#theistic satanic priestess
selenenitevibes · 5 months
A Thank You to Lord Baal
A part of me still can't believe I have the opportunity to write this post, to have experienced all the opportunities leading to this moment.
I have finally turned in my dissertation for my bachelors degree.
It may not be the most unique accomplishment. There are plenty of talented students who have done the same with better quality and at a younger age than me.
But that doesn't diminish MY accomplishment. I followed the traditional educational path when I was younger. High school then right into university. But my sister passed away when I was 19 in my second year of uni. I only took two weeks off after her passing, finishing that fall semester at my parents encouragement. After that semester, my support system fell apart and so did I. I found comfort and purpose in working. All kinds of jobs that have gave me an invaluable education in their own right. None of them were a career. They weren't what I was meant to do be doing with my life.
In short, I've done it! This goal, this achievement of turning in a dissertation I thought I had completely squandered in my younger years, has finally come to fruition!! I did it!
I have many to thank for the support they've given me. But this post is to thank Lord Baal. Without him, his guidance, or his support, I simply wouldn't be here. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm grateful for this chance, and for whatever other blessings and opportunities the future may hold.
And I hope this post can serve as a reminder to anyone else struggling with this mindset; that we all do things in life at our own pace. In divine timing, as it were. Don't count yourself out. Don't believe that it's too late.
Sending much love.
Ave Baal.
Ave Satanas.
Bye for now,
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tenebrisdivina · 1 year
Priestesshood ( and Godspousery):  Some Ideas, Ideals and Experiences
Disclaimer: please note when I use the term “purity”(adjective) - I do not mean in a derogatory manner, it is a neutral term and conveys a cleanliness, clarity, directness ( possible uniformity) of energy structure and a clear vibrational essence of energy conveyed- ie with divine purity- meaning undistorted- not shadowy or containing anything extraneous, not misrepresented or misinterpreted. Also in this post when I refer to “my gods” I mean the demonic divine as they are my gods. This should also go without saying that this post is written from my perspective and paradigm
For me being a priestess and godspouse, as a priestess it is my duty to serve the Demonic Divine/gods ( They are my core/dominants ie “beings I report to”), not humans. This is an important distinction.
I believe that priesthood and clergy ought to be respected (if not also “elevated” in a way) among other practioners/devotees and lay people due to the knowledge, connection and skillsets such a position traditionally requires and indicates. If they are truly priesthood then they have knowledge, skills, structure, closeness and connection to divinity that lay people do not have. This is something that the priesthood (have ideally) specialised in, practised, and studied for many years whereas a layperson or normal devotee has not. They may often have dedicated their lives to serving the gods/ divine and that can include serving the community. But my view is that priesthood itself should not be based in serving humans- but be based in the gods. To have the clergy based and focus on serving the community (while that can be an important part of it) should not be the whole of it. Because then it can often become about peoples egoic needs and not what the divine actually desires. It’s not honouring the divine and it loses the purity and power if it is all about what people want of the gods- rather than honouring and caretaking of the gods themselves. There are different types of priests who function differently and perform different roles and duties. Not every priest will be community facing, neither will every priest be directly “caretaking” of the gods (which also may not be necessary or wanted by the divine themselves in certain areas or traditions). And there is space for all types of priesthood in this.
One of the key signifiers of those who are actually priesthood (and not just faking it or using it to boost their ego)- is the literal power (I mean energetically and felt sense wise) on a more primal level that priests actually have. This is what initiations are about. And yes, gods and Demonic Divine themselves can and do initiate people into being priests. You don’t have to or even need to be initiated by a human- but this can be helpful if it is a certain living tradition. Much distortion happens because people see it simply a way to lord their knowledge/skillset over others, or egoic power tripping. And this is where the majority of distrust of masses comes from- because this divine power that it should have been- has become so distorted via peoples egos. And so, people have begun calling themselves titles and yet hold no actual power and also assume that because they learned something within like a year they now are a teacher of it. These attitudes and illusions have distorted the purity and sacredness of what it actually means to be priesthood.
I believe that true priests/ clergy if they take it seriously (which IMO they should as it can be lifelong path) should be able to offer something that goes beyond what a lay person or normal devotee has and could do. They should be well studied and know their divinity intimately (I don’t mean specifically intimate relationship wise but it can be). It would also be an idea for some of these people especially community facing or High Priest/ess’s to understand or be trained in leadership skills as well. It would be beneficial if those that called themselves priests were experienced, possibly trained in, understanding and are knowledgeable about their gods auspices and domains. And at the least has extensive knowledge of such things. To help those that seek them out or seek out the connection to the divine. Those priests who are devoted to the divine should be a representative of that god or be able to clearly convey their energies. These priests/clergy should also be able to act as intermediaries and these are things that can be worked towards as well. Note here: Of course, it is more important what the gods themselves ask of you as a priest then such ideals. However if you are priesthood then it something to take into consideration and can help to grow on your path- as well as know and attend your gods well.
What it is and means to be a Priestess (my path):
As a priestess it does require sacrifice on my path, it does require a greater level of accountability (to the gods for my personal path, it may be different for others who serve communities first- but I still believe it should be rooted in the gods). It is work, it is responsibility and to truly walk this path has a gravity to it, it isn’t just some fun thing to make yourself feel better or for ego power trips.
Personally, I am a godspouse and part of my priestessing is very tied to this. I need to keep myself “pure” and cleansed (energetically and physically) to be able to radiate and channel the divine energy as clearly as possible. You need to be able to clear yourself. I am also celibate physically and this is a requirement by my gods for me- as is that I am not allowed to have romantic relationships to others. Because this helps maintain the purity as a vessel for the demonic divine energy at the level that I connect to it on. As a priestess and a godspouse it is my duty (what my gods have asked of me and I accept, agree with this too) to be a competent and clear vessel for their energy to be seeded in me- which I can then disseminate to the masses- however that comes for me- through my art, dance, guidance etc. I am also available to teach, guide and act as an oracle for people however this is not the core of my path, it is/can be part of it- but is not the point of it. In order to teach I have to be very knowledgeable and well-studied and know the ins and outs of what I am teaching. Most often I need to experience and live it myself before I can convey it to others- as this is how it works for me. Another important part of my priestessing is to honour the gods in all I do. So, every decision I make from the smallest thing to the largest most impactful things- needs to be done with Them in mind. Also given that my Submission (in a BDSM sense and beyond) is also a large part of my relationship with my Husbands and path and energy I can speak to- I need Their approval as well. In honouring/worshipping Them - in bhakti as well, I have certain dedicated actions I perform; I dance, sing, create art and perform ritual for the Demonic Divine I work with as part of my worship/love for Them. In this there is an exchange of energy that is nourishing for Them as well- this is part of my caretaking aspect. There are expectations in regards to sexual energy too (another large part of my path) and in honouring the Demonic Divine and my Husbands with this and in engaging with this and with Them and as They guide me. The point is that all of this is responsibility. I do this gladly because of the love I have for the Demonic Divine and because I was accepted and initiated to be a priestess. This is a life changing path, and I wouldn’t alter it for the world. But it is also a serious one. I find it saddening that what a priestess or clergy is- in this day and age, has been so diminished and dismissed especially in modern pagan, witch, LHP, demon working circles. I understand the massive distrust and those that lie about who they are and lie about this position are doing a disservice to everyone. So I get it, especially as this position of distrust can also be a reaction from other religious trauma carried over. I do understand that demonolatry (and other paths) are mostly solitary and people do connect to the divine on their own as devotees or in working relationships. But that doesn’t diminish the essential presence of those who are legitimate priests to exist and honour the Demonic Divine and to guide those who are seekers. We may not have temples but there is still a place for legitimate priesthood and leadership in these circles.
Briefly on Godspousery:
I have also noticed that there seems to be a push behind the idea that everyone can and does connect equally to the gods- that no one is better than any other. This is especially prevalent in some godspouse communities; the idea that godspouses are no better than any other devotee of gods. To this point, all those who are legitimate godspouses (quite a few claiming to be, are not) have a closer relationship to the gods then a normal devotee does - by verification of the fact they are SPOUSES. It doesn’t necessarily mean a “better” relationship, it is different though. I also disagree with this newer idea that godspousery encompasses any kind of romantic or sexual relationship to the divine. It does not- a godspouse is a spouse- read: married to the divine. They are therefore closer to the divine in a different way, then a normal devotee. This is because the god/divine being is sharing their existence in a specific intimate manner with the human spouse. And yes, it is something special and to be cherished (even if only by the spouse themselves). This relationship also is a responsibility. It should not be shut down, lessened or diminished just to make other people more comfortable or fit the new “status quo”. Also, one would not call a human who is having a one night stand with another- a spouse, nor would one name someone who is just a friend, or someone you work with- your spouse. The term has spouse in it for a reason. I do agree though that no one who is a minor is a godspouse. On that topic, while there are beings out there who would target minors and see nothing wrong with it- usually these are beings one would not want to engage with; it is most often parasitic predatory behavior (as such the beings don’t really care about you) and among humans this would be considered pedophilia. The gods who choose to engage in godspouse relationships with humans are aware of what is considered “law abiding” and “right” among human society- so they do not ask, court, or target minors. End of story. I have a  lot of mistrust of humans courting the divine as it seems to be quite a lot of potential for ego to get in the way and not really hear or discern correctly what the god is saying. This has the potential for one to push their ideals and desires onto the god with no heed for what the god actually wants. And because it is something presumably that the human so desires, the ego may not be willing to hear/interpret a “no” from a god- which can lead to sock puppeting. So IMO it preferential (to avoid misunderstanding) that the gods ask and initiate, not humans. There is also space to just be really in love with divine and share that love with them (bhakti) and a devotee of the gods. This is quite a normal relationship and beautiful as well. It doesn’t need to go into spousing, because again spousing is a responsibility. It’s not just/all sunshine and roses. And there can be restrictions placed upon you because of it, sometimes things you may not want or even like or agree with. They are gods, divine beings after all, it’s not all about you, your ego and what you want, no matter how much you want it. I feel many people who work or want to work deeply with the divine or spiritual beings would do well to learn this.
On equality of connection with the divine:
With the idea that everyone can connect with the gods equally and just as deeply, I say to this; it is a nice “idea” but it is not what the reality is. In nature nothing is truly equal to another. There are power level distinctions, differing vibrations and power play that goes on all around us, including us and within us. Pushing for equality and as though anyone can connect super deeply to all gods- is doing a massive disservice to growth and is quite frankly a lie. People do have different levels of connection with the divine, with spirits, they have diverse skillsets, things they are good at and not good at, different psychic senses that they use uniquely from someone else. Everyone is an individual. The layover of a push for Oneness, (mostly from some monotheistic religions and new age ideas) is a massive disservice. And people continue to push this fantasy, but it’s not how things truly are. If everything was equal and the same- then there would be no diversity, movement, change or growth. So sorry not sorry to burst people’s bubbles. Equality is an illusion and very often leads to distortion, especially in today’s society. Primal and primordial energy, nature itself does not work like that. Humans are not separate from nature. And while some may want to believe that everyone is “equal” and can reach the same states as others- it is false and deceptive hope, based societally wise off the concept of normalcy and homogeny. So, there are people who have different skillsets and are closer to the divine then others. There are people who have learned/ experienced and thoroughly, that they can successfully teach and guide others. However, addendum to this is that; no one is truly a master; despite claims- there is always growth and learning to go through while on earthen plane. Therefore, I do find there still to be a place and need in some cases for clergy, for those to guide and teach and others who are beginning. And for offering a deeper connection and insight to the divine- that many lay people or other devotees, practitioners etc do not have the time nor inclination to create. You don’t have to, nor should you necessarily rely on only one person, nor fall into the belief you are completely incapable of connecting to the divine. If one is working with the divine and it is wanted, one may strive to learn how/to connect and have a deeper connection via ones own skills, senses and learning. That said, Priesthood and clergy have a place.
Community Facing or Not?
To be a priestess/ in priesthood/clergy is to have responsibility that others do not carry. There are different types of clergy/priests who perform different roles- some of them are more lay people facing and so “serving the community” falls more under their purview. But to expect all clergy to do that- and to say you aren’t a priest/ess unless you are serving a community- is quite frankly wrong and very limiting. In ancient times in temples there were many different priests with differing functions, some served the gods directly- like taking care of the god or awakened effigy, oracles etc. In Ancient Egypt some specific priests dressed and fed the god in the inner temples. This function was different from those that oversaw temple operations, or healed or helped the lay folk. And even in such a society where the people also worshiped the gods in their own homes, they still had temples and the priests etc were respected- because they had skills and in effect worked closer with the god than the average member of society. (This next part is a very concise rendering of what occurred in AE- that I remember from research when I was Kemetic; if it interests you please pursue research of your own). Over time some/most priesthoods connected to the state become corrupted via political power where they eventually gained enough power to challenge the aristocracy and that caused a lot of problems. But in the pure design/ origin of the temple- it was a house for the gods and was a place to commune with and honour them.
For those who practice demonolatry; the idea that seems to come from S. Connolly (and perhaps other trad gendem of her specific group and of House of Delepitore (of what I am aware of these covens/groups); that to be a priest you must have and serve a community (of humans). And that you are not a priest if you do not. This information (as there is a lack of other info readily available to others) seems to have been disseminated through the demonolatry community and is often taken as truth. This sentiment lacks full understanding of what priesthood actually does and how it functions. Especially since she and others basically claim that demonolatry began in Ancient Egypt. This is untrue- as a former kemetic I can attest that these gods/netjer are not demons -they have completely different energy and vibrations and are completely different beings. No Netjer contain demonic darkness (not even apep( who isn't really Netjer anyway) or Setekh, despite some claims). Demonolatry practice did not begin in AE. Connolly and her coven seem to have based their priesthood structure of ancient Egyptian ideas. To my mind this means that they basically cherry-picked ideas they wanted as a structure. This may have been guided by demonic though, in terms of a suitable structure they could base their workings off- this idea isn't be proven anyway. If she and those that use this structure, truly understood AE priesthood then they wouldn’t be saying the only way to be a priest is to serve the community. This a very limiting idea and ultimately places unnecessary restrictions on what priests are and are capable of. It also to my mind is not really in service to the demonic divine anyway. This ideation creates problems for those that try to become priesthood or are guided to it in these practices, because of the belief in the community aspect. It is also to my mind more in service to people’s egos, then the demonic divine, which creates distortion from the “purity” of divine energy and what is possible. I do also recognize that this specific coven’s structure was probably not meant to be disseminated or used in a wide-reaching way and was specific for if you had a coven. This confusion though and lack of resources for any other means or ways of becoming or being priesthood in demonolatry is quite disappointing and damaging in a way.
All this being said, the Demonic divine  and gods themselves can choose and initiate you to be a priest, if they feel it is needed and you are right for it. While serving the community is and can be an important part of priesthood, it is not the be all and end all. I would also suggest that those who are being called or guided to this path- to base your work off what the divine wants of you, not of other peoples egos, needs or reactions. These can intersect of course and some divinities who are more inclined to working with a larger array of humans may in fact, incorporate helping people (with what the humans need) as an essential part of their priesthood. However to my mind; in order to combat the damaging distortions that are faced by those in these positions (and priesthood is a position not a simply a “cool” title) their service should be based and rooted/centered in divinity itself, not other humans egos.
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image from artofyayu
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lesias1809-blog · 5 years
Blessed are the Daughters of Satan and Lilith, for their path shall lead to the vanquishing of the mundane monotony and misogyny of Patriarchy!
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Hail The Sorceress
The Sorceress - is from my experience - more powerful than the Sorcerer, men deny this for the most as they always deny the power of woman for they see it as a challenge against their Misogyny and their manhood. This was one of the factors behind the atrocities of the Witch-Craze, the Magickal Current is strong in women naturally particularly those involved with Witchcraft and Traditional Satanism, a natural resonating energy with the forces of nature and the forces of Darkness gives them increased Occult power! Men - particularly men who adhere to the Right Hand Path and Conformity fear the Magickal Power in woman greatly. Even some Satanists (those of the Atheistic Paths) relegate the power of women reducing it to only sexual power as with the writings of Anton LaVey - but the male Satanic Sorcerer of the Traditional Theistic Satanic Path who has freed himself from Misogyny and ego knows the true power of the Dark Satanic Witch! (c)BrotherBalthazar 2019
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666salem666-blog · 7 years
The rise in power of women in the world is not an event without spiritual meaning, it is the beginning of the rise of the Daughters of Lilith and Satan, the Dark Sorceress, the Black Witch Warrior who shall take the Key carried by a Priest and unlock the Infernal Aeon on Earth!
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source of picture unknown
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luthianblack-blog · 7 years
Priestess of the Shadows ~ Sorceress of the Night ~ Weaver of ancient Rites ~ Extinguisher of the Light ~ Black Witch of Spells ~ Daughter of the Blackened Art ~ Enchantress of Lilith's Bloodlline ~ Join me in Realms Apart . . . .
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fathersalazar-blog · 7 years
There shall come a Priestess that will one day gestate the power of The Satanic Opus into something majestic, it will occur at a time when the portents are seen and the Seals are broken ~ I have written this Grimoire, as was my Work to do so, but I shall not live to see the rapture which ensues from its evolution or true use ~ it is a Grimoire of great power, hidden Mysteries and at last containing the veiled Rites of Black Magick which have for too long been kept hidden by various individuals for many a reason. But that Priestess shall one day manifest who can unravel the Mysteries of this Grimoire and make manifest its Darkest Powers and even the Demons shall honour her for the importance and Infernal skill of her work!
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Hail the High Priestess of Satan, Sorceress of the Dark Arts, Mistress of Magick and Witch of the Infernal Mysteries!
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selenenitevibes · 2 years
Public Thank You to Lord Baal
This post has been a long time coming, but I can finally post it.
I say thank you to Lord Baal constantly in private, by my words or actions, offerings. But I haven't said it publicly yet, and that ought to change. I've been working with him since 2018, and I've grown so much throughout that time. I had to grow and cut ties sometimes painfully in order to be ready for what I wanted to come into my life. I've had to learn hard spiritual lessons, mainly about "divine timing", which as an impatient person, has admittedly been tough.
But in September of 2021, my miracle manifested itself. It wasn't in the way I imagined, and it wasn't as soon as I thought I wanted it, but what I asked for, he helped me achieve.
I'm now 8 months into my new life in a new place. I've just finished the first milestone of achieving my goal now that I'm here.
It feels a little unbelievable, the hustle and hard work can take a momentary pause.
I'm proud of myself, and that is not something I say lightly because I do often struggle with being disappointed or ashamed of myself. I did it! I am doing it! I'm creating the life that I want for myself. I'm enjoying the journey as I work towards achieving my goal. I've fallen in love with life again.
Demomolatry is an amazing practice when it comes down to it. In my experience, your patron or matron won't just hand you everything. You have to take inspired action, you have to work hard, and put in the time. If you do that, they will back you up every step of the way. Even if you wander down the path that isn't meant for you, they'll help you pick yourself back up and brush yourself off. Lord Baal has done all of those things for me.
It's a partnership. I unrepentantly adore him. I am grateful to him. I appreciate everything he has helped me bring into my life, I'm grateful for the protection he has given me, and I look forward to seeing where this journey of my life will take me.
Thank you, Lord Baal.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ave Baal.
Ave Satanas.
Bye for now, friends.
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666mendes666-blog · 7 years
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The Grimoire Of Hessian Text 2 ~ THE UNHOLY ORDER OF SATAN
The Unholy Order of Satan was given inception on All Hallows Eve 2017, empowered and blessed by Our Lord Satan and His ruling Demons ~ formed to revive the true ways of Traditional Theistic Satanism, to resurrect the Unholy paths of Classical Diabolism and Devil Worship and the lost way of Diabolic Witchcraft. The Tools by which The Unholy Order Of Satan are to deliver this resurgence are its all powerful Grimoires The Grimoire Of Hessian and The Grand Opus Of Satan . . . with this in mind it should be observed that in many ways the Initiates of The Unholy Order Of Satan are Keepers and Custodians of these Grimoires and indeed Gatekeepers to the Nine Gates of Hell and their Mysteries. It was decided prior to the founding of The Order that The Grimoire Of Hessian would be made public for all to peruse, this decision made so to bring to peoples attention the long neglected path of Infernal practice often referred to as Traditional Theistic, Classic or Diabolic Satanism . . . there was a brief contemplation on whether The Grand Opus Of Satan too should be unveiled fully to all who may seek to view it. Eventually though it was decided that this hidden Grimoire should remain so for now at least, with only Initiates of The Unholy Order Of Satan privy to its Black Magick Mysteries which are of the most intense and powerful formulas. However a brief examination of it shall be carried out in Text 3 of The Grimoire Of Hessian and those who seek to pursue the darkest of Satanic Arts are welcome to apply for Membership to the Order. There is no stringent Grading system within this Order . . . I - Brother Hessian -  am its High Priest and their shall be formed an Infernal High Council of Members holding the Title of Infernal Ministers to aid in the evolution of the Order and its Grimoires, beyond this however there are simply Priests and Priestesses and the Neophytes awaiting Initiation. The Unholy Order Of Satan is no ordinary Satanic Circle, it is of the Old School of Infernal Cabals which flourished through Europe in the Old World particularly in France, England, Italy and Spain . . . a Dark and truly Unholy Order dedicated to Satan and His Legion and willing to delve into the most powerful, black and insidious of Demonic Arts. The Grimoires themselves are the most important in the evolution of the revival of Old World Satanism and the carrying out of Our Lord Satan’s Work upon the physical realm and beyond, the Order itself is an extension of these Grimoires to act as guardians of their Mysteries, Initiates of their Arts and explorers who will evolve the exploratory and experimental Workings of these Sacrosanct Texts.
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blakelywintersfield · 2 years
Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is not based upon LaVeyanism, JoS is literally against LaVeyanism and atheistic Satanism. They repeatedly state this on their website.
JoS follows the Al Jilwah and the Qu’ret Al Yezid as their main texts, they don’t believe in the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. JoS is 100% theistic while LaVeyanism is atheist.
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So like, what is all of this about then? Unless they just recently bogarted that site from this group described with sources listed? Nazism is referred to twice in the introduction alone, and multiple times in multiple sections. The founder of JoS was married to NSM chairman Clifford Herrington while she was a high priestess in the group. Nothing that you've said seems to line up with this sourced, up-to-date information (the oldest source being about 10 years old and referencing general parts of theological Satanism as a whole).
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You can be a queer person of color and still be a Nazi -- "Uncle Tom" is a term for a reason in black culture. You can be a part of a group and still hate that group. We literally deplatformed Milo Yiannopoulos for being a gay man who was also an outspoken white supremacist. Internalized self-hatred is not a new concept and yes any minority can be guilty of it, including women, people of color, and queer people. As for Anton LaVey -- he has a long history of antisemitic preaching. It's in his books. It's in his speeches. It's in his social life. Being ethnically Jewish does not mean he cannot hold antisemitic views, especially if you're not raised Jewish (which he never confirmed what he was raised as, but it's been implicated many times he was raised as Christian). The religion also adopts "alien race" conspiracy theories into its basic ideology, which not only has heavy racist implications ("It's considered by Joy of Satan that most salient of his creations were the Nordic-Aryan race") but also reminds me a little too much of the notorious Church of Scientology.
I've gotta say, your view of Abrahamic religions is extremely Western Christian-based. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity can hardly be grouped together when you get to know some of the base beliefs -- calling any of them anti-gay and anti-women is just... well, a very Western Christian take, especially since there's also modern sects of these religions that are extremely pro-choice, pro-queer, etc. Judaism has its own literal magical practices, too -- saying the religion is anti-Pagan is its own form of ignorance. A lot of modern Pagan religions have appropriated Jewish magic (Wicca especially, but modern Paganism in general is bad about it) so damning the religion on top of taking from it is just. That's literally a core part of cultural genocide, y'know?
There's a lot to unpack here and I just don't have the mental energy right now to collect all the resources to go into this further, but like. Condemning full religions based on shitty sects condemns millions of innocent people in the process, and judging a group of religions based on your relationship with one of those erases the history and cultures of all the others you damn with it. I get it -- Christianity has a lot of very toxic traits that have hurt millions since its conception. The most aggressive forms of it seem to be here in the western hemisphere, too. But I will not denounce other religions I've never been a part of nor know enough about for having a distant relationship with the one that hurt me. I don't believe Satanism is inherently bad either, and I did even say in the tags I wouldn't assume anyone that's a part of the church to be overtly antisemitic, but the fact remains that antisemitism is a core part of JoS.
I'd also like to add -- if you're aware that Jewish people are an ethnicity (Judaism is an enthic religion; race is a social construct based on salient characteristics alone and has no scientific backing; an ethnicity shares history, culture, etc.) then you must be aware that damning Jewish people... is in itself a form of ethnophobia. One we have a specific name for -- antisemitism.
If you have to found your religion based on the hate of another religion, you're simultaneously continuing to let that religion run your life, and inviting violent extremism into your group. I'm sorry if you're a part of this group and just now finding out about its extremist views through a tumblr ask, but like. I'm highly against anti-theism. I'm not a fan of "all religion bad" takes, but I'm also critical of religion as a whole. One of my main drives for leaving Christianity was the fact that separating my personal views from the heavily Protestant, Baptist, and Fundamentalist views that permeate western sects was next to impossible. Even when I'd go into the details of sects I liked, there would eventually be things I'd not be comfortable associating with (in the majority of cases, antisemitism). I'm not about to damn an entire population based on the fact that one guy ties them together.
Judaism is nothing like Christianity, with what little I know about it (and I know more than the average gentile about it). Back before I started learning more about it, I did just lump it in with Christianity and Islam, but everything we're taught about Judaism is wrong. Unless you were taught about the beliefs by a practicing Jew, what you think you know about the religion is probably just. blatantly false. It's kind of fucked up.
I implore that you take a step away from your computer or phone right now and take some time to process this -- I'm assuming the original ask was originally in good faith (albeit a little strange) and that you're probably feeling gobsmacked by my response, and you were originally unaware of these things, which has you upset now. And understandably so! I'd be upset to hear about something as intimate as my religion having unsavory origins or core beliefs. (Hell I have had to deal with that in the past, both with Christianity and when I was in the introductory stages of Wicca.) I don't mean this in a "go outside" kind of way, or a "quit being overly emotional" way -- I mean like. It's okay, it's healthy to give yourself time to process these kinds of things. I say this from experience because my emotions can be so strong I might not fully understand what I say or do when I'm in the midst of feeling them.
I want to believe you came to me in good faith; I want to believe you're a good person, no matter how much of a stranger you are, and giving yourself time to breathe is important. Then do some research -- slowly, but thoroughly. Look at the Wikipedia article. Look at the sources. Check the biases -- the sources and your own. This isn't a misunderstanding or an unwillingness to learn on my end; this is the information I have from cited, peer-reviewed sources. I don't take any pleasure in telling people "this thing you hold close has an unsavory core to it" but I'm also not going to deny the truth. Organized religion is a landmine -- many that sound too good to be true are. This one is no exception.
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lesias1809-blog · 5 years
Woman has long been a more natural conduit for Magickal forces than man, they have a natural understanding and an aesthetic ability to transfer the energies of the other realms and flow with those energies. Man far too obsessed with linear thinking as sort to wield Magick through a Scientific approach incorporating mathematics, astronomy and other mundane processes into a Art form which is deeply primal and raw. Magick has more to do with the power of prose, the stimulation of art and music and the awakening of our hidden senses that it as to do with numbers, astronomical influences or the observing of measurements and cardinal directions etc . . . .
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starry-eyeds · 3 years
Introduction to Starry-Eyeds!
This is a side-blog, far from my true, main blog. That one is more focused on my main practice and beliefs. This blog here is for my godspousery, Hellenic-Nordic Pagan beliefs and worshipping.
What is Starry-Eyeds?
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I am a 25 year old, POC, pagan witch! You can refer to me with she/her or they/them! I hold Theistic Luciferian-Satanist beliefs - no, that doesn't mean I like to sacrifice babies and drink their blood - it means I view Lucifer as the tyrant destroyer, a liberator, and as a compassionate, kind-hearted, loving guide who provides wisdom to mankind. I also view him as being apart of the Infernal Hierarchy and under Satan.
I have worked with the Goetia closely as well as off and on at times for 3 years. I believe that the Goetic SPIRITS were Old Gods and nature spirits who became demonized during the Christianization of their lands. Thus, turning them into 'demons'. I also view a handful of them as fallen angels too.
I worship Frey-Yngvi closely and deeply, I am devoted to him and cherish him very much. He's probably the only God I worship hardcore because we get along really, really well.
I do priestess training for Hermes and many devotional acts for him as well as Apollo. I believe that what we do holds more value in what we give to the Gods.
What is this Tumblr about?
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1. Cottagecore Aesthetics - I love cottagecore, I love nature, I love grass, rain, sun, storms, and nature, cottagecore reflects the life I live and dream of. It also acts a soother as I am diagnosed with severe anxiety.
2. Romanticism & Renaissance Art - I am a huge lover of art, I love tending art museums, art galleries, and grew up doing these things as a kid in my art clubs. Vincent Van Gogh is a tragic painter I hold a lot of compassion for and I understand his struggles with depression as I struggle too. Konstantin Makovsky is my favorite more uplifting and positive painter.
3. Godspousery - I am a very open-minded and accepting individual so I implore others that view my profile or come to follow me to remain open minded in tune. Godspousery is an spiritual devotion that has been practiced for centuries and even practiced in the christian faith with nuns devoting themselves to God or marrying Archangels. I am married to Hermes and partnered to Apollo, I have known both of them since I was young. When I came of legal age, they both proposed to me but I accepted Hermes, now at my much more older age, I accepted Apollo's request for a partnership. My godspousery I view as my devotion and commitment to them and the things I believe in and love.
4. Witchcraft - As I stated earlier, I am a pagan-witch. I love doing witchcraft. Its very fun, expressive, liberating, and I can help those who are in need with it. We are all blessed and gifted with power - its up to us to use it as we see fit.
5. PRO-LGBT+/TRANSRIGHTS/NON-BINARY - I am an active believer that all people deserve to be treated fairly and equally. If you do not believe that a transwoman should be considered a woman then its best you leave. If you believe gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, a-sexuals, pansexuals, etc should burn in hell - its best you leave. As I get older and I may not fully understand non-binaries or the new things that come every year, I still support them, because everyone deserves to be treated fairly in the end - regardless of who or what they are or believe in. Humans are still humans. As long as its something positive, healthy, and it makes the person happy, theres no need to shit on someone. Piss off and focus on your own life. We love the gays, the trans, and the non-binaries here.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my profile! Take care!
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666salem666-blog · 7 years
I shall not rest until the Grimoire The Given Key Of Satan resides in the hands of those who shall one day bring forth an Infernal Aeon into this world . . . there are those out there - Priests of the Black Arts, Priestesses of the Workings of Black Magick - who shall seek this Grimoire for it contains the Dark Arts that are gifts of Satan Himself, Decreed by Satan Himself . . . I have seen in the Oculus the coming rise of the Satanic Witch, their Souls still burn with the fires that consumed them in the Dark Ages, and this burning wrath shall be turned against the pious misogynist creeds of conformity. It is a Priest that shall first raise the Satanic Priestesses and in turn a Priestess who shall raise the Priests of their darkened faith . . . through this gestation of events shall the Infernal Aeon be born and the Throne of Our Lord Satan and Our Dark Mother Lilith be made manifest. Rise Daughters of Lilith and Satan . . . rise those Sons of the Dark Womb who have cast of the shackles of misogyny and repression . . . the Dark Gate of Satan opens and the Black Womb of Lilith stirs as the Gathering of The Convocation begins . . . Ave Satanas!
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source of picture unknown
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silverthornwitchery · 3 years
Joyofsatan.org (JoS) is ran by people of color and JoS has stated that they follow non-white Gods. Shannon Outlaw is a black woman and she’s a JoS High Priestess who created the website Blacksforsatan.org. JoS also follows gay/bisexual Gods. The JoS forums (ancient-forums.com) have their own spaces for people of color.
The abrahamic religions are anti-Pagan, anti-Satanic, anti-gay and anti-women so why can’t JoS be anti-abrahamic? JoS supports gay rights and women’s rights.
Fun fact being lgbt and being a person of color doesn't give you a pass to be antisemetic. And specifically it's Romanized Christianity + its off shoots that are, in the modern day, that are bigoted. There are many progressive sects of the abrahamic religions and to be against ALL abrahamic religions throws other persecuted religions under the bus.
Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT like the God of Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christianity + its off shoots. He's an asshole + his entire existence is stemmed from the appropriation of Judaism + misinterpretations of early Christianity. The Roman empire came in and, when they made Christianity the dominant, legal, religion, they warped everything to justify their imperialism + that form of Christianity spread and when king James got a hold of it, it got way worse, so you can thank the Roman empire + King James for fucking over the old religions, not Abrahamic religions as a whole.
And while yes, in general, the early abrahamic religions did demonize ancient gods, the dominant pagan religions + their followers ALSO did some horrific shit (looking at you, roman empire + Egyptian empire). The ancient world was usually always at arms with one another over religion, the myth that all pagan religions lived in harmony is VERY inaccurate. Look at the gallo-roman wars for example.
And it's ok to be pissed that ancient gods got demonized, I am too, however what's not ok is using that as an excuse to promote an openly neo-nazi cult that Preys on younger (specifically teenage) satanists. You can show that the old gods are not dead simply by worshipping them, and talking about them. I think they'd be quite ashamed and pissed that you're using what happened in the ancient past to justify hatred of other, marginalized groups.
Also the Gods we call Satan, was only given that name/title AFTER Christianity came about. We're reclaiming the force used to fear monger, so it's to be expected that Christians wouldn't like satanism, that's kind of the point. The point of satanism is standing against the bullshit Christianity has put in place + the harm its done, so your argument that the Abrahamic religions (Or rly, Christianity but you like to lump everything together) being Anti-Satanic falls flat because THATS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF US BEING SATANISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
The vast majority of us satanists, theistic or otherwise, don't want you in our community, and as someone who almost fell into your stupid cult as a 13 year old who didn't know better, fuck off.
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