starnana7 · 1 day
dean haters are soo funny like they actually do think he is this real macho straight guy who hates all women and it’s just Evil. when in reality. he’s just a funny little bi dude. that wants to be a stay at home husband. making pies and shit. and watching silly movies. imagine being so bitter that you couldn’t love this adorable nerdy guy 😕 i’m sorry he’s neurodivergent and a closeted homossexual with daddy issues and has ptsd and severe trauma ig… you guys loveee to hate 🙄
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starnana7 · 1 day
“dean winchester turned into his father” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUUUUT UP OMFG jesus christ. not saying that he didn’t do some shitty things, especially w jack, but Like no. he did not turned into john and all of his actions are actually trauma driven and makes sense in reality “but he was so mean” Yeah i don’t care
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starnana7 · 1 day
okay but dean doesn’t believe in anything and also doesn’t believe in no one. all the faith he has in people are conditional, specially because he is the one that people puts their faith on, so it’s only one sided. like even sam, whom he loves and trusts so much, still doesn’t have his faith—bc he is the one that “endures” the faith, he’s the one that has the responsibilities, therefore, he can’t actually count on sam yk (btw i’m not saying this is true, dean Could count on sam, but this is how his mind works, he doesn’t think it’s okay for him to actually count on sam since he’s the one that Needs to be the responsible one, he’s the one that sam is counting On).
for dean, it’s only a -> b, not a -> b AND b -> a. the only person he actually had faith in was john, but he died. and eventually even he realized that that faith was misplaced and came (more) from a place of duty than from a genuine one. so we have this character who doesn’t believe in God, doesn’t believe in good things, doesn’t believe that good things could happen to him and that thinks everything is conditional, that people’s loves for him are conditional, mostly based on how useful he is, and that he will be okay as long as he continues this job and responsibility. he literally has the burden of the world on his shoulders and since he was a kid he was the only one that he could count on, the only one that could actually solve things.
And then enters castiel. A faithful Angel. An angel that rebels—for Dean. and that was devoted to dean in such a pure and unconditional way that actually makes him a little bit insane. cas is the only person besides himself that dean could really count on, that dean really puts his faith on. even john, as I said, he did it bc of something like a debt or bc that was what he always knew to be true. but with cas, it was the opposite. he never believed in angels; never even liked them. he was raised to never really trust anyone, let alone a supernatural being. but yet he trusts castiel, so much that it goes against his own basic instincts (to when both bobby and sam thought cas was betraying them and dean was trying so hard to not believe in that—i mean, not cas, he wouldn’t).
crazy that he was the number one faithless boy. he didn’t believed in God, but he did believe in castiel. he prayed to him. every night. he trusted him. so much that he never thought he would betray them. dean, who was raised to never trust anyone and hate all supernatural stuff, believed in an angel so much that it actually contradicted everything he was. he didn’t believe in God. but oh, he believed in castiel. to a point so powerful that it was literally his religion. like both of them were so devoted to each other they changed the narrative, they were the only real thing in chuck’s universes, they pretty much invented free will. Crazy. Insane actually.
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starnana7 · 2 days
crazy that one of the first things that cas said to dean when they met was “you don’t think you deserve to be saved” only to end up with cas saving dean and dean himself acknowledging it. Also with the fact that dean was constantly hating himself and considering himself as a monster, a killer but in the end doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to do, what chuck wanted him to do (what he did in every other universe—universes that didn’t had rebellious castiel btw)—only bc of castiel’s speech of how good dean actually was. and so he went on and proved cas right. And yet there are people that say they weren’t in love. Sure. Okay grandma keep me posted. like dean changed pretty much all his self destructive behaviors and patterns of hating himself just bc cas saw the good in him and he said yeah i’m not like this chuck i’m not a killer because cas said he wasn’t one!!! and the fact that cas literally saw all of dean, his soul, his memories, everything, and still loved all “his ugly parts” Man wtf
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starnana7 · 2 days
he’s a gay man and she’s a lesbian and their 20 year marriage WILL change your perception of love
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starnana7 · 2 days
that being sad….. castiel my poor little meow meow :(
people need to realise that a poor little meow meow must be a character who has committed atrocities you cannot poor little meow meow a good guy that’s not how this works
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starnana7 · 2 days
reminder that dean is canonically a malewife. like they did that. my man just wanted to chill at home (with his husband castiel) while cooking dinner and then they’d have pie for dessert. just having funsies and watching some movies.
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starnana7 · 3 days
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can’t let the world know i fuck with destiel
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starnana7 · 3 days
My friend who’s never seen spn described destiel as the gay actor and the homophobic one (misha and jensen, respectively 😭) and she said it was so obvious she realized in his acting in the confession scene. She was like you can see the “disgust/homophobia in his eyes. And i was just like we are no longer friends 😠 like sure he still needs a nudge in the right direction but you cannot tell me that jensen ackles didn’t interpret dean to be a bissexual guy in love with his angel bsf sorryyy (this is kinda funny tho)
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starnana7 · 4 days
ok but they’re literally the original challengers. freddie and cook were best friends that loved each other so deeply. and effy was this really cool girl that both of them wanted since the very beginning and ended up coming between them. the dynamics change a little bit when, for tashi, she chooses the passionate character first (patrick, that in the skins universe would be cook), and in the ends stay with art (freddie) bc of the security and the love he could give her. i’d say that for effy was more the opposite. she knew freddie would be able to give her that “perfect life” so she would choose cook as a self-destructive mechanism and to continue to having fun. but still like there’s just so many similarities it’s actually insane.
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starnana7 · 4 days
8 seasons of insane queerbait and then at the end they ride off into the fucking sunset together. 20/10 would subject myself to that again
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starnana7 · 4 days
the fucking house md universe only exists because of the medicine. that world was built around house being a doctor. and yet house chose wilson over that. they wrote house to choose wilson over that. they said fuck the medical drama bitch this is about homosexuality
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starnana7 · 4 days
“john winchester did his best” Okay but his best still wasn’t good enough :/ and like i get it he lost his wife the love of his life whatever .. but in the end dean ended up raising a child while he himself was a child and that just wasn’t fair i’m sorry … and if he was just a little bit negligent maybe it wouldn’t be so bad yk but man was literally abusive like all the hints of john’s bad behavior when he drunk, how angry he got, the werewolves marks, how he let dean rot in jail for stealing Food so that they could eat (mostly sam, actually), just so many fucked up things that i really just can’t forgive him.. and the sad thing is that he actually used to be so good yk he never wanted to bring his sons into that life but in the end not only did he brought them but he turned them into soldiers, into weapons, and no matter how much you want to defend him or how much “it was necessary”, you just never do that to kids.. and it just makes me so sad. like give me that children so I myself can raise them yk just poor babies :( specially poor dean :( he took all the responsibility and like 90% of the reasons that he turned out the way he is is bc of john like all “his bad traits” can just be attributed to the way john raised (or not raised) him
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starnana7 · 10 days
i honestly don’t understand why anyone would choose to ship any other mlm gay ship in supernatural that is not destiel :/ like cmon we have gold and you’re out there playing with dirt …. bffr
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starnana7 · 11 days
and what if i said i don’t actually like buddie that much………… it’s not that i don’t see the vision. Because I Do. and like buck is (kinda) gay for eddie and i do think eddie suffers from hetcomp and they would be really good together and i mean buck has had a (boy) crush on this man since his first appearance but at the same time.. i’m not insane about them?! and i really don’t know why like i still think they’re the best romantic option for each other in the whole show up so far and i mean buck’s relationship with chris is just soooo THATS HIS DAD TOO and they are a family….. but i just… don’t know if i went in the show w too many expectations (i started watching bc i wastold they were destiel 2.0) and then i actually just ended up frustrating myself or.. if they just don’t have that much flavor but idk i really wanted to like them more but in the end i’m pretty normal about it. again it’s not that i hate them or anything or that i don’t actually ship it (bc yes i do) but it’s more like. They don’t make me go insane. and i’m perfectly fine with buck and tommy too, which wouldn’t indicate nothing (if i were a normal person) except that i’m borderline jealous of every couple i ship when they are with a different person then the one i like for them, almost as if i’m the one being cheated with yk what i mean. anyways the point is that i like them just fine and i’m not crazy obsessive about them:/
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starnana7 · 11 days
when you think they are laughing with you but they are actually laughing AT you
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starnana7 · 11 days
the dean winchester to evan buckley pipeline is so real actually. both have dirty blonde hair. dean wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up; buck is one. both used to be really straight womanizer guys who we later on discover to in reality be bissexual. they have severe trauma. and a homoeretic relationship with their best friend with whom they co-parent a child with. they’re afraid everyone in their life’s’ are gonna leave them, so they push the people that care abt them away sometimes. and because of that, they always measure their value in their usefulness to everyone around them, sacrificing themselves and constantly trying to save everyone—even if it is at their on cost. they are both really great with kids and so so silly >.< they make bad funny jokes and are actually really smart, even though people don’t always give them enough credit. they are the archer coded, with extreme family issues problems. they tend to constantly make things about them and are kinda oblivious, yet they are so kind and charming, even though sometimes they don’t think so. dean and buck both have bad coping mechanisms and sometimes they’re not sure who they actually are. and they are so, so, so loved :(<3 happy pride to my fav bi boys btw !!
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