#The Law of Action: Success Requires Effort
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This is a long post, but not nearly as long as it should be in order for you to fully grasp what these "pronouncements" from the EPA mean. Essentially, if all the repeals described in this article happen (highly unlikely, although not impossible), all the hard work put into these policies and rules by a lot of people and the billions of dollars of research money spent on supporting them will be a big giant waste.
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
In a barrage of pronouncements on Wednesday the Trump administration said it would repeal dozens of the nation’s most significant environmental regulations, including limits on pollution from tailpipes and smokestacks, protections for wetlands, and the legal basis that allows it to regulate the greenhouse gases that are heating the planet.
But beyond that, Lee Zeldin, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, reframed the purpose of the E.P.A. In a two-minute-and-18-second video posted to X, Mr. Zeldin boasted about the changes and said his agency’s mission is to “lower the cost of buying a car, heating a home and running a business.”
“From the campaign trail to Day 1 and beyond, President Trump has delivered on his promise to unleash energy dominance and lower the cost of living,” Mr. Zeldin said. “We at E.P.A. will do our part to power the great American comeback.”
Nowhere in the video did he refer to protecting the environment or public health, twin tenets that have guided the agency since its founding in 1970.
Mr. Zeldin said the E.P.A. would unwind more than two dozen protections against air and water pollution. It would overturn limits on soot from smokestacks that have been linked to respiratory problems in humans and premature deaths as well as restrictions on emissions of mercury, a neurotoxin. It would get rid of the “good neighbor rule” that requires states to address their own pollution when it’s carried by winds into neighboring states. And it would eliminate enforcement efforts that prioritize the protection of poor and minority communities.
In addition, when the agency creates environmental policy, it would no longer consider the costs to society from wildfires, droughts, storms and other disasters that might be made worse by pollution connected to that policy, Mr. Zeldin said.
In perhaps its most consequential act, the agency said it would work to erase the E.P.A.’s legal authority to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by reconsidering decades of science that show global warming is endangering humanity. In his video, Mr. Zeldin derisively referred to that legal underpinning as “the holy grail of the climate change religion.”
Mr. Zeldin called Wednesday’s actions “the largest deregulatory announcement in U.S. history.” He added, “today the green new scam ends, as the E.P.A. does its part to usher in a golden age of American success.”
The announcements do not carry the force of law. In almost every case, the E.P.A. would have to undergo a lengthy process of public comment and develop environmental and economic justifications for the change.
By midafternoon, the agency had counted 31 pronouncements that were designed, Mr. Zeldin said, to “unleash American energy.”
Some of the most significant policy changes Mr. Zeldin said he planned include:
Rolling back restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Currently the E.P.A. requires existing coal-burning power plants and new gas plants built in the United States to cut their greenhouse-gas emissions by 90 percent by 2039.
Rewriting tailpipe pollution standards that were designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032.
Easing limits on mercury emissions from power plants, as well as restrictions on soot and haze from burning coal. A Biden-era rule had aimed to slash by 70 percent emissions from coal-burning power plants of mercury, which has been linked to developmental damage in children.
Greatly reducing the “social cost” of carbon, an economic estimate of the damage caused by each additional ton of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. That figure plays a significant role in weighing the costs and benefits of regulating industries.
Perhaps the most significant move, though, is an effort to revise a 2009 legal opinion known as the E.P.A. “endangerment finding” which concluded that rising greenhouse gas emissions are a danger to public health. The finding gives the agency the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Eliminating it would make it virtually impossible for the E.P.A. to curb climate pollution from automobiles, factories, power plants or oil and gas wells.
#EPA#trump#greenhouse gas emissions#renewable energy#electric vehicles#envirnmental regulations#climate change
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Network Marketing Tips: ये 14 नियम बदल देंगे आपकी जिंदगी; Dr. Debi Prasad Acharjya
Network Marketing Tips: जिंदगी challenges और opportunities की एक complex picture है, जो अक्सर uncertainties के साथ आती है। सफलता और happiness की हमारी खोज में, हमें countless obstacles का सामना करना पड़ता है जिनके लिए effective problem-solving, critical decision-making और personal growth की आवश्यकता होती है। पूरे इतिहास में, मनुष्य ने अपने collective knowledge को timeless laws में बदल दिया है –…
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꩜ 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘓𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘧𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘉𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 ꩜

Global limiting beliefs are collective ideas that society takes as “absolute truths” but which are actually illusions that limit our potential. Here are some of the most common ones and the reasons why they are not true:
𓆩🖤𓆪 General beliefs 𓆩🖤𓆪
1. “Nothing is easy, everything requires effort”
Why it’s not true:
This belief is based on the idea that the value of something is linked to suffering. However, the natural flow of life occurs easily when you are aligned with what you want. Manifestations happen not through effort, but through the awareness that you already have what you want.
2. “Time heals all wounds”
Why it’s not true:
Time, by itself, has no power to heal anything. Healing happens the moment you decide to change your perception and release the pain. Since time is not linear, change can be instantaneous.
3. “You have to work hard to be successful”
Why it’s not true:
Success comes from an internal belief in your worth, not from the amount of physical work. There are countless stories of people who achieved great results by following their intuition and acting lightly.
4. “Money doesn’t grow on trees”
Why it’s not true:
This is a belief rooted in scarcity. Money is energy and responds to your perception of it. If you decide that money comes easily and naturally, it will find ways to flow to you.
5. “You have to see it to believe it”
Why it’s not true:
External reality is a reflection of what you believe internally. “Believing is seeing” is the key to manifesting. What you imagine to be true inevitably projects itself into the physical world.
6. “We can’t change the past”
Why it’s not true:
The past is a mental interpretation that can be revised. By changing your perception of it, you change how it affects your current reality, effectively transforming it.
7. “You can’t have it all”
Why it’s not true:
The belief in limitation is a choice. You are inherently unlimited and can manifest anything you desire by assuming that you already are or have what you want.
8. “You need the approval of others”
Why it’s not true:
The only validation that matters is your own. When you believe in yourself, the world reflects that. The need for external approval is just a projection of internal doubt.
9. “Money is hard to come by.”
Why it’s not true:
Money is just energy that reflects your belief and internal state. If you assume that you are naturally prosperous, money will flow to you effortlessly. The difficulty is created by the belief that earning money is complicated.
10. “You have to be realistic.”
Why it’s not true:
The concept of “reality” is shaped by your perceptions and beliefs. What you assume to be true in your imagination is reflected in the external world. “Being realistic” only limits what you believe is possible.
11. “Nothing happens overnight.”
Why it’s not true:
Manifestation is instantaneous the moment you fully assume the desired state. The time it takes to see the reflection in the physical world depends only on the degree of your conviction. The idea of “time” is an illusion created by limiting beliefs.
12. “You only reap what you sow.”
Why it’s not true:
While this belief seems logical, it suggests that only physical effort produces results. In reality, you reap what you believe and assume to be true, regardless of external actions. Your imagination and inner state are what actually plant the seeds of your reality.
13. “You need luck to be successful.”
Why it’s not true:
Luck is just a reflection of the belief that you are lucky. You create your “luck” by assuming that circumstances always work in your favor. There is no external force controlling it; it all comes from you.
14. “Good things take time.”
Why it’s not true:
The Law of Assumption teaches that creation happens the moment you feel and believe the desire to be fulfilled. The idea that something takes time is just a projection of a belief of delay or difficulty.
𓆩🖤𓆪 Manifesting beliefs 𓆩🖤𓆪
Here are some of the top limiting beliefs about manifestation and why they’re false according to the Law of Assumption:
1. “You have to believe 100% to manifest.”
Why it’s false:
Manifestation doesn’t require total belief, just a clear decision. According to the Law of Assumption, what matters is assuming that the desire is already yours, even if you still have doubts. Persisting in the state of the fulfilled desire trumps any wavering beliefs.
2. “You need specific techniques to manifest.”
Why it’s false:
Techniques are just tools to help you get into the desired state, but they’re not mandatory. What really matters is the state of consciousness, that is, who you are in your imagination.
3. “You have to detach of desire in order to manifest.”
Why it’s false:
“Detach” doesn’t mean letting go of desire, but rather letting go of anxiety and attachment. When you assume something is already yours, there’s nothing to let go of, because you already have it in your imagination.
4. “You have to be positive all the time.”
Why it’s false:
Negative thoughts don’t cancel out your manifestation unless you feed them with attention and belief. What matters is your prevailing assumption. Even in moments of doubt or negativity, your manifestation continues if you persist in the desired state.
5. “You have to deserve or be worthy of what you want.”
Why it’s false:
Everyone is worthy by nature. The Law of Assumption makes no distinction of value or worth. Once you decide something is yours, the universe adjusts to reflect that decision.
6. “You must clear all limiting beliefs before you can manifest.”
Why it’s false:
You don’t have to clear all negative beliefs in order to manifest. You just have to hold the assumption that the desire is already yours. Persisting in that assumption automatically weakens the opposing beliefs.
7. “If it hasn’t shown up in 3D, it’s not working.”
Why it’s false:
3D is just a delayed reflection of your imagination. Just because something hasn’t shown up yet doesn’t mean it’s not working. Persisting in the assumption is what guarantees manifestation.
8. “You can screw up your manifestation if you make mistakes.”
Why it’s false:
You can’t “screw up” anything because the universe reflects your prevailing state. Moments of doubt or mistakes don’t matter if you keep going back to the assumption that the desire is already yours.
𓆩🖤𓆪 Subliminals beliefs 𓆩🖤𓆪
Here is a list of the top limiting beliefs related to the use of subliminals and the reasons why they are not true, based on the Law of Assumption:
1. “If you don’t believe in the subliminal, it won’t work.”
Why it’s false:
The effectiveness of subliminals does not depend on consciously believing in them, but on the impact they have on the subconscious. Even if you have conscious doubts, repetition and exposure to the content can reprogram your mind. The most important thing is that you choose to assume that it is working, even if you don’t “feel” it at the moment.
2. “You have to listen for hours every day to see results.”
Why it’s false:
This belief suggests that external effort (such as incessant listening) is necessary to manifest change, but transformation happens the moment you accept the desire as fulfilled. Listening to subliminals is just a tool to reinforce this acceptance; duration is not a determining factor.
3. “Results may take months or years to appear.”
Why it’s false:
This belief reflects a limitation on time, which is irrelevant in manifestation. Results can come quickly if you let go of the idea of delay and assume that change is already happening. The response time depends on the degree of your conviction, not on the time spent listening.
4. “You need to listen without interruptions or distractions for it to work.”
Why it’s false:
The subconscious is always listening and absorbing, no matter what you’re doing. Subliminals work even when you’re distracted or doing other activities, because the subconscious mind doesn’t require full attention to process information.
5. “If you skip a day, your results will suffer.”
Why it’s false:
Manifestation is not a fragile process. One day without listening to subliminals doesn’t negate the progress you’ve made. Results come from the assumption that the desire is already yours, and that assumption doesn’t disappear with pauses.
6. “You need to understand the messages for them to work.”
Why it’s a lie:
Subliminals work at the subconscious level, where logic and conscious understanding are not necessary. Even inaudible or foreign language messages can influence the subconscious, because it responds to vibrations and intentions, not rational understanding.
7. “Listening to subliminals too much can cause negative effects.”
Why it’s a lie:
This belief arises from fear or doubt about the process. Well-intentioned subliminals do not cause harm; it is internal resistance (fears or negative beliefs) that can create distorted interpretations. By trusting the subliminals you choose, you eliminate these blocks.
8. “You have to believe in the creator of the subliminal for it to work.”
Why it’s false:
The results depend on your belief in yourself, not in the creator of the subliminal. The power of the subliminal comes from your intention and the acceptance that it is already working for you, regardless of who created it.
9. “Subliminals don’t work for everyone.”
Why it's false:
Everyone has a subconscious that responds to suggestions. What prevents results is the person's resistance or doubt, not the ability of subliminals to work. If you assume they will work for you, they will. The Law of Assumption makes no exceptions, so anyone can see results by reprogramming their mind with confidence.
10. “You need a realistic goal for the subliminal to work.”
Why it’s false:
This idea limits the power of the subconscious and manifestation. There are no “realistic” or “unrealistic” goals; there are only the assumptions you accept as truth. When you decide that something is yours, the universe adjusts to reflect that decision, regardless of how “realistic” it seems.
11. “You can only listen to one subliminal at a time to avoid confusing results.”
Why it’s false:
The subconscious can process multiple pieces of information at once. This belief stems from the idea that your mind is limited, but it is infinite. If you assume that listening to multiple subliminals simultaneously works perfectly, it will be reflected in your experience.
12. “Results only come if you visualize them while you listen.”
Why it’s false:
While visualization can help some people get into the desired state, it’s not a requirement. The key is the assumption that the results are already yours, regardless of specific visualizations or techniques.
13. “You need to drink water or else you won’t get results”
Why it’s false:
Your subconscious can be reprogrammed even if you're thirsty. Still stay hydrated though.

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🛸🖤Midheaven in the signs🖤🛸

❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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🛸Midheaven in Aries: Self-confidence and extroversion are their main tools; self-sufficient, they seek to prove themselves at all levels. Professional careers that involve movement, individual action and proving their leadership abilities are favorable to them.
🛸Midheaven in Taurus: Their perseverance and determination help them achieve their goals. They take into account their gifts, resources and abilities and how to exploit them. Professional careers that allow them to manifest beauty and practicality are favorable to them, such as agriculture, sculpture, architecture, agronomy, painting and finance.
🛸Midheaven in Gemini: Great communication skills. Flexible, analytical, receptive, agile, versatile, adaptable, with great observational capacity, they can carry out several tasks at once without problems. Professional careers linked to the processes of communication and contact with society are favorable to them, such as journalism, commerce, diplomacy and education.
🛸Midheaven in Cancer: Planners and protectors; Individualistic, sensitive, firm and intuitive. Another point to keep in mind is to practice fluidity in your daily life. Professional careers that help channel assistance to others are favorable for you, such as psychology, gynecology, cooking and psychotherapy.
🛸Midheaven in Leo: You pursue success relentlessly, and sometimes you do not allow yourself to enjoy it. You have clear objectives and the perseverance and tenacity necessary to achieve them. Noble, generous, motivating, trustworthy, with leadership skills; you must learn to control arrogance. Professional careers with great autonomy are favorable for you, such as political positions, business management and dramaturgy.
🛸Midheaven in Virgo: You maintain a constant and methodical effort to achieve your objectives; critical, detail-oriented, positive, organized, innovative and with a great willingness to learn. You must avoid neuroses and the accumulation of objects. Professional careers oriented towards collaboration and with an appreciation of details, such as mechanics, languages, nutrition and crafts, are favorable for you.
🛸Midheaven in Libra: They plan and execute their strategy calmly, taking care of the details and feasibility. They are sociable, adaptable and diplomatic, and they like harmony. Professional careers that offer variety and where they can comfortably develop their sense of justice and balance are favorable to them. A classic example is the study of law, diplomacy, public relations and the arts.
🛸Midheaven in Scorpio: They have a tendency to manipulate others to achieve their interests. Ambitious, determined, direct, brave, skillful and capable of facing difficult transformation processes. Professional careers that privilege research and strategy are favorable to them, such as psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, private investigator, chemist and anthropologist.
🛸Midheaven in Sagittarius: They are constantly moving. Intuitive, open, creative, with strong convictions and ideals. They are favourable to professional careers that work directly by appealing to the philosophy of life of individuals, such as religion, philosophy, or spiritual guidance. They also excel in astronomy, ecology and sports.
🛸Midheaven in Capricorn: Ambitious, practical, predictable and modest. Protective, efficient, serious, concentrated, focused, they can fall into nonconformity and obstinacy, in relation to the results they obtain. They are favourable to professional careers that require their knowledge of administration and organization, such as architecture, politics, administration of companies or public institutions, and geology.
🛸Midheaven in Aquarius: They wish to build a better world for everyone, but they feel the need to constantly test the scope of their knowledge. This position indicates a constant search for wisdom. Cooperators, avant-garde, they must cultivate the freedom of spirit to achieve the awakening of consciousness they long for. They are favourable to professional careers that promote the use of technologies and the mass dissemination of ideas, such as journalist, writer, community manager, publicist and others.
🛸Midheaven in Pisces: Patient, sensitive, simple and compassionate, they seek to understand the meaning of life, so they have philosophical and religious concerns, as well as a deep desire to live with simplicity. They must learn that spirituality is not a concept at odds with success. Professional careers related to the management and expression of feelings, such as the arts, psychology, research and public relations, are favorable to them.
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Ⳋ᧙ ⊹Embracing the Art of I don't chase I attract mindset :

"Best revenge? Smile, be happy and never let them know it hurt."
-goo hara from kara (rest in peace 🕊️)
The mindset of "I don't chase, I attract" revolves around the principles of self-confidence, self-worth, and the law of attraction. Instead of actively pursuing what we desire, this mindset encourages us to focus on personal growth and positivity, believing that by doing so, we naturally draw in the opportunities and experiences meant for us.
Here are 16 tips to adopt this mindset effectively:
by: 𖧷´ bloomzone 𝅄 ׂׅ
1.Focus on Self-Improvement: Invest in yourself by learning new skills, engaging in activities that fulfill you, and prioritizing your well-being. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate positive energy that attracts like-minded people and opportunities.
2. Set Clear Intentions: Be specific about what you want in life. Whether it's a new job, a meaningful relationship, or personal development, having clear intentions helps you stay focused and aligned with your goals.
3. Practice Positive Affirmations: Reinforce your self-worth and confidence through daily affirmations. Statements like "I am worthy of success" or "I attract positive opportunities" can help shift your mindset and energy (the white swan affirmations)
4.Visualize Your Goals: Spend time each day imagining your goals as if they've already been achieved. This practice helps create a positive mental image and aligns your actions with your desires.
5. Trust the Process: Have faith that what is meant for you will come to you in its own time. Avoid forcing outcomes or chasing after things. Trust that by staying true to yourself and your goals, the right opportunities will present themselves naturally.
6. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Keep positive influences around you, whether it's people, environments, or content. Positivity fosters a high vibrational state that attracts good things into your life.
7. Cultivate Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for what you already have. This practice helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life and creates an abundance mindset, which attracts more good things to you.
8. Let Go of Fear and Doubt: Work on releasing fears and doubts that hold you back. Fear and doubt create resistance and block the flow of positive energy. Embrace a mindset of faith and trust in the process.
9. Engage in Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness practices and meditation into your routine. These practices help you stay present, reduce stress, and maintain a positive outlook, making you more receptive to opportunities.
10. Take Inspired Action: While attracting involves less chasing, it doesn't mean being passive. Take actions that feel right and aligned with your goals, but do so from a place of inspiration rather than desperation.
11. Embrace Change and Adaptability: Be open to change and willing to adapt. Sometimes, the path to what you desire requires adjustments and flexibility. Embracing change can lead to unexpected and rewarding opportunities.
12. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge your efforts and progress, and don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go as planned. Self-compassion fosters a positive and resilient mindset.
13. Seek Joy and Fun: Engage in activities that bring you joy and make you feel alive. Joyful experiences raise your vibrational energy and attract more positive situations and people into your life.
14. Learn to Listen to Your Intuition: Trust your inner voice and gut feelings. Your intuition can guide you toward opportunities that align with your true self and help you avoid situations that aren't right for you.
15. Develop a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. A growth mindset helps you stay resilient and open to new possibilities, making it easier to attract what you desire.
16. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrating progress keeps you motivated and reinforces the positive mindset needed to attract more success.
ıllı ⠀ : This mindset encourages u to trust in ur abilities . Remember that each step taken with mindfulness and resilience brings us closer to ur dreams.❛ ⠀ ♡ ⠀ !!
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Eli Stokols and Adam Cancryn at Politico:
President Joe Biden on Friday declared that the Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land, attempting to ratify a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a last-ditch effort to protect women’s reproductive rights. But Biden’s assertion may amount to little more than an expression of his opinion, with the White House acknowledging that it has no immediate force of law — and wouldn’t order the nation’s archivist to formally add it to the Constitution. “I have supported the Equal Rights Amendment for more than 50 years, and I have long been clear that no one should be discriminated against based on their sex,” Biden said in a statement. “We, as a nation, must affirm and protect women’s full equality once and for all.”
The move, which states that Biden personally believes the ERA has cleared all the hurdles to ratification, would be unlikely to carry weight unless courts agree with him, a hurdle even White House officials conceded as they made the announcement. If successful, the long-shot gambit would provide a dramatic coda to the 50-year effort to get sex-based equality into the Constitution and bolster Biden’s policy record. In Biden’s final days before turning the Oval Office over to President-elect Donald Trump, whose Supreme Court appointees helped to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, the statement on the ERA offered the departing president a final opportunity to push back at the laws that resulted from that decision in several states where lawmakers have restricted and even criminalized abortion procedures. The move shifts the spotlight to U.S. Archivist Colleen Shogan, who is responsible for publishing amendments to the Constitution — but has previously said that the ERA’s eligibility has expired, and now could not be added unless Congress acts. Congress, under the control of Republicans, is unlikely to do so.
[...] The ERA would bar sex-based discrimination, including constraints on abortion, by states. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) argued last month in a New York Times op-ed, while urging Biden to formally direct the national archivist to add the ERA to the Constitution, that the amendment has met all the requirements for certification. It passed two-thirds of Congress in 1972 and, after sitting dormant for decades, was finally ratified by three-quarters of the states in 2020. But Donald Trump’s Justice Department said at the time that ratification took too long and the states missed the deadline. That’s a position Shogan supported in a statement last December. Biden disagrees, yet declined to force the issue by going as far as Gillibrand had requested and ordering the archivist to take action.
“On January 27, 2020, the Commonwealth of Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment,” Biden’s statement said. “The American Bar Association (ABA) has recognized that the Equal Rights Amendment has cleared all necessary hurdles to be formally added to the Constitution as the 28th Amendment. I agree with the ABA and with leading legal constitutional scholars that the Equal Rights Amendment has become part of our Constitution.” His statement concluded: “It is long past time to recognize the will of the American people. In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: the 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.” The declaration is likely to win praise from advocates who have long pushed for the ERA’s recognition. But the move, coming just three days before Biden leaves office, raised questions about why a president who the White House said has long harbored this opinion did not act sooner.
President Biden declared today that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is the law of the land to become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, but doesn’t order the national archivist to formally approve its addition.
See Also:
NPR: Biden says the Equal Rights Amendment is law. What happens next is unclear
AP: Biden says the Equal Rights Amendment should be considered ratified
#28th Amendment#US Constitution#ERA#Equal Rights Amendment#Ratify The ERA#Joe Biden#Biden Administration#Colleen Shogan
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Here's a link to a blog post on my personal website on a topic that I think is very important.
I've also put it below the read more for people that don't like external links.
When it comes to healing from trauma, there are a lot of emotions an individual may feel. One of these emotions is anger. Anger is one of the emotions I see invalidated the most. For example, I’ve been told that being angry is “letting the person who hurt me win.” I’ve been told that I’m only hurting myself with my anger and that it’s holding me back from healing. All of these assumptions were wrong.
Anger is often viewed as a bad thing because it can drive a lot of unpleasant behaviours but it can be used for good. While anger can hurt you and others, it doesn’t have to. There is a difference between destructive anger and constructive anger. Destructive anger is often expressed in a way that causes harm to yourself or others whereas constructive anger can be used to better understand your situation and figure out your needs. Constructive anger can be a way to show respect for yourself.
For example, if you’re in a situation with a friend where they do something that makes you angry (for example: cancelling plans, forgetting an important date, etc), constructive anger may involve you stepping away from the situation to figure out the cause of your anger (for example: you feel their actions imply you’re not important to them) so that you can then sit down with your friend and communicate in a calm manner. This may allow your relationship to grow and build with a better understanding of each other. Destructive anger in this situation may involve you yelling at your friend and insulting them, which will likely damage or destroy the relationship. If the hurt your friend has caused makes you want to re-evaluate your friendship, this is valid and there are still constructive ways to end a friendship that will cause the least amount of hurt for all involved. It is also important to note that ignoring the anger and bottling up is likely to cause a bigger blow up down the line or cause “overreactions” to other circumstances.
If anger is bottled up, it can end up coming out unintentionally. You might find you’re getting much angrier at everyday annoyances and disagreements than you might think reasonable. People might push you away or respond badly to your anger, because they feel they do not deserve it - and looking back later, you might feel they don’t deserve it, either. However, because of the anger you’re holding back, you can’t see that in the moment. This is why it is important to think and consider your anger, and listen to what it’s trying to tell you. I have found asking questions of myself to analyze my anger can help, such as in an anger inventory like this one.
While many people see anger as an emotion that causes people to lash out and destroy things, anger can also help to motivate people to create new things. Marches to “Take back the night”, or for “gay pride” have much of their motivation based in anger at injustice and oppression. New laws to better protect survivors of domestic abuse or otherwise help society are often driven by people feeling a huge amount of anger. Properly harnessed, anger can help to take action to change things for the better.
On a more personal level, anger can also be a motivator to improve one’s own life. Many people have used the anger they felt at those who put them down as a motivation toward success. That success might be completing schooling, winning an international athletic competition or publishing a novel. One thing all of those have in common is that they are rarely possible to do with only a little time or a little effort. They are time-consuming tasks which usually require months if not years of work. They can be easy to give up on without motivation - and for many, anger is a big help to keeping that motivation.
It took me years to feel anger. For the first while, I felt ashamed, guilty and like I deserved the abuse I’d endured. Feeling angry at the people responsible for this was a step in my healing. I began putting the blame on those responsible and not myself. I was realizing that I did not deserve to be treated in the harmful ways that I was. This was huge to me as someone that had spent years thinking I deserved my trauma and as a result, future trauma and abuse as well.
There were instances where my anger was destructive, mostly to myself. I engaged in self-harm as a way to vent my anger and it also caused problems in my relationship at the time because I held my anger in and would get really frustrated and project my anger onto my relationship which was not fair to my partner.
Over the years, I’ve learned to cope with my anger more efficiently. What works for someone is largely dependent on them and their needs. For me, it was a literal punching bag to vent out frustrations and journaling. It was sitting down with my anger and treating it like a friend trying to protect me (because it was in a way). It was listening to it and finding the cause. My true anger came from those who hurt me, and in a way, took a part of me. My anger largely came from grief and betrayal. Understanding where it came from did not make it disappear, but it did offer me perspective and allow me to better manage it.
For some, anger is a cover up for other emotions. It becomes a defense mechanism against feeling the sadness, hurt and other emotions that a person does not want to feel. The anger is just the first layer and understanding where that anger comes from, and that the anger is a cover up is a great step in moving beyond it. Feeling the emotions beneath it will play a big part in moving beyond the anger.
Anger is a valid and understandable emotion when it comes to healing from trauma, even if your trauma does not have a specific person to blame (natural disasters and death of a loved one are examples). If the person who hurt you did not mean to or did not know better (like another child), anger is still a valid emotion. You’ve been hurt and you should not have been and it is reasonable to feel angry at this.
For a lot of us, anger plays a part in our healing. And that’s okay! You’re allowed to feel angry. Anger becomes an issue when you allow it to consume you and hurt you or others. The feeling itself is not inherently bad, and it can actually be a good thing. Your anger can be used to help you. It’s what you do with your anger that decides whether it’s helpful to you or not. When I was first told that my anger was “letting the other person win,” I believed that and felt invalidated. I have since realized that my anger has been an important part in understanding my pain and my needs. My anger is not letting someone else win, but letting me win, by helping me to heal.
#my blog posts#i am going to be gradually re-posting my posts#with text under a read more#to make them more accessible to people that don't like external links#anger
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[“In France the price of wheat increased fourfold by 1350. At the same time the shortage of labor brought the plague’s greatest social disruption—a concerted demand for higher wages. Peasants as well as artisans, craftsmen, clerks, and priests discovered the lever of their own scarcity. Within a year after the plague had passed through northern France, the textile workers of St. Omer near Amiens had gained three successive wage increases. In many guilds artisans struck for higher pay and shorter hours. In an age when social conditions were regarded as fixed, such action was revolutionary.
The response of rulers was instant repression. In the effort to hold wages at pre-plague levels, the English issued an ordinance in 1349 requiring everyone to work for the same pay as in 1347. Penalties were established for refusal to work, for leaving a place of employment to seek higher pay, and for the offer of higher pay by employers. Proclaimed when Parliament was not sitting, the ordinance was reissued in 1351 as the Statute of Laborers. It denounced not only laborers who demanded higher wages but particularly those who chose “rather to beg in idleness than to earn their bread in labor.” Idleness of the worker was a crime against society, for the medieval system rested on his obligation to work.
The Statute of Laborers was not simply a reactionary dream but an effort to maintain the system. It provided that every able-bodied person under sixty with no means of subsistence must work for whoever required him, that no alms could be given to able-bodied beggars, that a vagrant serf could be forced to work for anyone who claimed him. Down to the 20th century this statute was to serve as the basis for “conspiracy” laws against labor in the long struggle to prevent unionization. A more realistic French statute of 1351, applying only to the region of Paris, allowed a rise in wages not to exceed one third of the former level. Prices were fixed and profits of middlemen were regulated. To increase production, guilds were required to loosen their restrictions on the number of apprentices and shorten the period before they could become masters.
In both countries, as shown by repeated renewals of the laws with rising penalties, the statutes were unenforceable. Violations cited by the English Parliament in 1352 show workers demanding and employers paying wages at double and treble the pre-plague rate. Stocks were ordered set up in every town for punishment of offenders. In 1360 imprisonment replaced fines as the penalty and fugitive laborers were declared outlaws. If caught, they were to be branded on the forehead with F for “fugitive” (or possibly for “falsity”). New laws were enacted twice more in the 1360s, breeding the resistance that was to come to a head in the great outbreak of 1381.”]
barbara w. tuchman, from a distant mirror: the calamitous 14th century, 1987
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Debilitation Series: Saturn in Bharani
A debilitated planet means this planet has reached the lowest point in its own sky. There, the planet lies on the ground in a strange place, feeling powerless... At least, it thinks so. The sign and the nakshatra where the planet is debilitated actually allow the planet to fight even more to get back on its feet and become successful.
Saturn Debilitated in Bharani
Saturn gets debilitated at 20° Aries, that is to say, in Bharani nakshatra (Bharani: 13°20 Aries to 26°40 Aries). Saturn, the disciplined worker has now fallen in the burning lands of Aries. This place is called Bharani: the darkest place of Aries. Saturn, the cold and dry planet has nothing to do in this hot environment full of unpredictable threats. Saturn has many facets, one of them being the servant. The servant needs a balanced and peaceful structure to get his job done. It is usually a tedious task to do, which requires patience. Here, in Aries, everything is wild. It is a dangerous place filled with unknown threats especially in Bharani, land of Yama, the king of the dead. Saturn gets irritated, chokes in this narrow environment: it loves so much great space and fresh air as its ayurvedic nadi is Vata, the wind. Saturn, whose other facet is the rebel, has no more freedom to take action because Bharani is the supreme law of life and death. Yama is also king of justice. Nobody can escape, it is a confined space. Saturn gets imprisoned, it chokes, it burns: its legendary patience vanishes. Natives easily become impatient, they want everything right now but it never works. They can drop projects due to many setbacks but they will fail even more. Confusion, anger arises. What should they do? Saturn is the karaka/significator of karma, the action. They might give up everything on the way, because, after all, what is the point of all these efforts? Life is hard, and we are nothing. This is a typical teaching from Lord Yama. If Saturn represents the natives' self, then, sooner or later, they will think this way. They will be called as "pessimistic", but actually, it means they are just spiritual and they understood king Yama's lesson. Bharani is a dark place where one has to deal with competitiveness and fear of failure. Saturn is the karaka of fear. Natives have much more difficulties to take risks, they fear failure. It makes them feel even more frustrated. Besides, Bharani is not any common place for Saturn as it is its stepbrother's place. Shani/Saturn and king Yama both have the same father, who is Surya-Sun. However, Sanjana Consciousness is Yama's mother while Chaya, Sanjana's shadow, is Shani's mother. Interestingly enough, Yama is the judge of the dead while Shani is the judge of the living. Their titles have been given by their father Surya-Sun. But the enmity between Shani and his father is well-known. Surya Sun had first rejected Shani because of his dark skin. Angry, Shani cast his terrible glance upon him and turned the Sun into darkness. Despite Surya's apology, the tension is still there. Natives might have problems with their father, mother, stepparents, stepbrothers. Natives should use their debilitation to their advantage. Things will get better then. First, patience is key. Patience and calm will help them achieve their objectives. They should become aware of it, that way, frustration goes away, as well as pessimism. Pessimism will go away too because they will realize that slowness is their ally. Discipline will come naturally then. They must not give up on hard work because it is where they excel. They need their own space and alone time. They can be good healers too for people. If they take care of their servants or any workers who help them, these people can heal natives too. Natives can help in non-profit organizations or social welfare too.
#astrology#vedic astrology#jyotish#sidereal astrology#nakshatras#astro#astro community#vedic astro notes#saturn#saturn in bharani#bharani#debilitated saturn#debilitation
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US appeals court upholds TikTok law forcing its sale
WASHINGTON, Dec 6 (Reuters) - A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday upheld a law requiring Chinese-based ByteDance to divest its popular short video app TikTok in the United States by early next year or face a ban.
The decision is a win for the Justice Department and opponents of the Chinese-owned app and a devastating blow to ByteDance. The ruling now increases the possibility of an unprecedented ban in just six weeks on a social media app used by 170 million Americans.
The ruling is expected to be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Free speech advocates immediately criticized the decision. The American Civil Liberties Union said it sets a "flawed and dangerous precedent."
"Banning TikTok blatantly violates the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans who use this app to express themselves and communicate with people around the world,” said Patrick Toomey, deputy director of the ACLU's National Security Project.
But the appeals court said the law “was the culmination of extensive, bipartisan action by the Congress and by successive presidents. It was carefully crafted to deal only with control by a foreign adversary, and it was part of a broader effort to counter a well-substantiated national security threat posed by the PRC (People's Republic of China)."
U.S. appeals court Judges Sri Srinivasan, Neomi Rao and Douglas Ginsburg considered the legal challenges brought by TikTok and users against the law that gives ByteDance until Jan. 19 to sell or divest TikTok's U.S. assets or face a ban.
The decision -- unless the Supreme Court reverses it -- puts TikTok's fate in the hands of first President JoeBiden on whether to grant a 90-day extension of the Jan. 19 deadline to force a sale and then President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20. But it's not clear whether ByteDance could meet the heavy burden to show it had made significant progress toward a divestiture needed to trigger the extension.
Trump, who unsuccessfully tried to ban TikTok during his first term in 2020, said before the November presidential election he would not allow the TikTok ban.
TikTok said it expected the Supreme Court would reverse the appeals court decision on First Amendment grounds.
"The Supreme Court has an established historical record of protecting Americans' right to free speech, and we expect they will do just that on this important constitutional issue," TikTok said in a statement, adding the law will result "in outright censorship of the American people."
The Justice Department did not have an immediate comment on the decision.
The decision upholds the law giving the U.S. government sweeping powers to ban other foreign-owned apps that could raise concerns about collection of Americans' data. In 2020, Trump also tried to ban Tencent-owned WeChat, but was blocked by the courts.
Shares of Meta Platforms (META.O), opens new tab, which competes against TikTok in online ads, hit an intraday record high following the ruling, last up over 3%. Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL.O), opens new tab, whose YouTube video platform also competes with TikTok, was up over 1% following the ruling.
The court acknowledged its decision would lead to TikTok's ban on Jan. 19 without an extension from Biden.
"Consequently, TikTok's millions of users will need to find alternative media of communication," the court said, which was because of China's "hybrid commercial threat to U.S. national security, not to the U.S. Government, which engaged with TikTok through a multi-year process in an effort to find an alternative solution."
The opinion was written by Ginsburg, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, and joined by Rao, who was named to the bench by Trump, and Srinivasan, an appointee of President Barack Obama.
The Justice Department says under Chinese ownership, TikTok poses a serious national security threat because of its access to vast personal data of Americans, asserting China can covertly manipulate information that Americans consume via TikTok.
U.S. officials have also warned TikTok's management is beholden to the Chinese government, which could compel the company to share the data of its American users.
TikTok has denied it has or ever would share U.S. user data, accusing American lawmakers in the lawsuit of advancing "speculative" concerns.
TikTok and ByteDance argue the law is unconstitutional and violates Americans' free speech rights. They call it "a radical departure from this country's tradition of championing an open Internet."
ByteDance, backed by Sequoia Capital, Susquehanna International Group, KKR & Co (KKR.N), opens new tab, and General Atlantic, among others, was valued at $268 billion in December 2023 when it offered to buy back around $5 billion worth of shares from investors, Reuters reported then.
The law prohibits app stores like Apple (AAPL.O), opens new tab and Alphabet's (GOOGL.O), opens new tab Google from offering TikTok and bars internet hosting services from supporting TikTok unless ByteDance divests TikTok by the deadline.
Apple and Google did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
In a concurring opinion, Srinivasan acknowledged the decision will have major impacts, noting "170 million Americans use TikTok to create and view all sorts of free expression and engage with one another and the world. And yet, in part precisely because of the platform’s expansive reach, Congress and multiple Presidents determined that divesting it from (China's) control is essential to protect our national security."
He added that "Because the record reflects that Congress's decision was considered, consistent with longstanding regulatory practice, and devoid of an institutional aim to suppress particular messages or ideas, we are not in a position to set it aside."
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Dandelion News - October 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my Dandelion Doodles on Patreon!
1. EV owners volunteer to drive voters to the polls in 11 states (and you can too)
“ChargeTheVote.org is a nonpartisan voter education and engagement initiative to enhance voter turnout in the 2024 election by providing zero-emission transportation in electric vehicles (EVs) to local polling locations. ChargeTheVote will also host a webinar for those who are interested in participating this coming Tuesday, October 22 at 7pm Eastern time.”
2. Kenya moves 50 elephants to a larger park, says it’s a sign poaching is low
“The elephant population in the […”Mwea National Reserve”…] has flourished from its capacity of 50 to a whopping 156 […] requiring the relocation of about 100 of [them…. The] overpopulation in Mwea highlighted the success of conservation efforts over the last three decades.”
3. Australian start-up secures $9m for mine-based gravity energy storage technology
““We expect to configure the gravitational storage technology [which the company “hopes to deploy in disused mines”] for mid-duration storage applications of 4 to 24 hours, deliver 80% energy efficiency and to enable reuse of critical grid infrastructure.“”
4. Africa’s little-known golden cat gets a conservation boost, with community help
“[H]unting households were given a pregnant sow [… so that they] had access to meat without needing to trap it in the wild. […] To address income needs, Embaka started […] a savings and loan co-op[… and an] incentive for the locals to give up hunting in exchange for regular dental care.”
5. 4.8M borrowers — including 1M in public service — have had student debt forgiven
“That brings the total amount of student debt relief under the administration to $175 billion[….] The Education Department said that before Biden's presidency, only 7,000 public servants had ever received student debt relief through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. […] "That’s an increase of more than 14,000% in less than four years.””
6. Puerto Rico closes $861M DOE loan guarantee for huge solar, battery project
“The solar plants combined will have 200 megawatts of solar capacity — enough to power 43,000 homes — while the battery systems are expected to provide up to 285 megawatts of storage capacity. [… O]ver the next 10 years, more than 90 percent of solar capacity in Puerto Rico will come from distributed resources like rooftop solar.”
7. Tim Walz Defends Queer And Trans Youth At Length In Interview With Glennon Doyle
“Walz discussed positive legislative actions, such as codifying hate crime laws and increasing education[.… “We] need to appoint judges who uphold the right to marriage, uphold the right to be who you are [… and] to get the medical care that you need.””
8. Next-Generation Geothermal Development Important Tool for Clean Energy Economy
““The newest forms of geothermal energy hold the promise of generating electricity 24 hours a day using an endlessly renewable, pollution-free resource[… that] causes less disturbance to public lands and wildlife habitat […] than many other forms of energy development[….]”
9. Sarah McBride hopes bid to be first transgender congresswoman encourages ’empathy’ for trans people
““Folks know I am personally invested in equality as an LGBTQ person. But my priorities are going to be affordable child care, paid family and medical leave, housing, health care, reproductive freedom. […] We know throughout history that the power of proximity has opened even the most-closed of hearts and minds.”“
10. At Mexico’s school for jaguars, big cats learn skills to return to the wild
“[A team of scientists] have successfully released two jaguars, and are currently working to reintroduce two other jaguars and three pumas (Puma concolor). [… “Wildlife simulation”] “keeps the jaguars active and reduces the impact of captivity and a sedentary lifestyle[….]””
October 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
#good news#hopepunk#electric vehicles#voting#elephant#kenya#conservation#australia#battery#energy storage#africa#cats#hunting#tw animal death#student loans#student debt#debt relief#education#puerto rico#solar#solar panels#solar energy#solar power#tim walz#lgbt#lgbtq#geothermal#renewableenergy#trans rights#transgender
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Why are Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn planets that take time to achieve something?
versão em eng-pt / version in eng-pt
Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are planets that, for different reasons, are associated with a slower trajectory in terms of achievements. Each has a distinct approach, but in common, they symbolize processes that require patience and development over time.
Mercury is the planet of communication, intelligence, and learning. Although quick in movement, Mercury is linked to processes that demand constant adaptation and learning. Achieving something with Mercury depends on the ability to communicate, analyze, and learn from situations. Progress is incremental, as Mercury's success relies on accumulating knowledge, experience, and adapting to various scenarios.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It governs generosity, ethics, and natural law, but its action is slow because it involves the search for meaning and truth. Jupiter’s achievements require long-term vision, the expansion of horizons, and internal growth. Since Jupiter also symbolizes teachers and gurus, it teaches that true success comes with patience and the gradual maturing of understanding.
Saturn is the planet of time, discipline, and restriction. It is known for testing patience and resilience, imposing challenges and obstacles that slow down progress. Saturn rules over karma and maturity through experience. Its achievements are lasting, but only come after much effort, hard work, and overcoming limitations. It rewards only those who persist and learn from difficulties over time.
These planets require a continuous process of development, patience, and persistence before delivering significant results.
Wherever these planets are in houses in your chart, something will take time to come to fruition. Mercury in the 5th house, for example, may indicate that your higher education will be necessary to achieve your goal, and this may take time. Saturn needs improvement and therefore achieves success in the course of a mature age. Jupiter needs to act in the time of the universe and be very clear in what it is doing, sometimes a person can take time to discover what they really want to do. There is no point in rushing into your career, love life or finances when these three planets are located in these respective houses.
They take the necessary time, but the result will be great.
Por que Mercúrio, Júpiter e Saturno são planetas que demoram para alcançar alguma coisa?
Mercúrio, Júpiter e Saturno são planetas que, por diferentes razões, estão associados a uma trajetória mais lenta em termos de conquistas. Cada um tem uma abordagem distinta, mas em comum, eles simbolizam processos que exigem paciência e desenvolvimento ao longo do tempo.
Mercúrio é o planeta da comunicação, inteligência e aprendizado. Embora rápido em movimento, Mercúrio está ligado a processos que exigem adaptação e aprendizado constante. Conquistar algo com Mercúrio depende da habilidade de comunicar, analisar e aprender com as situações. O progresso é incremental, pois o sucesso de Mercúrio depende de acumular conhecimento, experiência e se adaptar a diferentes cenários.
Júpiter é o planeta da expansão, sabedoria e crescimento espiritual. Ele rege a generosidade, a ética e a lei natural, mas sua ação é lenta porque envolve a busca por significado e verdade. As conquistas de Júpiter exigem uma visão de longo prazo, expansão de horizontes e crescimento interno. Como Júpiter também simboliza professores e gurus, ele ensina que o verdadeiro sucesso vem com paciência e o amadurecimento gradual da compreensão.
Saturno é o planeta do tempo, disciplina e restrição. Ele é conhecido por testar paciência e resiliência, impondo desafios e obstáculos que retardam o progresso. Saturno rege o karma e o amadurecimento através da experiência. Suas conquistas são duradouras, mas só chegam depois de muito esforço, trabalho duro e superação de limitações. Ele recompensa somente aqueles que persistem e aprendem com as dificuldades ao longo do tempo.
Esses planetas pedem um processo contínuo de desenvolvimento, paciência e persistência antes de entregar resultados significativos.
Onde quer que esses planetas estejam nas casas do seu mapa, algo levará tempo para se concretizar. Mercúrio na casa 5, por exemplo, pode indicar que sua formação superior será necessária para atingir seu objetivo, e isso pode levar tempo. Saturno precisa de melhorias e, portanto, alcança o sucesso no decorrer da idade madura. Júpiter precisa agir no tempo do universo e ter muito claro o que está fazendo, às vezes uma pessoa pode demorar para descobrir o que realmente quer fazer. Não adianta se apressar na carreira, na vida amorosa ou nas finanças quando esses três planetas estão localizados nessas respectivas casas.
Demorarão o tempo necessário, mas o resultado será ótimo.
#astronomy#jyotish#vedic astrology#astrologia#vedic astro observations#nakshatra#spirituality#spiritual awakening#dark moon#astrology#numerology#dark femininity#dark feminine energy#dark feminine aesthetic#sidereal astrology#vedicastrology#psicology#psicologia#thriller psicologico#ketu#rahu ketu#moola#moola nakshatra#nritti#goddess#vedic astro notes#sagitario#sagittarius#signos#astrologia védica
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This was originally going to be in reply to @glowinggreeneyes-e post about the Captain's education and career path...but then I got carried away because I'm so normal about this stuff so it's now its own post...with added angst because I have no control over any of this, my brain just goes.
So for a start the Captain would have gone to a public boarding school. I think it's worth pointing out that public schools and universities operated scholarships for students from less wealthy backgrounds. We're still talking middle class and upper middle, but not always full on wealthy and privileged in the way of someone like Julian. Cap strikes me as having the background of a family well enough off but he probably always had to work hard to prove himself for his place, maybe not so much for public school but definitely for university.
Whatever school he attended would have had an Officer Training Corps junior division. Basically cadets. This would lead to the possibility to do an exam (written and practical) to get what was called certificate A to show he had participated in the OTC.
From the Button House Archives it says Cap got to the front in WW1 at armistice and so never saw action. So I imagine he finished his studies at school in the summer, enlisted and completed basic training, and then was out to Europe just in time for things to end. Because he got his certificate A at school he had the option at university to join the OTC university division. This was a route to becoming a commissioned officer. You either needed certificate A or experience in the ranks to join. For the sake of argument, serving in the army for a couple of months wouldn't count as experience so he must have had the certificate A...
University options at that time were limited to Oxbridge, Durham or London. All of those had OTC. I think London can be ruled out...only because it was busy, loud and ugly, even then (sorry London friends!) and the Captain likes wildlife and the countryside and nature walks...I can't see him thriving in London.
Training with the OTC at university involved physical training, military strategy, history and law etc. The Captain would have had to complete 2 years training before he could have done exams for his Certificate B - practical and written. Passing the exams would have entitled him to a commission on graduation. Getting Certificate B wasn't common because of the amount of work involved and dedication required to be successful. It was hard!
Like I want to point out that to get that far would have required so much effort and dedication right from being a child. And this is where I will get sad and headcanon-y for a bit (let me have this one thing out of all this research!)
Bullying and abusive rituals were a big part of public school life at this time and any boy seen as even slightly different would have been targeted for sure, even by some of the teachers. So although Cap comes across as clever and capable at what he knows I think school would have been socially really freaking hard. For a child in that situation I could see the OTC being a respite and something the Captain would have found very comforting with the set rules, order and expectations and from there you can understand why career army would have been appealing...
And I think that's when things get a bit complicated. The army was his life but in a different way to officers who wanted to be on the front line, like Havers. Obviously Cap worked extremely hard for his commission - and he was obviously very well qualified and knowledgable in his areas of interest, but he was always ever going to be best at HQ tasks like intelligence or engineering or whatever his particular career skills were - loving the army in theory, but some of it would have always been out of his reach. And I think being in a public school during WW1 and hearing of so many former pupils (some he would have known personally as seniors, prefects or head of houses) losing their lives on a daily basis during WW1 would have had a huge effect on him and probably influenced some of the guilt about not having the opportunity to fight himself, but ultimately I think he probably knew that wasn't his part to play even with WW2.
And I think all that that shows in his interactions we see in his past as CO - he was obviously doing a good job at whatever secret little operations he had but he really didn't have the skills/personality needed to be a CO. Having someone like Havers as a second hid that (and that's also seen in Havers getting 2 promotions in 4 years...he was much more of a natural CO) and I wonder if a lot of affection that Cap had for Havers originally came from the fact that Havers not only respected him as CO but he was also just kind to him and saw a person worthy of affection - rather than the CO that everyone tolerated but secretly disrespected and laughed at (just look at how all the other officers couldn't wait to come down on him in 5.05)
And then he lost Havers. But still had to command up to 150 men and operations at Button House for the next 4 years. And it's obvious from the letters and information in the Button House Archives that he really REALLY did try and I think with considering everything it's no wonder he overcompensates a lot and that's where he's at in the first couple of seasons of Ghosts; fighting for authority and trying to do his best.
Last sad point because it does relate: When he died Havers gave Cap the swagger stick to hold - Havers still called him 'Sir' even though he outranked him at that point. I don't know if I can begin to unpick all of that, but there's definitely something in there about respect, belief and the burden of responsibility that he clearly took seriously into his afterlife not wanting to let Havers down both personally and professionally.
If you read all of this I love you and respect you and appreciate you for appreciating my level of not normal xD
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Critical to note that the creator of the IHRA definition of antisemitism drafted it as a framework to track EUROPEAn attitudes toward antisemitism, not as a binding code of what is and isn't antisemitic at the legal and national level. full article (not long and very worthwhile) below:
This article is more than 4 years old
I drafted the definition of antisemitism. Rightwing Jews are weaponizing it
This article is more than 4 years old
Kenneth Stern
The ‘working definition of antisemitism’ was never intended to silence speech, but that’s what Trump’s executive order accomplished this weekFri 13 Dec 2019 06.25 ESTShare
Fifteen years ago, as the American Jewish Committee’s antisemitism expert, I was the lead drafter of what was then called the “working definition of antisemitism”. It was created primarily so that European data collectors could know what to include and exclude. That way antisemitism could be monitored better over time and across borders.
It was never intended to be a campus hate speech code, but that’s what Donald Trump’s executive order accomplished this week. This order is an attack on academic freedom and free speech, and will harm not only pro-Palestinian advocates, but also Jewish students and faculty, and the academy itself.
The problem isn’t that the executive order affords protection to Jewish students under title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The Department of Education made clear in 2010 that Jews, Sikhs and Muslims (as ethnicities) could complain about intimidation, harassment and discrimination under this provision. I supported this clarification and filed a successful complaint for Jewish high school students when they were bullied, even kicked (there was a “Kick a Jew Day”).
But starting in 2010, rightwing Jewish groups took the “working definition”, which had some examples about Israel (such as holding Jews collectively responsible for the actions of Israel, and denying Jews the right to self-determination), and decided to weaponize it with title VI cases. While some allegations were about acts, mostly they complained about speakers, assigned texts and protests they said violated the definition. All these cases lost, so then these same groups asked the University of California to adopt the definition and apply it to its campuses. When that failed, they asked Congress, and when those efforts stalled, the president.
As proponents of the executive order like the Zionist Organization of America make clear, they see the application of the definition as “cover[ing] many of the anti-Jewish outrages … frequently led by … Students for Justice in Palestine, including … calls for ‘intifada’ [and] demonizing Israel”. As much as I disagree with SJP, it has the right to make “calls”. That’s called free speech.
If you think this isn’t about suppressing political speech, contemplate a parallel. There’s no definition of anti-black racism that has the force of law when evaluating a title VI case. If you were to craft one, would you include opposition to affirmative action? Opposing removal of Confederate statues?
Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and special adviser, wrote in the New York Times that the definition “makes clear [that] Anti-Zionism is antisemitism”. I’m a Zionist. But on a college campus, where the purpose is to explore ideas, anti-Zionists have a right to free expression. I suspect that if Kushner or I had been born into a Palestinian family displaced in 1948, we might have a different view of Zionism, and that need not be because we vilify Jews or think they conspire to harm humanity. Further, there’s a debate inside the Jewish community whether being Jewish requires one to be a Zionist. I don’t know if this question can be resolved, but it should frighten all Jews that the government is essentially defining the answer for us.
The real purpose of the executive order isn’t to tip the scales in a few title VI cases, but rather the chilling effect. ZOA and other groups will hunt political speech with which they disagree, and threaten to bring legal cases. I’m worried administrators will now have a strong motivation to suppress, or at least condemn, political speech for fear of litigation. I’m worried that faculty, who can just as easily teach about Jewish life in 19th-century Poland or about modern Israel, will probably choose the former as safer. I’m worried that pro-Israel Jewish students and groups, who rightly complain when an occasional pro-Israel speaker is heckled, will get the reputation for using instruments of state to suppress their political opponents.
Antisemitism is a real issue, but too often people, both on the political right and political left, give it a pass if a person has the “right” view on Israel. Historically, antisemitism thrives best when leaders stoke the human capacity to define an “us” and a “them”, and where the integrity of democratic institutions and norms (such as free speech) are under assault.
Rather than champion the chilling of expressions that pro-Israel Jews find disturbing, or give the mildest criticism (if any) of a president who repeatedly uses antisemitic tropes, why weren’t those Jewish officials who were present when Trump signed the executive order reminding him that last year, when he demonized immigrants and called them “invaders”, Robert Bowers walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue because he believed Jews were behind this “invasion” of brown people as part of a plot to harm white people, and killed 11 of us?
Kenneth Stern is the director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate, and the author of the forthcoming The Conflict Over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate
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Article: 'Exclusive: Laid-off Keywords union members set to strike outside of BioWare Edmonton'
EA and BioWare allegedly attempted to block members of Keywords Edmonton United from protesting outside of the company's office.
"Former employees of Keywords Studios who unionized under the banner of Keywords Edmonton United are planning to strike outside of BioWare's Edmonton headquarters on November 7, beginning around 11AM to 12PM local time. The striking union members—who had previously been working on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf before BioWare ended its contract with their employer—are protesting what they describe as an unfair termination by Keywords that they say was motivated by their unionization efforts. The union is continuing to contest the workers' terminations and argue that they be re-instated as Keywords employees who can be contracted to work with other Canadian clients. News of Keywords Edmonton United's strike comes with an additional twist: according to the union, Electronic Arts and BioWare appealed to the Alberta Labour Relations Board to block picketing from taking place outside EA's offices. The corporation behind the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises argued that this strike was a dispute between the laid-off workers and Keywords, and that they were not legally entitled to protest outside of BioWare because they had been a remote workforce. The Board has since ruled in the union's favor, and the former Dragon Age: Dreadwolf QA testers are set to strike as planned. Union spokesperson James Russwurm praised the Board's decision, calling it a win for all remote workers across the country. "We view this Labour Board ruling as a huge win for not just us, but remote workers everywhere in Canada," he said. "Workers can now go 'oh, I can picket my employer's offices downtown even though I didn't work in the office.'" The workers' planned strike and brief legal tussle with the company that contracted their former employer shine a light on the union's dispute with the prolific external development services provider. The union continues to assert that Keywords engaged in "bad-faith bargaining" during the process of negotiating a contract, and that their termination was a result of their successful unionization. Their efforts also shine a light on the nuances of Canadian labor law, and showcase useful lessons for developers hoping to unionize across the globe.
EA and BioWare tried to prevent laid-off contractors from striking at their office After members of Keywords Edmonton United unanimously voted in favor of calling a strike, the group filed a notice with the Alberta Labour Relations Board. Canadian law requires for unions to file notice with local labour boards in advance of such action. Upon receiving word of the filing however, lawyers from EA and BioWare apparently objected to the decision to picket outside of BioWare HQ. In a hearing that took place November 2, they argued that the Board should require unionized workers to picket in another location—specifically outside their own homes. A core element of EA's argument was that because the former Keywords workers worked entirely from home, the BioWare headquarters was not their place of work and they had no right to picket there. Alberta's Labour Relations board in Canada has oversight on what are called "secondary picketing" locations, which are locations that striking workers may attempt to protest at that are not their primary place of work. The union successfully argued that BioWare's headquarters did represent their former workplace even though their members did not physically go into the office. Russwurm explained that union members began working with BioWare at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which prevented them from going into the office for at least a year. When Keywords and BioWare attempted to force the contractors to return to the office, they began their efforts to unionize. One reason the Board ruled in the union's favor was that like many remote workers in the world of game development, the former Keywords QA testers used special software to remotely access computers located inside of BioWare's office. "If the power goes out in the building, I couldn't do my work because the PC in the building would be turned off," Russwurm explained. The Board has ruled that striking Keywords Edmonton United workers cannot block access or services to the building, which is also home to other companies besides BioWare. Russwurm said the union does not dispute that decision, and that their intent was never to prevent BioWare employees from accessing the premises. He stated that BioWare employees arriving at the studio during the strike would not have to physically cross a picket line to enter the building. "We're going to be out there, getting the word out, and even talking to BioWare employees coming and out of the building that might be interested in unionization. That's more of our focus than actual disruption." Russwurm said he maintains that the video game industry as a whole needs more unionization "across the board," and particularly that his former colleagues at BioWare should have a particular interest in unionizing after this year's brutal layoffs. "They can look around say 'we've had like two rounds of cuts now—[they're] cutting people who have been here for decades.' What kind of job protection do you have?" Game Developer has reached out to Keywords Studios and Electronic Arts, and will update this story when said companies respond."
[source] [more on the Keywords topic]
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