelling it if you want it to keep producing the saliva.”
Jed was smiling excitedly, delighted by the tutoring. He reached out his large hand and lowered Scotty’s mouth onto his hardness, sighing with pleasure as the wet tongue began its work. Next,  Derek handed him a warm pizza slice from the box that had just arrived. Jed lowered it, holding it close to Scotty’s face as he sucked. Derek adjusted Jed’s hand a little, ensuring that the scent would be easily picked up by Scotty’s nose.
“Fuck!” Jed cried, jumping a little as a fresh wave of saliva lubricated his erection, allowing Scotty to slide his mouth effortlessly over as much of it as he could fit into his mouth. “This is fucking awesome!”
Derek smiled, resting his hand on Jed’s large shoulder. “You put in the hard work developing your pig’s appetite,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Now you can just sit back and enjoy it!”
Word was spreading that Jed was close to climaxing and the horny guests gathered around to watch, just as Jed liked. He moaned as loudly as Scotty had ever heard him, pulling out at the last minute so that everyone could see the giant jets as he came.
Thoroughly satisfied, slouching and exhausted, Jed lay there with a wicked smile plastered across his face. Scotty grinned, pleased to have been the reason for it. Not being able to please Jed with his mouth had been a constant source of shame for him. He reached out, picking the drooping pizza slice out from Jed’s hand and began nibbling. Jed watched on with nothing but pure love in his eyes.
The crowds attending Jed’s parties began to evolve. Pretty soon, Derek wasn’t the only admirer of the hunk’s hard work with Scotty. Other chub lovers, and the guys who were getting fatter for them, started replacing those more casually kinky men who used to be invited. Scotty found himself sucking down a greater variety of calorie shakes as the new acquaintances in this group gave Jed a variety of recipes to prepare for him. At over three hundred and fifty pounds, Scotty didn’t feel he had much to prove to these guys, nor the starter chubs they brought along with them. The focus became more about the food, which suited Scotty fine. His appetite and capacity was something everyone always complimented Jed for, elevating the hunk’s status to new heights.
Jed held Scotty from behind, one hand holding up his chubby neck in a way that pushed forward his double chin; his thumb gently caressing his cheek. Jed’s other hand gripped mercilessly onto his belly fat, jiggling and shaking it for all to see. “At least three shakes a day and these are the sorts of gains you can expect,” he told them all. “Have high expectations at all times. That’s how you grow out your pigs.”
Despite being a submissive, amongst the other fatties, Scotty felt he had a much greater status. He’d done it all, after all. They’d all seen the video someone had taken the first time Jed had fucked his skinny little butt, and they had all witnessed for themselves the monstrous appetite he could display for Jed’s pleasure. When he hit four hundred pounds, the submissives had all been ordered to feed him whilst the others watched on, shouting out orders.
Although Jed still went out to pick guys up when he pleased, never missing out on one of Roy’s ever skinny employees, it was always Scotty he came home to. When they went out to the gay venues together, the big jock never shied away from showing his affection and always sought a seat for his increasingly rotund lover in whichever bar they went to.
“Roy keeps on staring,” Jed chuckled, whispering into his fat boy’s ear. “When he goes out next, you’re going to have to move faster than I usually let you.”
Scotty nodded, excited to give Jed this fantasy. When instructed, he heaved his fat body up quickly and trotted behind his lover. Once inside the bathroom, Jed had undressed completely in the time it had taken Scotty to open his pants and pull them down enough to show his blubbery ass cheeks.
This was it: the final piece of the jigsaw, letting Jed take him here, in the place he had once worked. Kinky boys had already gathered around them, keen to watch Jed and his giant hardness at work. No doubt Roy would notice and follow in soon to throw them all out. But what did it matter? He hadn’t been Roy’s boy for a long time. 
He was Jed’s.
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kiefbowl · 2 days
not to get woo woo on you because I mean this only in the most scientific way possible, but the female body is a sexual pleasure powerhouse and that has historically been a threat to men's power. everything that keeps women from experiencing pleasure, knowing pleasure, understanding pleasure, seeking pleasure, taking ownership of pleasure is quite literally socially constructed and enforced, and is not some sort of objective biological reality of the female body. of course, what an individual woman experiences and the social constraints on her are not up for debate if that woman is not interested in the debate. if a woman is uninterested in exploring her sexuality and is unable to orgasm due to trauma or mental anguish or whatever it is, there's really no need to pressure her into "just getting out there" to prove some point. Every woman has the right to say no, in totality, forever, for any reason.
But I do want to put it out there that the binds on the female mind wrt sex and pleasure are so strong that you might not realize the ways you act as your own sexuality police even if you feel the most enlightened as you ever have about sex, and you can keep yourself from really getting to the truth of the matter: there is NO secret knowledge men have over women when it comes to sex, not in the sense of what is innately sexual about our bodies and our animalistic desires. Your body is capable, and its natural reactions do not need external validation. If you feel horny, that's because you're a mammal. If you feel aroused, that's because you're a mammal. If you feel enticed, that's because you're a mammal. It needs no explanation. Of course you crave sex, of course it feels good. Of course it does not need porn, or fetish, or religion, or taboo.
Stop asking yourself if it's weird or normal or if you're allowed to feel pleasure when your body is stimulated in a way you enjoy. You don't need permission. And stop trying to justify why it's worth tolerating things you don't enjoy. You get to say: "No, only pleasure and nothing else." You get to say: "It's not worth it if I don't orgasm." You get to say: "Stop, I don't like that." You get to say: "I don't care if you like it, I don't." You're not weird for saying touch my neck, touch my breasts, touch my thighs, touch my back, touch my feet, touch my face, touch my hands, touch my hair, touch my ears, touch my stomach, touch my knees, touch my lips, touch my hips, touch me here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here
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housenp · 3 days
imagine being in love with a man for a decade since the day you saw him… wanting to protect him and take care of him (“i took care of it”) and you do* and he loves you but not like that and he’s not interested, so not interested that he gets straight married for a second time, and then you have a medical emergency that quite literally kills you and he takes care of you while you push everyone around you away and reject physical therapy and verbally abuse your loved ones. for some reason. despite him being married. and youre able to take care of yourself eventually** but you drove everyone away except him. who stays for some reason. and youre 100% cognizant of the fact that he has seen the ugliest sides of you that exist and still loves you. and doesnt ask anything of you because of this except basic respect (which you dont even give to him half the time). and all you wanted to do was take care of him but he has given you more than you thought another person was even capable of giving and shown unconditional love you thought wasnt real and now youre stuck in a shell of a person you barely recognize unable to do most of the things that used to make you happy and theres no possible way you could take care of him now even if he let you and theres no possible way to show him how much you love him and care about him even if you were to tell him everything because it wouldnt be enough because you also happen to fundamentally not be enough, as a person. fail. you would take vicodin too i bet
*you do. he just doesnt understand the justice system
**for the most part, but you still need his help and dont do a very good job of it unless he forces you.
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agatharkn3ss · 1 day
Rio's flower theory (contains spoilers!)
Some people have noticed how Rio's flower kept making appearance in the last episode, so naturally I re-watched it for the 100th time, and made note of every moment we see the flower because I have a theory...
First appearance - Rio presents it to Agatha when she crawls out of the ground
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Agatha pushed it out of her hand, but it's unclear what happens to it - I thought maybe it looked like she put it in her coat pocket, but actually I think she just threw it to the ground, she would be too angry to keep it. And so we see the flower back in Rio's hands when she merrily hops along the Road. She doesn't stop playing with it even when they stop to look at the trial house.
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The flower (and also her knife) is also present in the trial. As we saw with Agatha's locket, amulets and Joe's spell book, the trial seems to let the witches keep things that are important to them.
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When they exit the trial, frantically trying to save Teen, Rio is back playing with the flower again, silently observing Agatha.
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This continues until the campfire. Seriously, why is this girl stimming so much?
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The interesting bit is when Agatha returns from Teen. Her hands are in her pocket, so we can't see whether she's holding something in her hands or if she's taking something from her pocket. But in the next frame, as she sits down to join the coven, she has that flower in her left hand! I think Rio must have put it on the seat, waiting for her. There are some interesting looks!
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Finally, when Rio gets up to go after Agatha, the camera pans out and we see the flower has actually been left back on the log, where Agatha sat... What is the meaning of it?....
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So in summary, the flower has some deeper meaning to Rio and she seems to really treasure it, maybe even use it as a stimming device, maybe trying to control her emotions?
Enter the Marvel promo for Death tarot card!
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In one hand, we see Death holds her dagger (looking familiar?), in the other hand she holds an object that people believe to be Death's black heart. But it also reminds me the shape of a flower. So what if Rio's flower IS her heart? That she keeps offering to Agatha?
But I wonder if Agatha realises the meaning of the flower yet. In ep.1 she looked a little surprised when Rio says she does have a heart, that it's black and beats for her. It would be hard to believe that if these two were an item for centuries, that they wouldn't end up knowing everything about each other. So Agatha's "you don't have a heart" could just be a snarky, hurtful comment to reflect Rio's possible betrayal (the "job" she had to do) or a more literal fact that she doesn't believe Rio can be truly human in any physical way (no heart, no scars), because she's Lady Death. Or both. So maybe Rio hid that part from her? They certainly seem like they didn't even talk and reconcile after the dramatic events because Agatha seems surprised at Rio's hurt and regret when she tells her "scar story".
Anyway, I digress... In short, I think flower is (or at least symbolises) Rio's heart.
Bonus content - we actually get a glimpse of that flower in ep.1 as it makes its appearance even in Agatha's fake reality. Even though the camera angles make it impossible to see it most of the time, there are scenes when Rio moves her head just enough that we can see a bit of her her clip - which looks eerily like the flower!
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While there was no actual flower in their ep.1 fight scene, Agatha is wearing a flowery robe and the wallpaper is all flowers. So I think there is a deeper symbolism there that the show is trying to subtly incorporate - does it all link to the Green Witch powers? Or the language of flowers?
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Even Teen places a flower on Sharon's grave, where would he even get it from in that dark place? And finally, Jen uses blue flowers when they summon the green witch (Lilia offers a rock, Agatha adds a leaf and it's not clear what Alice adds - some dust or fruit?)
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So... after all that, I don't actually know anything about plants or gardening. So does anyone know what type Rio's flower even is? I mean, there literally is a flower called Rio, could that be a hint or is it too simple?
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bpmiranda · 14 hours
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Won’t You Marry Me? (Hugh Jackman)
A/N: purely fictional, fluffy, mild smut, hugh x actress!reader, 25+ f!reader, established relationship, brief smut towards the end
The two of you starred in a romantic comedy together and though you weren’t each other’s love interest in the film, you certainly were off screen. It surprised almost everyone, but once they saw the chemistry between you, it made perfect sense. They wondered how it could be possible that you weren’t cast as the leading woman at the time, but it didn’t matter all that much to you because you came out the leading woman anyway.
Hugh was taken by your friendliness, the wonderful smile that was never missing from your face, your gentle yet animated hand gestures that he adored and made him grin when you were in conversation. “Sweetheart?” He said one afternoon as you were leaving the set together on your way to lunch. You turned to him with your signature smile and raised your eyebrows at him. “Won’t you marry me?” He asks suddenly and you grin.
“Hugh, we’ve only been seeing each other for two months.” You laugh lightly as you link your arm through his once you reach the lot.
“But will you?” He asks, kissing your temple gently as you reach his car and you shake your head at him. “Someday?” He asks, opening the passenger door for you and leaning his arms on it as he stares lovingly at you.
“Someday.” You grin up at him from your seat and that’s enough for him right now.
Your relationship reaches six months and you’re at the gym together because he’s training for the next X-Men film and you figured you could work out too so that you can still spend time together. You’re squatting with some thirty pound weights and Hugh’s taking a breather, drinking some water as he watches you and he sighs dreamily. You can’t help the grin on your face as you finish your reps and set the weights down. “Something on your mind?” You ask playfully as you look over at him with your hands on your hips.
“You should marry me.” He says, leaning against a wall as he takes in the sight of you and you’re aware that your hair is falling out of its bun and you’re all sweaty.
“Hugh,” You laugh, covering your face with one hand and shaking your head. “This certainly isn’t the time for that question.” You look back at him and he steps towards you with a little smirk.
“You should though.” He shrugs, closing the space between you and kissing you gently on the lips. You return the kiss, a hand on his sweaty, bare chest and you nod.
“I will, someday.” You promise, smiling sweetly up at him as you lean into his body. And Hugh murmurs a quiet ‘good’ as he kisses you again.
A year later, you are backstage of The Graham Norton Show where Hugh is appearing with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. They are talking about certain new faces appearing in the X-Men franchise such as Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence when your name suddenly comes up. “What about your lady love, Mr. Jackman? Could you get her to make an appearance or is she currently involved in a project?”
Hugh grins at the mention of you and he instinctively looks at the cameras, aware that you are watching on a screen somewhere backstage. “Unfortunately, I can’t get that woman to do a thing. It must all be on her own accord.” He says, looking back at Graham and the others as they all share a laugh. “Very strong-willed lady, mine is, I can’t even get her to marry me.” The audience reacts in shock and Graham’s mouth falls open.
“No!” The show host exclaims dramatically and you can’t help laugh and roll your eyes at your boyfriend. “She won’t marry you?”
“Have you not gotten the correct ring?” James teases and Hugh laughs.
“I think I’ve just asked her so many times she thinks I’m joking.” Hugh grinned and Michael clapped his hands as he threw his head back in a fit of laughter. “No, seriously, I asked her two months into us dating, she said someday, and it’s been two years now.”
The audience laughed and Graham held up his hand in question. “Wait, so you really propose to her every other day just to see if her answer will change?”
“Mate, I asked her in the car on the way here.” Hugh jests, using his index finger to motion to the studio and the men erupt into laughter.
After that, you are pretty much constantly bombarded with queries about marriage and whether it is a path you and Hugh plan to take together in the future.
“Of course, I’d love to be married,” You laugh, shaking you head. You are doing a promotional interview for a new series you’re starring in and it is not long before your personal life is brought up which you are happy to speak about because you are an open book and have nothing to be secretive about.
The interview woman nods as she glances at her cards. “You and Hugh have been together for a little over three years now, is that correct?” She asks and you nod with a proud smile. “When do you think will be the right time?”
“There’s just so much keeping us apart with work right now that I think I would like to wait for a moment in our careers when we can be together daily so that we might be able to plan everything and, you know, spend time together after the engagement.” You say with small shrug and a shy smile. “Once we’re engaged, there’s no stopping that marriage carriage from rolling through.” You playfully rub at your belly which leads to you and the interviewer gushing happily as the conversation shifts to the topic of children and motherhood which is the subject of your upcoming series.
During filming for your show, you are forced to tap into the character of a young mother struggling to show her son how to be a man without the help of a father figure and, though it is all for television entertainment, you find yourself contemplating the fact that some women don’t have the support of a husband when it comes to raising children. It makes you look at Hugh and strongly consider how you would feel about having children with him, and the idea thrills you. He would be the most reliable and devoted spouse, of that you have no doubts.
Late at night, when you’re tangled in each other’s arms, panting heavily underneath the bedsheets, you get the feeling that you’re ready. Lips and tongues intertwining with one another, teeth nipping tenderly at each other’s exposed flesh, and you feel so safe and loved. You’re so full and numb, gasping softly as Hugh moves within you slowly yet roughly. “C’mon, baby,” He breathes out, his forehead resting against yours as you rake your fingernails down his back. “You’re so close, I can feel it.”
“Hugh!” You whine, your thighs clench around his waist as the tension in your belly unravels and envelopes him in a wet and warm gush of release and he swears into the base of your neck, nipping at your collarbone as your orgasm drags him over the edge of his own.
His hands tangle in your hair as he’s caging you underneath him with his arms and he gently tucks your head into his chest as he finishes inside you. “Sh-shit!” He grunts, his cocks throbs with each spurt of his cum and his broad frame shudders above you as you kiss his neck and his jaw. “Oh, darlin’, I love you.” He says breathlessly and you smile up at him, moistening your dried out lips with the tip of your tongue before you speak.
“Hugh?” You say in a whispered voice and his dazed eyes fall into your blown out pupils.
“Yeah, baby?”
“It’s been a few days since you’ve asked me.” You point out and he grins at you. “You should ask me again.” You say as a warmth creeps onto your cheeks while he beams at you.
Hugh kisses you softly, exhaling through his nose as you return the gesture, you hands caressing his muscled back lovingly. His hazel eyes find yours again, searching your face for a moment, and then he easily reaches into the drawer of the nightstand with his long arm, making you laugh lightly. You hadn’t expected him to be this prepared. Hugh clears his throat as he hovers back over you, not having separated himself from within you, and he holds up the dainty gold band with a large diamond sparkling in your moonlit bedroom. “Will you marry me, sweetheart?”
With glossy eyes, you nod and press a loving kiss to his lips. “Yes, Hugh, I’ll marry you.”
Just a little mind blurb I simply had to expand on🙃
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened @pinkanonwriting @xxvendettaxx @throwmethroughawindow
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monstersflashlight · 23 hours
Day 4. Monster-kinktober: Deep Sea + Bitemarks/Ice Play
A/N: I took liberties about the deep sea part, hope y’all don’t mind. It ended up being a lot more plot and a lot more fluffy than anticipated, bon apetite!
Orca-hybrid x fem!reader || marking, temperature play, soulmates
When they offer you to travel to the North Pole to do some research on the orca-hybrids up there, you are all over the moon. You’ve been obsessed with them since you had enough brain to think, you even studied marine biology and specialized in sea hybrids so you could study them more (very neurodivergent of you).
You spend the whole trip there being jittery and excited, to the point everyone starts teasing you about your love for orca-hybrids. You blush and don’t say nothing, they don’t even know half of it. You are obsessed with them in every way possible. Which means there’s a big chance you have a bit more than interest in them… more of a sexual interest. But who could blame you? They are tall and exotic, could walk on two feet but also swim incredibly well… They are the best of both worlds and you are about to see them for the first time, to talk to them for the first time. You could barely contain a squeal when the helicopter landed on the base and you saw the orca village not far from there. They were so close!
And things only get better from there.
The first day you approach the village to do some interviews and asks about their habits and culture, they welcome you like a friend, and you are all over the moon all over again. They are so interesting and so different from humans that your brain is going a thousand times per minute at every new piece of information they give you.
And when the son’s leader appears and you see him for the first time, your breath catches in your throat. Your eyes meet for the first time in front of everyone in the village, and you feel how your pulse accelerates as he approaches. He kneels on the floor in front of you, much to your surprise and everyone else around you. You know that it means he respects you over himself, which is a huge deal in orca-hybrid culture. You don’t even know what to say when he introduces himself and asks about your name. You stutter for a bit until you finally get the words out as everyone else just stares at you two.
You leave that day with a red face and a new friend.
All of your colleagues ask you about it for hours, how did you do it, how did you get that amount of respect as easy and fast. But you don’t know, you don’t understand it either. But the next day when you go outside to grab your motorbike and get to the village, he’s already waiting outside the door.
“Good morning,” he lets out in a deep voice. Your whole body shivers and you try to convince yourself that it’s because of the cold and not because his presence makes you weak in the knees.
“Good morning,” you respond, casually vowing in front of him. He looks surprised at your gesture, but repeats it with a big smile that shows all his teeth. It should be creepy or scary, considering how giant his mouth and teeth are, but you find it weirdly cute. You blush again, it feels like every time you are in his presence you can’t stop blushing.
You give him a ride to the village, and he holds your much smaller body against his like you are the most precious thing in the world, making you feel all kinds of flirty. And that’s how it goes. He walks up to the base, he accompanies you everywhere, he spends more and more time with you. You two talk and talk, and discover more and more about him and his people. Every time you are in the village, he’s not far away, his eyes always on you. And you… you are falling for him. And you have no idea if he feels the same way, you don’t even know if orca-hybrids like humans in that way.
But everything changes after a month. He rides with you to the village, but this time, once you are there, he takes your hand and walks away with you, your colleagues long forgotten as some other orca-hybrids lead them in another direction.
“Where are we going?” You ask when you are a few meters away.
He looks down at you and smiles. “I’m taking you to the cave.”
You try not to be too excited, you know about the cave, but it’s not possible he’s leading you to their sacred cave, the one no outsiders can step into, right? There’s no way. “What cave?” You ask, trying not to sound too hopeful.
“The sacred cave, I need to show something to you there,” he says, cryptically. But you don’t even pay attention to his tone or his words after he says the word sacred. He’s leading you to the most special place in his culture, and you are going to be the first human to see it.
Oh. My. God.
When you arrive, you are mesmerized. Everything is covered in a soft layer of ice and some kind of plant you’ve never seen before. It looks like normal grass, but when you touch it, it moves, like tiny tentacles undulating at the rhythm of unknown forces. Your orca-hybrid crush stares at you with a smile on his face until you have touched and probed and oh-ed and ah-ed everything around you.
You stare at him, your eyes shiny with tears because of the emotion of being there. “Why did you take me here?” You finally whisper, not wanting to disturb the pace of such a place.
“You are my mate,” he announces, and your breath gets caught in your throat. You know what that means, you’ve been studying them long enough to know. Orcas mate for life. Oh, goddess. He looks at you with uncertainty in his eyes. “Don’t you feel it? The pull?”
“I- I do. But it’s not the same for humans. How can you be sure of it?”
“You smell so good that I want to taste you, that’s how. Nobody else smells as good as you do, my mate,” his words sound like a reverence, and you are about to collapse from all the feelings running around in your body. You look at him with your mouth hanging open, not fully processing his words. “I know you are the one. The one who completes your soul. The one who would form a family with you and protect you from every danger in the world. The companionship that will make your life whole and your heart beats for somebody else.” You feel a tear running down your cheek at the same time he leans down and engulfs you in a crushing hug. “Do you accept being my mate? Say yes,” he pleads.
You push his chest a bit and look at his eyes trying to decipher whatever is happening inside of you. But the only thought that comes to mind is how right he feels, how amazing it’s been to be with him all those days… He feels right. “Yes,” you murmur, grabbing his big head and pulling him down in a crushing kiss.
“How does it work?” You ask.
“I will mark you and we will be joined for life,” he explains. You feel almost vertigo at the thought of being with him forever, but at the same time you feel warmth and heat, and a conviction so big it leaves you breathless. It is what you should do, you know that. “Ready?” He asks when he lowers his mouth to your neck. You nod and he bites down, you arch your back and cry out at the sensation.
What you thought was going to be painful is so pleasurable your brain stops working for a second, your whole body reacting to it, heat running down your spine until you are desperate. You whine when he pulls out his teeth, kissing softly around it until your knees are weak and you are so wet it’s insane.
It’s exhilarating, and when he undresses you completely and lays you down on the weird undulating grass, you can feel it caressing your skin. You realize then you can’t feel the cold, something inside of you changing and adapting to your new mate. He takes an icicle from the closest wall, smirking down at you and running it over your body, over all your sensitive places until you are a mess under him, until you are even wetter and more desperate. You need him like you need air.
“Make love to me,” you plead. He smiles at you and kisses you again, his mouth still tasting like blood, but also something indescribable.
“Whatever you want, my mate.” He doesn’t discard the icicle, rubbing it around your nipples and making you moan like a whore as you feel the tip of his huge cock in your entrance. He made sure to make you so wet it slides right in, your body accommodating him instantly. You groan and he shushes you, “don’t worry, my mate, the bite took root and you are perfect for me now, we fit like two puzzle pieces.”
He keeps pushing until he’s fully inside of you, until your brain is blank and your body is shivering with the need to explode. He rubs the icicle over your clit at the same time he thrusts his scalding member inside of you, the combination of temperatures is so extreme that you start shivering, your pussy contracting around him and making him moan over you. He keeps praising you and your body and your pussy and everything that has to do with you, to the point you are blushing and your heart feels too big inside your body.
You are about to tell him you love him when flashes appear behind your closed eyes and your body explodes in the most intense orgasm of your life, his body going rigid over yours as you feel his shaft getting slightly bigger as he starts to come. You scream his name as you scratch his back, and he kisses the marks on your neck until your body stops trembling under him.
“I love you, my mate,” he whispers.
“I love you, too,” you whisper back, almost asleep.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 days
Sun 🟒 in Houses
Sun in 1st House:
Sun is in the 1st House meaning that self-expression is an important aspect of your life, because you believe strongly in the rights of the individual. This is because it's so important for you to have the freedom to explore your own personal interests and make your own way in the world. Some might call you arrogant and selfish; however, you're equally determined that others should also have the ability to express themselves. You learn most through your own experiences, rather than relying on the advice of others. You may not realize it, but you also make a strong impression on those around you. They see you as assertive and independent, whether you feel it or not. You're frank and confident, proud and independent, and can be combative if you're opposed. You like to take the initiative and have the ability to focus on your own goals and methods of doing things, rather than adhering to popular opinion. For these reasons you're likely to be thrust into leadership roles, giving you the opportunity to fully express yourself. The Sun in the 1st House means that the Sun is Rising as you are born. In ancient times the Sun was considered particularly strong when in the angular 1st House of a Chart, highlighting your ability to live a hale and hearty life with plenty of energy to ensure that you make an impact on your environment. It is seen as a good omen and means that you're likely to succeed in your ambitions, and perhaps in rising above your station in life. The more self-motivated that you can be leads to the more individual success that you can achieve.
Sun in 2nd House
Sun is in the 2nd House meaning that you're the sort of person who spends much of your life exploring your personal values. It's important for you to have a set of values by which you can judge your own and others' lives, as long as you don't become too critical when either you or others fail to live up to your expectations. If you're too critical then you will find that your self-esteem suffers, as you worry about your own failures or others become fed up with your harsh attitude. On a more positive note, you are more likely to have an upbeat approach to monetary matters. You are the type of person who knows your own value and can keep your word. Your self-esteem thrives when you handle finances well. You are likely to be the household money manager, enjoying the role of balancing the budget. Money, and the pleasures that it can afford, are attractive to you. You may expend much of your time and energy earning money in order to build yourself up, or to buy possessions that help you feel secure. The challenge is to value yourself no matter what your external circumstances are. However, you're likely to benefit financially through generous benefactors, possibly your father or a member of your father's side of the family. You could also benefit financially through a career that involves money such as accounting, book keeping, banking, and advising.
Sun in 3rd House
Sun is in the 3rd House meaning that communication plays a key role in your life, because you experience a continual thirst for knowledge and an equal urge to let others know what you've learned. It's as if you're on a never-ending search for knowledge through your own experiences. You're an avid reader, who enjoys dabbling in all sorts of avenues. You may also be adept at foreign languages, which challenge your keen mind and expand your communication skills. It's not unknown for you to take short trips in order to further your personal and/or intellectual pursuits. You also enjoy keeping the communication lines open with your siblings. Your prime motivation is to enlighten yourself and others, and you have just the creative mind to be able to succeed, earning the respect of other people along the way. You do need to stop and take stock every now and then, because there is a concern that you start to believe that you can never know enough. In fact, it may be simply that you're not aware of how clever you really are. You also need to be careful not to make promises that you can't keep.
Sun in 4th House
Sun is in the 4th House meaning that your home and family play a powerful role in your life, as they are the vehicle for you learning about life. For this reason, you expend much time and energy working out your role in the family. Family life, and even family conflict, provides you with opportunities to learn about your own resources. Love them or hate them, you can't seem to escape them unless it is to form a new family of your own. Although you do love your family members, as you mature you also feel a strong urge to leave the nest and put down roots of your own. You benefit from purchases of land, houses, and property, and may also benefit from working in jobs connected with property. You're likely to achieve your ambitions for a secure home, although at times you can feel quite unsettled if your housing situation is unclear. Astrologically speaking, the Sun is strong in the angular 4th House of a chart, and therefore whether you realize it or not you're likely to make a strong impact on your family members. You also benefit through inheritances from parents or family members.
Sun in 5th House
Your Sun is in the 5th House of your Birth Chart meaning that you love to let your hair down and have fun in life, so much so that many of your friends would call you a child at heart. It's true that you love children and they love you, because you both share the ability to throw your cares to the wind and have a good time. For this reason, you're likely to want children of your own or may decide to work with children at some stage of your life. Parties are a feature of your life, be they small and intimate gatherings, or big fancy-dress affairs. Either way you're found at the centre of the fun, probably initiating a game or two. You also enjoy outings to the cinema, the park, or to the homes of friends and family. In fact, you never seem to run out of ideas. You're the type of person who can come up with creative ideas for how to spend a rainy day at home. If you spend any time at home, you'll notice how friends seem to drop in and a party starts seemingly of its own accord. You also have a strong creative streak, and may express this through an artistic talent. You also have a romantic side to your nature, depending on other aspects in your chart, and you could have a tendency to become involved in love affairs, which could lead to some difficult moments in your life. You may also be interested in gambling either for fun or monetary gain.
Sun in 6th House
Sun is in the 6th House indicating that you are sensitive to the nuances of everyday life. You pay attention to places and people who influence your life on a daily basis. You easily form habits, being a person who pays more attention to the details rather than the big picture. You enjoy everyday tasks such as personal grooming, cleaning, paying bills and creating order. This means that your workplace is the area of your life in which you really shine. It's here that your organizational skills, good habits and ability to serve others really come to the fore. You're likely to benefit from any job that requires you to be of service to others. In fact, you've the ability to go a long way towards helping to alleviate the sufferings of humanity. The only problem is your own personal health and vitality, which can be easily drained if you do not pay attention to your wellbeing. It's possible that you suffered ill health at a young age, realizing early in life that you're prone to contagious diseases, allergies and perhaps even accidents. Ancient astrologers considered the Sun placed in the 6th House of a chart as an unfavorable position, in particular taxing the vitality of a person. However, if your Sun is well placed in your Birth Chart it is more likely that you have an interest in health and wellbeing, either your own or other people’s. Either you are likely to benefit from a healthy diet and exercise regime, enjoying a physical outlet for the stresses of everyday life. Orthodox medicine may appeal as a vocation, or you may explore alternative methods of medicine and health care. Pets may also play a significant role in your life, as you enjoy the benefits of taking care of dependents.
Sun in 7th House
Sun is in the 7th House meaning that relationships are a major feature of your life, both personal and business ones. You feel most warm-hearted and loving when relating to other people, in particular your primary partner. You really shine in your own life when happily married, living or working closely with someone else in partnership. It's not that you don't like time on your own, it's simply that you enjoy being in partnership with someone else. You're likely to benefit through your partnerships. You're popular amongst your friends and business colleagues and therefore, likely to attract happy unions. A fortunate partnership is likely to help you shine in the world and achieve your goals, and success comes to you through beneficial business partnerships. Any difficulties that arise in these relationships can usually be resolved by talking through the problems, either with your partner or through a third party, a mediator. Ancient astrologers considered the Sun placed in the 7th House of a chart to be a fortunate position enabling a person to achieve their goals in life through their partnerships with other people.
Sun in 8th House
Sun is in the 8th House meaning that the processes of birth and death play a prominent role in your life. Of course, this is true for many people, but whereas other people may welcome a birth or grieve a death and then get on with their life, the birth and death of loved ones affects you so deeply that you're likely to change the course of your life as a result. You're an intense person, who likes to bypass the superficial side of life and delve deeply into the meaning of life. Many people feel uncomfortable discussing intimate topics such as birth, death and sexuality, but you're not so reluctant. In fact, it's important that you delve into these topics rather than push them to one side. The most significant death in your life is likely to be that of your father, who is an important figure in your life. You are also likely to welcome the birth of children as a life-enhancing experience. Your experiences with your father deeply affect your style of parenting. Whether you have a positive or negative relationship you’re your father, your role as a parent is an important avenue for you to express the very depths of your nature. Trust is a key feature of your life. While you may have difficulty trusting some people, it's important that you've someone close to you who knows you intimately, someone with whom you feel comfortable talking about your innermost thoughts and feelings. You need to trust and follow your own intuition. If you do this then you're likely to benefit through your primary partnership, gaining in personal fortune either through your partnership or after the partnership has ended. You're also likely to live a long and fruitful life, although you may go through critical life and death periods.
Sun in 9th House
Sun is in the 9th House meaning that you're likely to succeed through your involvements in the church, universities, publishing houses, law, or travel - or a combination of all of these areas. You're also likely to have a desire to explore philosophy or science, because you want to develop intellectually. You're searching for truths which can stand the test of time, either philosophical or scientific truths or both. Once you've satisfied yourself that you've discovered some truths, then you're likely to want to give others the benefit of your knowledge. Therefore, you can be both the student and the teacher during your lifetime. It's possible that religion plays an important role in your life, whether it be orthodox or liberal religious ideals of your own or in your family background. You've a well-balanced approach to religion and are tolerant of other people's beliefs. You're likely to benefit and succeed through your connections with foreign people or organizations and travelling abroad. You're a self-reliant, independent person who is also likely to move to a foreign country either for a short period of time or to take up permanent residence at some stage in your life.
Sun in 10th House
Sun is in the 10th House meaning that you're the sort of person who likes to make your mark on the world, in particular through your profession. You're likely to be born to parents of good standing in the community. From this favorable start in life, you're likely to steadily improve on your status. Success usually comes easily in whatever business or profession that you choose. People in high places are likely to look on you with favour, helping you further your ambitions. You're also likely to rise to a prominent position in society, perhaps even in government office. You've high moral standards, which you apply to yourself and to other people. Fortunately, your vitality and health are usually good and therefore you're well able to achieve your goals. You're likely to carefully consider your proposed primary partner, before entering into a commitment which affects your standing in the community. You're likely to benefit through your primary partnership. Ancient astrologers consider that the Sun is well-placed in the angular 10th House of a chart, and therefore, you're likely to be successful in achieving your goals.
Sun in 11th House
Sun is in the 11th House meaning that you're a sociable person, who makes friends easily with people from all walks of life. You feel most at home when amongst a group of like-minded people. Success in achieving your life goals is likely to be gained through your connection with other people, in particularly those who have attained a high position in society. A loyal and honest person, you benefit greatly through your friendships, alliances and group affiliations. Other people recognize the worth of a trusting and decent friend and treat you well. You've lofty ideals and like to share a common goal with other people. For these reasons your profession may also be linked with working with groups of people, particularly one with a humanitarian cause. You've many hopes and visions of what you want to achieve in your life and can inspire others with your ideas. However, you do need to learn the ability to focus on one thing at a time, otherwise you are in danger of failing to achieve your goals through scattering your energies in different directions.
Sun in 12th House
Sun is in the 12th House meaning that much of your life is spent working behind the scenes. This could mean taking a back seat in your job as the secretary rather than the boss, the stage manager rather than the actor or the editor rather than the published author. On the other hand, you may work in the relative anonymity of an institution such as a hospital, museum, or the armed services. Although you've the ability to succeed in your life, it is likely to involve some form of self-sacrifice. This means that you may give up on your own dreams to fulfil a service to someone or something else. This can be a positive trait if you work for a charitable institution, or a spiritual organization. However, you need to be wary of losing your own identity. There is nothing selfish in living a joyous life. The good news is also that you've the ability to overcome any difficulties entirely through your own efforts, although you can benefit from other people's charity during times of need. It is possible that you often feel forced into situations where you have to tackle things on your own and you may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the forces of the world. Fortunately, you have the ability to be contemplative. Seclusion is a prominent theme of your life, whether it is enforced or by choice. It may be that you actually enjoy long periods on your own, recharging your batteries through moments of quiet reflection. It's also possible that you could have some difficulty spending time on your own, as this forces you to contemplate painful memories, particularly those connected with your father. It's likely that you've missed out on an opportunity to have a close relationship with your father. This separation could have been because your father was forced through circumstances to leave the family home, or perhaps he was unwell, or simply the type of person who lacked the strength to face up to his parental duties. Although you may find it difficult, moments of quiet reflection will ultimately prove to have a healing effect on any emotional pain. You may even discover a sense of being deeply connected with the psychic world or an artistic temperament.
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miabebe · 2 days
Camp Seventeen: Chapter 2
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Pairing - Afab!reader x ot13 (reader x 2 members for this Ch.)
Word count - 13K
Genre - Greek Demigod AU! We’ve got crack, smut, fluff , angst, hurt, comfort, all of it in this series, buckle up!
Previous chapter
Chapter summary - As you delve deeper into the world of the demigods, a party throws you spiralling down a road less taken. While it seems there's one member who may be able to help you with it, there's another you want to lend a hand to. And more.
A/n - As usual, I'm not revealing which member/s are in the chapter hehe :) I do have a taglist so comment/DM/send an ask to be added! And if you enjoyed reading, please don't forget to leave feedback in the comments or tags - we've got lots of chapters to go and hearing thoughts really helps <3
Smut warnings - I'm trying this thing where I won't be adding any detailed warnings as of now now, I will be including them after 1 week instead! I'm trying to keep the suspense for those who are interested but I understand there might be some of you who are wary of reading certain things - I will be adding warnings for your sake in a week's time! (There are no trigger warnings for this fic though!)
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Today you slept with both the windows and the curtains closed. 
Not just Seungcheol's eagle, even the late morning sun couldn't wake you up, leading to you casually strolling into the dining hall, late in the day. As you walked in, still dressed in your pajamas, twelve heads turned towards you, following your every step. 
Seokmin turned towards Seungcheol who's gaze was fixed on his food, like it was adamant not to meet yours. Hesitating, the former cleared his throat, taking one for the team, questioning you instead.
“You uh….didn't come to train today.”
“Yes, I didn’t.” 
Walking in, you grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and sat as far away from Seungcheol as possible. If anyone noticed the hostility between the two of you, they didn't say anything. Seokmin looked at you like he was expecting to hear more - then he realised that was all you had for an answer. 
“Why didn't you…...” 
“I got wet in the rain last night.” You munched on your fruit. “Felt sick in the morning.” 
A part of you expected at least one of them to have the decency to ask you how you were doing now but all the boys simply exchanged looks. As you frowned at them confused, Joshua finally looked at you. “Demigods don't fall sick Y/n.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
“We're half gods, so uh…. stuff like bacteria and viruses don't really have an effect against us.” 
Suddenly, at that point, the last 25 years of your life made a little more sense - you realised you hadn't ever fallen sick. You also realised that last weekend when you offered to watch a movie with Seungcheol because the two of you were alone in the house, he had declined, stating he had a cold and didn't want to pass it on. 
Of course he lied. All that man did was lie. 
Scoffing, you shook your head. “Of course we don't.”
“Is there a problem?” Minghao narrowed his eyes at you conspicuously. “Any particular reason you couldn't or didn't want to come?” 
Sighing, you shook your head. “It's just been hard getting used to things, I'm trying but-” 
“There's no room for but Y/n.” Seungcheol finally spoke, looking up. “Quest season is approaching and we cannot have a weak link on the team.” 
“Cheol.” Jeonghan cautioned, looking at him just a little sternly. “Enough.” 
Seungcheol stared back at Jeonghan like he wanted to retort but when the latter shook his head at him, he got up, throwing his plate into the sink a lot louder than anyone had expected. 
If Chan hadn’t muttered that the cab was ready to leave, you would have exploded - how dare he? He was the one who hinted at something more last night and he was the one who had left you in the middle of the storm so why was he behaving like this was your fault?? But before you could say anything, Seungcheol and the members going for morning shifts grabbed their things and set out for the day, unusually quietly. As Mingyu began to follow the crowd, you held him by his wrist, 
“Where are you going? You don’t have work today?” 
“Are you keeping tabs on me, newbie?” Mingyu bent down, smirking at you. “Can I consider you interested?” 
“Your schedules are on the white board genius.” You rolled your eyes, letting him go and pointing at it. “We need to talk.” 
Mingyu frowned, both confused and curious. 
“The house Gyu, my house. I have a final plan for it.” 
“Oh! Okay sure let’s go-” 
“Wait.” Joshua stood up shaking his head. “I don't know what's going on with you Y/n, but unlike Cheol, I cannot walk away from what I am responsible for in this camp. You're going to put that fruit down-” He pointed at the plum you just reached for. “-go shower, have a full breakfast and then you can sit with Mingyu and finalise whatever you have to.” 
“But Shua-” 
“No.” He said in a tone that you knew meant that this was not open for any more discussion as he turned towards the man who was stuffing his face with cereal. “And Kwon Soonyoung, why are your sheets still in the dryer?” 
Oh fuck. 
Soonyoung looked at you confused - you had completely forgotten about that.
“I uh couldn't carry them back in the rain last night.” He muttered, drinking the last of his milk straight from the bowl, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I'll take them now.” 
“Why did you need to wash your sheets in the middle of the night?” Hansol frowned at the man beside him sceptical and Soonyoung glanced at you but you were suddenly deeply interested in some random crack on the table surface. 
“I was bored and jerked off.” Soonyoung washed up his bowl, shaking the water off his hands. “It was a good one.”
Hansol groaned disgusted and you looked at Soonyoung scandalised as he shot you a cheeky wink before disappearing out of the hall. A part of you was kind of relieved - you were worried after last night, especially considering what he said as you were leaving. Perhaps you heard it wrong because Soonyoung seemed just as relaxed as ever, like nothing had changed. 
You were thankful for that - now things could go back to like they were before. 
Or could they? Because Jihoon was yet again looking at you like he knew everything
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“This is your final plan?” 
“Isn't this the first plan you had made?”
“Y/n,” Mingyu groaned. “If you wanted to do this we could have finalised it days ago.” 
“I told you, I was confused about the whole bathroom situation.” You muttered, tracing mindless patterns over the floor plan. “Let's just make the residence alone. I'll adjust with the common showers.”
“We can still arrange to build a bathroom for you.” Joshua glanced at the papers. “Since we have to divert water pipes, it'll just take a little longer-” 
“No.” You gripped the pencil tight. “I don't want anything that takes a little longer. I want this house made as soon as possible so I can shift to my own space.” 
Your adamance was definitely new but neither boys commented on it. Instead Mingyu pulled out his phone and scrolled through clumsily.
“I need to place an order for the brick and cement and sure Chan has got a decently sized cab but it's going to take a couple of trips to bring the whole load.” He sighed, not looking up. “It's going to take a couple of weeks to get the house ready-”
“No, no no.” You shook your head. This couldn't be happening. “I need my own house as soon as possible, Mingyu….” You looked away rambling as both men frowned. “I'm in my final year, I've uh got projects and submissions to work on. The library isn't well lit enough to study all night and Seungcheol's house is too far from the charging station in the Great Hall, I can't keep making such long trips just to charge my laptop? What if it rains like last night again? What if all my stuff gets wet and-”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Mingyu set his phone down and tried to calm you down. “Though if those are your concerns, you can move into my house. I live close to the Great hall and I have a loft - you won’t have any issues there.”
Oh no. No no. You weren't about to fall from the frying pan into the fire. 
“No Mingyu, what I need is my own space, like every other member of the camp.” You sighed. “And I know it's a lot to ask but I hope we can be done with it fast.” 
“I really wish I could help Y/n.” He looked at you pitifully. “You’re an architect, you know the kind of time it takes to build a house. Maybe if you had opted for something simpler, like a wooden cabin-” 
“Can you build that faster?” 
“I mean we do live in the middle of a forest and I do have automations to cut trees-” 
“How long will a wooden cabin take?”
“A few days.” Mingyu rubbed his chin in thought. “Provided it doesn't rain or-” 
“Do it.”
Both men looked surprised. 
“You're sure?” Joshua spoke up this time. “Wooden homes tend to feel colder, it would also be harder to-”
“I'm sure.” You nodded, gathering the sheets. “I'll have to make a few amendments to the layout then you can start. Meanwhile, why don't you go ahead now with the….. wood gathering?”
Mingyu nodded, stuffing his phone into his pocket, resting his face on his interlocked hands. 
“What're you waiting for Mingyu?” 
“Now as in right now??”
“Yes right now.” You looked at him like it was obvious. “Please.” 
Joshua nodded, signalling Mingyu to leave and grumbling, the bigger man left, much to your relief. Just a few more days. You could handle a few more days with Seungcheol, right? 
“You cannot.” Joshua turned to you. “You cannot survive with a group of people if you don't communicate Y/n. Do you want to tell me what's going on?”
You let out a deep breath considering it for a minute but then shook your head. “It's not worth discussing. I'll deal with it on my own.”
“Well you better do it fast because,” Joshua pulled out a sheet from his bag and slid it across the table to you. “Things are about to get a lot more hectic.”
You were too scared to extend your hand and reach for that paper. Good god, what else was in store for you. 
“Seokmin and Minghao are already covering physical training for you but being a demigod is so much more than just combat - you need to learn about this world, about its people, about the laws that govern it.” He looked at you apologetically. “I've drafted a schedule where the members will cover these different areas with you. Of course you will have time for your own obligations but you will also have to strictly adhere to the rest…..” 
Joshua's words trailed off as your eyes landed on the timetable and the names scribbled on them.
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You counted 12 names, all the members were scheduled to help you except- 
“Wonwoo.” You breathed out. “His name isn't….here?” 
“Yeah…” Joshua scratched the back of his head. “Wonwoo isn't really available for stuff like this, he's got other things to do….” 
Of course he did. He was a top secret government official, he did guard duty at night, he was working on your case too, you could understand that he was busy. 
But what you didn't understand was why he always ignored you. Even earlier when you popped into the showers forgetting that Wonwoo usually washed himself much after everyone, you had in fact, caught him butt naked. 
Any normal person would've covered himself up or at least responded to your small scream, quick turn and innumerable apologies but Wonwoo? He simply grabbed a towel, wrapped himself and walked straight past you into the locker rooms like you didn't even exist, the trademark scent of his perfume the only thing lingering behind. 
“Y/n where are you lost?” 
You shook your head. “I was just thinking about how the bath house would've been more efficient if the showers were attached to the locker room so we didn't have to walk so far in a towel to change.” 
Joshua looked at you like he didn't understand a word you were saying. Or why you were saying it. 
“It's just…. I'm just being an architect, don't bother.” You shook your head then the paper. “Thank you for this.”
“No worries.” He smiled sweetly, getting up, leaving you to your breakfast. “I see your first lesson is History of the Gods. Unfortunately I think Chan is busy with some delivery in the evening so, it'll be just you and Jihoon. I hope you'll attend the lesson earnestly.”
You nodded, giving him a hard smile. 
How were you supposed to last 2 hours with a man who read you like an open book? 
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The darkness behind your closed eyelids was supposed to be comforting. That's why you were lounging in your chair, half asleep while waiting for Jihoon to show up. But somehow, it felt like you were being watched and sure enough when you opened your eyes, the face of your instructor of the day was inches away from you.
“Jesus Christ Jihoon…” You sat up scrambling, pulling yourself away from him. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“You're tired.” He tucked his hands in his pockets walking back. “I was wondering if I should let you rest-” 
“I'm fine.” 
“-but it's strange considering you skipped training and slept all morning, yet you're incredibly sleep deprived.” Leaning back against the table he looked at you amused. “What might have happened last night that exhausted you so?” 
Words refused to leave your mouth considering you didn't know if he was teasing you or actually concerned. Given the last few days you assumed it was the former and ignored him as you began closing all the books you had strewn on the table before you. 
“I see you're doing pre reading.”
“Chan gave these to me before he left for work. He said I should read to understand better.” 
“Did you?” 
Of course you didn't. You were almost snoring away and Jihoon saw that, yet he asked the question like he wanted you to feel embarrassed about the answer. 
“I thought you were supposed to teach me.” You shut the last book and glared at him. “If you just expect me to just read off a book, I don’t see why you’re required here.” 
“Are you suggesting I leave my own class?” He raised his eyebrow amused. “I’m going to have to disappoint you but unlike some, I take what I’m told at camp seriously.” 
You glared at him like you were contemplating throwing the book straight at him and you almost did when he walked around the table, sat down on the chair and cocked his head at you. 
“For someone who is the daughter of Hestia, hospitality isn't really your trait is it?  
“How would I know, aren’t you supposed to be teaching me about this God stuff?” 
“I am.” He nodded, crossing his arms. “But it depends on how much the mortal world has already taught you.” 
“I’ve never really bothered myself with Greek mythology.” You rolled your eyes. “They’re just stories for bored children.” 
“Except they aren’t. They are your reality.” 
“Not by choice.” You mumbled. You did not wish to be an outcast in the only world you knew and thrown here. You did not wish for any of this. 
“Parentage is no one’s choice.” Jihoon sighed. “But to be a demigod is a gift. It’s a shame that you disregard your power.” 
“What power?” You scoffed. “I don’t have any….” Trailing off you gulped. 
That was a lie. 
“I am the Son of Apollo which means I was there at the Court of Delphi when the Oracle assigned you.” Jihoon reminded you of the fateful night.
The night when a couple of masked men had forcibly picked you from your dorm, throwing you into a large room of unknown people and a round crystal in the middle on an altar. No sooner than you took a scared, confused step forward it spoke - Daughter of Hestia, Camp Seventeen. 
“The Oracle only recognises those who have God's blood. So if you’re telling me you don’t have any powers and this is all a mistake, you must think I’m an idiot.” 
“If you’re so smart-” You narrowed your eyes at him. “-why don’t you do that mind reading thing you do and figure out what my powers are?”
“I can’t read minds Y/n,” Jihoon looked at you quizzically. “I’m not Athena’s progeny.” 
“Y-you can’t? But all these days…..” You blinked at him confused. “Oh my god, can Jeonghan??” 
He shook his head. “Neither can Jeonghan. Not all of Athena’s children are mind readers. I’ve only ever come across one in my life and if she wasn’t busy shuffling through everyone’s brain in the quest, perhaps she wouldn’t have been killed.” 
You opened your mouth and then shut it, unsure which of the hundred questions in your mind to ask first. 
“If you really must know, my father is the God of Medicine which makes me a natural healer.” He leaned back with a small smile. “I don’t read people’s minds but their bodies. I can tell when one is sick, or hungry….or even horny.” 
You gulped, feeling your heartbeat raise. Could he tell that too? 
“It goes without saying that a demigod's powers are associated with their parentage. So as the daughter of the Goddess of Hearth and Home, I’m assuming you have some sort of bond with fire.” 
Tightening your fists, you refused to meet his eye. 
It made sense why you never told anyone in the human world about your ability to create fire out of thin air but somehow you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone in the demi-world either. 
You had seen the powers the boys had - Seokmin was the son of Posiedon, God of the Sea, but he couldn’t create water, only bend it. And Mingyu? His father was the literal God of Fire and even he was only immune to flames. 
But you, birthing fire from thin air? Something told you that even in the world of demigods, the world where you belonged, you were a freak.
“Or maybe I’m an architect because of you know, the ‘home’ bit.” 
“I don’t think so. Your college preference is pretty much just a personal interest.” 
“Then I guess I don’t have any powers.” You shrugged. “Maybe the Oracle made a mistake.” 
“The Oracle isn’t human. It never makes mistakes.” 
“Then maybe my powers are too insignificant for us to care. I mean think about it - what can the daughter of such a goddess have to offer? I most definitely don’t have anything of value.” 
Jihoon stared at you like he had too many thoughts. 
“Do you know the life cycle of a demigod?” 
You shook your head confused about where he was going with this.
“Not everyone born half breed inherits powers and even if they do, it is dormant until puberty. At the ages of 16 to 18, demigods are at their highest energies which gives them an aura that makes them instantly identifiable - the stronger their abilities, the stronger the aura. After they are picked either by their parents or our scout force, they’re taken to the Oracle who puts them in camp where they will be best suited to train and learn to harness their powers. If a demigod isn’t placed in camp by 18, you best believe that they are dead.” 
“Huh?” You blinked. “Why is that?” 
“Because either the inability to handle their own powers will kill them or in rare cases, monsters.” 
“There’s always good and bad in the world. Where you have gods, you have monsters too.” Jihoon opened one of the books to a page filled with sketches of the most gruesome creatures you’d ever seen. “Most of our predecessors have already locked up many of these in the Underworld but there are still some out there, lurking around. If they sense an aura and you aren’t trained for combat, you don’t stand a chance.” 
“So you think because I’ve managed to survive the last seven years, on my own and untrained, I am powerful?” You frowned. “Did you consider the fact that perhaps my aura was so weak no one could detect me?” 
“I did. That was my first assumption till the Oracle.” He leaned onto the table. “Even Gods have to touch the orb for a reading but your mere presence lit her up Y/n. Your aura isn’t weak, it’s different and my guess is it has something to do with being Hestia's daughter.” 
You hummed, trying to make sense of things. “Well, did the same thing happen with her other children?” 
Jihoon shook his head. “We don’t know. Unfortunately for us, there are no other known children of Hestia - you are the first ever.” 
You stared at him, letting the weight of his words sink in. 
“I’m her only child?” 
Jihoon nodded slowly. 
If that were true, the whole of last week made no sense. Ever since you had discovered the temple, you had been trying to reach out to your mother every other hour. You assumed she might have been busy or probably had too many places to be to tend to you, but to learn that you were her only progeny and she still didn’t care hurt differently. 
Scoffing sadly you shook your head. “What kind of mother doesn’t care about her only child?” 
“One who is not proud of her momentary lapse of judgement.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Jihoon sighed. “Hestia is one of the three virgin goddesses, along with Artemis and Athena. She’s not supposed to have any offspring, much less one with a human. If anything, you are a walking talking symbol of her weakness.” 
“I am her child-” 
“In theory.” Jihoon emphasised. “But in reality, you’re merely a fragment of her.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
“Humans and Gods don’t mix Y/n. Hell, even humans and demigods can’t.” 
“I’m aware.” 
Jihoon took a pause before he narrowed his eyes at you playfully. “Why and how are you aware of that?” 
“Irrelevant.” You brushed off. “But if what you’re saying is true, how can demigods even come to be?” 
“Because it’s not unlike even the Gods to succumb to lust. At any time they feel particularly attracted to a human they enchant their partners.” When you frowned like you didn’t understand, he sighed and continued. “Enchantment is what we call the process of gods…to crudely put it, possessing people. Taking over their bodies, controlling them.” 
Your jaw dropped. 
“You mean they possess one person to have sex with another???” 
“Well, sometimes it’s just sex but sometimes it is love. They stay on Earth for years together till the lesser gods aren’t able to handle things and they are forced to go back.” Jihoon got up, pacing around the room. “Demigods are born to two human parents who are completely unaware about what happened with them and what their child actually is.” 
“Wow” You breathed out dumbfounded. “You mean to say I have two parents in the Mortal world and one sitting in Olympus-” Jihoon nodded. “-and neither of them care about me?” 
Jihoon looked at you like you had given him more information than he asked for. 
“I can’t speak for your mortal parents but as far as Gods are concerned, they don’t really care about their half human children…… unless they are powerful.” He locked his arms behind his back. “Demigods train for years to become worthy of their parents' attention.” 
“So being a demigod isn’t really a gift after all.” 
Sighing, Jihoon sat down beside you. “You can’t allow yourself to be governed by emotions Y/n. You are the result of a God’s lack of resistance to impulses - those who sit in Olympus have their own flaws. If you run your whole life seeking their validation, you will keep running. They will keep you running.” 
“What do I do then?” You blinked at him lost. “I think I have more than one question I want to ask the woman because of whom my life is a mess. How do I get her to notice me?” 
“Play it smart. First, learn about our world and the things that shape it. Understand how Olympus works - what the God's weaknesses are, what ticks them off, what will bring them on your side.” He turned to you. “If you play your cards right, trust me, your mother will come looking for you in no time.”
Letting out a deep breath, you whispered hesitantly. “Will you teach me how?” 
Smiling in a way that made your stomach turn a lot differently than it used to for Jihoon before, he nodded. “I'd love to.” 
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You didn’t even realise when your supposed two hour session with Jihoon dragged on till after the sun had set. 
By the end of it, you had a book full of notes stuffed in your backpack and a head full of information that your instructor had filled. As you stepped out of the library building, Jihoon offered to walk you back to Seungcheol’s house given it was nightfall and as much as you wanted to continue talking to him, you politely refused. You weren’t ready to face that man just yet but just as you began walking towards the Great Hall to grab a snack or two, your eyes fell on Jeonghan and Seungcheol whispering away near the trees. 
As you skidded to a stop in your path, they turned towards you, both surprised and relieved by your presence. When you noticed Jeonghan nudge Seungcheol making him take a step towards you, you immediately walked back, knocking into someone behind you, earning a shriek. 
“Watch it rookie.” Seungkwan muttered as you apologised under your breath. From the corner of your eye, you noticed a couple of the guys standing fully dressed like they were headed out to a party. 
“Y/n.” Seungcheol took another step, trying to get your attention again. “We need to talk-” 
“I can’t,” You walked over to the boys, placing yourself right in the middle of the group. “I’m going out tonight.” 
“Dressed like that?” Seungcheol raised his eyebrows, looking up to down at a really old t-shirt you had donned over a pair of worn out shorts. 
“Funny that a man who pairs socks with sandals is judging me about my outfit.” 
Behind you the boys snickered, glancing down at Seungcheol’s feet. 
“That’s not my point-” 
“Can you drop my bag in my room?” You looked over the leader’s shoulder at his sidekick. “Since you love roaming around that house anyways.” 
Jeonghan caught the bag you threw to him, sighing as he swung it over his shoulder. 
“Well, that would make a total of eight of us..…” Seokmin looked around, doing a headcount. “Dino’s car can take us all but it will be a bit congested-” 
“I can take my bike.” Mingyu offered, running his hands through his hair. “It’ll be more convenient for you guys and-” 
“Can I ride with you?” You turned to Mingyu, looking at him just a little pleadingly. 
Even though you were on the way to a party, you weren’t in the mood to be stuffed in a small car with a bunch of guys right now - all you wanted was some air and space away from Seungcheol. 
Shooting you a small smirk, Mingyu nodded, just in time for his mechanical bull to jog over, modifying into a slick bike the moment it neared him. As he got on, you followed him, gripping his shoulders as you clambered on. 
“Hold tight.” 
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you glanced at the two boys left behind - Seungcheol’s jaw was tight and Jeonghan looked mildly curious, eyes darting where your body pressed up against Mingyu’s back. You could tell the normally cocky Mingyu did seem slightly tense under your touch, perhaps because you were not wearing a bra and he could feel everything very clearly. 
“Shall we?” He muttered, turning on the engine. 
Sighing, you nodded, a part of you well aware that tonight was most definitely going to be a long night. 
“Let’s go.” 
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“I’ve been to funerals better than this.” 
You muttered to Seokmin about fifteen minutes after reaching the house that the boys had brought you to for the night. Your expectation had been that of a frat party, one with pizzas and chips and dip and booze instead you were looking at a living room filled with pink balloons, rose gold streamers and french appetisers. 
“Wait till Soonyoung’s alcohol goes around.” Seokmin half giggled, grabbing a canape from the table. “Things always get so much fun after that.” 
You watched the man in question pulling out some bottles from his pockets, handing them over to some boys at the corner of the room. 
The moment Chan’s car had stopped at the location, all the boys had practically disappeared. Seungkwan headed over to a bunch of people Mingyu said were some of his very close friends. No sooner than he said that, he too disappeared as did Chan, Soonyoung and Mingao. The only ones who remained by your side were Seokmin and Joshua but just as you stepped into the house, a couple of girls pulled Joshua away, leaving you with your current company. 
“Why do I feel like something about Soonyoung’s alcohol is sketchy?” 
“Maybe because it’s an illegal blend?” Seokmin shrugged before realising what he had let slip. “You cannot tell anyone. Everyone in camp will kill him and Soonyoung will resurrect and kill me.” 
Laughing you shook your head, grabbing a cracker and topping it with brie, stomach rumbling due to the lack of dinner. 
“You don’t have to keep me company Seokmin.” You turned to the man who was sweet enough to stay by your side. “I don’t wanna ruin your night.” 
“It’s no big deal.” He muttered, putting himself between you and a drunk guy leaning over you to grab a drink from the table. “I know you don’t know anyone here-” 
“I’m not looking to socialise anyways.” You confessed, piling a bunch of stuff on your plate. “I’m just going to sit outside and grab a bite in, hopefully, some peace and quiet.” 
“Oh.” Seokmin looked a little upset, like he wanted to hang out with you but before you could tell him that you didn’t mind his company, Mingyu popped by out of nowhere, pulling his friend by the elbow and dragging him away excitedly. Chuckling, you got back to piling your plate. 
“You worked up an appetite.” 
You turned to see Soonyoung hovering behind you, hands tucked in his pocket. 
“Yeah….” You shoved a spoonful of cold but nevertheless tasty pasta salad into your mouth. “Apparently spending three hours learning about Greek gods can really drain you.” 
“Jihoon can be a bit intense with teaching.” Soonyoung laughed, nonchalantly wiping the cream at the edge of your lips with his thumb. “The trick is to remind him about his workout. He'll drop everything and run.” 
“Huh.” You laughed uncertainly before struggling to swallow your bite and turning to him. He stared at you stuffing your mouth with an expression you couldn’t quite read. 
“Soonyoung we…. “ You swallowed. “We didn't get to talk about last night.”
“Oh.” Soonyoung blinked. “What about it?”
About what he said. About if you heard it right. About if he meant it. 
“About if whatever happened was…. of any use with Mina?” You diverted like a coward.
“I uh haven't spoken to her yet.” Soonyoung confessed, scratching the back of his head. “Surprisingly I haven't returned any of her calls.”
“Why is that?” 
“I don't know.” He looked at you intently. “I don't feel like doing it.”
“Is there…” You whispered softly, wondering if you should even be asking this. If you were ready for his answer. “....something else you feel like doing?”
Soonyoung nodded, his tongue running across his lower lip, his eyes darting to your mouth. Just as it seemed like he leaned in, out of nowhere, the most beautiful girl you had ever seen, threw her arms around Soonyoung's neck, pulling his mouth to hers instead. 
“Hoshi.” She mumbled against his lips, pressing her body up against him not so subtly. 
You weren't sure why exactly you were continuing to watch the two people before you shoving their tongues into each other's mouth but perhaps that's how shock worked. Though you didn't have the intention of continuing anything at all with Soonyoung, something about being interrupted this way stung differently. 
By the time they had separated, you had chugged an entire can of beer, crushing the metal in your hand.
“And who might this be?” She looked at you, pushing her hair back. 
“She's the new member of camp seventeen Y/n,” He pointed between the two of you, “Y/n, this is Mina, my uh….”
“Girlfriend.” She smiled, with an unbelievably perfect set of teeth. “So the rumours are true. The infamous all-boys-celibate camp finally has a female presence. Tell me,” Her eyes glowed. “Have you gotten your eyes on any of them? Or even better,” She lowered her voice. “Have you gotten your hands on any of them already?”
You looked at Soonyoung, utterly uncomfortable. 
“Mina, you can’t ask such things-”
“Why not? It'll be between just us girls-” 
“Please.” He pulled her back. “Last I saw you, we broke up and now you just waltz back and-” 
“I know, I know. We never should have broken up in the first place. That whole fight was stupid.” She pouted, wrapping her arms around him tighter. “Forget about it Soonyoung-” 
“Forget about it?” His expression was of disbelief. “So you don't have anything to say to me?” 
She looked away, pretending like she was thinking before turning back to him with a smirk. “Yes, I do. I didn't wear any underwear today.” 
Inwardly groaning you stared at the design of the tile hoping the ground would just swallow you instead. You wanted to get the fuck out of here since this conversation was of no interest to you but moving was impossible with both their intertwined figures blocking the way. 
“Come on Soonyoung, it's been so long and I'm in the mood tonight. The bedrooms on the second floor won’t be free for long.” 
Soonyoung’s adam's apple shifted, his words stuck somewhere there as Mina held him by the wrist and began leading him away. As he was dragged off, you expected him to turn and shoot you a grateful look, instead, he looked at you wistfully. 
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Your plan was simple - stuff your face with all the incredibly bougie food, catch some air in the patio away from all the noise and then leave with the boys whenever they were ready to go. Instead here you were, your plate somewhere unattended while you were gripping the edge of the sink, leaning over it, chest heaving as you stared into the mirror. 
Now you knew you weren’t supposed to be hogging the washroom for this long but you couldn’t bear to go out. One, you didn’t want to see Soonyoung and his girlfriend again - especially if she was going to be all over him like a leech because something about that sight made your stomach turn violently. And two, you were somehow, for no reason at all, incredibly wet.
Perhaps it was because suddenly, everyone in the party was quite literally all over each other, or because you were thinking about what happened in Soonyoung’s residence this time yesterday, or because you were just plain desperate to have something, anything inside you. 
Last night awakened something in you that you didn’t know existed and now nothing seemed to satiate the beast. Chiding yourself for being out here when you could have been in your own room, having your way with Soonyoung’s toy or your own fingers maybe, you gripped the sink tighter, feeling your heart rate rise unprompted. It was getting harder and harder to stay modest. 
The only thing that stopped you from putting your hand down your pants in a house full of sixty people on the other side of the door, was the knock on it. 
“What part of I am throwing up in here do you not- Oh!” You gasped, walking back as the door flung open and in stepped a slightly inebriated Chan. “What are you doing!?” 
“You won’t open the door….” He slurred. “It’s been so long, Seokmin was worried.” 
“How the hell did you open three locks….” You stared at the door as he slowly shut it behind him. 
“My father is the God of thieves. Are you really surprised that I can open any lock and any door?” 
“I guess not.” You muttered, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub. “But you didn’t need to, I was going to come out-” 
“You’ve been in here for over 20 minutes.” Chan crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. “I thought you passed out or something.” 
“I wish.”
Passing out would be much better than whatever was going on between your legs. 
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying the party.” 
“I’m not. I’m just waiting for us to head back.” 
“Then why ask to tag along?” He raised his eyebrow. “Does it have anything to do with the hostility between you and Seungcheol?” 
“So you noticed.” 
“I think everyone did.” Chan chuckled. “Do you want to tell me why or should I guess?” 
“Shoot your shot.” 
Chan shrugged all knowingly, “He rejected you.” 
You looked up at the boy before you so fast, you nearly fell back thanks to the inertia. 
“W-what makes you think that?”
“Sons of Zeus and Daughters of Aphrodite have a natural tendency to attract the opposite sex.” He stated like it was obvious. “Seungcheol has women swooning over him like they're in some sort of trance. He doesn't really care for them because he knows it's a mere chemical attraction thanks to his dad. Instead he just ignores them or if things get unbearable, he breaks their hearts so they snap out of it.” 
You knew Chan had to be quite tipsy to so bluntly place you in the list of women Seungcheol had rejected. It wasn't like that was it? Yesterday in the rain, he had hinted his feelings for you, he almost kissed you but….. what about what you were feeling? Was this irresistible attraction you felt towards him nothing but chemical? 
Considering how you had been feeling since Mina wrapped herself all over Soonyoung…. You wouldn't have felt that if your heart was set out on Seungcheol right? 
Then again….. it was Seungcheol’s name that left your mouth as you orgasmed yesterday. 
Staring at the floor you shook your head slightly. You could not think about last night again, not with how soaked you already were at the moment. 
“Hey,” Chan inched closer, putting his finger under your chin, lifting your face to meet your eyes. He did not however notice the way you pressed your thighs together at his touch. His eyes skimmed over the features of your face, a slight amused smile forming on his face. “You’re flushed…. Did you have any of Soonyoung’s alcohol?” 
You shook your head but were unable to shake his fingers from your face. “His blend is not my drink of choice.” 
“Oh gods, please don’t tell me you had any beer.” 
“I think I had two cans…… or maybe four?” You frowned. “I can't remember but I'm not drunk! Beer barely makes me-” 
“Y/n,” Sighing, Chan finally let you go. “Party rule number one, you never drink alcohol at an Aphrodite rager.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because Aphrodite’s children are a bunch of troublemakers. Don’t let their gorgeous faces fool you.” He brushed the hair off your face. “You must think people like Joshua are the finest to walk the Earth, but don’t judge a man without knowing his stories.” 
Joshua? You frowned. How could he be anything but a sweetheart? Soonyoung’s girlfriend maybe was an obnoxious toad but not Joshua. He was flawless. 
“You might as well have drank Soonyoung’s disgusting blend.” Chan muttered. “Why do you think his alcohol sells so well at these parties?” 
“Because his annoyingly beautiful girlfriend is a daughter of Aphrodite?” 
“Yes, but also because only the insane drink the booze served at an Aphrodite party. She may be the goddess of Love but she’s also the goddess of Sex and more importantly, her children are addicted to it.” Chan looked at you just a little worried. “Those drinks are their special concoctions of aphrodisiacs.” 
“Aphrodite, aphrodisiacs - not far off huh?” He shrugged. “I’m not sure if it hit you yet - do you feel anything?” 
“No….” You shook your head. 
The correct answer was hell yes. Everything going on with you suddenly made sense but you couldn't tell Chan that, not him. 
“Are you not feeling unnaturally hot?” He looked at you concerned as he sat down beside you, his body unwittingly brushing against yours. “Doesn't the tiniest bit of proximity rile you up?” 
You didn’t answer him. You didn't need him to know just how much even his presence was affecting you thanks to those stupid sex potions.
“I should tell you beforehand, when it hits, it’s going to be intense but the longer you resist it, the stronger it gets.” You turned to him, only just realising how close his face was to yours. “The only chance you have of getting out of it…. is to give in.” 
Gulping you stared at him. The boy who was always bright, laughing around and cracking jokes like he was an old man was looking at you with unusually darkened eyes, his thighs pressed against yours, your hand inches away from him. 
The only chance you have of getting it out is to give in.
“Chan do you think….” You gulped. “...you can guard the door for a while?”
Perhaps if it were anyone but Lee Chan you would have climbed them by now. Because he was right - the more you tried to control yourself, the more you felt yourself slipping. But not with Chan, definitely not with him. He was far too sweet and innocent to be dragged into whatever mess was going on with you. 
“I might uh need a few minutes alone here.” You mumbled. 
Chan blinked like he didn't understand but when you looked away, wiping the sweat trickling down your neck in a pretty cold room, he seemed like he got it. 
“Oh y-yeah sure.��� He got up quickly, not looking at you. “I'll be right outside.”
And with that he scurried out, closing the door behind him. 
The moment he disappeared you smacked your head - you didn't particularly enjoy beer anyways, why did you have to drink it tonight? If you were being honest, it was because of Soonyoung and his irritatingly gorgeous girlfriend and their unnecessary antics right in front of you face- 
No no no. 
You couldn't be spiralling with these thoughts again. Chan said the longer you resisted, it was going to get worse so you were going to do whatever it took to get this feeling out of your system. 
As you unbuttoned your shorts, you got up and leaned against the sink to avoid seeing your face in the mirror, barely able to meet your own eyes given what you were about to do. Pushing your embarrassment aside considering the need of the hour, you slid your hand past the material of your underwear, fingers feeling exactly how drenched you were. 
“Fucking hell.” You muttered. How was it possible that you were this wet absolutely unprompted and for no reason at all? What the hell was in those concoctions?? 
You thought you could just get off with your own fingers but given how easily they were sliding past your hole there was no way you could do this on your own, especially not here. Annoyed, you pulled your hand out and turned, washing it under the running water, sighing at your reflection in the mirror. Chan was right, you were incredibly flushed, your pupils were blown and the sheen of sweat was very evident - oh it was definitely getting worse. 
Maybe you could go find Mingyu and convince him to give you a ride back to camp. If you could get your hands on Soonyoung’s toy again, you could help yourself out of this. That was perhaps the best thing to do right now. 
Adjusting your hair and your clothes, you gave yourself a determined nod and opened the door, expecting to see Chan but finding someone else entirely guarding the door.
“M-Minghao.” You stuttered as he looked over his shoulder, eyes finding you.
“Party rule number two, never trust Lee Chan to do anything in a party with alcohol.” 
You should have known - he might be your age but Chan was like an overexcited child. And did Minghao just say rule number two? Did that mean he was aware….
“You’re still very aroused.” He smirked as you felt your cheeks heat with embarrassment. “I’m guessing whatever you were trying to do in there didn’t work out.” 
You groaned. “I can’t believe Chan told you-” 
“He didn’t.” Minghao shook his head amused. You watched as he ran his eyes from your face down. “He didn’t have to, it’s pretty evident.” 
“I just need to get home and I’ll be fine-” 
“I don’t think so.” He dropped his voice, his wide frame covering anyone from seeing you. “On the contrary, you might quite literally pounce on the first guy you see-” 
“You’re the first guy.” 
Minghao’s eyes darkened as he looked at you wordlessly. Strangely, you felt something shift inside you too - oh god he was right.
“How much longer-”
“There’s bedrooms upstairs you know-” 
”Are you guys done-”  
“No.” Minghao shook his head, silencing the voices behind him as he slid his bracelet off his wrist and hooked it to the door handle, eyes not leaving you even once. “Get in.” 
Surprisingly you obeyed, taking a step back, allowing him to enter as he closed the door behind him much to the disappointment of the many queueing outside. 
“Y/n,” How was his voice so much deeper suddenly? “This is the exact kind of trouble the Aphrodite children are looking for. They want the drama that comes from the inability to control oneself, you’re better than that.” 
“What do you want me to do?” You groaned. “Before you shoved me back in here, I was trying to leave and get back to camp so I can deal with it myself-” 
“The art of war lies in self control.” He slid his arms in his pockets, looking at you just like he did every morning on the training field. “As a demigod, you are at your best when you learn how to control yourself. People misunderstand how this aphrodisiac works - you don't have to give in, it does wear off after a point. Most just don't happen to be able to control themselves till then.”
“Wears off at what point because Minghao, it's been barely 20 minutes since I’ve had those drinks and I’m barely able to get a hold of myself.” 
“Which is precisely why leaving right now is a horrible idea - you don’t have a hold over yourself.” He let out a deep breath. “We can fix it. We can stay here for however long you need and you can let this pass. Consider it a lesson in your training.” 
“We’re training in the middle of a party?” 
“As warriors we’re always training.” He walked past you, sitting on the edge of the bathtub like you had been just a while ago, looking annoyingly relaxed. “Do you think I enjoy these all-pink, snooty french parties? I come here just for the drinks.” 
Your jaw dropped. “Y-you had the beer too?” 
Minghao nodded. 
“On purpose? After knowing what they do?” 
He nodded again.
“Why in the world would you do that?” 
“To practise self control.” He stated like it was obvious.
“By drugging yourself?” 
“A good warrior is one who doesn’t allow himself to be governed by any kind of emotion - lust is usually the hardest to control.” 
“So that concoction has no effect on you?” 
“It's starting to hit.” Minghao looked at you intently as your eyes flickered down to his pants, noticing the bulge. “But I'm not the kind to give in.” 
“Well I think I'm the kind to.” You muttered, throat going dry as you peeled your eyes away. Minghao didn't. “I don't know how to explain it.” You shut your eyes tight, embarrassed of the words leaving you but you knew he might be the only person who understood where you were at. “but I have this feeling like I'm being clawed on the inside, like if I don't have anything in me right this second, I might just lose my mind.”
“I get it.” Your eyes flew open to find him standing right in front of you, his face inches away. “I feel like I'm on the edge of my sanity too but you can fight it.” 
Gulping you looked at the way his lips moved, the vein of his neck stark as was his collarbone peeking from under his shirt. Before this, you hadn’t actually noticed just how handsome Minghao was. 
“l can't.” You whispered, running your eyes over his features. “Can…can you help me?” 
Leaning closer, his gaze hardened. You could see there were thoughts running in that head of his - the warrior was engaged in a battle with himself. 
“Minghao please.”
Grabbing your waist, he spun you around swiftly, trapping you between his hands and the sink, meeting your eyes in the reflection of the mirror. 
“Help you how?” 
You looked at how his mouth was right by your ear and his frame so wide behind you that he was engulfing you merely with his presence. On one hand there were his arms, veins running up them as he gripped the edge of the sink and on the other was the fact that if you just took one step back, you knew you would feel his length pressed against you - both of which were making things exponentially worse. 
“Tell me how you want me to help Y/n.” He muttered, his breath soft against your ear.
“I… you know how-” 
“I was helping. I was telling you what to do-”
“Can't you do something instead?” Knowing exactly what you were doing, you took a small step back, pressing your back against his chest and your ass against his length. “Didn't you say it hit you too?” 
You thought it was a fair enough proposition. Both of you had taken the drink so it was easy to put the blame on it for anything that might potentially happen.
“But I don't need any help.” He shook his head adamantly. “If I help you, what's in it for me?” 
“I'll owe you one.” You sighed. “Whenever, wherever, please Minghao….”
“Remember those words.” He whispered, his hand snaking around your waist to unbutton your shorts, fingers lingering over your skin. 
“W-wait.” You gasped. Though this was exactly what you were expecting when you asked for his help, as it blended into reality, you felt an uncertainty kick in. “W-what if someone opens the door-”
“A door that has the bracelet of Ares on it?” Minghao's reflection raised his eyes amused. “They'd be crazy to.” 
“b-but what if…. I'm too loud or something. Wouldn't we be in trouble?”
“Y/n.” His hand drew back just a little. “Are you sure you want me to….” 
“Yes.” You shut your eyes mortified that just the feeling of him withdrawing his touch was physically painful. “Yes please …” 
Almost instantly Minghao obeyed, his hand snaking past the material of your shorts, just the thin layer of your underwear keeping his fingers away from you. 
“Oh you poor thing, you're drenched.”
You nodded as his hand pushed aside your panties, running his digits along your folds, smearing your arousal everywhere, a fingertip prodding your hole ever so slightly. 
“I'm not sure two fingers are enough for you.” He muttered, groaning. “You really want a dick inside don't you?” 
“So bad.” You whispered back. “I wouldn't even mind two of them in me right now-” 
You felt your words die in your throat as Minghao chuckled, slipping his fingers into your wet hole. “Let's start with two of these first.” 
A soft moan left you as you agreed, hands gripping the edge tighter as his digits simply stayed inside you. 
“Look at you.” He muttered in your ear. “Open your eyes and look at yourself.” 
Hesitating you obeyed, catching sight of the two of you in the mirror as his free hand wrapped around your waist, holding you in place against him. Something about the way your small frame fit against his wider one was….nice. 
You wanted to ask him to move his fingers, to give you something but before you said it, he slowly began pumping his digits in and out, burying his face in the dip of your neck. As his mouth brushed your skin, you felt yourself tense around his fingers. 
“So tight. ” He mumbled. “Oh you'd be such a delight to fuck.” 
“Then fuck me.” You moaned as his fingers picked up speed. 
“Tempting.” His voice left him like a low growl as his teeth grazed your skin. “But I'm a man of principles.” 
“Are you sure?” Reaching for the hand on your waist, you led it up your torso under your shirt, guiding him to your tits.  
“No bra?” He half groaned, squeezing it. “What a doll.”
“Don't you want to fuck me?” Moaning you tried to push your ass further against his rock hard self. “Use me and we can both be free of this-” 
“Don't be greedy Y/n.” Contrary to his words, he let a third finger join his act. “Take what I'm giving you.” 
Feeling a lot more full now, you felt your jaw slacken and no words left as both his hands took turns to harshly pump and squeeze, his mouth along your shoulder and neck, leaving painful, stinging marks of red. 
“Faster.” You panted as his tongue ran along your skin to soothe the burn and fingers obeyed, stretching you out just right. Minghao could tell it wasn't enough and his thumb darted to your clit, having you keen in his arms. The moment he curled his fingers up, met your eyes in the reflection and whispered, “cum for me doll.”, all that was building inside you instantly snapped, your orgasm washing over you in waves. 
Thank god he held you up against him because as you pressed your legs, riding out your climax, they began trembling. When your sight became clear and you came around, Minghao slowly let you go but whatever fire was burning inside you was not satiated. 
Fucking hell. 
“You need more?” Minghao chuckled as he took a step back and you turned to him, eyes still hooded with lust. 
“Perhaps just another…” You ran your hand down his chest, unzipping his hoodie, revealing his black tank top. “Finish off the favour.” 
“I don’t think so.” He shook his head. “As your campmate I did help. But now as your trainer, I'm going to let you get over the rest on your own.” 
“Minghao….” You groaned. If he was going to leave you halfway, he might as well not have done anything. Now you were, in fact, much more turned that you didn't think his fingers could even do the job anymore…..you needed the whole package. 
But like he said, Minghao was a man of principles, he wouldn't give in…. unless you could tempt him enough? 
Humming you looked around. The four walls of this bathroom did not seem like the right place to try and entice him but thankfully, you remembered Soonyoung’s girlfriend mentioning the bedrooms upstairs. 
“Fine.” You agreed, adjusting your clothes and buttoning up while Minghao washed his hands. Perhaps if the two of you found yourself in the proximity of one of those rooms, you could get him to succumb.
As you pulled your hair into a ponytail, Minghao opened the door, holding it for you to leave first but being the girl you were, you wantonly brushed your hand against his erection, pretending your actions were innocent. He stared at you as you walked away from him, stopping only at the edge of the staircase to glance at him before heading up, hoping he was following. 
Pushing through the crowd of people making out and feeling each other up in a way that was far from decent, you glanced down the corridor, slightly surprised. The house didn’t seem so big from the outside but the corridor before you looked endless with dozens of rooms on either side. You walked past them, avoiding the ones with socks on the knobs, knocking on some to receive screams of ‘go away’ and ‘taken’ and opening some unanswered doors to sights you wished you never saw. Half disturbed and half amused you continued to try and find an empty room when the sound of a particular something made you stop your tracks, eyes widening. 
Your name. 
Your name sounding like a strangled moan, repeated over and over, getting breathless with each word.
Gulping, you slowly pushed the door next to you open, both terrified and curious about what you were going to see because a part of you recognised that voice - it was one you heard on camp all the time. 
Sure enough, before you was a large bed, Soonyoung sitting against the headboard, his pants pushed down his thighs and his dick in his fist, pumping it hard and fast. He didn’t seem to notice your presence, his eyes screwed shut as your name continued to spill from his mouth. Of course this wasn’t the first time you were seeing Soonyoung do this but something had most definitely changed since last time. 
When you took a step ahead, letting the door close behind you, the click of it shutting was what finally got his attention, his eyes flying open. Catching sight of you he immediately swore loudly, tucking his length back into his pants, face turning a lot more red than it already was. 
“God woman, how long have you-” 
“Long enough to hear whose name you were saying.” You looked at him guiltily. “Soonyoung, you have a girlfriend-” 
“Mina and I are not together.” He confessed, gulping.”She wanted to but for the first time ever I refused to….” 
“Why?” You whispered, terrified of the answer. Please, please, please. Kwon Soonyoung cannot be in love with you. 
“For the last ten years I thought no one could make me feel the way she did and that’s why the two of us belong with each other but….” He sighed. “I learnt that that’s not true.” 
You blinked at him as he looked at you softly. 
“And you know why it’s not true.” 
“Soonyoung we….” You walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. “What happened between us was just a favour, one friend to another. How can there be something between us-” 
“I know.” He nodded. “I’m not saying I’m in love with you or something, I…. I myself don’t really know, all this is new to me too.” 
“But what you were doing,” You tried not to glance at his pants where his erection was still very much evident. “That seemed like-” 
“Y/n I’ve only ever been with one woman my whole life who gave me a boner before I turned her down for good.” He couldn’t look at you either. “What else could I really do…..” 
A part of you understood him. You too were incredibly wound for a while now and you knew what it was like to try and fight it - you too had succumbed. In fact you were still not fully rid of the feeling and Soonyoung was right before you, just as aroused. Yesterday could be justified as an ignorant act whose consequences were not expected but if you went through with this today, there was no coming back from it. It wouldn’t be right…..
But fuck it. 
“You didn’t finish, did you?” 
Soonyoung shook his head slowly
Sighing, you kicked off your shoes and climbed on the bed on all fours, crawling towards him as he held his breath. 
“This is yet another favour.” You clarified, more to yourself than him, “Just so you can understand if it's me you want to fuck or just anyone who's not your girlfriend.” 
W-what?” He stuttered as your hand found the waistband of his pants. “We're going to…?” 
“We don't have to if you don't want to-” 
“Yes.” He breathed out, nodding fast. “God yes I want to.” 
Smiling just a little, you pulled his pants down a bit, the way they were when you had entered. His erection sprung out, lying against his shirt, the tip pink and flushed. You were familiar with how it looked, but this was the most up close you had seen it and the first time you touched it as you wrapped your wrist around the base, earning a hiss from him. 
“How long have you been hard?” 
“Over 20 minutes.” He groaned. “Ever since we spoke at the table…. your ass looked fucking good when you bent over the table.” 
“Yeah?” You pumped his length slowly. “You're not too bad yourself. Your abs are hot.”
Almost immediately, without needing to be told, Soonyoung pulled his sweatshirt over his head, tossing it on the floor. 
“Good boy.” Tongue darting out, you licked the precum on his slit, looking up at his blown pupils. “You taste good too.” 
“Fuck y/n, I might just cum right now.” 
“In my mouth?” You cooed. “Not inside me?”
Groaning Soonyoung threw his head back. Honestly, you had no idea how these words were even leaving you - you owed it to both the aphrodisiac coursing through you and also how submissive Soonyoung seemed in your hands. So reactive, so easy to please. 
The moment you took his tip in your mouth, his hand gripped your ponytail, trying to push himself further in. Pulling back with a wet pop, you clicked your tongue. 
“Uh huh.” You shook your head. “If we do this we do this my way.” 
“Do whatever the fuck you want.” He panted, his thighs twitching. “I'm all yours.” 
Although you had some thoughts about that statement you didn't voice them. One because you really wanted to suck him off and two because you heard a voice you knew most definitely wasn't Soonyoung. 
“So this is how you choose to tempt me.” 
Before you Soonyoung froze, eyes looking past you at the door where Minghao was standing. You could tell the man before you was both shocked and embarrassed and wanted to cover himself up but you didn't move to give him room for that. 
“If you're worried about your modesty Kwon, you should know I don't give a fuck.” Minghao leaned back against the door. “I'm only interested in what Y/n has to offer.” 
Soonyoung looked at you confused as you smiled just a little. Oh you managed to crack him and it didn't even take much. 
“Tell him my offer is still open.” You ran your tongue from his base up. “If you’re okay with it too that is.” 
Soonyoung’s eyes widened, finally realising what was happening. You doubted that he wouldn't be okay with it - the man was quite literally falling apart in your hands. 
Sure enough, he slowly nodded.
“From only one woman ever to this overnight?” Minghao raised his eyebrow. “Your girlfriend must've put you up to a really strong dose of those sex potions.” 
“I didn't drink a-any beer.” Soonyoung muttered as you ran your eyes over his face. He was the same as you - pupils widened, face flushed, breath fast and shallow. 
“You're telling me that woman isn't capable of slipping in a little something to entice her boyfriend who won't crawl back to her like he always does?” Minghao chuckled. “Because I think so.”
Well wasn't this ideal, now you could justify everything that was happening - it was simply three people succumbing to the effects of an aphrodisiac - nothing personal, nothing beyond anything physical. Except deep down you knew it must mean something if despite being drugged Soonyoung rejected his girlfriend because of you and Minghao who was a man of impeccable self control was crumbling for you. 
Except he hadn't really yet. 
Deciding to leave the thoughts for another time, you slightly looked over your shoulder at the man who was leaning against the wall. 
“Only my mouth is busy, I have two more free holes you know.” 
You could tell that something about the energy in the room had shifted the moment you said that, like it was only a matter of time before Minghao joined. Sure enough, you heard the lock of the door click behind you and from the way Soonyoung gulped and his eyes followed his teammate, you could tell Minghao had neared. Wrapping your mouth around the older man's tip again, you hummed at the weight of his dick on your tongue. 
“F-fuck.” Soonyoung groaned under his breath. 
As the bed dipped behind you, you knew Minghao had climbed in, finally succumbing, finally giving in. . 
“Is that the best you got?” He chuckled with a deep voice, pushing your knees apart with his own and running his hand down along your back as Soonyoung stared at him wide eyed. “That won't be enough for me.”
You could feel your mouth practically water, drool leaking down the corner of your lips as you took Soonyoung further in your mouth, earning a pained hiss. Minghao though was still not satisfied as he bent over, one hand unbuttoning your shorts, his breath at the shell of your ear, whispering. 
“Take care of my friend and I'll take care of you.” You looked at Soonyoung to see his eyes flickering between the two of you. “The louder he moans, the harder you'll get it.” 
Most definitely motivated, you sunk Soonyoung’s length deeper into your mouth, his tip touching the back of your throat, a deep groan leaving the man as his hand gripped your hair again to hold you back. 
Minghao smacked it away with the shake of a head as he drew himself back, fingers hooking onto your waistband as he pulled down both your shorts and panties in one go, letting it pool at your bent knees.
You could feel your arousal drip down your legs given how incredibly wet you were. A part of you wanted to see Minghao's face but then you would have missed the sight of Soonyoung panting, looking down at you like the mere smell of you had awakened something wild in him. To make things a whole lot worse, Minghao ran his fingers up your slit, playing with your wetness before gathering it on his digit and holding it out to his friend. 
“Want a taste?” 
“Bold of you to assume this is my first time.” Soonyoung smirked as he sucked off Minghao's fingers and you grinned to yourself. Atta boy. 
Minghao chuckled as he pulled his fingers away, smearing the wetness on the cheek of your ass, landing a smack that sent a sharp sting, making you moan around Soonyoung. 
“Barely a week in camp and look at you.” He mimicked his actions on your other cheek, the impact jerking your forward, Soonyoung’s length slipping into your throat. “Good girl.” 
“So fucking good.” Soonyoung moaned. “That mouth is divine.”
“Not more than this.” Cupping the curve of your ass, Minghao dipped his finger into your quivering hole. You keened at the sensation, but didn't stop working on Soonyoung's dick - you knew if you gave Soonyoung what he needed, Minghao would give you what you wanted and god did you want to feel full of him. When you grinded against his hips, his hands left you and you finally heard the sound of Minghao's zipper despite the lewd noises leaving your mouth being much louder. 
“Fuck baby just like that.” Soonyoug groaned as you picked up the speed, making him feel more and more of your throat. 
You still couldn't tell what Minghao was doing, the absence of his touch testing your patience, your teeth accidentally grazing Soonyoung’s dick making him hiss in pain. 
Minghao chuckled, adjusting your body on each knee to pull out the clothes on your lower half and when he aligned himself behind you, you could tell he discarded his own too. His hands returned to your ass which you guessed was faint red, a colour that was exceedingly a part of Minghao's life, a colour he seemingly enjoyed. Although you did want him to rail you into tomorrow, you didn't mind if he took a moment to admire what he saw. 
As though he was lost in thought about the same, Minghao dragged his dick along your folds, his length bumping your clit and sending a jolt down your nerves, before he aligned himself.
“W-wait” Looking at his friend, Soonyoung let out a strangled cry. “She hasn't been prepped-”
“Oh Kwon.” You felt his tip pushing into your needy wet hole. “She's already ready for me.” 
And with that he buried himself to the hilt, the suddenness making you choke around Soonyoung’s length much to the latter's surprise and delight. Barely giving you the time to get a hold of yourself, Minghao began thrusting into you, the force pushing your mouth to take more of Soonyoung, your hands painfully gripping his thighs. The older man, who could have been a little more considerate, also began ramming his dick into your mouth, barely allowing you to breathe. 
You could feel yourself losing a grip on reality, one man fucking you onto another - you never thought you would ever find yourself in a situation like this but here you were, being wrecked on both ends by men who were strangers just a week ago but god did it feel good. 
Minghao bunched the material of your shirt, pushing it up along your spine, as you pulled yourself away from Soonyoung, desperate to get some air before you passed out. He groaned at the loss of your warm mouth but his expression turned fond as you looked up at him, drool running down your chin messily. Considering you looked absolutely fucked out, you didn't get why he was so enamoured as he tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“Shit I could watch you all day sweetie.” 
You wanted to say something back but your throat felt too sore and bruised so you settled on just giving him a sweet smile. Minghao watched the interaction between the two of you intently, his movements slowing down to deep, hard strokes. You could feel him so far in, reaching spots no one ever had before. Not even Cheol’s dildo model. 
“Do you need a breather?”
Soonyoung's concern laced voice was echoed by another one that sounded a lot more condescending.  
“Do you?”
Though you had barely gotten any air in you for so long and your eyes were threatening to roll back, you knew Minghao would only allow you to cum if Soonyoung did and man did the latter have the stamina of a bull. 
Shaking your head you spat in your hand and wrapped your fist around the base of his cock, stroking it. 
“I'm tired.” You muttered. “Fuck me Soonyoung.” 
Forgetting Minghao’s previous instructions to not use his hands, Soonyoung obeyed, gripping your hair again, guiding your mouth back to his cock. 
“Tap me twice if you want to stop.” 
Much to his surprise, you took him in at a whole new depth, making him throw his head back in pleasure as he held your head down, dick getting squeezed down your throat. At the same time the man behind you decided to pay attention to your clit, making you tremble at the combined sensation but there was nothing you could do - you were at the mercy of both men. 
As Soonyoung loosened his grip, allowing you draw back, you barely had the time to catch a breath before he was fucking his dick into your mouth, at the same speed Minghao was ravaging you from behind. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Soonyoung groaned as his movements got sloppy and his grip tight. 
“Fuck I'm gonna come.” 
Oh fucking finally. 
But to your complete surprise, you felt Minghao's weight press against your back as he leaned over you, hips not stopping their abuse on your hole, whispering, 
Although you knew it was cruel, you immediately tapped Soonyoung’s thigh and the moment he let you go confused, you pulled away, looking at him guiltily as you got on all fours.
“That's my good girl.”
“Xu Mingao.” Soonyoung groaned as the other man drew back. “What the hell?!” 
Minghao simply chuckled. “You know how much I enjoy pain.”
“Sadist.” Soonyoung mumbled, trying to push himself to the edge again, pumping his length slick with your spit, hard and fast. 
“Oh no.” Minghao shook his head, continuing to fuck the living daylights out of you. “If you cum I'm not letting you get a taste of this.”
“That's for Y/n to tell.” 
“Tell him doll.” 
You didn't know how he expected you to answer as he rolled his hips against your ass, hitting all the spots.
“Tell him what you want.” 
“Don't you…” You moaned as Minghao tightened his grip on you painfully. “Don't you want to cum inside me?”
Muttering under his breath, Soonyoung looked at you with eyes filled with lust. You could tell he was leaning to kiss you, but suddenly Minghao's hand wrapped around your neck, drawing you away. 
Sitting on his ankles, he pulled you back till your thighs rested on him and stripped you of your shirt, baring your body to Soonyoung like a mannequin on display. 
“Didn't you say you could watch her all day?” He smirked at the older man, hand snaking around your waist. “Now watch.” 
You finally seem to understand where the shift in intentions was coming from as he began snapping his hips up into you. Though he wasn't hitting you as deep, his fingers found your clit again and was tightening that knot in you unbelievably fast, your body growing hot and tense. 
It was the sound of Soonyoung’s soft sigh that brought you attention back to him as he watched where Minghao disappeared into you with unwavering eyes, fully discarding his pants. When you let out another unholy moan, he looked up, not before his eyes lingered at your tits, his tongue running along his lower lip ravenously. At the sight of him and with Minghao hitting that spot once again, you finally convulsed around him, your orgasm hitting you with an intensity it never had before. Under your grip as tight as a vice, Minghao swore in your ear as he came too, ropes of his release painting your insides. 
It was only when his warmth hit your walls that you realised he had not worn a condom and you had not cared.
Before you could justify to yourself that Demigods probably didn't get STDs and it didn't matter, Minghao pulled himself out, depriving you of his girth to clamp around. With a swift movement that was all a blur to you, he manhandled you around till you felt your back aligning against Soonyoung’s chest, the latter spreading your legs apart, the mixed releases leaking out of you, onto his dick. 
“Just a little longer.” Minghao tilted your head up by the chin, face hovering over yours. “Be a doll will you?”
You nodded as Soonyoung slipped himself into you with a groan. 
“Fuck I don't think I'm going to last long enough anyways.” 
Considering you still hadn't even fully come down from your orgasm yet, Soonyoung's intrusion felt like an intense surge of pleasure shooting up your being. Overwhelmingly, in less than a thrust or two, you found yourself cumming again almost immediately, walls fluttering, tightening around him. 
Muttering a string of fucks, Soonyoung bit down on your shoulder, his hips moving erratically as he felt himself nearing his high. Cooing into his ear though his thrusts were starting to get painful given your sensitivity, you rolled your hips and with two sharp jerks, Soonyoung finally emptied his load straight into you, cumming copiously. 
As he softly held you against him, letting your breaths slowly become regular again, your vision finally cleared and you caught sight of a half naked Minghao before you, watching you snuggled in the arms of his friend. Your eyes ran down, finally catching sight of the dick that had been inside you, lips curling into a small smile. 
He asked, scanning your features as he slid off the bed.
“So good.” You muttered, beckoning him with your hand. 
Narrowing his eyes confused, he walked around, picking up all the clothes tossed around before he neared you. Pulling him closer to the edge of the bed by the hand, you wrapped your hand around his dick, leaning over to take it in your mouth. As you licked it clean, tasting your mixed releases along his length, you watched his eyes darken. 
“Just wanted to be fair.” 
“You're not satiated are you?” He smirked amused as you slowly shook your head. “Careful doll, you won't be able to stay conscious through another round with us.” 
“I know..” You muttered, snuggling back into Soonyoung’s chest. “I’m tired. Wanna go back.” 
“Let's clean you and get you dressed first.” Soonyoung patted your head softly, unwilling to move as your eyes began fluttering shut. “Hao, open that third drawer under the sink, there's washcloths in there.” 
“And how do you know that?” 
“This is my gir- ex girfriend's room.” Soonyoung muttered. 
That information seemed to surprise even Minghao who was usually quite unfazed. “You're crazy Kwon.” 
He voiced your thoughts as he disappeared into the bathroom, shaking his head. Within seconds he returned, handing a white towel to Soonyoung who slowly wiped you clean, trying not to brush any sensitive areas.
Just as he finished and his lips softly pressed against your temple asking you not to fall asleep, the sound of a knock resounded in the room, along with a voice.
“Anyone from Camp Seventeen here?” 
“Yes.” Minghao frowned in response.
“Someone is here looking for your team. Says it's code yellow.” 
You watched as the boys shared looks, panicked. Slowly pulling himself away from you, Soonyoung caught the clothes Minghao threw to him, the two of them moving quickly to dress themselves.Pulling your hair into a neat ponytail again and trying to ignore your aching body, you swung your legs off the bed.
“What’s going on?” 
“Get dressed.” Minghao handed you your clothes, looking tense. “When a team member calls a code, it means everyone needs to gather immediately.” 
 You nodded, half understanding as you began to dress yourself. “But what's code yellow?” 
Looking at your shivering self, Minghao threw you his hoodie, which you slipped on, letting it envelop you in its warmth. 
“Yellow is a moderate danger alert.” Soonyoung held the door open for you as Minghao stepped out. “It most likely means the camp is under attack.”
Oh fuck. 
Pushing through the crowd, you followed the boys downstairs, trying not to lose them in their hurry. Noticing you lagging behind thanks to the fact that you were struggling to walk, Soonyoung grabbed your hand, wrapping his hand around your wrist. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Seokmin and Joshua laughing away with a group of girls but before you could call them along, you were dragged away in the urgency of the boys you were with. As you reached the front door, coming to a halt right behind Minghao, your eyes fell on the familiar back of a man leaning against the frame. 
Oh no.
Seungcheol turned as both boys bowed, greeting him. 
You simply stared wordlessly, as the blonde man's eyes found you, flickering from the jacket you had donned, to Soonyoung's hand which was still holding yours. 
Behind him lightning cracked opened the sky and rain began pouring furiously. 
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a/n - please send me your thoughts - this series is waaaay out of my comfort zone, I need to know I'm not completely messing shit up and if I missed you in the taglist, please lmk! Also please be patient for chapter 3 - I have to temporarily shift focus to my other stories as well, I will be back here soon!
182 notes · View notes
gleafer · 2 days
Hello Gleafer!
Long time fan, love your work. Wish I was more active on Tumblr. I'm just really terrible at social media.
I am organizing a fan run campaign to promote Good Omens, starting on October 1st. The general idea is to raise fan enthusiasm and if possible, make a little blip to let Amazon know how much we are invested in getting a season 3.
We will be encouraging 3 general fan activities. Watch and rewatching, increases positive social media activity including more various fan art/analysis/fic etc, and a positive mail campaign to both merchandisers and Amazon.
I'm wondering if you might be on board helping to promote the campaign? You have a large social media reach.
All the details will be announced on my YouTube channel on October 1st, including weekly giveaways for the entire month. I've also got a website almost ready,I should have that ready to launch on Sunday night.
If you're interested in helping out with this at all, I'll send you more information.
The fandom got a boost of new blood recently, but some of us old timers could use a little positive energy.
I look forward to hearing back from you!
All the best!
I shall be delighted to help! Let’s make sure Season 3 gets made!❤️❤️❤️
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putschki1969 · 2 days
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Why did I even go to bed last night??! Damn it, I lost precious time. Anways, many of you must have seen my post last night about that ominous Nikkan Sports article speculating about a possible comeback of Kalafina. I honestly thought it was fake news since it contained a ton of unconfirmed/uncredited information. However, there was lots of interesting stuff that kept me from dismissing it entirely. I mean, who would go through all the trouble coming up with details such as specific quotes or exact concert details? Turns out they mostly got the dates mixed up but the rest was true. At noon Japanese Standard Time, we got all of our official announcements. Here's the gist of it〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Kalafina Staff Posts 1 & 2 on Twitter
Announcement of "Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025" Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Open at 17:30 /Start 18:30 Venue: Tokyo Garden Theater Performers: Kalafina (Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru) Music Director: Takebe Satoshi
To everyone who loves and supports Kalafina We have decided to hold a "Kalafina Anniversary LlVE 2025". We want to sing together as a trio again, knowing that you all have always cherished Kalafina, even while we are doing solo activities. We look forward to seeing you there! Kalafina (Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru)
Ticket sales are scheduled for the following dates: ■Wakana/KEIKO Fan Club Advanced Lottery October 10, 2024, 11:00 - October 20, 23:59 ■Hikaru X (formerly Twitter) Advanced Lottery October 25, 11:00 - November 4, 23:59 ■General Ticket Lottery November 9, 11:00 - November 11, 23:59
Keiko Posts 1 & 2 on Twitter & Fan Club Site & Tristone & Instagram post
To all our supporters We have decided to hold a "Kalafina Anniversary LlVE 2025". Through my solo activities and activities with FictionJunction, I have had many new encounters and taken on new challenges, and I am where I am today thanks to the support of many people. This is a personal matter, but the reason I took a break from singing and then decided to sing again was because of Yuki Kajiura's music. And it was the feelings of everyone who has supported us up until now that led to this event. I am grateful for those feelings, and I am simply happy that the three of us can deliver Kalafina's music again. I am truly looking forward to seeing you all next year. KEIKO
Hikaru's Post on Twitter and Instagram
To everyone who always supports us We are happy to announce that we'll be holding a "Kalafina Anniversary LlVE 2025". Even during my solo activities, I always got a strong sense of everyone's love for Kalafina. I'm grateful we are getting this opportunity to sing together again as a trio and to perform all those treasured songs which Yuki Kajiura has written for us. I hope we can raise a new flag together with all of you. I look forward to seeing you there that day! 2024.10.03 Hikaru
Wakana Posts on Twitter & Botanical Land & Instagram post
(We finally have an official statement from Wakana on her Insta) It has been decided that an "Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025" will be held on January 15th next year. From 2018 to the present, we have each pursued our own music, but we have decided to sing together again. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who always think of and love Kalafina. I am very much looking forward to meeting you all.
Satoshi Takebe Tweet 1 & Tweet 2 & Tweet 3 (deleted)
Today I had a meeting with some artists I truly respect and had a beer in the middle of the day 🍺 We had a fun afternoon. I hope there will be lots of fun things to do next year too. I can't say anything yet, but I'm already working on some exciting projects!! (Tweet 1)
I believe that my mission is to support artists. It is never my intention to betray or hurt people. That is the one thing I have always stayed true to, and I will continue to do so. It may sound naive, but I believe that sincerity and passion are what motivate people. (Tweet 2)
Due to confidentiality obligations, I cannot explain the situation. However, Kajiura-san is an artist I respect, she's a wonderful musician, and I am a fan of the music she creates. I would like to support the three members with the utmost respect. (Tweet 3 - deleted)
Tweet by Yuki Kajiura & Tweet 2 & Tweet 3
Regarding Kalafina I've received some inquiries in relation to the most recent announcement of an upcoming Kalafina Live Concert so I'd like to use this opportunity to clarify that I, Yuki Kajiura, will not have no involvement whatsoever in this concert. Furthermore, I have not received any advance notice or explanation from the organisers or any of the group members. Given the situation, I am therefore unable to answer any questions. I apologise, but any future inquiries regarding Kalafina should be directed at the organisers and official agencies of the group members.
I believe the members of Kalafina have decided to step away from me as their producer to go on a new path that is not related to me. I had been searching for a way to work together again in the future to create new Kalafina music but that will no longer be happening. It is very unfortunate but this is the road that each member has chosen. We are all individuals searching for our personal musical path so things like this happen.
As you all know, the three of them are truly wonderful singers so I have no doubt that they will continue to deliver amazing vocals and music to their fans. I would like to express my sincere gratitude once again for the privilege and happiness of having been able to create music together with them for nearly ten years, and I wish Kalafina continued success in the future.
Yuki Kajiura (Tweet 1)
I hope for a great success regarding the upcoming concert, and that's all I can say about this. I hope to continue making music in a cheerful and fun way in the future (^^). (Tweet 2)
This may be an unnecessary remark, but… there's no way that Kalafina will no longer be able to sing their past songs just because one producer has left, and I personally don't wish that upon them.
I'm sure they'll create a wonderful harmony at their live show in January, so I hope you'll give thunderous cheers and applause to Kalafina's singing and to the musicians who support them on stage. Once again, I wish them all the success in the world. (Tweet 3)
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Wow. All of this is wild. I don't even know what to say. I can hardly believe it. On one hand, I am beyond happy and excited. There's no way I will not be there for this concert and everything beyond that. But on the other hand, all the announcements make this feel a little bittersweet. The personal statements by Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru don't necessarily feel disingenuous but they sound a bit flat and forced. Sadly, there's no personal statement from Wakana yet. Obviously, the elephant in the room is Yuki Kajiura's statement and her exclusion from the entire project. The way her statement is written comes off as quite bitter, passive aggressive and honestly a little petty which doesn't bode well for the future (maybe her manager Mori asked her to phrase it in such a way to make the organisers look bad. And I can understand why she would feel frustrated at being excluded like that). Mostly, I interpret her standoffish attitude as a knee-jerk reaction or as a way to strongly distance herself from the whole thing and not so much as an attempt to bash the members (the latter half of the statement would indicate that at least). Also, she already seems to regret posting such a harsh statement and posted a couple of follow-up tweets. I truly do not understand what is going on behind the scenes to cause so much hostility between Yuki Kajiura, her management and whoever is pulling the strings for this Kalafina reunion (presumably Space Craft's management). My best guess is that Space Craft is at least somehow involved in this project since both Wakana and Satoshi Takebe are able to participate (Takebe is not affiliated with Space Craft but he's been in charge of almost all of Wakana's solo work so maybe there are some ties to the agency).It looks like Space Craft are adamant about not working together with YK (same old childish attitude). Then again, Satoshi Takebe has enough influence in the industry to organise a project like this without the help of Space Craft. Maybe Sony is also involved? I have no idea. Hope we are getting more details once the ticket lotteries start. A new Kalafina website (still being developed) has popped up and it's run by Space Craft so that's probably proof enough that they are one of the main players in all of this.
I wonder if this was a spur of the moment thing once they realised how much hype there still exists for Kalafina after that "ring your bell" performance at the FSN event...Overall, the timing is so weird, Why now? I mean, this doesn't sound like it has been in the making for a very long time based on the fact that Yuki Kajiura didn't even know about it. Keiko and Hikaru literally collaborated with her a couple of weeks ago so how did this topic not come up even once???! Wonder how it will affect future collaborations between Yuki, Keiko and Hikaru? They still have the Asia tour dates coming up in November so I can imagine it would be kinda awkward to work together after this bomb has been dropped. Will they still be covering Kalafina songs? Either way, I refuse to believe tha there has been a real falling out between any of them. It comes across like a series of unfortunate events. Maybe some miscommunication and rushed action but nothing that couldn't be cleared up with a proper conversation.
One thing I'm also curious about is whether or not Satoshi Takebe will take on the role as producer for future music (if they are even planning to go down that route?? It does sound like they might have new projects/releases in store for us...I do feel a little conflicted about that since Yuki Kajiura is such an important component of Kalafina. This is basically what I thought would happen back in 2018/2019. With someone else coming in to take charge of the music production. Back then I wasn't completely against the idea since I was convinced the girls could make it work (especially with the help of someone as established and competent as Satoshi Takebe) but it certainly wasn't my preferred option. Ughhh, I will remain open-minded for the time being. My love for Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru goes beyond anything so as of right now, I feel happy and excited. The live in January will be a celebration of Kalafina so there's no way I'm not going. If they continue to hold "tribute" concerts like this, it will mostly be a nostalgic cash-grab but hey, I'm the target group for that. They can have all my money. And I can definitely see myself supporting them in future projects even with Yuki Kajiura out of the picture. Takebe has been engaging in some surprisingly frank one-on-one discussions on Twitter and so far, it looks like certain confidentiality agreements keep him from going into detail in the matter but his involvement as of right now is limited to being a director/producer for the concert on January 15.
It goes without saying that I will not tolerate any hate towards the girls on this blog! If you are bitter that Yuki Kajiura is not involved, that's your prerogative, I'm sure this will antagonise quite a few hardcore YK fans. But please, don't shit on the members for making this decision. I'm sure they put a lot of thought into it and felt like this course of action was in everyone's best interest. They are clearly thinking about the fans, their own passion/love for Kalafina's music and obviously their careers within the industry.
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orphiclovers · 24 hours
Rereading early ORV and I have some THOUGHTS on Kim Dokja. In typical me fashion, they are unpopular. So if he's your absolute favourite character and seeing him be criticized will ruin your day, maybe skip this post, ok? Peace.
What is so novel and interesting about Kim Dokja is that he GENUINELY doesn't really have a knee jerk emotional reaction of outrage and empathy when seeing injustice happen. He sees something immoral and bad, but doesn't FEEL horrified and disgusted. Emotions don't drive him to attempt to fix the situation or save anyone.
Instead his moral compass is based on the simple logic that 'bad things happening should be prevented if there is an opportunity to prevent them.'
This philosophy is the most apparent in his actions in Chungmuro on the WHOLE, with the food and marginalized group and etc. But I will point out this moment in particular as an example of what I mean.
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They see women be driven to prostitution to survive. Jung Heewon has an instinctive, human reaction of outrage and disgust, wants to rush in and save them and damn the consequences, while Kim Dokja is calm and rational, holding her back and saying those woman will starve if they try to help right now.
This lack of empathy (feeling strong emotions) is definitely due to childhood trauma stunting his emotional development but... that doesn't change the fact this is a legitimate part of his personality now.
Usually, when a character is 'cold and ruthless', it's because they are repressing their true feelings and forcing themselves to be unfeeling for some goal. Like Yoo Joonghyuk, for example.
But we are IN Kim Dokja's head and get to see the way he thinks, and being 'unfeelingly rational' IS what comes naturally to him.
Before you say anything, I know the Fourth Wall represses some of his emotions in certain situations and certainly helps him deal with pain and horror. But we are ALWAYS TOLD when it's active, and it isn't in these moments.
Blaming all of Kim Dokja's less than moral thoughts and behavior on the 4th wall even when there's no indication that it's influencing him at that particular moment, is not something I want to do as it feels like an attempt to scrub away his moral greyness. I choose to believe that his narration, in moments when he's not wrong or biased or 4th wall-ed, is a basically accurate representation of his character. I think the authors didn't make his narration totally 100% unreliable all the time, with no possible indication of where he's wrong or right. Because that would mean there is nothing a reader can latch onto and draw conclusions about KDJ from.
If they wanted to write about a faceless self insert with no concrete personality traits and flaws, a person you can headcanon to be anything, they wouldn't have written ORV.
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I think it's okay to acknowledge Kim Dokja's first reaction to seeing a woman about to be raped is not 'oh my god...those bastards...! I have to stop this...!' but '...she might be dangerous or a hinderence in a future...'
We don't need to make excuses here and try to justify this. A moment later he catches himself thinking like this and 'shudders with disgust at himself.'
His first, instinctive thoughts that he can't control don't necessarily make him a bad person. What matters is his second thoughts and what he actually chooses to do, which he CAN control. I ALSO don't think he's wrong to feel disgusted at himself for having low empathy. His guilt is justified.
I genuinely like him even more for always picking the 'moral option' in every scenario now, than if he did it immediately with no hesitation. Because it makes empathy and compassion a constant choice he's making, and putting in the effort reflects well on what his values are.
Kim Dokja legitimately can't help but weigh everyone he meets on a scale of how 'useful they potenially are' first and foremost. He does this with strangers and also with all of kimcom too.
"Who should I save because they would be useful in the future? I wasn't Yoo Joonghyuk to be thinking about these things." At this point, chap 74, he thinks Yoo Joonghyuk is wrong and doesn't want to be like him at all and mostly calls him a psychopath. He thinks 'acting like him' is wrong and undesirable.
He has a mini arc about Yoo Joonghyuk later, goes from 'he's a bad person, I know it because I know everything about him' in chap 81 to 'maybe I don't know him at all' in chap 82 but this is before that.
Seeing people as tools and deciding who to save based on future knowledge is a thing BOTH of them do. Yet Kim Dokja critisizes Yoo Joonghyuk for it, it's his least favourite character trait that YJH of TWSA has.
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And in typical Kim Dokja fashion, this similarity between them is exactly what he despises in Yoo Joonghyuk - but now we find out it's not because he finds it amoral ("I'm not a humanist" - he doesn't care about that part) but because he sees it as a mirror reflection of himself. He's projecting, as always!
In early ORV, he hates the part of Yoo Joonghyuk that is the most similar to himself. (even tho they're sort of the polar opposites too. Yoo Joonghyuk is a deeply emotionally driven person, he feels empathy and the desire to save everyone but chooses to repress and ignore this and act like a ruthless 'psychopath'. KDJ disagrees with this choice, as Kim Dokja IS an unfeeling psychopath (low empathy) but does his best to act like a decent person and not an edgelord.)
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