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The Smear Campaign: The Flag I MISSED!🚩 My Abusive Ex Hacked My Phone #abuseawareness #smearcampaign #abusiverelationship #phonehacking #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #relationshipredflags #toxiclove #manipulationtactics #digitalabuse #gaslighting #toxicrelationship #abusiveex #healingfromabuse #redflagawareness #emotionaltrauma #relationshipabuse #survivingabuse #narcissisttactics #abusivepartner #traumarecovery #signsofabuse #emotionalmanipulation #relationshipwarning #mentalabuse #covertabuse #protectyourpeace #recoveringfromabuse #abusestorytime #abusiveredflags #psychologicalabuse #relationshipsurvival #narcissisticex #reclaimyourpower #emotionalhealing #abusivepartnerwarning #abusestory #toxicexstory #relationshipawareness #emotionalrecovery
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#psychology#personaldevelopment#spiritualawareness#coach#energy#healingjourney#self healing#mindset#surviving narcissism#covert narcissist#narcissismawareness#red flags#relationshipabuse#relationship#toxic relationship#empath#chakras#reikienergy#reiki#self worth#self compassion#self care
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Love is a game for a narcissist.
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I thought by now we should not be talking about relationships abuse,but how to get the best in relationship . Why? I expected that we both learn our lessons. It's not do and die affairs. Relationship that claim life is no more relationship but suicide on mission. Learn to be smart and never be a victim. It's greener at the other side. Not even enough to affect you emotions. Remember, fear of God is the only key . Seek for counsel. #relationshipcoachindelta #relationshipabuse #jonesjokesolution (at Warri, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1H88gKx1e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Glass Eye
im messaging one of my old abusers and currently yelling at him for one of the more fucked up things he's done in our relationship i'll post more about it later
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#psychology#narcisstic personality disorder#covert narcissist#overtnarcissist#narc abuse#surviving narcissism#spiritualawareness#education#relationship#relationshipabuse#empath#personaldevelopment#cycle of abuse#nlppractitioner#nlp#nlp services#coach#leadership coaching#lifecoach#online coaching
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"You ain't no saint", he said.
And now I am owning the devil he turned me into.
#narcissistic ex#relationshipabuse#emotionalabuse#gaslightingisabuse#gaslighting#narcissim#change#devil may cry
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The experiences I had did make me believe that there is more out there in the world than we can physically see. I once met a friend's mom that told me she knew I had a guardian angel that helped me through times I was considering suicide. It wasn't something that had ever crossed my mind, that some entity could come and affect my life in some way. Some other events happened, that I couldn't explain, that some would say were 'supernatural' events and made me think about spirituality a lot more. That wasn't even the important part. It was the fact that I started to believe in something. Faith can actually be healthy. It doesn't matter what religion you follow or if you don't follow a religion at all. Tolerance is important and none of us are wrong for what we believe in. Positive thinking is important. Having faith in yourself is important, you can create your own reality and believing in a higher power doesn't necessarily interfere with that. Take responsibility for yourself and ask for help when you need it. If no one will listen then ask the universe for help, you might get a sign, you never know, try to keep an open mind. Be respectful and kind towards what others believe in but most of all believe in yourself. Believe in something.
#domesticviolence#dontstaysilent#domesticabuse#domesticviolenceawareness#domesticviolencesurvivor#survivor#spirituality#injustice#emotional abuse#relationshipabuse#thatsnotlove#dontsettle#violenciadomestica#belief#believe#faith#hope#love#tolerance#believeinyourself#supernatural#supernaturalevents#paranormal#angels#demons#positivethinking#loveconquersall#light#centralpark#nyc
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#narcisistic#narcissism#narcissist#narcissisticpersonality#emotional abandonment#emotionalabuse#marriage#relationships#relationshipabuse#divorce
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🙇Lol....... . . . . . . . #relationshipchat_wa #relationship_goals #relationshipgoals😍 #relationshipanxiety #relationshipabuse #relationshipdynamics #relationshipdrama #relationshipdrawing #relationshipfails #relationshipfights #relationshipfunny #relationshipfail #relationshiphacks #irelationship_quotes #relationshipjokes😎 (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B12hWKigDpJ/?igshid=1m5yxi1xcadfn
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Verbal abuse doesn't leave visible signs, but it is just as cruel and damaging as physical abuse. Click the link in our bio 👆or visit teenkidsnews.com to learn more about about the signs of verbal abuse. #domesticabuse #relationshipabuse #selfesteem #loveyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/B0T4MIklk1l/?igshid=16319fqc5635g
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Free write that I felt I had to share.
Dear narcissist,
When I found out you would potentially be at an event that I anticipated to be, I flipped a lid. People whom I'm close with saw a side in me that was never shown! In fact it scared the hell out of them.
They asked if I was ok. If I wanted to talk. A few know my story and the true hell I endured. A few know parts of the story.
Dear best friend,
We sat and talked for over an hour about this. You helped me process the emotions. You helped me process my options if this person were to show.
Above all, you had my best interest at heart. You had my back and didn't want to see me emotionally or physically hurt again. I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my life for that reason.
Dear Narcissist,
It has come to my attention you held too much space foe that. I thought I finished all my healing from you but at that moment I was wrong.
When the event finally took place; guess what!? You were no where to be found. You were not a thought in my mind nor were you physically around. I didn't have to stress a thing.

Now I know what to do incase there is a next time.
Enjoy myself and what I planned.
#psychology#personaldevelopment#spiritualawareness#coach#empath#mindset#covert narcissist#education#energy#surviving narcissism#recovery#narcisstic personality disorder#narcissismawareness#relationshipabuse#relationship#healingjourney#self healing#chakras#mental health#women empowering woman#womanownedbusiness#high value woman#self worth#womenempowerment#spiritualhealing#empathy
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They open up about their lives early when they prey on you.
Most of it about victimhood. And most of it is a consistent lie they tell themselves and others.
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This is an excerpt from a text I sent to the abuser ages ago, while still actually in the relationSHIT. Just found it the other day. 😢 . . . This became a pattern, kind of. I’d ask the abuser to explain WHY he was treating me like I was worthless. I’d also tell him I felt that I was starting to feel that the person he had seemed to be didn’t really exist. This was before I even knew about narcissism, or knew what he was. . . The abuser would respond by trying to #gaslight me into accepting his behaviour as normal and OK. He’d be unusually nice for a little while. Looking back it’s clear it was just to string me along long enough to get more sex from me, while he scavenged around for a new target who didn’t keep on asking questions all the time. . . . On the plus side, at least I was demanding answers and not just assuming that being treated like shit was my lot in life. However, the truly empowered response to being mistreated is to LEAVE, not to keep asking the abuser WHY he is abusing you. #OwnYourPower #narcissisticabuse #interpersonalviolence #relationshipabuse #domesticabuse #narcissisticabuserecovery #npdsurvivor #npdawareness #lifeafternarc https://www.instagram.com/p/BsPO8m9HVkA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nbgzea71u90x
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Dating as a Trans Man( tw- abuse )
Dating as a trans man... easy right?... wrong , there so much more to it than you think, its being abused emotionally , physically , and mentally. My dating scene hasn't always been rainbows and glitter, I have a story, many in fact two in which have pathed the way I identify now as a queer Transgender Man. I was 11 when I first got into a “ relationship” he was 12 at the time, we got together under his conditions, he then later found out we weren't cousins like he thought, now we enter the realm of being abused emotionally and physically, going to his house to ‘’hang out’’ to then find out he wanted me to stand feet away from him so he could shoot me with Nerf Gun bullets for his entertainment, i would then go home and cry and wear long clothes to hide the evidence of what seemed to be true love to everyone else...
But behind closed doors I was the girl being shot at with nerf gun bullets, having magazines thrown at me, sworn at... in society girls are told to be quiet, that they don't have a voice and I fell for this trap till a few months ago.. the 2nd time happened at school, 3 months after the first incident or quote on quote relationship, i was year 7 now, the guy the incident happened with was year 11 or 10 I can't remember and don't really want too, I got severely bullied for that event.. people were saying;
“oh you caused that”
“you wanted that ”
“ why don't you just run off with him and get pregnant”
to then find out a few weeks later the same guy had moved in next door to my dads house , if the event at school wasn't traumatising enough..
it then happened a third time but not as bad, I now identify as trans, so I met this person at a seminar at a local school in my area. The seminar is now over, I've gone home not being able to talk to this person, so I go home and find a social media handle of someone at the seminar and asked then do you have so and so’s social media. They then gave me this persons snapchat so I decided to add then and try start talking to them, a few weeks have gone by, we are talking regularly and start a relationship, it was all sweet and romantic until one day they pressured me into sexual activity that I didn't want to reciprocate to them.. and because I couldn't say no I just went with it , until one day I had opened up to them about what had happened prior to our relationship and yet again I got taken advantage of, at this point I'm used to it until one day I had enough
I had opened up to mum about what had happened between me and my current partner at the time, she then spoke to their parents , they understood for like a week then went back to their own habits. Fast forward to now march 1st 2020 I have ended that relationship and I'm now in a perfectly healthy relationship and have been for almost a year (a year in April ) , my current partner accepts my differences , we communicate when things are not right, I've learnt to stand up and say no when I need to and they accept that I say no and stop. I refuse to let these traumatic experience define who I am as a man, I now know what is the difference between a good and bad relationship and a healthy and not so healthy relationship.
so if you are reading this and in the same position , please leave , I know you probably don't want too but your mental health is at stake, please stay safe and speak up when you need too . this a story of a transgender man and his experience of love
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