Philip Brown's blog
18 posts
Philip | Gryffindor | Date of birth: 16/05/1875 | Bookworm | Loves creatures
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philip-brown-mc · 4 months ago
Day 2: does your MC enjoy the holidays?
Philip does enjoy the holidays, although he spends them at the castle. He isn't a fan of the cold weather, so he usually stays inside.He loves sitting with Eleazar near his sitting room fireplace, covered by blankets, with a steaming cup of hot chocolate on hand, reading a book together. Snowball the kneazle is usually napping close to them.
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philip-brown-mc · 4 months ago
Day 1: random fact about your MC
Philip's middle name is Arthur, but he rarely uses it.
Another one: he knows how to use a sword, he learned it because medieval England is one of his interests.
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philip-brown-mc · 4 months ago
I will do some of these, stay tuned!
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Just like in October, I decided to do a December version for the holidays! If you participated last time and wanted to do it again, or didn't get to and wanted another chance, here you are! You can use the tag #hlmcdecember2024 so we can see all the posts and hype you up!! Hope you enjoy and Happy Holidays! 💕
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philip-brown-mc · 8 months ago
Fifty OC Questions
1. Describe your OC's physical appearance in detail.
2. Why'd you choose your OC's name?
3. How does your OC feel about their birthday?
4. How does your OC and their parents get along?
5. What's something you'd never put your OC through again?
6. What's your OC's go-to comfort meal?
7. What career path would your OC take?
8. What's something your OC can't do?
9. What is your OC's ideal romantic partner?
10. Does your OC like to spend time alone or with others more?
11. What time does your OC usually go to sleep?
12. Where in the sibling order is your OC?
13. What's the worst thing your OC's ever done?
14. What would it take for your OC to kill someone?
15. What item does your OC hold most dear?
16. How does your OC unwind?
17. What's your OC's star sign?
18. What kind of drunk is your OC?
19. Who does your OC end up with?
20. Who is your OC's role model?
21. Is your OC big on revenge?
22. If your OC ever got the chance, would they go back in time? When would they go?
23. What's your OC's favourite memory?
24. Will your OC ever admit to being wrong?
25. Is your OC doomed by the narrative?
26. Would your OC get along with you?
27. What's one thing your OC will never get over?
28. Is your OC going to make it?
29. Does your OC look their age?
30. What weird pet would your OC have?
31. Does your OC care a lot about their appearance?
32. What's one food your OC can't stand?
33. What animal do people associate your OC with?
34. what's your OC's "thing"?
35. Random fact about your OC
36. Would your OC sleep with a clone of themself?
37. What part of yourself do you love in your OC?
38. What's the lowest point in your OC's life?
39. What's your OC's biggest achievement?
40. Does your OC ever go back home?
41. How would your OC adapt to the modern world?
42. Does your OC have any unique talents?
43. Does your OC exist in canon or AU timeline?
44. Is your OC a people person?
45. Did your OC ever have an alternative name?
46. Does your OC possess any special powers?
47. Is your OC allergic to anything?
48. Does your OC have a lot of uncommon knowledge? How do they know it?
49. Does your OC have any scars or birthmarks with an interesting story?
50. What do you love and hate most about your OC?
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I've been meaning to put this list of questions together to get to know more about my friends' OC's/MC's. I've always been very fascinated about other people's character's lore and this kind of helps me flesh out my own OC's as well. There's already an HLMC question list out there, so I tried to list different ones this time.
Many of the questions are from @ocprompts. Please give them a follow for daily questions about your OC's! ♡
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philip-brown-mc · 9 months ago
Hiii ! I’ll ask a few questions from the ask game you shared 😌 : 22, 31 and 32 ✨
22. What does your character like in other people? Philip likes kind, supportive people, who can also share their viewpoints without arguing about them.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. He's with friends or other trusted people, talking or just silent. Often sharing a book or any other common interest.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. He's doing something wildly out of his comfort zone, like fighting. Bonus points if there's someone at risk depending solely on him.
Thanks for the ask!
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philip-brown-mc · 10 months ago
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
What does your character like in other people?
What does your character dislike in other people?
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
How does your character behave around children?
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
How does your character behave around people they like?
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
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philip-brown-mc · 11 months ago
Ok, then I still have questions :D 5, 6, 7, 8 – take the time you need^^ I love interacting with other players about their MC's personality and background so much!! Mine also met Fig when he was 11/12^^
5. What is your MC's Patronus? Philip's Patronus is a bay stallion, same as mine. I wanted it to be a horse, but wasn't sure about the colour, until I remembered what my own Patronus was.
6. If your MC was an Animagus, what form would they take? Probably a horse, too. I'm not sure of breeds, but something big and fast, that could also kick arse if needed.
7. Describe your MC's family. Philip's biological family is his parents and a younger sister, but he considers his adoptive family (Eleazar and Miriam Fig, who took him in when he was 12) his true family.
8. Why is your MC is whichever hogwarts house they're in? The Sorting Hat was torn between Hufflepuff (Philip is extremely loyal and hardworking) and Gryffindor (he's brave, reckless and will walk head first into danger to protect his loved ones), but decided on the latter.
Thanks for the ask!
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philip-brown-mc · 11 months ago
Hey there! Still doing the HL mc ask game ? Because I am curious about 11 & 16 :3
Hey, I had honestly forgotten about it at this point. Feel free to send more asks, if you wish.
11. What are your MC's fears? After his fifth year, Philip's main fear was losing any more people he cared about. Eleazar had been his only family left since the previous year, when Miriam had died, and now he was alone.
16. What does your MC do after Hogwarts? Why dud you choose that path for them? I don't know anything about Philip's future after Hogwarts. Never thought about it, I suppose. (On a serious note, I thought I wouldn't live to write it, so it didn't actually matter. As someone who spent a long time struggling with suicidal ideation (and who still has these thoughts sometimes), thinking about the future gives me anxiety.)
Thanks for the ask!
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
3 & 14!! :)
3. Would your MC play Quidditch if it was offered? What position?
Philip wouldn't play Quidditch, he usually only flies out of necessity. But he would definitely watch the matches and cheer for Gryffindor, if he could find a place on the stands that wasn't too busy.
14. What are your MC's hobbies?
Philip likes reading (he's particularly a fan of Shakesperean plays), going for walks alone or with a friend, and playing with his kneazle Snowball.
Thanks for the ask!
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
hogwarts legacy main character ask game !!
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How did you choose your MC’s name?
Would your MC become a Prefect in sixth or seventh year, or Head Boy/Girl?
Would your MC play Quidditch if it was offered? What position?
What is your MC’s favorite class? Least favorite?
What is your MC’s Patronus?
If your MC was an Animagus, what form would they take?
Describe your MC’s family.
Why is your MC in whichever Hogwarts house they’re in?
What are your MC’s relationships with other students like? Do they have a best friend at school, and/or a worst enemy? 
What are your MC’s likes/dislikes?
What are your MC’s fears?
What is your MC’s best memory at school? Their worst?
What is your MC’s style like when not in school uniform? 
What are your MC’s hobbies? 
What is your MC’s ideal first date?
What does your MC do after Hogwarts? Why did you choose that path for them?
Does your MC have a pet/familiar?
reblog to share and drop some numbers in some ask boxes!! <3
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
☕ Wholesome OC Ask Meme 🍂
Wrap up your OC in a blanket burrito and let’s answer some questions!
What is their go-to comfort food?
Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
What is the song you most associate to them?
What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would really enjoy?
What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
What is their favorite thing in the world?
What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why?
Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
Now you give them some life advice.
What was the happiest moment of their life?
What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life?
What is their favourite hobby? Would they share it with someone they love?
What is something they excel at?
What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Which new skills they would really like to learn? 
If they had to pick up an instrument, what would they choose? 
Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
If they had to prepare a conference, what would be the topic of discussion?
What would be their ideal romance? Did they find a perfect match already, is it still a work in progress, or have they experienced something out of their expectations?
What is their romance’s theme song?
What would they do if their favourite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be?
What is their love language?
What would make them blush?
Draw or describe the silliest outfit you can think of. They now have it inside their wardrobe, but it’s a secret between you and them… unless someone finds out.
What is their favourite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
Do they have any guilty pleasures? How guilty do they feel about it?
What is something they’re ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
Find one quote from a book, a song, or a piece of media that would make them feel at peace.
If they could go back in time, how would they reassure their child-self about the future?
What is their celebrity crush? How would they react if noticed by said crush?
If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
And what would you say to comfort them?
Have fun and feel free to add more questions if you like 💛
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Ah, scrogneugneu :P
15-16-20-25-29-30-37 ESPECIALLY-48-50 ♥
15. What item does your OC hold most dear? I can actually think of two answers for that question. One of them is a photograph of himself (Philip), Eleazar and Miriam, taken soon after he was taken in by them (he was 12). The other one is the illustrated edition of Les Misérables Eleazar gave him for his 15th birthday.
16. How does your OC unwind? Philip usually unwinds by reading a book in a quiet place, or playing with his kneazle, Snowball.
20. Who is your OC's role model? Without question, his adoptive parents, Eleazar and Miriam. Later, Aesop Sharp.
25. Is your OC doomed by the narrative? I don't think so, but that's for the readers to find out. 😉 Honestly? Things will get better, eventually.
29. Does your OC look their age? I'm absolutely awful at guessing age based on appearance, but yes, I think he looks 15 or 16, which fits with his age.
30. What weird pet would your OC have? Is a kneazle weird? Because Philip has one.
37. What part of yourself do you love in your OC? His loyalty to the people he cares about. I don't know how he didn't end up in Hufflepuff, for that one.
48. Does your OC have a lot of uncommon knowledge? How do they know it? He can use an ancient form of magic that is seen around once in 400 years... I think it's pretty uncommon. Also, he reads a lot, so he knows a lot of seemingly useless, random facts.
50. What do you love and hate more about your OC? This is probably the hardest question of them all... I would say that I love the way he's there for others. And I hate how he doesn't approach others when he needs to. I'm the same way, maybe someday I'll learn...
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Fifty OC Questions - Everything you want to answer too ! I wanna know what you want to say ^^
I'll probably choose a few to answer, and leave the rest for people to ask.
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Feel free to ask questions, anon or not
Fifty OC Questions
1. Describe your OC's physical appearance in detail.
2. Why'd you choose your OC's name?
3. How does your OC feel about their birthday?
4. How does your OC and their parents get along?
5. What's something you'd never put your OC through again?
6. What's your OC's go-to comfort meal?
7. What career path would your OC take?
8. What's something your OC can't do?
9. What is your OC's ideal romantic partner?
10. Does your OC like to spend time alone or with others more?
11. What time does your OC usually go to sleep?
12. Where in the sibling order is your OC?
13. What's the worst thing your OC's ever done?
14. What would it take for your OC to kill someone?
15. What item does your OC hold most dear?
16. How does your OC unwind?
17. What's your OC's star sign?
18. What kind of drunk is your OC?
19. Who does your OC end up with?
20. Who is your OC's role model?
21. Is your OC big on revenge?
22. If your OC ever got the chance, would they go back in time? When would they go?
23. What's your OC's favourite memory?
24. Will your OC ever admit to being wrong?
25. Is your OC doomed by the narrative?
26. Would your OC get along with you?
27. What's one thing your OC will never get over?
28. Is your OC going to make it?
29. Does your OC look their age?
30. What weird pet would your OC have?
31. Does your OC care a lot about their appearance?
32. What's one food your OC can't stand?
33. What animal do people associate your OC with?
34. what's your OC's "thing"?
35. Random fact about your OC
36. Would your OC sleep with a clone of themself?
37. What part of yourself do you love in your OC?
38. What's the lowest point in your OC's life?
39. What's your OC's biggest achievement?
40. Does your OC ever go back home?
41. How would your OC adapt to the modern world?
42. Does your OC have any unique talents?
43. Does your OC exist in canon or AU timeline?
44. Is your OC a people person?
45. Did your OC ever have an alternative name?
46. Does your OC possess any special powers?
47. Is your OC allergic to anything?
48. Does your OC have a lot of uncommon knowledge? How do they know it?
49. Does your OC have any scars or birthmarks with an interesting story?
50. What do you love and hate most about your OC?
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I've been meaning to put this list of questions together to get to know more about my friends' OC's/MC's. I've always been very fascinated about other people's character's lore and this kind of helps me flesh out my own OC's as well. There's already an HLMC question list out there, so I tried to list different ones this time.
Many of the questions are from @ocprompts. Please give them a follow for daily questions about your OC's! ♡
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
I was tagged in this post about my MC, so here's some more information about him.
How Did You Build Your MC?
I do not know if this has been done yet or not but I want to do this because the process of creating my MC is messy 🤣
The checklist for your MC is below if anyone is interested in doing this!
Anyone who wants to tag me in this is welcomed! I would love to see the process of how your magical child is born!
Originally, Aurora's full name was supposedly to be Amethyst Crystalbloom. But somehow the game does not allow the name Amethyst(??) and I straight up legit googled 'Magical Girl Names' and I picked up Aurora for multiple reasons.
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1. I really like Aurora Borealis. I wish I could see it someday.
2. Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty is also really pretty and I love the way her hair moves
3. Aurora is just generally a pretty name and I feel like anyone with the name Aurora is just beautiful
4. One of my fav singers is Aurora Aksnes
Idk why I changed Crystalbloom to Crystaldream. I was really sticking it to fantasy names 😭
Aurora's face is based on model number 3. I also put freckles on her because as a southeast asian girl, I love seeing them on skin, I personally think they are lovely!
Later on, I added mods (I wish I remember what the mods are) and the makeup I put on Aurora is more to a pinkish natural tone because I think it works best on her skintone.
Aurora's hair used to be light pink in colour because I just love pink and the hairstyle I chose for her was the big bun with the bangs(?) upfront. But then I quickly realised that light pink doesn't look good with her skintone.
I tried to put blue to match her house but I don't like it as well.
So, after having an argument with myself to make it pink or make it blue (I hope you get the reference), I went with a purplish colour!
Also before using mods, Aurora’s default hair was the bangs with the single long braid at the back. Now she has the long wavy hair from the Victorian hair pack mods!
Since Aurora looks like the fairytale princess she is, I went with the softest voice possible aka the voice on the furthest right one.
The voice is also inspired by Aurora Aksnes' voice because it's just so angelic. I just wanted Aurora to be a fierce fighter with the most princess features possible🤣
Hogwarts House
Aurora’s Hogwarts house is the same as mine which is Ravenclaw 💙🦅 Nothing much to say about this, she's my first MC so it's fitting that I make one with the same house as me.
Bonus : Stream AURORA to get clear skin, listening to Queendom in 2018 got me going like
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The List :
Hogwarts House
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Hey, friend ! How are you ? (In character)
I'm good. Christmas is approaching, which means I need to get gifts for my friends, and still don't know what to get for some of them. I still have time to think about it. I'm not worried.
Thanks for the ask!
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philip-brown-mc · 1 year ago
Hi. As I said, my name is Philip. I do have a middle name, but I rarely need to use it.
Some things about my past: I was born in Oxfordshire, to a Muggle couple. My biological father is a journalist, my biological mother is a housewife and supplies a small food store. I have a little sister, named Charlotte. As far as I know, she has no magical abilities.
I was kicked out by my parents after coming out as trans. I was 12, having been pulled out of school a year prior. My father thinks girls shouldn't get more than a basic education. I disagree, but that's beside the point.
After being forced to leave my parents' home, I went to London. There, I got a job unloading carts at a market. It was also there (incidentally, at the market) that I met a couple who would change my life forever. Their names were Eleazar and Miriam Fig. He was a professor at a "special" secondary school, and she was a researcher. They took me in and cared for me as if I was their son. As time passed, I could see that they were different from other people I had met. I discovered they were a wizard and a witch, and that magic is real.
Despite the big revelation, nothing really changed. They were the parents I had never really had, and they saw me as who I really was.
When I was 14, one day I saw Eleazar return home with an expression I had never seen. He told me Miriam had been killed during one of her travels. I could barely believe it. I had never seen him cry before, and didn't know what to do. I just held his hand, and we sat at the kitchen table for a long time.
Around my 15th birthday, I discovered a new force inside me. Eleazar (I don't know why I never called him 'dad', and now I regret it) told me that my magic had awakened. He also told me that it usually happened at 11 years old, which could only mean that it wasn't normal magic. It was an ancient form of magic, and I would have to learn how to control it.
I went to Hogwarts, the school he taught at, and was sorted into Gryffindor. It was his old house, so it seemed fitting.
My first year there was messy, to say the least. Yet, it also had good things. I still don't know how he did it, but Eleazar adopted me officially before Christmas. I also made some good friends.
But not everything was good. I had to do some "trials" to hone my magic, while also trying to prevent a goblin rebellion because of said magic. Unfortunately, it led to my dad's death during a particularly hard battle.
I just want this year to be a calm, peaceful year, if it's even possible.
This got too long, and I apologise. It was not easy to write, either, but I think it's everything, at least for now.
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