goldfades · 5 days
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MATTHEW TKACHUK, STANLEY CUP CHAMPION 6.24.2024 - Oilers vs. Panthers (SCF Game 7)
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goldfades · 6 days
before i go on break, i wanna thank you guys for 3k! i'm so fucking ecstatic and i love every single one of you<3 thank you for making my days a little brighter
mother will back, i promiseeee!!!! mwah
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goldfades · 6 days
proud mom moment
Pain and Heartbreak - Paige Bueckers
My first ever fanfic! Sorry if it sounds bad, I'm just getting back into writing. Hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: Paige yells at you for being too clingy while Kk is on a live
Cw: Asshole Paige, hurt and no comfort, mentions of past verbal abusive relationship
You always believed that Paige was okay with your clinginess. She never showed any signs of annoyance or discomfort when you sat on her lap or buried your face in her neck during emotional moments. You were convinced she didn't mind your constant attachment, except when she had practice. Even then, she would call you whenever she had the chance, just to check on you and see how you were doing. You thought Paige was the most caring girlfriend, until she wasn't.
Things came to a crashing point one night when Kk decided to do a late night live. You had just returned to the dorm Kk and Paige shared, feeling exhausted and yearning for Paige’s warm embrace. As you walked in, you quickly greet Kk and the live audience before heading straight to Paige’s room. Opening the door quietly, you saw your girlfriend with her ipad propped up on her nightstand as she was half asleep. Giggling to yourself as you changed into more comfortable clothes before snuggling up to a sleepy Paige, your face found its usual spot buried in Paige’s neck, but when you did that she pushed you off of her.
“Not now Y/n.” She told you in a monotone voice as she got off the bed and headed out to the living room. You looked visibly hurt as you watched your girlfriend leave you all alone in her bed. Seconds later, you could hear Paige and Kk entertain the live as the audience asked questions and such. Once again you felt hurt as she was acting more like herself on the live than she was with you minutes ago. Shortly Paige comes back and immediately sighs as she sees that you’re still awake. “You’re still awake?” She asks monotonously, her blue eyes piercing into yours. You just nodded as she crawled into bed next to you, when you tried to cuddle with her, she once again pushed you right off of her. Now it was your turn to get annoyed by her actions as you sat up in her bed. “What’s gotten into you recently?” You asked her as she rolled her eyes at you. “What??” She sounds offended, “Nothing has gotten into me ok? I’m tired as hell and I want to go to bed. Is that so hard to understand?” Now she’s starting to talk to you like a child.
You just stared at her, feeling a sharp sting of hurt and embarrassment. It was as if you were a child being scolded by a parent. Paige, clearly exasperated, rolled her eyes and turned away from you in bed, her back a cold, unyielding wall.
“Pai-” You tried to get out before she cut you off immediately.
“Would you leave me the fuck alone!? God you’re so fucking clingy and shit, fucking pissing me off every goddamn day!” She screamed at you.
You just stared at her as tears began falling down your face. You knew that the live heard Paige just scream at you for being too clingy. Paige just looked at you with an annoyed expression and just belittled you even more.
“Great. Now you’re fucking crying. This is why she left you isn’t it Y/n? She probably got sick of your constant whining and pathetic neediness every second didn't she?”
At this point, tears were streaming down your face at an uncontrollable pace. You jumped out of Paige’s bed, hastily grabbing your belongings before bolting out of her room. You ran past Kk, who was frantically trying to apologize to her live audience for the yelling before quickly ending the stream. She knew immediately that people would be talking about this incident by morning and that Geno was bound to hear about it.
You walked down the street, replaying Paige’s hurtful words over and over again in your mind. Tears were still streaming down your face, leaving a salty trail on your cheeks, as your phone kept blowing up, you don’t even want to look at it right now. You knew that it was probably Kk asking if you were okay, or it was the media spreading the clip of the yelling around.
Eventually you reached your apartment. Walking inside you threw your phone onto the couch as you toppled to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Paige never yelled at you like that before. She knew how your last girlfriend constantly berated you for the smallest things. This betrayal from Paige felt like a hot knife twisting in your heart, each tear a testament to the pain you thought you had escaped from.
You ended up falling asleep on the floor that night, exhaustion and sorrow overtaking you. When you woke up you reached for your phone with shaky and took a deep breath before checking your notifications. You had around 15 texts in total, most of them came from Kk, a few from both Nika and Azzi, and surprisingly none from Paige. The absence of her name felt like a fresh wound. The next thing you checked was twitter, the video of Paige screaming at you in the background of Kk’s live was all on your timeline. Most people were sympathizing with you, condemning Paige’s actions, while some people praised Kk for her handling of the situation.
The next thing you saw made your jaw drop, it was a statement from Paige’s twitter account. Her statement gave you mixed emotions, it was like she didn’t even feel sorry for what she did and that made your heart break even more.
“Hi this is Paige Bueckers and I wanted to deeply apologize for my actions that were heard in a live last night. This does not reflect how I am as a person and I am genuinely sorry for any commotion that was caused last night. While what I said may be seen as hurtful to some, but put yourself in my shoes in that instant and you would blow up too-”
You couldn’t even finish reading it before you threw your phone across the living room collapsing into tears once more. That marked the heartbreaking end of your and Paige’s relationship, leaving you with a sense of despair. After enduring two devastating experiences that ended in such familiar fashion, you swore off dating all together.
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goldfades · 6 days
mood for tonight 🔥🔥
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goldfades · 6 days
hey babes mini rant here sorry
people have these biases against wbb players who have done nothing but play basketball and then the tiniest rumor or situation comes out and they're like "yes that's why i don't like her!!" like no you just don't like her and you're playing into fake narratives in order to give a reason for your unprompted hatred.
this only ever happens with women too! like if i had a nickel for everytime a woman was hated on because someone "just doesn't like her" i'd be rich !
why can't all wbb players be great? why do we have to tear down one to bring up another? i just don't get it.
i agree! most people get their information from twitter or tiktok and they don’t put in any effort to at least look into it, it’s exhausting😭 i think everyone is allowed to have their own opinions obviously but it’s annoying when they spread misinformation that is so blatantly just FALSE
also sports are sometimes such negative environments. don’t let people like that get you, you’re allowed to enjoy what you enjoy as long as you’re not hurting anyone!! thank you for sharing nonnie i totally agree 🫶🏼
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goldfades · 6 days
guys this is fucking tumblr at the end of the day
you guys don’t know anyone on here fr and just embrace that
touch grass and enjoy this community for what it is. we are not influencers like im just a girl who likes women and women’s sports.
some of the behavior on here lately has been so parasocial so i’m gonna stick to talking about wbb and vibe with my babies (anons and moots) if you can’t handle that please just leave 💞
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goldfades · 6 days
theme is such A SLAY!!! love love love
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goldfades · 6 days
ouuuu that’s so cool!! i hope you’re having sm fun babe:) mwah
i’m good i think my mom wants to plan a. trip but like girl… i do not wanna get on a plane until im going back to jersey LMAO
hi gorg i’ve missed you!! how have you been:) 😘💓
hiiii i miss u too ev!!
im doing so good im w my long distance friends rn ☺️
hbu? 🫶🫶
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goldfades · 6 days
and girl trust me i lowkey was but MOTHER IS BACKKKKKK and missed her children so very much
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goldfades · 6 days
apparently the ‘whore’ annon had that message sent to a couple of blogs, sad to see :(
i know:( do people not have anything better to do jesus christ LMAO
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goldfades · 6 days
I love how open you are with how you feel and your orientation. I strive to have your openness one day. 🥹🫶🏼 I’ve gained a lot more confidence being on tumblr and surrounding myself around a community who are so open, but your account in particular was one of the very first I stumbled across. hopefully in a not so weirdly awkward way thank you 🙊
god this ask made my entire day - no, MADE MY WEEK!
you are so sweet and i am so proud of you! finding a like-minded community like this one is so rewarding and is very helpful, i am so happy that i've made you feel more comfortable. there was a time where i wasn't and i know how you may feel/have felt, and i am always here for you, nonnie! i promise you there will be a day where you are comfortable with yourself and it is something i am still, to this day, striving for but having a bunch of friends who support/love me is the best feeling! & i know one day, the day will come and it'll be the best feeling ever :)
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goldfades · 6 days
hiii! how are you? hows ur summer been?? ive been lacking in your inbox recently my fault🙋‍♀️
hi lovey and no worries! my summer has been so busy, i missed you so much! how have you been????
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goldfades · 6 days
i love your writing, but how do you stay motivated to write? i fanfics for only one fandom but i still get burned out and writer’s block after i write one thing. do you have any tips to push through the writers block? because i love writing i just never have the energy to do it. <3
hii baby! first of all, i wanna start by saying everyone loses motivation & gets writer's block so don't ever be discouraged because of it. everyone goes through phases and that's okay so the worst possible thing is for you to be angry at yourself
i've been going through burnout so here are my tips & tricks to help! first, the best thing you can do when you're feeling like you just don't have any motivation to write anything is reading! whether it's an actual book, fanfics, you name it - just as long as you're reading something!
my second tip is just to force yourself to write. okay, i know i know this is very obvious and very much easier said than done, but hear me out! this is the FOOL PROOF way of getting out of a slump. write about anything (this kinda goes back to my first tip, when you read = you gain more motivation/ideas to write!) that you feel even a spark of excitement for. then next thing with this is do not and i repeat DO NOTTTT edit it, just write!!!!!!!! and let the ideas flow. yes, it might come out like shit but the more you write the more your slump will begin to go away.
my trick for this is setting a 15 minute (or however long you feel is best) timer and just straight up writing with no breaks in between or any hesitation, don't even read what you are writing... just WRITE. this again, helps your ideas flow and will help you get out of your slump
that's all i have for now, if you have more questions feel free to send more in my inbox and my dms are always open for yall!
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goldfades · 6 days
Sometimes I feel like you guys (a few people) forget we are on tumblr. Not everything needs to be serious, take your think pieces to Twitter. If you hate the UConn fans don’t interact with UConn bloggers. If you hate Iowa fans don’t interact with Iowa bloggers. This also goes for ships and so forth. If you don’t like pazzi then don’t like it. Everyone would be peaceful if they didn’t go out their ways to make themselves upset.
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goldfades · 6 days
At the behest of my dear friend Amani, I'd like to talk some more about what her children are going through at this time and appeal to you for help!
Her boys are experiencing indescribable trauma. They're forced to live in tents and fall asleep to the sounds of war planes. Their childhood is being stolen from them.
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These babies deserve to have a healthy childhood and a future.
Amani is asking for just under 18000CAD and has not even reached the halfway point. Please share his and donate 🙏
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goldfades · 6 days
i just wanted to let yall know that i desperately need ayanna like now .. okay goodnight 😍
real as fuck and yall will be a getting a fic soon THATS A PROMISE
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goldfades · 6 days
Broooo Morgan cheli is so fine I neeed something about her
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