#Really only happens to me in my room though (which is where I typically eat)
godanimal · 7 months
Anyone else have food aggression-like behaviors. Absolutely hate when anyone is near me when I'm eating lol.
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
It's been a few months since my last merch haul post, so time for another one! As usual, acrylic stands are my main purchases, with the below set being one of the rarest I've found 💖
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The reason these are so rare is because I couldn't get them from my usual places on Amiami and Mercari JP. They're from a company called Ultrizon and are currently only sold in China. I saw them advertised on Twitter from a shop in Thailand and decided to reach out on the off chance that the shop would ship to the US. And much to my pleasant surprise, the shop, Chibishiba, replied and said that they would ship to me 😃 I was a bit concerned because they seemed to be just a small "mom and pop" shop, with only Twitter DMs as their form of communication and they kept track of everyone's orders in a google sheet. But I looked around on their social media and they seemed legit, so I placed an order (a few other fanatics I know on Discord did as well!) And thankfully, they were totally legit! They ordered the items from China, then once they shipped to Thailand, they then shipped to me in the US! Only took a few weeks 😁
Here's some more photos because they're so lovely~ For some reason the two Twiyor sets make me think of a scenario where they're going to a dance or other fancy event together (the left ones), but then something happens and they have to switch to "action mode" to stop a villain, save Anya, etc (the right ones).
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Bond looks so adorable in his suit~ Also the one of Anya on the left is her totally thinking "Papa and Mama are so cool 🤩"
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Even though I typically only buy merch with the Forgers, Yuri, Damian, and Franky were also part of this set. Lol, when I made the below photo of the three of them, I laughed because it looks like they're posing for a photo, with only Damian having fun…Yuri's like "whatever" and Franky's like "how long will this take, I have a date!" 😂
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Besides the Ultrizon acrylics, the other ones I was most looking forward to getting were these chibi ones from the cruise arc (two different sets)
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Between all of these, I now have acrylics of the Forgers' full wardrobe from the cruise arc 😅 My favorites are suit Yor, "I won't stop fighting" Yor, and Fun Dad Loid!
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I really liked these Twiyor acrylics from the recent Tsukuba collab. It's like they're going on a hiking date ❤️
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I also got these chibi "famous scene" acrylics from the Waku Waku Park event.
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I've been trying so hard to get the complete set of these big acrylics for a few months now...I managed to find Loid and Anya, but no one is selling Yor 😭 (or Bond). I won't stop looking though!
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As for non-acrylic figures, I've been looking forward to getting this Yor & Anya figure for over a year! It was actually one of the first SxF items I preordered, way back in November of 2022! Considering they had the colored prototype available way back then, I'm surprised it wasn't officially released until March of 2024. But worth the wait ❤️
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For Code White's release, I got the set of Luminasta figures (all three for a good price on eBay).
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Also chibi Loid & Yor~ I know there's a ton of chibi Loid and Yor figures out there, but I really liked these for some reason.
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Last month I went back to Kura Sushi for the last merch from their recent collab: this nice shirt~ You were able to get it if your bill was at least $70, which isn't hard to do if you bring a friend with you and you both eat a bunch of sushi! (well, he did most of the eating, lol). I'm planning to wear it for the first time at Anime Expo in July 😁
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They also had this little Anya dessert.
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And miscellaneous items I recently got were these pretty picture cards that I plan to make scans of.
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The McDonald's collab booklet, the season 2 complete set box, and the Loid & Anya cloth poster that came with the box. I also plan to make scans of these!
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A mug from the Tobu Zoo collab.
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And lastly, some new decals for my car! I found this set at Walmart of all places, lol. Found room for them among my other decals.
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Since I bought so many new acrylics and figures lately, I had to do a major reorganization of my display shelves. But I'll save those photos for another post~
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Summary: Twelve years ago the animal representing your soulmate appeared in your home. You finally get to meet him when his battalion arrives to help defend your planet from the droid army.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, smut, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, injuries, brief mention of animal injury but it's not serious, a bit of angst, reader is a BAMF but it doesn't really get shown cause I'm garbage at action scenes, some mentioned PTSD at the end.
A/N: Sooooo this may be my sign to stick to only writing for the Bad Batch boys cause this is garbage. Turns out I'm not good at writing other clones. Also I wrote the smut before eating breakfast so if it's entirely indecipherable please forgive me.
Also Mide is pronounced Mee-deh.
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It’s become a sort of legend within the GAR. 
The clone who rides into battle on the back of a Nexu. 
It’s a bit ridiculous. He doesn’t ride the Nexu. But, they are never far from each other.
No one ever dares to ask. 
Most of them already know. 
The others are too scared. 
The only one that had asked was the General, which was forgiven since he probably didn’t expect his second in command to be closely trailed by a Nexu when they met for the first time. 
His soulmate link, Wolffe had explained to his General. One of the rarest, where each soulmate is accompanied by the animal that represents their soulmate. The Kaminoans had been rather shocked when shortly after he was taken from his growth chamber, a fully grown Nexu appeared in the room. The feline had been entirely tame, until the Kaminoans had tried to separate them because clones were not allowed to pursue their soulmates due to some of the early clones deserting for their soulmates. 
Separation hadn’t worked, as the Nexu proceeded to rampage through the halls of Tipoca City until she was reunited with Wolffe. Only Wolffe could seem to control her, and so the Kaminoans begrudgingly allowed the Nexu to stay. 
She learned quickly, coming to Wolffe’s defense even during training. It didn’t take long for Wolffe to teach her how to fight, and how to take down droids. She never hesitated, even after the war started, fearlessly following him into even the ugliest battles. 
He had spent much of his free time thinking about his soulmate. They’re obviously a fierce fighter, given the predatory nature of Nexu. Strong and brave. He often wondered what kind of animal they have that represents him. 
The last thing you had been expecting twelve years ago was a loth-wolf pup to show up in the middle of your home. 
It had appeared out of nowhere, startling both you and your parents. You hadn’t known what it was at first, until a quick search had directed you to the supposedly extinct loth-wolf. Why it had appeared suddenly in your home...that was another quick search. 
Your soulmate link. 
You had always wondered what it might be, seeing as you had no mark or strange dreams, or any of the other typical links between soulmates. Developing this late, though, was confusing. You didn’t think much about it, though. Fate was not something to question. Everything would make sense eventually. Your people believed that fate drove every decision, every event in your life. Everything happens for a reason, all directed by fate’s design. 
Already twice the size of a tooka, the pup grew quickly, outgrowing your parents hut. It grew big enough to ride within a couple years and you often did. When you moved into your own hut, you built it big enough to fit you and your wolf comfortably. 
You often wondered about your soulmate. Who they are, what they’re doing, what kind of animal they have. You wonder how you’ll meet. Will they come here? Your people don’t leave your planet often. Aside from the few who show great prowess for politics and get sent to represent you in the senate, not many else leave. Your people prefer simple, quiet lives. Though you have technology, most of your food is grown or hunted, and your medicine is a practice that’s been passed down for generations. 
You had thought perhaps you were meant to leave, that you would meet your soulmate somewhere else. Your strength, however, was not in politics. You were a natural fighter. So instead you stayed on the planet, defending your village and hunting to provide food. Maybe you weren’t meant to find your soulmate elsewhere. Perhaps your soulmate was in one of the other villages. 
You think that, until the war starts. 
Your planet is mostly untouched for two years. There was no strategic reasoning to invade your planet, other than simply being part of the Republic. It keeps your planet untouched, at least until the Separatists begin to get desperate. 
Word reaches you one morning of a droid army approaching one of the neighboring villages. It had landed two days ago and it was slowly burning its way through village after village. They had already reached out to the Republic for assistance, but they were already stretched as it was. 
You don’t give up hope. 
You’re right not to. 
Two days after the message had been sent, they arrived. The roar of gunships is loud as troops drop in at the next village over from yours. You were already there, preparing defenses for when the inevitable attack began. They’d already burned through the village to the North. You had scouted over the hill earlier, and had spotted the dust cloud kicked up by the army’s movements. Fighters from surrounding villages have gathered, but it’s not nearly enough. 
The clones arrive like a blessing from the Maker. 
You’re glad to see them, even if some of them stare and whisper as you pass. You know they’re not staring at you. They’re staring at your wolf. Loth-wolves are supposed to be extinct, so actually seeing one would be a bit shocking. Even more so, seeing one outside of Lothal. 
You had been called to the village leader’s hut, which was being used for battle planning. The village leader had chosen you as her second in command, since you were one of the best fighters. You were also one of the few still alive that had seen battle before. 
Not every village on the planet was as interested in peace as the others. One such village had decided to attack a neighboring village out of nothing but greed shortly before the galactic war started. Fighters from across the planet had been called to aid in the fight, and you had been one of them. The most battle you’d seen back then had been on hunting trips. Though you were skilled, you’d never actually fought before. 
It had been terrifying, but you had quickly proved your skills and your ability to stay calm under pressure. You had made a name for yourself, and had carried that still to this day. 
Most of the more experienced fighters had been sent ahead to try and aid other villages, but it had been fruitless. The droid army had wiped out both the fighters, and some innocent villagers caught in the crossfire. 
This village had been evacuated, and it was going to be the last stand against the droid army. If they couldn’t be defeated, then the planet was lost. The arrival of the clones to aid you had renewed hope in the possibility of securing your planet and its safety once more. There would be a lot to do, a lot to rebuild after, but now there was hope you would get to do so. 
You make your way towards the hut, your wolf running ahead. It’s strange, usually he never left your side unless you told him to. He had been acting strangely all day. You had blamed it on the nervous energy in the village, and the approaching army. Everyone had been a bit on edge, and being an animal, he could likely pick up on it more than anyone. 
You hear a commotion as you approach the hut, finding your wolf cornering one of the clones. Your eyes widen, thinking the worst, and you hurry over. Some of the clones are laughing by the time you reach them, and you realize your wolf is licking this clone. 
“Mide,” You pull on the fur at his neck to try and get him to stop. His tail is wagging, creating a breeze behind him. “Mide, stop.” 
The hair at the back of your neck stands straight, a loud growl reaching your ears. You turn, eyes widening as you stare into four red eyes and a wide mouth full of sharp fangs. 
You scramble back, the Nexu following you. You’ve never seen one in person before, only read about them. They’re not native to this planet, so how did this one get here? And why doesn’t anyone else seem afraid of it?
“Cabur.” The stern voice of the clone reaches your ears. “Cabur, stand down.” 
The Nexu doesn’t respond, crouching as it prepares to pounce. Do you run? You can’t outrun a Nexu. Why isn’t anyone trying to help? Why isn’t Mide helping? 
The Nexu pounces, knocking you off your feet. You close your eyes, preparing for those teeth to sink into your skin, rip away at your flesh until you bleed out. 
Something wet and rough drags across your skin from your shoulder to the top of your head. Your eyes snap open in surprise. Is the Nexu...licking you? 
It licks you again, leaving a wet, gooey trail along your skin. 
“Easy, girl.” The clone pets its head, trying to nudge it back. 
It steps back reluctantly, its own tail swishing back and forth as it watches you. A hand appears in your line of sight and you take it, the clone hauling you to your feet easily. You brush the dirt off, wiping the Nexu spit from your face. 
“Sorry about her.” The clone says. “I don’t know what’s gotten into her today.” 
“It’s alright. Mide has been weird all day too. He’s never run away from me like that before.” You stare up at him, taking in his face. 
His face is stern, pinched a bit in focus. There’s a scar stretching from his forehead to his cheek, his eye having been replaced with a cybernetic one. He’s handsome, as you assume all the clones would be. 
“Is she yours?” You ask, breaking the silence between you. 
“It’s my soulmate link.” He says. “I’ve had her since I came out of my growth chamber.” 
“Oh.” You say, blinking in surprise. “Mide’s also my soulmate link. Appeared about twelve years ago.” 
“Really.” He says, giving you a strange look. 
Before you can continue the conversation, the village leader and who you assume is the Jedi General approach you. 
“I see you two have already met.” The Kel Dor says. 
You glance at the clone for a moment as the village leader introduces you to General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe. 
“Come,” The General says. “We have much to discuss, and little time to do so.” 
“What’s her name?” You ask as you and Commander Wolffe make your way into position. His Nexu is walking beside you, trotting along happily. Mide is walking beside Wolffe, looking perfectly content. 
“Cabur.” Wolffe answers. “It’s Mando’a. It means guardian or protector.” 
“Fitting name.” You say. 
“She’s saved my life a few times.” He pats Mide’s side. “What about him?” 
“Mide. He’s a mythical warrior who protected our people. He rode to war with the sigil of a wolf on his helmet.” 
The corner of Wolffe’s mouth lifts. “Aptly named.” 
You both stop, having reached the point you have to go separate ways. You mount Mide, looking down at Wolffe. “See you when the battle’s done?” 
Wolffe nods, patting Mide’s neck. “Take care of her.” 
Mide huffs out a breath, nodding his head just slightly as if agreeing. He would, even without having to be asked. 
You know. Even without having to say anything you know. Just Mide’s reaction was enough to tell you. The link is so rare, and to have someone else with the same link suddenly appear on your planet like this...
It’s not just a coincidence. 
Mide runs to your position, and you watch as the cloud of dust that the droid army was kicking up gets closer and closer, flashes of blue and red gradually disappearing as dust envelops the valley. 
You’re covered in dirt, but you’re alive. 
With the help of the clones, you had stopped the droid army from advancing much further, protecting the village. It had been a long battle, lasting into the night. The stars are out by the time you return to the village, weary after a long battle unlike any you’ve ever been in. 
No squabble between villages will ever compare to that. 
You had seen Wolffe shortly after your return to the village, nothing more than a passing glance across the fire as you’d helped both injured villagers and troopers. You’re both alive, you’re both alright. You had spotted Cabur slinking around the village, unharmed due to her training in fighting droids. Mide’s white fur is streaked with dirt, his feet and nose scratched from the droids, but he’s otherwise uninjured. 
You’ll give him a big, juicy cut of meat later. 
You’re cleaning the cut on his nose when you hear the footsteps approaching. Mide’s head lifts, ears perking and tail wagging as he sees who it is. Something brushes against your side, Cabur purring as she makes herself comfortable next to Mide. Wolffe approaches you, and you take a moment to look him over. His armor is streaked with dirt, but he’s otherwise uninjured. 
“Good to see you.” You say, smiling softly. 
He steps right up to you, gloved fingers grazing over the bandage wrapped around your arm. 
“It’s just a scratch.” You say, skin tingling as his fingers continue to trail down your arm before dropping back to his side. “We’re not used to fighting droids.” 
“You’re, uh...quite the fighter.” He says. “I think a Nexu was the perfect choice.” 
Your cheeks warm a bit. You think the ferocious Nexu might be a bit of an exaggeration. It’s a compliment, though, that he thinks your skills are worthy of that representation. The loth-wolf is the perfect representation of him. He has the same dangerous gaze as Mide, the same fierce loyalty. The stern and serious battle-ready commander.  
“Us clones...it’s forbidden for us to initiate the soulmate bond.” He says. 
Your stomach clenches a bit at his words. You hadn’t even thought...you hadn’t even considered. You hadn’t had time to. Everything had been happening so quickly. You had never given consideration to the idea that your soulmate might not want you. Much less that he might have to reject you. All those daydreams, all those thoughts about what your life could be like with them...they’ve been nothing but fantasies and they might never be anything but. 
“Most of us don’t agree.” He continues. “We all have an agreement not to say anything, not to report anything.” 
“But...what if someone finds out?” 
“We have to be careful so no one does.” He takes your hand, slipping something into it. “We’re preparing to leave. We already have our next orders.” 
Your shoulders sink a bit. Of course they’re very busy. The war has been taking a turn. The attack against your planet is just proof of this. Having time with him right now is just another fantasy. 
You walk with him to the gunships, taking your time as troopers load up around you. He turns, patting Mide on the nose as you reach one of the ships. Mide lets out a quiet whine, his ears falling. 
You squat in front of Cabur, petting her head. “Take care of him, yeah?” She lets out a quiet sound, licking your cheek once more. You stand back up, facing Wolffe. “Come back? When the war’s over?” 
He nods once and you stand up on your toes, kissing his cheek. He stares down at you long and hard for a moment before stepping away, sliding his helmet on. You watch as he boards the gunship, following it with your eyes as long as you can as it disappears into the sky. 
You open your hand, looking down at what he’d slipped into it. A smile tugs at your lips as you stare at the item. 
A comm device. 
It’s been almost a year since the battle, since you met your soulmate. You’ve spoken as often as you can through the comm device, but for the last three months it’s been very quiet. You’ve gone stretches without speaking, but never this long. 
You try not to worry. 
The war had ended three months ago, around the time you had seemingly lost contact. You suppose with the restructuring of the Republic into the Empire and the sudden end to the war, things have gotten complicated for the clones. It could just be he hasn’t had a good time to step aside and secretly contact you. Despite your attempted reasoning, you can’t help but feel nervous about the sudden silence.
You’ve been keeping yourself busy helping the survivors from the destroyed villages resettle with other villages. While the army had been destroyed, the valley had become a wasteland of destroyed droids and the remnants from the battle. New huts were built and families integrated peacefully into new villages. The Senate had sent some relief, but it could only do so much. Homes could be rebuilt and crops replanted, but lives couldn’t be replaced. 
You’ve buried far too many dead. 
You try not to think your soulmate may be one of them. 
He’s not. You know he’s not. You would have felt it. Mide would have died with him. Still, the thought haunts you. How easily he could be taken from you, and you barely got to know him. 
Fate will make it work in the end. You try to remind yourself of that. 
You’re out hunting when it happens. 
Nearly four months since the end of the war, a year since you met your soulmate. You had been scouting the hills when you’d heard it. You’d moved your binocs to the sky, watching as a starfighter streaked across the sky like a smoking comet straight towards the trees just a few meters away. 
The crash is loud, the trees shaking with the impact. Mide immediately takes off, darting into the trees. It’s not like him, still always sticking close to your side. 
“Mide!” You call, immediately running after him. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest. It couldn’t be...could it? You hadn’t seen any identifying markers on the ship, the smoke too dense around it to see. It could be anyone, or anything. 
If it wasn’t, Mide wouldn’t have run off like that. 
You duck into the undergrowth, following the path broken by your wolf. You freeze instinctively as a low growl reaches your ears. You know that growl. 
Your breath catches in your throat. “Cabur?” 
The Nexu steps out of the bushes, tail swishing as she looks at you. It’s her. You know it. You drop to a knee, patting her head as she greets you. 
It’s him. It’s really him. 
Mide breaks through the bushes, dragging a limp body with his teeth. He drags the body over to you, letting him go gently. Wolffe’s body lays limp on the ground. There’s charred marks on his armor, likely from the crash. You push him over onto his back, staring down at his helmet. You trace the markings with your fingers, the same markings you remember. 
A sob threatens to tear from your lips as you slip your fingers under the edge of his helmet, tugging it off. You cup the back of his head, lowering it gently to the ground. 
He’s unconscious but still breathing. 
Mide lays next to Wolffe, looking at you sadly. Cabur nudges his foot, letting out a quiet whine. He’s injured, likely worse than it looks if he crashed a starfighter. You need to get him back to the village, and soon. 
You’re sweating by the time you maneuver him onto Mide’s back, climbing on behind him. You hold him as Mide runs through the trees and back up the hill towards the village. Cabur keeps pace easily, miraculously mostly uninjured from the crash. 
You guide Mide into your hut, easing Wolffe off his back and onto your bed. You begin the tedious process of removing his armor, figuring out how to get each piece off and carefully stacking it in the corner. You peel the body glove off next, revealing his chest covered in bruises.
You head to your kitchen, grabbing herbs and a bowl, beginning to mash them into a paste as you’ve done a hundred times. You mix a tonic as well, moving back to his side before spreading the mixture across his chest, making sure to cover each bruise. You place bandages over each spot, letting the herbs do their work. You cup his neck, lifting his head a bit to help him drink the tonic. You can feel it, the pulsing energy from where your fingers are pressed against the skin of his neck. 
He’s really here, right in front of you. Crashed right out of the sky, practically into your lap. 
Mide curls up on his blanket, Cabur making herself comfortable beside him. You sit by Wolffe’s side, tending to him as you let the medicine work its way through his body. You only leave to make dinner and feed the animals before you’re sitting back at his side. 
You grab his pauldron, tracing the image of the wolf with your fingers. The grey paint around the edges is slightly worn, more than it had been the last time you’d seen him. It’s hard to believe he’s really here. After four months of nothing, no sign that he’s alive and alright, no word on what’s happening aside from what was broadcasted on the news...four months of thinking the worst. 
You trace his face with your fingers, allowing yourself to feel him. He’s really here. He’s real. 
You stay by his side through the night, changing out the herbs as they dry. You nap a few times, trusting the animals to alert you if something happens. 
He begins to stir around sunrise. You’d been checking his wounds, already mostly healed. You put a gentle hand on his shoulder as he shifts, his eyes cracking open. 
“It’s alright.” You say, tracing gentle circles on his skin with your thumb. “You’re safe.” 
He breathes your name like a prayer, his eyes slipping closed for a moment as he relaxes. 
“I’m here.” You whisper, sliding your hand up to cup his cheek. “I’ve got you.” 
“I said I would.” He murmurs, turning his head to kiss your palm. “I said I’d come back.” 
You shush him gently. “And you have.” 
You get him sitting up, leaning against the wall. You feed him some soup after both Mide and Cabur greet him happily. He tells you about everything that happened since the war ended. He tells you about the Jedi and the inhibitor chips, deserting the Empire and getting his chip removed. He tells you about his fight to get here, and almost not making it. 
You try not to think about it, relishing in the face he did make it. He is sitting here with you. You can see the pain in his eyes, the guilt. You can practically feel the sadness radiating from him. Your heart aches for him. He’s lost so much, and so much has changed so quickly. You can’t even imagine what it must have been like. What it must feel like for him. 
You hold him, wrapping yourself around him. His bruises are almost completely healed, his strength returning as he holds you, his face pressed against your chest. Cabur creeps her way over, stretching herself out across your laps. Wolffe chuckles, patting her head. You tangle a hand on her fur, holding Wolffe with the other. 
Wolffe settles into life in the village easily. He’s welcomed, not only as your soulmate, but also as a hero who helped save many lives. He accompanies you on hunts, learning as much about your culture as he can. 
You settle into life with him easily too, adjusting to his presence like he’s been there the whole time. You’re glad your hut is on the edge of the village, as you’re both also rather insatiable. You have a year to make up for. A year of yearning and longing to make up for. 
And you certainly do. 
A body presses against yours as you finish loading the dishes in the sanitizer. You can feel him, every bit of his body through his thin shirt and soft pants. He’s softened a bit from the hardened soldier that had crash landed back into your life. You won’t complain. After the things you’ve heard, you’re happy he’s finally healthy and well taken care of. 
You can also feel how hard he is against your ass. 
His arms snake around your waist as you toss the dish towel on the counter. His lips trail up your neck, dragging along the soft skin. 
“Miss me that much?” You ask, pressing back against him teasingly. 
“Always.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss below your ear. 
One of his hands snakes under your shirt, slowly sliding up your stomach, straight towards your breasts. You’re glad you ditched your breastband earlier as his warm hand cups your breast. He hums against your neck in approval, skilled fingers plucking at your nipple as he paints your skin with marks from his teeth. 
“Wolffe,” You sigh his name as he switches breasts, giving the other one equal attention. 
His other hand slips down your stomach, dipping into your pants. You’ve been wet in anticipation since his arms wrapped around you, his fingers gliding through your slick folds. Your legs tremble as he slowly circles your clit with the rough pads of his fingers. 
“So wet for me, cyare.” He murmurs against your neck, slipping two of his fingers into you. 
“Yes,” You breathe, tilting your head back against his shoulder. “Only for you.” 
He growls quietly against your neck, pulling his hands free. He tugs your pants down before lifting you onto the kitchen counter. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the floor. He tugs your hips closer to the edge, kneeling in front of you. Your fingers tangle in his hair, still kept in the regulation cut. He sometimes lets his stubble grow out, and you’re still trying to convince him to grow a beard just to see how it would look. 
He licks a stripe up your clit, hands pressing against your thighs to keep them open for him. His tongue swirls around your clit, his eyes lifted to stare at your face. Your lips part in a moan as he closes his mouth against your clit, sucking hard. Your free hand grips the edge of the counter, holding on as he eats you out. 
Your first few times together had been awkward and fumbling as you tried to figure each other out. It had taken lots of practice, and many laughs, to learn each other’s bodies. What you like, what you don’t, what he likes. How to make him putty in your hands. He’s still just as stern and dominating as he had been as a commander, but you know deep down he sometimes needs someone else to take control, someone else to give the orders. Someone he trusts. 
Your legs are shaking around his head, your own head thrown back in pleasure as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. The noises are absolutely obscene as he slurps at your drenched pussy like he’s gone days without water. 
He pulls away before you can cum, making you whine in protest. 
His chin is slick with your juices, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. You reach forward, yanking his shirt over his head. Your fingers trail along the soft curves of his body, lips pressing kisses against his skin. His hands undo his pants, letting them drop to the floor. 
You bite your lip, your hand wrapping around his hard length. His hands drop to your thighs, resting there as you pump him. You meet his gaze, staring into his eyes as you guide him forward and into your heat. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him all the way in. A moan tumbles from your lips at the stretch, your arms wrapping around his shoulders to hold him as close as you possibly can. 
His arms wrap around your back, lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. You both breathe for a moment, enjoying being so close, so connected to each other. You bury your face in his neck, breathing in the scent of him. Musky and sweaty from being out in the warmth of the day working. 
He adjusts his grip on you, holding you up as he begins to move. You meet his thrusts, tilting your head up to kiss him. It’s slow and soft, quiet moans passing between your lips. You hold onto him like you’re afraid he might disappear if you let go, like you might suddenly wake and find this has all been a dream. 
His own fingers indent your skin, sharing your same fears. You know he’s here, you know it’s real, and he knows it’s real, but still, neither of you can forget the year you had been separated, the many times he could have died, the many times he could have been ripped from you. 
“‘M close.” You murmur against his lips, nails breaking the skin of his shoulders. 
“Gonna cum for me?” He growls, snapping his hips into yours. “Show me how pretty you look when you cum?” 
Your head falls back, lips parted as you cum around his cock, moaning loudly. He watches you, memorizing your face. He’ll never forget it, but he commits it to memory every time. 
A few more thrusts and he’s cumming with a growl, snapping his hips into yours a final time as he releases inside of you. You hold him against you, both of you riding out your highs together. 
His hold around you is tight, clinging to you. You’re both breathing heavily, breaths mingling as he presses his forehead against yours. Your hands gently rub his shoulders, working your way up his neck and into his hair. 
“You’re right here.” You whisper, lips brushing his. “I’m right here.” 
He exhales shakily, fingers tightening their grip just slightly. 
You press a soft kiss to his lips. “I’ve got you.” 
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@stressed-cherry, @6oceansofmoons,  @ladytano420 @spicy-clones, @dangraccoon, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @stunkbiggu
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daisyvisions · 1 year
hey bestie do you have any thoughts on boyfriend hyunjae letting his best friend sunwoo fuck you bc he knows sunwoo has the biggest crush on his partner 🥺 asking for a friend… quite literally 🐶
A/N: with pleasure 😘 say hi to your friend for me 😉
Anything For My Bestest Friend
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Members: Lee Hyunjae & Kim Sunwoo
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), p in v sex, squirting, mentions of eating, semi voyeurism themes, a lil possessive Hyunjae, lil pervy Sunwoo, pet names (sweetheart, bunny, etc), mentions of breeding ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
How Hyunjae found out about Sunwoo’s fat crush on you was rather… unexpected.
You’d think maybe Hyunjae noticed the way Sunwoo was looking at you or how his face would light up whenever you entered the room, but it was none of that at all. In fact, it happened one day when Hyunjae came over Sunwoo’s place.
While Hyunjae waited for Sunwoo to get out of the shower, he noticed Sunwoo’s porn tab wasn’t closed (typical). Hyunjae was amused at first, wondering what kind of shit his best friend watches.
But what Hyunjae didn’t expect was that the woman in the video looked incredibly similar to you. At first Hyunjae thought it was just his imagination, but he decided to see if his theory was true by bringing up his sex life later during dinner.
This obviously caught Sunwoo by surprise to say the least. Hyunjae can be quite the blabber mouth but not when it’s about you especially intimate information like the sensitive spots on your neck, and the position that makes you squirt.
What the fuck is Sunwoo supposed to do with this information now? But Hyunjae was just having the time of his life seeing Sunwoo get all nervous.
He doesn't know where it came from but he suddenly thought of maybe even letting Sunwoo get a taste of you just one time (which was rather uncommon for him since Hyunjae can be quite…. possessive).
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“C’mon sweetheart, it will be fun I promise.” Hyunjae coos in your ear while fucking you against the kitchen counter.
“Fuck- D-do we really have to talk about this now?” you whine. Why was Hyunjae even proposing his plan to let Sunwoo fuck you while he was pounding you at this moment was beyond you.
“Please, I just- I just wanna make my best friend happy okay? And what better way to let him get a taste of your sweet sweet pussy hm?” he drives a particularly hard thrust as he says the last word.
But you can hear the sincerity behind it. You know how Hyunjae is when it comes to his friends. They always come first in his list and that’s something you’d always admired about him.
Eventually you agreed to the little plan he had for Sunwoo.
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“Remember, he can’t cum inside you. Okay?” Hyunjae whispers to you as he pumped his fingers in and out of your wet cunt prepping you for Sunwoo’s arrival.
“Y-yes… He won’t. That’s only for you-” you moan as you slowly come down from your high.
“Good bunny.” Hyunjae replies.
When Sunwoo had gotten home, he was surprised to see Hyunjae sitting and waiting on the couch. “Perfect you’re home! We’ve been waiting for you” Hyunjae exclaims.
“W-we?” Sunwoo questions.
“Yes! Your gift is just waiting in your room. Go see for yourself…” Hyunjae grins from ear-to-ear.
The moment Sunwoo opened his door he was expecting to see clothes, new parts for his pc, etc. He did not expect to see your naked body sprawled out on his bed AT ALL.
“OH MY GOD!” Sunwoo immediately covers his eyes, in a state of shock at the sight before him. He felt his cock throb so hard seeing a glimpse of your tits and soft curves, the very image he often thinks about at night when he’s pumping his cock harshly with his fist.
But before Sunwoo has time to make a run for it, Hyunjae shoves him inside his room and locks the door, leaving him and you alone.
“Hyung what the fuck!” Sunwoo shouts, his hands still covering his eyes though he desperately wants to peek through his fingers to see your body again.
“Sunwoo…” you call out for his name in a sing-song manner. “Open your eyes honey, it’s okay.”
He slowly uncovers his eyes and he’s greeted by your naked figure sitting at the edge of the bed. He’s trying so hard not to freak out about the situation but it’s so hard when all he’s thinking about is sucking on your tits.
“What the hell is going on?” Sunwoo asks you.
“Honestly? I’m not sure but Hyunjae told me about this plan so here I am. Like what you see?” You smile prettily at him.
Sunwoo doesn’t move from his spot, still in shock at everything that’s happen so far.
“Sunwoo… won't you come play with me. Please?” You pout and give him your most doe-eyed look. How can he say no especially when you look at him that way and call at his name like that?
“Fuck it-” Sunwoo mutters under his breath as he quickly strips down naked and kneels down in front of you to finally have a taste of your sweet cunt.
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It’s been a couple of minutes since Hyunjae left you both alone, watching tv while he waits for this to be over and done with. He could hear your sweet sweet moans through the wall. The moans that fuel the fire inside him.
Though for some reason your moans were sounding a little too sweet… not even as sweet as when you two are together. So he goes and checks in on you and Sunwoo for “safe” measure.
Hyunjae knocks on the door and peeks in and is greeted by the sight of Sunwoo pounding you from behind which locking you in place with his arm wrapped around your neck.
“How's my best friend doing? Enjoying yourself?” Hyunjae asks Sunwoo. But all he gets in reply are low grunts and groans as Sunwoo’s eyes flutter shut from the tightness of your cunt wrapping around his cock.
“And what about you sweetheart? Enjoying yourself too?” Knowing Hyunjae, that was a trick question.
“Y-yeah. But not as good as your cock H-hyunjae…” And that’s exactly what Hyunjae wanted to hear from you.
“Sunwoo, I told you how to get her to squirt right? You should try it. It’s quite a sight to see” You squint your eyes at Hyunjae while he smirks back at you in response. You mentally curse him for telling Sunwoo about that very intimate detail.
Sunwoo wastes no time and quickly pulls his cock out, flips you around and lays you down on the bed. He holds your thighs down folding you like a pretzel and immediately pushes his length inside you once again.
And just like clockwork, you do end up squirting all over Sunwoo’s cock and on his sheets (which he won’t be washing for a while). He returns the favor by releasing his load all over your stomach, painting your soft skin with his hot white cum.
As Sunwoo starts putting back his clothes on and leaving his room, Hyunjae stops him.
“Where do you think you're going?” You and Sunwoo both look at Hyunjae in confusion.
“Since you like watching porn of women that look like Y/n-” He pauses for a brief moment, looking into Sunwoo’s embarrassed eyes.
“-Why don’t you sit down and watch me fuck her this time? I swear, she’s got the prettiest look on her face when I breed her like my little bunny…”
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Heyo! Thought I'd drop in with a request, but realized I couldn't tell if they were closed or not, so! If they're open, I have a small (I hope?) request/idea for you! If they're closed... Well, refer to the end of this for the relevant information (it's relevant either way, I'm just saying you can skip the request).
The request: So... I was wondering if you could do a multi character scenario or something? I had an idea where Y/N (probably from our world or something, for plot convenience) manages to get the power to remove Kagaya's curse (plat! Relationship with him. Like, he thinks of them as his child?) But, the repercussions of said power is that the curse is now transferred to them and they hide they have it until they physically can't anymore? Um... Yeah. But, basically, what would everyone's reactions be?
But, yeah. That's it for the request.
The relevant information:
Your writing is amazing. Keep it up. YOU are amazing. I hope your life is going well, and that it only gets better. Anyways, have a good day/afternoon/night/whatever-it-is-when-you-see-this. 💜
Unknown Angel
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Pairing: Hashiras x reader/ Platonic! Kagaya x reader
Category: angst
Warning(s)/note(s):gn! Reader, death, talk and descriptions of diseases(Kagaya’s curse), platonic! Kagaya, reader got isekai-d into kny, author took a deep dive down Japanese mythology/folklore but i’m no expert so i apologize for any inaccuracies and feel free to correct me! Not proofread
A/n: OMG OMG OMG THIS IS SO SWEET thank you so much for the kind words, it really means a lot to me that you enjoy my writing! And thank you for reading my fics! I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night as well alongside all the joy in life 💕 also! My requests are open! Creating a request rules post has completely escaped my mind but i’ll get to it soon
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It was the soothing tranquility, strangely yet comfortingly frolicking around you in what you imagined to be similar to the mist that slightly alleviated the inner turmoil that was eating at your insides.
Even with the Master’s requests of being given an Estate, you had asked to be accommodated in a regular minka, far from the Estates of the hashiras, far from the Master himself, far from prying eyes and into a secluded location only the leader of the Corps and yourself knew about. It had seemed ridiculous, you knew you had been surely criticized by the other slayers(which was further backed by the fact that Sanemi had all too happily sneered in your direction upon hearing of your request), but you knew you needed to be far away from everyone else to be able to put your plan into action. You would not be a burden. Instead, you would remove the burden from their shoulders.
One would think, being transported into an anime would be the root of newfound love, friendships and all the goodies. But was the really true, when you were here with a role to fulfill? And not your typical become a demon-slayer and defeat Muzan role though..perhaps you’d play a small role in achieving that. On your first night when Shinobu Kocho had graciously volunteered to house you, your sleep had been interrupted by a shikigami. Perhaps, waking up screaming in the middle of the night would alert the entire Butterfly Estate which is exactly what happened. And Shinobu Kocho had barged into your room with her sword at the ready. But when she’d set sight on the bird, she reassured you- and you had the feeling her patience wore thin- that crows often flew into the manor at night.
But crows don’t bring foreboding news, do they? After Kocho had retreated back to her room, it was in a dry voice that the so called crow had announced your purpose amidst lots of squawking; to rid the Ubuyashiki line of their curse.
It seemed to wait for you to pick your jaw back up from the ground before continuing with its explanation. What you had previously mistaken to be a mission to kill Muzan(which before you had gotten thrown into the anime, you had thought to be the only way to remove the curse) turned out to actually be a piece of cake.
Fruit cake.
Removing the curse as a whole would be impossible without the death of Muzan—and you had taken pride in saying told ya to the crow who promptly pecked you— but it could be transferred from one body to another. In this case, from Kagaya to yourself. You had visibly winced at that, contemplating the pros and the cons. You had little choice but to accept as you knew you were not skilled enough to become slayer. Perhaps this little contribution the corps could go a long way, right? Even if it meant gambling your life away.
You had performed the ritual unbeknownst to anyone, spilling your blood which had sealed the path the curse would take to leave the Master’s body and enter yours. You had watched as the veins on his forehead lessened and more appeared on yours instead. Day by day, his health improved while yours deteriorated. Though you felt the satisfaction at being useful for once, it did hurt to say goodbye to your life, watching it recede little by little.
The shikigami stayed by your side, that much you were grateful for. In your stead, it flew around the Corps, gathering information and reporting back to you. You knew then, that their happiness was short-lived, because they had found a new source of worry. You.
It seemed to them that you had completely skipped off the radar. Though Kagaya remained true to his words of not disclosing your location, he was being pestered so to speak about your current state.
When he did visit, the truth which you had tried so hard to conceal was at last revealed. He had nearly fallen when witnessing your state. You mirrored himself when he was younger, sicklier. Nothing coming from you helped ease the tension and at the end, all he could do was cradle your weak body like a child’s and weep.
The hashiras knew something was wrong when their had returned and carefully avoided the topic of interest. What would he tell them? That you were dying? That you had done something which should place you at the head of the Corps because you were more deserving of the place than him. But they deserved to know. In their absence, the curse had advanced too far— in fact it seemed to have quickened its pace after the transmission— and by the time Muzan would be defeated..
You hadn’t been expecting a reunion or anything. You hadn’t thought of throwing around a pity party. Perhaps it was unfair to them, but you had thought it better to drift off into the afterlife without informing anyone. Your reasoning was that it would lessen the pain. Besides, it’s not like mattered.
Why, then, was your shikigami trying to chase them away from your house?
The first person to materialize by your side was Mitsuri. Her voice turned shrill when she tried, tried to ask you what you had done but the hiccups and sobbing made it hard for her to fully form sentences and she took to instead hugging you, sobbing into your shoulder. While the others didn’t have such a hysterical reaction, they were still stunned, watching the scene unfold. They seemed unsure of how to react and you didn’t blame them. Oh, if only they hadn’t come. Your sight had been long lost to the curse but you knew by the sound of the footsteps and the by the rough skin of the hands that was tracing the scarred skin on your forehead, that Sanemi was also worried.
Your skin pricked from their gazes, you knew they had gotten closer. Maybe they were surrounding you? You could only offer a sad smile and you felt Mitsuri sob a little harder. Throughout the time you had spent with them, though short, you had built a special bond with each of them(though some of them blatantly refused to admit it). And now, they were watching your lifeline disappear and just as unexpectedly as you had appeared into their lives, you would be gone. They understood better than anyone that lives were precious things, that it could so easily be ripped away. Becoming a member of the Demon Slayer Corps wad akin to signing your death warrant. But you weren’t even a part of it. You weren’t dying because of a demon. It was on your own volition that you had helped them, washing away a centuries old curse.
This was not a fairytale because if it were, perhaps they wouldn’t have been by your side as you took in your last breath.
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threeshadesoflime · 27 days
limer's slendermansion au masterpost!
mostly made for myself and anyone else who wants to read/is interested! most of my fanart is built around this too ha ha. containing headcanons/a complete overhaul/fanon depictions of my fave creepypastas + the slendermansion au, because i think my brain deserves to think about them
(now illustrated!!)
tws in the tags but there's nothing too serious i think
the slendermansion/slenderman;
- bastard man you will never be a father figure in my eyes
- there is no such thing as any other variant of slenderman (we are not in a Dr Seuss book we do not need the rhyming quartet of evil white men)
- doesn't speak, probably leaning more towards the operator rather than slenderman tbh
- except this guy has exceptional situational humour (it's me I'm the humour)
- not explicitly abusive but like if you don't obey him when he sends you out to do proxy shit he'd probably kill you
- which is a problem especially with a house contained with not only agents/berserkers but also sleepers
- which actually thinking about it isn't that big of a deal except for the like 2 guys where they have DID and one alter is an agent and the other isn't
- the house is kind of like the monster house from monster house albeit a little more lowkey in it having a consciousness (so perhaps a little more alike to the house in encanto, just less friendly)
- you don't age in the house, but it's a situation where you don't really notice that fact until you really think about how the dates never really change properly
- wounds don't heal properly either, but if someone is fatally injured within the house slenderman usually blinks them out of existence for a couple hours before they're found again, perfectly fine, but lost around the woods surrounding the mansion
- the only time you'll actually see him is if fatal injuries happen or if a proxy has fucked up on a mission or something and needs immediate backup (kind of like alex in MH)
- missions are always posted through the letterbox once a month in envelopes along with the four weekly newspapers (maybe a magazine if you're lucky)
- possibly also how the proxies source their wanted posters info, which is usually contained in the paper. they have disputes and contests on whose criminal description is the best (slenderman interferes with cameras so no photo evidence exists of any of these people outside of the mansion, only eye witness accounts)
- only a certain amount of people are used to go out every month, typically in groups of threes/fours - less if the people he's sending out are older (responsible of him, I know)
- mansion is situated in a black void. please don't ask me where this void is because I don't know but it's probably a different dimension from the earth most of them are sourced from
ben drowned;
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- the benjamin lawman kind of ben
- seemingly an infinite supply of pondscum he's constantly picking off of himself
- whenever a new zelda game comes out he's always excited because it's a new link skin to use + so when botw came out it was like the equivalent of a wardrobe makeover
- one of the few that doesn't have to share a room with anyone given his physical body is like, semi real and mostly spends his nights in his game cartridge which is in an overheating Nintendo 64 in the tower attic, which is too small for a bed anyway - but ben personalises it as much as possible (it's a pig sty)
- speaking of his body, it's in a weird liminal state of real and not real, because he can make it disappear/reappear but everyone can touch him, he can touch others, etc. i explain this away via slender mansion dead person magic
- he doesn't typically eat, and even though he doesn't need to he likes making his body breathe (as much as it can since it's waterlogged most of the time)
- Ben's body is mostly in a state of flux dependent on his mood, eg: if he's content/happy he looks less drowned, if he's upset/angry he looks more corpse-like
- can spy on people through any electronic within like a 50 ft radius of his console without him actually having to enter the device, so to say
- this has caused many an argument
- along with him being able to phase in and out of reality he can also appear in any digital screen
- constantly electrostatic and will constantly touch people to give them electric shocks to piss them off
- probably one of the youngest there, about 12/13. maybe even eleven - around the age when preteen boys become semi unbearable 364 days of the year and have like one day of emotional realisation
jeff the killer;
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- just want to clarify that this jeff has hair and eyelids in this au i feel like that's important
- but he doesn't blink much to put people off so really it's almost as if he doesn't have eyelids anyway
- will not stop picking at his mouth wound & that shit has NOT healed and will not stop oozing plasma/rbc
- ptsd from an ambiguous house fire that probably happened but Jeff won't talk about it (read: I haven't decided on the specifics yet)
- I've seen in some stories jeff and fire are tight but I've always interpreted it as more of an adversion to it
- honestly my reformed fanon version of him is pieced together from a bunch of rewrites I've seen
- mentally ill asshole (emphasis on asshole, he sucks ass)
- like come on sure a few kids bullied him but your first instinct shouldn't be to kill them . that's at least step 27 on a bad day
- tbf he had neglectful parents
- but like so did liu and he only started being homicidal after his brother disfigured him
- killed his parents but was unsuccessful with fully killing liu because, funnily enough, killing someone you gaf about is hard even for dickhead jeff
- shares a bedroom with nina and jane because the house (me) thought it would be funny
- quite disturbed when he realised nina was there to stay and probably tried to kill her at one point (again)
- someone take away the bad graphic tees he wears it's almost a crime against humanity
- he cuts all his t shirts up but like. stylishly
- or as stylishly you can get especially when paired with massive fucking demonias he will not stop wearing . he's had them since he was like 12 the only reason they fit is through sheer force of will (no one talk to him about his feet blisters)
- he's like. nineteen at a push but probably the kinda guy to lie and make himself seem younger for pity points
- "i killed my parents when i was fifteen, god can we not grow from our errors anymore? cancel culture nowadays. [...] when was my hunt? oh yesterday ha ha it was a bloodbath"
nina the killer;
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- wow! i wonder who she likes the most in this household!
- (amongst other things) bpd, jeff is her favourite person and it's a pretty miserable fucking time for the first like, year she's living there he is so horrible
- on a bad day her preferred state of being is being at least within a six foot radius of him at all times (maybe he might learn empathy being around her, who knows)
- he went on a little killing spree post-woods family murder and killed Nina's parents, & disfigured her w the glasgow smile but before he killed her slenderman intervened (not to save nina but to make sure jeff himself didn't like die from his own injuries)
- she was his only survivor and saw it as a.. "wow... he saved me from my abusive household, i need to get to him"
- this didn't go down well with her case worker
- neither did her running away (which really wasn't a good idea with massive facial wounds but she did NOT want the hospital to heal them)
- (insert probably incorrect medical jargon) she now has a face which healed with big gaps, sometimes keeps the flaps stapled together for easier eating/speaking purposes but they won't heal back together now
- she takes out the staples when on missions though because she thinks it looks cooler
- her and toby probably go through those face staples like wildfire together
- she only killed one guy before being led (by the operator) to the mansion to try and get jeff's attention (unbeknownst to her jeff does not read or watch the news so had no idea of this copycat kill - she was quite distraught by this)
- one of the few that suffers quite badly with self harm
- her parents were awful and when her little brother died (when he was about four and nina was nine) from their neglect they blamed it on nina
- not necessarily unkind to everyone else but she also especially warmed up to ben because from her fuzzy memory she can see a vague resemblance between ben and her little brother
- scene queen +curly hair she flat irons like once a month on special occasions
- she's the one that does everybody's piercings and sticknpokes
- should she? not at all she didn't even google an online tutorial, just guesswork
- probably about. 15 ish? maybe 16. I don't like her canon age of 11 because the thought of an eleven year old going "i love jeff the killer i hope we jeff the kill together" is lame
- jeff is incredibly put off by her whole schtick and was not impressed upon finding out she was there for the long haul (wouldn't it be funny if this happens thrice)
eyeless jack;
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- I've heard so many goddamn variations of his story so I'm just gonna riff and make my own
- 16 y/o kid, average in every which way, gets involved with the wrong people who basically feed him on drugs which make him have bad hallucinations, trips to the point where jack gets very fucking frightened while high and it ends up with the aforementioned wrong people unintentionally killing him
- everyone panics and dumps his body which rots for a while (eyes rotted out first)
- guess who picks it up! (unspecified) cult
- they use him for a ritual which goes awry
- jack's corpse proceeds to be possessed by a demonic force which revives him but he's... different now #emo
- kills cultists as his brain, as decomposed at it was, carried on the fight/flight instinct he initially died with
-but whoops! doesn't remember his life at all (as demon nor human) and almost ends up starving to death before like jeff or someone finds him and drags him back to the mansion
- seeing as jack is a (semi) demonic entity slenderman does not appreciate him in the house but the actual house itself does not gaf and provides him a bedsit anyway
- finds out his name when going through the paper with others and they see his missing poster printed on the front page of 2 of the papers (he's since been demoted to a back page story)
- his brain is a weird combination of demonic and human matter (but he's still just one person, just a hybrid now - leaning more human)
-the tar comes from something to do with the specific ritual and it stains like shit
- which was unfortunate to jeff and his previously perfectly white hoodie
- finds out he eats kidneys after being force-fed by jeff and toby the left over meats the house provided for them that no-one else wanted to eat
- so basically take a human corpse with no eyes with tar for blood and stuff in a demonic entity and give both the host and entity amnesia
- atp he's older than 16 but he doesn't know how long his body was dead for + how long he was in the real world so really he just kinda guesses he's probably 18-19 now
- got his mask as a kinda shitty paper mache project from sally at one unspecified holiday (birthday or Christmas probably) and got it cast in a layer of resin to keep it lasting longer
tim wright/brian thomas;
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- like maybe twice a month tim is let out to go shopping for everyone, if not for his mental health if nothing else (considering the house realistically could stock it's own shelves) like walking a dog
- never let out together because they will just run away (even if masky ends up dragging them both back it's still a hassle)
- everyone else is much more okay with this living arrangement than tim
- albeit the only reason brian isn't as uncomfortable with the situation is because he died, and has a lingering sense that this is his purpose now (that's the proxy in him, he doesn't actually believe that)
- they push their single beds together to create the most uncomfortable double bed on planet earth
- has a period where they kinda hated each other at first before realising getting over it and making out up
- it's okay now they love each other (i may have skipped a few chapters)
- (said chapters being arguably more than a little traumatic for both of them but it's. fine)
- tim arrived first, brian took a while as the operator takes longer to resuscitate corpses than he does to just guide a living person into his influence
- brian still looks a little fucked up though (one pupil larger than the other, bruising on his back from his blood pooling, + other related non-issue injuries now that he's been reanimated)
- masky is an alter of tim's , in which masky is the operator's agent and tim is not
- turns out the seizures weren't JUST the operators doing. is he allowed his anticonvulsants or antipsychotics though? well, the house doesn't provide them and if he manages to steal some from outside & he's too conspicuous about it they mysteriously disappear so there's a lot of untreated mental and physical illness going on here
- neither masky or tim know if there are any other alters because masky has never cared and Tim's only just finding out that masky isn't the operator's doing (albeit the operator is a front trigger)
- while unmedicated, tim comes to realise there's so much shit that makes him and masky a little cofront-y/switchy when before he just thought it was normal dissociation
- in my head brian is kind of a sleeper agent but remembers what he does when he is acting as the operators proxy, probably similarly to how alex was (oh how the turn tables) but he can snap back out of wanting to kill people where alex didn't/couldn't
- he is the meme "there are two wolves inside of you"
- tim is constantly stressing about everyone going out dressed like they're ready for a night out partying (especially jane and nina, they do not dress practically)
- brian and masky dgaf they're just here hoping to not keel over and die (again)
- probably about 24-27, part of me prefers them being on the younger side for comedies sake
- like the operator finally kidnaps a few adults to take care of these misfit teenagers and the adults have barely entered their 20's themselves
-peak comedy
"ticci" toby;
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- hates being called ticci toby or any variant that isn't just his name
- this is of course exploited by his peers (cough jeff) to piss him off
- it really doesn't help that when he's agitated his tics get worse
- because of this he tends to lock himself in his bedroom to get away from jeff being a jackass
- the first proxy slender brought to the mansion
- which was a shit idea because who the hell decided that a kid with schizophrenia and multiple dead family members to hallucinate was a good option to leave by himself with a ghost (sally)
- especially with the issue that nobody in this household is medicated properly
- he has mild asthma that he keeps thinking he grew out of years ago (spoiler, he didn't)
- probably close with nina and liu but otherwise near the beginning he's very reserved
- because he can't feel pain + his bones are pretty weak the amount of times he'll come back home, take off his clothes to bathe or something and only then realise he's completely fucking mangled one of his joints (his left ankle is typically the victim)
- ergo he walks with a limp because the bones sit too awkwardly to really walk very well but running is less of an issue especially when adrenaline is pumping
- ...unless his knees play up and he kind of just crumples under his own weight . he always curses when he finds that he literally cannot get away with no bedrest
- the muzzle was NOT his idea and he is not impressed at being made to wear it like surely there are other options to him biting at his fingers
- eventually jeff becomes less antagonistic (sometimes) and they become closer
- they became pretty close after having to resuscitate jack together
- probably have debates on whose version of blade is better
- probably pretends to have a tic and launches his axe at jeff, who in turn literally never believes when toby's actually having a tic attack
- has this almost gotten them both shot out on the field several times? yeah
- refuses to believe he has cannibalistic tendencies as he eats from someone's liver, "just to try it"
- dressed like it's always the thick of winter
- keeping his canon age of 17 because it fits well with the late teenager aged up situation i got going on
jane the killer;
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- holy shit it happened twice
- i kinda dig the original story of jane just hating jeff so much she goes around killing people (specifically men in my mind #misandristqueen) pretending she's killing jeff
- in my head though it wasn't jeff who attacked her, but a copycat instead (not nina, just some other male serial killer)
- hates her face now and the mask is specifically a fitted prosthetic
- by the time she was getting over her hatred slenderman brought her into the woods and got her to the mansion
- she was not happy and neither was jeff
- incredibly hostile the first day before jeff finally stopped antagonizing her because she would have just killed him
- finding out that it wasn't actually jeff who disfigured her caused some conflict but in the end she still settled on hatred
- real
- hardcore goth 40% of the time the other 60% she literally looks unrecognisable
- eventually stops wearing her prosthetic in a casual setting but still uses it while hunting
- probably 19-20 ish, but she acts so much older
characters I've put less thought into:
alex&jay as skully
since the operator took so long to start bringing their bodies back from the dead, when he uses either of them as a proxy there's not yet human life within them, currently 100% operator. As time moves on, this decreases, and they may join the ruckus of the mansion one day. For now, glances of the familiar mask unsettle both Tim and Brian.
corpses when brought back to life still will forever look pretty fucked up ( as mentioned with brian having injuries from his fall + prolonged time being dead)so the reason sally is covered in blood is due to this fact. She was one of the first (after toby) for slender to house and literally no one can find out why tf he's housing a stressed seven year old ghost-corpse - because really she acts more like a ghost, and typically avoids the more masculine newcomers until she can get a good feel if they're okay from everyone else. doesn't necessarily avoid all men, especially if said man is pretty typically feminine (long hair, no facial hair, etc). has taken a liking to hanging around jeff who is probably the quickest person he stopped being fucking horrible too, because she's literally seven and he is a villain not a monster ok
homicidal liu
probably one of the most violent/reactive towards fellow proxies because of his brother (LOL) but if you're chill, he's chill, which is probably why he gets along best with toby who also mostly kept to himself at the beginning. doesn't have DID because i don't think it fits his character (given his main trauma was in his teens) but did probably cause serious fluctuations in mood, being able to go from 0 to 100 quickly. had a grand entrance to the mansion where he tried to kill jeff upon first seeing him (reasonable reaction)
to conclude, i made this all for me but also for anyone who has interest in my au! any and all creepypasta/marble hornets drawings are probably part of this au (whether the art takes before the characters were part of the slendermansion or not ha ha)
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lovealwaysmichael · 5 months
Nosey press (Micheal Clifford x reader)
Cw: mentions of ed, sh, depression.
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disclaimer: my first language is not English, I’m Vietnamese living in Australia so although I’m fluent, I still make mistakes!
“So, a fan tweeted something.. ‘obscure’ about you.” The interviewer poked at you with his words; commenting on something he shouldn’t have even brought up.
You blanked him. Your stare glared daggers into his soul, unfortunately letting him run his mouth a little further. “Do you have any comments on your disgraceful actions?”
“Which actions?” Genuinely you had little clue. Multiple posts were spread recently; all of which could be painted as disgraceful with the wrong interpretation.
He shook his head “The colourful scene plastered about between you and Michael Clifford?” He spoke as if it was obvious, yet still as if you yourself had no recollection of the events.
Though you did. - in fact it felt like it had only happened yesterday, so stuck into your mind you doubted you could ever forget it.
Michael frowned, taking your hand in his. “You don’t have to do that to be beautiful, baby.” He sighed; his eyes weren’t full of what peoples typically where. No pity, just love. Love and empathy. “You’re beautiful no matter what.”
“I wish I could believe that.. but I don’t see what you do Mike.” You huffed out a breath, cold night air leaving you able to view your own breath.
He intertwined your fingers, lightly swaying your arms between you. His gentle touch was all you needed in that moment. Yet you felt bad, you just told the boy about your relapse.
The awful escape you’d used all those years back had finally had a reason to bring you back to it. Hate was getting too much and it felt like you were your helpless highschool self being bullied all over again.
back then Michael had saved you from that dark space, your only friend. He’d kissed the scars on your skin, not putting pressure on you to stop, no ‘stop for me please’ no gross grimace, just a simple ‘I’m always here for you, I hope you know that.’
He was what pulled you out of your eating disorder, the thing that taught you it was okay to eat again.
You wished you hadn’t relied on him so much, but he did the same to you, it felt balanced, yet also so very unbalanced. “But it’s not just me, honey. So many people see that you’re beautiful, there are healthier ways to deal with this- talk to me, please.” He stopped in his tracks, just outside the target closest to your house. “I don’t want to risk losing you again.”
Luke had let you know a while back Michael’s thoughts when you’d been hospitalised due to your self-harming, when you’d lost so much blood he had to hold a towel to your wrists as he waited for the ambulance to come, watching his whole world slip in and out of consciousness.
Luke said he’d never seen the boy so distraught, that Michael simply sat in the corner of the waiting room, asking Luke why he wasn’t enough, why he hadn’t realised what was going on.
It broke you, it did. Even now, thinking about Michael’s thoughts on this subject hurt you, but you couldn’t change it. “You won’t.”
“but I could.” He placed a hand on your cheek, letting go of the grip he had on your hand. “And I don’t want that.”
You didn’t want to talk anymore, not on this subject anyway. So you pressed your lips against his. He kissed back straight away, backing you up into the wall, turning his head to deepen the kiss
This was what the paparazzi had caught. An innocent moment (barely even a make out) between two partners after a sad talk.
Photos taken and used out of context to make you both look bad. Being famous was hard. Of course not in a ‘oh woe always me’ kind of way, but more a ‘lack of privacy’ kind of way.
Not being able to do anything at all without somebody making you look like an awful person really sucked.
“How about we talk about the album instead?” You smiled fakely, letting the interviewer’s face drop. “You know, the thing this interview is meant to be about?”
“So that’s it? You won’t apologise to your fans for what you did? You’re evil, everyone knows you are. You-“
-Were leaving, that’s what you were. You pushed up off the chair and made your way across the room; the interviewer still yelled despite you not being in the room.
”you handled that better than I would’ve.” Michael smiled, greeting you as you entered the room he was in. He kissed you softly.
“I do try.” You grinned “god though. I really wanted to punch that guy.” He laughed, that was his partner. The person he fell in love with.
“yeah, I could tell.”
taglist: @thefearedfallen @cass1opi4
(if you want to be added to my tag list, please ask.)
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rosanna-writer · 1 year
we said hello and your eyes look like coming home (13/?)
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Summary: A canon-divergent AU where the bond snaps for Rhys on Calanmai, Feyre unwittingly accepts it, and Fire Night magic proves to be more transformative than anyone bargained for. Feyre drags a mate she hardly knows out from Under the Mountain, then puts him back together as war with Hybern approaches. Warnings: dubious consent, canon-typical sexual violence, canon-typical violence Rating: Explicit Chapter Word Count: ~3.5k
Everyone gets a much-needed breather.
Read on AO3 or you can find the thirteenth chapter below the readmore.
ch. 1 - 10 | ch. 11 - she underestimated just who she was stealing from | ch. 12 - no amount of freedom gets you clean | ch. 13 - stay stay stay
I stepped into the dining room just in time to see Rhys land on the balcony. Though he didn't stumble or fall, the motion wasn't nearly as graceful as I'd come to expect after weeks of watching Cassian and Azriel do the same thing. He was out of practice, and the wince on his face told me he'd had the same thought.
When he came closer, I realized Rhys looked disheveled. Or at least, as close to disheveled as he ever seemed to get, which is to say he looked only very slightly less than immaculate. He hadn't changed out of his clothes from yesterday, which were now faintly wrinkled, and a stray lock of hair fell against his forehead, making my fingers itch to brush it back into place. Mother above—he must not have slept at all.
At the sight of me, Rhys stopped in his tracks, as if he hadn't expected me to be there. I watched his gaze rake down my body, and I didn't need to hear his thoughts to know what he was thinking, seeing me through his own eyes in something other than a tunic from Spring or the clothes I'd been forced into Under the Mountain. "Night Court attire suits you," he said softly.
"All things considered, it would be strange if it didn't," I said, a small smile tugging at my lips, "but thank you, though."
He indicated for me to sit, and food appeared with a wave of his hand. I recognized the look on his face, the same one I'd seen when he'd pushed me to eat that soup in my cell Under the Mountain, as if he was prepared to feed me himself if it came down to it. Today, though, I didn't need to be told twice, just scarfed down what was in front of me without really tasting it. I was too focused on eating for the silence to feel oppressive or awkward. The whole time, Rhys watched me intently, even as he poured his own tea.
"Why did you leave?" he said eventually.
My hand tightened involuntarily around the handle of my teacup, though I was relieved we were getting straight to the point. I took a moment to choose my words carefully, then said, "It seemed presumptuous to stay."
"If it was something I—"
"You haven't done anything wrong. Really."
"You climbed ten thousand steps yesterday."
I stared down into my half-full cup of tea, unsure how to tell him that climbing those stairs had still been easier than asking someone else to do something small for me—my absolute terror at the thought of being a burden or seeming entitled ran too deep for words. "I just...thought you'd want space, now that you can finally have it," I said, hoping he'd understand.
Rhys ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Not from you."
We weren't sitting very far from each other, but I pushed my chair closer to his anyway—just those few inches between us had suddenly become unbearable. Food forgotten, I pressed my face to his shoulder and felt better when I did. "I think I needed to hear you say that," I whispered as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"Feyre, you're under no obligation to stay here," he said, a change in his voice making me suspect this was a prepared speech, "and of course I'll take you back across the Wall if that's what you want. I know you didn't understand what was happening when you accepted the bond. That said, as far as I'm concerned, the townhouse is yours, too. And even if it wasn't, I thought after everything you were at least comfortable enough to stay in my guest room for a night."
It did seem ridiculous when he put it that way. If I could have buried my face any deeper in his shoulder, I would have. "I was just trying to do right by you."
"And I want to do the same for you. Apparently it's not nearly as simple as it sounds." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
We were in this together too, I realized. The list of decisions to make and things to figure out that had to wait until we'd gotten out from Under the Mountain was miles long, but it belonged to both of us. And one of the few things I knew for sure was that Rhys had proven himself to be an excellent teammate.
We'd be alright. Eventually.
"Finish eating," he added, gently nudging me off him. "It's been weeks since you've had a proper meal."
I picked up the fork again and cast a significant look at the plate of eggs he'd only picked at. Once he took a bite, I said, "For what it's worth, I don't want to go back across the Wall, at least not permanently. I want to see for myself that my family is safe, but there's nothing left for me there."
I didn't trust that Tamlin had kept his word regarding my family. And even if he had, he might change his mind now that he knew I had a connection to Rhys. I needed to see with my own two eyes that they weren't starving—or fix it myself if they were.
"Then we'll go today," Rhys said, as if that settled it.
I blinked in surprise—I didn't want to wait very long to check on my family, but it wasn't that urgent. If Azriel's shadows confirmed that there was no bad news, I could give it a few days. And Rhys didn't have to come with me, either.
"We don't have to. I don't want to pull you from Velaris when you've only just gotten back."
"I wouldn't begrudge you a reunion with you family after having one with mine last night," he said. It sounded reasonable enough, but there was a slight note of hesitation in his voice that made me suspect there was more to it than that. I just gave him a look until he continued, "There's quite a lot of work to do after the balance of power shifted and our…performance yesterday. The rest of the Inner Circle is handling it to spare me having to work so soon after returning. And...I don't know how to be around them just yet."
I nodded, considering that. After fifty years trapped in the city, the Cauldron only knew how much business there was to handle in the rest of the Night Court—and the size of the pile of correspondence that had surely arrived from the rest of Prythian. But that last admission that he was avoiding something…I suspected Rhys was rarely that candid, even with me. I didn't take that show of trust lightly.
"Did something with them not go well last night?" I said, as gently as I could manage.
"Nothing like that," Rhys said slowly, clearly weighing his words, "but last night we were all so relieved we didn't really talk. We're all furious with each other, and I'm not looking forward to facing it."
If he wanted a buffer, I'd be that buffer. But I wouldn't let him run himself ragged, either.
"We'll go to the mortal lands another day, when you don't look dead on your feet," I said. In truth, I needed the time, too. I'd barely wrapped my head around everything that had happened since Tamlin had dragged me to Prythian, and I needed a better handle on it before I faced my father and sisters. And Cauldron—did Rhys expect me to introduce him? He started to say something, but I cut him off before he had the chance to. "We don't get along. It's…complicated."
"Contrary to popular belief, I do try to stay out of your head. I don't even know how many siblings you have."
So I told him. And he told me more about his own family, as if we were two normal people who hadn't just been through an ordeal. It was strange to finally be sitting together in the Night Court and just…talking. Until then, so many of our conversations had been strategizing. I liked this better.
When both our plates were clear, I stood up and stretched. Though everything had improved greatly with some sleep and food, I'd never been so sore in my entire life. Rhys didn't seem to be faring much better. "Let's get you back to the townhouse so you can sleep," I said.
His face darkened. "I'm not sure I can."
"You're going to collapse if you don't." A human would, at least. Perhaps there was some faerie healing magic that could fix sleep deprivation, but I doubted it. I could offer one thing to help, so I added, a bit more softly, "Try falling asleep on me. My scent helps, doesn't it?"
"You don't have to do that," he said quickly. Almost reflexively.
I stepped closer, taking both of his hands in mine. "Now that I've eaten, I'm taken care of. It's your turn. We'll get back to the townhouse, and I promise once you're asleep I'll stay so you don't wake up alone." He started to say something else, but I cut him off with a kiss. Brief, casual, almost chaste—the sort of thing that had been impossible Under the Mountain.
Rhys's hands tightened around mine. "My wings…I can't— I barely made it up here. I'm not strong enough to carry someone down, not anymore."
The memory of that faerie missing wings and bleeding out in Tamlin's manor flashed in my mind. That could have been Rhys if we'd made a single misstep. The thought was nearly enough to make me retch, but I forced myself to smile instead of making him feel worse. "Then another day we'll see if you have the smoothest landings to go with the biggest wingspan."
Rhys looked like he might have spat out his tea if he'd still been drinking it. I let my smile widen into a grin and tugged him towards the stairs.
Making my way back down to the street was infinitely more pleasant than climbing up, and if I was being honest, I'd attribute that to the company that I had this time around. As we walked, Rhys told me about the time he and his brothers had gotten dizzy and vomited on the way down, back when his father had been High Lord and they'd been something closer to carefree. And though I wouldn't admit it to him, knowing he'd once made a fool of himself on these very stairs made me feel better about being stupid enough to run off the night before.
In the townhouse, we collapsed onto the sofa in wordless agreement that it wasn't worth taking any more steps just to make it to a bedroom. I curled up against the arm of the sofa, and Rhys was too exhausted to protest when I nudged his head to my lap and covered him with the blanket I found draped over a nearby armchair. He hid his wings to keep them out of the way as he laid down.
I stroked Rhys's hair until he finally drifted off. It didn't take long—no surprise considering how little sleep he'd gotten in the past two days. I'd never seen him this at peace before, though. It made him look far younger than his five hundred years.
While Rhys slept, I tried to convince myself that I could trust the calm in Velaris was real. I didn't feel real, and maybe after I'd learned the sense of contentment I'd thought I'd found in Spring had all been a lie, I'd always meet tranquility with suspicion. But at least for now, there was truly nothing more important to do than ensure my mate finally rested.
The sound of familiar, shuffling footsteps down the hall told me that perhaps making sure Rhys slept undisturbed was easier said than done. After weeks in the House of Wind, I knew the sound of Azriel trying not to move so silently he inadvertently snuck up on me.
"He just got to sleep," I said, voice low but still loud enough that keen faerie hearing would pick it up, "so if you're here to talk to him, it had better be urgent. Come back later if it's not."
Perhaps it was a bit aggressive of me, but the mating bond was probably making me protective. At least I hadn't snarled. When Azriel appeared in the doorway, a thick stack of papers in hand, the ghost of a smile on his face told me he wasn't offended in the slightest.
"I was hoping I'd find both of you here. This report is for you, too," he said, dropping it on the side table.
My brows shot up, but I made no move to pick the papers up. "Why me too?" I said, hoping his answer would save me from having to explain for the second time that day that I couldn't read.
"Intelligence reports regarding your family," he said, and my heart nearly stopped. Cauldron, I knew Azriel was an excellent spymaster, but I hadn't realized he could work this quickly. The mixture of surprise and worry must have shown on my face because he added, "They're fine. Your father's business turned around miraculously, which was Tamlin's doing. They're safe, and we've put measures in place to ensure they remain that way."
"Thank you," I said, and he nodded.
Perhaps, though, I shouldn't have been surprised. After the show Rhys and I had put on Under the Mountain, it made sense that there would be interest in where I'd come from—and all seven High Lords knew my surname. I kept forgetting about my title, but Azriel and the others probably had a vested interest in keeping the family of the Lady of the Night Court safe as well.
"Did Nuala and Cerridwen make it out alright?" I said.
"Yes. Spending time with their family as we speak."
That was a relief—I'd been so focused on getting Rhys out before he killed anyone else that I hadn't considered that we'd left the twins to fend for themselves. It seemed like such an oversight now, and I felt a stab of guilt.
After a moment, I added, "And how bad are the rumors?"
I could've sworn Azriel's lips quirked up. "They're calling you Cursebreaker. And Faebiter, but that one doesn't seem to be catching on nearly as well."
It wasn't a real answer, but I wasn't sure I wanted to press for one if Azriel was being evasive for some reason. There would be time to deal with all of that when Rhys woke up, and I wasn't sure I wanted this fragile-seeming peace to be broken just yet. So I just said, "In my defense, I did warn Rhys, and I didn't break the skin."
That, at least, got a chuckle out of Azriel, even if he still looked grave. His gaze flicked from Rhys's sleeping form, then back to me. "Will I see you at dinner tonight, Feyre?"
The question seemed innocent enough, but it was an obvious attempt to wring information out of me. I suppose I shouldn't have expected any less from Azriel. The rest of Rhys's Inner Circle must have seen Rhys panic when I left, and even though they were busy, I was sure they were also wondering exactly where things stood between the two of us.
"Of course," I said, not really willing to reveal that I hadn't known anything about dinner plans at all.
Another curt nod, and Azriel turned to go. There was probably still plenty he had to take care of, but I said, "Az?"
"Yes?" he said, turning back around.
"Are you going to be in the training ring tomorrow morning?"
"Of course."
"When I threw that bone-spear at Amarantha, I missed," I said, not bothering to explain. By now, I was sure he'd heard the whole story. "It looked dramatic, but the throw was short of where I was aiming. Will you help me make sure that doesn't happen again?"
The look Azriel gave me was the closest he ever got to fond, nothing more than a slight softening around the eyes. If I hadn't already spent time around him, I would have missed it. "We'll keep going until you never miss a throw again."
He meant it, and in some ways it was a relief to hear. On some level, I knew it was impossible, but there was a part of me that hoped if I just trained hard enough, I'd never be vulnerable again.
If the day came, I'd be ready to pull us out from Under the Mountain a second time.
"Then I'll see you bright and early. Thanks."
Before Azriel left, he cocked his head at me and added, "I missed Rhys, but I hope you know I missed you too, Feyre."
He was gone before I had a chance to respond. I turned my attention back to the steady rise and fall of Rhys's chest. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that I could spend hours just watching him breathe, another effect of the mating bond. Under the Mountain, I'd never gotten a chance to see him at ease this way; now, I realized that if entire world burned around us, I wouldn't mind in the slightest as long as he was this peaceful.
I still hadn't plumbed the depths of all this feeling.
I wouldn't dare risk him waking up alone, so I sat like until the sun started to sink towards the horizon, still turning this newfound sense of safety over in my mind. It felt like it might disappear if I didn't savor it. My heart raced, even though I was doing nothing more than sitting still.
It felt all too soon when Rhys began to stir. The sound he made in the back of his throat was soft and decidedly un-High-Lord-like. As he turned his head towards me, his nose grazed the strip of exposed skin between the bottom of my shirt and the top of my pants. The sharp intake of breath as he scented me made the hem of my top flutter.
"Feyre?" he said, voice rough. "You're still here."
"I'm not going anywhere," I said. While I'd been sitting there, I'd come to a decision almost without realizing it. There had never been a question in my mind about staying in the Night Court, but if Rhys didn't want space, I didn't either. The farthest I ever wanted him to be from me was down the hall. I'd stay in this house, even though it didn't feel like mine.
He sat up, and I ran my thumb along the mark the waistband of my pants had left on his cheek, then brushed his hair back into place. With a sigh, he leaned into my hand. "Your scent was in my dreams before I even met you. For a moment, I thought this might be a dream again."
My heart squeezed. If I had anything to say about it, it would be real the next time and all the rest.
"We made it out," I said, managing to sound reassuring when I was still letting that fact sink in, too.
He nodded, throat bobbing, and caught my hand in his, brushing his thumb over the tattoo. Even though he'd known about it, a look of awe spread across his face at the sight of it close up. The bond went tight in my chest again.
The last time he'd given me that look had been when he'd dropped to his knees before me on Calanmai.
I wasn't sure either one of us was breathing. But the moment broke, and he gently slid my hand out of his and stood up, eyes darting around the room as he straightened his tunic. He unfurled his wings again, posture straightening. Not quite a mask, but the High Lord was back. "I have to debrief with the Inner Circle this evening, and you should be present for that," he said
"Is it at all related to the dinner plans Azriel mentioned while you were asleep?" I said, shooting him a look as I stood up, too.
"Ideally no, but it will be a working dinner if necessary."
That made sense, as much as I wasn't looking forward to dealing with the rest of the world—or watching Rhys dive headfirst back into his duties as High Lord. But we couldn't put it off forever. I nodded, bracing myself to ask my next question.
"If someone's coming here from the House of Wind, then would they be able to bring my things?"
"You'll find them in the room across the hall from mine," he said with a flick of his wrist. Magic, then. Rhys had said it just a hair too quickly and matter-of-factly, though. Not quite pointed, but he hadn't even given me the opportunity to broach the topic of sharing a bedroom. In some ways, it was a relief not to have that conversation, even if we already had shared a bed once. Another scar from Under the Mountain, most likely. I wouldn't push.
He headed upstairs to wash up and change, and I took a deep breath, hoping to steady myself for news of whatever chaos was happening in the rest of Prythian. I had a sinking feeling I was at the center of it.
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three--rings · 1 year
Ask game tagged by @gnomeicecream
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded  0 - don’t care either way  +10 -> very enticed  nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
Yeah honestly this doesn't really mean much to me. I'm more likely to judge by the other tags, etc.
Codependency: +4
I don't dislike codependent relationships at all, though I might be a little leary of the fic if it seems like this tag isn't earned, because it can be a sign of Therapy Speak Ahead.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +4
Depends on the ship, depends on my mood, but it's not a turn off unless done poorly.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +5
I tend to like my contrasting pairs a lot, but I feel like I usually know that about a ship going in and it's less about author intent. More relevant with orig fic. There is a slight danger of someone substituting a nuanced understanding of characters for extreme versions.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Top tier tbh. I adore rival romance and antagonistic relationships because of how much more room there is to explore and so much more territory to cover. And actual barriers to being happy together than your typical friends to lovers or coffeeshop or whatever.
Friends with benefits: +6
I really love the next trope, which tends to come together with this one. I love a sex first, feelings later ship anyway I can get it. So yeah I eat this up.
Sex to feelings: +10
Like I said, this is catnip to me. I don't know exactly why, except that I really enjoy sex scenes that progress relationships and that's everywhere in this trope. Also personally I tend to be a sex to feelings person myself.
Fake dating/relationship: +3
This can be done well or badly. I have enjoyed it a lot.
Friends to lovers: 0
Yeah this is pretty bog standard to me and doesn't do anything particular either way.
Found Family: 0
I tend to really be romance focused. I enjoy a good Found Family but only when it's background to other things I'm into.
Hurt/Comfort: +3
I feel like people's idea of what hurt/comfort is varies WIDELY. From like "I had a slightly rough day" to "extreme torture." So I feel like this tells me very little about what I'm about to experience. Also it's just sorta basic: bad things happen, good things happen, which is just...like how plots work.
Love Triangle: -2
If it's put like that, slightly negative. Cause I have no patience for "who should I pick" stories. Threesomes, triads, and poly shit on the other hand...
Poly, open relationships: +7
I enjoy polyamory a lot more in fiction than real life. I mean, I have lots of poly friends and I've tried it but also the drama omg. Seen so many relationships torn apart by it. But in fic? Yeah yeah absolutely I'm there.
Mistaken/hidden identity: +3
Mmm, it depends on everything else about the fic and whether the premise appeals to me.
Monsterfucking: +8
Like, there are limits okay, but have I read some shit out of my comfort zone out of perverse curiosity? Yup. Yup. But also your standard monster shit? I'm about it. Tentacles are sexy. I've been a vampire girl since age 12. I wrote that Beauty and the Beast au where WWX is a ghoul-type thing.
Pregnancy: -10
And here we have the thing I won't read, no matter what. Pregnancy is body horror to me both in real life and fiction.
Second Chance: +5
Very much like this when it's fixing or redoing canon. Little less when it's "I took this couple and broke them up so I can get them back together again" because I don't like invented barriers to romance.
Slowburn: +4
I have not great patience, and as mentioned, I have a problem with artificially thrust in barriers to two characters being together. Some fics I really enjoy have nearly gone sour on me when I just want to scream from like WHY WHY can't you be together already. Why are you just inventing new reasons not to be happy! So it's good in small doses, and as with most things when done well.
Soulmates: +7
I like a good soulmate fic. I don't have the problem with them that many people do. Because IDK I just don't take it that seriously I guess. Like, people have soulmates in this world, okay. That doesn't mean they only have one or lose all agency or whatever. And I don't need the fic to go to great lengths to prove their soulmate AU is Different Actually. I will just suspend my disbelief for a while it's cool I have rope.
Because I enjoy being tagged for things like this, I will tag some folks, but whatever. And if you want to do this please do. @waterhobbit, @sunshine304, @amuseoffyre, @chubsthehamster
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prosa2002 · 10 months
The whole don't touch a baby rabbit thing is a myth just fyi in case you didn't know! The meat eating rabbit thing is a cool idea for a character though, what do they look like
This is a reference to a reblog of mine on a post about sharing your fursonas, in which I left these tags: #a cat fish#as in a cat but with fish features#not really a fursona cause they're more cat-girl ish than full anthropomorphic animal#but i could turn her into a fursona if i tried#i have two unrelated to me that are a rat with a split swen-shut stomach based on a dead mouse that entered my room and got caught in a trap#and one of those really fluffy rabbits with long fur#except he is based on how rabbit mother will eat their babies if theyre touched by humans#so this one survived being eaten but became a meat eater as a consequence#hes nice enough to not do cannibalism... but he could
(I wrote most of this on my new phone, where autocorrect doesn't work. So I'll take this chance to also remind people english is not my first language.)
Okay, didn't know that. But the whole idea was because I was interested in how an herbivore animal would resource to eat flesh specifically to eat their children.
I went to read about it right now and it happens due to something wrong with the babies (they're gonna die) or something wrong with the mom (shes gonna die and be unable to care for them or she lacks nutrients), so its something related to it being a last resource... oh well.
Anyways, here's the character (this is from 2 years ago, so it's traditional art, and i can't scan it, so I edited it instead :/)
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He sometimes wears a mask to hide his mouth because it is full of sharp teeth. And idk if its visible in the picture, but he has some sort of thin shawl in his waist, which is the last thing his mom left behind. (BTW, I make all my male characters a bit androgynous/fem cause when i decided to learn how to draw guys I focused on what i wanted to look like and now i cant stop drawing them like this :/)
Anyways, his story is that he's part of a species of anthropomorphic rabbits (humans exist in this world too, I dont remember if i made other species canon, just rabbits plus an hare character), but a specific kind (visually based on angora rabbits) that lives isolated from human society.
Basically his mom ventured too far from her village and had to take shelter in the residence of a human. She gave birth there, the human touched the children at some point out of concern and... things happened and he only was capable of saving one.
What I came up with was that her kind got isolated from humans for a reason, in this case a curse, and that making contact with a human at that age is enough to mess the antro bunny up. He grew sharp teeth and basically can barely eat typical rabbit food, actually even preferring rabbit flesh (having in mind normal non-antro rabbits exist). He was raised by that same human. I don't remember what I came up in relation to that.
Also, there are other kinds of antro rabbits in this universe without this kind of problem.
Anyways, he goes on a search to find his mom again. However, the catch is that not even his mom nor any of his kind are aware of why they avoid humans, and his mom thought that the human had killed all her children (cause her clothes had blood in them) and that the trauma made her forget. So she's not even aware she ate her children.
It's kinda fucked, I'm noticing now that I'm writing this down.
Disclaimer: This is not my typical type of art. I sometimes draw non human characters, but I prefer to draw my characters looking relatively human. From the top of my head, this character, two moth related ones and one rat one are the only furry characters i created with a fully set design, out of my hundreds of human ones. So basically, dont expect this type of art much. (Or any art at all, I'm lazy and i dont post anything here 😓)
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Living Our Lives
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Five wanted to see more of the world than he got to when he was working for the Commission and living during the apocalypse. So as soon as he was able to, Viktor took him on as many vacations as he could. Warnings: PTSD flashbacks, triggered panic attacks, and mentions of canon-typical violence Word Count: 3,209 Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: So I specifically chose to write them being in a national/state park because I love being in them and writing them in a car is very boring (car rides are always boring for me because I have to sleep through them to avoid being sick). The events of this fic are also something that happened to me in real life, which was another reason I decided to write this for this prompt. I hope you guys enjoy it! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
fresh starts - road trip - getting back together/mutual pining - "make me" - acceptance - fairytale AU
Viktor woke to the sound of the waves crashing against the sandy pebble-ridden beach outside of their hotel room. They weren’t exactly water-front, but it was a five minute walk even at low tide to be standing directly in the ocean. The sound traveled well over the beach and the small grassy area that led up to the hotel, twisting through half-open window in the bathroom and then filling the room with the repetitive sound.
When he finally managed to pry his eyes open from where he had been sleeping, he looked over the room again. It was still cloudy outside from the rainstorm that they had the day before, but Viktor liked it like that. They had been on the road for almost a week at this point and he was already feeling nostalgic and home sick for the east coast.
The room that he and his husband had booked for the three days that they were going to be visiting attractions in the area was plain and a little outdated. The TV locked away in the entertainment center only hooked up to the little DVD player underneath it and didn’t have cable, though that wasn’t something they were worried about since they had each other to keep them busy. There was no minifridge, so all of the things that they had bought to eat where being kept cold in their cooler with a chunk of dry ice that they had bought from a convenience store in town. The beds were comfortable, with a thick quilt on the top of the sheets instead of the oversized comforters. The shower and faucet had outdated fixtures and it took a lot to get them to go to the right temperature but they always got there eventually.
Overall, everything in the little motel room was a somewhat scuffed up (like the table and desk near the sliding glass doors out the back of their room) but it was clean and homey. It was a nice break from all of the high-end hotels that they had been staying at while traveling through the bigger cities to get to the more desolate part of the country where they were going to be staying for longer. While those hotels technically had higher quality items, it always felt specifically like they were in someone else’s house and they couldn’t never really get comfortable.
“Good morning,” Five’s gruff voice mumbled as the taller man pressed a kiss to Viktor’s hair.
Viktor rolled over in the bed so that he was facing towards his husband and away from the door and the ocean. “Good morning, Five. How did you sleep?”
“I always sleep well when I know you’re here, my love,” Five murmured as he leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a kiss. Viktor let out a small hum and returned the sign of affection. He knew that his husband had probably had a couple of nightmares and spent at least an hour awake trying to calm himself down from them, but they were both doing so much better. They had been through so much in such a short time that they were going to be struggling with PTSD and nightmares for a while, but they had each other so they knew that they could handle it.
“Mm,” Viktor hummed. He buried his cold nose into the crook of Five’s neck for just a moment before the other man let out a grunt and pushed him away. Viktor rolled back to where he had been laying before and laughed, his eyes crinkling at the sides. 
Five moved so that his hands were on either side of Viktor’s shoulders and he was towering over the other man. “You sneak,” he laughed before he lowered himself down enough that he could kiss Viktor. The smaller man giggled as his husband’s entire body encompassed him so that he had the steady, breathing pressure on top of him.
They laid like that for a little while longer before they decided that they had to get up for the day. Five traveled down to the small area just off of the check-in desk that had a couple vending machines and then some breakfast offerings. The motel wasn’t like a standard hotel with a hot breakfast, but rather they had several different single-serving cereals, oatmeals, fruits, and pre-packaged baked goods available for the guests to come and get from six to ten in the morning.
Viktor stayed behind in their room so that he could ready their lunches. They were spending three days in the town that they were in and they were only on the second, so they didn’t need to pack the entire cooler. When they were doing activities they both tried to pack nonperishables or things that would be fine to sit out in the heat for a little while until they got around to eating them.
Once Five returned with their breakfast, they cuddled together on the bed while eating and listening to the sound of the waves rolling in. Viktor had unlocked their back door now that they were awake, so they were also getting the lovely smell of the ocean and fresh air flooding in from the outside. After a lifetime of scrambling to get back to each other and making sure that they could stay with each other, it was nice to have a quiet moment like this.
They finished eating and then packed up everything that they would need for their adventures before they got into the car. Five had managed to get the 1950s stingray that he had wanted when they were in the third apocalypse, even if that was only something that he had wanted back then because of the hormones flowing through his teenage-aged body. It was a car that they kept in incredibly good condition but loved to bring with them on their adventures.
Viktor was practically vibrating in his seat as they turned away from all of the buildings and cars of the town and into the lush wilderness. They had been coming to see quite a few things, including a couple of tourist-traps that they knew existed only to steal their money but were still fun to go and ogle at. The main thing that they had stopped in this specific town to go see, however, was the redwoods. There were several state and national parks littered down the coast line of Oregon and California, but the one that they were going to visit today was only a half hour drive away from their hotel. 
The highway had been built down the middle of the grand trees, which meant that they didn’t have to pay an entry fee the same way that they had for Lassen Vista Park and Yosemite National Park earlier in their trip. Of course, they’d be making a stop by the visitor’s center so that they could donate to the upkeep of the park after their hikes.
They pulled into one of the parking areas and removed themselves from the car. Five was digging through their bag to make sure that they had bug repellent, plenty of water, and the food that Viktor had packed. The other man was sitting on the hood of the car with his shirt off as he rubbed sunscreen into every spare inch of skin that he could.
“People are ogling at you, my love,” Five mumbled as he glanced up to see some of the other people sharing their parking space staring directly at his partner’s mostly-naked form.
“They can look all they want, because they’re never going to be able to even touch me,” Viktor chuckled as he turned his head up so that he was looking towards his partner.
“Oh? And why is that?” Five asked. He set the bag down so that it was leaning up against the car and then walked over to his husband. He placed his hands on either of Viktor’s hips and dragged him forward so that the smaller man was practically in his lap.
“Mostly because I’m all yours,” Viktor replied as a cat-like grin spread over his face. He put one of his sunscreen-slick hands on the back of Five’s neck and then nearly dragged him down so that they could kiss.
Five didn’t mind as he was going to have to put some of the protective material on himself once Viktor had finished with it. The ex-assassin had spent his entire life in the apocalypse trying to find a way to cover as much of his skin as possible without overheating so that he could avoid sunburn, there was no way that he was going to pass up the opportunity to never have to go through something like that ever again.
They broke apart from the kiss a few minutes later after Five knew that everyone would have looked away from them. “Damn straight. You’re mine,” he leaned down and bit over the hickey that he had put on Viktor’s neck last night despite the sour taste that coated his tongue thanks to the sunscreen.
“You’re a dork,” Viktor informed him with another quick kiss to the lips. The duo then quickly wrapped up what they were doing so that they could get started on their hike. Five finished packing the bag and then sunscreening himself while Viktor secured the backpack over his shoulders. Throughout the day they would switch out who had it, and Viktor had decided that he was going to take the first shift.
They began down the trail hand-in-hand while staring up at the huge trees that surrounded them. Sticks and roots stopped them from staring directly up at the huge fern-like leaves that wove together to create a beautiful, shady canopy. There was plenty to see at the ground-level as well. Old animal prints from when humans weren’t on the path during the off season and at night had been near permanently secured into the mud. Sorrel was hiding from the sun where the branches and leaves above allowed the bright light to cascade down onto the earth. Several of the fallen redwoods also gave way to new life, supporting clones that were just beginning their stretch up towards the sky.
There weren’t very many people on the hike that they were on, but still quite a few. They hadn’t chosen one of the ADA paths so that they wouldn’t run into people with strollers, since those ones tended to be the most family and small child friendly as well. The path that they were on was relatively flat but very long and required the ability to walk up a couple of steps when they got to the middle. It was harder than a light stroll as the smaller loops supported, but not as hard as some of the more adventures hikes that took all day. Viktor wanted to be able to do a small loop in each part of the park if they had time, and Five was dedicated to making that happen.
They walked down the path, stopping a couple of times to enjoy the birdcall or identify one of the smaller critters that they could see scuttling through the underbrush towards wherever it was that they were going. They were happy, they were at peace, especially since they were with each other.
Of course, since they were Hargreeves through-and-through, that wasn’t going to last for long.
They had just rounded part of the path so that they were being looped back to the entrance when a crisp, clear cracking sound rang through the entire forest. It silenced all of the noise from the cars a half mile away from them and the buzzing of the critters and insects that called the forest their home. 
Instinctively, Viktor harnessed some of the sharp sound so that his body began to glow with the raw force of his power. His head turning widely in circles as he tried to figure out where it had come from, his mind immediately assuming that it had been a firework or explosion. Five, on the other hand, was convinced that it had been a gunshot. He reached out so that he was holding tightly to Viktor’s shoulder just incase he needed to teleport himself and his husband away. The only reason that he hadn’t reflexively used his powers was because of how out of the habit he had gotten in their half decade of safe married life.
The cracking that followed afterwards let them know that what they had heard was not a firework or a gunshot, but rather a tree breaking down the middle.
Viktor grasped Five’s hand and quickly tugged them further down the path so that they could get away from the trees. His head was swirling in either direction as he tried to figure out where it was that the sound was coming from. The way that it echoed throughout the entire forest made it incredibly hard to pin-point where the tree was breaking and where they had to go to be able to avoid it.
Both of them could feel nothing but fear coursing through them as images of having their lives cut short by one of the huge trees that they had been so adoring of only moments prior flashed through both of their minds. The trees around them felt too ancient and magical to come crashing down like they were.
The smaller of the two men toppled back over a root so that he was flailing, his hands and arms pinwheeling before he tumbled down onto the packed earth of the path. Five’s attention was snapped away from where he was staring at the tree coming down a fourth of a mile away from them and back down to his husband.
“Viktor, are you okay?” he asked as he knelt down beside the other man so that he could make sure that he was okay. Flashes of their previous adventures, moments when they were both this scared and creating new traumas, were rushing through his mind as quickly as they could. It wasn’t something that he particularly wanted to be happening but he knew that it also wasn’t something that he got to stop just because he didn’t want it.
He didn’t reply for a while longer as he stared at where the tree had fallen. Leaves and dust rose up from the ground in a huge cloud due to the force that the redwood had come down with. Viktor could see shards of wood that had splintered off from where half of the tree had come down while the other half remained upright.
“Shit, that was so scary,” he whispered as he brought his hand up to his forehead. He was quivering slightly as the adrenaline in his system began to ease up and left his muscles exhausted. 
Five let out a near-hysterical laugh. He had been through a lot, including a couple of buildings falling down as he scrambled to get out of them, but this had still managed to shock him. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Viktor’s mouth to try and reassure him that it was okay. “Certainly wasn’t what I was expecting to happen today.”
The smaller man let out a jerky laugh. He tilted his forehead forward so that it was resting on Five’s shoulder. “I love you, you know that?”
“I would certainly hope so, otherwise being married to me for this long is going to be rather embarrassing for the both of us,” he chuckled. He pressed another kiss to the top of Viktor’s head and then helped his husband up.
The other people that had been hiking along their trail when the tree had fallen were also rather shaken up. They were talking amongst themselves and pointing out towards the brand new, splintered boards of red wood. Before anyone had a chance to venture off of the trail to see what had happened, several rangers appeared. One of them roped off the edge with bright yellow tape to prevent any of them from being able to walk to the fallen tree without stepping over the barrier.
The other rangers walked through the path, carefully picking their way around the sorrel and ferns so that they could reach the tree and examine all the damage. The one remaining park worker turned around and then said, “I know that was scary but we’ve got it handled! Thank you all for your cooperation, please stay on the path. Out this way is a lot of poison oak and wildlife that should be left to the professionals to deal with.”
“Makes sense,” Viktor mumbled. He picked himself up from the ground and then brushed the dirt and crunched leaves off of his pants. He then ran a shaky hand through his hair and turned towards his husband. “I know that it wasn’t the plan for today but I think we should just go back to the hotel and try to calm down from this.”
Five’s mouth flickered down into a frown. He reached down so that he could tilt his husband’s face up towards him. “Vik, remember what Dr. Kelly said. We can’t let a small bad part of the experience make us stop from doing something that we were planning on and looking forward to. That’s what happened the last time we went on a roadtrip and we both felt extremely disappointed by it.”
“I don’t want to push you any further if you feel triggered, though,” he mumbled. He turned his head down as much as he could with the hand still underneath his chin. “I knew that there was a chance that a couple of trees could come down while we were here. I did a lot of research about it and the ground has been so dry that several redwoods have already come down on the roads and stuff. None in this area, so I thought that it would be fine.”
“Viktor,” Five stopped his ramble before he could continue to send himself into a deeper spiral of shame. “You did all the research that you needed to and then made an educated decision with the information that you had. You didn’t bring us here knowing for certain that there would be something triggering for us both. I also know how desperately you wanted to come here. I mean, you’ve wanted to visit this park for years now. The worst has basically already happened, so let’s keep going with our plan, yeah?”
The ex-superhero let out a small laugh. He tilted his head into Five’s hold so that they were still close together. “You know what, you’re right. Let’s go enjoy the rest of our vacation, okay? We don’t need to let one thing ruin everything else for us.”
Five leaned down and pressed a kiss to his husband’s mouth before they started back down the path so that they could continue the rest of their day. They were a little bit jumpier than they would have been had the tree not fell, but they were still having a wonderful time with each other.
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nospendtillbrooklyn · 29 days
An Update: Three Weeks in. And I am noticing some changes...
I meant to write this post last week. And maybe the week before that. But I have been so busy, the effort needed to write this post just did not exist. But I wanted to write one today because I think it’s important to keep holding myself accountable to this No Buy experience.
As the tagline says, I have noticed some changes. My budget is still not where I want it to be, but that it is mostly because I am still getting myself organized. It’s not a skill that comes naturally to me. And I am working really hard at taking extra income and placing it towards debt and building up my savings account. To my day to day wallet doesn’t feel much different. But my mindset sure does.
I have always been someone with a slightly disordered eating habit. I tend to really make some questionable choices, and go long stretches with out eating. This would result in me being absolutely starving at random hours during my work day, and would prompt me to stop somewhere to “Grab something to go.” Usually from a gas station or grocery store. But those little things add up. So one of the first things that went into my No Buy plan was to eliminate that extra spending. And I have three weeks in noticed myself not feeling tempted to stop, to plan more ahead and to live with what is available at home (even if it’s not exactly what I am craving in that moment.) This feels like such a win to me, to notice myself easily self correcting when temptation rises.
It’s happening else where too. I was in the pet store, a place where I would often over spend to ‘treat the dogs’ to some fun stuff, and I purchased the necessary pet food I needed and rolled out the door easy-breezy. The pet store I frequent is close to a Sierra Trading Post, a place I could easily drop $50 to $100 on a given trip. Mostly on things I didn’t really need. I walked right by it.
These little changes from an outside perspective seem so small to me. But when I think about the irresponsible spending I have engaged in in the past, I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It’s working. I am shifting how I view spending and shopping, not as a hobby thing to fill a void of stress or boredom.
What I have purchased the last three weeks has been 100% required. I purchased some replacement parts for my weed whacker on Amazon. I bought some supplies to print and mount some photos for the fair show locally. And next week I am having a photo matted and framed and shipped for a gallery show at an arts festival. Over all the expenses out side of necessities have been things that are not typical (the last time I bought parts for the weed whacker was two years ago.) And I am pleased that I have multiple times come up against temptations to swing through a coffee drive thru, or browse a favorite store (because it’s never just browsing…) and been able to easily redirect my thought process.
For any one considering a No Buy, I would highly recommend it. Recognizing that no two No Buys will look alike, and setting up your personal No Buy might be different from mine. For example your No Buy might leave room for eating out, while mine doesn’t. Your No Buy might allow some types of clothing or metrics on when you can purchase clothing, where as even if something breaks (outside of hiking boots of which I only have one pair) I will just have to live with it until I have nothing that can fill the void. And in my case, I have plenty that can fill the void. Your No Buy doesn’t necessarily need to require you to declutter at the same time (Though I think it’s a really good exercise in “why do I have so much stuff??”) But even just 3 weeks in, I am consciously aware of my spending and finding making choices to align with the No Buy easier and easier. It is less and less of a “no you’re on a no buy” and more of a “we don’t need that.” And that feels like a powerful place to start really commanding my finances.
Next up? A break down of debt pay-offs.
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autiponi · 11 months
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The rays of the morning sun slowly made their way into room four of Kim's patron temple, where Blackjack had just slept. The gentle warm glow quickly woke her from her long sleep, and she sat up vigorously on the bed, trying to remember how she got here and what happened yesterday. She gently hugged the pillow she had slept on, it seemed to be a good companion to help her remind last night.
-This is Kim's temple... yesterday I was here, then this woman .... before that, Agreas .... Agreas.
She hugged the pillow tighter as her guilt from yesterday returned. Trying to push it away, she looked out the window and made a plan for today.
-I have to take care of something else today.  I'm about to go crazy with myself.... maybe meet someone else? Jeremy? or....
At the same moment she heard a soft knock at the door, quickly threw a pillow in her place and sat up on the bed.
-You can come in! Whoever you are! A-1 appeared in the doorway. She was holding a tray of toast and a fried egg, a sight that surprised Blackjack greatly, and she began to wonder if by chance she was still asleep.
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-...I'm sorry if I woke you up, but breakfast is ready for you, I tried to recreate a more typical breakfast for you than our daily one....
-Oh, there was no need for me to eat what you would serve me, really!
Blackjack, even though she was sincere, she didn't sound like that at all.
-But you are our guest of honor now. We want you to feel as comfortable and at home as possible.
A-1 confidently went to the bed and placed the breakfast tray on the bedside table. She also unexpectedly sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Blackjack intently, as if she were in search of something in her.
-Are you all right? You didn't look so good yesterday, and that incident in the apartment... .... Can you breathe normally? She almost crushed it for you... whatever you have around your neck.
-Oh. So this is what happened.... I'm fine. But can you tell me exactly what happened? I don't remember much.
-I don't know much either. I only know that you let a strange woman into the house and after an hour I heard jerking and crackling, so I came over to make sure... I saved you from suffocating, although I saw that you managed to bury her as well, she had a scythe practically stuck in her.
-This woman, she was the beast that attacked me .... right?
-I have no idea. I'm still investigating her case.
-Perhaps she was one of the demons?
-Not likely, just a simple attack. Master Daiki says... It's unlikely anyone will find you for now.
-I see.
Blackjack scowled slightly and held her head in her lap, making strange sounds of frustration and thoughtfulness. This was something new for A-1 and she was becoming increasingly fascinated by her otherworldy self.
-Something happened?
-No... it's just that this woman intrigues me... .... And pisses me off!
-You're stressing yourself out, it can hurt you later. Unless I'm misunderstanding?
-I'm not stressing to spare, I'm just .... ugh, never mind, I just need a moment later. On another note, are there any meadows in the area? I would explore the surrounding plants and finally have something to occupy my mind with.
-Of course. Master Daiki has a beautiful garden at the temple. I think he could lend it to you. You can see it from your window, and it's in bloom when it's most beautiful.
-Then ask him for permission, and I will prepare at that time.
-All right, take care, Blackjack.
-I appreciate it.
A-1 walked to the door with a military stride and gently closed it behind her after leaving the room. Blackjack immediately shifted from thinking about the woman to thinking about A-1, she could not keep her mind on just one thing.
-She is not a typical robot, but a cyborg. She should have some kind of human mind. But she still looks like she is just discovering things. Either she is still being held here, which I doubt, or she has a very short memory. .... And at the same time, she was able to plunge a katana right into my ribs, interesting.
She stood up slowly and looked out the window to see the garden A-1 had been talking about.
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-Really beautiful ... and exotic! I have not seen such plants at the university, fascinating place....
A gentle wind blew and began to move the surrounding flowers and tree leaves, among the multicolored fauna, larger and smaller vermin could also be seen, clearly comfortable in the midst of such an atmosphere, Blackjack looked at all this with a gentle smile on her face, immediately feeling much better than before.
-Why does Daiki want to destroy everything for the sake of darkness, does he hate everything? Does he just have no imagination...I will have to understand him somehow later, or approach him differently.... It's hard to think how to talk to such a freak.
Blackjack remembered that she still had to change her clothes. She went to the closet expecting to find her things there, but there were only oriental clan outfits, she looked at her bag at that moment, which she only noticed lying next to the bed, except for a few of her junk she didn't notice any clothes in it.
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-...I'm not at home, well of course.... A-1 took my portal tool and cosmetics but clothes for a change not, here we cross her limit of possibilities. She would be a terrible domestic help.... Maybe I will stay in pajamas - no.... no! Where did you even come up with such an idea! How about wearing this outfit...? Is it at all polite... what do I care anyway? It fits me...?
After a while of thinking and wandering around the room aimlessly, she decided to wear the clan's kimono on herself, it was surprisingly soft to the touch and pleasant when put on.
-...I think I'll start walking around like this instead of wearing a sweatshirt, it's too good! Looking at herself in the mirror for a moment, she could feel proud, just enough to conclude that her cooperation with Daiki would be fruitful. Having finally brought her thoughts back down to earth, she sat down on the bed and began to slowly eat the breakfast that A-1 had prepared. To her surprise, it had been prepared with a special precision, every detail of the dish that could be there, was there.
-...Was she trying that hard, or does the software have a little culinary genius when it comes to breakfast?
Her fascination with food meant that it took her a very short time to eat the whole thing, so short that after the meal she was disappointed that there wasn't more. By the time A-1 got back to her, she had entered the room after knocking and was a little embarrassed to see Blackjack in Clan garb.
-...I am sorry if there is a problem with wearing our clothes... I forgot that you do not have your clothes here....
-I love it, and I want more.
This reply was a surprise to A-1, but she smiled gently.
-Good to hear. As for the request regarding the garden, Master Daiki has agreed to go in.
-Ideally, we can leave right away, I have nothing more to do.
-... "We can"?
-You're not going?
-You want me to go to the garden with you?
-...Why the hell do you ask that? I think it's obvious that I do.
-You wanted to ask me some questions yesterday, now is the perfect opportunity. Come with me, you will find out what you want to know, you could use a little loosening up, you stiff.
Blackjack grabbed the bag and then A-1's hand. With a brisk step, she moved with her through the corridor.
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-Which way to the garden?
-I have things to...
-You haven't. Which way to the garden?
-I don't...
-Which. Way.
-...straight and left.
-Thank you.
She walked faster, holding the hand of the shocked A-1. After opening the gate, she saw the same beautiful garden she had seen outside the window, and she was even more fascinated than before.
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-It looks wonderful! Do you know anything else about this garden?
Blackjack crossed the path, picking up all the leaves and flowers she saw along the way that interested her. A-1 followed her and also looked at the plants, but with much less enthusiasm. -...Master Daiki told me a lot about this place, but I have never been here in person until now.... It belonged to the first founder of the clan, his name was Hanako, and he loved to tend this garden, collecting often hard to find plants. It was like a second home to him.... and he loved to bury corpses in it to make the flowers grow better. -Great! Wait, WHAT? -Not to worry, this has not been done for a long time. -I see... something more? -...He keeps this place alive only out of tradition, but he personally hates the fauna. Unfortunately, he never explained why, but I think it is the opposite of what the Master would want.
-He wanted darkness to reign forever, he told me yesterday.
-... "In the darkness I feel my power, in the darkness you can hide, in the darkness, you have power and fear."
-...Do you support that?
-What do you mean? I don't understand.
-Do you support what you are quoting? I ask out of curiosity.
- It's not a question of whether I support it or not. It is the Master's decision, not mine.
-This is ridiculous... you should have your own opinion about it. Daiki is not you.
-... A-1 became silent and began to look in the opposite direction, clearly confused. Blackjack sat down in a Turkish position on the grass next to a small pond where other plants and flowers were still visible.
-Will you sit down?
-Oh, I don't need to.
-I think on the contrary, we will spend some time here, so you will not have to stand.
-I understand.
A-1 sat down next to Blackjack. The girl took her bag from the barge and took out vials and a tiny loupe-like device. She began to look closely at the plants through it, changing the vials from time to time.
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-You wanted to ask me some questions, didn't you?
-You are me, but from another dimension.... How does it feel to see yourself from another world? Isn't it strange?  Isn't it an anomaly?
Blackjack looked uncertainly at A-1, but after a moment her eyes returned to the vials.
-I don't know what to think or feel. You seem to be something completely different from me, but at the same time the same because you have similar characteristics, the best formulation is probably... fear, with little interest.
-Are you afraid of me?
-No...at least not now. It's hard not to be afraid of a person who has stuck a sword between your ribs.
-Don't you feel emptiness, when you see another self?
-What do you mean by that?
-... I always thought I was unique, even though I knew how the multiverse worked. I was hoping that there was no one like me.... But finding out that I am not unique makes me feel strange and I want to know if we are really the same.
-...What is your name?
-Don't you remember? I am A-1.
-I mean true name. You are not a robot, but a cyborg. Probably the name A-1 was given to you only here. You must have had another name before.
-I don't know any other.
-You don't remember your name?
-I only know the one I have now.
-Does the name Amelia mean anything to you?
-It's your real name. I don't know anyone with that name except you. .... But it sounds familiar.
-I have a theory that the "A" in your current name may come from Amelia. Assuming you are a me from another world, it could be very likely. There was a soft glow in A-1's eyes as she began to look more closely at Blackjack.
-Something wrong?
-I...I didn't used to look like this.... you know? This is one of the few memories I have of being here.
-Suggest something?
-I feel like you look like me before.... uh...
-...Never mind, forget it.
-We won't get anywhere with this approach.
-...It's not important.
-...Maybe it is, who knows, we might get something out of it.
-...Before, I was almost burned alive. Blackjack suddenly broke into a cold sweat as she put down the vials and moved closer to A-1.
-By fire? What happened?
-I... don't remember much, the most memorable thing for me was the pain... and the sight of the village burning... screams everywhere... I probably would have died there if Master Daiki hadn't helped me, he told me that he saved me from there.
-... Blackjack hugged A-1 tightly, The girl was clearly surprised by such a gesture on her part, she did not know how to react to it.
-Something very similar happened to me.... A very close person died because of the fire. A lot of memories of those events suddenly came back to me as you told about it.
-...I am sorry.
-You are sorry? Im feel sorry for you here.
-That's nice of you... But if I'm honest I don't feel much going back to those memories. They sat in silence for several minutes, the silence broken only occasionally by the wind and the sounds of nature. After a while, however, Blackjack pulled away from A-1.
-Sorry, I shouldn't have hugged you like that without warning.... just, ugh.
-Nothing happened.... it was even nice, that's how I feel.
-Don't get used to it.
She smiled softly, A-1 as she was able to return the smile, although it was clear that she had delicate problems with it. -Return, however. So you wanted to know the similarities, right?
-Yes, but I have one more question, I don't know if I can ask it.
-I think we have nothing to hide at this stage, go ahead.
-What happened to your hand? And the neck. It doesn't look like an ordinary ornament.
-Oh... that, um, long story.
-You said yourself, we have time. -There was a time when I really needed money, okay? To do research and help my grandfather, to buy expensive medicine and so on.... I did not want to get a normal job, it would be unsatisfying and the salary is also too low for my needs.... so I decided to get the money as soon as possible.... In casinos.
-Such places where stupid people play various games for big money, and then as fast as they get it, they lose it.... An endless cycle of profit.
-...So why did you want to get money in a casino?
-I had a plan to be smarter than everyone else, I never played slot machines, only card games, because there...you could cheat the easiest, I cheated all the regulars in.... heh, blackjack.
-Hence the nickname?
-Yeah, I was a pain in the ass to all the regulars there, I had nowhere to stuff the high until .... Until I met someone smarter than me.
-I didn't expect there to be a mafia in a casino like this... I miscalculated while constantly playing with the head of such, I won round after round, I was not careful and.... Blackjack fell silent at that moment and looked at the surface of the water, her eyes visibly darkening as the words could not find their way out of her throat.
-What happened?
-They noticed my hand, his guests noticed that I was cheating, there was a whole group of them at the table, someone finally noticed .... and grabbed my hand in which I had mumbled cards.
-As part of the "punishment" their boss said that my hand was too sticky... so they pinned me to the table and... cut off my hand. Then they were going to slit my throat... but someone stopped them, so I managed to escape... if my friend Jeremy hadn't happened to be in the area... this escape would have been useless anyway... I would have bled out by now, it was he who put this device around my neck, thanks to it I can breathe freely.... and speak.
-I am surprised that such a thing happened to a person like you.
-I was young and stupid.... knowledge is not only gained from books and the internet...but also from experience, I had to find out in a brutal way.
-This hand present is your creation, right?
-Yes, the first version of it was created in my grandfather's garage, Jeremy and...his then robot Albedo, helped me to implement it into my body, to this day I am impressed by the accuracy with which he succeeded...I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life.... -We seem to have different stories...but there are parts in common, is it because we are the same person? Is that what happens?
-Maybe, I don't rule out that possibility.
Blackjack then looked at A-1.
 -I guess it was Master Daiki who did that to you... you know... giving you a new body.
-Yes, he didn't do it alone, he invested a lot of money in technicians to make the body perfect... By the way, it wasn't just for me... there are a few other students who have one.
-I haven't seen them to be honest.
-That's because they're never directly in the temple, they distribute the clan's business outside our universe.... so they're not here very often.
-I see... you said that Daiki invested a lot in technicians that improved your body as well as others, what happened that I need to do that now?
-...Mike was one of those technicians.
-Oh...what did he do? -Sabotage. He worked with us all the time just to get and kill Master Daiki.... he called him then.... Apollyon's child. It was only then that we learned of such a term.... and what it meant.
-That would explain a lot.... What does Daiki think about this?
-...He never mentioned it again, in fact he avoids the topic....
-Do you think Mike was telling the truth back then?
-...I have no idea, he doesn't want to think about it either, since the master avoids it....
-I understand...
Blackjack decided to lighten the atmosphere a bit after such a conversation, so she picked up all the vials in her bag and stood up quickly.
-A-1, come here for a moment, please.
 A-1 tried to stand up, but after a while she felt a sting and fell into the water, Blackjack tried to hide a smile.
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-O Creator, what a wind! Dropped you all the way!
-Are you satisfied with yourself now?
-I won't lie, I'm more than satisfied.
-That's why only machines want to sit with you, you know?
They laughed together, after a while Blackjack, but when she wanted to help A-1 out of the water, she felt herself fall into it by jerking her hand, the android did not hide a clear satisfaction.
-This was supposed to be my vendetta, not yours!
-Oops...I apologize to the honorable lady.
With another smile, Blackjack splashed water on A-1, who responded with the same, but after a moment of intense struggle, they buried the hatchet and helped each other out of the pond.
While laughing, Blackajack heard the phone ringing from her bag, after she was completely out of the water, she checked who was calling, it was Mike, her smile visibly fading.
-Who's calling?
Blackjack hung up and put the phone down without showing the number.
-Jeremy, he was supposed to signal me when he needed me.
-So...you're back at your place already?
-I have to, I don't know when I'll have the chance to be here again.
-I think you still have promises with Master Daiki.
-Well, that's true.
Blackjack lied to A-1, she felt that telling who really called could end badly for her, they had already returned to the temple with a faster step, after saying goodbye, Blackjack returned to her room to change and was practically ready to go home.
-Hello Miss Amelia.
At the threshold, she suddenly heard Daikie's voice. It annoyed her, but she came to her senses in time.
-Hello Grandpa from the tree.
-I see that you are already leaving us.... Any help will only be near your home, remember that.
-Well, thanks for that, I guess.
-As long as you work for me, we will do our best to keep you safe.
-Appreciate that? Great and so on, but I have to go now-
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She opened the portal and was already about to go through it, but she felt Daiki stop her by holding her hand.
-You're going to Mike, I'm sure of it, We won't interfere that you meet him, but if we see him anywhere, he will die on the spot. In that case, I do not want to find out about a possible rescue attempt, understood?
-...And do what you want, but let me go.
Blackjack snatched her hand from the master's grasp, and walked as fast as possible not to talk to him any further.
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Surprisingly, when she returned, the apartment seemed clean, as if nothing had ever happened here. Looking for the positive, she was glad she didn't have to clean the place again. Blackjack changed into her everyday clothes and spread out on the couch in bliss, she wanted to sit at home all day, but she knew she still had to call Mike back. She couldn't afford to ignore it, even though she was angry with him, she didn't want him to die if I tried to come to her house in person. Very reluctantly, Blackjack took the phone out of her pocket and with a theatrical sigh, dialed Mike's phone from her contacts. ~Blackjack? Are you?
-Yeah... I'm alive. Unfortunately, from what I hear, so are you.
~I was worried when you didn't answer, now it's not very safe, you know?
-I know something about it, really.
~Do you have something in mind?
-Irrelevant for now, why did you call?
~I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I know it may have been a little .... inappropriate for you.
-You suck at apologizing, you know that?
~I know. So if you want to come to Baker Street, I will apologize to you in a slightly... better way. I want to show you something that will interest you.
-I don't know what it would take to make it work, old man.
~Trust me, it's really worth your attention.
-Ugh... what time?
~The sixteenth suits you? I'll be at the bus stop by the old library.
-Not better from the subway? I can't use the portals in the city and it's far, from the subway it'll be faster.
~Either way, honestly, if you can find me in the crowd that's still there, it's no problem.
-That's settled, I'll be there, but for now give me a break for these few hours.
~I understand, see you later.... and sorry again. She hung up the phone, or rather threw it to the other end of the apartment. Curiosity contrasted with fatigue from the events of the past few days, and she didn't want to look into Mike's eyes after that night either. She promised herself that she wouldn't leave the house for at least a few days after the meeting, there was still plenty of time until six o'clock, so without changing her pose, she laid her head on the corner of the couch and felt like falling asleep.
-Albedo, please wake me up at fifteen, I have a meeting and I need to get ready.
-Alright Ms. Amelia, you seem very tired... ....
-I know.
Albedo gently put the blanket on Blackjack's body with his mechanical hand, he also looked at her with undisguised concern, she looked at him as well.
-What would I do without you?
-You would certainly have a duller life.
-I've had enough experiences anyway... but, thanks for being there.
She smiled warmly at Albedo's screen, which responded with a small pixel heart, it gave her a lot of encouragement, even though she had already fallen asleep.
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The London Underground was, as always, packed with hundreds if not thousands of people. Mike was already waiting for Blackjack at the exit of this crowded, not very hospitable place. Blackjack arrived a few minutes later, out of breath and flushed with anger, her hair even more disheveled than usual.
-You yourself suggested the subway.
-People... shitty people everywhere.
-I said it would be better...
-...Don't even try to preach wisdom to me here after the damage, because I can't vouch for myself, and it's already about to hit you in the face again.
-It's not my fault anymore, but never mind. Let's get out of here, because there's nothing to stand for here.
Mike led Blackjack through the less well known streets of London, the voices of the crowd were noticeably quieter, the great noise and applause could still be heard from afar.
-...Today is something important that there are such crowds? Normally it is not so crowded....
-Surprising that you don't know. Today we celebrate the anniversary of the first opening of the official portal to the multiverse.
-...Official? Today? My grandfather always told me that the multiversum opened my dad somewhere in March, and here we are in October....
-Because the official date is nonsense. No one takes your father's actions that seriously, everyone thinks he was just part of the big project to open the multiversum, and that most of it was done by a university named after Trinity.
-That is, the university where he studied, and where I now teach, without hesitation lies to everyone's face who opened the multiverse.
-...It doesn't make sense, but people bought it.
-...It was supposed to be worth a meeting with you, for now I have an even worse mood.
-...Patience, when we are there you will improve, I promise.
-Ugh...and can I know where exactly we are going?
-This... surprise.
-I hate surprises.
-You'll like this one.
-...Let's hope so.
Mike suddenly stopped, next to a boarded up, old and abandoned library.
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-...This is where you planned to meet me?
-...We were on the spot right away, yes we had to walk a while longer.
-...Did you seriously want to show me an old boarded up hovel?
-No, or rather not really, follow me.
They jumped over a long fence and got through a metal ladder to the roof of the building, there was a hatch leading inside. Mike knelt by it and tried to open it, but this one was held tight by rust.
-You know, your father eventually had to move with his research from the dead basement, to a slightly more useful place for it.
-To. the old library?
-It wasn't that old then, remember how much time has passed since then.
-...Well, it makes sense, who ran this library?
-His mother, by virtue of the fact that she owned it he could use the place as he wished, eventually when she passed away there was no one to take care of the place...or rather, no one admitted to it.
-That is, in theory. she belongs to me?
-Probably yes, but after such a long time it doesn't seem to matter anymore, what matters more is what's left in it.
Blackjack approached and also tried to open the hatch. After a few minutes did the hatch give way. Dust and the smell of old age had already begun to waft through the air.
-...The place itself is no longer usable, but everything left in it should be preserved.
-I wouldn't be so sure about that, still-.
Mike jumped in before Blackjack could finish her sentence.
-...Let's hope it's seriously worth it, otherwise you'll get more than just a slap in the face.
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Mike helped Blackjack get inside more safely. To their surprise, the inside was not that bad, the shelves and other furnishings were intact, only the large layer of dust and the lack of actual books could tell that the place had been abandoned. After turning on the light, which surprisingly worked, she could get a better look at what was in this library, all around were shelves and pots with long dried flowers, in between were two tables with piles of papers on them, a few steps away was a desk and behind it a large tarp, Blackjack was
fascinated, she immediately looked at the papers on the table, there were a lot of technical drawings, calculations and chemical formulas.
-I associate a lot with this...is this...?
-Yes, these are all your father's. After he died, no one took them away...I just knew they were still here.
-I used these drawings very often, some of them were in my grandfather's house...they were copies of the originals, I thought they were lost forever....
At the same moment, she began to search intensely for something, but after a moment, she looked at Mike in surprise.
-Are you looking for something in particular?
-Where are the blueprints for the portal device? Or the operation of the portal itself?
-Ah... you won't find them here, they weren't written on the leaves.
-So... is it lost?
-No, not at all.
Then he pointed Blackjack's finger at the tarp, slowly approached it, and after a moment's hesitation, dropped the material.
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-He didn't want his most important project to be on an ordinary piece of paper, who knows who might steal it, and so no one even pretended that they were looking at the most important project in our world.
Blackjack couldn't get a word out of her, instead she moved closer to the wall. She touched it and looked at it with fascinated, passionate eyes, Mike saw her like this for the first time, he approached her with a slow step, but she spoke more to herself than to him.
-Everything, everything down to the details, it is written out? feelings during the journey, how to trigger it, side reactions..characteristics of other worlds. But...not only here are the results of the study.... dad also dissected the days here...?
Blackjack dropped the whole tarp to read on.
 -Thinking about me...who I will be...what I will achieve through other worlds....
-You remind me of him now, you know? Blackjack looked at Mike for a moment and went back to reading, but he continued.
-He was fascinated by what could be achieved through other worlds, how technology could move forward....He was not afraid of problems, he only looked at the good sides....He had really big ambitions.
Blackjack gently hugged Mike without saying a word, who was a little surprised by such a reaction on her part.
-Thank you for showing me this...it told me a lot...but I still have a lot of questions.
-Can I answer them...somehow?
-I don't know, I have to put it all together in my head for now... ....
Mike felt small tears on his coat.
-Not tears of sadness, though, I don't know.... maybe happiness and sadness in one, hard to tell.
-I understand, you don't have to explain.
He returned the hug gently, Blackjack was already holding her coat. Only after a long time did they let go.
-I'm going to take it all with me, it's been lying here without use for too long.
-You're going to use it all?
-No, I'm going to change it for the better, here is a lot of useful inspiration and projects that can come in handy, and it's really quite a lot....
-Have I managed to at least slightly redeem my guilt? Blackjack looked at Mike with a mischievous smile.
-Maybe... a little, I don't know, you'd have to order me something else to eat and we'd be even?
-...I think this can be arranged more easily.
Mike smiled at her, too. After they left the building, they started to look for a pub with whiskey and junk food, perfect for blackjack.
-Maybe a kebab ... or casseroles! Or maybe a burger or pizza....that would be too easy....pasta?
-Are you always so indecisive?
-Always, get used to it.
-Well, I don't know if I want to eat with you a second time....
-Any suggestions?
-No, not at all...
-Smart, and what do you fancy?
-Me? uuuuh....
At this point Mike was in a dilemma, he did not know what he wanted in the long run, because he was focused on Blackjack. She did not hide a satisfied smile.
-I... want... no... damn it.
-I'll wait.
-Never mind, you choose first.
- "Are you always so indecisive?"
-Give me a break...
-I'm just teasing.
Blackjack at the same time the phone rang, Jeremy's number was on it.
-Oh, it's Jer, I wonder how he's doing.... Maybe he wants to join us? Would you mind?
-No... I'd be happy to meet him if he wants.
-Another option you wouldn't have anyway.
Blackjack, no longer listening to Mike's answer, stepped aside and picked up the phone.
-Hey Jer, what's up?
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~Everywhere. tar... and blood... me, I'm scared....
-J-Jeremy? What's going on, are you ok?
~Something... attacked us... I, I don't know what's going on. ....
A cold sweat broke out over Blackjack's body as she suddenly felt fear instead of joy.
~In the hospital...so many bodies....
-I'll be there in a few minutes, hide and don't get killed, understand?
~No... don't come... .... Amelia... no...
Jeremy hung up and Blackjack immediately ran to Mike in fear.
-We have to get to the hospital where I lay, now!
-What happened?
-Jeremy! Something attacked her... what if it...! we need to get there now! Do you have anything for interdimensional travel?
-No... it wasn't necessary... but I'll find something to travel with.
-I beg you, quickly!
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-Amelia.... S-Stop... No. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! WHY!...
Thank you for reading the chapter, I hope you liked it, the next ones will be a little faster, I promise! Cringetober is also a bit late for me, but there will be 2 articles from it today! yey!
0 notes
Episode 73 Transcript: The Dead Poets Society Spectrum
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello! My name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show several times...
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 13: "After School Special," written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, directed by Adam Kane.
C: Yeah, I don't know. It was fine?
G: Yeah. Fascinating to me that this is an episode about high school when it is, in fact. very, very, very representative of the epic highs and lows of Supernatural, a la high school football.
C: Yeah, I just personally- I think that Supernatural can't have high schooler characters at all. I think that they fall back into the dumbest tropes.
G: Oh, this is true, this is true. I usually reserve this, for, like, in the middle of the episode, or whatever. But you are the person who lives in America between the two of us.
C: Yes.
G: Is it really like this? [laughing]
C: No, it's not. Which is why it's stupid when it is on the television.
G: Bruh.
C: I mean, to be fair, I did like, eat my lunch in the teacher's room for most of high school, so like, maybe I don't understand the like, intricacies of the lunch dynamic. But no. You sit with a friend group. Okay, I don't think we had cheerleaders, though, so maybe that has something to do with it. But like, you sit with your friend group- I just- I don't- I think that- I don't know. I'm sure bullying is an issue, but like [G laughs], the form of bullying that exists here feels very cartoonish. And I know that slut-shaming is a thing, but like, I don't think it is like this.
G: Yeah. I mean, I don't know if I mentioned this in the podcast before. Definitely mentioned it to you before. But I have a unique high school experience, and I have been told by several people, like, looking in to that experience that my experience does feel very- what do you call it? Like, nice? Like, it feels like- not nice. Like, cushioned? What's the term? Protected? [both] Sheltered. It feels sheltered. Yeah. Like, it feels like a sheltered experience. So like, yeah, I could be like, "Oh, this didn't t happen to me." But like, that probably doesn't mean anything.
C: Yeah, I mean, I feel like neither of us had a typical American high school experience.
G: [laughs] Yeah.
C: But I don't think what is portrayed here is a real thing!
G: Yeah.
C: I mean, if someone messages us and like, goes like, "No, my high school was literally exactly like that," I'll like, eat my words, or, as Grey likes to say, eat my ass. [both laugh]
G: I said it once. I don't think that counts as I like to say.
C: Did you like it when you said it? [laughing] If so, you like to say it. [G laughs]
Because remember when we were like, "Do men not know anything about fairy tales? 'Bedtime Stories' is so unrealistic." And then we got an ask that it was like, "Men literally don't know who Cinderella is."
G: Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know. I understand that, like, high school is difficult for everyone, etc etc. But like, the way the American portrayal of high school is, it has always been something that has boggled my mind. However. I would say that, like, talking specifically to people who were in all boys or all girls school, this does feel representative of their experiences.
C: In terms of bullying?
G: Yeah.
C: Huh. That's unfortunate.
G: Yeah, like. because, I have many friends who were from all boys or all girls schools, and this seems more like their thing. Like, the whole, like, gossip culture or whatever. That's what I hear the more from the girls, the all girls school situation. And friends who were from all boys school talk about like, "People do beat each other up." [laughs] So I don't know. I mean, again, like, I come from a very sheltered high school. We all lived together, so we all were- you know. When you live with your classmates, it's a different thing, I feel. So I don't know. It's just, I didn't experience it. But I'm sure there are people who do experience high school in this way. It's just we are not them.
I don't know! Like, you have to remember a very important thing about me, and it's that most of my exposure to quote "American culture" are from TV shows.
C: Right.
G: And like, House M.D. [both laughing]- it's House M.D. and Supernatural for me. But the House M.D. is less- it presents itself less like, an American story than Supernatural. So when I was younger, I really did think of Supernatural as like, "Oh, that's what the US is like." [C laughs] So like, many things that happen in this show, either I'm like, "Nah. It's like, an exaggeration. That doesn't really happen." Or I'm like, "Yeah, that's what the United States is like. [C laughs] I have no questions or inquiries."
C: For real.
G: Yeah, like, you know that one post that was like, "I thought Biggerson's was real." And I was like, "Yeah, me too. Why would it not be?" Literally, why would it not be?
C: That's true.
G: Well, first,  this episode is kind of bad.
C: Yeah. But what did I know about it?
G: No, no, no. I want to say first that I want to apologize to everyone [C laughing] who I have misled by saying that my favorite Sam episode is this episode. [laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: Not true! I'm sure there are better ones.
C: Yeah. Yesterday, at 8:57PM, I sent you the message, "I thought you said 'After School Special' was good."
G: And I replied, "Maybe it isn't." [both laugh] And maybe it isn't!
C: Maybe it isn't
G: And then my next message was, [laughs] "I did also say 'Dog Dean Afternoon' is good." [both laugh] So yeah, I cannot be trusted over anything.
C: Yeah. Well, thank you for your apology. What's your favorite Sam episode, then? Huh? Huh? Huh? [G laughs]
G: You know what? So it be, so it is. [C laughs] That's not a title of the episode. It's just something you say.
C: I know.
G: Yeah. Well, what did you know about this episode before going in?
C: So I knew that they were gonna be in high school. Well, I thought Sam was in middle school at first-
G: I think so.
C: - but no, they're both in high school. Sam's just in ninth grade.
G: They are?
C: I think Sam's in ninth grade, because if Dean's in senior year like, I guess, like, 4 years below, Sam could be in eighth grade or ninth grade, depending on how they split it. [G laughing]
G: Now, what you said about like, "Let's put a 12-year-old and a 24-year-old in one scene and say that they're 4 years apart" makes sense. [both laughing] That little kid looks like he could have just been in middle school.
C: Yeah, the casting is so funny. So I knew that, like, there was a scene with Sam and his English teacher, where he like, writes a story about his family killing a werewolf, and then there's like, a whole talk about how you should go your own path, and that Sam has another scene where he talks to him when he's older. where he's like, "I did not end up doing that." And then-
G: Sad.
C: So I assumed that meant that the case would be at this former high school that they went to as a result. And I also knew that teenage Dean would be wearing the leather jacket and would be called a loser by some girl in the hallway.
G: Hell yeah. Well, that's all there is to this episode, really.
C: Yeah.
G: Nothing else matters.
C: Well, I guess we're done. Well, thanks for listening to Busty Asian Beauties. Next week- [G laughs]
G:  We start the episode with a very, very, very pointed "Road So Far."
C: Yeah.
G: This "Road So Far" was like, "I'll tell you what this episode is about."
C: It's about how they had a bad childhood.
G: And they did! And it it sure did show that. It's just like, you know, it's basically Season 1 rundown.
We actually start off with the actual episode with a very... [laughs] odd teaser.
C: Oh my god. I hated this.
G: It sure was something. So basically, it's your normal-
C: [laughs] Normal.
G: Quote-unquote "normal", like, American high school cafeteria, where it's like, a bunch of people who are the popular ones, like, your cheerleaders and your... basketball players?
C: I have no clue what sport they engage in. Like, they're not football players, I don't think.
G: Why?
C: 'Cause they don't have the- 'cause they're all dressed in their uniforms, yeah, and they don't have the padding. Why are they dressed in their- I guess if they had practice in the middle of the day, it would make sense for them to be dressed like that, but like, there's changing rooms.
G: I think maybe they are like, football players.
C: That is the classic jock, the football player jock, yes.
G: Yeah. Which is, you know. I'm sure that's a completely American thing.
C: Oh, yeah.
G: Because that's the only place where people play-
C: That thing.
G: - American football, yeah. [both laugh] Here, the major sport is basketball. It's always basketball. Always been, always will be, probably.
C: Yeah.
G: And if you're a girl, you play volleyball. And I'm so bad at them both.
C: Real.
G: Hashtag nonbinary! [both laughing] I'm not even nonbinary. That's appropriation.
C: [laughs] Real. Yeah, no, you need to get better at basketball right now!
G: Yeah. [laughs] You know, they're eating lunch, and then somebody's like, [mocking voice] "Oh my god, this girl's like, a slut."
C: And that is literally what her voice sounds like.
G: Yeah.
C: I don't get why every time they cast someone as a high schooler, they all have to have the same like - if they're a high school girl - they all have to have the same fucking voice type. Like, a lot of high schoolers just talk normal.
G: One, they have to have the same voice type. Two, they have to have the same like, plotline. Or like, archetype or trope that they're falling into. Like, "oh," blah blah blah. Anyway, "Oh, she's a slut. And she like, banged this guy and gave him the reverse cowgirl." Which is like-
C: Who says "gave him"-
G: Is that like, a thing? Crazy.
C: Yeah. "Gave him the reverse cowgirl"? Who says that?
G: Anyway, the girl that they're talking about comes in, and she's like, "Oh, somebody's sitting on my spot on the table." And they just start teasing her and being like, "Oh, I have a cough [fake coughs]," and then every time they cough, they go, "Slut." It's so- [laughs] it's crazy.
C: Who does this?
G: I mean, I'm sure somebody does. People are fucking evil and out of their mind. But god. Anyway.
C: Sure.
G: The girl is upset by this. So she goes off, and she sits down at this completely empty table, right?
C: And you know that the person sitting at the table is a loser because [both laugh] she's fat!
G: Anyway.
C: In Supernatural, I feel like they never- the only time they cast a fat actor is because they need them to be fat for a reason. Like, do you know what I mean?
G: Yeah, of course, yeah.
C: And usually, the reason is, "They're a loser."
G: "They're fat." Like, literally, they fucking- Yeah.
G: Anyway, like, the girl is being nice. She's saying like, "Oh, don't listen to them. They're like, horrible people." But, you know, Taylor doesn't give a shit and tells her like, "Oh my god! Don't feel sorry for me. You're fat and you're ugly, you pig."
And then she runs off, April runs off, and it's a whole situation later that like, the next day, Taylor is in the bathroom. She's like, fixing up herself. And then April comes in and goes like, "Oh, do you think I'm ugly?" [C laughs] No, she doesn't say it like that. She says it like this: [menacingly] "Do you think I'm ugly?" And Taylor goes, "No, like, I mean, you know, I'm sorry. It was just yesterday." Blah blah blah. And then April grabs her and like, bangs her head against the mirror, bangs her against the sink, starts drowning her in the toilet in a really, really long scene.
C: It's such an extended sequence!
G: It's so long.
C: If you count like- there's like, five times that she like, takes her head out and then plunges it back in. And we see that, we see the inside the toilet POV shot, and like, yeah. Just, most Supernatural murders are like, over, like, fast. But like, I feel like the drowning of like, the cheerleader in 4.07 is also very extended, but also, I don't know, there's the Henriksen toilet bowl drowning. I think the cinematographers just like, really like toilet bowl drownings or general drownings, and I don't- Ugh, whatever. It's so long. Why?
G: Anyway, she dies. And April is like, "You're ugly." And then like, she starts tearing up black goo.
C: We cut to a hospital where April's being held. And Sam's like, in like, white scrubs, or whatever to interview her.
G: What is he playing as?
C: Like, just an employee there? It says "an orderly" in the transcript.
And he's talking to April, and she says that it felt like she was possessed the whole time because. like, her mind was in there, but she couldn't control her body. And then Sam asks if she saw black smoke or smelled sulfur, and she's like, "No, what are you? Crazy?" And then-
G: Which is such an odd thing to say, I feel, because if somebody asks me like, "Oh, did you smell anything weird? Did you see like, a smoke?" I'll be like, "Was there a gas leak? Was there like, a chemical that made me like this?"
C: Yeah, or like, "Was I hallucinating in general in some way?"
G: Yeah, like, I wouldn't be like, "You're crazy!" you know? I don't know. I didn't like it.
C: Right? And also, like, the Sam reaction shot is like, longer than it seems like it needs to be. [both laugh] Like, he seems actually hurt by this because of how long the reaction shot is.
G: Okay, not to yuck Adam Kane's yums-
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: This is the only episode he directed, and I would say, this is a weirdly directed episode. Like, there is a scene much, much, much later in the episode where Sam and Dean are talking to someone, and the someone is telling them a very sad story. And the directing on Sam's face is he's sitting there, sad. And like, guilty or whatever.
C: And Dean looks like he's posing for a lip filler ad. [G laughing]
G: Dean is literally doing a model face. [C laughing] Like, he's doing like, the pout. What does he call it? The [both] Blue Steel? [both laughing] He's literally doing the fucking Blue Steel, it's crazy.
C: [laughing] It's so funny!
G: This episode is insanely directed.
C: Oh, god bless.
G: God bless!
C: So Sam returns to the Impala, and he's like, "Okay, I'm pretty sure she's telling the truth about being possessed, but like, she didn't see any signs of being a demon, or it being a demon." And Dean's like, "Okay, well, it was probably just a kid being mean." And Sam's like, "Well, I mean, we might as well check out the school, like, while we're here." And Dean's like, "Oh, yeah."
G: Do you think he was just like you?
C: Like, did he have a crush on the English teacher?
G: [laughing] Yeah. Was he so in love with the English teacher it's unreal?
C: Uh, maybe. I didn't get too much of that vibe, but yeah. I mean, I feel like we're supposed to read the English teacher as more of like, a stand-in positive father figure or whatever, right?
G: Yeah.
C: But things can get mixed up.
Dean's like, "Oh, yeah, we went here for like, a month, a million years ago. And why do you want to go back so much?" And Sam's like, "I don't. I don't. It's just- [mumbling] we're doing a case." And Dean's like, "Okay, so like, how are we gonna get in?" And Sam's like, "I have an idea." And then they start driving. And it transitions into the Impala back in-
G: The day!
C: 1997. What?
G: Ah! I mean, back in the day, I was saying.
C: Yeah. Back in the day in 1997. It's so funny how they didn't want to pay JDM to come back. [G laughs]
G: Not even for a voice line or anything. I'm looking up what age they are.
C: Oh, I already looked up the actor ages. First I wrote down in my notes, "Dean looks like a 25-year-old man, and Sam comes out looking 12." And then I looked up the actors, and like, at the time of the release, Colin Ford was indeed 12 years old and Brock Kelly was 23. So I was really close! [G laughs]
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. And we're supposed to believe that they are 4 years apart in age.
G: So Sam and Dean get out of the car. Dean starts going like- starts doing like, your usual, like, thanks Dad and like, turns to Sam and asks him if, like, he's got his stuff. And in this moment-
C: We just have to say that all the shots are engineered so that you cannot see who's driving the car because no one is driving the car because they didn't bring JDM back.
G: Yeah. I was so impressed with-
C: The voice.
G: The voice.
C: Yes.
G: It's crazy. Like, in the beginning-
C: He sounds just like Dean.
G: In the beginning, he sounds exactly like Dean. And then, like, later on, like, his younger voice. Because especially when Dean comes back later as the jeem- as the gym- you know I'm tired because I keep on pronouncing words the Filipino way. [laughs] But, like, when Dean comes back as the gym teacher, the contrast of like, the Dean voice, young Dean voice, and [deeps voice] Dean's voice now, it sounds like this [C laughs] - like, was so insane I just bust out laughing. But like, here in the beginning, when you haven't heard Dean speak in a little bit, and then you just hear this Dean speak instantly, you're like, "This is what Dean sounds like, exactly in Season 1 or 2." Like, exactly. It's crazy.
C: Good.
G: It's good. Dean looks a little bit more enthusiastic about this whole situation. Sam not so much. And his argument is that this is the third school that they've transferred to this year, and it's just November. When does school start? Is it in September?
C: August? August or September?
G: That's crazy.
C: Honestly, if I was John Winchester, I wouldn't even put them in school. Like, I'll give him one point for, like, bothering to enroll them, because I don't think I would.
G: Why didn't he just-
C: Home school them?
G: - get like, a home school curriculum?
C: I mean, he doesn't have time for that shit. I think, honestly, I think the reason he enrolled them-
G: It's just daycare.
C: - is that he viewed it as, yeah, free babysitting for like, the day.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Dean is like, "Oh, we're just gonna be here two weeks, and then we're out of here." And Sam's like, "Yeah, we're out of here and into a new school. Great." Well, we sang phrases about young Dean. Young Sam-
C: Is so cute.
G: - you know what? He is so cute.
C: He's so cute.
G: And like, my immediate thought upon seeing this was like, "He looks- it's so impressive to me that Sam has kept this fuckass bob [C laughing] for, like, his entire half of his life." Like, he's like, what? 13 here? 14?
C: He's supposed to be 14, yeah.
G: And like, he's what? What age is he now?
C: He was 22 in Season 1, so 26?
G: 26? [laughing] And he still has the exact same hair.
C: Yes.
G: And I respect that. He was like, "I found my haircut, and I'm committed to it."
C: Yeah. Good for him.
G: Did you notice that they styled old Sam's hair here like, with the bangs down, I think, to make him look more youthful? Which is a fascinating choice.
C: By "old Sam," do you mean the Sam who is older, 26 year old, or "old Sam" as in the previous Sam, the young Sam?
G: Sam Sam. Like, our Sam Sam.
C: Okay, yeah. Huh, I did not notice.
G: They put his bangs down to make him look younger.
C: Aww.
G: Which is like, a fascinating thing that they do, I feel. Because here in Season- like, Season 3 specifically and Season 4 now, like, he oscillates between no bangs and bangs. And I think, like, a big dictator of whether he's gonna be banged up [C laughs] that episode is whether the episode is gonna be heavy on the "Is Sam evil?" situation.
C: Huh! Interesting?
G: Because, like, try to notice, when Ruby's around, his bangs are out of his face. And like, on one hand, I understand that like, when they're doing the plot-relevant stuff, they want Sam to appear more mature, or, like, you know, like more wary of the world, stuff like that. But also, it's just a funny thought that like, "Oh, when Ruby's around he tucks his hair back." [both laughing]
C: Yeah.
G: He's so real for that.
C: Yeah. That's cute. Yeah.
G: Yeah. Anyway, they do this interesting style of scene, where, like, both, Sam and Dean enter the classroom, and it, like, goes back and forth between them, and it's like, juxtaposition of what their experiences are like. Because Dean's experience when he comes in, he acts like a fucking misogynistic asshole to his teacher-
C: Yeah.
G: - calls her sweetheart and stuff.
C: Yeah, and sugar, which, it feels way worse for some reason.
G: Like, they do this thing where it's like, "Oh, here's Dean!" and he's like, smiling at everyone, and he's trying to be charming.
C: Yeah, catches the eye of a hot girl.
G: Yeah. Yeah. And then they show Sam. And Sam's like, avoiding eye contact with everyone, and then they go, "Do you have anything to say?" And Sam goes- Well, Dean goes, "Not really," but like, in a "I'm so cool-"
C: He goes, "Not really, sweetheart. I'm so cool. I love to make teachers uncomfortable, blah blah blah."
G: Yeah. But with Sam, it's kind of like, "I don't want to tell anyone anything." instead of like, "Oh, I'm so cool and above it." And it's like, it's fine. And then, like, Dean goes to sit on his chair. He has nothing. No books, no anything.
C: It's nice that he checked that Sam had his textbook with him, though.
G: Yeah. And he was like, "Yeah, not me though."
C: And then, like, Sam comes, sits down. He has, like, an entire bag. And a knife falls out, and, like, the guy beside him is like, "OMG, you have a knife? That's so cool."
G: You know, Dean eyes up the girl from across the classroom, and then Sam, as the teacher starts discussing, the boy beside him starts talking to him, like, "Hey, I'm Barry." And the guy behind Barry starts flicking his ear. It starts this thing where the guy just keeps doing it, and Sam's like, "Leave him alone. Stop it." And then the guy's like, "What? Are you gonna take his place?" And Sam's like, "Okay, sure."
C: Yeah.
G: And they have set up this situation where there's a bully, and there's the person who's being bullied, and Sam and the being bullied person, kind of friends. And they're gonna take on the big guy. And by big guy, I do mean big guy, because this guy's bigger than them. And that's like, a point that they make in the episode. Because, like, he's keeps calling Sam, like, "midget."
C: Yeah. Yeah. Also, did you hear what the teacher was saying? He said, "You have to write a three-page essay right now in this classroom, and it's gonna be worth 50% of your final grade." [G laughs] Who does that? That's not- there's no participation points? No reading quizzes? No nothing?
G: Bruh.
C: Also the way he announces it and everyone groans, which implies that it's like, a pop quiz, three-page- like, what are you do- are you trying to like, have everyone die of a fucking heart attack? What the hell?
G: Hand-written.
C: Hand-written. And also, he's like, "Okay, so the thing that you're supposed to write about is your most memorable family experience." And then he says, "I'm looking for the brutal, funny, maybe even painful truth." Don't do that? Okay, I just think that if you are gonna put your students in a situation like that and you ask them to do that, you need to like, announce beforehand your mandatory reporter status. Though, okay, I don't know how it is in Illinois, but like, I think the mandatory reporter thing is just that like, if you're like, a person in a position of authority and you know that child abuse is happening, like, you're legally obligated to report it to like, a legal authority. And like, whenever like, people are in situations like that, or like, when they go to like, therapy, people will say beforehand, "Okay, you can share whatever you want, but just know that if this thing is shared, I legally have to report it to the authorities." Like, I don't know why he was basically asking people to write about their child abuse, you know? Like, without a warning first about mandatory reporter status or whatever. So. Ugh. I don't know. This is a brand of English teacher that annoys me.
G: Yeah. There's many of them.
C: Mm.
G: That's not true. I loved all my English teachers.
C: Eh. I didn't like my ninth grade one. But anyways.
G: Anyways, then we cut to our older Sam walking down the hallway, and he's dressed like a janitor!
C: Just like Gabriel in "Tall Tales."
G: Okay.
C: No, sorry, I just recently read that Sabriel fic, so-
G: [laughs] I was literally gonna ask. Like, have you finally read the Sabriel fic?
C: Uh, yeah.
G: Congratulations!
C: It's called- it's "you talk like a man and taste like the sun" by prettydizzeed.
G: Slay.
C: Slay!
G: Yeah. Anyway. he like, passes by a classroom, and it's the same teacher that like, introduced him to everyone. And like, yeah, he's older. Slay.
C: We now cut to Dean in the gym. and I really- I hope that he dies. I hope that he goes back into the ground forever.
So I guess this scene goes, he's in a gym teacher outfit. He's got like, red shorts on, which is apparently important. He has a whistle, and he's talking to- I don't know. It's like, 15 people or whatever. And he's like, "Okay, today, we're playing dodgeball." And then he takes a dodgeball, and he throws it into the stomach of a kid who's like, at the most, three feet away from him, I would say. And like, I know the ball absorbs some of the shock, but this is not too far from just him socking a kid in the stomach directly, and he's like, a strong person. Like, that- this is not okay under any circumstances, but this is like, injury-causing level of like, thing to do. And that's supposed to be funny. And then-
G: There's` a line here about like, their prof is getting married in [both] Massachusetts-
C: - which means that she's a lesbian. [G laughs]
G: Yeah, which means that she is a lesbian. [laughing] That's a joke that you'll only get if you listen to our Ko-Fi, [C laughs] I guess.
C: But yeah. I mean, we could just say it again. We have a Ko-Fi where we read the Superwiki page of like, all queer characters or hinted to be queer characters in Supernatural, and 'cause gay marriage was only legal in Massachusetts during this year, like, she's getting married in Massachusetts means she's getting lesbian married, probably. Which I think is supposed to be a joke about lesbian gym teachers.
G: Boo. I mean, okay.
C: I mean, from Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, it is a boo. Like, they intended it to be like, "Haha, all female gym teachers are masculine lesbians," which is like, hot of them, but like, they don't think it's hot of them.
So you know, one kid, Colby is like, "Hey, the existing teacher doesn't let us play dodgeball because it's dangerous." And Dean blows a whistle, like, in his face and says, "Take a lap!"
Like, when Sam comes in and asks if Dean's having fun and Dean's like, "The whistle makes me their god!" Like, two episodes ago, you had Dean admit, crying, that he enjoyed torturing people in Hell, [G laughing]-
G: [laughing] I completely forgot about that!
C: - and that he enjoyed the control that he had over them. He, like, enjoyed taking out everything he thought was wrong with his life ontto like, these poor people suffering in Hell. And that was like, "That's bad, that's evil. It's like, awful that he did that, and he should be ashamed, and he is ashamed." This is- [laughs] This is not too far off. But like, it's funny? I just think that if he actually felt that bad about feeling good, that he would like, really reflect on moments when having control over someone with less power makes him feel good, and like, really like, work on like, not giving into that desire.
G: Have we considered that, Dean? [C laughs] Obviously, we haven't.
C: Yeah. When he's talking to Sam, he like, opens like, a bag of like, ten dodgeballs and tells the kids to just like, go crazy with it.
G: Go nuts, yeah.
C: Yeah. So.
G: Somebody's gonna fucking get injured.
C: Someone is gonna die today because of this. I mean, someone does almost die today, but unrelated to this.
So, you know, Sam comes in. He like, says, "Nice shorts," which feels homophobic for some reason, but like, you know what?
G: This is a recurring theme.
C: Like, with shorts?
G: I'm sure there's a Dean's shorts Supernatural Wiki page. You know what? Ever since we did the whole Supernatural Wiki bonus last time, I've just been on this fucking website clicking at "random page" and going on random pages.
C: Yeah.
G: Oh, no, there's no like- there's no page specifically for Dean shorts. That's so sad. But basically, like, every time Dean wears shorts, it's a whole thing.
C: Yeah. And isn't there that Tumblr post that's just like, "Let's get this photo of Dean in shorts to like, a million notes" or whatever from like, back in Supernatural's heyday?
G: No idea what the fuck you're talking about.
C: Okay, whatever. The Dean shorts post. Someone out there knows what I'm talking about.
Okay, so Sam says, "Okay, like, there's been no sulfur or anything in the school, and so there's probably no case." And Dean's like, "Okay, well, we should leave. But let's eat lunch here first." He likes sloppy joes, apparently. And then Colby, like, runs by, like, clutching his nose, 'cause like, it's bleeding. He's been hit. And Dean says, "Good hustle, Colby. Walk it off!" I- he's injured! Like, Dean should at least be like, giving him tissues and an ice pack.
G: Yeah.
C: Ugh. Whatever. I don't know. PE teachers just will not give a shit if kids are dying in front of them, though. That is how they often are. It is an unfortunate thing. I hope that training or whatever for P.E. teachers improves in the future.
C: We have a cut scene into like, a classroom, and it's- there's like, a blender or something?
G: This is completely like, impossible. [C laughs]
C: Like, why wouldn't they put the lid on the blender?
G: I'm sure blenders like this don't turn on without the lid.
C: Yeah. Everyone has a blender in between them, and there's no lid on them, and it's like, pairs of students, and there's like, a jock and a nerd. And the jock is like, "I need to copy your algebra homework again," and the nerd is like, "Oh, 'cause you're a stupid, braindead dick?" And the jock says like, that he's gonna shove his fist down the guy's throat, "you little freak." And then the nerd, like, he just takes the jock's hand and shoves it into the blender and holds it there while like, the blood spatters and everyone screams.
G: Slay.
C: And then, yeah, they take the guy out for medical care, and then the nerd collapses on the ground-
G: [laughing] They take the guy out back and shoot him. [C laughing]
C: I mean, we don't see him again, do we? [G laughs] And then Sam comes in, and he notices that, you know, there's like, black goo coming out of the guy's ear, and then he like, wakes up, and he's like, "What happened?" Man. These poor kids.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. This is going to ruin the rest of their lives.
G: Sam comes in with Dean. They're in the hallway, it's completely empty. And the reasoning for this is apparently, there has been like, an emergency assembly where they're talking about healthy ways to display your anger.
C: Mm-hm.
G: And they're talking like, "Oh, the ectoplasm, blah blah blah, it must be a ghost." Apparently, if ghosts are angry enough, they can possess people. But there's no ghost. No EMF, no anything. And apparently, Dean has gone to the principal's office to get some records. [C sighs] And then he goes, [C groans] "Oh! And FYI. Three of the cheerleaders are legal. Guess which ones?" What if he just drops dead? [C groans]
C: That's all I have to say. He broke into the principal's office, and he went through every cheerleader's file to look at their birthday. Like, he was in a- it was a tense situation where he had to get like, the death info, for like, this case, and he bothered staying there for like, an extra like, five to ten minutes to do this. [sighs]
G: Dean Winchester is like if a guy was terrible.
C: Yeah! Yeah. He really, really, really is.
I think this is when I sent you "I'm like if a guy wanted Dean Winchester to drop dead."
G: [laughs] Yeah.
C: I just- and it's also about how, like, this is like, a running thing with Dean. And it's about how like, shows reflect what is considered acceptable during the time period and to the audience that the show is intended for. And like, the idea here is like, "Oh, Dean's being kind of gross, but like, you know, like, everyone sort of is like this. They just aren't brave enough to say it out loud!" You know what I mean? Like, the show reinforces the idea that, like, this is like, acceptable behavior, and like, I know that this is like, a norm of the time, because House M.D. does the same fucking thing all the time. So yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm tired. The end.
G: Dean tells Sam that there has been one suicide on the entire campus, and it was back in '98, and it was this kid named Barry Cook. And Sam, well, he knows the guy. It's the guy that was bullied to hell and back when he was here. Yeah, he died in the girls bathroom in the first floor, which is where the girl from the intro of the episode was drowned to death in the toilet. So yeah, Sam figures that it must be Barry because the ghost is going after bullies, and Barry had a hard time with bullies.
G: So we go back to a flashback, and it's Barry, like, walking down the hall. Somebody bumps into him, books scatter everywhere. Sam plops down on the floor to help him pick his stuff up.
C: Like, when I first saw that I thought someone shoved Sam too because of how fast he like, dived to the ground to help him.
G: They start talking, and Barry is like, "Oh, I'm gonna get out of here. Like, 3 years, and then I'm off to Michigan State." Like-
C: Which is so funny because both of them look 10 years old right now.
G: They do.
C: And we're supposed to think that they're gonna be going to college in 3 years.
G: I get it the point they're making is that both of these kids look like, small-
C: Yeah, for their age, yeah.
G: But damn. They're pretty small.
C: Yeah.
G: The entire time, where Sam was in this scene, I was just thinking like, "He's billing bullied so bad for being tiny. This man is gonna be 6 foot 4." [C laughs]  6 foot 4. He's gonna be 6 foot 4.
C: Yeah.
G: Crazy.
C: Well, doesn't T give you a little bit of a height boost depending on when you start it?
G: I think. But just like, a little bit, right?
C: Fair.
G: Anyway, Sam's like, trying to make conversation. He asks the guy like, "Oh, you like animals?" And like, the guy's like, "Oh, yeah, they're a lot nicer than most people." Then we go to Dean, who is in a closet making out with Amanda, who is the girl he was eyeing earlier. And they start talking, and Dean's like, "Oh, why don't we watch a movie later? Like, you, me popcorn, and midnight screening of I Spit on Your Grave at the Cinedome?"
C: Pretty privilege is the only reason that he succeeds at anything in the world of sex and romance.
G: Is I Spit on Your Grave like, a common, like, knowledge?
C: I haven't heard of it. Let me look it up.
G: Oh, it's like, a rape revenge thing. Very brutal.
C: Okay. Okay.
G: I watched the remake when I was very young, and I have no idea why. I think I was with my older siblings' friends, and we were- and they're like, at that age where they're like, "Oh my god, let's do-"
C: Yeah, the whole sending people beheading videos was funny sort of thing?
G: Yeah. So like, they were like, "Oh my god. Let's watch this very brutal movie." And I was also there, and I was like, couple of years younger than them, and I just sat through it. I just watched the entire thing, and I was completely fucking distraught after.
C: Yeah, the Wikipedia page says that it's well known for having, like, a very lengthy gangrape scene?
G: Yeah.
C: Great.
G: I can't believe they let me watch that! My sister's friends are horrible. [laughs] I hate them.
C: Yeah.
How would- is this a good date for anybody?
G: Anyway, it's crazy that Dean says this. It's crazy.
C: Yeah.
G: And like, the girl doesn't even acknowledge it. She just goes like, "Yeah, I can't. I have curfew."
C: Mm.
G: And Dean is like, "You know, like, it's fine. Just get out of your curfew. I don't have a curfew. My dad's not here. It's just me and my brother, and like, we're just at the motel, and like, we're just there." And like, the girl is like, "Oh, okay." And Dean feels a little bit defensive. Like, "Oh, it's perfect! What are you talking about?" And she's like, "Don't you miss your dad?"
C: What a weird thing to say.
G: And like, I understand that this is more okay than most of the time where they try to hammer in a "What about you, Dean?" This is someone that, like, theoretically thinks that they're actually having a connection. So it's fine.
C: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, she seems to think they're going steady. So yeah, that's like, an okay thing to ask. But we still like, haven't seen her at all basically before this moment. So that's annoying. Also, I just- I do think it's interesting that, like, Sam and Dean's parallel storylines here are like, "Sam makes a friend and Dean like, has a girl that he's in a situationship with." [G laughs] Isn't the thing in "Bad Boys" or whatever, isn't there like, that- the Robin character that Dean connects to or something? G: Yeah.
C: I just don't- like, have they ever portrayed young Dean as having [both] friends?
G: Interesting. I don't think so.
C: It's just like, girls that he's like, romantically involved with, right? I don't know of any like, flashback episodes where he connects with- I mean even in "Drag Me Away From You," it's mostly like, him, and like, that woman who, like, he sort of had a thing for when, like, they were like, young.
G: [laughing] Bruh. They made the two kids play Boggle in- [both laughing] That's the funniest fucking episode. You know what I'm talking about? In "Drag Me Away From You"-
C: And it's all "kill," "dead," "death," yeah. [both laughing]
G: Ah, Supernatural is so good.
C: Yeah, no, but. I just think it's interesting that, like, young Dean does not seem to have any friends.
G: Yeah, doesn't have any friends.
C: It's just like, girls that he's into.
C: We switch back to Sam POV, and, you know, Barry's like, "Oh my god! Your brother is hooking up with Amanda Heckerling? He's so cool!" I did not know anyone in a grade above me, basically, in high school, unless, like, we were in a class together. Like, the idea of like, the universal school hottie that, like, any guy who gets with is like, cool for getting with is like, a very foreign concept to me. The fact that this ninth grader is like, "Man, I wish that was me" is like, I know that this happens, but it's just odd. It doesn't feel correct.
So Dirk shows up and confronts Sam, and is like, "Oh, hi! You still want to take Barry's place?" This is the first time we see them like, standing next to each other, so like, this guy is at least a full foot taller than Sam.
G: Yeah.
C: And Sam's like, "Get out of here, Barry." And Barry says he's gonna get a teacher. So Dir, keeps trying to provoke Sam into fighting him, and he calls him a chicken. And then Dirk, like, hits Sam quite badly. Like, he falls fully to the ground. And Dirk tells him to get up and fight him, but at this point, the English teacher, Mr. Wyatt, comes in and stops the fight, and Dirk runs off. So yeah. And then we like, fade from there into Sam and Dean at Barry's grave, salting and burning his bones. Later, in the Impala, you know, Sam's upset because Barry was his friend. And Dean says, "Well, he's at peace now, Sam." Which is not a guaranteed thing about any ghost they destroy, but, you know, I guess it- is it helpful for Sam to here right now? Maybe.
Okay, like, when you are a ghost, and then you die, you presumably go to Heaven or Hell. Do your ghost actions- do they count in how-
G: I think we've had- I think we've talked about this.
C: Cool, okay.
G: With Mary, in "Home."
C: Uh-huh. But, like, she was nice as a ghost. She didn't do anything bad as a ghost, so it wouldn't have tipped the scales for her. Most ghosts are like, killing people. Oh, well. Well, I hope that their ghost actions, if they're taken into account, that they're at least weighted with the reminder that they were indeed in a different state of mind.
Okay. So Sam is upset because he thinks that if John had let them stay at that school longer, like, maybe he could have helped Barry. And Dean's like, "No, I mean you- it's not your fault, and you couldn't have stopped it because, you know, he was already like, so miserable, and you wouldn't have made a difference." And he's like, "I'm glad we got out of the town because I fucking hated that school." And Sam says, "It wasn't all that bad." And Dean says, "How can you say that after what happened to you?"
G: What happened to him?
C: He got punched two total times? I don't know.
G: I guess.
C: I guess
G: I mean, like, the way the school ended, the school experience ended for both of them-
C: Yeah, Sam was living it up. Everyone loved him.
G: Yeah. Sam's back was being patted left and right. So yeah, it just felt like an odd thing to say.
C: I agree.
G: Yeah. Anyway, we go back, flashback. And it's Sam and Dean. They're young again. They're by the bleachers. They're talking about how the kid that punched Sam, like, Dean's [fake macho voice] gonna kill him, gonna rip his lungs out. And, you know, Sam's like, "It's okay. I don't need your help." And Dean is like, "Yeah, you don't. So why didn't you like, punch him back?" And Sam's like, [mocking voice] "Yeah, I just- I wanna be normal, Dean. I don't wanna be a freak." He says freak. And then later, he gets called freak, and it's like, the breaking point for him.
He asks if John has called. I had to take a pause there and be like, "No, you have to say 'John,' you can't say Dad, you can't say Dad!"
C: Aw.
G: So real. They have been there, I think, three weeks at this point, and it is gonna be another week. And Sam's like, "Well, at least you've got, you know, your girl Amanda." And Dean's like, "Ugh, she wants me to meet her parents. Boo. I don't meet parents." [C laughs]
I had a thought. Like, if Dean wants so bad to not meet parents, just date a closeted guy. [C laughing] Like, for fucking real.
C: Yeah, yeah. This would fix basically every issue that he has with relationships.
G: It would fix every issue that he has.
C: Period. Yeah. For realsies.
G: This is the only solution to every problem in his life.
C: Mm-hm.
G: We go to Sam in his English class, and they're being dismissed, and Mr. Wyatt calls Sam over. And he goes, "Oh, like, if it's about the fight, like, I'm sorry. I didn't start it, though. So." And Mr. Wyatt is like, "No, no, no, it's not about the fight. Like, the assignment was supposed to be nonfiction. So did your family actually hunt a werewolf last summer?" And Sam's like, "Ugh, it doesn't matter. Like, you can fail me. Whatever." And Mr. Wyatt was like, "No, I'm not flunking you. I'm giving you an A." Which I think is a very irresponsible thing to do. I understand that to Sam, like, this is real. But if to you, you think this person intentionally didn't follow instructions-
C: I mean, the werewolf is like, a metaphor, right?
G: Boo!
C: Creative nonfiction is allowed to do that.
G: Boo!
C: There's plenty of creative nonfiction or memoir that says things that doesn't actually happen because, like, the true part of the nonfiction is the feelings or whatever. I think it's fine.
G: Everything I've ever read is true, ever. [C laughs] Including Supernatural.
C: Including Supernatural.
G: It actually happened.
C: Mm.
G: Anyway, Mr. Wyatt asks like, "Oh, is your family really like this?" And he goes like, "Your brother is quite a character. And your dad seems very... driven." And like, he goes, "It's good, Sam. Have you ever thought about pursuing writing?" [laughs]
C: Hm?
G: Nothing. I just thought it was funny.
C: I am curious about why- I mean, why is Sam a law student?
G: Yeah. Like, why law?
C: You can't write anything interesting.
G: Because it's not even like, he took a course and he was like, "Oh, I've figured out while I was in college that I'm going to continue my studies and take law afterwards." He was explicitly in pre-law.
C: Mm.
G: So like, going in, he was like, "I'm taking up law."
C: Yeah. Don't know.
G: So I don't know. Why is he becoming a lawyer? Why isn't he studying to be a writer?
C: Honestly, I think he needs money.
G: Honestly, I think the reason why is because studying to be a writer is [laughs]. Bruh. So you know, you study to be a lawyer and then write on the side.
C: Sure, yeah.
What's wrong with studying to be a writer? Like, I mean, a lot of class workshops are just about like, making fun of how everyone is terrible at writing and you're not. But like, I'm sure there's helpful ones when you get to higher levels.
G: What's wrong with writing is the same reason that every like, artistic kind of course is quote-unquote "wrong," you know?
C: Mm.
G: I love how that's your only response. "Mm."
C: I mean, I am looking at Good Omens gifsets on Tumblr. I've closed the tab. Let's continue.
G: That's true. [laughing] I'm also on Tumblr. [both laughing]
C: [laughing] We're terrible! Why does anyone listen to us?
G: We're like if we're terrible podcasters. [C laughs]
C: And I lied. I didn't close the tab when I told you I closed the tb. I'm still looking at them.
G: [laughing] I'm also still scrolling.
C: [laughing] Where are we in this stupid Supernatural episode?
G: I'm back. I'm back.
C: Okay, okay. Wait, sorry, this is the most emotionally- like, this is the scene that everyone cares about in the episode. We have to be better. Let's focus. [both laugh]
G: Okay. Sam goes, "Yeah, I can't really be a writer. I have to be in the family business. My dad is a..." and then he saves face and goes, "He's a mechanic, so I have to be a mechanic, too." And the teacher asks him if that's really what he wants to do. Sam goes like, "I don't know. No one has ever asked me that. Never considered." And then, like, Mr. Wyatt presses, and he goes, "Yeah, no, I don't want to do it."
C: He says, "More than anything, no." Which makes me so sad! Especially because Colin Ford is so cute. So yeah. RIP.
G: This conversation did make me think about how like, if Sam was- if the Winchesters were Asian, like, this is such a, you know. Like, the concept of like, Asian values being like, "Family is priority above literally anything else," blah blah blah, that whole thing.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. He's honorary Filipino to me.
C: Yeah. For real. The teacher is like, "Oh, you know, I don't want to overstep my boundaries, but I come from a family of surgeons, and I just didn't want to do it. So now I'm a teacher." He says, like, "There are maybe 3 or 4 big choices that will shape your life, and you need to be the one to make them, not anyone else. And, you know, live the life you want to live."
C: Mm.
G: Sweet.
C: Yeah. And like, the shots on Sam's face during the scene, are so nice because he's like, clearly, like, listening and thinking very hard. And this is clearly like, I can tell from the way that the acting is working that like, yeah, this is like, a moment that changed his life. And that's very sweet. Sorry, Sam.
C: So back to the present day. you know, Dean's like, "Wow, okay, so we're coming back to the school just so you can talk to a teacher?" And, you know, Sam's like, "Yeah, I mean, he's a good guy." And Dean's like, "Whatever, just go."
G: Dean doesn't understand the bond between an English feature and a gay boy.
C: Exactly. Exactly.
So Sam goes inside the school, and like, as he's walking down the hallway, there's like, little flashes between like, him now and him then, and it's very sweet. And then, like, there's a student who comes up to Sam, and she's Asian!
G: Oh, god, you're right.
C: She's Japanese. I think I saw a flash of her file later, and I think her last name was like, Tanaka or something, so yeah, she's Japanese. And, I mean, you can also tell from her face. But yeah.
G: I mean, later-
C: Oh, god, yeah, no, we'll get to that [G laughs] when we get to it.
G: That line did make me wonder.
C: I think that that's when I sent, "I'm like if a guy wanted Dean Winchester to be tortured and Hell for eternity." [G laughs]
So, anyway. So she asks Sam for directions, and then he tells her, and she says-
G: Did you mention the Dead Poets Society reference?
C: Oh, I never watched Dead Poets Society, so I didn't care.
G: Oh, well, I care.
C: Okay.
Yeah, Dean tells Sam to have a Robin Williams "Oh captain, my captain" moment.
G: Yeah. I don't know. I feel like if Sam or Dean watched Dead Poets Society, I think it would like, impact them, you know? C: But Dean has supposedly seen it.
G: Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. So I do wonder what he felt watching it. Like, when I watched it, okay, you know why-
C: Did you watch it for RSL?
G: What's RSL?
C: Robert Sean Leonard?
G: Oh, Robert Sean Leonard. Not- I don't know if I did. But I did watch it. And like, when I first watched it, I was in this headspace of like, "I mean, that's what happens." Like, literally. Basically, do you know anything about what happened?
C: There's a suicide at the end? And it's sort of gay?
G: It's this kid. His father wants him to be like, a doctor or something. I forgot. He wants him to be something. And then he is like, he discovers he loves art, and that he wants to be a theatre major. [both laugh]
C: Yeah.
G: I'm sorry for laughing! [laughing] Sorry for laughing. That's really fucking terrible of me. He decides like, he wants to like, he wants to do art, and he wants to perform, and blah blah blah. And then when it gets revealed to his dad that this is what he wants, his dad goes like, "No, I'm sending you to like, military school literally the next day." And then he kills himself.
C: Mm.
G: And like, when I first watched it, I was like, "Well, that's what happens." [C laughs] And then, like, a couple of weeks later, a friend watched it, and like, was crying, and was like, "Good lord! Like, how hard is it to just accept your child? Like, how hard is it to just like, let your child live their life and like, do things that they want to d, and like, you know, let them be their own person?" And that was like- that was the first time that I felt like, an emotion regarding the movie. I was like, "Oh, so that's what it was trying to tell me! [C laughs] Okay!" [both laughing] And I was like- [laughing] I mean- You know, like, I'm sure with many- because, like, a lot of the time, when you grow up in a specific upbringing, culture, it's very difficult to, you know, remove yourself from that kind of mindset. And I feel like that's what was happening with me in the movie. I was like, "That's just what parents do, and he should have just sucked it up." Like, that was genuinely what I got.
C: I get it.
G: And then somebody else pointing out to me like, "But there is an alternative! There is an alternative to just sucking it up-"
C: Which is not suicide?
G: "- for your parents to listen to you and consider your feelings," you know? And I was like, "Oh, shit!" And like, this line did made me think like, in between like, me immediately after watching Dead Poets Society and me after my friend watched Dead Poets Society and made me realize that, like, there is a different perspective to this from like, what I have been raised to think. Like, where does Sam and Dean lie on that- what do you call it when there's like, many parts of-
C: Spectrum?
G: Spectrum. [laughs] On that spectrum.
C: I mean, Dean is a "suck it up" guy, and Sam is a "how hard is it to accept your child" guy.
G: Dean is literally me. Dean is definitely me immediately after watching and being like, "Yeah, I mean. Should have just gone to military school." Like, bruh.
C: Yeah, I mean, like, Dean's response to the suicide in "Family Remains" is "she should have sucked it up and washed Juno." So.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. Dean is absolutely team "suck it up." And I think Sam would be crying and being like, "Oh my god, he's just like me for real!"
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah.
So anyway. So, you know, the girl asks him for directions, and then when he gives them, she says, "Thanks, Sam." And then she gets a knife and stabs him in the stomach, and then she says, "You got tall, Winchester." We know who the ghost is now. It's Dirk.
Fight, and she's kicking him, but then he gets out a jar of salt from his pocket and then forces it in her mouth. And then the ghost, like, leaves?
G: Flies off, yeah.
C: Yeah, as like a black, smoke-ish looking thing. So like, okay, you can just eat salt, and then it like, gets the ghost out of you. Cool.
G: Cool. And then the-
C: Right, the girl from-
G: Okay, you take the next scene.
C: And then Sam and Dean are, you know, hanging out afterwards. And Sam's patching himself of but Dean gives him some cloudy alcohol to help him or something. And then Dean's like, "That ghost is dead. I'm gonna rip its lungs out!" which is like, what he said about Dirk and the flashback, so it's parallels, but I think it's corny.  It's not like Dean's like, this protective every time Sam gets injure. Like, it's a weird thing to have here.
And they speculate about who it is, and they're like, "Wow! I have no clue." And then he's looking at a file, and okay, what he finds out from the file is that the three students who got possessed rode on the same bus, but what he says is "Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, and Hello Kitty rode the same bus." So.
G: [laughs] Crazy!
C: So. So. You know. [G screams] Yeah.
G: When he said this line, I had no idea what the fuck he was saying.
C: Right, well.
G: The only thing I caught was Martha Dumptruck, I was like., "Oh, he's talking about the fat girl."
C: Yeah.
G: And I was like, "What does he mean, Hello Kitty?" [C laughing] And I did not connect in any way whatsoever that the girl was Asian.
C: Yeah. Japanese specifically.
G: Like, never in my mind was I like, "Oh, it's because she's Japanese!" [C laughs] Bro. This guy will say anything.
C: Yeah! Yeah, he sure will.
G: Fucking anything.
C: Like, my main feeling during the previous scene was like, "Thank god this is Sam and not Dean that like, this poor high school Japanese girl is collapsing in the arms of after she gets unpossessed."
G: Bruh.
C: But, like, Dean makes up for not being there by saying this!
So they decide that maybe the bus is haunted and the ghost is able to possess a body on the bus and like, ride it into the school instead being tied to the location.
G: So they go to the bus. And I think this part of like, a funny like, video or some other. Like, is this also in the like, funny line delivery- one of them? One of those videos?
C: Which part?
G: The Dean going, "Come on, ghosts! Ghosty ghosty ghosty! Come out, wherever you are!"
C: Maybe. I don't remember it very well.
G: Yeah, but like, they're like, looking at the bus, and they're figuring out why it's in the bus, and it's like, "Yeah, maybe there's like, a hangnail that's left on the bus or whatever." And they're looking around. Okay, here's my question.
C: How do they ever get rid of a ghost if people shed skin cells all all over the place while they're alive? Is that the question?
G: No.
C: Okay. [laughs]
G: Oh, that's an interesting question.
C: Because if leftover hangnail is enough for him to still be haunted, like, I have hair in the sewers of many a city somewhere.
G: You know that line about how like, "you are made up of old stars, like, the atoms of your body are like, from old stars." Like, I'm sure there's also atoms of me of like, somebody who used to be a person.
C: Yeah.
G: Like, what is the minimum, like, amount of matter that has to exist for a spirit to be able to be there?
C: Good question.
G: But mostly I want to ask, do school buses really look like this?
C: I think so.
G: Really?! God, that must be so fun.
C: Is it?
G: I think our roads are just too small to accommodate like, school buses like this.
C: Okay, yeah.
G: They're still looking through the bus, and Dean finds that two weeks ago, somebody got a new driving permit and it's this guy named Dirk McGregor.
C: Senior.
G: And Sam recognizes him because he knew his son.
C: Yep.
G: 'Cause this is Dirk McGregor Sr., and his son is Dirk.
C: Yep.
G: And Dean is like, "What the fuck? Did you just know everybody in this school?" He's so real.
C: Yup. So we get a flashback, and, you know, Dirk's pushing Barry around again, and Sam comes in. He's like, "Leave him alone!" And then he like, Barry like, scampers to hide behind Sam, and it looks very "He asked for no pickles" of them. And Sam tells Berry to go get to the bus. And then, you know, Dirk's like, "Oh, why aren't you gonna fight me? Are you scared? Come on, losechester." Which, I am gonna have to give it to him. That's pretty funny.
G: Losechester!
C: Yeah. And then, like, you know, he's all like, "Come on. Like, let's see what you've got," etc., etc.And this is after he's already pushed Sam down once, and Sam's like, glaring and looking away. But then Dirk says, "Come on, freak. Freak." And then Sam gets up, and he takes a swing! They are fighting. Sam is way better. He is getting his punches in. He is getting his kicks in. And he is ruthless. Like, he keeps doing it. Like, Dirk's on the ground like, on his knees, and he gets him so he's like, on his back. And then he just keeps doing it until, like, Dirk is like, fully fully on the ground, knocked flat on his ass, etc. etc. It is brutal, and it is fun to see. And then, like, he goes, "You're not tough. You're just a jerk. Dirk the jerk!" [both laugh] And then we get just the worst voiceover acting from all the surrounding kids where they're like, "Oh, Dirk the jerk? That's pretty good. Dirk the jerk? Yeah! Dirk the jerk!"
G: [laughs] "It's so good!" The funniest thing is, these kids are like, in ninth grade, probably, right?
C: They can swear now.
G: And you have like, fucking seniors over there like, wearing like, letterman jackets, like, full-on jocks, watching this fight, putting their hands up, pumping it in the air, going, "Dirk the jerk! Dirk the-" [laughs] What the fuck are you doing here? You're an oldass, like, 18-year-old. [C laughing]
C: Yeah. And Dirk's like, "Oh, I'm so sad!" And he runs off. God. So so so funny. Like, wow, I love acting. And I love writing.
So this is to lead into, like, a voiceover from the present day, where like, they're talking to Mr. McGregor, and like, the voiceover is him going like, "So you were friends with Dirk?" And then we see them, and Sam's like, "Uh-huh. Yeah. Totally. In high school."
And what we hear is that Dirk died at age 18, because of drinking and then drugs and an overdose. And at this I was like, "Did Sam calling him Dirk the jerk drive him to drink?" [both laughing] And you know what? It literally did.
G: It did! [both laughing] God.
C: Like, sorry to that fictional person, but what a funny thing to be the outcome of this episode. Like, the whole time, Sam was like, "Oh, I feel so guilty and responsible for Barry's death because maybe I could have stopped him." Like, no, you are responsible for the death of someone at the school, but it's Dirk. [both laugh]
So right. So he said that Dirk had a lot of difficulties at school because kids bullied him for being poor, and they called him dirty and stupid.
G: [laughing] "They even had a nickname for him!"
C: And Sam was like, "They bullied him?" And yeah, he's like, "Yeah. They even had a nickname for him! Dirk the jerk." [screams] God, that's so funny. Also, "jerk" is not the nickname for, like, someone who you think is like, poor and dirty and stupid. Like, jerk is a nickname for someone you think is mean.
G: Like, I can, at the top of my head: Dirty Dirk. Good alliteration, you know?
C: Yeah. Yeah.
G: Uh...
C: You did one. That's enough.
G: The top of my head is not that large, so.
C: Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Something with the McGregor last name. No, I really can't.
G: "McLoser." Ooh! [C laughs]
C: And then he says something happened with his mother. So apparently, when Dirk was 13, so like, the year before ninth grade or whatever, his mom died. And before she died of cancer. Dirk was basically her primary caretaker because Mr. McGregor had to work 3 jobs, so he watched the whole process as his mom faded away and died. And that caused him to have bad emotions in his life. And Sam's very sad, like, he's like, "Oh, oh my god. Like, I had no idea. Jesus." Face very open.
G: And Dean is not-
C: And Dean, on the side, [both laughing] is Blue Steel-ing like there's no tomorrow.
G: Like, if this was a Zoom call, Dean is definitely [both] looking at himself on the little window on the side.
C: Yeah, he's pinned himself. [both laugh]
G: He pinned himself so that if it looks like he's looking at the middle of the screen, it doesn't look too obvious that he's looking at himself. But it's very obvious. It's very obvious.
C: Exactly.  Like, his lips are pursed just so the whole time.
G: Yeah. [laughs]
C: So he's like, "Oh, so that we can pay our respects, can you tell us where he was buried?" But he was cremated. And Dean says, "All of him?" And Mr. McGregor bothers answering. He actually says, "I kept a lock of his hair." And Dean goes, "That's nice. Where do you keep that?" And I mean, at least Mr. McGregor is making face where he's like, "This is kinda weird." But he still answers. He says that it is on his bus in his Bible.
G: Now we go to the bus. There's a guy in the bus. He's driving. And then he just starts driving real fast.
C: Yep. And then- I don't know. It hits something. I have no fucking idea what's happening. Sam comes in and see that the driver has Dirk in him, I don't know. And like, Dirk starts going like, "Oh, what are you gonna do? Shoot me?" They wrap a rope around him that's so in salt water, which is very fun. And so he starts, like, you know, hurting a little bit from the salt, and he's stuck there. And Dean comes in like, looks around and is like, "Okay, I'm gonna look for the hair" and then tells everyone, "You'll be okay. Don't worry about it." And someone goes, "Wait. Aren't you the PE teacher?" And then he goes well, "It's a little bit of a 21 Jump Street situation." And then he looks outside at the commotion-
C: "The driver was dealing weed."
G: Yeah, and then he goes, "The driver like, is selling pot." And then [laughs] which is so funny, because they shoot him immediately after. [both laughing] I mean, not funny. But you know.
C: No, I know what you mean. Everyone on the bus is like, "There's a death penalty for selling pot?"
G: Like, imagine being one of the guys on that bus. Like, oh my god. And then, yeah, he can't find the hair. And Dirk says, "You're never going to find it!" And then Dirk starts taunting Sam like, "Oh my god, you guys, you jocks, you popular kids. [C laughing] You think you're better than everybody. And to you, I was just Dirk the jerk, right?"
C: He thinks that Sam was a jock and a popular kid! Sam was not a jock or a popular kid!
G: Sam is a loser.
C: He was a loser nerd!
G: Yeah. It's crazy. Like, "You people are gonna get what's coming for you." And Sam takes the high route and goes- puts down his gun and says like, "I'm not evil. You're not evil. We were just scared and miserable, and we took it out of each other. That's what happens. But after you go through that, it gets better. Sorry that like, you didn't get to see how it gets better."
C: He literally did give him the "it gets better" speech. But yeah. I mean, I like that he goes like, "I'm not evil, Dirk." And then he like, pauses a bit and he goes, "I'm not." like he's trying to convince himself. 'Cause like, yeah, he is trying to convince himself.
G: The way they do this character, right? Like, "Oh, he's a-" it's the typical like, "Oh, he's a bully, but he's also miserable, so like, whatever whatever." Do you think they handle it with like, complexity or?
C: No? I don't know. Whatever? Like, no, probably not. Yeah. I mean the way that he is- yeah, I feel like, we needed to know more about how he was later bullied to really understand this, because the way that he is positioning himself as someone who was school version oppressed by the jock class. Like, is he not part of the jock class?
G: I have no idea.
C: What was the situation there in later years?
G: Yeah. The thing about bullying is it's, you know, like, Dean's dilemma from last episode about, like, "I did this bad thing, and like, I hurt other people because I enjoyed it." And that is what makes a lot of bullying cases, and also like, stuff like sexual assault, sexual harassment, very hard to forgive, very hard to rationalize as like, acceptable. I mean, obviously like, different levels for different situations, right? But like, a lot of these things fall under the category of "it's hard to accept because you weren't"- like, for example, theft, right? Like, you can justify like, "you needed it" or whatever, you know, stuff like that. But like, with things like this where the pleasure is in the humiliating other people, like, making other people feel small, making other people feel bad, there is like, a sense of like, "That's like, a moral issue." Like, that's- you know. Do you get what I'm trying to say?
C: Yeah, I think so.
G: I think I've said this in the podcast before, but like, if I were to rank the people that have wronged me in my life, the people that I still resent the most are the people who have bullied me, you know? And like, yeah, people go through shit. But like, when when it's a matter of like, oh, like, humiliating- like, the whole point of this is to like, make you suffer. There's no other reason. It's like, a lot more difficult. So I don't know. It's, I mean, it's always gonna be more complicated than it is or how Supernatural presents it because this is Supernatural. But, I don't know. The way they did this, where it's like, what Sam is saying, like, "You did bad things. But like, he's not saying like, "You were good, like, it's okay." You know, he was saying, "Yeah, you were terrible. I was also probably terrible, but like, we were scared and miserable, and blah blah blah. And like, the important thing is that after that, you just get better, and it gets better."
C: Yeah.
G: A part of- there is some pushback from me to that. But like, also, like, yeah, that's probably true, you know.
C: Yeah.
G: I don't know. I thought I just wanted to share.
C: Okay, yeah. Thanks for sharing.
G: Thank you. You're welcome.
And Dirk says, "Well, it's not gonna get better for me, which is true because he is dead."
C: And he's gonna go to Hell when he dies, probably, so this is preferable.
G: And then, you know, he breaks out of the rope. Many things happen, such as Sam shoots him twice, and then the ghost escapes him, and there's a student. Student comes down, tackles Sam, which is what I use as evidence to say that it's a football team.
C: Yeah. Got it.
G: And then they start fighting. Mostly like, the guy just beats Sam up. And then Dean goes on to find the hair. And then he starts looking for it on the collapsed, like, on the guy who just got shot, like, he's looking for pockets-
C: Okay, just to clarify, the guy got shot with salt. He's not dead.
G: Yeah, yeah. He's not dead. And then he goes like, "Hey, buddy, this isn't what it looks like."
C: Okay.
G: Which like-
C: Who cares?
G: I don't know if that's like, a distasteful joke, or that's like, "Hey, don't worry about it." You know what I mean.
C: It was a distasteful joke.
G: I don't think Dean actually-
C: I don't think Dean's trying to reassure him.
G: Yeah, there is a way to say probably this exact same sentence in a way that is reassuring, but Dean is not doing it.
C: Yeah.
G: And yeah. He finds a lock of hair in the shoes eventually, lights it up, baybe! And then the guy collapses on Sam, and they do this bit where Sam's like, "[groans] This guy's heavy! I'm Can I get a help?" And then Dean goes, "He's giving you the full cowgirl." [C sighs] [G groans]
C: Like, first of all, that's a high school student, though we know that doesn't stop Dean. Secondly, Dean waits so long before he decides to continue to not help Sam and make a joke that's unfunny. Like, it is painful to be crushed under a large weight. Help him, you asshole!
G: He is so terrible.
C: Like, he's struggling to breathe! But yeah. I don't know. Just the fact that they bring back the thing from the first scene, which we already thought was so stupid and awful.
C: We cut back to the past, and Dean's making out with a new girl, not Amanda, in the closet. And Amanda, you know, catches him and pulls Dean out. And, you know, catches them and pulls Dean out. And Dean’s like, “Oh, no. We were like, studying for the history test!” And Amanda’s like, “No.” And then Dean’s says like- is there like, a book of phrases that asshole boyfriends can say to make them seem like asshole boyfriends that he is like, reading straight from? [laughs] 'Cause he goes-
G: "She means nothing to me."
C: "Come on, baby. She means nothing to me. Don't be mad." [laughing] What the fuck. Did he think that was gonna work?
She gives him a dressing-down. She says that she's not mad, she just thought that underneath his whole "I could give a crap" bad boy thing, there was something more going on because she sees the way he is with Sam. And she says, like, you know, "But actually, you suck, and you spend all your time trying to convince people that you're cool, but that's just to cover up the fact that you're just a sad, lonely little kid, and I feel sorry for you." And yeah. I mean, this is all true. I do feel like I wish that she was more developed as a character before this happened. But, you know, this seems like, something she was probably drafting with her friends beforehand, and I support that. I support the friend group drafting a breakup text sort of situation.
G: For real.
C: And then Dean starts like, basically shitting himself and crying in the street. Where he's like, "You feel sorry for me? Don't feel sorry for me. You don't know anything about me."
G: "I'm a hero!"
C: "I save lives! I'm a hero! A hero!" [laughs] And, like, everyone nearby is just crossing their arms and being like, "Can you believe this guy?" And he's like, "What? What??" It's soo funny. Get his ass.
Meanwhile, Sam's coming in, and everyone fucking loves him. They're all high-fiving him, being like, "Oh my god, Sam, good job! Good job with Dirk the jerk!" and all that. And Sam's like- he's like, happy. and it's nice because he held himself back from fighting earlier, but he didn't want to become like, the school freak or whatever for it, but like, in fact, this is a place where he can be accepted by acting on what he decides to act on. But sadly, Dean gets a call from John, and they have to go.
G: Finally, we have modern day where Sam-
C: Oh, before they go, Barry waves goodbye to Sam from like, a window, and Sam waves back, and it's all very sad.
G: Back in modern day, Sam goes back to the school. Very brave decision, I would say. [C laughs] I would not have done it.
He goes to see Mr. Wyatt, and he introduces himself. And at first, like, the guy doesn't really recognize him, and then, like, he gives some more information and he goes, "Oh, yeah, you wrote that horror story!" And then like, he asked, "What advice did I give you?" And Sam said, "Told me that I didn't have to go into the family business. I should make my own choices." And then Mr. Wyatt is like, "Oh, so you followed your dream, huh? You did your own thing." And Sam said, "Yeah, for a while. I think I went to college because of you. But people grow up, you know. Responsibilities. But you took an interest in me when no one else did. That matters. So thank you." And Mr. Wyatt says, "Well, you know, the only thing that really matters is that you're happy. Are you happy, Sam?" And that's the end of the episode.
C: Yeah, it's like, a long pause on Sam's face as he does not reply.
G: Long pause on [British accent] Sam's beautiful eyes. [laughs] I can't believe Gomens is a British show.
C: Yeah. Well.
G: They're like if people were British.
C: Well, they're like if angels and demons were British.
G: That's right.
C: You know, Neil really likes to make sure that everyone knows that because they're angels and demons, they don't use silly human labels like "gay" even though they get called the f-slur in books. But, okay, you know what? Whatever. I can't be salty about this forever. And also he made them kiss, so like, I mean, whatever. Whatever. And Crowley is nonbinary, like, for realsies. So that's nice. Anyway. Who give a shit? What are the responsibilities Sam thinks that he has? Like, okay, just running through the timeline. Season 1, he has to stick around because they have to find John. Season 2, he decides to stay because he wants to honor John's wishes for him, and then, I guess, following that, he can't get out because he has to get Dean out of the deal, and now he has to stop the apocalypse, right? Like, that's that's the timeline? Poor guy.
G: What did we think about this episode?
C: I wonder if Sam considers the demon blood thing "doing his own thing" or just like, "doing someone else's thing, but at least this time, it's not my family’s."
G: Eh, I think it's still part of the responsibility thing, you know?
C: Yeah, it's to stop the end of the world.
G: Because the way he interfaces with it, it's not particularly, like, something he enjoys, you know? It's just something that needs to be done.
C: Mm-hm.
G: Yeah, I mean, I think this episode is okay. I think maybe the fact that I remember all the important parts kind of takes away from it. Like, maybe this would have impacted me more on the first watch, you know?
C: Yeah.
G: But now that I'm quite familiar with what it is, not so much. Well, yeah. Best Line/Worst Line. Honestly, my worst line is the Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, Hello Kitty.
C: I mean, mine is "Three of the cheerleaders are legal."
G: Yeah. I think my best line is...
C: I think mine is when Sam says, "No one's ever asked me that before." when Mr. Wyatt asked, like, "Do you actually want to go into the family business?" Because it did make me emo.
G: Mm-hm. I don't know what my best line is.
C: Were there any moments that you cared about? You said there were good moments in the show, right? What were the lines said in the good moments? [G laughs]
G: Fuck you. [both laugh] I don't know. I like that Sam was trying to connect with Barry. Like, I don't know. We don't really see them interact much other than like, "Get in the bus, Barry." You know, like-
C: I think they do have like, a a nice moment when the teacher tells Sam to stay behind like, Sam and Barry are hanging out, about to like, walk to the next class together, and Barry's like, "I'll wait for you outside, Sam." Like, yeah, I don't know. I think that kind of school friendships where the two of you are like, attached to the hip, like, I feel like that was the moment that I was like, "Oh, yeah. They really are like that. That's nice."
G: I think I like that Sam- you know when Dean was saying., "Do you have your lunch? Do you have your blah blah blah?" And then he goes like, "Your butterfly knife?" And the butterfly knife is supposed to be like, kind of like, the odd one out, right? And we know that Sam is afraid of being a freak and being different. S like, when the knife falls out of his bag and Barry sees it and is like, "Oh my god, that's so cool!" I think it's a nice line.
C: It is a nice moment, yeah.
G: Because, like, this is something Sam is incredibly insecure about, and he's afraid it's gonna make that people dislike him. But actually, it's something that people think is cool, you know?
C: Yeah, yeah. Just like him beating Dirk up also made people think he was cool.
G: Yeah, I like that. Yeah.
Well, spread those sheets, baby.
C: Okay! So, misogyny? Yes. There was the cheerleaders shit, and, I mean, the whole opening scene is so stereotypical, and, "I'm not ugly! You're ugly!" Ugh. Yeah. There's definitely stuff. Is this like a- I think it's like, a 1 or a 2. More 2?
G: I think it's a 2.
C: Yeah. Racism, we've got Hello Kitty, and I think that's the only one, so that's a 1.
G: 1.
C: And then homophobia, I think there is a bit of that.
G: Which one?
C: The full cowgirl, and then- I don't know. There's just a lot of-
G: The shorts? [laughs]
C: I mean, I don't know if that's homophobia-
G: You said the shorts part is a little bit homophobic.
C: It felt homophobic.
G: I don't really think-
C: And then there's the joke about the gym teacher getting married?
G: Okay, 1. Yeah.
C: Okay. Well, this sure has points in it.
Okay, IMDb,
G: I would say, maybe... I understand that this is a beloved episode.
C: Yes, I also understand this.
G: 8.9?
C: I'm gonna... [sighs] I'm always wrong. I've been really bad at it.
G: What do you guess?
C: I'm gonna go 8.8.
G: Okay. Bro, it's an 8.6.
C: Okay!
G: Not as high as I thought it was.
C: Yeah, yeah, I'm glad that it's not actually that beloved.
G: "The cutest episode ever!"
C: Is it?
G: This one says this is the first 10 of the season.
C: Like, the top ten?
G: Well, someone didn't watch "Criss Angel is a Douchebag." [C laughs]
C: I mean, the season only has 22 episodes in it.
G: No, first 10-
C: Oh, the first 10 out of 10. Okay. Someone also didn't watch "Lazarus Rising."
G: Oh yeah, that was also this season!
C: Though actually, we had some issues with "Lazarus Rising."
G: People who hate the angel/demon story arc are so vocal about it.
C: Yeah.
G: Well, that’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week, we will be discussing Season 4, Episode 14: "Sex and Violence." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts! You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time. Bye!
[guitar music]
C: I don't- there's just really no media that is set in a high school that I have found to be realistic, just because, I don't know. It's such a mythologized time of a person's life that I feel like every writer decides to get jiggy with it. I think the only high school story that seems sort of true to anything are like, the SKAMs of the world.
G: Okay, I will think about whether I'm gonna include this in the podcast or not, because it is doxxing. [laughs] But there's actually a movie about my high school.
C: Okay.
G: And basically, so, four years of high school, right? And it's like, it's basically four stories for every school year, you know? It follows four different sets of people. And it was set during the Marcos administration here in the Philippines. And so it's about high school life, and it's about being a student activist, you know, stuff like that. But it is also very much like what it felt like to study in my school.
C: Okay, yeah.
G: So if we're talking about media that represents my high school, yeah, the movie Pisay, P-I-S-A-Y, is representative of my high school experience because it was in my high school, and they filmed it in my high school, and also, that's part of the history of my school. [laughs] You know what I mean? Yeah, there are people who are from my school who died during the Marcos administration. And, you know, stuff like that.
C: Okay, I take back what I said about SKAM being a realistic portrayal of the high school experience. Maybe it is like that in Norway or whatever, but the characters care way too much about where they are on the school social hierarchy and talk about not wanting to hang out with a “loser crew” too much for it to seem like a realistic thing for anyone to think or say.
G: Yeah.
C: I just don't think I was aware of any kind of social hierarchy in my school?
G: I mean, there definitely was, but like, who give a shit?
C: Yeah, I feel like it doesn't matter to anyone besides the so-called popular kids.
G: Bruh, I just looked at the IMDb page for that movie, and it has an 8.7 rating! Not bad!
C: Wow! Like one of the best episodes of Supernatural kind of rating.
G: Anyway, I do recommend this movie. It's good. If you want an insight on Filipino student activism during the Marcos administration, I think it's pretty good. [laughs] Slay.
C: Slay!
G: Well, anyway. God, we have not talked a single moment about this episode.
G: Wait. [sneezes] [blows nose]
C: Bless you.
G: What if every time I sneezed, I just put it at the end of the episode? [C laughs] So we can just have a sneeze-
C: -comp, yeah. 
G: Collection, yeah. I’ll do it. So, here on out, every single outtake from here on out, every outtake is a sneeze or a blowing of the nose.
C: So true.
G: Have fun! [both laugh]
C: Someone’s gotta be into that.
G: [laughs] Yeah.
[blows nose]
G: The thing is, did you play dodgeball in like, school?
C: Yeah. Yeah. 
G: Yeah, okay, so this is a common game, right? I have incredibly, incredibly vivid memories of being in grade school, and whenever we played dodgeball, I was always the first one out.
C: Aw.
G: [laughing] And I have- like, watching this, I had a visceral reaction in me, 'cause I remember, literally the whistle starts, and then, first throw, I’m out! [laughs] 
C: Aww. 
G: [laughing] And my teacher being like, “Huh, who got hit?” And then like, meeting his eye and seeing the complete disappointment in his face.
C: Aww.
G: And I was like, “Just like Dean Winchester for real.”
C: Yeah. So is PE in the schools you've been to pretty similar to US PE?
G: I don't know what US PE means. I don't know what that means.
C: I don't know. You get in your gym clothes in the locker room, and then, they're like, “Okay, go run laps.” And then they're like, “Okay, we have a sport unit that we're doing right now, go play volleyball with each other. Also, I'm a mean person who clearly only took this job because I like to exercise authority over children and I assume that disability is laziness." And then, that's like, every day of your life.
G: Yeah. I was actually not around a lot for a lot of PE because of my health. So, I mean, sometimes I was, and then at some point, I think I just was like, "Yeah, let's not do the whole 'I'm gonna suffer through it!' thing. Let's just give the med cert and leave. "
C: Yeah. 
G: I do remember, one time, we had to do the plank-
C: God. 
G: -and I was doing the plank. And then I stood up, and my friends were like, “You are bleeding,” and I looked down at my arms, and it was just blood everywhere. And I was like, “Oh, okay, well, I'm never gonna do that ever again.” And I just never did the plank again. [laughs]
C: Yeah. No, correct. Correct.
G: So PE for me, I was lucky that, as my skin worsened, my teachers also got better. But when I was in seventh grade, we had a teacher that like, if you were- We had swimming, right? And if you were afraid of the water, she was so unforgiving, she would scream at you to jump. And like, I remember that summer, we went out swimming, and my uncle, who was very nice, very nice, was telling me like, “No, jump in the pool! Jump in the pool!” and I started crying. [laughs]
C: Aw.
G: So, yeah, physical activity, sometimes traumatic. [laughs] Yeah.
C: Yeah. Yeah. I have friends who genuinely have diagnosed PTSD from their PE teachers’ behavior. So like, it's- I- this scene is supposed to be funny, but I can't.
G: Yeah. By the time ninth grade rolled around, I just wasn't doing PE anymore. Like, I was just- at least not the really strenuous stuff. Like, not swimming, definitely. I did a little bit of- what's that? The throwing? Softball? [laughs]
C: Yeah. 
G: That was fine. 
C: Just like John Winchester. 
G: Just like John Winchester! [C laughs] He was in the cuckle, or whatever? What is that called?
C: [laughing] The Cornjerkers? The- [both laughing] I forgot what it was. It was the Cornjerkers, and then what was the other one? Whatever. Who cares?
G: Yeah, the best name possible. Yeah, I mean- what is that? I also, like, if I was gonna do anything, I did not wear the prescribed uniform. I wore long sleeves and pants to everything. And like, sometimes my teacher would go, "You should like, remove your like, plaid shirt [both laugh] that you're wearing over your uniform-"
C: Winchester-core.
G: "- while we're playing basketball." I'd be like, "No, I don't think so." [laughs] Yeah, that's really fun. I mean, this is so many stories. It's gonna be hell to edit. But this is- different school, when I was in grade school, I had a teacher who was - I don't know what was wrong with him, but there was definitely something wrong with him. And he was just constantly angry. And I was the class president, so I always had to be the person who was like, like, when he's like, "Somebody give me their book so I can figure out where we are on the topic!" I'll have to be that person. And then one time, he got pissed at our class, and he threw my book to the floor.
C: Oh no.
G: And then he picked up a very huge role of duct tape, like, the thick one, right? And it's still full, so it's still pretty hard. And he threw it across the room, [laughs] and it hit me right on the face.
C: No! No! Oh, fuck!
G: It broke my glasses.
C: Oh my god.
G: And for like weeks after that, my nose bled constantly. [laughs]
C: Oh my- did you- did anything happen to him?
G: No, no. No! I don't think so.
C: Did you get financial compensation for new glasses?
G: Bruh, no, absolutely not! I was in like, fifth grade.
C: I- well, were people in higher authority positions in the school aware of this?
G: I don't think so. I don't think anybody complained.
C: Okay!
G: We just accepted that there was this completely horrible person who was teaching us.
C: Okay! Jesus.
G: Yeah. He was- it was a nightmare being his student.
C: Yeah. Okay. Well.
G: So like, when Dean threw that ball, I was reminded of that teacher. I was like, "Yeah, that's horrible."
C: Yeah.
So I guess the way this is
G: You know who are lesbians?
C: Who?
G: Computer science teachers. [laughs]
C: Huh.
G: That's my hot take.
C: I don't know if I've had a lesbian teacher before. I've had like, two gay teachers-
G: Ah. And you probably had more compsci teachers than I did, because it's your major. Sad!
C: Sad. I mean, I've only had male compsci- I've had like, one-
G: Hoooly shit!
C: What?
G: I saw a a video of like, the street where my school is in-
C: Oh, and it's flooding, right?
G: It's flooding like crazy.
C: Mm.
G: Go on with your- I just got so fucking surprised.
C: Yeah. And like, one kid is like- [Discord notif sound] Oh, wait, sorry, you- I need to mute my computer [G laughing] because you just sent me a Discord message, and the beep just got recorded. [both laughing]
G: This is so unbearable! All of us are recording a podcast and I'm sending you random Tweets. [both laughing]
C: I mean, I am playing 2048 while I am talking. [G laughing] Earlier, I was answering a YouGov survey for points, like, for money while I was talking. [both laughing] [G screams]
Oh, boy. Wow! That's a lot of water. [laughs] Anyway-
G: Oh, yeah, it's crazy.
C: Oh, wait! I forgot to mention, because I wasn't looking at my notes, I was only playing 2048 [G laughs] that when Sam enters his English classroom, that the whiteboard says that they're reading The Outsiders, which I read in seventh grade for class.
G: Aw. What is it about? I think you have told me what this is about, but I have forgotten it completely.
C: It's like, about teenage gangs? Like, the like, Greasers? And like, class divides or whatever the fuck. And like, I think, like, someone gets murdered, and like, the main character's friend, who's like, one of the few Black kids around also like, gets blamed for it, and there's like, a whole thing, and then it ends with like, I don't know. People getting shot by the cops or whatever. But like, I think the important thing about it is that, like, S.E. Hinton, the author of The Outsiders, okay, first, has been staunchly, staunchly against like, queer interpretations of the book and of like, the various like, homoerotic friendships between the characters. And like, I think she's watched Supernatural. I think there's something she said about Supernatural.
Okay, the Superwiki says that she- Okay, she visited the set in 2008. In September 2008. She visited it during the filming of "Yellow Fever." [G laughs] She cameos in 7.06 "Slash Fiction." She- in December 2011, she said that she writes Supernatural fanfiction, and "it's slice of life stuff with no plot, but it's fun. Eric likes them." So she's written Supernatural fanfiction and shown it to Eric Kripke. Okay.
G: [laughs] I need to become a famous writer. Like, world-renowned. And then I need people to be like, "So what was your first dabble into the writing history?" And I'd be like, "It was Supernatural fanfiction. Yeah." C: Real.
G: And then Eric Kripke has to read it.
C: Let's see. Also, apparently, she has- Oh, right. Now I remember why people on Tumblr are mad at her. There was a time when she said Destiel wasn't cannon, but she reads Destiel fic, and people were upset about that.
G: I love that! Me, bitch! Me! And I never say "bitch," so you know I mean it.
C: Yeah. And I guess her other shitty Supernatural-related thing is that she like- she- no, actually whatever. I don't even care. [laughs] Anyway-
G: No, what is it?
C: Apparently, she just made a joke about like, Meg giving Cas sponge baths while he was in the asylum or the- whatever? The psych ward?
G: Yeah.
C: Anyway, who cares? So.
G: Like, our school buses are- do you know what an FX is?
C: No.
G: I'm gonna look up what it is. No, it's not an FX. It's, you know those like- well, do you call the school bus "school bus"?
C: Yeah. Or the bus.
G: Do you call it anything else?
C: No, just "school bus" or "bus."
G: Okay, so in the Philippines we call it "school service." And it's this kinds of vehicles. I love how I'm just talking to you like- I'm just sending you this stuff and like, nobody who is watching [C laughs] knows what the hell I'm talking about. But like, try to explain what the vehicle looks like. Because I don't know what to explain it as other than "This is what a school bus looks like."
C: It's like, sort of sedan-sized, and there's two sections of it. Like, the first section looks like probably like a regular van if you cut it off at the head, but like, it has- it's painted yellow, and there's like, stripes on the nose, which look interesting. And then behind it is like, a box. Like, it's a vehicle, and it's the same color, and it's the same material, but it's just shaped like a rectangular prism. And there's like, really only room for two windows, and that's where the seats seem to be.
G: That is so interesting. What is it called? Like, what is this vehicle called?
C: I don't know.
G: I don't know. Maybe school sedan?
C: Maybe.
G: It is a sedan type. And like, on the inside, it's set up like- the seats are like, opposite each other. So like, you're like, horizontal.
C: Mm.
G: You're not like- if you're like, sitting down, you're not facing forward. You're facing the side, like in a train.
C: Yeah.
G: And like, it- I think it's modeled after Filipino jeepneys, which is basically- a jeepney in the Philippines is- you know what a jeep is like? Like, the brand of car?
C: Yeah.
G: The truck. Is it a truck? I don't know. It's like, the jeeps used to be the vehicles that American military used in the Philippines when they occupied the Philippines. And then, when they left, we just had these military vehicles. And then Filipinos started taking them and refurbishing them, painting them, making them commercially accessible.
C: Got it.
G: So now we have this stuff! [laughs] I'm just sending you pictures. How the hell are we going to show to people what the hell I'm sending?
C: We could just put them all on a Tumblr post.
G: Yeah.
C: Not the video of your school flooding, though, because that's doxxing.
G: Bruh. That's crazy.
C: Oh, nice.
G: This is what a jeep looks like. Yeah. And like, the concept is like- I mean, now, it's not anymore. But like, back in the day, it was like, it was military vehicles that's repurposed to become- yeah. And like, it's the same seating arrangement. Like, you see how like, the person is sitting on the side, right? Like they're sitting on the side.
C: Mm-hm.
G: So that is also the format for the school service.
C: Yeah.
G: What's fascinating to me is like, when you're in the bus, where do you put the bags? Like, overhead?
C: No, like, next to you on the seat, or like, on the ground in front of you.
G: Do you not have trolley bags?
C: What?
G: Like, do you not have trolley bags for school?
C: Like, bags with wheels?
G: Yeh.
C: I mean, I think some people have like, backpacks with wheels, but like, it's like, basically just like, a suitcase sort of situation, but like, with a backpack instead of suitcase, and you can put down the handle and like, still store it on the ground next to you.
G: Ah. Is it this big? [types]
C: Probably smaller? Maybe?
G: Okay. Well. I'll cut- I'll do a good job cutting most of that out. [C laughs]
C: Alright.
G: Yeah. Anyway, it's just- it's always been fascinating to me when I see like, school buses in the United States because we absolutely do not have the infrastructure to have like, buses that big send you to your house. Although I think like, it's not like, a house thing. Like, I feel like, some of them are like, they drop you off like, the side of the road, and then you walk to your house? I think, like, over there? Is that is that the case?
C: For school buses?
G: Yeah.
C: No, there's usually like, like, maybe, like, a couple of bus stops, and then your parents still have to get you from the bus stop or you have to walk home from the stop.
G: Ah, okay. Damn. Here, it's like, a house service.
C: That's nice.
G: Straight to the house. Well, anyway.
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riseofthedark · 2 years
There's a post that just showed up on my feed that I want to discuss. The reason I'm not using the original post in this is that op comes off as somewhat abrasive [now if they truly are or aren't that I don't know].
In their post they say the recent mantra we don't owe anyone anything is a damaging mentality. As life is a collaborative event and we rely upon others we thus owe to others as much as we have to give. I'm not here to attack them (another reason why I'm making this a separate post), but rather am here to give my own thoughts and perspective.
I struggle with words and while I can use them properly in context their definitions tend to be fuzzy at best. As whoever may read this post might have the same issue with words I will define the word owe below.
Owe (verb) - have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received
definition taken from Oxford Languages
I struggle with what OP said mainly because I do that. I give in ways of my time, commitments, effort, all of that until I have nothing else to give. This need to give parts of myself until I have nothing else I can give has been instilled in my by my parents since I was a child. As a result giving has become the main way I show affection to people.
As a result i'm burnt out and struggling to survive. Not necessarily money wise (though that's also a struggle) but physically and mentally. OP says "we owe all we're able to give". But that's just the thing, all we're able to give and all that we can reasonably give are very different things.
Think in terms of money, I'll use my own situation as an example.
After taxes I make about $1800 a month total
Taking out every single necessary expense I have about $400 left over. For me to live paycheck to paycheck I only need $1400 on a good month. I am technically able to give my entire paycheck, but someone once told me when you have to say technically it's wrong.
So let's work with what I have, $400. I could give all of that money away since I don't need it. But, this leaves no room for anything else. If that $400 is always given away anything that comes up that I have to pay for that's not accounted for in necessary purchases, has to be bought with the $1400 I do have.
Something will have to give on my side but it can't be that $400 because it's already given away. So maybe i'll go without food for a week or even two because I have to replace something I can't afford otherwise. Anything unexpected I'll have to sacrifice something I need because i've already given something I need to give.
Reasonably what can I give from that $400? Maybe $50. Which, $350 is a lot of money so why did I say I am able to give it away? Because it's not necessary to my survival. But when I can afford it I'm paying for doctors appointments, medication, and currently physical therapy. Now im poor so a lot of that is covered but some it isn't. When all $350 isn't used up I put it in savings so next time something breaks I can replace it without hurting myself in the process.
Now let's talk about time, commitments, and effort. I can't really say no to people so my schedule has to include sleep or i'll try to go without it. Every minute of my day is planned if something unexpected happens I'll just get less sleep, maybe skip eating. After all who really needs hygiene?
When anyone asks me to help or to do something that time-wise I am able do, I do it. If I don't there's this overwhelming feeling of guilt and self hate that I couldn't even do such a simple thing. Typically, showing someone my schedule they ask me how I'm still functioning. It's because the way i've scheduled myself if I miss anything it builds to the point where even trying to get back on track takes at least one mental break down like a "you should come in twice this week for therapy" type of breakdown.
Huh, that got a bit dark for me.....
The phrase "you don't owe anyone anything", is true.
While the context it was originally formed in (general perception) was breaking away from toxic situations. I don't owe my parents my appearance, ideals, or sexual expression because they raised me. I don't owe my work soul breaking labor because they pay me. I am allowed to leave without feeling like I owe them a debt.
One also doesn't have to support the system or try to change the system even though it's done things have either benefited them or been detrimental to them. This isn't to say that life isn't transactional. To get money one has to work. To get services done you have to pay for it. To receive affection you also have to give it. Do I personally think that giving to or helping others is something you should do? Yes. There is no one way of thinking that covers every exception or every circumstance so my way of thinking is just that. My way of thinking.
But for me, I believe that one does not owe tall their able to give just for existing.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
LMAOOO what if I was hackerman Nonny all along? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): "r u lost bbgrill?"
JKJK I don't think I have enough power to type with his ultra long Snapchat girl acrylic nails unfortunately 😔 that's exactly why my nails are always short af for maximum keyboard comfort
Yeah those darned creepypastas (affectionate) actually immunised me to nightmares in the end huh, talk about having the opposite of the intended effect lol
Elaborating on that Jason dream, I was in some small dilapidated room when I fought him, the dream was very much horror game inspired, because that room was one of many, it was basically like a liminal space house maze and Jason was the one chasing me through the various halls&rooms with the typical shitty lighting.
Apparently dream!me had enough of this shit though, so when he eventually cornered me in a dead end, I just straight up picked up an abandoned bat(or maybe it was actually rusty crowbar, because of a later scene I just remembered) and hit him on the side of his head after I dodged his Machete attack. I was apparently strong enough to K.O. him with just that one hit, which I couldn't really complain about because why would I lmao
After knocking him out I wondered wth I was gonna do now, because even though I defeated my primary concern, I still didn't know the way out of this maze. That was, until I noticed a vent in the corner (this was before amogus I swear- it was like 2014~2015) so I forced it open and crawled into it, chalk it up to dream logic because for some reason I thought this would get me outside faster.
So I was crawling in the vents and just as I was about to reach the outside(at least that's what it felt like because I saw light) I heard the mf sounds of smth crawling really fast and rapidly approaching me in the vents. I then woke up w/o any sort of closure ._.
Back to the discussion(and making this ask bible length again because ig that's my anon gimmick 👉🥲👉)
The only jjba dream I've had was about going on a shopping date with Bruno in a big mall, where we got a big sea turtle plushie and saw Abbacchio(he didn't play a big role in the dream, he was more of a cameo really lmao). Don't think I've ever had one of HxH though, but meeting Chrollo would certainly be interesting (inbefore he decimates me if I ever dream of him 😔) can we trade dreams? 👉👈 /hj
Also about that Man Door Hand Hook Car Door thing I was talking about. Yes it's the story you're thinking of BUT it's a special shitpost version of it, like it's written in extremely broken English, you have to read it for yourself because it's hilarious as hell 😂
Take your time with responding to my asks honestly, because it definitely takes a while to read&respond to something as big as my essays, considering how long it takes me to even write&correct them myself lmao the writing burnout is real (I got sidetracked like 5 different times while writing this one, this includes me correcting an old "script" for a 20 minute English presentation I had to do last year, which never ended up happening anyway, because the teacher straight up forgot I still had to do the presentation 💀💀 so correcting it was absolutely useless actually :,))
the only thing I was really worried about, was the possibility of tumblr eating my asks, because as you've already seen, they're super long, so it'd get instant eMOtioNAL DAmAge if they were to ever get lost (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) but luckily they didn't so I can rest easy 😌
And finally, TELL ME ABOUT THAT RECENT DREAM 👀👀 YOU CANT JUST HINT ABOUT HAVING AN INTERESTING DREAM AND THEN NOT TELL ME WHEN ITS BASICALLY DREAM SHARING HOURS (unless it's due to your writing burnout, if that's the cause, take your time, no need to hurry of course^^)
-Ren'py anon
Omg you've actually been hacker nonny all along? 😱😱😱 IM UR #1 FAN PLEASE
Jk lol but wouldn't it be nice to have the ability to type with long hot pink nails and SLAY while doing too? 😪
That Jason dreams of yours is so REAL. I HATE UGLY BADLY RENDERED 3D HORROR MAZES. It's giving free mobile games 🙄
I can take vent mechanics in games but oh my god I HATE IT WHEN THE ENEMY CAN FOLLOW YOU INTO THEM. Jason probably just shrank to vent size or smth idk (or maybe it was the Rake coming for revenge again 💀)
CHROLLO IS TOO. He was like, obsessed with my cousin and we were playing this tag game with a lot of other people. He caught her, But I guess we had multiple lives. When she poofed into thin air, he was PISSED.
I got to a safe distance and was cursing my ass off. This dude was there and told me to stop cursing so much. LIKE NO. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST WENT THROUGH? NOOOO SO DO THE HOKEY POKEY AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
But on a brighter note, at least you had dad Bruno on a shopping sate with you 😭 you even got a hot Abbachio cameo. AN ABBA CAMEO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I will never get that special experience of being Bilingual and foreign to mainly English, and reading badly translated stories 😠😠😠
And yes I have been taking time working and answering asks, especially yours! Im just glad we're on the same page with all the spelling correction and how everything looks in general. I enjoy how you have so much on your mind and try to share as much as you can within one ask! I really love having honest and fun conversations on serious and stupid topics.
I've just been taking time to live life and work on games and such. If it seems like I haven't answered your ask for a while, please don't worry! I'm just taking a small break from writing since dialogue writing for Ren'py and a recent commission has drained me ^^ please no more EmOTioNaL dAmAGe for you Renpy anon 😭
My recent 'interesting dream' was basically me trying to save my friends/family from these really hot yanderes. Mind you I have NEVER seen these men in my life. Not even in fiction.
One of them kind of looked like Ren or whatever that red haired guy with goggles from Final Fantasy name is. The other I think had white hair or something idk. My memory is really foggy because you can't remember faces you haven't seen url while in dreams.
I was driving on the street in a suburban neighborhood in this race car/go cart thing (I know it sounds goofy but it was kind of cool ok) It kind of looked like my old neighborhod streets back in Wisconsin. Anyway, AIN'T NOBODY WAS PARKING RIGHT. Crooked asf, not even on the side of the road, but like SIDE WAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.
Who do they think they are? Walter White??? 😷
Anyway the yanderes pulled up not too far behind me and I legit started to panic, but I took this chance to assassinate the people I were trying to save in the back of the car with a rifle? Idk maybe I was trying to shoot their seatbelts off lmao 😋
The bullets phased not only though the car but the hostages. While I was doing that, the yanderes (who were in suits btw) were acting like the traffic police and telling people to fix their shit in the middle of the night very nicely (they were assholes 😤)
Right then I guess they were ignoring me, but it skipped to a struggle in their car? It was different from the one the darlings were in. We were fighting about it and I guess my torso was sticking out of the window while I was holding onto a stick with decorative pink lights loosely on it. The red haired one was fighting me, but then I think I said something that made him stop me from flying out of the car.
I legit think that I reminded him of his darling (because it probably one of my family members BLEUGH 😷) He looked at me with these crazy ass eyes and this insane shocked look. Like, you know the yandere girl from the game Crimson Gray, and the image of when she saves the protag from killing himself. Yeah looked just like that.
He then said, "Do that again."
After that he drove me to this school and told me if I could do 100 do-dares, then he would let my friends/family go. I think I also had to do some other things, but I don't remember.
Anyway I went to my first class and the teacher passively told me to focus because I was zoning out. I got angry at her and starting arguing with her.
I can't zone out now? Damn it's not like I'm human or anything, AND YO CLASS BORING AS SHIT. By the end of class she just got real frustrated and the class got a free show so that was okay I guess.
After class there were these 'special' vans outside the school that do all sorts of business. I tried one of them and by the end, I didn't get to do anything bc an old friend of mine just took me away to hang with her? Like, the dude was gonna wait for me in the bathrooms (ew) but this girl really went and snatched me up for herself 😭
It was this dating thingy and the only reason I followed the dude who ran the van is because he told me the guys weren't nasty or disrespectful (which was probably a lie but whatever)
That's where it ended.
Ah I love talking about dreams, thanks for sending in this ask anon! I'm glad we could bond over our weird dreams <33
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