#Rachel Handel
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shadow-von-vamp · 2 months ago
sonic movie spin off ideas i’ve seen on twitter
yes most of these are jokes but i would still watch them
shadow & agent stone show about processing grief
shadow & knuckles show about helping rachel and randall win a tennis tournament
shadow meets tom’s “lunatic” brothers and gets into extreme sports
shadow & rachel learn to relax on a cruise
knuckles & shadow play rock paper scissors to see who has to mow captain rockwell’s yard while she sings a rock opera explaining shadow’s backstory
knuckles & shadow show where randall rediscovers his love of ice skating
shadow helps crazy carl win the ping pong tournament (black doom is the final competitor)
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writingtraumaforever · 3 months ago
A Courtship Christmas: Chapter 1
Notes: Hello everyone! This addition to the Courtship series will be a holiday special and multiple chapters! Yay! I can't promise how quickly this will be updated, but I am really hoping to have the second chapter out before the movie, at least. Either way, I hope you all enjoy this work! (More Notes at the End)
Summary: Sonic is excited to make Shadow's first Christmas on earth a great one! This is completely derailed when Commander Walters has a special letter for Shadow.
Courtship Masterpost!
Link to my AO3!
Sonic loves so, so much about earth.
From the obvious things like the people and the places to the more intimate things like their cuisines and music and customs, he never spends a single moment regretting his choice to stop running and choosing this planet as his home.
But by far, his absolute favorite holiday on this planet is easily Christmas! 
Maddie and Tom explained it to him when he spent his first year celebrating it with them. How there’s a lot of rumored origins to the holiday. One being the birthday of the Sun God. The other being the birthday of the Son of God. And some just celebrating it because it’s a trademark at this point in society and regardless of the origin, it’s about family and giving and friends and being thankful for what one has. And Sonic loves that concept.
And presents. He loves the presents.
Last year had been Knuckles and Tails’ first Christmas. Knuckles had refused to celebrate at first, saying he was now Jewish thanks to Mrs. Whipple. But he eventually, with the help of a little chat with the Donut Lord, realized he isn’t actually Jewish. He just wanted to be supportive of his friend. And he can do that without conversion into a religion he ultimately doesn’t really know anything about, let alone believe. So after spending a few days celebrating Hanakkuh with Wendy, Wade and Wanda, he came back home to help prepare for Christmas with his own family. 
Tails had fallen in love with it immediately, infatuated with all the lights and the tiny trinkets that would play Christmas melodies and spin.. he invented a different gift for every single one of his family members. Even Ozzie got an automatic fetch machine! 
Sonic and Knuckles had stayed up as long as they could with a trap set by the chimney hoping to snag Santa, but they fell asleep before he came.. they woke up to the trap being untouched and a little note with red and green glitter on it reading ‘nice try, boys - S’. They vowed to get the old man one day. Sonic is a pro at foiling old, fat men. It was inevitable.
The point is that the Christmas Spirit is strong in the Wachowski household. And with the MOBIUS project in full swing this year, they decided to help acclimate some of the new Mobians into the world’s traditions by having a ‘Cookies with Santa’ event in the parking lot of GUN. Sonic had convinced them after demanding they owed him for saving the world. 3 times now. 
They put fake snow everywhere, had an ornament-making station, a gift-wrapping station, Tom dressed up as Santa Claus and let little Mobians sit on his lap and tell them what they wanted— though this giant alligator nearly crushed him at one point doing this— and they had lights strung across the front of GUN and its landscape.
The Guardian Units of Nations had never been merrier!
Shadow had been there, of course. He, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge and Amy had all dressed as elves to help overwhelming crowd of human and alien children alike. They would each help at different stations. Sonic and Knuckles and Tails helped at the Santa station since most people wanted to meet the heroes of earth anyway. Shadow and Amy were on ornament-making duty. And Rouge helped Rachel wrap gifts that were brought for donation to the Mobians who still haven’t found a home.
There was even a sign-up sheet for people who wanted to volunteer to host a Mobian for the holidays!
It all went off with a sinch, and Randall even showed up dressed as the Grinch to cause mischief! He was a hit with the kids, but Sonic did not like it. Something about the Grinch just kinda makes him… disgusted. Some sort of familiarity about him that turns him off the green Who.
Either way, everything went perfect, and by the end of it, humans and Mobians were mingling and celebrating with laughter and hot cocoa and it was perfect. This. This is why he loved Christmas.
Walking to Tom’s truck after helping clean up, Shadow was showing Sonic some of the ornaments he made. “I put fake snow in this one,” he held it up to show Sonic, “and there’s a little snowman inside like one of those little balls..?”
“A snow globe?”
“Yes, those,” Shadow nodded, reaching for his next ornament to show.
This was Shadow’s first Christmas too… well.. on earth, anyway. He celebrated back on the ARK with Maria every year.. they didn’t have much in the ways of gift-giving, but they’d make each other something each year and exchange it at the midnight of Christmas Eve. Then they’d sit and eat cookies together and watch earth from the window..
Maria would talking about how she hoped Santa could find them all the way in space. Shadow would vow to make sure she got enough presents to believe that he did— which she always did thanks to the scientists on the ARK practically adopting her as the whole station’s daughter. 
The point is, Christmas isn’t foreign entirely to him. But it’s his first one on the planet, and Sonic knows it’s gotta be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for the guy since Maria isn’t here to celebrate with him..
Holding up his fourth ornament he made that’s painted to look like a gingerbread man, Sonic grins supportively at it and looks to Shadow, “These will all look real good on the tree, Shads!”
“You think so?” Shadow asks hopefully, a hint of excitement in his crimson eyes.
“Sure I do! They’re all great. We’ll have to let you pick a spot for them on the tree when we get it put up.”
Shadow smiles timidly at this, nodding in return. They’re standing at Tom’s truck, now. The door open but Sonic doesn’t climb in yet. Instead, he stands there looking at Shadow with a shy little smile, Shadow looking back at him with the same sort.
They haven’t kissed again since the bowling alley a month ago.. if that even counts. Sonic didn’t even get to kiss back!! 
They’ve both been dancing around it since then, not addressing it but not fully ignoring it. They’ll do things like a couple would, now. When they go out for lunch, Shadow will hold Sonic’s hand across the table. Or when they end a friendly race, they find somewhere to sit and lean on each other for a bit and just talk. They’ll hug goodbye, nuzzle each other to rub their scents on the other.. 
But no kisses. None.
It’s driving Sonic crazy.
He just wants to kiss this boy properly!
And every time it feels like they’re about to share one, something has to interrupt them.
Every. Time.
“Soo.. you’re coming over, right?” Sonic asks with a little coy smile, tilting his head at the hybrid. 
“Of course,” Shadow smirks, “I’ll hop on my bike and be right over.”
“Good,” Sonic grins a bit wider, biting his lower lip all innocent and shy. Like he don’t know what he’s trying to do when his eyes shift down to Shadow’s mouth a little too long.
Shadow swallows, taking notice, of course, and moving to ever so slowly lean in towards Sonic.
This is it!! They’re gonna do it! They’re gonna—
“Hey Shadow!” 
Every. Damn. Time.
Shadow blushes and immediately pulls back to turn and see Rouge approaching. She pauses upon realizing what she had interrupted and gives an apologetic smile, “Sorry to interrupt, boys— Shadow, Commander Walters wants a word with you before you go..”
Shadow blinks at this, exchanging a look with Sonic who offers a little quirk of his brow before they both look back to Rouge.
“Commander Walters??” he frowns, “What for?? I’m off duty until after Christmas..”
“He so is not being deployed on Christmas,” Sonic demands with a little scowl and cross of his arms, “Not happenin’.”
“Nothing like that,” Rouge quickly clarifies before the two get too snippy, “Don’t get your quills in a huff. He just said he had something to deliver to you. That it’s a private matter..”
Sonic’s eyes widen with a gasp, “Oh my God— what if Commander Walters is secretly Santa???”
Shadow’s eyes roll with a small snicker at his counterpart’s amusing theory, turning to offer Sonic a little side hug— ugh, always with the hugs— and then stepping away, “I’m gonna go see what he wants then I’ll head to your place.”
Sonic nods with a little smile, “Okay. Let me know if you need me.”
“I will,” the hybrid assures before turning to follow Rouge back to the GUN building for his meeting with the commander. Rouge offering a wave to Sonic as she goes, “See you in a bit, Blue!”
“See ya!”
The crew is meeting up at the Wachowski’s for some Christmas festivities. They’re decorating for the holidays and invited everyone to come help since they would all be in town anyway due to the GUN Cookies with Santa Fundraiser. 
It’s rare they can all get together at one time like this with they’re constant conflicting schedules, so Sonic is extremely pumped to have all the people who matter most to him all over at once. 
First to arrive as always thanks to Sonic’s very poor example of nagging Tom into every drive being a race— he’s corrupted the once speed-trap-cop, for sure— Sonic slides right on out of the truck just in time to see Maddie pulling up in her car with Tails and Knuckles in the back.
“We kicked your butts!” Sonic teases as they open their car doors, “Beat you by a solid thirty seconds!”
“You were going seventy in a fifty-five,” Maddie scolds with narrowed eyes towards Tom.
Tom just sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his neck, “What?? My speedometer read fifty-seven. Thing must be busted..”
“Mhm,” Maddie hums as she waltzes past him to the front door, unconvinced eyes glaring at him as she goes. He just offers a nervous little chuckle and follows her on in.
Sonic dashes to the side of the road to look for the 
Hansel’s to show up next since they’re likely not far behind, and sure as Christmas, he sees them turning onto their street a few moments later. He’s so excited to get to spend some proper time with JoJo since he was a bit too busy to at the event. She’s getting so big! More around Tails’ age than his own, but that just makes things more fun! Plus Amy was a member of the Handel family now, too, so she’d be attending as well. Sonic just loves when everyone comes together. It’s a big reason why he loves the Christmas time, especially now that their family has grown so much!
He remembers the times he spent sitting outside the Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady’s window, watching them turn on Christmas music and put their tree up while they danced around the televised fireplace.. how he’d dance with them in the cold outside, pretending he was a part of something so warm and lovely and merry..
And now he really is. It’s a miracle in his eyes. Something he’ll never be able to appreciate enough but sure as heck tries.
Rushing down the street, Sonic does some playful and excited laps around the Handel car before it pulls up into their driveway knowing that JoJo loves it when he does that. The car door opens once parked and Sonic is immediately darting up to greet them with an excited, “WOO WOO! Handel’s in the HOUUUUSE!”
Jojo laughs as she climbs out, high-fiving her cousin, “You bet we are! Ready to get our Christmas on!”
Sonic laughs and looks to his aunt and uncle with a polite grin and wave, “Heya Uncle Randall and Aunt Rachel.”
“Hey Sonic, you did good with the kids at the fundraiser,” Randal compliments, face still painted green from being Grinch-ified.
“Always do! The Grinch seemed to be a hit,” Sonic replies encouragingly even if he himself didn’t much care for the Grinch.. who the heck likes a guy who steals Christmas??? No one sane.
“Figured I’d bring some green into our colorful bunch,” Randal replies, shutting his car door and heading inside to wash the makeup off, “Gonna get back to being tall, dark and handsome now, though.”
“Just like I like him,” Rachel adds with a wink, Sonic chuckling at his aunt’s flirty antics. 
Rachel has mellowed out a lot since her first attempted wedding. Joining GUN seems to have brought her a better feeling of control in her life rather than chaos randomly popping up on her doorstep. She looks and feels more prepared for what the universe has thrown into her family— which happens to be a bunch of aliens. And despite her sassiness, Sonic knows firsthand that she’d put a bullet in anything that dared to threaten a single member of their family, aliens and all. They’ve all grown close. Trauma does that to people!
Amy piles out of the car after JoJo, immediately nearly knocking Sonic over in a hug. He chuckles at that, grunting at the impact before offering an arm around her in return, “Take it easy, Amy!”
“Sorry!” the pink hedgehog apologizes but doesn’t let go just yet, “I’ve just missed you guys! It’s been too long.”
“I was there visiting like— two weeks ago,” Sonic snorts with a rub to her back.
“I know, I know! But still,” she huffs and pulls back at last to grin up at him, bouncing on her toes a little, “I also think I’m just really in the Christmas spirit—“
Her brows furrow with a frown as she looks around then, “…Where’s Shadow??”
“Oh- he had some thing with the Commander to take care of,” Sonic replies casually.
“They’re not gonna send him away this close to the holidays, are they??” Amy huffs, looking very much prepared to take her magic hammer to GUN’s head of the answer is yes.
“No,” Sonic chuckles, shaking his head, “Nah. Rouge said it was just a meeting or something. Nothing more. They’ll both be here shortly, I’m sure.”
Amy’s smile returns at this approvingly, “Good. It’s his first Christmas on earth! He deserves it to be a good one!”
“Agreed,” Sonic winks with a thumbs up before ushering her and JoJo inside, “So let’s get inside and get started on unloading stuff from the shed  so we can be ready to decorate by the time they get here!”
They all contribute, forming an assembly line of sorts from the shed’s attic to the house. It all use to be in the attic, but then Sonic moved in and it was moved to the basement. And then Tails moved in and it was moved to the shed— except that’s where Knuckles ended up moving in next, so they added flooring to the ceiling of the shed to make a small attic. And that’s now where all their seasonal decor goes.
The line goes pretty quickly between Amy and Knuckles’ strength, Tails’ flight and Sonic’s speed. The humans of the family hardly even have to do anything, so they take to emptying and sorting the boxes so they can be returned to the attic for storage until the holidays are over.
By the time it’s all done and ready to be put up for decoration, Shadow and Rouge still haven’t arrived..
Sonic really wanted them to be here for the start of their traditions, so he tries to stall for a bit. Offering to make some late lunch before they get going. Everyone seems to know what he’s trying to do, so they don’t argue. Maddie and Amy whip up some sandwiches while Sonic helps JoJo with an assortment of fruits and veggies— which is a pain when a certain echidna keeps stealing the grapes.
It’s about when everyone is settling to eat that the doorbell rings, Sonic’s tail sent wagging and his feet carrying him to answer the call before the bell even stops ringing. Swinging the door open, he’s caught by surprise when he finds a tall Rabbit standing there with a child next to her..
“Oh, hello,” the older one speaks politely, her voice soft and sweet and immediately screaming ‘mother’ vibes, “I was going to ask if this was the Wachowski residence, but it seems we’ve found the place.”
Sonic blinks up at her before offering a smile, “Yup! That’s us! How can I help ya, ma’am??”
“We were actually invited here by Mr. Shadow,” she says with a slight knit in her brow, “I take it by your reaction, you were not informed.. if we’re going to be a bother, we can absolutely leave. It’s not a problem—“
“No way!” Sonic grins, opening the door wider to allow them inside, “Any friend of Shadow’s is a friend of ours. Come on in!”
“Oh, thank you so much,” the mother smiles politely, ushering her daughter who has been hiding behind her skirt throughout the interaction, inside, “Come along, Cream dear..”
“Cream??” Sonic asks, that hitting a familiar string inside him. Shadow had rescued a young Mobian a few weeks back.. said she had a mother that he was trying to find and reunite her with. The kid’s name was Cream. By the looks of it, Shadow had managed to reunite them before the holidays! He’s so great..
The young rabbit peeks out at Sonic when he says her name, the blue hedgehog closing the door behind her with a welcoming smile. She seems real shy.. maybe a bit scared at their new environment. It’s hard being transported into a new world.. especially all alone. Sonic is real glad she found her mom..
See??? Sonic really needs to kiss Shadow for stuff like this, right?!
“Heya, kiddo, I remember Shadow telling me about you..,” he smiles as he crouches down to her level, “Said you were real brave.”
“Thank you, Mister,” the tiny rabbit replies shyly and ohmygodhervoiceissohighandcutewhattheheck—
“Call me Sonic,” the hedgehog winks.
“Okay, Mr. Sonic,” she nods and Sonic’s brain glitches and his heart flips. She’s so cute, hemustprotectheratallcosts.
Sonic chuckles at this, standing up again to hold a hand out to the mother now, “I’m real glad Shadow was able to find you for Cream. He told me about her back when she first got here..”
The mother shakes Sonic’s hand with a bittersweet smile, “Yes, I’m so grateful for Mr. Shadow’s heroism, he returned my sweet baby to me, and I’ll never be able to repay that.. I am Vanilla, by the way.”
Sonic smiles and nods, “Cream and Ms. Vanilla. Sweet names!”
Cream giggles at that, seeming to get his joke. Sonic just grins a bit wider at the child’s precious laugh. 
“We’re having lunch right now. You’re more than welcome to join us! I can introduce you.”
“That would be very pleasant, dear, thank you,” Ms. Vanilla replies all sweet and warm and yeah. She’s got them mom-vibes. Strong mom-vibes.
Moving to the kitchen and dining room where everyone has formed a little line to fix their plates, Sonic raises his hands to make an announcement, “Everyone, everyone! Eyes on the blue hedgehog!”
Everyone looks to them then, a mixture of confusion and intrigue and welcoming friendliness on their faces as they take in the two newcomers.
“This is Ms. Vanilla and her daughter, Cream,” Sonic explains as he gestures to the two, the mother nodding her head with a polite and subtle curtsey, Cream offering a tiny and shy wave from behind her mother’s dress, “They’re friends of Shadow’s and will be joining us for the festivities! So everyone give them a big Wachowski-Handel welcome!”
“Welcome!” they mostly all say in unison.
Except Knuckles. Who says something weird like “It is an honor to be your host on this fine evening, madams.”
Which is overkill, as always, but Ms. Vanilla seems to find it endearing so whatever.
Maddie is immediately moving to welcome the two properly, introducing herself and her husband to their guests and automatically chatting it up with the rabbit. Maybe they’ll be good friends! Sonic is sure Maddie wouldn’t mind being friends with a fellow mom of a Mobian. Maybe Vanilla can give her tips— not that Maddie needs them. She’s an awesome Mobian mom.
Amy introduces herself as well, seeming intrigued by having another female Mobian around. Her and Rouge have been pretty outnumbered, so this’ll help even things out. Amy seems to take to Cream specifically pretty well and pretty quick, crouching down to talk to her and getting the little rabbit to come out of her shell a bit. 
It’s sweet.
And all Sonic can do is wish Shadow was there to see it. See how he’s brought more people together. Added to their whacky family..
Where is he???
Everyone eventually finishes up eating and is sort of just standing around letting their food settle while they chat, but Sonic knows they’ll want to get back to doing Christmas things soon. He’s already sad Shadow missed out on making cookies..
They can make more once he’s finally there. It’ll be fine.
“Worried about Shadow?” Amy’s voice comes from his left, Sonic jumping just slightly since he had been staring out the window looking for his– boyfriend(?)’s arrival. He spins around to face her, finding her very caring and understanding expression looking right back up at him. She really was the one with the heart in the group.
“I just wish he was here,” Sonic admits with a sigh, glancing back towards the window, “It’s his first Christmas on earth, and I know that’ll be emotionally kinda… confusing for him.” Amy nods with a hummed, “Yeah.. His first without Maria.” “Exactly,” Sonic agrees with a nod, “I just really wanted to make sure it was perfect for him..” It’s so easy to open up to Amy. Something about her is so open and non-judging and nurturing. Sonic gets why Shadow trusts her so much. He’s often said she reminds him of Maria..
Sonic thinks he would’ve gotten along with Maria just fine if that’s true.
“Don’t worry,” Amy smiles and places a reassuring hand on his arm, squeezing it gently as she winks, “He’ll show up. This is very important to him too, ya’know?? He wants this to go perfect too.”
“Really??” Sonic blinks, seeming a bit surprised by this. Shadow has seemed relatively indifferent to Sonic’s Christmas talk. He never stopped to think Shadow wanted the holidays to be perfect too, he just– he was too stressed about making them perfect for Shadow.
“Mhm,” Amy nods, “He knows how much this means to you.. He wants you happy. You should know that.” “I do,” the hero sighs with a little blush, “His happiness is just so much more… I don’t know–” “Precious?”
“Yes,” Sonic agrees immediately, “That. It’s more rare and harder to come by. And his first Christmas on earth will be the foundation for every Christmas after. If this one sucks, he’ll never love the holiday..”
“Oh Sonic,” Amy giggles and shakes her head fondly at him, “You know Shadow is more open-minded than that.” “I also know he dwells on stuff,” Sonic mutters with a little frown, eyes drifting back out the window, “Even if he doesn’t let people know.. Things stick with him.”
Amy sighs at this, nodding in agreement before giving Sonic’s arm a gentle squeeze again and tugging him away from the window, “He’ll come. For now, he wouldn’t want you worrying over him when you have guests and festivities to tend to.”
Sonic allows himself to be tugged away from the window, quirking his brow suspiciously at her as a slow smirk grows on his muzzle, “Shadow put you on Sonic-babysitting duty?” “I’m not inclined to answer that,” Amy replies simply, not looking him in the eye as Sonic laughs in response.
They return to the others, and Sonic can only stall so long before they begin sorting through the decor and handing out jobs. The women will tend to the inside while the men will take care of hanging lights on the roof and in the yard. Sonic points out that that isn’t very ‘equal’ of them to send all the men out in the cold, but he receives a few too many feminist glares and decides to let it slide.
They get on the lights outside right away, wanting to get them up before the sun goes down since it’s setting early these days. Tails works on untangling them and Sonic runs nails and tools around to whoever needs them. Randall and Tom are on the roof with Knuckles, holding lights in place and nails while Knuckles hammers them down with his fists. Amy comes out to tell him to lighten up on his punches halfway through though. Apparently he’s scaring Cream and the ceiling’s spackle is starting to give due to his overkill.
Sonic climbs the trees and tangles the lights through their limbs and all the way down their trunks to the ground. He also sets up lights down their driveway and along the bushes in their flowerbeds. It all goes by fairly quickly thanks to their abilities, Randall commenting that they need to all come to his place next and put up his lights.
They get the outside done just as 4:45 rolls around and the sun is beginning to get low..
Shadow still isn’t in sight. Neither is Rouge.
Knuckles approaches Sonic as the others go inside, both staring down the road as if expecting to see Shadow’s bike come rolling up or a bat to be seen flying through the sky..
“..You invited the bat, yes?” “Yeah, Knux,” Sonic sighs with a frown, eyes still watching the road, “I invited your girlfriend.” “I– she is not my–” “Save it, dude,” Sonic groans with a roll of his eyes, turning with a frown to walk to the house, “They’re both suppose to be here by now..” “Perhaps there is trouble?” “Nah,” Sonic shakes his head, “Shadow would’ve called or something. Chaos controlled here so we could help. It’s the stupid GUN Commander. I bet he has them working or somethin’..” “We could go rescue them from the Commander?” Knuckles offers, hitting his fists together. Always looking for a fight.
“No,” Sonic snickers with a shake of his head, “Shadow doesn’t like when I get involved with his work.. Besides, he can handle himself. So can Rouge.” “This is true,” Knuckles agrees, nodding as they enter the house again, “I am still deeply wounded that you would suggest I’d ruin my pure echidna blood by dating a bat.” “Dude, that almost sounds racist.” “It is not racist! It is simply a fact. I have a duty as the last echidna to repopulate this world with the finest warriors–” “FALALALALA! CAN’T HEAR YOU EW LALALALA!”
The women have gotten the fireplace’s mantel decorated as well as the doorways and the kitchen. The tree has been left untouched so far as well as the ornaments and snowglobes. Sonic can’t help but be grateful of this, knowing everyone has silently agreed to wait for Shadow for this part.
They continue with the extra decorations, leaving little Santa figurines everywhere and using white chalk paint to make it look like there’s snow on the windows. Cream likes this part real well, Sonic notices. She seems to have a knack for arts and crafts.
By the time 6:30 rolls around, it’s dark out and they’re all making hot cocoa and the kids are sitting down at the dining room table to work on ugly Christmas sweaters. Apparently each black sweater was hand-knitted by Amy and Aunt Rachel. Sonic didn’t take Rachel as the knitting type, but Amy was a good influence, he supposed. Sonic’s was red. Knuckles’ was dark green. Tails’ was light blue. JoJo’s was purple. Rouge’s was pink. Amy’s was light green. And Shadow’s was blue. 
Thankfully, Shadow had informed Ms. Vanilla that the kids would be doing this, so she had preparedly brought Cream an orange sweater as well.
The table was laid out with all sorts of crafts and materials they could sew and glue onto their shirts. From fuzzy craft balls to ornaments to battery lights to tinsel, they had plenty of options to choose from. Everyone excitedly got to work on their sweaters while the adults helped them out with hot glue guns and scissors and stuff. Mostly Cream since the others were pretty capable on their own. However, Sonic just sat staring at the empty seat next to him with the blue sweater laid out in front of it..
He didn’t really feel like decorating his sweater without Shadow..
Then there’s a knock at the door followed by Ozzy’s barking and a familiar voice.
“Hey! Down dog, it’s just me,” the bat giggles as she pets the excited pup jumping up on her.
“Rouge!!” Sonic excitedly jumps up from his seat, knocking it over in the process. Knuckles’ eyes shift up quickly to look at her. She’s all dressed up as an elf still from the GUN event, her makeup pristine as always. 
“Hey everyone, sorry I’m a little late,” she apologizes with a wave to the crew, walking into the dining room and looking over the table, “What’re we doin’??” “Christmas Sweaters!” Cream pipes up, having come out of her shell pretty well by now.
“Oh!” Rouge grins, seeming to recognize the rabbit upon hearing her voice, “Cream! And Ms. Vanilla! Glad you both found the place.” “Glad you and Shadow informed us we’d be having extra guests,” Maddie mutters to her with a playful quirk of her brow.
Rouge just smirks at this and shrugs, “What can I say?? We’re a little naughty.” Maddie just laughs at this and offers Rouge a welcoming hug, the bat returning it before Amy pipes up.
“I have you a sweater right over there, Rouge,” the pink hedgehog grins, pointing to the empty seat by– of course– Knuckles.
Rouge smirks at this, moving around the table and tucking in her wings as to not knock anything over, “For little ole me?? You shouldn’t have..” Knuckles makes a noticeable effort not to give her any attention and act as though he hasn’t even realized she’s arrived at all as she makes her way to her seat, even though his growingly pink cheeks tell a different story. He only acknowledges her when she pulls the chair out beside him.
“You save a spot for me, Knuckie??” she coos all flirtatious, sitting herself down to which Knuckles just huffs and keeps his eyes set on the fabric glue he’s messily using to attach a purple fuzzball to look like grapes on the front of his shirt, “The seating arrangements were not my doing.” “Mhm. Sure,” she winks only to pause when she feels a tapping on her shoulder. She turns her head and finds Sonic sitting on the other side of her looking very much like an excited puppy vibrating in his seat. “Can I help you, Blue??” “Um-yes. Shadow come with you??” “He left the same time I did on his bike,” Rouge answers with a little smile.
So he’s coming. Sonic breathes a sigh of relief and leans back in his chair.
This relief is short lived when Rouge discreetly leans back as well and mumbles only loud enough for Sonic to hear.
“He’s outside..”
Sonic blinks at this, looking at Rouge who isn’t looking at him and seems to be pretending she didn’t say anything. Which means Shadow must not want anyone knowing he’s out there. Anyone other than Sonic..
He wants them to be alone.
Sonic instantly has butterflies in his stomach, biting his lower lip and looking to the blank blue sweater that belongs to Shadow beside him. He only spares one more glance to Rouge’s unreadable face before he’s moving from his chair once more to walk around the table towards the door.
Very casually he remembers there’s mistletoe hanging on the front porch..
As nonchalantly as he can manage, he sneaks his way to the front door and slides out of it without a word, shutting it behind him and turning to look for his partner.
Except.. Shadow isn’t there.
“Shadow??” Sonic calls with a knit in his brow, looking around in the dark for the hedgehog but finding it a bit difficult to spot him in the night. Even with all the Christmas lights on, Shadow is pretty stealthy in the dark when he wants to be. 
“Shads, you here??” Sonic calls again, frowning to himself as he leans to look down the side of the house.. Nothing. Maybe Rouge meant he’s in the back yard??
He’s just about to dash around to the back when his eyes catch slight movement at the end of the driveway..
Shadow. Sitting on the curb by his bike. Back to Sonic.
Sonic’s tail immediately wags, a grin forming on his face as he speeds across the yard over to him. He pounces against his back once close enough, wrapping his arms around him from behind and hugging him with a laugh. Shadow merely grunts and is knocked forward just slightly at the impact, no other reaction.
“You’re here! Finally!” Sonic cheers as he nuzzles his cheek to Shadow’s and takes in his warmth and scent. Immediate comfort. 
Shadow doesn’t respond still. Sonic’s smile falters at that. He leans his head back a bit to look at the side of Shadow’s face. He’s frowning. Looks.. lost..
“Uhh.. Shads?” Sonic snickers quietly, a bit of nervousness rising in his voice now, “You freeze out here or somethin’?? I am hugging you very merrily, and you are not really matching my vibes right now, dude.”
Shadow blinks at that, eyes lifting to find Sonic’s as if he’s only just now realizing he’s even there at all. “Oh.” His lips curl into a small smile that’s not super convincing, but Sonic can tell the hybrid is happy to see him. Which is good. Makes Sonic a little less nervous about this, at least.
Shadow tilts his head towards Sonic so their foreheads press together, nuzzling Sonic lightly with his own and making Sonic’s heart melt at the affection. 
“Sorry. I was just lost in thought..”
Sonic hums at this, his own smile growing more fond and soft now as he settles down from his crouched position behind Shadow to his knees. Scooting around to sit beside him on the curb, he moves his head to rest on Shadow’s shoulder as Shadow continues to rub against him. His nose buries in Sonic’s quills and takes in a deep breath, eyes shutting as he keeps himself hidden there.. As if seeking comfort of some sort..
Sonic doesn’t pay this much attention at first, just basking in the fuzzy feeling he gets from it and lifting a hand to rest it in Shadow’s chest fur to rub there–
Only to then spot the small envelope in Shadow’s hands.
“What’s that??”
Shadow doesn’t answer. Just sighs and keeps rubbing against Sonic. “..Shadow??” Sonic prompts again when he doesn’t get an answer, chuckling quietly as he nudges Shadow’s chin with his shoulder to try and get him to come out from hiding in his quills, “Shads, I can’t talk to ya with you stuck in my spines.” “Mm,” Shadow hums, defiantly placing a hand on Sonic’s waist to hold him still as he speckles a tiny kiss to Sonic’s ear and makes the blue blur shiver.
A shaky breath escapes Sonic, eyes fluttering slightly as he feels Shadow’s teeth nibble lightly on the tip of his now burning ear. The blue hedgehog’s lips curling into a grin as his cheeks grow hotter..
This is it. He could just tip his head up and seal the deal. Kiss him for the first time since the bowling alley. Kiss him proper. The moment is perfect! They’re alone and Shadow is showing a rare form of affection right now and–
And Shadow is hiding from something…
Sonic’s eyes blink and look back down at the envelope in Shadow’s hands. 
Shadow continues his advances on Sonic.. He’s trying to distract him.
Sonic groans a bit and gently pushes Shadow back with the hand on his chest fur, Shadow looking at him with knitted brows and tilted head at this. “Did I do something wrong??” “No,” Sonic says quietly, voiced hushed and face flushed despite himself. He offers a little smile and lifts his hand to Shadow’s cheek now which the ebony hedgehog tilts into.
“...I just don’t want you to use us to hide..”
Shadow’s eyes blink at that, face looking guilty as they avert from Sonic’s emerald ones and instead look down at the envelope he still clutches..
Sonic looks down at it too. What could be in there that’s bothering Shadow so much?? “...What did Commander Walters want??”
Shadow sighs heavy at this, removing his hands from Sonic now but still staying close enough that they’re shoulder to shoulder. Touching.
After a long pause, Shadow doesn’t answer. He doesn’t seem to be able to. Instead, he holds the envelope towards Sonic, prompting the blue hedgehog to read it for himself.
Sonic stares at it a long moment, suddenly terrified of what’s inside. If it has Shadow acting like this, then-... 
“Do I have to open it??” “What??”
“Maybe we can just–” Sonic sighs, taking it from Shadow now and looking at Shadow with a little grin, “throw it away?? Pretend whatever it is isn’t there. Didn’t happen. Doesn’t exist.” “Sonic..” “No, Shadow!” Sonic snaps a bit unexpectedly, “No. This is your first Christmas here on earth! You’re supposed to spend it here with me, not on some stupid GUN mission–” “It’s not a GUN mission.” “I– huh??” Sonic blinks, the fire in him fading a bit at this news, “It’s.. not?” Shadow shakes his head, his hand resting on Sonic’s knee now as if to try and keep the blue hedgehog calm.
“..Then what is it?” This suddenly makes Sonic even more scared. If not a mission then what?? What has Shadow so torn up???
Shadow doesn’t say anything. Just nods towards the envelope.
Sonic frowns at this, looking down at the envelope, “I don’t wanna..” “Read it,” Shadow sighs quietly, head now leaning against Sonic’s shoulder, “...I need you to understand..” Sonic swallows hard. He doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want whatever is in here. Whatever is gonna change things for them, ruin their Christmas. He doesn’t want it. 
But he has to be mature right now. Grow up. Because Shadow needs him.. And he can’t just live in denial.
So Sonic does. He opens the already opened envelope and pulls out the folded up paper from inside.
Unfolding it, he holds it up so he can read it under the Christmas lights.
‘To Commander Walters,
I hope this letter finds you well. I, myself, am doing fine. My family is preparing for the holidays, and my daughter is recovering from her last procedure quite well. Thank you again to GUN for paying for all her medical needs..
I am writing this in regards to Project Shadow. I have been keeping up with the news, and it has come to my attention that the creature that once ran rampant on the ARK is now running free on earth. I’m sure you can understand why this would trouble me seeing as it is responsible for my sister’s death. Or so I believed.. When GUN’s Project Shadow files were leaked to the public, I did my reading. And I can not begin to express how deeply troubled and disappointed I am by how falsely informed myself and my parents were on this entire tragedy. To learn that it was not, in fact, my grandfather’s experiments that killed my sister, but instead was a GUN raid was incredibly shocking and eye opening. I now understand why we have been compensated so much. Not out of obligation or contracts, but of guilt. Not only this, but I have learned the very experiment that my family has blamed for all these years is innocent and confused and alone. From the footage I’ve seen, my sister loved him. And to think the very being she put so much time and love into is being used as a GUN operative, a weapon, is foul. 
I do not write this letter to reprimand you. So before you toss it carelessly in the trash, let me get to my point. After some time and discussion, my family has decided that we would like to meet Shadow. We want to know why my sister loved him so much, and if he loved her in return. I believe we deserve this if nothing more. At the very least, it may provide some long-deserved closure for both us and perhaps even him.
I have enclosed in this envelope an invitation I would like you to deliver to Shadow. 
You will hear from me again before the New Year.
Sonic reads it. Then he reads it again. Then he reads it a few more times and a few parts specifically.
His eyes are wide, brows furrowed as he processes all this. 
Then he looks back inside the envelope and indeed finds a more formal invitation inside on red cardstock with white snowflakes decorating the border.
‘Please join us for a 
Holiday Party.
Saturday, December 21st at 5:30 PM.
Hosted by Terra Robotnik’
There’s an address at the bottom. And a request to RSVP.
Sonic reads this. Then he reads it again. Then he reads it a few more times and then goes back to the letter.
Then his eyes lift to look at Shadow who is still resting his head on Sonic’s shoulder. He can see the knit in his brow.. The way his hands are clamped tightly together between his knees.
Sonic nudges his nose on Shadow’s forehead once, the black hedgehog grunting in response. But Sonic persists and does it again, Shadow lifting his head this time to look at Sonic and..
He’s scared. Very scared.
“Oh Shads,” Sonic sighs out in a whisper before wrapping his arms tight around the hybrid and hugging him close. His fingers pet down Shadow’s quills as Shadow leans into him and breathes all shaky and uneven. He’s close to breaking down, Sonic can feel it. He’s likely been holding this in all day.. 
Sonic holds him a long moment, not saying anything as his mind races and he lets Shadow calm down a bit. Seek comfort in his arms..
“I wanted to kill him,” Shadow says eventually, voice coming muffled and growled against Sonic’s shoulder, “When I found out he’s kept this from me… I nearly jumped him without a second thought.. If Rouge hadn’t been there-” “You wouldn’t have hurt him,” Sonic assures immediately, not wanting Shadow to even start thinking he was a monster, “..You were hurt. And rightfully so. This is-.. This is a pretty big thing to keep from you..”
Shadow sighs shakily, “..He seemed remorseful. But he also seemed confident in his choice to have kept it from me until now.. He said they needed to be ready first.” “How were they suppose to be ready when GUN had kept the truth from them for so long???” Sonic huffs, trying not to get too fired up for Shadow’s sake.
“I don’t know,” Shadow huffs right back, pulling back from Sonic now to look back down at the invitation Sonic still holds between them.. “...I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you have to go,” Sonic says without a second thought. “What??” Shadow blinks, looking genuinely surprised by Sonic’s response.
“I mean– you don’t have to,” Sonic quickly corrects with a knit to his brow, “..But I think you should.” Shadow stares at Sonic a long moment before speaking, “Why?? You read it, these people have hated me for fifty years. And rightfully so–” “Not rightfully so,” Sonic corrects again, holding up a finger to stop Shadow, “They were lied to and made to believe the ARK tragedy was your fault. Just like you were.” “It still was partially my fault–” “Bullshit,” Sonic calls immediately, not letting Shadow even speak such things, “Don’t let all of this throw you back to thinking that, Shadow. Don’t go there again.. You know better now. You’ve grown.” Shadow sighs at this, looking down a moment in thought before looking back to Sonic with a small nod. 
“Okay.. So even if it wasn’t my fault, they still have every right to hate me.” “Why??” Sonic smiles a bit as he says this, truly not getting it, “You’re you. You’re Maria’s walking legacy. You were her best friend. If she loved you, then why wouldn’t they–” “I am not her walking legacy,” Shadow corrects, a bit more edge in his voice now as his eyes narrow into a glare, “I am Gerald’s walking legacy. I– I am the walking reminder of a cure that never came for her. I am a failure. I am the reason she should still be here, and yet, I’m the very reason she’s gone!” Sonic’s eyes are wide at this, staring at Shadow in silence and taking in his words.
They don’t talk about the ARK tragedy a lot. They can talk about Maria. And they can talk about Shadow growing up on the ARK. But they don’t talk about the tragedy. It’s not allowed. Sonic doesn’t dare bring it up, waiting for Shadow to be ready..
Seems like Shadow is going to have to be ready now whether he likes it or not.
“Shadow..,” Sonic hushes gently, his hand resting on Shadow’s cheek as the hybrid breathes heavy and almost panicked. He rubs his thumb along his muzzle, trying to calm him as he watches Shadow’s teary eyes flutter shut..
“I’m sorry..,” he whispers to Sonic, apologizing for his outburst, “I’m sorry, I just–” “You’re wrong..,” Sonic whispers back, brows knitting, “I hate to tell ya that, but you are.”
Shadow just frowns at this, opening his eyes to look at Sonic now. And Sonic can see his determination, his rising self-loathing. But he doesn’t give him the chance to argue.
“You are her joy. Her smile. Her laughter. Her rage. Her calm. Her strength. Her understanding. Her heart,” Sonic explains softly, his hand moving from Shadow’s cheek to his chest to rest over his heart, “... Shadow, you’re her hope. And you prove that every day by protecting her world.. I don’t look at you and see Gerald Robotnik– I don’t even look at you and see Maria. I look at you and see you.” Shadow takes in a sharp breath at that, a small tear falling from his cheek that shatters Sonic’s heart. Sonic immediately wipes it away and returns to cupping his cheek so he can wipe away any more that may fall.
“You are all of you. But I won’t ignore that she’s the majority of the reason you have the morals you do.. She taught you to be all these things that you are. Not a monster. Not an experiment. Not a failure. But a light. A living being. You’re someone… And I don’t think Maria would care who you were as long as it made you happy.. I think that was her whole point in her promise, ya’know?.. To make you understand that living is a gift.. And just by doing that, you’re no failure. You’re succeeding.”
Shadow stares at Sonic a long moment, Sonic wiping away each tear that the Ultimate Lifeform sheds. Eventually, Shadow sniffles and chuckles out breathlessly, “She would’ve loved you.” “And she did love you,” Sonic points out with a soft smile, “...And they will too.”
Shadow shakily sighs then, nodding and looking away as he wipes his own tears now with a few sniffles, “Okay..” “Okay??” “Okay,” Shadow agrees with a nod, “..I’ll go.”
Sonic grins immediately, “I’m real proud of you, Shads..”
“But you’re coming too.” Sonic blinks at that. “...Excuse me??” “I can’t do this without you,” Shadow admits as he looks back to Sonic, “..I’m asking you. Please.” Sonic’s brows knit up at that, “...Of course I’ll come, Shads. Where else would I go??” Shadow melts a bit at that, his head moving to slowly reach for Sonic’s, “Besides.. If I’m going to be having a, uh-.. family reunion,” Shadow chuckles bittersweet, “I better go ahead and introduce my boyfriend.” Sonic’s brain glitches. His eyes widening a bit and his tail wagging uncontrollably. A dramatic gasp escapes him, “Yousaidthething!”Shadow chuckles quietly, nodding his head as he squeezes Sonic’s hand, “I did.” “Youcalledmeyourboyfriend!”
“You are.” “Iam!” “You are.” “Cool.”
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(Art by the very talented and lovely @grim-hawkins 💙)
Notes: Terra (noun): the planet earth, of earth. I don't know how many of you played Sonic X Shadow Generations, but it was revealed in the game that Maria has a sister. I have been absolutely fixated on this fact since then. In the game, there's also a letter from someone with the initial 'T' who sends the remains of Gerald's journal to GUN. Some have theorized this 'T' is Maria's sister. I've ran with this and named her 'Terra'. Which was chosen for her by her parents who vowed never to lose a child again.. especially not to being kidnapped to space.
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the-lavender-clown · 25 days ago
Rachel is the one human being Knuckles is genuinely afraid of
As he should be
I think he’d be healthy intimated by Maddie if only because of her mom powers but afraid? Not even close
Aunt Rachel tho? Oh she’s scary, terrifying. I can see him honestly really respecting her and considering her a mighty warrior but he’s scared of her nonetheless
Outside of that heathy fear tho I can see them getting along great once Rachel starts getting used to and adjusting to her Mobian nephews
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With only mere hours left until TAoTD's official launch date, allow me to introduce y’all to the eight main human characters of this AU! :D
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months ago
Sonic the Hedgehog 4
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Spoilers under the cut
Voice of Sonic: BEN SCHWARTZ
Voice of Knuckles: IDRIS ELBA
Voice of Metal Sonic: JASON ISAACS
Voice of Amy: MAE WHITMAN
Tom Wachowski: JAMES MARSDEN
Maddie Wachowski: TIKA SUMPTER
Agent Stone: LEE MALJOUB
Voice of Vector: JOHN MULANEY
Voice of Espio: BRUCE CAMPBELL
Voice of Charmy: KALEY CUOCO
Voice of Mighty: RYAN REYNOLDS
Director Rockwell: KRYSTEN RITTER
Wade Whipple: ADAM PALLY
Randall Handel: SHEMAR MOORE
Commander Walters: TOM BUTLER
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sonic-palooza · 1 year ago
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e-vay · 2 months ago
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Bonus 🤭
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I've got SCU on the brain so here's some Wachowski grandparent doodles
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weirdozjunkary · 11 months ago
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Updated designs for my species swap AU, as well as four more characters to add to it. Had fun designing each of them. More to come eventually (most likely after the third movie).
I designed Sonic and the others as humans a bit ago. You can look at them here.
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writingtraumaforever · 3 months ago
A Courtship Christmas: Chapter 2
Notes: I just reeeeally enjoy writing these two in this universe. And I can't say that enough.
Summary: The gang engages in some Christmas festivities, and then Shadow and Sonic try to convince the Wachowskis to allow them to take a trip together..
Courtship Masterpost!
Link to my AO3!
After sitting outside and allowing Shadow the time to gather himself some more and come down from his emotional distress, Sonic is eventually able to lead his boyfriend– Shadow’s words, not his– inside to the others. The reception to his arrival is positive as always, everyone having grown quite fond of Shadow. Even Knuckles, who still sees it as his duty to protect Sonic from Shadow, even if just emotionally, has learned to accept the hybrid as an addition to their clan. Even if not an official Wachowski. In fact, Knuckles and Shadow often tinker with their bikes together, and they’ll even go for rides now and then. Sonic will join here and there, racing alongside them on foot. As much as he likes having an excuse to hold onto Shadow from behind when he rides his bike with him, nothing can ever beat the feeling of the wind under his feet.
All this to say, Shadow, despite his relatively standoffish demeanor, is quite a light in their group of misfits these days. Most consider him the calm and observant one who brings reason to the group– which they desperately need since Sonic just acts far too quickly to actually think anything through, Tails gets too caught up in his inventions and is still just a kid, Knuckles doesn’t think in general, Amy often lets her heart override her brain which isn’t always the best balance, and Rouge–.. Well, Rouge is kind of a wild card, honestly. Shadow brings balance and stability. He’s confident, but not too confident. He carries an air of responsibility and loyalty with him that makes everyone breathe a little easier.
This is a stark contrast to when they first met him and all he did was terrify everyone.
Cream, in particular, is very excited to see Shadow. She jumps up and rushes right over to him, weaving her way through legs until she reaches him and immediately engulfs his waist with a big hug. Shadow chuckles at this, patting her head a bit awkwardly since physical affection is still something he’s working on with people outside of Sonic. 
“Mr. Shadow!” she cheers, beaming up at him with wide, sparkling eyes, “You’re here!”
“I am,” he nods with a small and sheepish smile, not use to children finding him so approachable. Which is a shame since Sonic has noticed that Shadow is great with kids and seems to like them more than most adults.
He kind of assumes this comes from the fact he was raised alongside Maria, often being her caretaker and comfort..
“I apologize for being late. I see you and your mother have integrated nicely with everyone else and the Christmas festivities,” he adds as Cream lets go to take a step back and look at him properly.
“Everyone has just been so lovely,” Cream swoons with her preciously high voice, her eyes so earnest and grateful, “I really like Christmas. And I think I might like earth some more now.” “Good,” Shadow hums, nodding at her warmly, “I’m very glad to hear it.”
Cream grins at this, “Would you like to sit by me while you make your sweater?? I have a lot of good ideas you could use.” “That would be delightful,” Shadow accepts the invitation by taking her small hand and allowing himself to be led to the table where most are finishing up their sweaters by now.
Sonic smiles and follows along, his heart swooning at how adorable the whole thing is.
Once seated, Sonic sits on the opposite side of Shadow as Cream, Rouge scooting a bit closer from her own seat and muttering to him with a quirked brow, “Everything okay?” “Yeah,” Sonic nods with a reassuring smile, “We’re all good.” “Good,” she smiles in return, “Knew he just needed a talk with you, and he’d be peachy.” Sonic chuckles at this, looking back over to see Cream already handing Shadow some black pipe cleaners she has fashioned to look like tires and handlebars. Apparently they’ll be making a festive replica of hit motorcycle for the front of his sweater, which Sonic finds very fitting.
He gets to work on his own that he never got to finish, having Amy help him to embroider some brown yarn on top of his chilidog to make it look like the chili. He and Shadow get into a very brief glitter fight after Sonic accidentally knocks some onto Shadow’s lap by hitting the container with his elbow. Maddie swiftly puts a stop to this, though, since glitter is pretty impossible to clean up. “Sorry, Mom.” “Sorry, Mrs. Wachowski.” They’re both covered in green flakes of glitter, though, shaking off what they could in the backyard before coming back inside with Maddie giving a defeated sigh at the trail they leave behind them.
They finally are able to get started on the tree eventually, Shadow being thrown off that they pull it out of a box rather than out of the woods.
“Didn’t you and Maria have an artificial tree back on the ARK??” Sonic asks with a tilt of his head.
“Yes, but Maria always said they had real trees for Christmas here on earth that they’d chop down and drag back to decorate,” his brows furrow, seeming confused.
“Oh,” Sonic’s ears droop slightly, hoping this doesn’t disappoint the hybrid too much, “Well, some people still do that. But most just buy reusable ones these days. Less trees chopped down, and honestly?? Real ones have been discovered to kinda be a health and safety hazard most days.” “Really??” Shadow blinks in surprise at Sonic.
“I dunno,” Sonic shrugs, “I think I read a Buzzfeed article on it once. Either way! It’s still super fun putting together and decorating the fake tree! Promise.” Shadow hums a moment, looking back to Tom and Randall who are working together to put the fourth and final section of the tree on top to complete the nine foot-er. He seems to consider all this new information a moment before he offers a small smile and looks back to Sonic, “It’s just a tree.” “Right,” Sonic smiles in return, happy Shadow is deciding not to let this minor inconvenience ruin his perspective of the holiday, “What goes on the tree is what matters most anyway. Like all my pinecones I’ve found!” Sonic dashes over to grab the basket full of pinecones sitting to the side and brings them back over to Shadow to show him, “Back with Longclaw? We didn’t have Christmas. But we did do something similar at the beginning of every year by decorating our homes with candles and pinecones and all kinds of other stuff to celebrate life. The owls called it ‘Beginnings’. Maddie and Tom let me kinda merge some of those traditions with Christmas to make me feel more at home.” Shadow listens to Sonic with fond eyes. It’s not often Sonic brings up Longclaw, but he treasures when the hedgehog opens up and talks about it. He knows it’s his equivalent to Maria in a lot of ways.. Losing a loved one so young. He’s proud of Sonic every time he finds the courage and strength to talk about it, big ways or small. 
His crimson eyes look down at the basket to examine the pinecones Sonic has gathered. Some look as though they’ve been dipped in paint, some have red and green glitter glued to the ends, and some are just plain pinecones.
“..They’re beautiful,” Shadow says with nothing but pure honesty, and Sonic’s eyes light up with something akin to pride as well as warmth. “Can I help you put them on the tree?”
“I’d love that,” Sonic replies softly, his smile soft and sweet as he watches Shadow pick one of the plain pinecones and look at the tree as if to find the perfect spot for it.
After about five solid minutes of pondering, Sonic realizes that decorating with Shadow is gonna be a task. The guy is a bit of a perfectionist. But once he places the pinecone on a spot in the center and properly fluffs out the branches around it, the others begin placing their own ornaments, too. And this obviously throws off whatever plans Shadow may have had on pine cone placement. So he very quickly learns that this isn’t an organization game, it’s more of a festive scramble. More about the nostalgia and joy each special ornament brings. 
Sonic takes notice in Shadow’s hesitance and how he begins to get a bit overwhelmed by the others’ careless placement of ornaments, so he steps over to him and takes his hand.
“Don’t overthink it, dude,” he places another pinecone in Shadow’s hand, this one messy with glitter and fake snow, “Just put it where you think it fits best. It’ll all come together in the end.” Shadow looks at the pinecone in his hand. Then he looks at Sonic. The tree. Everyone around him smiling and laughing and enjoying one another’s company.
“Yeah,” he smiles a bit, looking back to Sonic, “It will.”
Sonic smiles back, feeling like Shadow is having one of those profound personal revelations Sonic often misses out on but is grateful for regardless. They get back to placing the pinecones together, Sonic playfully poking Shadow with the pinecones’ spines now and then and Shadow retaliating by sticking them in Sonic’s quills messily. 
Knuckles had wanted to place grapes in the tree, of course, but Maddie said they’d rot and stink eventually. So they compromised with fake ones bought at the dollar tree, Knuckles putting them here and there all over the tree proudly along with some colorful feathers he tied together. He said they reminded him of his tribe’s armor they use to wear to battle.
Tails didn’t quite understand the concept of ornaments initially and started tying string to wrenches and hammers and all sorts of tools. Tom had to break it to him that they were a bit too heavy to have in the tree, but made it up to him by taking him to a local Christmas Market and letting him pick out all the ornaments he saw and liked. He came back with all kinds: ones shaped like tools, ones shaped like candy, and he even found a fox and hedgehog one! No echidna one, though. To compensate for this, he crafted his own and painted it to look like Knuckles with Maddie’s help. Knuckles cried when he saw it next to the hedgehog and fox one on the tree last year. 
‘I am not crying! I just got some fake snow in my gorgeously purple eyes!’
All these ornaments and more went up. Shadow even went and got the ones out of his bike’s bag that he had made at the GUN event with the children. Sonic helped him place those as well, finding perfect spots for them in the front of the tree. One was a bit too high up for him, though, and when Shadow noticed him looking up in thought on how to reach it, he took it upon himself to grab Sonic by the backs of his thighs and crouch down.
Sonic was immediately blushing with wide eyes at him, “What’re you–”Shadow moved his head between Sonic’s thighs and stood up using his legs, careful not to let his spines poke his boyfriend as he hoists him up onto his shoulders with only a small grunt. Like it was nothing. Like Sonic was nothing.
That definitely made Sonic feel things.
“This high enough?” Shadow questions innocently, tilting his head back to look up at the hero now sitting on his shoulders. Sonic, who is now a blushing idiot, just nods stupidly down at him and babbles out something like “Uhhh-yeah uh huh this is good mhm”.
Shadow just smirks a bit at this and watches as Sonic reaches to place the ornament closer to the top.
Rouge watches them from the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with a small smile on her face. They’re really good together..
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Knuckles clearing his throat next to her, blinking as she turns her head to find him standing there with a few feathers in his hand. He’s not looking at her, instead looking away with a very light shade of pink dusting his cheeks. 
She quirks a brow at him, her lips pursing in amusement, “May I help you?”
“It is tradition among the echidnas to deem a woman with the remaining feathers of their armor once done decorating,” he explains with his typical confident voice– except there’s a hidden nervousness in the way he keeps his eyes averted from hers, “I would typically deem my mother with such an honor, but she suggested I find another this year to bestow the feathers on.”
“Oh, did she now?” Rouge smirks a bit, her eyes searching out the room for Maddie to which she finds grinning mischievously into her cup of hot cocoa across the room watching.
It’s no secret that Maddie loves Rouge. Despite her stunts she pulls to make Knuckles uncomfortable at times, she thinks Rouge is good for him. Keeps him in line and is strong enough to stand her ground with him. Knuckles is.. Special. Different. A lot. And Maddie thoroughly believes that he’s met his match with the bat.
She keeps him humble and respectful, that’s for sure.
Rouge’s eyes return to Knuckles then, his still averted away.
“And you chose me?” she chimes, her head tilting with a little smirk, “That’s real sweet of you, Knucklehead.” “You are the next strongest woman of the clan,” he explains and Rouge doesn’t miss how he considers her a part of his ‘clan’. “It is simply the way it should be.”
“What about Amy?? She’s pretty strong with that hammer of hers,” Rouge points out, nodding her head to the pink hedgehog who is off in the corner holding cream up to help her put a chao shaped ornament she made on the tree.
“Indeed,” Knuckles nods in agreement, looking to the pink hedgehog as well, “She is very formidable. And scary,” he shivers at the thought, having been victim to her hammer one too many times before. “..But perhaps sometimes strength isn’t in one’s muscle, but in one’s heart.”
Rouge blinks at this, turning to Knuckles with wide eyes to find him looking at her now. Now she was blushing. Her lips purse into a smile, finding herself touched by his words and unexpected profoundness. 
“Where’d you hear that?”
“It’s a long story,” he says simply, not sharing any more. He didn’t exactly have the time to send her on a whole quest where she’d receive his story told in musical-number format like Wade Whipple had.
“Well..,” she sighs after a brief pause, “Feather me, echidna.”
Knuckles smiles slightly at this, nodding his head to her head and speaking, “May I?” She nods, staying perfectly still for him as he steps forward to lift the remaining feathers and string to the short fur behind her ear and tie them there. This takes a minute since he’s doing this with giant mittens on. Eventually he finishes and they dangle beside her neck, lightly grazing her wings when she moves her head. They’re a deep aquamarine color, much like many of the ones in his tribe used to be..
“They match your eyes,” he mutters without giving it a thought, to which Rouge looks at him in surprise at the unexpected observation. He blinks wide back at her upon realizing his words, his blushing returning even stronger than before as her lips curl into a wicked little grin.
“Didn’t think you’d notice my eye color,” she chimes teasingly, leaning towards him all flirty. 
“Well, I-I am a very observant echidna,” Knuckles justifies with a huff, furrowing his brows at her, “There isn’t much that gets by me.” “Mhm. Sure, Red,” she smirks with a wink, watching as he stumbles back a bit from her close proximity and nearly falls over trying to quickly leave her vicinity.
“Okay well that’s done, goodbye–”
She giggles a bit to herself as he disappears into the kitchen.
Eventually, the tree is done and everyone stands around admiring it in all its glory. Cream and Tails have that innocent childlike wonder in their eyes, Amy sighs happily at its beauty, Knuckles admires it a moment and then lets his gaze fall on Rouge who is smiling to herself as she fiddles with the feathers in her hair, eyes on the tree. Rachel and Randall and JoJo stand together as a family, JoJo holding Amy’s hand to which Amy tears up at. Vanilla stands with Cream, happy to have her daughter friends in this new world. Maddie and Tom stand holding one another, her head leaned on his shoulder as they overlook their family.. Their perfectly imperfect family. 
And Shadow and Sonic are sitting by the window looking at it too. And when Sonic looks at Shadow, he can see all the joy and peace in his eyes. Let him have it. He deserves every moment of it. 
They have a long next few weeks ahead of them..
When Shadow turns to look at Sonic, he sees the tears in his crimson orbs. Sonic is quick to shuffle closer and cuddle up to him without a word, Shadow resting his head on Sonic’s with a sigh. It’s bittersweet. He knows.
His first Christmas tree without Maria.
But Sonic will be there for him through it. And that makes it all better..
“Okay,” Sonic stands in his living room with the tv behind him, hooked up to a laptop to which Shadow is standing beside prepared to help in their presentation. The time has come to tell Maddie and Tom of their plans to visit the Robotniks together, and they have to nail this if they want to convince them to let Sonic go with him alone. So what did Sonic do??
He made a PowerPoint, of course.
Complete with super cool star transitions and spinning texts and necessary gifs.
“So to start this presentation, we have an announcement,” Sonic says very seriously to which Tom’s eyes widen a bit and his hand moves to Maddie’s in concern. “Oh God–.. You two aren’t.. with child are you??”
This results in a resounding “WHAT?” from both Maddie and Sonic and a very appalled and judgy look from Shadow.
“They’re two boys, Tom!” Maddie huffs with wide and disbelieving eyes at her idiotic husband. “They’re aliens!” Tom defends with his hands raising up in surrender, “We haven’t exactly had the talk with Sonic, how am I supposed to know how their reproductive systems work–” “Ew ew ew– Okay! You’ve lost talking privileges, father,” Sonic gags, blushing at the very idea of him and Shadow having sex– let alone having a child!
“Yeah, for real,” Maddie huffs in disgust at him.
“Very distasteful, Donut Lord,” Shadow shakes his head disapprovingly at him from beside the laptop.
Tom just groans and rolls his eyes, “Okay! Okay. My bad,” he then gestures for Sonic to hurry this up, “Just get on with it.”
Sonic clears his throat, “As I was saying before I was so grossly interrupted.”
They all spare a moment to share one last glare at Tom to which Tom just sighs and shrinks in his spot on the couch.
“We have an announcement,” he nods his head to Shadow who clicks a button on the laptop to have the next slide of the PowerPoint appear.
It’s some random public domain picture of a large family hugging each other with a very poorly drawn Shadow the Hedgehog smiling in the middle of them and a big heart over it.
“Shadow has been invited to the Robotnik Annual Holiday Party!” Sonic grins and spreads his arms out excitedly, Shadow pulling out a small confetti popper and popping it in Sonic’s direction. It falls flat on the floor a few feet away from him, but the effort was there.
“Wait-” Maddie frowns now, her brows knitting up as she looks at Shadow, “What??” “That’s right! Turns out Maria has a sister, and she’s invited Shadow to a Holiday Party to meet him and the whole family!”
Maddie seems extremely concerned, and Tom looks a bit skeptical now, too.
“When did this happen–” “No questions until after the presentation please,” Sonic interrupts to which Maddie sighs and sits back in her seat for him to continue.
Shadow clicks to the next slide. “Shadow is very excited about this whole thing, and really wants to make a good first impression!”
There’s another poorly drawn picture of Shadow wearing a suit and bowtie along, he’s giving a thumbs up and dashing smile.
“But as I’m sure you can understand, he’s also very nervous and scared.”
Shadow clicks again and the art of him smiling turns into a frown and a thumbs down, tears going down his cartoon face.
Shadow, this entire time, looks completely unbothered by this whole thing and is simply going along with his boyfriend’s crazy antics– as always.
“Poor Shadow. Whatever could we do to make him feel better?? Well.. I’ll tell you what..”
Shadow clicks again and the screen star transitions into an explosion with sound effects and all, the large text reading ‘Operation Shadow Impresses The Robotniks And Sonic Is His Boyfriend’ spins onto the screen. 
“Operation Shadow Impresses The Robotniks And Sonic Is His Boyfriend is a-go!” Sonic beams, a gif of an audience applauding at the bottom of the screen, “Or OSITRASIHB for short.”
Shadow nods approvingly from his spot by the laptop.
Maddie and Tom just stare at the screen with increasing confusion.
“...Okay, I get the Shadow Impresses The Robotniks part,” Tom points out, “But why the Sonic Is His Boyfriend??” “Oh- because I just really like saying it,” Sonic nods a-matter-of-factly.
Tom nods in return, “Right. Of course.” “Mhm. Anyway! The operation goes like this: we take Shadow suit shopping and get him the perfectly tailored suit for the occasion!” The next slide pops up, a cartoon Shadow standing in front of a mirror in a suit checking himself out.
“Then we get Rouge’s help on getting our hands on the Robotnik’s records so we can buy the perfect present for all the Robotniks!”
A cartoon Shadow is now throwing presents into the air merrily, the presents raining down on the screen.
“And then we get Sonic a suit too because he needs to impress the Robotniks as well since this is my big boyfriend debut, after all–”
“Wait,” Maddie chimes in, leaning forward again now, “You can’t be going–” “I said please save questions until the end of the presentation Mrs. Wachowski, thank you,” Sonic interrupts with a wave of his finger at her. She groans and sits back again, obliging her sassy and over-the-top son for now.
“Once all this is done, we use a warp ring to get to our destination since GUN doesn’t like Shadow using Chaos Control unless on duty– portals opening and bringing more Mobians and all that jazz,” Sonic explains, brushing it off as no big deal to which Shadow just nods supportively at the side.
“We stay for a few days since the party is being held at a mansion, and Shadow is being offered his own room–” “Sonic–” “Mrs. Wachowski, please with the interruptions!” Sonic puts his hands on his hips and taps his toe impatiently at her to which she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
He continues, the next slide popping up to show a cartoon Sonic and Shadow now standing amongst the hugging strangers and smiling from ear to ear, “Between my charisma and charm and Shadow’s rugged good looks, we inevitably impress the Robotniks.” “Of course,” Tom nods approvingly, Shadow nodding at him in agreement.
“And they become a big happy family and accept Shadow as one of their own!”
The next slide is another explosion that transitions to a picture of Sonic and Shadow kissing under the mistletoe.
“And then we kiss.” “What?” Shadow blinks.
“What??” Sonic blinks back, dashing over to skip that image and have large text appear over it reading ‘THE END’.
Shadow just smirks and shakes his head at him as Sonic sheepishly smiles and dashes back to his presentation spot in front of the screen.
“I said ‘the end’,” he fibs, “Tadaaaaaa!”
Another confetti popper litters the floor thanks to Shadow who also blows on a party horn for added effect.
Maddie and Tom stare at their son a long moment, processing everything he just threw at them. They then exchange looks at each other. Then at Shadow who is now on the floor very meticulously plucking each piece of confetti from their carpet to clean the mess. 
Then they look to Sonic again who is still standing there with his arms outstretched and a big grin on his face.
“Well..,” Maddie starts, already knowing Sonic is about to be dramatically disappointed, “We don’t really think it’s such a good–” “Yeah, sure, kiddo!” Tom interrupts, beaming at his son with a supportive clap of his hands, “Whatever you need!” “Tom!” Maddie hisses, grabbing his hand to stop his clapping, “Don’t you think we should talk about this??” “He had a solid presentation,” Tom defends with a shrug, Sonic nodding hopefully as he looks at his mother with pleading eyes, “And I think Sonic going along with Shadow to meet Maria’s family is a good idea.” “I don’t think that’s exactly the point,” Maddie argues with a disapproving frown. “Then what’s the point??” Sonic asks genuinely, brows knitting as a frown develops on his muzzle, “Seriously– what’s the problem??” Maddie huffs a little at Sonic’s slight attitude, “The problem is… first off, I don’t know how I feel about you and Shadow going off on a trip all by yourselves. You’re still so young!”
“I’m gonna be eighteen in a few months!” Sonic defends.
“You’re still seventeen now– and that’s just a number. Eighteen isn’t some magic number that just suddenly makes you an adult that’s capable of making adult decisions.” “But it is the age that makes me an adult legally,” Sonic counters with a finger held up matter-of-factly, “And I’m totally capable of making adult decisions! I save the world like– all the time. And Shadow and I hang out alone constantly. What’s the difference in taking a trip??” “It’s different, Sonic,” Maddie says a bit more sternly, “I don’t like the idea of you two sharing a room. You’re both still biologically–” she has to add that in so Sonic doesn’t point out that Shadow is like. Sixty, “--teenagers. And that comes with the hormones and the emotions and canoodling–” “If I may say something Mrs. Wachowski,” Shadow finally speaks, his voice quiet and respectful.
“Yes, Shadow?” Maddie sighs, looking at her son’s boyfriend who is still picking up confetti pieces from her carpet with a tilt of her head.
“Sonic and I wouldn’t have to stay in the same room. From what I’ve gathered of the location of the event, there’s plenty of rooms for him to have his own and I mine. There would be no..,” he clears his throat, “canoodling.”
Maddie sighs a bit at this, feeling a bit better about it all with that bit of information..
But it would still be the first time Sonic has taken a trip by himself overnight like this.. Without Tom, without her..
That’s her baby..
“That.. does make me feel a bit better,” she admits, Shadow nodding and returning back to picking up the confetti mess.
“But that doesn’t change my other problem,” she adds.
“What problem??” Sonic frowns.
“I understand that this is Maria’s family,” she says carefully, not looking to offend Shadow, “...But it’s also Eggman’s. Gerald’s.” Shadow pauses in his motion, freezing up a moment before he eventually continues picking up the confetti..
Tom’s hand reaches for Maddie’s as if to stop her from saying something she’ll regret.
“Yeah, but they’re estranged from them,” Sonic defends, “They have nothing to do with them. They haven’t since Gerald took his granddaughter up to space.”
“I understand that,” she says calmly, trying to choose her words carefully, “But it’s just a little odd that they’ve waited all this time to reach out–” “They didn’t know! They thought Shadow was the reason Maria was gone! They didn’t know the whole story!” “I still don’t know how comfortable I am sending you somewhere with those people,” Maddie argues, her own voice becoming a bit louder now since Sonic’s is. “Why not?? They’re not like them! We can’t just judge them because they have a few loons in their family!” “Sonic, I just don’t see what good can come from a Robotnik!” Shadow disappears. There’s a flash of light, and he’s gone. 
Maddie’s eyes widen at the empty spot he was just in, a pile of confetti left sitting on the end table by the couch.
She instantly feels terrible.
Sonic’s own eyes are wide, staring where Shadow had been before he turns his head to look at his mother with a glaring gaze, “Why’d you say that!?”
“Sonic, I didn’t mean–” “You did! You did mean it!” Sonic interrupts, now yelling and stomping his foot.
Maddie points a finger at him, “Hey! Don’t yell at me like that, young man!” “Shadow came from a Robotnik!” Sonic yells regardless, defending his boyfriend with a scrunch of his nose and a curl of his teeth, “And–And regardless of what Gerald has done, I won’t ever consider that a bad thing! I won’t ever think Shadow being created was bad!” “Sonic, I don’t think that either–!” “He already has problems thinking that himself! And then you go and say that!? What the heck, mom!?” “I didn’t mean it like that–” “But you still said it,” Sonic growls low, fists clenched at his sides, “He’s never gonna forget you saying that..” Maddie frowns, knitting her brows up and pursing her lips. She doesn’t know what to say..
Sonic stomps towards the door.
“Where are you going??? We’re not done with this conversation–” “I’m going to find Shadow! And you’re gonna say you’re sorry!” “Sonic!--”
The door slams.
Sonic is gone.
Maddie sighs heavy and drops her head into her palms, rubbing them up and down her face in frustration with her son– but mostly herself..
Tom sits silently with wide eyes and biting his lips together, blinking at how quickly that all just escalated..
Maddie drops her hands into her lap and looks at him with a deadpan expression, “...Well you were a lot of help.” Tom smiles small and apologetically, moving to put his arms around his wife and rub up and down her back as she leans into him, “Sorry.. I just thought you were handling it.” “We’re supposed to be a team,” she mutters with a sniffle, finding herself beginning to cry from being overwhelmed and feeling like shit currently, “Why’d you just tell him he could go without consulting me first??” “I didn’t see a problem with it,” Tom admits quietly, Maddie huffing at this and lifting her head to look at him. “You? You know how many times you personally have almost been killed by a Robotnik??? Several.” “I’ve almost been killed by an Eggman,” Tom points out with a small smirk, “Not the same.” “It is.” “It isn’t,” Tom argues and shakes her a little to which Maddie just groans, knowing he’s right.
Tom sighs a bit and hugs her back against him a bit tighter, “...I know he’s your son–” “He’s my baby,” Maddie whines and Tom kisses the top of her head with a small smile.
“I know.. But he’s not a baby anymore.. He’s been through enough to know how to handle things for himself. And he also knows Shadow needs him right now..”
Maddie just sighs, “What if I need him still??” “Oh, you’re such a boy mom,” Tom teases with a chuckle to which Maddie huffs.
“I am not!” “You totally are.” “Maybe I am, is that so bad??” “No,” Tom shakes his head, “No, it’s not.. Just means you love them more than most mothers ever could.. They’re lucky they have you.” Maddie sighs, sniffling as she wipes at another tear, “Then why do I feel so awful??” “Because you’re looking at this the wrong way..,” Tom points out as he softly rubs through her hair, “You keep.. Looking at this as losing Sonic. Him growing up and leaving us and you can’t protect him anymore.. But you should be looking at this as gaining a son.. We get Shadow..”
Maddie lifts her head to look at Tom then, her lip quivering at that thought, “We get Shadow..?” “We get Shadow..,” Tom affirms with a nod, “And Shadow won’t let anything happen to Sonic. And he certainly won’t let anyone take him from you. He loves you. You know that..” Maddie nods at that, her forehead pressing to Tom’s, “I need to talk to him..” “Yes, you do,” Tom agrees.
“And apologize.” “Mhm.” “I said a really shitty thing.” “You did, but in your defense, Sonic was pushing your limit.” “He was.” “He’s good at that.” “He is.” “He gets that from you.”
Maddie whacks Tom with a pillow at that, Tom chuckling and trying to block her hits with his arms as she scolds him.
“She didn’t mean that..”
“I know..”
“She was just upset and didn’t mean it to come out that way.” “I know that.” “She’d never purposely hurt you.” “I know, Sonic, it’s just–” Shadow sighs and tries to gather his thoughts, not become overwhelmed and unable to communicate how he’s feeling. Communication is key in a relationship. Mrs. Wachowski taught him that. 
Sonic sits patiently beside him, his legs swinging off the edge of the rooftop they sit on. The roof of the bowling alley. The spot they had their first kiss.
Shadow sits next to him with his legs crossed, eyes staring down at the ground below.
“It’s just that-.. If she can come to that conclusion so quickly.. What’s to stop Maria’s family from doing the same??”
Sonic’s brows furrow a bit, not quite understanding, “What do ya’mean??” “I just mean–,” he sighs in frustration with himself, often getting annoyed easily with how hard talking could be for him sometimes. How hard feelings could be. Sonic’s hand rests on his. That helps some.
“..If your mother.. Who knows me, knows the whole story.. Can think something like that–” “She doesn’t really think that–” “She thought it enough to speak it.” Sonic frowns at this, not arguing his point..
“...If she can think something like that, then what’s gonna stop the Robotniks from thinking the same?? From believing that nothing good could possibly come from Gerald??” “Nothing is gonna stop them from thinking that,” Sonic says softly, his hand squeezing Shadow’s, “..But you can change their minds.” “How?? I’m not– I’m not good at first impressions, I’m not good at-.. At socializing or communicating or any of it.. I’m only good at fighting. At being a weapon.” “That’s not true,” Sonic says sternly, reaching up to make Shadow look at him by turning his cheek towards him, “Look at what you did for Cream. Huh?? For her and her mom. You brought them together and made them feel safe and welcome enough in a whole new world to attend some strangers’ Christmas party. You managed to become friends with arguably the world’s most ornery bat. You won my whole family over– my brother who hates anyone who dares to intrude on his ‘clan’ adores you. I adore you..” Shadow’s brows knit as he looks at Sonic, his eyes looking puffy with tears that threaten to fall but Sonic knows they won’t. Shadow doesn’t like to cry..
“But I didn’t kill your sister..,” Shadow whispers quietly, Sonic sighing immediately and shaking his head as he presses his forehead firmly to Shadow’s.
“Stop saying that,” Sonic whines, his ears folded back as his noses rubs against his boyfriend’s, “You didn’t kill Maria.” “They won’t see it that way.” “You don’t know that, Shadow. You gotta at least give them a chance. They’re willing to give you one, or they wouldn’t have reached out, right??.. You gotta meet them halfway, Shads..”
Shadow sighs at this, closing his eyes and tilting his head to instead nuzzle his face against Sonic’s neck. Bury and hide himself there seeking comfort. Sonic sighs at this and moves a hand up to rub through Shadow’s quills, petting him there to try and work some of the tension out of him.
“..Come back home with me. We’ll talk this over with Mom, and get started preparing for this trip.” “What if your mom says no??” “Love her, but screw that noise. I’ll go anyway.” Shadow snorts at this, knowing damn well if he dared to help Sonic sneak away on a trip with him without her consent, it would be his funeral they’d be planning next.
“I don’t want your mother not liking me.” “She loves you,” Sonic rolls his eyes, “You’re like a son to her. Moms just happen to get pissy at their sons sometimes. Trust me. I know.” Shadow snickers at this, lifting his head now to look at Sonic properly again.
“...Thank you.” “What for?” “Always finding me..” Sonic has. From the very beginning. From jumping out of that GUN helicopter, to Prison Island, to chasing Shadow down in his own backyard that night to now.. Sonic has never once given up on Shadow.
He’s always found him.
“And for always knowing what to say..,” Shadow says quietly, lifting a hand to Sonic’s cheek. Sonic smiles all soft and leans into his palm. “What can I say?? It’s a gift.”
Shadow rolls his eyes and chuckles at that, shaking his head at him and taking a moment just to stare into the hedgehog’s eyes..
He’s such a mystery, Sonic the Hedgehog. A pure wonder of this world and many others..
A hero. A friend. A brother. A son. A god.. And somehow, Shadow has found himself lucky enough to have been a part of all of that.. To have caught the fastest thing alive.
“...So what was that in the presentation about kissing??” Shadow smirks, quirking a brow at Sonic.
Sonic immediately blushes and laughs all awkward, dipping his head down all shy, “Oh that?? Just a little something I threw in– ya’know? Happy endings and all–” He’s cut off when Shadow grabs his chin and lifts his head back up, a tiny gasp escaping Sonic as they stare at each other. Sonic’s eyes wide and Shadow’s half-lidded and looking at Sonic’s lips. Sonic swallows, his tail wagging again at their very close mouths..
“...Well, I’d hate to spoil your happy ending,” Shadow mutters, Sonic blinking as the hybrid lets his chin go to pat his cheek with a low chuckle. Standing from the ledge, Shadow offers a hand to Sonic to help him stand as well. Sonic just stares up at him with an absolutely bamboozled expression before a pout forms on his lips, taking his hand and standing up with his help. Dusting himself off, Sonic mutters, “The Ultimate Tease, I tell ya.”
Shadow’s head tilts back with a laugh and Sonic’s stomach does flips.
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albinofetus · 2 months ago
Imagining a spin TV show (like Knuckles and Wade Whipple) where Shadow is taken in by Rachel, her husband Randall and her child Jojo where Shadow protects the family, he bonds with Jojo over fun activities, and teaches Rachel and Randall how to be better G.U.N. agents
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phasesgurl · 8 months ago
Jojo: Tell Mom why you insisted on putting a normal-sized carrot in the bag of baby carrots. Shadow: Jojo: Go on, tell her what you told me earlier. Shadow, stuttering: I-it's because...th-they need adult supervision... Rachel:
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heavenboy09 · 2 months ago
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#SonicTheHedgeHog3 #SonicTheHedgeHog #MilesTailsProwler #KnucklesTheEchidna #ShadowTheHedgehog #TomWachowski #MaddieWachowski
#DrEggMan #DirectorRockwell #Rachel #RandallHandel #AgentStone #CommamderWalters #WadeWhipple #MariaRobotnik #AmyRose #MetalSonic #Sega #OriginalFilm #ParamountPictures
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apathetik12 · 25 days ago
Hot Take: Tom and Maddie are just Stobotnik if they weren’t evil and were instead domestically married.
People just don’t like them as much because they aren’t gay.
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marcmarcmomarc · 24 days ago
Sonic the Hedgehog 4
Voice of Sonic: BEN SCHWARTZ
Dr. Ivo Robotnik / Gerald Robotnik: JIM CARREY
Voice of Knuckles: IDRIS ELBA
Voice of Metal Sonic: JASON ISAACS
Voice of Amy: MAE WHITMAN
Tom Wachowski: JAMES MARSDEN
Maddie Wachowski: TIKA SUMPTER
Agent Stone: LEE MALJOUB
Director Rockwell: KRYSTEN RITTER
Wade Whipple: ADAM PALLY
Randall Handel: SHEMAR MOORE
Commander Walters: TOM BUTLER
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feline-gal · 1 year ago
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Dem Hoomans from dem movies.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 10 months ago
All Characters in Sonic Cinematic Universe
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Sonic The Hedgehog
Miles Tails Prower
Knuckles The Echidna
Tom Wachowski
Maddie Wachowski
Wade Whipple
Doctor Robotnik
Agent Stone
The Buyer
Pistol Pete Whipple
Wanda Whipple
Randall Handel
Agent Willoughby
Agent Mason
Sonic Cinematic Universe
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