#no spend till brooklyn
nospendtillbrooklyn · 21 days
Punishing Myself & No Buy Areas of Struggle
Last week I reported shifts in my spending mindset. Shifts that I think point towards really making positive changes. But there are areas I am still some what at odds with myself over. I had built into my No Buy plan exceptions for being out with friends to going out to eat etc. And this past weekend and the weekend before I used those exceptions. Both in small ways. But even though they were built into my plan, I felt a little like I was cheating some how. Maybe because so often I see No Buy content that reflects a zero tolerance policy on such “frivolous” things.
Last weekend I got a cinnamon roll at a small town bakery after exploring with some friends. This weekend I bought a slice of pumpkin bread while at a farmers market to get veggies when I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day and I was feeling pretty sickly because of it. Both instances are with in my No Buy Exceptions. Both times I felt guilty. I think this is related to something else in my psychology beyond my spending habits.
I think I began this journey for two primary reasons. The first was obviously an attempt to curb spending and get better financial control over my situation. Both in terms of my future, and just because I was beginning to feel the weight of my spending habits having a negative impact. But the second was less obvious to me at first, but has since become pretty clear… I was in some way punishing myself for not being as disciplined or “Good at” finances as I felt I should be. This became more obvious this weekend as I was mentally beating myself up over the pumpkin bread.
I am hard on myself. I have always been hard on myself. We can blame this on my upbringing (a strict one, living on a farm with a lot of responsibilities for the care and livelihood of the place from a young age) or we can blame this on who I am as a person. I suspect it’s both really. But I am very hard on myself. And any time I ‘screw up’ I have a tendency to mentally beat myself up over it for ages. This is not, objectively speaking, healthy.
It’s okay that I bought a couple of baked goods. It’s okay that I was out with friends, enjoying the place in which I live and I supported two small local businesses. Neither one was a huge purchase. And neither one was actually on my No Buy list. But I felt guilty about both. So I am trying to sit with that, and unpack it.
Is it possible to make changes with out punishing yourself? Am I really taking this No Buy challenge on as a means to punish myself for past supposed “wrongs?” I think I might. And that means I need to unpack that, and I need to change that mindset.
So today, instead of talking about debt and repayment plans (none of which are fun) I am going to talk about long term goals, and why it matters so much to me to change my spending habits.
Consumer culture is a problem. The constant buy-buy-buy is bad for the planet, but it’s also bad for us as humans. It robs us of so much creativity, so much connection with our world when we simply buy things as a means to fulfill ourselves. And I know for a fact I am as guilty of this as any one. I think in many ways this is a learned trait as my mother was very much in this habit as well. And I don’t want to live that way. I don’t want to have more things to take care of, to move, to store, to keep free of dust and cobwebs. I want less things. I want to contribute to the landfill less and less as time goes on.
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(These images were taken yesterday, as I helped scout these discarded trailers at a landfill for kittens lost in a hoarding and neglect case. - One of these trailers was moved to the landfill after being abandoned and declared a biohazard. Upon it being at the landfill it was discovered a colony of cats had been living there...so the rescue group I work with has been helping catch and remove them safely. But this felt like a scene from Mad Max to see these structures sitting in the dirt and bits of plastic debris all around. And I just want to opt out of contributing to that.) My partner and I want to eventually have some acreage. Having grown up on a farm I miss being able to step out my door and see my horses. See my goats and chickens and take stock of what is happening with all of them. And this is something I want to go back to. My partner grew up in the deepest parts of the city in southern California, longing to escape to a quiet farm with peaceful winds and no sounds of sirens. But we are in an area of the country where the expense of buying land has skyrocketed. Even in the most rural parts, where there is no industry of much infrastructure to support growth , the land has doubled in value in the last 4 years. Even in our busy suburb the house we bought 5 years ago has almost doubled in value. This means should we want to ever reach for that dream of acreage in a quiet place we are going to have to be really clever about it. We are going to have to save a lot of money.
Our dreams involve a house on land, with a small sustainable working farm that provides the bulk of what we need to live day to day brought from the land by our own two hands and a horse drawn plow or two. We want a sustainable homestead, where we can be as off grid as possible (I am unwilling to sacrifice internet access, as an exception.) And I’ve rather recently been able to convince my partner that a tiny home (something in the 400sq foot range) would allow us to heat and cool the place with a wood stove, solar panels and not much else. Sustainable farming as the end result.
In this mission towards sustainability we have been changing our consumption habits. I went strict vegetarian over 18 months ago as a means to reduce my carbon footprint. My partner still eats meat upon occasion, but it’s rare. We buy as much as we can in bulk, storing it in recycled glass containers. We shop for veggies locally at markets and stands whenever possible. We no longer purchase items that are not eco friendly such as paper towels (replacing them with rags from old worn out clothing, towels etc.) We are both committed to avoiding fast fashion, opting instead to work towards cultivately a wardrobe of long lasting quality pieces or if we have the occasional ‘fast’ tee shirt it’s printed by an artist and not a means of profit for a big box store.
I don’t’ know that we could ever achieve “zero waste” (we don’t live in an area where that is really accessible) but we are committed to just reducing what we produce for the landfill as much as we can. Every week the wheely bins are just a little bit lighter. And it feels good. It feels good to reuse things, to have purpose to everything in our home and to not just go out and buy something because it is convenient. There is something very satisfying about ‘making do’ like some primitive part of the brain congratulates its self on being a “very clever primate, indeed.”
So where does the No Buy fit into all of this? Simple, the less I buy, the less waste I make. But also the less I buy the more money that can be put towards paying off debt, and saving towards that dream of building a little tiny home on a few acres and watching my horses graze in a field on a summer night.
So I am making a conscious effort to stop the downward spiral of ‘you are bad for buying things’ and shift that mindset towards; ‘you’re keeping that money to buy fencing on a 5 acre pasture for your horse.’ I am not always successful at this re-framing, especially in the moment, but it’s a lot more pleasant to try than to continue to let my mind beat me up for buying breakfast.
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soulgazingwithbucky · 2 years
Mr. Barnes, Teacher Aide of the Year (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Teacher!Reader
Summary: Your brooding Avenger boyfriend becomes a regular visitor in your classroom.
Warnings: flufffffff
Word count: 1k
A/N: absolute self-indulgence - can you tell I miss being a teacher lmao? also Bucky with kids also grumpy bf/playful gf dynamic ugh my heart
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When your first graders ask if you're bringing anything to the show-and-tell party, a lightbulb goes off
"I would be the coolest teacher ever if an Avenger came to visit!" "I dunno, doll..." "Come on, you're so good with Cass and AJ!" "That's different. They're family."
You try to convince him by telling him Steve has done a lot for schools. Bucky looks confused so you show him the Captain America Fitness Challenge and all of Steve's PSAs. This derails the conversation for at least 24 hours as Bucky descends into a record-breaking laughing fit. He laughs in bed with you, he laughs at the dinner table, he visits Steve's memorial to laugh with him there
Eventually, he agrees. You wake up to him ironing a henley and chinos. You tut at him and he shoots you a disbelieving look
"Ah, come on, love, cheer up," you tell him as you grab your work bag. He's waiting for you by the door, grumpy as ever in the black leather jacket and steel toe boots he wears on missions. You tighten the buckle across his chest as he scowls at you. "It's for the kids!"
You spend the car ride convincing Bucky that the kids will love him. He carries your bags into the building, but you stop him short at the entrance. He raises his eyebrow at you as you grip the leather sleeve on his left arm and pull. "Oh, come oooonnnn, doll!" he groans as you wave him into the building, detachable sleeve in tow. "Give the people what they want, babe!" you say.
You prepare your classroom for the day before the kids come in. Your room is suddenly the most popular in the building as staff filter in and out, hearing rumors that an Avenger would be in the building. Your principal insists that Bucky speak to the whole school next time. Your work best friend gives him a friendly hug- you all just had dinner the other night, after all. The entire third grade team comes and gets pictures, each of them marveling at a different muscle group on your boyfriend
Your students LOVE him. You eventually have to ask him to spend some time in the teacher's lounge so your class can focus on your lessons
After that, he becomes a monthly visitor. You create a makeshift "Mr. Barnes Day" on the class calendar. The kids count down the days till they see him again
You have to collect black and yellow crayons from the other classrooms. Your supply runs out too quickly because your kids can't stop drawing themselves with a metal arm
One of your students is having a particularly challenging day. Bucky thinks quickly and takes the rest of your kids outside for an impromptu recess. You help your student calm down, and then you both watch Bucky and the class through the window. The kids are absolutely piling on top of him. Your kids proudly declare that they defeated an Avenger when they go home to their families
It's clear one of your students favors Bucky over you, and only accepts help from Bucky when he visits. She asks Bucky for help with a math worksheet, and his eyes widen when he watches her try to solve it. "This is not how we learned it in the '20s," he whispers to you
Bucky comes home one day, proudly declaring that he has the perfect book to read aloud to the class. The cover is a cartoon drawing of an all-American man with a vibranium shield. He is so excited to read "The Hero from Brooklyn" to your students. The final pages even have drawings of him and Sam, "the best friends a hero could have." "Mr. Barnes, is that youuuu?!" your kids wonder.
You turn Bucky's age into the word problem of the day. "If Mr. Barnes is 25 + 83 years old, how old is he?" Your kids frantically calculate on their papers. "108?!?!" your kids yell. Lukas says that's older than his grandma. Nevaeh says that's older than her great-grandma. Raja gently begins to describe color to him, and you both realize she thinks Bucky sees in black and white
Your students beg Bucky to come in during spirit week. They've missed him dearly, as he has been gone for two months on assignment with Sam. Tuesday is Career Day, and he compliments all the little doctors and teachers as they step off the school bus. He is shocked to see a little kid in all black with their arm wrapped in foil. But more and more Buckies filter in, until he is surrounded by a sea of mini-mes. "We're gonna be superheroes when we grow up!!!" they yell, arms adorned in refashioned black tights, foil, and gold body paint. Bucky sheepishly asks if you can take a picture. Bucky usually hates taking pictures, and his request makes your whole year
You told your class that Bucky was just your friend, but your students are way too smart to believe that, especially after Bucky accidentally calls you "sweetheart" in front of them. Graham misses a day for his aunt's wedding; he comes back and asks if you two would invite the class to your wedding. The class loses their marbles over this, yelling, "Mrs. Barrnnessss!" at you. Bucky turns red. During snack, some of the kids draw pictures of what your ring should look like. You proudly hang it up on your fridge at home
At the end of the year, you invite your students' families to a class celebration. You do this every year, but this year has the best turnout (gee, you wonder why). You have a silly awards ceremony, with certificates celebrating "Most Dinosaur Facts Memorized" and "Best at Catching Their Teacher's Mistakes". Bucky is a puddle of pride and love in the corner until the kids demand he comes up. He's confused until they shove a certificate in his hand: "Mr. Barnes, Best Teacher Helper Ever"
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Passenger Princess
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating SMUT
I sat with a wide smile, on the cream bench seat of the little blue beetle. Benny's beetle to be precise. We had loaded our bags and stuffed the poor beetle almost to bursting point and left our little Brooklyn basement to head on the road to Bakersfield California. Benny had a tournament there for a few days and Benny had an 'aversion' to flying, he'll do it but only if he has to. Besides, we both thought it would be a lovely chance to spend time together on a nice road trip. 
We'd been on the road a good while now and we had passed nothing interesting for ages, our fries gone, and snacks depleted. But I know Benny wouldn't stop for a good while longer. Leaving me to sip my huge seven-eleven cola.
The radio on low every so often it would fizzle out where we lost the station so I'd tune it till we found another one, the heating on as it was a rather chilly day, but it too would bounce around given the many places we would pass on this trip.
Benny sat driving, of course, hands on the wheel lazily his hat on the backseat, his jacket still on but he was shuffling and getting uncomfortable in it. Every so often I'd hear his ring clack against the wheel.
“Ummm?” He didn't move his eyes from the road,
“I'm bored” I pouted laying my head on his shoulder,
He chuckled a moment, “Listen to the radio,”
“Radios boring,”
“Read the map,”
“Maps boring,”
“Read the billboards,”
“Billboards are boring,”
“They're interesting, see fireworks in five miles,”
“Can we get fireworks?”
“No princess,”
“Then why is it interesting!” I complained,
“Because… you can see the shop in five miles. So you can get excited now.”
“Whoopie! Firework store I can't go in” I sighed, “Why can't I have fireworks?”
“You honestly think I'm gonna trust you with fireworks? Explosives! I don't trust you with butter knives”
“One time I stabbed myself!”
“Yes, and I don't trust you,”
“Then what am I supposed to do all these hours?”
“Just relax and be a cute little passenger princess," He said turning to wrap an arm around me and kiss my head. 
"but I'm bored Benny,"
"You wanna play chess?" He asked with excitement in his voice,
"No. We played chess four times already."
"Well, I'm sure you can find something to do." He chuckled, 
I sighed and tried to relax, I had a nap, I read some billboards but still I was so bored!
"I'm bored."
"I know Princess,"
"How much longer?"
"Sixteen hours?"
"How long till we get food?"
"Another couple of hours we only got McDonald's two hours ago." 
"But I'm hungry,"
"you're not hungry you're bored. You're just trying to find something to do and your response to that is to shove stuff in your mouth," 
"You're mean to me."
"Love you too princess." He chuckled,
I sighed and tried to find something to do, and I saw a billboard advertising my favourite fast food place, I looked at the distance on the billboard, and I glanced at the speedometer for a moment doing maths in my mind, but how could I get him to pull over? and I smirked a little looking at Benny, with an evil plan. I would have to be smart, efficient, and time it out perfectly... so I flashed him my most innocent smile,
"Yes?" He asked noticing me looking at him,
"I found something to do,"
"Good," He nods, 
I smiled and moved closer, cuddling his arm.
"Awww Hello," He smiled kissing my head, "So long as you're happy,"
I giggled a little waiting till he didn't suspect and moving to rest my hand gently on his thigh, He glanced at me giving me a questionable look but returned his focus to the road, I made sure to be gentle and slow so he wouldn't suspect but ever so slowly moving my hand up his thigh feeling the aged denim of his black jeans,  running my fingers across the small divots in the denim slightly discoloured from the fact they always sat in them, until I reached the black leather of his belt. 
"Yes?" He glared,
I ignored him, walking my fingers along his belt until I reached the silver buckle giving it a gentle adjust with my fingers 
"Yes?" He glared again slightly louder, 
"Hi Benny," I cooed as my hand fully grabbed between his legs my thumb on his fly as I squeezed him,
"AHH-" He jumped momentarily swerving the car, "Do. Not. Touch. while I'm driving." He said moving my hand to his thigh again, 
"But I'm bored."
"You can find many other things to do other then grabbing my fucking cock!" he complained,
"Awww why? don't you want me too?" I giggled stroking my fingers playfully down his fly as I gave his neck little kisses feeling him slowly getting harder below his jeans, 
"Princess..." He glared clearly trying to be angry with me but also uncontrollably enjoying my kisses, 
"Come on, it would entertain me?" I giggled gently palming his half-hard erection through his jeans,
"yay!" I giggled slowly undoing his belt, and his fly, to reveal his black boxers, His grip already began to tighten on the wheel his eyes often glancing at me, "Focus on the road," I told him as I slipped my hand under his boxers and took him in my hand "Aww hi Benny,"
"Hi Princess," He rolled his eyes a little but couldn't help his smirk giving him away, I took a gentle grip of him and rubbed my thumb across his shaft feeling him harden into my hand, Once he was fully hard I gently began to jerk my hand gripping his hilt and moving my hand back and forth slowly getting faster, "Uhhh Princess-" He groaned his fingers wrapping around the wheel tightly slightly biting his bottom lip, "Ummm Princess..." 
"Focus on the road," I remind him as I moved to pull his cock completely out his pants leaving him to gasp for a few seconds feeling the cold air across him before I adjusted myself and pressed little kisses to his shaft,
"uhhhh princess!" He moaned, "Really?"
"Mhm" I nodded, moving to take just the tip into my mouth sucking and swirling my tongue around him
"Ummmm! Fuck-" He groans, holding the wheel in a vice-like grip trying not to close his eyes or throw his head back, I giggled and moved to take all of him into my mouth sucking gently and moving my head up and down at the pace I knew he couldn't resist "Ohh holy- Princess! You're really gonna do this to me?" He gasped, "You know you keep going I won't be able to say no?" He asked, I just continued slowly getting faster and sucking a little harder "Ughhhh! you evil little princess!" He groans now gnawing on his lip and squeezing his eyes shut at times rolling his head against his headrest, I knew he was close as his hand left the wheel to sit on my head twisting into my hair to keep me at his desired pace, even his hips couldn't resist me bucking up to slightly to cause me to deep throat him, "Ughhh uuuhhh! Princess please I'll-" He muttered feeling just how close he was, and right on time he pulled off the road and parked up turning the engine off and twisting both his hands in my hair throwing his head against his headrest, his mouth hung open, his eyes squeezed shut as his grip on my hair forced me a little bit faster which got him to his edge. His hips bucked in jagged unplanned movements as he buried his jizz in my mouth, I swallowed and licked him clean giving him a few gentle kisses as he gasped and moaned in his post-orgasmic state "Fuck- You did find something to entertain you didn't you princess." 
"I did," I smiled sitting up and wiping my mouth before kissing his cheek, "Love you,"
"Love you too." He smiled fixing himself up, 
"Oohh would you look at that?" I giggled as we had pulled over into the exact fast-food restaurant I wanted, 
the moment he realized he glared at me, "You... are an evil, conniving, smart ass when you wanna be." 
"I know,"
"you know... You could be a genius if you applied yourself."
"I am a genius," I giggled climbing out of the car with my bag,
"Yeah, an evil genius." He said climbing out too,
"still a genius, and you still love me?" I giggled hugging his arm,
"Of course I do princess." He smiled kissing my head, 
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
Ok playing on the secret girlfriend thing: what if she's his emergency contact and the first time the team meets her is when she's called because Steve got injured. Cue the avengers meeting a heavily pregnant girlfriend/ fiance
Oh yes-I got a request about something similar and I think I’ll post it today or tomorrow, I’ve already started writing it👀
Steve’s a very careful man, when it comes to his girlfriend, well, fiancé.
He’d be scared of loosing you. You made him realise, he could actually be a normal man besides being a national hero; Captain America.
Even though he was a super soldier and healed much quicker than a average person, you still liked taking care of his cuts, when he cut his finger helping you with cooking-but it was also the reason he was banned from the kitchen.
He may be Captain America, but deep down, he was just Steve, the clumsy Brooklyn boy, you’ve totally fallen for. And who could cook for dear life.
You always massaged his tense shoulders and back.
You treated him like a normal human being-that’s why he didn’t want you to be a part of his life as Captain America. He wanted you to himself. And he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
Steve even thought about putting the shield down and moving with you, somewhere where you two could just be yourselves. Happily together.
It’s not like nobody knew about you relationship-your family knew. And they loved Steve. Especially your grandma. She always sat down with Steve and they talked about the old times. Your mother loved him too. She saw how good he treated you. And the two women also loved how much he could eat. Your grandma loved having him over, because she could prepare much more food, than she’d Normally would. Even your dad approved-especially after Steve let him drive his motorcycle a few times.
They wanted him in the family.
Then it finally happened.
After being together for two years he asked you to spend the rest of your life with him.
Without a second of hesitation you said yes.
A few weeks later he noticed your odd behaviour. You slept more, eat stuff you’ve normally wouldn’t even touch-for example olives. You didn’t like them, he knew it, because you always left them for him. And then there was this constant morning sickness…
Only a few days later you told him you were pregnant, giving him a shirt, with a text on it, saying; best dad ever.
He cried tears of joy, hugging you for a long time and talking to your tummy, even though your baby was still only a the size of a little bean.
Steve watched your belly grow, getting rounder. The first time your baby kicked-actually kicking his cheek-he looked slightly offended and then surprised at your stomach. “Oh god-did she-“, you nodded, grinning at him. He started kissing you and your belly softly.
Once again he cried, like like many times in the last few months. He’d never thought he could have this, a family, a normal life.
What he hadn’t expected was a emergency mission, about a HYDRA basis in Europe, with apparently many hostages.
He had to go.
But after two weeks he still hadn’t texted you. The worst scenarios played out in your head. It happened. Steve wouldn’t come back.
You’d be a single mom, not even married, because you fiancé had to-
Your phone ringing interrupted your pacing, while you were stroking your belly, to calm down your sweetheart. It’s like your baby felt your anxiety and was as you were.
“Oh god, Steve, I was scared”, you cried into the phone, when you saw his contact pop up. But it wasn’t Steve’s voice that answered. “Excuse me, this is doctor Cho. You’re Steve’s emergency contact and-“ “I-I’m on my way.” You said, already putting on your shoes, which wasn’t all that easy having a stomach the size of a watermelon. This child was huge. It’s definitely Steve’s kid. There was definitely some kind of serum in this child.
It took you forty minutes till you finally entered the Stark tower. Normally you’d drive faster, but you didn’t want to risk anything happening.
Pepper Potts was the one coming for you-she definitely looked surprised, but tried not to show it. You knew Steve hadn’t told anyone about…well, you.
“Steve’s emergency contact-“ “Y/N, yes. I’m…im his fiancé”, you said, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, while you gently rubbed over your round tummy. Pepper smiled friendly and nodded. “Great, let’s go then”, with that you entered the elevator, letting the AL bring you to the needed floor.
She looked at your round stomach for a moment, a wide smile on her rosy lips. Especially when she saw the ring in your hand, when you rubbed over your tummy, where your babygirl was kicking.
“What happened to Steve? Is he-“ “he’s alive, but hurt. During the mission he tried to get all hostages out of the building-after getting the last one out he run back in, nobody know why. Then the building collapsed and they couldn’t find him for two days. Three of his ribs are broken, his leg and he had a concussion-they also had a scare his kidneys would fail, but luckily they manage to stop any more damage. Hes just out of surgery-we would have called you sooner, but it all happened so quickly, nobody really ex-“, pepper broke her sentence abruptly, looking away. “Nobody expected him to have a emergency contact?”, you asked quietly.
Pepper nodded, already apologising, but you dismissed her smiling, telling her you knew, they didn’t know about you.
Walking into Steve’s room, your gaze fell on all the avengers sitting around him. Everyone seemed to be bruised and injuries, but nobody looked as bad as Steve.
You gasped quietly, making everyone look at you.
Only the beeping of the monitor could be heard. Bruce immediately stood up, offering you his chair, making you smile kindly, while your eyes filled with tears.
Everyone just watched you sit down. They were surprised. Shocked even.
How could Steve hide a girlfriend-a pregnant girlfriend for this long? Looking at your round belly it had to be at least seven months. Maybe more.
Tony was the first one to talk. “So nobody’s gonna talk about Steve’s apparently knocked up girlfriend, who he kept-owch”, pepper slapped the back of his head, making him wince. You chuckled quietly.
Steve had told you, Tony was very….Tony.
But it felt good, to laugh after having been scared for so long.
“I’m actually not his knocked up girlfriend-“, all eyes were on you. Shocked-only Natasha seemed to have a cocky smirk on her face, because she saw the ring on your finger. You lifted your hand, showing it to the others. A bright smile on your face. “I’m his knocked up fiancé.”
The team laughed quietly, already loving you.
There were many more questions about your relationship and baby-and just about you.
After about two hours Steve started waking up, feeling a hand holding his, he gently squeezed, interrupting your story about how Steve once nearly set the kitchen on fire.
“Oh god, Steve”, you gasped, watching his eyes flutter open. Slightly confused he looked at you, then at the other. Under the bruised skin you could tell he was blushing. He cleared his throat. “I guess…I guess you meat the team”, he mumbled, feeling how dry his throat was. Bruce gave you a cup with water and a straw, for you to help Steve drink something. “Yes, Steve, I was just telling them how you set the kitchen on fire-for the first time” “first time? How often did it happen?”, interrupted Tony you, making Steve whine quietly. Tony wouldn’t never forget about it-not after Steve nearly set his kitchen on fire, too.
“But Steve, really. You should’ve bring your midgardian girlfriend in sooner. She’s great”, Thor said, patting his leg with more force that necessary, making Steve wince.
After Steve drank enough, you put the cup away. “Why did you run back into the building?”, you asked him, gently squeezing his hand. He looked away for a moment, but then back at you. “I nearly lost the picture”, he mumbled, confusing the team. You knew what he meant; the first ultrasound.
Sighing you gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, sitting on the bed next to him, and putting his hand on your belly. “You’ll never do that again, do you hear me? A picture is not worth losing your life, got it? Our girl needs her daddy in her life. And the next time you do something this reckless, I’ll kick your ass. Pregnant or not”, you mumbled everything gently, making him swallow hard. The others watched amused, while Steve nodded. “Yeah okay”, you raised your eyebrows.
“Yes, Ma’am, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again-“
“Oh we’re so keeping her-owwch, Pepper!”
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brooklynscamp · 5 months
Well wada’ ya know you found my blog
main blog: @casp1an-sea
on this blog you can speak to Scamp (#scamp 🗞️), Weeds (#Weeds 🪙), or Rafferty (#Raffy 👞)
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picrew: Makowka
Scamp is my OC/self insert, 17, male, He/him, gay. Was born in Louisana, now an orphan. Worked as a coal boy on the railroads so has traveled around the states (yes he’s been to Santa Fe) settled down in Brooklyn till he was chased out by cops raiding a gay bar and fled to manhattan where he recently joined Jack’s gang. He went by his real name Russle “Rus” back in Brooklyn before Jack dubbed him the name Scamp. Has a side job pulling curtains at medda’s. He is friends with Spot, Mush, Splasher, Crutchie, and the characters bellow, but aside from spot he hasn’t rly had the chance to get to know people yet.
NO NSFW romance is fine—————————————————————————
Other Characters:
(Aside from Weeds and Alfred these are my IRL’s self inserts so I designed them but do not own them. You can send asks to Scamp about them or directly speak to Weeds or Alfred even though this is technically a scamp blog)
I made a character for every role I played lmao
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- Patrick AkA Weeds
A Richmond Newsie with a strong Irish Accent. Twin brother of Raffy they don’t get along. best friends with Stacks, attached at the hip with Worm.
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- Rafferty AkA Raff/Raffy
A former Richmond Newsie that now works for Wiesel. Friends with the Delancey Brothas’ Twin brother to Weeds they don’t get along. Has a strong Irish accent. He gets in fights with Specs and Race a lot. Considers Specs to be his number one rival. —————————————————————————
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- Queenie
They’re a Bowery Beauty (the one Les tried to hit on lmao) They are Worm’s older sibling.
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- Worm
A newsie from Richmond, best friends with stacks attached to the hip with Weeds.
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- Stacks
a newsie from lower Manhattan (originally from Richmond) known for being short. Best friends with Weeds and Worm, just recently met Scamp.
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- Lenard
a newsie from flushing who spends a lot of time in Manhattan. knew Scanp before he came to Manhattan.
character based on @ravenwing0110
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- Dash (Scab 1)
A newsie from the Bronx who’s actually Scamps little brother (they don’t know that) the first scab from that scene before seize the day to join Jack’s gang. Friends with Spot. Has a joke rivalry with splasher.
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- Rusty
a Manhattan Newsie that also works at Medda’s for extra change. He helped Scamp get his job. Nephew of both Mr. Jacobi and Nunzio. How? Idk
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- Darling
she’s the older sister of Rusty and the one who got him the job at Medda’s.
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- Sparky
a Manhattan newsie who just met Scamp. His older sister is a nun and his mother works as one of Pulitzer’s secretaries. character based on @messylxve
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- Maria Wright
one of pulitzers secretaries. Her son is a newsboy and her daughter is a nun.
character based on @messylxve —————————————————————————
@bigmack2go @distant-velleity @messylxve
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blakelysco-pilot · 1 month
thank you for the tag @lestweforget5
currently working on the next part of Love Letters, so here’s a bit of that until the next chapter comes out (soon I promise) 💗
After a wonderful two week reprieve with John Brady’s sweetheart and now her friend, Juliet, Jo was back home in Brooklyn. She would spend the remainder of Harry Crosby’s furlough with her parents so that Jean had the privacy she deserved. She was certain that the next two weeks would crawl by, for her at least.
“I’m back!” She called, entering the house. She could hear her mother rustling around, before she appeared in the foyer with an almost worried look in her eye.
“Josephine!” Hugging her tightly, she stepped back, appraising her daughter and picking the sadness up immediately. “Sweetheart, welcome back!”
“Thanks,” she forced a grin, knowing there would be minimal gossip and cocktails that night. “Are you okay? Mom you look worried.”
“You have a visitor. A gentleman is waiting in the living room for you.”
“Oh god, is he, is it… did something happen to Robbie?”
“He says his name is Pappy?”
“Oh my! Pappy!?”
Jo rushed from the foyer into the living room, all ladylike behavior thrown out the window as she came skidding to a stop in the doorway.
“Hiya Jo!” Pappy grinned, standing from the sofa as he saw her.
“Pappy! Oh my- what are you doing here!”
“Rosie sent me,” he grinned, coming to greet her properly, the pair finally able to put names to faces. “He thought with Croz home, you might need some cheering up.”
“You came all the way here just to cheer me up?”
“Well, you’re Rosie’s sweetheart, and your Val’s friend too. Val would give me a wallop if she knew I didn’t come see you when you needed it. She sends her regards by the way, boy, wait till you meet her! Have you met Croz yet? I’m sure he’ll want to meet you too, you’re very popular amongst the Riveters crew you know? We all-”
“Pappy, slow down!” She laughed.
tagging: @sagesolsticewrites @hesbuckcompton-baby @claireelizabeth85 @footprintsinthesxnd @major-mads and anyone else who’d like to play along
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hauntedfoxhut · 1 year
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Insomniac!Miles Morales x streamer!F!reader
Pronouns: She/her
You as a simple streamer meet the cutest boy in Brooklyn, Miles Morales son of Rio Morales and Jeff Davis, you had meet a couple of times, randomly bumping on the street, neighborhood parties and once time in particular when you found him with a black eye and a bloody nose, so you helped him, after that you became great friends, but you started to fall for him.
English is not my first language so I’m sorry for any writing mistake, hope you enjoy this one shot🫶🏻
Blood citation, curse words and mention of death
The rest is pure romance
Dialogue colors
NY City, Brooklin, Y/N apartment, 02:30am
The live was doing great, I decided to play the sims, a simple challenge, now I just got 4 more subscribers, that really helps a lot, they literally pay my bills, I was planning to cook the dinner but I just decide to buy some sushi, I drank a dr. Pepper, totally healthy.
“ Well guys, thank you for your time, today we ended a bit late but I hope you all enjoyed the live, I’ll cut and post on YouTube for those who missed some parts, bye bye see you next live” I send a kiss to the webcam, and then… it’s over, I needed to stop that live, staying awake till late it’s not good, drinking monster all day, eating junk food, when was the last time that I felt the sunlight, I’m living a bat…
“What the fuck??” I spin the gamer chair to the window, I saw Miles, i get up and open the window for him, the cold wind from the winter entered your bedroom giving you chills.
“Hey mami how you doing?” He hugs you tight, lifting you up and taking your feet off the ground, he simply ignored the cold wind coming from the outside, “Mileees the window!!” “Sorry Y/N” he instantly let your feet reach the ground again and turned back to close that window closing the curtains too, when you focused on his face his nose was bleeding and his right cheek was red almost purple, and he realized that you noticed, he just hide his face under his hands.
“Again Miles? Really? How? What’s the story for today?” “I… got into a fight, with a jock but I…” “I got punched and I fell downstairs, same story from last week so don’t lie to me” “can we just ignore this” he points to his face “ I came here just to forget about all that stuff”
He just lay on my bed, taking deep breaths, he’s been passing through a hard time after loosing his father, getting into fights in school, moving to Harlem now all we got is a couple of hours together once or twice a week, I seat near to him, putting my hand on his head, I start to caress his hair, which was very short making he looks so cute. “You know that you can always count with me right? I’m here for you, ever since the day that we bumped near to the Central Park because I was running to get that dog” “I remember that you started crying because the dog stole your bracelet, was funny” he chuckles “No it wasn’t! I was so sad that day and that dog just made it worse” “I miss you, a lot, all that shit that’s been happening is making me mad, I’m sorry for leaving you, I just couldn’t leave my mom alone”
His eyes, are just like a window to his soul in pain, pure sorrow, I lay on his side holding him to cuddle, my heart beating faster, being near to him like this is good but it still make me blush, “I wish I could have you near me, now I’m feeling lonely at Harlem, you can spend a week there, my mom wouldn’t mind” “Miles i would love it… but…” “but ?” “ never mind haha, I’m free next week, I would love to spend the week with you”
He hug me back and now we’re laying face to face, I only can stare at his lips and same for Miles he just been staring my lips for almost 2 minutes straight, his hand holding my cheek, he looks so hypnotizing, I’m lost in his face, I can only feel his hand is on my cheek, now he’s approaching, so close, so so close, he kiss me, a soft and simple kiss but very meaningful, I just kiss him back, the butterflies on my stomach, “can I stay? It’s too late and I miss you so much” his puppy eyes, staring at me, I can’t resist, “of course you can” “can I sleep with you?” That question caught me off guard, now im the one who hide the face under my hands but his hand that’s on my cheeks try to take my hands off, “c’mon it’s not the first time that we slept together, why are you so awkward about it?” When your face is not covered anymore you can see a slight blush in his cheeks, “I just… like you, that’s why I came here, I was planning to text you but that would be so dishonest, I needed to do it face to face” “Miles just shut up” I instantly kiss him, softly holding his cheeks that are a bit warm, at first he got shocked but one second later he just kiss me back.
We stopped the kiss because we needed to breath, now his hands are around my hips, making imaginary circles with the fingers, “so mister Morales, may you please let me get up so I can get a blanket for us?” “Of course you can my pretty girlfriend” “girlfriend?” I can’t hide that little smile in my face, I’m feeling so happy right now, but I still tired needing to sleep, so yeah, I just loved the idea of sleeping with him. “Yup, girlfriend, or do you want a nickname like, mi vida, cariño, Hermosa, honey, you can choose.” I yawned feeling my eyes getting heavier, “can I choose one later I just want to sleep right now…. Get the blanket please” I can badly keep my eyes open, he kiss my forehead and leave the bed to get the huge blanket in the closet, he come back to the bed and when he realized you’re sleeping, a little shrunk because of the cold, but tight on sight he covered you with warm blanket and sneaking to sleep with you.
That night you sleep so well after almost a week of bad sleep, he made me relax, holding my body with his big hands and long arms, making me fell safe, now that I’m dating him I already have everything that I need, but now I’ll have to move to the Harlem to live near to him.
Mi vida- my life
Cariño- dear
Hermosa -beautiful
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Two Kings (4)
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Summary: You have fallen in love with the king of Brooklyn. When your wedding day arrives, there is much more to discover about the man you fell in love with than you thought...
Pairing: Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader  
Warnings: angst, modern royal au, dystopian world (kinda), fluff, young love, implied smut
A/N: We are living in modern times, but in a dystopian/post war world. Almost every technology got destroyed.
A/N: For a better understanding - Prince Steve Rogers, Prince Bucky Barnes and Prince Tony Stark are the same age for my story.
Two kings masterlist
<< Part 3
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A few months later, …
“Aw, no. It’s raining again,” you sigh as you look out the window. “No walk in the garden then. Do you want to go to the library or to your room?”
“You want me to leave your room?” the prince asks. “I just arrived, and I thought we could spend time together.”
“I’d love that, my prince. It’s just,” you smile softly as you turn around to face the prince, “you are grumpy Steve again. I thought you wanted to be alone for a while.”
“Grumpy Steve?” He steps toward you and places his hand on your shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you are two Steves,” you giggle. Sometimes you're such a soft, dreamy boy drawing pictures all the time. This Steve always wants to be close to me and cuddle me. And then there is grumpy Steve. You don’t like drawing and spend less time with me. You are distant then, and less clingy.”
“I-“ the prince licks his lips. Without any response, he opens his jacket to get a drawing out of it. "Uh, I have a new frog for you.”
"New frog," you snatch the drawing out of his hand so you can find a place for it. “I love the frogs.” You turn your head to look at Steve. “Don’t get me wrong. I love all of your drawings, but the frogs are the cutest.”
“You like them more than the others?” he asks, as he steps closer to you. “Really?”
“You see, just like your moods, the drawings are different too. Soft Stevie draws beautiful flowers and portraits. But grumpy Steve has this talent for cute frogs, and I love that dog you drew for me some months ago.”
“That was a goat,” the prince sheepishly admits. “Sorry, it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to.”
“No! I love it,” you protest. “It’s cute. Dog, goat. It doesn’t matter. As for your two moods, I like them a lot. The soft and the grumpy. I like that you pout and wiggle your nose when you’re grumpy.”
You flash the prince a smile. “I do not pout! I’m a man and men do not pout,” he exasperatedly says.
You giggle and wink at the prince.
“You are teasing me, aren’t you?"
“You’re smart too,” you say. The prince pouts, but grabs your hand. Gently. He just holds it for a while staring you in the eyes. “How about we spend some time on my bed?" 
The prince nods, afraid to speak now. “I’d like that too.”
“We could cuddle and-“ you cup his cheek with your free hand, “you could touch me again, my prince. I love it when you touch me.”
“T-ouch you,” he stammers. The prince seems nervous as he releases your hand. “I-we…you want me to touch you...again?"
For a moment his blue eyes turn dark. He clenches his jaw and puffs out a breath.
“You know, I love the soft and the grumpy man," you say, standing on tiptoes to press a soft kiss on his lips. “Maybe grumpy Steve wants to make up for being away for so long. What do you say, my prince?”
He swallows the lump in his throat. The prince’s eyes drop to your lips, and further down to your chest. “You are so soft, smart, and beautiful. I think…I think I love you.”
You giggle again. 
“No…I mean,” he fights to get the words out. “I love you. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you—” the prince frowns. He shakes his head and clears his throat. “What I want to tell you is that I’m sorry I don’t say it so often.”
This time, you frown. The last time the prince was around he wouldn’t stop telling you how much he loves you. He swore on his life to love you till the end of the time Now it seems like he forgot about that promise.
“It’s alright, my prince,” you cup his face with both hands. “I love you too. Grumpy. Soft. I don’t care. You have a place in my heart.”
A soft look crosses his face when he looks at you.
You kiss him again. The prince instantly returns the kiss and wraps his arms around your body. He moans into your mouth. 
“You are mine, Blossom. Forever mine. No one can take you away from me,” The prince softly whispers against your lips. 
“Blossom,” you breathe against him. “I like it.”
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“How do you want to spend the day?” you murmur as you wake up in the prince’s arms. You and the prince spent another night together. He was a little nervous last night, but you didn’t mind.
“Can we stay like this all day?” He looks at you in his arms. “I wouldn’t mind holding you in my arms for the rest of my stay.”
“I’d like that, but my father will not like it,” you giggle. 
The prince chuckles. “I guess he already knows we did more than cuddle. We are not living in medieval times, you know. It’s not a shame to love each other in any way.”
“Sometimes I wish our world was different. It’s so unfair that-“ you sniffle. “My aunt is pregnant, and she fears it’s another son.”
“Our world is cruel," he chokes out. “If only we could change it. I don’t think killing second sons will save this rotten world. Maybe with the help of Prince Stark and Prince Barnes, we could turn this world into a better place for everyone.”
“What do you mean?” you lift your head to look at the prince. 
“I heard my father talk to King Stark,” he whispers so no one can hear him. "They said the law about second sons must be eliminated. It’s inhuman.”
"I completely agree," resting your head on his chest you sigh deeply. “My parents got lucky because I was the firstborn. I never understood why only second sons must die. What if the second daughters want to take over the world? Huh? That’s misogynist.”
“Do you want to take over the world, Blossom?” He grins now. “I’ll help you.”
“Of course, you’ll help me, my prince. We will rule this world. Your soft and grumpy side,” you smile to yourself. “Give me a bit more time to figure out a plan.”
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“Father, what do you think about the prince?” you ask a few days after your fiancé left your kingdom. 
“He will be a worthy husband and king. The prince is smart, and caring and I know he loves you dearly,” your father softly says. He kisses your temple and wraps his arms around you.
“Why does he never allow me to visit him?" You whisper. “He promised me that I would visit him soon. But whenever I ask him about his home, he turns silent.”
“Young men can be difficult. Maybe he’s afraid you won't like his kingdom. It’s smaller than ours and colder. Flowers hardly grow at his place.”
“You think so? Oh, maybe I should read more books. I could help him grow flowers in his kingdom. I think I'll retreat to the library today."
“Never forget, this bond is important to both you and our kingdoms. We are four kingdoms united by friendship and trust against the world.”
“Four kingdoms?” you question. “What’s that supposed to mean, Father?”
“King Howard Stark, King Joseph Rogers, King George Barnes, and I are allies. We agreed on creating a new world. A safer and less cruel one. One day, we will tell you about it. Just not yet..."
Part 5
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Tags in reblog.
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majestyeverlasting · 2 years
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Cold Little Paws - In favor of not waking you up one morning, Bucky leaves the bedroom to take a phone call. And it gives you a temporary scare when you wake up and he isn't by your side.
No Such Thing as Winning by Default Tonight - One evening during a play fight, Bucky learns that his little family sure does have a few tricks up their sleeves.
As Long as It's With You - There’s nothing like summer in the city.
I Can Feel It Too - You and Bucky travel down to Delacroix, Louisiana to meet up with Sam, Sarah, and the boys at a nice vacation rental on the lake.
Remember the Good Parts - You and Bucky attend a banquet in Washington D.C., but it isn’t until afterwards that things take a peculiar turn as the result of a forgotten tube of lipstick.
Till Dawn - Bucky and Eden have the house to themselves because you and Jamie are away for the night. Let's just say bedtime gets pushed back.
All I Ever Wanted - You and Bucky visit a park in Brooklyn that stirs up some nostalgic memories. But what he doesn’t know is that, later that night, he’ll learn that he’s going to be a father.
As Many as You Want - You and Bucky spend your first night together after a few weeks apart, and you realize how much you’ve missed each other’s closeness.
What Comes Naturally - Your doubts lead you and Bucky to explore the idea of what it means to add value to the world.
Mornings Like These - Just another morning at the Barnes residence.
In Your Arms - Unvoiced feelings come to the surface, and neither you or Bucky can deny how right it feels.
Once More - You accompany Bucky on an assignment in Germany, and the two of you take advantage of the special housing arrangement you're given on a private portion of the beach.
Brighter Than We Know - Fairy lights, caresses, and kisses while under a sky full of stars.
Then Came the Sun - You and Bucky spend the night together for the first time.
We’ll Always Have Tonight - Sometimes all the soul needs is a night to be cuddled by the campfire with family.
You’re Always What I Need - There’s nothing quite like a new place to call home. After the kitchen is organized just the way you like it, you begin to notice small changes within the following days.
Those Who Long for the Night - Neon lights, epiphanies, and love after dark. It is Madripoor, after all.
To Be Still - You kissed him because you didn’t know what else to say. He smiled into it, and you pulled away just enough to murmur against his upturned lips, “I’m so glad you’re back.”
For Funsies:
Pieces of Us - You come home on a Saturday afternoon to jazz in the air. And it isn’t long before your new manicure catches Bucky’s attention.
These Hands Are For You - The raking of leaves, muffins, and baby kicks on a fall afternoon.
Whispers Amid Candlelight - After a long day, Bucky is more than willing to ensure that you de-stress and have a proper send off to bed.
We’re Gonna Be Okay - It’s Bucky’s first night back from a two-month-long mission. The two of you spend it enjoying each other's company.
What Happens in the Dark - You and Bucky are awakened to the fact that what lies between you is transcendent of the bounds of friendship.
Hang in There, Super Soldier - The main festivities of Halloween night have dwindled, yet the fun lives on.
Always Back to You - After coming home a little roughed up, Bucky seeks forgiveness for not being candid about a mission in D.C. But all you truly care about is the fact that he made his way back to you.
I Felt It in My Bones - Snowflakes fall from a darkening sky as you and Bucky reminisce about moments that made you feel alive.
Everyone I Love's in This Place - There are some places that always manage to feel like home. And after spending time with the Wilson family and their friends in Delacroix, you can safely say that the community is one of them.
Irresistible You - Gingerbread houses are sweet, but kisses shared with Bucky are always sweeter.
A Warmth That Never Fades - Love, family, and Christmas Day.
Something Like Forever - Bucky spends the night at your place for the first time, and learns about something special that you’ve held on to since you were young.
Right Where You Are - You started out as a curious pair of eyes across a crowded room. And at a time when Bucky isn’t looking for love, he grows to find it in you.
A Little Less Restless - As Bucky finds himself within the still familiarity of Brooklyn, he comes to realize that he deserves nice things. And, most of all, that he deserves you.
Never the Same - Things are never going to be the same, but perhaps you saw it coming all along.
I've Got You - Life's always sweeter when you're by each other's side.
Never For To Long - In the heat of the moment, Bucky says something to you that he doesn't mean, and after a period of reflection he's set on making things right.
Belonging - Like a moth drawn to a flame, you pressed yourself even closer to his body, situating your arms around his neck yet again. This time, you rested your chin on his shoulder and closed your eyes. A little taste of forever. 
Count of Three - “I’m staying here, and I’m not moving. I don’t care about your empty threats! Hey—wait—what are you doing?”
The World Won’t Fall Apart - After a lifetime of running to fight after fight, Bucky is learning what it means to be at ease.
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loneberry · 2 years
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After I finished making a midterm exam, Molly and I went to a secret Japanese tea house. It appears on no map, has no hours, no sign. It is as though it exists, somehow, outside this world. When you enter, you give your phone to the owner to lock in a box for the duration of your visit.
We stayed for nearly 6 hours—sat reading poems, chatting with the eccentric owner about Sufism and the ocean and his peculiar flower arrangements consisting of a mix of living and dead plant matter.
How can I describe it, the strange sensation of being alive, late at night in those dim lights, surrounded by beauty. I got up to look at the wares, inhaled the hinoki essential oil—Max Richter was playing as I stared at blank notecards and imagined writing someone a heartfelt note, writing bravely, from that bewitched and emotionally authentic space I was in. I felt a sudden pang. It was the moment opening, with all its counterfactuals, what could have been, what will never be—how deeply I could feel, in that instant, the texture of my grief.
When I’m in the hustle and bustle of my busy and now quite ordinary life, I think, if only I could really hear the voice that says,
“Jackie, it was not for this that you were created.”
Then I would give away all my things and spend my days in prayer.
Susan Howe writes that for Sarah Edwards, “all works of God are a kind of language or voice to instruct us in things pertaining to calling and confusion.”
“...each soul comes upon the call of God in his word. I read words but don’t hear God in them.”
Did I pray, how long in supplication, with my inner eye fixed on that phantom, the phantom with her eyes stitched shut, limbs covered in oak moss. A dream of the opening of the eyes, the inert limbs now lithe and moving toward you. Ordinary objects and sounds are suddenly strange. That’s when the phantom slips through, when I hear the birds singing in a tree...
The blooming moment. Retrospectively, I am convinced that its condition of possibility was the confiscation of my phone, that it is only when we are unplugged that we can sense these holy emanations.
How calm we were, leafing through the book of Japanese death poems (jisei) in the tea house. What will be the last words I write before dying? For all I know, it could be this, or this. I remembered the dying words of George Mackay Brown: “I see hundreds and hundreds of ships sailing out of the harbour.” I remember the fragments Kafka wrote while dying, “lemonade everything was infinite,” his concern for the peony, the improvised performance—the incantation—I did at the Zinc Bar in 2015 using Kafka’s dying words, how J wept in the audience, then wrote me about the snow:
I am the guy, by the way, who said hi on the street, in the snow, after your reading. … I did indeed cry after your Kafka-Cixous incantation, partly because that phrase has been magic to me my whole life. I read Cixous' novel by that name when I studied with her and Derrida in my twenties... Her seminars were amazing. One day, funnily enough, she gave a seminar on snow in Proust, simply because snow was on the ground in Paris. For all sorts of reasons your whole reading shook and tenderised me deeply. I suppose, with the snow through the tinted glass outside, it will forever be, my imagination of what you read will forever be blanche niege texte.
(standing on the corner in manhattan with that powdery snow i was looking at the flowers when you walked past actually, turned, swivelled, i had needed to get out of the bar because the reading had touched me so much . . . i then went and wandered in the snow for an hour, till i happened on a subway, and back to my friend's in brooklyn . . . i have been thinking more today about how effective your reading was to me. it sort of made me feel i could only read poetry from now on if i was embodied, since what convinced in your reading beyond the obvious was the adjustments to us, the audience, the interruptions, the ability to break off, and then the actual concentration because of the embodiments . . . at most poetry readings i am constantly thinking 'i am at a poetry reading' and can't really get beyond the poem-as-poem-at-reading. when you read i was suddenly completely focused. the bodily resonation was right, a recuperation of grace, so i could listen. like before the internet or something. it returned me all the way to early cixous and feminine writing and what that could still mean, a writing beyond master-works and over-sociality of tact, agua viva, what korine might call 'mistakist' heaven. it was my first time in new york. my last night. stop. for now. cut the flowers.)
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nospendtillbrooklyn · 29 days
An Update: Three Weeks in. And I am noticing some changes...
I meant to write this post last week. And maybe the week before that. But I have been so busy, the effort needed to write this post just did not exist. But I wanted to write one today because I think it’s important to keep holding myself accountable to this No Buy experience.
As the tagline says, I have noticed some changes. My budget is still not where I want it to be, but that it is mostly because I am still getting myself organized. It’s not a skill that comes naturally to me. And I am working really hard at taking extra income and placing it towards debt and building up my savings account. To my day to day wallet doesn’t feel much different. But my mindset sure does.
I have always been someone with a slightly disordered eating habit. I tend to really make some questionable choices, and go long stretches with out eating. This would result in me being absolutely starving at random hours during my work day, and would prompt me to stop somewhere to “Grab something to go.” Usually from a gas station or grocery store. But those little things add up. So one of the first things that went into my No Buy plan was to eliminate that extra spending. And I have three weeks in noticed myself not feeling tempted to stop, to plan more ahead and to live with what is available at home (even if it’s not exactly what I am craving in that moment.) This feels like such a win to me, to notice myself easily self correcting when temptation rises.
It’s happening else where too. I was in the pet store, a place where I would often over spend to ‘treat the dogs’ to some fun stuff, and I purchased the necessary pet food I needed and rolled out the door easy-breezy. The pet store I frequent is close to a Sierra Trading Post, a place I could easily drop $50 to $100 on a given trip. Mostly on things I didn’t really need. I walked right by it.
These little changes from an outside perspective seem so small to me. But when I think about the irresponsible spending I have engaged in in the past, I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It’s working. I am shifting how I view spending and shopping, not as a hobby thing to fill a void of stress or boredom.
What I have purchased the last three weeks has been 100% required. I purchased some replacement parts for my weed whacker on Amazon. I bought some supplies to print and mount some photos for the fair show locally. And next week I am having a photo matted and framed and shipped for a gallery show at an arts festival. Over all the expenses out side of necessities have been things that are not typical (the last time I bought parts for the weed whacker was two years ago.) And I am pleased that I have multiple times come up against temptations to swing through a coffee drive thru, or browse a favorite store (because it’s never just browsing…) and been able to easily redirect my thought process.
For any one considering a No Buy, I would highly recommend it. Recognizing that no two No Buys will look alike, and setting up your personal No Buy might be different from mine. For example your No Buy might leave room for eating out, while mine doesn’t. Your No Buy might allow some types of clothing or metrics on when you can purchase clothing, where as even if something breaks (outside of hiking boots of which I only have one pair) I will just have to live with it until I have nothing that can fill the void. And in my case, I have plenty that can fill the void. Your No Buy doesn’t necessarily need to require you to declutter at the same time (Though I think it’s a really good exercise in “why do I have so much stuff??”) But even just 3 weeks in, I am consciously aware of my spending and finding making choices to align with the No Buy easier and easier. It is less and less of a “no you’re on a no buy” and more of a “we don’t need that.” And that feels like a powerful place to start really commanding my finances.
Next up? A break down of debt pay-offs.
0 notes
tellywoodtrash · 9 months
Hi! How are you?
Who is your favorite character of all time? How many shows do you think you've watched till date (an estimate maybe)
I couldn't pick just ONE character! I'm ANCIENTTTTTTT (in my 30s) and have been mainlining media since the age of like 1 (shout out to Sesame Street, I still watch the clips), how could I possibly pick ONE character out of the 100s (if not 1000s) of shows I've watched???
Some top faves though, through the years:
Chandler Bing (Friends)
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Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Captain Dad Holt (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Gina Linetti (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
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Christina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
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Villanelle (Killing Eve)
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Crowley (Good Omens)
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Anika (Ishqbaaaz)
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Omkara Singh Oberoi (Strictly Pre-DBO Ishqbaaaz)
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Gauri Kumari Sharma (DBO/Ishqbaaaz)
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Kusum Kothari (Shaadi Mubarak)
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Hong Cha Young (Vincenzo)
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Lee Ik Jun (Hospital Playlist)
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Porsche Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche)
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Tankhun Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche)
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Kimhan Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche)
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Prapai (Love in The Air)
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.... Ok, I think that's quite enough. (Also I've reached the Tumblr image limit, lmao.) Safe to say, my brain is always filled with my beloved blorbos and I spend most of my time thinking of them. 🥰🥰🥰
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🥶 with Mario bros for the drabble prompt if you fancy it?:)
Sorry this one took so long! I was planning on posting this a while ago, but it ended up in my drafts, and I didn't realize it till this morning 🙃 😅
🥶 Cold
Writing prompts
"Shush it, Mario."
"Stop it."
"Come on, man. I can see you shivering from way over here!"
For some reason, his brother was acting more stubborn than usual today. The two were visiting their family for the holiday, and that it had been awhile since they've gone back to Brooklyn for anything other than a quick repair job or wanting to meet with their ever growing fans.
Unfortunately, the moment they decided to spend a full week at home was also when Mother Nature decided to launch the entire state in a bad snow front, meaning that even though they didn't get alot of snow, the temperature outside was cold as artic and everyone was bundled up to conserve whatever body heat they had left.
That is except for Luigi, who thought it was fine just wearing one thin jacket and only having his hoodie up over his head. No gloves, no ear muffs, not even a scarf!
And the guy wasn't allowing him to even offer any of the ones that he has. Not that either of them would back down anyway.
"I s-said I'm f-f-fine!" Luigi's teeth audible chattered, and he tried to look angry at his brother, who only looked back at him with an expressionless face.
"Wow, yeah, very convincing there, Lu." He rolled his eyes and raised his brow as Luigi matched his eye roll.
"Geez, we're almost at Ma and Pop's anyway, it's not that big of a deal."
'You say that now, but you'll regret it in the morning when you catch a cold....'
He finally put his foot down, without trying to slip on a patch of ice he was standing on. "Okay, look, you're either gonna share this jacket with me, or I'm going to have to force you to wear it. And you and I both know that'll end quickly."
He watched his brother pause in his walk, wrapping his arms tighter around his body, whether to keep himself warm or a last act of stubbornness melting away was his best guess.
"If you're making up your mind, hurry it up cause I'm freezing my butt off right now." He tapped his foot impatiently as he motioned the flap of his coat out to him, trying to ignore the brisk cold air now hitting his chest.
Luigi had finally turned around. His face was unreadable as he trudged his feet against the frozen sidewalk and scuttled into the left side of Mario's winter coat. He had to kneel down a bit so the two were at equal height, but from the way he was shivering, he had confirmed that the testa dura was acting like this for no reason.
"Wipe that grin off your face, Mario." He heard Luigi mumble as they walked a steady pace across the pavement. "You don't have to rub it in."
"Oh, I know I don't to, you've just proved how damn stubborn you are when you need to admit when you're wrong."
"Shut up."
*testa dura- hard head(ed)
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 8 months
here is a preview for my next Armand/Daniel one shot (which I will hopefully finish and post sometime tomorrow) under a read more bc it's a bit long
It’s been nearly a month since Daniel and Armand have reconciled.  Regaining his memories awakened those old feelings.  After the interview, Daniel tried to go back to his normal life.  He didn’t last long.  Once he remembered Armand, he wanted him.  It’s like he’s found the missing puzzle piece that completes him.  
Which yeah, that’s not exactly healthy.  But Daniel is old and sick; he figures he’s got ten to fifteen years tops.  Years of drug use have had their toll, and there isn’t exactly a cure for Parkinson’s.  So if he wants to spend his last few years with the love of his life, who cares?  They’ve already damaged each other in all the ways that matter.  And yet, there’s still so much love there.
Daniel loves Armand so much it makes him crazy.
Worse, it makes him insanely horny.  They haven’t fucked yet.  Armand tried getting in his pants the very night they got back together.  Daniel had refused him, saying at his age he couldn’t get it up anymore.  He’s about seventy-five percent sure that Armand knows he’s lying.  Even without peeking in his head; he’s learned to read Daniel’s expressions well enough.
And Daniel has told him not to go digging around in there without his permission.  As far as he knows, Armand hasn’t.  It’s not so bad, not having sex.  Not like he was having much before.  Everyone his age is either married or in long term relationships.  Sure, there’s a few other divorcees, but none he’s really interested in.  So it’s been awhile.  
It’s not like he’s not getting off in other ways.  Armand bites him almost every night, and that feels just as good as sex.  Plus, he knows for a fact that Armand considers it more intimate.  Still, Daniel worries.  With Louis gone off and living the single life–not that that will last long–Armand isn’t getting it anywhere else either.  He doesn’t want it to cause problems between them.
But he can’t do it.  Armand remembers him from his youth, when he was willing to try anything at least once.  Back then he was a lot more flexible, and he didn’t sag in the wrong places.  Armand may think he wants to be with him, but the experience will prove lackluster.  He can’t do the things he used to do anymore.  He’ll just disappoint Armand.
The nightlight clicks on, light catching Armand’s fiery eyes and making them seem to glow.  “What’s wrong, my love?  Usually you’re asleep by now.”
Sleeping during the day isn’t nearly as hard as Daniel expected it to be.  His circadian rhythm has always been off, he doesn’t get sleepy till around 3 in the morning.  Sleeping during the day has actually done wonders for his insomnia.  
Daniel rolls to his side and meets Armand’s gaze.  Armand installed those fancy windows he had in Dubai to Daniel’s house here in Brooklyn.  They never really talked about it; Armand spent the night the first night and then just never left.  Daniel doesn’t really mind; he wants Armand here.  
“Can’t shut off my brain,” Daniel says.
“Perhaps I can help,” Armand says, and reaches a hand to his neck to stroke his thumb over the bite mark he left earlier.  
Heat flares in Daniel’s core and he sucks in a sharp breath.  God, he wants Armand.  Wants those teeth inside him at the same time as his cock.  He wants Armand to fuck him stupid.  Sometimes, when it was really good, or especially intense, he would get all floaty after.  Like he was disconnected from his body and everything was fuzzy and loose.  
Armand’s eyes darken and his hand closes around Daniel’s throat and holds him in place.  Then his mouth is on Daniel’s and Daniel sinks into the kiss.  Armand always kisses him a little before he bites him, and it’s always nice.  There’s a sharper edge to it now then there has been.  Armand’s tongue is fucking his mouth, and his lips are moving against his perfectly.  
Armand shifts, putting Daniel on his back.  He uses his free hand to spread Daniel’s thighs so he can slot between them.  He kisses Daniel until Daniel has to break away to catch his breath.  Then Armand nuzzles into his neck and breathes in his scent.  His hand moves to Daniel’s hair and snatches his head back.  He licks a hot stripe up Daniel’s neck and Daniel moans wantonly. 
Armand kisses his throat and sighs.  “My beautiful boy, let me make love to you.”
Daniel stiffens.  “I can’t, I told you-”
“Daniel,” Armand cuts him off, voice stern.  “Tell me the truth.  Why don’t you want to be with me?”
Daniel can feel his face turn red.  “I don’t want to disappoint you.  I’m not a spring chicken anymore.”
Armand’s brow furrows.  “You mortals have such peculiar expressions.  I suppose that’s referring to your age?”
Daniel looks away, nervously twisting his hands.  Armand catches them and presses a kiss to the back of each.  “You can’t disappoint me, beloved.  I’ve longed for you these years apart.  Let me have you.”
Daniel snorts.  “I’m old and out of shape.  It won’t be like it was before.”
“Do you truly think that matters?”
Daniel feels his chest tighten and he has to blink to keep the tears from welling. “Are you even physically attracted to me anymore? Because eventually the nostalgia will wear off and you’ll-”
“I’ll what, Daniel?”Armand says sharply.  “Do tell me.”
“You’ll get tired of me.  Realize I’m not the same person anymore.  And you’ll leave.”  Daniel didn’t realize how much he feared it, until he said it out loud.  
“I’m not the one who leaves.”
Daniel winces.  He might deserve that a little.  He did run off quite a bit.  But Armand let him leave, let him stay gone.  If he really loved him, why didn’t he just find him and bring him back?
Armand’s gaze softens and he bends down to gently kiss along Daniel’s throat.  Daniel allows it, sinking down into the mattress. It feels nice; arousal coursing through his entire body.  Fuck, he wants Armand.  
Armand nuzzles that spot right beneath his ear that always gets him hot, before sucking on it.  It feels heavenly.  Armand pulls back to pepper kisses over his throat.  “I love you, my beautiful boy.  I’ll never tire of you.  I’ll never stop wanting you.”
He has such conviction in his voice.  Daniel wants to believe it, but he isn’t sure.  “I’m not beautiful, and I’m not a boy anymore.”
“You’re as lovely to me as the day I set eyes on you,” Armand says, then moves his mouth near Daniel’s ear.  “And you’re my boy, always.”
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power-chords · 10 months
After the war, as a student first at Brooklyn College and then at Columbia, Hilberg was quickly drawn to the academic study of the fate he had escaped in Europe but that many of his relatives had not. "Briefly I weighed the possibility of writing a dissertation about an aspect of war crimes, and then I woke up," he explained in his autobiography. "It was the evidence that I wanted. My subject would be the destruction of the European Jews." He was soon spending long hours in a torpedo factory in Virginia that had been transformed into a repository for countless boxes of captured Nazi archives. Hilberg’s decision to study this material was not considered a professionally prudent one at the time, which may seem odd in the current era of Holocaust movies and proliferating Holocaust studies departments. But in the late 1940s and ’50s, the genocide of the Jews was a subject ignored in academic circles. History books of the era focused on the cult of Hitler and the Nazi terror but generally did not identify the slaughter of the Jews as a central part of the story of World War II. In the United States, the first college-level course dedicated to the subject of the Holocaust was taught in 1974–by Raul Hilberg. More than twenty years earlier, when Franz Neumann, Hilberg’s adviser at Columbia, learned of his dissertation topic, he quipped, "It’s your funeral."
Hilberg’s study opens with a bold statement: "Lest one be misled by the word ‘Jews’ in the title, let it be pointed out that this is not a book about the Jews. It is a book about the people who destroyed the Jews." Hilberg toiled for nearly a decade in the archives of the Nuremberg trials and other collections of recovered German documents. During his last lecture, which he delivered in Vermont just a few months before his death, he recalled the void that engulfed him at the outset of his research. "I was transported into a world for which I was totally unprepared," he explained in his dry, austere manner. "I would read a document, but I would not understand what it meant. The context had to be built record by record."
In Hilberg’s telling, the murder of the Jews was not a product simply of Hitler’s anti-Semitic rage (as Dawidowicz would later argue), nor was it preordained the moment the Nazi Party coalesced or even by the terror of Kristallnacht. "The destruction of the Jews was an administrative process, and the annihilation of Jewry required the implementation of systematic administrative measures in successive steps." Hilberg presented a staggering picture of the bureaucratic machinery of extermination, which developed slowly over time and inundated every sector of German society–not just the Einsatzgruppen and the SS but also the finance ministry, foreign office and railways; everyone knew what was happening, and everyone cooperated.
Hilberg defended his dissertation in 1955 and submitted it to prominent publishing houses. It was roundly rejected until 1961, when a young press in Chicago, Quadrangle Books, decided to publish the work, printing it in double columns on cheap paper. From there, the massive tome began quietly and slowly to win over admirers. In a glowing review in Commentary, the British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote that Hilberg’s book was "not yet another chronicle of horrors. It is a careful, analytic, three-dimensional study of a social and political experience unique in history: an experience which no one could believe possible till it happened and whose real significance still bewilders us." Michael Marrus, the foremost historiographer of the Holocaust, says that it is now generally agreed that before Hilberg "there was not a subject. No panoramic, European-wide sense of what had happened. That’s what Hilberg provided."
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Madness In the Rage Cage
Mario rents out a Rage Room in downtown Brooklyn, so he, Luigi and Peach can destroy anything they want to. Though nervous, Peach and Luigi attempt to try out this 'rage room' activity, and end up getting even more invested than Mario ever anticipated.
Totally didn't spend from 8pm till 12:30am writing this fanfiction...Tooootally not me! But in all seriousness, I was so inspired, I just HAD to write a fanfiction on this! I couldn't NOT do this! That was just not an option! And honestly, I was having so much fun writing this fanfic, that I didn't even think tickling was needed! So...this will be the second normal fanfiction that I've written on this account.
This fanfic was greatly inspired by both Game Grumps' video on rage rooms from 2 months ago, as well as Unus Annus's old Rage Room video. Memento Mori, and I hope you all enjoy!
Luigi put on the orange helmet and tightened it up. “I feel like a wrecking crew member.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario laughed as he helped Luigi tighten it a slight bit more. “We kind of are, in a way.” Mario replied. 
“So…What’s the point of this ‘rage cage’ place?” Peach asked. 
Mario chuckled. “It’s supposed to be a place where you can release all your anger in a safe environment.” Mario told her. 
“Huh…” Peach looked at Luigi. “And you wanted to do this?” Peach asked. 
“Eeeh…” Luigi zipped up the white onesie cover. “Mario insisted I try it out.” Luigi told him. 
“Because I know you’re gonna enjoy it.” Mario told him. 
“And I couldn’t bring power ups because…” Peach asked. 
“Because it could be considered cheating.” Mario admitted, before knocking on Luigi’s helmet to tell him it’s ready. 
Luigi put the face shield over his helmet. “Plus, we don’t know if something we hit is going to ricochet and hit us back, or make us bounce back into the wall.” Luigi added. 
Peach nodded as she zipped up the white, baggy onesie for the room. “Alright.” Peach said. “But still…This had to be expensive.” Peach admitted. 
Mario shook his head. “Don’t worry. We covered the costs.” Mario told her. “We’ve been saving up for a fun activity like this for a while now.” Mario added. “And considering how much we had saved, this is nothing.” Mario finished. 
Luigi chuckled and put the face shield onto Mario. “There.” Luigi said. “No going home with glass in your eyes.” Luigi let him know. 
“Thanks!” Mario said, chuckling at Luigi’s words. “You two ready?” He asked Luigi and Peach. 
Peach put on her face shield and smiled. “I think so.” Peach replied. “But how much time do we have to smash?” Peach asked. 
Luigi smiled. “An hour.” Luigi replied. 
“...That’s it?” Peach reacted. 
Mario laughed. “The sessions were in 30 minute intervals. And considering there were three of us, I figured 30 minutes wouldn’t be enough time.” Mario admitted. “An hour will feel a lot longer than it is. I promise.” Mario finished.  
Mario led the way, heading out of the locker rooms and walking to the room they would be smashing things in. After the employee explained the ground rules of the rage cage, they were sent in for the session. “The first 30 minutes starts…NOW.” The person clicked the timer before closing the door. 
Peach took a quick scan of the stuff that were in the room. There were several plates and glasses on the side table. There were also several different types of electronics on the ground and on black tables in the room. There were even a bunch of weapons leaning against the one wall. 
“Whoa…” Peach muttered. 
“Hey Mario!” Luigi said, picking up the baseball bat and gently throwing it vertically to Mario. “Batter up!” Luigi added. 
Mario grabbed the bat midair, and drew it back behind him. Luigi threw a plate over at his brother, and watched as Mario swung at the plate, smashing it to tiny pieces. “WOOOO!” Mario cheered, raising the baseball bat in the air with both his hands. 
“Nice one!” Luigi reacted. 
Peach walked up to the wall, which had several weapons hung up against it by nails on the wall. She wasn’t sure which one to choose at first…but then the sledgehammer caught her eye. She picked it up, and held it with both her hands with shock. “What is THIS?!” Peach asked with a big smile on her face. 
“It’s a sledgehammer.” Mario told her. “It’s like a hammer, but with a really long handle. You use two hands with it.” Mario added. 
Peach looked around at the items, unsure what to hit. “Hmm…” She mumbled. She looked at the boxy black thing that was on the ground, and knocked on the top of it with her knuckles. “What is this?” She asked. 
Mario smirked. “It’s a printer.” Mario told him. 
Peach drew back the sledgehammer. 
“Hold on!” Luigi yelled. 
Peach froze, before putting down the sledgehammer. “Yeah?” She asked. 
Luigi picked up the printer and put it on the table. He backed up, and smiled a bit. “I figured you wanted it higher up.” Luigi admitted. 
Peach nodded. “Thank you.” She replied with an innocent smile. And within a second, her innocent smile snapped into a face full of rage as she let out a war cry and absolutely unloaded the sledgehammer into the top of the printer!
Mario shielded his face with his hand, backing up a bit. “HOLY-” 
“RAAAAAH!” Peach smashed the sledgehammer into the top of the printer again! “COME ON!” Peach shouted, slamming the sledgehammer into the printer one more time and causing a huge dent in the middle top part of the printer. 
Luigi looked at Mario with growing fear on his face. 
Mario chuckled at Luigi’s face. “What? Are you picturing yourself as the printer?” Mario asked. 
Luigi bit his lip. If he wasn’t picturing it before, he certainly was now. 
A couple seconds later, Peach put down the sledgehammer somewhat gently before picking up the printer and throwing it against the wall! The printer busted against the wall, bouncing around before skidding across the floor. 
Then, Peach turned around, put her hands on her hips and smiled brightly, and almost innocently at the boys. “This is fun!” Peach reacted. 
Mario smiled with shock and amusement on his face. “Alright. Note to self: Don’t piss off the princess.” Mario joked. 
Peach tilted her head. “You didn’t know that before?” Peach teased. 
Mario put his hands up in arrest before handing Luigi the baseball bat. “Time to see what you’re made of, Lu.” Mario told him, grabbing a plate.
Luigi looked at the bat, and tapped it on the ground. “Are you sure about this?” Luigi asked, a little nervous. 
��You’ll be fine! It’s just like little league baseball…just with a large plate, instead of a tiny ball. Swing the bat when the plate gets close enough.” Mario told him. 
Luigi nodded and drew back the bat. When Mario threw the plate, Luigi swung at it, breaking the plate with the baseball bat midair and making glass shards explode within a 360 degree radius!  Luigi flinched and covered his head instinctively, while Mario laughed. “Wow! I see you’ve kept up your batting skills.” Mario reacted. 
Luigi looked at Mario with a smile, mixed with slight nervousness. “That was…nerve-wracking.” Luigi admitted. He held out his hand with a chuckle. “I’m shaking.” Luigi showed him with a giggle. 
“That’s good! That means the adrenaline is kicking in.” Mario told him. “And remember, you’re wearing safety equipment. You’re not gonna get hurt.” Mario told him. 
Luigi bit his lip, unsure. “I don’t know…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario picked up another plate. “Just give it another shot.” Mario offered, holding up the blue plate. 
Luigi let out a long breath before he hit the bat against his heels like a traditional batter. 
“Come on, Luigi!” Peach cheered. “You can do it!” 
Luigi chuckled a bit as he drew his bat back again and focused on the plate. When Mario threw the plate to him, Luigi squeezed his eyes shut and swung the bat. The bat destroyed the plate midair, breaking the plate into bigger-sized chunks. The bat also happened to knock the plate into the wall, where it smashed into even more tiny pieces! 
Luigi gasped. “WHOHOHOOA!” Luigi shouted. 
“WOOHOOOOO!” Peach cheered, clapping her hands with pride. 
“Now how was that?!” Mario asked. “Was that better?!” 
Luigi looked at Mario with the biggest, most energetic smile on his face. “That was AWESOME!” Luigi shouted, jumping up and throwing his fist into the air.
Mario laughed and patted Luigi’s shoulder. “I knew you’d enjoy it.” Mario replied. 
Peach looked at the other weapons, and grabbed a golf club. “I didn’t know a golf club counted as a weapon.” Peach admitted. 
“Wanna try it out?” Mario asked. 
Peach nodded and looked around at the other things that were in the room. She looked at the computer screen, and smirked. She drew the golf club back like a baseball bat. “FOOOORE!” She smashed the computer screen, causing a huge crack in the screen. 
Luigi chuckled and picked up a large wrench off the wall. “Hey Mario…” Luigi said with a big smirk. 
Mario gasped and took the wrench from Luigi’s hands. When Luigi backed up, Mario swung it around a bit, and wiped away a slight bit of dust from the wrench. “Oh HECK YES!” Mario yelled. He turned around and looked at the unplugged clock that was on the groundnearby. “Hey! Don’t like what time it is?” Mario asked, picking up the clock. He threw the clock in the air, readied his wrench and demolished the digital clock midair. “TIME IS AN ILLUSION!” Mario shouted, before crumbling into laughter. 
Peach bursted out in hysterical laughter. 
Mario picked up a big beer bottle. “Tired of your uncle drinking too much beer?!” Mario asked. He threw it against the wall, making it smash into tiny bits. “GO TO REHAB!” Mario shouted. 
Luigi wheezed and doubled over, laughing his head off. Then, he looked over at a small flip phone that was on the table. He picked it up. “Tired of those awful telemarketers?!” Luigi asked, before throwing it up and blasting his baseball bat into the flip phone. “GET A REAL JOB!” Luigi shouted. 
Mario wheezed and cackled super loudly. “Ohoho myhy gohohod! Buhut telemarketing IS a real job!” Mario reacted. 
“Not in my book.” Luigi shot back. 
Mario looked over at Peach with a smirk. “Does anything ever piss you off?” Mario asked. 
Peach smirked and picked up the sledgehammer again. “You ever feel proud of yourself because you’re in first place in a race? Only to get hit by a blue shell and knocked completely off the track?” Peach asked before drawing the sledgehammer back. “And then you just wanna go-” She smashed the sledgehammer into the top of an old-fashioned stereo. “AAAAAAAUGH!” Peach smashed the stereo one more time, for good measure. “DAMMIT!” Peach screamed as loud as he possibly could. 
Mario fell over and absolutely HOWLED with newfound laughter! “OHOHO MY GOD YEEEHEHEHESS!” Mario cackled. 
Luigi watched with growing fear on his face once again…accompanied by a nervous smile. “Wow…” was all Luigi could say at that point. 
“Okay. New challenge:” Mario picked up a couple plates. “What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?” Mario asked before handing them the plates. “Say the stupid thing, and then throw the plate.” Mario told Peach and Luigi. 
Luigi smirked. “Okay. You go first.” Luigi told Mario. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “Alright.” He readied himself and cleared his throat. “The earth is flat!” Mario said before smashing the plate against the wall. “IT IS CLEARLY NOT! THERE ARE MILLIONS OF PHOTOS DISPROVING THAT!” Mario shouted afterwards. 
Luigi laughed at his words before looking over at Peach. “You go next!” Luigi told her. 
Peach smirked. “Let’s rule the world together! Will you marry me?!” Peach threw the plate onto the floor. “I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU, BOWSER!” Peach screamed. 
Mario tittered and laughed. “Ohoho gosh! You tell ‘em!” Mario reacted. 
Luigi nodded and cleared his throat. “I don’t deserve love.” Luigi threw the plate at the wall. “THAT IS SO UNTRUE, IT SHOULD BE A GOD DAMN CRIME.” Luigi shouted. “YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE WORTHY, AND WHOEVER TELLS YOU OTHERWISE SHOULD DIE ALONE IN A PIT.” Luigi finished. 
The room went completely silent. It was so quiet, one could easily hear a pin drop. The only sound you could somewhat hear was Luigi’s heavy breathing. And even THAT was somewhat muffled by the shield. Peach and Mario were staring at Luigi, completely thrown off guard by Luigi’s unusually personal response. Mario stared at Luigi with awe. Everything in him was aching to say something. “I….” Was all that came out of his mouth. Even if Mario wanted to say something…what was he supposed to say? 
Luigi turned to look at Mario. “Sorry…was that too personal?” Luigi asked with slight worry on his face. 
Mario was taken aback. “No! No no no, it wasn’t. But…” Mario struggled to think. “That was just…not the answer I was expecting from you.” Mario admitted. 
Peach looked at Luigi with worry, before placing her gloved hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” Peach asked. 
Luigi looked over at Peach, and nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m okay.” Luigi said back. “Sorry to make it personal.” Luigi apologized. 
Mario shook his head. “No. I…think you had the best answer out of all of us.” Mario admitted. 
Luigi tilted his head. “Really?” 
Mario nodded. “Yeah! There are millions of people who still believe they don’t deserve love. And unfortunately, no matter how much they’re told otherwise, they still believe it.” Mario said. 
Luigi nodded. “Yup. I wish I could punch every person that told those people that they didn’t deserve love.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario sighed and chuckled dryly. “I know what you’re trying to say, but…” Mario shook his head. “That’s billions of people. And millions of assault charges against you.” Mario reminded him with an awkward laugh. 
Luigi chuckled. “Yeah…that’s true.” Luigi muttered. 
Mario picked up the baseball bat and handed it to Luigi. “How about we smash something I know has REALLY pissed you off.” Mario offered. 
Luigi looked at the bat, before looking at Mario. “What is it?” Luigi asked. 
Mario smiled and opened the door. “Be right back.” He told him before leaving. 
Luigi looked at Peach with confusion. But Peach looked equally as confused. They had no idea what Mario was going to bring into the room. But…knowing Mario, it was going to be something good. “Hey Luigi?” Peach called, picking up something off the wall and holding it in her hand. “Wanna break something with an iron skillet?” Peach asked, holding the skillet like it was nothing. 
Luigi giggled and nodded his head. He hung up the baseball bat before grabbing another skillet that was on the wall. With that in hand, he looked around for something else to smash. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Luigi to find something that was already partly smashed up, but still had more pain to go through: The printer from earlier. 
Luigi placed the printer back onto the table, and brought the skillet behind his head. “EAT PAN, PRINTER!” Luigi shouted as he destroyed the printer with the skillet. 
Peach cheered and waved her fists in the air. “DESTROY IT!” Peach shouted. 
Luigi swung the skillet down. “YAAAAAAH!” Luigi shouted as it made contact with the printer. He drew the skillet back one more time, let out a strong, rage-filled battle cry before completely flattening the rest of the printer with the side of the skillet. Luigi breathed somewhat heavily with a smirk as he dusted off the side of the skillet. “You just got Luigi’d.” He declared proudly. 
Peach wheezed and fell over, laughing her heart out. “WOHOHOW! Are there cameras in here?” Peach asked, looking around the room. She smiled brightly as she saw the tiny camera in the top right corner of the room. “Yes! There is!” Peach reacted, pointing to it. 
“Oh! I guess there are. Hello!” Luigi reacted, waving to the camera. 
“Mario’s gonna want to see your frying pan action on video.” Peach told him. “Do you think we can get that saved on a DVD?” Peach asked. 
A little beeping sound filled the room for a moment. “Sure! We can certainly do that! Better yet, we can put it onto a USB key so you can save it on a computer!” The voice of the employee told them through the speaker. 
“Awesome!” Peach reacted. “Cause Mario’s gonna regret missing out on seeing that.” Peach mentioned. 
Luigi chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “Yeah…” Luigi mumbled. 
Right on cue, Mario opened the door and closed it behind him. “Okay. I got it.” Mario said. He turned around and went to grab a table, when he noticed that the printer looked even more beat up than it was before. “Wait…” Mario looked at Luigi, who was hanging the skillet back up on the wall. “Did you do this, Luigi?” Mario asked. 
Luigi giggled. “Yeah, I did.” Luigi replied. 
“Aw man…” Mario reacted. 
“Don’t worry about that. We’ll have it on video for you after the hour is up.” The employee told them through the speaker. 
Mario smiled brightly. “Can’t wait to see it.” He added as he walked up to the table.
“Also, the typewriter will be added to your bill at the end.” The employee added. 
Luigi raised an eyebrow. “Typewriter? What-” Luigi widened his eyes as he saw the big, bulky black typewriter get placed onto the black table by Mario. “YOU DID NOT…” Luigi shouted with a growing grin on his face. 
Mario chuckled and swiped his hands free of the dust. “You remember how much those reports and essays pissed you off in high school?” Mario asked. “Especially when you made 1 little mistake, and had to redo the whole thing all over again?” Mario added. 
Luigi quickly removed the skillet off the wall again and looked at the typewriter with the most villainous, adrenaline-filled face Mario had ever seen on Luigi. 
“Count me down.” Luigi told them enthusiastically. 
Mario and Peach looked at each other with slight worry on their faces, before smiling nervously and doing as he said. “3…” Mario said, putting his hand into his pocket.
“2…” Peach said next, growing more excited. “1…” Mario said, clicking ‘record’ on his camera. 
“GO!” Peach shouted. 
Luigi let out the loudest, strongest, most rage-filled cry he could possibly muster as he threw the skillet down onto the typewriter. The typewriter keys smashed, the ribbon cover fell off, and the whole typewriter actually bounced up a couple inches post-impact. 
Mario had to cover his mouth to prevent from screeching with shock and excitement. 
And Luigi was far from done! He used every ounce of strength in himself to turn the stupid typewriter into a mess of broken parts. 
“-OF CRAP!” Luigi shouted loudly, before unloading one more destructive smash onto the typewriter. The best part about the typewriter was how durable it was…meaning Luigi needed to put a lot of strength and dedication into its destruction. 
And boy, did he ever deliver! To the point where Mario was in awe! The man had NEVER, EVER seen Luigi so filled with bumbling rage! This was the type of rage that not even Jack Nicholson was capable of showing on screen! And here was his timid, emotional, younger brother…completely losing his shit against a typewriter with a goddamn iron skillet of all things! 
And the skillet wasn’t the only weapon he used. Luigi would switch out weapons occasionally, to get a new type of smash out of the experience. Every hit felt like a new revelation for Mario. Luigi was capable of much more anger than even he himself could ever show! It was INSANE! 
Meanwhile, Peach was having the time of her life, just watching Luigi unleash his years-long, pent-up anger! She was screaming, cheering, shouting and jumping around, losing her mind as she watched Luigi destroy this ‘typewriter’ thing. 
Several smashes later, and Luigi was dripping with sweat and almost wheezing amidst his heavy breathing. Mario almost felt bad seeing Luigi push himself beyond his limits. So, Mario stopped the recording and put the camera into his pocket, before taking the skillet from Luigi. “Here…” Mario brought Luigi to a chair and took off the shield for a moment. “Cool yourself off.” Mario told him. 
“This…” Luigi let out a long breath, before laughing breathlessly. “This was the best idea you have ever come up with.” Luigi told him. 
Mario smiled brightly upon hearing that. “Thank you, Luigi.” Mario told him. “Now take a big break. I’m gonna make sure I get some smashing in too.” Mario told him. 
Luigi tittered and said something under his breath. 
Mario paused for a moment, and turned to look at Luigi. “What did you say?” Mario asked. 
Luigi wheezed. “Ihi said ‘that’s what she said’.” Luigi declared. 
Mario widened his eyes in shock and guffawed, covering his mouth. “HAHAHA! Ohoho gohohod…Cohohome ohohon, Luigi!” Mario laughed. “Seheriously?!” Mario asked. 
“It made you laugh. You know it did.” Luigi reminded him. 
Mario sighed and pushed Luigi’s head and helmet away, before walking back to the destruction room. “Okay.” Mario picked up his trusty wrench, and smirked as he looked at the typewriter. “My turn.” Mario declared, before smashing the wrench into the typewriter. Mario would also end up picking up the glass cups that were nearby,  and making towers out of them. He would break the glasses a couple at a time with the wrench, before knocking the glass off the table. Break a few glasses, remove glass. Break a few more glasses, remove the glass. And after about 10 minutes, Luigi would join back and start destroying things all over again. Peach would end up putting the skillet to good use too. It ended up being the best ‘vacation’ they could’ve ever asked for. Who the heck needs Cuba, Hawaii or Paris, when you could have printers, glasses and typewriters to smash in your local Rage Cage?! 
Oh! And before you go, I wanted to let you know: The Rage Cage is a real place in Brooklyn, where you can smash and destroy things to your heart's desire! It's by appointment only and you can book 30 minute sessions based on how many people you're doing it with, and how much stuff you wanna break. Though this fanfic will not be entirely accurate, it still gives a general jist of what is involved in these rage rooms.
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