#satanic witchcraft
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Five forms of my Devil
1/ BAPHOMET (Divine, unique, astral) Pantheism, all Rituals
2/ SATAN , KING OF THE 9 DIVINITIES*- (Henotheism) The Witch Father. The black Horserider (THE MAN IN BLACK, french folklore) , can be called :
3/ VERDELET, ROBERT, The Devil of the green (french folklore) KING OF FAERIES (Summer Solstice)
} Witch Initiator (not religious per se)
4/ SAMAEL (Highest form in Qabalistic terms) Magick and Witchcraft
5/ THE DRAGON =KHAOS = OUROBOROS (Gnosticism, Ontological anarchism)
(* Dukante Pantheon)
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A Brief History of Satanism
I see quite a bit of misinformation circulated about Satanism's historical origins, both online and in the pages of books, so I thought it may be worthwhile to give a breakdown of the truth as my research has shown it to me. I have no official credentials as a historian, but I'm a theistic Satanist who takes my religion and my research very seriously. I encourage all to read my words and respond with corrections if they notice a mistake in my work; that being said, I will likely demand sources if someone's "correction" conflates with what my research has shown me.
First off, I'm going to disappoint many of my fellow theistic Satanists with this announcement: Satanism is not ancient. It's not older than Christianity, it's not even as old as Christianity, by a long shot. I suspect this need to insist that Satan and his followers are an ancient faith (or that they can somehow be found within other faiths, such as comparing Satan to Pan or Shiva) stems from Christianity. Christianity was once a very new religion in comparison to those that surrounded it, and in order to gain followers and create legitimacy for themselves, Christians had to insist that their religion was the only true one, that their god had been pulling the strings from the beginning, and that if you looked back in Jewish holy writings you'd find evidence of Jesus and his teachings. Let us Satanists not make the same mistake.
And secondly, to disappoint the atheists in the crowd: LaVey didn't invent Satanism. Yes he was very impactful on the Satanic scene, especially in the anglosphere, but he didn't invent the entire religion.
Alright, let's start at the beginning.
Satan, and the concept of worshiping him, began in the minds of Christians. That may seem like a let-down to some people, but it's the truth. Satan as a powerful lord of evil and enemy of God didn't exist before Christianity. The concept of the satan, or adversary, existed within Judaism, a famous example being the satan of Job, but this was a job for an angel working under God. For further understanding of the Jewish satan you'd have to look into Jewish writing on the topic, but if you want a basic historical explanation, Elaine Pagels' The Origin of Satan gives good context in simple terms. For now I'd just like to emphasize that Capital-S-Satan does not exist in Judaism. That's where the word came from, but it had a different meaning from what Christianity gave it.
When Christianity came along, of course, they began to use the word Satan to refer to the enemy of God, and thus anything they considered to be ungodly or against their beliefs was instead under the domain of Satan. Jews, Pagans, other Christians with differing beliefs or customs, anyone was fair game to be accused of being a Satanist.
This does not mean any of those people were actually worshiping Satan.
"Satanist" was not a real religious identity that anyone claimed, it was an insult and an accusation hurled by Christians at those they wanted to oppress, silence, and control. The Christian worldview did not allow for cultures and religions other than there own (or even variation within their own). If someone wasn't a follower of God, then they were a follower of the Devil, end of discussion.
It is very dangerous, therefore, to assume that any of these people accused of Satanism in the far past would actually have self-identified as Satanists. In my mind it is comparable to thinking the "witches" of the Salem witch trials would've self-identified as such (they did not, they "admitted" to witchcraft under torture. I hope I don't have to explain why that isn't a reliable thing to cite when trying to parse whether someone was a witch or not). By claiming that any group persecuted by Christians in the far past were secretly Satanic, we are not only stripping those people of their actual identities and cultures, we are agreeing with the Christians who harmed them.
To my knowledge we don't see anyone actually viewing Satan in a positive or sympathetic light until the emergence of Romantic Satanism in the late 1700s through the 1800s, with writings by poets like Percy Shelley and of course John Milton. Romantic Satanism, it should be emphasized, was not a religious movement, but an artistic one. Different writers of the era had varied religious identities, from Christian to the beginnings of Atheism, but while they were writing about Satan with more nuance and personality than he'd ever been given before, they were not worshiping him or intending to write holy texts.
It isn't until the 1900s that we begin to see inklings of truly religious Satanism, and not always by that name exactly. Aleister Crowley, founder of Thelema, had some Satanic flavor to his persona (calling himself the Beast 666), despite saying he did not consider himself a Satanist nor worshiped Satan. Crowley's contemporary, Maria de Naglowska, founded a sex-based magical society and religion called The Brotherhood of Eulis, which centered on Satan as the embodiment of Reason, and the story of Adam and Eve as the original magical act of a woman granting magical knowledge to her lover through sex. The Neo-pagan religion Adonism was founded by Franz Sättler, who equated Adonis with Satan in a positive way. There are more to name but this post is already lengthy.
These movements were scattered, some were not well-documented, and many happened in Europe and the original texts were never translated to English. I believe this is part of the reason why Americans and others in the anglosphere may only know of LaVey as Satanism's modern father, because of course, in the 1960s, we got the Church of Satan, and their accompanying Bible. Again, this is a lengthy subject I'm sure I'll make more posts on later, but LaVeyan Satanism is, to my knowledge, the origin of the atheistic Satanism movement, the worldview that deities aren't real (though magic may be, depending on how closely we're sticking with LaVey's worldview) and Satan is a figurehead used to symbolize self-worship. Though they share very few philosophical values, it is due to this version of atheistic Satanism that The Satanic Temple exists today, practicing their own version of Satanism, also without literal deities. It is also due to the CoS that the Temple of Set came to be, as it was originally formed by LaVeyan Satanists who wanted something more theist.
With the creation of the internet we have seen many Satanist authors and some scattered churches, covens, and groups arise; Marie RavenSoul (edit: RavenSoul no longer considers herself Satanic, and has converted to Christianity), Aleister Nacht and Magnum Opus, Rev. Cain, Brother Nero, and others. Some of these groups and authors inspired one another, others seem to have sprung up on their own. Others, I'm sure, have been lost to time, and that saddens me as a scholar of Satan and his followers. But that is part of my mission with this blog, is to track down and keep record of every Satanic resource I can find, no matter how obscure.
Follow The Devil's Library here on Tumblr for more posts like this, as well as book reviews in the future. Ave Satanas to my fellow followers of Satan, and to all others, I bid you good day.
[DISCLAIMER: The Devil's Library is not affiliated with any of the previously mentioned groups or authors. It is an independent project by a single Satanist. Do not mistake my mentioning of an author or group as endorsement for their beliefs and practices.]
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Let’s make #satanblr a thing! 🤘
Let’s create another sacred online space for honoring, admiring, pondering, and overall celebrating Satan in any way. You could do this for spiritual and/or worldly reasons, and all is well, because Satan is willing to empower those who seek him out with respect, regardless of whether they believe in him or not. I believe Satan respects your right to hold your beliefs because he values your life and your individual connection to him. He is willing to accept any praise or provide help when you seek him out. #satanblr will be a Satanic sanctuary for those of us who genuinely connect with Satan on some level.
Tag your Satan-hailing posts with #satanblr so we can flood the internet with positive content about Satan. 💖
Hail Satan! 🖤
#satanblr#hail satan#theistic satanism#satanism#demonolatry#dark pagan#dark paganism#satanic witch#left hand path#demons#satanic#satanic witchcraft#spiritual satanism#witchcraft#witchblr#occult
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Hail the Witchfather and Witchmother, Lord Satan and Lady Unsere.
Blessed be Lucifer, bringer of light, Lord of Air. May he enlighten your mind and sharpen your intellect.
Blessed be Belial, Lord of the Earth. May he root and ground you. May you stand like a rock.
Blessed be Fleurus, Lord of Fire. May he enflame your passion for life and give you energy to achieve your goals.
Blessed be Leviathan, Lord of Water. May his waters sooth you. May the creature of the abyss come to your aid.
Hail Satan
Hail the Infernal Divines
#satanism#demonolatry#theistic satanism#infernal gods#satanic witch#satanic witchcraft#lucifer deity#satanlovesyou#witchfather#witch mother#infernal divine
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While I wear the crown of Theistic Satanist, I am at my heart and soul a Pagan and Animist.
When I started in The Craft, I joined a Wiccan coven and worked through my 1st degree. Before that, I was always fascinated by theology, folklore, and mythology of North America, Ancient Rome and Egypt. I spent years reading and studying (non academic) about such things, so when I started my path I felt confident in my knowledge of the gods.
As a baby witch I had a difficult time "connecting" with a God and Goddess. No one seemed to call to me, or ones from cultures that didn't mix well did. Still, "Mom" and "Dad" eluded me. Then I found Baphomet. Now I had heard the name before, and was aware of their usage as a symbol for Satan within Laveyan Satanism (Atheist). Thankfully, my High Priest at the time was a Freemason and assisted with questions I had.
As I've mentioned in prior posts, I read a book titled the Baphomet Codex. While I do not adhear to everything in that text, it assisted me with a foundation. Which is as follows.
Baphomet is all, and nothing. Baphomet is Source, Spirit, Universe, The Force.
The Divine Masculine is Sammeal.
When I met Him, it was not the Fallen Angel other Theists see Him as. He was Primordial, dark, unbridled. Very much the embodiment of a Dark Horned God (The Devil)
The Divine Feminine is Lilith.
The Dark Mother was just that, Primal, beautiful and Dark. I viewed(view) her as The Scared Mother. The snarling she wolf, the deep dark abyss, wreathing Primordial beast.
Their intensity hit me hard and fast, it was scary and traumatic. Certain aspects of my life started to fall away, and instead of trusting them I held on. Allowing the process of my awaking to them to slow down and almost stop. (More on that in a future post).
Being a Witch, I do enjoy ritual. Whilst studying and practicing Wiccan I simply referred to the quarters as their corresponding elements and titles of "Guardians of [insert direction]"
After reading the Baphomet Codex and other sources aligned with Demonolatry I found Watchers or Principalities of the quartets. They are as follows.
After meeting her in this capacity, I found her showing up in other aspects of my life and she has since become important to my practice outside of her principality.
South:Fire-Satan or Azazel
I first started with Satan or more importantly the creative trickster force of nature. I am someone who isnt to keen on separating Lucifer/Satan as different entities. So it became complicated for me. After some time, I started working with Azazel outside of this aspect. I soon found Him to fit nicely in the role of Southern Quarter. (His direction is south)
Within the Baphomet codex, Taimat is the western principality. I attempted to utilize her as such, but did not feel a connection. I then incorporated Jorminder the great serpent from Norse pantheon, but soon found Leviathan to be more suitable. I am still in the process of building a relationship with Him. Being a heavy water sign, Sun Cancer, Moon Scorpio. I tend to get "lost" in the flow of Abyssly Ether when I work with Him.
Oh where oh where to begin with dear Lucifer.
I did not "officially" meet Him in this aspect. Yes I felt his pull when I read the Baphomet Codex and saw Him placed in such a role. However I did not meet Him as such. That's another story for another time. I have found His standing as the Eastern Watcher to be beneficial, however He has come to play an even more important role in my life.
Working outward and away from the Quarters, I work with other Daemon, Sprites, Ancestors and guides.
I am not someone to only go to Daemon when I "need" something. I very much enjoy worshiping and Venerating them. There are certain ones I feel pulled to work with, recently it has been Raum, Stolis, Valac, and Paimon.
When it comes to Spirits, I often take an Animist/Shinto approach. I hold that there are spirits of the land, of a thing/place and a spirit that resides. I also hold that spirits of the dead are very much real, as are older spirits such as Fae, "cryptids" , hildafolk and those within other cultures I do not know their names.
When I speak of my ancestors it is not just those from ancient times. I have been attempting research into my family's history. Having both my grandparents and mother not within this plain of existence I often honor them when I can.
My guides tend to appear in animal form. Often times to teach me a "lesson" of some sort or reminders of my path. They are often animals associated with the God's I work with. Such as, snakes, owls, hawks, crows, goats, cats, and black dogs.
Another important guide is Lucifer. Though I hold Him in a higher standing, he often takes on this role.
Other God's I find important are those of the Crossroads, Underworld and Dark Feminine.
Note: What I have expressed is simply my own practice, no two practioners are the same. This is what works and calls to me. As my former High Priest would say, "eat the chicken spit out the bones". Take what you will from books and resources, only you know what works for you.
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#ritual#rituals#666 satan#darkness#666#aesthetic#gothic#dark aesthetic#alternative#dark art#ave satanas#the devil in me#witches of tumblr#witchy#witch aesthetic#witchblr#witch community#pagan witch#witchcore#witch#witches#witchcraft#dark lord#i love satan#satan loves me#satan loves you#the satanic bible#satanist#the satanic verses#hail satan
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𐕣 𐕣 𐕣
#horror blog#horror#vintage#vintage aesthetic#aesthetic#aesthetic blog#aesthetic post#vintage horror#witchcraft#season of the witch#women of horror#vintage women#scary movies#horror movies#old horror movies#horror fanatic#horror film#horror fan#goth aesthetic#witchcore#witches#witch aesthetic#religious aesthetic#religious trauma#religion#religious horror#church aesthetic#satanic aesthetic#satanism#satan
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Devil and snake occult ceremony ritual dagger. (19th century)
#bizarre au havre#dagger#devil#snake#satan#demon#occult#ritual ceremony#satanism#dark#witchcraft#dague#dague rituel#le diable#sculpture#serpent#occulte#satanisme#sorcellerie#19th century
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#gothic#goth aesthetic#gothcore#gothic decor#unholey#unholey studio#dark academia#dark aesthetic#darkness#goth#unholy#satanist#hail satan#satan#dark gothic#books and reading#books & libraries#gothic art#moviegifs#movies#666#666 aesthetic#hail satan 666#witch community#witchcraft
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It's that time again!
*the full title wouldn't fit in the poll, it's The Infernal Path: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Theistic Satanists All books will be covered eventually, these polls are just for me to get a feel about what titles my followers are most excited about.
#my posts#polls#the devil's library#satanism#theistic satanism#atheistic satanism#satanic witchcraft
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Satanachia’s Full Moon Ritual By Pearl Satanachia

Satanachia’s Full Moon Ritual
Summoning candle for Satanachia
Black candle
A candle in a color that corresponds to your intention - I often use blue or purple.
Rose incense sticks
Food offering
Libation - Liquid offerings include wine, seltzer, fruit juice, water, etc.
A poem to recite (written by you or someone else), a piece of art, or another creative offering
Silver chime candle
Lapis lazuli stone
Piece of paper with Satanachia’s seal on it
Lancet (or menstrual blood)
Cauldron or fireproof bowl
Any other magical supplies you need
Happy full moon! 🌕 I have left the spaces for the moon phase and specific intentions blank so you can customize the ritual accordingly. I usually perform this spell for protection, healing, and/or creativity, so that’s reflected in some of the language I use throughout this ritual. (That’s why I often use a blue or purple candle to represent my intentions when I do this ritual.) Nonetheless, I encourage you to personalize this ritual according to your own needs to maximize its effectiveness.
1. Light a candle for summoning Satanachia and say the invocation:
Hail Satanachia! Archdemon of the moon and planets! Grand General of Hell! Great protector of all women, femmes, and people with a uterus! Infernal purveyor of love, lust, passion, and creativity! I honor you with all of my heart and soul. You are wise in the ways of love and war, beauty and sublimity, magic and ecstasy, strategy and intoxication. Thank you for everything you’ve done for this world and myself Thank you for all of the infernal blessings that you continue to bestow upon us each day. I give you my deepest gratitude, love, and respect from the bottom of my heart. Satanachia, by your infernal powers of the full moon in _______, I call upon you with love and reverence: Please be present with me at this moment and onward. Please become one with me in body, mind, and soul. Please bestow your presence, power, protection, and love upon this full moon ritual and myself. So mote it be!
Repeat Satanachia’s enn 6 times while invoking them: Furca Na Alle Laris Satanachia
As you chant the enn and summon Satanachia, feel Satanachia’s presence growing within you and around you. Take note of their energy filling the ritual area and space in general. Generally speaking, the more you work with Satanachia, the easier it will be to invoke and sense them. Once you sense Satanachia within and around you, proceed to the next step:
2. Light a black tealight candle and say:
Hail Satanachia! I’ve lit this black candle in your honor. Please accept this black candle as a burnt offering and sacrifice of fire. Please accept this sacrifice of fire as an expression of my love, respect, and gratitude for you. It is my intention to connect with you, grow with you, and learn from you as my infernal teacher, demonic guide, and spiritual accomplice. May this flame shine like your power, glory, and brilliance do all across space, time, and beyond. So mote it be!
Continue to call Satanachia to you and connect with/attune to their energy.
3. Light a candle in the color of your choice, place it in the middle of the altar, and say:
Hail Satanachia! You are infinite in your beauty, magic, healing, and creativity. You are a force of nature that empowers and liberates people from the shackles of patriarchy and oppression. The universe is blessed to know your majesty, and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. Satanachia, please bless and charge this candle so as it burns, your infernal blessings fully manifest for me in my life. As this candle burns, I fully receive your infernal blessings of ________________. So mote it be!
Visualize the candle glowing as it charges with Satanachia’s energy. Once you’re satisfied with how much it has charged, continue to the next step:
4. Light a rose incense stick and say:
Hail Satanachia! I’ve lit this rose incense in your honor. Please accept this rose incense as a burnt offering and sacrifice of air. Please accept this sacrifice of air as an expression of my love, respect, and gratitude for you. It is my intention to connect with you, grow with you, and learn from you as my infernal teacher, demonic guide, and spiritual accomplice. May this smoke rise and disseminate like your influence, knowledge, and inspiration do all across space, time, and beyond. So mote it be!
5. Hold up your food offering and say:
Hail Satanachia! I’ve acquired/cooked this __________ in your honor. Please accept this food as an infernal offering and sacrifice of earth. Please accept this sacrifice of earth as an expression of my love, respect, and gratitude for you. Thank you for all of the prosperity, protection, and growth you’ve bestowed upon this world, the universe, and myself. I give you my deepest gratitude, love, and respect from the depths of my being. By the powers of the full moon in _________, please bless this infernal offering as a demonic sacrament so as I consume and digest it, I fully invoke you into my body, mind, heart, and spirit. As I partake in this demonic sacrament, I completely align myself with your demonic presence, power, protection, beauty, and creativity. Thank you, Satanachia! So mote it be!
Eat the infernal food offering, knowing that by consuming it, you are fully aligning yourself with Satanachia.
6. Pour your liquid of choice into the chalice. After you’re done pouring it, hold the cup and say:
Hail Satanachia! I’ve poured this libation in your honor. Please accept this libation as an infernal offering and sacrifice of water. Please accept this sacrifice of water as an expression of my love, respect, and gratitude for you. Thank you for all of the nurturance, intuition, and love you’ve bestowed upon this world, the universe, and myself. I give you my deepest gratitude, love, and respect from the depths of my being. By the powers of the full moon in _________, please bless this infernal offering as a demonic sacrament so as I drink and digest it, I fully invoke you into my body, mind, heart, and spirit. As I partake in this demonic sacrament, I completely align myself with your demonic presence, power, protection, beauty, and creativity. Thank you, Satanachia! Cheers to you now and forevermore! So mote it be!
Drink the whole libation.
7. Recite a poem for Satanachia or dedicate a piece of art to Satanachia as a creative offering. You could use any pre-existing poem or poem you’ve written that fits your ritual’s intention more specifically. You could also create art or acquire/print an image that you feel Satanachia would appreciate. Extend the creative offering by saying:
Hail Satanachia! I honor you with all my heart and soul. I am eternally grateful for all of the wisdom and greatness that you encompass. By the powers of the full moon in ________, I extend this poetry/art to you as a creative offering. Please accept this poem/art as a creative offering that expresses my love, respect, and gratitude for you. It is a privilege and honor to know you. Your strength and radiance shine forevermore. Thank you for being so present in my life, this world, and the universe at large. So mote it be!
After that, recite the poem as well as you can. That, or hold the art in the air and respectfully place it on the altar. Once you’re done, bow your head in respect, then continue with the ritual.
8. State your intention:
Hail Satanachia! You are the infernal embodiment of the full moon. You are exalted by the sky and enthroned by the sea. You are an infinite source of demonic wisdom, power, and inspiration. I honor you upon this full moon night and forevermore. Satanachia, I’ve come forth seeking your infernal blessings of ____________. Please bestow your infernal blessings of _______________ upon me so I thrive as an individual and as a witch. By your powers of the full moon in _________, please bestow your strength, knowledge, and inspiration upon me. Thank you, Satanachia. So mote it be!
9. Light a silver chime candle and say:
Hail the full moon in ___________! May this silver candle burn like the endless adoration and dreams inspired by your moonlight. Your light delivers your power, beauty, and insights to those of us who seek your majesty. Thank you for the love, wisdom, and visions that you bestow upon this world, the universe, and myself. I give you my sincerest gratitude, love, and respect from the bottom of my heart. I am forever in awe of you and the mysterious multitudes that you encompass. I am grateful to have the privilege of knowing you and your luminous embrace. Satanachia, Archdemon of the Moon, through your powers of the full moon in __________, please bless and charge this candle with the full moon’s spirit. Please enchant this candle so as it burns, your infernal blessings of ____________ fully manifest for me in my life. Thank you, Satanachia! So mote it be!
10. Pick up the lapis lazuli stone, hold it in your receptive hand (the hand you don’t write with), then say:
Hail Satanachia! This lapis lazuli stone represents your infernal powers of protection, healing, and creativity. By your powers of the full moon in _______, please cleanse, bless, and activate this stone with your spirit. As your magic shines through this stone, your energy influences my life in the most positive, impactful, and empowering ways possible. Thank you, Satanachia! So mote it be!
11. Pass the lapis lazuli stone through the rose incense smoke. If need be, light another incense stick and say the same passage you recited for the first incense offering. As you let the rose smoke envelop the stone, say Satanachia’s enn 6 times:
Furca Na Alle Laris Satanachia
12. Put the stone in your dominant hand (the hand you write with) and repeat the following chant. As you chant, visualize the lapis lazuli glowing with Satanachia’s energy:
By the full moon’s perfection, I call upon your protection. Water, fire, earth, and air - I kindle my blackest flame’s flare. West, South, North, and East My intuition is increased. 666 and three times three - As I will it, so mote it be!
As you chant and the silver chime candle burns, visualize and feel Satanachia’s energy running through you in the form of a silver glow. Know that this energy provides you with the protection, healing, creativity, and inspiration you need to thrive. Keep chanting until you feel that both the stone and yourself are fully charged by Satanachia’s spirit.
13. Extend the blood offering. Hold the paper with Satanachia’s seal on it and say:
Hail Satanachia! I want to give you one of the most intimate gifts I am capable of giving: the gift of blood. Please accept this blood as a burnt offering and sacrifice of fire, earth, water, and air. By the powers of the full moon in _________. please accept this blood sacrifice in exchange for bestowing ____________ upon me. Thank you for all of the assistance and empowerment you’ve granted me. I revere and embrace you so I am fully attuned to you. I shall anoint your seal with this blood so you shall receive its smoke with love and be as one with me. As this blood offering burns, please know that it is an expression of my undying gratitude, love, and respect for you. Thank you now and forevermore, Satanachia! So mote it be!
14. Poke your finger with the lancet, then anoint the paper with Satanachia’s seal on it with your blood. As you do this, know that you are sharing a personal piece of yourself with Satanachia, which strengthens your connection to them. Let the blood fully dry before setting it on fire. As it dries, visualize your energy blending with the spirit of Satanachia.
15. Set the blood-anointed seal on fire in a cauldron or fireproof bowl. As the smoke billows, visualize it seeping through the astral plane and drifting upward into Satanachia’s possession. Once it’s done burning, say:
Hail Satanachia! Thank you for accepting my burnt offering of blood in exchange for ____________. I am more grateful for your assistance and wisdom than mere words can express. I truly cherish you with all of my heart. So mote it be!
16. If the silver chime candle is still burning, spend the rest of the time meditating or doing something magical. It could be chanting more, charging another stone, drinking another libation in honor of Satanachia - Do whatever feels right and matches your intention!
17. Once the silver chime candle is almost completely burned, say the following words before putting it out:
Thank you, Satanachia! Thank you, full moon in _________! Thank you for manifesting your infernal blessings for me in my life. So mote it be!
18. To bid Satanachia a respectful farewell, say:
Hail Satanachia! Hail the full moon in _______! Thank you for bestowing your protection, creativity, and love upon this ritual and myself. Thank you for continuing to bless and guide me in my everyday life. This ritual has come to an end, but I know you are always within and around me. You are free to go as you please, but welcome to stay as you wish. Thank you, Satanachia! So mote it be!
Put out the candle you used to invoke Satanachia. Then put out the candle that represents your intention. Let the black tea candle burn out on its own.
19. Close the ritual by saying:
This ritual is finished, but its results are complete, high quality, and eternal. So mote it be!
20. Scatter the ashes of the blood offering somewhere on your property or close to you.
* Whenever you feel like it, after the ritual, burn the candle that represents your intention while praying/chanting to Satanachia. This will improve your connection with Satanachia and help you manifest more of what you desire in your life.
Good luck with everything! 🍀
🌕 Pearl Satanachia 🌕
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Satanic Qabalistic Cross
This is the thelemic version I learned:
Touch your forehead and say ATEH (thou art)
Touch your chest and say HERU-RA-HA
Touch your genitals and say MALKUTH (the Kingdom)
Touch your right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (and the Power)
Touch your left shoulder and say VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory)
Clasp your hands in front of your chest and say LE-OLAM (for ever)
Finish by saying AMEN.
I “satanize” this rite with replacing Heru-Ra-Ha with Satanael or Satanas
An even more Satanic version of this is provided by Stephen Bleach on the Black Goat Cabal website:
Face any preferred direction. Visualize a bright white sphere above the head and vibrate: "AZAZEL!"
Bring down the beam of light to the genitals and vibrate: "BELIAL!"
Up to the middle of the chest, and across to the right shoulder. vibrate: "ASMODEUS!"
To left shoulder, vibrate: "ASTAROTH!"
Clasp hands at the chest, visualizing a bright red reverse pentagram upon the breast (or Hexagram of Alchemy. if known) vibrate: "BAPHOMET!" (or "BAPHO-METIS!")
For more details and information from Stephen Bleach go to: http://theisticsatanism.com/bgoat/rituals/BasicExercises.html
Hail Satan
#satanism#demonolatry#theistic satanism#luciferianism#satanic witch#satanic witchcraft#theistic luciferianism#infernal gods
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#pagan witch#witchcore#witch#witches#once upon a witchlight#witch aesthetic#witchcraft#witch community#witch world#witchy#Wiccan#hecate wiccan#wicca#coven#ahs coven#forest witch#green witches#green witch#forestcrafting#forest keeper#forestcore#forest life#devil#church#Satan#666#666 aesthetic#hail satan#halloween#forest landscape
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#witches of tumblr#witchy#witch aesthetic#witch community#witchblr#witchcore#witch#witches#witchcraft#666 satan#666#darkness#aesthetic#gothic#dark aesthetic#alternative#dark art#ave satanas#the devil in me#the dark lord#dark red#number of the beast#candles#candle magic#dark magic#light magic#the beauty of witchcraft#satan loves you#the world is fucked#pagan witch
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Basic Incense and Their Uses

Types of Incense:
• Sandalwood: Protection, healing, purification, pleasing the spirits, consecration
• Cherry: Attracts and stimulates love, new beginnings
• Vanilla: Luck, love, happiness, stimulates memory
• Jasmine: Luck; especially in love, peace, intuition, moon magick
• Coconut: Purification and protection, fertility, love and chastity
• Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, love, prosperity, growth, confidence, an offering to the gods
• Cinnamon: Wealth/money, prosperity, success, focus, amplifies any ritual or spell, third eye
• Myrrh: Protection, exorcism, consecration, purification, peace, meditation, spirituality, offering to the gods
• Patchouli: Money, abundance, attraction, passion, romance, lust
• Rose: Love, self love, safety, calm, healing, purification, connection to maternal ancestors
• Strawberry: Passion, love, luck, friendship, romance, opens/connects root and sacral chakras, goddess offering
• Dragon's Blood: Increases personal power, manifestation, attraction, sensuality, love, favored by many entities as an offering
• Sage: Cleansing, banishing, protection, clearing the air, nullifying negativity, promoting a more peaceful environment, longevity
• Lavender: Psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, protection, purification, beauty, intuition, peace, calming
• Nag Champa: Amplifies a ritual, great for meditation
• Clove: Protection (especially for children), love, money, purification, exorcism, shielding/warding
• Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
• Allspice: Attracts luck and money, provides extra physical energy
• Copal: Protection, cleansing, purification, connection, spirituality, ideal for cleansing crystals and stones
• Bay: Good luck, manifestation, success, purification, protection, healing, sharpens psychic abilities
• Rosemary: Protection, exorcism, purification, promotes sleep, restores and/or mantains youth, draws love, increases intellect
• Thyme: Health, vitality, healing, cleansing
• Pine: Money, strength, patience, shielding, purification, offer to nature spirits/deities
• Fern: Burn indoors to drive out malevolent spirits, burn outdoors to bring rain
• Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, amplifies mental abilities
• Arabic Gum: Purification and protection of the home
• Blueberry: Keeps unwanted influences away
• Passionflower: Peace, anxiety soothing, promotes sleep, friendship, joy, openness
• Mullein: Courage, protection, health, divination, offering to the dead
• Rowan: Psychic ability, self reflection, healing, protection, power, spirits more likely to obey demands/requests
• Star Anise: Psychic power, manifestation, luck
• Mugwort: Strength, psychic power, spirit communication, protection, astral travel, dream work, visions/premonitions
• Rue: Healing, mental health, comfort, exorcism, love, bonding
• Saffron: Health, wealth, happiness, success, wind raising, manifestation, lust, strength, third eye
• Palo Santo: Clears stagnant/negative energy
• Eucalyptus: Healing, cleansing, physical health, clears tense energy, invigorating, empowerment
• Wormwood: Magick, astral travel, spirit work, dream work, divination, third eye, protection from magick, curses and unwelcome energies, spiritual love, opens spiritual doorways, return to sender
• Lotus: Inner peace and outer harmony, third eye, meditation ascension, recovery, offering to Lilith
• Chamomile: Love, peace, comfort, stress reduction, luck in gambling
• Amber: Manifestation, good luck, success, love, romance, patience, protection, balance, sensuality, pain relief
• Damiana: Sensuality, sexuality, astral travel, love/sex magick, baneful witchcraft, attraction, drawing spells, shadow work, healing trauma, speaking your truth
• Skull Cap: Balance, calm, recovery, anchor to bring consciousness back to the body after astral projection
• Albizzia: Opens you up to oneness, attunes the heart, brings happiness
• Lemongrass: Calming, balance, love, depression relief
• Ginger: Strength, power, prosperity, relationship success
• Oregano: Joy, travel, creativity, love, hand fasting
• Cardamom: Love, lust, charm, mental clarity
• Sweet Grass: Removes malevolent energies, draws prosperity
• Marshmallow: Spirit pulling, protection, cleansing, stimulates psychic power, self-understanding, nurturing, healing, fertility, love, sexuality
• Orris: Love, protection, divination, spirit work, intuition
• Storax: Courage, healing, moon magick, meditation, divination, encourages restful sleep, offering to Hekate

Incense Smoke Divination:
Smoke direction- Up/down:
• Up: Positive spiritual journey
• Down: Challenges, deviation from the path
Smoke direction- Right/left:
• Right: Desires will be fulfilled
• Left: Blocks and turbulent energy
Smoke direction- Towards/away:
• Towards: Reciprocal affection
• Away: Neglect or indifference
Smoke forms a circle:
• Clear circle: Strong vibes, manifestation is near
• Hazey circle: Weak vibes, uncertain manifestation
Smoke forms a Ladder:
• Multiple steps: Elevated spiritual path
• One step: Need to enhance spirituality
Spiral shape:
• Clear spiral: Big, new change
• No distinct shape: Chaos, uncertainty
Smoke splits in two:
• Important life decisions
• Trust your instincts
Many broken corners:
• Confusion, need clarity
Infinity symbol:
• Very auspicious omen
Thick and dense smoke:
• Negative energy
• Change is needed
Abrupt lighting and smoke:
• Smooth/even flame: Clear path
• Choppy flame: Hurdles on path

#withcraft#magick#witch#satanic witch#lefthandpath#dark#witchcraft#eclectic witch#Incense#divination
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