holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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I'm currently in 6th position for this Inked Magazine contest. Thank you to those that voted. Reminder you can vote daily so help me reach the number one spot. The link is below ⬇️
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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🌌Do you feel the energy shift? Mercury is still in retrograde and the Flower Full Moon 🌕 is fast approaching. Oh, don't forget the eclipse too. 🌑😵‍💫😱
This year’s Flower Moon (May 2023) is unique because it undergoes a penumbral lunar eclipse while Mercury is in retrograde.
✨️According to astrology, eclipses are believed to be three times more energetically intense🌌 than any regular full Moon and tend to align with significant life events. Often times, lunar eclipses bring major news, turning points, breakthroughs, or breakdowns on the day, week, or month surrounding them. ✴️☸️
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holyavenuetragedy · 1 year
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
Happy International Women's Day
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
The way we react to stress impacts the neurobiology of our body! The way we interpret the world impacts the frequency and intensity of euphoric and dysphoric emotions.
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
Give yourself that permission ❤️
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
Have you recognized the signs that you're coparenting with a narc? Some are easy to spot while others take more time to be played out.
Would you like to know more about coparenting with a toxic individual?
Drop an 🙌
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
Free write.
You cannot answer what is love. You never knew that.
You never knew what it was like to experience unconditional love from anyone.
You're missing out and have missed out on so many milestones in life.
Then in turn, you cannot describe happiness or fulfillment. You've been trying to fill this void in your soul that will close. Not unless you're willing to change everything about you.
That's a far fetch and asking too much. You won't let anyone see that weakness.
Can you even describe who hurt you? Physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually? I'm sure you won't even go there. That requires too much effort and facing trauma is just a NO for you.
Facing trauma requires you to finally look at yourself. Something you're too scared of doing. What are you afraid of?
Is it taking accountability? Admitting you're wrong or a human with flaws? Is it incorporating those dark aspects of your life and brining them to light? The fear of people finding out you're vulnerable!
That's why you'd rather deal with strangers huh? You'd rather make those fake and surface level acquaintances than deal with deep, meaningful and secure dynamics.
Knowing everything I just talked about, you still won't change. You're going to keep pulling the same shit over just with different people. You're going to rope that poor soul in and rob them of all their capabilities. I pray they snap out of it and leave you like the snake you are. I pray they take back their power.
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
✅️The Principle of Humility when put into practice, is a balancing act. It provides freedom from the lower programming: the Id, Ego and the negative characteristics that come with it. 🚫We move away from Pridefulness, Arrogance, Selfishness and accept the honor of humbly living a life not only in sobriety but in alignment. 💕
How are you practicing Humility today? 😁🤔
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
Free write that I felt I had to share.
Dear narcissist,
When I found out you would potentially be at an event that I anticipated to be, I flipped a lid. People whom I'm close with saw a side in me that was never shown! In fact it scared the hell out of them.
They asked if I was ok. If I wanted to talk. A few know my story and the true hell I endured. A few know parts of the story.
Dear best friend,
We sat and talked for over an hour about this. You helped me process the emotions. You helped me process my options if this person were to show.
Above all, you had my best interest at heart. You had my back and didn't want to see me emotionally or physically hurt again. I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my life for that reason.
Dear Narcissist,
It has come to my attention you held too much space foe that. I thought I finished all my healing from you but at that moment I was wrong.
When the event finally took place; guess what!? You were no where to be found. You were not a thought in my mind nor were you physically around. I didn't have to stress a thing.
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Now I know what to do incase there is a next time.
Enjoy myself and what I planned.
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holyavenuetragedy · 2 years
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