#Sam in the background: 💀💀💀💀💀
reallyunluckyrunaway · 2 months
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Sam in the back be like: GuESs i'LL DiE 🤷
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
OK since art is not arting, I've decided I'll share some background/lore to my Lost Boys 'White Wedding AU'
[Also this is mostly self indulgent for me and my self insert- but I'm gonna keep it kind of vague if any of yall wanna picture yourselves in it/want to add yourself to the story!]
Basic information: Santa Carla is basically ruled by The Lost Boys. The only way they are tamed from killing everyone or wreaking havoc on the town is Michael, or basically, the Emerson family, who are working as watchers of sorts for Santa Carla. Michael is a type of priest/caretaker of the abandoned caved in Chapel that the boys reside in, and every month on a full moon, he offers sacrifice as payment to keep the boys from hurting others. [Note the sacrifices tend to be dug up fresh bodies or animals - that would defeat his whole point of keeping the town safe.]
But lately, it seems the Boys are getting more antsy, getting more and more eager/stirring up trouble in the town - and that's cause they have a demand for Michael. They want a bride.
Now, Michael is very reluctant and almost refuses it- cause Michael was actually offered as a bride/mate once a long time ago- hence the reason he's a caretaker now, cause last time, he ran away from the Boys with a girl named Star whom he loved... But the boys found them and took Star for themselves, but she was eventually was found killed on the steps outside of the entrance to the Chapel. Whether they killed or or her herself, no one knows.
But the Boys are persistent... And will do anything to have their demands answered. Even if it means threatening the Emerson family entirely.
So, Michael tragically goes in search of their request and makes his move to serve them. For the sake of his home, family, and town.
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symbiotic-slime · 3 months
looking at my art so far for this week’s VenomFest is so funny you can totally tell when I realized I was short on time 😭
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One is dressed in black. The other is in pink. Giving me Wednesday x Enid vibes.
“I feel so relaxed when you’re near.” 😳
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
Can You Feel My Heart - GF!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This was a request I got over a month ago, and the person that asked for it was very detailed in the things they wanted, and I didn't want to give away the entire fic before anyone read it lmao. If you're the one that requested it, I hope you like it! It's definitely a bigger one, 5.9k words🙃
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I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You were supposed to die in Tara and Sam's apartment, but you never showed. When he tries to finish the job, he realizes that he can't hurt you, and you help him decided to save the rest of your friends.
Contains: Dryhumping? Oral - m & f receiving, p in v, fingering. Nothing too crazy, Ethan's an inexperienced virgin for the most part in this.
A/N: Deadass want to write something where reader makes Ethan cum in his pants💀
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Ethan knew he couldn’t do what his family asked when it came to hurting you, but after hours of Quinn telling Ethan that you’d never want him, and that you would never see him as anything more than a pathetic loser, he’d channeled enough rage towards you to hopefully do the job he was asked to do.
When he popped out of Quinn’s closet that night and killed her flavor of the week, the adrenaline was already pumping through his veins. When he went out to the main area of the apartment, he searched for you. He thought back to the text you sent him about being bummed that he had econ and couldn’t join you and the rest of the friend group, so he knew this was where you were supposed to be. He didn’t let you not being there throw everything off, it just meant Anika had to die before it was originally planned.
He met with his dad before he had to show up at the crime scene and play the roll of the grieving father to explain how everything actually played out.
“She wasn’t there?!” Wayne yelled, as Ethan nodded, his breathing still heavy from all the running to get away from the apartment before anyone had a chance to see him. “Fuck, I thought you had this all planned out!”
“I’m sorry,” Ethan said, “She was supposed to be there. I guess she changed her mind.”
“You’re going to finish the job though, right?” Wayne asked, knowing how much convincing it took to get Ethan to want to kill you in the first place.
“Yeah, I’ll take care of it. I know tomorrow’s supposed to be the end of all this, but I have her schedule memorized. I’ll just break into her apartment before she get’s home from class, kill her, and I’ll meet you at the theater,” he said, as Wayne nodded in approval.
“I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
The next day, you went to class. You’d heard about another attack but had no idea it was Anika and Quinn. With you backing out of coming over to Tara and Sam’s last minute before the attacks happened, your friends couldn’t help but wonder if you could’ve been the one that caused her death. You were the last person they’d suspect, but they thought it was a little strange.
Finally, Tara called you when you were walking back home after your morning classes.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t come over last night. I was so tired,” you said, as soon as you answered the phone.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t,” Tara said. You immediately heard the sadness in her voice.
“Wait, what happened?” you asked, before you heard Mindy yelling at Tara for calling you in the background. “Tara, what’s going on?”
“The killer came to the apartment last night…Quinn and Anika are dead,” she said, as you were walking through your front door.
“Oh my god,” you said, bracing yourself against the doorway as you took in the news she just told you. “Is Mindy okay?” you asked as you started to get emotional. You weren’t the closest to Anika yet, but you were getting there. You loved her sweet yet sarcastic personality, and you’d recently started to get to know her better from the study sessions with her and Ethan.
“No, not really,” Tara sighed, “Were you really home last night? I hate to ask you because I don’t think you’d do anything like this…but you saying you weren’t coming over last minute was a little suspicious.”
You were taken aback by her accusations, and were about to respond, when you heard the beeping that someone else was calling you. You felt annoyed as you saw the unknown number, quickly declining it before you responded to Tara.
“Tara, I promise you I was at home. I was so tired after class yesterday,” you got out, before you started to get another unknown number call, “Fuck, someone keeps calling me. I’ll text you in a little bit. We’ll figure out who’s doing this.”
“Okay, be safe,” she said, before you ended the call and answered whoever kept calling you.
“Hello?” you asked, the irritation in your voice obvious as you heard a chuckle on the other end of the call.
“I thought you were just going to keep ignoring me.”
You immediately recognized the voice. You’d heard it several times before in the Stab movies, and started to think this was some kind of sick prank.
“Who is this?” you asked, walking towards your kitchen, “Because this isn’t funny.”
“Oh, you sweet, dumb thing,” the person responded, a hint of laughter still in their voice. “I think this is hilarious. You’re all alone in your apartment, no one to save you…”
You tensed up as you glanced around the areas of your apartment that you could see from the kitchen, before inching your way towards the drawer that contained the knives.
“Don’t even think about it,” the voice said, the realization that whoever this was could see you in that moment setting in.
“Who the fuck is this?” you asked, your voice a little shaky as your anxiety kicked in.
“Aww, are you scared?” the voice cooed, “Because you should be.”
That’s when you saw the masked figure darting towards you from your bedroom. You tried to make a run for the front door, but Ghostface was hot on your heels. The knife was shoved in your direction in attempts to slow you down, but the knife penetrated the wood of your door. The killer struggled for a few seconds as they tried to get the knife out, giving you the smallest amount of time to get away from them.
You ran to your living room, searching for anything you could use to help you defend yourself, when you noticed that Ghostface had joined you in the room, holding the knife up as they stared at you.
“Why are you doing this?” you cried. Seeing you like this had Ethan feeling so guilty, but Quinn’s words kept replaying in his head. He didn’t say anything as he charged towards you again. You tried to fight him off, but you were quickly overpowered by him.
He threw you to the ground before he straddled your body. You kept trying to fight, refusing to just give up, even though this person was a lot stronger than you. Both of Ghostface’s hands were wrapped around his knife as they held it over their head, your life literally flashing before your eyes as you waited for it all to be over.
Ethan hesitated, though. The fear in your eyes, your tear-soaked cheeks, and the sobs slipping past your lips were something he knew would haunt him if he went through with this.
“I’m so sorry,” you heard, recognizing the voice as the knife was lowered and clanked on the floor beside you. “I can’t do this to you.”
“Ethan?!” you choked out, gaining enough strength to shove him off you. You used your hands and feet to back yourself closer to the wall, pulling yourself up by the windowsill as he sat on the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I don’t know,” he cried, pulling the mask over his head and throwing it in frustration. “I can’t do anything right.”
You eyed him as you stood against the wall, watching him cry. You were so shaken up and furious, but you couldn’t help but wonder how Ethan ended up in this position. He was this shy, sweet person that you enjoyed spending time with, and maybe it was your personal feelings towards him, but you felt bad for him.
You walked over to where the knife was, kicking it to the other side of the room under your tv stand. If he had a change of heart and decided he wanted to kill you, you knew him trying to fish that out would give you enough time to escape.
“What the fuck, Ethan?” you sighed, standing beside him as he still sat in his place on the floor. “Why?”
He just kept crying, so ashamed of himself that he got roped into his dad’s plan in the first place. He felt sick, and not just mentally. He was fighting his nausea as you finally crouched down beside him.
“Talk to me,” you said, as he finally looked up at you. He looked scared, his pupils huge as his chin quivered.
“My family is behind all this,” he said, jumping up off the floor as you hesitantly stood up. “Fuck, they’re gonna kill me.”
You started to get nervous all over again as he paced the floor. His hands were shaking, and you couldn’t tell if it was out of fear or anger, but you stepped as far away from him as you could.
“I don’t even understand why you were a part of this in the first place. You didn’t have anything to do with Richie dying,” he ranted, before pausing for a second, “Are you close to your parents?”
You just stared at him, unsure of what to say. This wasn’t the Ethan you knew, and his erratic behavior had a huge lump in your throat.
“I bet your parents love you. I bet they’d never treat you the way my dad treats me,” he said, after you didn’t answer him. “I bet they never make you feel like you’re worthless.”
“You’re not worthless,” you said softly, his head snapping in your direction. You hesitated before speaking again. “Your family is doing this because of Richie? How is he a part of this?”
Ethan stepped towards you, as you backed even further against the wall. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
You shook your head as you looked at him, “You just tried to kill me, Ethan…I’m terrified of you right now.”
“Fuck,” he said, tearing up again. “Richie was my brother. I know you heard the story about Sam stabbing him and slitting his throat,” Ethan paused, you nodded for him to continue, “My dad and sister wanted revenge. I didn’t want to do any of this.”
“Then why did you?” you questioned, as he wiped tears from his cheeks.
“Because my dad told me that it would finally make him proud of me for something…and he said he’d just kill me too if I didn’t help with all this.”
You started to relax against the wall a little as you processed everything. This wasn’t about him wanting to hurt you or anyone else, he just wanted to be loved by the one person that should’ve loved him regardless. He was broken, and even though the voice inside your head kept screaming that you were stupid for wanting to comfort him, your huge heart was breaking for him.
“Ethan,” you said, slowly stepping towards him, “Everything will be okay.”
“No it won’t!” he yelled, making you jump, “Shit, I’m sorry,” he said, noticing that he’d scared you again. He started to speak in a softer tone, “My dad is a fucking detective…even if I try to run away from all of this, he’d just find me.”
You stood there in silence for a few seconds as the realization hit you, “Detective Bailey?” you asked, as he nodded.
“Quinn is a part of this, too. She’s my sister.”
“Ethan…Quinn died last night. This isn’t making sense,” you said, as he scoffed.
“She’s not dead…I wish she was, though. I fucking hate her.”
You both stood in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds heard in the room was his heavy breathing and the occasional sob he’d let out…and the pounding in your chest but you were sure only you could hear that.
“I know you probably hate me right now, and I’m so sorry that I scared you like that. You didn’t deserve it,” he finally said, his eyes connecting with yours. “I’d rather my own life be over than take yours.”
“Your life isn’t over,” you said, as he started to awkwardly laugh.
“It is, though. I still helped with this. I’m going to spend the rest of my life in prison.”
“Not if you stop all this. You can still do the right thing,” you said, his eyes growing wide at your suggestion. “I’m the only person that knows…I won’t say anything.”
He looked at you in disbelief, unsure if you were serious or if you just had a really good poker face.
“I do have another question, though,” you said, walking closer towards him, until he was right in front of you. “Why didn’t you kill me?”
You wanted to pull him into a hug. You wanted him to feel like he was cared about. But you really needed to know why he changed his mind last minute before you did anything.
“I uhm…” he said, trailing off as he tried to find the right words to say, “I really like you, You’re just so sweet, and you’re always showing interest in the things I like, even if you don’t understand it. Quinn tried to make me hate you enough to do it, but I couldn’t.”
“So…Quinn tried to convince you to kill me?” you asked, a little confused. You’d spent plenty of time with her at Sam and Tara’s. You now knew that her kindness towards you was all an act, but you didn’t understand why she thought you needed to die.
“Yeah, she knew how I felt about you,” he said, glancing at the floor as his cheeks started to turn a rosy pink. “She said you’d never want to be with me. That doesn’t matter, though. That wasn’t a good enough reason for me to finish the job.”
“Is that all I am to you? A job?” you half-joked, as he started to smile, looking back up at you.
“Not at all.”
You both just stared at each other as he started to calm down. His eyes were red from all the crying, the guilt for even trying to hurt you painted on his face, but you still grabbed his hands and pulled him close to you.
“It’s going to be okay, Ethan. I’ll help you get through this,” you said, as your hands comfortingly ran over his back. He relaxed into your touch, but he was still a little shocked that you didn’t hate him at that moment.
“Are you okay?” he softly asked, “I know I slammed you on the floor pretty hard.”
“I’m still pissed at you, but I’m okay,” you said, as you started to pull away. He held onto you tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet. “Ethan,” you said sternly, “We need to talk about something else.”
“Sorry…you have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve had affection like this,” he mumbled against you, before pulling away. “I’m really fucked up, aren’t I?”
“I might be a little fucked up, too. I want to make you feel better after you tried to kill me,” you said, as he shook his head.
“You’re not fucked up, you’re perfect.”
You grabbed his gloved hand and led him over to the couch. He realized that he was still wearing the robe and pulled it off, tossing it on the floor before he sat down beside you. Your eyes connected with his as you slid the gloves off his hands and threw them on top of the robe.
“I know your family has their plans, but we need to save the rest of our friends,” you said, his heart pounding when you said the word ‘we’.
“No, you can’t help. I can’t let anything happen to you. I’ll take care of it,” he said, as your hands still held onto his. He looked down at them, before looking back up at you. “You mean a lot to me, even if you don’t feel the same way I do.”
You smirked at him as your thumbs rubbed against the top of his hands, “I never said I didn’t feel the same way you do.”
The tension was building up as you just looked at each other. He wasn’t the most experienced, and you knew that, so you decided to make the first move. You leaned in and gently kissed him before you pulled away. He had a sweet smile on his lips, his cheeks pink, but he wanted more.
He gained a little confidence, leaning forward to kiss you. It wasn’t a simple peck like yours was, as his lips needily moved against yours. Your head was spinning as he pushed you back on the couch, his body hovering over yours as you ran your tongue across his bottom lip. He gasped at the feeling, giving you the opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. He didn’t know what to do at first, but soon enough, his tongue was moving with yours.
After a few minutes, he pulled away so you could both catch your breath. He was panting on top of you, a small gasp slipping out of your mouth as he adjusted his hips to get more comfortable in his place between your legs.
You started to get a little lost in thought, wondering if you were crazy. You didn’t expect to be making out with Ethan after he held a knife over you and scared you more than you’d ever been, but it just felt right.
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down to kiss you. The grip you had on his shirt relaxed, your fingertips gently running down his chest. He started to tense up a little when your hands reached his stomach, a small groan slipping into your mouth at the feeling. He didn’t pull away from you, the kiss only getting more intense as he started to grind against you.
“Fuck,” you mumbled against him, before nudging him back. “My bed is a lot more comfortable…just saying.”
“Okay,” he said, trying to catch his breath.
After both of you stood up, you could see how hard he was in his jeans. He subtly tried to cover it with his free hand, his other hand laced with yours as you led him to your room.
It got a lot harder for him to hide it once you pushed him back on your bed. You glanced at it before you straddled him, his cheeks turning pink, yet again.
“You keep blushing,” you said, as you started to roll your hips. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” he spat out, so quickly that you started to giggle. “Please don’t stop.”
Your hips kept moving as he placed his hands on them, pulling you closer to him. You gasped at the friction it was giving your clit, your panties getting more soaked by the second. He was starting to groan, his mouth falling open as his eyes fluttered shut.
“Okay, we need to stop,” he said, his breathing heavy as his eyes snapped open. “You’re going to make me cum in my pants.”
“Would you rather cum in my mouth?” you asked, your eyes looking deep into his. He didn’t know what to say, because he was so embarrassed that just you grinding against him was enough to almost bring him over the edge. He knew the second you put him in your mouth, he’d cum on the spot. You could tell he was nervous, his hands feeling a little shaky as he held onto you. “It’s okay, baby. We can stop.”
“No, I want to…I just don’t want you to be disappointed,” he sighed, turning his eyes away from your gaze. “Whatever we do, I know I won’t last long.”
“Ethan, I know you’re a virgin. I don’t expect you to last long.” He started to get flustered, hating the fact that his inexperience was so obvious. “It’s okay. If you want me to make you feel good, I will.”
“Shit,” he mumbled, “Okay, we can do it.”
You smirked as you slid off him and started to unbutton his jeans. He lifted his hips as you slid them down a little, the wet spot on his boxers from his precum making your mouth water even more than it already was. He sharply inhaled the second you grabbed his cock out of his boxers, his hips jolting forward at the simple action.
“Relax, baby,” you said softly as you leaned down to take him in your mouth.
You were trying to tease him a little, just swirling your tongue against his tip, when his hips jerked forward again. His cock hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he whined, his chest heaving at the feeling, “I didn’t mean to do that.”
You just kept gagging around him, intentionally making your mouth more wet for him before you started to bob your head. His hands tightly gripped your comforter as you sucked, the feeling better than he could’ve ever imagined. He was trying so hard to hold back, but you made it impossible for him. His groans turned to whimpers as you started to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You knew he was close when he started to babble, only recognizing the words ‘Perfect’ and ‘So good’.
His hips started to rut forward again, his legs shaking as one of his hands went to your hair. He tightly gripped it as the feeling washed over him, his salty cum filling your mouth. After his hips stopped thrusting, you swallowed and slid him out of your mouth.
You sat there for a minute after you pulled away, watching him fully come back down from his high. He felt your gaze on him as he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.
“That was…fuck,” he sighed, pulling you closer to him. “Can we do that again sometime?”
“I hope so,” you said, as you started to think about what Ethan had to do. “When is everything else supposed to happen, like with the Ghostface stuff?”
You sat up a little to look at him as you waited for his answer. “Shit, if I’m going to stop it, I need to get to the theater,” he sighed, pulling his boxers and jeans back over his hips. “Can we finish this later?”
“Of course,” you said, fully sitting up on your bed. “I want to come with you.”
“No, I’m not losing the girl I’m in love with,” he said, jumping off the bed and landing on his feet. He paused when he realized what he said. “I guess you know how I really feel in case I don’t make it out of this alive.”
“I’m not staying here and worrying about you all night,” you said, sliding off your bed. “Do you know the theater well?”
“Yeah, but you’re not coming!” He was starting to get irritated, but he knew with your persistence that you were coming with him whether he liked it or not. “You could get killed, babe. I can’t keep you safe and take down dad and Quinn at the same time.”
“If they already think I’m dead, don’t you think that would be helpful?” you asked, “I’ll get our friends out before anything happens to them.”
“Fuck, okay. But we need to leave right now.”
You were hoping you could catch your friends before they made it inside the theater, but you peaked around the side of the building as soon as they were going in.
“There’s a back way, just let me scope it out for Quinn first,” he said, as the two of you walked around the old theater. He slid the robe back on and covered his face with the mask before he turned to look at you. “Wait here,” he said, before he opened the door and walked inside.
You were outside for a while before you heard screaming and Ethan’s voice booming on the other side of the door. You didn’t know what was going on, you even started to think that he’d decided to go through with the original plan, after all. You screamed once the masked figure walked out, the bloody knife in their hand.
“It’s okay, babe. It’s me,” he said, reaching for your hand. You hesitantly took his hand in yours as he led you inside, noticing a huge pool of blood on the floor.
“Is that…Quinn?” you asked, noticing the body hunched over in the corner.
“Yeah, we don’t have much time. Dad will be here soon,” he said, leading you down the hallway towards the museum-like display.
You bumped into Chad and Tara when you came around a corner. They both froze when they saw you, your hand still in Ethan’s.
“It was you?” Tara asked, as your eyes went wide, realizing how this all looked.
“No, but we need to get you guys the fuck out of here,” you said, motioning for Tara to come with you. They both stood in their spot as Chad glanced around, looking for something Tara could defend herself with as he tried to take down the masked person. “I’m fucking serious! We have to go!”
“Please just listen to her,” Ethan said, as Chad and Tara looked at each other. “I know how this looks, but you need to go with her. I’ll get Sam and Kirby out next.”
“Why should we trust you?” Chad asked, as Ethan lifted the mask off.
“I’m trying to do the right thing…and it’ll all be for nothing if you don’t go with her. Please, my dad’s on his way,” he sighed, as Chad hesitantly nodded.
“We can both take her if this is bullshit,” Chad whispered to Tara as she nodded. “You’re going to get Sam and Kirby?” he asked, as Ethan nodded. “Fuck, let’s go.”
You led them down the hall as Ethan made his way into the theater to search for the other two. Once you got closer to where Quinn was, you warned them.
“Try not to freak out, but there’s a body around the corner,” you said, noticing the blood spreading across the hall.
“What the fuck is going on?” Chad finally asked, “Whoa, who is that?”
You turned to face them, the confusion on their faces obvious when they noticed the red hair.
“That’s Quinn, she never died. Detective Bailey is in on this,” you said, before trying to think of the best way to explain Ethan without telling them his involvement. “Ethan is Quinn’s brother. He figured all this out today, and he wanted to stop it.”
“Oh,” was all Tara said, as you led them out the back door.
The three of you waited outside for a while. Tara was starting to freak out, the concern for her sister’s safety made her want to go back inside.
“Where the fuck are they?” Chad asked, as he heard Sam start to yell for Tara from the front entrance.
You ran around to the front of the building, panic setting in when you saw Sam and Kirby, but no Ethan.
“What happened?” you asked, peaking around them, hoping to see him walk out behind them.
“We didn’t believe Ethan at first…until he started to fight Detective Bailey,” Sam said, noticing the sadness in your eyes as your thoughts ran wild. “He’s okay, he’s in the ambulance over there.”
“Oh my god,” you said, running over to him. He smiled at you as you crawled into the back, your anxiety fading once you saw he was okay. “I forgot to tell you something earlier,” you said, sitting down beside him. You leaned in to kiss him, mumbling “I love you, too,” against his lips before you pulled away.
You were soon joined in the back by a paramedic, who was looking over a huge gash on Ethan’s arm that you didn’t see before, the blood unnoticeable with the black robe he was still wearing.
“Oh shit,” you said, looking at it. “How hurt are you?”
“This is it,” he said with a smile, before wincing at the numbing medication being injected into his arm. “That burns.”
You were shocked after he was all stitched up and one of the new detectives on the case said he was good to go, but that he’d just need to come down to the police station the next day. Ethan looked over to you, silently thanking you for keeping your word and not ratting him out. You knew he was wrong for doing what he did to Anika, but it was so easy for it to be pinned on his dead dad.
“Thank you, Ethan,” Sam said, as he hopped out of the back of the ambulance. “We’re going back to our apartment. You guys want to come?”
You and Ethan exchanged your glances as he took your hand in his.
“No, I think we’re going to…uh, hang out?” he said, like it was a question. It made you giggle as Chad curiously eyed him. He stopped Ethan before the two of you walked away, discreetly pulling a condom out of his wallet.
“Just in case you need it,” he said, as Ethan nodded and slid it into the front pocket of his jeans.
“Thanks, dude.”
Once you made it back to your apartment, you couldn’t figure out if you were with the same nervous Ethan from earlier in the day. He had you out of your clothes in minutes, your bare back against the plush comforter as he trailed kisses down your stomach. His hands were inching up your thighs as he pushed them apart.
He moved lower, groaning at the sight of your soaked pussy before he started to place gently kitten licks to your clit. You started to moan as his tongue moved faster, your hand tangling in his curls to encourage him, as if your moaning wasn’t already doing that enough. Once he moved his tongue a little lower and swirled it inside of you, your hips involuntarily jolted, much like his did earlier in the day. When your hips kept moving, he pinned them down with his free hand as he kept lapping at the wetness dripping out of you.
“Shit, Ethan,” you moaned, which only made him go faster.
His mouth worked you closer to the edge when he pulled away. You whined at the loss of contact, knowing how close you were getting to your orgasm. He wasn’t going to let it slip away, instead using his fingers and curving them inside you.
“Right there,” you whimpered once he brushed his fingers over the spongy spot inside of you.
His fingers firmly pressed as they moved, his tongue moving back up to lick fat stripes across your swollen clit. The orgasm you were so close to having was quickly approaching again, your hips still trying to buck against him as he struggled to hold them down. Your vision was getting hazier by the second, your whimpers getting louder as your legs started to shake.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” you whined, as your pussy started contracting around his fingers.
He pulled his mouth away from your clit to have a better view of your face as his fingers slowed inside of you. You were a panting mess as you came back down, your eyes hooded as your hands reached for him.
“Don’t take this wrong because that was amazing, but that wasn’t what I expected,” you said, your breathing still labored as he snuggled up beside you. “I didn’t really have to tell you what to do at all.”
He started to laugh to himself as his hand reached over to run along your naked body, “I guess it just came to me. I knew moaning meant I was doing something right.”
“You did everything right, fuck,” you sighed, feeling his hand run over one of your breasts, gently pinching your nipple between his fingers. “No pressure, but if you want to have sex, we can.”
“Seriously?” he asked, sitting up a little to look at you.
“Yeah, I know you already have a condom,” you said, running your hand over the pocket of his jeans. “Chad should really be a little less obvious.”
“He just wanted me to be prepared,” he sighed, sliding the condom out of his pocket.
He crawled off the bed to take his jeans off. You started to giggle as he climbed back up, the tent in his boxers obvious as he sat on his knees and looked at you.
“Those have to come off, too,” you said, as he started to blush. His hesitance made you roll your eyes as you sat up and leaned over, shimmying his boxers down his hips. “You have nothing to be self-conscious about,” you said, as his cock stood at attention right in front of your face.
You grabbed the condom off the bed beside you and opened it. He intently watched you as you rolled it on his length, the feeling making his breath hitch in his throat.
“Please don’t hate me if this doesn’t last long,” he said, as he got settled between your legs.
“No pressure,” you assured him, as he started to push inside of you, stretching your walls.
He took it slow, at first. His hands teasingly roamed the areas of your body he could reach, the tickling feeling only building your anticipation up even more. Once he got through the initial fear of cumming too quickly, he started to move a little faster. His bottom lip was in between his teeth as he looked down at you, your tits jiggling with each thrust. He held on to one of them as his other hand went to your hip, holding you in place as his thrusts sped up.
He started to groan as he fucked into you, his cheeks red as his mouth hung open. You could tell he was trying to hold back, his mind somewhere else as he tried to distract himself. You moved one of your hands to your clit, rubbing quick circles as your other hand grabbed onto his arm.
“Baby,” you moaned out, as he started to focus on you again. “Go a little faster, I’m close.”
“Shit,” he groaned, snapping his hips into yours. You started to move your hips to meet his thrusts, the feeling of the tip of your cock repeatedly hitting your g-spot had you teetering on the edge.
You let out a loud moan as the euphoric feeling washed over you, your skin tingling as your pussy clenched him. His eyes started to flutter as his thrusts started to falter, a whimper slipping past his lips as he started to fill the tip of the condom. He stilled inside of you as you just kept tightening around him, his head hanging as he caught his breath.
“God, babe,” he said, sliding out of you. “I just want to stay inside you all the time.”
You giggled at him as he laid down beside you. “Is it that good?”
“You have no fucking idea.”
You were starting to get some post-nut clarity as you laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He’d killed three people in one day and tried to kill you. You were still so proud of him for saving the rest of the people you cared about, even if he had his little psychotic tendencies. You made a mental note to bring up therapy to him once the investigation was over, knowing he needed to work through the daddy issues he ultimately had after years of neglect. You knew that you were going to be by his side the whole way, not wanting him to feel like he didn’t matter ever again.
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justasecretflower · 1 month
~🪻 sdv men as boyfriends headcanons ~
Incl- Alex, Elliot, Shane, Sam, Sebastian, Harvey, Willy, Gunther, M. Rasmodius (Wizard.)
You look lost, visit my garden?
- He’s the type that’ll make you become apart of his workout. Lemme explain..
- he kisses you in between every push-up and crunch.
- you sit on his back during pushups
- he sees how many times he can deadlift you. (It doesn’t matter what size you are, yes, he can deadlift you.)
- “babe” “baby” “sugar”
- he’ll talk your ear off about his childhood, gridball, his feelings when he first met you.
- he’s GREAT to have conversations with because they keep going on for hours.
- when he cuddles you he like..crushes you. He always ends up snoring loudly, drooling on you, and his whole muscular body right on top of you.
- touchy touchy TOUCHYYY.
- he’s the type to run up to you and spin you around then hug you saying how much he missed you. Even if you’ve only been gone for like 5 minutes
- he doesn’t cry often, thinks it makes him weak, but the one day that you got him crying in your arms, your fingers in his hair and quietly whispering that it was okay, he literally fell in love again x2 harder.
- you alr saw that coming though.
- writes you poems and puts them under your pillow like a tooth fairy..
- he likes holding you. Makes him feel like he’s a protector.
- romantic home dinner dates with balloons, rose petals galore, candles, fancy table cloth, ect.
- love language is words of affirmation muahaha..
- “my love” “my dearest” “my darling”
- tells you everyday how much he loves you in old Shakespearen English
- slow dances in the living room with you.
- he’s really insecure and gets jealous easily.
- it’s like. You’re talented, hard working, beautiful, how could you ever like him?
- in his eyes, he was old, washed up, no longer a fit gridball player, alcoholic, suicidal.
- he distances himself from you whenever he has these episodes.
- it’s really bad, he knows, but he doesn’t want you to know how insecure and helpless he is.
- you do find out, and you hold him.
- his safe space, his savior, is you.
- he gets better for you, for himself, and for everyone around him and he constantly tells you how much you’ve saved him.
- “doll”
- he gets a new coat and has your initial on it with a heart (Marnie sewed it)
- movie nights. Not those aesthetic ones. The messy ones.
- the ones where you have dirty plates on the floor, pizza rolls, a bag of candies in between you and popcorn on the couch.
- it’s comfy, and it’s fun either way.
- he’s so cute.
- “babe” “baby”
- DEFINITION of golden retriever bf
- skateboards over to your house.
- he gets cuteness agression😭.
- he just randomly, aggressively, nuzzles your shoulder, or pecks a thousand kisses all over your face.
- makes songs for you and sings them to you.
- his favorite place to kiss you is your shoulder. Not even sexually he just loves kissing your shoulder.
- teaches you how to skate so that you can skate with him.
- he’d def be that cliche that’s like. Tried to flirt with you by leaning on the doorway but missed the doorway💀 (SAME WITH ALEX)
- He likes skating dates, MESSY cooking dates, and playing just dance with you.
- owns an “I love my girlfriend” t-shirt and wears it all the time. No shame
- kisses the tips of your ears and nose.
- very soft and gentle kisses.
- black cat …muahahhaaha
- he likes to make bracelets with you!
- matching bracelets
- also, matching pjs
- movie nights are the best with him. Matching pjs, snacks, cuddles, the rain pattering in the background.
- he’s a listener, not a talker.
- he said he can listen to you talk for days.
- of course, he mumbled that while flushed but he still said it.
- you’re his comfort person.
- he gets insecure but he doesn’t project it on you, just gets extra clingy.
- he gets flushed easily if you flirt with him.
- he goes on rambles about medical stuff and it just 😩
- takes care of you while you’re sick. Carries you to a bath with salts and bubbles in it, cuts up fruits, feeds you, helps you drink water, dab a cold rag on your forehead.
- he’s super romantic, makes you dinner sometimes and makes it healthy / canon
- kisses your forehead to get you to wake up in the morning.
- breakfast in bed on your anniversary.
- he’s a family man / canon
- give him a picket fence life /srs
- he likes kissing you deeply. Just pouring his whole heart into it.
- he likes fishing with you, if you don’t know how, he’ll stand behind you and guide you.
- “darlin” “hon” “pretty thing”
- puts your initial on his favorite fishing pool.
- he likes you sitting on his lap, just because he likes to be close to you.
- date nights on the beach, or on his fishing boat watching the stars together.
- he gets up “bright and early” so he just holds you, whispers in your ear with a raspy morning voice, gently kissing your shoulder “g’mornin pretty thing”
- really values quality time, even if you’re not talking just sitting near him while he’s fishing.
- definitely thought he was gonna stay single until he died before he met you, like he wasn’t even being pessimistic, just thought that he wouldn’t find anyone in that small town.
- I feel like he would’ve messed around when he was younger but never settled down.
- so when he moved to pelican town, he never expected to meet someone that would make him wanna be all lovey dovey and stuff.
- teaches you about history. His head in your lap, hand up to your cheek gently stroking it with the pad of his thumb as he yaps on, with a deep, smooth voice.
- remembers everything about you. Every detail even if you were just mentioning it in passing.
- “hon” “my darling” “love”
- date nights are those little missing persons cases (the fake ones), discussing history under a willow tree, taking small naps intertwined I
- prolly has a kid from a hookup…sorry?!
- not much for physical affection, but he’ll indulge a little, hand holds, cheek kisses, kisses.
- his love language is acts of service 100%.
M. Rasmodius Wizard
- he kinda watches you with his magic..not creepily !!
- stops you from falling all the time.
- “my love” “dearest”
- not touchy, but shows his love for you with actions.
- gifts you flowers, makes you food, cleans your room for you.
- fine..he’ll go to the flower dance for you.
- he’ll just end up dragging you to a secluded area to do the dance tho.
- it’s kinda cute ngl.
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starnana7 · 4 months
every time I remember that the hit show supernatural made God, the literal God from the Bible, canonically bisexual but couldn’t do the same with a random guy who hunts monsters it actually makes me feel physically ill.. like blasphemy is okay but we draw the line at making the main character a little bit queer because it would “upset the heterosexuals men”? okay ig… and it’s so funny to me that they tried SO bad to make dean like really really straight and macho and a manly womanizer (I mean dude has literal porn brain and is obsessed with cars and is a film nerd) And still is the number 1 bissexual boy.. I mean no one that into cowboys is 100% straight 🙄 and if they actually wanted him to be that much of a cishet guy WHY would they make him have a codependent homosexual friendship with his best friend for more than a decade ?? and we have so much subtext to corroborates it that it’s actually insane.
and it’s also rlly funny to me that sam would be the most obvious choice for a queer storyline. like i’m not sure this is true but i heard somewhere that he actually was supposed to like be lgbt and that it’s implied in the show he’s pan bc he basically have sex w/ everyone and doesn’t care (like monsters and stuff). i wholeheartedly disagree bc sure he hited a demon and a werewolf and a kitsune and God knows what more But it still were just women and for me he’s still just straight 💀 we do have gabriel however and i would say that’s a valid argument but i don’t actually like them together because of the whole torturing-sam-every-tuesday-over-and-over-again but it’s still a good take ig. again this is just my opinion But anyways doesn’t matter my point Is that sam always felt like a freak and wanted to be normal and like was more open minded and “less-macho-toxic-behavior” than dean. he was a theater kid and talked about his feelings and all. STILL THO dean went and become The bissexual icon (Not Sam, Dean!!). and the fact that he was more manly actually only emphasized to his sexuality (and him being closeted) and sam being the straight one, and bare with me here. as sam winchester once wisely said “well you are kind of butch they probably think you're compinsating.” (to dean asking why people always assumed they were gay) and like this is so true, sam always felt comfortable in himself and like his nerdier and less cool strong man personality. But dean, oh, dean, no, no, no. and it could all be linked to john. we know how much dean wanted to gain his father approval and respect, all he ever wanted was for john to be proud of him. so he’d listen to the same music as john, same clothes… and so on. but when we really see a glance of him, we realize he’s actually much more “““girly””” (sorry for the term i lacked a better one) than he shows, Especially when compared to sam—who’s supposed to be the more girly one (again sorry for the term lol) or whatever. dean canonically likes taylor swift, chick flick films, actually liked when a woman made him wear underwear, the bailarinas shoe were “speaking to him” in that one ep of cursed objects, and so on. and every time he makes fun of sam for doing something not-manly-enough (like drinking lemon water or drinking from tiny coups) he eventually goes and do the same thing 😭 and i’m 100% sure that the writers just thought “haha funny scene this really straight deadly man does something not so convencional/more feminine(?) haha comedy relief time!!” but it actually just made him have a whole perfect queer background developed in the series. specially with the fact that He Does Overcompensate. why is he always flirting with women, why is he so butch and scary, always talking about straight sex and so on? because he’s really just deep in the closet. and it makes so much sense with john being his father, with him having to hunt two lesbians nuns in his 17 bday, always having to be strong and macho and cool and perfect—and therefore straight. even without cas, dean really does immaculate the bissexual experience and i’m so sorry but this is just true.
and now pointing to the subtext that i mentioned in the first paragraph (lol i can’t believe i’m making a whole rant as to why dean winchester is a confirmed bisexual), that whole confession to that priest where he says he wants experience new feelings, new people, FOR THE FIRST TIME. that always that the show mentioned a gay couple it ALWAYS focused on dean—not sam, DEAN. the gay hunters, the gay couple on the bar that the cupid “made”, the two cosplayers partners… the fact that every time that dean liked something it was borderline fangirl (gay) obsessive (the dr. sexy episode, that wrestler fighter). he Had a gay thing—and was all flustered about it. he flirted with a guy throughout charlie. THE MALE SIREN. the male siren like after that ep i was 100% convinced that man was not straight. he had a hot demon sumer with crowley?!!! and it’s so funny to me that not one of these things involves castiel, so if they really wanted to make dean be that straight why would they do that?? and only to dean, not even once to sam. Like. and not to mention all the homoeretic tension with benny??? sam never had a male best friend like that.. all of that and i didn’t even entered on destiel. Because this then really just confirms that he is Not straight. even if he wasn’t In Love with cas, they had something going on and the fact that if cas was a girl it would 100% be canon and filmed and Everyone would ship—and I really mean everyone—it just makes me go fucking insane. they could’ve had it all. the fanfic episodes, the parallels between dean and cas and “real couples”, ruby and cas duality and the fact that sam indeed had a relationship w/ her. Anyway i’m a # bi dean truth believer and i know this bc same boy # happy pride month to my fav bissexual boy in the whole world
also to anyone that says that “destiel” was unrequited love yes it kinda of was but only bc dean was so deep in the closet, he did love cas. he was indeed a bissexual man. i’ll die on that hill.
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Blade x reader General Headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
*gently hands this to you and then scuttles away like a large cockroach* not proofread so yea <\\\3 u can tell i have a blade bias <3
🥀CW: a little angst, blade is Bad At Feelings ™️, reader is sorta assumed to be a stellaron hunter, dom/sub dynamics in the nsfw, switch!blade, knife kink/pain kink, just filth tbh
🥀 minors dni with the nsfw portion
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we all know bladie is RIDICULOUSLY emotionally constipated- if he likes you, he is in COMPLETE AND UTTER DENIAL
he will be staring into ur soul like he hates ur guts but the whole time his heart is pounding out of his chest
he has a very stoic face, it takes a while for u to learn to read him 😭
tbh ud prob think that he hates u for a while cuz he just stares at u
once u both get over the initial awkwardness of him constantly looming over u and hovering around u and staring at u, and once u realized that no, hes not creepy or insane he just wants to be around u, u guys would probably become close friends pretty quickly!
i dont think hes the type to jump into a relationship, his commitment issues get in the way
u would DEF have to be friends first, but he would still be enamoured with u
very observant, he notices all of the little things u do
one of the very first things that tips u off to the fact that he has romantic feelings towards u would probably simply be the fact that he literally cares SO MUCH about ur life and routine
hes memorized ur schedule, how u make ur coffee/tea, what ur favorite movies and shows are, he can tell when ur sad or stressed, he just finds comfort in learning details about u
he prefers to listen in conversation rather than speak, he can listen to u for hours
if u like something or are interested in something, suddenly he is too and he wants to learn all about it
at this point all the other stellaron hunters are rooting for u two to get together
kafka would try to set u both up like all the time
shes never seen blade so devoted to someone
whenever u walk in the room, he always seems to light up a little in excitement
i honestly feel like he would confess first but only for the sake of kafka not telling u before he does💀
it would probably be after an especially tiring or exhausting mission, after the maras been making him feel shitty
blade always feels so safe around u and he would just suddenly blurt out the fact that hes in love with u
after the initial shock, when u tell him the feelings are reciprocated hes ECSTATIC
but wont show it
he'll just let out a small (but cute): smile and nod
kafka, sam, and silverwolf are in the background recording the whole thing 💀
hes awkward at first
blade's love language is def acts of service
he loves doing things for you and he loves helping u, it makes him proud to know that he can help make u feel safe
will fucking destroy anyone who hurts u
like actually destroy
nobody had ever seen blade so angry or ruthless as the day u were hurt on a mission
afterwords hes cradling u in his arms, clinging to u like ur gonna disappear😭
he knows how fleeting mortal lives are and hes genuinely so afraid of losing u
hes not good at talking things out or expressing his feelings
hes also not great at apologizing but he will try for u and only for u
arguments with him kinda suck cuz he can be stubborn and doesn't understand emotions
blade would feel terrible afterwards tho
would probably sit next to u and just take ur hands in a silent apology and gently run his thumb in a soft circle on ur palm
he likes it when u wear his clothes, he can be possessive and seeing u in his (probably much larger) clothes makes him a little feral
overall, u guys have ur ups and downs, but are ultimately a power couple and he loves u sm what can i do to find me a blade smh
when hes dom, hes MEAN
blade can talk so filthy sometimes, his voice is so deep and rough and when hes got you folded in half, ruthlessly pounding into u theres nothing u love to hear more than his scornful voice switching from degradation to praise <3
into marking on both ends, he loves seeing u covered in hickeys and scratches but also enjoys being littered in stinging marks for him to admire later
i feel like blade would like positions where he can be close to u when hes dominant, such as mating press or missionary
SIZE KINK! if ur smaller thank him, he love love LOVES to use his larger stature and weight to pin u down
seeing u squirm and writhe helplessly beneath him turns him on
will pin ur wrists above ur head, leaning down to whisper the filthiest words in ur ear, the entire time his cock is thrusting so fast in and out of ur leaking hole, ur mind is melting to mush at the stimulation. on top of that, his free hand is roughly playing with ur cock/clit, while he nips and bites roughly at ur neck. its all so much, too much...
rahh i went off there for a sec
anyways <3
blade wouldn't understand the hype to exhibitionism until the both of u got together
the two of u r fucking in a storage closet while people outside r just continuing their everyday lives, his hand clamped roughly over ur mouth to silence u, but that doesnt stop his own breathy moans and growls from slipping through
i also think blade would have a knife kink, hed find sick, twisted pleasure in running a knife over ur soft skin as u squirm
hed never actually hurt u, he could never do that
u both def have a safeword
but the idea is still arousing
he isnt as vocal when dom when hes sub, when hes dom its more low growls and groans and moans while when hes sub its more moaning and whimpers and whines
when hes sub, hes so into pain
if u pull his hair, this man will immediately submit
HE HAS AN ORAL FIXATION IF U HAVE A COCK HE WOULD ADORE TO SPEND EVERY WAKING HOUR SUCKING ON IT. if ur exhausted and want to keep blade occupied (cuz his stamjna is INSANE), give him two of ur fingers to suck on<3
he just looks so pretty with ur fingers in his mouth, a small trickle of drool leaking past his parted lips as he stares up at u in utter adoration with lust filled eyes
blade is SO LOUD when u fuck him from behind, he doesnt know why he just finds it so hot
he also has a reverse size kink, someone as small as u taking control of him and using him for ur own pleasure is such a turn on
he has such insane stamina, he could have u fucking him for literal hours and still want more
esp when hes sub, there needs to be a lot of foreplay leading up to the actual sex or else he will be needy for like ever
is actually so touch starved its funny, when the two of u had ur first time where he was sub he came in under a minute
he was super embarrassed, even tho u found it super hot
blade can be a tease if he wants to be, sending u photos of him naked with his hand wrapped around his aching cock, eyes blown wide with lust<3
he thinks punishments are hot, but prefers to be praised and pampered
call him a good boy, he will MELT
he wants to be good for u so much, he needs u to get himself off its almost pathetic :( he cant cum without u there helping him, whenever hes needy and ur not around he always ends up in a puddle of his own arousal, his release slipping away as soon as it begins to build. his cock is aching, he needs u, he cant even get off alone
after sex is when hes most vulnerable, blade is very kinky and mellow after sex esp when he was sub
big on aftercare, deep down he wants to be taken care of and held
he also loves taking care of u, loves washing u as u bathe together after a rough night of lovemaking
he loves it when u mark his chest cuz he can show it off the next day
blade wants everyone to know ur his, and vice versa
BARK BARK BARK can u tell i have such a big fat stupid fucking blade bias hes so silly i love this goofy man sm i need to pepper him with kisses and then fuck him senseless 😔
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maveras-posts · 3 months
Slasher House Part:♾️
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✨How it’s like living with the slashers✨:
I swear it’s like a bunch of teenagers!
The others have attempted any times to teach Micheal modern slang and technology (For fucks sake he has stuck a fork in an outlet and the DAMN TOASTER)
He has lots of candy stashed in random spots throughout town and the old Myers house
Micheal is very fond of ✨CanDy CoRN✨ sour gummies
Also Micheal and Jason are VERY MUCH on the spectrum!
Bubba is very childish when you get to know him but is very short tempered
NEVER comment on how he looks or stare for too long
Sam is just like a kid so we must preserve the innocence (Freddy taught him no no words😒)
Ghostface is also very friendly, and a joker
Highkey reminds me of deadpool in a twisted way
Art is another ball game… (gaslighting is his middle name)
Pennywise does his own thing most the time but is quite friendly and fun to be around.
Out of all of them you’d feel safest with Sam and Jason they are teddy bears
Sam is the least problematic one there along with Jason it’s like the two toddlers found eachother
Freddy likes to bully everybody except for Art and he tried with Sam —
Art fucking pulled a flamethrower out last time he tried to pick on Sam—
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Ghostface and Freddy have karaoke nights (much to Michael’s dismay) Sam is raging in the background
My man Michael needs his 8 Hours
Pennywise and Art also bunk together in the basement…don’t go down there! (Art has the good kush it’s MINE—)
The playground and clown cafe are a vibe I just can’t get the damn ✨SONG✨ out my head🤬
Pennywise is a recluse we forget he lives here sometimes🤷‍♀️ (He Sleeps A LOT)
The 🍃 circle with Art is lit as fuck!
Ghost is very funny and his room is a vibe he can go on for hours about scary movies (Imagine purple and orange lights with tons of movie posters and his collectibles on shelves 😭)
Family game nights are banned now, everyone fought with eachother
Micheal is not allowed to operate any stoves or toasters… HE SHUT THE POWER OFF OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD😑
NO ALCOHOL for Jason (the FBI still can decipher what happened…)
Art may or may not have dared him to shots and he just took chilled water💀 (Jason is a virgin to alcohol)
Art sends Sam to do his dirty work💀 Sam took all of Freddy’s left shoes and threw glitter in all of Micheal’s drawers 😒 Art also gave Sam a lighter😭
Micheal is the only one with Law and Order he is like the father of all these damn children
The people voted and I answered MANY wanted the slasher house to continue, I’ve added a couple more into the house and I just realized I fucking missed the chance to make Fourth of July headcanons for them forgive me council😭 I hope everyone enjoys this dumpster fire and again requests and recommendations are open!
Love You Sick Things!
@michaelmyers-isdaddy @slasherholic @slasherwife @slasherfxcker @getmeoutofhell @gloopunknown @slasherhaven @arttheclown-coveredinblood @rosehilol @spookystree @michaelmyersleftfoot
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morganacorp · 4 months
Rewatching It’s a Super Life (comfort show, comfort episode) and I just have to vent for a second...
Kara was chilling with Alex talking about the whole situation with Lena, a random Mxy suddenly appears and offers his help. Kara asks how he could possibly help her and then he plays Lena’s confession of her killing Lex on the tv…
Alex’s face while watching was so funny- she hadn’t been there so she didn’t know how Lena reacted or how she told Kara what she did (did Kara even go into detail about the drama? or was she just like 'she knew' and left it at that?) and then that scene just keeps playing in the background (with Kara intently watching even while he keeps talking).
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I wonder if Alex was like ‘this is gayer than you described??!!!’ or ‘no wonder she’s mad, you didn’t say shit!’… because the look she gives Kara after the whole ‘I’m not a villain, you shouldn’t have treated me like one’ is SOOOO epic 🤣
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And then her indignation with Kara considering the possibility of ‘changing history to save a friendship?’ while Kara gives the lamest excuse to do it before saying ‘I don’t know if I have what it takes to stop her’.
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Then when we get to the first scenario and they watch Lena talking to Sam Kara hears Lena’s POV for the first time (and she didn’t understand): Lena remembered how back when they were fighting Reign Kara had been supportive and kind to her, but Supergirl had been horrible instead, and that made her wonder which was the real Kara. That’s the part Kara never understood. That’s what hurt Lena, not the secret, because ‘if the real Kara thought I was a villain, then maybe that’s all I really am.’ (and then Sam tells her she was never a villain and actually the hero...)
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But then Kara goes back to thinking: ‘the Lena on this timeline may never forgive me’ instead of understanding what she just heard her say. Lena was never mad about the secret, it was about that double personality and behavior toward her.
‘I get it now! My dual identities made Lena think that she couldn’t trust either side of me. I was a hypocrite.’ Wrong.
Then when she tries again and tells her before the big Kryptonite fight, Lena’s upset because she went through the dangers of helping Sam/Reign alone. This is the one timeline where she was indeed mad about the secret, but it’s kind of a forced reaction imo. At least Mon-El had a bit of wisdom to share and tried to make her understand how vulnerable Lena would feel when she’s betrayed (Kara should’ve known this too) and said she’d forgive her once she understood- which she did (until Reign killed her and Mon-El 💀)
‘Lena was never angry about hypocrisy, she was angry because I never shared my identity with her in the first place.’ Wrong.
Bonus: ‘I can’t believe I was fooled by a pair of glasses.’ Oh Lena 🤣
Bonus x2: ‘Having supergirl as a partner… it gives Lena the credibility her last name never could.’
Bonus x3: these tapes
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The wigs though. They were atrocious 💀
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Armand's Backstory (Spoilers)
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Lestat's shady smirk, GOD, go away.
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Inquiring minds want to know! Cuz I don't trust you yet!
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OH GOD!?!!
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BEARDED Marius, wtf?
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WAIT. So 20 y/o Armand was offered as the donation/payment for the painting!? 😱 (NGL, AMC, y'all couldn't find a better matching painting? That don't look at thing like him.)
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But yeah, that kinda tracks with the book--Marius pushed Amadeo into sexcapades he really didn't want to join. This seems way skeevier though.
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book!Armand was around 15 when Marius bought him, so that tracks. Arun, meaning "tawny/reddish/red-headed" in Sanskrit -- AMC thinks they're HILARIOUS!!!! That's why they gave him reddish/orange eyes--I see you!
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OK, so they kept the sex slave background intact, but what about the religious zealot icon-painter childhood? Was he Hindu? Muslim? (I assume Muslim?)
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Ok, so they're taking out Armand's boyfriend Lord Harlech poisoning him. Armand was 27 when he was turned--WOW. book!Armand was 17! So he lived with Marius for 12 years--that's A LOT longer than in the books. 👀 How was Marius able to hide his vampirism from him that long without Amadeo taking an axe to his door? 😅
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I wanna see Santino & Alessandraaaaa.
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I wanna see Marius on fiiiiiiiiire. (He'll be fine. 😅)
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I HATE this change--PLEASE stop associating Magnus with the Children of Satan/Darkness. He legit had nothing to do with any of them, omfg.
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I hope that was Sam's nerd fanboy rejecting that bit of the story.
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Unfortunately, Coven Master pretty much becomes part of Armand's identity in the books. He's the boogeyman of the younger fledglings, and Lestat's left hand in the Prince Lestat trilogy, basically. :\
My question is: did Marius actually kick him out of the villa when Amadeo turned 17/18? At that age you were a full adult in Venice--Amadeo would've been treated like the other boys Marius sponsored; given money and a job/position somewhere--Marius offered Amadeo way more though, ofc, as his favorite. So did Armand have a career before he was turned? What was he doing from 17-27? Unfortunately, I assume not much. Cuz Armand seems to have nothing he's been living for or aspiring to.
AMC, I DEMAND a full season with Armand & Marius & Bianca & Santino & the CoD/S and Benji & Sybelle.
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savagewildnerness · 7 months
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I’ve never met Sam, but he did photobomb me once!
I wish I wasn’t such a shy, reserved person, as I adored Sam in this play, but it took ALL of my energy to get myself to get a photo with just the incredible Shirley Henderson (even though I’d seen the play probably 10-15 times at this point. I utterly ADORED it & everyone in it.) I am SO scared of being annoying! You do not understand how much it took for me to build myself up to get a photo & autograph from just the ONE human! Gosh, Shirley was insanely great in this play! Like you couldn’t take your eyes off her magnificence! And the emotion in how she sang: I can feel it just as strongly in my heart right now still.
Anyway, I was too scared & incapable of speaking to everyone/too afraid to be annoying to more than one human! So I didn’t get an autograph or photo with Sam or anyone else in the play.
However, I noticed that there is Sam, in the background here!! Teehee! He was SO un-Lestat back then! But the character he played in this play had a tragedy to him. As did all the characters in the play. It was such a yearning play. Sam played a young man who had so much potential (in life & love), yet squandered it till he was doomed to tragedy… and how realistic is that to reality! I feel (& am) that. Everyone tended towards satisfying, resonant, true, beautiful & sorrowful tragedy & there was never any other conclusion. Gosh, I ADORED it! And THE MUSIC! But music with all the resonance folk who are actors first can give it.
Honestly I would give ANYTHING to experience this play, especially incredible Shirley just one more time. It’s in my top 5 plays ever. It’s an awful photo of me, as even on my 15th watch of the play, I had spent the entire 2-3 hours sobbing! It was SO SAD! I cried just as much every single time I watched it.
Also, LOL - you know you’re short when Shirley Henderson crouches for a photo with you!!! Look at us, like wee gnomes, with normal human-sized Sam in the background! 😂😅😂🤣😭💀
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smithereeeen · 2 months
WELL. I’ve SURVIVED the first episode of the new season (wanna see my honest reaction?):
1. The Sauron in his bad bitch era you expect to see (or at least some of the visuals or vibes lmao)
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VS ✨reality✨
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2. Then my man (A LITERAL GODDAMN MAIA) gets stubbed to death by a bunch of orcs 💀 like are you even serious? Also what kind of Jon Snow shit is that
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3. Yeah I think that’s not exactly how Tolkien pictured Maiar getting their corporations. Eating rats and centipedes and people. And don’t tell me that’s because he’s corrupted, that’s some bullshit, he’s still a Maia 👹
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4. Last but not least bro I’m so tired of seeing elves wearing haircuts like they came straight out of barbershop (hi Elrond) and those BUZZ CUTS. WHy I’m asking you, WHY. Elves value their hair like a treasure. These dudes have buzz cuts. Why not make them bald then?
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The same goes with wrinkled, chubby, bearded, etc. elves. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people, can’t you just cast a couple of models for the background actors at least. I wanna see a fairytale not some random people dressed in pastel colored silk dresses.
On the good side, I liked the VFX, the scenery looks good, but ones again, music composer’s impotence kills all the vibe. Please shut all of this down asap 🙏🏻
P. S. Actually I really enjoyed seeing Sam Hazeldine as Adar. But still Joseph Mawle was fucking killing it. The only two decent-looking elves on this show lmao
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oblivious-aro · 1 month
What did you mean by Wes Weston not being a real character on the show?? (I think you may have mentioned this before but I forgor 💀
So in the background of one episode, there's this one filler character in the crowd who people say looks like Danny:
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(This is literally Wes Weston's only appearance)
His name comes from a funny joke where Sam holds a ring she doesn't know was meant for her upside-down:
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I don't see the resemblance between him and Danny much, but whatever. I guess they have the same body model? Anyway, people decided to give him a backstory based on this fact. Wes is the only person in town who notices that Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton look very similar, but no one listens to him, so he goes full obsessive conspiracy nutter/stalker.
There's a couple of other optional tropes and trappings that can come with him. In some fics people start accusing Wes himself of being Phantom (with varying degrees of seriousness). He's often given a brother named Kyle who foils Wes by being super chill and straight up thinks that ghosts don't exist and are an elaborate hoax, never mind Wes's Danny nonsense. Some fics work with the fanon that Danny gave up trying to keep his secret identity from the obnoxiously persistent Wes, and just straight up transformed in front of him one day, but continues to torture/gaslight him by denying everything.
No matter which bits of fanon are being used, the basic running joke is that Wes is constantly having a bad day trying to prove something very obvious that he just can never quite acquire definitive proof for. A bit like Candace from Phineas and Ferb.
Despite all that extra lore, it's a very basic joke, and the fandom’s been telling that same joke for years. Wes is fine, I guess, but calling him stale would be an understatement.
He's weirdly prominent. There's a lot of fics still being made about him to this day (they're all the same. I funny get the appeal), and even in ones that aren't, he'll often pop up as a side character with varying degrees of prominence. You know exactly what to expect when he does show up, because it's the same shtick everytime. Years later (I don't know exactly when he was created, but I found a Wes fic from 2016, so I mean it when I say the joke is old), fandom still writes the exact same concept over and over again, and everyone loves it.
Danny Phantom really is more about the fandom than the show. No one likes Wes because he's interesting, it's just fandom-original-creation pride.
So yeah, Wes Weston is a fake Danny Phantom character who gets more attention than some of the real ones.
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After all these meme drops I can't stop imagining MC sitting calmly with a serene smile on their face, drinking tea while Aurynn and Samira are actively trying to kill each other in the background fdwujaiwoujwi 💀
that’s essentially what happens at least once a day--it's just not a normal morning without the sound of the girlsssss fightingggg. 💅 Though it’s less Sam and Aurynn trying to kill each other and more Aurynn just straight up getting murdered after one too many provocations
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deanscutiepiesam · 6 months
Not the official SPN Instagram account posting a Dean-centric post on Sam's birthday 😭😭
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Like, I love Dean, of course I do, but Sam only got one slide in the background? Couldn't have at least made slide 2 the first slide?? 💀💀
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