#Steph inquires
wearethekingdom · 1 month
okay so I know we’ve caught up a bit but honestly, I feel like I don’t know much about how things have been with you lately and I feel bad low key :( because I’d really like to know about your life! so, what’s new with you? Doesn’t have to be anything big, but just, how’s life been lately? Are you on summer break? (I don’t know how things work outside of America </3) Have you seen any new movies or read any books or played any video games lately? This is an invitation to info dump about literally anything that interested you lately too btw :3
Omg hey bro so how you fix the problem is by messaging me /lh like if you just wanna talk about your and my life then you can message me asking and stuff, I have a friend on here and we literally just chat about our lives for like 4 hours at a time
ummmm so I went to sleep away camp or whatever ygs call it in the US for 3 weeks, its an Irish spoken one so you know I ate that up, volunteered for the youth club camp and lost a child at a theme park while doing so (we found him, he was fine) and got some horse riding back in cuz I missed out on like 5 weeks of training lol
With movies I haven't watched a whole lot cuz I've literally had like. No time. I'm seeing the Kneecap movie tomorrow with my bf which I'm very excited about and I'm gonna see I Saw The TV Glow on Monday with some friends even though it's showing kind of late at the cinema (7:45pm), tbh I'm going in completely blind with but people say it's good so I'm simply just going to watch it. I've also rewatched alot of matt damon movies because why wouldn't I? I'm still his number one fan, currently watching The Martian as we speak which I've never actually watched before, kind of disturbing but it's okay because again, it's matt damon!
What I said all those months ago about my partner will need to fight for me when it comes to matt damon? I still hold to it. Guess who my bf looks like 😐 you will never guess its totally unpredictable 😐
I have readdd The Twelfth Day of July by Joan Lingard, it's a book about this guy and girl and the guy is a cath and the girl is a protestant and how they hate eachother and its really good, I love it a lot. I also read all of Diane Olivers short stories while at irish camp, they're really good and I totally reccomend her stuff, I think you would like some of her more scary short stories, a lot of her stuff is unpublished though cuz she was died at age 22 and she really needs more recognition, like when I looked up her most famous story I couldn't even find her other stuff at all.
Games I played Alan Wake about this guy (who is an author) who goes on holiday to this island and his wife goes missing so Alan has to investigate it while this story that he doesn't even remember writing becomes a reality, there's a second one I just haven't played it yet. I played The Quarry about a group of young adult camp counsellors who have to stay one day extra before they get to go home but there's creepy stuff on the property that wants to kill them and it's so good my fave character is my profile picture, we love Dylan Lenivy.
THENNN I played A Way Out with my brother set in the same prison as Shawshank Redemption, these 2 criminals set a plan to escape prison and get their revenge on the guy who murdered one of the mens brothers and well the other one kind of gives away the whole story so I won't go into detail on that one but it's depressing, it's a little disturbing and you get attached to Leo and Vincent the main guys.
Ive just been chilling this last month before school starts again and hanging out with my friends, I was going to go to NI for a while but there's protests and people setting streets on fire so I'm not going anywhere near there for now.
But yeah that's my life, you should totally reblog this with your telling of your life I would love to hear about it!!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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Would they or would they not catch you…
Dick: yes. 100% yes but he’s -no pun intended- a little bit of a teasing dick about it.
He will catch you but then act as though he’s going to drop you by loosening his grip, making you scream out of surprise and cling onto him tighter, all the while beaming that bright and beautiful smile of his as though he wasn’t about to willingly let you fall flat on your ass on multiple occasions.
‘I fucking hate you!’ You whined, smacking Dick on the bicep.
‘Oh do you now?’ Dick inquires as he slowly begins to losses his grip on you, smirking.
‘Did I say hate you? I meant love you, a lot! Please don’t drop me.’ You cried as you tightened your grip on his neck whilst struggling to keep your feet from touching the floor. ‘Awww I love you too gorgeous.’ Dick coos as he pressed kisses into your face as you could only glare at the cheeky bastard.
You hate him sometimes but you weren’t going to complain about the affection you were being given. So you guess you’ll suffer for now.
Side note: he might even try and see if you can catch him. 💀
Jason: He will catch you but makes it a big deal whenever he can. He loves holding you in his arms.
He could keep you in his arms forever if he could but knew that he can’t, so he settles for going about his day carrying you throughout the apartment instead.
‘You can put down any day now.’ You’d tell him but that only makes Jason tighten his grip on you as he moved in his makeshift library for a book to read.
‘No.’ He simply replied, scouring the many book titles in front of him in the hopes that one might speak to him. You pout. ‘What do you mean no?’ Jason then looks at you and says. ‘No means no. As in no I will not put you down because I do as I like and will not be told otherwise, so the cutie currently in my arms has to deal with it.’ He then smiles as he presses a kiss to your forehead before looking back towards the bookshelves.
You end up falling asleep in his arms and Jason couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were, even if you did look like the living dead.
Damian: says no but will in fact catch you without hesitation.
However if you do try to tease him about it, then he will drop you without a second thought. ‘You can catch yourself next time.’ He would say as he walks away, leaving you with a bruised ass. Titus -who saw the whole thing- would come up to you to make sure you weren’t genuinely hurt and encourage you to get up by nudging you with his head.
Don’t test him because he will do it and then act like the whole thing didn’t happen if you were to bring it up.
‘Dick.’ You’d say as you stood up.
‘I heard that.’ He’d call back, his voice echoing off the walls. ‘You were meant to.’ You reply. ‘And at least Titus came to check up on me to see if I wasn’t hurt.’ You’d add while scratching Titus behind the ear.
Needless to say you were more cautious when choosing Damian to catch you. However he does apologise for dropping you on your ass by gifting you something he himself drew by hand; He secretly doesn’t like it when you’re upset with him and will do anything to rectify it.
What a sweetheart.
Bruce: he’s too use to you pulling this type of shit that it’s basically muscle memory for him to catch you as you’re running towards him, all with a straight face mind you.
Be grateful because he risked a much needed bowl of Mulligatawny soup just to catch you in his arms, but then again the kisses you bombard his cheek is more than reward enough, a small almost missable smile appears on his lips as he then proceeds to carry you for the rest of the day as “punishment.”
( this only occurs when Bruce is feeling particularly affectionate or playful)
Much to your batkids -Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke, Cass and Steph- dismay. They’d want to use this as blackmail, but they know that it will backfire as you’ll probably hang the photo on a wall somewhere in the manor, reminding them of how disgustingly their parents can be when given the opportunity.
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writerfromthestars · 1 month
so i've seen a bunch of things where jason, or damian, or tim, or dick adopt danny. hear me out. Cass does.
Cass adopts Danny.
Danny gets de-aged, and dumped in Gotham to keep him safe from the GIW and Vlad and his parents. Cass is very liminal because of her time in the league, with a mainly empathy-based power set, and during one patrol, she feels something weird coming from an alley. 
She turns off her comms, then goes to investigate and finds smol Danny in a dumpster, trying to find food. He immediately clocks her as liminal so he trusts her purely because he knows she won’t turn him in to the government. Cass, meanwhile, is drawn to the small child, and turns her comms back on long enough to say “Babs, Bat-doption papers,” before scooping up the toddler and bringing him back to the cave. 
Danny is strongly reminded of Jazz, and he is completely fine with whatever is happening, because this liminal woman dressed as a bat found him, and then used empathy and a little ghostspeak to communicate what is happening, so he just relaxes into Cass’s arms.
Cass returns to the cave, and when asked why she has a child, she simply takes the stack of adoption papers Babs has set up, along with a tablet, puts her new kid to bed and falsifies some records to make him her legal son. Any attempts at questioning where she got Danny result in neutrally blank looks and Cass’s insistence that he is, and has always been, her son.
Bruce had been forced to bed early by Alfred for this patrol, and by the time he wakes up, eight hours of much-needed rest later, his children have come to the agreement that it’ll be really fun to fuck with his head, so he wakes up to a small child jumping on him, and, wondering whether he sleep-adopted another child, inquires as to Danny’s origins during breakfast. When he does, Tim looks shocked, Damian’s eyes widen as if he can’t believe his eyes, Cass looks betrayed, and the rest of the table just freezes. 
Hurriedly trying to fix his misstep, he asks what he said wrong, and Steph wraps her arm around Cass, picking Danny up, all while looking disappointed. 
Alfred finally breaks the silence by asking “Master Bruce, have you forgotten your grandson?” 
Bruce bluescreens. He figures out six hours later that while the kid is legally his grandson, he wasn’t present until last night, and he goes through the same process of questioning Cass and Steph about where they got the baby. The two women refuse to give any answer other than “he’s ours”.
Danny has now been adopted by a whole family of Liminals. There’s even a halfa, who reminds him a little of Dan, and he is very happy.
Duke absolutely adores his nephew. He quickly becomes Danny's favorite person outside of Cass, Steph, and Alfred.
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hypewinter · 1 year
The boy had fallen out of the sky. To be more exact, he had fallen out of a portal that had opened in the sky. He then proceeded to land face first next to Batman. As he looked up to see everyone gathering around him, he tried to speak. It was a weird cacophonous sound, a garble that was a mix between static and echoes. Everyone covered their eyes and Nightwing yelled out, "We can't understand you!"
Just like that the cacophony stopped. Everyone uncovered their ears as the boy whispered, "Sorry."
Now that he was sitting up, they were able to get a good look at him. The boy from had Lazarus green eyes and starch white hair that did not obey gravity. His body also has an ethereal glow to it. Everything was a blur after that. They ended up bringing the boy back to the cave when they noticed he was bleeding profusely. Batman wanted to bring him to a hospital instead but he got so panicked when that idea was mentioned and looked like he was about to bolt, so the cave it was.
The boy had barely maintained consciousness as he babbled on about getting away from someone and hoping they would let him stay for a few days to recover. As he rambled, Alfred began peeling back his styled hazmat suit to reveal everyone a sickening Y shaped scar running down his torso which oozed a distinct green color. Alfred had patched him up as quickly and steadily as possible, being guided through how to do it from the boy himself. Apparently whatever his physiology was, it didn't work like a human's. Soon after he was patched up, the boy (Danny as they found out) lost consciousness.
The boy in front of them completely changed after white rings had formed around him. His white hair was now raven black, his skin had taken on a healthy tan, his stylized suit had become a T-shirt and jeans, his blood turned red. By all accounts, this was not the same unknown they had just saved. Unless?
"Do you think he's similar to the Martians?" Tim asked.
Everyone turned to him, their gears already turning. Nevertheless, Batman spoke. "Explain," he said.
"Well you know, how they can change themselves to blend in. And he was talking about hiding from someone. What if he, I don't know, decided to just try to blend in with us."
Dick piped up next. "I mean, considering how many of us are running around, it wouldn't be hard. And look at his face. It's the perfect mix of all of us. He probably decided the best way to fit in would be to look a little bit like all of us. It'd be the best way to throw off his pursuer."
"Or pursuers," Jason cut in.
"And how can we be sure he stopped at just faces?" Damian inquired.
Now everyone was looking at him.
The former assassin puffed out his chest but it was clear from the slight rigidness of his stance that he didn't like everyone's attention on him.
"Tch. I am simply stating that if he truly wanted to blend in with us, he might as well copy our mannerisms as well. He has already copied our speech."
That was true. He had easily switched his speech once Dick had started talking. Of course they couldn't rule out the potential that he had simply known the language beforehand but considering how many aliens Earth got that could instantly adopt a new language, the former theory held more ground.
"Hmm. That may be true. Naturally we'll do our best to hide him from any pursuers. But-"
"Don't you mean you'll do your best to convince him to let you adopt him?" Steph interrupted with a cheeky grin.
"But," Bruce continued on, "we will need to make sure he doesn't imprint on us too much. We'll encourage him to be his own person and try out things that he enjoys so that when all of this is over, he can live independently of us. That being said, I want you all on your best behavior. We want to try to ingrain as many healthy behaviors into him as possible. That means no threats, no violence, no unhealthy sleeping habits, and no extreme intakes of coffee. And I clear?"
There were various mumbles and groans throughout the group and one particularly indignant squawk from Tim. "I said am I clear?" Bruce repeat. The group answered yes in unison. "Good. Then dismissed."
Everyone filed out of the cave one by one. Some went back to their own home and safehouses. Some hit the showers. And some headed straight upstairs. Finally there was only Bruce left. He looked down at Danny still sound asleep on the table. Making sure this boy was protected and cared for for while also making sure he didn't get too attached and therefore dependent on everyone was better said than done. Still, Bruce would make it happen, after all, he was Batman.
I got this idea from the lovely @damngirlidk . Truly a great idea.
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frappegoddess · 4 months
In order to connect with his children, Bruce thought to adopt Gen-Z /Gen Alpha type slang, unfortunately, he sought out help from said children, the worst decision of all, asking Steph.
Steph, with a detailed powerpoint presentation at hand: Ate means that someone slayed really hard, they did a great job at something so they ate-
Bruce, taking down notes furiously: Can you go back to what slayed means? As well as skeebeedee toilet???
Then next day -
Bruce: So...Damian, rizzed up any level ten gyatts yet?
Damian: Father, may I inquire as to the nature of the malady that presently afflicts you?
Bruce, driving Duke to school: You studied hard for that exam, you'll be fine
Duke: Yeah I know, I hope I don't flunk.
Bruce, nonchalantly: You'll cook the exam, you'll eat and leave no crumbs I'm sure of it :)
Duke: *Does a double take leaving the car*
Cass: *Showing off her new pointe shoes to the fam*
Bruce, without looking up from his newspaper: Pop off queen
Jason: The only reason I come back here is for Alfred's cucumber sandwhiches.
Bruce: Straight facts
Jason, glaring daggers at Steph: Oh god.
Bruce, thinking smash means to 💀 someone: I high key wanna smash Superman.
The batkids: WHATTTTTT
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
How's retail Steph doing during the Valentine's Day sales?
Previous: Margie | Batkids | Rogues | Justice League | Retail batkids | Retail Bruce | Young Justice | Black Friday
Kory: *lovingly stares*
Barbara: *lovingly stares back*
Steph, who's been standing there for 2 minutes: ...I'll come back later.
[grocery store] 
Duke: Where do I find chocolates for my girlfriend?
Steph: Not at this store if you care about her.
Steph: Welcome to Batburger, how may I help you?
Jason: We'll take the Harley and Ivy Couple's Combo.
Roy: And make the fries extra Jokerized.
Steph: Please go up to the window.
Jason and Roy: *drive up*
Steph: That'll be $23.51.
Jason: *pulls out a gun*
Steph: *sighs*
[call center] 
Steph: Wayne Enterprises account support, how can I assist you?
Damian: We would like to inquire about purchasing a toilet.
Jon: A skibidi toilet. 
Damian and Jon: *snickering*
Steph: I'm telling Cass.
Damian and Jon: *hang up*
Steph: That's what I thought.
[coffee shop] 
Steph: What can I get you guys?
Tim: We'll take a large frappuccino. 
Bernard: With two straws.
Kon, popping up out of nowhere: Make that three.
Bart, zooming in: Actually, four.
[furniture store] 
Steph: Need any help over here?
Dick: Yeah, what's your most durable mattress?
Steph: ...Durable?
Dick: Yeah, so Wally and I can both jump on it.
[clothing store] 
Renee: How does this dress look?
Steph: It looks great.
Kate: I think it'd be better on the floor.
Steph: I'm taking my fifteen-minute break. 
[at home] 
Steph: Hey guys—
Steph: *walks in on Bruce and Selina*
Steph: *turns around*
Steph: Guess I'm working overtime today.
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multiverseworm · 3 months
Dick, Steph, Tim and Jason having social media either because they’re social butterflies or because they like to start debates online, is something we can all agree on.
This has led to the Waynes being the celebrity influencers for so many people across the country. Rich, gorgeous and charming. Perfect recipe for the fangirls to simp on.
It also helps with their secret identity thing. But imagine Bruce telling Damian he has to create a social media profile to keep appearances for a kid his age and Damian utterly refusing because he thinks social media is a waste of time or something. But when he does, he gains the most followers of them all😭
*Muttering in the kitchen*
Steph: how did he do it? Ugh! It’s not fair! I got a fashion and wellness blog that everyone likes.
Tim: Maybe he used bots so Bruce would leave him alone about the whole thing? Let me check. *gets lost in his laptop*
Jason: who cares, is not like the little demon posts or anything.
Dick: guys, stop it. Is a great way he can start socialising like a normal kid. We need to encourage this.
*Meanwhile at the batcave*
Bruce: Damian, you haven’t posted or anything to your new profile. In order to keep appearances you need to act like a normal kid would.
Damian: Why would I want strangers on the internet inquiring about my private life, father?
Bruce: Just post anything, doesn’t have to be about you. What’s stopping you?
Damian: …
Damian: I believe I have encountered a feeling of discomfort, for the so called ‘fangirls’.
Bruce: …
Damian: They have made photo video montages of footage of me at the galas to popular culture songs.
Bruce: Yeah, we’re shutting doing your profile.
credits for the idea: @wittyjasontodd
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Halloween prompts no. 24.5
Danny needed a place to live.
The Wayne manor had more rooms than anyone could know what to do with.
Had Danny been sneaking in to the Wayne manor uncaught for a three months now? Yep. Had he had a little fifteenth birthday party for himself with a cupcake and a candle in his new room? Yep. Was he proud of his appearent stealth? Yep.
Did he expect the butler to walk in on him in the middle of phasing his backpack back out of the wall?
Nope. Absolutely not.
The butler eased out of his look of shock like a veteran of wild shenanigans and bullcrappery, "May I inquire the reason for your visit?"
Danny, who was a panicking just blurted out, "I live here now!"
They just kinda stared at eachother before the butler laughed a little. "Alright then. Dinner will be served in two hours. Don't be late."
And with that he was gone. Danny groaned about his big mouth and decided to commit. Dinner was awkward and the butler, Alfred, made him introduce himself and he did so with a little wave.
Damian attempted to murder him with throwing knives which Danny caught and proclaimed were his now. The family all watched on as Danny wound Damian up and kept taking more weapons from him. Little bat looked like he was on the verge of either flying over the table at the teen or just having a stroke.
Steph and Tim were switching between asking questions and being menaces to society.
Jason was making quips at other people and being oddly friendly.
Duke was staring at danny with a look of horror for half the diner before awkwardly deciding to be friendly and hope whatever this thing was didn't bite
He and Dick were already workshopping puns together at the table in front of everybody. A fact no one but them enjoyed.
Bruce was asking vague questions to try to figure out what this kids deal was and how exactly he got past all the security.
Cass had successfully taught him a bit of ASL and they seemed to get along well enough. Especially once stealth was brought up. Turns out Danny likes to sneak around and he had almost been caught multiple times in the three months he'd been living here. All the family went silent.
"Did you say three months?!"
The whole family (sans Damian) works together both to get Danny to stay so they can get answers to questions and try to peace together wth is happening.
At first they thing Danny is going to freeload off of him only to discover he only came home right before the curfew Bruce set for him and heads out first thing in the morning. He usually only used the manor to sleep and shower.
It was Steph who found him first. He was handing out flyers as part of one of his many side jobs. Turns out he spent most of his time working.
He somehow managed to get Jason to help him buy a fridge. Danny paid for it entirely by himself, he just needed Jason to sign a piece of paper since he was a legal adult and Danny very much wasn't. Jason asked why the kid wanted such a huge fridge and he wasn't prepared for him to say he "wanted to stay out of the way as much as possible"
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normal-internet-user · 10 months
Sooooooooooooo~~~ I've got more DC brainworms. I have come to share. 🤲🏼
Picture this, wildflower. *throws arm around your shoulder, gestures to the empty space in front of us, envisioning* A young (eventual) bat!sibbie reader who has a very similar essence to Jason.
and I mean....... literally. a mini Jason. lmaooo listenlistenlisten — yn is a scrappy, free-spirited orphan who comes from the slums of Gotham; they've been here a while, only giving a noncommittal shrug and wry smile when inquired about any of it. same story for a lot of us 'round here.
—and wouldn't it just be hilarious if they came into the Batfam the same way Jase did? By STEALING 👏🏼 HUBCAPS. 👏🏼
except it don't gotta be hubcaps, yn is a ✨professional✨ and a 🔥savage🔥 and just straight up carjacked the Batmobile LMALAOAOAOO (they earn Jason's utmost respect right off the bat [BAT PUN 🦇]; Steph, Dick, and Duke are the runner-ups). Bruce probably gains a new neck vein but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued!
thennnnn you muck up when you give the slightest inclination that you know his secret identity bcz it'd be significantly more terrifying (read: hilarious) than if you were to fall victim to the cliche 'i saw something i wasn't supposed to and now I'm being taken hostage by these randos in masks and oh holy smokes it's actually multi-billionaire airhead himbo Bruce Wayne!? and his KIDS!!??'
time skip because seamless transition, bing bada boom, they're Bruce's newest ward and filling the tabloids. while it may be a hot story that the entirety of the paparazzi froth at the mouths at, it's a different story behind the scenes.
reader has a sweet, dear personality at the core, but they put up a detached front; if anything, their crude humor and witty deadpan sarcasm attests to their harsh emotional walls put up.
it's nothing personal to these guys, they're just... constantly in self-perservation mode. they ain't never had nobody like this before, 'cept for their fellow street rat friends who're like family.....
I imagine those walls get worn down by Jason the most.
I also imagine Jason would be.... angry?? not at you!! never at you — if anything he'd probably steal you away from Bruce every chance he gets because he's scared you'll be readily thrusted into an unwitting role as a cowl-donner — but at Bruce's initial and seemingly impulsive decision to take you in- because of just how fast everything moved. he was a bit withdrawn at first, but he became undeniably protective over you as time went on.
you appreciate this earnestly; one day on your outings with Jason, he passes by the streets where you usually hung out with your friends. sure enough, they're all there, looking horrendously forlorn. you give out the group whistle- one you all made up and agreed on a longgggg time ago- and they all look at you like you're a ghost before you're being yanked into a group hug.
some of 'em are mad tho; they all caught wind, ever since you were printed in black and white on the newspapers lil' jimmy still brought to them fresh every morning. thought you ditched us for daddy warbucks. and some of 'em are genuinely happy, not only to see you, but had been for you. thought you managed to finally get outta this hellhole. we knew you wouldn't forget us, tho.
you're smart, yvette - your bestest friend ever since elementary - murmured as she hugged you so tight you could barely breathe. you're smart and warm and so kind... i'mma miss your candy apple self not being around me 24/7 any more, but heavens above, you made it, ynnie any foster parent would be blessed to have you as a kid, y'hear? anybody and everybody. she pulls you back and rests her forehead on yours, staring into your eyes with her tear-filled ones. don't forget 'bout us, yeah? we still got your back. stay safe and take care of yourself.
and if you silently cried on the way back to the manor, Jason didn't say much about it. just wrapped an arm around your shoulders and took you for burgers.
—i feel that incident would settle you deeper into Jason's heart. he just sees so much of himself in you. in this scrappy kid who puts up such a carefree front, but is actually made of honey and caramel at their center. who has such a strong emotional intelligence at that age that Jason's sure is the only difference between him and you. in this child, who has a pure heart full of love with so much to give and just wants to be loved in return.
reader's softest with Cass and Alfred, as in they feel no need to put up pretenses with them. it's how they both find out that you're perpetually jaded and reminiscent of a long-suffering lamb: soft, tolerant, brokenhearted, shreds of innocence swirling about their heart still, maybe a little lost......
SPEAKING OF THE GRANDLER HIMSELF 🌹🎉: you get roped into baking with Alfred one day, and because Alfred is the actual MVP, you fall into his affections too.
it's when you're kneading at dough when a crestfallen expression suddenly overtakes your expression.
"mr. alfred," you drawl, inner city accent thickening with the melting of your posture. there's a heaviness to your tone that wasn't there before. it catches the elderly man's attention immediately. "you remind me a lot of my old man. not my father, but there was this elderly gentleman who took care of us street urchins. old man peaches. cuz every time we saw him, he sold us fresh peaches from his little milk carton in trade for some colorful bottle caps. dunno where he got 'em, said he grew them out the cracks in the concrete, the geezer. he was always talkin' like that — like there was some deeper meaning to everythin'. we groaned all the time, made all in good fun of him right to his face, but we all really loved it.
"one day, me 'n yvette were scouting 73rd and maryanne avenue; it's the curve that has all those connectin' alleyways that hide the abandoned warehouses, y'know? it's also where we hid out with peaches. had a small space heater and brought anything we needed from the foster care buildin'. sometimes we'd get dragged back but you keep doing something enough times, them folks who don't get paid enough for it just stop givin' a hoot... so long s'we made it back for inspections and didn't pilfer the good stuff, y'know?
"anyway. we went in there hollerin' for mr. peaches... he was usually napping by the space heater or stringing bottle cap jewelry for us, but he wasn't there. searched the whole warehouse, whole perimeter, nothing.
"then, vettie found him... " you pause, a smile that didn't reach your eyes spreading your cheeks. "right by the compost bin outside the back door of that same warehouse, chest not movin' and lips stained with blueberries."
alfred feels his stomach drop, beside himself. you looked up from the dough in your hands and simply regarded the old man, an uncharacteristic nonchalance marring your features.
"he was the only one that really understood and looked out for us the way he did. i ain't been able to eat peaches or anything of the like since then, but vettie is the one who couldn't sleep for the weeks after."
Alfie had long stopped chopping the onions for the dish at this point and all he could think was what has this poor child gone through?
anywaaaaayzzzuh, I'm exhausted BUT yeah I just want to infect you lovingly with the brainworms of Jason bonding with a bat sibling reader who's a lot like him, and how he'd prevent a lot of pain that they ain't gotta go through because he went through the same.
And the things that he CAN'T prevent, because everyone deals with trauma differently, he's always gonna be there for you. And he wants you to know that.
reader is a bit wary of Dick because of his pure bubbliness and aura of flowers 🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐and shooting stars — in Gotham?? — but Dick has an affinity to troubled kids and also . he's Dick Grayson, everybody loves him .
so he works together with Jason and soon enough, you're practically his respective child akshdjdhd
you and dami take a bit to come along BUTTTTT I hc that you come into their lives when Dami's a little older and therefore more matured.
I love Damian, I feel he'd be a pretty solid older brother figure.
the more time you spend there, the more you begin to trust your newfound family. (well, your pseudo siblings at least); the more you let your walls down, the more they get a peek into your true self- not just the distant exterior you put up.
you're thoughtful and generous; you like books and animals and know how to make ice cream from scratch with ice and plastic bags; you're resourceful and crafty - you learned how to hot wire cars and pick locks from the older kids down at the foster care home - but you don't try to give anyone headaches for it out of respect for Alfred, you claim solemnly.
you're a good kid.
it just takes a bit more for people to say that, and even more for you to let others see it.
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I just- Can I just-
If Brucie EVER tried to but reader in a cape Jason would lose his MIND.
How DARE you even THINK about putting the baby at risk? How dare you?
Totally just takes reader and brings them to his apartment until Bruce apologizes for even suggesting such a proposterous thing.
He's eventually forgiven but he's on thin ice okay?
Sleepovers at Jason's are also a very common thing.
Since he lives in the Narrows, it gives you the chance to roam your old stomping grounds and see your friends.
Poor reader has to go to all kinds of fancy dinner parties now.
Public appearences.
Such a drag.
Uncomfy clothes, and uncomfy people.
So, being the feral little street raised shit they are, reader says the most out of pocket freaky crap ever.
"Yeah, living in the Narrows as a kid was hard. Especially after the accident."
"Oh, yeah. I love my new home. The velociraptor in the backyard is a sweetheart."
"What do you mean Jason's supposed to be dead? He obviously got better. I've done it more than once. Yes I've died before. They said I can't tell you what comes after. Who's they? Don't worry about it."
And literally no one can say anything because their new dad is one of the richest men on Earth.
Also their first fancy gala something definitly went wrong.
Like lets says it gets targeted for some kind of robbery 'cus, ya know Gotham. And it's full of rich people.
Reader is literally like, "Fuck no. Get the hell out."
Grabs a bottle of champagne and breaks it over the ring leaders head with a loud shout of "ANARCHY!"
Also, the little punk stealing the CAR is hilarious. So much potential there.
Dick *interrupting Bruce for the upteenth time*: "Hey, B?"
Bruce *Severly annoyed*: "Yes, Nightwing? What is it?"
Dick: "Who's driving the car?"
*Que Jason wheezing over the comms*.
Dickie gives all kinds of nicknames.
Little wing, hoodlum, baby bird-
Him and Jason compete for your time.
Like there is an underground betting pool for who can get you to spend more time with whom.
Jason shows you all hid hidey places around the manor if you ever need a place to just- be
Tim helps with homework when Jason's not around (which isn't very often, Jason makes a point of visitiing often just to see you)
It makes for wonderful bonding with your busiest brother.
Damian, (though he will never admit it out loud), enjoys it when you join him in taking care of his animals.
Batcow and Jerry love you, and Alfred the cat has taken to sleeping in your room.
The two of you take Titus and Ace for walks, and Damian very smugly rubs it in Jason's face when a tabloid photo pops up of the two of you in matching sweaters and sunglasses.
"Clearly I am the superior brother, Todd. Even the media agrees."
"Well then I know it's bullshit because the media says it's true."
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toulousewayne · 11 months
Batfamily Halloween Special🎃
Bruce was throwing his annual Halloween Costume Party, and let every year all the kids always dress up. Most of kids weren’t in the Manor as they would arrive later to join in the spooky festivities.
Alfred was overseeing the staff with last minute decorations. Fake blood, cobwebs, fake skulls, fog machine. Anything you could find at your local Spirt Halloween Alfred had gotten to first. The DJ was finishing his last few technical checks and the catering company was always done with the last few creative dishes.
Meanwhile, upstairs Damian was fidgeting in his sit,”Are we almost Sister?”
“Hold still or you makeup will get messed up.” Y/n was the only person home that could help Damian finish with his costume. After a few moments she pulled back and smiled,”All done.”
Damian flung out of his seat and into his sister’s bathroom to look at his makeup.
“Wow, you managed to make me look the skeleton from that film Grayson made me watch.”
“Jack, you look like Jack Dames.” She took a comb and finished smoothing out his hair. “What’s your costume?” He inquired taking the combing to fix his own hair.
She went into her closet and came out dressed as cowgirl Barbie from the movie with hat and boots.
“Now go put on your costume Dames Dick said he’s five minutes away with the girls.” She fixed her wig and adjusted her scarf. Damian walked to his room around the corner and changed into the costume his brother had gotten for him a few days ago.
When he emerged from his room, Dick and Y/n were laughing at a his phone and noticed Damian.
“Aww Little D, you look so frightening.”
“Tt. And what are you supposed to be Grayson.”
“Aladdin,Kori’s running late but she’s going to be Jasmine.” The three went downstairs which was now in full effect and Alfred greeted the siblings dressed as Count Dracula.
“Nice fang Alife.” Alfred smiled at the three and offered them red punch in black and purple plastic cups. “Why Thank you Master Richard, I must stay though they do take a lot to get used to.”
Barbara arrived with Cassandra, Stephanie and Duke all dressed for the party.
“Aww Dami you look so adorable.” Steph fussed taking pictures of the youngest. He huffed and walked away into the main ballroom where the music was blasting but only a few people from Wayne Enterprise and Queen Construction had arrived.
Y/n snapped a few pictures with Duke and Barbara aka Spider-man and Kim Possible.
Jason arrived with Tim and Bernard not far behind him. “May wanna close that vest up Dickhead your getting cold.” He teased Dick who rolled his eyes.
“IT’s October Jason.”
“My nipples aren’t sharing at everyone entering the house.”
“Jason knock it off.” Y/n huffed, Dick self consciously pulled his vested.
The group had moved to the ballroom mintues ago and more people from Wayne Enterprises and some League members had arrived. Jason stretched standing from the table,” Okay this Skywalker needs food.”
Stephanie and Cass followed dress as the Pink and Yellow Power Rangers.
Selina entered the room dressed as Marylin Monroe and waved,”Why do glum kittens,your parents go trick or treat without you?”
Fred or Tim shook his head,” They’re not here yet, it’s just boring right now.”
Bernard played with the green scarf on his Daphne shirt.
She sighed and saw a several costumed adults and looked back the way she came. “Well looks like the Calvary just arrived. Have fun.” She slipped away into the now bigger crowd.
Members or Young Justice, Titans and Birds of Prey arrived in costumes and soon the kids mingled with their friends and went away from the table only living Y/n and Damian.
“You should ask Uncle Clark why he didn’t come.” She spoke up over the Monster Mash song.
“Tt, if he cared he would have came sister.” He spat.
She stood up from the table and turned to him, “He’s your best friend and he’s been through a lot. Maybe Halloween is just a lot for him, if you tell him how much it would mean to you to show up I’m sure he’d fly here in a heartbeat.”
Damian didn’t answer his sister but did glance across the room to Clark and Lois dressed as Frankinstein and the Bride who chatted with Diana,John and Wally dressed as a Fairy, Boxer and a Race Car Driver.
Damian grab his cup and pondered as he made his way to the refreshment table. He grabbed a few pieces of cheese and felt like his wished the night was over.
The music stopped as DJ announced the arrival of the hosts Bruce and Batmom entered the room dressed as Gomez and Mortica Adams. Once they thanked everyone for coming the party once again went into full swing and Damian slipped away into the gardens.
“Damian?” A voice called to him after what felt like a short while. Bruce sat next to him.
“Are you not having fun?”
He sighed,”Yes father the party is very good.”
Bruce was silent for a few moments and then let out his own deep sigh.”Your sister told me you miss Jon. You should call him, Clark told me the only reason he didn’t come was because he figured you wouldn’t want to participate.”
Damian turned to his father,”Really?”
Bruce smiled at his son and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “He’s your best friend, just call him.” After that Bruce returned inside and Damian remained seated.
He signed before looking at the ground.”Kent,I know listening…I think—I want you come to the party. It’s rather…dull.” He spoke barley in a whisper.
For a while it was just the distance sounds of Gotham noises and the booming sounds from the music inside and then a sudden gust of wind blew a few strands of hair.
“Hi Damian.” Damian’s gaze fell ontop the floating teen before him in full costume.
A grin painted his figured,”And what are you supposed to be Kent?”
“Uh Duh, I’m Danny Phantom.”
Damian laughed and Jon rolled his eyes.
“Come on I’m starving I heard Alfred has jalapeño poppers.” Damian joined Jon as they headed inside.
Y/n elbowed her brother and Jason spilled his punched on himself. He followed his sister’s gaze and they watch from a far.
Dick beamed as he got closer to them,”Aww Little D’s not lonely anymore.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how he can be, you Mother Hen him to death every two seconds.”
Dick shoved Jason and the rushed of his punched spilled on his costume. Dick nervously sprinted away with Jason bolting after him.
“Imbeciles.” Y/n sighed eating a eyeball cheese.
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wearethekingdom · 2 months
also I have a question which I should’ve asked before 😭🙏 do you now go exclusively by reggie instead of Casey? Cause I’ve been calling you Casey this whole time but I’ll totally switch if you prefer Reggie :3
soooo i go by reggie, casey and dylan (totally didnt steal all of these from characters...)
casey is most familiar to me so thats probably my preference but if you switched it up every now and again thatd also be very appreciated :3
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schrijverr · 7 months
You Don’t Know Me, But I Know You 6
Chapter 6 out of 6
5 times Tim showed he stalked Robin + 1 time Jason did
Inspired by this post of thecrazyleader.
On AO3.
Ships none
Warnings: none
+1. Jason Acts Familiar
It’s a slow night. No one has commented on it yet, since none of them want to jinx it, but all have been luxuriating in the quiet.
“Since when does DC have a branch in Gotham?” Tim’s voice suddenly breaks the silence.
“What is this DC? Is it a new terrorist organization? I have not heard of them,” Damian asks.
“No, it’s a coffee shop, most people call it DC Coffee, but the C already stands for coffee, so that’s stupid,” Tim explains. “They were never in Gotham before.”
“Ugh, of course you wouldn’t just call it DC Coffee, because you’re a pretentious ass,” Steph rolls her eyes. “What sort of monstrosity do you order?”
“I don’t order a monstrosity,” Tim says offended.
“Yes, you do,” Jason inserts himself into the conversation. “It’s literally called the Death Wish and it’s the only chain that serves it. Of course you’re excited it’s here.”
“Shut up,” Tim hisses, but it’s overshadowed with multiple concerned family members preemptively banning him from entering. Bruce even considers buying it, so he can quite literally ban Tim.
“My coffee intake is not that bad!” Tim shouts over the noise. “No one in the family is normal about caffeine, I just get singled out for it. It’s unfair. Let me go to my favorite coffee shop in peace. I usually only get to go there on bus…” Tim falls silent suddenly.
After two beats, a concerned Dick tentatively asks: “Are- are you good, Baby Bird? What’s happening?”
Ignoring Dick, Tim asks: “Hood, how the fuck did you know what I order? You’re literally never there when I do, because I only get to on business trips or when I’m at Titan Tower.”
Jason is quiet.
“Oh my god, have you been stalking me? You’ve totally been stalking me,” Tim exclaims, torn between disturbed and delighted.
“No, I haven’t,” Jason protests, but Tim ignores him.
“After weeks of calling me a stalker and a creeper, here you are, doing the exact same. I can’t believe the hypocrisy!” Tim goes on.
“I wasn’t stalking you!” Jason yells, hoping to be louder than Tim to shut him up.
It works. Tim falls quiet. But then Steph asks: “Then why do you know his coffee order in a chain you’ve never seen him go to. Even I didn’t know that and I dated him.”
“Yes, how did you obtain this information without observation?” Damian inquires.
Jason is quiet for a second, then says: “Okay, so it wasn’t without observation, but observation and stalking isn’t the same at all.”
“It totally is,” Tim exclaims indignantly.
“No, it’s not,” Jason argues. “I was observing your routine so I could break in and kill you, that’s not at all the same as running around at night, because you’re a creepy looser, whose only human interaction is through a camera lens.”
“Okay, harsh,” Tim says.
“Yeah, way too harsh. I mean, I agree with you and I love ragging on Red Bridie-boy here, but that’s- that’s a lot,” Steph says, a jikes in her voice.
“Alright, yeah, you’re right, sorry, that was too much,” Jason agrees. “But I still think it’s not the same.”
“It totally is,” Tim says, easily forgiving the harsh words. They truly have gotten closer. Then he proceeds to be a little shit by crowing: “Stalker, stalker, stalker. Red Hood is a stalker.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” Jason chants, trying and failing to drown him out.
“No. Creeper, creeper,” Tim starts up, Steph having no trouble joining in, despite not even agreeing with Tim.
“One of my plans was fucking poisoning you with your coffee order. I can dust that plan off, if you don’t stop right the fuck now,” Jason threatens.
“Still a stalker,” Tim singsongs, before turning off his com. He hasn’t taken Jason’s threat seriously in ages, he wonders when that happened.
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Cass was surprised one day. She was attempting to paint her nails with two bruised ribs, and a broken arm. She had just gotten this beautiful garnet polish that she couldn't wait any longer to use, but even her determination is proving to not be enough to do her nails.
That was when Jason walked by, sighing and shaking his head as he takes the brush from her. He silently settles next to her, and starts effortlessly painting her nails for her. He seems focused and careful.
"You're really good at that," Cass inquires. Jason just hums back. "Didn't take you for the nail polish kind of teen," she teases. She had been getting into teasing a lot, thanks to Steph. But everyone found it endearing, not discouraging her from expanding her explorations in communicating. Jason just sighed at the comment.
"My mom used to always do her nails. She got too sick to do them." He left it at that. Jason recalled when he found a practically new nail polish in a trashcan once, how pleased his mom was with the color. He wanted to paint her nails as good as she did. She deserved at least that much, to have pretty, perfectly done nails. He'd watch her smile and tilt her hand, seeing how the light shines on the color. Jason glanced up to see Cass smiling sweetly, quickly looking away.
Cass didn't mean to stare, but his body language spoke so much. He was shy, reserved, but also had pride and sorrow. She noticed his chest stop mid-breath, seeing his top lip twitch for a moment.
"You don't have to," she said, noticing the warning signs of when Jason was getting upset. His were so subtle and rare, but they were enormous red flags to Cass. He scoffed at her.
"Yeah, and what? Let Steph finish them? She couldn't color inside the lines, much less keep the polish on your nail," he joked quietly. Steph was actually pretty good at nails. She taught Cass after all. But no, he had to finish.
Cass let him finish in peace, watching the way he focused. Those were some things she did like about her abilities. She adored watching people focus on things they loved, seeing them tune out on everything else. She could see how much it means to them.
When he finished, he capped the nail polish, set it aside, and pulled a foldable comb out from his pocket. Cass just tilted her head at that.
"Just... let me?" He said, sounding annoyed. But Cass could see he was tense in that shy way again. This was another part of something Jason just *had* to do. She went to turn a bit so he could properly brush her hair, but he stopped her. "No, don't- don't move." Now he seemed a touch scared, like he's seen one too many people hurt. Knowing this family, that was an understatement.
He gently worked his way around her hair, starting gently at the bottom, working up, being sure to hold the hair above it to minimize any tugging. He was so focused again, getting up from the couch to work around her. Finally, he nodded to himself, folding the comb back into his pocket.
Cass looked up to him and smirked deviously, flicking her head back and forth so her hair flopped around, cheekily looking up at him through the hair now in her face. Jason pinched his nose and sighed.
"You're just as bad as Steph," he mumbles, fixing her hair again. He saw that smirk again, and grabbed the top of her head. "Don't. I swear, you're all gremlins." Cass laughed quietly, proud of herself when Jason's stature relaxed a bit.
He went about putting a pillow at her back, under her arm, and the throw blanket and a book where her good arm could reach.
"Don't ruin my work," he lightly scolded, walking out. He waited a moment around the corner of the door before peeking back in a bit, watching Cass see how the light shines off of her nails.
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falseclosure · 1 year
let the games begin - part 1 (fem!oc x fem!oc)
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part 1/?
summary: the one where they fall in love (kinda) in one of the biggest stage of their lives.
pairing: fem!oc (auswnt) x fem!oc (usa swimming)
warnings: none
word count: 2.8k
a/n: hello! it's my first story here! this has honestly been sitting in my drafts for a year. i'm back in my swimming phase so it has sparked some inspiration hopefully someone will like this. not proofread btw! also, there's a hint of kellex in there somewhere :)
July 19, 2021
Kaiden (kay-den)
We just arrived in Tokyo after our Pre Olympics training camp in Nara. Even though I slept the entire time we were traveling, I'm still exhausted, so it's a good thing our coaches offered us a day off tomorrow. I'm ecstatic to be participating in the Olympics. I'm not sure if I'll start any games, but I'm happy to be a substitute when my team needs me. My seniors are incredible; they have supported me when I was first called up to the senior team. This Olympics, all I care about is gaining experience with my teammates.
“Hey Kai, let’s go explore the village with the others!” my ‘mom’, Chloe Logarzo, said touching my shoulder to divert my focus away from stowing my belongings
“But I still have a lot of things to put away and besides I’m really tired. Do I really have to go with you guys?” I answered her while pouting and scrunching my eyebrows together.
“You’re cute, almost gave in. But you know we’re leaving the village after a few days because we’re gonna transfer to another venue for the final group game right? Don’t take everything out of your bags, you're the only one that’s gonna have a hard time.” 
“Okay, I guess my signature pout did not work.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I straightened my face and nodded, indicating that I would be joining them.
Chloe tugged me towards the lift entrance with her right arm across my shoulders. We went downstairs and waited outside our apartment for our other teammates so that we could explore the village together.
“Hey bitches!” Sam Kerr yelled at us while obnoxiously flailing both of her hands. Steph Catley tried to put Sam's hand down because a number of people were looking at her; while Emily Van Egmond slapped her mouth. Soon after, Ellie Carpenter and Caitlin Foord trailed behind the three of them.
“Where are the others?” Chloe asked the five of them after observing that no one was following them anymore.
“They said they’ll follow behind.” Ellie, who was engrossed in her phone, answered. I went up to Ellie to see what she was up to because the other four women continued bickering as we were walking.
“What’re you doing?” I asked Ellie, leaning in close enough to see her phone screen. 
“On Bumble trying to look for hot Olympic athletes.” Ellie replied in hushed tones, fearful that the older women would hear her. I just chuckled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.
“Don’t curse in front of the kids!” Ellie and I heard Emily say behind us scolding Sam. 
“You guys know we’re not kids anymore right? I’m like 19 and Ellie’s 21.” I said. 
“But you’re still our baby!” Steph stated, and I just rolled my eyes as she said it. I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not that they continue to treat me like a child. It can work in my favor sometimes because they do what I want, but when I want to do 'adult things,' they always become protective for some reason.
"Yeah, right. Please, let's go eat first; I'm starving. I think the last meal I ate was breakfast." I remarked, dragging Ellie after me as I hurriedly proceeded towards the dining hall, oblivious to the group of athletes from various countries who were walking around us.
"Do you know how to get to the dining hall?" Ellie inquired from beside me, her right hand now held in my left. 
I looked back at her while still walking and said, “I’m sure it’s this- ow!” I crashed on someone's back and came to a halt; Ellie almost collided with me since I was dragging her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologized to the girl. 
“It’s alright. I also wasn’t aware of my surroundings.” she replied with a smile. She caught a sight of my hands intertwined with Ellie's, which I noticed. She looked up and smiled at Ellie and Ellie returned one back.
“Uhm, do you possibly know the way to the dining hall?” I awkwardly asked her since I think she was also on her way there. 
“Yeah! I'm on my way there. Do you want to walk with me?" she asked me and Ellie. I turned around to check whether Chloe and the others were following us, but I was dismayed to see that they weren't. I returned my gaze to Ellie, who was watching the person I had collided with. I tugged on her hand to see whether she agreed to go with the stranger. Ellie gave me a little nod and let go of my hand.
“Sure! I can’t see our teammates behind us and we don’t want to get lost. We should just meet them there." I replied, gazing down at her a little because I was a few inches taller. We began going in the direction of the dining hall, with her leading the way. Ellie was standing right alongside me, observing the woman in front of us.
"What sport do you guys play?" she inquired, her gaze returning to us as she listened to my response.
"Footy for Team Australia." I said, peering into her light brown eyes.
Before responding, she returned her gaze ahead of her. “Oh! So you're on the same team as Sam Kerr?" I was taken aback when I heard that, but not for long because I knew our skipper is a well-known football player all over the world. Nonetheless, I asked how she knew Sammy.
“Yeah, how’d you know her?” She looked me in the eyes once more before responding,
"My cousin’s also a football player. I know Sam since I've watched a couple of games." I nodded and didn't press the issue any further because I realized we were getting close to the hall.
"This is it," she said as we approached the doors. "Are you guys waiting for your teammates to arrive before you come inside? I think mine are already here.” She questioned and informed me at the same time.
"We should, but I still don't know your name or what event you're participating in. I'd like to support you." I told her with a smile.
She smiled brightly at me. "My name is Raegan, I swim for Team USA." she said, shaking my hand. 
"Oh, Team USA!" I exclaim. "I’m Kaiden, and this is Ellie." Ellie extended her hand to Raegan to shake. 
"It's great to meet you, Raegan, and thank you for accompanying us to the hall. You'll undoubtedly have a tough time against Team Australia, but I'll be rooting for you." 
"That's cute," she remarked with a playful smirk. "We'll see about that." Before entering the hall she looked back at Ellie and me and said, “It was also nice to meet you guys too!"
“Ells, why were you like gawking at Raegan?” I looked back at Ellie and questioned her after Raegan went into the dining hall.
“Girl I was not gawking at her,” she answered with an eye roll. “She looks familiar. I can’t tell where I saw her before though.” Ellie’s phone rang after she told me why she was looking at Raegan.
“Hey, Cait.” I heard Ellie say, letting me know that it was Caitlin who was calling her.
“Yeah, just in front of the right-side entrance.” I was trying to look for them while Ellie was talking to Caitlin. As I spotted Emily’s short ponytail I raised my hands so they could see us. Chloe spotted us first and ran towards me.
“Why didn't you two wait for us? What would happen if you both got lost? " Chloe questioned us right away. 
"It's fine, Chlo, and we met someone on the way here. She helped us in getting here without getting lost." I tried to hide my smile but failed miserably because Chloe saw and teasingly smiled at me. I looked at her sternly and signaled her to keep her mouth shut.
"Just for now, Chlo?" I pleaded with her. She gave me a nod of her head. I adore Chloe for this reason. She simply understands what I'm thinking and feeling, and she always respects my decisions. She's a little protective of me, but I don't mind. We went inside together after we had all gathered at the entrance to eat.
Raegan (ray-gan)
Oh my gosh. Did I just meet Kaiden fucking Moore? The Kaiden Alexandre Moore (yes I know her middle name), the girl I've had a crush on for the past year? I believe I did, and I'm currently floating on cloud nine. I'm not sure how I kept my calm as we were talking and heading towards the dining hall together! 
When I walked into the hall, I dialed my best friend and teammate Emma's number, and she answered on the fifth ring. “Oh my gosh! Where are you? I just met-oh my gosh I can’t do this over the phone!” I said when she picked up.
"We're near the Filipino food bar because we figured you'd want to eat Filo food. Who did you meet, though? " Emma calmly said, as I examined the map on the side of the doors to determine where they were.
“I’ll tell you in person, oh my gosh I don’t even know how I managed my cool. Can you stand and wave your hand? I'm on the escalator and I can already see the food bar, but not you guys." As I approached the top of the escalator, I surveyed the hall for Emma, who was standing and waving her hand to attract my attention. I dashed up the remaining stairwells till I reached her.
“You know you could’ve walked right?” I heard Emma exclaim as I approached her. “I-i just met Kai-Kaiden Moore.” I told Emma while catching my breath. I saw her scrunch her eyebrows but smile at me after she realized what I said. Emma drew me down to a chair and demanded that I tell her everything that had happened during our encounter. I told her about how Kaiden had bumped my back and how I tried to hide my surprise when I realized it was my crush who had done it.
After informing Emma what had happened, I took her to the food bar with me so I could get something to eat. “I was about to scream at her when she bumped into me because I was still upset at you for leaving me in our room. But oh my gosh I don’t know what to say. I didn't expect to meet her here.” I told Emma while we waited in line at the food bar.
“I’m sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you up because you were sleeping soundly and I didn't want to dist—wait, don't you follow her on Instagram? " Emma inquired, interrupting her explanation. Gosh, she’s so random sometimes.
"Yeah, I follow her. Why? What's wrong with that?" I replied. "By the way, she was with Ellie when I saw her, and they were holding hands." 
"What's wrong with that? Rae! Are you kidding?!? She'll think you're odd because you pretended you didn't know her. You need to unfollow her or it'll be awkward the next time you see each other." she reasoned, “And Ellie? Ellie who? Carpenter?”
"If we see each other again and yeah, Ellie Carpenter, their hands were like, linked." I remarked, a bit confused and sad. I took my phone from my back pocket, went to Kaiden’s profile but contemplated on unfollowing her or not.
"Well, the odds of you seeing her again are high, you know, considering Kelley's playing against them; aren't you planning to watch that game?" Emma inquired as I surveyed the food bar for possible options. I saw grilled pork and it made my mouth water, but I decided to go with the fried tilapia because I had a race coming up in a few days. Of course, I got some rice with it and a delicious squash soup.
“Yeah, I am. Our teammates are only swimming heats that afternoon and we would be done with our event before the 27th so I decided to come and support my dear cousin. Do you want to come with me?” I answered Emma after I got out of line with my food.
“Are you sure you’re coming for Kelley and not dear Kaiden?” Emma teased, a knowing grin on her face. I pretended not to hear what she said and continued walking towards where our other teammates were. I sat down in front of Katie, the youngest swimmer out of all of us. 
“Hey Katie! How’s your day so far?” I asked her so that I could continue avoiding Emma’s question. I think Katie knew what I was doing because she was holding a laugh in while she gave me her answer.
“Good! So excited to be here! How about you Rae?” She questioned me back. I smiled a bit but that faded when Emma answered for me.
“She met Kaiden!” Emma blurted out. Everyone at our table heard what she said and looked at the both of us. Some of them gave me teasing gazes and smirks. I immediately felt my face heat up. I felt my phone vibrate saving me from this embarrassing moment caused by my best friend. I took my phone out and saw that Kelley was calling me. I excused myself and went out to the outdoor seating area of the food hall to answer Kelley’s call.
“Oh my gosh! Thank you for saving me from that embarrassing moment!” I told Kelley.
“Why what happened? You seem a bit nervous. You’re on speaker by the way. Alex is here” I don’t lie to Kelley, so I was contemplating if I was going to answer her question. But in the end, I took a deep breath before revealing the reason behind the nervousness in my voice.
“I met Kaiden before lunch today.” I kind of whispered to the phone afraid that people would hear what I just revealed to Kelley. On the other side of the phone I can hear Kelley trying not to laugh at how I told her what happened. 
“Babe!” I heard Alex shout at Kelley, a bit of disappointment in her voice.
“Don’t fucking laugh at me Kelley Maureen! That was the most nervous I’ve been and you know how nervous I get before my races.” I rant out to her. I can hear Alex scolding her a little bit on the other end of the line and I can’t help but smile a little bit about their relationship. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop teasing her now.” Kelley replies to Alex. I heard her shuffling around followed by the door being slid shut. “Sorry Rae, just really love to tease you.” 
“I know. I need your opinion, by the way.” I asked her. 
“Go on.” She replied.
“Emma said I should unfollow Kaiden on instagram because she’ll think I’m weird. I acted like I didn’t know who she was when she bumped into me.” I said with a sigh. Looking back at our interaction, I really think I was a bit stupid for acting like I didn’t know her. It’s just that I felt an overwhelming feeling in my heart. You know when people say that they have butterflies in their stomach? I felt that but I felt all those butterflies fluttering their wings around my heart.
“Well, she can just think that you followed her after your interaction earlier. From what I've heard from Sam she’s really not that big into social media she probably won’t care either way.” I groan at her answer. I really feel stupid right now. I don’t really know how to explain how I feel. I’ve had a big freakin’ crush on that girl for the past year. I never thought I would meet her even though the odds are huge with KELLEY O’HARA being my cousin. Am I in a state of gay panic?!?
“Kels I think I’m gay panicking.” I tell her as I feel my heart beat faster. I could feel my breathing pick up a bit and Kelley noticed it too.
“Okay, Rae calm down. Deep breaths for me please I don’t want you to go into a full on panic attack. Inhale, Exhale.” I followed her instructions. “That's it, very good sweetie. Again. Inhale, Exhale.” It took a while but I felt myself calm down a bit. 
“Thanks Kel. You’re the best cousin ever. I might have to end this call now though I still haven’t finished eating my lunch. I’ll see you soon.” I heard Kelley sigh a breath of relief after hearing normalcy in my voice.
“Don’t let Erin and Jerry hear you say that. Love you kid! See you soon!” I laughed and ended the call with a sigh of relief. 
[raegan.gvr]: Kaiden Moore (kai.mooreee) started following you.
Oh. I guess it’s too late to unfollow her now.
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dailycass-cain · 9 months
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Birds of Prey #5 kicks off 2024 with our first appearance of Cass in the new year! It is also near the end point of the series' first arc!
So how's it going with the fill-in artist? Well, time for my thoughts...
I think I'll start with the only "minor nitpick" and that's we're on the fifth issue and well I'm so accustomed to Leonardo Romero's version of Cass I'm thrown a little off that we're back to "normal" looking bat ears Cass by Arist Deyn for the issue.
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It took a moment for my mind to adjust to the fact, "Oh right another artist's interpretation of Cass." And that's when my mind went back into the story. Besides the other cues of the Romero tweak is there with the blue hue inside the cape.
It's an artist I've never seen draw Cass. I'm good with it. Moving on.
Cass has a surprisingly meaty role in the issue going back and forth throughout. I was expecting a lesser role like in #3 but nope every member gets a good chunk in this issue.
Cass is mainly in "go-to" position. She's one of the first Birds who sees Dinah after Sin is taken. She's given the task to fetch something, is the witness to Zealot/Wonder Woman "round 2", and---
-- well to quote a famous web series I love to rewatch, "Multiverse theory is a bitch". See we get another clue as to why Babs and maybe a few others aren't in this arc (or why some are and still events are going down as they are).
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From this brief exchange between Meridian (gosh I want to call her "Mirai Maps" from now on given the way this issue clicked).
It's obvious that Mirai Maps has been playing a game. A game to try and stop Megera from absorbing Sin, achieve "perfection" and destroying the world.
So far, the "attempts" at trying this has seems like A LOT, and you can tell Cass catches on with the last bit. I'm just a bit surprised she didn't inquire more into the OTHER outcomes.
It sounds like Dinah knows this, hence why she's been following Mirai Maps' rules of not letting Babs in on this (and I'm curious what happens if Babs finds out).
Regardless, it seems like A LOT of attempts have been made, and this just happens to be the latest against Megera.
Also one tiny little note, I love that Megera is literally the panel-lines in this issue. They are EVERYWHERE after being unleashed last issue.
I wonder if it'll continue next? Be nice if it still goes on until the issue's end given the implications of this issue that multitasking without a host is quite hard for Megera.
However, they do possess the mega rod. So there is that.
This issue was fun ramping everything up even more with the arc's villain staying their plan, showcasing their powers (their strengths and weaknesses), and well all the Birds get a fun moment.
I'm really curious how writer Kelly Thompson will wrap this arc up, and given the seeds throughout these issues how the next will go? Not to mention how they pertain to Cass?
Gawds I almost wish we had Batgirls around still with Cass absent with this going on while Steph/Babs have an adventure. That'd be SWEET.
So yeah, another stellar issue from the GOAT of series at DC right now. Gosh, it hurts as much as Tec waiting for that next issue to drop next.
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irisopranta · 1 year
Prompt 125! Iris and Stephanivien!
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The Prompt: a black-market organ dealer who wants out with Iris and Stephanivien This took a while and ended up really long. No gore at all but there is a bit of violence FYI. Also Iris needs to stop thinking that days are going to be normal. Words: 1926
I thought it would be a normal day. I would continue to set up my shop, spend some time with Steph, my love, and work with Aurveal to get my shop on the Jeweled Crozier market. However, today wasn’t at all I could have imagined it could have been. Instead I was tasked with taking down the underworld of Ishgard. Why does my life always take these turns of events?
The day started out normal enough. I woke up at the manor with Steph. The two of us carried on our normal routine before heading out on our business. The morning at the shop wasn’t too eventful. Looked at some paperwork that needed to be filled out. Lunch time rolled around. Steph came by like aways.
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“I’m so glad that you were able to come by Steph.” She was giggly, cheerful that he was over for lunch despite his busy schedule. She got the bowls down from the shelves.Stew was boiling on the stove. Stephanivien took it off the heat and grabbed the ladle to serve it. As the bowls were set on the table the elezen couple sat down to eat. As they did, Aurveal burst into the shop. He was in a frenzy as though something alarmed him.
“Iris, Thank Harlone you are here. He panickly stated. Right as he said it, a Hyur walked into the shop. He was a very muscular man, with multiple scars all over his bronzed body. His hair was a deep blue as though it was a dusky night sky. He was intimidating looking, like a thug that would be a part of some criminal ring in Ul’dah.
The elezen couple was flabbergasted as to why this Hyur was there. After a while, Stephanivien cleared his throat, “This shop isn’t open yet.” As soon as Stephanivien said that, the Hyur started to tear up into a very ugly cry.
Iris, feeling a bit bad for him, served him a bit of stew in hopes that it would calm him down. “Aurveal, I take it that this man is with you.” She inquired. Aurveal nodded.
“This is a good acquaintance of mine that, well, found himself in a bit of a bind” Iris set down a bowl of stew for Aurveal as he continued. “You see, Elwin got involved with some suspicious folks. For you see, he was a doorman for a group only to find that they have been harvesting organs.”
The shop fell silent. The Elezen couple weren’t quite sure how to respond, nor how Aurveal knew such a man. The silence was deafening. It was only when the kettle on the stove started to whistle that the tension was broken. Iris sighed and took it off the heat. She looked back at the hyur man. He looked desperate. Who wouldn’t be when you got mixed up in a scheme that you never intended to be in in the first place. She looked at Aurveal “So why bring him here? I’m not entirely sure what we can do for him.”
Elwin chimed up “Well…. I worr’ that they may hunt me down.” He looked like he was about to cry again. “They know that I know things. Things ‘bout them and I bet they wouln’t want me to spill that stuff all over the place. Aurveal told me he knew someone that could help me.”
Stephanivien after hearing out Elwin pinch the bridge of his nose. “Aurveal, while Iris could solve this problem you damn well know that she’s retired from such heroics. I’m not all that pleased that you would ask. Plus, wouldn’t this job be better suited for the Temple Knights or The Hounds? I’m certain that Hilda wouldn’t mind taking up the job.”
“Well" Aurveal wrenced a bit knowing his brother isn't going to pleased with the next thing that is going to come from his mouth. "They may have started following us. Talking to either group would have made them jump us."
Shocked to hear this, Iris went to check what was happening outside her shop. Looking out the window she noticed five thugs waiting outside the shop’s gate, most likely waiting for Elwin to come out of her shop. She sighed and turned back to Elwin “If I help you, you better pay me back.” Elwin nodded in response. “Steph, my lance.” He obliged and retrieved her lance. Once she had that in hand she turned to Stepanivien “Steph, watch my back.”
She opened the shop’s door. The thugs turned their attention towards the woman elezen. They pulled out their knives. Two of the five thugs rushed to attack her. She blocked them with her lance. She proceeded to knock them back. The two hit their backs to the stone fence, knocking them out. Two other goons started to pounce on her to avenge their comrades. Stephanivien shot at them. The bullet grazed their hands, disarming them.
The fifth thug realizing the situation at hand, surrenders to the elezens. The other two follow suit. “We’ll speak… j-just show us some mercy miss.” The uninjuried thug spoke out, terrified what may happen to them. Iris put away her lance but kept her guard up.
“Well you better tell me what’s going on now.” Iris threatens them. 
The unharmed thug spoke up again “Well, boss told us to get that damn useless door boy to be quiet. We don’t mean any trouble Miss.” The three of them were quivering, trying to appease the elezen woman. Iris stared at the thugs. Her eyes had a glint of red in them. The thugs feel as though they failed to keep her clam.
“Trouble? Trouble? You realize who’s shop you are messing with?" She had the look of murder on her face. 
The thugs, truly terrified, started to beg. “Look, our boss is in the Brume. In the alleyway that is just outside of the Firmament. Please don’t hurt us.”
“Alright, I’ll let you and your friends go, just never come back here causing trouble again.” She let them go. The three of them scattered away, carrying their two friends with them. Iris sighed, annoyed that her fence is slightly damaged due to throwing a few bodies into it. She turned to Elwin and the younger Hallinarte brother “Well if you want to start making it up to me you can start repairing my fence while I go after this boss of yours Elwin.”
“Wait!” Stephanivien shocked to have heard what she just said “You don’t mean to go by yourself do you?”
She shrugged, “It’s a distraction from the paperwork and bureaucracy from the shop. Plus, cleaning the streets from such villainy wouldn’t be a bad thing in the long run. You are more than welcome to join me, Steph.” She headed out of the gate. Stephanivien followed suit. Once he caught up to her she spoke once more to Stephanivien. “Do you think we can get The Hounds to help us?”
Stephanivien thought for a moment. “Probably, this seems more up their alley - pun not intended - than the Temple Knights. Guess we should seek out Hilda.” Iris nodded at him as her answer.
The two headed to the Brume to seek out the leader of The Hounds. However, before they could do anything, a large man appeared before them. This man towered over the elezen couple and was wider than the two of them together. He had scars all over his face and what parts of his body they could see. “Well, well, well.” He said in a deep, booming voice. He cracked his knuckles preparing himself to take them down. Before he was able to lay a hand on either of them a gun sounded off. The man became a bit dazed. Before anyone knew it the man fell over, knocked out.
The elezens looked up to spot the woman that they were looking for. She glanced at them as they were dumbfounded. She smirked at them, amused at what she had wrought. “Now why are you two lovebirds here?”
“Hilda, we need your help with something.” Stephanivien blurted out.
“Help? I’m listening.” 
The two explained the situation that a certain brother left them in to the half elezen. Explaining that they needed some of the hounds to watch over Iris’ shop. In addition, they wanted Hilda to help them root out these villains.
“I see. Well this is good news. Well…sort of. I was already looking into a ring like you were looking to take out. Very well, I’ll join you.” She then talked to her hounds to tell them where they needed to be. She came back to Iris and Stephanivien. “Alright let’s get going.”
The three started to head to the alley that the thugs told Iris as to where they may be. As they approached the Firmament they noticed the small alley. They headed down the skinny alley, so skinny that they could only go down it one by one. About half way through, they spot a door, unguarded. Iris, who was in the lead, tried to open the door. It was locked. With nothing else to do, she kicked down the door.
The door fell off the hinges. As it did the people inside were shocked that their door is now on the floor. They looked up from their dusty, drab room to the light that was where the door should be to notice who fell into their stronghold. They pulled out their daggers and started to charge at Iris. She grappled the first one that approached. He was thrown to the ground. Iris rushed in. The two machinist followed her. 
The cramp space didn’t provide much room for Iris to swing her lance around. It didn’t matter, the next thug took her fist to his face. Only so much hand to hand combat can be done. A few more thugs appeared behind Iris. Before she knew it she was under a pile of strong men.  Stephanivien shot at them to knock them out. Hilda followed suit, knocking out a few of her own. All that remained were the three that came to take down and a pile of knocked out goons.
“So what do we have here?” a gentleman looking man came out of the shadows. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at Iris. Before he could fire, Stephanivien shot his hand, disarming him. Hilda then tackled him down. With the rope she had on her, she tied him up. 
He was quite irate. Hilda spoke up “I take it you are the leader here?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he smirked back at her. Hilda, not one to take such sass, punched him to erase such a face. She sighed, knowing that he was the man they were looking for. “Do you guys mind tying up the rest of them while I get the Hounds to help haul them to the temple knights?” She asked. The two agreed to what she asked, tying up the rest of the thugs.
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A few days passed. The Hounds were credited for arresting the whole ring, leader and all. Iris return to the drudgery of setting up her shop. Luckily for her, Elwin, thankful for what she did for him, decided to work for her to make an honest living. She didn’t mind, he was a sensitive soul that seemed to thrive in such an environment. If nothing else he was getting lessons from Joye on how to defend himself in between hauling things for Iris or the Manufactory.
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