#TW: Vent post
amongdestiny-qu33n · 1 month
TW: Vent,Su!cide mention, d3ath mention
I’m a horrible person. Nobody likes me. They don’t care if I’m gone. All I’m told is to give this or that, told I’m doing this or that wrong. Even when I’m trying my best, they say I’m doing horribly. They say I’d be better off dead. I feel like they’re right. I hate myself for not trying harder, not being the best person I can. Not doing as I’m asked, not giving them what they want. They try to hurt me, they throw my art away in the trash. They don’t like my art. they say my life shouldn’t revolve around art. But it does and I’m sorry for it. I feel like I need to quit art. Quit life. I can’t give what they want without being hurt. They tell me to stop crying and just kill myself. maybe they’re right. Maybe not. I promise I’m trying, please don’t be mad at me….Im trying my best….They don’t listen though….Im sorry for not being a good person for you….
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surrealist-dreamer · 8 months
My voice just cracked while saying thank you to the lunch lady and I think it’s finally time to shoot myself
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ask-thebackrooms · 2 months
wow! it’s been a while 😓 i feel like i haven’t made any post worthy art in a while, and i know it won’t get many clicks but hey!! i still wanna post for the few who see my work and like it. so thanks!!
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and for long time viewers… i’ve remade / sorta minimized the refs for the aus!! they’ve got new individual names, items, and some more info! i’m working on the mugs right now but the cups are done. unfortunately, i probably won’t be able to work on them much because i’ll be away on vacation until the 10th, starting the 5th!
thank you to the peeps who support me <33
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unfilteredaj · 4 months
I feel so fucking hopeless.
The world is in shambles
Politicians and other fucking rich people are puppeteering the entire world and failing fucking miserably at it
Our planet is dying
We work 40 hours a week for fucking NOTHING and are expected to just fucking die broke
We can’t afford to have homes, or cars, or pretty much fucking ANYTHING anymore.
I’m getting kicked out of the place I’m living, as well as my Aunt and Cousin because the house is fucked. And they pretty much just fucking expect me to….. FIGURE IT OUT. On top of that I have to get rid of my dog.
And it’s always ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ because THAT’S ALL ANYONE CAN FUCKING AFFORD.
Fuck. I can’t mentally fucking process this.
Having a BAAAAAAAAD fucking mental health day. No. Fuck that. I’m not even having that. I’m having a ‘The World is so FUCKED. We deserve MORE than to just die broke.’ Day.
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
When screaming out isn't even loud enough, what is a person to do? When my yells fall on deaf ears and my pleads are not heard, there is nothing to do. There is nothing to do but cry in silence.
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dark-mnjiro · 19 days
I love when my mom insults me and says my BPD must be acting up for me to snap at her and her drunk fucking pos boyfriend for threatening my dog and “have you been taking your meds because you look crazy”
Bitch fucking have you?
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random-weirdo · 2 months
Why is it my fault for being in pain what
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m0nsterm0vie · 1 month
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injuredsoullessfrog · 10 months
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thecorvidforest · 1 year
boy it would be nice to be able to google something related to personality disorders, psychosis, intellectual disabilities, autism, DID/OSDD, etcetera without finding majority articles that are like “how to deal with a person with X” “how to cope with your child with X” “how to spot someone faking X” “can people with X be cured?”
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kitsunusa · 3 months
I'm never ever going to be normal, am I? I'm just fucked up and ruined forever
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amongdestiny-qu33n · 4 months
I’m done. I’m tired of pretending everything’s okay.
I’m tired of pretending. I don’t know what to do. My parents have tried to help. But they don’t have the money to afford another therapist. I’m tired of pretending everything’s fine. That everything’s gonna work out okay in the end. Even though I know highly, I won’t be okay.
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muggle-born-princess · 11 months
Reblog if you're LGBT and are against MAPS/Child Groomers
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line-of-fire · 1 year
This sort of came up in a server I write a variant of Pixie in, and it's not a big deal but I just. Want to get some things off my chest a bit?
So here's the thing. People are going to write ocs with dark backstories. People are going to look at them and see how much trauma can fit into one characters backstory. It might seem like 'too much' from an 'outside perspective' but look. You never know the real story behind anyone's works and at the end of the day, this is just a hobby for all of us. Everyone likes what they like, everyone's going to write what they have muse and energy for. If you don't like it, don't read it. But don't harp on others for "going overboard" when again. You don't know the full story, and you aren't entitled to it either.
At the end of the day, live and let live. Canon characters with the darkest, most angst-ridden backstories imaginable started out as someone's oc before they 'made it' after all, and a lot of the time they wind up being the most popular characters in the fandom.
Just. Moral of the story. Don't judge other peoples works unless they explicitly ask for constructive criticism. We're all just trying to have fun here.
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sleeplessv0id · 30 days
maybe in another universe, I can ask for help when I need it.
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
do you ever just feel bad for feeling bad for feeling bad for feeling bad?
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