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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 ��𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
I woke up with an intrusive thought that something I don't want manifested (I don't know, if I had a dream where I thought it manifested), could it manifest? I know that subconscious mind accepts thoughts better while you in sats, but I didn't thought that intrusive thought before I went to bed
please read my blog before ask
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
fairyminnie thank you SO FREAKING MUCH you literally answered my ask less than an hour ago (I was the shaky void anon) and girl I just NEED to tell you what happened after I sent that.
For some backstory on why I did it immediately and why I was literally stalking your page to get an answer lol it's because last night when I went to sleep after sending that ask, I entered the void. For like 10 seconds. I know for a fact I was in there because I felt the shaky thing again and then It got pitch black behind my eyes and I saw one singular pink star. And that's because when I saw Void State successes I read about this girl who said when she entered there were pink sparkles everywhere, and another person said that it got pitch black when they were entering. So I thought "Why not both?"
Anyway, so when I entered it I was super scared at first and then I got insanely excited like just as you said lol my mind was racing and my gut was screaming at me "OPEN YOUR EYES OPEN YOUR EYES!" but I didn't know if that would wake me up and then I got kicked out or something lmfao 😭😭 This really gave me motivation I did not know I needed though. Because I never really got any "big" manifestation and I just needed to know what it was like to experience this stuff, it just felt so real. Like I'm never doubting the law again. And btw I didn't even need to feel sleepy or anything like that, I entered within like 4 minutes! which is exactly what I affirmed for.
As for my state of mind when I intended to try again, I was walking around my room telling myself "Ugh it's so easy to enter the void I enter it every night within like 5 minutes" That was also the first time I felt the knowing feeling, which I almost never do. Anyway, I'm super sorry for the really long ask. I'm still super giddy I guess and I really needed to tell someone.
Once again tysm minnie I'll take your advice from the ask when I feel that thingy again hahaha and then maybe I'll finally open my eyes and calm down
Omgggg im so happy for youuuu, thanks for sharingggg and i know you got this, tell me everything laterrrrrrr ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
thank you. just wanted to clarify: in some ask you've said that an assumption could manifest something even if we denied it, so will denying be suffice?
Random thoughts or feelings don’t manifest unless you believe/give attention/give importance to them.
Denying something works when you’re certain it’s not true for you (not from fear).
The key is to be grounded in what you do want, so other thoughts feel irrelevant.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
Thank you so much Minnie!!! I really appreciate this, again I’m sorry the ask sounds rude, I’m not good at explaining stuff I used chat gpt😭😭😭🙏🏽💔🩷
no problemm I understood very well, I hope I explained my point well too ❤️❤️
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
Hi I’m not the same anon but is it like (on the unwanted part) when you stop saying stuff or your feelings go “I know this isn’t gonna happen I’m just overreacting.” Can the same be applied with ppl with OCD?
Yes, exactly! Whether it’s unwanted thoughts from anxiety, fear, or something like OCD, the same principle applies. It’s not about forcing yourself to stop thinking them but rather not reacting to them—kind of like saying, “That thought isn’t mine,” and moving on. The key is realizing a thought only has power if you believe it or give it attention.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
Hey, how are you doing? First of all, I just wanna say that your blog is amazing and has helped me a lot, so thank you!! I also wanted to ask if you allow translations of your posts. I’m part of the law of assumption community on X, and I’d love to translate one of your posts into Portuguese and share it on my profile. Of course, I’ll give you full credit by including the source, your username, and a link to your post. Let me know what you think! Thanks in advance.
Muito obrigadaaa pela ask, e simmm! Eu tinha um Twitter mas eu desativei pq eu brigava muito kkkkkkkk nao com a comunidade br pq eles sao legais e a maioria que eu seguia sem crença limitante nenhuma mas com a comunidade gringa mesmo era difícil. Mas aqui no loablr foi onde eu comecei e me encontrei entao decidi ficar só aqui. Mas pode simm, eu vejo meus posts no pinterest as vezes e amoo, a @stuffjs traduz alguns posts meus aqui e acho muito legal também 🫶🏻
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
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In the story of Cinderella, her stepmother and stepsisters represented the thought-forms she had built up in her consciousness. Almost everyone has a cruel stepmother in their subconscious, keeping them from attaining their good, usually referred to as an inferiority complex. The Fairy Godmother appears to tell Cinderella that she can go to the ball and have the things she desires. The Fairy Godmother is the superconscious mind, the God within, with whom all things are possible. Cinderella loses her glass heel and gets her desire: her Prince.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
Manifesting $100,000 is as easy as manifesting $1
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The feeling that $100,000 is a “big wish” comes from the limiting beliefs you’ve acquired about money, scarcity, and effort throughout your life. Your subconscious perceives $100,000 as “difficult” because it’s been programmed to see larger amounts as less attainable. However, manifesting $100,000 is as simple as manifesting $1, because the process is always the same.
How to Teach Your Subconscious That $100,000 Equals $1
1. Disassociate Value from Effort
• Replace beliefs like:
• “Big money requires hard work.”
• “Making big money takes time.”
• With new beliefs:
• “Money is just energy and flows easily to me.”
• “$100,000 comes to me just as easily as $1.”
2. Reframe the Value Scale
• Train your subconscious to see large amounts as normal.
• Affirmations:
• “$100,000 is a small amount compared to the infinite abundance of the universe.”
• “Money, big or small, flows to me easily and naturally.”
3. Feel Abundant Now
• Imagine what it would be like to have $100,000 naturally and everyday. Not as something extraordinary, but as something that is already part of your life.
• Ask yourself: “How would I act if $100,000 were something normal for me?”
4. Depersonalize Money
• Stop putting emotional weight on the amount. $100,000 is just a number.
• Tell yourself:
• “Money is a tool that flows to me when I decide.”
5. Practice Simple, Concrete Visualizations
• Instead of imagining the amount itself, visualize scenarios in which the money is already available to you.
• Example: Seeing your bank account balance showing $100,000.
6. Recognize That the Universe Sees No Limits
• The subconscious and the universe do not differentiate between “big” and “small.” It’s all about the belief you hold.
Powerful Affirmations
.☘︎ ݁˖ “$100,000 comes as easily to me as any other amount.”
.☘︎ ݁˖ “Money, in any amount, is always flowing to me.”
.☘︎ ݁˖ ”I see $100,000 as something ordinary and natural in my life.”
With persistence and practice, you will train your subconscious to see any amount of money as something normal and easy to achieve. It all starts with the internal state you choose to nurture!
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
I already know everything!!
How do I apply this to my routine?
it requires consistency and confidence(or whatever you decide it), but its so simple!!!
1. Decide what’s yours:
Affirm mentally and emotionally that what you want is already yours. Don’t look for signs or validate it in 3D. Just know it.
2. Act as if you already have it:
Make choices and take actions with the mindset of someone who already has what you want. It doesn’t have to be something grand; start small, like dressing, speaking, or carrying yourself with confidence.
3. Redirect thoughts:
Whenever you notice doubts or fears, redirect them to positive affirmations and feelings. Something like:
• “It’s already done, everything is happening in my favor.”
• “My reality reflects my certainty.”
4. Let go without losing focus:
Live your life lightly. Don’t worry about the “how” or “when.” Trust that the universe (or your 4D) is taking care of it.
Practice this daily, naturally, as part of your routine. Little by little, it will become automatic.
And don't forget the most important thing: you decide every detail about your manifestation, whether it is easy, quick, instantaneous, whether the methods help or are not necessary. You choose everything and you make the rules of your own reality, don't let others choose for you how you will manifest, do what seems most natural and comfortable for you.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
How should I see the role of other people in my reality?
“The other people in your reality reflect the states you hold within yourself. Each person you encounter is like a mirror, revealing the beliefs and expectations you hold, consciously or unconsciously, about them and about yourself. This means that you have the power to alter your experiences with others by changing your own internal view.
See people as symbolic participants in your reality: they take on the roles that you, in your mind, believe they play. If you want to experience love, respect, or success in your relationships, internally assume that these feelings already exist. Feel the gratitude and contentment that would come from these experiences, and project that certainty into your world.
This is not about manipulating or controlling others, but about recognizing that your experience with them begins and ends with you. When you change the view you have of them in your imagination, they will respond to that view—sometimes subtly, sometimes extraordinarily. See others as actors in your play, acting out the script that you, in your mind, are writing.”
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ˖⋆࿐໋
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Neville Goddard approached the topic of living in the imagination in depth, showing that external reality is actually a reflection of the internal state of consciousness. He taught that by assuming the feeling that a desire has already been fulfilled, you change your vibration and, consequently, the world around you. Here is how he explained it in more detail:
Imagination Is the Only Reality
Neville said:
“Imagination is the redeeming power of God.”
To him, imagination was not just fantasy, but the very essence of reality. Everything you experience in your life originates in your consciousness. Therefore, by changing what you imagine, you literally shape the physical world.
• He explained that imagination is the creative state, and that by inhabiting this state, you allow physical reality to rearrange itself to reflect what you hold within.
Living in the End
This is one of Neville's central ideas:
“Live in the end as if it were already true.”
This means that you should assume in your imagination the feeling that the desire has already been achieved, without worrying about the “how” or “when.”
• Example: If you want a loving relationship, imagine yourself already married or living in harmony with that person. Visualize simple scenes, such as conversations at the table or moments of affection, and feel the joy that this would bring.
The Power of “I Am”
For Neville, the words “I Am” were the key to accessing creative power. He said that whatever you affirm after “I Am” becomes your reality.
• For example, by internally affirming, “I am prosperous,” you are literally putting yourself in the vibrational state of prosperity, and the 3D world will begin to reflect that.
Neville used many stories to illustrate his teachings. He told of people who assumed a desired state in their minds and eventually saw their circumstances change in amazing ways.
• One of his famous stories is about a woman who wanted to travel far away but had no resources. She lived in her imagination as if she were already in the desired place, feeling the thrill of being there. Shortly thereafter, she received an unexpected gift of a ticket and was able to make the trip.
Conclusion: The World Is Your Reflection
Neville summed it all up by saying,
“You do not attract what you desire, you attract what you are.”
When you live in your imagination as if it were real, you are literally becoming the person who has what you desire. The world then adjusts to reflect that inner state.
To embody the reality of your imagination:
1. Assume the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: Act as if your desire is already true. Feel the emotions and experiences of having it now, not as a future possibility.
2. Live in the End: Focus on the end result, not on the steps or obstacles. Imagine and act like the person who already has or is what you desire.
3. Persist in the Assumption: Even if the 3D reality contradicts your imagination, persist in the belief that what you imagine is real and inevitable.
4. Detach From the How: Don’t worry about how it will manifest. Trust that the 4D (your imagination) leads the 3D.
5. Revisit Your Imagined State: Regularly revisit the scene in your mind where your desire is already fulfilled. Make it vivid and immersive.
6. Ignore the 3D: The current reality is just a reflection of past thoughts. Give your focus to the reality you’re creating in your imagination.
By fully embracing and living as though your imagined reality is true, the 3D world will eventually conform. This is the key to manifesting your desires.
The secret is: persist in the imagination with faith, without doubt, until the desire becomes a physical reality.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
you are NOT persisting if you are checking 3D and waiting for you DR!
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Exactly. When you keep checking 3D to see if your manifestation has happened yet, it usually indicates that you are still in a state of “waiting” or “lack.” Persistence does not mean looking to 3D for proof; it means maintaining the inner feeling that your desire is already yours, regardless of what the external world is showing you right now.
Checking 3D reinforces the idea that you do not yet have what you desire, which can delay manifestation. Instead, focus on the feeling of already having it. Live in the mental and emotional state of someone who has already achieved what they want, and let 3D naturally align with that vibration.
Remember: 3D is just a reflection. If u don’t see movement that does not mean nothing is happening. Also the idea that 3D “takes a long time” is, in fact, a limiting belief. 3D reflects your internal state at the moment you assume a new belief or state. What appears to be a “delay” is actually just the continuation of old beliefs being projected until they are completely replaced by your new state. Trust the internal process, because it is what truly creates your reality.
Some important adds:
You will still manifest if you check 3D if you are fully aware that this is a consequence of your old beliefs, and continue to maintain focus on the desired 4D.
You will still manifest if you see some positive circumstance in 3D and react to it, maintaining focus on the desired 4D!!
What I meant in the post is that if you are LOOKING for circumstances, or feeling FRUSTRATED because you are not seeing results then you are in WAITING mode, and this is what delays manifestation.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
I have intrusive thoughts about my medications. I don't focus on them and I don't want to accept them, but sometimes it feels like I agree with them or I don't care if they manifest. what can I do to prevent them from manifesting?
To prevent intrusive thoughts from manifesting, acknowledge them without attaching emotion or belief, shift your focus to something positive, use affirmations like “I trust in my health,” let go of the pressure to eliminate them, and practice mindfulness or meditation to observe thoughts without reacting. This helps you regain control and stop the thoughts from influencing your reality.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
its is normal to feel headaches while or after listening to subliminals? i remember when i first started listening i used to read the description and comments and sometimes there were things like “drink a lot of water” or “dont listen too much to dont get a headache” and after some time i learned that these were like assumptions and they were not a thing, so after it i didnt had headaches anymore, but these last days ive been listening to my fixed playlist subliminals and they are giving me a lot of headache
You used to believe subliminals could cause headaches because of what you read, and they did. Once you changed your belief, the headaches stopped. If you’re experiencing them again, it’s likely because old assumptions resurfaced, you’re feeling tense or pressured, or you’re overthinking. You can change it again. The key point is: subliminals only affect you the way you believe they will.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
help me omg 😭 whenever i affirm for the void state when I'm half asleep (I try to do sats) I start violently shaking and obviously I'm not relaxed and in my mind anymore??? Idk what to do I'm kinda scared
TT Like Ik it works thats why I aways halfway succeed when I do it but like if I thought to myself "I am void" I would start feeling super tingly Is it because I'm too exited or is it something else?
You’re super close, that’s why your body is reacting like that.
Here’s what’s happening:
When you start to drift into the void or deep trance, your body freaks out because your awareness is still kinda active, but your body’s trying to sleep or shift. It triggers a response like, “WAIT! What’s happening?!”—hence the shaking, tingling, and adrenaline rush.
It’s not because you’re doing anything wrong, and it’s not dangerous! It’s often from:
1. Excitement (you’re almost there, your mind knows it)
2. Fear of losing control (even if subconscious)
3. Resistance (the ego clinging on because it feels like it’s about to dissolve)
How to handle it:
• Welcome the sensations. Don’t fight or label them. When you feel the shaking, think: Oh, this is good. This means I’m close.
• Breathe deeply and slowly. Imagine you’re melting instead of shaking.
• Desensitize yourself. Try doing mini SATS sessions during the day when you’re not sleepy—just to get used to being in the state without pressure.
• Remove urgency. If you tell yourself “I have to get in the void now,” you add tension. Instead, go in thinking, I’m just chilling. If it happens, cool. If not, I’m already who I want to be anyway.
The tingling and vibrations are textbook signs you’re about to slip into the state. Next time, when you feel it, stay calm and think something like:
This is safe. I’ve done this before. It’s normal for my body to do this as I enter the void.
And then… let go.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
hiiii. Loveeee your blog sm! I already asked the question but seems like you didn’t saw it or smth. If I want to change ethnicity (DNA too) will my papers come like magic. Will my name and last name change like magic ?ppl COMPLETELY forget the past me (I hope so but seems illogical) .
Hii thank youuu
About your question—YES, if you fully assume the state and persist in your new identity in imagination, everything must conform. That includes your physical appearance, DNA, documents, name, how people remember you, and even how the past is perceived. People will forget the old version of you because you are no longer embodying it. You are not “hoping”—you are deciding.
It might sound “illogical” from a 3D perspective, but you’re not playing by 3D rules anymore. You’re the operant power. If you fully accept this identity in your 4D (inner world), the outer world must mirror it, including all records and memories.
You are reborn as this new version. No one can question it because there’s nothing to question. You’ve always been who you claim to be.
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fairyminnie444 · 3 days ago
what do you think of this?
Everyone has their own perception of what wavering is and and what is the weight of this in your manifestation/reality
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