#The Vacuum Law of Prosperity: Create Space for Abundance
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Spiritual House Cleaning
It’s always nice to start the New Year off with a clean, well-appointed home. In some traditions, this is not mere vanity or hygiene, but a spiritual necessity that must be done on New Year’s Eve to ensure that the home is clear and ready for the coming year. Today, I thought I’d look at a few of the magical methods for housecleaning, as well as some of the most common cleaning agents with a magical touch.
Sweeping & Vacuuming – It has to be done. There’s just no way of getting around it. The floors must be kept clean, at least within reason, and usually a broom or a vacuum is employed to that end. Workers in the conjure and hoodoo traditions tend to have specific techniques for sweeping, often going from the topmost floor of the house to the bottom and working from the back of each floor towards the front (though I’ve seen variations on that, often depending on specific needs—getting rid of a bad spirit might involve sweeping out the back door, for example). While floor washes are the go-to method for spiritually cleansing a house and adding specific magical vibes to the area (see Mopping & Floor Washes below), you can add a degree of magic to the sweeping and vacuuming process, too. Various powders can be sprinkled on floors and carpets and left there for a bit before sweeping. These will absorb some spellwork and leave other magic behind. Some good ones to try out (available at Lucky Mojo):
Fear Not to Walk Over Evil – A powerful anti-hex and anti-foottrack magic powder.
House Blessing – A simple, very peaceful powder.
Crown of Success or Fast Money – To encourage prosperity and abundance.
Chuparosa/Hummingbird – To create love and attraction between partners in the home.
Likewise, you might also opt for simple, household items to do some of your mojo work during sweeping and vacuuming. Many spices make great conjure sweeps (and smell wonderful when taken up by a vacuum and slightly warmed by the machine’s motor—an added aromatic energy). Some that I like to use:
Cinnamon – Creates a sense of prosperity and joviality. Some use it for business success, but I find it creates more of a personal confidence and comfortability than anything purely financial.
Allspice – Another success spice, but also good for stimulating conversation. I like to vacuum with cinnamon and allspice sprinkled on the carpets before guests come over to encourage a warm, friendly atmosphere.
Pine Needles – Good for uncrossing and refreshing a home. Not a kitchen spice, of course, but still easily accessible. Be careful though, as too many pine needles can gum up machinery (like vacuums) quickly!
Rosemary – Good for domestic bliss, as well as helping those who smell it focus and think clearly.
Oregano – Keeps meddlesome influences from interfering in your life. Makes a nice “law-keep-away” substitute, and discourages nosy neighbours.
Garlic Skins – Kills off evil, but it will leave a distinctive odour in the air.
Rose Petals – Encourages love and passion when crumbled around the home and left for a bit before sweeping/vacuuming.
Salt – Great for stopping any hexes put upon you and removing unwanted spiritual energies from your home. I use baking soda (a type of salt) sprinkled on carpets before vacuuming to both absorb odours and remove pesky curses. Jim Haskins records a method of preventing unwanted guests from returning which simply involves sweeping salt after them when they leave.
Sugar – A little of this will add a sweetness to your home, though make sure you get it all and don’t use too much—a little sweetness may be great, but a lot of ants aren’t.
The basic method here is to sprinkle everything, let it sit for a bit (if you can stand letting it sit for 24 hours, that is lovely, but probably a little excessive—30 minutes is often plenty of time, and even a 5-minute wait will give you a quick dose of magic).
Mopping & Floor Washes – This is probably one of the best known hoodoo methods of cleansing, blessing, and enchanting a home. Using a prepared magical floor wash to clean anything that can handle getting wet (including the walls) still makes for great spellwork. Some of the most famous floor washes are (again from Lucky Mojo):
Chinese Wash – An old school formula which reputedly came out of Chinatown (though which Chinatown is not particularly clear). It’s made from several powerful ingredients, many of which are found in Van Van (see below), with broom straws added for extra oomph. Good for knocking out any hexes and doing purification work.
Van Van – We’ve covered this in Blog Post 81, but briefly this is a blend of several Asian grass extracts, chiefly lemongrass and vetiver root. It, like Chinese Wash, cleanses and purifies.
Peace Water – When made in its most interesting form, peace water is beautiful to look at, with layers of blue and white/clear liquid on top of one another in a mesmerising stasis. When mixed up and sprinkled into a floor wash, this helps create feelings of calm, quiet, and tranquillity in even very turbulent homes.
Rose Water – This very basic addition to a floor wash can be found in many ethnic grocery markets. It’s not much more than a strong rose tea stabilised with alcohol, so you could easily make your own, but it’s also fairly cheap to buy. When used in a floor wash, it helps promote feelings of love and agreement.
In addition to these specialty formulas, there are lots of common household cleaners you can use with a magical bent:
Pine-Sol – This commercial floor cleaner basically evolved out of hoodoo floor washes. Cat Yronwode even suggests adding a little Van-Van to a bottle of Pine-Sol and using it as a simple substitute for Chinese Wash. Traditional pine scent is great, of course, or you can go with…
Lemon Pine-Sol – Or any lemon-scented cleanser like it. Lemons have a cut-and-clear effect on a space, and have long been associated with destroying curses and breaking hexes. Charles Leland’s Aradia records an anti-evil-eye charm which is fundamentally a pomander made of a lemon and pins. It leaves a lovely clean smell, too, though a fairly artificial one in most cleansers. Feel free to add some fresh squeezed lemons to your mop bucket for a rootsier version of lemon-cleanser.
Ammonia – Draja Mickaharic recommends a simple floor wash of ammonia and salt added to mop water, and it really makes a wonderful cleansing and protecting wash water. It can really neutralise almost anything thrown at you, magically speaking, and it disinfects beautifully. Mickaharic also recommends a little ammonia down every drain when you finish cleaning (just a teaspoon or so), to finish off your magical housecleaning.
Vinegar – Four Thieves Vinegar is popular as a counter-curse wash, and as a protective mix-in for a mop-water. But really, any vinegar will help get rid of unwanted energies and protect the home from invaders and malicious forces. If the scent is strong enough, it may protect you from visitors altogether.
Urine – This one is very traditional in hoodoo, though much frowned upon in modern use. It has, however, been long used as a cleaning agent, and a little urine diluted in some mop water can be very powerful for “marking your territory” and protecting the home. It can also instil a sense of good luck in the place, and ensure fidelity in your mate and passion from your lover. If they don’t catch you doing it, of course.
There are lots of other cleaning agents out there that you can use, of course. Almost anything scented probably has at least some tenuous connection to a magical formula, so a little homework can help you transform that bottle of Mop-N-Glo into a powerful apothecary’s potion.
Windows & Doors – You don’t do windows, you say? Well, you should at least open them up! Whenever you do a good house-cleansing, throwing up the windows and letting some fresh air circulate is vital to getting everything “right.” It helps balance out all the forces in the home, allows bad spirits to leave, and refreshes the air in the house. It’s cold to do this in winter, of course, but turning the heat off for 10 minutes and letting a little fresh air in can make all the difference in getting a home feeling good and happy again. Likewise, the doors should be opened for a bit to let the air circulate.
When it comes to washing doors and windows, you can really use any of the same washes I talked about above in the Mopping & Floor Washes section. You can also use a variety of other ingredients to get things right at all your entrances and exits. For example, many folks take a little olive oil (or holy oil, which is basically blessed and sometimes lightly scented olive oil) and make a little sigil in the corner of every window, to seal that entrance against evil intrusions. Some folks put blue bottles in the windows, or jars full of sand or marbles, in the hopes that any witches who might try to get in will be forced to count the contents of the container and be unable to do so before daybreak (when their power ends). You can make a wash water of red brick dust, urine, and salt in warm water and use it to scrub your door to add a powerful layer of protection. You can also sprinkle salt or brick dust lines down at the threshold and in the sills of every window to keep out unwanted spirits and spells.
Clearing the Air – Once the house has been aired out and all the windows and doors cleaned and opened for a while, some folks like to light some incense, use room sprays, or even just make a little something in the kitchen to add an element of magic to the home. I’ve covered some of the holiday scents and their uses in Blog Post 108, and I’ve already mentioned pine and citrus scents as powerful agents for spiritual and physical cleansing. Other odoriferous offerings to your home can include:
Fresh Bread – One of the best symbols of abundanace and prosperity. Bake a loaf in your oven and let the scent fill the home. Cookies are also good for this.
Floral Scents – Like jasmine, rose, or lavender. All of these have specific uses, and add specific magical “vibrations” to an area (rose fragrances inspire love to many, for example), so look into the flowers you like and figure out what note they will set in your newly cleaned domicile.
Sweeteners – I did mention this in Blog Post 108, but I also said it’s a bit strong when burned. If you are airing your house out, however, a little honey, brown sugar, molasses, or even table sugar might be a good thing to burn or warm on the stove, as it will provide a sublimely “sweet” feeling to the area. Draja Mickaharic highly recommends this, and I can’t say I’m against it either.
Nailing It Down – This is a practice particular to conjure and hoodoo, though there are likely variants or similar practices in other magical systems. The basic idea is that by pounding nails into your home’s corners (and the corners of your property), you fix it there and create a stable environment. You also assert your ownership of the place, and help to guarantee your continued residence there. The most commonly used nails for this are the “square-cut” kind, usually sold cheaply at hardware stores. For doing the corners of your property, you would want to use something bigger, like old railroad spikes. The basic idea is that you simply nail them into every corner of your home, particularly the ones along outside walls. You can bless them with oil or holy water or anything else you feel is appropriate, or simply nail them down while saying a little prayer that you remain safe, happy, and comfortable in your home as long as the nails remain in place. Remove them if you ever have to move away for any reason.
That’s a lot of cleaning! But it’s always good to have a clean home, for both practical and spiritual reasons, so give some of these a go and see how they work for you! And if you missed your New Year’s cleaning deadline, well, you can always do these things during your Spring cleaning, too.
I hope this has been useful! Thanks for reading!
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Raised Vegetable Garden Beds And Ecological Gardening

Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
When we think about introducing raised garden vegetable beds into our gardens we do not immediately think of ecological gardening or permaculture, as this normally conjures images of green warriors dedicating their lives to working long hours on their vegetable plots. Now this may seem an ideal way of life for some, but obviously it is normally not practical whilst holding down a full time job in order to pay the mortgage. Plant raised vegetable garden beds
Growing food in your own garden has always been viewed as either something that required lots of space, or to be such hard work that not many people really took it seriously. However by using the space that you do have correctly and with the introduction of properly proportioned raised vegetable garden beds, you can now utilise a new technique that is so easy and so prolific that even the busiest executive could grow tasty nourishing organic vegetables to feed their family. So what is this technique? well it goes by the name of Ecological Gardening and it may just prove to be the answer to the problem of space and time in the garden.
So What Is Ecological Gardening And Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
In a nutshell (pardon the pun) ecological gardening is quite simply a system where you throw away any of your preconceived ideas about organising your vegetable plot and instead let nature take control. All that is required of you is to build your raised vegetable garden beds to suit and plant them in such a way that you will end up creating an ecosystem made up of edible plants that behaves in exactly the same way as a natural habitat. Done properly you will become more of an observer than a gardener and you can simply appreciate the growth as nature takes up the reins.
Learn To Employ Nature – She Works For Free
The wonderful thing about nature is that she works tirelessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Nature is amazingly complex while at the same time being very basic. She follows very simple laws and works in the same way, on any system, anywhere in the world. By doing this we get nature working for us, and not against us, and her great stamina works in our favour.
When we look at a traditional vegetable garden, what we in fact see is a very unnatural system and nothing like nature would have intended. This is because as human beings we feel the need to organise and segregate where nature is full of diversity. Take a look at any traditional vegetable patch and you will find very little diversity and a lot of empty niche spaces.
Nature is a natural unstoppable power and enforces her will on vegetable gardens in exactly the same way she does a rainforest, and this means that empty niches spaces will be filled as quickly as possible. Raised Garden Vegetable Beds
It is of the upmost importance to understand that nature abhors a vacuum and wherever it sees an empty space it will start to proliferate growth and as an eco gardener your job is to simply make sure that the space is filled naturally with productive food seeds rather than weeds.
Eco Gardens – The final Solution

The solution is to build cleverly designed raised vegetable garden beds which can be designed around the landscape of your garden. These raised beds should have tightly filled niche spaces so that weeds have little or no opportunity to prosper. We can achieve this effect by planting the raised vegetable garden beds very tightly with a diverse range of plants of differing shapes and characteristics.
What results from this method of gardening is dense almost jungle like planting arrangement that can yield a truly unbelievable amount of produce that also creates a highly protected micro climate. You will then find that this ideal growing environment causes your plants to last much longer which will stop vegetables such as greens going to seed as soon as a hot spell hits as well as giving them more protection during the cold weather Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
Throw Away The Hoe And Tend Your Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
Natural ecosystems such as rain forests don’t require gardeners with shovels and hoes to come along every season to turn their soil, and neither does an ecological garden. However, it is best not to walk on the garden beds as this will cause unnecessary compaction which is why you need to pay attention to how you construct your raised vegetable garden beds. Good raised beds together with the installation of permanent pathways that are positioned in a way that the gardener can obtain access to the plot will always provide you with an abundance of growth.
Who should set up an ecological garden?
The short answer is absolutely everyone, especially if you have a shortage of available growing space. Do you need experience? Short answer again – no. In fact it may seem strange, but if you have never grown food before then you are, in some ways, at an advantage. They might even feel like it’s a step in the wrong direction. But if we can let go of our need to control every living thing on the planet, and start to work with nature, we actually gain more control by being able to grow food more efficiently than ever before. It’s a paradox – but it works!
How Do I Set Up An Ecological Garden?
Any existing vegetable garden can be converted into an ecological garden. Firstly, design your raised vegetable garden beds to fit in with the space that you have available making sure that they are no wider than four feet. Next get your pathways laid out so that you never have to walk on your garden beds again. After that, get a good composting system going and apply it to the soil surface and plant densely and diversely. raised vegetable garden beds
Growing good healthy quality food need not be hard work, especially when you have nature helping you 24/7. A small area can provide you with such a bounty of food, saving your family thousands of dollars per year. Most of us don’t have much time to spend in the garden, including me. I only invest around eight hours of time per year to growing my food and all of this comes from a small space measuring around 6 x 6m. That’s an area that could fit into many suburban backyards several times over. The most wonderful thing about this method is that I know I can ignore my vegetable garden for months and it won’t miss a beat. So, if you believe growing food is only for tough bearded warriors with lots of land and time, think again. Ecological gardening could be just the thing for you. If you like the beard, that’s ok too. Raised vegetable garden kits and raised vegetable garden beds
I learned most of what I needed to know about raised garden vegetable beds and Ecological gardening from a man who goes by the name of Jonathan White. He is a self-employed environmental consultant and landscape designer and the author of Food4Wealth which consists of instructions, blueprints and video tutorials that will show you exactly how to set up and maintain your very own ecological garden. So if you are intrigued and want to know if this is for you, I would strongly advise you to visit his site and check it out in more detail.
Click here for more resource https://electricmosquitozapper.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/27/234100
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