#SHE allows him to find his own destiny!!!!!! and she does it by being who she is and by killing him with kindness!!!!!!
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cherrymoonvol6 ¡ 5 months ago
happy belated bi awareness day to the bi4bi couple ever (lunter)
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deconstructthesoup ¡ 7 months ago
Thinking about how if Jenny did come to London with the others, and if Monty does manage to turn back into a human and ends up joining the agency... there's seven members of the agency. Which means that there's one that matches up with each member of the Endless.
Edwin---well, that one's obvious, isn't it? He's come face to face with Despair, walked in her domain, stared her in the eyes as she quietly declared that they were friends now. He is, at his core, deeply and profoundly sad, and there's no denying that. Until Edwin allows himself to be happy, Despair will always have her hooks in his heart, and even when he's free of them, she will always linger in the faintest parts of his ghostly aura, will always be there whenever he travels through a mirror.
Charles... oh, Charles. We all know which of the Endless he would be the most affected by, don't we? He claims that he can't say he's in love with Edwin back, but the minute those words left his mouth, Desire was up there in their domain, cackling at how fucking idiotic this boy is. If we get a season 2, we will absolutely see them taunting Charles, purring into his ear that they know how much he's been ignoring his own desires and wouldn't it be nice to just acknowledge it, darling? Edwin was able to tell you, why can't you just say it back?
Crystal already feels as if she's losing her mind half the time, and doubly so now that she's fully warring with two very separate sides of herself. Would it really be a stretch for her to try to help a lonely-looking girl with wild red hair one night, only to touch her and immediately get pulled into a world that is a riot of color and confusion and things that don't and shouldn't exist? Delirium would probably be kind to her---her default state tends to be kind, even if not everyone sees it that way---but I doubt Crystal would have a good time there, even as Delirium compliments her on her name and proudly proclaims that she's a shiny rock and a pretty building and a football team and a flying machine all in one.
Niko's lost somewhere right now, and we all know she has a long journey home. I don't think it would be unlikely for her journey to eventually lead her to a palace with a roof made of stars, or a library full of every book that has ever been written---and every book that never has. And Dream might see this girl who doesn't belong in his world, but who can't take his sister's hand, and show her the way back to her friends. After all, she's lost so much and is still full of so much hope, and how could Dream not admire someone like that?
Monty... well, he spends all his time looking up at the stars, and not just because they sparkle and shine and all of his crow instincts say that they're treasures meant to be plucked from the sky. He wants to know the future, his future, to find out whether or not he can be something other than just a witch's pet. And maybe, some of his wanderings will one day lead him into a labyrinth, and he'll come out the other side in the garden of Destiny. Will Destiny let Monty read from his book? Probably not, but I think being there might be comfort enough.
There's a slim chance of Jenny ever meeting Destruction, but they are more similar than you may think. Jenny, like him, is a prodigal who left her post, whose life always seems to fall apart, who struggles with a whirlwind of emotions that she can barely comprehend. And while he's off in a secluded land, finding new ways to channel creation rather than the purpose he was made for, she's rebuilding her life, as crazy as it may be.
And, well... we all know who the Night Nurse works for.
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trippinsorrows ¡ 8 months ago
with me + part eighteen
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authors notes: two updates back to back! i felt a lil bad for leaving ya'll on a cliffhanger of sorts. granted, this one kinda does too but....not in a bad way. more of a plot twist, than anything.
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: angst, fluff, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 7k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns @romanreignsbae
24 hours.
It’s been 24 hours of absolute chaos and madness.
24 hours of a rush of conflicting and yet corresponding emotions. Anger. Confusion. Sadness.
In the past 24hrs, your love and basically life story have gone from being known to a select few to now being trending topics on every social media platform. Your Instagram, which was already private, had literally hundreds of follow requests the last time you checked it. There are emails in your inbox from several news platforms requesting interviews and offering exclusives. 
Hell, a couple of people even reached out to you on your LinkedIn.
It’s all so extremely overwhelming and chaotic, so much so that you had to force Alexis to leave and find some way to calm herself down. Her furious energy, while valid as hell, wasn’t helping. And it's not that you don't get it.
You do. God, you do.
You’d like nothing more than to take a steel chair to Mariah’s head, for you and Alexis to do a beatdown part two since the first one seemingly didn’t send a strong enough message.
But, you can’t. And she can’t either.
The whole world now has eyes on you, now is waiting to see what else comes out of this story that isn’t a story for you.
It’s your fucking life.
“We’re definitely looking into our options here, and there are some routes we can take, but without anything from her specifically saying she was going to do anything—”
“Wait.” It’s the first thing you’ve said in this emergency meeting with Joe and his legal team, a couple of intrigued eyes falling on you. “That’s—that’s not exactly true.”
Joe, as you expected, is the first to speak. “What are you talking about?”
This….this is the last conversation you expected to be having right now. The last thing you thought you’d be doing right now. You should be continuing to prepare for the move, decorating the house, planning how you’re going to tell Joe about your pregnancy.
Instead, you’re sitting in your new kitchen surrounded by lawyers, men in suits, and the man you love who you now have to admit to lying over something, at the time, you thought was nothing.
But that nothing has turned into a nightmare that has not only your personal life being used as media fodder but pictures of your sweet, beautiful, four-year-old daughter circulating the internet, just waiting to fall into the hands of the depraved.
That…..that’s what kills you the most.
It’s not even the “tell all” interview you only managed to watch for 10 minutes before having to turn it off. Even staring at her caked face, most likely to hide the lingering bruises from Alexis beating, makes you mad. Almost as mad at the absolute way she’s taken your and Joe’s story and dramatized it to the point of delusions.
Saying you plotted on Joe from the beginning. That you intentionally got pregnant by him. That you were sleeping with multiple men, meaning there’s a chance he could not be the father. That Joe’s ex-wife called and cussed you out, threatening to beat your ass. That you make Joe give you an allowance.
Just lies. Pure, unadulterated lies that make you sick to your stomach.
This whole thing feels like a never ending cycle of nightmares.
“Y/N?” One of the suits saying your name brings you back to this space, this place of here and now where another lie, one of your own making, is about to be revealed.
Licking your lips, you try to explain it as best you can, though there is no good way to come out and admit you weren’t honest with him. “She—she’d been sending me messages.”
“Messages?” Joe’s interruption is fair and expected, but one of his lawyers jumps in before he can continue. 
“Do you still have them?”
Nodding, you pull out your phone, opening Mariah’s thread. You’d blocked and deleted her contact from your phone so it’s just her number as the title for the thread. Reaching the phone to the lawyer, it’s quickly intercepted by Joe.
Just watching his eyes read over the messages, you can almost see his anger growing. He hands the phone over to his lawyer, and you watch as one exchanges the phone with the other.
“This is perfect,” one of the suits shares to the group. “We can definitely slap her with a couple different lawsuits with this evidence. I’m thinking extortion. Most definitely a cease and desist.”
“Defamation too,” someone else chimes. 
Joe isn’t interested in any of that at this moment. He just wants to speak with you alone, that much is painfully obvious. “Can you give us a minute?” He doesn’t wait for a response, just stands up from his seat, motioning for you to follow him.
Nervous about what’s about to ensue, you do so regardless, following him up the stairs and into the first room on the right. 
You start to plead your case as soon as the door is closed. “Joe—”
“You lied to me.”
His tone kills you. You haven’t been on the receiving end of this side of him in months, not since he first found out about Callie. “I—”
“I fucking asked you did she say anything, and you lied to me, Y/N!”
“I didn’t think anything of it, Joe.” You can’t and won’t necessarily defend the lying part, but you will attempt to help him understand your logic that was at play. “Mariah—she’d never done anything remotely close to any of this to make me think she would ever do something like this. I thought—I thought she was just saying shit to get a reaction out of me.”
He stops his pacing, looking at you with a sense of incredulity. “I didn’t ask you what kind of shit she was saying, I asked you if she said anything at all, and you stood there and you lied to me with a straight face!”
“I’m sorry, okay!” There’s a solid attempt to keep your volume down, well aware Callie is only a few rooms down playing, oblivious to all of this chaos unfolding. “But I was in a really bad place during that time, Joe, okay? I—I didn’t care about….lawyers and lawsuits, I just wanted custody of my child back.” Eyes starting to water, you shake your head, asking, “do you have any idea how hard that was for me?”
“Of course, I know, Y/N.” His tone is a little more calm, still angry though. “I was going through the same damn thing.”
“No, you weren’t!” As much as you want to control your emotions in this moment, control your temper, it’s hard when he’s clearly not trying to hear where you were coming from. “You got to see her! You got to speak to her! I didn’t! Mariah didn’t accuse you of awful shit, it was just me!”
“So you don’t think that shit impacted me at all?” His voice still carries anger, but there’s specks of hurt there. You feel bad, you didn’t mean to invalidate him, just wanted to help him see there was a difference. “Seeing you like that? Seeing Callie like that?”
Pressing your hands against your temple, you shut your eyes, explaining, “that’s not what I’m saying, Joe. You’re not listening to me.” 
“You’re right.” His agreement takes you by surprise. You didn’t expect him to be so self-aware. “I’m not listening cuz’ I’m fucking pissed off with you that this all could have been avoided if you had just been honest with me. Our daughter’s photos wouldn’t be all over the fucking internet if you had just told me the truth.”
It’s not hard for you to read between the lines of what he’s saying. But, it is hard for you to stomach what he’s saying. “You blame me for this, don’t you?” And it’s when he looks away, nostrils flared and jaw clenched. “You do….”
“I didn’t for the DCFS situation, because that was absolutely beyond your control. But this…..” He looks up at the ceiling, eyes closed, most likely trying to maintain composure. “I’m gonna go over to Jey and Kaylah’s place for a little bit. I just need to clear my head.”
Your throat constricts. Joe has never been the one to leave in the middle of an argument. He’s that one to always say we’re gonna stay here and figure this out together, so you don’t know what to make of him wanting to leave. 
“Joe, please….” Walking over to him, you place your hands on his chest, forcing him to look at you. “Don’t go, okay? We just—we need to work this out right now.”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you too much to stay here and have this out with you right now, because there’s not many nice things I have to say.” 
There’s a shred of hope that fills you in the way he cups your cheek, staring at you for a minute before he turns to walk out of the door. But the hope is easily dashed at the fact that he still chooses to walk out the door. 
Sniffling, feeling the tears oncoming, you walk out after him only to see he’s already completely descended down the stairs, already out the house most likely. Standing there, you try to keep the tears at bay, try to keep your shit together.
“What, Callie!” The second it leaves your voice, the harshness, the volume, the cruelness, you want to melt into the ground. Callie, understandably, looks devastated at you snapping at her. And you feel it too. “Baby, I’m—I’m so sorry—”
She doesn’t give you a chance to grovel because she turns on the heel of her shoes and darts back into her room, slamming the door behind her. 
Your chest tightening, the tears starting to fall. It hits you so hard.
You really fucked up. 
“You ready to talk yet?”
Joe knew the second he walked into his cousin’s house, grabbed a beer out the fridge and plopped himself on the steps of their back porch that he didn’t come over here to vent. He just needed to get away, to clear and sort through his head so he didn’t end up saying anything worse than what he’s already said to Y/N.
And Kaylah recognized as such. Recognized something must have happened, which is why she allowed him his privacy for the time being.
“Not really,” he answers, finishing off his beer and tossing it to his side.
“Too bad,” Kaylah dismisses. It’s not a major surprise. “Cause I am.” Joe says nothing as she slides down on the step, sitting beside him. When he still says nothing, “what happened, Joe?”
Joe chuckles bitterly. “Check the news. Any of them.”
Kaylah frowns. “You know that’s not what I mean.” She’s very well aware of that part of this shitshow. “What happened with you and Y/N?”
“She lied to me, Kay.” Joe really doesn’t want to talk about this, but he knows he needs to. Knows he eventually has to go back home and face the music. “I had asked her if Mariah had said anything, not even anything bad, just anything in general. She told me no, but that wasn’t the truth, Mariah was sending all kinds of messages alluding to doing something if Y/N didn’t answer her…..now look at what’s happened.” 
Kaylah takes a second to digest what he’s saying. “When did you ask her?”
“When the whole DCFS situation happened. My lawyers were trying to see if we could build some type of case against Mariah.”
Kaylah is smart, always has been, so it’s not difficult for her to put the pieces together. “And you think if she had provided these messages, you could have done something to avoid this latest shitshow?” Joe doesn’t have to answer her question. She already knows his answer. “That’s a big if, Joe, and you know it.”
“Of course, I know it. It’s just…….fuck.” He shuts his eyes, head titled back. “It’s like shit just keeps happening.”
“It’s rough, I can imagine that, but it’s not just rough for you. Y/N is going through the same thing, and instead of sitting here in your misery, blaming her, you two should be handling it together.” Kaylah lifts her finger to silence him when he goes to either agree or protest. “I’m not saying she wasn’t wrong for not telling you the truth, but Joe, we both know that if she had even an inkling that Mariah would do something like this, she would have told you in a heartbeat.” Her voice softens. “She made a mistake.”
“And I know Mariah has put your business out there too now, and I don’t mean to make it seem like this doesn’t impact you as well, but Y/N is the one being dragged to filth on the internet right now. I sincerely hope she hasn’t read some of the stuff being said about her. It’s awful. Mariah lied about so many things and has made Y/N out to be this horrible person when she’s not.”
Joe thinks that’s the part that pisses him off the most, that made him so angry he unintentionally took that anger out on the person being affected the most in this situation. He watched the entire interview Mariah did, heard the way she took parts of the truth and piled a shit ton of lies on top. 
Heard how actually had the fucking audacity to drag Jadah into it, claiming she had texts and recorded phone calls between the two of them talking about how Y/N was a whore and broke up her marriage. All kind of just lies.
And he knows it’s not true, because he knows Jadah. Hell, he spoke to Jadah just this morning. 
It infuriated him even more to read some of the comments, people speaking so cruelly about the woman he loves. Even going as far to drag Callie into the cesspool of bullying. 
A man who doesn’t like not having control, it tears him up to not be able to do anything to dead the shit immediately. 
But…..there are some things he can do, and he can’t do them if he’s sitting here in his feelings.
Joe looks over at Kaylah, gently shoving into her side. “Thank you, Kay.”
“Anytime.” And she means it. Joe is like a brother to her. Always has been. “Now you’ve got twenty minutes to get your sorry ass off my porch and back to your house to take care of business. Cause I know you, Joe. You don’t play about your family. Let that bitch know she’s fucked with the wrong one.”
“Mama, I really messed up.”
Crying over the phone to your mom at your big age definitely wasn’t in your bingo card for 2024, yet here you are.
Granted, most of what’s happened this year wasn’t in your bingo card anyway, so it lines up.
“Oh, honey. You made a mistake, You’re human. It happens.” Your mom’s voice is soothing on the other side of the phone. “And don’t worry about Joseph. He’s just upset right now. He’ll calm down.”
“He’s right to be upset. I shouldn’t have lied to him.” Sniffling and wiping at your eyes, you bring your legs to your chest. “And look at what my mistake has caused mama. My baby’s face is all over the internet. Personal photos just material for people to make posts and tweets and TikTok’s about.”
It makes you sick to your stomach to think of how low Mariah has gotten in this whole situation. All of those snaps you shared with her of your daughter, precious moments you thought you were sharing with your best friend, she’d sold to whoever would buy them for 15 minutes of fame and a slice of short-lived relevancy.
“None of us knew that girl is as unhinged as she is. You’re not psychic, baby. You had no way of knowing this would happen, and Joseph knows that. He just let his pride get the best of him and took out his frustrations on you, which, make no mistake, is not right. And you definitely need to check him on that.” Your mom briefly switching gears brings a smile and small laugh to your face. “You know I didn’t raise you to take shit from no man, and that includes him.”
“I know….” And you will address it with him, even if deep down something tells you he already feels bad for how he spoke to you, knowing it was wrong. “I just—-I feel like we can’t catch a break. It sometimes makes me wonder if…..if I’m doing the right thing.” The past 24 hours have caused you to experience such a whirlwind of emotions, emotions you’re sure are exacerbated by a pregnancy no one knows about yet. “I would never stop Joe from being in Callie’s life, but if me being with him causes all this mess for him and her then….”
“Don’t do that. Don’t you dare do that.” Your mom’s interjection is fierce and sharp. “That boy loves you. He’d do anything for you and baby girl. Don’t let Mariah trick you into thinking that somehow you being happy with the man you love and father of your child is somehow wrong. Don’t let her win.”
Blowing out a breath, you try to heed to your mom’s guidance. She’s right. You know she’s right. Mariah being psychotic doesn’t change shit about your love for Joe, his love for you, the way he’d do anything for ya’ll and vice versa.
Mariah is just jealous. Dissolving what is otherwise a happy family would bring her nothing but great satisfaction. And over your dead body will you let that bitch get what she wants.
“You’re right.” Shaking your head, you try to counter all of your negative and anxious thoughts with more optimism and logic. “It’s just….it’s hard right now.”
“And it will be for a little while, but that’s when you lean on the people you love, and baby, you got no shortage of that.”
Sniffling, tears drying, you thank her, “thank you, mama.”
“Just let me know if you need me to fly down there.” And you know she will. Know Joe won’t hesitate to pay for a plane ticket for her to come stay with you.
And after you tell him about your pregnancy, you might do just that.
“I will,” you promise, telling her you’ll call or text her later to let her know how everything pans out before ending the call.
Stepping back into the kitchen and sliding the door closed, locking it, the last thing you expect to see is Joe standing in the kitchen.
Gasping, hand over your chest, your shoulders slump as you murmur, “you scared me.”
“I’m sorry.” It’s a layered statement, multiple meanings and several different applications. A knowledge that comes from being with and knowing this man for all these years. 
Walking over to him, you cross your arms over one another. “I shouldn’t have lied to you.”
He shakes his head. “Didn’t give me an excuse to talk to you the way I did or to say the things I did.” And as strange a thought it may be to have in this moment, this is one of the many reasons you love the man before you. Joe is mature and man enough to both admit when he’s fucked up and is always intentional about making it right.
Swallowing, you advise, “this is just a really fucked up situation that neither of us really knows how to process.” Ain’t that the fucking truth. “But, we can handle it…together.”
He gently pulls you into his chest and your eyes shut as he holds you, apologizing into the top of your head.
“I’m sorry too.” you apologize, hand on his chest. “I know that situation was difficult for you too, and I shouldn’t have invalidated your feelings.”
“Neither of us was 100% right.” And he’s correct. He was wrong for lashing out the way he did, and you were wrong for not being honest and invalidating his experience. 
Neither of you could pull the ‘right’ card.
“Agreed.” You murmur, eyes softening as you switch topics a bit. “Callie….I accidentally snapped at her after you left.” The guilt still eats at you for that, for taking out your emotions on your sweet little girl. “I spoke with her and apologized, but….I think she heard us fighting.”
That really kills you. You don’t think it’s entirely unhealthy for kids to hear their parents go at it from time to time, but not at 4. And not for a sensitive child like Callie.
Joe looks equally upset at this, offering, “let me talk to her. If she heard us, she needs to know that me yelling at you wasn’t okay.”
There’s no disagreement nor protest as he heads up the stairs to find Callie.
Joe stands outside Callie’s door with a knock that’s followed by her head snapping up and smile brightening. “Daddy!” She rushes over to him, Joe leaning to pick her up, holding her. “You came back!”
Her words crush him, the idea that she could even think he could ever leave her, leave either of them.
“Of course, baby girl.” Joe moves to the only adult sized chair in her room, holding her on his lap, caressing her cheek. “Callie, I know you heard me and your mom arguing, but I need you to know that I will never leave you or mommy. Daddy was just….very upset, and I took it out on your mom which was wrong.”
In a soft voice, she asks, “did mommy do something bad?”
“No, she just….made a mistake, and that’s okay, because we all make mistakes, but it wasn’t okay for me to yell at her like that.” Joe decides to take this unfortunate occurrence and make it a learning lesson for his daughter. “You never let any lil’ boy yell at you or talk mean to you, you hear me?” Callie nods her head, as he adds. “And if he does, let me know, and I’ll take care of it.”
Callie turns up her nose. “Boys are gross.” She then adds, “cept' you, daddy.”
Joe laughs but quickly agrees. Let her think that as long as she wants. Forever, preferably. He tugs her a bit closer, holding her snug to him. “That’s right. All of em’. Every single one.” 
Given only a few rooms in the house are fully furnished, the three of you sleep and stay at Joe’s place at night given he doesn’t plan to sell it until you’re all completely moved in. Not feeling like cooking, or rather not feeling like helping Joe cook, you decide on takeout.
Subsequently, ya'll share dinner while watching Finding Nemo 2, the chosen movie of the night by Callie.
There’s extra measures on your end to make sure she’s really forgiven you, needing her to know that you’re truly apologetic, and of course, your inherently kind child shows absolutely no sign that she holds any type of grudge against you.
You couldn’t be any more grateful for her wonderfully big heart.
You handle getting her to bed, seeing that Joe is tired. It’s something you noticed the minute he arrived at the new house from the airport. He looks exhausted. How can he not be? Preparing for WrestleMania, training nonstop, finishing up his documentary, and now this?
A person can only take so much.
You’re actually happy he’ll have a week off post WrestleMania. He needs that. He needs time to just rest.
It doesn’t surprise you that he falls asleep in a matter of minutes, big body laid out over yours as you gently caress his naked back. His heavy shoulders lifting in alignment with his breathing is a soothing source you zone in on while scrolling aimlessly on your phone. Pinterest only. You can’t allow yourself to check out anything else.
That is until you receive a text from Alexis telling you to check Joe’s Instagram. 
For a second, you consider ignoring it, but curiosity gets the best of you.
Logging back into the app, you go straight to his profile, gasping when you see the latest post on the grid. 
It’s a photo of the three of you. One of the ones taken when you’d surprised him at his show back in February. He’s holding Callie who has her arms wrapped around his neck, smiling big at the camera with his other arm hooked around you, your body angled into him, hand on his chest.
It’s one of your favorite photos.
Your eyes drop to his lengthy caption.
@/RomanReigns: I’ve never been one to openly discuss my personal life because, quite frankly, it’s no one’s business. Unfortunately, I’m now forced to do so due to a clearly unwell and pathetic individual who has taken parts of the truth and padded it with lies. My girlfriend and I share one child together. This is my biological child. There’s never been a question of paternity. Her mother never coerced or blackmailed me into shit. Y/N has been villainized as a vindictive gold-digger and liar when that is absolutely bullshit. She is an amazing mother, friend, and partner whom I love fiercely and protectively. The same goes for my daughter. They are my world, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect them. Having our daughter’s photos and personal videos posted all over the internet has been equally heartbreaking as it is infuriating for the both of us. Legal action is currently being pursued for all involved in the doxing and sharing of personal media of my family as well as other atrocities that have taken place behind the scenes you all don’t even know about. All of this is entirely unacceptable and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. And to everyone who has so much to say about a situation you know nothing about outside of the lies circulating, remember these are real people with real feelings.
But most importantly, keep my girlfriend and daughter’s name out of your fucking mouths.
Tears are starting to burn your eyes as you stare down at the man sleeping on top of you. The man who never ceases to amaze you with how far he’ll go to show you just how much he loves and cares about you.
He didn’t have to do this, didn’t have to go against his preference to keep his personal life off the internet. But, he did. He did it to send a message to everyone.
To send a message to Mariah.
You press a gentle kiss against the top of his head, knowing doing so won’t disturb his sleep.
And though against your better judgment, decide to read a few comments, knowing it’s bound to be a batch of mixed reactions. 
@/User1: Damn, Roman said keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth! Watch Will Smith join the match at WrestleMania.
@/User2: Used to be a big fan, but I could never support a cheater. Unfollowing.
@/User3: How many of you actually watched the interview with the “friend”? It’s obvious she’s lying about a lot of things she said, because most of it wasn’t adding up.
@/User4: My thing is why did you hide this kid and girlfriend you supposedly “love” so much? Feels like you got exposed and now you’re trying to save face.
@/User5: This is all so messy and shameful. He definitely needs to lose his title at WM. What a joke and embarrassment to the WWE.
@/User6: It’s funny how so many of you are ignoring the fact that he signed this with his real name. “Roman” is a real person clearly going through heavy shit right now. Who cares about a fucking title?
@/User7: How about you learn to “acknowledge” the truth, Mr. “tribal chief”?
@/UceyJucey: Man, this family right here. We go you, Y/N and Big Dog. For life!
@/BigLexPurr: Ya’ll gon see JOE don’t play about HIS!
@/JonathanFatu: FOE 
@/RomanReigns has turned off comments for this post. 
The comments are to be expected, though it warms you to see familiar names coming to your defense, seeing that while there may be a lot of hatred being spewed your way, there’s still an abundance of love and support that encompasses you.
But, it’s when you come across a reference to the Bloodline that an idea hits you, smashes into you so strongly that you have to wake Joe to get the ball rolling.
“Baby.” He’s knocked out, so it takes a couple of shakes and slaps to finally get him to stir. “Joe!”
Finally, he stirs, sighing loudly as he groans, “fine, you getting on top though.”
Rolling your eyes, you shove his shoulder. “Not that. Can I use one of your cars tomorrow morning? And I need you to stay and watch Callie for a bit.”
At this, he opens his eyes, looking you over with confusion. “Where you going?”
“It’s a surprise. Just….trust me, okay?” Leaning to kiss his cheek, you throw out a quick ‘thank you’ and turn back on your side. Only to squeal quietly when his big hands move you onto your back. One look at him, and you know what he wants. “Joe, it’s like 3 o’clock in the morning.”
“Should have thought about that before you woke me up….” His mouth is on your neck, right hand moving under his shirt that hides your nude body, gripping your breast. “Let me just taste you….”
There’s a strong desire and almost responsibility you feel to press your legs together and direct him to go back to sleep, but raging, most likely pregnancy fueled hormones, along with the fact that you want to enjoy this for as long as you can before pregnancy body stops all sexual acts, are just too damn strong.
So you simply chew on your bottom lip, watching his dark silky head disappear under the covers and enjoy the toe curling ride of fantasy that is his skilled tongue on you.
You’re out of the house by 7am sharp, the sun still making its way to introduce the new day, but that doesn't matter. 
You’re a woman on a mission, a mission that has a ticking deadline. Joe has to fly back out tomorrow, so you can’t waste one precious moment.
Target has almost everything you need, sans a couple of items that you pick up at Walmart. 
And Alexis, who finally calmed down enough after getting drunk as hell and hooking up with some random she met on the boardwalk, agreed to keep Callie for you for a little bit. It’s a double win, because Callie always has a good time with Alexis, and Alexis can’t catch a murder charge if she’s on babysitting duty.
Of course, Joe being Joe, has a million and one questions. Understandably so.
“Can you at least tell me why you had Alexis come get Callie?” And before you can give him the vaguest answer, he adds on, “or what the hell is in those boxes?”
His question comes from behind as you carry said cake boxes up the steps, reaching the top and offering him a teasing glare. “And you always say I suck at surprises.”
“I’m too old for surprises, baby.”
God, you can’t wait to see his reaction.
“Patience, lover. Patience.” You then gesture with your chin to the first door with a sticky note on it. “Open that one.”
Joe looks taken back, reading the post-it. “Option 1? Option 1 for what?”
This man….. “I see where Callie gets her questioning nature from. Boy, just open the damn door.” 
He rolls his eyes, walking in and looking around. “There’s literally nothing in this room.”
“Yet,” you correct, encouraging him. “Just….be mindful of the layout and what it could be.”
“It can’t be anything considering it’s empty as hell.”
“Joe, I swear to—” You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. “Come on. Let’s look at the other ones.”
And you have him do just that, viewing two more rooms that he doesn’t realize you’ve shortlisted as potential nurseries. He makes his smartass comments, of course, but you also know it’s in jest and he really just wants to know what’s going on. 
So, it’s when you finish and bring him back to the kitchen, directing him to sit on the barstool as you lay out the two boxes in front of him. “You gon tell me why you had me look at empty rooms while you carried boxes?”
“Stop being difficult.” Slapping him on the shoulder, your nerves begin to set in as you motion to the counter. “Pick one to open. Only one.”
Joe’s curious gaze is on you, humor dropping a bit as he asks, in all seriousness. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Just…..trust me.” It’s a simple but powerful thing to say given the past couple days. You know he does and know he will. “Pick one.”
Waiting for him to carefully pull the tape off to open the box, you time it perfectly so at the same time he’s lifting the lid, you murmur, “I think it’s a boy too…..”
Joe’s gaze snaps to yours at your statement but also refers back to the now open box. “Y/N….what is this?”
Eyes starting to water, you manage to tease him, “don’t tell me the Tribal Chief suddenly doesn’t know how to read.”
There’s a close and careful watch you have on Joe as his eyes go from left to right, clearly reading the words you have beautifully decorated on the inside of the cake box that’s filled with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies dyed blue with food coloring.
The other box is filled with chocolate chip cookies dyed pink.
Same message located on the lid of the box.
New Bloodline Member Coming Soon. Ready to acknowledge daddy in September, 2024.
He does that one, two, three times before slowly looking back up at you, a level of emotion in his gaze and eyes you’re not sure you’ve ever seen. 
His voice is so low, so imbued with vulnerability that you almost have to ask him to repeat himself. “You serious?”
Shaking your head, you reach out, pushing back some of his hair. “I wouldn't lie to you about this, Leati…….” Taking his hand and placing it on your stomach, you layer your own on top of his. “I’m pregnant…..we’re having another baby.” Sniffling, tears finally starting to spill, you add, “and no one knows but you and me. Not my mom. Not Alexis. Not Callie. Just you and me.” Licking your lips, you acknowledge. “I didn’t do it right the first time, but I’m gonna do everything right this time.”
Joe not saying anything initially makes you second guess yourself. Were you wrong to assume that he would be happy? Given everything that’s happened, has it changed his views on things? You thought that he would be thrilled at the idea of expanding your family, but what if you were wrong?
It’s only seconds later though that he shoots up from the chair, wrapping his strong arms around you, holding you maybe tighter than what’s necessary.
All concern is washed away, a happy giggle leaving your mouth as he spins you around. 
Back on the ground, his hands on your face. “I love you.” His thumbs brush over the apples of your cheek. You swear his eyes are glazed over with unshed tears. “I love you with everything in me.”
“I love you too,” you murmur, choked up and moved by his reaction. He's thrilled. “And I know things are a mess right now, but I couldn’t miss this opportunity to tell you while you’re in town.”
Everything is certainly not the way it should be, but for him to be here, to be with you, and for you to not tell him felt so wrong. You didn't want to make him wait any longer than he needed to.
“September…..” You can see he’s doing the math in his head, hand dropping to your stomach. “You’re three months?”
“Just about. End of March will mark officially three months, but I just found out at the OB-GYN appointment I had. I wanted to tell you right away, but I also wanted to do it in person, because you deserve as much.” You find yourself rambling, probably over-explaining, but the last thing you want is for him to think you’ve been keeping this from him. “It’s up to you, but I do think we should tell Callie first.”
You've thought about it, and to some extent, you have some concern about how she’ll respond. She’s been an only child her whole life, obviously. And she already doesn’t like ‘sharing’ Joe with you sometimes, how will she respond to a brother or sister?
Joe must be reading your mind as he kisses your forehead. “We’ll figure it out.” Another realization also crosses his mind as he connects more dots. “The rooms…..you think one of them could be the nursery.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you tease him. “Well, it took you long enough to put two and two together.” Yelping, you laugh when Joe squeezes your hip and picks you up, bridal style. “Joe!”
“Let’s go look again,” he implores, and you know it’s because he wants to go again because now he knows this will be the room where your baby will stay in, the room where you’ll nurse him or her, where he’ll finally be able to enjoy being a father from conception to birth. 
It makes this moment even better.
But, you need something else.
You call for him to wait, pointing to the box of cookies. “What?” You ask after he moves close enough for you to grab them. Rubbing your belly, you remind him with all the pride in the world, “mama’s eating for two now.”
The day is perfect.
Absolutely perfect.
It’s a day where you can temporarily forget all of the bullshit in your life that doesn’t matter in these moments where it’s just the three of you.
Well, four, technically. 
The day is spent shopping, of all things, Joe refusing to leave without you finally getting a bedroom set. The one, ironically, that Alexis pointed out the other day. It really does look like the both of you.
He also might have made a sly comment regarding making good use of the mirror.....
On top of that, you start to casually peruse nursery furniture, nothing too obvious to where Callie can tell. You and Joe haven’t settled on when or how to tell her, but you’re leaning more toward after WrestleMania. He’ll be off that week, so it gives you both time to tackle any big emotions that might come up.
And Joe….
It deeply endears you to notice the little things. He’s always been touchy feely, but his hand seemed to find a space on or near your stomach all day. Gentle kisses pressed against your temple and more “I love you’s” than usual. You know it’s all because he’s wholly and fully happy. This pregnancy means more to him than you could probably ever comprehend.
And being able to make him so happy when he’s made you happier means everything to you.
Even laying in bed together, enjoying your time with each other before he has to leave early in the morning, his big hand is splayed protectively across your stomach. You appreciate all of these moments, know that the next almost six months of your pregnancy will be filled with them.
Even with some dread at trying to navigate this pregnancy with Joe’s crazy work schedule, you’re more happy than anything. Ecstatic that you get to experience this pregnancy with him this time around.
Sleep is finally about to overcome you when your phone dings on your nightstand. Tempted to leave it, it’s hard to do so when it vibrates several different times.
Not knowing if it could be something serious or requiring immediate attention, you reach over, unlocking to see you have five texts from an unknown number.
But, the sender is no longer unknown the moment you open the thread.
Unknown: Hi, Y/N. This is Jadah. 
This…..this has to be a joke, has to be some kind of cruel prank that’s all a part of Mariah’s apparent master plan to ruin your life.
Because there’s no way in hell Joe’s ex-wife is texting you. No way in hell. 
But before you can block the number, chalking it up as a cruel prank, you see she’s sent a screenshot of a conversation between her and Joe. Zooming in, you see it’s from around October with them discussing the details of the divorce.
It is her.
Jadah: Just so you know it’s really me…..
And if you weren’t already about to drop your damn phone onto Joe’s head at the fact that thee fucking Jadah is actually texting you right now, her next set of messages nearly send you into cardiac arrest.
Jadah: Super strange/inconvenient way for me to reach out, but given everything that’s going on, I think it’s time we met and talked face to face.
Jadah: Even more, since this hoe got so much to say about OUR lives, I also think it’s time we take back the narrative and pull an Uno reverse card.
Jadah: How do you feel about going on IG Live together?
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mephiestophyl ¡ 5 months ago
I can't seem to get lucky enough to see that line again where sylus says "beasts don't belong in a cage" in destiny cafe, but besides that, I think that how sylus views himself is one of the most interesting parts of his character.
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throughout our journey with sylus and in the anecdotes, we often see this reoccurring theme of beasts or "taming", like how sylus tamed his horse in no defense zone, and how he offered to take the man's dog out on a walk that had issues with people other than its owner in wander in wonder, and especially how he chose to tame the dragon instead of killing it in adventure above clouds. I personally think that sylus often finds himself sympathizing with these animals who are viewed as "troublesome" or "beastly" by other people, as he often also has to, or have taken in the past, the burden of being the "beast", whether it is others who label him as such, or if he purposefully takes on a terrifying demeanour as a means to an end.
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^^ an example of this is when he frees the beasts from the overlords artificial garden, and during this anecdote, we can see some short details of what sylus is thinking during this time regarding the feelings of the caged beasts. when he frees them and recognises their need for vengeance against the people responsible for imprisoning them, it's like sylus is saying: "the ones who have been treated as monsters desire the blood of their wrongdoers. what did you think was going to happen after keeping them locked away for so long?" here, sylus is the beast, recognising his other fellow beasts, and his form of vengeance is granting them freedom from their isolation, and allowing them to take their own vengeance against their wrongdoers instead of doing it for them.
sylus is actually way more sympathetic than people give him credit for, especially towards animals, as he was also caged and treated as such, like how he was imprisoned in tartarus. I also think that when his myth drops we will also see this reoccurring narrative tool being used again, since the form that we vaguely see him take in the flashback to MCs previous life with him IS terrifying and beast-like. this appearance that he has took (which is sort of suggested to be his true form due to the multiple references there is of sylus directly saying that his current body isn't real) could possibly be what led him to alienate himself from everyone else, as people are naturally terrified by beast-like creatures and want to keep them locked away where they are isolated from everyone else.
and with the whole "taming" thing, I just think to myself how much he trusts MC?? like, it is also a reoccurring narrative tool in sylus' story where taming or some sort of bondage is involved, and I otherwise wouldve thought that sylus would hate the idea of being bound with how he desires control, but then here he is throwing himself at MC whenever a situation of him being bound by her or TO her is involved, as if she is the only one who can tug him by his leash and he'd willingly follow. honestly he's like a big guard dog..
overall, I think sylus has a tendency to objectify himself as a result of many things, such as his reputation as a beast, his lack of self-preservation due to his indestructible (as far as we know) body, and how he insists on how MC should use him to her advantage. I also love his relationship with animals and it is sometimes upsetting to see how MC thinks that sylus is incapable of extending kindness to others (though she does not think this anymore since she has developed a deeper relationship with sylus and has a better read on his character) and I hope MC can be beside him on his journey to hopefully put an end to his self objectification or at least find ways to get him in a healthier mindset and have a better attitude about himself 🥹
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thenameswinterfics ¡ 7 months ago
Fandom: The Last Kingdom Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Succubus!Reader Settings: Seven Kings Must Die Summary: Since becoming the new lord of Dunholm, Sihtric has ruled alone, with no woman at his side to call "wife". Things begin to change when you begin to appear in his dreams, a human so perfect that he believes he has finally found the one, a blessing from the gods. Little does he know that behind your appearance lies a devil in disguise. Word Count: 4,6 K Warnings: SMUT, mention of death, human/monster romance, monsterfucking, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v sex. A/N: This is for my beautiful woman @sihtricfedaraaahvicius: happy birthday again my beloved, I really really hope you have a wonderful day and you enjoyed yourself. I hope you enjoy this as well, in case you can cancel me from your existence ahahaha. This story is not outlined, so if you find some confusing and rushing parts, I deeply apologise. Double apologise because this is my first time writing this kind of creature, I hope I have done them justice. A special thanks to @foxyanon for the title and to her and @zaldritzosrose for the brainstorm, the beta reading and for having a lot of patience with me.
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Header & dividers by @zaldritzosrose
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Sihtric crossed the courtyard, one hand rubbing the bridge of his nose as he continued to fight fatigue. His eyes darted around, greeting with an absent nod of his head a few of his men who crossed his path, sighing nervously at the cold air that hit his face, making him feel more tired than relieved. 
Destiny had worked with him in a singular way, and if many years ago it made him leave his birthplace as Sihtric Kjartansson, the bastard son of Kjartan the Cruel, it allowed him to return as Sihtric of Dunholm, a man forged in blood and battle, and who stepped up to rule a fortress that he had always seen through the eyes of a slave, never a leader. 
Years had passed since Uhtred claimed his birthright over Bebbanburg, and with what little interest he had in ruling Dunholm, Sihtric became its new Jarl, without ever breaking the oath he had made to his friend and lord. And so he worked hard to make his own legacy, trying to obscure the trail of cruelty and violence his father left behind. 
All this time he had ruled Dunholm alone, without a woman at his side to support and guide him, or even to share a warm meal and a bed in his private moments. Long gone were the days when he spent all his silver seeking the company of women, longing for the love he had never received in his life: his naivety even led him to fall in love with a whore he paid all his silver for, leaving him with empty pockets and a broken heart. With the battles he had to face over the years, Sihtric never found the opportunity to bind himself to another woman.
Until you started to appear in his dreams at night. 
At first you were just a glimpse, a soft and soothing whisper that made his heart flutter in his chest, your laughter a melody carried on the wind. Each night his dreams became more vivid, and the mysterious silhouette transformed into a woman of disarming beauty, a being so perfect that she was forged by the gods. Sihtric was fascinated by you: he saw the way you carried yourself with your elegance, the way your long hair danced softly in the wind. He saw your eyes, two bright pools that sparkled with an irresistible glimpse of mischief. And he saw your smile. Oh, your beautiful smile. So warm and inviting that it relieved him of all fatigue, spreading a pleasant warmth in his chest and making his head spin with your unmistakable scent. 
Every night Sihtric would reach for your hand and lean for your touch, wanting to feel the warmth of your body as close to his. But the morning would always come, and the Dane would wake up to the reality that you were not at his side, and with an unbearable void in his heart. 
But the gods seemed to smile at him, and when Sihtric raised his eyes to see a familiar silhouette, he could hardly believe his eyes. It was as if one of Thor's lightning bolts had struck him, rendering him speechless for a moment. Sihtric's mismatched eyes blinked rapidly, trying to reconcile the image before him with the memories of the dreams that haunted him every night. 
For the first time, here you were, made of nothing but flesh and bone. He recognised the outline of your face, the way your eyes held that sparkle of mischief even as your lips curved in that warm smile that clouded his thoughts, that same intoxicating scent that made the warmth in his chest rise again and spread to his stomach. The Lord of Dunholm shook his head at first, thinking that either fatigue or Loki himself was playing with his mind. But the more he rubbed his eyes, the clearer his vision became, and you were still there, wandering about the courtyard of the fortress. 
As Sihtric gathered his courage and began to walk towards you, he was interrupted by one of his soldiers, who called him to attend to urgent matters within the fortress. Though he longed for your presence, he was still a man bound to his duties as leader, and he accepted the soldier's help by swallowing the bitter pill and disappearing behind the massive doors of the great hall. His mind was still on you, thinking that the gods had finally blessed him by sending you on his path.
Little did he know that beneath this divine appearance, there was a devil in disguise.
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You arrived in Dunholm a few weeks ago, drawn by a life force so strong you could hardly ignore it. As soon as you stepped through the gates, your eyes scanned every hidden corner, licking your lips eagerly as you searched for your next prey, your body quivering with anticipation.
It was not the first time you had hunted humans: the young warriors were your favourite prey because of their high energy and strength. Draining the life force from their souls was nothing more than a sweet banquet for your evil essence, an elixir that fuelled your dark power and increased your demonic impulses.
You began by playing with their dreams, first appearing as a dark figure with a melodious voice, before revealing yourself as the most ethereal creature in the mortal world. And when you felt they were ready to receive you, you would appear before them, showing your graceful appearance and wearing the most attractive clothes. 
You learned over the years that men were easier to bend to your will; your sweet smile and the fluttering of your eyelashes attracted them like a mirror to the larks. And only when they had let down their defences would you strike, your lips capturing them in a kiss that drained the essence from their souls, their life force flowing into you like an exhilarating rush of adrenaline. As their body fell to their eternal rest, your succubus nature revealed itself in all its dark power, seeking the next prey to hunt. 
While at first the souls of young warriors were enough to satisfy your needs, your hunts became less and less satisfying, and you soon began to demand a strong life force to claim. You began to travel across England, intensifying your activities from Wessex to Mercia, from Danelaw to East Anglia, but nothing seemed to tame the beast growing inside you. And it was when you crossed the borders of Northumbria that you felt a strong and vibrant aura calling to you, and soon you found yourself living in disguise among the men of Dunholm.
There you met Sihtric, the fascinating Jarl of Dunholm, who carried himself with dignity. He was a man far too old compared to the young ones you were used to hunting, but it was his long experience on the battlefield that attracted you most, the power of his vitality telling you how much blood flowed from his hands and the wounds he had suffered. It was an irresistible force that drew you to him like an invisible string. You had to dominate him.
And so you worked like your former prey, appearing in his dreams, feeding his insatiable desire to have someone to call his wife and love to the end of his days. When your trap bore its fruit, you began to show yourself more, wandering about like a common and innocent woman. And you knew that every time you crossed the courtyards, his eyes yearned for you from afar, and a small grin formed on your face.
Sihtric would be yours, no matter what the cost.
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The night was filled with a vibrant atmosphere, the dim lights of the houses illuminating the streets in warm colours that mingled with the pallor of the moonlight. Several warriors gathered outside to share mugs of ale and stories of their days, their chatter and loud laughter the only sounds of the night, along with the song of some night bird. Other soldiers were stationed on the palisades of the fortress, making sure no surprise attacks could be launched at night.
You slipped outside, out of a small door on the east wall usually used by the servants. You quietly followed the small stream until you reached a small pond not far from Dunholm, but isolated enough to give you some peace.
Normally, you would join the chaos outside, as it is one of the easiest places to find a prey, take it away from the group, work it and seduce it as you please. But tonight you didn't find yourself enjoying the noisy company of the soldiers, or company in general. You had not absorbed any life force for days, the weak auras of the young men's souls could hardly satisfy the great hunger that was growing within you, forcing you to get away from crowded places: you did not want to hunt multiple prey in the night and cause a terrible mess, preferring to work methodically and continue to keep your identity hidden. In the end, it was just you and your inner beast, desperately asking you to be fed with some powerful human elixir. 
“A gracious lady like you should not be walking around alone at this time of night,” was a deep, male voice that brought you back to reality, sensing a life force so strong as to make your head spin and your core trembling in anticipation. 
And as you turned, you recognised the voice as that of Sihtric, the Lord approaching you cautiously so as not to frighten you. You could see the moonlight illuminating his features, its pale rays gently caressing his sharp features and highlighting the scars on his forehead and cheekbones. It was indeed a charming man, his hair half shaved, half combed into plaits that revealed a tattoo that started at the side of his head and reached down to his neck. But it was his eyes that struck you most: two beautiful bicoloured irises, barely covered by his dilated pupils, looking at you with a gaze full of love and anticipation. 
“This gracious lady can defend herself against the pitfalls of the night,” you retorted back, feigning offence at his words, which were welcomed with Sihtric’s loud chuckle. "I have no desire for protection,” you continued, noticing his fingers gripping the hilt of his swords, his body tensing in alarm. 
Your words make Sihtric calm down, his body relaxed and the grip on his sword became weak. “If it is not protection what you seek, then allow me to keep you company,” the Dane politely asked you, and you took this as an opportunity to finally feed your unsatisfied hunger: never had a prey voluntarily approached you. 
“It would be an honour to spend this peaceful night with you, Lord,” you replied in a soft and soothing voice, the same tone you used in his dreams. Your voice was music to his ears and Sihtric swallowed a lump in his throat, feeling his body heat up and his cheeks turn red at your words, the lust growing inside him.
And the two of you sat by the pond, watching the moon cast a beautiful play of light on the surface of the water. There was silence at first, the air filled with a thin layer of intimacy, then a brief pause in conversation as you became accustomed to each other's presence. You told Sihtric a half-truth, concealing your true identity and introducing yourself as a traveller who had travelled far and found her next resting place in Dunholm before continuing her journey. Sihtric told you his story, of how he had escaped his father's cruelty to serve a true lord, of the endless battles, from the simplest to the most violent, that he had fought to help Uhtred reclaim Bebbanburg, of how he had become the new lord of Dunholm, ruling over a land that knew nothing but cruelty and fear. He also told you how he struggled every day with his loneliness, and how not even the company of his friends could fill that void. 
“But then I saw you in my dreams,” Sihtric continued, closing the remaining distance between you. There was a fire in his eyes, a burning desire that could tame the fiercest of the beasts and the darkest of the creatures. A chill ran down your spine, and for the very first time you felt like the prey you hunted all your life. “And I could not believe that such a perfect creature could have been created by the gods,”
You held your breath, your head spinning, for many reasons: his strong, vital strength so close to you, an inviting, tantalising temptation; his gaze, dark with desire, looking at you as if he were peering into your soul; his deep, warm voice echoing in the night, a velvet murmur that hid such a powerful force to alter your senses and awaken your hidden desires. Sihtric was nothing like the ordinary men you had seduced and drained in the past: he was an experienced warrior and a handsome man, and a great challenge that stimulated you.
Without your spirit faltering at his declaration, you raised your hand, one of your fingers tracing the contour of his throat and Adam's apple until you forced his chin up. 
“I did not think you had such a strong devotion to your gods,” you replied with a smirk, your eyes dark as well. “But I am afraid I must warn you: I am anything but what you think I am, Lord,” your voice toned down, wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing him close. 
Your foreheads almost touched, your scent inviting enough to cloud Sihtric's mind, the Lord of Dunholm confused but not frightened: part of him would not believe your words, but the other part wanted nothing more than to make you his, craving your touch and the way your bodies would melt together.
"No witch is a product of the gods, for you have bewitched me," he whispered, tensing slightly as the word witch escaped his lips. He leaned closer again, the temptation to taste your lips strong, but you pushed him away slightly, shaking your head with a grin. 
"I am more than a mere witch, my lord," you replied boldly, your hands intertwining in an intricate embrace, his tattooed, calloused fingers meeting the smoothness of your skin. "I am a superior being, the darkness itself. Nothing a human can control," you continued, squeezing his hand in a tight vice. The conviction in your voice soon faltered when you felt his lips brushing against your wrist, kissing your veins with a tenderness that made you feel weak. 
"Then tell me who you are," Sihtric murmured against your flesh, his lips trailing down to your forearm. "Tell me your name." 
You sneered, shaking your head as you looked at him with your piercing gaze. "My name has power, and you are not yet worthy to bear it. But I am generous today and will allow you to call me whatever you wish."
With slow, fluid movements, Sihtric's lips shook your entire arm, reached for your shoulder and nibbled gently. Then he lifted his head, your lips almost touching. 
"Then allow me to call you mine," he whispered huskily, closing the distance between you with a deep, passionate kiss.
The night air warmed with a burning heat and unspoken desire, the sound of your muffled moans and gasping breaths echoing with the songs of the owls. Your lips met again and again in fierce kisses, your tongues dancing together as you swallowed each other's moans, your hands exploring your clothed bodies. Sihtric’s hands firmly held your back, pulling you close as his mouth claimed you again, a glimpse of his life force flowing in your veins.
All rational logic gave way to the most animal thoughts, an aura of lust enveloping you as a battle of possession took place between you: the two of you teasing each other, Sihtric rubbing your pulsing and sensitive spot as the palm of your hand brushed against his arousal, your touch so seductive it made him growl in your mouth. 
Sihtric arched his head back as you took him in your mouth, your head resting between his legs as you playfully teased the tip of his length, swallowing the salty taste of the pre-cum before wrapping your lips completely around his thickness, your head bobbing up so you could take all of him. He rolled his eyes and nibbled at his lower lips as you began your slow pace, ignoring the firm grip he had on your head, a few strands of hair held in place by his fist. Enjoying your sweet torture at first, his impatience grew and forced him to act, his loud moans turning to ragged breaths and heavy grunts as he began to move his hips in a desperate motion, lust destroying any resistance and ignoring the trembling of his legs. 
He soon came, allowing you to take all he had to give. As you released him, Sihtric felt his head spin, a sudden dizziness hit him as he tried to sit down on the grass, his body suddenly heavy and drained of energy. His eyes closed quickly as he rested his head on your shoulder, falling into a deep sleep as you tended to him. 
You absently scratched his head, licking your lips as you savoured the taste of his life energy feeding your primal hunger. However, the way he made you feel, how he boldly challenged your dark nature and how well he satisfied your lustful desires made you spare him. For how long you craved for his life to amplify your powers, you could not ignore the way he made your heart feel, the thump so ferocious you thought it could escape from your rib cage. 
With the thump of your heart you could not ignore, you leaned your head and gently kissed his forehead, watching him sleeping peacefully in your arms while the spark of the attraction had ignited, destined to burn brightly. 
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It was supposed to be an easy hunt, to have him at your mercy. You were supposed to weaken him with your charm and your aura, kiss him and drain him of his life force, and then resume your hunt, your hunger sated, eager to feast on your next victim. 
But in truth it was Sihtric who tamed you: from the first moment you allowed him to call you his, to the way your head turned with each of his kisses, the touch of his calloused hands so diabolically seductive, the ghost of his lips still trailing across your body. No man had ever accepted you with such devotion, nor had you ever allowed him to go beyond the boundaries of a simple brush of your lips. 
But the truth was that you liked his attentions: you loved how Sihtric was a caring and attentive partner, the way he treated you made you forget you were born as a demonic creature. He ignored the trail of victims you left behind in the past, as well as your urge to quench your hunger and have a taste of his strong life force: he would be willing to sacrifice his own life to show you how strong his love was for you. 
You allowed Sihtric to be tempted by the devil, but in return you burned yourself in the flames of his heart. Sparing his life was your greatest act of love, not a mere act of mercy, as you always told yourself.
The days passed and your secret meetings continued after that night at the pond, each time finding a secluded spot when you both craved privacy. The flames of pleasure engulfed you each night, bruising kisses and grabs mixed with strangled moans and high-pitched whimpers as you fucked each other into oblivion, both of you leaving marks on your bodies and pulling at each other's hair. And each time the two of you came in unison, Sihtric's head would collapse in your lap as he allowed you to feed on his life force every time you needed to, as you accepted his physical act of loyalty to you, to finally be loved for who you really were and not hated for being a creature from hell. 
The more time you spent together, the stronger your bond became, an invisible thread that drew you closer together: a bond forged by the forces of the underworld, a dark twist of fate that led a human and a succubus to love each other, a sinister tapestry that defied the logic of fate. 
And the strength of your bond reached its peak when Sihtric, on a cold winter's night in his room, enjoyed your company before he was forced to leave you behind. A message had come from Bebbanburg and he was to rejoin Uhtred and Finan, summoned to resolve urgent matters. He had heard that King Edward’s rule was soon to be faltered, but never could tell that things would escalate so quickly. 
You both lay down in his bed, your hands exploring each other’s curves while your lips met again in a head-spinning kiss, none of you seemed to want to say goodbye to the other. For how long you refused to admit yourself, your heart ached at the feeling of spending your days without Sihtric at your side, and the thought you could lose him on the battlefield was a death sentence even worse than spending your eternal afterlife wrapped in the flames of Hell.   
"Let me come with you," you protested weakly as his lips pressed against yours, his bare arms holding you close as he feared you might escape his embrace. You had become extremely needy of his touch, your defences so low you could hardly recognise yourself. 
“No,” was his firm reply, as he kissed the contour of your lips, trailing down to your jaw and your neck. “This is not a war I will ask you to fight on my behalf,”
He then gently pushed you down, your back resting on the furs. “I will always find a way to come back to you,”
His lips trailed down again on your neck, his touch as light as a feather as his lips kept brushing on your skin, an attempt to cool your anger and to fill your disappointment. But this time you were not fooled by his actions, and you pushed him back with firmness.
“Are you really casting me aside, Sihtric?” you hissed, pushing him back again as you felt him approaching, a regretful expression painted on his face. “You cannot me leave me behind, not after the bond we built-“
“A bond I do not intend to break because I have answered the call of the lord I’m still serving,” Sihtric interrupted you with an authoritative tone, pushing you back on bed and caging you with his body. He could see the tears forming in your eyes, a sight that breaks his heart. Never had he seen you so vulnerable, nor had you ever allowed yourself to lower your defences. 
“I swear to you, on my Thor’s hammer, that I will do everything I am called to do to survive and to return to your arms,” the Dane spoke with a low and soft voice, lowering his head so he could kiss your forehead. “For now, let me take care of you for tonight, my devil lady,” 
With a faint nod of your head, you let him close the distance, sealing with a bittersweet kiss, a soft touch that soon became a desperate embrace of two souls forced to separate for a time you both could not quantify. And for the very first time you allowed yourself to raise down your barriers, crying in his arms as he squeezed you, his mouth swallowing all your faint sobs escaping from your throat. 
It was no longer a stay at his side for his life force, despite the fact that your demonic nature would yearn with all his being. You fell in love with everything about him: for the way he looked in his eyes, for the way he touched and loved you, mostly risking his own life to tame your demonic impulses: a respect and delicacy you would never find in another man, should you ever start another hunt. 
And with the same delicacy he took you that night, your lips exploring every nook and cranny of your body, whispering sweet words and praising you softly, his tongue crossing your throat as he found his way to your breast, teasing you with his hands and mouth, pinching and sucking your hardening nipples. Soon, your sobs turned into sharp breaths and moans, trembling at how good he made you feel. 
His hand slipped down to your stomach, his thick fingers rubbing down on your pulsing core, already wet with anticipation. A loud gasp escaped your lips as you felt one of his fingers inside you, your eyes rolling back at the slow thrust of his hand, fucking you with a steady pace. Sihtric lips trailed over your neck, kissing and nibbling as he quickened the pace, his self control abandoning him completely once he felt how good your walls were clenching on his finger.
“Look at you, my sweet devil is already so tight for me,” Sihtric murmured against your lips, swallowing another loud moan with an eager kiss. “I cannot wait to see how tight you will be around my cock,” 
You muttered nonsense words, pleasure engulfing your mind as you felt your head light as well as your body, your eyes shut from the pleasure you were receiving. You felt as if your own life force was abandoning you, letting you weaken and trembling.
You whined as you felt Sihtric’s finger slowly pulling out you, frustration rising as you well ready to reach the peak of your climax. When you opened your eyes you saw Sihtric holding your hip with one hand, the other hand giving himself a few strokes on his cock, throbbing with anticipation. He entered inside you with a swift motion, an inhuman grunt escaped his throat at how deliciously tight you were around his length. He set up a rough pace, fucking you restlessly as he could not control himself anymore. Whimpers and groans were the only audible things in the room, both of you teasing each other with kisses and nibbles, you often pulling on Sihtric’s wild curls, forcing him to expose his throat and biting it eagerly, leaving visible marks on his fair skin. 
The climax between you quickly raised as you both simultaneously were reaching your peaks, and his grip on your hips became rougher.
“Yes, come for me, my devil queen,” the Dane praised you with a low groan, loving how good was ravaging, how vulnerable you were under his control. “I want you to hear you shout my name while I fill you up,”
“Sihtric,” you whispered between loud moans, and while chanting his name over and over you both reach your peak, him spilling inside you while you coming over his thick length, a blissful feeling hit both of you as you both collapsed on your bed, his strong arms wrapping you as he left soft kisses on your temple. 
And it was when he fell asleep several minutes after that your demonic form showed up, your slender fingers rubbing over his curls as you watched your lover one last time before leaving you for war.
You both know, deep in your heart, that neither death cannot break your bond. 
Because he was bound to you, and you were bound to him. 
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If you've come this far, thank you so much for reading my fic! Hope you enjoyed it!
Taglist: @whitedarkmoonflower @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @legitalicat @zaldritzosrose
@alexagirlie @sylasthegrim @lord-aldhelm @sihtricsafin @arcielee
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somebodys-nightmare ¡ 9 months ago
Cloud, Zack, & Aerith: Fate, Destiny, Friendship, & Love
This is a piece I originally posted on Twitter that I'm sharing here.
I don't think we talk enough about how Cloud feels about Zack, Aerith, her feelings for him, & the conflicted position this must put him in. I think Rebirth purposefully addressed this & there will be resolution for these characters in Part 3.
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Like OG, it's clear Aerith has feelings for Cloud. However, the game does not create a mutual romantic subplot between her & Cloud. That development is saved for Tifa (subject for another day). It develops a deep friendship bond & comradery despite Aerith's feelings for Cloud.
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In Chapter 11, Cloud recalls a memory of Zack in the Nibelheim Inn. The subject of the memory is specifically their love lives - Zack asking Cloud if he has a girlfriend in town, and then gushing about his own - Aerith. Cloud is visibly shaken by the memory of this information.
His recollections are still messy and tangled by Jenova's interference, but the fact remains that he remembers critical information that is factual - Zack was his friend, he fought with Zack as comrades five years ago, and Zack loved Aerith.
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This is an expansion/new development from the OG, where he was not remembered until after the Lifestream scene and after Aerith's death. Bringing this information to light now has huge implications for Cloud's emotional state as well as his character.
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(As an aside, it's also worth pointing out that those of us who played Crisis Core know that Cloud, in a similar Nibelhiem inn scene, has a heart-to-heart of his own with Zack about his feelings for the girl he loves - background knowledge that contextualizes things further).
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While crossing the Gunnthra River bridge later, Cloud has another Zack memory, This time, it's of the bridge collapse five years ago, and the Jenova conflation causes Cloud to falsely remember that Zack died here, allowing him to continue living his SOLDIER persona delusion.
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Cloud specifically laments that he's forgotten his friend, and states Aerith deserves to know what's happened to him. Cloud knows that Zack and Aerith were in love, and he knows from their visit to Zack's parent in Gongaga that Aerith still carries feelings for Zack.
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Tifa, knowing Cloud's recollection of events are wrong/corrupted but unable to reconcile why, intercepts Cloud telling Aerith so that he doesn't communicate the wrong information & further exacerbate his deteriorating condition, & so that she can buy time to uncover the truth.
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Let's head to the Gold Saucer. It's an interesting narrative decision to have this plot line lead here, which is why I think it was specifically introduced to bring context & eventual resolution to the romantic entanglements of these four characters - Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, & Zack.
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On Aerith's date, much like the OG, she waxes poetically about Cloud's similarities to Zack and how she became drawn to him. Unlike OG, though, Cloud has already remembered who Zack is, as well as both his AND Aerith's relationships with him.
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Like OG, Aerith laments that now, she wants to be w/ & find the real Cloud. We know the true Cloud has buried romantic feelings for Tifa (again- subject for another day) & so he won't reciprocate. That notwithstanding, Cloud is now also conflicted by his friendship w/ Zack.
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It seems to me that Cloud wanted to clear the air about Aerith's advances on him and his relationship and past with Zack. This follows a plot line that started when they first met, and their unwitting conversations about Zack that have threaded throughout their relationship.
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I know some fans may interpret that Cloud wants this out in the open so he can make a move on Aerith, but aside from that both being a terrible read on Cloud's character & ignoring the fact that he is still in the throes of an identity crisis, Tifa's date directly debunks this.
On Tifa's date, during an awkward pause in which both characters seem stuck on what to say next, Cloud also brings up their earlier conversation about Zack to see if Tifa told Aerith. This indicates that it's been weighing on his mind, & that he still wants closure about it.
Again, we see that Tifa did tell Aerith, but again, she isn't forthcoming w/ Cloud about this, because of the sensitive nature of the situation & Cloud's incongruent & incorrect memories. The complete truth is not available yet & she doesn't want to make the situation messier.
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Cloud brings up that Aerith must still have feelings for Zack - remembering again what both of his friends told him they felt for each other. But Tifa says it's a little more complicated than that - acknowledging that SHE knows that Aerith has feelings for Cloud.
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Cloud takes on her meaning and seems somewhat surprised by this, as he physically reacts & looks up. I don't think he's surprised that Aerith likes him (she makes it pretty obvious) but I think he IS surprised that Tifa knows.
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This is especially important in a broader context that given the nature of his relationship with Tifa up to that point, from his perspective, is far different from his relationship with Aerith.
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It is at this point that Tifa begins to express doubt about being on a date with Cloud, their intimacy, and ultimately, whether their feelings are mutual. Cloud takes this opportunity to quite explicitly dissuade those doubts, both verbally and physically.
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So what's next? I'm not doing an analysis of the Ch14 "date" w/ Cloud & Aerith here, but its narrative purpose is to highlight Aerith's complicated internal conflict regarding her grief for Zack & feelings for Cloud before her death. Meanwhile, Zack is still trying to reach her.
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Cloud and Tifa may have exchanged mutual feelings during a magical moment before things go south in the broader storyline, but they haven't had their true reunion or reconciliation yet. And neither have Aerith and Zack, or Cloud and Zack, OR Aerith and Cloud, or that matter.
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I believe once Cloud is restored, all these relationships will be reconciled & revealed for what they are - romantic relationships or friendships - that were forged by fate & destiny and experienced through trauma, loss, perseverance, and love, all major themes of the game.
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jazzmckay ¡ 2 months ago
soulmate au (dao edition)
alistair, who has gone through phases of daydreaming a fairy tale ending with his soulmate, then resenting his soulmark for being just another aspect of his life that's been decided for him, to either finding his soulmate and getting the happy ending he used to wish for... or having to give up on having a soulmate to enter an arranged marriage for the good of ferelden
morrigan, who has been taught to think nothing of soulmarks or soulmates. she should remain independent, should not spare any part of herself for genuine entanglements with another person. she should do what she wants, for her own gain. she doesn't need anyone else. doesn't want anyone else. until the blight, until the warden, who shows her she can rely on others. even so, she has her own goals that she chooses over love, but that's a choice she makes for herself, not one her mother influenced.
leliana, who believes the marker is responsible for the soulmarks. he found his soulmate in andraste, and has bestowed the same possibility in all his children, they only need to find the person who bears the corresponding mark. she isn't sure how to feel about the fact that marjolaine isn't her soulmate. marjolaine seems to only clutch to her tighter for it, which is a grand statement on it's own, isn't it? how lucky she is to have someone so committed, against the grain of destiny itself. she finds out later that marjolaine's firm hold was nothing to cherish at all. the right person for her was still out there, waiting, and the maker led her on the right path after all.
sten, who does not have a soulmark. qunari do not have soulmarks (so the qun says). they have never had soulmarks (so the qun says). soulmates would be a distraction from one's duty to the qun (so the qun says). calling someone kadan is a choice that needs no mark. he needs nothing else (so the qun says).
wynne, who learned early in life that having a soulmark made little difference for a circle mage. she rallied against this, initially. but she learned. she learned to dedicate herself to the circles, to teaching the apprentices. sometimes, she wonders if it's wrong for the circles to dissuade their charges from seeking out this gift from the maker. but it makes little difference, and she has learned. (but what would it have been like, to allow herself such open love? would she have been a good mother, if things were different?)
zevran, who has multiple soulmarks, and expects that not a single one will bring anything good into his life. he's a crow--his life is not made for happily ever afters. his soulmarks will not stop him from using seduction to his advantage. the soulmarks won't stop him from completing a contract, even if the target bears one of his matches. he isn't made for having soulmates--until, perhaps, the warden gives him the chance to live his own life.
oghren, who considers branka his soulmate, the marks be damned. orzammar takes the marks into consideration when it suits them, and ignores them when they don't. oghren and branka's marriage is of the political sort, but oghren is a dedicated man, and branka is his damn soulmate. everyone else might give up on her, but he will not. he won't until the choice is taken away from him. oghren, who then has a chance to try having a relationship with the person who does match his mark... but perhaps it's too late. being made into the shield of orzammar leaves little space for him to know what it means to be anything but a weapon, even after orzammar has tossed him aside.
shale, who may never know if they ever had a soulmate. if they did, it didn't change anything. they have no soulmark now, and they are glad for it. the thought of having a soulmate is disturbing, in fact. maybe they always felt that way, maybe they didn't. what matters is they are free and content.
loghain, who met his soulmates at a young age, but what did it matter? they had a war to fight, a throne to reclaim, a country to lead. there were more important things than the marks they shared. their happiness would have been short-lived anyway, if they'd ever had the chance to have happiness at all.
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deepinthegroves ¡ 29 days ago
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Athiel Winter. The golden boy. The next heir of Solaris. The prince of the sky and sun and everything in between. Clear blue eyes framed by long eyelashes, perfect lips with a cupid's bow, blonde hair swept across his forehead at the right angle... all too prepared to play the part he was given.
His role was clear – play the one who gets tricked into being charmed with a love spell by the Enchantress, be the perfect docile prince while his fairytale princess figures out what was wrong, and have his happy ending once she manages to reverse the spell. Be king after, and banish the Enchantress into isolation as punishment, have kids and let the whole cycle repeat. He's seen it play out with his parents after all. But what if he wants more than that? But what if he's got more intelligence than his fairytale gives him credit? But what if he finds himself captivated by the Enchantress instead, with her long burgundy hair and light violet eyes? Perhaps following his destiny was not so easy after all.
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when it comes to royals vs rebels, Athiel is on the fence about it. he was raised to follow his fairytale after all, and his ending wasn't a bad one. he chooses not to partake in any discussions, though he does admire the guts of the rebels, of the courage it takes to go against the traditions and want to forge a new path of their own.
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notes: i haven't decided whether or not he should be my s/o (i'll probably depend on a poll to decide) but i think it may be the push that could cause him to step outside of the traditions he's grown up around and allow him to become himself so.
you can find the others here: the enchantress. | the prince. | the princess. | the wizard.
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the-badger-mole ¡ 1 year ago
How would you improve Aang's writing?
In a word...accountability.
Aang, despite his own personal losses, never seems to grasp the gravity of the war. Season 1 would be more or less the same, but season 2 would open with him grappling with his part in the siege of the North. He would acknowledge that he was part of the reason a lot of people died that day, and it would lead into him confronting somethings about his duty, and eventually make him take his powers as the Avatar more seriously.
Season 2 would be him coming to terms with the fact that he has blood on his hands, however indirectly. This would be where he addresses his refusal to kill Ozai and be confronted with the fact that people expect him to. He'd be faced with either not going to face Ozai and letting down a bunch of people, killing Ozai like he's expected to, or some secret third option that he will spend the rest of the series leading up to his confrontation with Ozai trying to figure out. His emotions over losing his people would get a LOT more attention. He'd end the season realizing that he hasn't allowed himself to feel the anger and grief over losing his people, and it's affecting his ability to do his duty as the Avatar. He'd have an episode towards the end where he lets it all out. I'm talking a real tear jerker of an episode where he finally comes to a place where he can empathize with the people around him suffering under the war.
Aang can still have his stupid lionturtle, but this time he has to actually work for it. Sometime between season 2 and 3, he finds out about their existence, and he tries to find one. I mean tried hard. Gets himself and maybe his friends into danger hard. He knows how important defeating Ozai is, and he is willing to kill him if he has to, but it's his last resort. And he gets really frustrated when it's the final days before he has to face Ozai and he still hasn't managed to find a lionturtle. I haven't decided if he still gets kidnapped by the lionturtle, but maybe. The short story is, he does manage to find the lionturtle. He still gets spiritbending, but it comes at a cost. Off the top of my head, I think maybe he loses his airbending in exchange, except when he's in the Avatar State, but I'm not married to the idea.
Speaking of the Avatar State, he still loses his connection to it. He still speaks to Guru Pathik who tells him he's too attached to Katara and needs to let her go. He still refuses to. But instead of not focusing on Katara's feelings, she gets to be a lot more vocal about what she thinks of Aang's crush on her. Maybe not to him directly, but everyone is aware that Aang has a crush and Katara does not reciprocate. The EIP kiss plays out much differently. Aang's feelings get hurt, but Katara gets to have her say and she calls him out for not considering her thoughts at all in his plans for them. They are still friends in the end, but Aang does come to understand that he has her on an impossible pedestal, and that just like Guru Pathik said, he has put all the love he had for his people on her. Instead of the Magic Rock of Ultimate Destiny being what brings back his connection to the Avatar State, it's his acceptance that he needs to let go of Katara so he can be the Avatar the world need.
That's pretty much it. I've answered this question before with a lot more detail, but thanks to Tumblr focusing on looking more like Twitter instead of making their archive more user friendly, I can't find it. But maybe it'll pop up in the recommended section of this post.
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windsweptinred ¡ 5 months ago
I've seen a lot of posts equating Charles and Edwin with Desire and Despair. But I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen more linking Monty and Dream. And not just because he's a corvid. 😅
They're both romantic souls at heart, who seem to desperately crave love. Yet so often their pursuit of it ends in disaster. Ever longing, never truly finding.
Both kind and brave, but due to past transgressions, not being able to see that in themselves. 
But most importantly they both know what it is to be kept at the whim of a magic user. To be imprisoned in a tiny cage, robbed of all kindness and dignity. To believe no one cares enough to save them from it...  
I can't get the image of Dream reaching out to Monty, still sitting at the base of his broken cage. And with the utmost compassion and empathy, reassuring him he understands, more than he could possibly know. But he is free now, he is safe. She can torment him no longer. Running a slender, pale finger down Monty’s feathers and asking him to trust him. That he promises he will not allow her cruelty to haunt him, as his own captor does him. He will shepherd his dreams from the hands of his nightmares. But to fly, be free, it's time. And for little Monty to take wing, and settle on Dream's shoulder, opposite Matthew. Perhaps he can go be a real boy in the Dreaming. I just… 🥹
(Ps, I have seen a post linking Monty to Destiny due to his love of divination, which I LOVE just as much. The thought of them both resting peacefully in the Garden, books open. Destiny casually calling out all Monty's astrological inaccuracies. Maybe they could share?).
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16sydd16 ¡ 7 months ago
Hmmmm Cadina Hunger Games AU
For this ask game!!
omg this is SO shocking and totally not something I have ever thought about before👀 (big thanks to Gwen for combining my special interests!! 💖) (also I got going and couldn't stop so there's TEN tidbits about the au AND an alternate 10th fact/ending with and a snippet of dialogue because I couldn't help myself. It's a little dark and a lot long, so it's going under the cut.) Thanks so much for the ask!!
Regina is from District One, from a moderately-rich, power-hungry family that sees her as nothing but a pretty face they can eventually use as leverage in a business merger. The second she turns 18, she'll be bartered away to the disgusting son of a powerful diamond mine owner. Regina, ever determined to be in control of her own destiny, rebels when she finds out her family's plans, and enrolls herself in the academy. She hadn't planned on actually entering the Hunger Games, but here she is. With only a few months of academy training, she's whisked off to The Capitol at the age of seventeen.
Cady is from five. Very foxface. She's smart, quiet, and speaks in sentences people don't always understand. She's almost unnoticeable, the opposite of Regina. Regina can't decide which of them holds more power, but she hopes it's her.
Where Regina is taller than average and decently muscled, thanks to a life of being fed well and her stint in the academy, Cady is tiny. At least half a foot shorter than Regina, and seemingly much more vulnerable. Regina is sure it's an act, much like the one full of suggestive bravado she performs for the gullible Capitol audiences, who eat it up.
President Snow requests a private audience with Regina before the games. Nothing untoward happens, but the way he looks at her and speaks to her makes Regina's skin crawl. He doesn't say much, just that her life in the Capitol, should she survive the games, could be a very lucrative one. He assures her that she'll have a hefty bank of donations from eager capitol patrons to make her games experience as easy as possible. The way he smiles, lips too big and too red, makes her want to puke. She takes an unmarked elevator in the back of the district one tribute quarters as high as it will go, surprised when it opens on a rooftop garden. She's even more surprised when she sees Cady tending to the plants. Cady doesn't look up right away, but she does asks if Regina's alright. Regina is not. She allows herself this one moment of weakness, falling apart in an enemy tribute's arms. She comforts herself with the fact that no one has to know about this moment. She can kill Cady Heron tomorrow, and then there will be no living witnesses to her vulnerability.
Killing Cady Heron is not as easy as Regina had hoped. She catches Cady once, in the middle of the scuffle at the cornucopia, but she can't bring herself to finish the job. She'll never forget the hope in Cady's eyes when she lets her go.
Killing the rest of the career pack proves to be a far easier task. Regina has known many boys like the one from two, and it's all too easy to lure him in with kisses and compliments only to run a knife across his throat while he sleeps. It's messy, and stains her top an ugly ruddy brown color, but she gets over it. She takes out the boy from four and wounds the girl from two before she's forced to run, leaving only the trembling boy from seven entirely alive.
No moment has ever been more terrifying than the one where Regina feels fangs in her calf, razor sharp and down to the bone. She stifles her scream the best she can as she yanks the snake off her leg, purple venom still dripping from it's genetically engineered silver fangs. She runs a knife through it before the world starts to slip and slide around her. Before her eyes slip shut against her will, she swears she sees a flash of red-gold emerging from the nearby river.
She wakes warmer and cozier than she's been since she ran away from her parent's house last year. (She briefly wonders if her little sister is watching, if she cares whether Regina lives or dies. Regina hopes she does, but she also hopes she doesn't. It'll be easier for Kylie that way.) At first she thinks the warmth is from the blanket tucked around her, but then she realizes that there's something else (or more specifically, someone else) tucked around her as well. Regina kisses Cady's head to wake her up, because she's scared and she's lonely and because this might be her only chance to do it. Cady's eyes pop open and she stutters and her face flushes and Regina laughs, because she's just really cute.
Regina, for all her strength, is a heavy walker. She struts and stomps everywhere. Cady's surprisingly clumsy, but she's fast. She could take someone out, and they'd never even see her coming.
Regina can't work out whether she's more sad or more impressed when Cady slides a knife through her chest. Regina, just like everyone else, didn't even see Cady Heron coming, Much like the boy from two hadn't seen Regina coming. Arrogance is a hell of a drug. (But was it really so unbelievable that Cady would love her?) "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Cady whispers, holding Regina's head in her lap as she drifts off for the last time. "I'm so sorry, Reggie."
10. (Alternate ending) Regina is shocked when they pull her and Cady both out of the Arena. She thinks maybe they're banking on one of them dying on the hovercraft, both of them barely alive after their fight against the mountain lion muttations. She watches them work on Cady's bleeding body until someone slides a mask over her face and tells her to breathe. She briefly wonders if she'll ever wake up again.
She does. And so does Cady. They're kept apart, but Regina knows she's here somewhere, even sneaks off to see her a couple times. She never finds her. After her fourth venture from her room, she wakes up especially hungover. A cough draws her attention, her heart rate spiking when she sees the president sitting at the foot of her bed. "Miss George. You look as lovely as ever," he says, his tone light but his mouth fixed in a sneer. "I'm sure it's quite a relief for a... girl like you. Your beauty is your most valuable asset, after all."
Regina doesn't know what to say. It might be more hurtful to hear if it wasn't the very same thing her mother had told her all her life. "That wound from your right thigh up to your ribs was particularly nasty. You can't hardly notice it anymore. I've had my best doctors working on it around the clock."
Regina's stomach turns. She wasn't aware the president had such an intimate knowledge of her body. It's unsettling, to think of all the people who were around her while she's been forced to sleep. How was she supposed to protect herself like this?
"As difficult as your... injuries have been to manage, they've had a far harder task with piecing Miss Heron back together."
Regina's stomach drops, and she knows she must visibly flinch from the sick smile on Snow's face.
"Ah, yes, your little plaything. I've heard a rumour that you keep sneaking out of your quarters to look for her. Naughty, naughty, Miss George," Snow tuts, ticking his finger back and forth. It makes Regina's skin crawl to the point that she feels phantom fingers on her back, scratching over barely-healed skin. "Poor thing, she was in such a bad way. She would've bled out given a couple more minutes. These games would've been yours."
"Why save her, then?" Regina asks, her voice rough. She wonders how long it's been since she last spoke. How long have they been in recovery?
"There she is," Snow says, a bright smile on his face. It looks rather garish, red lips against pale white skin. "Oh, Regina, you must know that I did it for you."
Regina's heart thumps a little faster, sensing an attack she can't yet see.
"It's no secret that I've got a certain... affection for you. And you clearly have an affection for little Cady. What kind of mentor would I be to take her from you, hmm?" He asks, tone more patronizing that Regina's own father could've ever dreamed of being, which is truly a feat. "Doesn't hurt that the Capitol loves the idea of the two of you together. In fact, we secured the largest donation in games history to ensure your... reunion. And you'll make it quite a reunion to show your gratitude, won't you my dear?"
Regina hates this feeling, this total lack of control. Nothing has ever felt worse than this—apart from watching Cady bleed out and not being able to stop it.
"I'll make sure everyone knows just how grateful I am," Regina says, her tone measured, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"Good girl," Snow says, stroking her leg over the thin hospital blanket. "I knew you'd understand. Just like I know you'll understand what I'm about to say.
"A games with two winners is unprecedented. Some of my... former advisors believed it made me look weak, to let both you and Miss Heron live. I'm sure you can guess what happened to them."
Regina nods.
"Wonderful. I told them that you'd make the double-win worth my while, and you will, won't you?"
"Of course," Regina says, because what else can she say? "What do you need me to do?"
"Down to brass tacks already. Clever girl," Snow coos, a horrifying smile curling along his lips. "I'm not asking much. Just that you show your appreciation once you're in the presence of your beloved again. The people of the Capitol are expecting a madly-in-love young couple when you reunite, and I will not allow you to disappoint them."
Regina nods, thinking she understands. It's not a lot to ask, all things considered. "When I see Cady again on that stage, there will be no question how I feel about her."
"And after?"
"What?" Regina asks, her forehead crinkling just a tiny bit before she can stop it. "Like, when we go home?"
"I'm thinking more of the immediate aftermath, Miss George. The moment you two lock eyes in the... privacy of your Capitol suite."
A sick feeling settles in Regina's stomach. Surely he can't mean...
"The people of the Capitol won't know what we do in private," Regina says. She feels like crying when she sees the slow grin spread across Snow's face.
"I'm afraid privacy is not a luxury afforded to victors," he coos, looking all too thrilled about it.
"You can't expect much," Regina begs, trying to keep her voice even as it rolls over the lump in her throat. "We barely know one another."
"Now now, Miss George. Do those sound like the words of a love-drunk, exceedingly grateful victor?"
"I am grateful, President Snow. Very grateful. I just worry that Cady may not be ready. We've just—she's not—"
"Miss Heron's potential lack of experience did cross my mind. I do not expect that particular result tonight, Miss George. I'm not a monster," he says with a soft laugh, as if the very notion is ridiculous. As if blood isn't actively coating his lips due to his past sins. "I'm simply asking that you give the people something to root for. Give them a sign that all of their very generous donations were not in vain. Give them... a little taste of what's to come."
Bile rises in Regina's throat. She has the horrible thought that maybe, just maybe, a death in the arena would've been more merciful than this life outside. Worse, she wonders for the first time if she made the wrong decision, leaving her parent's charge all those months ago. Probable death was not enough to instill regret. This is.
"Just so you are aware, a fully body polish to your degree is not cheap. A lot of people made financial sacrifices so that your former beauty could be restored, and even enhanced. They are expecting to see dividends on their investment, and they're expecting to see them tonight. Are we clear, Miss George?"
"Yes sir," Regina replies. She wishes they weren't. She wishes she could go back to twenty minutes ago, when she was out cold and didn't realize the crushing weight of her "victory". Wishes she could go back to last year, even, when her beauty was her curse to bear alone. Now, she's doomed Cady too.
"You said I'll get to see her tonight?" Regina asks, hoping she sounds appropriately wistful. It's important that she not sound too indifferent for Cady's sake, or too excited for her own.
"That's right, Miss George. Oh, I do enjoy young love," Snow says, patting Regina's leg once more before he rises. She notices the guard at the door, then. Sees his gun trained on her. "One last thing."
"Yes, Sir?" Regina asks, her heart hammering in her chest.
"Don't keep me waiting long, hmm? It would be a shame for something to happen to Miss Heron in her new home in District 5. I hear power surges are common so close to the dam."
"Yes, Sir," Regina says, unable to keep from trembling.
"Now that's a good girl," he says, grinning from ear to ear. With a final wave of the hand, he's gone.
Regina can't stop the sob that rips it's way out of her chest.
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minz-za-moo ¡ 5 months ago
Athena Cykes: Sidelined Attorney ~ Essay
(Major Spoilers for Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies, and Ace Attorney 6: Spirit of Justice. Minor Spoilers for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
I wanted to write an essay-type thing about Athena constantly getting the short end of the stick, so...here it is :3
       Athena is one of the main characters of Ace Attorney, but she sure doesn’t feel like it. 
       Ace Attorney is a video game series where you play as one of many lawyers, fighting crime and earning guilty verdicts in an era of legal corruption. One of the newest playable main characters introduced was one Miss Athena Cykes, part of the game Dual Destinies, the fifth and second-to-last game in the series. And boy, is she...in the game. She certainly...is a character. She definitely...has a career in law. She is indeed a defense attorney. What I’m trying to say is, she’s underutilized. Heavily. Despite being a main character, one of three in the games she’s from. 
       Athena works for the Wright Anything Agency, learning from her boss, Phoenix Wright, and her older co-worker, Apollo Justice, who is also fairly new. When Apollo was introduced, he got an entirely new game dedicated to him; Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. There, he takes on four cases with the help of Phoenix and Trucy Wright as his co-counsel. During his game, he’s the only attorney, -outside of one flashback case where you play as Phoenix- and though he is sidelined a bit, all of the cases in his game are his own. He’s the attorney for all of them...The same can’t be said for Athena and her game.
       It isn’t fair to count Apollo Justice’s cases before Dual Destinies, though, since Athena hadn’t joined the agency yet. So, we’ll look at Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice instead. In Dual Destinies, Athena heads two cases out of six. Barely. And I say ‘barely’, because in the very beginning of her introductory case, Athena has a mental breakdown, flashing back to a traumatic case from years ago. She’s unable to speak, and just when a verdict is about to be handed down prematurely, Phoenix Wright bursts through the door and takes the case from her. So, really, Athena heads two cases.
       At the end of Dual Destinies, though, Athena finds out the truth about her past, giving her closure on her trauma and letting her have the ability to finally move on and heal. So, you’d think that, by Spirit of Justice, she’d be able to take on her own cases, right? Wrong. Out of the seven cases in the game, Athena heads one. One singular case. And just like all the other times, she can’t go through it alone.
       In Turnabout Storyteller, she has yet another breakdown, but this time it’s brought on by foul play. The prosecutor for the case, -Nahyuta Sadhmadhi- after insulting and making fun of her, rallies the gallery to call Athena’s ability and skill into question, making her doubt if she’s ready to take a case on her own. At this point, Simon jumps in and acts as Athena’s co-counsel, and she’s able to continue the trial with his help. Yet again, Athena is being saved by someone else. 
       In every case Athena is in, she has a breakdown. Does this mean Athena shouldn’t ever have had a single breakdown? Not at all; her breakdown in Turnabout Academy was necessary, as it allowed her to deal with and take a step towards overcoming her trauma. She came out of it stronger, and managed to complete her trial without anyone else taking over for her, save for Apollo helping out as her co-counsel. The issue is that this happens in every case she takes up, making her seem incapable of doing her job.
       Out of the thirteen cases in both games, Athena heads...two cases. One in the game that’s literally titled Dual Destinies, a game meant to be about her relationship with Simon Blackquill, despite Simon himself prosecuting four cases. But, hold on. Maybe this isn’t really an issue with Athena being sidelined; maybe it’s just Phoenix, -the head lawyer and main character of the first three games- taking all of the cases for himself. After all, he did steal the beginning case from Athena. Maybe Apollo is done wrong in these games, too.
       Unfortunately, that isn’t the case; If we combine the cases from both games, we get this; Phoenix Wright has six cases, Athena has two, and Apollo has five. There’s clearly something off here. And that’s not even counting Apollo’s four cases from his game (which, might I remind you, is named after him?). On top of this, Apollo gets more character development in Spirit of Justice; we learn about his real father, adopted father, adopted brother, and, by extension, their family. What do we learn about Athena? Nothing. The closest thing we get to more Athena lore is that Simon, her found-family brother, has a friend who works at a soba shop. How nice.
       And Athena’s mistreatment doesn’t stop there; it extends into the fanbase as well. On March 1st, 2024, Capcom held a poll to decide who were the best characters in the Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice Trilogy. According to that poll, from first to last, here are the top ten characters in Japan; Miles Edgeworth, Simon Blackquill, Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright (DD-SoJ), Klavier Gavin, Phoenix (AJ), Bobby Fulbright, Trucy Wright, Maya Fey, Ema Skye.
Now, I’m sure you and I both noticed something very important, which is the fact that Athena is nowhere on this list at all. And she didn’t fare much better in the international poll either, only getting 9th place, despite being one of three main characters. For crying out loud, Phoenix and his two slightly different personalities are on the list twice!
       In conclusion, Athena deserves better. She’s a bright, talented, fiery young woman whose upbeat and positive personality brings a fresh change of pace in comparison to Phoenix and Apollo’s snarky and downright pessimistic natures, respectively. With her mood matrix and the ability to hear the voice of people’s souls, she could completely change the game - If Capcom would only let her. (this was very fun, i think i shall do it again soon, maybe next ill do a mediocre character analysis on someone)
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makoredeyes ¡ 8 months ago
Hello, I hope you're doing well! This is probably an odd question, feel free to ignore it. I wanted to ask you as a fellow writer I admire, who is mostly focused on unpopular/dead/deep lore characters. Do you also sometimes feel like what you're writing is irrelevant and unexciting for everyone, except yourself? If so, how do you deal with this? For me sometimes this sudden realization is so crushing, that I cannot bring myself to finish a single work.
Hello! That’s not an odd question at all in fact it feels pretty relevant tbh. (Omg sorry long reply you got me going 💙)
I think I have several kind of interrelated answers for you so let me lay them out.
1- I am powered by autism and a MIGHTY hyperfixation. I have no choice I am compelled. I am blinded to all other things and so while the little bit of feedback that I do get is AMAZING and so extra sparkly motivating it is not entirely what compels me (but BOY does it help)
2- I joked with a friend just last night that, “this season is, as usual, does not have NEARLY enough Felwinter content and so I must therefore create my own.” - as she pointed out, there have been exactly TWO seasons with ANY Felwinter content at all and I wasn’t playing destiny yet for one of them. My point being, sometimes you gotta create what you want to see yourself. I’ve always found myself in some really niche corner of whatever fandom I’m in and have to do this a lot. Probably how I got to writing and drawing etc. fun thing is tho you find a really special group of people who think and love like you that way, and if it’s a smaller crowd, it’s all the more intimate for it Imo. I’ve made some super special friends in the last 9 months or so in my weird little corner here and it’s magical and I think that quality over quantity filter is awesome. (But yeah i know the validation machine is SO good too)
3- the BEST magic of borrowing from obscure content, generally unknown or undeveloped characters or lore is the creative freedom. The headcannon swapping the worldbuilding the background gathering… the RESEARCH! Gleaning what little bit I can from what we DO have. Who the fuck is timur?! We don’t know. I borrowed the beautiful designs for his face and general personality that Sylenth has developed because she’s done such an amazing job and was kind enough to allow me to play with him as she made him, and took that as jump off point for my writing etc but I have all the wiggle room in the world with but a few widely dispersed canon signposts to lead my direction and that is just so fucking fun for me.
(And that doesn’t mean more mainstream characters like Osiris don’t have their creative appeal to me either. I will deep dive on lore and character analysis for YEARS but living in the peripherals is comfy for me)
Those are all the positives to my work, but yeah, sometimes I do feel a little dejected. I have definitely felt a drop off in reader response weirdly in converse to the effort I put into my writing. Housefire has evolved into much more of a cohesive Plot(tm) that is going somewhere very specific from its origin of a few interlinked fluffy anecdotes and funnily enough about the time I started really digging my heels in and plotting and planning and putting in twists I was REALLY excited about, people started responding less. Some of my favorite fics are the least popular. Some of my art I am most proud of gets the least attention but that damn doodle of poor Felwinter getting splattered by a warsat has 200+ more notes than my next most popular art. (The shitposts always win Damnit! 😩🤣😅)
I get frustrated and yeah sometimes a bit discouraged sometimes and I spend Way Too Much time sitting here refreshing my notes because I am a sad lonely person chronically online just way too thirsty for a little validation or a conversation with someone but like. Every piece gets better. Every piece SOMEONE appreciates. Every piece **I** enjoy and is also a chance for all of that when I share it with the world and that’s exciting and good, and like I said the people in this community as niche and little as it is, are really something special, and some of the people that have come into my circle because of it make it SO worth it.
**I was done but then I read your ask one more time and I’ll add this since it popped into my head last-second:
If we are creating works for dead characters we love, we are keeping them alive.
How magical is that??
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lady-quen ¡ 3 months ago
For the Aurene ask game: 1, 3, 8!
Aurene ask game!
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1. How does the Champion feel about Aurene? Do they consider her a daughter, a sister, a friend, a ward, a burden, just a dragon or something else?
Aurene means the world to Mael, and he considers her his daughter - while sylvari do not have a concept of parenthood comparable to ours, describing Aurene as such comes closest to encompassing how he feels about her. She is his charge, his responsibility, the being he loves the very most in the world - bound on a spiritual level. While his feelings towards her as his daughter will never change, he recognizes she has since become something far, far greater than a mere hatchling and does not act patronizing towards her in any sense.
Furthermore, she is his sovereign, and he is her vassal - though their Champion-Scion bond is in no way compulsory, Mael has sworn his life in service to Aurene, and would do most everything for her. The only loyalty that comes close to the same level is Mael's relationship with the Pale Mother and the Grove, being the Tree's herald, as well as the overseer and mentor of future Knights of the Thorn.
3. Is there anything non-canon/unique about your Champion and Aurene? Powers, ways to communicate, transformations/brandings, etc
There is! The most unique aspect of Mael as a Champion is the fact he additionally functions as the Mouth of Aurene (the same way the named Zhaitan champion did!)
Absorbing the Soul Eater's essence has left Mael's mortal wounds cursed to morph into demon maws and inflicted a supernatural hunger upon him, a condition he addresses by consuming magic items through the mouth conjured over his chest. It's a very much preferable alternative to eating souls, after all, and Aurene has helped give purpose and direction to that aspect of her Champion. Magic essence consumed by Mael can be shared with Aurene, and she can even taste certain food items he "sends over" in this manner. Yes, he has shoved entire fish into his chest before.
The synergy of consumption and purification was especially powerful during the battle atop the Harvest Temple, where Mael in Champion form was capable of absorbing the Void itself to allow Aurene to then purify it, empowering them both in the process.
8. Are there others who are close to her? What's their relationship with her and her Champion? Does it impact canon?
This is going to bleed into 7 as well, but yes! Maolmuire (@commanderteag) becomes branded in a similar manner to Caithe during IBS, specifically before the Drakkar encounter, when the party is resting at Still Waters Speaking. Faced with Jormag's whispers urging him to finally find his own identity and "step out of the Commander's shadow" by stealing Caladbolg and using it to slay Mael, Maolmuire runs off into the night and nearly freezes to death. He is rescued, but the only way to save his life is to estabilish a bond with Aurene to allow her to send her magic over to accelerate his healing. Considering how many voices were already in his head and how delicate his sense of self was at the time, adding Aurene ontop of that was precarious, but ultimately necessary.
The Brand manifests as luminous, crystalline patterns running down Maol's malformed arm and covering his fingers. He can receive a portion of Aurene's empowerment and communicate with her if needed.
As for Maol's relationship with Mael, the story itself is quite long and convoluted, and will probably be told once we figure out everything along the way! It's a multi-faceted bond, for sure. Maolmuire: a soldier and companion, member of the Dragon's Watch, but also Mael's successor in bearing the Thorn, the two go through hell and high water together while essentially being walking reflections of one another's traumas. Along the way, Mael finally comes to terms with the death of his dearheart and his old self, and Maol finds his own identity and grows into his destiny - leading to an unlikely, yet simultaneously star-crossed love to develop between the disgraced Commander and the bright new Wayfinder...
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iridescentoracle ¡ 9 months ago
okay so. potentially controversial opinion i guess but apollo justice (the game, though actually also the character) was kind of a mess. i wanted to like it, there was a ton of potential, but the execution just did not work for me at all. but it’s been haunting me for weeks and (unlike dual destinies, which also didn’t really work for me but i cannot for the life of me figure out why) i know exactly what i didn’t like about apollo justice and how i would fix it if capcom decided to remake AA4–AA6 and inexplicably put me in charge. fair warning this is at least 80% complaining by volume about what they didn’t do/what they did do that i hated though.
like, okay, here’s the thing. it’s a new story. phoenix has had his arc, we’re moving on to a new main character, he isn’t the protagonist anymore. it makes sense to move him into a mentor/boss role while our new protagonist takes over as the plucky young newbie who doesn’t really know what he’s doing. the problem is that everything about how the game does that kind of sucks.
like. AJ phoenix gets totally shafted for the sake of not letting him be a good mentor, so that apollo has to figure things out on his own, but apollo isn’t really treated right by the narrative either, because the plot is so much about phoenix that apollo is like. weirdly peripheral to the whole thing even though he’s nominally the protagonist. like it’s super obvious that the whole reason phoenix isn’t an attorney anymore and is all ✨ mysterious✨ and ✨secretive✨ is literally just so that apollo doesn’t actually like. have a good mentor who can teach him things? like the entire plot/backstory is just a post-hoc excuse bc the starting point of the game was clearly someone going “well we’re not allowed to not have phoenix in the game, but we can’t let him be someone apollo can actually rely on, so we have to find some excuse to make him weird and mysterious and uncommunicative and also not a lawyer just for good measure bc otherwise he wouldn’t leave a kid hanging like that” and everything else was built up to justify that.
but as if it’s not bad enough that it all requires shattering phoenix’s perfectly good reasonably-happy-ending from the previous game, by extension everyone else gets screwed over too?? like, maya was very explicitly traumatized by the kurain channeling legacy to the point of briefly not wanting to identify herself as a spirit medium. pearl was sheltered from some of the worst of it but was aware of enough to blame herself for bad things happening to the point of trying to run away. the credits definitely made it seem like they both bounced right back after all but frankly i was not convinced they weren’t going to both collapse as soon as the figurative camera looked away again and the most plausible short-term outcome to me was that they would wind up both moving in with phoenix for a while in the near future like maya all but said she wanted to do!! she called herself “the assistant manager at Wright & Co. Law Offices” and said she “[didn’t] want any more to do with [the Fey clan],” that is IN the TEXT i am not reading too much into things here those are her words! i’m fine with her potentially changing her mind again and resuming her training again and moving back to kurain after all when she’s had some time to recover from everything but like. when she’s had some time. she deserved more than two months and i hate so much that she didn’t get it.
on the flip side, again, i get the choice to deliberately not-include edgeworth in this one but i swear to god it should have taken him and phoenix like. maybe four months to finish getting their act together and that’s being generous and counting the month it takes him to wrap things up in europe and move back to japanifornia. i’m pretty sure edgeworth figured out how he felt when he got the phone call from larry about the bridge if he hadn’t already by then and i think phoenix simultaneously realized and refused to realize how he felt during the year he thought edgeworth is dead, bc neither of them can just be normal about feeling things ever, so give them a second for phoenix to stop repressing shit and also mention that he’s absolutely not going to get back together with iris when she gets out of jail and they Will sort themselves out and they Will kiss and i give it like a year tops before they get married. they have a courthouse wedding obviously and get the judge to officiate. 50/50 chance they wind up proposing in the middle of a trial and get married during the next recess.
and in canon there’s not time for all that to have happened bc the next game requires phoenix to have promptly turned into an arrogant asshole and then gotten royally fucked over by the universe and become a totally different person (again, at that, because he’s already a completely different person in the flashback to his last case, why does he act like the paynes that whole time i hate it), but like. this is what i’m saying. phoenix getting screwed over by the universe/writing also screws all his friends over too.
so i just. this game does such a disservice to phoenix’s entire character, and all of his friends, and also the entire first three games and anyone who loved them. it’s not all bad and the person phoenix has been turned into—“has been turned into,” not “has turned into,” because the hand of the writers is so visible, i can’t engage with this game on a fully watsonian level for the life of me because phoenix’s hoodie might as well say DOYLE CHOSE TO DO THIS TO ME. this is a fictional character being written by real people and the real people wrote him in a manner entirely incompatible with his original characterization and i cannot get past it—is fascinating but it isn’t phoenix. i love the plot but i hate the execution. i like the ingredients but the recipe sucks.
but it could have been so good. and at this point i’ve mostly worked out how.
you have the exact same scenario with the gramarye trial, is the thing, up through the point where phoenix wins the poker game and shadi enigmar/zak gramarye asks him to be his lawyer, and phoenix accepts—and then phoenix, like, gets a phone call from maya or pearl bc it turns out one of them just got hurt, or they’ve both come down with some kind of stomach bug or food poisoning or something, some temporary emergency that’s just severe enough that they need more help/care for a day or two than phoenix could give while also handling a case, but that won’t actually last all that long.
so he turns down the case apologetically bc oh my god i’m so sorry actually, family emergency, i gotta go right now, best of luck, and shadi/zak moves on to defense attorney number three: a different, brand new character, another rising star defense attorney around the same point in their career as phoenix, and that’s who winds up using the forged diary page and getting disbarred and turning into the bitter jaded inscrutable asshole mentor who years later will manipulate apollo into exposing his own boss as a murderer, and then technically hire apollo but not actually, like, teach him anything or help out in any meaningful way, etc.
but meanwhile, three facts about this series of events:
8yo trucy is still the unwitting catalyst for the lawyer defending her father using forged evidence that destroys his career, and her father still vanishes and leaves her behind
within a couple days, pearl and maya are basically fine
phoenix wright’s best friend was once a kid barely older than trucy is now who suddenly found himself with no family, and as a result was taken in by someone who had a deep and abiding grudge against both him and his father because of what they did, through no real fault of their own, to him/his career.
and since phoenix did meet shadi/zak and turned his case down, he has every reason to be curious about how the trial went, and to pick up either from the general news coverage (which, considering what a big deal phoenix’s disbarment in canon was, i assume there is A Lot Of,) or to realize bc his personal curiosity/almost-connection means he actively looks into things, that there is a kid who has been left behind and who currently has no one to take care of her. and you cannot tell me that phoenix would look at this kid whose best-case scenario is currently getting swept into the foster care system bc god forbid she actually winds up getting taken in by the only adult even vaguely associated with her at this point, bc phoenix has seen that story before, and not decide on the spot to adopt her himself
and so just like that, we have
phoenix accidentally escaping the whole gramarye trial entirely unscathed
but still adopting trucy
pearl and maya still living with phoenix a couple months post-T&T instead of immediately getting packed off back to kurain
no changes that actually significantly impact apollo for most of the game bc all that’s really different for him is the name of his inscrutable jerk mentor and the fact that he’s gotta wind up meeting/being-befriended-by trucy a little differently
so by the time the actual present-day plot of the game kicks off, phoenix and company are still out there doing their thing with phoenix getting to be his best self and living his best life. he still gets his adorable adopted daughter who he loves dearly. we still don’t actually see maya or edgeworth or pearl in this version of the game but there’s allusions to them all being very present in his-and-trucy’s lives—trucy brings us over to their apartment at some point and we see a stack of steel samurai dvds in the corner and a laundry basket with unidentifiable clothes in suspiciously familiar shades of purple/pink/magenta, details like that. we only see phoenix himself for like, maybe five minutes total over the course of the first three and a half cases and it’s a little tantalizing but he gets to be the one who bursts into the courthouse with the decisive evidence that lets our protagonist win the last case.
and meanwhile, apollo’s current boss is shady and inscrutable and used to be a lawyer and can even be involved in some ✨ secret mission ✨ that he won’t talk about that turns out to be the jurist system, so we can hypothetically keep whatever the intended message of that whole thing was (which, argh, what do you DO with the jurist system. what is the intended message. i get that it’s satire of a then-contemporary development in japan’s legal system but i can’t figure out for the life of me what the satire is actually meant to say), and then at the end of the game Apollo’s Shitty Mentor is proven to have been innocent and will be allowed to take the bar again if he wants to but he’s not entirely sure bc at this point it’s been so long that he might just prefer to move on entirely now that his actual disbarment/disgrace isn’t hanging over his head bc he honestly did used to be a pretty stand-up guy but the last seven years have been rough and he doesn’t really like the person he’s turned into and maybe it would be healthier to treat this as a fresh start and try something entirely new so he’s going to take some time away from the whole legal system first to clear his head before he figures out whether or not he actually wants to dive back in.
and apollo’s like “well that’s totally understandable and sounds great for you but goddammit do i really have to go back to the endless nightmare that is job applications, i hate this actually” and phoenix (who is also in the defense lobby where this whole conversation is taking place) is like “why don’t you come work for me?”
you could even have it end on a joke where apollo is shocked about the offer bc he applied to work for phoenix six months ago and phoenix is like ???? i never saw that?? and it turns out apollo applied via email but phoenix still sucks at computers and only checks his work email like once a year.
seriously though i do not understand what we’re supposed to think about the jurist system. is it supposed to be that fucked up? i’m not actually sure how we’re supposed to feel abt that tbh but it sounds like maybe it’s not supposed to seem like an actually better alternative? like it felt to me like it was being framed as a triumph for our belovèd hero, isn’t this great that he was able to arrange things so everything would turn out all right after all etc, but it was so obviously fucked up and unethical—like, oh, yeah, having one guy in charge of assigning the defense attorney, the judge, and the jury sounds totally fine and like it’s actually going to be more reliably ethical than the system that’s already in place, for sure, not to mention the possibility that edgeworth was pulling strings to help phoenix make it happen and be involved, because nepotism and people in law enforcement/the justice system pulling strings to put people they like in positions of authority that they probably shouldn’t have specifically so that they can do things like “rig a jury,” on purpose, is fine bc i like these guys who are doing/benefiting from the nepotism so therefore it’s not wildly unethical and an obviously terrible idea, oh my god—that it feels like it has to be on purpose?
and like in practice it just… the jurist system as it’s actually implemented is worse actually. it’s genuinely worse and less ethical than the established system where the judge was about to let kristoph gavin off scot-free for the crimes he wasn’t already convicted of.
that said it’s like. very funny on a conceptual level. yet another thing that makes sense if the games are set in japan bc sure of course fictional kinda goofy japan has a more ridiculous version of the thing that’s being implemented in real-life japan right now, but when localized the implications are buck-fucking-wild
because. okay. japanifornia exclusively has bench trials or whatever they’re called for some reason. i have questions about why that’s legal given the existence of the sixth amendment but sure fine the japanifornian legal system is deeply fucked up in many new and interesting ways and that is clearly just one of them. but you’re telling me that the entire concept of trial by jury is strange and new to a lawyer? like. did the entire country just. ditch the sixth amendment before apollo was born? why is this a brand new concept instead of, you know, how things work in every other state. i have so many questions that do not need answers. thank god these games are old enough to have gotten localized it’s so much funnier this way.
ANYWAY. SO. yeah. make apollo’s inscrutable asshole so-called mentor someone other than phoenix wright, have way less of phoenix in the game actually bc he’s off living his best life and having a thriving career with very little reason to think about how kristoph gavin exists, and meanwhile write apollo with All That Backstory in mind from the start though 95% of the actual info should still be saved for game 6, we’re just trying to write apollo so he’s not completely flat and frankly pretty forgettable at times and also including foreshadowing so the khura’in thing isn’t a very obvious retcon when we get there, and turn klavier into an actual person, and that’s like. 95% of my frustrations with the game fixed right there (the other 5% is “i still can’t tell what we’re actually supposed to think/feel about the jurist system” but like. i can’t tell what we’re supposed to think/feel so i don’t know how to fix it).
well okay also the like, pacing and focus would need to be fixed so apollo’s incrutable jerk mentor isn’t the protagonist for half the last case to the point i forgot apollo existed, etc, but like. that’s the next level down of problems you know?
AND bonus points: splitting “phoenix” and “apollo’s inscrutable jerk mentor” into two separate characters automatically fixes yet another of the worst He Would Not Fucking Do Thats of the game, i.e. phoenix just. not telling trucy and apollo that they’re siblings and their mom is alive. bc apollo’s shitty mentor is the one who actually interacts with lamiroir offscreen, this phoenix never does, so apollo’s mentor is the one who has the opportunity to figure out who she is and that trucy and apollo are half-siblings, and they’re not his kids, apollo doesn’t even work for him anymore by the end of the game so what does he care whether she tells them, and meanwhile phoenix isn’t inexplicably hiding that information because he also doesn’t know. still relies on her continuing to hide her face professionally in the meantime (instead of being deeply stupid about the fact that she is super famous, twice, and if she goes around being Very Famous And Popular Singer Lamiroir someone will notice that she is very much also Very Famous And Popular Believed-Dead Magician Thalassa Gramarye and between the existence of the news and the existence of the internet her kids will inevitably find out, jesus CHRIST parts of this game are so badly written), but that’s a given
i have a whole bunch of other thoughts—mostly about klavier gavin bc he should be such a good character but he just doesn’t work, but also i think the structure of the last case would have to be pretty significantly modified to fix the pacing/structural/focus issues where our nominal protagonist is basically irrelevant for the bulk of the case, even while the plot would remain basically the same, but i haven’t figured out how the structure would be different bc that requires figuring out how to handle the whole jurist system thing—but that’s like. the coherent parts/the bulk of it, you know?
i think (really this is just a detail, not a major plot point, but it would have a pretty major impact thematically so it feels bigger than it is? so) the other main thing i would change—and this part isn’t actually real criticism bc it’s not, like, bad that they didn’t do this, and if they were going to make any changes there are a lot of things that should be higher on the list, but listen. zak and valant should’ve been brothers.
because like, first of all, the extra complexity of the relationship if they’re not just two random guys who met bc they were functionally coworkers/fellow students, and instead you have these two brothers with the same mentor and who are both in love with the same woman, and they both know that one of them is better at magic and their mentor’s favorite, and he’s also the one who the woman they’re both in love with loves back and has a kid with, etc? a favorite/least favorite child dynamic occurring spontaneously, presumably in adulthood, in their professional lives? like. it makes everything about their relationship with each other, and with magnifi, and zak’s relationship with thalassa, and valant’s relationship with trucy, way more complex and interesting without actually having to change anything else.
but then secondly, on top of all that, suddenly this is a game about siblings. zak & valant, apollo & trucy, and kristoph & klavier. suddenly you have these three different sibling relationships that are all very different but two of them actually get to be siblings but are super fucked up, and the last pair meet entirely by chance without any idea who the other person is or should be to them but wind up with the healthiest happiest relationship of the three? like, the tragedy of it, that apollo and trucy were separated by fate and literally no one knew they both existed except their own mother, who thought apollo was dead before trucy was ever born, and if not for whatever series of coincidences resulted in apollo happening to work for the man who ruined trucy’s father’s life and getting roped into that whole mess they might never have met at all, and as it was they lost however many years they could’ve had each other, etc etc, and yet despite it all they’re the ones who actually manage to be happy and, like, unconditionally positive presences in each other’s lives, while valant spends however long resenting zak for being magnifi-and-thalassa’s favorite and more talented and all that which presumably put a strain on their relationship bc being resented that deeply by someone that close to you for things that you don’t even actually control can’t feel good, and kristoph and klavier… [gestures vaguely] idk whatever they would feel about each other if the writers remembered klavier was supposed to be a person. and aside from the klavier bits all of that is in the game already, implicitly or explicitly, just waiting for someone to rewrite like three lines of dialogue so zak and valant aren’t Just Some Guys to each other.
anyway a lot of the other thoughts i have are like. details. it probably never gets established explicitly but phoenix probably never gets to know kristoph gavin that well, and conversely kristoph doesn’t care about phoenix bc he might not even know he would’ve been passed over for phoenix before the other guy. ema is friendlier bc even though she is still upset about being a detective and does still think klavier’s annoying, she doesn’t actively resent him for getting phoenix disbarred. also she’s already good friends with trucy. the biggest plot-difference that isn’t just a natural result of phoenix not getting disbarred is that i think phoenix has to be the one who gets hit by the car in 4-2 instead of that happening to apollo’s jerk mentor bc no other human being on the planet could get thrown thirty feet by a car and hit a telephone pole with his head and still only wind up with a sprained ankle out of the deal.
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the-alphaess ¡ 2 months ago
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after three weeks of not being able to draw i just decided to draw a list of silverclaw's important life stages all the way to her current state, with notes and little details to serve as reminders. it was a fun, big project to take on that helped me move fully out of an artblock - and a fun way to start out the new years!
total time: 20 hours 20 minutes
in case anyone is interested in the lore tho, as a 'quick' summary of the whole thing:
8>10, the only change is the eyebrow scar, which silverclaw got from a near-death experience she got for being an idiot child, the scar fades over time but the slit through her eyebrow remains all her life 12 severely understimulated, a bit of a problematic teenager, just a grumpy little guy that's constantly finding new ways to get into trouble. 14 runs away from home, hops on pirate ships, working as a cabin boy and a petty thief, basically tasted freedom for the first time while masquerading as a boy down on his luck, starts binding when it becomes necessary. for being as small as she is she does get beat up here and there whenever she gets caught so she quickly learns how to not get caught, still it helps build a high-pain-tolerance for later on. a rowdy and unstable life but she's pretty happy. 16>17 meets blackhawke, who eventually takes a liking to her and sees her as a potentially loyal second-in-command (he had just gotten betrayed by his last second, which resulted in him getting stabbed in the eye so he's now looking for ways to ensure his second will die for him... for more than one reason), blackhawke figures that she's crossdressing pretty early on, with his mentorship she allows herself to present feminine for the first time, experimenting with her appearance while being trained by blackhawke until she reaches the point to be his right-hand-woman. 19, tragedy strikes, the kraken encounter destroys blackhawke's ship, makes silverclaw lose her arm and she's barely saved by a witch who blackhawke owes a grand debt... the said debt and blackhawke's destiny gets inherited by silverclaw against her will. the claw is also given to her again without her say as a way to tie her to the destiny. alcoholic mess for the whole year dealing with chronic pain and intense ptsd. 20 is when she cons her way into being hired as an 'experienced' captain (a total lie), she gets the job from an eccentric rich guy with a fascination in sea monsters after telling her story with the kraken and being the sole survivor. she eventually betrays her employer to go back to the pirate life, steals her own ship which is now named 'the She-Devil'. her coat's left sleeve gets stitched back together after she rips it off in a fit previously, as a symbol of her stitching her life back together after the loss of her arm. 22-26 is just where all of her nonsense adventures happen, classic pirate shenanigans lol, lots of broken hearts and bones. 28 is when she gets her 'classic' ensemble and lastly 29 is when she gets her lip scar + the fang replacing her canine as well as a magical spear. she also gets over her fear of the depths by some degree and gets entangled with more creatures of the deep - now on her own terms
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