#Productivity with chronic illness
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rachymarie · 12 days ago
temp could get to 31° today so wish this SchizAuSpec luck 🤞🏜️🥵
Will be tryna just focus on my day's intended tasks and trying to keep my shit together/not go literally crazy lol
Today's intended tasks so far consist of:
Do more washing (will get onto that after posting this)
Room makeover + decluttering tasks
Digital tasks: including hopefully post some of the plushie photography backlog here if all goes well enough to manage that, and budget spreadsheet tasks
Order some stuff I need
Hope this message finds you well
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somethingnubian · 1 year ago
The Calming Beats: A Fibromyalgia Warrior's Journey with Andre 3000's New Blue Sun
As the last notes of "New Blue Sun" fade away, I find myself not only satisfied with a productive day but also inspired
Picture this – sipping on coffee from your specially crafted mug, the aroma wafting through the air as Andre 3000’s latest album, “New Blue Sun,” sets the perfect rhythm for a productive day. In this blog, I’m sharing how this musical masterpiece not only provided the soundtrack to my work but also became the soothing balm for my fibromyalgia-afflicted soul. Musical Therapy for Fibromyalgia:…
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thepeacefulgarden · 10 months ago
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chronicillnesshumor · 2 months ago
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skullingwaydraws · 2 years ago
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A recent illustration I made to submit to a show about disability
I wanted to depict pain and work. It wasn't selected, but I still wanted to share for any who relate 💕
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study-core-101 · 10 months ago
time managment is so complicated when you are chronicly ill. some days its like it isnt there, others i feel dead, but i cant predict that. "oh, ill do it on thursday, i have the time then" wrong! its thursday and i feel like shit, cant do it.
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cptsdstudyblr · 2 months ago
How to Accommodate Yourself in an Office Environment
If you have mental or physical health issues and work in an office like me, you may not want to disclose your health issues for personal reasons. That doesn't mean there are no accommodations you can use - just that you aren't formally requesting them. Below are some examples:
(1) Take your lunch break. I mean it.
If you work in an office, you almost certainly get a lunch break and you are entitled to take it. If you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to confirm with your manager before you start taking your lunch break.
First of all, taking care of yourself is important and is essentially the point of a lunch break. You should always be eating a real lunch and staying hydrated, and taking an actual lunch break helps immensely with this.
It's also a chance to step away from work, people, etc. It gives you and your brain a break and you can add your choice of (reasonable) activity to help with this. I like to watch TikToks during my lunch break because they're quite brainless, but I know some people prefer to stimulate their brain with something non-work related like reading a book. If you don't want to talk to people, make sure you have headphones on even if you aren't listening to anything.
In most offices, you are allowed to leave for lunch. A lot of people go somewhere to buy lunch and eat there, but you can also pack a lunch and eat it elsewhere. I work a couple of blocks from my city's main park, so I often walk down there and eat outside. This is a wonderful reset for me at lunch.
I find that eating lunch doesn't usually take me my whole hour-long break, so I often will get up and do something else after I eat. I love to take a short walk or run a small errand like going to the post office. My building also has a gym, and I know that some of my coworkers opt to go their at lunchtime.
If your office is like me and a lot of people choose not to take their lunch break, it's still okay to take it. I've had great success telling people something like "I find that around lunchtime my brain gets a little fuzzy, and I really need the break to replenish so I can be at my most productive all afternoon" or even just "I find eating lunch a bit distracting and I'd rather be fully focused while I'm working."
(2) Use headphones as a tool.
At nearly every office, earbud-style headphones are allowed and are widely used. Again, if you're not sure, ask your manager.
You don't have to listen to music. You could listen to anything - white noise, podcasts, audiobooks, meditations, etc. You could even listen to nothing if you just want to dull the sound and keep people from talking to you.
If you struggle with the office noise, invest in good-quality, comfortable, noise-cancelling earbuds. If you use them every day, it's worth the cost.
If you want to wear over-ear headphones, I would recommend asking your manager first. Let them know that you find them more conducive to your working environment and wanted to see if they were okay with you using them. These aren't standardly used in office environments, but you may be able to use them if your manager allows you to.
Good quality over-ear headphones can work a lot like ear defenders, but without looking like ear defenders. But again, ask your manager first!
Note: You don't have to tell your manager details when you ask them stuff - you can be vague and just let them know it would make it easier for you to get your work done. For example, if you want to wear over-ear headphones, you could let them know that you like working in silence and haven't found any earbuds that block enough noise for you. Reasonable managers should not take issue with reasonable requests, even if they ultimately deny them.
(3) Your systems are for you. They are meant to accommodate you.
You do not have to use the same systems as your coworkers. You can set up your organisational systems and processes to work for and accommodate you and how you work.
Don't feel pressured to use a system that other people use if it doesn't work for you. You can always say "I've actually tried that and it just didn't work for me. I'm glad it works for you, though!"
A few notes here: (1) Anything you use should be understandable by someone else if necessary, even if they find it a bit odd. (2) Anything you share with other people should be set up as a team or in a standard way. (3) Don't break procedures to do this - work within the bounds of your company's existing setup.
(4) Bathroom breaks are your friend.
In an office setting, people are unlikely to be paying attention to your bathroom breaks. If you feel overwhelmed or ill or just need a minute, go to the bathroom. It's a place to be alone and take a moment to gather yourself.
Try not to be overly excessive with bathroom breaks (so you don't get in trouble), but you can always use an upset stomach as an excuse once in a while if needed.
(5) Minor headaches can be an excuse.
Most people get minor headaches every now and then for simple reasons such as dehydration or a too-tight hairstyle. As long as you don't have a "headache" so often that you will get yourself in trouble, they're a reasonable excuse for when you're really struggling and can't hide it. For example:
Brain fog or dissociating - sorry, my head hurts and it's making it really hard to focus.
Some other pain - it's still pain, just elsewhere.
And other similar excuses.
Depending on your office environment, you may also be able to use a headache as an excuse to go get some fresh air if you're desperate.
(6) If you get sick days, you are allowed to use them.
(7) Most people have some sort of quirks or issues - and so do you.
"Sorry, I'm a little weird about [thing]. Do you mind if [other thing]?" goes a long way towards getting what you need. An easy example is "Sorry, I'm a little weird with hugs. Do you mind if we shake hands instead? Thanks!"
Also, even people without illnesses experience things sometimes. For example, if something makes you anxious, just let people know you're nervous in the situation. "Sorry, I'm just a little nervous right now." or "Sorry, I'm not a good public speaker." goes a long way. Or if you have a GI condition, it's okay to let people know you have "a sensitive stomach" - some of them will probably understand and it's a normal enough thing to not come off strange. One of my favourites is "Apologies, I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Give me a few seconds to collect my thoughts, and I'll get right back to you."
(8) If you have a trusted friend/coworker, confide in them.
You don't have to tell them everything, but it's good to have someone on your side and who will check in with you if needed. My best work friend will also back me up on requests like over-ear headphones by pointing out that she would love the option as well, even if she doesn't actually care.
(9) Take note of what days/times are worse for you and schedule easier tasks during those times if possible.
(10) Learn to politely ask for clarification.
This is a fine line - a lot of people really don't like being asked for clarification. A best practice to avoid pissing people off is to put the blame for needing clarification on you.
For example:
"Apologies, let me make sure I heard you correctly. [Repeat back what you think they said]."
"Sorry, my brain's not working well today! Do you mind repeating that so I can make sure I got it?"
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. What was that last part?"
All in all, many accommodations are things you can do for yourself or without disclosing a diagnosis, especially if you have a good manager. Please also take care not to misrepresent yourself as having a disability you don't have. Take care of yourself and set yourself up for success! 🖤
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melodymorningdew · 1 year ago
People underestimate burnout, but if you consistently press through burnout like I did for 20+ years, you can end up with stress related illnesses that last forever and don't go away... Stress can 100% unalive even the healthiest of people. You could be in physical pain the rest of your life. Rest now. Anyone being mean to you about it can get lost.
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gods-favorite-cl0wnboy · 10 months ago
note checkpoint thingy
20 notes and I’ll update my commission prices here and on instagram
30 notes and I’ll finally do my laundry even though I hate it
40 notes and I’ll contact my high school about changing my deadname to my preferred name in their records
50 notes and I’ll catch up on my missing schoolwork for math class
60 notes and I’ll catch up on all of the missing schoolwork
70 notes and I’ll contact my counselors about disability accommodations
85 notes and I’ll ask my mom about a cane again
100 notes and I’ll come out to my extended family
150 notes and I’ll start writing my scrapped book plot again
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youngchronicpain · 6 months ago
there's a trend going around on tiktok where you're supposed to post what loot you would drop if you were a character in a video game and I just realized 90% of mine would be meds lmao
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aethereallynephilim · 3 months ago
i was so close to being strong, working out, daily steps, helping around the house, carrying shopping. i was so close. so close to feeling the most normal i have and then it all fell down.
it all fell down like a house of cards. i got sick, from the stress in life and now i am back on my arse once again. getting exhausted from walking less than half a mile. it's not like it's hard it's just afterwards i have no energy left.
i was able to start dancing again. i was doing what i loved and now i don't know when i'll get that back. it isn't fair.
i'm grieving again for the fact i thought i had gotten out of the hole but now i've been dragged back there. i have to get back on the horse because i refuse to lose everything again.
so for now, i will cry, i'll bawl, the emotions i have are real and deserve to be felt rather than hidden. but i am going to fight like hell to get myself back again.
a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
i just hope that the gods have a plan for me yet.
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thepeacefulgarden · 6 months ago
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puffyrice · 1 year ago
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100 Days of Productivity [20/100]
12.15.23 | I have 2 quick online quizzes and one exam left (Chemistry) for the semester, which is on Tuesday. I finished all my presentations and other exams, and I’m so relieved they’re over. Everything went well I think, but we’ll see when the grades come in. I’ve been extremely ill, so I’m having a hard time finding the energy to do anything. I managed to write my last religions essay this morning, which actually ended up coming out well.
I can’t wait for this 3 week break, I am so exhausted.
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nabaath-areng · 1 month ago
I think the worst part about being disabled is just how MANY issues you get in one go. Like a 9-for-1 type of deal but for shit you'd rather not deal with but now you're stuck with it. And on one hand I'd love for that to not become my entire personality! Yet at the same time every little thing decides how I'm interacting with the world as a whole and everything and everyone around me, you cannot remove those things from the equation and so there's nothing to do but to try and quell the shame and embarrassment in favour of actually growing a psychological spine that's built better than my physical one. The mourning for all the hopes and ambitions you had to give up in order to survive is an ongoing process of mourning but the time will pass anyway and so all one can do is keep going and keep surviving.
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I can’t do anything when I am exhausted anyway
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celerydays · 1 year ago
Any update on Reprieve part 2? 🙂
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hey hi hello! i'm so sorry it's taking me so long to post part 2 🙇🏻‍♀️ thank you and everyone else for your patience, i really appreciate it, you have no ideaaa 💕
I had a couple of things pop up that made me sorta put my art and the comic on hold. Namely, some health stuff and a brief period where maybe I had burnt out slightly(?) and everything I was drawing wasn't turning out quite right (though it could also just be that my skills likely aren't up to par with how I would hope for this to look 😵‍💫) so I took a week or two off to shake off the art block.
Then my friend introduced me to the Magic Poser app last week which has been a SAVING GRACE for a good chunk of the things I had been struggling with and it's gotten me back on track with part 2 in the last few days (bless her 🙌)
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I'm hoping that I'll finally be able post part 2 sometime next week now that I'm back on a roll with this (and now that my health finally seems to be cooperating with me once again lol) 💗
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