#Suddenly Lore
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
which oc is the Loudest 🗣 ?
All of them to an extent, but usually Kyo and Eclair on average 😂
It's more like they all have a moment of being CAPSLOCK LEVELS OF LOUD but have different ways and reasons of the why's and how's that they tend to get to be that loud, just those two are the most common.
Kyo is not just loud in a sense that he can be crabby and makes his disgruntling loud and clear, but he's also the most used to crowd control in speaking with a loud, prominently booming voice to silence a room and grab attention, something the other summoners usually do (but significantly less gracefully) moreso when you push them to their breaking point than as a skill they whip out whenever like Kyo.
Eclair's more loud out of excitement. He's like an excited puppy, his indoor voice of sorts can be a bit louder than the others, and he's usually the one more consistently loud not-entirely-on-purpose out of pure self-unawareness, unless there's something else that came up that made his tone even out and go lower. Ironically, he's the most naturally-loud when he's Eclair, whereas it always felt like he has to put the effort in to be loud and commanding as Magni, something that Thorr quickly picked up on and isn't exactly thrilled on seeing the contrast (since Magni is the most like her, and she expects him to have a similar commanding air to him, which doesn't quite stick the landing when he's voiced so timid and soft-spoken and hesitant over assured and dominating like her expectations of him).
The others kind of vary way more on 'you have to really work on them to bring it out' where Teru and Erin have somewhat shorter fuses and are easier to rile up into getting loud, whereas it speaks volumes the minute soft-spoken-in-general Ephrel or normally-the-softest-and-levelled-Sparrow suddenly decides to have a booming presence in their voice out of nowhere and/or weren't beaten to the punch by someone else first. (And it's definitely happened before, and made more than their fair share of heroes - support or otherwise - immediately jump.)
A part of it that also muddies it (and why even the short-tempered ones aren't normally, consistently all that loud compared to Kyo and Eclair) is they might also differ to other means to command a room that isn't solely on just how loud they get, between Teru and especially Erin commanding the room by simply sharing the shit out of people until they ease off, or how quickly a lot of the less-dicey-quarrels shut down instantly when there's a several-foot tall winged dinosaur with rocket-launcher tit-cannons towering over the summoner in question whose probably even easier to piss off than the summoner who called on them.
I'm sure there'll probably be other OCs who are equal amounts if not higher on the loud scale, but either they fall into the same category of 'you have to really work it out of them first' (not naturally all that loud) or they're still too undercooked to really dig into their hows and whys yet. 😂
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paintedcrows · 4 months ago
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Unintended consequence of creating my own Bill... He watches me draw now...
The Horrible Triangle in question:
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redrobin-detective · 2 years ago
I can't stop thinking about how funny it is that Aang had all this secret lore on Zuko because of the Blue Spirit that he just, didn't share with the Gaang. That boy knew that Zuko was capable of fighting extremely well without bending, was excellent with swords and unnaturally good at infiltration and espionage. And then just never brought it up.
Katara's yelling at Zuko on how he thinks he'd be able to find and break into the Sun Warrior Temple while Aang is fidgeting in the background. Sokka starts giving Zuko a hard time about his swords, asking if a spoiled prince would know how to use them. Aang is vibrating unsure of how to explain that Sokka Might Die if he tried to swordfight Zuko unprepared but now its been too long and it'd be super awkward to bring up.
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mooneggtarts · 3 months ago
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Not full designs yet but close enough. Just wanna share this piece of thought :DD
CG designs are here!
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ruxxifystars · 2 months ago
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teadragn · 5 months ago
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my little sky kids <3
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northern-passage · 1 month ago
Handler Lea Chen -> Watcher Lea Chen
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redtalics · 2 months ago
love how dogman is just a normal-ass guy 95% of the time and then 5% of the time he passionately spills out an UNGODLY amount of lore, story, and character personality that he did NOT need to give. this man is an admirer of his own work and i think that's pretty cool
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flovoid · 5 months ago
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quiddling · 8 months ago
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they dislike each other very muchly
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
does eclair bite ppl (in either affectionate or derog ways)? 🐍
Long story short:
Yes (in both counts 😆), though he has different layers of bitey, and said layers determine, on a scale of 'Oh whosea spicy noodle?' to 'hospital', how screwed the bitey really is.
Eclair, when turned some level of his beast form (either partially as the lamia, or fully as either the big or small noodle variants), is equipped with venom mimicking the same skill effect as Heal Smoke, though he is capable of dry bites (non-venomous bites) regardless, and he's always non-venomous if biting while entirely humanoid (no trace of snake in his form at the time).
Long story long though...
Usually, he can be lulled into biting in a dopey silly-noodle way when he's small and/or baited by someone to do it. He might be confused of it, but he can play-bite like when you tempt a kitten/cat enough and they just gently chomp at you after a while.
He's a lot less likely to do it while humanoid (unless someone kept baiting and poking him in the face anyways), but he can be playful-bitey equally to a piece of food dangled in his face long enough (and as a snake, he can unhinge his jaw to go full hamster-cheek mode trying to bite a too-big-for-his-mouth-right-away treat without thinking it through first), as he can also nip at people he's close to (like Kyo) either to get their attention, or as a form of affection (especially if either of them or their other supports get heated-affectionate. Although that one's less from being a snake. *coughs*)
Middle-of-the-road threat, he can also be bitey out of pointed irritation or as a warning, though this is still for the most part a dry bite.
He can bite in defense, usually of his supports, either to protect them from annoyances (like if he was a small snake and someone started poking Kyo, rather), or if he's caught up in the heat of battle where he might bite otherwise regardless, if caught up in the heat of the moment (either fighting dirty human bites, or full on viper attacks in bigger and dangerous forms). He doesn't like causing harm this way, but when he gets to this point, it's usually from feeling too threatened, feeling too keyed up he thinks his partners are threatened, or as a sort of last-warning attack to attempt to ward off a threat (proverbially firing a gun with a missed-on-purpose shot to warn them they won't miss next time if they don't back off).
Which brings me to the last one lending to why the need for warning-bites: The 'you're hosed' venomous bites.
Like I mentioned, he's full of venom as a cobra-like snake, though his venom has unique properties to it that can make it rather dicey to deal with for whoever's affected. Fortunately, it's not quite a one-for-one dangerous like the effects of an actual king cobra bite, but for what he can do with his venom, it's still highly dangerous in such a way that is especially the bane of the Order of Heroes's existence in particular.
Unfortunately, Eclair's venom doesn't have an anti-venom equivalent, though fortunately, his venom isn't directly deadly on its own... rather, the deadliness and danger comes from its primary effects, especially in combination of other factors at the time (like the wounds of the bite itself, or other wounds prior to the venom).
Like I said, he has properties similar to Heal Smoke, which is to say that when he bites - and the bite injects his venom - he's capable of completely and utterly shutting down not just the body's ability to naturally heal itself, but worse so all magic ability to heal likewise. Healing staves? Breath of Life? Aether or Sol or weapons that self-heal the user? None of it works anymore.
Thankfully, this is only for a finite time, and it's possible to completely ride out the venom's effects until the venom dissipates, and the heal-block effects passes, in which case it allows a healer enough time to reverse the potential damage before it settles and causes long-term forseeable damage.
This, incidentally, is why there was no attempt to try to milk Eclair (...gawd💦) of his venom to try to synthesize an antivenom, cuz not only would that just traumatize him more over the knowledge of this ability, but there wouldn't be a point since the venom eventually neutralizes itself on its own anyways.
Unfortunately, that's still a pretty dangerous time to wait out, since any and all damage sustained during that time has to pretty much force a medic to revert back to more direct, physical means of medicine and patchwork, especially if the patient was already really bad off prior to the magic-heal shutdown.
To Eclair's credit? He's been aware of what kind of power he holds with Thorr's devastating power and nature translating to something so potent as it had in his venom the more he became associated with cobras. He doesn't like to do it on purpose, and that's what made him drawn to the need to perform dry-bite warning shots where you had to really egg him on otherwise for him to even want to prime himself up to venomously bite a target. He's since been even less willing to do so on purpose since one of the first few instances he's venomously bit someone, one of those instances was Kyo, due to Freyja tricking him to attack him in friendly fire, and while Kyo survived (Erin's practical medical skills came in clutch with that), it left a lasting memory on Eclair's caution of resorting to that anymore, too often.
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kindrehd · 1 year ago
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aventurine doodle page 🦚
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splinterclan · 7 months ago
Can we have a little info about Silverspeck?
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Sure!! Here's Silverspeck - yes she is the one that sent the prophecy that lead Whorl to create Splinterclan :>
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year ago
the nature of crimeboys is that one of them will write serious lore on ao3 and the other will write yaoi on wattpad. and i can try to guess which is which, but i will never be sure until i see for myself
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maesaeart · 9 months ago
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Rumor has it that Rae has her eyes on a reserve course student... Are they... taking a study break together?
Rae is hanging out with a reserve course student? ...What's so special about him..? Sounds like she's wasting her time...
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HAHA I've been getting a lot of requests to draw hajime >w> but I haven't gotten any specific prompts yet so hERE IT ISSSSS
its is totally based on another audio i listened to >w>;; something about muffled moans really get my gears going hehe
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itz-pandora · 1 month ago
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Null/Infinite has a design now! Yay!
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