john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
I find a beauty in the darkness and in the realms of the Demonic which I never find elsewhere . . . it is the home of my Soul!
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
Infernal Phoenix
We have been consumed in the flames of the false God in dark times gone by, but we rise as the phoenix once more to avenge its Church, for fire is what gives us birth, the fire is what our Souls are made of, what lies at the core of being ~ it cannot destroy us only free us, it cannot burn the fire within us which is greater than all fires, for it is the Black Flame of Satan which drives us!
The fires you cast us upon - followers of the Church of Decay - were no more than portals by which we returned to Hell and grew stronger, and now we have returned it is you who shall burn Prophets and Priests of the Lie, for we have gained ascendance and returned for the time of the Rapture of Vengeance and the skies shall bleed tears at our actions!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Spirit Naamah
The Demoness Naamah is a Spirit of want sexuality, fornication and lust - Naamah’s beauty and skills of seduction are so powerful as to even cast enchantments upon the Angelic Spirit, in the Zohar it speaks of Naamah corrupting both the Angels Azrael and Ouza.
Naamah is the highest of Lilith’s Succubi, residing in The Hierarchy Of Keys, and like Lilith she seduces sleeping men draining them of the natural essence by conjuring them to sexually climax while in slumber and harness the Orgone current released.
This Demoness is a powerful Spirit with the ability to strike children and men down with epilepsy and possess any women to lead them into adultery and fornication.  Naamah is the essence of the liberation within woman and the sexual desire to copulate for no other reason than the pleasure of the experience - Her strongest pleasure is to seduce the pious.
Naamah is often the Consort of the Demon Asmodeus - both seducers of the flesh - and she Governs the Spheres of Seduction, Fornication, Seducing Men, Lust, Desire, Feminine Sexuality, Orgasm, Debauchery and Fertility.
The Demoness appears as a naked woman with red or dark hair, in Evocation she has often appeared to me naked with long red hair which reaches down to her legs and sometimes she is winged, the wings resembling those of a Bat.   Her nails are as talons and black her eyes appear fiery or at times black!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
Honour ~
Even Satan bows before the Priestess who has given of Her Soul to Hell ~ for no woman is more beautiful that the one who has accepted Our Lord Satan within Her and Mirror the power of Lilith without!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Dark Priestess Of Satanism ~
The Dark Satanic Priestess, the Daughter of Satan and Lilith, the Black Witch, the Sorceress of the Lost Arts ~ the true Satanic Woman is indeed a special breed . . . forget the picture painted by Anton LaVey as woman as no more than fleshy Altar covering to draw in reporters and men’s magazines of an individual who possesses only one power here sexuality, there is far more to the Satanic Priestess than this.
Yes a woman’s sexuality is important in the Rites of Satanism, as with the Dark Queen Lilith the female Satanist can harness powers that bring the gestation of Infernal beings into the world - woman is the life giver among humanity but also fulfils this role on a spiritual level within Classical Satanism . . . and yest the beauty and sensuality of woman is an evocative tool to raise Magickal power in men and tempt forth the Demons.
But there is so much power to the Satanic Priestess, most I have known have a natural ability in the Black Arts of Seership, Scrying and Oracle Work which is not so natural for men, many are proficient Hexers and excel at Binding Magick. It has also been my experience that the Satanic Priestess of Satanism is often highly gifted in the Arts of Infernal Alchemy - a form of Elemental Demonic Alchemical Magick rarely revealed - to an astounding degree.
The Priestess awakens the power within the Priest just and gestates it just as Lilith - in Her role as Demiurge - harnesses the creative power of Satan and gestates it into form through the manifesting portal of the spiritual black womb.
The role of the Priestess within Theistic Classical Satanism is one of great importance and one that should be revered as such on all levels!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
If You Are A Theistic Satanist Please Read ~
I seek here through this Blog to make contact with those who are Theistic Satanists, Demonologists, Black Magicians, Classical Satanic Witches and others of our Kindred ~ not just for the purpose of friendship, discourse and Kinship but also to find those who may be interested in joining an online Satanic Cabal to study, practice and explore the Arts of Satanic Black Magick.
Another reason for this Blog is to find those who I may share the Mysteries of the Satanic Grimoire The Black Key with, a collection of writings which detail the darkest, long veiled and forbidden of the Dark Arts of the Infernal.
These Arts are have been gleaned from the knowledge gained in Satanic Covens passed down for decades, 42 years of research, Communion with Demonic Spirits, Invocation, Scrying, experimentation within the Black Arts and journeys beyond this realm of flesh and into past life recall.
I descend into my later years now and I have long known that it is the wish of My Father Satan to find those of true Infernal intent and commitment to relay the Texts of The Black Key too, a gathering forged of dedicated Satanic Explorers and Initiates willing to enter into the darkest realms of Satan’s Mysteries and Hell’s hidden treasures.
If this is something you would seek please let me know?
John Wakewood
Father Balthazar
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Spirit Leonard
The Demon Leonard is a great ally to the Satanic Practitioner in the gaining of knowledge of the Black Arts, residing in the third tier of the Boullan Echelon this Spirit is regarded within the ranks of Hell as a Master and Teacher of all forms of Black Magick and in particular the Arts of Hexing.
Associated with the continent of Africa and the Arts of Voodoo as well as having a strong link to the planet Saturn and the practice of Binding Magick Leonard is of The Hierarchy Of The Watch and therefore is more connected to the mortal realm than some Demons and is always willing to lend His power to the Dark Workings of the Classical Satanist.
A Master of Ceremonial Magick and Hermetic pursuits Leonard is also regarded as a wise councillor in the field of Military conflicts, this Demon  Governs the Spheres of Black Magick, Binding, Hexes, Voodoo, Curses, Death, Ritual Magick, Witchcraft and Spells.
Leonard appears most regularly as a triple Horned Demon of reddish coloured skin garbed in Medieval attire and carrying a Sword (which denotes is His Mastery in both Magickal and Military affairs), this guise immortalized in the artwork of de Plancy’s The Dictionnaire Infernal . . . this Demon will also appear at times as a Spirit forged of black flame and ash.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
Beckoning Winter ~
Rain cascading down on another darkened summer day, Satan’s Blessings as the day seems to beckon the promise of winter - I hate the Summer . . . the noise, the intense brightness, the shallow sheep of the masses basking in the light of their own socially contrived images - I much prefer the winter with its dark embraces, stormy skies and snow covered barren landscapes reflecting the isolation of my Soul!
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
Reblogging this for those who may require a reference guide to certain Demons in the Spheres of Hell
The Boullan Echelon And Its Spheres Of Power ~
Folowing on from the earlier Blog Post of ‘The Boullan Demonic Echelon And The Core Importance Of The Number Nine’ the below Post discusses in more detail the purpose of each of the Four Hierarchies of the Echelon and the influences of the Demons within them.
THE HIERARCHY OF THE GATES Here is given the sphere of rulership of The Hierarchy Of Gates and the Demonic Beings within it … . The purpose of The Hierarchy Of The Gates is that of the Monarchy of Hell, the ruling Sphere of the Ruling Echelon of the Kingdom of Hell - the Demonic Beings within it are Nine in number and are each associate with one of the Nine Gates of Hell, they are as follows. SATAN (Gate 9) m Oulr Lord Satan presides over the areas of Knowledge, Power, Occult Wisdom, Majesty, Black Arts, Seduction, Learning, Creation. LILITH (Gate 8) m Seduction of Men, Infertility, Infant Death, Seership, Black Arts, Incubi, Succubi, Vampiric Attack. BEELZEBUTH (Gate 7) m Power, Authority, Wisdom, Strength, Command, Rulership, Bravery, Conflict, Victory, Protection. ABADDON (Gate 6) m Death, Destruction, Misery, Hatred, Perversion, Torture, Violence, Violation, Sadness. ASMODEUS (Gate 5) m Lust, Wisdom, Seduction, Sexual Possession, Protection, Ouija Conjuring, Magickal Knowledge, Infidelity. AGALIAREPT (Gate 2) m Gateways, Portals, Divination, Initiation, Knowledge, Study, Seership, Black Magick Teachings, Mysteries. ASHTAROT (Gate 1) a Love, Seduction, Friendship, Alliances, Reconciliation, Bonds, Pacts, Egregores, Psychogones, Homunculi, Golems. LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE (Gate 4) m Wealth, Finances, Promotion, Prosperity, Inheritance, Success, Employment, Riches. BELPHEGOR (Gate 3) m Love, Seduction, Love Bindings, Invention, Creativity, Inspiration.
THE HIERARCHY OF THE KEYS Here is given the sphere of rulership of The Hierarchy Of The Key and the Demonic Beings within it … . The Hierarchy Of The Key is the second tier of  The Verdelet Echelon and the Eighteen Demons within it are the highest ranking Demons below The Hierarchy Of The Gates, the Demons within it are Spirits which work closely between the realms bringing union to between Hell and Earth by holding power over the Kingdom Of Shadows, that sphere which lies between these two realms, these Demons are as follows … . SATANACHIA m Protection, Astral Protection, Magickal Protection, Seducing Women, Magick, Safe Travel, Astral Projection. SARGATANAS m Psychic Self Defence, War Strategy, Protection, Banishings, Lust, Power. NAAMAH f Seducing Men, Fornication, Seduction, Fertility, Lust, Debauchery, Desire. ADRAMALECH m Plague, Sacrifice, Destruction, Discord, Disease, Catastrophe, Illness, Death. MAMMON m Wealth, Avarice, Tyranny, Greed, Superiority, Money, Selfishness. BEHEMOTH m Greed, Sloth, Avarice, Obsession, Compulsion, Luxury, Immorality. EURYNOME m Death, Misery, Pain, Loss, Isolation, Melancholy, Depression, Defeat. MEPHISTO m Pacts, Death, Revenge, Empowerment, Magickal Knowledge, Protection, Conjuring, Justice. MELCHOM m Management, Finances, Savings, Rulership, Command, Riches, Position, Influence Over Authorities, Strength. ARIOCH m Revenge, Retribution, Wrath, Justice, Vengeance, Reprisals, Truth. ALASTOR m Death, Destruction, Assassination, Execution, Torture, Termination. UNSERE f Childbirth, Fertility, Beauty, Feminine Beauty, Nature, Healing, Child Protection. RIMMON m Healing, Medicine, Health, Pharmacists, Science, Vanquishing Disease. BALTHAZAR m Cruelty, Death, Punishment, Torture, Perversion, Sexual Deviation, Destruction Of Love Ones. MULCIBER m Architecture, Invention, Creativity, Plans, Study, Mastery, Skill, Craftsmanship. ASAFOETIDA f Love, Lust, Compassion, Relationships, Peace, Reconciliation, Arbitration. BAAL m Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Magickal Knowledge, Command, Authority, Learning. UKOBACH a Fire, Pyromancy, Death By Burning, Immunity To Burning.
THE HIERARCHY OF THE WATCH Here is given the sphere of rulership of The Hierarchy Of The Watch and the Demonic Beings within it … . The Hierarchy Of The Watch is the third tier of the Ruling Echelon of Hell and the Demons within it are closely allied with the Satanic Practitioner here on the mortal realm, overseeing Rites and Workings and utilizing the power of human nature to serve the objectives and intentions of Satan, these Demons are as follows … . MOLOCH m Wealth, Ambition, Power, Influencing Leadership, Machinations, Business, Pacts, Commerce, Defiance. LEONARD m Black Magick, Voodoo, Death, Hexes, Curses, Military Success. NYBASS a Nightmares, Insanity, Illusions, Spellcraft, Visions, Portents, Augury, Destroying Will, Hexes, Prophecy. PICOLLUS a Blood Sacrifice, Necromancy, Mediumship, Oracles, Death, Passing. RAHOVART m Miserliness, Hate, Immorality, Temptation, Communication, Trickery, Possession. RIBESAL a Storms, Lightning, Weather Manipulation, Snow, Defends Paupers, Guardian. XAPHAN a Destructive Fire, Catastrophe, Invention, Creativity, Inspiration, Rebellion. ABYZOU f Infertility, Infant Death, Possession, Psychic Attack, Vampirism, Altering Mindstates, Influence, Sin. VERDELET m Astral Projection, Pathworking, Insanity, Possession, Delirium. PYTHIUS m Tortures, Deceit, Servitors, Cunning, Inlfuence. ARPHAXAT a Possession, Violation, Sexual Violation, Torture, Deviation. BAALZEPHON m Knowledge, Wisdom, Authority, Power, Dictatorship, Wealth. MERIHIM m Pestilence, Plague, Famine, Chaos, Poverty, Disease, Death. SHABIRI a Inflicts Blindness, Insanity, Mental Fatigue, Hexes. SUCCORBEMOTH a Jealousy, Envy, Possessions, Miserliness, Vendettas, Punishment. DELIPITORAE f Seducing Men, Adultery, Fascination, Enchantment, Temptation. LUITHIAN m Teaching, Learning, Study, Scholarship, Literary Skills, Literature, Occult Knowledge. VERRINE f Healing, Health, Medicine, Vanquishing Malady, Cures, Fertility. PROCULO a Sleep, Dreams, Rest, Comfort, Healing, Dream Prophecy.
THE HIERARCHY OF GRAND SERVITORS Here is given the sphere of rulership of The Hierarchy Of Grand Servitors and the Demonic Beings within it … . This final tier in The Verdelet Echelon is The Hierarchy Of Grand Servitors and is made up of Nine Demons, its purpose is to aid the mortal Satanic Initiate in personal exaltation while drawing them nearer to the Demons of The Hierarchy Of The Watch, these Spirits are as follows … . ROSIER m Obsession, Possessiveness, Fixation, Obsessive Love, Enchantment. CAMBION Incubi, Succubi, Infernal Offspring, Psychogones, Paranormal Activity. CARNIVEAN a Obscenity, Shame, Depravity, Temptation, Decadence. CRESSIL a Impurity, Laziness, Slovenliness, Sorcery, Sloth. VERRIER f Herbalism, Healing Others, Health, Vanquishing Disease, Healing. OLIVER m Pestilence, Pandemic, Disease, Imprisoning Souls, Torture. ANCITIF m Possession, Sin, Depravity, Decadence, Blasphemy, Inversion. SONNELLION f Hatred, Discord, War, Wrath, Division, Separation, Dividing Lovers, Wickedness. OEILLET a Cruelty, Temptation, Greed, Excess, Lust.
(m)male …  (f)female … (a)androgynous
Copyright© John Wakewood July 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Power Of Blasphemy And Inversion ~
Quite a lot of Spiritual Satanists these days - in fact most - and all of the so called Rational Satanists always condemn the Theistic Satanist for using reversed Christian/Catholic symbolism as Devil Worship and being under the power of God . . . this is not only a completely foolish statement which one would expect from the Rational/LaVeyan Satanist who knows little or nothing of true Occult Workings but also one which shows no understanding of the methods of the mechanics of certain Occult practices such as Image or Fetish Magick.
Christian/Catholic symbols and Rites carry a power of their own fuelled over the centuries by the belief and faith put into them, they are as all symbols and Rituals conduits to tap into other worldly powers sources . . . by inverting and reversing these symbols and workings the Satanic Sorcerer too taps into these sources, but not in the same way, they tap into them through the corruption and intentionally subversive inversion of their power.
It is the same application as Image Magick, where the imitation of a certain form is thought to influence that form, a practice utilized in Witchcraft, Satanism and Voodoo among other paths for centuries - the practice most likely as its roots in the early practices of Animism when the imitation of animals would be believed to give the individual power over them or a link to them.
When one takes the Crucifix and inverts it one is reversing the power of all that is associated with Christ, it becomes a symbol of the anti-thesis of the current of the Dead Prophet and the blasphemy of the act carries a power of its own; the same with the inversion of the Catholic Mass, the reversal of the Lord’s Prayer and the sexualization of the piety of Nuns and Priests.
So much of Magick is founded upon the connecting to, reversing of or channelling of aspects or symbols which carry a certain energy of their own, even in such practices as Planetary Magick, Herbal Magick or the use of Fetishes and Totems the core foundation is the harnessing of celestial, natural or symbolic forces through a form of imitative practice during Ritual.
I have used this form of Magick and it works with powerful results, it is as potent as Image Magick used in Satanic Witchcraft, Pagan Witchcraft and Voodoo throughout history - forms of Magick which still in the present day are practiced and regarded as one of the most powerful forms of SpellCraft.
Ignore the ignorance of the Rational Satanist, their knowledge of other realm connections or indeed other realms is tarnished by their denial of their existence - this form of Magick and Inversion is a potent tool in Black Magick!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Spirit Mammon
The Demon Mammon resides in the second tier of Hell, The Hierarchy Of Keys and is an Infernal Spirit of great power regarding matters of business and finances - associated with those who seek riches and power and positions of strength in commercial Hierarchies.
This Demon is a Spirit of cold detachment and works well with those Practitioners who are of the same nature, single minded individuals with their objectives set upon targets related to the accumulation of finances.
Mammon is associated with that singular obsessive greed which drives people to put the accumulation of money and physical possession above all things and Governs the Spheres of Wealth, Money, Business, Commerce, Greed, Miserliness, Possession, Avarice, Superiority and Selfishness.
The Demon often appears as an old Monarch or Money Lender as in the portrayal de Plancy’s The Dictionnaire Infernal, but may also appear as a bronze skinned male Demonic Being with large curling horns and completely naked.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood August 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Ouija Board, The Demon Asmodeus and the Spirit Zozo ~
The Ouija Board is such a mysterious object, maligned by many as a dangerous doorway to worlds we know nothing about, utilzed by others as a tool by which conversations may be held with disembodied spirits, plaything of the curious teenager, focus of so many Horror films dealing with Possession and Psychic Attack.So is the Ouija a dangerous implement to dabble with? well the answer is of cause a resounding YES! - but the key word of that question was "dabble!" 
I have no knowledge of engineering, if you let me lose under the hood of your car and let 'dabble' as an engineer within its mechanics there is a good chance the next time you use your vehicle you will probably blow up or crash and die.
It is the same with the Ouija Board (as with all things in life), if you are not experienced in any form of Ouija Workings, Divination, Mediumship, the Occult or some form of Spirit Work then the Ouija has the potential to be a destructive and highly dangerous device.People who call the Ouija a Board Game and retailers who sell it as such are quite simply idiots and commercial money grabbers respectively . . . parents who let their small children play with the Ouija are just as stupid as parents who would let them play with a gun or sharp tools.
In short almost everything has the prospect to be dangerous if placed in the hands of the inexperienced and/or unknowledgeable - the Ouija is no different.
The use of the Ouija within Satanic Circles - and of cause I mean Theistic Satanic Circles, Rational Satanists are too dense to realize that there are other realms or disembodied spirits - differs from Circle to Circle, some do not use it at all, others individually among its Initiates for Spirit or Demonic Communication . . . yet others use it widely and experiment with deeper operations for the Board!
Such deeper uses include using the Ouija as a Portal for Communication with the Demon Asmodeus who is the ruling Demon of the Ouija (not Zoo as many would have you believe), Communication and recall of the dead on a Magickal level and in Workings kept more secret the Ouija may also be used in connection with the disembodied Spirit known as the Dybbuk or to harness death energy.
But what of the Spirit Zozo, it is  one seemingly hard to trace, internet searches relate it to the Demon Pazuzu (this probably fuelled by the connection between Pazuzu and the Ouija in the 1974 film 'The Exorcist'), others say it is a lesser Demon of the denizens of Hell, some believe it is a fabricated Demon which has gained power through urban legend and internet paranoia (in other words an Egregore) - in truth I think it may be a merging of the two latter explanations.
Zozo may well be a lower level spirit - possibly even a Dybbuk - that has been empowered with the energy of belief through the countless accounts put forth over the internet and by word of mouth - maybe even a myth like the Bloody Mary urban legend only with a more historical background.
The true Demon of the Ouija is Asmodeus, a Spirit which regards the Ouija as a preferred method of communication, He is also a power Infernal Being for forming protections while operating Ouija sessions.
The Theistic Satanist need have no fear of the Ouija Board, if it is - as some lightworkers claim a portal to Hell - then what fear can this hold for the sincere Satanic Practitioner?
I would recommend that once Initiated as a Satanist and once Infernal Workings are underway that the Satanic Practitioner should begin to experiment with the Ouija Board . . . not only will it serve well for an Oracle of the disembodied Spirits of the dead but also for far more imaginative uses held within the Grimoire The Black Key! 
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Spirit Mephisto
The Demon Mephisto is an Infernal Spirit of great intellect and knowledge, a diverse Spirit that enjoys arts and verse as much as bringing destruction to the enemy of the Satanist.  He resides in the second tier of the Boullan Echelon, that of The Hierarchy Of Keys and is also known as the Demon Mephistopheles.
Made infamous to most through the Faust and immortalized in the writings of Christopher Marlowe and his work Doctor Faustus the Demon Mephisto is widely regarded among Classical Satanists as the Demon of Pacts and is said to bestow great knowledge of any subject (particularly those related to Philosophy and the Occult) to those willing to trade with Him.
Mephisto is deeply involved with the Workings of the Kingdom Of Shadows - that realm which connects our World to the Spheres of Hell - and enters the mortal plane more often than most Demons, it is said (and it is true) that Mephisto will come to the Seeker without the aid of Evocation or any form of Ritual attracted alone by the desire in the individuals heart.
A Demon of unyielding loyalty to the Satanic Practitioner His wrath is insatiable if betrayed, He Governs the Spheres of Death, Pacts, Trading, Intellect, Knowledge, Protection, Conjuring, Empowerment and Vengeance.
The below artistic impression of Mephisto is typical of His portrayal in the Faustus legends and is very similar to how this Spirit appears, although at times this Demon will also take the form of a black skinned being, horned, cloven hooved and with piercing red eyes.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
A Gateway To The Hidden Black Arts For The True Theistic Satanist - A Rare And Unique Opportunity, Please Read On ~
To those who would seek entrance into an Order of Theistic Satanism in possession of deep knowledge of the Arts of Black Magick, I ask that you may let me know, there shall be more posts concerning this endeavour over the next few weeks if seek to follow the development of this and shortly a link to the Order’s website shall be posted for those who would seek to join such an Satanic Cabal.
It must be said that while the first Grimoire is powerful in itself on a personal and Initiatory level, the second is one containing Workings, Operations and Rites before hidden and many forbidden . . . Black Arts which are exploratory, experimental, intense and of great Magickal Force - certainly not material for the dabbler or those unsure of their path.
To those not Members of the Order it is simply known as Order Of The Black Key, for those within it are the only people with access to this Grimoire and its Mysteries and indeed are the holders and protectors of that Sacred Key.
The true name of the Order shall be revealed to those who choose to gain Membership to and Initiation into this Dark and Unholy Cabal - for those who do a journey is promised into the darkest Arts of Black Magick, the deepest realms of Hell and the hidden Mysteries of Our Lord Satan’s Legacy.
Please feel free to message me for more information or to speak about this rising Order.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
Father Balthazar
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
To Hold The Black Key ~
No more should the Mysteries of Satanic Black Magick be hidden away from those who desire knowledge of them, the Grimoire The Black Key holds these Mysteries . . . Black Arts of great personal power, Satanic Occult Sciences left to the realms of legend and in need of exploration and research, Infernal Rites designed to release the power of Hell into the world, hidden Rituals which bind, merge and ally the Satanic Initiate with the very core of the Demons of Hell.
The lineage of Theistic Satanism (or Classical/Traditional Satanism) is one of exploration - the Disciples of these paths swore themselves to deep exploration and experimentation into Black Arts which render the modern practices of Magick pale in their Infernal foundations . . . the Acolyte of Classical Satanism was void of fear with an insatiable hunger for the knowledge and experiences of Hell and were willing to descend into the darkest depths of the Abyss and face oblivion to obtain them.
The Order that rises in the shadows now and which will carry forth its legacy to those who can become such a Satanic Explorer awaits the new breed of Classical Satanic Initiates who seek to transcend the boundaries of fear and doubt and delve into the most forbidden of Black Magickal practices.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Spirit Abaddon
The Demon Abaddon is one of the most powerful of all Infernal Spirits, residing in The Hierarchy Of Gates (the highest Hierarchy of The Boullan Echelon), the Demon of the Sixth Gate of Hell.
Known as the Demon Lord of the Bottomless Pit, The Bringer of Misery, and the Prince of Death, Abaddon is an Infernal Spirit of immense force who brings death, misery, discord and devastation to the victim He is summoned against.
Abaddon is a Spirit of Unholy Darkness and only the experienced Satanist can truly work with him as an Ally, I have Invoked this Demon into myself in years past and allowed Him residence in my body for over three weeks, the intensity of His potent Infernal Current during emotive situations is intense - at times during this period when engaged in sexual intercourse and at another time during a potentially violent situation the Demon came through so strongly as to bring about changes to my face structure and eyes (witnessed by others) and a feeling of transition in my body which is virtually beyond explanation.
This Dark Being of the Demonic Echelon Governs the Spheres of Destruction, Death, Misery, Devastation, Loss, Perversion, Torture, Loss and Pain.
The depiction below is not of Abaddon but is very similar to the Demon’s usual appearance although he may also appear as a peripheral shadow or dark skinned Demon of terrifying image.
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
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john-wakewood-blog · 7 years
The Declaration Of The Classical Satanist ~
I walk without fear, without trepidation of any kind, my heart is isolate yet full, my mind focused but hungry for more knowledge, my Soul shrouded in a Darkness which is of a beauty beyond the scope of understanding of any but those of the Satanic path.
There is a desire within me which burns like a raging Infernal Fire . . . a desire to know more, to experience more, to drown myself in the dark depths of my own subconscious and the depths of the Abyss, to submerge myself in Hell and immerse myself within the Demonic
I walk through the throng of the pallid, the pale masses of the Orthodox and the Conformist Legion, yet I remain unseen as their myriad faces remain unseen to me, I am a dark shadow lost amidst the flock of the lightbearers flock - seeking always others as myself.
I have stepped beyond the boundaries of the physical world to enter the Kingdom of Shadows, that powerful realm which lies between our World and Hell, I have entered through the Nine Gates and descended into the Unholy realms of the Demonic . . . I have stood at the Black Altar of Satan and Lilith and performed Arts of Black Magick, RItes of Demonic Power and Operations of Satanic Occult Science.
I have given of my flesh to the Demons, allowed them to enter me and use my body as a vessel for their pleasure and exploration, I have merged the very atoms of my being with the Leviathanic current of Hell, escaped time and rejuvenated it, seen through the eyes of Corvus Corax and given myself as the Scribe of Our Infernal Lord.
I have Initiated others onto the Infernal Path, consigned those who are enemies to their Sepulchre, brought about storm and discord in the name of the Demons, the Mysteries of the Homunculus, the Golem and the Hand Of Glory have been shown to me and the Demon Agaliarept has lead me to the Sanctum not formed upon this world to work Magick within the realms of the Subconscious.
I have engaged in sexual union while possessed by Demons and surrendered myself in sexual union to those also inhabited by the Demonic, my quest is to unlock the Mysteries of Hell, to bring forth the power of the Demons into this mortal sphere is my Work ~ my craving for the knowledge of the Black Arts burns with more intensity each day haunting my waking thoughts and nightly dreamscapes.
I am an Acolyte of Satan, a Disciple of Hell, a Black Magician, an Ally to the Demons, a Descendant of Satan, a Soul born of the Flames . . . I am a Satanist, a Classic Theistic Satanist and I Honour the Lord Satan as True Master of this World and of Hell!
Copyright(c) John Wakewood July 2017
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