#Summoner OC Erin
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eriisaam · 18 days ago
which oc is the Loudest 🗣 ?
All of them to an extent, but usually Kyo and Eclair on average 😂
It's more like they all have a moment of being CAPSLOCK LEVELS OF LOUD but have different ways and reasons of the why's and how's that they tend to get to be that loud, just those two are the most common.
Kyo is not just loud in a sense that he can be crabby and makes his disgruntling loud and clear, but he's also the most used to crowd control in speaking with a loud, prominently booming voice to silence a room and grab attention, something the other summoners usually do (but significantly less gracefully) moreso when you push them to their breaking point than as a skill they whip out whenever like Kyo.
Eclair's more loud out of excitement. He's like an excited puppy, his indoor voice of sorts can be a bit louder than the others, and he's usually the one more consistently loud not-entirely-on-purpose out of pure self-unawareness, unless there's something else that came up that made his tone even out and go lower. Ironically, he's the most naturally-loud when he's Eclair, whereas it always felt like he has to put the effort in to be loud and commanding as Magni, something that Thorr quickly picked up on and isn't exactly thrilled on seeing the contrast (since Magni is the most like her, and she expects him to have a similar commanding air to him, which doesn't quite stick the landing when he's voiced so timid and soft-spoken and hesitant over assured and dominating like her expectations of him).
The others kind of vary way more on 'you have to really work on them to bring it out' where Teru and Erin have somewhat shorter fuses and are easier to rile up into getting loud, whereas it speaks volumes the minute soft-spoken-in-general Ephrel or normally-the-softest-and-levelled-Sparrow suddenly decides to have a booming presence in their voice out of nowhere and/or weren't beaten to the punch by someone else first. (And it's definitely happened before, and made more than their fair share of heroes - support or otherwise - immediately jump.)
A part of it that also muddies it (and why even the short-tempered ones aren't normally, consistently all that loud compared to Kyo and Eclair) is they might also differ to other means to command a room that isn't solely on just how loud they get, between Teru and especially Erin commanding the room by simply sharing the shit out of people until they ease off, or how quickly a lot of the less-dicey-quarrels shut down instantly when there's a several-foot tall winged dinosaur with rocket-launcher tit-cannons towering over the summoner in question whose probably even easier to piss off than the summoner who called on them.
I'm sure there'll probably be other OCs who are equal amounts if not higher on the loud scale, but either they fall into the same category of 'you have to really work it out of them first' (not naturally all that loud) or they're still too undercooked to really dig into their hows and whys yet. 😂
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 year ago
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i finally decided to make more stickers of my art (aka i finally had the energy-)
idk what to do with them, i put one in my new phone case but yay
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lovebirdgames · 3 months ago
In the end we got 36 likes so here are 36 random facts from Band Camp Boyfriend!
1 - Most people probably know this one, but it’s a good spot to start. The majority of names in BCB are music/instrument puns. Tom, trombone, TOMbone. Peter, trumpeter, trumPETER. Susie sousaphone. You get it.
2 - Cadence's dating history. She's already had her first kiss (which is why she doesn't make a big deal out of it), but not her first love, which is far more important. <3
3 - Initially Olive’s name was Angryphone, then Francis (for French horn) as she grew into a bigger character, then we finally settled on Olive (for oboe).
4 - Peter was the first character conceptualized and the first boy we asked Flora to draw. Don't tell him, he will get a big head.
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5 - In this background, the football goalposts are missing because Blue Mountain High School is having them replaced…just kidding it’s because we the devs did not realize we forgot them because marching band is all that matters.
6 - Mr. Wiley has some of his roots in a Hunger Games OC I made in college. Namely the name, hair, and glasses…and the fact they both go crazy. Hunger Games Wiley had a much grislier fate though.
7 - Peter can’t remember his first kiss because he went around kissing all the girls when he was little until his mom gave him a stern lecture on germs.
8 - Tom is the only one allowed to ride in Peter’s car (which he got as a graduation gift) but he’s not allowed to bring food in.
9 - This one's right out of my old fact doc: Clark got bullied a lot as a kid for being a teacher’s pet. Got called names like tattle-tale, four-eyes, Clark eats tanbark, Clark the narc, etc. but who graduated top of class & got the good citizenship award from the Principal? hIM.
10 - Samuel was a super quiet kid, but somehow extremely popular. His fellow children craved his approval for some strange reason. Got good grades but the teachers got on him to participate more and be more outgoing. Of course, he didn’t. He just did his own thing.
11 - Poptart’s albinism affects his depth perception, making marching a little bit harder for him.
12 - Doug’s least favorite food is black olives. Also he drives an old clunker truck to practice (when he can get it started) and gives an illegal amount of kids a ride every day (namely the whole drumline). He makes everyone duck if he spots a cop.
13 - Leon has an older brother, Buck, who lives in the woods and owns a possum named Beauford. If they ever met, Beauford the possum and Bandit the raccoon would have been rivals.
14 - Susie’s a dog person. Her family owns a fluffy Newfoundland named Benji.
15 - Felicity was initially going to be a “mean girl,” until we decided her being a “pick me” was more realistic and less stereotypical.
16 - There’s an easter egg for our next game, Heartbreaker, in Band Camp Boyfriend, and vice versa. Players already have the concept and names of the LIs, they just don’t know it.
17 - In the end, Garth lands the leading role as Harold Hill in The Music Man musical and no bitches needed to be cut.
18 - As a child, Doug wanted to be the Kool Aid man when he grew up.
19 - A lot of stuff in BCB is inspired by our real lives. One of the craziest things is that our college marching band had a man auction to win dates with the guys. I showed up with $40 trying to summon the courage to bid on my crush at the time.
20 - Aaron has OCD and used to tap his fingers on everything, but drumming has helped him get a lot of his nervous energy out.
21 - All of the Drum Corps named in BCB are parodies of real life corps.
Red Angels = Blue Devils Yellowjackets = Bluecoats Tennessee Tiara = Carolina Crown Space Cadets = The Cadets
22 - You can find song motifs from Gustav’s Holsts “Planets” hidden within the BCB soundtrack. For example, Mars hides within “Run Like Hell” and Venus is in the romance theme, “Venus and Mars.”
23 - Drum and Drummer were the last characters to make it across the line into spritedom. Next up would have been Erin and Cornelius, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.
24 - The Warden is based on Mr. Friendly from Lost.
25 - All of the band directors have a clever name theme. Wiley, Craft(y), Knowles (Knowledgeable), Savage (Savvy), Brighton (Bright).
26 - Initially Tom was going to have a Triforce on his shirt, but we switched it to hearts because it’s more generic and fits with multiple games. Also we joke that you can either fill up his hearts or let them run out!
27 - Sabrina is an orchie dork and plays violin 2 in the orchestra.
28 - Marian, Garth, and Sabrina are all choir kids. Felicity is a former drama club kid.
29 - In my head Eugene resembles Eugene from The Walking Dead so…yeah his sprite definitely low-key has his look haha.
30 - Alex came up with our little heart trumpet logo. She used to draw it everywhere in high school!
31 - The original Higurashi anime was definitely an inspiration, with it’s cute-on-the-surface look and darkness waiting in the wings.
32 - There’s always a kid with a nickname in the band and it’s used so often you have no idea what their real name is. Poptart was the first thing I blurted out so that’s what we went with.
33 - The story of Rebecca was told to me when I was at camp in 5th grade. Still surprised our principal told a bunch of 10-year olds a story involving matricide and suicide. I made some modifications for BCB but…who knows…maybe she’s real.
34 - The rock in this background marks the grave of Rebecca and her family.
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35 - Doug was originally going to carry the smallest bass drum for comedic purposes, but then we had a reality check.
36 - Some names that were suggested and didn’t make the cut: Clarence (Clark), Fleur (Felicity), and Gordon (Garth).
Bonus: Ms. Craft's maiden name is Kim.
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ghostenluvs · 2 months ago
bits of personality details that might not make it into the episodes:
[most of these are from a headcannon generator I thought was accurate but some of them are my own]
has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night.
spence is aromantic.
spence's least favourite subject in school was Gym.
spence has punched a hole in their wall.
spence would wear Hello Kitty socks.
spence would listen to 80s music.
spence shops exclusively at thrift stores.
spence sleeps in until noon.
spence cringes at their middle school yearbook photos.
spence has one, very simple word that they cannot figure out how to pronounce. Its envy. He says it like en vai
spence does not know what sleep is.
spence is a theatre kid.
Is terrified of being a bad person and tries to overcompensate for it by doing lots of favours for people, if he’s helping he’s doing good right?
Desperate for meaningful connection.
Doll phobia
tabby is great with kids.
If the source media was a musical, tabby would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing.
tabby can play the piano.
tabby hates being alone.
tabby steals other people's clothes.
tabby would wear Hello Kitty socks.
tabby is not good with social cues.
tabby has a pet lizard.
tabby can beat you up and will. [if you hurt her pals]
tabby is asexual.
tabby is a dog person.
Awful liar.
dex is constantly singing for no reason.
dex does intricate and expensive cosplays.
dex is smart but also very stupid.
dex had an emo phase.
dex tackles and wrestles people to show affection.
dex will go feral. Watch out. [eric better count his nonconcussed days]
dex is not allowed to drink energy drinks.
dex has a mary sue oc.
dex will remind others in the midst of chaos how good they're being.
Dex is eager to learn new types of math
dex tells dad jokes.
dex forgets to eat sometimes.
If dex likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
dex likes to sing at 4 in the morning. Their neighbors hate them.
dex knocks people over by hugging them.
Loves this one specific niche comic book series but cannot let people know he reads books.
Religious trauma.
Has a job and makes it his whole identity unless you drag him out of that mindset by the collar.
Can't sit still in a chair
Juno believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover.
Juno desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
Juno cannot drive. [horses are afraid of them]
Pet hamster named azalea
Hates messes, cleans and tidies and erin condrens everything compulsively [their scanners get confused if it’s too cluttered and they hate not seeing things right.]
Sings like daft punk. Loves karaoke.
Will stare directly at your face to scan your facial expression, can’t read tones of voice well.
Knows flower language.
Loves prime numbers.
Scared of animals  because they don’t have data on their body language.
Double jointed everywhere.
Thinks of themself as sort of a living shield whenever their friends are in danger, they can be repaired. [this is a bad thing that will cause them harm].
Photographic memory.
Can’t eat, but loves pasta as a concept.
Smart but very stupid
Afraid of doctors
Has a nightlight
is very willing to eat inedible things.
Loves useless trinkets from friends.
Loves their friends deeply.
Can do a handstand 
Chessmaster extraordinair
AUTISM. NOT EVEN A SMALL AMOUNT. IT IS IMPERATIVE PEOPLE KNOW SHES ATISTIC. Theyre all autistic bc im autistic but i mean she’s extra autistic. Its important to her character.
Yk those gomez and morticia duos? Shes in one.
Will beat the crap out of you if you hurt her friends.
Loathes the government
Could very well have become batman if her tragic event had happened just a few years earlier.
Great artist
Board games
Lollipop theft when five, still guilty
Forgets to eat sometimes
Cries to disney movie stories
Terrified of rabbits
Hates winter.
Will sometimes go out while its raining and lay down in the grass and stare at the sky until it stops.
Impeccable immune system.
Puts flowers in her afro when she goes out to gather them.
Makes really good tea. [recipe from her grandma]
Absolutely terrified to hurt anyone or anything by accident bc her powers scared her as a kid. She will throw 24 bandaids and a whole cabinet of tylenol at you if she even bumps into you [hyperbole, but she really hates hurting things]
Type of person who would raise baby squirrels
Loves hot cocoa.
Incredible spice tolerance
Fear of heights
Ur mom jokes.
Sleepwalked as a kid
Sings while magicing
Pet squirrel names charles.
If someone they knew commited a crime, zeph would cover for them.
zeph chews their nails when nervous.
Disaster bisexual.
canNOT have hair touching his neck he’ll scream.
always has a knife on them.
Invents energy drinks.
no respect for rich people. not even one molecule of respect.
sass for days.
would teach you how to cheese games at an arcade
full of energy, but not often loud.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 1 year ago
some lore crumbs and silly rambles about irene lovejoy's family history and powers (which will be more detailed and fleshed out when i write 'the House of Engelika' and 'DOOMSDAY DEVICE')
the house of engelika had a long history with mixed origins, a few of which were recorded from southern europe during the 1600s
their family tree used to have so many branches for siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces, but a lot of them got struck out as either disowned, unrecorded, or dead
their family name changed from engelika to angelis to lovejoy when irene's great-great-grandmother married a man with that surname
irene's middle name is angelika, in honour of their original family name
irene has four younger sisters named after the muses
initially, i gave her technology related powers since her og lore had her created a soon-to-be popular video game (*cough* minecraft) and thus born birb child erin
later on, i thought "owls and crows are cool birbs and i like them *gasp :O* maybe,,, i can recycle erin's idea and turn that into her powers instead!!" ,,,,,and then percy jackson came roundhouse kicking me in the face :'D so i made her a child of athena bc it kinda fits her vibes and personality. but that's another au and i digress ^-^
then my irl and i, we goofed around with our ocs' dorm outfit, and i threw in a variant of victorian mourning dress for shits and giggles. I DID NOT THINK WE'D RENOVATE RAMSHACKLE INTO A FUNERAL HOUSE— :'D
and after that, derivakat made her grand comeback with her dsmp bangers, aka doomsday (especially doomsday), and that got me thinking "dark irene??" and whipped out a design for her dorm uniform, with braincells losing sessions with my irl :D
so now, her current power is: dark arts with a huge side of crow summoning :D she can (kinda) manipulate dark matter and/or shadows, and can summon a murder of crows from inside her cloak to do her biddings. she can also talk to crows (and, to an extent, owls) as a result, like philza minecraft and his chat :D
tagging people in lore to confuse them: @identity-theft-101 @thehollowwriter @xen-blank @taruruchi @axvwriter @cookiesandbiscuits @azulashengrottospiano @ferris-the-wheel @dove-da-birb @siren-serenity @edith-is-a-cat @escha-evenstar @ameleii @loser-jpg
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sage-thetravler · 1 year ago
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years ago
Sleepy, Mother Dearest
I am thinking about your list of OCs and wondering if you have specific character types that keep popping up across your stories? Any character traits or dynamics that you keep coming back to?
Are any of your OCs (across different stories) very similar to each other or the same character type? Are any mostly unique (not really sharing traits with your other OCs?)
yeah, of course. I have my favorites, like anybody. let's make some collections.
the (quiet), loner type who says they don't need friends but oh do they ever and then when they get some they wonder how they lived without them:
Mark and Jae from Youth Story
Nathaniel from Magick Story (and Martin, sort of, to a lesser extent)
Vern and Kyt from Rain Story
Marden from Mercenary Story (Eshku and Yadsmyn to a lesser extent)
Idrian and Pellor from Guild Story
Jet and Hawk from City Story
Ty from Apocalypse Story
Katherine from Romance Story
Wesley from Anxiety Story
the "badass" or "vibrant" independent woman with heaps of flaws and dented plot armor:
Rune from City Story
Bell from Youth Story (sort of)
Vivianne from Magick Story
Xiyun and Marelli from Guild Story
Yadsmyn and Mirai from Mercenary Story
Erin from Summon Story
Ree from Anxiety Story
Katlan from Thief Story
Carmine from Princess Story
the sunshine light of everyone's lives who is still a complex human behind all their positivity:
Nyks and Savannah from Youth Story
Shae from Summon Story
Yarrow from City Story
Theo from Anxiety Story
Tav from Mercenary Story
Kyle from Magick Story
Jemmi from Rain Story
the soft (moral) support character who is strong for the protagonist but they've got their own struggles too:
Cal from Youth Story
Copper from City Story
Darsh and Sardha from Rain Story
Martain from Guild Story
Vari from Space Story
Ben from Apocalypse Story (he's also the protagonist but whatever)
Dair from Summon Story
Jorand from Mercenary Story
a plucky young lad AKA just some guy AKA our protagonist for the evening AKA they're not special I just think they're just neat:
R from Youth Story
Zan from Summon Story
Marz from Guild Story
Darsh from Rain Story
Ivan from Thief Story
Pascal from Romance Story
Shar from Mercenary Story
Jalek from Space Story
the Mom friend:
Daniel from Youth Story
Mareye from Guild Story
Moss from City Story
Imire from Summon Story
Sardha from Rain Story
Naki from Mercenary Story
and! as a bonus, SadboiTM:
Aiden from Anxiety Story
Shadow from City Story
Jaino from Rain Story
Ryland from Void Story
Myr (SadthemTM)
as for characters who are very similar, that's harder to say. I have a lot of ocs who are the protective type, a LOT of ocs who are very physically affectionate, a whole heap who have complicated relationships with their parents, a bunch who have TraumaTM, a few sets of twins. I've got responsible, resourceful Mom friends, I've got reckless, chaotic beans, I've got hesitant, yearning kids. lots of repeat traits, but never in the same recipe.
every one of my characters (and there are well over a hundred of them) is unique, because for every set of traits there's the attitude, the background, the circumstances, the motivations and goals, and all the in between bits and catalysts that vary, which end up making them all different from each other. none of my Sadbois are the same character, and none of my sunshines are either. I write each of them to be their own person.
even when I start with some stock characteristics that I really like, they still end up different because the story is different. and that's the fun of it, really. I don't get tired of having "plucky, young lads" because in every story that means something different. it's an adventure every time.
uh, and there you go, Rainstormdaughterdearest
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eriisaam · 15 days ago
Breaching tag containment for this cuz this one has layers to it that I don't mind rambling about. (Although I realize maybe I should breach containment on tags for this anyways from now on, hmm...)
The big reason why is that a lot of my OCs tend to already be in a romance-option-inclined genre to begin with (glaringly, Enoli and his group, but also many others who aren't established or settled enough to be established yet, who also have similar plans of being part of dating sim/relationship-building esque projects to begin with). Those OCs I'm a lot more vague on between 'this will spoil huge components of them before you can get all their context' and 'I'm not sure how consistent this point will be now compared to when they finally debut in public', but they are usually available straight away and around the same time (after establishing themselves to give you an idea of them first) to let you either make an informed pick all at once, or reach out to them at your own pace (while being accessible around the same time), with very few exceptions that usually have pretty big plot-heavy reasons why you couldn't access them right away by comparison. (That being said, some also DO have early access to them, but less directly.)
The only OCs who weren't initially part of a project like this still flirted on the idea and concept, and for those, the summoner OCs, they're a lot more varied depending on their contexts.
As summoner OCs as they are currently? I've toyed with the idea on making even a 'let's practice how to make a visual novel with this for exercise sake' with just running their lore into a VN, with a new player character stand-in as an OC unique to this version, but had always been torn otherwise to keep it true to the lore, make adjustments (for instance the summoners abandoning their relationships in favor of the MC, or shrinking it heavily to be mostly summoner-isolated or even determinant), just as much as I've debated on whether or not to separate from their fandom roots altogether for a new storyline entirely (especially since an idea of the MC being present, making hugely-impactful choices potentially changing the summoner OCs' relationships among other things, and even bonding with them whether romantically or otherwise, already heavily changes things as it is from their original story roots to begin with).
By default, Erin, Kyo, Teru and Sparrow are the only ones of the four who are readily available as-is because those four are the earliest arrivals in their group. Ephrel spent much of the time dead and heavily casting a shadow over Sparrow's story (and route), but doesn't actually become available as someone you could've interacted with until quite a while later on, when they resurface and are fully rescued. Eclair, meanwhile, is also a late addition by virtue he didn't even exist right away, and it wasn't until much later (around or earlier than Ephrel's return) where he was created, rescued, and became a permanent party member likewise, and while doesn't cast such a heavy shadow over Kyo as Ephrel did for Sparrow, he's still pretty significant to Kyo's route likewise in his own way.
This also gets muddled by the fact that while Erin and Teru are usually the most isolated in terms of romantic relationships among the six (except in AUs I toyed with where Erin has leanings alongside Sparrow and Ephrel while Teru has leanings with Kyo and Eclair), Teru was already Kyo's ex from the start, Eclair and Kyo are already close and eventually got together, and Ephrel and Sparrow eventually got close together likewise, so the paths end up splitting more like: Erin, Teru, Kyo & Eclair, Sparrow & Ephrel as it is.
There were also very specific circumstances that happened to lead to certain incidents to play out as they had, meaning that if it didn't stick to their strict canon, the aforementioned floated idea of the MC significantly changing course of their lives could either end up with the aforementioned merged paths after all (Erin/Sparrow/Ephrel, or Teru/Kyo/Eclair), or might split them all even further apart (individually rather than mixed). And all of this is only factoring in those specific OCs, not even their not-so-OC supports/friendships/other romantic partners.
In a fully original plot? It's much more possible to bring back that mostly-consistent design rule as the other not-as-focused OCs I brought up earlier. Circumstances could change to make all of the six much more immediately, readily available, rather than hidden in one another's plots, or merging or splitting in ways that you'd have to rewrite massive chunks of their story lines to adjust course on to get. (Since this in itself just throws out all the pre-establishments to start over with something way more malleable now.)
Barring the six still having certain leanings, and some of those leanings being much more flexible this time, this can bring up more layers to them of all of them gradually opening up to the MC just as much individually as they can in a group that bounces off to one another.
All of which is to say... It's been something I've been thinking about and considering for a good while, but wasn't sure whether or not to explore more (and in better specific detail than this vague dancing-around-the-point way as to not go too off-topic or waffling on in probably-boring stuff), I just wasn't sure on the best approach to it between whether or not to keep them as-is, whether or not to use what I got to springboard something more flexible, or whether or not to just take them into a new world and story entirely to start anew with (now that I have a somewhat broader idea of where to go with this compared to when I started). Or if it's better time to put into making a new cast to go into a new setting, rather than the summoners who have so much already developed, people might get tired of, and would just annoy people to push into outright projects of that kind over just moving on with new OCs.
Food for thought I guess...
If your OC were a romance/friend option in a game, how would their route be unlocked, and how difficult would it be to complete their route successfully?
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knightcorqueen · 2 years ago
Tell me about one of your OCs. Please.
Bro you're really gonna do this to me....okay, prepare for a long-ass response:
So my first ever OC was a vampire, because yes, I was that kid. Her full name is Evangeline Erin Corãn.
Her mother was a vampire, and her father was a human wizard. (I haven't quite figured out names for them, but oh well, we'll get there eventually) Her brother, Albus ended up taking after his father; soon becoming a world renowned sorcerer (and recognized military expert once he joined in the Hybrid war)
A little backstory on each of the parents:
Mother belonged to a family of 12. There was a mother, father, 8 sisters, and 2 brothers. In this vampire community, males were used as breeders; once they sired a litter of children, they were used as hunting practice for the little ones, and eventually killed off. If any boys were born, they would be kept around until they were mature enough to reproduce. Another tradition within this community was the "Battle of thy Brethren" which stated that, only 1 daughter could remain per generation - only 1 girl could carry the family's mantle. So Evangeline's mother had to compete against the 8 other girls within her family in order to survive.
It kind of broke her, not having a father, her mother being a terrible person, and then having to murder her other sisters just so she could survive. After her win, she ran away, not wanting to accept what she had done. While on the run, she met Evangeline's father, who was an absolute romantic and eventually won over her heart. She got pregnant - thought it was only with Evangeline, went back to her mother in hopes that her mother would accept her husband and allow traditions to change, mother ignored her until she gave birth,
lookie there, it's a boy and a girl!
Her mother tried to take away Albus- she was furious, mother threatened to kill husband, so she killed mother.
Ending result?: Trauma
Now onto the Father!:
Dad lived pretty normal life. He was a doorstep baby and was raised by 2 witches. He learned very early on that family doesn't have to be by blood, it's about love and those who can look beyond what you appear to be, and make you feel safe.
He was a very curious child and took a large interest in what his mother's were. So they taught him all they knew and watched him as he grew from a little boy, learning little bits of magic, into a masterful wizard who would use his newfound gifts to help spread joy around the world.
(One of the things he would do while courting Evangeline's mom, was constantly summoning bouquets of flowers from thin air to give to her. Bro had rizz.)
He met Evangeline's mom on his way to another town. He was in the middle of his exploration arc.
(Bro just wanted to explore the world and bam, hit with the power of love.)
Fast forward to Evangeline and Albus as young adults:
Evangeline and her mother do not have a good relationship, mainly because her mother was constantly pushing her to be as strong as possible, fearing that the past would come back to haunt them. Evangeline was jealous of her brother, feeling like he had more freedom to do whatever he wanted, while she had to become what she referred to as a "backup bodyguard." Outside of that, it was a loving family unit. Her father continued to use his magic for funny little pranks that he would involve both Evangeline and Albus in, regardless of how old they got.
(Adorable little side note: The dad would refer to Evangeline as his "little angel" The dad definitely had everyone's hearts - including mine)
Unfortunately I'm a terrible person, so here comes the angst-
A military team in charge of monitoring supernatural entities decided that the vampire community Evangeline's mother had belonged to was too dangerous to be allowed to continue on and decided to hunt down and kill everyone associated with them.
Evangeline and her family are surrounded, they all ready themselves to fight-
(I always think of the dad as Wanda Maximoff in this moment lmao)
Fight breaks out, Evangeline gets into the thick of it, and in this moment thanks her mother for preparing her. Dad ends up getting captured, uses magic to catch himself on fire, severely damaging the 3 soldiers who had ahold of him. Another soldier shoots him in the head, killing him immediately. The mother goes berserk, wiping out more than half of the soldiers, before a barrage of bullets finally puts her down. Albus and Evangeline both finish up the rest of the soldiers and rush over to their mother who is struggling to breathe, but will still survive.
Unfortunately, a second squad shows up as backup. Evangeline and Albus are told to run. Mother gets finished off and Evangeline picks up her brother and takes off. They both go into hiding for a few years.
Albus finally decides to finish his studying and goes back to his father's mage college. He buries himself in the work, aiming to be the strongest he can.
Evangeline blamed herself for not being strong enough, for not being a good enough weapon to save her parents. So she pushed herself to be harder, better, faster, stronger. After she felt she was ready, she set off to take down every single soldier involved in her parents death.
And that's my baby. My very first!
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
Me, a fool and a dumbass, teetering on the stupidest bout of artblock: "Ok, I'm having problems figuring out how to draw a sprite for a summoner whose basically already canon-Kiran 80% of the time anyways, so how about we sit on it for a moment to do some warm-up art in the meantime, shall we? It's been a long time since I did a sketch-that-was-actually-a-sketch so how about that? What are we drawing today?"
My brain, full of shitpost, coffee, and zero impulse control: "Boobs."
"What are we warming up w-?!"
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Woe, boobs upon ye then. Y'all said in the polls last time you were cool with it, so now you get this.
Also rare sketch-that-didn't-turn-into-lineart-and-still-pretend-to-be-a-sketch sighting, and random Erin-with-her-hair-down spotted. But that's not the only thing going down. *shot*
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years ago
Hey guys. Been down in the dumps these past few days, so I’m gonna talk about Hauyne, my Interceptor OC, to cheer myself up.
Also totally not because I’ve been seeing people post about their own OCs and me wanting to hop on the bandwagon. Nope.
Some facts about her: - Hauyne is not her actual name. What her real name is, no one knows except the person in question.
- She is originally from the same world as we are, being a player of the fangame itself, who got summoned into Aevium because she had the metaknowledge needed to fulfil the role of the Interceptor. Like, seriously. If someone’s gonna change the fate of the world, they might as well be given knowledge of every possible outcome so they know which is the best option to take. 
- Before coming to Aevium, Hauyne does competitive battling and a shit ton of challenge runs as a hobby. While it does make the transition into actual battling easier, it still took her an embarassingly long amount of time for her to wrap her head around the fact that Pokemon battling is now a tangible, multi-dimensional activity rather than an abstract concept behind a screen.  
- She can understand Pokemon (like N, if you want a reference). Because of this and her general dislike for people, you’re more likely to see her warm up to a Pokemon faster than she does with a person. Most of the rejuv cast are the exception to this rule.
- Unlike her friends who specialise in one or two types (e.g. Venam with Poison and Aelita with Fighting/Flying) or have their team composition revolve around a specific theme (e.g. Erin), Hauyne doesn’t have a preference for any types. Though, she does have a thing for taking in “weak and useless” strays and turning them into juggernauts just to spite their ex-trainers.
- She has a habit of naming her Pokemon after concepts in real-life mythology. The only exception to this is her starter, a female Delphox she named Altissia. 
- As a follow-up to the previous point, her main party consists of Kali the Zeraora (her ace), Altissia the Delphox, Vedrfolnir the Sceptile-Haxorus hybrid, Muninn the shiny Corviknight, Shiva the Alolan Ninetales and Triton the Swampert. She has other Pokemon on rotation in the PC, but these are the ones she used the most. 
- Has an incorrigible sweet tooth and secretly keeps a hidden candy stash on her. Don’t even think about touching it; she will wreak absolute hell upon anyone who dared to steal from her stash. Venam learnt this the hard way. 
- Is quite knowledgeable about medicinal properties of plants. She even makes her own potions, salves and antidotes using ingredients she collected on her travels. 
- Abysmal with musical instruments. No one knows how it happens, but she’ll somehow ruin every instrument that makes its way into her hands. For some reason, she’s alright with handling her own flute (possibly a Celestica Flute, though no one can say for sure) though her skills with it leaves a lot to be desired. 
- On the flip side, she can sing extremely well. Just that her stage fright makes it seem like she couldn’t sing at all. 
- Does she like the sea? No. She loved it. She grew up in a fishing village who... aren’t the greatest fans of her and/or her family, so she often spends her time either in her room or in a nearby hidden cove to avoid the discrimination. The sounds of the waves never fails to calm her down whenever she had a crappy day.  
- It may not look like it because of her demure and complaisant disposition, but she’s a mad genius when it comes to Pokemon battling. A “fucking monster” in battle? Psh, Venam. You’re making the understatement of the year. Have you seen that feral, downright manic smile when she’s about to go for the kill? She fights like a demon straight from the ninth circle of hell, more like. *shudders*
- When she decides that she likes a particular person, she’ll draw a portrait of said person in her sketchbook. The number of drawings she made for a person is directly related to how much she likes them. And she’s a pretty good artist, all things considered... for some reason a lot of it are of a certain white-haired Archetype bearer in various casual poses  
...Well, that’s all I can think of. I’ll add more later.   
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crazyyanderefangirlfan · 4 years ago
Genshin Impact oc
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MEET MY OC CALYPSO! The guy is Diluc.
Name: Calypso Nikos
Titles: The Nymph of Morning Dew, Cal, Caly, Doc, Little Lady, Mom (By Bennett.), Annoying girl, My Love, Darling, Princess, My pretty flaming flower, My beautiful little Nymph (All by Diluc), Imaginary girl.
Voice actors: Mikoi Sasaki (Japanese) Lin Yun (Chinese) Lee Yong-shin (Korean) Erin Fitzgerald (English)
Age: 18
Birthday: July 3
Constellation: Aquae vitae
Species: Allogene
Rarity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
Special dish: Berry panna cotta
Appearance: Calypso has a beautiful heart shaped face with caramel brown hair in side braid tied by a white ribbon and gold leaf headband, doll like rainbow eyes that change like a kaleidoscope with long lashes. She vanilla white skin and a petite form like a doll, and pointed ears She stands 158 cm.
Clothing: Calypso usually wears a white sleeveless v neck Greek style dress that reaches above her knee. The bottom hem is trimmed in gold, the lower part of her dress is decorated with golden leaves and around her waist is a silver owl belt.
Underneath her dress are black leggings with lace trim, and brown strappy sandals, around her right ankle is gold leaf anklet. Behind her is a black cape with a hood, it's adorned with silver leaf designs and gold hemming. Calypso is usually seen with a small brown bag with an owl latch. Her vision is used as a choker
Element: Hydro
Weapon: Catalyst
Normal Attack: “Nymph’s Ripples”
Normal Attack: Calypso conjures three orbs of water that float around her and deal Hydro damage. The orbs launch forward in quick succession, homing in on enemies, creating small splashes of water with each hit.
Charged Attack: Consumes a portion of stamina to create a spiraling vortex of water that swirls toward enemies in a straight line, dealing AoE Hydro damage. Enemies hit are slowed momentarily by the weight of the water.
Plunging Attack: Gathering the power of water, Calypso dives down from mid-air, striking the ground below and creating a burst of water on impact that deals AoE Hydro damage.
Elemental Skill: “Morning Dew’s Grace”
Calypso summons a circle of dew that surrounds her or an ally (if co-op) like a protective shield, which absorbs a certain amount of damage. While the shield is active, it gradually restores HP to the protected character based on Calypso's max HP and deals periodic Hydro damage to nearby enemies.
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Additional Effect: If the shield breaks or its duration ends, it explodes, dealing Hydro AoE damage to enemies based on the amount of HP restored during its active phase.
Elemental Burst: “Ocean’s Caress”
Calypso calls forth a torrential rainstorm, enveloping the battlefield with a calm yet powerful downpour. For the duration of the burst, enemies are slowed by 20%, and allies within the rain gain increased healing received. The rain also triggers Hydro reactions, causing enemies affected by Hydro to receive an additional Hydro damage debuff.
Healing Boost: Increases healing received by all party members by 20% for the duration.
Hydro Reaction Damage Buff: Enemies affected by Hydro deal less damage and receive bonus Hydro damage.
The burst lasts for 12 seconds.
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Energy Cost: 80
Passive talent (fighting): Flowing Serenity
Description: When Calypso's HP is above 70%, her movement speed is increased by 10%, and her Hydro damage bonus is increased by 5%.
Passive talent (open world): Most Important Meal of the Day.
Description: When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects, she has a 100% chance to double the product.
1st Ascension Passive: "Dew-Kissed Morning"
After Calypso uses her Elemental Skill, Morning Dew's Grace, characters protected by the shield will receive a 10% Hydro damage bonus for 10 seconds. If the shield is broken, the bonus increases to 20%.
This talent enhances the offensive capabilities of Hydro users in the party, encouraging strategic use of her shield for both healing and damage buffs.
4th Ascension Passive: "A Drop in the Ocean"
Whenever Calypso triggers a Hydro-related elemental reaction (such as Vaporize, Electro-Charged, or Freeze), she regenerates 3 energy for all party members. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.
Aqua Vitae
Lv. 1 Sprung from Seafoam
Description: Whenever Calypso is revived, she receives an extra 25% of health.
Lv. 2: Tranquil Waters
Description: Decreases the CD of Morning Dew’s Grace by 15%. During the ability's duration, your active character gains a 15% Hydro resist bonus.
Lv. 3: Incoming Storm
Description: Increases the level of Ocean’s Caress by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15
Lv. 4: Like a Raging River
Description: Casting Nymph’s Ripples in a rhythm increases Hydro damage.
Lv. 5: World's first Medicine
Description: If Calypso is in the party, then a fallen character will revive with an extra 150 health. Occurs every 20 minutes.
Lv. 6: Sweet Morning Dew
Description: If Calypso and her part's health is below 50%, all critical damage and defense will be raised to 55%. Each hit will regain 1 health.
A/N: She was actually my Danganronpa oc, I nearly forgot about her so I decided use here.
Edit: I finally changed it
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rinnysega · 4 years ago
New Years Party: A Simpsona Fic
Just a little warm up this morning featuring some Simpsonas and OCs!
Here’s the story of how my sona Erin meets Irene (c) @purplepolarbear Zef and Jaap (c) @purplepolarbear Jane (c) @mimifoxarts It’s my first time writing for this group, so consider it one of many!
Attending a New Years Party wasn’t exactly something Erin wanted to do that year. She already had a busy holiday season as it was with the arrival of the twins earlier that year, and her house was still a mess with the new baby toys, Christmas decorations and other clutter still hanging about. She swore to herself she’d get to it before the new year, but between the exhaustion of two newborns, a six-year old, and Agnes Skinner’s constant nagging criticizing of how she was raising her grandkids, everything just sort of fell to the wayside. She had too much to do, but she couldn’t exactly turn down the invitation from Fat Tony to attend a celebration at his mansion - especially since he wanted her to come back as one of his nighttime entertainers. For old times sake, he kept repeating in the card.
These days, her singing was more lullabies in a rocking chair than ballads on a speakeasy mic, but Seymour kept insisting she go and take a break from everything if she wanted to let her hair down for a night. She was hesitant about it, but between his assurance that he could handle the kids on his own, and the fact she was getting paid quite a hefty lot to go back and sing for Fat Tony and his associates, well, she felt she didn’t have much choice.
Although her old dresses were certainly snug now, so that was great.
It was almost midnight now, and so the jazz band replaced her on stage to finish out the last of the year. She sat alone at the open bar, a long coat covering her dress while she scrolled through her phone for any text messages from Seymour. All she received was a picture of Scottie eating leftovers in her new unicorn pajamas and a picture of both babies asleep in bed with Seymour reaching out to give a thumbs up in the photo. While she typed back to him, the seat next to her was taken by a young woman Erin hadn’t seen before - not around this group anyway. She arrived with two older men, both with graying hair but with vigorous youth in their steps. They left pretty quickly though after getting their drinks - back to mingling with the crowd where one of them put an arm around the shoulders of a young, blue-haired woman Erin knew to be Jane. Legs often talked about her when they ran into each other and caught up.  
Erin went back to her phone, but she caught sight of the woman looking over at her, and she turned her head. “Hey!” her voice was loud for it to be just her she was talking to, but then again the band was getting into full swing. “You were real good tonight.”
“Oh, thank you,” Erin said, raising her voice a bit over the instruments.
“Are you new?” she shouted.
“What?” she shouted back. The woman leaned in further.
“I said are you new here?”
“Oh! No!...Well, kind of!” Thank God, the band was transitioning to a new song with less trumpets. She lowered her voice. “I used to sing like...seven or eight years ago I think. It’s been a long time since I’ve been around most of these people.”
“I get that. I know maybe a dozen of them too.” The drink she ordered arrived, and she plucked out the cherry to take a full swing before popping it in her mouth.
“Do you know Jane?”
“Yeah, I know her. Why?”
“No reason. I just saw the guys you were with going to talk to her, so I figured you knew each other. I don’t know her myself, but I know of her.” That seemed to be the only connection she had to go on to keep the conversation going.
“Yeah, she’s with that guy Zef who’s brothers with my guy, Jaap” She motioned over to them with her glass to give Erin the clear picture. “I’m Irene by the way.” She held out her hand.
“Erin.” She reached over and shook hands, delighted to meet someone so friendly. Not the usual kind of person she was used to meeting at these kinds of soirees.
“Are you here with anyone?” she asked.
“Nah, strictly business tonight, but I do have a boyfriend back home.” She opened up the photos again on her phone and scrolled for the most recent one with Seymour. One of him on the floor while the twins crawled all over him. “And we just had these two little bugs.” She held her phone out to show her.
“How cute!” She leaned in to get a better look. “I see you two have an age gap too.”
“Oh yeah.” She rolled her eyes and put her phone down. “I’m sure you know exactly what I go through.”
“With his sister.” She was giggling about it, but that could just be the alcohol setting in. Erin had no idea how much she had to drink before she joined her. “She’s always bringing it up that he’s going to all of a sudden get too old and die and leave me a widow for thirty years.”
“That’s me with his mother.” She too was giggling about it as she took another drink.
“Eh, to hell with it.” She waved her hand in the air as if to brush aside the topic. “To silver foxes.” She raised her glass up and Erin clinked hers against it.
As if that were a summoning, Jaap appeared again beside Irene and whispered something in her ear. Erin checked her phone and it was already 11:58.
Irene got up from her seat, and turned back to her. “Countdown, do you wanna come?”
“Sure!” Erin finished her drink and set it back on the bar before grabbing her phone and walking over with the two of them toward the large crowd of people.
New friends were always a great way to ring in a new year.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years ago
Hi Sleepy!
If you had to assign your OCs a colour, what would it be and why?
okay! after much debate about which wip I was gonna do, I'm just gonna do them all (and I mean like, the active-ish ones). but then I'm not gonna give explanations, and you can extrapolate what you will.
I will be using wikipedia's page of colors a-z if you wanna check these.
R - carnelian Cal - french sky blue Bell - burgundy Daniel - orchid Savannah - hot pink Mark - black olive Evie - medium candy apple red Irina - seance Jae - hunter green Nyks - turquoise
Jet - deep jungle green Copper - japanese violet Rune - maroon Moss - turtle green Yarrow - lemon Hawk - tyrian purple Shadow - denim blue
Zan - gotham green Wryn - ultramarine Erin - venetian red Shae - english violet
Martin - coffee Jessalyn - imperial red/indigo dye Natalie - hollywood cerise Nathaniel - yellow orange
Ben - dark slate blue Ty - light slate grey
Marz - indigo Mareye - eminence Idrian - mint Yashel - dark sienna Xiyun - mauve Pellor - dark olive green
Mirai - dark cyan Yadsmyn - dark orchid Marden - ebony Naki - tangerine Jorand - cosmic cobalt Eshku - spanish viridian Tav - coquelicot Shar - granny smith apple
thanks for asking :)
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the-unwrittenwriter · 4 years ago
While out on a walk, a nearby tree trunk started to warp before your very eyes. A crevasse opened deep in the trunk, faint green light emanating from it. Stepping out of it, a black-clad amethyst fiend, who stretched themselves.
“Mmm, that spell can be quite uncomfortable. Anyways darling, you summoned me, so here goes. What is your character’s favorite place outside of their residence? Is it a beautiful cliff, overlooking the seas? Maybe a particularly peaceful cafe? Anyhow, farewell now!”
They flicked a small card out towards you—a business card, reading “Azrael, the @oc-ask-demon”—and stepped back into the tree, which promptly sealed itself.
Gah! I've gotta get better at not forgetting I ask for these and then leaving 'em in my inbox (thanks a bunch for the ask, Azrael!)
I'm gonna answer this one for Erin, because I've recently realized I wanna revamp her character a little bit. As it stands right now, Erin likes a lot of places better than her own residence, but her got-to places to just chill are rooftops-- that's just one of the many perks that comes with being able to fly, and being able to hang out in hard to reach spots. She loves being able to look out over city, and thinks there's something calm about all the bright lights and the sounds, and it's scenic too.
There's also a gas station that she used to stop by with Spectre during their patrols, so she's got some good memories there too.
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yanderepuck · 4 years ago
For the writer questions- number 4 & 13!!
4. what are some themes you love writing about?
I love high school au’s if that counts, but I also really love a fantasy setting where the main species isn’t human, which is why most of my oc’s aren’t human.
13. who are your favorite writers?
SHAKESPEARE, but that’s a no brainer.  I love Erin Hunter, I’ve read just about all the WARRIORS books, event he guide books, and special editions. Taran Matharu is a really good writer.  I highly recommend The Summoner Series by him, there’s three books plus a prequel and a guide book, and he just started a new series 
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