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ppd-culture-is · 8 months ago
Stop saying differently abled when you mean disabled.
Stop saying gifted burnt out kid when you mean disabled.
Stop saying the c-slur when you mean disabled.
Stop saying 'super power' when you mean disabled.
Stop saying senile when you mean disabled.
Stop saying special needs when you mean needs for someone who is disabled.
Start saying disabled when you mean disabled.
Disability isn't, nor will it ever be, a dirty word. The only reason you think it's dirty is because you walked on it with muddy shoes.
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paranoidpdsuggestion · 9 days ago
you ever just wanna say 'fuck it' and act like a complete caricature of the worst of your personality disorder even though you know it's gonna make you look like an asshole/annoying/etc. to perso/neurotypicals and make other people with the PD look 'bad', but you don't care anymore? like we are gonna be villainized by these people for the rest of time, why should we care to appease them anymore if they aren't ever gonna listen to us or our experiences anyway
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avpdmouse · 22 days ago
type of girl who sees every type of relationship as a transaction or debt they cant fufill and isolates itself from society
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plural-positive · 2 months ago
here's some positivity for systems with personality disorders!
systems with cluster a disorders, you are lovely and worthy of respect regardless of what people think about your "strange" behaviors! you will find a place to fit in and people who will care about you. you're not inherently weird because normal doesn't exist.
systems with cluster b disorders, you are amazing and worthy of kindness regardless of the demonization you face daily! you deserve and will find love, care, and attention just the same as everyone else does. your disorder does not make you an evil person or an abuser by default.
systems with cluster c disorders, you are brilliant and you deserve to feel safe in a world that is often quite terrifying to exist in. you make the world better just by being in it and no matter what anyone or your mind tells you, there is comfort and safety out there to be found.
systems with PD-NOS, OSPD, and UPD, you deserve the same positivity, community, and resources that other PD diagnoses receive! you belong to the discussion and do not deserve being left out. whatever traits you exhibit, you are still valid and you are still worthy and you still belong!!
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vocaloidgender · 4 months ago
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PD-TS (Personality Disorder Trait Specified) awareness flag
What is PD-TS: This disorder can manifest in many ways, such as: The person having a lot of personality disorders, not having enough traits of personality disorders to be diagnosed specifically, or having a personality disorder that doesn't fit with current diagnostics of existing personality disorders.
In the past the DSM has had (and now removed) similar diagnoses such as PDNOS (Personality disorder not otherwise specified).
Please note that there is not much readily available information about PD-TS, it is incredibly under researched.
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Color meanings: I decided to do a rainbow(ish) color pattern to represent the spectrum of personality disorders PD-TS can encompass. However, the colors are slightly muted and mismatched as the experiences with this disorder are upsetting and confusing. Each color does not have a specific meaning.
Symbol meaning: The symbol is a multipointed star, it shows the many ways in which this disorder can manifest for many people.
The second symbol used in these flags is the general PD symbol by delphientropy
Who can use this flag? Anyone who has PD-TS or is questioning having PD-TS (and those without for icon/headcanon reasons), although I will say that transid this flag is not for you.
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Other flags: I am aware of an existing PD-TS flag, so consider this an alternative rather than an original. The flag can be found here and was made by neopronouns.
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Tagging: @radiomogai @pdsarchive and @mad-pride
Symbols are under the cut!
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Here is a plain version of the symbol used! It was found here as a free stock photo
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eldritch-emojis · 1 year ago
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Persodivergent | PDNOS | PPD
this is part two ig. heres part one
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npdbubblygum · 23 days ago
It's so fucked up when I mask and the person I'm masking for repeats back what they "know" about me and it's like. Ah. I really for real tricked you and I didn't even know it I was just trying to avoid shame and I accidentally made you think all these things along the way and now I feel isolated and like I need to keep performing so you don't think lower of me. And I wish I was sorry for how you feel, that I had more sympathy for you maybe feeling betrayed or sad, but I am unsure if I can even feel that way I just know that's how I'm supposed to feel but the feeling keeps not happening. I can't even figure out what decision would be selfish or kind in this situation but I also cannot leave because that'd suck for everyone
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sysboxes · 6 months ago
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[Text: This system has PD-NOS.]
[Small text: (Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified)]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 8 months ago
pdnos w narcissistic traits culture is “the best revenge is being happy” but you’re also trying your hardest to shove your happiness in the face of those who hurt you so they know. because they Have To Know. what’s the point of being happy if i can’t weaponize it?
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untruthsteller · 2 years ago
Hey for disability pride month, shout-out to people with "less than marked" diagnoses!
If you've got something with "unspecified" or "otherwise" in your diagnosis name, this one is for you! Your disorder is still real. You are still struggling with something and if that something causes you to need accommodations or causes you to struggle in your day to day life, you can still call yourself disabled. You still deserve the accommodations and care that someone who has a more concrete diagnosis. Your disability is real, your symptoms are real. As frustrating as it is, being classified with an "other" disorder is still disordered and your symptoms are enough. I love you!!!
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polygamousfistingchaos · 10 months ago
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Haltlose Personality Disorder awareness flag
Meant to mirror the ASPD awareness flag.
Haltlose Personality Disorder (HLPD)
Haltlose personality disorder is a mental illness that displays as selfishness, blaming others for the actions they have committed, lacking direction in life and a lack of insight and self-control. They are unable to learn from experience or mistakes in life since they lack any sense of past or future, and are not able to genuinely care about other people.
Copy-pasted from this Wikipedia page on HLPD.
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lutravurr · 8 months ago
everyone who says cluster b instead of personality disorders to refer to base pd symptoms and clearly doesnt give a shit about pw hpd or aspd die in a fire forever ok
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apathyist · 7 months ago
“borderline personality disorder”? nah… my personalities just bordering from kangel to ame
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therapeutic007 · 7 months ago
✨✨ When you realize your personality is like a buffet of Cluster A disorders… ✨✨
“So, I just found out my personality type is like a well-stocked fridge of cluster A disorders. Paranoid Personality Disorder? Check! I’m convinced my cat is plotting against me. 🐱🔍 Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Only when I look in the mirror and think, ‘Wow, I’m fabulous!’ ✨ And let's not forget Avoidant Personality Disorder—I haven’t left my house in three days, but I’m totally fine, I swear! 😅🏠
It’s a party in my brain, and everyone’s invited… except anyone who wants to socialize, obviously.
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avpdmouse · 22 days ago
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itsjustmypersonalitydisorder · 10 months ago
intentionally not blocking someone back so they can still lurk on your blog and see how much better you are than them
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