#Send me headcanons or something
baalzebufo · 2 months
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some additional doodles and a Lot of Headcanons... sorry if im spamming these a little bit. ive got so many thoughts in my head, lmao
theres my older pacifica- after weirdmageddon, her and gideon become friends. theyre both sort of ostracized from the town as a whole bc of their past attitudes/actions so they cling together and become buds. its nice having someone else who 'gets' it.
pacifica moved out as soon as she could to get away from her folks and has a job at a local mall. gideon enables her to enjoy at least SOME of her old luxuries by taking her shopping and to get their nails done together and stuff. also his prison buddies help ''kindly persuade'' her parents not to break her enforced no-contact rule from time to time. i know the two have the bitchiest gossip in the entire town together. sometimes when its hard to be 'nice' they know they can at least vent to the other and they wont get judged for it, yknow?
also some backstory doodles! he was a Normal Kid, Once. or close enough to it. gideon was a sickly child and was sheltered and homeschooled for most of his life. the gleefuls moved from texas to oregon when he was about seven (yes i know this breaks canon a little. its fine shh.) and he found journal 2 shortly after. things went downhill from there
other notes. he's always kept his hair long, but used to either let it down or tie it into a long braid. he very briefly attended a public school and he didnt fare very well there (fat kid + albino + 'girly' + general weird interests is basically painting a massive target on your back) he used to stay up and watch late night televangelists when he couldnt sleep in hospital and copped his aesthetic from there
sorry this post is so long i have a lot of thoughts about him </3
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crystallizsch · 7 months
uh hi. meet jas(mine)???
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marley-manson · 3 months
yk though I'm thinking about Hawkeye and violence now, and one thing I will point out is that, unlike the majority of the main cast on the show (from what I remember Trap, BJ, Mulcahy, Klinger, Frank, Margaret, Potter if I'm counting firing at North Koreans in Hawkeye Get Your Gun, which I think is fair to count when we're discussing contrasts to Hawkeye's violent moments), Hawkeye has never physically lashed out at anyone who wasn't thoroughly established as a villain who's earned it, as far as I recall (ie Frank twice, in House Arrest and The Late Captain Pierce, and the two appendix schemes.)
And on the occasions someone not wholly loathesome has started something he's never hit back in defense (patient in Rally Round the Flagg, Trap in Mail Call, BJ in Period of Adjustment, and with any "enemy" combatant in eg Yalu Brick Road or The Best of Enemies his hands immediately go in the air.)
This isn't about whether he's a pacifist since again idk the politics there, but the show does go out of its way to frame him as more actively and deliberately non-violent than most of the other characters with how he behaves wrt people threatening him.
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prentissluvr · 4 months
need sam winchester biblically and its such a crime i can't be binging spn rn, but that does mean i will be thinking about him all the time without spending said time watching him which means i will have thoughts about him which means i will have time to write for him which means that folks should send me sam requests i promise i'm nice and a decent writer heheheh
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sneeb-canons · 6 months
Headcanon #500:
Mind is afraid that when he distances himself from or above the others, that he will be too far gone to come back down. That when his paranoia gets the best of him, he'll shut everyone else out and then be completely alone with no way back to where he was before.
Heart is afraid that if Mind is right, with the idea that what he does isn't genuine, that he's being manipulative without realizing it. Then therefore being Whole without himself there is the better option. That he'd be thrown out because his ideas would then be "not worth it" or even "vile"
Soul is afraid that no matter what he does or how good things will be, they'll always eventually split up again or even end up worse. Even then he has no clue what he's supposed to do or be during everything, and so because of that he'll never be whole. Or worse that he'll never really "feel" whole.
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eldaryasharbinger · 3 months
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I'm sad so I made more of these to cheer me up
It's working
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baphmochii · 3 months
I'm gonna share my personal opinion on Sal as a dominant partner.
Sal is a very awkward guy, however I personally see Sal as a soft dominant that can get a bit rough at times. I think it's fine if some fic writers wish to depict our prosthetic wearing man however they want, hopefully not in the worst way. I've obviously written smut of Sal being rough when it comes to sexual intercourse with the reader, I genuinely think Sal would be a bit shy at first but I think if his s/o like.. wanted to try it rough, I think Sal wouldn't mind trying out some rough sex with his s/o and I think he'd feel okay knowing they're okay with this too, if that makes sense? I can understand why most people wouldn't agree with this depiction of Sal, I respect that, the reason I'm making this post is to justify my posts of Sal Fisher.
In my opinion:
Despite my writings so far, whether some Sal Fisher simps like my writings or not. I'm gonna continue writing whatever I please. If you want my thoughts, I think Sal would be a kind, gentle and supportive lover to his s/o. I think Sal would be the dominant partner in his relationship with his s/o and in the best ways too. Sal would make sure his s/o takes care of themselves too like reminding them to hydrate, brush their teeth, getting enough rest, etc. and he'd reward them with affection (ex: kisses, snuggles, etc). Of course, Sal will always give affection to his s/o any way. Sal would do anything for his s/o regardless of anything.
When it comes to sex, I think Sal (again) is a soft dominant guy in the bed, he'd be very attentive to his s/o's needs while they're making love. Yes, I do think (as I've said before in this post) he can get rough, maybe homeboy feels good and he wants to make his s/o feel good too, man. I do know my writings don't make what I'm saying look good but hey.. don't judge me. I will be writing some soft sex with soft dominant Sal, I just like writing him how I.. I guess vision he would be or something like that? I respect if people don't agree with me or necessarily enjoy how I write Sal in my works so far.
My goofy goober ass is just thirsty but I also wanted to share some hot and steamy stuff ft. my handsome prosthetic wearing husband. I will continue writing stuff like that but I'm going to be working on some other stuff involving Sal, I'll also try to work on stuff from my inbox's. I promise y'all I'm not ignoring the asks, I often forget to check my inbox plus I'm also just busy with work and I'm extremely exhausted. Aside from writing same with art, I've been exhausted due to work.
I'm also not being rude I genuinely just wanted to write/share something so y'all don't think I'm fucking dead.
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chai-berries · 1 year
based on her arms alone i know abby gives The Best hugs. she swoops down and picks you up at or below your ribs, her arms locking you into her hold. she has been know to swing you around once or twice until you’re begging, through laughter, for her to put you down!!!!!
bonus hug points if it’s from rugby!abby, post game after an intense match and triumphant win. she rushes to you once the team breaks out of their celebration huddle with the coaches, dodging cameras and half finished high fives until she sees you coming towards her, craning your neck to see past all the people rushing to the field. it isn’t until your friend nudges and points do you see abby and soon you’re both running at each other and clashing into a sea of arms and legs, each of you pressing kisses on every available surface you can find. you cup her face and bring her into a ostentatious kiss, your body buzzing with adrenaline from watching your girlfriend kick ass followed by genuine awe and exultation because you’re just so proud of her!!! this game was HUGE for the team, they’re officially in the top 3 in the whole country!! you squeeze her until you can’t and she’s holding you just as tightly and the moment is all encompassing, nothing of relevance except you and her and your bodies stuck together like glue.
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necrotic-nephilim · 15 days
in lieu of having posted any writing/headcanons/asks in the past few days because i have been *so* busy and unable to do anything fandom-related which is terrible and evil, i have a poll out of morbid curiosity and self-indulgence. i've been meaning to ramble here about how i feel about DC's lack fo Deaf representation and which Batfam members i would personally make Deaf, but i am mildly curious about the larger opinion and now i will subject you all to the question, i would love to hear thoughts/opinions/headcanons on any specific choices. (would love d/Deaf/HoH opinions esp but i'm mostly expecting this to reach the hearing crowd, so opinions from hearing ppl are ones i'm very curious about. if you've never given it thought before you are going to now or else /lh)
#necrotic nuisance#<- new tag for nonserious shit like this#batfamily#batclan#deafculture#i think not including bruce in this poll bc i ran out of options is *so* fucking funny so i'm keeping it#bc realistically i could bump off more tertiary characters like harper or jpv to include him#but i won't.#hearing people are seriously invited to reblog and share opinions or headcanons i'm so genuine#just like. behave about it.#i have personal headcanons but i will save sharing them until the poll is finished#as not to skew results#i also have a hunch on who will lead. based on popular headcanons i see#but i will also not share that as to not skew it#i'm using the Deaf identity as an umbrella term that can include Hard of Hearing as well btw#so if your headcanon is more HoH leaning it is counted#i do believe this is something most fans haven't rlly thought about#but i *really* want to write fics with Deaf rep and i have been waffling on who to make Deaf#so. this poll is also a field test of who you would like to see me (a Deaf bitch) write as Deaf.#and i totally pinky promise not to project super duper hard on them. (i'm so lying)#i will get back to writing and the ask games i promse!#tomorrow i have the day off after 4 bc someone else is watching the baby so ic can just chill#also *please please* if you have disabled headcanons for any batfam (or DC in general) character#send them to me. i want to see them. i would love to talk about them with you.#as an anon ask as a message as a reblog idc#gimme.#this isn't my usual content but shhh lemme be self indulgent.#both bc i'm curious and bc i wanna write Deaf shit so. we take a break from my usual nonsense for this.#i'll post writing tomorrow to make up for it#also i have to remind myself this is my blog i can do what i want with and not just be a content machine. yk
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starryeyedstray · 17 days
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a short explanation later...
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my hc is that connor wears shirt stays and sock garters because that is the only explanation for his shirt staying tucked and his socks not slipping down while chasing deviants. who is the mysterious 2nd person in the comic? idk, i left it vague so you can choose whoever you want.
i haven't drawn anything or made a comic in forever so apologies for the awkward bubbles, weird layout, and shit anatomy. trying my best and still getting used to krita. hoping to make art a part of my life again so glad to publish something!!!!
i just realized this is my first dbh fanart and i made it about shirt stays LMAO. it would be a real shame if all of sudden people started drawing connor in shirt stays and sock garters (but actually i'm begging for more art of connor in shirt stays and sock garters bc i am not skilled enough yet to draw it to a degree i can appreciate).
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I just think Hunter was obsessed with Willow and didn't even know it during the period from any sport in a storm to labyrinth runners. They maybe don't talk as often as they could, they're both busy and have conflicting schedules, so when they do talk, Hunter absorbs everything she says.
After roughly 3 weeks of texting (hexting? I feel like the kids would call it hexting), He knows that her favorite colour is orange, she likes her tea with extra milk and a bit of honey during winter, she likes working out to the noisiest angriest music in her playlist, her dad Gilbert is a construction witch who specialises in pottery, she used to listen to breakup songs and think about her childhood best friend (Hunter doesn't know it's Amity) and she actually has a mild pollen allergy despite being a plant witch and has to take potions for it.
He casually drops all this info piece by piece during their stay in the human realm and willows like. Well I can't not marry him. It'll have to be a winter or fall wedding to account for her allergies </3
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weenwrites · 10 months
pre-dating hcs of tfp smokescreen and wheeljack (separate) with a shy/awkward human charge, what would both make of them, how long would it take for their relationship to progress, and how would the confession happen? 🙏 thanks for the food  
✎ A/N: Here you go! Hope you enjoy it ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's so smitten with his crush that his view on you is actually a bit skewed and biased. He thinks you're one of the best people in the world and he'd enjoy hanging around you whenever he gets the chance.
He's so eager to prove himself to you that he rushes head-first into things at times to try and impress you. He stumbles here and there at first, but when he gains his footing and calms down a little more, he pulls off rather impressive feats to try and catch your attention and your praise. Now of course he doesn't want to seem too desperate or anything that would make him seem unappealing to you, so of course he tries to play it carefully and make it seem like he isn't trying too hard to vie for your attention... It's a fine line, and he's not too sure how to try and reach that perfect "middle zone".
Smokescreen's typically the kind of person to take initiative, sure, but when it comes to you he's at a complete loss on where in your relationship he should go ahead and ask you out on a date, and he agonizes over these things for days on end. Whenever he looks back on times you've spent together in the past, he'll sometimes mutter to himself all about how "that was the perfect moment! Why didn't I take it?!" and "ugh... I should've confessed to them then..."
When he thinks he's mustered the courage to, he tries to do it at the pinnacle of an impromptu "date" when you're both having the times of your lives. But even then, it's hard for him to even begin saying anything, and he doubts whether he should be mentioning it at this time specifically, but he's gotten this far... so... he should do it! He should take this chance while he still can!
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He thinks you're cool in his eyes, regardless of whether you are or aren't. He has a tendency to treat you like a partner in crime of sorts. He'll take you out to go do something fun, but it's also probably something dangerous. But if that isn't your cup of tea, then he'd settle for just sticking around you and talking.
While he's pining for you, he doesn't actually treat you all that differently, nor does he act too differently either. He's still pretty chill and casual around you, and the only difference is that he wants to hang out with you more. As a result it's not too clear that he like-likes you. And if you're sorta the same, then your relationship will take quite some time to progress since he's trying to guess if he has any sort of chance with you, but he can't find any signs.
He's not afraid to pop the question... Well... Maybe he's a bit afraid... But he's willing to take whatever answer you give him, no matter how bad it is. So he finally bursts the bubble one day. It's not during any special moment the two of you are spending together, or anything like that. It's just on a normal day while you're both hanging out. He drops it so casually that it sounds like he isn't nervous in the slightest, but if you were to listen more carefully to the way he says it, and pay more attention to the look on his face and the glint in his eyes, or the way he's wringing his hands... He's nervous.
He gets what it's like to long for the way things were, and he's worried that if you don't feel the same way, he'll be left wishing for that same old feeling of friendship between the two of you. But much to his relief, you feel the exact same way, so he doesn't worry about that for long.
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magicaltickles · 2 months
See bc I originally wasn't planning on this howmstever, a certain two individuals convinced me of others SO love and deepspace tickle hcs enjoy 🥰
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Dorks all of them (including mc) <3 okay hcs now promise
🪶 Sylus 🪶
- doesn't admit he's ticklish. will never admit he's ticklish. that being said-
- since he has some scars n stuffs from his ahem 'accidents', he's come to learn that they are actually very sensitive to light touches. at first didn't mind when you crawled into his lap to trace the lines and dots left from his tussles, but then your beautifully soft hands touched his skin and his life flashed before his eyes as he found himself having to suppress his reactions
- speaking of reactions, it takes a lot to get much out him. he's supposed to be the big scary boss, a few tickles can't be enough to take him down. his laugh is more like a deep chuckle and soft snickers
- you had to recruit Luke and Kieran once to lure Sylus into a tough spot and then you took charge to wreck him. he only forgave you after you kept your word on a promise to wash dishes for the next two weeks (he told the chef to take two weeks off and cooked for you as much as he could <3)
- ruthless ler most times. loves to chase you around the house, following you into rooms and under beds to wreck your shit
- sometimes he's soft tho, like when you're in bed. since he's a night owl and you aren't, he'll sometimes give you soft tickles to get you to sleep instead of staying up with him. will take that time to shower you in praise. his pretty crow<3
👾 Xavier 👾
- space man, hasn't been tickled in so long bc of his circumstances nor tickled anyone else. he almost forgot it was a thing, had he not seen others do it
- he's pretty ticklish himself, and has no trouble admitting it. he'll indulge in a tickle fight every so often with you if he's up to it
- most often tickles you when you guys are sparring. he'll make it his mission to pin you down and tickle you until you say he wins
- and if you manage to pin him first? expect him to squeeze your sides and thighs until he can flip you two over and give you the tickling you deserve<3
- he does it a lot as a way to cheer you up and get you to rest after fighting wanderers
- he wants his favorite person happy and relaxed as much as he can help it and is so super sweet about it
🐟 Rafayel 🐟
- is canonically the most ticklish one out of the gang. we even tease his about it a bit and it's absolutely adorable
- has canonically ticklish palms which makes my brain go brr bc he's an artist with ticklish palms and sometimes he won't think before absentmindedly running a brush over his palms for various reasons and tickling himself bc of it and LET ME GET MY HANDS ON THIS MAN PLS PLS PLS
- rafa is so playful and cute pls. constant tickle fights for any and all reasons
- bratty? tickles. won't look at his paintings? tickles. late to a meet up? tickles. forgot to call/text him back? tickles.
- and it goes both ways too, you can find any and all reasons to wreck his ass
- tbh, he's the love interest I can imagine being in the community if ykyk. he'd be a ler-leaning switch with big lee moods when he gets them. other than that, he's a big, playful tickle monster
- omg omg cute idea came to head he'd have you sit and tell you to start painting and then stand behind you and tickle you the whole time until you're both covered in paint and the canvas is filled with random lines and swirls bc it's all you could get down and fuhdhdnsn GOD THIS FISH MAN
- he makes the switch mood go dudhudbdushdn
❄️ Zayne ❄️
- he's a heart doctor but that won't stop him from giving you, his favorite patient, an examination. which includes *that* part where he lightly presses on your tummy. he'll act like he has no idea what you're talking about
- cold hands syndrome. ends up tickling you slightly anytime he touches you as a result, or at least makes you jump
- he finds it amusing, loving to pretend he has no idea why you jump or squeak.
- loves to tease you for it tho, he'll lean in and whisper how cute you are and stuff
- will fluster you with his words ages before even laying a hand on you. zayne has an extensive vocabulary, and uses it well
- counts anything he can possibly count, using the excuse that he has to as your primary care physician
- this one isn't tickle themed, but I love the idea of him making it snow for you any and everywhere just bc he knows it makes you smile
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
"Hey why do you like the Titan Army and Luke so much more than Percy when they did horrible things-" I prefer people standing up to and fighting unjust systems instead of just accepting them after a brownie point effort to improve them that did NOTHING to actually make it better.
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thegrantwater · 1 month
new fic alert!!! new fic alert!!!
finally posting something after almost another year long hiatus from writing. i got a little more in depth about where i've been and what it's been like to write this in the end notes of the fic, so if you're curious go there, but i'll definitely be posting about it on here soon. so in the meantime....
we fill the gaps (you and me make three) chapter 1 is posted on my ao3! i've been dropping little hints about it for months, and my story for last years sqsn was the main driving point behind this fic (and yes the title for both fics comes from the same song, in my mind strange birds is a predecessor or sort of outline to this). the intro of strange birds was actually ripped straight from the draft for this, because i started rewriting season 1 almost two years ago and at the time had written some pre-henry-curse regina analysis to tie into it. this first chapter covers the events of s1e1 to about s1e19, and the rest of s1 up to the curse breaking will be chapter 2. consider its length both a treat and a warning that this is going to take a while.
love you guys <3
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Wolf!Jason au is very popular amongst the fandom bc duh he's a wolfy feral boy but what about Vampire!Jason. Vampires are also canine flesh biting beings 👀 I need a fanfic abt this. Dam should I write it?-
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