#Summoner OC Eclair
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eriisaam · 18 days ago
which oc is the Loudest 🗣 ?
All of them to an extent, but usually Kyo and Eclair on average 😂
It's more like they all have a moment of being CAPSLOCK LEVELS OF LOUD but have different ways and reasons of the why's and how's that they tend to get to be that loud, just those two are the most common.
Kyo is not just loud in a sense that he can be crabby and makes his disgruntling loud and clear, but he's also the most used to crowd control in speaking with a loud, prominently booming voice to silence a room and grab attention, something the other summoners usually do (but significantly less gracefully) moreso when you push them to their breaking point than as a skill they whip out whenever like Kyo.
Eclair's more loud out of excitement. He's like an excited puppy, his indoor voice of sorts can be a bit louder than the others, and he's usually the one more consistently loud not-entirely-on-purpose out of pure self-unawareness, unless there's something else that came up that made his tone even out and go lower. Ironically, he's the most naturally-loud when he's Eclair, whereas it always felt like he has to put the effort in to be loud and commanding as Magni, something that Thorr quickly picked up on and isn't exactly thrilled on seeing the contrast (since Magni is the most like her, and she expects him to have a similar commanding air to him, which doesn't quite stick the landing when he's voiced so timid and soft-spoken and hesitant over assured and dominating like her expectations of him).
The others kind of vary way more on 'you have to really work on them to bring it out' where Teru and Erin have somewhat shorter fuses and are easier to rile up into getting loud, whereas it speaks volumes the minute soft-spoken-in-general Ephrel or normally-the-softest-and-levelled-Sparrow suddenly decides to have a booming presence in their voice out of nowhere and/or weren't beaten to the punch by someone else first. (And it's definitely happened before, and made more than their fair share of heroes - support or otherwise - immediately jump.)
A part of it that also muddies it (and why even the short-tempered ones aren't normally, consistently all that loud compared to Kyo and Eclair) is they might also differ to other means to command a room that isn't solely on just how loud they get, between Teru and especially Erin commanding the room by simply sharing the shit out of people until they ease off, or how quickly a lot of the less-dicey-quarrels shut down instantly when there's a several-foot tall winged dinosaur with rocket-launcher tit-cannons towering over the summoner in question whose probably even easier to piss off than the summoner who called on them.
I'm sure there'll probably be other OCs who are equal amounts if not higher on the loud scale, but either they fall into the same category of 'you have to really work it out of them first' (not naturally all that loud) or they're still too undercooked to really dig into their hows and whys yet. 😂
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eriisaam · 15 days ago
Breaching tag containment for this cuz this one has layers to it that I don't mind rambling about. (Although I realize maybe I should breach containment on tags for this anyways from now on, hmm...)
The big reason why is that a lot of my OCs tend to already be in a romance-option-inclined genre to begin with (glaringly, Enoli and his group, but also many others who aren't established or settled enough to be established yet, who also have similar plans of being part of dating sim/relationship-building esque projects to begin with). Those OCs I'm a lot more vague on between 'this will spoil huge components of them before you can get all their context' and 'I'm not sure how consistent this point will be now compared to when they finally debut in public', but they are usually available straight away and around the same time (after establishing themselves to give you an idea of them first) to let you either make an informed pick all at once, or reach out to them at your own pace (while being accessible around the same time), with very few exceptions that usually have pretty big plot-heavy reasons why you couldn't access them right away by comparison. (That being said, some also DO have early access to them, but less directly.)
The only OCs who weren't initially part of a project like this still flirted on the idea and concept, and for those, the summoner OCs, they're a lot more varied depending on their contexts.
As summoner OCs as they are currently? I've toyed with the idea on making even a 'let's practice how to make a visual novel with this for exercise sake' with just running their lore into a VN, with a new player character stand-in as an OC unique to this version, but had always been torn otherwise to keep it true to the lore, make adjustments (for instance the summoners abandoning their relationships in favor of the MC, or shrinking it heavily to be mostly summoner-isolated or even determinant), just as much as I've debated on whether or not to separate from their fandom roots altogether for a new storyline entirely (especially since an idea of the MC being present, making hugely-impactful choices potentially changing the summoner OCs' relationships among other things, and even bonding with them whether romantically or otherwise, already heavily changes things as it is from their original story roots to begin with).
By default, Erin, Kyo, Teru and Sparrow are the only ones of the four who are readily available as-is because those four are the earliest arrivals in their group. Ephrel spent much of the time dead and heavily casting a shadow over Sparrow's story (and route), but doesn't actually become available as someone you could've interacted with until quite a while later on, when they resurface and are fully rescued. Eclair, meanwhile, is also a late addition by virtue he didn't even exist right away, and it wasn't until much later (around or earlier than Ephrel's return) where he was created, rescued, and became a permanent party member likewise, and while doesn't cast such a heavy shadow over Kyo as Ephrel did for Sparrow, he's still pretty significant to Kyo's route likewise in his own way.
This also gets muddled by the fact that while Erin and Teru are usually the most isolated in terms of romantic relationships among the six (except in AUs I toyed with where Erin has leanings alongside Sparrow and Ephrel while Teru has leanings with Kyo and Eclair), Teru was already Kyo's ex from the start, Eclair and Kyo are already close and eventually got together, and Ephrel and Sparrow eventually got close together likewise, so the paths end up splitting more like: Erin, Teru, Kyo & Eclair, Sparrow & Ephrel as it is.
There were also very specific circumstances that happened to lead to certain incidents to play out as they had, meaning that if it didn't stick to their strict canon, the aforementioned floated idea of the MC significantly changing course of their lives could either end up with the aforementioned merged paths after all (Erin/Sparrow/Ephrel, or Teru/Kyo/Eclair), or might split them all even further apart (individually rather than mixed). And all of this is only factoring in those specific OCs, not even their not-so-OC supports/friendships/other romantic partners.
In a fully original plot? It's much more possible to bring back that mostly-consistent design rule as the other not-as-focused OCs I brought up earlier. Circumstances could change to make all of the six much more immediately, readily available, rather than hidden in one another's plots, or merging or splitting in ways that you'd have to rewrite massive chunks of their story lines to adjust course on to get. (Since this in itself just throws out all the pre-establishments to start over with something way more malleable now.)
Barring the six still having certain leanings, and some of those leanings being much more flexible this time, this can bring up more layers to them of all of them gradually opening up to the MC just as much individually as they can in a group that bounces off to one another.
All of which is to say... It's been something I've been thinking about and considering for a good while, but wasn't sure whether or not to explore more (and in better specific detail than this vague dancing-around-the-point way as to not go too off-topic or waffling on in probably-boring stuff), I just wasn't sure on the best approach to it between whether or not to keep them as-is, whether or not to use what I got to springboard something more flexible, or whether or not to just take them into a new world and story entirely to start anew with (now that I have a somewhat broader idea of where to go with this compared to when I started). Or if it's better time to put into making a new cast to go into a new setting, rather than the summoners who have so much already developed, people might get tired of, and would just annoy people to push into outright projects of that kind over just moving on with new OCs.
Food for thought I guess...
If your OC were a romance/friend option in a game, how would their route be unlocked, and how difficult would it be to complete their route successfully?
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itzmerun · 3 years ago
Amethyst dragon cookie: 
They was a followers of Pytita and tried to help during the attack on Hollyberry kingdom. During this he tried to kill Hollyberry but the soulstones formed into his gems. (Gems that form his main abilities and help him fly correctly) and he was cursed and in a way “Killed” he was hit into the jungle and his magic gem things reformed his soul into a new being. He was reformed into a small orphan girl from Parfadia who I might give a new name to. She has a simple design and looks like a npc. She is one of Eclair’s prized students because technically she witnessed events in history and remembers it. She is blind in one eye (the eye her dragon form has a gem in place of the eye). She isn’t good friends with Cream puff and Walnut but knows them and interacts with them so Latte and Espresso also teach her. 
She is technically a kid so when he acts older he gets out, annoying him. Oh and he also has a following of four members who are also my ocs and I love them. 
They are called “The cult of the geode dragon” the leader is an unknown cookie who hides from others his second in command is Jack fruit cookie (She/her). When Amethyst comes across a meeting she tries to join but they are hesitant and Amethyst can’t really prove that they're the dragon. Finally after convincing the four members to ask their leader she must steal some of Espresso’s work to join when they find out she is a student at parfida (she has to better befriend Cream puff to get close and she steals the research) the cult agrees to let Amethyst join. Usually the group hangs around and causes problems. They are like cookies of darkness but they try to summon dragons. Amethyst doesn't have a family and lives in a foster home so Devil Ivy (the youngest member) often picks Amethyst up from school and they just run around and cause more problems. 
Agave and Maple bread usually try to avoid the child cause like they don’t think that she should be playing around with their group but they listen to the leader and they think that Amethyst will back out eventually but Jackfruit and Devil ivy are very happy to have the younger generation interested in what they stand for.
This is all the story I got lol :,)
Members: (srry for bad quality to lazy for digital rn)
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Devil Ivy cookie-(They/them)-17
Agave cookie-(He/him)-20
Maple bread-(She/her)-20
Unknown leader-(Him/him pronouns)
Amethyst cookie (Amethyst dragon cookie) -Any pronouns (Mostly she/her when student form)
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sammiyafethings · 5 years ago
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Sprite edits I did of four of @eriisaam Summoner OCs~ First up is a edit of Erin, Erii’s first summoner~ Next up is Sparrow~ Then Kyo (Stinky stinky man), and finally Teru~ (I still need to do one of her Eclair~)
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teefa85 · 6 years ago
So since I’m bored, here’s the first ever OC Talk I’m gonna be doing on this blog!  It’s mostly me blabbing about various characters I’ve created for fics over the years, and how they’ve developed from simple to more complex (especially true for fandoms where I’ve revived or revised writing for them years later).
This time, I’m gonna talk about La Pucelle’s monsters.  Purifying creatures to fight by your side is a mechanic in-game.  Hell...Chapter 2 almost requires you to have at least one or two in the active battle party since it would be much harder for Prier and Alouette to take it all on themselves until you get Croix!  There’s even a tutorial that forces you to get a Tiny Bat, and a Big Zombie Prier insists you Purify later on.  Getting them also falls into the Item Combination mechanic at the Dark World Recruiter...
But over the years...I’ve put some of them into my writing.  One of whom has basically reached mascot status, and is probably the most developed of any non-vocal monster character I’ve ever written!
Under cut for length...
So, first off, I’d better mention the naming scheme!  All of them follow the way a La Pucelle monster would be named, and could possibly be named!  I actually listed out monsters I saw or suffix/prefixes I thought were funny with a certain base name on my website back in the day, and took several names from there.  The ones I chose were definitely highlights, though...
CHAPTER 1 RECRUITMENT Bit Jr.:  This is the Tiny Bat from the tutorial.  Name chosen since Bits are smaller versions of the actual bat monsters.
Mrs. Bat:  Prier also got this one in the sewers...because Culotte thought Bit Jr. was lonely and needed a friend.  Thus...this name since it’s almost like she’s Bit Jr.’s mother!
Bones Knight:  The Big Zombie Prier suggested to Purify.  Name was chosen since all of the Zombies in Chapter 1 were former knights of Montblanc Castle prior to the coup.
CHAPTER 2 RECRUITMENT Bear Socks:  After Culotte ran off, Prier suggested getting this strong looking bear to help them find him.  His name comes from an actual bear I had on my first ever romp through La Pucelle!  Also, the most consistently appearing Monster character, usually for comedy due to his tendency to steal food.  My Creative Writing teacher sure loved him and his little companions (who are mentioned later), and it made me change a simple fishing trip chapter of Bloody Hands, Healing Arms into another romp with the bears just for her!
CHAPTER 4 RECRUITMENT Turbo Ghost:  With advanced warning about the Dragonshrooms on Mt. Champignon, the team decided that Purifying an Apparition to blast them with magic from afar was a good idea.  I just picked a random name for this one...it seemed like it worked!
CHAPTER 6 RECRUITMENT Burning Fire:  A Salamander that begins the joke trend of monsters being recruited via Baptism Attack!  This particular one was from Eclair’s Heart and was Culotte’s fault.  Honestly...I’m still laughing about how this is a possible name thanks to the game’s naming algorithm!  It’s been 14 years even!  Funny thing...as a Salamander he uses Wind!  Blame What Not to do When Lost for the reason my wil-o-wisp type monster is a wind user!
CHAPTER 8 RECRUITMENT Surprise Shroom:  A joke between Prier and Croix in getting a pet mushroom led to everyone who could using Baptism Attack repeatedly during their jungle adventure until SOMEONE got one!  Thus the name!
Admiral Fish:  Honestly, the name comes from naval admirals and it being a mermaid (an Undine, specifically).  Was an accidental combined effort by Prier and Alouette during their attempt to get the Gargoyle away from the tile that would weaken the Giant Thing!
These were the only two monsters that weren’t mentioned in fics.  And were more or less based on the stupid jokes from recent leveling sessions.
OTHER MONSTERS Cub Prince and Cub Princess:  A pair of Beartrom siblings mentioned in passing during the description of Marjorly’s botched Hellhound summoning in The Royal Wedding.  In the end, I expanded upon them during a chapter of Bloody Hands, Healing Arms (the one I mentioned above).  Just as mischievous as Bear Socks, but smaller with all the advantages and disadvantages it entails.
Hound Buster:  No...Hellhounds aren’t a real La Pucelle monster.  But this is the aforementioned botched summoning mentioned above.  Instead of getting a vicious beast, Marjorly summoned a Hellhound puppy.  Prier Purified her and her three-year-old daughter knocked the creature on the head once to get it to Convert!  Naturally...Hound Buster is mostly Angie’s pet and companion during next generation stories.  The name comes from the suffix that happened to be on yet another one of my bears over the years!
Queen Pumpkin:  This one was specifically mentioned as belonging to Angie’s teammate, Simone.  Specifically, she is a Pumpkin King.  No joke...during a run through the game with my Ex, we discovered a Pumpkin King named Queen Pumpkin and actually used her as a minor party member for the novelty factor alone.  Thus, I used the name for a fic!
If any other stupidity happens later on during the game, they might get immortalized as a monster (even if I don’t use the EXACT name...I don’t remember what the Undine I Purified the other day was really called).
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eriisaam · 29 days ago
does eclair bite ppl (in either affectionate or derog ways)? 🐍
Long story short:
Yes (in both counts 😆), though he has different layers of bitey, and said layers determine, on a scale of 'Oh whosea spicy noodle?' to 'hospital', how screwed the bitey really is.
Eclair, when turned some level of his beast form (either partially as the lamia, or fully as either the big or small noodle variants), is equipped with venom mimicking the same skill effect as Heal Smoke, though he is capable of dry bites (non-venomous bites) regardless, and he's always non-venomous if biting while entirely humanoid (no trace of snake in his form at the time).
Long story long though...
Usually, he can be lulled into biting in a dopey silly-noodle way when he's small and/or baited by someone to do it. He might be confused of it, but he can play-bite like when you tempt a kitten/cat enough and they just gently chomp at you after a while.
He's a lot less likely to do it while humanoid (unless someone kept baiting and poking him in the face anyways), but he can be playful-bitey equally to a piece of food dangled in his face long enough (and as a snake, he can unhinge his jaw to go full hamster-cheek mode trying to bite a too-big-for-his-mouth-right-away treat without thinking it through first), as he can also nip at people he's close to (like Kyo) either to get their attention, or as a form of affection (especially if either of them or their other supports get heated-affectionate. Although that one's less from being a snake. *coughs*)
Middle-of-the-road threat, he can also be bitey out of pointed irritation or as a warning, though this is still for the most part a dry bite.
He can bite in defense, usually of his supports, either to protect them from annoyances (like if he was a small snake and someone started poking Kyo, rather), or if he's caught up in the heat of battle where he might bite otherwise regardless, if caught up in the heat of the moment (either fighting dirty human bites, or full on viper attacks in bigger and dangerous forms). He doesn't like causing harm this way, but when he gets to this point, it's usually from feeling too threatened, feeling too keyed up he thinks his partners are threatened, or as a sort of last-warning attack to attempt to ward off a threat (proverbially firing a gun with a missed-on-purpose shot to warn them they won't miss next time if they don't back off).
Which brings me to the last one lending to why the need for warning-bites: The 'you're hosed' venomous bites.
Like I mentioned, he's full of venom as a cobra-like snake, though his venom has unique properties to it that can make it rather dicey to deal with for whoever's affected. Fortunately, it's not quite a one-for-one dangerous like the effects of an actual king cobra bite, but for what he can do with his venom, it's still highly dangerous in such a way that is especially the bane of the Order of Heroes's existence in particular.
Unfortunately, Eclair's venom doesn't have an anti-venom equivalent, though fortunately, his venom isn't directly deadly on its own... rather, the deadliness and danger comes from its primary effects, especially in combination of other factors at the time (like the wounds of the bite itself, or other wounds prior to the venom).
Like I said, he has properties similar to Heal Smoke, which is to say that when he bites - and the bite injects his venom - he's capable of completely and utterly shutting down not just the body's ability to naturally heal itself, but worse so all magic ability to heal likewise. Healing staves? Breath of Life? Aether or Sol or weapons that self-heal the user? None of it works anymore.
Thankfully, this is only for a finite time, and it's possible to completely ride out the venom's effects until the venom dissipates, and the heal-block effects passes, in which case it allows a healer enough time to reverse the potential damage before it settles and causes long-term forseeable damage.
This, incidentally, is why there was no attempt to try to milk Eclair (...gawd💦) of his venom to try to synthesize an antivenom, cuz not only would that just traumatize him more over the knowledge of this ability, but there wouldn't be a point since the venom eventually neutralizes itself on its own anyways.
Unfortunately, that's still a pretty dangerous time to wait out, since any and all damage sustained during that time has to pretty much force a medic to revert back to more direct, physical means of medicine and patchwork, especially if the patient was already really bad off prior to the magic-heal shutdown.
To Eclair's credit? He's been aware of what kind of power he holds with Thorr's devastating power and nature translating to something so potent as it had in his venom the more he became associated with cobras. He doesn't like to do it on purpose, and that's what made him drawn to the need to perform dry-bite warning shots where you had to really egg him on otherwise for him to even want to prime himself up to venomously bite a target. He's since been even less willing to do so on purpose since one of the first few instances he's venomously bit someone, one of those instances was Kyo, due to Freyja tricking him to attack him in friendly fire, and while Kyo survived (Erin's practical medical skills came in clutch with that), it left a lasting memory on Eclair's caution of resorting to that anymore, too often.
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
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On this episode of "Boobs will continue until Eclair's clothes are figured out, both of them": A concept sketch of Magni, Eclair's fully-realized form.
I'll go over in much more detail when I actually get Eclair (and his alt as Magni) done sprite-wise, but the long and short of it is that Eclair has an innate and not-quite-in-control-but-still-predictable quirk to him in that his body undergoes pretty significant changes depending on his current power level at the time. On an average day, he might be category twink levels, but the more power he gains, the more the himbo graduates to a full on twunk. Likewise, he loses body mass the weaker he gets, and if he suffers either opposite extremes (either way too much power, or dangerously low energy otherwise), he might lose his ability to retain human form entirely, in which case, he turns into his beast form, a winged snake, and to the appropriate proportions depending on which end of the power-tipping he dipped into (no energy? You get a pocket noodle. Too much energy? You get Grima-but-with-an-orange-cat-personality.)
Contrasting how it was Kamui who gave him a proper name of "Eclair", Thorr attempted to likewise give him a proper name of "Magni", so whereas he's known as "Eclair" generally, "Magni" tends to be an unofficial+ distinction between when he's just comfortably being himself, or when he's revealed his hand as a god, usually when Thorr backed him into a corner badly enough to force it out of him.
+ By "unofficial", I mean that while the others don't necessarily call him "Magni" beyond Loki and Thorr (unlike Ephrel and Spectabilis where the latter IS used frequently by the dokkalfarians, Freyja and Freyr among a few others, for comparison sake), I tend to denote Eclair-as-Eclair and Magni-Eclair note-wise to make the distinctions clear about either alts, in the same way we know Yugi and Yami as "Yugi" and "Yami Yugi" when the latter is usually called "Yami" instead, when he isn't just called "Yugi" otherwise).
Since this was meant more as a stone-toss attempt for me to try to iron out and visualize details about Magni's design before putting it onto the sprite, which, for comparison...
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... I was not entirely satisfied with the design I originally sat on, let's just say... this is done more as another quick sketch, cuz it really was just meant to be a quick experiment, and also I felt better sometimes drawing a bit more freely and loosely a bit more often (I do still wanna do things more cleaned up and/or fully realized, just for now, it's fun to cut loosely and messily on and off more, especially after seeing a lot of you guys with your own sketches and doodles.) Maybe I might come back to this to fully realize this pic too, but for now, I'd probably prioritize wrapping up the sprites and then moving next to ref sheets before walking this back among other things (*eyes last year's Sharena Week pile and weeps*)
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Also there's a Youtube Friendly ™️Version too. As a treat.
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eriisaam · 3 months ago
💫 for any of your OCs (if u feel like it!)
Absolutely feel like it~ 👀 Thanks~
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
(And for this I'll use the summoner OCs)
In general, I love how they grew up and changed so much over the years, but specifically:
Erin - That she started life as a self-insert OC, and then proceeded to take on a life of her own.
Once upon a time she was meant to be 'me'. Before I became comfortable with "Erii" and stuck with it, "Erin" was a name I tested the waters with, before I gave it to her, and before I stuck to "Erii" while she stuck to "Erin" to better tell us apart when I refer between stuff about me, versus stuff about her.
Then she took one look at the details I took from myself to give to her, shook her head to a lot of it, and ran off and came back with bits and pieces and all manner of things that were true to her, and that disconnect between me and her continued to grow wider until I severed that concept to let her be fully, unapologetically her, just the way she found herself and wanted to be.
She went through the most changes, went through a lot of redesigns even now, and while neither of us remotely resemble one another anymore, that's ok, cuz it helped her find her proper footing in better realizing herself once that disconnect became final.
Teru - Playing around with him and his Glass Cannon esque idea, not to mention his Johto lore ties
He started as an eldrich horror. He toyed a lot with the idea of being paradoxially just as much the most powerful thing in the whole universe on paper, but at the same time the weakest of the entire army, and sways between both extremes like a pendulum in a rhythm even he can't fully predict or control.
He was always meant to be a what-if: "What if a missingno tried to become human, in spite of itself? And in spite of the clear damage and danger it could cause for everything around it?", and his concept predated Kyo's existence despite Teru's and Kyo's shared history.
It was always an interesting balancing act controlling and working with a character who was too powerful for his own good as a fault, while at the same time differing from Eclair's own approach of a similar concept by Teru carrying all the weight and lack of predictability to his power and health in the same way an actual missingno can either be the most powerful pokemon you can recruit in your party, unstable to the point of useless novelty, or outright break your entire game to keep it, and very little ways of which you can predict what outcome you'd get.
That was Teru likewise: Either the bringer of the end of the world, a powerhouse who can stand up in the face of a challenge the other five failed to crack, or the one most frequently ill and bed-ridden, so far out of commission he lags behind the other five on a typical work day.
But then at the same time as he developed, and as he gained new tools and toys and focus in his lore, he stabilized too. Not quite to the point he could control his powers in full to be unstoppable, but trading weaker moments for more stability, more recollection of being able to go out, being able to regain his hobbies, and being able to stand more often by the side of the other summoners. As if he traded the possibility of ultimate power for recovery the more he felt safer to trust the other five over time... In a way, healing...
Sparrow - How much she grew and tried to find herself as a plot point from 'genderbent male Robin'.
Literally, that's where her original concept was. What if Chrom had a Robin, but that Robin broke the script, died instead of him, and in escaping from a doomed ending, tried to reclaim what he lost via a summoner who looked like the one he lost? How much would he love this new person, trying to chase after a phantom of a Robin he lost? How much did he love this person for them?
She was very heavy-handed of the concept at first too: She looked like male-Robin but genderbent. Her name is literally that of another bird. She's a mage or at least mage-adjacent, especially when she tried to take the powers of the mage-like Sakuyamon and Mcguyver her way into becoming a healer.
So much of her design was chasing after a shadow of someone who used to be, and even in her redesigns, she still started off as that same concept, but now for Ephrel, rather than default Robin.
So the question for her came up as "who are you, if not the replacement goldfish you're trying so hard to fill in for?" And that became the driving question for how much she grew to find herself in order to answer that.
She's a healer, but in a pinch she's still a mage. She couldn't quite leave that, but she didn't have to! In Robin being part of Grima, and Ephrel being taken under Freyja, she went full tilt into kitsune themes and powers, and found her calling through that. Maybe her name was still "Sparrow", but actually, no it isn't! Turns out, it was a name she accidentally got saddled with, loaned from the handle name Ephrel left behind, until she took that as a chance to start a new chapter of her life, and make it hers.
Who was she? The futuristic two-tailed kitsune mage, channeling all my 90s nostalgia in a tiny yet fighty body, holding her own and keeping the others alive and safe by daylight and then faceplanting on her tech by nightfall. And good on her for it, the awkward and nerdy lil thing.
Ephrel - How much they started from a throwaway idea and ended up being the bane of my existence drawing them (affectionate I promise)
Before they became what they were, they started as a throwaway concept. What if there was a horrible summoner whose claim to fame was failing so badly at their job, that they won the Darwin Award in a world that didn't have such a thing?
What then, however, if that was a tale spun by Freyja, to easily forget a summoner she kidnapped? After all, surely nobody would care to look for such an obvious failure, right?
And what if, instead of just any summoner, it was a summoner who, once upon a time, isekai'd into a Robinsona, fell in love and died in the arms of an equal-failure Chrom, and was taken by Freyja to be shaped into something more? Something better? Something far more powerful than that Chrom could ever hope to give that summoner?
And that's how we got here with this perpetually-acts-like-they're-high alfr, and the rivalry between Chrom and Freyja.
They became the glue to a lot of silly what-ifs about either characters, and in the process, built themself from the ground up while doing so.
You know that meme of how Chrom ate an unpeeled orange that one time? Well this Chrom kept doing it well after being corrected. Why? Cuz it turned out this stoner-fairy would have cravings of citrus so intense, they would viciously rip into it like a certain tiny budgie to a hapless berry in their little berry splash-dome, and Chrom picked that habit up from that, not realizing Ephrel suffered a few health issues leading to that "quirk".
When Grima tried to hijack Ephrel, and Ephrel turned the tables to make that canonical plan backfire? This still carried with them well into becoming Spectabilis, and not-coincidentally, that's what led to their vivid eyes all over their wings and a strong and prominent color scheme they have.
And that willingness to defy fate? Even as Spectabilis, they never changed. They're the fairy of dreams a person desires most, but felt they could never accomplish. But even with that much, they're still weaseling out of Freyja's plans for them to toy with and snuff out the hopes of others, cuz after all, read the fine print: They govern dreams that FEEL impossible. It doesn't mean they're objectively out of the question.
So much of them shaped themself, all for being an aloof bundle of give-no-shit, who isn't phased at dying multiple times, equally unphased of being turned into some supernatural creature, and still just as unphased that attempts to cure them of this fate left them with the most mary sue hair ever, simply because "I just think it's neat".
You may be a horrid nightmare to draw, but damn if you aren't a level of give-no-fuck I hope I could even achieve even a quarter of sometimes.
Kyo - He's an unapologetic stinky bastard son, but also he helped me explore a lot of things
If there's a common way I keep describing him as, it's "stinky bastard man". I love him. He's also the worst. He's a little shit-goblin but also someone I'd defend when people treat him uncharitably and in bad faith (and he's definitely had a history of that, and the worst out of the five, but that's not the point of this post.) He's like a stinky-bastard-cat, given human form, and he tested me out of my comfort zone most as the most experimentative of the five.
He's loud, he gets just as cuddly as he gets spicy, and he's equal amounts a force to be reckoned with to protect those he cares about as he is the same guy who acts like a shitty-little-shit kid brother who messes with some of the other five and gets on their nerves. He's had just as many gentle and tender moments lending an ear and supportive shoulder as he had moments being in the same room as Erin or Teru (or both) and reinacting the same vibe as every gif of a bunch of cats slap-fighting one another simply because.
He's a crossdresser! He took one look at the most fanservice-dense waifu designs, took that shit with him and rocked it as his own! He likes being the center of attention, even if he (by some miracle) didn't let it get too much to the point of being self-absorbed or narcissistic, but then he channels his bastardness a different way by being the one to be loud and fickle and taking lessons from Howl being dramatic and flashy instead. He's also gets in over his head sex-wise, meanwhile my ace ass has to catch up to him being the sex equivalent of his gamer-aspirations being met with "Son, what game am I playing, the TV or the computer?"
He's like a bitey cat in every way and I love-hate him for it.
Eclair - He has one life mission and his mission is to forever be a himbo. Despite everything, he's still him.
He started off as a forma of default Kiran.
Despite lots of plot derailing him every which way so in his creation he's also son of Thorr, kept getting pushed to godly status either due to the books or due to Thorr's own character and demands, and despite liking to explore his character in that angle as basically medieval-fantasy Superman but even more dumb, Eclair - as Magni or othewise - had one life mission he wanted more than anything, and he was gonna stick to it no matter what.
He is a simple lad, suddenly adopted in by a family, spouses who love him, and friends to protect, and he wanted a simple life full of all the adventures and wonder and new things that came with it, and that's all he ever asks for.
It doesn't matter how much his connection to Thorr constantly forces him to assume godhood to keep up with her. It doesnt matter how much other gods try to force seances, gifts, or straight up relationships with him, hinging on the reminder he's a god, due to Thorr. It doesn't matter how many people try to call him a god, how many alts had to take up the title of a god, or how many times he had to take pause in his goofier antics to adopt a serious, stronger mindset and take up his full power to protect the lives and world he held dear.
By the end of the day, he is a simple guy, wanting a simple life, and wanting to just be "the guy who continues being able to play, and eat, and laugh, and live, today, tomorrow, and every day".
Not a god. But a man. A simple man. A simple, stupid, well-meaning little guy.
But most of all what I ended up liking about them is - despite my feelings of them going all over the place throughout the years with them - that I'm glad they exist, and they helped walk to try to teach other undercooked OCs I've been working on how to run.
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
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And finally closing out the last FEH sprites of the six summoners, meet Eclair: The Forma Summoner. Also meet his alter ego, Magni: The Protector God.
World of Origin: None (Technically he's FROM Zenith, and is associated specifically with Asgardr)
Supports: Kamui (male Corrin), Lifonse (Alfonse/Lif hybrid), Kyo, Kaze, Cronos
Before the modern day summoners, there were many summoners who came and went throughout Zenith's history, and either hailing from numerous parts of the outer worlds, or outright bridging long-term connections, some of which shaped this unique instance of Zenith, and would later go on to be capitalized on by the present-day summoners and lords of the various realms otherwise.
In summoner tradition, the title of summoner was initially pioneered by Kiran, The First Summoner, from whom they became equally the most and least known and recognized throughout summoner history at the same time.
On one hand, it's from Kiran that the title of 'summoner' was established in Zenith, from them that it became fairly traditional to either call a new summoner by title or by 'Kiran' otherwise (unless or until another name was given), and it's their robes and general appearance that became so iconic and closely associated with summoners, that throughout history, many ancient summoners had statues, paintings, or other iconographies thereof that closely resembled the hooded summoner, Kiran, usually deviating only when a summoner had very prominent features or history associated with them otherwise (when not obscuring them otherwise under said robes).
On the otherhand, paradoxically in spite of this, Kiran is also among the least documented out of the summoners at the same time. Not much history was actually, properly recorded of their appearance under the iconic hood. Not much was known of what their world of origin even was. Their uniform and title, as it were, had a stronger commanding presence throughout history than they as a person had. It was hard to even say if Kiran was a particularly private person, if records were truly so sparse or there was saboteur and disaster, or if perhaps Kiran deliberately left a distinct separation between them as a person, and them as a summoner, that they successfully detached their personal identity from the side of them Zenith would go on to record and pass on.
And at first, it was what it was. Kiran's legacy lived on through all the summoners who came thereafter, up to and including the present day ones in Erin, then Kyo, then Ephrel, then Teru and Sparrow, and finally Xiliang and Suming after, to say nothing of the interconnected alternative Zeniths and the infinite amount of summoners to connect with there. Kiran's story was over, as were the other ancient summoners. The rest of them were just beginning.
But then their legacy would live on more directly once more, out of sheer, self-indulgent impulse.
Thorr, the god of war, equally treasured her formas just as much as she weaponized them as the primary force to her army. She can just as easily create a teeming swarm of units to storm into battle with, just as she could make a more modest collection to toy with like dolls, watching them in an earlier, more vulnerable state in building up to the strength worthy of true warriors and champions.
When the modern summoners were equally impressing her with their might, just as much as they frustrated her of their unusual and dodgey properties, the idea eventually crossed her mind that, for all of the times she toyed with forma dolls based on the summoned heroes, she had yet to test the might of a forma based on a summoner instead.
Such a plan already came with immediate dilemmas. Obviously, she didn't want to simply create formas based around the current summoners, knowing the formas - once assuming their identities - would pick up on their existing hatred of her and instantly turn on her. On top of that, there were two distinct forma types. The kind she was typically able to create on a whim and in vast numbers were all indistinct, usually faceless foot soldiers of little note or worth. They exist solely to add to her numbers, live to fight, and die for their cause. The other kind, the kind who would develop enough to develop a sense of identity, mimic a proper life, and function like an actual person, were usually Alfador's direct creations, and she knew Alfador would understandably refuse to attempt to reconstruct any of the modern summoners, particularly in the face of their rather dodgey and dangerous properties as it were all throughout history that challenged his patience to allow them to continue to exist as it were.
In a very rare moment of curiosity, self-indulgence, and vulnerability, all egged on and pinpricked by Loki, Thorr crafted a forma based on a summoner - not of the modern ones, but aiming further back - basing this one on the legendary First Summoner, Kiran.
She claims she did this solely as a means to an end: If they created their own summoner in this manner, they would start off relatively weak and frail, and thus too vulnerable to attack back. They could study them, dissect them to understand the properties of a summoner and better understand Breidablik and the other summoners to give them an edge in confronting them. If the experiment goes exceptionally well, it might even prove to be a unique weapon they have in their arsenal to fight the summoners with one of their own design.
But Loki knew there was more to it than Thorr was being honest otherwise. Thorr crafted that forma with the surprising care and thoughtfulness of a tailor carefully sewing together a little doll, detail for detail and stitch for stitch. A surprising amount of vulnerability from the otherwise hardass god of war.
And it was perhaps this thoughtfulness that led to Loki easily picking up on a little secret that Thorr wouldn't realize in the moment, but became far more apparent later in this forma's life.
The records of Kiran still remained sparse: No amount of Thorr's dedication could brute force that. The forma did take shape with Kiran's iconic robes, their visible lower face, the way they carried themself... except as there were no records otherwise of all the rest of what Kiran looked like, this left the forma with an incomplete, haunting look underneath the robes otherwise, and it was left in an unstable state that quietly and subtly tried to feed off whatever was near in an attempt to complete itself. The primary victim of this gradual feeding was Loki and especially Thorr, but the effects of the forma trying to complete itself was all obscured underneath Kiran's thick and overbearing hooded robes.
More, just as Thorr anticipated, being made a forma like Alfador's, this forma began incredibly weak and frail, but to her dismay, was in fact so weak and frail, that it had even less capabilities to defend itself or put up as much of a fight as even the freshest example of a typical hero-based forma otherwise. Even the Breidablik - a similarly-cloned weapon woven into existence as they were - proved to completely lack any fighting or summoning capabilities as any of the other Breidabliks they previously fought against, and thus, the forma even failed its duties to provide Thorr intel on the class either, no matter how much Thorr equally encouraged the forma just as much as she threatened and dominated over them, and no matter the earnest attempts of this summoner to try to fulfill its purpose, only to keep failing over and over again.
In every way possible, they were a complete, utter failure.
Like the formas crafted by Alfador's hand, this forma was bound by the same restrictions. Their existence started, and ended, within the Hall of Forms. So long as the halls stayed open, the hub dimension it leads to will continue to exist. When the time comes where the doors of the halls close, the dimensions they lead to will cease to exist, as would the formas who remained there, returning to nothing until a new dimension takes its place when it reopens once more in a new time and cycle.
Formas who live and thrive in the dimensions can only exist within the boundaries of these dimensions, and within these halls. They are physically incapable of leaving past their boundaries, and attempts to brute-force it will just lead to them fading whatever parts of their body they try to pass through beyond their boundaries until pulled back in again, exposing the truth to their mortality and existence all the while.
The only exception were the use of forma souls, stones imbued with intense magic capable of granting a soul, and with it, a proper existence to the forma, allowing them to be corporeal enough to not only leave the halls, but resume a life resembling that of the mortals.
In the face of the summoner forma's complete and total failure in their point and purpose, and Thorr's internal debate between the forma's existence being living proof she went against Alfador's divine script, her guilt and shame of the summoner possibly reflecting her own failures at creating extensive formas, or her disappointments otherwise, she opted not to give this summoner a forma soul, and abandoned it to the current hall's cycle.
When Thorr and Loki left the summoner to their fate, the unusual way the Hall of Forms opened its doors out of schedule had immediately attracted the attention of the other summoners. When the summoners themselves proved too busy and caught off guard of the unexpected turn of events, Kamui volunteered to investigate the halls to scout ahead for them, and so found this summoner.
It was through this chance encounter that Kamui picked up all the pieces Thorr left behind. He immediately learned of the summoner's vulnerabilities and frailties. He learned right away of how the summoner not only couldn't properly defend themself or fight back, but Kamui outright leapt into battle in their stead in the process of figuring this out.
What hurt the most to discover was the sheer earnestness of the summoner trying so hard to do what he thought he needed to 'please' Kamui. To risk himself, despite how much he'd break himself violently and painfully in the process. To still insist he'll try harder, do better to fight more, the urgency and desperation to promise he can summon this time if he'd just try harder, and the ache in his heart he could hear through his meek and broken words when the evidence remained clear of the exact opposite result.
It broke his heart just as much as it glued this summoner to it otherwise. It reminded him so much of his time trapped in the tower, scared, vulnerable, and never able to fully live to expectations, yet earnestly to the point of fearfully forcing himself to prove otherwise, even amidst lackluster results.
But in the process of growing increasingly overprotective and concerned of coddling this summoner, he was even more upset to be reminded of the rules of formas who live in the halls. No attempt on Kamui's part could get the summoner to leave the hall, and in seeing clear evidence that the summoner will outright fade out of existence trying otherwise, Kamui grew scared enough for the summoner's life, that he only left long enough to alert Lifonse, and then refused to leave the halls otherwise in favor of guarding the summoner, even if it meant outright sleeping on the open fields of the hall's dimension.
With Lifonse realizing the gravity of the situation, he took charge of alerting the other summoners of what happened. In turn, the hunt for a forma soul began, some instances being fruitful yet locked behind massively steep prices, and most turning up empty-handed outright.
In all of this, Kyo had been working abroad back in Lumiose in the World of Pokemon. As luck would have it, he happened to stumble on an Anna who staked her business in the World of Pokemon, and where Erin, Sparrow and Teru at the time each ran into their own roadblocks between losing out on auctions, not having the immediate funds to afford the stones on the spot, and a mad dash to money grind otherwise, Kyo of the then-four-present summoners just happened to be the most immediately loaded, and had easily bought a forma soul stone Anna was especially keen on poaching his wallet over to secure the sale.
Completely oblivious to what went on, by the time he returned to Zenith, he was only barely caught up to why Erin, Sparrow and Teru were all stressed and scattered all over the place, why Lifonse seemed so grim and tense in the realization that they were running out of time in keeping the halls open, and Kamui was especially falling apart at his proverbial seams at the thought of letting this forma slip out of existence while unable to do anything.
By the time the other three summoners finally secured a forma soul each to bring back, they were all just barely too late, and were each devastated when the halls closed on them.
It took them longer to realize, however, that Kyo, once practically dragged into the halls and made to realize what his own forma soul did, had fortunately allowed Kyo to imbue this summoner with the soul when it reacted to them, and they were able to pull them out of the halls just as the realm around them crumbled into the void.
In the process of adjusting to suddenly having a whole person around them, this forma adapted well, but clumsily, to suddenly being given a new life beyond the halls. While Kyo initially had his reluctance of yet another person suddenly show up just to glue onto him on-sight, he was especially freaked out at seeing under the summoner's hood, only to see the complete lack of pupils underneath, and a soulless, empty, glass-eyed stare from the eyes the summoner originally obscured, leading to the forma's immediate insecurities that ended up shaping much of their initial mannerisms to hide their looks as much as possible early on. The more he latched onto Lifonse, Kyo, and especially Kamui, the more he ended up learning and adapting from them to shape himself, and eventually was given the name "Eclair" outright by Kamui, albeit accidentally. Initially, Kamui attempted to name him after another ancient summoner, but in his confusion of misremembering Eclat - the Dimensional Traveler - with eclair - the Nohrian dessert - Eclair imprinted on his name too late for Kamui to fix it once the mistake was pointed out to him by Lifonse.
The more Eclair was surrounded by love, support, and people who properly cared for him, the more it also reflected on his powers. When he stabilized upon being given a soul, it finally revealed itself in his appearance that for what the forma couldn't originally copy off of Kiran, he had otherwise filled in the blanks mostly with Thorr and partially with Loki, including inheriting their powers and godhood.
While his Breidablik did eventually adapt summoning powers after all after all his failed attempts to brute-force it earlier, he still lacked the ability to properly summon heroes from just anywhere, but he can summon more properly when borrowing another summoner's Breidablik, to which he assumes not only that summoner's inherent summoning rules, but has a stronger bias to heroes of the outer worlds, leading to his accidental summoning of Cronos after his first attempt while borrowing Kyo's Breidablik.
More, the other immediately noticed power he held was his power of shapeshifting, and while he lacked the mental flexibility Kyo or Loki had of just transforming into just anybody, he instead held bias in turning into various creatures and animals, having a distinct bias in favor of associating with snakes, especially after being inspired when overhearing from Erin, Ephrel and Cronos about legends from their worlds, in particular of a snake god resembling a cobra (or in Cronos's case, a legendary snake zoanthrope, rather,) who guarded and protected a legendary figure, to which impacted his deep associations with king cobras from then on (a fact Njordr would take particularly strong interest in many books later).
This shapeshifting also partially became innate and passive, also reflecting in his constantly changing height and build. The more energy he built and pented up, the more noticeably taller, bulkier, and hunkier he turned, where his more realized form had more deity-like qualities later comparable to the bull god Askr, whereas in his weaker or more grounded and neutral states, he was much shorter and far less impressive in build and stature otherwise, a form he prefers more. In the event he falls into either sharp extremes between being too weak and sick to maintain himself, or far too overloaded in power that he becomes overwhelmed, he might lose his human form entirely, instead, resembling a divine winged snake creature who can be small enough to coddle like a plushie, or a massive, towering beast comparable to Grima.
In all this, Thorr did eventually notice that Eclair lived after all, especially when Loki noticed and teased her of the revelation. At first, she initially challenged Eclair in an earlier state while demonstrating she was plenty capable of killing him at an instant, but upon seeing how much he already changed in the short time he was freed from the constraints of the halls, she spared him and turned him loose instead, not only to give him a proper chance at a fair fight, but curiosity of how far his true strength and potential could really go, now that he found found himself.
Over time, this led to both Eclair and Thorr repeatedly challenging and coming to blows at one another, in some parts as both of their ideals and goals clashed between Thorr's instructions to wipe out worlds, and Eclair's wish to protect them, and other parts to keep him inspired to keep growing and strengthening into a worthy opponent. In their peak, Eclair proved powerful enough to unlock his true potential: To be able to perfectly match Thorr's might and power. So in Thorr's power to be able to wipe away entire countries with a single swing of Mjolnir, Eclair had the power to completely nullify this effect in kind, not only preventing her from an easy and swift attack the mortals had no chance to counter, but to give the mortals a proper fighting chance in kind.
Yet despite Eclair performing just as Thorr wished, enough to hold the potential to surpass her, and her respect enough to recognize him as her 'son' and name him 'Magni' (a name that instantly gives him dread), no amount of Thorr's threats or challenge could force Eclair to muster the right attitude and will to strike her down and kill her off for good.
He wasn't so oblivious of her past treatment of him as to forget it all in the face of a surprisingly thoughtful Thorr who recognized him as a proper being. Yet at the same time, a part of him still wished for a what-if scenario where he could've had a better, kinder bond with Thorr and Loki, one that didn't potentially endanger all he cared about. He wanted to find a way to stop Loki and Thorr from threatening everything he knew or held dear, yet lacked the conviction to do so in the form of taking either's lives.
It was that same hope of trying to find ways to solve Zenith's issues without having to kill needlessly doing so, that helped strengthened his resolve alongside the other summoners. Even if it meant having to carry a divine mantle he dreaded most to carry and take up.
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eriisaam · 9 months ago
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Day 6 - Meet the Heroes
(Sharena's goal is to befriend all of the Heroes - help her do it!)
Part of @sharenaweek
What better way to introduce Sharena to as many heroes as possible than the built-in feature of summoner greetings? Every summoner trust their best and beloveds to take on the careful duty of passing along a gift to another summoner, and the chosen hero of their summoner sends out their own beloved hero likewise!
With Sharena being neither a slouch, nor an exception, she jumps at the task of being the designated delivery hero, and even went above and beyond adding a bit more flair in her efforts to package it ahead of time (it's a box full of heroic feathers but look, it's the thought that counts, she tried to giftwrap it really well!)
A surprise cameo? With Summoner OCs? It's more likely than you think. Meet Xiliang (left, closer up) and Eclair (right, further away) acting as two examples of many summoners Sharena visits and shares gifts with.
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Onward to the... next... Wait a minute.
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The skrunklies breached containment?!
Oh, fun fact by the way. During the course of Sharena Week prep month, Minecraft celebrated it's 15th anniversary, and yesterday just recently released their major update in 1.21 Tricky Trials. What better way to celebrate than for her to breach containment into a land of blocks too? Surprise!
With special thanks to @mdzs-tgcf-svsss-fanblog whom not only let me borrow Xiliang for this, but also played Sharena for the purpose of my nonsense.
Now back to our regularly scheduled event.
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eriisaam · 11 months ago
I finally made FEH sprites of my summoners!
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But all of them are hats.
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It's Erin! You hold the power of the elements, including feeling static on every other thing you touch.
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It's Sparrow! Fast healing, and now even more portable! Side effects include being haunted by foxes.
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It's Ephrel! For some reason you're suddenly filled with determination to see your tasks through.
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It's Kyo! If you bribe him with snack treats, you may touch the toe beans… Once.
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It's Eclair! Phenomenal summoning luck! Itty bitty noodle friend. He's rooting for you!
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It's Teru! For some reason, your foes seem far less eager to approach you now…
The context for the how's and why's are individually long, but a lot of it dealt in AU-specific happenings, and the shortest explanation is that some how, some way, every single one of these summoners got hit by the furry beam.
Every one of them has a much more elaborate form, and some found these forms sooner than others. These specific forms are what I call Team No Spoons, as while all of them can willingly take on these forms at any time, usually they're the result of them burning themselves out of energy that they lose their human forms, or when sick or out of it and using them to retreat in tucked off places their supports can't get to them. Other times, they're not above taking on these forms and letting their supports hug them like sentient plushies otherwise, especially certain summoners who expresses themselves more on physical touch and cuddling (ex: Kyo to Kamui or Eclair).
I might add more to their fully realized forms or other in-between alts, but for now? Hat buddies.
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eriisaam · 2 years ago
So for a while now I was working on my summoner OCs again and playing with a theme that's near and dear to my heart: Pop Idol alts. The theme held a lot of impact to two of the summoners in particular in pioneering a lot of their design decisions, and I thought it'll go well with the yearly theme of some flavor of dancer/performer/entertainer alt banner.
And then Real Life Issues crashed in with all the subtlety of a truck ramming through the wall, so instead of do the aforementioned alts for the aforementioned two I meant, I did this instead.
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One of these days I'll get back to the earlier two and flesh out these two alts with them, but until then is a lot of catching up to do, so here's these nerds instead.
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eriisaam · 7 days ago
Although in the spirit of answering the original prompt as an as-is challenge, I could go with the summoner OCs, and with random trivia to go with each, and also demonstrate how bad I am with word-minimums in the ensuing "there were attempts to keep to 100". 😭
Kyo I recently talked about his critical weakness of how his shininess translates when transforming into people or creatures who aren't pokemon, but he actually adopted other quirks related to being part-pokemon as well… for better or worse!
For instance, both he and Teru are capable of understanding other creatures, both pokemon and otherwise, allowing both of them the ability to understand various things from heroes in their beast forms, to various creatures, pets, and of course, the pokemon themselves.
This ability sometimes had its upsides of Kyo, for instance, being able to understand Kamui or Cronos without assistance in their beast forms (although to be fair both Corrin's transformed state and cutscenes throughout Bloody Roar did demonstrate capabilities to talk even while transformed and being understood during it, but in the event they can't even remain coherent even then, Kyo and Teru can pick up past this anyways usually).
It also gave the two better understandings about customers and clients who have pokemon whom the pokemon themselves have very strong feelings or wants that their trainers can't properly understand or fully convey.
Other times, the ability is much less fun than it sounds (like the amount of times Kyo was asked to translate what a pokemon was saying, expecting it to be something heartfelt like ”this trainer is the bestest person ever and I loves them!�� when in reality they're chirping at a tiny bug they can't reach with a very “I want” ramble, or something like 'please deposit all of your food directly in my mouthhole right now!')
Kyo also unfortunately suffers from having his body metabolize things under pokemon logic, which has its ups and downs too. For instance? He's incapable of being inebriated no matter the amount of alcohol he drinks. Not even in a 'oh he's a heavy weight and can drink an amount that would kill a dwarf dead' I mean 'he can't feel shit-all even when deliberately trying to get shitfaced', because alcohol translates to an incredibly weak poison type move as far as his body cares, and proverbially being dealt -1hp chip damage from lethal levels of 'I'm just trying to get buzzed gdi' booze is not the same as actually getting sloshed. This prevents him from being able to get drunk on purpose, but he also uses this as a way to take over for clients who insist they can't let it go about not getting hosts to drink with them, and he just subs in for another non-drinker/not-comfortable-with-drinking host to drink the asshole under the table and then send them packing for the trouble.
(436 words, sob See what I mean?)
Eclair is pretty much the sponge of everything that canon-Kiran canonically has attatched to them, give or take his own adaptations whenever World of a Golden Fate canon derailed too much even to follow certain aspects (and there's quite a bit that gets derailed over things that were established books ago, which I tend to have A Time riding along, but hecc, it's what I signed up for).
Among the things he inherited from Kiran include things like how he plays the tambourine, he is incredibly tactile-based in being super touchy-feely in showing his affections both romantically and platonically (which isn't helped that Kamui and Corrin - BOTH of whom are ALSO super physical in their respective affections, tend to be pretty big enablers in what teaches Eclair to reach Kiran's level of 'poke and pet everything unless they get upset' habits, and initially at least, he also inherited Kiran's incredible levels of allergies to having their hood removed, albeit for different reasons. In Eclair's case, it was his earlier insecurities about being seeing under the hood with his unusual Uncanny Valley eyes (lack of pupils, glass-eyed, always looks “soulless”…), especially when Kyo's first impression of being shoved face-first with such eyes was to freak out at the combination of the unsettling way they looked (at first) in combination with having a face literally shoved up his face suddenly without warning (not helped Kyo has some levels of jumpiness in general of that due to his past traumas).
That being said, the more he was eventually outted, the more he grew comfortable eventually with how he looked, and enough to disrobe or lower his hoodie eventually, especially around the time he adapted is Magni alt, and not-so-coincidentally also a time Kyo permanently changed his hair color from mostly-black-with-cyan-bangs to the multiple shades of blue he has presently. (yes, the blue wasn't his natural hair color.)
Incidentally? Eclair's pronouns only became he/him mostly through osmosis. Literally all of his supports - Kyo, Kamui, Lifonse, Cronos and Kaze - all just so happened to be he/him, and in an earlier point when he still was grasping at being a whole new person in a whole new world, he basically took the he/him from his supports, 'OUR pronouns' ensued, and it stuck. He has quite a bit in common with digimon (they don't actually have set genders or pronouns, but many will adopt pronouns for varying reasons, one large part being 'well [tamer] seemed to prefer [X/Y]' so guess I'm [X/Y] now' adaptation reasons), and he's a lot more fluid and malleable than his he/hims suggest he is.
(438… *sob*)
Erin has a bit of behind-the-scenes lore to her: She was actually associated with a much different fandom world (or obscure hintings thereof) planned in comparison to the one she currently has with her present ties to Sucker for Love. Previously, during her transition from 'a bit more closer to self-insert than she ended up actually being after a while' to pure fandom-OC, her initial fandom world she was going to hail from was Danganronpa, or at least make far, FAR more obscure hints and suggestions she came from the world of Danganronpa compared to how much more upfront she is presently that she hailed from the world of Sucker for Love.
While she didn't have a designated talent, per se, she was at the very least meant to come from the same universe, with hints alluding to her origins including her deathly fear (and ensuing viceral reaction) at the sight of Monokuma or vaguely-themed bears like him, her dreamscape Freyja can tap into playing out nigh identically to the class trials (and a penalty game to go with, not for her, but for Freyja, when she ended up making the mistake of being a bit too immersed into this dreamscape and its rules, understimating Monokuma's infamous godmodding tendencies, and - in a move that's eerily similar to the way Ginnungagap similarly manipulated her as Eitr - nearly got killed in said penalty game until Ephrel/Spectabilis and Erin intervened), and she (much like her Sucker for Love incarnation) had a heavy motif of self-harm and mutilation that led to a lot of bloodsplatter themes, which were softened by Danganronpa traditions of disguising the blood as pink 'paint' (although this is played with a lot less often and frequent than it sounds, especially since her supports are trying largely to STOP this behavior and tendency).
I did toy around with the idea of mulling over whether or not to apply this to Kiran or some other summoner (as the Ultimate Summoner), but Erin's departure was due to me having shaky feelings about Dangan between V2 and V3, and outright killed around Despair Girls, so whether or not I revisit this for more than 'I know Komaeda deeper than just as San's waifu' is up in the air.
The other less grim trivia is the original inspo for why she had such surprisingly well-kept hair in her original design (where her hair was cut in an even length, leading to that ”Twilight Sparkle hair“ from earlier iterations) is Camilla would frequently take her off to the side to care and fuss over her, some parts out of genuine care for her and other parts as a way to curb and redirect her attentions in working on her massive over-fussing of Corrin (and Kamui by extension). I didn't have the spoons to draw it, but Erin's damaged art in her alts would flip-flop between her initial ”well-kept“ state to a state similar to her present incarnation, which much like Mimikyu resetting their damaged and decoy state in between heals and turns, had a similar theme to it. Her present state being just as rough as Ryoma's hairstyle is me realizing Erin gets into more situations than Camilla has time or means to keep up with, but in more formal or cooldown-based alts, Erin was planned to have that aspect of her return (implying Camilla had more time and Erin could sit still long enough for the two to bond with this again).
For Teru, I didn't quite draw it out often (it was ONCE, and it was in a super old sketch), but Teru, when he was younger and earlier into his summoner tenure, actually had a stronger resemblance to Alfonse than his present-day alt does currently. Also, prior to him becoming chronically ill and kept together through proverbial duct tape, prayers and pastries, he was a lot less lanky, skinny, or deathly pale compared to how thin and frail and scrawny he is presently. While he wasn't super built-beefy like, say, Kyo, he actually was a little bit sturdier-looking and much more athletic prior, which makes the 'built like a twig and pale as a ghost' look of his present self supposed to be that much more tragic once all the pieces fell into place and the realization hit.
I was gonna go over it in more detail when his Book III-related lore dropped, but the reason for his drastic departure from 'looking basically like Alfonse' to 'Rapunzel hair' is a huge part because of a trauma response caused by Garon kidnapping him in mistaking him for Alfonse, and that trauma stuck with him since, so even when he's been in better shape mentally, he still refuses to cut his hair shorter beyond simply to make it more manageable and little else.
He's also the only one of the six who has a positive relationship with his family and upbringing, albeit this comes in direct conflict with how he was originally too afraid to return and show his face to them at first, due to the drastic physical changes, his curse/declining health, and worrying of scaring or hurting them since his transformation into being a hybridized missingno. It took a great deal of coaxing from both his friends and supports alike to eventually come around to the idea of reuniting with them, and even then a few of his supports met his family much sooner than before they realized they were his family.
Sparrow so far still hasn't really sorted out whether or not she'd get a third partner or not (tamers, especially the ones based on game lore, tend to have a party of three active digimon partners, and even Ephrel technically had four themself, even if one of them passed on). Renamon/Lerena was pretty much planned early on from the start ever since Sparrow became thematically based on Digimon with Mirage Session leanings, and Guilmon/Althene came after around the time of Book V when I thought I could play with the way Guilmon's and Gallantmon's thematics mirror a lot of Jotun-related themes (especially when World of Fate's Jotunheimr and Nidavellir were changed to embody the age old Digimon vs Pokemon wars of olde). Althene became Sparrow's second proper partner (excluding Angie and Devi - who were originally and currently Ephrel's surviving partners, subbing for her other two slots prior to Ephrel's return) entirely in part due to finding it funny for Reginn to initially mistake Sparrow as a jotun based solely on the way the part of Jotunheimr's Digital World sectors decided to thematically base her on Guilmon, and then inadvertedly recruit a summoner with the task of hunting down and capturing a summoner (meanwhile being distracted thinking Eclair - the only summoner who traditionally looked like one - was the only one there was).
While I did toy with the idea of other digimon from Sparrowmon to Hawkmon (as Aquilamon, they can DNA-digivolve with Gatomon into Silphymon), but between Sparrowmon being too on-the-nose and-or basically having a completely made up evolution line to have any synergy at all with Renamon or Guilmon otherwise (since it doesn't have much of any to begin with), combined with Ephrel's thematics being far and well more heavy about Angewomon and LadyDevimon's light-and-dark duality themes both together and as Mastemon outright shaping even Spectabilis's appearance, that's what made me hesitate more on committing to either/or and leaving her still with just the two partners for now.
Despite this, she often will frequently and constantly utilize other digimon in rotation that she took care of and handreared in general, just still never committed to them outright, and often those same digimon end up dedicated to sectors of Zenith, or given outright to other heroes (including Gatekeeper, who inherited an agumon and gabumon pair, both of which can eventually combine into Omnimon). If anything, Grani, a psuedo-digimon who is meant to go in tandem with Gallantmon, tends to be a psuedo-third partner, excluding Sparrow's utilization of an OC digimon species in Renabimon (mini renamon-like digimon born and utilized with kudagitsune themes translated in Sparrow's use of the elemental blessings), though Grani served as her aerial answer to Reginn's gullinbursti, and her model's bird-like shape is what caused Reginn to mistake it outright for the eagle-like Jotunaquimons both Dagr and Notte have (their eagles, which in World of Golden Fate's canon, are champion-level OC digimon).
Ephrel, finally… is a lot less in-your-face intense compared to the others in terms of loose-change trivia about them. At least, in comparison.
Remember Chrom's meme about eating oranges unpeeled? Just going in and biting it and eating it like an apple cuz he didn't know you had to peel it first? Not only was this an ongoing meme (that even Matt Mercer was in on), but Ephrel's/Sparrow's Chrom in particular KEPT this meme alive deliberately for a good while even after being told off (assuming they don't just leave him to it anyways like Sparrow tends to do cuz that's 'just how he is (probably)' otherwise). The reason for this? Ephrel also did the same thing, deliberately, and was a large part of a bad influence on what not only gave their Chrom the wrong idea, but why he was so stubborn to keep doing it. Unfortunately for the both of them, whereas Chrom does it in some parts stubbornness and other parts in memoriem (at first), when Ephrel was rescued, started also doing it deliberately, and other heroes had an “oh��“ realization moment, this unfortunately eventually outed Ephrel of having a semi-mild case of pica as why they kept doing it… Which Chrom mimicked rather than knew to treat. Oops.
Also? While lack-of-spoons-to-art-consistently struck again, Ephrel's current and present hair color is not their natural hair color. In fact, they cycle through way more hair colors and styles than all the rest of the six (who usually have one or two). Originally, they were completely all black, their isekai tenure as a Robinsona turned their hair shorter and all-white (based on an actual Robin design as a huge inspo for their design overall that took a life of its own since), then their heavily-colored mary sue hair of the present became a massive side-effect of being not-quite-cured-all-the-way where their hair turned into regular textured hair again as a temporarily-restored human through their fae stone, but didn't restore their original hair pigment back fully to black as it's supposed to, leaving the same discolorations that came from their mutation as Spectabilis.
All of this would've been demonstrated in their ref sheet, but there is another alt (and one that has a bit more preference in their non-summoner lifetimes than their summoner one), where their hair color would yet again change between gold bangs, partially-black, and partially-white hair in a mixed pattern, when utilizing their Ascended Alt that came in the form of fusing with their fourth (new-third) digimon partner to become themed heavily after Diarbbitmon, who like Mastemon, retains their power-in-duality themeing.
In another time when I have more art spoons, I wanted so much to compare Chrom's 'what the hell happened to your hair?' reaction upon how drastically Ephrel changed twice over throughout their relationship, then Freyja's similar 'What the hell happened to your hair?' when Diarbbitmon!Ephrel changed out of the Spectabilis-recoloring she knew them for.
In non-summoner lifetimes and appearances, them having a mix of both black and white hair was a look I toyed around with them maintaining (rather than their vivid colorations in their summoner alt), not only to simplify their style and make it easier to draw, but having less confidence on their earlier/present incarnation given how many people I jumpscared (derogatively) and got widely not-so-fun reactions out of, every time they saw Ephrel first before seeing the context (or even in spite of seeing said context) to lead up to why they're like that.
(and that's 589, gawd).
can u write 100 words about an OC?
(if it sounds fun & not like torture surprise!)
The easy part is the 100+ words, but the hard part is if you mean "100 maximum". I can and will absolutely talk 100 words worth, but whether or not it stays "100 at most" is the torture part. 😆I yap. A lot.
I can also absolutely talk 100+ words about one OC or multiples, but if there's any particular OC and/or subject specifically you wanna hear, I'm game. (And if it's "any/all of them" ("all of them" at the moment being summoner OCs, OCs adjacent to the summoner OCs (but aren't summoners themselves) or project OCs like Enoli at the moment,) whoo boy, that'll be a lot of words. Very 'ask and ye shall receive'.)
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eriisaam · 3 months ago
At risk of overthinking these little dudes again, and overshooting/undershooting how much is too much or too little to focus on at once...
What should these FEH sprites focus on? Continuing back from the previous poll, they were meant to be concept designs for the summoner OCs, though now I'm second-guessing how much is good / too little / too much again to the point I'm tempted to call for a second opinion again. orz
Right now, they're all done in terms of nailing a rough concept of how they look, so I'm just cleaning up and finalizing them. The one with the most progress done ended up easily getting away with not adding anything else for now, but the others potentially leave that door open.
So, how much should I aim for during this go-around between...
Just having the summoners as-is for now (since the point of this was for concept sake of their final/current up-to-date designs)
Giving them at least their usual weapons (when applicable)
Giving them their weapons and their mounts (when applicable)
Giving them the full lineup of their potential forms if they have forms they commonly lean on (for instance beast forms or prominent alt forms). (ex: Eclair versus Magni, Kyo's burst mode form, Ephrel's human variant versus their alfr variant Spectabilis, etc)
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eriisaam · 2 months ago
It's that time again, time for "I spam multiple polls on you and then run off to do errands". Yay~
So. Summoner OCs. As you know, we're nearly done wrapping up all of the six in sprite form at least, with the only odd one out currently being Eclair (and his alt as Magni) before they've all collectively graduated to 'actually has an up-to-date visual on them for once' status.
The original plan after this was to then go and make ref sheets based on the visuals given by the sprites.
But then the art meme invasion happened, and now I'm stumped. So, that brings me to this latest bout of questionaires with the gist being: "Shit. What now?"
So first question (this'll be rapid-fire-repeated for the sake of slotting the polls in proper, sorry in advance, I hate it too): What should I prioritize first? It's for-sure related to the summoners at least (other OCs exists, but they're still baking in the oven at the moment, give them a bit more time), but the question comes in what's next and what now for them.
Of the possible choices, we have:
A) Ref sheets (like initially planned).
Tries to document as much as possible of certain details to the summoners from multiple angles.
Has a more finalized and uniform documentation and idea on things from drawn details to color palettes and such.
Get a more closer-up view of what the FEH sprites originally conveyed, including details simplified, too tiny to see in detail, or straight up skipped due to either the angle or the simplification of the sprites.
It's a LOT of details to unpack. Including certain alt details, including details that might not fit in a single sheet, and so on. It's a pretty big project that'll take a bit of time per summoner I feel.
In terms of immediate reference, you now already have the FEH sprites to have a more immediate general idea of what each summoner looks like in their 'default' state, so this is a more detailed walk-back of much of what you already know by now.
Worth noting:
That's not to say I also might not have other drawings on the side that escape containment (especially if I get stumped on specific parts and try to visualize it mid-work, like what happened with Magni-Eclair), but for the most part, there'll be quite the ref sheet flood.
I'm also torn likewise on whether to do the ref sheet with minimal (thin) lineart (neater than sketch but around the same idea) or to go all-in on the usual stronger lineart (mostly out of concerns whether or not it conveys properly or the line thickness might get mistaken as overdetails).
B) This big-ass compilation of OC meme prompts hmrg brought to my attention (thanks~)
Conveys a lot of prompt ideas and alts that I've been sitting on that a quick cautionary glance at the prompts hit the nail on the head of giving it a good platform to bring certain prompts up.
Silly times for silly moments in a lot of these. It's a lighthearted break from being either informative or dark-heavy-handed lately. (Well, some of them anyways...), and since a lot of these memes are based around capturing moments or pointed context, less word vomit this time.
They're fairly small, straightforward, and isolated, compared to a lot of these being bigger or fuller spreads (especially the ref sheets).
Certain prompts might be about things I already just did and reiterating what you already know very recently even. Not all of them, but some of them (ex: the sudden spike of attention to Ephrel/Spectailis and again likewise with Eclair/Magni).
Derails reference based prompts and collections compared to a lot of these. This gives visuals to key moments of their lore, but is a lot less referential compared to the other two options here.
Many, MANY parts to the meme as a whole, so Summoner OC tag is gonna have quite A Time...
Worth noting:
I'm also torn on whether or not to do this sketch style (again, quicker, but somewhat messier), proper art style (fully rendered) or the aforementioned compromise (lineart, flatter colors, simpler shades) so that's a whole other discussion about how to approach it too.
I'm also going to properly break this down into individual parts, rather than dump the entire compilation on everyone's heads, and more than likely, it'll rotate across the six summoners, rather than be uniformly on one each.
C) This other big-ass meme quite a bit of you had been chipping away at for a good while before that I've been watching other people work on for a time (Henlo buds, nice to see your summoner alts 💖)
Much more detailed and pointed look at the summoners and their specific alts (compared to the haphazardness of the other two, especially the other OC prompt meme) and even pokes at a lot of the rarer alts the other two options might gloss over.
Lore for alts not necessarily plot-centric compared to the others which tend to focus on alts or the moments that inspired them. It gives a chance to see or hear about seldom-seen or seldom-discussed alts.
Basically the same as the second option where they'll be broken up into a LOT of parts, a lot of tag spam, and a lot of word vomit to go with. Not to mention it might single out a summoner, rather than rotate among them, so you're gonna be especially spammed multiple times over by one summoner in particular out of the rest.
There's also a lot of lore attached to the fleshed out alts too... which people might be a lot less patient of the essay floods to go with. hrm...
Worth noting:
I'm also only going to focus on one summoner at a time, which leaves it up in the air of which summoner even goes through these gauntlet of alts in the first place.
Whether or not the five who DIDN'T get picked right away also go through it is up in the air, but in the hypothetical scenario all six of them got a go on Summoner Alt's Wild Ride, that means you take all the concerns of this and multiply it by six.
Which brings us to the second half of this questionaire: What's a good bare minimum here?
As you saw recently, I tried to experiment around with a good grasp on what is the bare minimum to aim for before something's presentable enough to share. The last two things that flew by were sketches I felt were my new bare minimum (cleaned up sketchy lines with enough cleaning to fix details, overlap, or early-sketch jank to convey the main idea, but no attention otherwise to being neat and tidy, adding weight like cleaned up lineart, and either no color and shading or doing it more sloppy style in the future).
In the past, my previous bare-minimum used to be to at least get them to lineart level, give or take a much more emphasis on color-flats or much simpler cel-shade if even that. The former was way quicker and I had an easier time getting more art out (especially "give general ideas of what I'm trying to convey" pieces rather than fully-realized pieces) while the latter is tidier and at least more presentable, short of going all-in from start to finish with rendering and the whole nine yards.
There WILL be a return to art-that's-fully-realized, but how do you guys feel so far about the sketchy-lines (quicker but little to no line-weight and less stress on tidiness) versus the inked-lines (as close to final lineart as possible with lines, but takes a bit longer)? A good comparison of what I mean is compare for instance the last bit I did with Magni-Eclair versus pretty much all of Sharena Week.
So for poll 1 or 2...
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eriisaam · 3 months ago
So I'm kind of on the fence of some future plans again, but at risk of worrying about something waaaay earlier in, I'm still thinking about some ref sheet practice with my summoner OCs later down the line and wondering the best approach for later. What do you think?
So far, Kyo and Erin were fully realized and set loose out in the wild, and while knee-deep in Teru next, I'm really torn on when and how to approach their ref sheets once their sprites are done and I get around to it.
A) The original plan where they're as PG-level-'naked' as possible (show as much skin as possible while staying SFW with undergarments) so details their clothes normally hide or just focusing on their bodies, hair styles, and faces become the main focus while clothes are either an afterthought or entirely out of focus. The initial reason for it was so I could have a guide of sorts of them, independent of whatever their wardrobe choices were, not just in a sense of them as summoner OCs, but even in instances they later get used for less fandom-loaded reasons. (That being said, a huge part of "fuck the clothes" was the majority of them not having actually established permanent clothes prior to their sprites, summoner-OC-related or otherwise).
B) The plan they seem to be gearing up for now where they have detailed ref sheets taking into account their current clothes (as established in their sprites), on top of whatever anatomy details are worth highlighting that would've been obscured otherwise. Especially given now the sprites actually started establishing a more solid and ever-present set of "default" clothes for them now (when before, they were all over the place give or take a fair few reoccurring designs like Kyo's suit or Eclair literally just being default Kiran 80% of the time).
In a very "may as well throw this out there" way...
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