#Star Trek liveblogging
the-golden-dragoness · 4 months
I love when kirk gets in a catfight
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One thing I'm truly enjoying about watching TOS is that no one has the perfect, airbrushed features we see on TV actors nowadays. Takei and Nimoy both have prominent acne scars, Kelley and Nimoy have crooked teeth. Everyone has crowsfeet and other wrinkles. I know the show was never meant to be displayed in such high definition, we aren't meant to see those features, just like we aren't meant to see the make-up or the uniform zippers. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful little time capsule of human imperfection and I smile every time I notice a new one.
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TOS remastered is so deeply evil to me like what the fuck is ur damage??????ur gonna remove the sparkly sparkly stars?????for realism??????hitting and killing u
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discoonthegrass · 2 months
Watched The Search for Spock for the first time the other day, and wow this movie is such a tragic love story I’m in awe:
Kirk reflects in his personal log that he feels very uneasy, like a home without the children except even more empty (basically implying that even his “spouse” is gone)
Jim feels that he’s left the noblest part of himself (Spock is a part of him apparently) on the new planet
Sarek automatically assuming that Kirk holds Spock’s katra (why would he assume that if they were just friends)
“Your son meant more to me than you could know. I would’ve given my life if it could’ve saved his.”
Sarek essentially forcing Kirk to relive the worst possible moment of his life, and Kirk tearing up all over again
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Jim saying he has a responsibility to Spock’s eternal soul “as surely as if it was his own” (if this isn’t admitting they’re soulmates idk what is)
Jim directly being told that if he goes through with this, he will never sit in the captain’s chair again which has always been shown as the most important thing to him, yet he completely ignores that and goes to warp speed because now nothing matters more than getting Spock’s soul to its resting place
Even in the middle of an intense confrontation with the Klingons, Jim’s face still betrays his hope and joy after he hears about the “Vulcan scientist [he’s] acquainted with”
Jim BLOWS UP the Enterprise instead of surrendering to the Klingons because he can’t give up on saving Spock now, and barely even mourns since he’s already lost someone more important
Jim demanding that Spock get beamed up and the Klingon captain refusing because he can tell how much Jim wants it/cares for Spock
Jim immediately rushing to Spock’s unconscious body and shielding it with his own, draping Spock’s body over himself in a protective “white knight” stance
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Unlike everyone else, Jim is restless during the fal-tor-pan, wanting to be with Spock but being prevented from doing so and resorting to pacing instead
Jim not even asking about how Bones is faring but immediately wondering about Spock
“I had to do [it]. If I hadn’t tried, the cost would’ve been my soul.”
Sarek even points out that Jim paid with his ship and his son, but Jim genuinely feels it was worth it
Spock, having just been revived, is supposed to leave to get healed but is compelled to turn back — he cannot recognize any of them (not even McCoy who he literally cohabitated in the same body with) except Jim
Spock asking why Jim came back for him, and Jim responding “because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many” (the reverse of the Vulcan philosophy—he’s saying it was illogical but he needed Spock back and Spock too needed him)
Spock parroting the “I have been and always shall be your friend” line, then finally identifying him as “Jim”
Jim’s face melts into the biggest smile ever seen on his face, even as he’s tearing up from joy
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Suffice to say, I love this movie and will be considering it a romance with a side of action from now on.
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ghostinacardboardbox · 4 months
Alright I’m starting season two of TOS which means it’s Amok Time!! Very excited to see how gay it actually is.
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fluorescentbrains · 9 months
they did t’pol so dirty in so many ways but the panar syndrome arc goes crazy in a good way. t’pol was telepathically assaulted and infected with what is essentially just vulcan hiv and when vulcan doctors deny her medical care because they consider telepathy users “undesirables” she refuses to reveal that she was not a willing participant in telepathy because she doesn’t want to contribute to more discrimination. because she believes everyone deserves medical care no matter what. ally of all time no one is doing it like her
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dgcatanisiri · 1 year
I love that it was Hoshi and Travis specifically who got namedropped in Those Old Scientists. Cuz if you make a list of things that Enterprise failed to give the time and attention to that deserved it, from people to plot points to cultures and beyond, those two are definitely DEFINITELY at the top of the list.
So the fact that in-universe, they're remembered so highly as to inspire people a hundred years later is VERY touching as a result, as if to say "they deserved better then, we can offer them something better now."
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
quote from man shot
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sergeylazarev · 12 days
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captain janeway recast goes crazy
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pissfaggit · 10 months
He's always fucking finding repressed sopping wet pathetic little men that want to kill him and then having homoerotic mind melds with them
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marlinspirkhall · 9 months
?? Chakotay Captained a ship with a hologram of his ex-girlfriend ex-Captain serving as his first officer? That's so deranged, I support it.
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Love it when we get to watch Star Trek on Star Trek
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thefakerachelray · 5 months
Me when the episode called “Mirrors” turns out to be related to the Mirrorverse:
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discoonthegrass · 2 months
The Final Frontier is certainly… a movie of all time, but it does have some pretty cute moments:
Spock taking interest in Jim while he's climbing El Capitan and distracting him so much that he falls
Jim calling for Spock as he falls and Spock catching him without hesitation, then lightly teasing him for his choice to free climb
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Jim knew he wouldn't die because Spock (and Bones) are with him
When Bones jokes that he liked Spock better before he died, Jim immediately shuts that down
Jim saying he needs a shower, Spock giving him a very thorough once-over, and then agreeing with a simple “yes”
Wanna join him Spock?
Jim complaining that he misses his old captain chair and Spock breaking his stoicism to give him a look of sympathy
Jim draping himself over Spock when Spock studies Sybok’s face on the screen
Also, he steals Spock’s “fascinating” line - their mannerisms rub off on each other after all this time
Jim immediately trusting Spock’s opinion for beam down coordinates despite his own misgivings, and the two of them being very on sync during the entire storming of Sybok’s bar
Kirk: “You betrayed everyone on this ship!” Spock: “Worse, I betrayed you.”
Proves once and for all that Spock loves Kirk more than anyone or anything else
Kirk angrily exclaiming that he “ought to knock Spock on his goddamn ass” and Spock offering himself if it’d make him feel better
Spock offering his hand to help Kirk up after he's electrocuted in the brig, then the two of them holding hands for longer than necessary
Spock picking up Kirk with his rocket-boots and the two clinging onto each other in a loving embrace, to the point that Bones doesn't want to join them
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Spock resisting the brainwash because his place is with Kirk and he no longer has to fear his human side (he is not an outcast anymore while with Kirk)
Seeing Kirk get struck by lightning for asking a question, Spock still stands up to God and asks the same one, demanding Kirk get his answer
Spock actually cursing at the Klingon ambassador in order to get him to comply with saving Kirk
After Spock’s dramatic turn in the gunner’s chair, Kirk’s face melts into one of pure love/amazement as he cries “Spock!”
Kirk thinking he was going to die, and Spock giving into the illogic of the situation and admitting it was impossible because he was never alone (basically, as long as Spock is alive/with Kirk, he will do anything to prevent his death)
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Jim putting his hands on Spock’s shoulders and pulling himself closer so that they're about to kiss, and Spock stopping him with “please, captain, not in front of the Klingons”
They're gonna make out once they're in private tho
This movie feels like a fever dream that Jim’s subconscious came up with lmao
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ghostinacardboardbox · 3 months
TOS season premieres always slay. Salt vampires. Spock goes into heat. Spock’s brain is missing.
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quarks-pussy · 3 months
Prodigy S2 spoilers
Absolutely adore how Prodigy captured adult Wes' former gifted kid swag. This is the form he was always meant to take tbh. Exact opposite of "look how they massacred my boy". Look how they did my boy justice
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