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STPD culture is “i love being a weird freak i love being strange and unique. im so fun and whimsical” and 5 seconds later its “i will never have what they have no one will ever understand my blight. this endless isolation seeps into my very being and stirs restlessly. the nights grow longer and the stars dim one by one.”
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takemetodragonstone · 6 months ago
t shirt that says i survived hell and all i got was this stupid personality disorder
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ppd-culture-is · 7 months ago
Stop saying differently abled when you mean disabled.
Stop saying gifted burnt out kid when you mean disabled.
Stop saying the c-slur when you mean disabled.
Stop saying 'super power' when you mean disabled.
Stop saying senile when you mean disabled.
Stop saying special needs when you mean needs for someone who is disabled.
Start saying disabled when you mean disabled.
Disability isn't, nor will it ever be, a dirty word. The only reason you think it's dirty is because you walked on it with muddy shoes.
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entity56 · 1 month ago
i think what people struggle fundamentally to understand is that schizophrenic and schizophrenic-adjacent people often hold so tightly to their delusions not just because that's the nature of delusions in and of themselves, but also because it's often the ONLY thing they can trust. (at very least in my experience if not a general thing. please correct me if i'm wrong.)
i implore you to imagine this for a second: you can't trust ANYTHING. you don't know what's real or fake. there are a bunch of different people and things shouting different ideas and opinions at you at all times all day every day and you dont know what to believe. it's like having a blindfold put on while people spin you rapidly in a chair and then let you go to stumble towards a moving goalpost.
it's not just opinions, either. it's people, and yourself. but let's focus on the former for a second. you don't know who to trust anymore. this black and white way of thinking makes you suspicious of everybody, because in your mind, you HAVE to be. otherwise you trust the wrong person and get hurt. it's like BPD in that way.
and you can't trust yourself, either.
so eventually, something comes along that, to you, feels like Undeniable Truth. in the case of delusions, it's not actually True, but you can't (fully) convince your mind of that, regardless of who or what tells you it isn't real. your mind has clutched to that truth like a vice because it's the first truth you could actually rely on in a while. it's security in a world that doesn't otherwise have it, regardless of how unpleasant the delusion is. a little part of you, conscious or subconscious, takes comfort in it.
that's why delusions are such a struggle. it's not just 'ooh i got abducted by aliens hehe i'm crazy'. delusions are both a symptom and a coping mechanism for other symptoms. at very least for me.
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alexandraisyes · 7 months ago
Reblog/interact if your blog is a safe space for all people struggling with their Cluster A, B, and C personality disorder regardless of whether they are high or low-functioning in their disorder.
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paranoidpdsuggestion · 2 months ago
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as someone who has experienced abuse from someone with a personality disorder, it's actually incredibly easy to not dehumanize everyone with a personality disorder. i've seen people do borderline eugenic rhetoric surrounding people who have npd, aspd, bpd or other personality disorders, and then be like "I'M allowed to say these things because i'm a survivor, and if you disagree you are hurting abuse victims."
and frankly? i'm tired of it. as an abuse survivor i'm here to say that you're NOT allowed to turn into a fucking eugenicist the moment you're hurt by someone with a personality disorder.
does hurting and belittling other people who happen to have the same disorder as your abuser, people that are already suffering and that are already looked down on by society, bring you any healing? does it bring you peace?
Being hurt by someone isn't an excuse to hurt others that you feel justified in lashing out on. you're literally in control of your own actions,
you may claim to be making a safe space for abuse survivors, but i will never feel any solidarity with you, and i ESPECIALLY don't feel safe with you considering i might have a personality disorder.
you are excluding a large amount of abuse survivors in the name of "advocacy". a lot of people with personality disorders developed one or multiple due to heavy abuse. in the aim of creating a safe space, you are excluding the ones who need a safe space the most.
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pinkxcloudz · 8 months ago
"i'm using delusional in the right context, it's not like it's that serious"
"calling someone a narcissist isn't ableist it's not a disability"
"sociopath/psychopath are just adjectives it's not like I'm hurting anyone"
"saying i'm ocd doesn't affect you it's just the way i act"
"i'm schizoposting lol it's just a joke"
it's never just a joke, it's never an adjective. use a fucking thesaurus
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motormouthedfool · 1 year ago
bitches be like "do i have a personality disorder or am i just looking for attention or am i just trying to find excuses for behaving the way i do"
im bitches
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cupboard-of-npd · 1 year ago
When ppl know of personality disorders outside of bpd:
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schizotypalpd-culture-is · 1 year ago
ppl saying "we need more weird people" when they cant even handle when a schizo-spec person unmasks around them
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psychotic-tbh · 5 months ago
Does anyone else’s mental illness mess with their spiritual beliefs, and if so, how?
Not looking to be converted or debated. :0
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entity56 · 4 months ago
people think paranoia is tinfoil hats and conspiracy theories. but no. its an island. its being surrounded by loving people with genuine intentions and being so so so painfully lonely because you're TERRIFIED of the idea that everybody either secretly hates you or wants to hurt you. and you're convinced you deserve it anyways because you're the scum of the earth but you're still avoiding it because you're a coward who can't face the truth. it's begging people to just insult you or doxx you or hit you or whatever because you just wanna get it over with instead of sitting there anticipating 'the inevitable'. it's being attracted to people who abuse you because 'they're the only ones telling the truth'.
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auggator · 2 years ago
shoutout to aros wPDs
shoutout to cluster a aros. shoutout to aros wPPD. shoutout to aros wSTPD. shoutout to aros wSZPD
shoutout to cluster b aros. shoutout to aros wASPD. shoutout to aros wBPD. shoutout to aros wHPD. shoutout to aros wNPD
shoutout to cluster c aros. shoutout to aros wAVPD. shoutout to aros wDPD. shoutout to aros wOCPD
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errrr-vent-blog · 9 months ago
god gives his siilliest schizospecs the woorst days of theiir lives every siingle dayy non stop.
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chiwosays · 21 days ago
PD's and rep
this might be controversial idk lol but i really do hate that 90% of personality disorder rep is cluster b (minus hpd because people leave that one out a lot). and a lot of cluster b representation does suck in terms of accuracy and sensitivity, which sucks and is harmful, i recognize that fully.
but even in online discussions about personality disorders the main focus always seems to be cluster b PD's, specifically BPD. while cluster a and c are either very ignored or mentioned once and then moved on from.
whenever i go to the cluster c tag or join spaces for cluster c personality disorders, or even my specific diagnoses (when i can even find them), its very overrun by cluster b posts which does get frustrating after awhile because i want to see other people in my cluster in the tag.
obviously people with cluster b PD's deserve to talk about their experiences, im absolutely not discrediting that or trying to take that away, i just wish cluster a and c had a bit more spaces to talk about our experiences without it being turned into another cluster b conversation. i do relate to a lot of cluster b posts and im always happy to see them succeed and have good conversations and resources, but it gets lonely when you're left in the dark, to be honest.
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